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26 #include "watchdelegatewidgets.h"
28 #include <QDoubleValidator>
29 #include <QDebug>
31 #include <utils/qtcassert.h>
33 enum { debug = 0 };
35 namespace Debugger {
36 namespace Internal {
38 // Basic watch line edit.
WatchLineEdit(QWidget * parent)39 WatchLineEdit::WatchLineEdit(QWidget *parent)
40     : QLineEdit(parent)
41 {}
modelData() const43 QVariant WatchLineEdit::modelData() const
44 {
45     return QVariant(text());
46 }
setModelData(const QVariant & v)48 void WatchLineEdit::setModelData(const QVariant &v)
49 {
50     if (debug)
51         qDebug("WatchLineEdit::setModelData(%s, '%s')", v.typeName(), qPrintable(v.toString()));
52     setText(v.toString());
53 }
55  /* ------ IntegerWatchLineEdit helpers:
56   *        Integer validator using different number bases. */
57 class IntegerValidator : public QValidator
58 {
59 public:
60     explicit IntegerValidator(QObject *parent);
61     State validate(QString &, int &) const override;
base() const63     int base() const           { return m_base; }
setBase(int b)64     void setBase(int b)        { m_base = b; }
isSigned() const65     bool isSigned() const      { return m_signed; }
setSigned(bool s)66     void setSigned(bool s)     { m_signed = s; }
isBigInt() const67     bool isBigInt() const      { return m_bigInt; }
setBigInt(bool b)68     void setBigInt(bool b)     { m_bigInt = b; }
70     static State validateEntry(const QString &s, int base, bool signedV, bool bigInt);
72 private:
73     static inline bool isCharAcceptable(const QChar &c, int base);
75     int m_base;
76     bool m_signed;
77     bool m_bigInt;
78 };
IntegerValidator(QObject * parent)80 IntegerValidator::IntegerValidator(QObject *parent) :
81     QValidator(parent), m_base(10), m_signed(true), m_bigInt(false)
82 {
83 }
85 // Check valid digits depending on base.
isCharAcceptable(const QChar & c,int base)86 bool IntegerValidator::isCharAcceptable(const QChar &c, int base)
87 {
88     if (c.isLetter())
89         return base == 16 && c.toLower().toLatin1() <= 'f';
90     if (!c.isDigit())
91         return false;
92     const int digit = c.toLatin1() - '0';
93     if (base == 8 && digit > 7)
94         return false;
95     if (base == 2 && digit > 1)
96         return false;
97     return true;
98 }
validate(QString & s,int &) const100 QValidator::State IntegerValidator::validate(QString &s, int &) const
101 {
102     return IntegerValidator::validateEntry(s, m_base, m_signed, m_bigInt);
103 }
validateEntry(const QString & s,int base,bool signedV,bool bigInt)105 QValidator::State IntegerValidator::validateEntry(const QString &s, int base, bool signedV, bool bigInt)
106 {
107     const int size = s.size();
108     if (!size)
109         return QValidator::Intermediate;
110     int pos = 0;
111     // Skip sign.
112     if (signedV && s.at(pos) == '-') {
113         pos++;
114         if (pos == size)
115             return QValidator::Intermediate;
116     }
117     // Hexadecimal: '0x'?
118     if (base == 16 && pos + 2 <= size
119         && s.at(pos) == '0' && s.at(pos + 1) == 'x') {
120         pos+= 2;
121         if (pos == size)
122             return QValidator::Intermediate;
123     }
125     // Check characters past sign.
126     for (; pos < size; pos++)
127         if (!isCharAcceptable(s.at(pos), base))
128             return QValidator::Invalid;
129     // Check conversion unless big integer
130     if (bigInt)
131         return QValidator::Acceptable;
132     bool ok;
133     if (signedV)
134         s.toLongLong(&ok, base);
135     else
136         s.toULongLong(&ok, base);
137     return ok ? QValidator::Acceptable : QValidator::Intermediate;
138 }
IntegerWatchLineEdit(QWidget * parent)140 IntegerWatchLineEdit::IntegerWatchLineEdit(QWidget *parent) :
141     WatchLineEdit(parent),
142     m_validator(new IntegerValidator(this))
143 {
144     setValidator(m_validator);
145 }
isUnsignedHexNumber(const QString & v)147 bool IntegerWatchLineEdit::isUnsignedHexNumber(const QString &v)
148 {
149     return IntegerValidator::validateEntry(v, 16, false, true) == QValidator::Acceptable;
150 }
base() const152 int IntegerWatchLineEdit::base() const
153 {
154     return m_validator->base();
155 }
setBase(int b)157 void IntegerWatchLineEdit::setBase(int b)
158 {
159     QTC_ASSERT(b, return);
160     m_validator->setBase(b);
161 }
isSigned() const163 bool IntegerWatchLineEdit::isSigned() const
164 {
165     return m_validator->isSigned();
166 }
setSigned(bool s)168 void IntegerWatchLineEdit::setSigned(bool s)
169 {
170     m_validator->setSigned(s);
171 }
isBigInt() const173 bool IntegerWatchLineEdit::isBigInt() const
174 {
175     return m_validator->isBigInt();
176 }
setBigInt(bool b)178 void IntegerWatchLineEdit::setBigInt(bool b)
179 {
180     m_validator->setBigInt(b);
181 }
modelDataI() const183 QVariant IntegerWatchLineEdit::modelDataI() const
184 {
185     if (isBigInt()) // Big integer: Plain text
186         return QVariant(text());
187     bool ok;
188     if (isSigned()) {
189         const qint64 value = text().toLongLong(&ok, base());
190         if (ok)
191             return QVariant(value);
192     } else {
193         const quint64 value = text().toULongLong(&ok, base());
194         if (ok)
195             return QVariant(value);
196     }
197     return QVariant();
198 }
modelData() const200 QVariant IntegerWatchLineEdit::modelData() const
201 {
202     const QVariant data = modelDataI();
203     if (debug)
204         qDebug("IntegerLineEdit::modelData(): base=%d, signed=%d, bigint=%d returns %s '%s'",
205                base(), isSigned(), isBigInt(), data.typeName(), qPrintable(data.toString()));
206     return data;
207 }
setModelData(const QVariant & v)209 void IntegerWatchLineEdit::setModelData(const QVariant &v)
210 {
211     if (debug)
212         qDebug(">IntegerLineEdit::setModelData(%s, '%s'): base=%d, signed=%d, bigint=%d",
213                v.typeName(), qPrintable(v.toString()),
214                base(), isSigned(), isBigInt());
215     switch (v.type()) {
216     case QVariant::Int:
217     case QVariant::LongLong: {
218         const qint64 iv = v.toLongLong();
219         setSigned(true);
220         setText(QString::number(iv, base()));
221     }
222         break;
223     case QVariant::UInt:
224     case QVariant::ULongLong: {
225          const quint64 iv = v.toULongLong();
226          setSigned(false);
227          setText(QString::number(iv, base()));
228         }
229         break;
230     case QVariant::ByteArray:
231         setNumberText(QString::fromLatin1(v.toByteArray()));
232         break;
233     case QVariant::String:
234         setNumberText(v.toString());
235         break;
236     default:
237         qWarning("Invalid value (%s) passed to IntegerLineEdit::setModelData",
238                  v.typeName());
239         setText(QString('0'));
240         break;
241     }
242     if (debug)
243         qDebug("<IntegerLineEdit::setModelData(): base=%d, signed=%d, bigint=%d",
244                base(), isSigned(), isBigInt());
245 }
setNumberText(const QString & t)247 void IntegerWatchLineEdit::setNumberText(const QString &t)
248 {
249     setText(t);
250 }
252 // ------------- FloatWatchLineEdit
FloatWatchLineEdit(QWidget * parent)253 FloatWatchLineEdit::FloatWatchLineEdit(QWidget *parent) :
254     WatchLineEdit(parent)
255 {
256     setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(this));
257 }
modelData() const259 QVariant FloatWatchLineEdit::modelData() const
260 {
261     return QVariant(text().toDouble());
262 }
setModelData(const QVariant & v)264 void FloatWatchLineEdit::setModelData(const QVariant &v)
265 {
266     if (debug)
267         qDebug("FloatWatchLineEdit::setModelData(%s, '%s')",
268                v.typeName(), qPrintable(v.toString()));
269     switch (v.type()) {
270     case QVariant::Double:
271     case QVariant::String:
272         setText(v.toString());
273         break;
274     case QVariant::ByteArray:
275         setText(QString::fromLatin1(v.toByteArray()));
276         break;
277     default:
278         qWarning("Invalid value (%s) passed to FloatWatchLineEdit::setModelData",
279                  v.typeName());
280         setText(QString::number(0.0));
281         break;
282     }
283 }
create(QVariant::Type t,QWidget * parent)285 WatchLineEdit *WatchLineEdit::create(QVariant::Type t, QWidget *parent)
286 {
287     switch (t) {
288     case QVariant::Bool:
289     case QVariant::Int:
290     case QVariant::UInt:
291     case QVariant::LongLong:
292     case QVariant::ULongLong:
293         return new IntegerWatchLineEdit(parent);
294         break;
295     case QVariant::Double:
296         return new FloatWatchLineEdit(parent);
297     default:
298         break;
299     }
300     return new WatchLineEdit(parent);
301 }
BooleanComboBox(QWidget * parent)303 BooleanComboBox::BooleanComboBox(QWidget *parent) : QComboBox(parent)
304 {
305     QStringList items;
306     items << "false" << "true";
307     addItems(items);
308 }
modelData() const310 QVariant BooleanComboBox::modelData() const
311 {
312     // As not to confuse debuggers with 'true', 'false', we return integers 1,0.
313     const int rc = currentIndex() == 1 ? 1 : 0;
314     return QVariant(rc);
315 }
setModelData(const QVariant & v)317 void BooleanComboBox::setModelData(const QVariant &v)
318 {
319     if (debug)
320         qDebug("BooleanComboBox::setModelData(%s, '%s')", v.typeName(), qPrintable(v.toString()));
322     bool value = false;
323     switch (v.type()) {
324     case QVariant::Bool:
325         value = v.toBool();
326         break;
327     case QVariant::Int:
328     case QVariant::UInt:
329     case QVariant::LongLong:
330     case QVariant::ULongLong:
331         value = v.toInt() != 0;
332         break;
333     default:
334         qWarning("Invalid value (%s) passed to BooleanComboBox::setModelData", v.typeName());
335         break;
336     }
337     setCurrentIndex(value ? 1 : 0);
338 }
340 } // namespace Internal
341 } // namespace Debugger