1#!/usr/bin/env python
3from validictory.validator import (SchemaValidator, FieldValidationError, MultipleValidationError,
4                                   ValidationError, SchemaError)
6__all__ = ['validate', 'SchemaValidator', 'FieldValidationError', 'MultipleValidationError',
7           'ValidationError', 'SchemaError']
8__version__ = '1.1.2'
11def validate(data, schema, validator_cls=SchemaValidator,
12             format_validators=None, required_by_default=True,
13             blank_by_default=False, disallow_unknown_properties=False,
14             apply_default_to_data=False, fail_fast=True,
15             remove_unknown_properties=False):
16    '''
17    Validates a parsed json document against the provided schema. If an
18    error is found a :class:`ValidationError` is raised.
20    If there is an issue in the schema a :class:`SchemaError` will be raised.
22    :param data:  python data to validate
23    :param schema: python dictionary representing the schema (see
24        `schema format`_)
25    :param validator_cls: optional validator class (default is
26        :class:`SchemaValidator`)
27    :param format_validators: optional dictionary of custom format validators
28    :param required_by_default: defaults to True, set to False to make
29        ``required`` schema attribute False by default.
30    :param disallow_unknown_properties: defaults to False, set to True to
31        disallow properties not listed in the schema definition
32    :param apply_default_to_data: defaults to False, set to True to modify the
33        data in case the schema definition includes a "default" property
34    :param fail_fast: defaults to True, set to False if you prefer to get
35        all validation errors back instead of only the first one
36    :param remove_unknown_properties: defaults to False, set to True to
37        filter out properties not listed in the schema definition. Only applies
38        when disallow_unknown_properties is False.
39    '''
40    v = validator_cls(format_validators, required_by_default, blank_by_default,
41                      disallow_unknown_properties, apply_default_to_data, fail_fast,
42                      remove_unknown_properties)
43    return v.validate(data, schema)
45if __name__ == '__main__':
46    import sys
47    import json
48    if len(sys.argv) == 2:
49        if sys.argv[1] == "--help":
50            raise SystemExit("%s SCHEMAFILE [INFILE]" % (sys.argv[0],))
51        schemafile = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb')
52        infile = sys.stdin
53    elif len(sys.argv) == 3:
54        schemafile = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb')
55        infile = open(sys.argv[2], 'rb')
56    else:
57        raise SystemExit("%s SCHEMAFILE [INFILE]" % (sys.argv[0],))
58    try:
59        obj = json.load(infile)
60        schema = json.load(schemafile)
61        validate(obj, schema)
62    except ValueError as e:
63        raise SystemExit(e)