1<kiko> I had a friend who started accessing objects concurrently
2<kiko> he ended up in rehab with a triple X tatooed on his face
4<moshez> glyph is the leerless feeder!
6<exarkun> I'll go add <br> tags at the end of every line
7<exarkun> I think that is how you add spaces to HTML
9<Artimage> I believe a bar chart can confirm my humanity.
11<radix> moshez: you are very nice to me, and girls in general
13<radix> naked naked naked
15<dhess> has anyone written a blog application server in twisted?
16<dhess> i'm tempted to use plone but it's a little overly complicated for my needs
17<exarkun> heh heh
18* exarkun throws himself off a cliff
20<itamar> that was a wasted 30 minutes
21* itamar curses tenth's halloween special
23<exarkun> stay the hell away from my corpse
25<glyph> amiaaaaornot.com
26        [the ipv6 equivalent of 'whatsmyip.com' -ed]
28<coderman> i think blanu disappeared
29<GabeW> wow
30<GabeW> does he have the ring?
31<coderman> is that a euphamism for the clap?
32<wmf> somehow I don't see AaronSw getting the clap
33<coderman> did aaron and blanu go somewhere?  there is probably a big conference going on that im blissfuly clueless about like usual
34<GabeW> coderman: is this how blanu and AaronSw got the clap?
36<exarkun> it is hard not to think I am FUCKING INSANELY AWESOME when everything I do turns out so amazingly well
38<slyphon> YAY SEGFAULTING!
39* PenguinOfDoom is continually amazed at how a segfault is such a joyful occurence for Python programmers.
40<itamar> PenguinOfDoom: it is somewhat like seeing someone levitating and then kicking you in the face
41<itamar> it hurts, but at the same time you are distracted by the violation of your concept of reality
43<moshez> pfote: anthopomorphising is the most powerful weapon in the fight against complexity
44<glyph> moshez: don't you mean "anthropomorphism is the most powerful warrior in the fight against complexity"? :)
45<MFen> i prefer to simianize
47<moshez> glyph: I see your problem
48<moshez> glyph: you are trying to do impossible things
49<dash> moshez: nothing else is interesting
50<moshez> dash: perhaps! but impossible things are notoriously hard
52<phed> symbiont: you spot the flamewars as those neverending staircases of posts. and those who say something not flameable, as those with one or none replies.
53<phed> at the end of the staircase, hitler is mentioned.
54<symbiont> yes, hitler is always a component of flamewars
55<symbiont> can we encapsulate hitler in an xml document?
56<slyphon> he'll make sure all of your documents are only in pure german
57<symbiont> achtung baby!
58<slyphon> you could use it for mail, but then you'd just hear the chant over and over...
59<slyphon> "SIG!"
60<slyphon> "FILE!"
61<slyphon> "SIG!"
62<slyphon> "FILE!"
64<SamB> they should label crap "tragedy"
65<saph_w> no, they should label crap "crap"
67* aum sits back while mnet builds the kitchen sink, the earth, the heavens, the beasts of the land and the fowls of the air
69<anthony> anyone that would give out sexual favours to get access to an imap server... sheesh.
71<tmcvs> Commit from sjj (changed 2) in 2 subdirs of Twisted: "add copyright info" msn_example.py, test_msn.py
72<sjj> Now all I have to do is wait for them to deport glyph to syria.
74<ilikewine> that mp3 sounds like that band is from williamsburg
75<ilikewine> its an awful place
76<ilikewine> where everybody wears stripes
78<saph> i think the same drunken circus bears who taught radix to type taught him to drive
80<moshez> exarkun: the user can win by setting ulimit
81<moshez> exarkun: haha you lose
82<exarkun> Uh
83<exarkun> The goal is not to defeat the user.
84<moshez> exarkun: what kind of screwed up software do you write?
86<radix> PenguinOfDoom: *you're* a jew too? goddamnit
87<radix> what is up with you people
88<PenguinOfDoom> radix: Only a halfjew!
89<PenguinOfDoom> radix: I get +5 racial bonus to antisemitism.
90<PenguinOfDoom> radix: It's like half-elves and whatever they do best, archery or something.
92<radix> someone should do a statistical analysis of the religions of Twisted developers
93<exarkun> Doesn't that cvs stats tool emit a graph for that?
94<exarkun> It should
96<fzZzy>	do not stare into the xhtml
97<kwaker>	it will make my eyes to pop
98<kwaker>	and my wife to leave me
99<kwaker>	and my hard drive to burn in flames
100<fzZzy>	yes
102<exarkun> Nagle is a little gnome who ships inside every TCP stack
103<exarkun> He grabs your sockets and squeezes them
104<exarkun> So the bits can't fit through
105<exarkun> Later, he lets go
106<exarkun> Turning off TCP_NODELAY hits Nagle with a sledge hammer.
107<exarkun> While he's unconscious, no one does the job of squeezing your sockets.
109<PenguinOfDoom> dash left me!
110<PenguinOfDoom> aaaaaaaa
111<itamar> PenguinOfDoom: there will be other men
112* PenguinOfDoom hits itamar with a brick.
114<saph_w> moshe: telling friends to read /. is like telling friends to go to radio shack
116<slyphon> spiv: hey look, if i had to maintain that crap ass protocol i'd be slacking too
117* slyphon suddenly has a horrible moment of clarity
119<frankie> smile! you are on-line at linux-day in italy!!!
120<frankie> say something nice, plz :)
121<aj> hello, this is the Debian Release Manager, please, please
122     try a different distro! (arrrggh, the pressure, the pressure!)
124<PenguinOfDoom> exarkun: I have a desire to rearrange your internal organs in the way you rearrange words.
125<saph> PoD: please keep his kidneys out of his nose
126<PenguinOfDoom> saph: Why?
127<saph> PoD: because i don't want to have to explain it in the holiday cards!
128<PenguinOfDoom> saph: Okay.
130<zooko> I think there should be a "maybe" button next to "ok", "cancel" in all dialogs.
131<zooko> [okay] [cancel] [I'm not sure]
132<LotR> and the dialog would vanish and then reappear?
133<zooko> I'm not sure.
135<danfaust> What makes you a Superjew? Pork bounces off your chest?
136[See http://www.timeoutny.com/427.cover.html -ed]
138<jml> It is like wandering through the desert, for weeks, without a
139drop of water, but knowing that there is an oasis ahead. And all the
140time, I am being stabbed in the face with a blunt spoon by a flatulent
142 -- jml describes PHP, after using nevow
144<crw> don't talk to teachers when you first wake up, it floods back all the crap you had to do in school.
145<crw> and if the conversation begins with "i'll give you three guesses to figure out who this is", just hang up on them and go back to sleep. :P
147<gus> "Je suis en train d'avoir les presqu'impossibles du travail"
150<MFen> give me correctness or give me death
151<glyph> MFen: I wouldn't say that, standing so close to a windows machine.
153<PenguinOfDoom> Grr. Python saps my will to write software. Anything I'd want to write is either boring, impossible or already written.
155<AccorDNGuy> You know, my academic career would've been more interesting if I'd answered my exams with porn stories.
156<AccorDNGuy> "Explain AVL Trees." "Winer undid his zipper, casting a longing glance at Dvorak, who returned his smouldering gaze. There was going to be some serious pole-smoking tonight."
158<dash> radix: are you jewish yet?
159<radix> dash: Not yet
160<dash> radix: me neither! what's taking so long
162<slyphon> then I'm the happiest loser in the phone book!
164* lebowski was talking to a guy in the pub the other night who once got stopped by a gang in NI
165<lebowski> "Are you a catholic or a protestant?" they asked
166<lebowski> "Er... neither, I'm an athiest"
167<lebowski> "... Aye, but are you a catholic athiest or a protestant atheist?"
169<maciej> wow.  Spam with ex-girlfriend's name.
170<maciej> that extra little twist-o-the-knife
171<maciej> "my ex is suddenly writing.... and she wants to increase my WHAT?"
173<lapsly> dash has the coolest hat
174<lapsly> he looked like a pimp walkin around chinatown
176<maciej> I like to save my timidity for actual human interaction, where it belongs
178<exarkun> usecrack: --compiler
180<slyphon> has anyone thought about a squid-like caching-proxy server thingy for twisted?
181<`anthony> slyphon: what, hideously complex, consuming enormous amounts of resources, and buggy as fuck? Not particularly.
182<`anthony> Or do you mean instead slimy with long tentacles
184<maciej> I almost took my cat to the vet for a strange skin condition before my girlfriend reminded me cats are mammals
186<itamar> sex is not digital, it is analog
188 * warner wishes for the zillionth time that he could just grep his closet
190<dash> isn't it cute?
191<spiv> dash: Cute like a baby choking on an ice-cream cone that's been rammed down it's throat.
192<dash> spiv: "frees up your hands from holding the ice cream cone, but leaves the bottom soggy"?
194<itamar> is there a libmandelbrot?
195<exarkun> itamar: people who write re-usable software don't spend years hand-tuning a 6 instruction inner loop!
196<exarkun> And vice versa
198<shawn> the highest calling of technical book writers is to destroy the sun
200<hypatia> Why does dirdbm exist, exactly?
201<spiv> hypatia: Because glyph is trigger-happy when it comes to writing persistence systems.
202<spiv> "Hey Rocky, watch me pull a persistence system out of my hat!"
203<spiv> "But that trick never works!"
204<spiv> "This time for *sure*!"
206<_joshua> From what I can tell, there are two kinds of interviewers: ones that ask a bunch of silly questions, you answer them, they take one bad quote and make you look bad
207<_joshua> and the other ones that engage in a long dialogue, discuss back and forth, really understand what's going on
208<_joshua> and then take one bad quote and make you look bad
210<exarkun> today's lesson
211<exarkun> don't strace X in an xterm
213<glyph> exarkun: any thoughts on what to do about actions having consequences?
215<Pahan> glyph: I have no time for your Zen crap! I have hardware to burn.
217<symbiont> been doing industrial C for three years
218<slyphon> wow
219<slyphon> i learned python about 2 years ago and all of my C skillz have left me
220<symbiont> yeah, it's all a hack
222<saph> dash: when did you get a day job
223<saph> dash: i thought you just taught dancing and sold trinkets as part of a band of traveling cyber gypsies
224<dash> i only teach dancing to beautiful women
225<dash> for free
227<_joshua> perhaps we could have some sort of sacrificial goat technology where people decide collectively that someone absolutely must get laid
228<tangra> for the good of the state
229<tangra> kind of like the draft lottery
231<itamar> jml: the Sex Pistols have no songs about Hillary Clinton
232<jml> itamar: an unfortunate accident of history
234<dash> Demoscene? wasn't he a greek philosopher
236<slyphon> dammit! my upstream just sucks
237<slyphon> 20 kb/sec!
238<slyphon> if i'm lucky!
239<exarkun> install an optimization
240<slyphon> how?
241<slyphon> ifconfig eth0 --don't-suck-upstream up??
243<radix> I bit my finger
244<exarkun> radix: Yay
245<radix> and it hurt real bad
246<Riastradh> radix, um, why did you bite your finger?
247<radix> Cuz it was holding a waffle
248<exarkun> radix: Hahaha
249<radix> :(
250<exarkun> radix: Awesome
251<radix> I bit it really, really hard
252<Riastradh> radix, does your finger really look that much like a waffle that you bit your finger instead of the waffle?
253<radix> I had to lie down afterwards
254<radix> Riastradh: no, i wasn't looking at it at the time
255<radix> Riastradh: I was busy stuffing it into my mouth
257<itamar> glyph: did you see the multiplayer go written with twisted?
258<exarkun> itamar: *massively* multiplayer!
259<itamar> yeah right
260<itamar> only like three people in the whole world play Go
262<exarkun> I mean, uh, her character has many unresolved personal issues that she projects onto other people around her without reason.
263<glyph> exarkun: that sounds like pretty much all TV people
264<exarkun> Gumby never took out his unresolved personal issues on Pokey
265<glyph> you don't think so?
266<glyph> I thought that Pokey's whole _life_ was gumby's unresolved personal issues
267<glyph> like this memorable sequence:
268<exarkun> Well, they were always friendly enough on camera
269<glyph> gumby: HAHA STUPID QUADRUPED
270<glyph> pokey: shut up! I hate you!
272<exarkun> glyph: I think I missed that episode.
273<glyph> pokey: one day you will be hurt by someone close to you the same way!
274<dash> exarkun: i think glyph watched tv in an alternate universe
275<exarkun> dash: That seems likely!
276<glyph> exarkun: it was right before pokey got a cameo on NYPD Blue
278<slyphon> but then again my temple is so reform it's called "Our Lady of the Immaculate Livingroom"
280<mcunixjr> i was sitting downstairs, and my 2.5 yr old was sitting next to me, she has the Flu, 102 temp
281<mcunixjr> she turns to me and says "i dont feel good"
282<mcunixjr> and at the last word, out came dinner
283<mcunixjr> onto my lap
284<mcunixjr> and onto my Powerbook 12"
286--> foom (~jknight@ has joined #twisted
287<-- Moof (~moof@horus.kaotix.co.uk) has left #twisted
289<maciej> Poles are wondering why they are paying millions of $$ out of pocket to occupy Iraq on behalf of the US, and not seeing the slightest benefit
290<markp> i believe the benefit is that we'll bump you down a few notches on the list of "countries we'll invade next"
291<brkchrmr> Doesn't Poland get a +5 to be invaded on every roll? ;)
293<MFen> i'm sorry, but does this scream DANGER DANGER WARNING to you?  "e"
294<MFen> no it does not.  but a big floating eyeball does!
295<exarkun> MFen: you obviously lack an adventurers keen senses!
296<exarkun> "e" strikes the deepest terror into my heart.
298<exarkun> speak of the devil
299<moshez> exarkun: froor
300<exarkun> not you
302<jml> are there any really really good wysiwyg (or close) HTML editors?
303<jml> I mean, amazingly good, XHTML-spewing editors.
304<radix> hahaha!@!@!R!A@!@!@!@!@!#@$!#*
305>>> radix stabs software
306<jml> radix: a man can dream
307<radix> jml: your question fills me with burning rage
308<jml> radix: why is this?
309<radix> jml: i hate web
310<Jerub> radix: you are in #twisted.web
311<radix> Jerub: yes
312<radix> Jerub: that is why I am FULL OF RAGE
314<KevinMarks> 'Our series A round is to help us build out the Other Plane; look at the returns possible once we transcend the mortal universe'
316<maciej> It strikes me that Cthulhu can only effect change by altering the order things are eaten in
317<maciej> just like Alan Greenspan can only raise or lower interest rates
319* Suw  has never seen a wall mounted cat.
320<maciej> Suw: give me ten minutes and a stapler and I'll show you
321<Suw> maciej: like to see you try that trick with Fflwff
322<maciej> twenty minutes and a staple gun
323<Suw> maciej: you haven't seen her claws...
324<maciej> thirty minutes, asbestos gloves, and a hydraulic nail gun
325<Suw> maciej: asbestos gloves? that would never cut it. she'd be at your jugular before you could say 'argh'.
326<maciej> forty minutes, a torniquet, and a double-wide roll of duct tape
327<Suw> maciej: she's way too slippery for that.
328<maciej> fifty minutes and a large sheet of Velcro
329<Suw> maciej: ok, that might work
331<Nafai> Sheesh.  Why is downloading stuff so hard?
332<exarkun> try typing in real credit card numbers
334<saph_b> radix: minnesotans invented the frozen pizza
335<radix> saph_b: i love minnesotans
337<exarkun> Dang
338<exarkun> A channel even more fascist than #python
339<exarkun> == kick exarkun off #hurd by neal (Rule #1 of 1: no nodding)
341<ivan> i'm almost done rewriting python in python
342<ivan> i can't believe it took those pypy guys years
346<`anthony> I think I shall refer to Guido as "Tallest" from now on.
347<`anthony> I'm not sure who Zim would be. Maybe Ping.
348[Referring to http://pycon.org/images/mastheadphohtos2.jpg]
350<radix> code is for grunts, not software architects
351<jml> architects are merely coders without keyboards
352<radix> yes, lacking keyboards is a sign of prestige
353* jml throws his keyboard at radix
354<jml> I am prestigous
356<exarkun> I have a gig of ram, after all
357<exarkun> and other people are below my threshhold of attention
359<mingus> pynfo: kick exarkun for abuse of power
360<pynfo> You aren't allowed to do that.
362<PenguinOfDoom> So wait, oekaki is also some stupid Java applet that crashes
363                and stuff, right?
364<PenguinOfDoom> I think it probably has builtin tools for drawing anime boobs.