1 /// \file
2 /// \brief Voice compression and transmission interface
3 ///
4 /// This file is part of RakNet Copyright 2003 Jenkins Software LLC
5 ///
6 /// Raknet is available under the terms of the GPLv3 license, see /usr/local/share/licenses/raknet-3.9.2_10,1/GPLv3.
9 #ifndef __RAK_VOICE_H
10 #define __RAK_VOICE_H
12 class RakPeerInterface;
13 #include "RakNetTypes.h"
14 #include "PluginInterface2.h"
15 #include "DS_OrderedList.h"
16 #include "NativeTypes.h"
18 // How many frames large to make the circular buffers in the VoiceChannel structure
22 /// \internal
23 struct VoiceChannel
24 {
25 	RakNetGUID guid;
26 	void *enc_state;
27 	void *dec_state;
28 	void *pre_state;
29 	unsigned int remoteSampleRate;
31 	// Circular buffer of unencoded sound data read from the user.
32 	char *outgoingBuffer;
33 	// Each frame sent to speex requires this many samples, of whatever size you are using.
34 	int speexOutgoingFrameSampleCount;
35 	// Index in is bytes.
36 	// Write index points to the next byte to write to, which must be free.
37 	unsigned outgoingReadIndex, outgoingWriteIndex;
38 	bool isSendingVoiceData;
39 	bool bufferOutput;
40 	bool copiedOutgoingBufferToBufferedOutput;
41 	unsigned short outgoingMessageNumber;
43 	// Circular buffer of unencoded sound data to be passed to the user.  Each element in the buffer is of size bufferSizeBytes bytes.
44 	char *incomingBuffer;
45 	int speexIncomingFrameSampleCount;
46 	unsigned incomingReadIndex, incomingWriteIndex;	// Index in bytes
47 	unsigned short incomingMessageNumber;  // The ID_VOICE message number we expect to get.  Used to drop out of order and detect how many missing packets in a sequence
49 	RakNetTime lastSend;
50 };
51 int VoiceChannelComp( const RakNetGUID &key, VoiceChannel * const &data );
53 /// Voice compression and transmission interface
54 class RakVoice : public PluginInterface2
55 {
56 public:
57 	RakVoice();
58 	~RakVoice();
60 	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 	// User functions
62 	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 	/// \brief Starts RakVoice
65 	/// \param[in] speexSampleRate 8000, 16000, or 32000
66 	/// \param[in] bufferSizeBytes How many bytes long inputBuffer and outputBuffer are in SendFrame and ReceiveFrame are.  Should be your sample size * the number of samples to encode at once.
67 	void Init(unsigned short speexSampleRate, unsigned bufferSizeBytes);
69 	/// \brief Changes encoder complexity
70 	/// Specifying higher values might help when encoding non-speech sounds.
71 	/// \param[in] complexity 0 to 10. The higher the value, the more CPU it needs. Recommended values are from 2 to 4.
72 	void SetEncoderComplexity(int complexity);
74 	/// \brief Enables or disables VAD (Voice Activity Detection)
75 	/// Enabling VAD can help reduce the amount of data transmitted, by automatically disabling outgoing data, when no voice is detected.
76 	/// Don't turn this off or the receive buffer fills up and you eventually get very long delays!!
77 	/// \pre Only applies to encoder.
78 	/// \param[in] enable true to enable, false to disable. True by default
79 	void SetVAD(bool enable);
81 	/// \brief Enables or disables the noise filter
82 	/// \pre Only applies to encoder.
83 	/// \param[in] enable true to enable, false to disable.
84 	void SetNoiseFilter(bool enable);
86 	/// \brief Enables or disables VBR
87 	/// VBR is variable bitrate. Uses less bandwidth but more CPU if on.
88 	/// \pre Only applies to encoder.
89 	/// \param[in] enable true to enable VBR, false to disable
90 	void SetVBR(bool enable);
92 	/// \brief Returns the complexity of the encoder
93 	/// \pre Only applies to encoder.
94 	/// \return a value from 0 to 10.
95 	int GetEncoderComplexity(void);
97 	/// \brief Returns current state of VAD.
98 	/// \pre Only applies to encoder.
99 	/// \return true if VAD is enable, false otherwise
100 	bool IsVADActive(void);
102 	/// \brief Returns the current state of the noise filter
103 	/// \pre Only applies to encoder.
104 	/// \return true if the noise filter is active, false otherwise.
105 	bool IsNoiseFilterActive();
107 	/// \brief Returns the current state of VBR
108 	/// \pre Only applies to encoder.
109 	/// \return true if VBR is active, false otherwise.
110 	bool IsVBRActive();
112 	/// Shuts down RakVoice
113 	void Deinit(void);
115 	/// \brief Opens a channel to another connected system
116 	/// You will get ID_RAKVOICE_OPEN_CHANNEL_REPLY on success
117 	/// \param[in] recipient Which system to open a channel to
118 	void RequestVoiceChannel(RakNetGUID recipient);
120 	/// \brief Closes an existing voice channel.
121 	/// Other system will get ID_RAKVOICE_CLOSE_CHANNEL
122 	/// \param[in] recipient Which system to close a channel with
123 	void CloseVoiceChannel(RakNetGUID recipient);
125 	/// \brief Closes all existing voice channels
126 	/// Other systems will get ID_RAKVOICE_CLOSE_CHANNEL
127 	void CloseAllChannels(void);
129 	/// \brief Sends voice data to a system on an open channel
130 	/// \pre \a recipient must refer to a system with an open channel via RequestVoiceChannel
131 	/// \param[in] recipient The system to send voice data to
132 	/// \param[in] inputBuffer The voice data.  The size of inputBuffer should be what was specified as bufferSizeBytes in Init
133 	bool SendFrame(RakNetGUID recipient, void *inputBuffer);
135 	/// \brief Returns if we are currently sending voice data, accounting for voice activity detection
136 	/// \param[in] Which system to check
137 	/// \return If we are sending voice data for the specified system
138 	bool IsSendingVoiceDataTo(RakNetGUID recipient);
140 	/// \brief Gets decoded voice data, from one or more remote senders
141 	/// \param[out] outputBuffer The voice data.  The size of outputBuffer should be what was specified as bufferSizeBytes in Init
142 	void ReceiveFrame(void *outputBuffer);
144 	/// Returns the value sample rate, as passed to Init
145 	/// \return the sample rate
146 	int GetSampleRate(void) const;
148 	/// Returns the buffer size in bytes, as passed to Init
149 	/// \return buffer size in bytes
150 	int GetBufferSizeBytes(void) const;
152 	/// Returns true or false, indicating if the object has been initialized
153 	/// \return true if initialized, false otherwise.
154 	bool IsInitialized(void) const;
156 	/// Returns the RakPeerInterface that the object is attached to.
157 	/// \return the respective RakPeerInterface, or NULL not attached.
158 	RakPeerInterface* GetRakPeerInterface(void) const;
160 	/// How many bytes are on the write buffer, waiting to be passed to a call to RakPeer::Send (internally)
161 	/// This should remain at a fairly small near-constant size as outgoing data is sent to the Send function
162 	/// \param[in] guid The system to query, or UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS for the sum of all channels.
163 	/// \return Number of bytes on the write buffer
164 	unsigned GetBufferedBytesToSend(RakNetGUID guid) const;
166 	/// How many bytes are on the read buffer, waiting to be passed to a call to ReceiveFrame
167 	/// This should remain at a fairly small near-constant size as incoming data is read out at the same rate as outgoing data from the remote system
168 	/// \param[in] guid The system to query, or UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS for the sum of all channels.
169 	/// \return Number of bytes on the read buffer.
170 	unsigned GetBufferedBytesToReturn(RakNetGUID guid) const;
172 	/// Enables/disables loopback mode
173 	/// \param[in] true to enable, false to disable
174 	void SetLoopbackMode(bool enabled);
176 	/// Returns true or false, indicating if the loopback mode is enabled
177 	/// \return true if enabled, false otherwise.
178 	bool IsLoopbackMode(void) const;
180 	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
181 	// Message handling functions
182 	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
183 	virtual void OnShutdown(void);
184 	virtual void Update(void);
185 	virtual PluginReceiveResult OnReceive(Packet *packet);
186 	virtual void OnClosedConnection(SystemAddress systemAddress, RakNetGUID rakNetGUID, PI2_LostConnectionReason lostConnectionReason );
187 protected:
188 	void OnOpenChannelRequest(Packet *packet);
189 	void OnOpenChannelReply(Packet *packet);
190 	virtual void OnVoiceData(Packet *packet);
191 	void OpenChannel(Packet *packet);
192 	void FreeChannelMemory(RakNetGUID recipient);
193 	void FreeChannelMemory(unsigned index, bool removeIndex);
194 	void WriteOutputToChannel(VoiceChannel *channel, char *dataToWrite);
195 	void SetEncoderParameter(void* enc_state, int vartype, int val);
196 	void SetPreprocessorParameter(void* pre_state, int vartype, int val);
198 	DataStructures::OrderedList<RakNetGUID, VoiceChannel*, VoiceChannelComp> voiceChannels;
199 	int32_t sampleRate;
200 	unsigned bufferSizeBytes;
201 	float *bufferedOutput;
202 	unsigned bufferedOutputCount;
203 	bool zeroBufferedOutput;
204 	int defaultEncoderComplexity;
205 	bool defaultVADState;
206 	bool defaultDENOISEState;
207 	bool defaultVBRState;
208 	bool loopbackMode;
210 };
212 #endif