1import importlib.machinery
2import inspect
3import logging
4import os
5import secrets
6import sys
7from types import ModuleType
8from typing import Any
9from typing import Callable
10from typing import Dict
11from typing import Iterator
12from typing import List
13from typing import Tuple
15import pop.contract
16import pop.dirs
17import pop.exc
18import pop.loader
19import pop.scanner
20import pop.verify
23    import pytest_pop.mods
26except ImportError:
27    HAS_TESTING_LIBS = False
29EXT_SUFFIXES = tuple(importlib.machinery.EXTENSION_SUFFIXES)
30log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
33def ex_path(path: str) -> List[str]:
34    """
35    Take a path that is sent to the Sub and expand it if it is a string or not
36    """
37    if path is None:
38        return []
39    elif isinstance(path, str):
40        return path.split(",")
41    elif isinstance(path, list):
42        return path
43    return []
46class Hub:
47    """
48    The redistributed pop central hub. All components of the system are
49    rooted to the Hub.
50    """
52    def __init__(self):
53        self._subs = {}
54        self._sub_alias = {}
55        self._dynamic = {}
56        self._dscan = False
57        # Add the pop sub to the hub, this should always use pypath and
58        # Should never be made dynamic. This is a core system sub and should
59        # NOT be app-merged
60        pypaths = ["pop.mods.pop"]
61        if HAS_TESTING_LIBS:
62            pypaths.append("pytest_pop.mods")
63        self._subs["pop"] = Sub(self, "pop", pypath=pypaths)
64        self._reverse_sub = None
65        self._iter_subs = sorted(self._subs.keys())
66        self._iter_ind = 0
67        # Set up the conf OPT structure so it is always available
68        self.OPT = {}
70    def __getstate__(self) -> Dict:
71        return dict(_subs=self._subs)
73    def __setstate__(self, state: Dict):
74        self.__dict__.update(state)
76    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator["Sub"]:
77        def iter(subs: Dict[str, Sub]):
78            for sub in sorted(subs.keys()):
79                yield subs[sub]
81        return iter(self._subs)
83    def _resolve_this(self, levels: int) -> "Hub":
84        """
85        This function allows for hub to pop introspective calls.
86        This should only ever be called from within a hub module, otherwise
87        it should stack trace, or return heaven knows what...
88        :param levels: The number of frames to search for a hub reference
89        """
90        if hasattr(
91            sys, "_getframe"
92        ):  # implementation detail of CPython, speeds up things by 100x.
93            desired_frame = sys._getframe(3)
94            contracted = desired_frame.f_locals["self"]
95        else:
96            call_frame = inspect.stack(0)[3]
97            contracted = call_frame[0].f_locals["self"]
98        ref = contracted.ref.split(".")
100        # (0=module, 1=module's parent etc.)
101        level_offset = levels - 1
102        traversed = self
103        for i in range(len(ref) - level_offset):
104            traversed = getattr(traversed, ref[i])
105        return traversed
107    def _remove_subsystem(self, subname: str) -> bool:
108        """
109        Remove the named subsystem
110        :param subname: The name of a subsystem to remove
111        :return True if the subsystem was successfully removed, else False
112        """
113        if subname in self._subs:
114            # Remove the subsystem
115            self._subs.pop(subname)
116            # reset the iterator
117            self._iter_subs = sorted(self._subs.keys())
118            self._iter_ind = 0
119            return True
120        return False
122    def _scan_dynamic(self):
123        """
124        Refresh the dynamic roots data used for loading app merge module roots
125        """
126        self._dynamic = pop.dirs.dynamic_dirs()
127        self._dscan = True
129    def __getattr__(self, item: str):
130        if item.startswith("_"):
131            if item == item[0] * len(item):
132                return self._resolve_this(len(item))
133            else:
134                return self.__getattribute__(item)
135        if "." in item:
136            return self.pop.ref.last(item)
137        if item in self._subs:
138            return self._subs[item]
139        elif item in self._sub_alias:
140            resolved = self._sub_alias[item]
141            if resolved in self._subs:
142                return self._subs[resolved]
143        return self.__getattribute__(item)
145    def __getitem__(self, item: str):
146        return getattr(self, item)
149class Sub:
150    """
151    The pop object that contains the loaded module data
152    """
154    def __init__(
155        self,
156        hub: Hub,
157        subname: str,
158        root: Hub or "Sub" = None,
159        pypath: List[str] or str = None,
160        static: List[str] or str = None,
161        contracts_pypath: List[str] or str = None,
162        contracts_static: List[str] or str = None,
163        default_contracts: List[str] or str = None,
164        virtual: bool = True,
165        dyne_name: str = None,
166        omit_start: Tuple[str] = ("_",),
167        omit_end: Tuple[str] = (),
168        omit_func: bool = False,
169        omit_class: bool = False,
170        omit_vars: bool = False,
171        mod_basename: str = "",
172        stop_on_failures: bool = False,
173        init: bool = True,
174        is_contract: bool = False,
175        sub_virtual: bool = True,
176        recursive_contracts_static=None,
177        default_recursive_contracts=None,
178    ):
179        """
180        :param hub: The redistributed pop central hub
181        :param subname: The name that the sub is going to take on the hub
182            if nothing else is passed, it is used as the pypath (TODO make it the dyne_name not the pypath)
183        :param pypath: One or many python paths which will be imported
184        :param static: Directories that can be explicitly passed
185        :param contracts_pypath: Load additional contract paths
186        :param contracts_static: Load additional contract paths from a specific directory
187        :param default_contracts: Specifies that a specific contract plugin will be applied as a default to all plugins
188        :param virtual: Toggle whether or not to process __virtual__ functions
189        :param dyne_name: The dynamic name to use to look up paths to find plugins -- linked to conf.py
190        :param omit_start: Allows you to pass in a tuple of characters that would omit the loading of any object
191            I.E. Any function starting with an underscore will not be loaded onto a plugin
192            (You should probably never change this)
193        :param omit_end:Allows you to pass in a tuple of characters that would omit the loading of an object
194            (You should probably never change this)
195        :param omit_func: bool: Don't load any functions
196        :param omit_class: bool: Don't load any classes
197        :param omit_vars: bool: Don't load any vars
198        :param mod_basename: str: Manipulate the location in sys.modules that the plugin will be loaded to.
199            Allow plugins to be loaded into a separate namespace.
200        :param stop_on_failures: If any module fails to load for any reason, stacktrace and do not continue loading this sub
201        :param init: bool: determine whether or not we process __init__ functions
202        :param is_contract: Specify whether or not this sub is a contract
203        :param sub_virtual: bool: Recursively ignore this sub and it's subs
204        """
205        self._iter_ind = 0
206        self._hub = hub
207        self._root = root or hub
208        self._subs = {}
209        self._alias = []
210        self._sub_alias = {}
211        self._subname = subname
212        self._pypath = ex_path(pypath)
213        self._static = ex_path(static)
214        self._contracts_pypath = ex_path(contracts_pypath)
215        self._contracts_static = ex_path(contracts_static)
216        self._recursive_contracts_static = ex_path(recursive_contracts_static)
217        if isinstance(default_contracts, str):
218            default_contracts = [default_contracts]
219        if isinstance(default_recursive_contracts, str):
220            default_recursive_contracts = [default_recursive_contracts]
221        self._reverse_sub = None
222        self._default_recursive_contracts = default_recursive_contracts or []
223        self._default_contracts = default_contracts or ()
224        self._dyne_name = dyne_name
225        self._virtual = virtual
226        self._omit_start = omit_start
227        self._sub_virtual = sub_virtual
228        self._omit_end = omit_end
229        self._omit_func = omit_func
230        self._omit_class = omit_class
231        self._omit_vars = omit_vars
232        self._mod_basename = mod_basename
233        self._stop_on_failures = stop_on_failures
234        self._is_contract = is_contract
235        self._process_init = init
236        self._prepare()
238    def _prepare(self):
239        self._dirs = pop.dirs.dir_list(
240            self._subname,
241            "mods",
242            self._pypath,
243            self._static,
244        )
245        if self._dyne_name:
246            self._load_dyne()
247        self._contract_dirs = pop.dirs.dir_list(
248            self._subname,
249            "contracts",
250            self._contracts_pypath,
251            self._contracts_static,
252        )
253        self._contract_dirs.extend(pop.dirs.inline_dirs(self._dirs, "contracts"))
254        self._recursive_contract_dirs = pop.dirs.dir_list(
255            self._subname,
256            "recursive_contracts",
257            [],
258            self._recursive_contracts_static,
259        )
260        self._recursive_contract_dirs.extend(
261            pop.dirs.inline_dirs(self._dirs, "recursive_contracts")
262        )
264        if self._contract_dirs:
265            self._contracts = Sub(
266                hub=self._hub,
267                subname=f"{self._subname}.contracts",
268                static=self._contract_dirs,
269                is_contract=True,
270            )
271        else:
272            self._contracts = None
274        if self._recursive_contract_dirs:
275            self._recursive_contracts = Sub(
276                hub=self._hub,
277                subname=f"{self._subname}.recursive_contracts",
278                static=self._recursive_contract_dirs,
279                is_contract=True,
280            )
281        else:
282            self._recursive_contracts = getattr(
283                self._root, "_recursive_contracts", None
284            )
285        self._name_root = self._load_name_root()
286        self._scan = pop.scanner.scan(self._dirs)
287        self._loaded = {}
288        self._vmap = {}
289        self._load_errors = {}
290        self._loaded_all = False
292    def _load_dyne(self):
293        """
294        Load up the dynamic dirs for this sub
295        """
296        if not self._hub._dscan:
297            self._hub._scan_dynamic()
298        for path in self._hub._dynamic.get(self._dyne_name, {}).get("paths", []):
299            self._dirs.append(path)
301    def _load_name_root(self):
302        """
303        Generate the root of the name to be used to apply to the loaded modules
304        """
305        if self._pypath:
306            return self._pypath[0]
307        elif self._dirs:
308            return secrets.token_hex()
310    def __getstate__(self):
311        return dict(
312            _hub=self._hub,
313            _subname=self._subname,
314            _pypath=self._pypath,
315            _static=self._static,
316            _contracts_pypath=self._contracts_pypath,
317            _contracts_static=self._contracts_static,
318            _default_contracts=self._default_contracts,
319            _virtual=self._virtual,
320            _omit_start=self._omit_start,
321            _omit_end=self._omit_end,
322            _omit_func=self._omit_func,
323            _omit_class=self._omit_class,
324            _omit_vars=self._omit_vars,
325            _mod_basename=self._mod_basename,
326            _stop_on_failures=self._stop_on_failures,
327        )
329    def __setstate__(self, state: Dict):
330        self.__dict__.update(state)
331        self._prepare()
333    def __getattr__(self, item: str):
334        """
335        If the item should be loaded, load it, else serve it
336        """
337        if item.startswith("_"):
338            return self.__getattribute__(item)
339        elif "." in item:
340            # Get the attribute from one sub higher up until the hub calls "ref.last"
341            return getattr(self._root, f"{self._subname}.{item}")
342        elif item in self._loaded:
343            ret = self._loaded[item]
344            # If this previously errored on load, try it again,
345            # it might be ready to load now
346            if isinstance(ret, pop.loader.LoadError):
347                ret = self._find_mod(item)
348                if isinstance(ret, pop.loader.LoadError):
349                    # If this is still a LoadError, process it
350                    self._process_load_error(ret)
351            return ret
352        elif item in self._subs:
353            return self._subs[item]
354        elif item in self._sub_alias:
355            resolved = self._sub_alias[item]
356            if resolved in self._subs:
357                return self._subs[resolved]
359        mod = self._find_mod(item)
360        if mod is None:
361            if self._reverse_sub:
362                # This sub contains a reverse sub that could contain the result
363                return self._reverse_sub[item]
364            raise AttributeError(f"'{self._subname}' has no attribute '{item}'")
365        return mod
367    def __getitem__(self, item: str):
368        return getattr(self, item)
370    def __contains__(self, item: str):
371        try:
372            ret = getattr(self, item, None)
373            if isinstance(ret, ReverseSub):
374                return item in self._reverse_sub
375            return ret is not None
376        except pop.exc.PopLookupError:
377            return False
379    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator["Sub"]:
380        self._load_all()
382        def iterate(loaded):
383            for mod_name in sorted(loaded.keys()):
384                yield loaded[mod_name]
386        return iterate(self._loaded)
388    def __next__(self) -> "Sub":
389        self._load_all()
390        if self._iter_ind == len(self._iter_keys):
391            self._iter_ind = 0
392            raise StopIteration
393        self._iter_ind += 1
394        return self._loaded[self._iter_keys[self._iter_ind - 1]]
396    def _sub_init(self):
397        """
398        Run load init.py for the sub, running '__init__' function if present
399        """
400        self._find_mod("init", match_only=True)
402    def _process_load_error(
403        self, mod: ModuleType, skip_full_stop: bool = False
404    ) -> bool:
405        if not isinstance(mod, pop.loader.LoadError):
406            # This is not a LoadError, return now!
407            return False
409        if mod.edict["verror"]:
410            error = "{0[msg]}: {0[verror]}".format(mod())
411            if skip_full_stop is False and self._stop_on_failures is True:
412                raise pop.exc.PopError(error)
413            log.log(level=5, msg=error)
414            return False
415        error = "{0[msg]}: {0[exception]!r}".format(mod())
416        if mod.traceback:
417            error += "\n" + mod.traceback
418        if skip_full_stop is False and self._stop_on_failures is True:
419            raise pop.exc.PopError(error)
420        if mod.traceback:
421            log.warning(error)
422        else:
423            log.info(error)
424        return True
426    def _find_mod(self, item: str, match_only: bool = False) -> Dict:
427        """
428        Find the module named item
429        :param item: The module to search for (then load) from any scanned interface
430        :param match_only: return the loaded module
431        :return a loaded mod_dict
432        """
433        for iface in self._scan:
434            for bname in self._scan[iface]:
435                if os.path.basename(bname) == item:
436                    self._load_item(iface, bname)
437            if item in self._loaded:
438                return self._loaded[item]
439        if not match_only:
440            for iface in self._scan:
441                for bname in self._scan[iface]:
442                    if self._scan[iface][bname].get("loaded"):
443                        continue
444                    self._load_item(iface, bname)
445                    if item in self._loaded:
446                        return self._loaded[item]
447        # Let's see if the module being lookup is in the load errors dictionary
448        if item in self._load_errors:
449            # Return the LoadError
450            return self._load_errors[item]
452    def _load_item(self, iface: str, bname: str):
453        """
454        Load the named basename
455        :param iface: A scanned directory type
456        :param bname: The base name of the python path of a module
457        """
458        if iface not in self._scan:
459            raise pop.exc.PopLoadError(f"Bad call to load item, no iface {iface}")
460        if bname not in self._scan[iface]:
461            raise pop.exc.PopLoadError(
462                f"Bad call to load item, no bname {bname} in iface {iface}"
463            )
464        # The mname is the name to give the module in python's sys.modules
465        # This name must be unique for every loaded module, so we use the full
466        # module path sans the file extention
467        mname = self._scan[iface][bname]["path"].replace(os.sep, ".")
468        mname = mname[mname.index(".") + 1 : mname.rindex(".")].strip(".")
469        mod = pop.loader.load_mod(
470            mname,
471            iface,
472            self._scan[iface][bname]["path"],
473        )
474        if self._process_load_error(mod):
475            self._load_errors[os.path.basename(bname)] = mod
476            return
477        self._prep_mod(mod, iface, bname)
479    def _process_vret(self, vret: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
480        """
481        :param vret: The return from a __virtual__ or __sub_virtual__ function
482        :return: True if there was an error, else false
483        """
484        if "error" in vret:
485            # Virtual Errors should not full stop pop
486            self._process_load_error(vret["error"], skip_full_stop=True)
487            # Store the LoadError under the __virtualname__ if defined
488            self._load_errors[vret["vname"]] = vret["error"]
489            return True
490        else:
491            return False
493    def _prep_mod(self, mod: ModuleType, iface: str, bname: str):
494        """
495        Prepare the module!
496        :param mod: A python module containing data
497        :param iface: A scanned directory type
498        :param bname: The base name of the python path of a module
499        """
500        if not self._sub_virtual:
501            return
502        else:
503            vret = pop.loader.load_sub_virtual(self._hub, self._virtual, mod, bname)
504            if self._process_vret(vret):
505                self._sub_virtual = False
506                return
507        vret = pop.loader.load_virtual(self._hub, self._virtual, mod, bname)
508        if self._process_vret(vret):
509            return
511        contracts = pop.contract.load_contract(
512            self._contracts, self._default_contracts, mod, vret["name"]
513        )
514        recursive_contracts = set(
515            pop.contract.load_contract(
516                self._recursive_contracts,
517                self._default_recursive_contracts,
518                mod,
519                vret["name"],
520            )
521        )
522        if getattr(self._root, "_recursive_contracts", None):
523            recursive_contracts.update(
524                pop.contract.load_contract(
525                    self._root._recursive_contracts,
526                    self._root._default_recursive_contracts,
527                    mod,
528                    vret["name"],
529                )
530            )
531        recursive_contracts = list(recursive_contracts)
532        name = vret["name"]
533        if name.endswith(EXT_SUFFIXES):
534            for ext in EXT_SUFFIXES:
535                if name.endswith(ext):
536                    name = name.split(ext)[0]
537                    break
538        mod_dict = pop.loader.prep_loaded_mod(
539            self, mod, name, contracts, recursive_contracts
540        )
541        if name != "init":
542            pop.verify.contract(self._hub, contracts + recursive_contracts, mod_dict)
543        self._loaded[name] = mod_dict
544        self._vmap[mod.__file__] = name
545        # Let's mark the module as loaded
546        self._scan[iface][bname]["loaded"] = True
547        if self._process_init:
548            # Now that the module has been added to the sub, call mod_init
549            pop.loader.mod_init(self, mod, name)
551    def _load_all(self):
552        """
553        Load all modules found during the scan.
555        .. attention:: This completely disables the lazy loader behavior of pop
556        """
557        if self._loaded_all is True:
558            return
559        for iface in self._scan:
560            for bname in self._scan[iface]:
561                if self._scan[iface][bname].get("loaded"):
562                    continue
563                self._load_item(iface, bname)
564        self._loaded_all = True
567class ReverseSub(Sub):
568    """
569    A sub that discovers attributes available to it dynamically through a resolver
570    """
572    def __init__(
573        self,
574        hub: Hub,
575        subname: str,
576        resolver: Callable,
577        context: Any = None,
578        refs: Tuple[str, ...] = None,
579        **kwargs,
580    ):
581        """
582        :param subname: The name that the sub is going to take on the hub
583        :param resolver: A callable function that retrieves a target based on the current reference and context
584        :param context: Resources that will be passed to the resolver function
585        :param kwargs: Any kwargs that should be passed to the underlying sub
586        """
587        Sub.__init__(self, subname=subname, hub=hub, **kwargs)
588        self._resolver = resolver
589        self._context = context
590        # self._loaded_all = True
591        if refs is None:
592            self._refs = tuple([*subname.split(".")])
593        else:
594            self._refs = tuple([*refs, *subname.split(".")])
596        # Imitate the name attribute like a callable should
597        self.__name__ = self._subname
599    def __getattr__(self, item: str):
600        """
601        Build a reference based on the namespace attrs until a reverse sub is called
602        """
603        if item.startswith("_"):
604            return self.__getattribute__(item)
606        return ReverseSub(
607            hub=self._hub,
608            subname=item,
609            # Share a root
610            root=self._root,
611            resolver=self._resolver,
612            context=self._context,
613            pypath=self._pypath,
614            refs=self._refs,
615            static=self._static,
616            contracts_pypath=self._contracts_pypath,
617            contracts_static=self._recursive_contracts_static,
618            default_contracts=self._default_contracts,
619            virtual=self._virtual,
620            dyne_name=self._dyne_name,
621            omit_start=self._omit_start,
622            omit_end=self._omit_end,
623            omit_func=self._omit_func,
624            omit_class=self._omit_class,
625            omit_vars=self._omit_vars,
626            mod_basename=self._mod_basename,
627            stop_on_failures=self._stop_on_failures,
628            init=None,
629            is_contract=self._is_contract,
630            sub_virtual=self._sub_virtual,
631            recursive_contracts_static=self._recursive_contracts_static,
632            default_recursive_contracts=self._default_recursive_contracts,
633        )
635    def __iter__(self):
636        return self
638    def __next__(self):
639        # Override the parent Sub's iterator
640        raise StopIteration
642    def __contains__(self, item):
643        """
644        Return true if the item's reference underneath this one is resolvable
645        """
646        try:
647            if getattr(self, item)._resolve():
648                return True
649        except Exception:
650            ...
651        return False
653    def _resolve(self) -> Callable or None:
654        """
655        Call the resolver and get back the external call represented by this sub's reference
656        """
657        ref = ".".join(self._refs)
658        ret = self._resolver(ref, self._context)
659        return ret
661    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
662        func = self._resolve()
664        if not func:
665            ref = ".".join(self._refs)
666            raise AttributeError(f"ReverseSub could not resolve the reference {ref}")
667        if isinstance(func, pop.contract.Contracted):
668            discovered_contracted_function = func
669        else:
670            discovered_contracted_function = pop.contract.create_contracted(
671                hub=self._hub,
672                contracts=getattr(self._contracts, "_loaded", {}).values(),
673                func=func,
674                ref=".".join(self._refs),
675                name=func.__name__,
676                implicit_hub=False,
677            )
679        if self._recursive_contracts and not all(
680            rc in discovered_contracted_function.contracts
681            for rc in self._recursive_contracts
682        ):
683            discovered_contracted_function.contracts.extend(
684                self._recursive_contracts._loaded.values()
685            )
686            discovered_contracted_function._load_contracts()
688        return discovered_contracted_function(*args, **kwargs)