3Provides read and write support for ESRI Shapefiles.
4author: jlawhead<at>geospatialpython.com
5version: 2.1.3
6Compatible with Python versions 2.7-3.x
9__version__ = "2.1.3"
11from struct import pack, unpack, calcsize, error, Struct
12import os
13import sys
14import time
15import array
16import tempfile
17import warnings
18import io
19from datetime import date
22# Constants for shape types
23NULL = 0
24POINT = 1
28POINTZ = 11
32POINTM = 21
39    0: 'NULL',
40    1: 'POINT',
41    3: 'POLYLINE',
42    5: 'POLYGON',
43    8: 'MULTIPOINT',
44    11: 'POINTZ',
45    13: 'POLYLINEZ',
46    15: 'POLYGONZ',
47    18: 'MULTIPOINTZ',
48    21: 'POINTM',
49    23: 'POLYLINEM',
50    25: 'POLYGONM',
51    28: 'MULTIPOINTM',
52    31: 'MULTIPATCH'}
59RING = 5
62    0: 'TRIANGLE_STRIP',
63    1: 'TRIANGLE_FAN',
64    2: 'OUTER_RING',
65    3: 'INNER_RING',
66    4: 'FIRST_RING',
67    5: 'RING'}
70# Python 2-3 handling
72PYTHON3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
74if PYTHON3:
75    xrange = range
76    izip = zip
78    from itertools import izip
81# Helpers
83MISSING = [None,'']
84NODATA = -10e38 # as per the ESRI shapefile spec, only used for m-values.
86if PYTHON3:
87    def b(v, encoding='utf-8', encodingErrors='strict'):
88        if isinstance(v, str):
89            # For python 3 encode str to bytes.
90            return v.encode(encoding, encodingErrors)
91        elif isinstance(v, bytes):
92            # Already bytes.
93            return v
94        elif v is None:
95            # Since we're dealing with text, interpret None as ""
96            return b""
97        else:
98            # Force string representation.
99            return str(v).encode(encoding, encodingErrors)
101    def u(v, encoding='utf-8', encodingErrors='strict'):
102        if isinstance(v, bytes):
103            # For python 3 decode bytes to str.
104            return v.decode(encoding, encodingErrors)
105        elif isinstance(v, str):
106            # Already str.
107            return v
108        elif v is None:
109            # Since we're dealing with text, interpret None as ""
110            return ""
111        else:
112            # Force string representation.
113            return bytes(v).decode(encoding, encodingErrors)
115    def is_string(v):
116        return isinstance(v, str)
119    def b(v, encoding='utf-8', encodingErrors='strict'):
120        if isinstance(v, unicode):
121            # For python 2 encode unicode to bytes.
122            return v.encode(encoding, encodingErrors)
123        elif isinstance(v, bytes):
124            # Already bytes.
125            return v
126        elif v is None:
127            # Since we're dealing with text, interpret None as ""
128            return ""
129        else:
130            # Force string representation.
131            return unicode(v).encode(encoding, encodingErrors)
133    def u(v, encoding='utf-8', encodingErrors='strict'):
134        if isinstance(v, bytes):
135            # For python 2 decode bytes to unicode.
136            return v.decode(encoding, encodingErrors)
137        elif isinstance(v, unicode):
138            # Already unicode.
139            return v
140        elif v is None:
141            # Since we're dealing with text, interpret None as ""
142            return u""
143        else:
144            # Force string representation.
145            return bytes(v).decode(encoding, encodingErrors)
147    def is_string(v):
148        return isinstance(v, basestring)
151# Begin
153class _Array(array.array):
154    """Converts python tuples to lists of the appropritate type.
155    Used to unpack different shapefile header parts."""
156    def __repr__(self):
157        return str(self.tolist())
159def signed_area(coords):
160    """Return the signed area enclosed by a ring using the linear time
161    algorithm. A value >= 0 indicates a counter-clockwise oriented ring.
162    """
163    xs, ys = map(list, list(zip(*coords))[:2]) # ignore any z or m values
164    xs.append(xs[1])
165    ys.append(ys[1])
166    return sum(xs[i]*(ys[i+1]-ys[i-1]) for i in range(1, len(coords)))/2.0
168def ring_bbox(coords):
169    """Calculates and returns the bounding box of a ring.
170    """
171    xs,ys = zip(*coords)
172    bbox = min(xs),min(ys),max(xs),max(ys)
173    return bbox
175def bbox_overlap(bbox1, bbox2):
176    """Tests whether two bounding boxes overlap, returning a boolean
177    """
178    xmin1,ymin1,xmax1,ymax1 = bbox1
179    xmin2,ymin2,xmax2,ymax2 = bbox2
180    overlap = (xmin1 <= xmax2 and xmax1 >= xmin2 and ymin1 <= ymax2 and ymax1 >= ymin2)
181    return overlap
183def bbox_contains(bbox1, bbox2):
184    """Tests whether bbox1 fully contains bbox2, returning a boolean
185    """
186    xmin1,ymin1,xmax1,ymax1 = bbox1
187    xmin2,ymin2,xmax2,ymax2 = bbox2
188    contains = (xmin1 < xmin2 and xmax1 > xmax2 and ymin1 < ymin2 and ymax1 > ymax2)
189    return contains
191def ring_contains_point(coords, p):
192    """Fast point-in-polygon crossings algorithm, MacMartin optimization.
194    Adapted from code by Eric Haynes
195    http://www.realtimerendering.com/resources/GraphicsGems//gemsiv/ptpoly_haines/ptinpoly.c
197    Original description:
198        Shoot a test ray along +X axis.  The strategy, from MacMartin, is to
199        compare vertex Y values to the testing point's Y and quickly discard
200        edges which are entirely to one side of the test ray.
201    """
202    tx,ty = p
204    # get initial test bit for above/below X axis
205    vtx0 = coords[0]
206    yflag0 = ( vtx0[1] >= ty )
208    inside_flag = False
209    for vtx1 in coords[1:]:
210        yflag1 = ( vtx1[1] >= ty )
211        # check if endpoints straddle (are on opposite sides) of X axis
212        # (i.e. the Y's differ); if so, +X ray could intersect this edge.
213        if yflag0 != yflag1:
214            xflag0 = ( vtx0[0] >= tx )
215            # check if endpoints are on same side of the Y axis (i.e. X's
216            # are the same); if so, it's easy to test if edge hits or misses.
217            if xflag0 == ( vtx1[0] >= tx ):
218                # if edge's X values both right of the point, must hit
219                if xflag0:
220                    inside_flag = not inside_flag
221            else:
222                # compute intersection of pgon segment with +X ray, note
223                # if >= point's X; if so, the ray hits it.
224                if ( vtx1[0] - (vtx1[1]-ty) * ( vtx0[0]-vtx1[0]) / (vtx0[1]-vtx1[1]) ) >= tx:
225                    inside_flag = not inside_flag
227        # move to next pair of vertices, retaining info as possible
228        yflag0 = yflag1
229        vtx0 = vtx1
231    return inside_flag
233def ring_sample(coords, ccw=False):
234    """Return a sample point guaranteed to be within a ring, by efficiently
235    finding the first centroid of a coordinate triplet whose orientation
236    matches the orientation of the ring and passes the point-in-ring test.
237    The orientation of the ring is assumed to be clockwise, unless ccw
238    (counter-clockwise) is set to True.
239    """
240    triplet = []
241    def itercoords():
242        # iterate full closed ring
243        for p in coords:
244            yield p
245        # finally, yield the second coordinate to the end to allow checking the last triplet
246        yield coords[1]
248    for p in itercoords():
249        # add point to triplet (but not if duplicate)
250        if p not in triplet:
251            triplet.append(p)
253        # new triplet, try to get sample
254        if len(triplet) == 3:
255            # check that triplet does not form a straight line (not a triangle)
256            is_straight_line = (triplet[0][1] - triplet[1][1]) * (triplet[0][0] - triplet[2][0]) == (triplet[0][1] - triplet[2][1]) * (triplet[0][0] - triplet[1][0])
257            if not is_straight_line:
258                # get triplet orientation
259                closed_triplet = triplet + [triplet[0]]
260                triplet_ccw = signed_area(closed_triplet) >= 0
261                # check that triplet has the same orientation as the ring (means triangle is inside the ring)
262                if ccw == triplet_ccw:
263                    # get triplet centroid
264                    xs,ys = zip(*triplet)
265                    xmean,ymean = sum(xs) / 3.0, sum(ys) / 3.0
266                    # check that triplet centroid is truly inside the ring
267                    if ring_contains_point(coords, (xmean,ymean)):
268                        return xmean,ymean
270            # failed to get sample point from this triplet
271            # remove oldest triplet coord to allow iterating to next triplet
272            triplet.pop(0)
274    else:
275        raise Exception('Unexpected error: Unable to find a ring sample point.')
277def ring_contains_ring(coords1, coords2):
278    '''Returns True if all vertexes in coords2 are fully inside coords1.
279    '''
280    return all((ring_contains_point(coords1, p2) for p2 in coords2))
282def organize_polygon_rings(rings):
283    '''Organize a list of coordinate rings into one or more polygons with holes.
284    Returns a list of polygons, where each polygon is composed of a single exterior
285    ring, and one or more interior holes.
287    Rings must be closed, and cannot intersect each other (non-self-intersecting polygon).
288    Rings are determined as exteriors if they run in clockwise direction, or interior
289    holes if they run in counter-clockwise direction. This method is used to construct
290    GeoJSON (multi)polygons from the shapefile polygon shape type, which does not
291    explicitly store the structure of the polygons beyond exterior/interior ring orientation.
292    '''
293    # first iterate rings and classify as exterior or hole
294    exteriors = []
295    holes = []
296    for ring in rings:
297        # shapefile format defines a polygon as a sequence of rings
298        # where exterior rings are clockwise, and holes counterclockwise
299        if signed_area(ring) < 0:
300            # ring is exterior
301            exteriors.append(ring)
302        else:
303            # ring is a hole
304            holes.append(ring)
306    # if only one exterior, then all holes belong to that exterior
307    if len(exteriors) == 1:
308        # exit early
309        poly = [exteriors[0]] + holes
310        polys = [poly]
311        return polys
313    # multiple exteriors, ie multi-polygon, have to group holes with correct exterior
314    # shapefile format does not specify which holes belong to which exteriors
315    # so have to do efficient multi-stage checking of hole-to-exterior containment
316    elif len(exteriors) > 1:
317        # exit early if no holes
318        if not holes:
319            polys = []
320            for ext in exteriors:
321                poly = [ext]
322                polys.append(poly)
323            return polys
325        # first determine each hole's candidate exteriors based on simple bbox contains test
326        hole_exteriors = dict([(hole_i,[]) for hole_i in xrange(len(holes))])
327        exterior_bboxes = [ring_bbox(ring) for ring in exteriors]
328        for hole_i in hole_exteriors.keys():
329            hole_bbox = ring_bbox(holes[hole_i])
330            for ext_i,ext_bbox in enumerate(exterior_bboxes):
331                if bbox_contains(ext_bbox, hole_bbox):
332                    hole_exteriors[hole_i].append( ext_i )
334        # then, for holes with still more than one possible exterior, do more detailed hole-in-ring test
335        for hole_i,exterior_candidates in hole_exteriors.items():
337            if len(exterior_candidates) > 1:
338                # get hole sample point
339                hole_sample = ring_sample(holes[hole_i], ccw=True)
340                # collect new exterior candidates
341                new_exterior_candidates = []
342                for ext_i in exterior_candidates:
343                    # check that hole sample point is inside exterior
344                    hole_in_exterior = ring_contains_point(exteriors[ext_i], hole_sample)
345                    if hole_in_exterior:
346                        new_exterior_candidates.append(ext_i)
348                # set new exterior candidates
349                hole_exteriors[hole_i] = new_exterior_candidates
351        # if still holes with more than one possible exterior, means we have an exterior hole nested inside another exterior's hole
352        for hole_i,exterior_candidates in hole_exteriors.items():
354            if len(exterior_candidates) > 1:
355                # exterior candidate with the smallest area is the hole's most immediate parent
356                ext_i = sorted(exterior_candidates, key=lambda x: abs(signed_area(exteriors[x])))[0]
357                hole_exteriors[hole_i] = [ext_i]
359        # separate out holes that are orphaned (not contained by any exterior)
360        orphan_holes = []
361        for hole_i,exterior_candidates in list(hole_exteriors.items()):
362            if not exterior_candidates:
363                warnings.warn('Shapefile shape has invalid polygon: found orphan hole (not contained by any of the exteriors); interpreting as exterior.')
364                orphan_holes.append( hole_i )
365                del hole_exteriors[hole_i]
366                continue
368        # each hole should now only belong to one exterior, group into exterior-holes polygons
369        polys = []
370        for ext_i,ext in enumerate(exteriors):
371            poly = [ext]
372            # find relevant holes
373            poly_holes = []
374            for hole_i,exterior_candidates in list(hole_exteriors.items()):
375                # hole is relevant if previously matched with this exterior
376                if exterior_candidates[0] == ext_i:
377                    poly_holes.append( holes[hole_i] )
378            poly += poly_holes
379            polys.append(poly)
381        # add orphan holes as exteriors
382        for hole_i in orphan_holes:
383            ext = holes[hole_i] # could potentially reverse their order, but in geojson winding order doesn't matter
384            poly = [ext]
385            polys.append(poly)
387        return polys
389    # no exteriors, be nice and assume due to incorrect winding order
390    else:
391        warnings.warn('Shapefile shape has invalid polygon: no exterior rings found (must have clockwise orientation); interpreting holes as exteriors.')
392        exteriors = holes # could potentially reverse their order, but in geojson winding order doesn't matter
393        polys = [[ext] for ext in exteriors]
394        return polys
396class Shape(object):
397    def __init__(self, shapeType=NULL, points=None, parts=None, partTypes=None):
398        """Stores the geometry of the different shape types
399        specified in the Shapefile spec. Shape types are
400        usually point, polyline, or polygons. Every shape type
401        except the "Null" type contains points at some level for
402        example vertices in a polygon. If a shape type has
403        multiple shapes containing points within a single
404        geometry record then those shapes are called parts. Parts
405        are designated by their starting index in geometry record's
406        list of shapes. For MultiPatch geometry, partTypes designates
407        the patch type of each of the parts.
408        """
409        self.shapeType = shapeType
410        self.points = points or []
411        self.parts = parts or []
412        if partTypes:
413            self.partTypes = partTypes
415    @property
416    def __geo_interface__(self):
417        if self.shapeType in [POINT, POINTM, POINTZ]:
418            # point
419            if len(self.points) == 0:
420                # the shape has no coordinate information, i.e. is 'empty'
421                # the geojson spec does not define a proper null-geometry type
422                # however, it does allow geometry types with 'empty' coordinates to be interpreted as null-geometries
423                return {'type':'Point', 'coordinates':tuple()}
424            else:
425                return {
426                'type': 'Point',
427                'coordinates': tuple(self.points[0])
428                }
429        elif self.shapeType in [MULTIPOINT, MULTIPOINTM, MULTIPOINTZ]:
430            if len(self.points) == 0:
431                # the shape has no coordinate information, i.e. is 'empty'
432                # the geojson spec does not define a proper null-geometry type
433                # however, it does allow geometry types with 'empty' coordinates to be interpreted as null-geometries
434                return {'type':'MultiPoint', 'coordinates':[]}
435            else:
436                # multipoint
437                return {
438                'type': 'MultiPoint',
439                'coordinates': [tuple(p) for p in self.points]
440                }
441        elif self.shapeType in [POLYLINE, POLYLINEM, POLYLINEZ]:
442            if len(self.parts) == 0:
443                # the shape has no coordinate information, i.e. is 'empty'
444                # the geojson spec does not define a proper null-geometry type
445                # however, it does allow geometry types with 'empty' coordinates to be interpreted as null-geometries
446                return {'type':'LineString', 'coordinates':[]}
447            elif len(self.parts) == 1:
448                # linestring
449                return {
450                'type': 'LineString',
451                'coordinates': [tuple(p) for p in self.points]
452                }
453            else:
454                # multilinestring
455                ps = None
456                coordinates = []
457                for part in self.parts:
458                    if ps == None:
459                        ps = part
460                        continue
461                    else:
462                        coordinates.append([tuple(p) for p in self.points[ps:part]])
463                        ps = part
464                else:
465                    coordinates.append([tuple(p) for p in self.points[part:]])
466                return {
467                'type': 'MultiLineString',
468                'coordinates': coordinates
469                }
470        elif self.shapeType in [POLYGON, POLYGONM, POLYGONZ]:
471            if len(self.parts) == 0:
472                # the shape has no coordinate information, i.e. is 'empty'
473                # the geojson spec does not define a proper null-geometry type
474                # however, it does allow geometry types with 'empty' coordinates to be interpreted as null-geometries
475                return {'type':'Polygon', 'coordinates':[]}
476            else:
477                # get all polygon rings
478                rings = []
479                for i in xrange(len(self.parts)):
480                    # get indexes of start and end points of the ring
481                    start = self.parts[i]
482                    try:
483                        end = self.parts[i+1]
484                    except IndexError:
485                        end = len(self.points)
487                    # extract the points that make up the ring
488                    ring = [tuple(p) for p in self.points[start:end]]
489                    rings.append(ring)
491                # organize rings into list of polygons, where each polygon is defined as list of rings.
492                # the first ring is the exterior and any remaining rings are holes (same as GeoJSON).
493                polys = organize_polygon_rings(rings)
495                # return as geojson
496                if len(polys) == 1:
497                    return {
498                    'type': 'Polygon',
499                    'coordinates': polys[0]
500                    }
501                else:
502                    return {
503                    'type': 'MultiPolygon',
504                    'coordinates': polys
505                    }
507        else:
508            raise Exception('Shape type "%s" cannot be represented as GeoJSON.' % SHAPETYPE_LOOKUP[self.shapeType])
510    @staticmethod
511    def _from_geojson(geoj):
512        # create empty shape
513        shape = Shape()
514        # set shapeType
515        geojType = geoj["type"] if geoj else "Null"
516        if geojType == "Null":
517            shapeType = NULL
518        elif geojType == "Point":
519            shapeType = POINT
520        elif geojType == "LineString":
521            shapeType = POLYLINE
522        elif geojType == "Polygon":
523            shapeType = POLYGON
524        elif geojType == "MultiPoint":
525            shapeType = MULTIPOINT
526        elif geojType == "MultiLineString":
527            shapeType = POLYLINE
528        elif geojType == "MultiPolygon":
529            shapeType = POLYGON
530        else:
531            raise Exception("Cannot create Shape from GeoJSON type '%s'" % geojType)
532        shape.shapeType = shapeType
534        # set points and parts
535        if geojType == "Point":
536            shape.points = [ geoj["coordinates"] ]
537            shape.parts = [0]
538        elif geojType in ("MultiPoint","LineString"):
539            shape.points = geoj["coordinates"]
540            shape.parts = [0]
541        elif geojType in ("Polygon"):
542            points = []
543            parts = []
544            index = 0
545            for i,ext_or_hole in enumerate(geoj["coordinates"]):
546                if i == 0 and not signed_area(ext_or_hole) < 0:
547                    # flip exterior direction
548                    ext_or_hole = list(reversed(ext_or_hole))
549                elif i > 0 and not signed_area(ext_or_hole) >= 0:
550                    # flip hole direction
551                    ext_or_hole = list(reversed(ext_or_hole))
552                points.extend(ext_or_hole)
553                parts.append(index)
554                index += len(ext_or_hole)
555            shape.points = points
556            shape.parts = parts
557        elif geojType in ("MultiLineString"):
558            points = []
559            parts = []
560            index = 0
561            for linestring in geoj["coordinates"]:
562                points.extend(linestring)
563                parts.append(index)
564                index += len(linestring)
565            shape.points = points
566            shape.parts = parts
567        elif geojType in ("MultiPolygon"):
568            points = []
569            parts = []
570            index = 0
571            for polygon in geoj["coordinates"]:
572                for i,ext_or_hole in enumerate(polygon):
573                    if i == 0 and not signed_area(ext_or_hole) < 0:
574                        # flip exterior direction
575                        ext_or_hole = list(reversed(ext_or_hole))
576                    elif i > 0 and not signed_area(ext_or_hole) >= 0:
577                        # flip hole direction
578                        ext_or_hole = list(reversed(ext_or_hole))
579                    points.extend(ext_or_hole)
580                    parts.append(index)
581                    index += len(ext_or_hole)
582            shape.points = points
583            shape.parts = parts
584        return shape
586    @property
587    def shapeTypeName(self):
588        return SHAPETYPE_LOOKUP[self.shapeType]
590class _Record(list):
591    """
592    A class to hold a record. Subclasses list to ensure compatibility with
593    former work and to reuse all the optimizations of the builtin list.
594    In addition to the list interface, the values of the record
595    can also be retrieved using the field's name. For example if the dbf contains
596    a field ID at position 0, the ID can be retrieved with the position, the field name
597    as a key, or the field name as an attribute.
599    >>> # Create a Record with one field, normally the record is created by the Reader class
600    >>> r = _Record({'ID': 0}, [0])
601    >>> print(r[0])
602    >>> print(r['ID'])
603    >>> print(r.ID)
604    """
606    def __init__(self, field_positions, values, oid=None):
607        """
608        A Record should be created by the Reader class
610        :param field_positions: A dict mapping field names to field positions
611        :param values: A sequence of values
612        :param oid: The object id, an int (optional)
613        """
614        self.__field_positions = field_positions
615        if oid is not None:
616            self.__oid = oid
617        else:
618            self.__oid = -1
619        list.__init__(self, values)
621    def __getattr__(self, item):
622        """
623        __getattr__ is called if an attribute is used that does
624        not exist in the normal sense. For example r=Record(...), r.ID
625        calls r.__getattr__('ID'), but r.index(5) calls list.index(r, 5)
626        :param item: The field name, used as attribute
627        :return: Value of the field
628        :raises: AttributeError, if item is not a field of the shapefile
629                and IndexError, if the field exists but the field's
630                corresponding value in the Record does not exist
631        """
632        try:
633            index = self.__field_positions[item]
634            return list.__getitem__(self, index)
635        except KeyError:
636            raise AttributeError('{} is not a field name'.format(item))
637        except IndexError:
638            raise IndexError('{} found as a field but not enough values available.'.format(item))
640    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
641        """
642        Sets a value of a field attribute
643        :param key: The field name
644        :param value: the value of that field
645        :return: None
646        :raises: AttributeError, if key is not a field of the shapefile
647        """
648        if key.startswith('_'):  # Prevent infinite loop when setting mangled attribute
649            return list.__setattr__(self, key, value)
650        try:
651            index = self.__field_positions[key]
652            return list.__setitem__(self, index, value)
653        except KeyError:
654            raise AttributeError('{} is not a field name'.format(key))
656    def __getitem__(self, item):
657        """
658        Extends the normal list item access with
659        access using a fieldname
661        For example r['ID'], r[0]
662        :param item: Either the position of the value or the name of a field
663        :return: the value of the field
664        """
665        try:
666            return list.__getitem__(self, item)
667        except TypeError:
668            try:
669                index = self.__field_positions[item]
670            except KeyError:
671                index = None
672        if index is not None:
673            return list.__getitem__(self, index)
674        else:
675            raise IndexError('"{}" is not a field name and not an int'.format(item))
677    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
678        """
679        Extends the normal list item access with
680        access using a fieldname
682        For example r['ID']=2, r[0]=2
683        :param key: Either the position of the value or the name of a field
684        :param value: the new value of the field
685        """
686        try:
687            return list.__setitem__(self, key, value)
688        except TypeError:
689            index = self.__field_positions.get(key)
690            if index is not None:
691                return list.__setitem__(self, index, value)
692            else:
693                raise IndexError('{} is not a field name and not an int'.format(key))
695    @property
696    def oid(self):
697        """The index position of the record in the original shapefile"""
698        return self.__oid
700    def as_dict(self, date_strings=False):
701        """
702        Returns this Record as a dictionary using the field names as keys
703        :return: dict
704        """
705        dct = dict((f, self[i]) for f, i in self.__field_positions.items())
706        if date_strings:
707            for k,v in dct.items():
708                if isinstance(v, date):
709                    dct[k] = '{:04d}{:02d}{:02d}'.format(v.year, v.month, v.day)
710        return dct
712    def __repr__(self):
713        return 'Record #{}: {}'.format(self.__oid, list(self))
715    def __dir__(self):
716        """
717        Helps to show the field names in an interactive environment like IPython.
718        See: http://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config/integrating.html
720        :return: List of method names and fields
721        """
722        default = list(dir(type(self))) # default list methods and attributes of this class
723        fnames = list(self.__field_positions.keys()) # plus field names (random order if Python version < 3.6)
724        return default + fnames
726class ShapeRecord(object):
727    """A ShapeRecord object containing a shape along with its attributes.
728    Provides the GeoJSON __geo_interface__ to return a Feature dictionary."""
729    def __init__(self, shape=None, record=None):
730        self.shape = shape
731        self.record = record
733    @property
734    def __geo_interface__(self):
735        return {'type': 'Feature',
736                'properties': self.record.as_dict(date_strings=True),
737                'geometry': None if self.shape.shapeType == NULL else self.shape.__geo_interface__}
739class Shapes(list):
740    """A class to hold a list of Shape objects. Subclasses list to ensure compatibility with
741    former work and to reuse all the optimizations of the builtin list.
742    In addition to the list interface, this also provides the GeoJSON __geo_interface__
743    to return a GeometryCollection dictionary."""
745    def __repr__(self):
746        return 'Shapes: {}'.format(list(self))
748    @property
749    def __geo_interface__(self):
750        # Note: currently this will fail if any of the shapes are null-geometries
751        # could be fixed by storing the shapefile shapeType upon init, returning geojson type with empty coords
752        return {'type': 'GeometryCollection',
753                'geometries': [shape.__geo_interface__ for shape in self]}
755class ShapeRecords(list):
756    """A class to hold a list of ShapeRecord objects. Subclasses list to ensure compatibility with
757    former work and to reuse all the optimizations of the builtin list.
758    In addition to the list interface, this also provides the GeoJSON __geo_interface__
759    to return a FeatureCollection dictionary."""
761    def __repr__(self):
762        return 'ShapeRecords: {}'.format(list(self))
764    @property
765    def __geo_interface__(self):
766        return {'type': 'FeatureCollection',
767                'features': [shaperec.__geo_interface__ for shaperec in self]}
769class ShapefileException(Exception):
770    """An exception to handle shapefile specific problems."""
771    pass
773class Reader(object):
774    """Reads the three files of a shapefile as a unit or
775    separately.  If one of the three files (.shp, .shx,
776    .dbf) is missing no exception is thrown until you try
777    to call a method that depends on that particular file.
778    The .shx index file is used if available for efficiency
779    but is not required to read the geometry from the .shp
780    file. The "shapefile" argument in the constructor is the
781    name of the file you want to open.
783    You can instantiate a Reader without specifying a shapefile
784    and then specify one later with the load() method.
786    Only the shapefile headers are read upon loading. Content
787    within each file is only accessed when required and as
788    efficiently as possible. Shapefiles are usually not large
789    but they can be.
790    """
791    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
792        self.shp = None
793        self.shx = None
794        self.dbf = None
795        self.shapeName = "Not specified"
796        self._offsets = []
797        self.shpLength = None
798        self.numRecords = None
799        self.numShapes = None
800        self.fields = []
801        self.__dbfHdrLength = 0
802        self.__fieldposition_lookup = {}
803        self.encoding = kwargs.pop('encoding', 'utf-8')
804        self.encodingErrors = kwargs.pop('encodingErrors', 'strict')
805        # See if a shapefile name was passed as the first argument
806        if len(args) > 0:
807            if is_string(args[0]):
808                self.load(args[0])
809                return
810        # Otherwise, load from separate shp/shx/dbf args (must be file-like)
811        if "shp" in kwargs.keys():
812            if hasattr(kwargs["shp"], "read"):
813                self.shp = kwargs["shp"]
814                # Copy if required
815                try:
816                    self.shp.seek(0)
817                except (NameError, io.UnsupportedOperation):
818                    self.shp = io.BytesIO(self.shp.read())
819            else:
820                raise ShapefileException('The shp arg must be file-like.')
822            if "shx" in kwargs.keys():
823                if hasattr(kwargs["shx"], "read"):
824                    self.shx = kwargs["shx"]
825                    # Copy if required
826                    try:
827                        self.shx.seek(0)
828                    except (NameError, io.UnsupportedOperation):
829                        self.shx = io.BytesIO(self.shx.read())
830                else:
831                    raise ShapefileException('The shx arg must be file-like.')
833        if "dbf" in kwargs.keys():
834            if hasattr(kwargs["dbf"], "read"):
835                self.dbf = kwargs["dbf"]
836                # Copy if required
837                try:
838                    self.dbf.seek(0)
839                except (NameError, io.UnsupportedOperation):
840                    self.dbf = io.BytesIO(self.dbf.read())
841            else:
842                raise ShapefileException('The dbf arg must be file-like.')
844        # Load the files
845        if self.shp or self.dbf:
846            self.load()
848    def __str__(self):
849        """
850        Use some general info on the shapefile as __str__
851        """
852        info = ['shapefile Reader']
853        if self.shp:
854            info.append("    {} shapes (type '{}')".format(
855                len(self), SHAPETYPE_LOOKUP[self.shapeType]))
856        if self.dbf:
857            info.append('    {} records ({} fields)'.format(
858                len(self), len(self.fields)))
859        return '\n'.join(info)
861    def __enter__(self):
862        """
863        Enter phase of context manager.
864        """
865        return self
867    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
868        """
869        Exit phase of context manager, close opened files.
870        """
871        self.close()
873    def __len__(self):
874        """Returns the number of shapes/records in the shapefile."""
875        if self.dbf:
876            # Preferably use dbf record count
877            if self.numRecords is None:
878                self.__dbfHeader()
880            return self.numRecords
882        elif self.shp:
883            # Otherwise use shape count
884            if self.shx:
885                # Use index file to get total count
886                if self.numShapes is None:
887                    # File length (16-bit word * 2 = bytes) - header length
888                    self.shx.seek(24)
889                    shxRecordLength = (unpack(">i", self.shx.read(4))[0] * 2) - 100
890                    self.numShapes = shxRecordLength // 8
892                return self.numShapes
894            else:
895                # Index file not available, iterate all shapes to get total count
896                if self.numShapes is None:
897                    i = 0
898                    for i,shape in enumerate(self.iterShapes()):
899                        i += 1
900                    self.numShapes = i
902                return self.numShapes
904        else:
905            # No file loaded yet, treat as 'empty' shapefile
906            return 0
908    def __iter__(self):
909        """Iterates through the shapes/records in the shapefile."""
910        for shaperec in self.iterShapeRecords():
911            yield shaperec
913    @property
914    def __geo_interface__(self):
915        shaperecords = self.shapeRecords()
916        fcollection = shaperecords.__geo_interface__
917        fcollection['bbox'] = list(self.bbox)
918        return fcollection
920    @property
921    def shapeTypeName(self):
922        return SHAPETYPE_LOOKUP[self.shapeType]
924    def load(self, shapefile=None):
925        """Opens a shapefile from a filename or file-like
926        object. Normally this method would be called by the
927        constructor with the file name as an argument."""
928        if shapefile:
929            (shapeName, ext) = os.path.splitext(shapefile)
930            self.shapeName = shapeName
931            self.load_shp(shapeName)
932            self.load_shx(shapeName)
933            self.load_dbf(shapeName)
934            if not (self.shp or self.dbf):
935                raise ShapefileException("Unable to open %s.dbf or %s.shp." % (shapeName, shapeName))
936        if self.shp:
937            self.__shpHeader()
938        if self.dbf:
939            self.__dbfHeader()
941    def load_shp(self, shapefile_name):
942        """
943        Attempts to load file with .shp extension as both lower and upper case
944        """
945        shp_ext = 'shp'
946        try:
947            self.shp = open("%s.%s" % (shapefile_name, shp_ext), "rb")
948        except IOError:
949            try:
950                self.shp = open("%s.%s" % (shapefile_name, shp_ext.upper()), "rb")
951            except IOError:
952                pass
954    def load_shx(self, shapefile_name):
955        """
956        Attempts to load file with .shx extension as both lower and upper case
957        """
958        shx_ext = 'shx'
959        try:
960            self.shx = open("%s.%s" % (shapefile_name, shx_ext), "rb")
961        except IOError:
962            try:
963                self.shx = open("%s.%s" % (shapefile_name, shx_ext.upper()), "rb")
964            except IOError:
965                pass
967    def load_dbf(self, shapefile_name):
968        """
969        Attempts to load file with .dbf extension as both lower and upper case
970        """
971        dbf_ext = 'dbf'
972        try:
973            self.dbf = open("%s.%s" % (shapefile_name, dbf_ext), "rb")
974        except IOError:
975            try:
976                self.dbf = open("%s.%s" % (shapefile_name, dbf_ext.upper()), "rb")
977            except IOError:
978                pass
980    def __del__(self):
981        self.close()
983    def close(self):
984        for attribute in (self.shp, self.shx, self.dbf):
985            if hasattr(attribute, 'close'):
986                try:
987                    attribute.close()
988                except IOError:
989                    pass
991    def __getFileObj(self, f):
992        """Checks to see if the requested shapefile file object is
993        available. If not a ShapefileException is raised."""
994        if not f:
995            raise ShapefileException("Shapefile Reader requires a shapefile or file-like object.")
996        if self.shp and self.shpLength is None:
997            self.load()
998        if self.dbf and len(self.fields) == 0:
999            self.load()
1000        return f
1002    def __restrictIndex(self, i):
1003        """Provides list-like handling of a record index with a clearer
1004        error message if the index is out of bounds."""
1005        if self.numRecords:
1006            rmax = self.numRecords - 1
1007            if abs(i) > rmax:
1008                raise IndexError("Shape or Record index out of range.")
1009            if i < 0: i = range(self.numRecords)[i]
1010        return i
1012    def __shpHeader(self):
1013        """Reads the header information from a .shp or .shx file."""
1014        if not self.shp:
1015            raise ShapefileException("Shapefile Reader requires a shapefile or file-like object. (no shp file found")
1016        shp = self.shp
1017        # File length (16-bit word * 2 = bytes)
1018        shp.seek(24)
1019        self.shpLength = unpack(">i", shp.read(4))[0] * 2
1020        # Shape type
1021        shp.seek(32)
1022        self.shapeType= unpack("<i", shp.read(4))[0]
1023        # The shapefile's bounding box (lower left, upper right)
1024        self.bbox = _Array('d', unpack("<4d", shp.read(32)))
1025        # Elevation
1026        self.zbox = _Array('d', unpack("<2d", shp.read(16)))
1027        # Measure
1028        self.mbox = []
1029        for m in _Array('d', unpack("<2d", shp.read(16))):
1030            # Measure values less than -10e38 are nodata values according to the spec
1031            if m > NODATA:
1032                self.mbox.append(m)
1033            else:
1034                self.mbox.append(None)
1036    def __shape(self):
1037        """Returns the header info and geometry for a single shape."""
1038        f = self.__getFileObj(self.shp)
1039        record = Shape()
1040        nParts = nPoints = zmin = zmax = mmin = mmax = None
1041        (recNum, recLength) = unpack(">2i", f.read(8))
1042        # Determine the start of the next record
1043        next = f.tell() + (2 * recLength)
1044        shapeType = unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
1045        record.shapeType = shapeType
1046        # For Null shapes create an empty points list for consistency
1047        if shapeType == 0:
1048            record.points = []
1049        # All shape types capable of having a bounding box
1050        elif shapeType in (3,5,8,13,15,18,23,25,28,31):
1051            record.bbox = _Array('d', unpack("<4d", f.read(32)))
1052        # Shape types with parts
1053        if shapeType in (3,5,13,15,23,25,31):
1054            nParts = unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
1055        # Shape types with points
1056        if shapeType in (3,5,8,13,15,18,23,25,28,31):
1057            nPoints = unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
1058        # Read parts
1059        if nParts:
1060            record.parts = _Array('i', unpack("<%si" % nParts, f.read(nParts * 4)))
1061        # Read part types for Multipatch - 31
1062        if shapeType == 31:
1063            record.partTypes = _Array('i', unpack("<%si" % nParts, f.read(nParts * 4)))
1064        # Read points - produces a list of [x,y] values
1065        if nPoints:
1066            flat = unpack("<%sd" % (2 * nPoints), f.read(16*nPoints))
1067            record.points = list(izip(*(iter(flat),) * 2))
1068        # Read z extremes and values
1069        if shapeType in (13,15,18,31):
1070            (zmin, zmax) = unpack("<2d", f.read(16))
1071            record.z = _Array('d', unpack("<%sd" % nPoints, f.read(nPoints * 8)))
1072        # Read m extremes and values
1073        if shapeType in (13,15,18,23,25,28,31):
1074            if next - f.tell() >= 16:
1075                (mmin, mmax) = unpack("<2d", f.read(16))
1076            # Measure values less than -10e38 are nodata values according to the spec
1077            if next - f.tell() >= nPoints * 8:
1078                record.m = []
1079                for m in _Array('d', unpack("<%sd" % nPoints, f.read(nPoints * 8))):
1080                    if m > NODATA:
1081                        record.m.append(m)
1082                    else:
1083                        record.m.append(None)
1084            else:
1085                record.m = [None for _ in range(nPoints)]
1086        # Read a single point
1087        if shapeType in (1,11,21):
1088            record.points = [_Array('d', unpack("<2d", f.read(16)))]
1089        # Read a single Z value
1090        if shapeType == 11:
1091            record.z = list(unpack("<d", f.read(8)))
1092        # Read a single M value
1093        if shapeType in (21,11):
1094            if next - f.tell() >= 8:
1095                (m,) = unpack("<d", f.read(8))
1096            else:
1097                m = NODATA
1098            # Measure values less than -10e38 are nodata values according to the spec
1099            if m > NODATA:
1100                record.m = [m]
1101            else:
1102                record.m = [None]
1103        # Seek to the end of this record as defined by the record header because
1104        # the shapefile spec doesn't require the actual content to meet the header
1105        # definition.  Probably allowed for lazy feature deletion.
1106        f.seek(next)
1107        return record
1109    def __shapeIndex(self, i=None):
1110        """Returns the offset in a .shp file for a shape based on information
1111        in the .shx index file."""
1112        shx = self.shx
1113        if not shx:
1114            return None
1115        if not self._offsets:
1116            if self.numShapes is None:
1117                # File length (16-bit word * 2 = bytes) - header length
1118                shx.seek(24)
1119                shxRecordLength = (unpack(">i", shx.read(4))[0] * 2) - 100
1120                self.numShapes = shxRecordLength // 8
1121            # Jump to the first record.
1122            shx.seek(100)
1123            shxRecords = _Array('i')
1124            # Each offset consists of two nrs, only the first one matters
1125            shxRecords.fromfile(shx, 2 * self.numShapes)
1126            if sys.byteorder != 'big':
1127                 shxRecords.byteswap()
1128            self._offsets = [2 * el for el in shxRecords[::2]]
1129        if not i == None:
1130            return self._offsets[i]
1132    def shape(self, i=0):
1133        """Returns a shape object for a shape in the geometry
1134        record file."""
1135        shp = self.__getFileObj(self.shp)
1136        i = self.__restrictIndex(i)
1137        offset = self.__shapeIndex(i)
1138        if not offset:
1139            # Shx index not available so iterate the full list.
1140            for j,k in enumerate(self.iterShapes()):
1141                if j == i:
1142                    return k
1143        shp.seek(offset)
1144        return self.__shape()
1146    def shapes(self):
1147        """Returns all shapes in a shapefile."""
1148        shp = self.__getFileObj(self.shp)
1149        # Found shapefiles which report incorrect
1150        # shp file length in the header. Can't trust
1151        # that so we seek to the end of the file
1152        # and figure it out.
1153        shp.seek(0,2)
1154        self.shpLength = shp.tell()
1155        shp.seek(100)
1156        shapes = Shapes()
1157        while shp.tell() < self.shpLength:
1158            shapes.append(self.__shape())
1159        return shapes
1161    def iterShapes(self):
1162        """Returns a generator of shapes in a shapefile. Useful
1163        for handling large shapefiles."""
1164        shp = self.__getFileObj(self.shp)
1165        shp.seek(0,2)
1166        self.shpLength = shp.tell()
1167        shp.seek(100)
1168        while shp.tell() < self.shpLength:
1169            yield self.__shape()
1171    def __dbfHeader(self):
1172        """Reads a dbf header. Xbase-related code borrows heavily from ActiveState Python Cookbook Recipe 362715 by Raymond Hettinger"""
1173        if not self.dbf:
1174            raise ShapefileException("Shapefile Reader requires a shapefile or file-like object. (no dbf file found)")
1175        dbf = self.dbf
1176        # read relevant header parts
1177        self.numRecords, self.__dbfHdrLength, self.__recordLength = \
1178                unpack("<xxxxLHH20x", dbf.read(32))
1179        # read fields
1180        numFields = (self.__dbfHdrLength - 33) // 32
1181        for field in range(numFields):
1182            fieldDesc = list(unpack("<11sc4xBB14x", dbf.read(32)))
1183            name = 0
1184            idx = 0
1185            if b"\x00" in fieldDesc[name]:
1186                idx = fieldDesc[name].index(b"\x00")
1187            else:
1188                idx = len(fieldDesc[name]) - 1
1189            fieldDesc[name] = fieldDesc[name][:idx]
1190            fieldDesc[name] = u(fieldDesc[name], self.encoding, self.encodingErrors)
1191            fieldDesc[name] = fieldDesc[name].lstrip()
1192            fieldDesc[1] = u(fieldDesc[1], 'ascii')
1193            self.fields.append(fieldDesc)
1194        terminator = dbf.read(1)
1195        if terminator != b"\r":
1196            raise ShapefileException("Shapefile dbf header lacks expected terminator. (likely corrupt?)")
1197        self.fields.insert(0, ('DeletionFlag', 'C', 1, 0))
1198        fmt,fmtSize = self.__recordFmt()
1199        self.__recStruct = Struct(fmt)
1201        # Store the field positions
1202        self.__fieldposition_lookup = dict((f[0], i) for i, f in enumerate(self.fields[1:]))
1204    def __recordFmt(self):
1205        """Calculates the format and size of a .dbf record."""
1206        if self.numRecords is None:
1207            self.__dbfHeader()
1208        fmt = ''.join(['%ds' % fieldinfo[2] for fieldinfo in self.fields])
1209        fmtSize = calcsize(fmt)
1210        # total size of fields should add up to recordlength from the header
1211        while fmtSize < self.__recordLength:
1212            # if not, pad byte until reaches recordlength
1213            fmt += "x"
1214            fmtSize += 1
1215        return (fmt, fmtSize)
1217    def __record(self, oid=None):
1218        """Reads and returns a dbf record row as a list of values."""
1219        f = self.__getFileObj(self.dbf)
1220        recordContents = self.__recStruct.unpack(f.read(self.__recStruct.size))
1221        if recordContents[0] != b' ':
1222            # deleted record
1223            return None
1224        record = []
1225        for (name, typ, size, deci), value in zip(self.fields, recordContents):
1226            if name == 'DeletionFlag':
1227                continue
1228            elif typ in ("N","F"):
1229                # numeric or float: number stored as a string, right justified, and padded with blanks to the width of the field.
1230                value = value.split(b'\0')[0]
1231                value = value.replace(b'*', b'')  # QGIS NULL is all '*' chars
1232                if value == b'':
1233                    value = None
1234                elif deci:
1235                    try:
1236                        value = float(value)
1237                    except ValueError:
1238                        #not parseable as float, set to None
1239                        value = None
1240                else:
1241                    # force to int
1242                    try:
1243                        # first try to force directly to int.
1244                        # forcing a large int to float and back to int
1245                        # will lose information and result in wrong nr.
1246                        value = int(value)
1247                    except ValueError:
1248                        # forcing directly to int failed, so was probably a float.
1249                        try:
1250                            value = int(float(value))
1251                        except ValueError:
1252                            #not parseable as int, set to None
1253                            value = None
1254            elif typ == 'D':
1255                # date: 8 bytes - date stored as a string in the format YYYYMMDD.
1256                if not value.replace(b'\x00', b'').replace(b' ', b'').replace(b'0', b''):
1257                    # dbf date field has no official null value
1258                    # but can check for all hex null-chars, all spaces, or all 0s (QGIS null)
1259                    value = None
1260                else:
1261                    try:
1262                        # return as python date object
1263                        y, m, d = int(value[:4]), int(value[4:6]), int(value[6:8])
1264                        value = date(y, m, d)
1265                    except:
1266                        # if invalid date, just return as unicode string so user can decide
1267                        value = u(value.strip())
1268            elif typ == 'L':
1269                # logical: 1 byte - initialized to 0x20 (space) otherwise T or F.
1270                if value == b" ":
1271                    value = None # space means missing or not yet set
1272                else:
1273                    if value in b'YyTt1':
1274                        value = True
1275                    elif value in b'NnFf0':
1276                        value = False
1277                    else:
1278                        value = None # unknown value is set to missing
1279            else:
1280                # anything else is forced to string/unicode
1281                value = u(value, self.encoding, self.encodingErrors)
1282                value = value.strip()
1283            record.append(value)
1285        return _Record(self.__fieldposition_lookup, record, oid)
1287    def record(self, i=0):
1288        """Returns a specific dbf record based on the supplied index."""
1289        f = self.__getFileObj(self.dbf)
1290        if self.numRecords is None:
1291            self.__dbfHeader()
1292        i = self.__restrictIndex(i)
1293        recSize = self.__recStruct.size
1294        f.seek(0)
1295        f.seek(self.__dbfHdrLength + (i * recSize))
1296        return self.__record(oid=i)
1298    def records(self):
1299        """Returns all records in a dbf file."""
1300        if self.numRecords is None:
1301            self.__dbfHeader()
1302        records = []
1303        f = self.__getFileObj(self.dbf)
1304        f.seek(self.__dbfHdrLength)
1305        for i in range(self.numRecords):
1306            r = self.__record(oid=i)
1307            if r:
1308                records.append(r)
1309        return records
1311    def iterRecords(self):
1312        """Returns a generator of records in a dbf file.
1313        Useful for large shapefiles or dbf files."""
1314        if self.numRecords is None:
1315            self.__dbfHeader()
1316        f = self.__getFileObj(self.dbf)
1317        f.seek(self.__dbfHdrLength)
1318        for i in xrange(self.numRecords):
1319            r = self.__record()
1320            if r:
1321                yield r
1323    def shapeRecord(self, i=0):
1324        """Returns a combination geometry and attribute record for the
1325        supplied record index."""
1326        i = self.__restrictIndex(i)
1327        return ShapeRecord(shape=self.shape(i), record=self.record(i))
1329    def shapeRecords(self):
1330        """Returns a list of combination geometry/attribute records for
1331        all records in a shapefile."""
1332        return ShapeRecords(self.iterShapeRecords())
1334    def iterShapeRecords(self):
1335        """Returns a generator of combination geometry/attribute records for
1336        all records in a shapefile."""
1337        for shape, record in izip(self.iterShapes(), self.iterRecords()):
1338            yield ShapeRecord(shape=shape, record=record)
1341class Writer(object):
1342    """Provides write support for ESRI Shapefiles."""
1343    def __init__(self, target=None, shapeType=None, autoBalance=False, **kwargs):
1344        self.target = target
1345        self.autoBalance = autoBalance
1346        self.fields = []
1347        self.shapeType = shapeType
1348        self.shp = self.shx = self.dbf = None
1349        if target:
1350            if not is_string(target):
1351                raise Exception('The target filepath {} must be of type str/unicode, not {}.'.format(repr(target), type(target)) )
1352            self.shp = self.__getFileObj(os.path.splitext(target)[0] + '.shp')
1353            self.shx = self.__getFileObj(os.path.splitext(target)[0] + '.shx')
1354            self.dbf = self.__getFileObj(os.path.splitext(target)[0] + '.dbf')
1355        elif kwargs.get('shp') or kwargs.get('shx') or kwargs.get('dbf'):
1356            shp,shx,dbf = kwargs.get('shp'), kwargs.get('shx'), kwargs.get('dbf')
1357            if shp:
1358                self.shp = self.__getFileObj(shp)
1359            if shx:
1360                self.shx = self.__getFileObj(shx)
1361            if dbf:
1362                self.dbf = self.__getFileObj(dbf)
1363        else:
1364            raise Exception('Either the target filepath, or any of shp, shx, or dbf must be set to create a shapefile.')
1365        # Initiate with empty headers, to be finalized upon closing
1366        if self.shp: self.shp.write(b'9'*100)
1367        if self.shx: self.shx.write(b'9'*100)
1368        # Geometry record offsets and lengths for writing shx file.
1369        self.recNum = 0
1370        self.shpNum = 0
1371        self._bbox = None
1372        self._zbox = None
1373        self._mbox = None
1374        # Use deletion flags in dbf? Default is false (0). Note: Currently has no effect, records should NOT contain deletion flags.
1375        self.deletionFlag = 0
1376        # Encoding
1377        self.encoding = kwargs.pop('encoding', 'utf-8')
1378        self.encodingErrors = kwargs.pop('encodingErrors', 'strict')
1380    def __len__(self):
1381        """Returns the current number of features written to the shapefile.
1382        If shapes and records are unbalanced, the length is considered the highest
1383        of the two."""
1384        return max(self.recNum, self.shpNum)
1386    def __enter__(self):
1387        """
1388        Enter phase of context manager.
1389        """
1390        return self
1392    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
1393        """
1394        Exit phase of context manager, finish writing and close the files.
1395        """
1396        self.close()
1398    def __del__(self):
1399        self.close()
1401    def close(self):
1402        """
1403        Write final shp, shx, and dbf headers, close opened files.
1404        """
1405        # Check if any of the files have already been closed
1406        shp_open = self.shp and not (hasattr(self.shp, 'closed') and self.shp.closed)
1407        shx_open = self.shx and not (hasattr(self.shx, 'closed') and self.shx.closed)
1408        dbf_open = self.dbf and not (hasattr(self.dbf, 'closed') and self.dbf.closed)
1410        # Balance if already not balanced
1411        if self.shp and shp_open and self.dbf and dbf_open:
1412            if self.autoBalance:
1413                self.balance()
1414            if self.recNum != self.shpNum:
1415                raise ShapefileException("When saving both the dbf and shp file, "
1416                                         "the number of records (%s) must correspond "
1417                                         "with the number of shapes (%s)" % (self.recNum, self.shpNum))
1418        # Fill in the blank headers
1419        if self.shp and shp_open:
1420            self.__shapefileHeader(self.shp, headerType='shp')
1421        if self.shx and shx_open:
1422            self.__shapefileHeader(self.shx, headerType='shx')
1424        # Update the dbf header with final length etc
1425        if self.dbf and dbf_open:
1426            self.__dbfHeader()
1428        # Close files, if target is a filepath
1429        if self.target:
1430            for attribute in (self.shp, self.shx, self.dbf):
1431                if hasattr(attribute, 'close'):
1432                    try:
1433                        attribute.close()
1434                    except IOError:
1435                        pass
1437    def __getFileObj(self, f):
1438        """Safety handler to verify file-like objects"""
1439        if not f:
1440            raise ShapefileException("No file-like object available.")
1441        elif hasattr(f, "write"):
1442            return f
1443        else:
1444            pth = os.path.split(f)[0]
1445            if pth and not os.path.exists(pth):
1446                os.makedirs(pth)
1447            return open(f, "wb+")
1449    def __shpFileLength(self):
1450        """Calculates the file length of the shp file."""
1451        # Remember starting position
1452        start = self.shp.tell()
1453        # Calculate size of all shapes
1454        self.shp.seek(0,2)
1455        size = self.shp.tell()
1456        # Calculate size as 16-bit words
1457        size //= 2
1458        # Return to start
1459        self.shp.seek(start)
1460        return size
1462    def __bbox(self, s):
1463        x = []
1464        y = []
1465        if len(s.points) > 0:
1466            px, py = list(zip(*s.points))[:2]
1467            x.extend(px)
1468            y.extend(py)
1469        else:
1470            # this should not happen.
1471            # any shape that is not null should have at least one point, and only those should be sent here.
1472            # could also mean that earlier code failed to add points to a non-null shape.
1473            raise Exception("Cannot create bbox. Expected a valid shape with at least one point. Got a shape of type '%s' and 0 points." % s.shapeType)
1474        bbox = [min(x), min(y), max(x), max(y)]
1475        # update global
1476        if self._bbox:
1477            # compare with existing
1478            self._bbox = [min(bbox[0],self._bbox[0]), min(bbox[1],self._bbox[1]), max(bbox[2],self._bbox[2]), max(bbox[3],self._bbox[3])]
1479        else:
1480            # first time bbox is being set
1481            self._bbox = bbox
1482        return bbox
1484    def __zbox(self, s):
1485        z = []
1486        for p in s.points:
1487            try:
1488                z.append(p[2])
1489            except IndexError:
1490                # point did not have z value
1491                # setting it to 0 is probably ok, since it means all are on the same elavation
1492                z.append(0)
1493        zbox = [min(z), max(z)]
1494        # update global
1495        if self._zbox:
1496            # compare with existing
1497            self._zbox = [min(zbox[0],self._zbox[0]), max(zbox[1],self._zbox[1])]
1498        else:
1499            # first time zbox is being set
1500            self._zbox = zbox
1501        return zbox
1503    def __mbox(self, s):
1504        mpos = 3 if s.shapeType in (11,13,15,18,31) else 2
1505        m = []
1506        for p in s.points:
1507            try:
1508                if p[mpos] is not None:
1509                    # mbox should only be calculated on valid m values
1510                    m.append(p[mpos])
1511            except IndexError:
1512                # point did not have m value so is missing
1513                # mbox should only be calculated on valid m values
1514                pass
1515        if not m:
1516            # only if none of the shapes had m values, should mbox be set to missing m values
1517            m.append(NODATA)
1518        mbox = [min(m), max(m)]
1519        # update global
1520        if self._mbox:
1521            # compare with existing
1522            self._mbox = [min(mbox[0],self._mbox[0]), max(mbox[1],self._mbox[1])]
1523        else:
1524            # first time mbox is being set
1525            self._mbox = mbox
1526        return mbox
1528    @property
1529    def shapeTypeName(self):
1530        return SHAPETYPE_LOOKUP[self.shapeType]
1532    def bbox(self):
1533        """Returns the current bounding box for the shapefile which is
1534        the lower-left and upper-right corners. It does not contain the
1535        elevation or measure extremes."""
1536        return self._bbox
1538    def zbox(self):
1539        """Returns the current z extremes for the shapefile."""
1540        return self._zbox
1542    def mbox(self):
1543        """Returns the current m extremes for the shapefile."""
1544        return self._mbox
1546    def __shapefileHeader(self, fileObj, headerType='shp'):
1547        """Writes the specified header type to the specified file-like object.
1548        Several of the shapefile formats are so similar that a single generic
1549        method to read or write them is warranted."""
1550        f = self.__getFileObj(fileObj)
1551        f.seek(0)
1552        # File code, Unused bytes
1553        f.write(pack(">6i", 9994,0,0,0,0,0))
1554        # File length (Bytes / 2 = 16-bit words)
1555        if headerType == 'shp':
1556            f.write(pack(">i", self.__shpFileLength()))
1557        elif headerType == 'shx':
1558            f.write(pack('>i', ((100 + (self.shpNum * 8)) // 2)))
1559        # Version, Shape type
1560        if self.shapeType is None:
1561            self.shapeType = NULL
1562        f.write(pack("<2i", 1000, self.shapeType))
1563        # The shapefile's bounding box (lower left, upper right)
1564        if self.shapeType != 0:
1565            try:
1566                bbox = self.bbox()
1567                if bbox is None:
1568                    # The bbox is initialized with None, so this would mean the shapefile contains no valid geometries.
1569                    # In such cases of empty shapefiles, ESRI spec says the bbox values are 'unspecified'.
1570                    # Not sure what that means, so for now just setting to 0s, which is the same behavior as in previous versions.
1571                    # This would also make sense since the Z and M bounds are similarly set to 0 for non-Z/M type shapefiles.
1572                    bbox = [0,0,0,0]
1573                f.write(pack("<4d", *bbox))
1574            except error:
1575                raise ShapefileException("Failed to write shapefile bounding box. Floats required.")
1576        else:
1577            f.write(pack("<4d", 0,0,0,0))
1578        # Elevation
1579        if self.shapeType in (11,13,15,18):
1580            # Z values are present in Z type
1581            zbox = self.zbox()
1582            if zbox is None:
1583                # means we have empty shapefile/only null geoms (see commentary on bbox above)
1584                zbox = [0,0]
1585        else:
1586            # As per the ESRI shapefile spec, the zbox for non-Z type shapefiles are set to 0s
1587            zbox = [0,0]
1588        # Measure
1589        if self.shapeType in (11,13,15,18,21,23,25,28,31):
1590            # M values are present in M or Z type
1591            mbox = self.mbox()
1592            if mbox is None:
1593                # means we have empty shapefile/only null geoms (see commentary on bbox above)
1594                mbox = [0,0]
1595        else:
1596            # As per the ESRI shapefile spec, the mbox for non-M type shapefiles are set to 0s
1597            mbox = [0,0]
1598        # Try writing
1599        try:
1600            f.write(pack("<4d", zbox[0], zbox[1], mbox[0], mbox[1]))
1601        except error:
1602            raise ShapefileException("Failed to write shapefile elevation and measure values. Floats required.")
1604    def __dbfHeader(self):
1605        """Writes the dbf header and field descriptors."""
1606        f = self.__getFileObj(self.dbf)
1607        f.seek(0)
1608        version = 3
1609        year, month, day = time.localtime()[:3]
1610        year -= 1900
1611        # Get all fields, ignoring DeletionFlag if specified
1612        fields = [field for field in self.fields if field[0] != 'DeletionFlag']
1613        # Ensure has at least one field
1614        if not fields:
1615            raise ShapefileException("Shapefile dbf file must contain at least one field.")
1616        numRecs = self.recNum
1617        numFields = len(fields)
1618        headerLength = numFields * 32 + 33
1619        if headerLength >= 65535:
1620            raise ShapefileException(
1621                    "Shapefile dbf header length exceeds maximum length.")
1622        recordLength = sum([int(field[2]) for field in fields]) + 1
1623        header = pack('<BBBBLHH20x', version, year, month, day, numRecs,
1624                headerLength, recordLength)
1625        f.write(header)
1626        # Field descriptors
1627        for field in fields:
1628            name, fieldType, size, decimal = field
1629            name = b(name, self.encoding, self.encodingErrors)
1630            name = name.replace(b' ', b'_')
1631            name = name[:10].ljust(11).replace(b' ', b'\x00')
1632            fieldType = b(fieldType, 'ascii')
1633            size = int(size)
1634            fld = pack('<11sc4xBB14x', name, fieldType, size, decimal)
1635            f.write(fld)
1636        # Terminator
1637        f.write(b'\r')
1639    def shape(self, s):
1640        # Balance if already not balanced
1641        if self.autoBalance and self.recNum < self.shpNum:
1642            self.balance()
1643        # Check is shape or import from geojson
1644        if not isinstance(s, Shape):
1645            if hasattr(s, "__geo_interface__"):
1646                s = s.__geo_interface__
1647            if isinstance(s, dict):
1648                s = Shape._from_geojson(s)
1649            else:
1650                raise Exception("Can only write Shape objects, GeoJSON dictionaries, "
1651                                "or objects with the __geo_interface__, "
1652                                "not: %r" % s)
1653        # Write to file
1654        offset,length = self.__shpRecord(s)
1655        self.__shxRecord(offset, length)
1657    def __shpRecord(self, s):
1658        f = self.__getFileObj(self.shp)
1659        offset = f.tell()
1660        # Record number, Content length place holder
1661        self.shpNum += 1
1662        f.write(pack(">2i", self.shpNum, 0))
1663        start = f.tell()
1664        # Shape Type
1665        if self.shapeType is None and s.shapeType != NULL:
1666            self.shapeType = s.shapeType
1667        if s.shapeType != NULL and s.shapeType != self.shapeType:
1668            raise Exception("The shape's type (%s) must match the type of the shapefile (%s)." % (s.shapeType, self.shapeType))
1669        f.write(pack("<i", s.shapeType))
1671        # For point just update bbox of the whole shapefile
1672        if s.shapeType in (1,11,21):
1673            self.__bbox(s)
1674        # All shape types capable of having a bounding box
1675        if s.shapeType in (3,5,8,13,15,18,23,25,28,31):
1676            try:
1677                f.write(pack("<4d", *self.__bbox(s)))
1678            except error:
1679                raise ShapefileException("Failed to write bounding box for record %s. Expected floats." % self.shpNum)
1680        # Shape types with parts
1681        if s.shapeType in (3,5,13,15,23,25,31):
1682            # Number of parts
1683            f.write(pack("<i", len(s.parts)))
1684        # Shape types with multiple points per record
1685        if s.shapeType in (3,5,8,13,15,18,23,25,28,31):
1686            # Number of points
1687            f.write(pack("<i", len(s.points)))
1688        # Write part indexes
1689        if s.shapeType in (3,5,13,15,23,25,31):
1690            for p in s.parts:
1691                f.write(pack("<i", p))
1692        # Part types for Multipatch (31)
1693        if s.shapeType == 31:
1694            for pt in s.partTypes:
1695                f.write(pack("<i", pt))
1696        # Write points for multiple-point records
1697        if s.shapeType in (3,5,8,13,15,18,23,25,28,31):
1698            try:
1699                [f.write(pack("<2d", *p[:2])) for p in s.points]
1700            except error:
1701                raise ShapefileException("Failed to write points for record %s. Expected floats." % self.shpNum)
1702        # Write z extremes and values
1703        # Note: missing z values are autoset to 0, but not sure if this is ideal.
1704        if s.shapeType in (13,15,18,31):
1705            try:
1706                f.write(pack("<2d", *self.__zbox(s)))
1707            except error:
1708                raise ShapefileException("Failed to write elevation extremes for record %s. Expected floats." % self.shpNum)
1709            try:
1710                if hasattr(s,"z"):
1711                    # if z values are stored in attribute
1712                    f.write(pack("<%sd" % len(s.z), *s.z))
1713                else:
1714                    # if z values are stored as 3rd dimension
1715                    [f.write(pack("<d", p[2] if len(p) > 2 else 0)) for p in s.points]
1716            except error:
1717                raise ShapefileException("Failed to write elevation values for record %s. Expected floats." % self.shpNum)
1718        # Write m extremes and values
1719        # When reading a file, pyshp converts NODATA m values to None, so here we make sure to convert them back to NODATA
1720        # Note: missing m values are autoset to NODATA.
1721        if s.shapeType in (13,15,18,23,25,28,31):
1722            try:
1723                f.write(pack("<2d", *self.__mbox(s)))
1724            except error:
1725                raise ShapefileException("Failed to write measure extremes for record %s. Expected floats" % self.shpNum)
1726            try:
1727                if hasattr(s,"m"):
1728                    # if m values are stored in attribute
1729                    f.write(pack("<%sd" % len(s.m), *[m if m is not None else NODATA for m in s.m]))
1730                else:
1731                    # if m values are stored as 3rd/4th dimension
1732                    # 0-index position of m value is 3 if z type (x,y,z,m), or 2 if m type (x,y,m)
1733                    mpos = 3 if s.shapeType in (13,15,18,31) else 2
1734                    [f.write(pack("<d", p[mpos] if len(p) > mpos and p[mpos] is not None else NODATA)) for p in s.points]
1735            except error:
1736                raise ShapefileException("Failed to write measure values for record %s. Expected floats" % self.shpNum)
1737        # Write a single point
1738        if s.shapeType in (1,11,21):
1739            try:
1740                f.write(pack("<2d", s.points[0][0], s.points[0][1]))
1741            except error:
1742                raise ShapefileException("Failed to write point for record %s. Expected floats." % self.shpNum)
1743        # Write a single Z value
1744        # Note: missing z values are autoset to 0, but not sure if this is ideal.
1745        if s.shapeType == 11:
1746            # update the global z box
1747            self.__zbox(s)
1748            # then write value
1749            if hasattr(s, "z"):
1750                # if z values are stored in attribute
1751                try:
1752                    if not s.z:
1753                        s.z = (0,)
1754                    f.write(pack("<d", s.z[0]))
1755                except error:
1756                    raise ShapefileException("Failed to write elevation value for record %s. Expected floats." % self.shpNum)
1757            else:
1758                # if z values are stored as 3rd dimension
1759                try:
1760                    if len(s.points[0]) < 3:
1761                        s.points[0].append(0)
1762                    f.write(pack("<d", s.points[0][2]))
1763                except error:
1764                    raise ShapefileException("Failed to write elevation value for record %s. Expected floats." % self.shpNum)
1765        # Write a single M value
1766        # Note: missing m values are autoset to NODATA.
1767        if s.shapeType in (11,21):
1768            # update the global m box
1769            self.__mbox(s)
1770            # then write value
1771            if hasattr(s, "m"):
1772                # if m values are stored in attribute
1773                try:
1774                    if not s.m or s.m[0] is None:
1775                        s.m = (NODATA,)
1776                    f.write(pack("<1d", s.m[0]))
1777                except error:
1778                    raise ShapefileException("Failed to write measure value for record %s. Expected floats." % self.shpNum)
1779            else:
1780                # if m values are stored as 3rd/4th dimension
1781                # 0-index position of m value is 3 if z type (x,y,z,m), or 2 if m type (x,y,m)
1782                try:
1783                    mpos = 3 if s.shapeType == 11 else 2
1784                    if len(s.points[0]) < mpos+1:
1785                        s.points[0].append(NODATA)
1786                    elif s.points[0][mpos] is None:
1787                        s.points[0][mpos] = NODATA
1788                    f.write(pack("<1d", s.points[0][mpos]))
1789                except error:
1790                    raise ShapefileException("Failed to write measure value for record %s. Expected floats." % self.shpNum)
1791        # Finalize record length as 16-bit words
1792        finish = f.tell()
1793        length = (finish - start) // 2
1794        # start - 4 bytes is the content length field
1795        f.seek(start-4)
1796        f.write(pack(">i", length))
1797        f.seek(finish)
1798        return offset,length
1800    def __shxRecord(self, offset, length):
1801         """Writes the shx records."""
1802         f = self.__getFileObj(self.shx)
1803         try:
1804             f.write(pack(">i", offset // 2))
1805         except error:
1806             raise ShapefileException('The .shp file has reached its file size limit > 4294967294 bytes (4.29 GB). To fix this, break up your file into multiple smaller ones.')
1807         f.write(pack(">i", length))
1809    def record(self, *recordList, **recordDict):
1810        """Creates a dbf attribute record. You can submit either a sequence of
1811        field values or keyword arguments of field names and values. Before
1812        adding records you must add fields for the record values using the
1813        field() method. If the record values exceed the number of fields the
1814        extra ones won't be added. In the case of using keyword arguments to specify
1815        field/value pairs only fields matching the already registered fields
1816        will be added."""
1817        # Balance if already not balanced
1818        if self.autoBalance and self.recNum > self.shpNum:
1819            self.balance()
1821        if recordList:
1822            record = list(recordList)
1823        elif recordDict:
1824            record = []
1825            for field in self.fields:
1826                if field[0] == 'DeletionFlag':
1827                    continue # ignore deletionflag field in case it was specified
1828                if field[0] in recordDict:
1829                    val = recordDict[field[0]]
1830                    if val is None:
1831                        record.append("")
1832                    else:
1833                        record.append(val)
1834        else:
1835            # Blank fields for empty record
1836            record = ["" for field in self.fields if field[0] != 'DeletionFlag']
1837        self.__dbfRecord(record)
1839    def __dbfRecord(self, record):
1840        """Writes the dbf records."""
1841        f = self.__getFileObj(self.dbf)
1842        if self.recNum == 0:
1843            # first records, so all fields should be set
1844            # allowing us to write the dbf header
1845            # cannot change the fields after this point
1846            self.__dbfHeader()
1847        # first byte of the record is deletion flag, always disabled
1848        f.write(b' ')
1849        # begin
1850        self.recNum += 1
1851        fields = (field for field in self.fields if field[0] != 'DeletionFlag') # ignore deletionflag field in case it was specified
1852        for (fieldName, fieldType, size, deci), value in zip(fields, record):
1853            # write
1854            fieldType = fieldType.upper()
1855            size = int(size)
1856            if fieldType in ("N","F"):
1857                # numeric or float: number stored as a string, right justified, and padded with blanks to the width of the field.
1858                if value in MISSING:
1859                    value = b"*"*size # QGIS NULL
1860                elif not deci:
1861                    # force to int
1862                    try:
1863                        # first try to force directly to int.
1864                        # forcing a large int to float and back to int
1865                        # will lose information and result in wrong nr.
1866                        value = int(value)
1867                    except ValueError:
1868                        # forcing directly to int failed, so was probably a float.
1869                        value = int(float(value))
1870                    value = format(value, "d")[:size].rjust(size) # caps the size if exceeds the field size
1871                else:
1872                    value = float(value)
1873                    value = format(value, ".%sf"%deci)[:size].rjust(size) # caps the size if exceeds the field size
1874            elif fieldType == "D":
1875                # date: 8 bytes - date stored as a string in the format YYYYMMDD.
1876                if isinstance(value, date):
1877                    value = '{:04d}{:02d}{:02d}'.format(value.year, value.month, value.day)
1878                elif isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 3:
1879                    value = '{:04d}{:02d}{:02d}'.format(*value)
1880                elif value in MISSING:
1881                    value = b'0' * 8 # QGIS NULL for date type
1882                elif is_string(value) and len(value) == 8:
1883                    pass # value is already a date string
1884                else:
1885                    raise ShapefileException("Date values must be either a datetime.date object, a list, a YYYYMMDD string, or a missing value.")
1886            elif fieldType == 'L':
1887                # logical: 1 byte - initialized to 0x20 (space) otherwise T or F.
1888                if value in MISSING:
1889                    value = b' ' # missing is set to space
1890                elif value in [True,1]:
1891                    value = b'T'
1892                elif value in [False,0]:
1893                    value = b'F'
1894                else:
1895                    value = b' ' # unknown is set to space
1896            else:
1897                # anything else is forced to string, truncated to the length of the field
1898                value = b(value, self.encoding, self.encodingErrors)[:size].ljust(size)
1899            if not isinstance(value, bytes):
1900                # just in case some of the numeric format() and date strftime() results are still in unicode (Python 3 only)
1901                value = b(value, 'ascii', self.encodingErrors) # should be default ascii encoding
1902            if len(value) != size:
1903                raise ShapefileException(
1904                    "Shapefile Writer unable to pack incorrect sized value"
1905                    " (size %d) into field '%s' (size %d)." % (len(value), fieldName, size))
1906            f.write(value)
1908    def balance(self):
1909        """Adds corresponding empty attributes or null geometry records depending
1910        on which type of record was created to make sure all three files
1911        are in synch."""
1912        while self.recNum > self.shpNum:
1913            self.null()
1914        while self.recNum < self.shpNum:
1915            self.record()
1918    def null(self):
1919        """Creates a null shape."""
1920        self.shape(Shape(NULL))
1923    def point(self, x, y):
1924        """Creates a POINT shape."""
1925        shapeType = POINT
1926        pointShape = Shape(shapeType)
1927        pointShape.points.append([x, y])
1928        self.shape(pointShape)
1930    def pointm(self, x, y, m=None):
1931        """Creates a POINTM shape.
1932        If the m (measure) value is not set, it defaults to NoData."""
1933        shapeType = POINTM
1934        pointShape = Shape(shapeType)
1935        pointShape.points.append([x, y, m])
1936        self.shape(pointShape)
1938    def pointz(self, x, y, z=0, m=None):
1939        """Creates a POINTZ shape.
1940        If the z (elevation) value is not set, it defaults to 0.
1941        If the m (measure) value is not set, it defaults to NoData."""
1942        shapeType = POINTZ
1943        pointShape = Shape(shapeType)
1944        pointShape.points.append([x, y, z, m])
1945        self.shape(pointShape)
1948    def multipoint(self, points):
1949        """Creates a MULTIPOINT shape.
1950        Points is a list of xy values."""
1951        shapeType = MULTIPOINT
1952        points = [points] # nest the points inside a list to be compatible with the generic shapeparts method
1953        self._shapeparts(parts=points, shapeType=shapeType)
1955    def multipointm(self, points):
1956        """Creates a MULTIPOINTM shape.
1957        Points is a list of xym values.
1958        If the m (measure) value is not included, it defaults to None (NoData)."""
1959        shapeType = MULTIPOINTM
1960        points = [points] # nest the points inside a list to be compatible with the generic shapeparts method
1961        self._shapeparts(parts=points, shapeType=shapeType)
1963    def multipointz(self, points):
1964        """Creates a MULTIPOINTZ shape.
1965        Points is a list of xyzm values.
1966        If the z (elevation) value is not included, it defaults to 0.
1967        If the m (measure) value is not included, it defaults to None (NoData)."""
1968        shapeType = MULTIPOINTZ
1969        points = [points] # nest the points inside a list to be compatible with the generic shapeparts method
1970        self._shapeparts(parts=points, shapeType=shapeType)
1973    def line(self, lines):
1974        """Creates a POLYLINE shape.
1975        Lines is a collection of lines, each made up of a list of xy values."""
1976        shapeType = POLYLINE
1977        self._shapeparts(parts=lines, shapeType=shapeType)
1979    def linem(self, lines):
1980        """Creates a POLYLINEM shape.
1981        Lines is a collection of lines, each made up of a list of xym values.
1982        If the m (measure) value is not included, it defaults to None (NoData)."""
1983        shapeType = POLYLINEM
1984        self._shapeparts(parts=lines, shapeType=shapeType)
1986    def linez(self, lines):
1987        """Creates a POLYLINEZ shape.
1988        Lines is a collection of lines, each made up of a list of xyzm values.
1989        If the z (elevation) value is not included, it defaults to 0.
1990        If the m (measure) value is not included, it defaults to None (NoData)."""
1991        shapeType = POLYLINEZ
1992        self._shapeparts(parts=lines, shapeType=shapeType)
1995    def poly(self, polys):
1996        """Creates a POLYGON shape.
1997        Polys is a collection of polygons, each made up of a list of xy values.
1998        Note that for ordinary polygons the coordinates must run in a clockwise direction.
1999        If some of the polygons are holes, these must run in a counterclockwise direction."""
2000        shapeType = POLYGON
2001        self._shapeparts(parts=polys, shapeType=shapeType)
2003    def polym(self, polys):
2004        """Creates a POLYGONM shape.
2005        Polys is a collection of polygons, each made up of a list of xym values.
2006        Note that for ordinary polygons the coordinates must run in a clockwise direction.
2007        If some of the polygons are holes, these must run in a counterclockwise direction.
2008        If the m (measure) value is not included, it defaults to None (NoData)."""
2009        shapeType = POLYGONM
2010        self._shapeparts(parts=polys, shapeType=shapeType)
2012    def polyz(self, polys):
2013        """Creates a POLYGONZ shape.
2014        Polys is a collection of polygons, each made up of a list of xyzm values.
2015        Note that for ordinary polygons the coordinates must run in a clockwise direction.
2016        If some of the polygons are holes, these must run in a counterclockwise direction.
2017        If the z (elevation) value is not included, it defaults to 0.
2018        If the m (measure) value is not included, it defaults to None (NoData)."""
2019        shapeType = POLYGONZ
2020        self._shapeparts(parts=polys, shapeType=shapeType)
2023    def multipatch(self, parts, partTypes):
2024        """Creates a MULTIPATCH shape.
2025        Parts is a collection of 3D surface patches, each made up of a list of xyzm values.
2026        PartTypes is a list of types that define each of the surface patches.
2027        The types can be any of the following module constants: TRIANGLE_STRIP,
2029        If the z (elavation) value is not included, it defaults to 0.
2030        If the m (measure) value is not included, it defaults to None (NoData)."""
2031        shapeType = MULTIPATCH
2032        polyShape = Shape(shapeType)
2033        polyShape.parts = []
2034        polyShape.points = []
2035        for part in parts:
2036            # set part index position
2037            polyShape.parts.append(len(polyShape.points))
2038            # add points
2039            for point in part:
2040                # Ensure point is list
2041                if not isinstance(point, list):
2042                    point = list(point)
2043                polyShape.points.append(point)
2044        polyShape.partTypes = partTypes
2045        # write the shape
2046        self.shape(polyShape)
2049    def _shapeparts(self, parts, shapeType):
2050        """Internal method for adding a shape that has multiple collections of points (parts):
2051        lines, polygons, and multipoint shapes.
2052        """
2053        polyShape = Shape(shapeType)
2054        polyShape.parts = []
2055        polyShape.points = []
2056        # Make sure polygon rings (parts) are closed
2057        if shapeType in (5,15,25,31):
2058            for part in parts:
2059                if part[0] != part[-1]:
2060                    part.append(part[0])
2061        # Add points and part indexes
2062        for part in parts:
2063            # set part index position
2064            polyShape.parts.append(len(polyShape.points))
2065            # add points
2066            for point in part:
2067                # Ensure point is list
2068                if not isinstance(point, list):
2069                    point = list(point)
2070                polyShape.points.append(point)
2071        # write the shape
2072        self.shape(polyShape)
2074    def field(self, name, fieldType="C", size="50", decimal=0):
2075        """Adds a dbf field descriptor to the shapefile."""
2076        if fieldType == "D":
2077            size = "8"
2078            decimal = 0
2079        elif fieldType == "L":
2080            size = "1"
2081            decimal = 0
2082        if len(self.fields) >= 2046:
2083            raise ShapefileException(
2084                "Shapefile Writer reached maximum number of fields: 2046.")
2085        self.fields.append((name, fieldType, size, decimal))
2087##    def saveShp(self, target):
2088##        """Save an shp file."""
2089##        if not hasattr(target, "write"):
2090##            target = os.path.splitext(target)[0] + '.shp'
2091##        self.shp = self.__getFileObj(target)
2092##        self.__shapefileHeader(self.shp, headerType='shp')
2093##        self.shp.seek(100)
2094##        self._shp.seek(0)
2095##        chunk = True
2096##        while chunk:
2097##            chunk = self._shp.read(self.bufsize)
2098##            self.shp.write(chunk)
2100##    def saveShx(self, target):
2101##        """Save an shx file."""
2102##        if not hasattr(target, "write"):
2103##            target = os.path.splitext(target)[0] + '.shx'
2104##        self.shx = self.__getFileObj(target)
2105##        self.__shapefileHeader(self.shx, headerType='shx')
2106##        self.shx.seek(100)
2107##        self._shx.seek(0)
2108##        chunk = True
2109##        while chunk:
2110##            chunk = self._shx.read(self.bufsize)
2111##            self.shx.write(chunk)
2113##    def saveDbf(self, target):
2114##        """Save a dbf file."""
2115##        if not hasattr(target, "write"):
2116##            target = os.path.splitext(target)[0] + '.dbf'
2117##        self.dbf = self.__getFileObj(target)
2118##        self.__dbfHeader() # writes to .dbf
2119##        self._dbf.seek(0)
2120##        chunk = True
2121##        while chunk:
2122##            chunk = self._dbf.read(self.bufsize)
2123##            self.dbf.write(chunk)
2125##    def save(self, target=None, shp=None, shx=None, dbf=None):
2126##        """Save the shapefile data to three files or
2127##        three file-like objects. SHP and DBF files can also
2128##        be written exclusively using saveShp, saveShx, and saveDbf respectively.
2129##        If target is specified but not shp, shx, or dbf then the target path and
2130##        file name are used.  If no options or specified, a unique base file name
2131##        is generated to save the files and the base file name is returned as a
2132##        string.
2133##        """
2134##        # Balance if already not balanced
2135##        if shp and dbf:
2136##            if self.autoBalance:
2137##                self.balance()
2138##            if self.recNum != self.shpNum:
2139##                raise ShapefileException("When saving both the dbf and shp file, "
2140##                                         "the number of records (%s) must correspond "
2141##                                         "with the number of shapes (%s)" % (self.recNum, self.shpNum))
2142##        # Save
2143##        if shp:
2144##            self.saveShp(shp)
2145##        if shx:
2146##            self.saveShx(shx)
2147##        if dbf:
2148##            self.saveDbf(dbf)
2149##        # Create a unique file name if one is not defined
2150##        if not shp and not shx and not dbf:
2151##            generated = False
2152##            if not target:
2153##                temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="shapefile_",dir=os.getcwd())
2154##                target = temp.name
2155##                generated = True
2156##            self.saveShp(target)
2157##            self.shp.close()
2158##            self.saveShx(target)
2159##            self.shx.close()
2160##            self.saveDbf(target)
2161##            self.dbf.close()
2162##            if generated:
2163##                return target
2165# Begin Testing
2166def test(**kwargs):
2167    import doctest
2168    doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE = 1
2169    verbosity = kwargs.get('verbose', 0)
2170    if verbosity == 0:
2171        print('Running doctests...')
2173    # ignore py2-3 unicode differences
2174    import re
2175    class Py23DocChecker(doctest.OutputChecker):
2176        def check_output(self, want, got, optionflags):
2177            if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
2178                got = re.sub("u'(.*?)'", "'\\1'", got)
2179                got = re.sub('u"(.*?)"', '"\\1"', got)
2180            res = doctest.OutputChecker.check_output(self, want, got, optionflags)
2181            return res
2182        def summarize(self):
2183            doctest.OutputChecker.summarize(True)
2185    # run tests
2186    runner = doctest.DocTestRunner(checker=Py23DocChecker(), verbose=verbosity)
2187    with open("README.md","rb") as fobj:
2188        test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(string=fobj.read().decode("utf8").replace('\r\n','\n'), globs={}, name="README", filename="README.md", lineno=0)
2189    failure_count, test_count = runner.run(test)
2191    # print results
2192    if verbosity:
2193        runner.summarize(True)
2194    else:
2195        if failure_count == 0:
2196            print('All test passed successfully')
2197        elif failure_count > 0:
2198            runner.summarize(verbosity)
2200    return failure_count
2202if __name__ == "__main__":
2203    """
2204    Doctests are contained in the file 'README.md', and are tested using the built-in
2205    testing libraries.
2206    """
2207    failure_count = test()
2208    sys.exit(failure_count)