1 /****************************************************************************
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6 ** This file is part of the test suite of Qt for Python.
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27 ****************************************************************************/
29 #include "testcodeinjection.h"
30 #include <QFileInfo>
31 #include <QDir>
32 #include <QtTest/QTest>
33 #include "testutil.h"
34 #include <abstractmetalang.h>
35 #include <typesystem.h>
testReadFile_data()37 void TestCodeInjections::testReadFile_data()
38 {
39     QTest::addColumn<QString>("filePath");
40     QTest::addColumn<QString>("snippet");
41     QTest::addColumn<QString>("expected");
43     QTest::newRow("utf8")
44         << QString::fromLatin1(":/utf8code.txt")
45         << QString()
46         << QString::fromUtf8("\xC3\xA1\xC3\xA9\xC3\xAD\xC3\xB3\xC3\xBA");
48     QTest::newRow("snippet")
49         << QString::fromLatin1(":/injectedcode.txt")
50         << QString::fromLatin1("label")
51         << QString::fromLatin1("code line");
52 }
testReadFile()54 void TestCodeInjections::testReadFile()
55 {
56     QFETCH(QString, filePath);
57     QFETCH(QString, snippet);
58     QFETCH(QString, expected);
60     const char* cppCode ="struct A {};\n";
61     int argc = 0;
62     char *argv[] = {nullptr};
63     QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
65     QString attribute = QLatin1String("file='") + filePath + QLatin1Char('\'');
66     if (!snippet.isEmpty())
67         attribute += QLatin1String(" snippet='") + snippet + QLatin1Char('\'');
69     QString xmlCode = QLatin1String("\
70     <typesystem package=\"Foo\">\n\
71         <value-type name='A'>\n\
72             <conversion-rule ") + attribute + QLatin1String("/>\n\
73             <inject-code class='target' ") + attribute + QLatin1String("/>\n\
74             <value-type name='B'/>\n\
75         </value-type>\n\
76     </typesystem>\n");
77     QScopedPointer<AbstractMetaBuilder> builder(TestUtil::parse(cppCode, xmlCode.toLocal8Bit().constData()));
78     QVERIFY(!builder.isNull());
79     AbstractMetaClassList classes = builder->classes();
80     const AbstractMetaClass *classA = AbstractMetaClass::findClass(classes, QLatin1String("A"));
81     QCOMPARE(classA->typeEntry()->codeSnips().count(), 1);
82     QString code = classA->typeEntry()->codeSnips().constFirst().code();
83     QVERIFY(code.indexOf(expected) != -1);
84     code = classA->typeEntry()->conversionRule();
85     QVERIFY(code.indexOf(expected) != -1);
86 }
testInjectWithValidApiVersion()88 void TestCodeInjections::testInjectWithValidApiVersion()
89 {
90     const char* cppCode ="struct A {};\n";
91     const char* xmlCode = "\
92     <typesystem package='Foo'>\n\
93         <value-type name='A'>\n\
94             <inject-code class='target' since='1.0'>\n\
95                 test Inject code\n\
96             </inject-code>\n\
97         </value-type>\n\
98     </typesystem>\n";
100     QScopedPointer<AbstractMetaBuilder> builder(TestUtil::parse(cppCode, xmlCode,
101                                                                 true, QLatin1String("1.0")));
102     QVERIFY(!builder.isNull());
103     AbstractMetaClassList classes = builder->classes();
104     AbstractMetaClass* classA = AbstractMetaClass::findClass(classes, QLatin1String("A"));
105     QCOMPARE(classA->typeEntry()->codeSnips().count(), 1);
106 }
testInjectWithInvalidApiVersion()108 void TestCodeInjections::testInjectWithInvalidApiVersion()
109 {
110     const char* cppCode ="struct A {};\n";
111     const char* xmlCode  = "\
112     <typesystem package=\"Foo\">\n\
113         <value-type name='A'>\n\
114             <inject-code class='target' since='1.0'>\n\
115                 test Inject code\n\
116             </inject-code>\n\
117         </value-type>\n\
118     </typesystem>\n";
120     QScopedPointer<AbstractMetaBuilder> builder(TestUtil::parse(cppCode, xmlCode,
121                                                                 true, QLatin1String("0.1")));
122     QVERIFY(!builder.isNull());
124     AbstractMetaClassList classes = builder->classes();
125     const AbstractMetaClass *classA = AbstractMetaClass::findClass(classes, QLatin1String("A"));
126     QCOMPARE(classA->typeEntry()->codeSnips().count(), 0);
127 }
131 QTEST_APPLESS_MAIN(TestCodeInjections)