1<fiorix> heeeelp
2<fiorix> twistd is rotating /dev/null
3<fiorix> how do I disable it
4<fiorix> -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 440452 Feb 14 01:16 /dev/null.3
5<fiorix> crw-rw-rw- 1 root root   1, 3 Feb 14 00:55 /dev/null.4
6<fiorix> it's doing it on its own
7<teratorn> fiorix: ahahaha
8<fiorix> :)
9<fiorix> dont laugh help me! :)
10<teratorn> fiorix: I can't software is terrible
12<teratorn> exarkun: thanks for volunteering to write a Python TLS implementation
13<exarkun> teratorn: I volunteered to get paid to write one.  waiting for someone to volunteer to do the paying.
15<keturn> efnet is the cutting edge of hanging out with people on the internet in the '90s
17<exarkun> cs education is such a failure :(
18<Taos> exarkun: why?
19<Taos> exarkun: your rather like lvh in your views
20<arigato> I suppose that you could try to dive into pypy, e.g. its STM implementation, to understand how it works in detail and how to use it
21          in your RPython interpreter and so on, but that's not really giving you a C.S. degree
22<arigato> unless your degree is only about language design
23<Taos> Its just a standard CS degree I can do anythnig I want