1<kenaan> Amber Brown closed <https://tm.tl/#8214> - Twisted should move to a src/ directory layout
2<hawkowl> glyph it is done
3<glyph> hawkowl: ohhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
4glyph (~glyph@ left the channel ("Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com")
6<runciter> the problem with scrum and agile is that, ironically, it doesn't seem to work well when you don't know what you don't know
7<runciter> what happens if your story is "make our data storage consistent, available and partition-resistant"
8<runciter> and you only get ACM access halfway through the sprint
10<runciter> it's a consultancy about nothing
11<meejah> we could call it Scrumfeld
13<lukasa> Could I solve the problem of evil?
14<lukasa> I mean, look, my suspicion is that the solution to the problem of evil is probably not implementable within the twisted codebase.
15<lukasa> I'm not even entirely certain that it can be done in userspace.
17<vshyba> Twisted is awesome, I feel like Neo in Matrix when he pauses bullets: self.transport.pauseProducing()
19<runciter> glyph: i feel like not checking certs was the most popular thing in the world in 2008
20<runciter> it was like, 1) not checking cert validity 2) ruby on rails