1"""Backing implementation for InstallRequirement's various constructors
3The idea here is that these formed a major chunk of InstallRequirement's size
4so, moving them and support code dedicated to them outside of that class
5helps creates for better understandability for the rest of the code.
7These are meant to be used elsewhere within pip to create instances of
11import logging
12import os
13import re
15from pip._vendor.packaging.markers import Marker
16from pip._vendor.packaging.requirements import InvalidRequirement, Requirement
17from pip._vendor.packaging.specifiers import Specifier
18from pip._vendor.pkg_resources import RequirementParseError, parse_requirements
20from pip._internal.exceptions import InstallationError
21from pip._internal.models.index import PyPI, TestPyPI
22from pip._internal.models.link import Link
23from pip._internal.models.wheel import Wheel
24from pip._internal.pyproject import make_pyproject_path
25from pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement
26from pip._internal.utils.deprecation import deprecated
27from pip._internal.utils.filetypes import is_archive_file
28from pip._internal.utils.misc import is_installable_dir
29from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING
30from pip._internal.utils.urls import path_to_url
31from pip._internal.vcs import is_url, vcs
34    from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
36    from pip._internal.req.req_file import ParsedRequirement
39__all__ = [
40    "install_req_from_editable", "install_req_from_line",
41    "parse_editable"
44logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
45operators = Specifier._operators.keys()
48def _strip_extras(path):
49    # type: (str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str]]
50    m = re.match(r'^(.+)(\[[^\]]+\])$', path)
51    extras = None
52    if m:
53        path_no_extras = m.group(1)
54        extras = m.group(2)
55    else:
56        path_no_extras = path
58    return path_no_extras, extras
61def convert_extras(extras):
62    # type: (Optional[str]) -> Set[str]
63    if not extras:
64        return set()
65    return Requirement("placeholder" + extras.lower()).extras
68def parse_editable(editable_req):
69    # type: (str) -> Tuple[Optional[str], str, Set[str]]
70    """Parses an editable requirement into:
71        - a requirement name
72        - an URL
73        - extras
74        - editable options
75    Accepted requirements:
76        svn+http://blahblah@rev#egg=Foobar[baz]&subdirectory=version_subdir
77        .[some_extra]
78    """
80    url = editable_req
82    # If a file path is specified with extras, strip off the extras.
83    url_no_extras, extras = _strip_extras(url)
85    if os.path.isdir(url_no_extras):
86        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(url_no_extras, 'setup.py')):
87            msg = (
88                'File "setup.py" not found. Directory cannot be installed '
89                'in editable mode: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(url_no_extras))
90            )
91            pyproject_path = make_pyproject_path(url_no_extras)
92            if os.path.isfile(pyproject_path):
93                msg += (
94                    '\n(A "pyproject.toml" file was found, but editable '
95                    'mode currently requires a setup.py based build.)'
96                )
97            raise InstallationError(msg)
99        # Treating it as code that has already been checked out
100        url_no_extras = path_to_url(url_no_extras)
102    if url_no_extras.lower().startswith('file:'):
103        package_name = Link(url_no_extras).egg_fragment
104        if extras:
105            return (
106                package_name,
107                url_no_extras,
108                Requirement("placeholder" + extras.lower()).extras,
109            )
110        else:
111            return package_name, url_no_extras, set()
113    for version_control in vcs:
114        if url.lower().startswith('{}:'.format(version_control)):
115            url = '{}+{}'.format(version_control, url)
116            break
118    if '+' not in url:
119        raise InstallationError(
120            '{} is not a valid editable requirement. '
121            'It should either be a path to a local project or a VCS URL '
122            '(beginning with svn+, git+, hg+, or bzr+).'.format(editable_req)
123        )
125    vc_type = url.split('+', 1)[0].lower()
127    if not vcs.get_backend(vc_type):
128        backends = ", ".join([bends.name + '+URL' for bends in vcs.backends])
129        error_message = "For --editable={}, " \
130                        "only {} are currently supported".format(
131                            editable_req, backends)
132        raise InstallationError(error_message)
134    package_name = Link(url).egg_fragment
135    if not package_name:
136        raise InstallationError(
137            "Could not detect requirement name for '{}', please specify one "
138            "with #egg=your_package_name".format(editable_req)
139        )
140    return package_name, url, set()
143def deduce_helpful_msg(req):
144    # type: (str) -> str
145    """Returns helpful msg in case requirements file does not exist,
146    or cannot be parsed.
148    :params req: Requirements file path
149    """
150    msg = ""
151    if os.path.exists(req):
152        msg = " The path does exist. "
153        # Try to parse and check if it is a requirements file.
154        try:
155            with open(req, 'r') as fp:
156                # parse first line only
157                next(parse_requirements(fp.read()))
158                msg += (
159                    "The argument you provided "
160                    "({}) appears to be a"
161                    " requirements file. If that is the"
162                    " case, use the '-r' flag to install"
163                    " the packages specified within it."
164                ).format(req)
165        except RequirementParseError:
166            logger.debug(
167                "Cannot parse '%s' as requirements file", req, exc_info=True
168            )
169    else:
170        msg += " File '{}' does not exist.".format(req)
171    return msg
174class RequirementParts(object):
175    def __init__(
176            self,
177            requirement,  # type: Optional[Requirement]
178            link,         # type: Optional[Link]
179            markers,      # type: Optional[Marker]
180            extras,       # type: Set[str]
181    ):
182        self.requirement = requirement
183        self.link = link
184        self.markers = markers
185        self.extras = extras
188def parse_req_from_editable(editable_req):
189    # type: (str) -> RequirementParts
190    name, url, extras_override = parse_editable(editable_req)
192    if name is not None:
193        try:
194            req = Requirement(name)
195        except InvalidRequirement:
196            raise InstallationError("Invalid requirement: '{}'".format(name))
197    else:
198        req = None
200    link = Link(url)
202    return RequirementParts(req, link, None, extras_override)
205# ---- The actual constructors follow ----
208def install_req_from_editable(
209    editable_req,  # type: str
210    comes_from=None,  # type: Optional[Union[InstallRequirement, str]]
211    use_pep517=None,  # type: Optional[bool]
212    isolated=False,  # type: bool
213    options=None,  # type: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
214    constraint=False,  # type: bool
215    user_supplied=False,  # type: bool
217    # type: (...) -> InstallRequirement
219    parts = parse_req_from_editable(editable_req)
221    return InstallRequirement(
222        parts.requirement,
223        comes_from=comes_from,
224        user_supplied=user_supplied,
225        editable=True,
226        link=parts.link,
227        constraint=constraint,
228        use_pep517=use_pep517,
229        isolated=isolated,
230        install_options=options.get("install_options", []) if options else [],
231        global_options=options.get("global_options", []) if options else [],
232        hash_options=options.get("hashes", {}) if options else {},
233        extras=parts.extras,
234    )
237def _looks_like_path(name):
238    # type: (str) -> bool
239    """Checks whether the string "looks like" a path on the filesystem.
241    This does not check whether the target actually exists, only judge from the
242    appearance.
244    Returns true if any of the following conditions is true:
245    * a path separator is found (either os.path.sep or os.path.altsep);
246    * a dot is found (which represents the current directory).
247    """
248    if os.path.sep in name:
249        return True
250    if os.path.altsep is not None and os.path.altsep in name:
251        return True
252    if name.startswith("."):
253        return True
254    return False
257def _get_url_from_path(path, name):
258    # type: (str, str) -> Optional[str]
259    """
260    First, it checks whether a provided path is an installable directory
261    (e.g. it has a setup.py). If it is, returns the path.
263    If false, check if the path is an archive file (such as a .whl).
264    The function checks if the path is a file. If false, if the path has
265    an @, it will treat it as a PEP 440 URL requirement and return the path.
266    """
267    if _looks_like_path(name) and os.path.isdir(path):
268        if is_installable_dir(path):
269            return path_to_url(path)
270        raise InstallationError(
271            "Directory {name!r} is not installable. Neither 'setup.py' "
272            "nor 'pyproject.toml' found.".format(**locals())
273        )
274    if not is_archive_file(path):
275        return None
276    if os.path.isfile(path):
277        return path_to_url(path)
278    urlreq_parts = name.split('@', 1)
279    if len(urlreq_parts) >= 2 and not _looks_like_path(urlreq_parts[0]):
280        # If the path contains '@' and the part before it does not look
281        # like a path, try to treat it as a PEP 440 URL req instead.
282        return None
283    logger.warning(
284        'Requirement %r looks like a filename, but the '
285        'file does not exist',
286        name
287    )
288    return path_to_url(path)
291def parse_req_from_line(name, line_source):
292    # type: (str, Optional[str]) -> RequirementParts
293    if is_url(name):
294        marker_sep = '; '
295    else:
296        marker_sep = ';'
297    if marker_sep in name:
298        name, markers_as_string = name.split(marker_sep, 1)
299        markers_as_string = markers_as_string.strip()
300        if not markers_as_string:
301            markers = None
302        else:
303            markers = Marker(markers_as_string)
304    else:
305        markers = None
306    name = name.strip()
307    req_as_string = None
308    path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(name))
309    link = None
310    extras_as_string = None
312    if is_url(name):
313        link = Link(name)
314    else:
315        p, extras_as_string = _strip_extras(path)
316        url = _get_url_from_path(p, name)
317        if url is not None:
318            link = Link(url)
320    # it's a local file, dir, or url
321    if link:
322        # Handle relative file URLs
323        if link.scheme == 'file' and re.search(r'\.\./', link.url):
324            link = Link(
325                path_to_url(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(link.path))))
326        # wheel file
327        if link.is_wheel:
328            wheel = Wheel(link.filename)  # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
329            req_as_string = "{wheel.name}=={wheel.version}".format(**locals())
330        else:
331            # set the req to the egg fragment.  when it's not there, this
332            # will become an 'unnamed' requirement
333            req_as_string = link.egg_fragment
335    # a requirement specifier
336    else:
337        req_as_string = name
339    extras = convert_extras(extras_as_string)
341    def with_source(text):
342        # type: (str) -> str
343        if not line_source:
344            return text
345        return '{} (from {})'.format(text, line_source)
347    if req_as_string is not None:
348        try:
349            req = Requirement(req_as_string)
350        except InvalidRequirement:
351            if os.path.sep in req_as_string:
352                add_msg = "It looks like a path."
353                add_msg += deduce_helpful_msg(req_as_string)
354            elif ('=' in req_as_string and
355                  not any(op in req_as_string for op in operators)):
356                add_msg = "= is not a valid operator. Did you mean == ?"
357            else:
358                add_msg = ''
359            msg = with_source(
360                'Invalid requirement: {!r}'.format(req_as_string)
361            )
362            if add_msg:
363                msg += '\nHint: {}'.format(add_msg)
364            raise InstallationError(msg)
365        else:
366            # Deprecate extras after specifiers: "name>=1.0[extras]"
367            # This currently works by accident because _strip_extras() parses
368            # any extras in the end of the string and those are saved in
369            # RequirementParts
370            for spec in req.specifier:
371                spec_str = str(spec)
372                if spec_str.endswith(']'):
373                    msg = "Extras after version '{}'.".format(spec_str)
374                    replace = "moving the extras before version specifiers"
375                    deprecated(msg, replacement=replace, gone_in="21.0")
376    else:
377        req = None
379    return RequirementParts(req, link, markers, extras)
382def install_req_from_line(
383    name,  # type: str
384    comes_from=None,  # type: Optional[Union[str, InstallRequirement]]
385    use_pep517=None,  # type: Optional[bool]
386    isolated=False,  # type: bool
387    options=None,  # type: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
388    constraint=False,  # type: bool
389    line_source=None,  # type: Optional[str]
390    user_supplied=False,  # type: bool
392    # type: (...) -> InstallRequirement
393    """Creates an InstallRequirement from a name, which might be a
394    requirement, directory containing 'setup.py', filename, or URL.
396    :param line_source: An optional string describing where the line is from,
397        for logging purposes in case of an error.
398    """
399    parts = parse_req_from_line(name, line_source)
401    return InstallRequirement(
402        parts.requirement, comes_from, link=parts.link, markers=parts.markers,
403        use_pep517=use_pep517, isolated=isolated,
404        install_options=options.get("install_options", []) if options else [],
405        global_options=options.get("global_options", []) if options else [],
406        hash_options=options.get("hashes", {}) if options else {},
407        constraint=constraint,
408        extras=parts.extras,
409        user_supplied=user_supplied,
410    )
413def install_req_from_req_string(
414    req_string,  # type: str
415    comes_from=None,  # type: Optional[InstallRequirement]
416    isolated=False,  # type: bool
417    use_pep517=None,  # type: Optional[bool]
418    user_supplied=False,  # type: bool
420    # type: (...) -> InstallRequirement
421    try:
422        req = Requirement(req_string)
423    except InvalidRequirement:
424        raise InstallationError("Invalid requirement: '{}'".format(req_string))
426    domains_not_allowed = [
427        PyPI.file_storage_domain,
428        TestPyPI.file_storage_domain,
429    ]
430    if (req.url and comes_from and comes_from.link and
431            comes_from.link.netloc in domains_not_allowed):
432        # Explicitly disallow pypi packages that depend on external urls
433        raise InstallationError(
434            "Packages installed from PyPI cannot depend on packages "
435            "which are not also hosted on PyPI.\n"
436            "{} depends on {} ".format(comes_from.name, req)
437        )
439    return InstallRequirement(
440        req,
441        comes_from,
442        isolated=isolated,
443        use_pep517=use_pep517,
444        user_supplied=user_supplied,
445    )
448def install_req_from_parsed_requirement(
449    parsed_req,  # type: ParsedRequirement
450    isolated=False,  # type: bool
451    use_pep517=None,  # type: Optional[bool]
452    user_supplied=False,  # type: bool
454    # type: (...) -> InstallRequirement
455    if parsed_req.is_editable:
456        req = install_req_from_editable(
457            parsed_req.requirement,
458            comes_from=parsed_req.comes_from,
459            use_pep517=use_pep517,
460            constraint=parsed_req.constraint,
461            isolated=isolated,
462            user_supplied=user_supplied,
463        )
465    else:
466        req = install_req_from_line(
467            parsed_req.requirement,
468            comes_from=parsed_req.comes_from,
469            use_pep517=use_pep517,
470            isolated=isolated,
471            options=parsed_req.options,
472            constraint=parsed_req.constraint,
473            line_source=parsed_req.line_source,
474            user_supplied=user_supplied,
475        )
476    return req