2      Copyright 2014 IBM Corp.
4      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
5      not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
6      a copy of the License at
8          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
12      WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
13      License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
14      under the License.
16.. _events:
19 Events
22The CADF Event Model applies semantics to the activities, resources,
23information, and changes within a cloud provider's infrastructure and models
24these using the concept of an event.
26============= =================== ========= =============================================================================================================================================================
27Property      Type                Required  Description
28============= =================== ========= =============================================================================================================================================================
29id            cadf:Identifier     Yes       The unique identifier of the CADF Event Record
30typeURI       cadf:Path           Dependent Can be used to declare versioning of Events.
31eventType     xs:string           Yes       The classification of the type of event
32eventTime     cadf:Timestamp      Yes       The OBSERVER's best estimate as to the time the Actual Event occurred or began
33action        cadf:Path           Yes       This property represents the event's ACTION
34outcome       cadf:Path           Yes       A valid classification value from the CADF Outcome Taxonomy
35initiator     cadf:Resource       Dependent The event's INITIATOR. Required if not initiatorId
36initiatorId   cadf:Identifier     Dependent The event's INITIATOR resource by reference. Required if not initiator
37target        cadf:Resource       Dependent The event's TARGET. Required if not targetId
38targetId      cadf:Identifier     Dependent The event's TARGET by reference. Required if not target
39observer      cadf:Resource       Dependent The event's OBSERVER. Required if not observerId
40observerId    cadf:Identifier     Dependent The event's OBSERVER by reference. Required if not observer
41reason        cadf:Reason         No        Domain-specific reason code and policy data that provides an additional level of detail to the outcome value. Required if the eventType property is "control"
42severity      xs:string           No        Describes domain-relative severity assigned to the event by the OBSERVER. This property's value is non-normative
43measurements  cadf:Measurement[]  Dependent Any measurement (values) associated with the event. Required if the eventType property is "monitor"
44name          xs:string           No        A descriptive name for the event
45tags          cadf:Tag[]          No        Array of Tags that MAY be used to further qualify or categorize the CADF Event Record
46attachments   cadf:Attachment[]   No        Array of extended or domain-specific information about the event or its context
47reporterchain cadf:Reporterstep[] No        Array of Reporterstep typed data that contains information about the sequenced handling of or change to the associated CADF Event Record by any REPORTER
48============= =================== ========= =============================================================================================================================================================
53.. code-block:: javascript
55       {
56        "typeURI": "http://schemas.dmtf.org/cloud/audit/1.0/event",
57        "id": "a80dc5ee-be83-48ad-ad5e-6577f2217637",
58        "eventType": "activity",
59        "action": "read",
60        "outcome": "success",
61        "reason": {
62            "reasonCode": "200",
63            "reasonType": "HTTP"
64        },
65        "eventTime": "2014-01-17T23:23:38.109989+0000",
66        "initiator": {
67            "id": "95f12d248a234a969f456cd2c794f29a",
68            "typeURI": "service/security/account/user",
69            "name": "admin",
70            "project_id": "e55b158759854ea6a7852aa76632c6c1",
71            "credential": {
72                "token": "MIIQBgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIP9z xxxxxx KoZIhvcIP9z=",
73                "identity_status": "Confirmed"
74            },
75            "host": {
76                "agent": "python-novaclient",
77                "address": ""
78            }
79        },
80        "target": {
81            "id": "0f126160203748a5b4923f2eb6e3b7db",
82            "typeURI": "service/compute/servers",
83            "name": "nova",
84            "addresses": [
85                {
86                    "url": "",
87                    "name": "admin"
88                },
89                {
90                    "url": "",
91                    "name": "private"
92                },
93                {
94                    "url": "",
95                    "name": "public"
96                }
97            ]
98        },
99        "observer": {
100            "id": "target"
101        },
102        "reporterchain": [
103            {
104                "reporterTime": "2014-01-17T23:23:38.154152+0000",
105                "role": "modifier",
106                "reporter": {
107                    "id": "target"
108                }
109            }
110        ],
111        "requestPath": "/v2/56600971-90f3-4370-807f-ab79339381a9/servers",
112        "tags": [
113            "correlation_id?value=bcac04dc-e0be-4110-862c-347088a7836a"
114        ]
115    }