1#   Copyright 2012-2013 OpenStack Foundation
3#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
4#   not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
5#   a copy of the License at
7#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11#   WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12#   License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
13#   under the License.
16"""Common client utilities"""
18import copy
19import getpass
20import logging
21import os
22import time
23import warnings
25from cliff import columns as cliff_columns
26from oslo_utils import importutils
28from osc_lib import exceptions
29from osc_lib.i18n import _
32LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
35def backward_compat_col_lister(column_headers, columns, column_map):
36    """Convert the column headers to keep column backward compatibility.
38    Replace the new column name of column headers by old name, so that
39    the column headers can continue to support to show the old column name by
40    --column/-c option with old name, like: volume list -c 'Display Name'
42    :param column_headers: The column headers to be output in list command.
43    :param columns: The columns to be output.
44    :param column_map: The key of map is old column name, the value is new
45            column name, like: {'old_col': 'new_col'}
46    """
47    if not columns:
48        return column_headers
49    # NOTE(RuiChen): column_headers may be a tuple in some code, like:
50    #                volume v1, convert it to a list in order to change
51    #                the column name.
52    column_headers = list(column_headers)
53    for old_col, new_col in column_map.items():
54        if old_col in columns:
55            LOG.warning(_('The column "%(old_column)s" was deprecated, '
56                          'please use "%(new_column)s" replace.') % {
57                              'old_column': old_col,
58                              'new_column': new_col}
59                        )
60            if new_col in column_headers:
61                column_headers[column_headers.index(new_col)] = old_col
62    return column_headers
65def backward_compat_col_showone(show_object, columns, column_map):
66    """Convert the output object to keep column backward compatibility.
68    Replace the new column name of output object by old name, so that
69    the object can continue to support to show the old column name by
70    --column/-c option with old name, like: volume show -c 'display_name'
72    :param show_object: The object to be output in create/show commands.
73    :param columns: The columns to be output.
74    :param column_map: The key of map is old column name, the value is new
75        column name, like: {'old_col': 'new_col'}
76    """
77    if not columns:
78        return show_object
80    show_object = copy.deepcopy(show_object)
81    for old_col, new_col in column_map.items():
82        if old_col in columns:
83            LOG.warning(_('The column "%(old_column)s" was deprecated, '
84                          'please use "%(new_column)s" replace.') % {
85                              'old_column': old_col,
86                              'new_column': new_col}
87                        )
88            if new_col in show_object:
89                show_object.update({old_col: show_object.pop(new_col)})
90    return show_object
93def build_kwargs_dict(arg_name, value):
94    """Return a dictionary containing `arg_name` if `value` is set."""
95    kwargs = {}
96    if value:
97        kwargs[arg_name] = value
98    return kwargs
101def calculate_header_and_attrs(column_headers, attrs, parsed_args):
102    """Calculate headers and attribute names based on parsed_args.column.
104    When --column (-c) option is specified, this function calculates
105    column headers and expected API attribute names according to
106    the OSC header/column definitions.
108    This function also adjusts the content of parsed_args.columns
109    if API attribute names are used in parsed_args.columns.
110    This allows users to specify API attribute names in -c option.
112    :param column_headers: A tuple/list of column headers to display
113    :param attrs: a tuple/list of API attribute names. The order of
114        corresponding column header and API attribute name must match.
115    :param parsed_args: Parsed argument object returned by argparse parse_args
116    :returns: A tuple of calculated headers and API attribute names.
117    """
118    if parsed_args.columns:
119        header_attr_map = dict(zip(column_headers, attrs))
120        expected_attrs = [header_attr_map.get(c, c)
121                          for c in parsed_args.columns]
122        attr_header_map = dict(zip(attrs, column_headers))
123        expected_headers = [attr_header_map.get(c, c)
124                            for c in parsed_args.columns]
125        # If attribute name is used in parsed_args.columns
126        # convert it into display names because cliff expects
127        # name in parsed_args.columns and name in column_headers matches.
128        parsed_args.columns = expected_headers
129        return expected_headers, expected_attrs
130    else:
131        return column_headers, attrs
134def env(*vars, **kwargs):
135    """Search for the first defined of possibly many env vars
137    Returns the first environment variable defined in vars, or
138    returns the default defined in kwargs.
139    """
140    for v in vars:
141        value = os.environ.get(v, None)
142        if value:
143            return value
144    return kwargs.get('default', '')
147def find_min_match(items, sort_attr, **kwargs):
148    """Find all resources meeting the given minimum constraints
150    :param items: A List of objects to consider
151    :param sort_attr: Attribute to sort the resulting list
152    :param kwargs: A dict of attributes and their minimum values
153    :rtype: A list of resources osrted by sort_attr that meet the minimums
154    """
156    def minimum_pieces_of_flair(item):
157        """Find lowest value greater than the minumum"""
159        result = True
160        for k in kwargs:
161            # AND together all of the given attribute results
162            result = result and kwargs[k] <= get_field(item, k)
163        return result
165    return sort_items(filter(minimum_pieces_of_flair, items), sort_attr)
168def find_resource(manager, name_or_id, **kwargs):
169    """Helper for the _find_* methods.
171    :param manager: A client manager class
172    :param name_or_id: The resource we are trying to find
173    :param kwargs: To be used in calling .find()
174    :rtype: The found resource
176    This method will attempt to find a resource in a variety of ways.
177    Primarily .get() methods will be called with `name_or_id` as an integer
178    value, and tried again as a string value.
180    If both fail, then a .find() is attempted, which is essentially calling
181    a .list() function with a 'name' query parameter that is set to
182    `name_or_id`.
184    Lastly, if any kwargs are passed in, they will be treated as additional
185    query parameters. This is particularly handy in the case of finding
186    resources in a domain.
188    """
190    # Case 1: name_or_id is an ID, we need to call get() directly
191    # for example: /projects/454ad1c743e24edcad846d1118837cac
192    # For some projects, the name only will work. For keystone, this is not
193    # enough information, and domain information is necessary.
194    try:
195        return manager.get(name_or_id)
196    except Exception:
197        pass
199    if kwargs:
200        # Case 2: name_or_id is a name, but we have query args in kwargs
201        # for example: /projects/demo&domain_id=30524568d64447fbb3fa8b7891c10dd
202        try:
203            return manager.get(name_or_id, **kwargs)
204        except Exception:
205            pass
207    # Case 3: Try to get entity as integer id. Keystone does not have integer
208    # IDs, they are UUIDs, but some things in nova do, like flavors.
209    try:
210        if isinstance(name_or_id, int) or name_or_id.isdigit():
211            return manager.get(int(name_or_id), **kwargs)
212    # FIXME(dtroyer): The exception to catch here is dependent on which
213    #                 client library the manager passed in belongs to.
214    #                 Eventually this should be pulled from a common set
215    #                 of client exceptions.
216    except Exception as ex:
217        if (type(ex).__name__ == 'NotFound' or
218                type(ex).__name__ == 'HTTPNotFound' or
219                type(ex).__name__ == 'TypeError'):
220            pass
221        else:
222            raise
224    # Case 4: Try to use find.
225    # Reset the kwargs here for find
226    if len(kwargs) == 0:
227        kwargs = {}
229    try:
230        # Prepare the kwargs for calling find
231        if 'NAME_ATTR' in manager.resource_class.__dict__:
232            # novaclient does this for oddball resources
233            kwargs[manager.resource_class.NAME_ATTR] = name_or_id
234        else:
235            kwargs['name'] = name_or_id
236    except Exception:
237        pass
239    # finally try to find entity by name
240    try:
241        return manager.find(**kwargs)
242    # FIXME(dtroyer): The exception to catch here is dependent on which
243    #                 client library the manager passed in belongs to.
244    #                 Eventually this should be pulled from a common set
245    #                 of client exceptions.
246    except Exception as ex:
247        if type(ex).__name__ == 'NotFound':
248            msg = _(
249                "No %(resource)s with a name or ID of '%(id)s' exists."
250            )
251            raise exceptions.CommandError(msg % {
252                'resource': manager.resource_class.__name__.lower(),
253                'id': name_or_id,
254            })
255        if type(ex).__name__ == 'NoUniqueMatch':
256            msg = _(
257                "More than one %(resource)s exists with the name '%(id)s'."
258            )
259            raise exceptions.CommandError(msg % {
260                'resource': manager.resource_class.__name__.lower(),
261                'id': name_or_id,
262            })
263        else:
264            pass
266    # Case 5: For client with no find function, list all resources and hope
267    # to find a matching name or ID.
268    count = 0
269    for resource in manager.list():
270        if (resource.get('id') == name_or_id or
271                resource.get('name') == name_or_id):
272            count += 1
273            _resource = resource
274    if count == 0:
275        # we found no match, report back this error:
276        msg = _("Could not find resource %s")
277        raise exceptions.CommandError(msg % name_or_id)
278    elif count == 1:
279        return _resource
280    else:
281        # we found multiple matches, report back this error
282        msg = _("More than one resource exists with the name or ID '%s'.")
283        raise exceptions.CommandError(msg % name_or_id)
286def format_dict(data, prefix=None):
287    """Return a formatted string of key value pairs
289    :param data: a dict
290    :param prefix: the current parent keys in a recursive call
291    :rtype: a string formatted to key='value'
292    """
294    if data is None:
295        return None
297    output = ""
298    for s in sorted(data):
299        if prefix:
300            key_str = ".".join([prefix, s])
301        else:
302            key_str = s
303        if isinstance(data[s], dict):
304            # NOTE(dtroyer): Only append the separator chars here, quoting
305            #                is completely handled in the terminal case.
306            output = output + format_dict(data[s], prefix=key_str) + ", "
307        elif data[s] is not None:
308            output = output + key_str + "='" + str(data[s]) + "', "
309        else:
310            output = output + key_str + "=, "
311    return output[:-2]
314def format_dict_of_list(data, separator='; '):
315    """Return a formatted string of key value pair
317    :param data: a dict, key is string, value is a list of string, for example:
318                 {u'public': [u'2001:db8::8', u'']}
319    :param separator: the separator to use between key/value pair
320                      (default: '; ')
321    :return: a string formatted to {'key1'=['value1', 'value2']} with separated
322             by separator
323    """
324    if data is None:
325        return None
327    output = []
328    for key in sorted(data):
329        value = data[key]
330        if value is None:
331            continue
332        value_str = format_list(value)
333        group = "%s=%s" % (key, value_str)
334        output.append(group)
336    return separator.join(output)
339def format_list(data, separator=', '):
340    """Return a formatted strings
342    :param data: a list of strings
343    :param separator: the separator to use between strings (default: ', ')
344    :rtype: a string formatted based on separator
345    """
346    if data is None:
347        return None
349    return separator.join(sorted(data))
352def format_list_of_dicts(data):
353    """Return a formatted string of key value pairs for each dict
355    :param data: a list of dicts
356    :rtype: a string formatted to key='value' with dicts separated by new line
357    """
358    if data is None:
359        return None
361    return '\n'.join(format_dict(i) for i in data)
364def format_size(size):
365    """Display size of a resource in a human readable format
367    :param string size:
368        The size of the resource in bytes.
370    :returns:
371        Returns the size in human-friendly format
372    :rtype string:
374    This function converts the size (provided in bytes) of a resource
375    into a human-friendly format such as K, M, G, T, P, E, Z
376    """
378    suffix = ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z']
379    base = 1000.0
380    index = 0
382    if size is None:
383        size = 0
384    while size >= base:
385        index = index + 1
386        size = size / base
388    padded = '%.1f' % size
389    stripped = padded.rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
391    return '%s%s' % (stripped, suffix[index])
394def get_client_class(api_name, version, version_map):
395    """Returns the client class for the requested API version
397    :param api_name: the name of the API, e.g. 'compute', 'image', etc
398    :param version: the requested API version
399    :param version_map: a dict of client classes keyed by version
400    :rtype: a client class for the requested API version
401    """
402    try:
403        client_path = version_map[str(version)]
404    except (KeyError, ValueError):
405        sorted_versions = sorted(version_map.keys(),
406                                 key=lambda s: list(map(int, s.split('.'))))
407        msg = _(
408            "Invalid %(api_name)s client version '%(version)s'. "
409            "must be one of: %(version_map)s"
410        )
411        raise exceptions.UnsupportedVersion(msg % {
412            'api_name': api_name,
413            'version': version,
414            'version_map': ', '.join(sorted_versions),
415        })
417    return importutils.import_class(client_path)
420def get_dict_properties(item, fields, mixed_case_fields=None, formatters=None):
421    """Return a tuple containing the item properties.
423    :param item: a single dict resource
424    :param fields: tuple of strings with the desired field names
425    :param mixed_case_fields: tuple of field names to preserve case
426    :param formatters: dictionary mapping field names to callables
427       to format the values
428    """
429    if mixed_case_fields is None:
430        mixed_case_fields = []
431    if formatters is None:
432        formatters = {}
434    row = []
436    for field in fields:
437        if field in mixed_case_fields:
438            field_name = field.replace(' ', '_')
439        else:
440            field_name = field.lower().replace(' ', '_')
441        data = item[field_name] if field_name in item else ''
442        if field in formatters:
443            formatter = formatters[field]
444            if (isinstance(formatter, type) and issubclass(
445                    formatter, cliff_columns.FormattableColumn)):
446                data = formatter(data)
447            elif callable(formatter):
448                warnings.warn(
449                    'The usage of formatter functions is now discouraged. '
450                    'Consider using cliff.columns.FormattableColumn instead. '
451                    'See reviews linked with bug 1687955 for more detail.',
452                    category=DeprecationWarning)
453                if data is not None:
454                    data = formatter(data)
455            else:
456                msg = "Invalid formatter provided."
457                raise exceptions.CommandError(msg)
459        row.append(data)
460    return tuple(row)
463def get_effective_log_level():
464    """Returns the lowest logging level considered by logging handlers
466    Retrieve and return the smallest log level set among the root
467    logger's handlers (in case of multiple handlers).
468    """
469    root_log = logging.getLogger()
470    min_log_lvl = logging.CRITICAL
471    for handler in root_log.handlers:
472        min_log_lvl = min(min_log_lvl, handler.level)
473    return min_log_lvl
476def get_field(item, field):
477    try:
478        if isinstance(item, dict):
479            return item[field]
480        else:
481            return getattr(item, field)
482    except Exception:
483        msg = _("Resource doesn't have field %s")
484        raise exceptions.CommandError(msg % field)
487def get_item_properties(item, fields, mixed_case_fields=None, formatters=None):
488    """Return a tuple containing the item properties.
490    :param item: a single item resource (e.g. Server, Project, etc)
491    :param fields: tuple of strings with the desired field names
492    :param mixed_case_fields: tuple of field names to preserve case
493    :param formatters: dictionary mapping field names to callables
494       to format the values
495    """
496    if mixed_case_fields is None:
497        mixed_case_fields = []
498    if formatters is None:
499        formatters = {}
501    row = []
503    for field in fields:
504        if field in mixed_case_fields:
505            field_name = field.replace(' ', '_')
506        else:
507            field_name = field.lower().replace(' ', '_')
508        data = getattr(item, field_name, '')
509        if field in formatters:
510            formatter = formatters[field]
511            if (isinstance(formatter, type) and issubclass(
512                    formatter, cliff_columns.FormattableColumn)):
513                data = formatter(data)
514            elif callable(formatter):
515                warnings.warn(
516                    'The usage of formatter functions is now discouraged. '
517                    'Consider using cliff.columns.FormattableColumn instead. '
518                    'See reviews linked with bug 1687955 for more detail.',
519                    category=DeprecationWarning)
520                if data is not None:
521                    data = formatter(data)
522            else:
523                msg = "Invalid formatter provided."
524                raise exceptions.CommandError(msg)
526        row.append(data)
527    return tuple(row)
530def get_password(stdin, prompt=None, confirm=True):
531    message = prompt or "User Password:"
532    if hasattr(stdin, 'isatty') and stdin.isatty():
533        try:
534            while True:
535                first_pass = getpass.getpass(message)
536                if not confirm:
537                    return first_pass
538                second_pass = getpass.getpass("Repeat " + message)
539                if first_pass == second_pass:
540                    return first_pass
541                msg = _("The passwords entered were not the same")
542                print(msg)
543        except EOFError:  # Ctl-D
544            msg = _("Error reading password")
545            raise exceptions.CommandError(msg)
546    msg = _("No terminal detected attempting to read password")
547    raise exceptions.CommandError(msg)
550def is_ascii(string):
551    try:
552        (string.decode('ascii') if isinstance(string, bytes)
553            else string.encode('ascii'))
554        return True
555    except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
556        return False
559def read_blob_file_contents(blob_file):
560    try:
561        with open(blob_file) as file:
562            blob = file.read().strip()
563        return blob
564    except IOError:
565        msg = _("Error occurred trying to read from file %s")
566        raise exceptions.CommandError(msg % blob_file)
569def sort_items(items, sort_str, sort_type=None):
570    """Sort items based on sort keys and sort directions given by sort_str.
572    :param items: a list or generator object of items
573    :param sort_str: a string defining the sort rules, the format is
574        '<key1>:[direction1],<key2>:[direction2]...', direction can be 'asc'
575        for ascending or 'desc' for descending, if direction is not given,
576        it's ascending by default
577    :return: sorted items
578    """
579    if not sort_str:
580        return items
581    # items may be a generator object, transform it to a list
582    items = list(items)
583    sort_keys = sort_str.strip().split(',')
584    for sort_key in reversed(sort_keys):
585        reverse = False
586        if ':' in sort_key:
587            sort_key, direction = sort_key.split(':', 1)
588            if not sort_key:
589                msg = _("'<empty string>'' is not a valid sort key")
590                raise exceptions.CommandError(msg)
591            if direction not in ['asc', 'desc']:
592                if not direction:
593                    direction = "<empty string>"
594                msg = _(
595                    "'%(direction)s' is not a valid sort direction for "
596                    "sort key %(sort_key)s, use 'asc' or 'desc' instead"
597                )
598                raise exceptions.CommandError(msg % {
599                    'direction': direction,
600                    'sort_key': sort_key,
601                })
602            if direction == 'desc':
603                reverse = True
605        def f(x):
606            # Attempts to convert items to same 'sort_type' if provided.
607            # This is due to Python 3 throwing TypeError if you attempt to
608            # compare different types
609            item = get_field(x, sort_key)
610            if sort_type and not isinstance(item, sort_type):
611                try:
612                    item = sort_type(item)
613                except Exception:
614                    # Can't convert, so no sensible way to compare
615                    item = sort_type()
616            return item
618        items.sort(key=f, reverse=reverse)
620    return items
623def wait_for_delete(manager,
624                    res_id,
625                    status_field='status',
626                    error_status=['error'],
627                    exception_name=['NotFound'],
628                    sleep_time=5,
629                    timeout=300,
630                    callback=None):
631    """Wait for resource deletion
633    :param manager: the manager from which we can get the resource
634    :param res_id: the resource id to watch
635    :param status_field: the status attribute in the returned resource object,
636        this is used to check for error states while the resource is being
637        deleted
638    :param error_status: a list of status strings for error
639    :param exception_name: a list of exception strings for deleted case
640    :param sleep_time: wait this long between checks (seconds)
641    :param timeout: check until this long (seconds)
642    :param callback: called per sleep cycle, useful to display progress; this
643        function is passed a progress value during each iteration of the wait
644        loop
645    :rtype: True on success, False if the resource has gone to error state or
646        the timeout has been reached
647    """
648    total_time = 0
649    while total_time < timeout:
650        try:
651            # might not be a bad idea to re-use find_resource here if it was
652            # a bit more friendly in the exceptions it raised so we could just
653            # handle a NotFound exception here without parsing the message
654            res = manager.get(res_id)
655        except Exception as ex:
656            if type(ex).__name__ in exception_name:
657                return True
658            raise
660        status = getattr(res, status_field, '').lower()
661        if status in error_status:
662            return False
664        if callback:
665            progress = getattr(res, 'progress', None) or 0
666            callback(progress)
667        time.sleep(sleep_time)
668        total_time += sleep_time
670    # if we got this far we've timed out
671    return False
674def wait_for_status(status_f,
675                    res_id,
676                    status_field='status',
677                    success_status=['active'],
678                    error_status=['error'],
679                    sleep_time=5,
680                    callback=None):
681    """Wait for status change on a resource during a long-running operation
683    :param status_f: a status function that takes a single id argument
684    :param res_id: the resource id to watch
685    :param status_field: the status attribute in the returned resource object
686    :param success_status: a list of status strings for successful completion
687    :param error_status: a list of status strings for error
688    :param sleep_time: wait this long (seconds)
689    :param callback: called per sleep cycle, useful to display progress
690    :rtype: True on success
691    """
692    while True:
693        res = status_f(res_id)
694        status = getattr(res, status_field, '').lower()
695        if status in success_status:
696            retval = True
697            break
698        elif status in error_status:
699            retval = False
700            break
701        if callback:
702            progress = getattr(res, 'progress', None) or 0
703            callback(progress)
704        time.sleep(sleep_time)
705    return retval
708def get_osc_show_columns_for_sdk_resource(
709    sdk_resource,
710    osc_column_map,
711    invisible_columns=None
713    """Get and filter the display and attribute columns for an SDK resource.
715    Common utility function for preparing the output of an OSC show command.
716    Some of the columns may need to get renamed, others made invisible.
718    :param sdk_resource: An SDK resource
719    :param osc_column_map: A hash of mappings for display column names
720    :param invisible_columns: A list of invisible column names
722    :returns: Two tuples containing the names of the display and attribute
723              columns
724    """
726    if getattr(sdk_resource, 'allow_get', None) is not None:
727        resource_dict = sdk_resource.to_dict(
728            body=True, headers=False, ignore_none=False)
729    else:
730        resource_dict = sdk_resource
732    # Build the OSC column names to display for the SDK resource.
733    attr_map = {}
734    display_columns = list(resource_dict.keys())
735    invisible_columns = [] if invisible_columns is None else invisible_columns
736    for col_name in invisible_columns:
737        if col_name in display_columns:
738            display_columns.remove(col_name)
739    for sdk_attr, osc_attr in osc_column_map.items():
740        if sdk_attr in display_columns:
741            attr_map[osc_attr] = sdk_attr
742            display_columns.remove(sdk_attr)
743        if osc_attr not in display_columns:
744            display_columns.append(osc_attr)
745    sorted_display_columns = sorted(display_columns)
747    # Build the SDK attribute names for the OSC column names.
748    attr_columns = []
749    for column in sorted_display_columns:
750        new_column = attr_map[column] if column in attr_map else column
751        attr_columns.append(new_column)
752    return tuple(sorted_display_columns), tuple(attr_columns)