1 /// \file
2 // Range v3 library
3 //
4 //  Copyright Eric Niebler 2014-present
5 //
6 //  Use, modification and distribution is subject to the
7 //  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
8 //  file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
9 //  http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
10 //
11 // Project home: https://github.com/ericniebler/range-v3
12 //
16 #include <utility>
18 #include <meta/meta.hpp>
20 #include <range/v3/range_fwd.hpp>
22 #include <range/v3/functional/comparisons.hpp>
23 #include <range/v3/functional/identity.hpp>
24 #include <range/v3/functional/invoke.hpp>
25 #include <range/v3/iterator/concepts.hpp>
26 #include <range/v3/iterator/operations.hpp>
27 #include <range/v3/iterator/traits.hpp>
28 #include <range/v3/range/access.hpp>
29 #include <range/v3/range/concepts.hpp>
30 #include <range/v3/range/traits.hpp>
31 #include <range/v3/utility/static_const.hpp>
32 #include <range/v3/view/subrange.hpp>
34 #include <range/v3/detail/prologue.hpp>
36 namespace ranges
37 {
38     /// \cond
39     namespace detail
40     {
41         template(typename I, typename S)(
42             /// \pre
43             requires input_iterator<I> AND sentinel_for<S, I>)
44         I next_to_if(I i, S s, std::true_type)
45         {
46             return ranges::next(i, s);
47         }
49         template(typename I, typename S)(
50             /// \pre
51             requires input_iterator<I> AND sentinel_for<S, I>)
52         S next_to_if(I, S s, std::false_type)
53         {
54             return s;
55         }
57         template(bool B, typename I, typename S)(
58             /// \pre
59             requires input_iterator<I> AND sentinel_for<S, I>)
60         meta::if_c<B, I, S> next_to_if(I i, S s)
61         {
62             return detail::next_to_if(std::move(i), std::move(s), meta::bool_<B>{});
63         }
65         template<typename I1, typename S1, typename I2, typename S2, typename R,
66                  typename P>
find_end_impl(I1 begin1,S1 end1,I2 begin2,S2 end2,R pred,P proj,std::forward_iterator_tag,std::forward_iterator_tag)67         subrange<I1> find_end_impl(I1 begin1, S1 end1, I2 begin2, S2 end2, R pred, P proj,
68                                    std::forward_iterator_tag, std::forward_iterator_tag)
69         {
70             bool found = false;
71             I1 res_begin, res_end;
72             if(begin2 == end2)
73             {
74                 auto e1 = ranges::next(begin1, end1);
75                 return {e1, e1};
76             }
77             while(true)
78             {
79                 while(true)
80                 {
81                     if(begin1 == end1)
82                         return {(found ? res_begin : begin1), (found ? res_end : begin1)};
83                     if(invoke(pred, invoke(proj, *begin1), *begin2))
84                         break;
85                     ++begin1;
86                 }
87                 auto tmp1 = begin1;
88                 auto tmp2 = begin2;
89                 while(true)
90                 {
91                     if(++tmp2 == end2)
92                     {
93                         res_begin = begin1++;
94                         res_end = ++tmp1;
95                         found = true;
96                         break;
97                     }
98                     if(++tmp1 == end1)
99                         return {(found ? res_begin : tmp1), (found ? res_end : tmp1)};
100                     if(!invoke(pred, invoke(proj, *tmp1), *tmp2))
101                     {
102                         ++begin1;
103                         break;
104                     }
105                 }
106             }
107         }
109         template<typename I1, typename I2, typename R, typename P>
find_end_impl(I1 begin1,I1 end1,I2 begin2,I2 end2,R pred,P proj,std::bidirectional_iterator_tag,std::bidirectional_iterator_tag)110         subrange<I1> find_end_impl(I1 begin1, I1 end1, I2 begin2, I2 end2, R pred, P proj,
111                                    std::bidirectional_iterator_tag,
112                                    std::bidirectional_iterator_tag)
113         {
114             // modeled after search algorithm (in reverse)
115             if(begin2 == end2)
116                 return {end1, end1}; // Everything matches an empty sequence
117             I1 l1 = end1;
118             I2 l2 = end2;
119             --l2;
120             while(true)
121             {
122                 // Find end element in sequence 1 that matches *(end2-1), with a mininum
123                 // of loop checks
124                 do
125                     // return {end1,end1} if no element matches *begin2
126                     if(begin1 == l1)
127                         return {end1, end1};
128                 while(!invoke(pred, invoke(proj, *--l1), *l2));
129                 // *l1 matches *l2, now match elements before here
130                 I1 m1 = l1;
131                 I2 m2 = l2;
132                 do
133                     // If pattern exhausted, {m1,++l1} is the answer
134                     // (works for 1 element pattern)
135                     if(m2 == begin2)
136                         return {m1, ++l1};
137                     // Otherwise if source exhausted, pattern not found
138                     else if(m1 == begin1)
139                         return {end1, end1};
140                 // if there is a mismatch, restart with a new l1
141                 // else there is a match, check next elements
142                 while(invoke(pred, invoke(proj, *--m1), *--m2));
143             }
144         }
146         template<typename I1, typename I2, typename R, typename P>
find_end_impl(I1 begin1,I1 end1,I2 begin2,I2 end2,R pred,P proj,std::random_access_iterator_tag,std::random_access_iterator_tag)147         subrange<I1> find_end_impl(I1 begin1, I1 end1, I2 begin2, I2 end2, R pred, P proj,
148                                    std::random_access_iterator_tag,
149                                    std::random_access_iterator_tag)
150         {
151             // Take advantage of knowing source and pattern lengths.  Stop short when
152             // source is smaller than pattern
153             auto len2 = end2 - begin2;
154             if(len2 == 0)
155                 return {end1, end1};
156             auto len1 = end1 - begin1;
157             if(len1 < len2)
158                 return {end1, end1};
159             I1 const start =
160                 begin1 + (len2 - 1); // End of pattern match can't go before here
161             I1 l1 = end1;
162             I2 l2 = end2;
163             --l2;
164             while(true)
165             {
166                 do
167                     if(start == l1)
168                         return {end1, end1};
169                 while(!invoke(pred, invoke(proj, *--l1), *l2));
170                 I1 m1 = l1;
171                 I2 m2 = l2;
172                 do
173                     if(m2 == begin2)
174                         return {m1, ++l1};
175                 // no need to check range on m1 because s guarantees we have enough source
176                 while(invoke(pred, invoke(proj, *--m1), *--m2));
177             }
178         }
179     } // namespace detail
180     /// \endcond
182     /// \addtogroup group-algorithms
183     /// @{
RANGES_FUNC_BEGIN(find_end)184     RANGES_FUNC_BEGIN(find_end)
186         /// \brief function template \c find_end
187         template(typename I1,
188                  typename S1,
189                  typename I2,
190                  typename S2,
191                  typename R = equal_to,
192                  typename P = identity)(
193             /// \pre
194             requires forward_iterator<I1> AND sentinel_for<S1, I1> AND
195                 forward_iterator<I2> AND sentinel_for<S2, I2> AND
196                 indirect_relation<R, projected<I1, P>, I2>)
197         subrange<I1> RANGES_FUNC(find_end)(
198             I1 begin1, S1 end1, I2 begin2, S2 end2, R pred = R{}, P proj = P{}) //
199         {
200             constexpr bool Bidi =
201                 bidirectional_iterator<I1> && bidirectional_iterator<I2>;
202             return detail::find_end_impl(begin1,
203                                          detail::next_to_if<Bidi>(begin1, end1),
204                                          begin2,
205                                          detail::next_to_if<Bidi>(begin2, end2),
206                                          std::move(pred),
207                                          std::move(proj),
208                                          iterator_tag_of<I1>(),
209                                          iterator_tag_of<I2>());
210         }
212         /// \overload
213         template(typename Rng1,
214                  typename Rng2,
215                  typename R = equal_to,
216                  typename P = identity)(
217             /// \pre
218             requires forward_range<Rng1> AND forward_range<Rng2> AND
219                 indirect_relation<R, projected<iterator_t<Rng1>, P>, iterator_t<Rng2>>)
RANGES_FUNC(find_end)220         borrowed_subrange_t<Rng1> RANGES_FUNC(find_end)(
221             Rng1 && rng1, Rng2 && rng2, R pred = R{}, P proj = P{}) //
222         {
223             return (*this)(begin(rng1),
224                            end(rng1),
225                            begin(rng2),
226                            end(rng2),
227                            std::move(pred),
228                            std::move(proj));
229         }
231     RANGES_FUNC_END(find_end)
233     namespace cpp20
234     {
235         using ranges::find_end;
236     }
237     /// @}
238 } // namespace ranges
240 #include <range/v3/detail/epilogue.hpp>
242 #endif