1# Copyright 2004-2008 Roman Yakovenko.
2# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
3# accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
4# http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
6"""contains classes that allow to configure code generation for free\\member functions, operators and etc."""
8import os
9from . import user_text
10from . import algorithm
11from . import decl_wrapper
12from pyplusplus import messages
13from pygccxml import declarations
14from pyplusplus import function_transformers as ft
16class calldef_t(decl_wrapper.decl_wrapper_t):
17    """base class, for code generator configuration, for function declaration classes."""
20    """Boost.Python configuration macro value.
22    A function has more than BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY arguments, will not compile.
23    You should adjust BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY macro.
24    For more information see: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/c++-sig/2002-June/001554.html
25    """
27    def __init__(self, *arguments, **keywords):
28        decl_wrapper.decl_wrapper_t.__init__( self, *arguments, **keywords )
30        self._call_policies = None
31        self._use_keywords = True
32        self._use_default_arguments = True
33        self._create_with_signature = None
34        self._overridable = None
35        self._non_overridable_reason = None
36        self._transformations = None
38    def get_call_policies(self):
39        return self._call_policies
40    def set_call_policies(self, call_policies):
41        self._call_policies = call_policies
42    call_policies = property( get_call_policies, set_call_policies
43                              , doc="reference to :class:`decl_wrappers.call_policy_t` class." \
44                                   +"Default value is calculated at runtime, based on return value.")
46    def _get_use_keywords(self):
47        return self._use_keywords and bool( self.arguments )
48    def _set_use_keywords(self, use_keywords):
49        self._use_keywords = use_keywords
50    use_keywords = property( _get_use_keywords, _set_use_keywords
51                             , doc="boolean, if True, allows to call function from Python using keyword arguments." \
52                                  +"Default value is True.")
54    def _get_create_with_signature(self):
55        if None is self._create_with_signature:
56            self._create_with_signature = bool( self.overloads )
58            if not self._create_with_signature and declarations.templates.is_instantiation( self.name ):
59                self._create_with_signature = True
61            if not self._create_with_signature and isinstance( self.parent, declarations.class_t ):
62                for hi in self.parent.recursive_bases:
63                    if hi.access_type == 'private':
64                        continue
65                    funcs = hi.related_class.calldefs( self.name, recursive=False, allow_empty=True )
66                    for f in funcs:
67                        if f.argument_types != self.argument_types:
68                            self._create_with_signature = True
69                            break
70                    if self._create_with_signature:
71                        break
72                if not self._create_with_signature:
73                    self._create_with_signature \
74                        = bool( self.parent.calldefs( self.name, recursive=False, allow_empty=True ) )
75        return self._create_with_signature
77    def _set_create_with_signature(self, create_with_signature):
78        self._create_with_signature = create_with_signature
79    create_with_signature = property( _get_create_with_signature, _set_create_with_signature
80                                      , doc="boolean, if True `Py++` will generate next code: def( ..., function type( function ref )"\
81                                         +"Thus, the generated code is safe, when a user creates function overloading." \
82                                         +"Default value is computed, based on information from the declarations tree" )
84    def _get_use_default_arguments(self):
85        return self._use_default_arguments
86    def _set_use_default_arguments(self, use_default_arguments):
87        self._use_default_arguments = use_default_arguments
88    use_default_arguments = property( _get_use_default_arguments, _set_use_default_arguments
89                                      , doc="boolean, if True `Py++` will generate code that will set default arguments" \
90                                           +"Default value is True.")
92    def has_wrapper( self ):
93        """returns True, if function - wrapper is needed
95        The functionality by this function is incomplete. So please don't
96        use it in your code.
97        """
98        if not isinstance( self, declarations.member_calldef_t ):
99            return False
100        elif self.virtuality == declarations.VIRTUALITY_TYPES.PURE_VIRTUAL:
101            return True
102        elif self.access_type == declarations.ACCESS_TYPES.PROTECTED:
103            return True
104        else:
105            return False
107    def get_overridable( self ):
108        """Check if the method can be overridden."""
109        if None is self._overridable:
110            if isinstance( self, declarations.member_calldef_t ) \
111               and self.virtuality != declarations.VIRTUALITY_TYPES.NOT_VIRTUAL \
112               and declarations.is_reference( self.return_type ):
113                self._overridable = False
114                self._non_overridable_reason = messages.W1049
115            else:
116                self._overridable = True
117                self._non_overridable_reason = ""
118        return self._overridable
120    def set_overridable( self, overridable ):
121        self._overridable = overridable
123    overridable = property( get_overridable, set_overridable
124                            , doc = get_overridable.__doc__ )
126    @property
127    def non_overridable_reason( self ):
128        """returns the reason the function could not be overridden"""
129        return self._non_overridable_reason
131    def mark_as_non_overridable( self, reason ):
132        """
133        mark this function as final - user will not be able to override it from Python
135        Not all functions could be overridden from Python, for example virtual function
136        that returns non const reference to a member variable. `Py++` allows you to
137        mark these functions and provide and explanation to the user.
138        """
139        self.overridable = False
140        self._non_overridable_reason = messages.W0000 % reason
142    @property
143    def transformations(self):
144        """return list of function transformations that should be applied on the function"""
145        if None is self._transformations:
146            #TODO: for trivial cases get_size( int&, int& ) `Py++` should guess
147            #function transformers
148            self._transformations = []
149        return self._transformations
151    def add_transformation(self, *transformer_creators, **keywd):
152        """add new function transformation.
154        transformer_creators - list of transformer creators, which should be applied on the function
155        keywd - keyword arguments for :class:`function_transformers.function_transformation_t` class initialization
156        """
157        self.transformations.append( ft.function_transformation_t( self, transformer_creators, **keywd ) )
159    def _exportable_impl_derived( self ):
160        return ''
162    def _exportable_impl( self ):
163        if self.transformations:
164            #It is possible that the function asked for the user attention.
165            #The user paid attention and created a transformation.
166            #Py++ should be silent in this case.
167            return ''
168        if not self.parent.name:
169            return messages.W1057 % str( self )
170        all_types = [ arg.decl_type for arg in self.arguments ]
171        all_types.append( self.return_type )
172        for some_type in all_types:
173            if isinstance( some_type, declarations.ellipsis_t ):
174                return messages.W1053 % str( self )
175            units = declarations.decompose_type( some_type )
176            ptr2functions = [unit for unit in units if isinstance( unit, declarations.calldef_type_t )]
177            if ptr2functions:
178                return messages.W1004
179            #Function that take as agrument some instance of non public class
180            #will not be exported. Same to the return variable
181            if isinstance( units[-1], declarations.declarated_t ):
182                dtype = units[-1]
183                if isinstance( dtype.declaration.parent, declarations.class_t ):
184                    if dtype.declaration not in dtype.declaration.parent.public_members:
185                        return messages.W1005
186            no_ref = declarations.remove_reference( some_type )
187            no_ptr = declarations.remove_pointer( no_ref )
188            no_const = declarations.remove_const( no_ptr )
189            if declarations.is_array( no_const ):
190                return messages.W1006
191        return self._exportable_impl_derived()
193    def _readme_impl( self ):
194        def is_double_ptr( type_ ):
195            #check for X**
196            if not declarations.is_pointer( type_ ):
197                return False
198            base = declarations.remove_pointer( type_ )
199            return declarations.is_pointer( base )
201        def suspicious_type( type_ ):
202            if not declarations.is_reference( type_ ):
203                return False
204            type_no_ref = declarations.remove_reference( type_ )
205            return not declarations.is_const( type_no_ref ) \
206                   and ( declarations.is_fundamental( type_no_ref )
207                         or declarations.is_enum( type_no_ref ) )
208        msgs = []
209        #TODO: functions that takes as argument pointer to pointer to smth, could not be exported
210        #see http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/v2/faq.html#funcptr
212        if len( self.arguments ) > calldef_t.BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY:
213            msgs.append( messages.W1007 % ( calldef_t.BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY, len( self.arguments ) ) )
215        if self.transformations:
216            #if user defined transformation, than I think it took care of the problems
217            ft = self.transformations[0]
218            if ft.alias == ft.unique_name:
219                msgs.append( messages.W1044 % ft.alias )
220            return msgs
222        if suspicious_type( self.return_type ) and None is self.call_policies:
223            msgs.append( messages.W1008 )
225        if ( declarations.is_pointer( self.return_type ) or is_double_ptr( self.return_type ) ) \
226           and None is self.call_policies:
227            msgs.append( messages.W1050 % str(self.return_type) )
229        for index, arg in enumerate( self.arguments ):
230            if suspicious_type( arg.decl_type ):
231                msgs.append( messages.W1009 % ( arg.name, index ) )
232            if is_double_ptr( arg.decl_type ):
233                msgs.append( messages.W1051 % ( arg.name, index, str(arg.decl_type) ) )
235        if False == self.overridable:
236            msgs.append( self._non_overridable_reason)
238        problematics = algorithm.registration_order.select_problematics( self )
239        if problematics:
240            tmp = []
241            for f in problematics:
242                tmp.append( os.linesep + '\t' + str(f) )
243            msgs.append( messages.W1010 % os.linesep.join( tmp ) )
244        return msgs
246class member_function_t( declarations.member_function_t, calldef_t ):
247    """defines a set of properties, that will instruct `Py++` how to expose the member function"""
248    def __init__(self, *arguments, **keywords):
249        declarations.member_function_t.__init__( self, *arguments, **keywords )
250        calldef_t.__init__( self )
251        self._use_overload_macro = False
252        self._override_precall_code = []
253        self._overide_native_precall_code = []
254        self._default_precall_code =  []
255        self._adaptor = None
257    def _get_adaptor(self):
258        return self._adaptor
259    def _set_adaptor(self, adaptor):
260        self._adaptor = adaptor
261    adaptor = property( _get_adaptor, _set_adaptor
262                        , doc="string, if contains value `Py++` will generate code the following code: " \
263                             +".def(<name>, <adaptor>(<function reference>), <other args> ) " \
264                             +". The property is relevant for public, non virtual member functions." )
267    def add_override_precall_code(self, code):
268        """add code, which should be executed, before overridden member function call"""
269        self._override_precall_code.append( code )
271    @property
272    def override_precall_code(self):
273        """code, which should be executed, before overrided member function call"""
274        return self._override_precall_code
276    def add_override_native_precall_code(self, code):
277        """add code, which should be executed, before native member function call"""
278        self._overide_native_precall_code.append( code )
280    @property
281    def override_native_precall_code(self):
282        """code, which should be executed, before overrided member function call"""
283        return self._overide_native_precall_code
285    def add_default_precall_code(self, code):
286        """add code, which should be executed, before this member function call"""
287        self._default_precall_code.append( code )
289    @property
290    def default_precall_code(self):
291        """code, which should be executed, before this member function call"""
292        return self._default_precall_code
294    def get_use_overload_macro(self):
295        return self._use_overload_macro
296    def set_use_overload_macro(self, use_macro):
297        self._use_overload_macro = use_macro
298    use_overload_macro = property( get_use_overload_macro, set_use_overload_macro
299                             , doc="boolean, if True, will use BOOST_PYTHON_MEMBER_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS macro to expose declarations" \
300                                  +"Default value is False.")
302    def _exportable_impl_derived(self):
303        if self.access_type == declarations.ACCESS_TYPES.PRIVATE \
304           and self.virtuality == declarations.VIRTUALITY_TYPES.NOT_VIRTUAL:
305            return messages.W1011
306        return ''
308    def _readme_impl( self ):
309        msgs = super( member_function_t, self )._readme_impl()
310        if self.does_throw == False \
311           and self.virtuality != declarations.VIRTUALITY_TYPES.NOT_VIRTUAL:
312            msgs.append( messages.W1046 )
313        return msgs
315class constructor_t( declarations.constructor_t, calldef_t ):
316    """defines a set of properties, that will instruct `Py++` how to expose the constructor"""
317    def __init__(self, *arguments, **keywords):
318        declarations.constructor_t.__init__( self, *arguments, **keywords )
319        calldef_t.__init__( self )
320        self._body = ''
321        self._allow_implicit_conversion = True
323    def _get_body(self):
324        return self._body
325    def _set_body(self, body):
326        self._body = body
327    body = property( _get_body, _set_body
328                     , doc="string, class-wrapper constructor body" )
330    def _exportable_impl_derived( self ):
331        if self.is_artificial:
332            return messages.W1012
333        if self.access_type == declarations.ACCESS_TYPES.PRIVATE:
334            return messages.W1013
335        return ''
337    def does_define_implicit_conversion( self ):
338        """ returns true if the constructor can take part in implicit conversions.
340        For more information see:
342            * http://boost.org/libs/python/doc/v2/implicit.html#implicitly_convertible-spec
343            * http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/h1y7x448.aspx
344            * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/s2ff0fz8%28VS.100%29.aspx
345        """
346        if self.parent.is_abstract: #user is not able to create an instance of the class
347            return False
348        if declarations.is_copy_constructor(self):
349            return False
350        if not( len( self.arguments) and len( self.required_args ) < 2 ):
351            return False
352        if self.parent.find_out_member_access_type( self ) != declarations.ACCESS_TYPES.PUBLIC:
353            return False
354        return True
356    def _get_allow_implicit_conversion(self):
357        return self._allow_implicit_conversion and self.does_define_implicit_conversion()
358    def _set_allow_implicit_conversion(self, allow_implicit_conversion):
359        self._allow_implicit_conversion = allow_implicit_conversion
360    allow_implicit_conversion = property( _get_allow_implicit_conversion, _set_allow_implicit_conversion
361                     , doc="boolean, indicates whether `Py++` should generate implicitly_convertible code or not" \
362                           "Default value is calculated from the constructor type." )
364class destructor_t( declarations.destructor_t, calldef_t ):
365    """you may ignore this class for he time being.
367    In future it will contain "body" property, that will allow to insert user
368    code to class-wrapper destructor.
369    """
370    #TODO: add body property
371    def __init__(self, *arguments, **keywords):
372        declarations.destructor_t.__init__( self, *arguments, **keywords )
373        calldef_t.__init__( self )
375class operators_helper:
376    """helps `Py++` to deal with C++ operators"""
377    inplace = [ '+=', '-=', '*=', '/=',  '%=', '>>=', '<<=', '&=', '^=', '|=' ]
378    comparison = [ '==', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=' ]
379    non_member = [ '+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '&', '^', '|', ]
380    unary = [ '!', '~', '+', '-' ]
382    all = inplace + comparison + non_member + unary
384    @staticmethod
385    def is_supported( oper ):
386        """returns True if Boost.Python support the operator"""
387        if oper.symbol == '*' and len( oper.arguments ) == 0:
388            #dereference does not make sense
389            return False
390        if oper.symbol != '<<':
391            return oper.symbol in operators_helper.all
393        args_len = len( oper.arguments )
394        if isinstance( oper, declarations.member_operator_t ):# and args_len != 1:
395            return False #Boost.Python does not support member operator<< :-(
396        if isinstance( oper, declarations.free_operator_t ) and args_len != 2:
397            return False
398        if not declarations.is_same( oper.return_type, oper.arguments[0].decl_type ):
399            return False
400        type_ = oper.return_type
401        if not declarations.is_reference( type_ ):
402            return False
403        type_ = declarations.remove_reference( type_ )
404        if declarations.is_const( type_ ):
405            return False
406        if args_len == 2:
407            #second argument should has "T const &" type, otherwise the code will not compile
408            tmp = oper.arguments[1].decl_type
409            if not declarations.is_reference( tmp ):
410                return False
411            tmp = declarations.remove_reference( tmp )
412            if not declarations.is_const( tmp ):
413                return False
414        return declarations.is_std_ostream( type_ ) or declarations.is_std_wostream( type_ )
416    @staticmethod
417    def exportable( oper ):
418        """returns True if Boost.Python or `Py++` know how to export the operator"""
419        if isinstance( oper, declarations.member_operator_t ) and oper.symbol in ( '()', '[]', '=' ):
420            return ''
421        if not operators_helper.is_supported( oper ):
422            return messages.W1014 % oper.name
423        if isinstance( oper, declarations.free_operator_t ):
424            #`Py++` should find out whether the relevant class is exposed to Python
425            #and if not, than this operator should not be exposed too
426            included = [declaration for declaration in oper.class_types if declaration.ignore == False]
427            if not included:
428                return messages.W1052 % str(oper)
429        return ''
431    @staticmethod
432    def target_class( oper ):
433        """this functions returns reference to class/class declaration
434        in scope of which, the operator should be exposed."""
435        if isinstance( oper.parent, declarations.class_t ):
436            return oper.parent
437        #now we deal with free operators
438        def find_class( type_ ):
439            type_ = declarations.remove_reference( type_ )
440            if declarations.is_class( type_ ):
441                return declarations.class_traits.get_declaration( type_ )
442            elif declarations.is_class_declaration( type_ ):
443                return declarations.class_declaration_traits.get_declaration( type_ )
444            else:
445                return None
447        arg_1_class = find_class( oper.arguments[0].decl_type )
448        arg_2_class = None
449        if 2 == len( oper.arguments ):
450            arg_2_class = find_class( oper.arguments[1].decl_type )
452        if arg_1_class:
453            if declarations.is_std_ostream( arg_1_class ) or declarations.is_std_wostream( arg_1_class ):
454                #in most cases users doesn't expose std::ostream class
455                return arg_2_class
456            else:
457                return arg_1_class
458        else:
459            return arg_2_class
462class member_operator_t( declarations.member_operator_t, calldef_t ):
463    """defines a set of properties, that will instruct `Py++` how to expose the member operator"""
464    def __init__(self, *arguments, **keywords):
465        declarations.member_operator_t.__init__( self, *arguments, **keywords )
466        calldef_t.__init__( self )
467        self._override_precall_code = []
468        self._default_precall_code =  []
469        self._overide_native_precall_code = []
471    def add_override_precall_code(self, code):
472        self._override_precall_code.append( code )
474    @property
475    def override_precall_code(self):
476        return self._override_precall_code
478    def add_default_precall_code(self, code):
479        self._default_precall_code.append( code )
481    @property
482    def default_precall_code(self):
483        return self._default_precall_code
485    def add_override_native_precall_code(self, code):
486        """add code, which should be executed, before native member function call"""
487        self._overide_native_precall_code.append( code )
489    @property
490    def override_native_precall_code(self):
491        """code, which should be executed, before overrided member function call"""
492        return self._overide_native_precall_code
495    def _get_alias( self):
496        alias = super( member_operator_t, self )._get_alias()
497        if alias == self.name:
498            if self.symbol == '()':
499                alias = '__call__'
500            elif self.symbol == '[]':
501                alias = '__getitem__'
502            elif self.symbol == '=':
503                alias = 'assign'
504            else:
505                pass
506        return alias
507    alias = property( _get_alias, decl_wrapper.decl_wrapper_t._set_alias
508                      , doc="Gives right alias for operator()( __call__ ) and operator[]( __getitem__ )" )
510    def _exportable_impl_derived( self ):
511        if self.access_type == declarations.ACCESS_TYPES.PRIVATE \
512           and self.virtuality == declarations.VIRTUALITY_TYPES.NOT_VIRTUAL:
513            return messages.W1015
514        return operators_helper.exportable( self )
516    @property
517    def target_class( self ):
518        return self.parent
520class casting_operator_t( declarations.casting_operator_t, calldef_t ):
521    """defines a set of properties, that will instruct `Py++` how to expose the casting operator"""
523    def prepare_special_cases():
524        """
525        Creates a map of special cases ( aliases ) for casting operator.
526        """
527        special_cases = {}
528        const_t = declarations.const_t
529        pointer_t = declarations.pointer_t
530        for type_ in list(declarations.FUNDAMENTAL_TYPES.values()):
531            alias = None
532            if declarations.is_same( type_, declarations.bool_t() ):
533                alias = '__int__'
534            elif declarations.is_integral( type_ ):
535                if 'long' in type_.decl_string:
536                    alias = '__long__'
537                else:
538                    alias = '__int__'
539            elif declarations.is_floating_point( type_ ):
540                alias = '__float__'
541            else:
542                continue #void
543            if alias:
544                special_cases[ type_ ] = alias
545                special_cases[ const_t( type_ ) ] = alias
546        special_cases[ pointer_t( const_t( declarations.char_t() ) ) ] = '__str__'
547        std_string = '::std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >'
548        std_wstring1 = '::std::basic_string<wchar_t,std::char_traits<wchar_t>,std::allocator<wchar_t> >'
549        std_wstring2 = '::std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >'
550        special_cases[ std_string ] = '__str__'
551        special_cases[ std_wstring1 ] = '__str__'
552        special_cases[ std_wstring2 ] = '__str__'
553        special_cases[ '::std::string' ] = '__str__'
554        special_cases[ '::std::wstring' ] = '__str__'
556        #TODO: add
557        #          std::complex<SomeType> some type should be converted to double
558        return special_cases
560    SPECIAL_CASES = prepare_special_cases()
561    #casting_member_operator_t.prepare_special_cases()
563    def __init__(self, *arguments, **keywords):
564        declarations.casting_operator_t.__init__( self, *arguments, **keywords )
565        calldef_t.__init__( self )
567    def _get_alias( self):
568        if not self._alias or self.name == super( casting_operator_t, self )._get_alias():
569            return_type = declarations.remove_alias( self.return_type )
570            decl_string = return_type.decl_string
571            for type_, alias in list(self.SPECIAL_CASES.items()):
572                if isinstance( type_, declarations.type_t ):
573                    if declarations.is_same( return_type, type_ ):
574                        self._alias = alias
575                        break
576                else:
577                    if decl_string == type_:
578                        self._alias = alias
579                        break
580            else:
581                self._alias = 'as_' + self._generate_valid_name(self.return_type.decl_string)
582        return self._alias
583    alias = property( _get_alias, decl_wrapper.decl_wrapper_t._set_alias
584                      , doc="Gives right alias for casting operators: __int__, __long__, __str__." \
585                           +"If there is no built-in type, creates as_xxx alias" )
587    def _exportable_impl_derived( self ):
588        if not declarations.is_fundamental( self.return_type ) and not self.has_const:
589            return messages.W1016
590        if self.access_type != declarations.ACCESS_TYPES.PUBLIC:
591            return messages.W1017
592        return ''
595class free_function_t( declarations.free_function_t, calldef_t ):
596    """defines a set of properties, that will instruct `Py++` how to expose the free function"""
597    def __init__(self, *arguments, **keywords):
598        declarations.free_function_t.__init__( self, *arguments, **keywords )
599        calldef_t.__init__( self )
600        self._use_overload_macro = False
601        self._declaration_code = []
602        self._adaptor = None
604    def _get_adaptor(self):
605        return self._adaptor
606    def _set_adaptor(self, adaptor):
607        self._adaptor = adaptor
608    adaptor = property( _get_adaptor, _set_adaptor
609                        , doc="string, if contains value `Py++` will generate code the following code: " \
610                             +"def(<name>, <adaptor>(<function reference>), <other args> ) " )
612    def add_declaration_code( self, code ):
613        """adds the code to the declaration section"""
614        self.declaration_code.append( user_text.user_text_t( code ) )
616    @property
617    def declaration_code( self ):
618        """
619        List of strings, that contains valid C++ code, that will be added to
620        the same file in which the registration code for the function will be
621        generated
622        """
623        return self._declaration_code
625    def get_use_overload_macro(self):
626        return self._use_overload_macro
627    def set_use_overload_macro(self, use_macro):
628        self._use_overload_macro = use_macro
629    use_overload_macro = property( get_use_overload_macro, set_use_overload_macro
630                             , doc="boolean, if True, will use BOOST_PYTHON_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS macro to expose declarations" \
631                                  +"Default value is False.")
634class free_operator_t( declarations.free_operator_t, calldef_t ):
635    """defines a set of properties, that will instruct `Py++` how to expose the free operator"""
636    def __init__(self, *arguments, **keywords):
637        declarations.free_operator_t.__init__( self, *arguments, **keywords )
638        calldef_t.__init__( self )
639        self._target_class = None
641    def _exportable_impl_derived( self ):
642        return operators_helper.exportable( self )
644    def get_target_class( self ):
645        if self._target_class is None:
646            self._target_class = operators_helper.target_class( self )
647        return self._target_class
649    def set_target_class( self, class_ ):
650        self._target_class = class_
652    _target_class_doc_ = "reference to class_t or class_declaration_t object." \
653                       + " There are use cases, where `Py++` doesn't guess right, in what scope" \
654                       + " free operator should be registered( exposed ). If this is your use case " \
655                       + " than setting the class will allow you to quickly fix the situation. "
657    target_class = property( get_target_class, set_target_class, doc=_target_class_doc_ )