1! Check more array variants of the data statement
2program data_2
3  implicit none
4  type t
5    integer i
6  end type t
7  integer, dimension(3) :: a
8  type (t), dimension(3) :: b
9  integer, dimension(2,2) :: c
10  data a(:), b%i /1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6/
11  data c(1, :), c(2, :) /7, 8, 9, 10/
13  if (any (a .ne. (/1, 2, 3/))) STOP 1
14  if (any (b%i .ne. (/4, 5, 6/))) STOP 2
15  if ((any (c(1, :) .ne. (/7, 8/))) &
16      .or. (any (c(2,:) .ne. (/9, 10/)))) STOP 3
17end program