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27    \page quick-2d-effects.html
28    \previouspage quick-data-models.html
29    \nextpage quick-logic-helpers.html
31    \title 2D Effects
33    \QDS provides a set of effects that you can apply to components by
34    dragging-and-dropping them from \l Library > \uicontrol Components
35    > \uicontrol {Qt Quick Studio Effects} to the component in \l Navigator.
37    \image studio-2d-effects.png "Effects tab in Library"
39    \note The availability of effects depends on whether you selected
40    \uicontrol {Qt 5} or \uicontrol {Qt 6} when \l{Creating Projects}
41    {creating your project}.
43    Effects have one or more source properties for specifying the visual input
44    for which the effect is applied to a component. The altered visual output is
45    then presented in the effect component itself. The source can be another,
46    often hidden, component in the scene. More complex effects can have multiple
47    sources. The source component can be any component, even video or another
48    effect. Pipelining multiple effects together is a simple way to create
49    even more impressive output.
51    Each effect has a set of properties that can be used to configure the effect
52    output. They can be animated just like any other properties. The
53    component documentation contains property descriptions and basic usage
54    examples.
56    In addition to the effects described in this topic, you can set linear,
57    radial, and conical gradients. For more information, see
58    \l{Picking Gradients}.
60    \section1 Caching and Borders
62    Specify common properties for 2D effects in the \uicontrol Caching or
63    \uicontrol {Caching and Border} section.
65    \image studio-2d-effects-caching-and-border.png "Studio Effects Caching and Border properties"
67    The \uicontrol Cached property allows the effect output pixels to be cached
68    in order to improve the rendering performance. Every time the source or
69    effect properties are changed, the pixels in the cache must be updated.
70    Memory consumption is increased, because an extra buffer of memory is
71    required for storing the effect output. We recommend that you disable the
72    cache when the source or the effect properties are animated.
74    The \uicontrol {Transparent border} property determines the blur behavior
75    near the edges of the component, where the pixel blurring is affected by
76    the pixels outside the source edges.
78    If the property is set to \c true, the pixels outside the source are
79    interpreted as being transparent, which is similar to OpenGL clamp-to-border
80    extension. The blur is expanded slightly outside the effect component area.
82    If the property is set to \c false, the pixels outside the source are
83    interpreted as containing the same color as the pixels at the edge of
84    the component, which is similar to OpenGL clamp-to-edge behavior. The blur
85    does not expand outside the effect component area.
87    \section1 Summary of 2D Effects
89    The following table summarizes the available effects and contains links to
90    the developer documentation of the inherited component. The Qt 6 column
91    indicates which effects are available for Qt 6 projects.
93    \note The effects are available when running with OpenGL.
95    \table
96    \header
97        \li Icon
98        \li Effect
99        \li Qt 6
100        \li Description
101    \row
102        \li \inlineimage icons/blend-mode-16px.png
103        \li \l [QML] {Blend}
104        \li
105        \li Merges two source components by using a blend mode.
107            The default \uicontrol Mode is \c subtract, where the pixel value
108            from the component specified in the \uicontrol {Foreground source}
109            field, which is going to be blended over the source component,
110            is subtracted from the source and written over it.
112            For a list of possible \uicontrol Mode values and examples of their
113            use, see \l{Blend::mode}{Blend.mode}.
114    \row
115        \li \inlineimage icons/brightness-contrast-16px.png
116        \li \l {BrightnessContrast}{Brightness Contrast}
117        \li \inlineimage ok.png
118        \li Adjusts \uicontrol Brightness and \uicontrol Contrast.
119    \row
120        \li \inlineimage icons/colourize-16px.png
121        \li \l {ColorOverlay}{Color Overlay}
122        \li \inlineimage ok.png
123        \li Alters the colors of the source component by applying an
124            \uicontrol {Overlay color}. You can use the color picker
125            to \l{Picking Colors}{select the color}.
126    \row
127        \li \inlineimage icons/colourize-16px.png
128        \li \l Colorize
129        \li \inlineimage ok.png
130        \li Sets the color in the HSL color space by specifying \uicontrol Hue,
131            \uicontrol Lightness, and \uicontrol Saturation values.
132    \row
133        \li \inlineimage icons/desaturation-16px.png
134        \li \l {Desaturate}{Desaturation}
135        \li \inlineimage ok.png
136        \li Reduces the saturation of the colors by the value set in the
137            \uicontrol Desaturation field. The value ranges from \c 0.0
138            (no change) to \c 1.0 (desaturated). Desaturated pixel values are
139            calculated as averages of the original RGB component values
140            of the source component.
141    \row
142        \li \inlineimage icons/directional-blur-16px.png
143        \li \l {DirectionalBlur}{Directional Blur}
144        \li \inlineimage ok.png
145        \li Applies a blur effect to the specified direction. The value of the
146            \uicontrol Angle field defines the direction of the blur. This
147            effect makes the source component appear to be moving in the direction of
148            the blur. Blur is applied to both sides of each pixel, and therefore
149            setting the direction to \c 0 and \c 180 provides the same result.
151            The value of the \uicontrol Length field specifies the perceived
152            amount of movement for each pixel. The movement is divided evenly
153            to both sides of each pixel.
155            The quality of the blur depends on the value of the
156            \uicontrol Samples field. If the \uicontrol Length value is large,
157            more samples are needed to preserve high visual quality.
158    \row
159        \li \inlineimage icons/displace-16px.png
160        \li \l Displace
161        \li \inlineimage ok.png
162        \li Moves the pixels of the source component according to the displacement
163            map specified in the \uicontrol {Displacement source} field.
165            The value of the \uicontrol Displacement field specifies the
166            scale for the displacement. The larger the scale, the larger the
167            displacement of the pixels. The value set to \c 0.0 causes no
168            displacement. The value of \c -1.0 sets the inverted maximum shift
169            according to the displacement source value, while \c 1.0 sets the
170            maximum shift.
171    \row
172        \li \inlineimage icons/drop-shadow-16px.png
173        \li \l {DropShadow}{Drop Shadow}
174        \li \inlineimage ok.png
175        \li Generates a soft shadow behind the source component using a
176            gaussian blur. This effect blurs the alpha channel of the input and
177            colorizes the result, which it then places behind the source component
178            to create a soft shadow. You can set the shadow's color in the
179            \uicontrol {Drop shadow color} field and change its location in the
180            horizontal (\uicontrol H) and vertical (\uicontrol V)
181            \uicontrol Offset fields.
183            The value of the \uicontrol Radius field specifies the softness of
184            the shadow. A larger radius causes the edges of the shadow to appear
185            more blurry. The ideal blur is achieved by setting the value of the
186            \uicontrol Samples field to twice as large as the highest required
187            radius value plus one (\c {samples = 1 + radius * 2}).
189            The soft shadow is created by blurring the image live using a
190            gaussian blur, which is a costly operation. Fullscreen gaussian
191            blur with even a moderate number of samples will only run at 60
192            FPS on high-end graphics hardware.
193    \row
194        \li \inlineimage icons/fast-blur-16px.png
195        \li \l {FastBlur}{Fast Blur}
196        \li \inlineimage ok.png
197        \li Applies a fast blur effect to one or more source components.
198            \uicontrol {Fast Blur} offers lower blur quality than
199            \uicontrol {Gaussian Blur}, but it is faster to render.
200            This effect softens the source content by blurring it with
201            an algorithm that uses source content downscaling and
202            bilinear filtering. Use this effect if the source content
203            is rapidly changing and the highest possible blur quality
204            is not needed.
206            The value of the \uicontrol Radius field specifies the distance of
207            the neighboring pixels that affect the blurring of an individual
208            pixel. A larger radius increases the blur effect. The fast blur
209            algorithm may internally reduce the accuracy of the radius in order
210            to provide good rendering performance.
211    \row
212        \li \inlineimage icons/gamma-adjust-16px.png
213        \li \l [QML] {GammaAdjust}{Gamma Adjust}
214        \li \inlineimage ok.png
215        \li Alters the luminance of the source component. This effect is applied
216            to each pixel according to the curve that is pre-defined as a
217            power-law expression, where the value of the \uicontrol Gamma
218            field is used as the reciprocal scaling exponent.
219    \row
220        \li \inlineimage icons/gaussian-blur-16px.png
221        \li \l [QML] {GaussianBlur}{Gaussian Blur}
222        \li
223        \li Applies a gaussian blur effect to one or more source components.
224            The effect softens the image by blurring it with an algorithm that
225            uses the gaussian function to calculate the effect. The effect
226            produces higher quality than \uicontrol {Fast Blur}, but is slower
227            to render. Performing blur live is a costly operation. Fullscreen
228            gaussian blur with even a moderate number of \uicontrol Samples
229            will only run at 60 FPS on high-end graphics hardware.
231            The value of the \uicontrol Radius field specifies the distance of
232            the neighboring pixels that affect the blurring of an individual
233            pixel. The value of the \uicontrol Distance field is a parameter to
234            the gaussian function that is used when calculating neighboring
235            pixel weights for the blurring. A larger deviation causes an image
236            to appear more blurry, but it also reduces the quality of the blur.
237            A very large deviation value causes the effect to look a bit similar
238            to what, for exmple, a box blur algorithm produces. A too small
239            deviation value makes the effect insignificant for the pixels near
240            the radius.
241    \row
242        \li \inlineimage icons/glow-16px.png
243        \li \l [QML] {Glow}
244        \li \inlineimage ok.png
245        \li Generates a halo-like glow around the source component. This effect
246            blurs the alpha channel of the source and colorizes it with
247            \uicontrol {Glow color}. It then places the alpha channel behind the
248            source, resulting in a halo or glow around the component. The quality
249            of the blurred edge can be controlled by using the values of the
250            \uicontrol Samples and \uicontrol Radius and the strength of the
251            glow can be changed using the value of the \uicontrol Spread field.
252    \row
253        \li \inlineimage icons/hue-saturation-16px.png
254        \li \l {HueSaturation}{Hue Saturation}
255        \li \inlineimage ok.png
256        \li Alters the source component colors in the HSL color space.
257            This effect is similar to the \uicontrol Colorize effect, but
258            the \uicontrol Hue and \uicontrol Saturation values are handled
259            differently. This effect always shifts these values, as well as
260            the \uicontrol Lightness value from the original, instead of
261            setting them.
262    \row
263        \li \inlineimage icons/inner-shadow-16px.png
264        \li \l {InnerShadow}{Inner Shadow}
265        \li
266        \li Generates a colorized and blurred shadow inside the source using
267            the color that you specify in the \uicontrol {Inner shadow color}
268            field.
270            The quality of the shadow can be controlled by the values of the
271            \uicontrol Samples and \uicontrol Radius fields. Ideally, the
272            sample value should be twice as large as the highest required
273            radius value. For example, if the radius is animated between
274            \c 0.0 and \c 4.0, samples should be set to \c 8.
276            The value of the \uicontrol Spread field specifies how large a part
277            of the shadow color is strengthened near the source edges.
278            The effect produces a high quality shadow image, and therefore the
279            rendering speed of the shadow might not be the highest possible.
280            The rendering speed is reduced especially if the shadow edges are
281            heavily softened. For use cases that require faster rendering speed
282            at the cost of high visual quality, select the \uicontrol Fast
283            check box.
284    \row
285        \li \inlineimage icons/levels-16px.png
286        \li \l {LevelAdjust}{Level Adjust}
287        \li \inlineimage ok.png
288        \li Adjusts color levels in the RGBA color space. This effect adjusts
289            the source component colors separately for each color channel. Source
290            component contrast can be adjusted and color balance altered.
292            The value of the \uicontrol Gamma field specifies the change factor
293            for how the value of each pixel color channel is altered according
294            to the equation. Setting the gamma values under
295            \c QtVector3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) makes the image darker, whereas the
296            values above \c QtVector3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) lighten it. The value
297            ranges from \c QtVector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) (darkest) to \c inf
298            (lightest).
300            You can specify the maximum and minimum \uicontrol Input and
301            \uicontrol Output levels for each color channel. \uicontrol Maximum
302            input sets the white-point, which means that all pixels with a
303            higher value are rendered as white (per color channel). Decreasing
304            this value lightens the light areas. To darken the light areas and
305            to increase the contrast, decrease the value of the
306            \uicontrol Maximum output field.
308            The value of the \uicontrol Minimum input field sets the minimum
309            input level for each color channel. It sets the black-point, which
310            means that all pixels with a lower value are rendered as black
311            (per color channel). Increasing this value darkens the dark areas.
312            To lighten the dark areas and to reduce the contrast, increase the
313            value of the \uicontrol Minimum output field.
314    \row
315        \li \inlineimage icons/mask-blur-16px.png
316        \li \l {MaskedBlur}{Masked Blur}
317        \li
318        \li Softens the image by blurring it. The intensity of the blur can be
319            controlled for each pixel by specifying a \uicontrol {Mask source},
320            so that some parts of the source are blurred more than others.
322            The value of the \uicontrol Radius field specifies the distance of
323            the neighboring pixels that affect the blurring of an individual
324            pixel.
326            The value of the \uicontrol Samples field specifies, how many
327            samples are taken per pixel when blur calculation is done. Larger
328            samples produce better quality, but are slower to render.
329    \row
330        \li \inlineimage icons/opacity-mask-16px.png
331        \li \l {OpacityMask}{Opacity Mask}
332        \li \inlineimage ok.png
333        \li Masks the source component with another component specified in the
334            \uicontrol {Mask source} field. The mask component gets rendered into an
335            intermediate pixel buffer and the alpha values from the result are
336            used to determine the visibility of the source component's pixels in the
337            display.
339            Select the \uicontrol Invert check box to specify that the
340            resulting opacity is the source alpha multiplied with the
341            inverse of the mask alpha: \c {As * (1 - Am)}. When this property
342            is \c false, the resulting opacity is the source alpha multiplied
343            with the mask alpha: \c {As * Am}.
344    \row
345        \li \inlineimage icons/radial-blur-16px.png
346        \li \l {RadialBlur}{Radial Blur}
347        \li
348        \li Applies a directional blur effect in a circular direction around the
349            component's center point. This effect makes the source component appear
350            to be rotating into the direction of the blur. Other available
351            motionblur effects are \uicontrol {Zoom Blur} and
352            \uicontrol {Directional Blur}.
354            The value of the \uicontrol Angle field specifies both the direction
355            of the blur and the level of blurring. The larger the angle, the
356            more blurred the result. The quality of the blur depends on the
357            value or the \uicontrol Samples field. If the angle is large, more
358            samples are needed to preserve high visual quality.
359    \row
360        \li \inlineimage icons/recursive-blur-16px.png
361        \li \l {RecursiveBlur}{Recursive Blur}
362        \li
363        \li Blurs repeatedly, providing a strong blur effect. This effect
364            softens the image by blurring it with an algorithm that uses a
365            recursive feedback loop to blur the source as many times as
366            set in the \uicontrol Loops field.
368            The value of the \uicontrol Radius field specifies the distance of
369            the neighboring pixels that affect the blurring of an individual
370            pixel.
372            The effect may produce more blurred results than
373            \uicontrol {Fast Blur} or \uicontrol {Gaussian Blur},
374            but the result is produced asynchronously and takes more time.
375    \row
376        \li \inlineimage icons/threshold-16px.png
377        \li \l {ThresholdMask}{Threshold Mask}
378        \li \inlineimage ok.png
379        \li Masks the source component with another component specified by
380            \uicontrol {Mask source}. The value of the \uicontrol Spread
381            field determines the smoothness of the mask edges near the
382            \uicontrol Threshold alpha value. Setting spread to \c 0.0 uses
383            the mask with the specified threshold. Setting higher spread values
384            softens the transition from the transparent mask pixels towards
385            opaque mask pixels by adding interpolated values between them.
386    \row
387        \li \inlineimage icons/zoom-blur-16px.png
388        \li \l {ZoomBlur}{Zoom Blur}
389        \li
390        \li Applies a directional blur effect towards source component's
391            center point. This effect makes the source component appear to be
392            moving towards the center point in Z-direction or the camera
393            appear to be zooming rapidly.
395            The value of the \uicontrol Length field specifies the maximum
396            perceived amount of movement for each pixel. The amount is smaller
397            near the center specified by the horizontal (\uicontrol H) and
398            vertical (\uicontrol V) \uicontrol Offset fields and reaches the
399            specified value at the edges.
401            The quality of the blur depends on the value of the
402            \uicontrol Samples field. If the length value is large,
403            more samples are needed to preserve high visual quality.
405            Other available motion blur effects are
406            \uicontrol {Directional Blur} and \uicontrol {Radial Blur}.
407    \endtable