2 * Copyright 2001-2008 Artima, Inc.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16package org.scalatest.tools
18import org.scalatest._
19import java.awt.BorderLayout
20import java.awt.Container
21import java.awt.Dimension
22import java.awt.GridLayout
23import java.awt.Point
24import java.awt.event.ActionEvent
25import java.awt.event.ActionListener
26import java.awt.event.KeyEvent
27import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
28import java.io.File
29import java.io.PrintWriter
30import java.net.URL
31import javax.swing.AbstractAction
32import javax.swing.DefaultListModel
33import javax.swing.ImageIcon
34import javax.swing.JButton
35import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem
36import javax.swing.JDialog
37import javax.swing.JFrame
38import javax.swing.WindowConstants
39import javax.swing.JLabel
40import javax.swing.JList
41import javax.swing.JMenu
42import javax.swing.JMenuBar
43import javax.swing.JMenuItem
44import javax.swing.JOptionPane
45import javax.swing.JPanel
46import javax.swing.JScrollPane
47import javax.swing.JEditorPane
48import javax.swing.KeyStroke
49import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel
50import javax.swing.border.BevelBorder
51import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder
52import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent
53import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener
54import Runner.usingEventDispatchThread
55import Runner.withClassLoaderAndDispatchReporter
56import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore
57import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter
58import java.awt.event.WindowEvent
59import java.awt.EventQueue
60import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyTestFailedException
61import org.scalatest.events._
62import EventToPresent.eventToEventToPresent
65 * The main class for Runner's GUI.
66 *
67 * eventTypesToCollect are the types of events that should be collected as a run runs.
68 * This comes from the set of config options following the -g in the invocation of Runner.
69 * If it is -gZ, for example, only test starting events will be collected as the runs run.
70 * We don't collect options that aren't selected, because long runs can generate a lot of
71 * events that would take up a lot of memory.
72 *
73 * @author Bill Venners
74 */
75private[scalatest] class RunnerJFrame(val eventTypesToCollect: Set[EventToPresent],
76    reporterConfigurations: ReporterConfigurations, suitesList: List[String], junitsList: List[String], runpathList: List[String], filter: Filter,
77    propertiesMap: Map[String, String], concurrent: Boolean, memberOfList: List[String], beginsWithList: List[String],
78    testNGList: List[String], passFailReporter: Option[Reporter], numThreads: Int) extends
79    JFrame(Resources("ScalaTestTitle")) with RunDoneListener with RunnerGUI {
81  // This should only be updated by the event handler thread.
82  private var currentState: RunnerGUIState = RunningState
84  // The default options in the graphic view. Just show runs
85  // and failures. This is also a selection in the View menu.
86  private val runsAndFailures: Set[EventToPresent] =
87    Set(
88      PresentRunStarting,
89      PresentTestFailed,
90      PresentSuiteAborted,
91      PresentRunStopped,
92      PresentRunAborted,
93      PresentRunCompleted
94    )
96  // These are the actual options to view in the list of events.
97  // This must be the same set or a subset of eventTypesToCollect,
98  // because you can't view something that wasn't collected.
99  // This should only be updated by the event handler thread.
100  private var viewOptions = runsAndFailures
102  private val optionsMap: Map[EventToPresent, JCheckBoxMenuItem] = initializeOptionsMap
104  private val aboutBox: AboutJDialog = initializeAboutBox()
106  // The list of events collected from the most recent run
107  // The most recently added event is at the head of the list.
108  // This is volatile because it is sorted outside the event handler thread.
109  @volatile private var collectedEvents: List[EventHolder] = Nil
111  // The eventsListModel and eventsJList are used to display the current
112  // collected events of types selected by the view menu
113  private val eventsListModel: DefaultListModel = new DefaultListModel()
114  private val eventsJList: JList = new JList(eventsListModel)
116  // The detailsJEditorPane displays the text details of a event.
117  private val detailsJEditorPane: JEditorPane = new JEditorPane("text/html", null)
119  private val progressBar: ColorBar = new ColorBar()
120  private val statusJPanel: StatusJPanel = new StatusJPanel()
121  private val rerunColorBox: ColorBar = new ColorBar()
122  private val runJButton: JButton = new JButton(Resources("Run"))
123  private val rerunJButton: JButton = new JButton(Resources("Rerun"))
125  private var testsCompletedCount: Int = 0
126  private var rerunTestsCompletedCount: Int = 0
128  private val graphicRunReporter: Reporter = new GraphicRunReporter
129  private val graphicRerunReporter: Reporter = new GraphicRerunReporter
131  private val stopper = new SimpleStopper
133  private val exitSemaphore = new Semaphore(1)
135  private var nextRunStamp = 1
137  initialize()
139  private def initialize() = {
141    setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE)
143    val ambientURL: URL = classOf[Suite].getClassLoader().getResource("images/greendot.gif")
144    val ambientIcon: ImageIcon = new ImageIcon(ambientURL)
145    setIconImage(ambientIcon.getImage())
147    setupMenus()
149    runJButton.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_R)
150    runJButton.addActionListener(
151      new ActionListener() {
152        def actionPerformed(ae: ActionEvent) {
153          currentState = currentState.runButtonPressed(RunnerJFrame.this)
154        }
155      }
156    )
158    val progressBarHolder: JPanel = new JPanel()
159    progressBarHolder.setLayout(new BorderLayout())
160    progressBarHolder.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED))
161    progressBarHolder.add(progressBar, BorderLayout.CENTER)
162    val pBarRunBtnJPanel: JPanel = new JPanel()
164    pBarRunBtnJPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout(5, 5))
165    pBarRunBtnJPanel.add(progressBarHolder, BorderLayout.CENTER)
166    pBarRunBtnJPanel.add(runJButton, BorderLayout.EAST)
168    val progressJPanel: JPanel = new JPanel()
170    progressJPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1))
171    progressJPanel.add(statusJPanel)
172    progressJPanel.add(pBarRunBtnJPanel)
173    val eventsJLabel: JLabel = new JLabel(Resources("eventsLabel"))
175    val southHuggingEventsLabelJPanel: JPanel = new JPanel()
177    southHuggingEventsLabelJPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout())
178    southHuggingEventsLabelJPanel.add(eventsJLabel, BorderLayout.SOUTH)
179    southHuggingEventsLabelJPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(0, 1, 0, 0))
181    eventsJList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION)
182    eventsJList.setCellRenderer(new IconEmbellishedListCellRenderer())
183    val eventsJScrollPane: JScrollPane = new JScrollPane(eventsJList)
185    val eventsJPanel: JPanel = new JPanel()
187    eventsJPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout())
188    eventsJPanel.add(southHuggingEventsLabelJPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH)
189    eventsJPanel.add(eventsJScrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER)
190    val detailsJLabel: JLabel = new JLabel(Resources("detailsLabel"))
192    val southHuggingDetailsLabelJPanel: JPanel = new JPanel()
194    southHuggingDetailsLabelJPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout())
195    southHuggingDetailsLabelJPanel.add(detailsJLabel, BorderLayout.SOUTH)
196    southHuggingDetailsLabelJPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(0, 1, 0, 0))
198    rerunJButton.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_E)
199    rerunJButton.setEnabled(false)
201    val rerunColorBoxHolder: JPanel = new JPanel()
203    rerunColorBoxHolder.setLayout(new BorderLayout())
204    rerunColorBoxHolder.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED))
205    rerunColorBoxHolder.add(rerunColorBox, BorderLayout.CENTER)
206    val rerunJPanel: JPanel = new JPanel()
208    rerunJPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2, 5, 5))
209    rerunJPanel.add(rerunColorBoxHolder)
210    rerunJPanel.add(rerunJButton)
211    rerunJPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(0, 0, 5, 0))
212    val detailsNorthJPanel: JPanel = new JPanel()
214    detailsNorthJPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout())
215    detailsNorthJPanel.add(BorderLayout.WEST, southHuggingDetailsLabelJPanel)
216    detailsNorthJPanel.add(BorderLayout.EAST, rerunJPanel)
218    detailsJEditorPane.setEditable(false)
220    val detailsJScrollPane: JScrollPane = new JScrollPane(detailsJEditorPane)
222    val detailsJPanel: JPanel = new JPanel()
224    detailsJPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout())
225    detailsJPanel.add(detailsNorthJPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH)
226    detailsJPanel.add(detailsJScrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER)
227    val eventsDetailsPanel: JPanel = new JPanel()
229    eventsDetailsPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1, 5, 5))
230    eventsDetailsPanel.add(eventsJPanel)
231    eventsDetailsPanel.add(detailsJPanel)
232    val reporterJPanel: JPanel = new JPanel()
234    reporterJPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout(5, 5))
235    reporterJPanel.add(progressJPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH)
236    reporterJPanel.add(eventsDetailsPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER)
237    eventsJList.addListSelectionListener(
238      new ListSelectionListener() {
239        def valueChanged(e: ListSelectionEvent) {
241          val holder: EventHolder = eventsJList.getSelectedValue().asInstanceOf[EventHolder]
243          if (holder == null) {
245            // This means nothing is currently selected
246            detailsJEditorPane.setText("")
247            currentState = currentState.listSelectionChanged(RunnerJFrame.this)
248          }
249          else {
251            val event: Event = holder.event
252            val isRerun: Boolean = holder.isRerun
254            val fontSize = eventsJList.getFont.getSize
256            val title =
257              if (isRerun)
258                Resources("RERUN_" + RunnerJFrame.getUpperCaseName(event))
259              else
260                Resources(RunnerJFrame.getUpperCaseName(event))
262            val isFailureEvent =
263              event match {
264                case _: TestFailed => true
265                case _: SuiteAborted => true
266                case _: RunAborted => true
267                case _ => false
268              }
270            val fileAndLineOption: Option[String] =
271              holder.throwable match {
272                case Some(throwable) =>
273                  throwable match {
274                    case stackDepth: StackDepth =>
275                      stackDepth.failedCodeFileNameAndLineNumberString
276                    case _ => None
277                  }
278                case None => None
279              }
281              val throwableTitle =
282                holder.throwable match {
283                  case Some(throwable) => Some(throwable.getClass.getName)
284                  case None => None
285                }
287              // Any stack trace elements lower than a TestFailedException's failedCodeStackDepth
288              // will show up as gray in the displayed stack trace, because those are ScalaTest methods.
289              // The rest will show up as black.
290              val (grayStackTraceElements, blackStackTraceElements) =
291                holder.throwable match {
292                  case Some(throwable) =>
293                    val stackTraceElements = throwable.getStackTrace.toList
294                    throwable match {
295                      case tfe: TestFailedException =>
296                        (stackTraceElements.take(tfe.failedCodeStackDepth), stackTraceElements.drop(tfe.failedCodeStackDepth))
297                      case _ => (List(), stackTraceElements)
298                    }
299                  case None => (List(), List())
300                }
302            def getHTMLForStackTrace(stackTraceList: List[StackTraceElement]) =
303              stackTraceList.map((ste: StackTraceElement) => <span>{ ste.toString }</span><br />)
305            def getHTMLForCause(throwable: Throwable): scala.xml.NodeBuffer = {
306              val cause = throwable.getCause
307              if (cause != null) {
308                <table>
309                <tr valign="top">
310                <td align="right"><span class="label">{ Resources("DetailsCause") + ":" }</span></td>
311                <td align="left">{ cause.getClass.getName }</td>
312                </tr>
313                <tr valign="top">
314                <td align="right"><span class="label">{ Resources("DetailsMessage") + ":" }</span></td>
315                <td align="left"><span>{ if (cause.getMessage != null) cause.getMessage else Resources("None") }</span></td>
316                </tr>
317                </table>
318                <table>
319                <tr valign="top">
320                <td align="left" colspan="2">{ getHTMLForStackTrace(cause.getStackTrace.toList) }</td>
321                </tr>
322                </table> &+ getHTMLForCause(cause)
323              }
324              else new scala.xml.NodeBuffer
325            }
327            val mainMessage =
328              holder.message match {
329                case Some(msg) =>
330                  val trimmed = msg.trim
331                  if (trimmed.length > 0) Some(trimmed) else None
332                    case _ => None
333              }
335            import EventHolder.suiteAndTestName
337            val name =
338              holder.event match {
339                case event: RunStarting => None
340                case event: RunStopped => None
341                case event: RunAborted => None
342                case event: RunCompleted => None
343                case event: InfoProvided =>
344                  event.nameInfo match {
345                    case Some(NameInfo(suiteName, suiteClassName, testName)) =>
346                      testName match {
347                        case Some(tn) => Some(suiteAndTestName(suiteName, tn))
348                        case None => Some(suiteName)
349                      }
350                    case None => None
351                  }
352                case event: SuiteStarting => Some(event.suiteName)
353                case event: SuiteCompleted => Some(event.suiteName)
354                case event: SuiteAborted => Some(event.suiteName)
355                case event: TestStarting => Some(suiteAndTestName(event.suiteName, event.testName))
356                case event: TestPending => Some(suiteAndTestName(event.suiteName, event.testName))
357                case event: TestIgnored => Some(suiteAndTestName(event.suiteName, event.testName))
358                case event: TestSucceeded => Some(suiteAndTestName(event.suiteName, event.testName))
359                case event: TestFailed => Some(suiteAndTestName(event.suiteName, event.testName))
360              }
362            val duration =
363              holder.event match {
364                case event: RunStarting => None
365                case event: RunStopped => event.duration
366                case event: RunAborted => event.duration
367                case event: RunCompleted => event.duration
368                case event: InfoProvided => None
369                case event: SuiteStarting => None
370                case event: SuiteCompleted => event.duration
371                case event: SuiteAborted => event.duration
372                case event: TestStarting => None
373                case event: TestPending => None
374                case event: TestIgnored => None
375                case event: TestSucceeded => event.duration
376                case event: TestFailed => event.duration
377              }
379            val propCheckArgs: List[Any] =
380              holder.throwable match {
381                case Some(ex: PropertyTestFailedException) => ex.args
382                case _ => List()
383              }
385            val propCheckLabels: List[String] =
386              holder.throwable match {
387                case Some(ex: PropertyTestFailedException) => ex.labels
388                case _ => List()
389              }
391            val detailsHTML =
392              <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
393                <head>
394                  <style type="text/css">
395                    body {{ font-family: sans-serif; font-size: { fontSize }pt; }}
396                    .label {{ color: #444444; font-weight: bold; }}
397                    .gray {{ color: black; }}
398                    .dark {{ font-weight: bold; color: #111111; }}
399                  </style>
400                </head>
401                <body>
402                  <table>
403                  <tr valign="top"><td align="right"><span class="label">{ Resources("DetailsEvent") + ":" }</span></td><td align="left"><span>{ title }</span></td></tr>
404                  {
405                    if (name.isDefined) {
406                      <tr valign="top"><td align="right"><span class="label">{ Resources("DetailsName") + ":" }</span></td><td align="left">{ name.get }</td></tr>
407                    }
408                    else <!-- -->
409                  }
410                  {
411                    if (mainMessage.isDefined) {
412                      <tr valign="top"><td align="right"><span class="label">{ Resources("DetailsMessage") + ":" }</span></td><td align="left">
413                      { // Put <br>'s in for line returns at least, so property check failure messages look better
414                        def lineSpans = for (line <- mainMessage.get.split('\n')) yield <span>{ line }<br/></span>
415                        if (isFailureEvent) {
416                          <span class="dark">{ lineSpans }</span>
417                        } else {
418                          <span>{ lineSpans }</span>
419                        }
420                      }
421                      </td></tr>
422                    }
423                    else <!-- -->
424                  }
425                  {
426                    fileAndLineOption match {
427                      case Some(fileAndLine) =>
428                        <tr valign="top"><td align="right"><span class="label">{ Resources("LineNumber") + ":" }</span></td><td align="left"><span class="dark">{ "(" + fileAndLine + ")" }</span></td></tr>
429                      case None =>
430                    }
431                  }
432                  {
433                    if (!propCheckArgs.isEmpty) {
434                        for ((propCheckArg, argIndex) <- propCheckArgs.zipWithIndex) yield
435                          <tr valign="top"><td align="right"><span class="label">{ Resources("argN", argIndex.toString) + ":" }</span></td><td align="left"><span class="dark">{ propCheckArg.toString }</span></td></tr>
436                    }
437                    else new scala.xml.NodeBuffer
438                  }
439                  {
440                    if (!propCheckLabels.isEmpty) {
441                      val labelOrLabels = if (propCheckLabels.length > 1) Resources("DetailsLabels") else Resources("DetailsLabel")
442                      val labelHTML = for (propCheckLabel <- propCheckLabels) yield {
443                        <span class="dark">{ propCheckLabel }</span><br></br>
444                      }
445                      <tr valign="top"><td align="right"><span class="label">{ labelOrLabels + ":" }</span></td><td align="left"><span class="dark">{ labelHTML }</span></td></tr>
446                    }
447                    else new scala.xml.NodeBuffer
448                  }
449                  {
450                    holder.summary match {
451                      case Some(summary) =>
453                        <tr valign="top"><td align="right"><span class="label">{ Resources("DetailsSummary") + ":" }</span></td><td align="left"><strong>{ Resources("totalNumberOfTestsRun", summary.testsCompletedCount.toString) }</strong></td></tr>
454                        <tr valign="top"><td align="right"><span class="label">&nbsp;</span></td><td align="left"><strong>{ Resources("suiteSummary", summary.suitesCompletedCount.toString, summary.suitesAbortedCount.toString) }</strong></td></tr>
455                        <tr valign="top"><td align="right"><span class="label">&nbsp;</span></td><td align="left"><strong>
456                          {
457                            Resources(
458                              "testSummary",
459                              summary.testsSucceededCount.toString,
460                              summary.testsFailedCount.toString,
461                              summary.testsIgnoredCount.toString,
462                              summary.testsPendingCount.toString
463                            )
464                          }
465                        </strong></td></tr>
467                      case None => new scala.xml.NodeBuffer
468                    }
469                  }
470                  {
471                    duration match {
472                      case Some(milliseconds) =>
473                        <tr valign="top"><td align="right"><span class="label">{ Resources("DetailsDuration") + ":" }</span></td><td align="left">{ PrintReporter.makeDurationString(milliseconds) }</td></tr>
474                      case None => new scala.xml.NodeBuffer
475                    }
476                  }
477                  <tr valign="top"><td align="right"><span class="label">{ Resources("DetailsDate") + ":" }</span></td><td align="left">{ new java.util.Date(event.timeStamp) }</td></tr>
478                  <tr valign="top"><td align="right"><span class="label">{ Resources("DetailsThread") + ":" }</span></td><td align="left">{ event.threadName }</td></tr>
479                  {
480                    throwableTitle match {
481                      case Some(title) =>
482                        <tr valign="top"><td align="right"><span class="label">{ Resources("DetailsThrowable") + ":" }</span></td><td align="left">{ title }</td></tr>
483                      case None => new scala.xml.NodeBuffer
484                    }
485                  }
486                  </table>
487                  <table>
488                  <tr valign="top"><td align="left" colspan="2">
489                  { grayStackTraceElements.map((ste: StackTraceElement) => <span class="gray">{ ste.toString }</span><br />) }
490                  { blackStackTraceElements.map((ste: StackTraceElement) => <span>{ ste.toString }</span><br />) }
491                  </td></tr>
492                  </table>
493                  {
494                    holder.throwable match {
495                      case Some(t) => getHTMLForCause(t)
496                      case None =>
497                    }
498                  }
499                </body>
500              </html>
502            detailsJEditorPane.setText(detailsHTML.toString)
503            detailsJEditorPane.setCaretPosition(0)
504            currentState = currentState.listSelectionChanged(RunnerJFrame.this)
505          }
506        }
507      }
508    )
510    rerunJButton.addActionListener(
511      new ActionListener() {
512        def actionPerformed(ae: ActionEvent) {
513          currentState = currentState.rerunButtonPressed(RunnerJFrame.this)
514        }
515      }
516    )
517    val mainJPanel: JPanel = new JPanel()
519    mainJPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout(5, 5))
520    mainJPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5))
521    mainJPanel.add(reporterJPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER)
522    val pane: Container = getContentPane()
524    pane.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1))
525    pane.add(mainJPanel)
527    // Set the size of both buttons to the max of the localized labels Run, Rerun, and Stop
528    val runButtonSize: Dimension = runJButton.getPreferredSize()
529    val rerunButtonSize: Dimension = rerunJButton.getPreferredSize()
530    // Create a throw away button to get the size of Stop
531    val stopButtonSize: Dimension = new JButton(Resources("Stop")).getPreferredSize()
533    val preferredSize = new Dimension(
534      runButtonSize.width.max(rerunButtonSize.width.max(stopButtonSize.width)),
535      runButtonSize.height.max(rerunButtonSize.height.max(stopButtonSize.height))
536    )
538    runJButton.setPreferredSize(preferredSize)
539    rerunJButton.setPreferredSize(preferredSize)
541    exitSemaphore.acquire()
542    addWindowListener(
543      new WindowAdapter {
544        override def windowClosed(e: WindowEvent) { exitSemaphore.release() }
545      }
546    )
548    pack()
550    val dim: Dimension = getSize()
551    dim.height = dim.height / 5 + dim.height
552    dim.width = dim.height / 3 * 4
553    setSize(dim)
554  }
556  private[scalatest] def blockUntilWindowClosed() {
557    exitSemaphore.acquire()
558  }
560  // This initialize method idiom is a way to get rid of a var
561  // when you have verbose initialization.
562  private def initializeAboutBox() = {
563    val title2: String = Resources("AboutBoxTitle")
564    new AboutJDialog(RunnerJFrame.this, title2)
565  }
567  private def setupMenus() {
569    val menuBar: JMenuBar = new JMenuBar()
571    // The ScalaTest menu
572    val scalaTestMenu: JMenu = new JMenu(Resources("ScalaTestMenu"))
573    scalaTestMenu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_S)
574    menuBar.add(scalaTestMenu)
576    // The ScalaTest.About menu item
577    val aboutItem: JMenuItem = new JMenuItem(Resources("About"), KeyEvent.VK_A)
578    scalaTestMenu.add(aboutItem)
579    aboutItem.addActionListener(
580      new ActionListener() {
581        def actionPerformed(ae: ActionEvent) {
582          val location: Point = getLocation()
583          location.x += 20
584          location.y += 6
585          aboutBox.setLocation(location)
586          aboutBox.setVisible(true)
587        }
588      }
589    )
591    scalaTestMenu.addSeparator()
593    // The ScalaTest.Exit menu item
594    val exitItem: JMenuItem = new JMenuItem(Resources("Exit"), KeyEvent.VK_X)
595    scalaTestMenu.add(exitItem)
596    exitItem.addActionListener(
597      new ActionListener() {
598        def actionPerformed(ae: ActionEvent) {
599          dispose()
600          // Only exit if started from main(), not run(). If starting from run(),
601          // we want to return a pass/fail status from run(). Actually, if we
602          // have a passFailReporter, then that means we want to indicate status,
603          // so that's why it is used here to determine whether or not to exit.
604          passFailReporter match {
605            case Some(_) =>
606            case None => System.exit(0)
607          }
608        }
609      }
610    )
612    // The View menu
613    val viewMenu = new JMenu(Resources("ViewMenu"))
614    viewMenu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_V)
616    // the View.Runs and Failures menu item
617    val runsFailuresItem: JMenuItem = new JMenuItem(Resources("runsFailures"), KeyEvent.VK_F)
618    runsFailuresItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control F"))
619    viewMenu.add(runsFailuresItem)
620    runsFailuresItem.addActionListener(
621      new ActionListener() {
622        def actionPerformed(ae: ActionEvent) {
623          viewOptions = runsAndFailures intersect eventTypesToCollect
624          updateViewOptionsAndEventsList()
625        }
626      }
627    )
629    val allEventsItem: JMenuItem = new JMenuItem(Resources("allEvents"), KeyEvent.VK_A)
630    allEventsItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control L"))
631    viewMenu.add(allEventsItem)
632    allEventsItem.addActionListener(
633      new ActionListener() {
634        def actionPerformed(ae: ActionEvent) {
635          viewOptions = eventTypesToCollect
636          updateViewOptionsAndEventsList()
637        }
638      }
639    )
641    viewMenu.addSeparator()
643    // Add the checkboxes in the correct order
644    viewMenu.add(optionsMap(PresentRunStarting))
645    viewMenu.add(optionsMap(PresentTestStarting))
646    viewMenu.add(optionsMap(PresentTestSucceeded))
647    viewMenu.add(optionsMap(PresentTestFailed))
648    viewMenu.add(optionsMap(PresentTestIgnored))
649    viewMenu.add(optionsMap(PresentSuiteStarting))
650    viewMenu.add(optionsMap(PresentSuiteCompleted))
651    viewMenu.add(optionsMap(PresentSuiteAborted))
652    viewMenu.add(optionsMap(PresentInfoProvided))
653    viewMenu.add(optionsMap(PresentRunStopped))
654    viewMenu.add(optionsMap(PresentRunCompleted))
655    viewMenu.add(optionsMap(PresentRunAborted))
657    menuBar.add(viewMenu)
658    setJMenuBar(menuBar)
659  }
661  private def initializeOptionsMap(): Map[EventToPresent, JCheckBoxMenuItem] = {
663    // TODO: Why am I using an immutable map here. Better a val with a mutable map I'd think.
664    var map: Map[EventToPresent, JCheckBoxMenuItem] = Map()
666    for (option <- EventToPresent.allEventsToPresent) {
668      val rawOptionName = RunnerJFrame.getUpperCaseName(option)
669      val menuItemText: String = Resources("MENU_PRESENT_" + rawOptionName)
671      val itemAction: AbstractAction =
672        new AbstractAction(menuItemText) {
673          def actionPerformed(ae: ActionEvent) {
675            val checkBox: JCheckBoxMenuItem = ae.getSource().asInstanceOf[JCheckBoxMenuItem]
676            val option = getValue("option").asInstanceOf[EventToPresent]
678            if (viewOptions.contains(option))
679              viewOptions = viewOptions - option
680            else
681              viewOptions = viewOptions + option
683            val checked: Boolean = viewOptions.contains(option)
684            checkBox.setState(checked)
686            // Now, since the configuration changed, we need to update the
687            // list display appropriately:
688            refreshEventsJList()
689          }
690        }
692      val checked: Boolean = viewOptions.contains(option)
693      val checkBox: JCheckBoxMenuItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(itemAction)
695      checkBox.setState(checked)
697      // Put the option into the checkbox's AbstractAction, so it can be
698      // taken out when the checkbox is checked or unchecked.
699      itemAction.putValue("option", option)
701      map = map + (option -> checkBox)
702    }
704    map
705  }
707  def requestStop() {
708    stopper.requestStop()
709  }
711  private def updateViewOptionsAndEventsList() {
713    for (option <- EventToPresent.allEventsToPresent) {
715      val box: JCheckBoxMenuItem = optionsMap(option)
717      if (eventTypesToCollect.contains(option)) {
718        box.setEnabled(true)
719        if (viewOptions.contains(option))
720          box.setSelected(true)
721        else
722          box.setSelected(false)
723      }
724      else {
725        box.setSelected(false)
726        box.setEnabled(false)
727      }
728    }
730    // Now, since the configuration changed, we need to update the
731    // list display appropriately:
732    refreshEventsJList()
733  }
735  private def reorderCollectedEvents() {
736    collectedEvents = collectedEvents.sortWith((a, b) => a.event.ordinal > b.event.ordinal)
737  }
739  private def refreshEventsJList() {
741    val formerlySelectedItem: EventHolder = eventsJList.getSelectedValue().asInstanceOf[EventHolder]
743    // clear the list of events and the detail area
744    eventsListModel.clear()
745    detailsJEditorPane.setText("")
747    for (holder <- collectedEvents.reverse; if viewOptions.contains(eventToEventToPresent(holder.event))) {
748      val shouldAddElement = holder.event.formatter match {
749        case Some(MotionToSuppress) => false
750        case _ => true
751      }
752      if (shouldAddElement) eventsListModel.addElement(holder)
753    }
755    // Isn't there a risk that the formerly selected item will no longer exist in the list?
756    // Does this result in an exception? Of course the stupid JavaDoc API docs is silent on this.
757    // TODO: try this and fix if need be
758    eventsJList.setSelectedValue(formerlySelectedItem, true)
759  }
761  private def registerEvent(event: Event): EventHolder = {
762    registerRunOrRerunEvent(event, false)
763  }
765  private def registerRerunEvent(event: Event): EventHolder = {
766    registerRunOrRerunEvent(event, true)
767  }
769  private def registerRunOrRerunEvent(event: Event, isRerun: Boolean): EventHolder = {
771    val (message, throwable) =
772      event match {
773        case e: TestFailed => (Some(e.message), e.throwable)
774        case e: SuiteAborted => (Some(e.message), e.throwable)
775        case e: RunAborted => (Some(e.message), e.throwable)
776        case e: InfoProvided => (Some(e.message), e.throwable)
777        case _ => (None, None)
778      }
780    val rerunner =
781      event match {
782        case e: TestStarting => e.rerunner
783        case e: TestSucceeded => e.rerunner
784        case e: TestFailed => e.rerunner
785        case e: SuiteStarting => e.rerunner
786        case e: SuiteCompleted => e.rerunner
787        case e: SuiteAborted => e.rerunner
788        case _ => None
789      }
791    val summary =
792      event match {
793        case e: RunCompleted => e.summary
794        case e: RunAborted => e.summary
795        case e: RunStopped => e.summary
796        case _ => None
797      }
799    val eventHolder: EventHolder = new EventHolder(event, message, throwable, rerunner, summary, isRerun)
801    if (eventTypesToCollect.contains(eventToEventToPresent(event))) {
802      collectedEvents = eventHolder :: collectedEvents
803      if (viewOptions.contains(eventToEventToPresent(event))) {
804        val shouldAddElement = event.formatter match {
805          case Some(MotionToSuppress) => false
806          case _ => true
807        }
808        if (shouldAddElement) eventsListModel.addElement(eventHolder)
809      }
810    }
812    eventHolder
813  }
815  private class GraphicRunReporter extends Reporter {
817    override def apply(event: Event) {
818      event match {
820        case RunStarting(ordinal, testCount, configMap, formatter, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
822          // Create the Event outside of the event handler thread, because otherwise
823          // the event handler thread shows up as the originating thread of this event,
824          // and that looks bad and is wrong to boot.
825          val eventHolder: EventHolder = new EventHolder(event, None, None, None)
827          usingEventDispatchThread {
828            testsCompletedCount = 0
829            progressBar.setMax(testCount)
830            progressBar.setValue(0)
831            progressBar.setGreen()
833            statusJPanel.reset()
834            statusJPanel.setTestsExpected(testCount)
836            // This should already have been cleared by prepUIForStarting, but
837            // doing it again here for the heck of it.
838            collectedEvents = eventHolder :: Nil
839            eventsListModel.clear()
841            detailsJEditorPane.setText("")
843            if (viewOptions.contains(PresentRunStarting))
844              eventsListModel.addElement(eventHolder)
845          }
847        case RunCompleted(ordinal, duration, summary, formatter, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
849          // Create the Report outside of the event handler thread, because otherwise
850          // the event handler thread shows up as the originating thread of this event,
851          // and that looks bad and is wrong to boot.
852          // Reordering this outside the event handler thread so that the GUI won't be frozen
853          // during a long sort. The RunCompleted event isn't yet in the list when the sort happens, so
854          // it will just be added at the end.
855          reorderCollectedEvents()
856          usingEventDispatchThread {
857            registerEvent(event)
858            refreshEventsJList()
859          }
861        case RunAborted(ordinal, message, throwable, duration, summary, formatter, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
863          usingEventDispatchThread {
864            progressBar.setRed()
865            registerEvent(event)
866            // Must do this here, not in RunningState.runFinished, because the runFinished
867            // invocation can happen before this runCompleted invocation, which means that
868            // the first error in the run may not be in the JList model yet. So must wait until
869            // a run completes. I was doing it in runCompleted, which works, but for long runs
870            // you must wait a long time for that thing to be selected. Nice if it gets selected
871            // right away.
872            selectFirstFailureIfExistsAndNothingElseAlreadySelected()
873          }
875        case RunStopped(ordinal, duration, summary, formatter, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
877          // Create the Report outside of the event handler thread, because otherwise
878          // the event handler thread shows up as the originating thread of this event,
879          // and that looks bad and is actually wrong.
880          usingEventDispatchThread {
881            registerEvent(event)
882          }
884        case SuiteStarting(ordinal, suiteName, suiteClassName, formatter, rerunner, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
886          usingEventDispatchThread {
887            registerEvent(event)
888          }
890        case SuiteCompleted(ordinal, suiteName, suiteClassName, duration, formatter, rerunner, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
892          usingEventDispatchThread {
893            registerEvent(event)
894          }
896        case SuiteAborted(ordinal, message, suiteName, suiteClassName, throwable, duration, formatter, rerunner, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
898          usingEventDispatchThread {
899            progressBar.setRed()
900            registerEvent(event)
901            // Must do this here, not in RunningState.runFinished, because the runFinished
902            // invocation can happen before this runCompleted invocation, which means that
903            // the first error in the run may not be in the JList model yet. So must wait until
904            // a run completes. I was doing it in runCompleted, which works, but for long runs
905            // you must wait a long time for that thing to be selected. Nice if it gets selected
906            // right away.
907            selectFirstFailureIfExistsAndNothingElseAlreadySelected()
908          }
910        case TestStarting(ordinal, suiteName, suiteClassName, testName, formatter, rerunner, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
912          usingEventDispatchThread {
913            registerEvent(event)
914          }
916        case TestIgnored(ordinal, suiteName, suiteClassName, testName, formatter, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
918          usingEventDispatchThread {
919            registerEvent(event)
920          }
922        case TestPending(ordinal, suiteName, suiteClassName, testName, formatter, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
924          usingEventDispatchThread {
925            testsCompletedCount += 1
926            statusJPanel.setTestsRun(testsCompletedCount, true)
927            progressBar.setValue(testsCompletedCount)
928            registerEvent(event)
929          }
931        case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteClassName, testName, duration, formatter, rerunner, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
933          usingEventDispatchThread {
934            testsCompletedCount += 1
935            statusJPanel.setTestsRun(testsCompletedCount, true)
936            progressBar.setValue(testsCompletedCount)
937            registerEvent(event)
938          }
940        case TestFailed(ordinal, message, suiteName, suiteClassName, testName, throwable, duration, formatter, rerunner, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
942          usingEventDispatchThread {
943            testsCompletedCount += 1
944            // Passing in false here increments the test failed count
945            // in the statusJPanel, which updates the counter on the GUI
946            statusJPanel.setTestsRun(testsCompletedCount, false)
947            progressBar.setValue(testsCompletedCount)
948            progressBar.setRed()
949            registerEvent(event)
950            // Must do this here, not in RunningState.runFinished, because the runFinished
951            // invocation can happen before this runCompleted invocation, which means that
952            // the first error in the run may not be in the JList model yet. So must wait until
953            // a run completes. I was doing it in runCompleted, which works, but for long runs
954            // you must wait a long time for that thing to be selected. Nice if it gets selected
955            // right away.
956            selectFirstFailureIfExistsAndNothingElseAlreadySelected()
957          }
959        case InfoProvided(ordinal, message, nameInfo, aboutAPendingTest, throwable, formatter, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
961          usingEventDispatchThread {
962            registerEvent(event)
963          }
964      }
965    }
966  }
968  // Invoked when a test is done. This is used to turn the Run button back on after
969  // a Stop request has disabled it. When this method is invoked by the runner, it
970  // means that the run has finished, so that it is OK to enable Run again.
971  override def done() {
972    usingEventDispatchThread {
973      currentState = currentState.runFinished(RunnerJFrame.this)
974    }
975  }
977  // Called from the main thread initially, thereafter from the event handler thread
978  override def runFromGUI() {
979    (new RunnerThread).start()
980  }
982  // Must be called from event handler thread
983  override def rerunFromGUI(rerunner: Rerunner) {
984    (new RerunnerThread(rerunner)).start()
985  }
987  // This must be called by the event handler thread
988  def prepUIForRunning() {
989    val stopText: String = Resources("Stop")
990    val rerunText: String = Resources("Rerun")
991    runJButton.setText(stopText)
992    rerunJButton.setText(rerunText)
993    runJButton.setEnabled(true)
994    rerunJButton.setEnabled(false)
995    rerunColorBox.setGray()
996    progressBar.setGray()
997    statusJPanel.reset()
998    statusJPanel.setTestsExpected(0)
999    collectedEvents = Nil
1000    eventsListModel.clear()
1001    detailsJEditorPane.setText("")
1002  }
1004  // This must be called by the event handler thread
1005  def prepUIWhileRunning() {
1006    val stopText: String = Resources("Stop")
1007    val rerunText: String = Resources("Rerun")
1008    runJButton.setText(stopText)
1009    rerunJButton.setText(rerunText)
1010    runJButton.setEnabled(true)
1011    rerunJButton.setEnabled(false)
1012    rerunColorBox.setGray()
1013  }
1015  // This must be called by the event handler thread
1016  def prepUIForRerunning() {
1017    val runText: String = Resources("Run")
1018    val stopText: String = Resources("Stop")
1019    runJButton.setText(runText)
1020    rerunJButton.setText(stopText)
1021    runJButton.setEnabled(false)
1022    rerunJButton.setEnabled(true)
1023    rerunColorBox.setGray()
1025    // Clear the selection, so it can scroll to an error
1026    eventsJList.clearSelection()
1027  }
1029  // This must be called by the event handler thread
1030  def prepUIWhileRerunning() {
1031    val runText: String = Resources("Run")
1032    val stopText: String = Resources("Stop")
1033    runJButton.setText(runText)
1034    rerunJButton.setText(stopText)
1035    runJButton.setEnabled(false)
1036    rerunJButton.setEnabled(true)
1037  }
1039  // This must be called by the event handler thread
1040  def prepUIForReady() {
1041    val runText: String = Resources("Run")
1042    val rerunText: String = Resources("Rerun")
1043    runJButton.setText(runText)
1044    rerunJButton.setText(rerunText)
1045    runJButton.setEnabled(true)
1046    val holder: EventHolder = eventsJList.getSelectedValue.asInstanceOf[EventHolder]
1047    rerunJButton.setEnabled(holder != null && holder.rerunner.isDefined)
1048  }
1050  // This must be called by the event handler thread
1051  def prepUIForStopping() {
1052    val stopText: String = Resources("Stop")
1053    val rerunText: String = Resources("Rerun")
1054    runJButton.setText(stopText)
1055    rerunJButton.setText(rerunText)
1056    runJButton.setEnabled(false)
1057    rerunJButton.setEnabled(false)
1058  }
1060  // This must be called by the event handler thread
1061  def prepUIForReStopping() {
1062    val runText: String = Resources("Run")
1063    val stopText: String = Resources("Stop")
1064    runJButton.setText(runText)
1065    rerunJButton.setText(stopText)
1066    runJButton.setEnabled(false)
1067    rerunJButton.setEnabled(false)
1068  }
1070  private def getModelAsList: List[EventHolder] = {
1071    val model = eventsJList.getModel
1072    val listBuf = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[EventHolder]
1073    for (i <- 0 until model.getSize) {
1074      listBuf += model.getElementAt(i).asInstanceOf[EventHolder]
1075    }
1076    listBuf.toList
1077  }
1079  private def isFailureEvent(eventHolder: EventHolder) =
1080    eventHolder.event match {
1081      case _: TestFailed => true
1082      case _: SuiteAborted => true
1083      case _: RunAborted => true
1084      case _ => false
1085    }
1087  // This must be called by the event handler thread
1088  /*
1089  After a rerun, there will usually always be a selected item,
1090  which is what was selected to rerun. If the rerun resulted in
1091  an error, it would be nice to select that first error and scroll down.
1092  So this will do that, which means it doesn't care if something is
1093  already selected. It will always select the first error in the
1094  last rerun if one exists. This is called as errors come in during
1095  a rerun. The error's eventHolder is passed. It will be selected only
1096  if it is the first error in the last rerun. Any other time this method will
1097  do nothing. The reason is that reruns can take a while, and the user may be
1098  selecting and exploring the results as it runs. So I don't want to keep forcing
1099  a different selection. Only the first time an error comes in in a rerun will it happen.
1100  (During a run, the first error will be selected only if there is no other selection. But
1101  here it happens even if something else is selected, because during a rerun normally the
1102  thing you wanted to rerun will already be selected.)
1103  */
1104  private def selectFirstErrorInLastRerunIfThisIsThatError(candidateEventHolder: EventHolder) {
1106    // First get the model into a List
1107    val modelList = getModelAsList
1109    if (modelList.exists(_.isRerun)) {
1110      val listOfEventsForLastRerunExcludingRunStarting =
1111        modelList.reverse.takeWhile(eventHolder => eventHolder.isRerun && !eventHolder.event.isInstanceOf[RunStarting])
1112      val firstTestFailedEventInLastRerun =
1113        listOfEventsForLastRerunExcludingRunStarting.reverse.find(isFailureEvent(_))
1114      firstTestFailedEventInLastRerun match {
1115        case Some(eventHolder) =>
1116          if (eventHolder == candidateEventHolder) // Only select it if the one passed is the first one
1117            eventsJList.setSelectedValue(eventHolder, true)
1118        case None => // do nothing if no failure events in last rerun
1119      }
1120    }
1121  }
1123  private def scrollTheRerunStartingEventToTheTopOfVisibleEvents() {
1125    def indexOfRunStartingEventForLastRerunOption: Option[Int] = {
1126      var i = eventsListModel.getSize - 1
1127      var found = false
1128      while (i >= 0 && !found) {
1129        val holder = eventsListModel.getElementAt(i).asInstanceOf[EventHolder]
1130        if (holder.event.isInstanceOf[RunStarting]) {
1131          found = true
1132        }
1133        if (!found) i -= 1
1134      }
1135      if (found) Some(i) else None
1136    }
1138    val selectedEventHandler = eventsJList.getSelectedValue.asInstanceOf[EventHolder]
1140    if (selectedEventHandler == null || selectedEventHandler.event.isInstanceOf[RunStarting]) { // only scroll if there's no selection, which means no error happened
1142      val firstVisibleIndex = eventsJList.getFirstVisibleIndex
1143      val lastVisibleIndex = eventsJList.getLastVisibleIndex
1145      if (lastVisibleIndex > firstVisibleIndex) { // should always be true, but this is better than an assert because things will keep going
1147        val numCellsVisible = lastVisibleIndex - firstVisibleIndex
1149        val indexOfLastEvent = eventsListModel.getSize - 1
1151        indexOfRunStartingEventForLastRerunOption match {
1152          case Some(indexOfRunStartingEventForLastRerun) =>
1154            val indexToEnsureIsVisible =
1155              if (indexOfRunStartingEventForLastRerun + numCellsVisible < indexOfLastEvent)
1156                indexOfRunStartingEventForLastRerun + numCellsVisible
1157              else
1158                indexOfLastEvent
1160            eventsJList.ensureIndexIsVisible(indexToEnsureIsVisible)
1162            // Select one event after the rerun starting event, if it is a test starting, test succeeded, or suite starting event,
1163            // because this should be the one they requested was rerun. So that's the most intuitive one to select
1164            // after a run if there was no error. (Test succeeded is possible because Spec's will send MotionToSupress formatters that
1165            // say not to display test starting events.)
1166            val indexOfSecondEventInRerun = indexOfRunStartingEventForLastRerun + 1
1167            if (indexOfSecondEventInRerun <= indexOfLastEvent) { // Should always be true, but an if is better than an assert
1169              val firstEventAfterRerunStarting = eventsListModel.getElementAt(indexOfSecondEventInRerun).asInstanceOf[EventHolder]
1170              if (firstEventAfterRerunStarting.event.isInstanceOf[TestStarting] ||
1171                  firstEventAfterRerunStarting.event.isInstanceOf[SuiteStarting] ||
1172                  firstEventAfterRerunStarting.event.isInstanceOf[TestSucceeded]) {
1173                eventsJList.setSelectedIndex(indexOfSecondEventInRerun)
1174              }
1175              // If they have display only Runs and Failures selected, it won't show successful tests. In that case
1176              // just select the run starting event.
1177              else eventsJList.setSelectedIndex(indexOfRunStartingEventForLastRerun)
1178            }
1179          case None =>
1180        }
1181      }
1182    }
1183  }
1185  // This must be called by the event handler thread
1186  private def selectFirstFailureIfExistsAndNothingElseAlreadySelected() {
1188    val holder: EventHolder = eventsJList.getSelectedValue.asInstanceOf[EventHolder]
1190    if (holder == null) { // Only do this if something isn't already selected
1192      // First get the model into a List
1193      val modelList = getModelAsList
1195      val firstFailureEvent = modelList.find(isFailureEvent(_))
1196      firstFailureEvent match {
1197        case Some(eventHolder) => eventsJList.setSelectedValue(eventHolder, true)
1198        case None => // do nothing if no failure events in the run
1199      }
1200    }
1201  }
1203  def getSelectedRerunner(): Option[Rerunner] = {
1204    val holder: EventHolder = eventsJList.getSelectedValue().asInstanceOf[EventHolder]
1205    if (holder == null)
1206      None
1207    else
1208      holder.rerunner
1209  }
1211  private class GraphicRerunReporter extends Reporter {
1213    // This is written by the event handler thread to avoid having the event handler thread spend time
1214    // determining if an error has previously occurred by looking through the events. This way if a
1215    // rerun has a lot of errors, you don't hang up the GUI giving the event handler thread too much
1216    // work to do.
1217    var anErrorHasOccurredAlready = false
1219    def apply(event: Event) {
1221      event match {
1222        case RunStarting(ordinal, testCount, configMap, formatter, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
1224          // Create the Report outside of the event handler thread, because otherwise
1225          // the event handler thread shows up as the originating thread of this event,
1226          // and that looks bad and is actually wrong.
1228          usingEventDispatchThread {
1229            rerunTestsCompletedCount = 0
1230            rerunColorBox.setMax(testCount)
1231            rerunColorBox.setValue(0)
1232            rerunColorBox.setGreen()
1234            registerRerunEvent(event)
1235            anErrorHasOccurredAlready = false;
1236          }
1238        case RunCompleted(ordinal, duration, summary, formatter, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
1240          // Create the Report outside of the event handler thread, because otherwise
1241          // the event handler thread shows up as the originating thread of this event,
1242          // and that looks bad and is actually wrong.
1244          usingEventDispatchThread {
1245            registerRerunEvent(event)
1246            scrollTheRerunStartingEventToTheTopOfVisibleEvents()
1247          }
1249        case RunAborted(ordinal, message, throwable, duration, summary, formatter, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
1251          usingEventDispatchThread {
1252            rerunColorBox.setRed()
1253            val eventHolder = registerRerunEvent(event)
1254            if (!anErrorHasOccurredAlready) {
1255              selectFirstErrorInLastRerunIfThisIsThatError(eventHolder)
1256              anErrorHasOccurredAlready = true
1257            }
1258          }
1260        case RunStopped(ordinal, duration, summary, formatter, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
1262          // Create the Report outside of the event handler thread, because otherwise
1263          // the event handler thread shows up as the originating thread of this event,
1264          // and that looks bad and is actually wrong.
1265          usingEventDispatchThread {
1266            registerRerunEvent(event)
1267            scrollTheRerunStartingEventToTheTopOfVisibleEvents()
1268          }
1270        case SuiteStarting(ordinal, suiteName, suiteClassName, formatter, rerunner, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
1272          usingEventDispatchThread {
1273            registerRerunEvent(event)
1274          }
1276        case SuiteCompleted(ordinal, suiteName, suiteClassName, duration, formatter, rerunner, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
1278          usingEventDispatchThread {
1279            registerRerunEvent(event)
1280          }
1282        case SuiteAborted(ordinal, message, suiteName, suiteClassName, throwable, duration, formatter, rerunner, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
1284          usingEventDispatchThread {
1285            rerunColorBox.setRed()
1286            val eventHolder = registerRerunEvent(event)
1287            if (!anErrorHasOccurredAlready) {
1288              selectFirstErrorInLastRerunIfThisIsThatError(eventHolder)
1289              anErrorHasOccurredAlready = true
1290            }
1291          }
1293        case TestStarting(ordinal, suiteName, suiteClassName, testName, formatter, rerunner, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
1295          usingEventDispatchThread {
1296            registerRerunEvent(event)
1297          }
1299        case TestIgnored(ordinal, suiteName, suiteClassName, testName, formatter, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
1301          usingEventDispatchThread {
1302            rerunColorBox.setValue(rerunTestsCompletedCount)
1303            registerRerunEvent(event)
1304          }
1306        case TestPending(ordinal, suiteName, suiteClassName, testName, formatter, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
1308          usingEventDispatchThread {
1309            rerunColorBox.setValue(rerunTestsCompletedCount)
1310            registerRerunEvent(event)
1311          }
1313        case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteClassName, testName, duration, formatter, rerunner, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
1315          usingEventDispatchThread {
1316            rerunTestsCompletedCount += 1
1317            rerunColorBox.setValue(rerunTestsCompletedCount)
1318            registerRerunEvent(event)
1319          }
1321        case TestFailed(ordinal, message, suiteName, suiteClassName, testName, throwable, duration, formatter, rerunner, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
1323          usingEventDispatchThread {
1324            rerunTestsCompletedCount += 1
1325            rerunColorBox.setValue(rerunTestsCompletedCount)
1326            rerunColorBox.setRed()
1327            val eventHolder = registerRerunEvent(event)
1328            if (!anErrorHasOccurredAlready) {
1329              selectFirstErrorInLastRerunIfThisIsThatError(eventHolder)
1330              anErrorHasOccurredAlready = true
1331            }
1332          }
1334        case InfoProvided(ordinal, message, nameInfo, aboutAPendingTest, throwable, formatter, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
1336          usingEventDispatchThread {
1337            registerRerunEvent(event)
1338          }
1339      }
1340    }
1341  }
1343  // Invoked by ReadyState if can't run when the Run or Rerun buttons
1344  // are pressed. May never happen. If so, delete this. Before it was
1345  // commented that the problem could occur when they change the prefs.
1346  def showErrorDialog(title: String, msg: String) {
1347    val jOptionPane: JOptionPane = new NarrowJOptionPane(msg, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE)
1348    val jd: JDialog = jOptionPane.createDialog(RunnerJFrame.this, title)
1349    jd.setVisible(true)
1350  }
1352  private class RunnerThread extends Thread {
1354    override def run() {
1356      withClassLoaderAndDispatchReporter(runpathList, reporterConfigurations, Some(graphicRunReporter), passFailReporter) {
1357        (loader, dispatchReporter) => {
1358          try {
1359            Runner.doRunRunRunDaDoRunRun(dispatchReporter, suitesList, junitsList, stopper, filter,
1360                propertiesMap, concurrent, memberOfList, beginsWithList, testNGList, runpathList, loader, RunnerJFrame.this, nextRunStamp, numThreads)
1361          }
1362          finally {
1363            stopper.reset()
1364            nextRunStamp += 1
1365          }
1366        }
1367      }
1368    }
1369  }
1371  private class RerunnerThread(rerun: Rerunner) extends Thread {
1373    if (rerun == null)
1374      throw new NullPointerException
1376    override def run() {
1378      val distributor: Option[Distributor] = None
1380      val tracker = new Tracker(new Ordinal(nextRunStamp))
1382      withClassLoaderAndDispatchReporter(runpathList, reporterConfigurations, Some(graphicRerunReporter), None) {
1383        (loader, dispatchReporter) => {
1384          try {
1385            rerun(dispatchReporter, stopper, filter, propertiesMap,
1386                distributor, tracker, loader)
1387          }
1388          catch {
1389            case e: Throwable => {
1390              dispatchReporter.apply(RunAborted(tracker.nextOrdinal(), Resources.bigProblems(e), Some(e)))
1391            }
1392          }
1393          finally {
1394            stopper.reset()
1395            RunnerJFrame.this.done()
1396            nextRunStamp += 1
1397          }
1398        }
1399      }
1400    }
1401  }
1404private[tools] object RunnerJFrame {
1406  def getUpperCaseName(event: Event): String = getUpperCaseName(eventToEventToPresent(event))
1408  def getUpperCaseName(eventToPresent: EventToPresent) =
1409    eventToPresent match {
1410      case PresentRunStarting => "RUN_STARTING"
1411      case PresentTestStarting => "TEST_STARTING"
1412      case PresentTestFailed => "TEST_FAILED"
1413      case PresentTestSucceeded => "TEST_SUCCEEDED"
1414      case PresentTestIgnored => "TEST_IGNORED"
1415      case PresentTestPending => "TEST_PENDING"
1416      case PresentSuiteStarting => "SUITE_STARTING"
1417      case PresentSuiteAborted => "SUITE_ABORTED"
1418      case PresentSuiteCompleted => "SUITE_COMPLETED"
1419      case PresentInfoProvided => "INFO_PROVIDED"
1420      case PresentRunStopped => "RUN_STOPPED"
1421      case PresentRunAborted => "RUN_ABORTED"
1422      case PresentRunCompleted => "RUN_COMPLETED"
1423    }