2  "attributes": {
3    "basicauth-password": {
4      "categories": [
5        "Network activity"
6      ],
7      "description": "HTTP Basic Authentication Password",
8      "misp-attribute": "text",
9      "ui-priority": 1
10    },
11    "basicauth-user": {
12      "categories": [
13        "Network activity"
14      ],
15      "description": "HTTP Basic Authentication Username",
16      "misp-attribute": "text",
17      "ui-priority": 1
18    },
19    "content-type": {
20      "categories": [
21        "Network activity"
22      ],
23      "description": "The MIME type of the body of the request",
24      "misp-attribute": "other",
25      "ui-priority": 1
26    },
27    "cookie": {
28      "categories": [
29        "Network activity"
30      ],
31      "description": "An HTTP cookie previously sent by the server with Set-Cookie",
32      "misp-attribute": "text",
33      "multiple": true,
34      "ui-priority": 1
35    },
36    "header": {
37      "categories": [
38        "Network activity"
39      ],
40      "description": "An HTTP header sent during HTTP request",
41      "misp-attribute": "text",
42      "multiple": true,
43      "ui-priority": 1
44    },
45    "host": {
46      "categories": [
47        "Network activity",
48        "Payload delivery"
49      ],
50      "description": "The domain name of the server",
51      "misp-attribute": "hostname",
52      "ui-priority": 1
53    },
54    "ip-dst": {
55      "categories": [
56        "Network activity",
57        "Payload delivery"
58      ],
59      "description": "The IP address of the server",
60      "misp-attribute": "ip-dst",
61      "ui-priority": 1
62    },
63    "ip-src": {
64      "categories": [
65        "Network activity",
66        "Payload delivery"
67      ],
68      "description": "The IP address of the client",
69      "misp-attribute": "ip-src",
70      "ui-priority": 1
71    },
72    "method": {
73      "categories": [
74        "Network activity"
75      ],
76      "description": "HTTP Method invoked (one of GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, DELETE, OPTIONS, CONNECT)",
77      "disable_correlation": true,
78      "misp-attribute": "http-method",
79      "ui-priority": 1
80    },
81    "proxy-password": {
82      "categories": [
83        "Network activity"
84      ],
85      "description": "HTTP Proxy Password",
86      "misp-attribute": "text",
87      "ui-priority": 1
88    },
89    "proxy-user": {
90      "categories": [
91        "Network activity"
92      ],
93      "description": "HTTP Proxy Username",
94      "misp-attribute": "text",
95      "ui-priority": 1
96    },
97    "referer": {
98      "categories": [
99        "Network activity",
100        "Payload delivery"
101      ],
102      "description": "This is the address of the previous web page from which a link to the currently requested page was followed",
103      "misp-attribute": "other",
104      "ui-priority": 1
105    },
106    "text": {
107      "description": "HTTP Request comment",
108      "disable_correlation": true,
109      "misp-attribute": "text",
110      "ui-priority": 1
111    },
112    "uri": {
113      "categories": [
114        "Network activity"
115      ],
116      "description": "Request URI",
117      "misp-attribute": "uri",
118      "ui-priority": 1
119    },
120    "url": {
121      "categories": [
122        "Network activity",
123        "Payload delivery"
124      ],
125      "description": "Full HTTP Request URL",
126      "misp-attribute": "url",
127      "ui-priority": 1
128    },
129    "user-agent": {
130      "categories": [
131        "Network activity"
132      ],
133      "description": "The user agent string of the user agent",
134      "misp-attribute": "user-agent",
135      "ui-priority": 1
136    }
137  },
138  "description": "A single HTTP request header",
139  "meta-category": "network",
140  "name": "http-request",
141  "requiredOneOf": [
142    "url",
143    "uri"
144  ],
145  "uuid": "b4a8d163-8110-4239-bfcf-e08f3a9fdf7b",
146  "version": 4