1 //! Combinators applying parsers in sequence
3 #[cfg(test)]
4 mod tests;
6 use crate::error::ParseError;
7 use crate::internal::{IResult, Parser};
9 /// Gets an object from the first parser,
10 /// then gets another object from the second parser.
11 ///
12 /// # Arguments
13 /// * `first` The first parser to apply.
14 /// * `second` The second parser to apply.
15 /// ```rust
16 /// # use nom::{Err, error::ErrorKind, Needed};
17 /// # use nom::Needed::Size;
18 /// use nom::sequence::pair;
19 /// use nom::bytes::complete::tag;
20 ///
21 /// let mut parser = pair(tag("abc"), tag("efg"));
22 ///
23 /// assert_eq!(parser("abcefg"), Ok(("", ("abc", "efg"))));
24 /// assert_eq!(parser("abcefghij"), Ok(("hij", ("abc", "efg"))));
25 /// assert_eq!(parser(""), Err(Err::Error(("", ErrorKind::Tag))));
26 /// assert_eq!(parser("123"), Err(Err::Error(("123", ErrorKind::Tag))));
27 /// ```
pair<I, O1, O2, E: ParseError<I>, F, G>( mut first: F, mut second: G, ) -> impl FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, (O1, O2), E> where F: Parser<I, O1, E>, G: Parser<I, O2, E>,28 pub fn pair<I, O1, O2, E: ParseError<I>, F, G>(
29   mut first: F,
30   mut second: G,
31 ) -> impl FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, (O1, O2), E>
32 where
33   F: Parser<I, O1, E>,
34   G: Parser<I, O2, E>,
35 {
36   move |input: I| {
37     let (input, o1) = first.parse(input)?;
38     second.parse(input).map(|(i, o2)| (i, (o1, o2)))
39   }
40 }
42 /// Matches an object from the first parser and discards it,
43 /// then gets an object from the second parser.
44 ///
45 /// # Arguments
46 /// * `first` The opening parser.
47 /// * `second` The second parser to get object.
48 /// ```rust
49 /// # use nom::{Err, error::ErrorKind, Needed};
50 /// # use nom::Needed::Size;
51 /// use nom::sequence::preceded;
52 /// use nom::bytes::complete::tag;
53 ///
54 /// let mut parser = preceded(tag("abc"), tag("efg"));
55 ///
56 /// assert_eq!(parser("abcefg"), Ok(("", "efg")));
57 /// assert_eq!(parser("abcefghij"), Ok(("hij", "efg")));
58 /// assert_eq!(parser(""), Err(Err::Error(("", ErrorKind::Tag))));
59 /// assert_eq!(parser("123"), Err(Err::Error(("123", ErrorKind::Tag))));
60 /// ```
preceded<I, O1, O2, E: ParseError<I>, F, G>( mut first: F, mut second: G, ) -> impl FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, O2, E> where F: Parser<I, O1, E>, G: Parser<I, O2, E>,61 pub fn preceded<I, O1, O2, E: ParseError<I>, F, G>(
62   mut first: F,
63   mut second: G,
64 ) -> impl FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, O2, E>
65 where
66   F: Parser<I, O1, E>,
67   G: Parser<I, O2, E>,
68 {
69   move |input: I| {
70     let (input, _) = first.parse(input)?;
71     second.parse(input)
72   }
73 }
75 /// Gets an object from the first parser,
76 /// then matches an object from the second parser and discards it.
77 ///
78 /// # Arguments
79 /// * `first` The first parser to apply.
80 /// * `second` The second parser to match an object.
81 /// ```rust
82 /// # use nom::{Err, error::ErrorKind, Needed};
83 /// # use nom::Needed::Size;
84 /// use nom::sequence::terminated;
85 /// use nom::bytes::complete::tag;
86 ///
87 /// let mut parser = terminated(tag("abc"), tag("efg"));
88 ///
89 /// assert_eq!(parser("abcefg"), Ok(("", "abc")));
90 /// assert_eq!(parser("abcefghij"), Ok(("hij", "abc")));
91 /// assert_eq!(parser(""), Err(Err::Error(("", ErrorKind::Tag))));
92 /// assert_eq!(parser("123"), Err(Err::Error(("123", ErrorKind::Tag))));
93 /// ```
terminated<I, O1, O2, E: ParseError<I>, F, G>( mut first: F, mut second: G, ) -> impl FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, O1, E> where F: Parser<I, O1, E>, G: Parser<I, O2, E>,94 pub fn terminated<I, O1, O2, E: ParseError<I>, F, G>(
95   mut first: F,
96   mut second: G,
97 ) -> impl FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, O1, E>
98 where
99   F: Parser<I, O1, E>,
100   G: Parser<I, O2, E>,
101 {
102   move |input: I| {
103     let (input, o1) = first.parse(input)?;
104     second.parse(input).map(|(i, _)| (i, o1))
105   }
106 }
108 /// Gets an object from the first parser,
109 /// then matches an object from the sep_parser and discards it,
110 /// then gets another object from the second parser.
111 ///
112 /// # Arguments
113 /// * `first` The first parser to apply.
114 /// * `sep` The separator parser to apply.
115 /// * `second` The second parser to apply.
116 /// ```rust
117 /// # use nom::{Err, error::ErrorKind, Needed};
118 /// # use nom::Needed::Size;
119 /// use nom::sequence::separated_pair;
120 /// use nom::bytes::complete::tag;
121 ///
122 /// let mut parser = separated_pair(tag("abc"), tag("|"), tag("efg"));
123 ///
124 /// assert_eq!(parser("abc|efg"), Ok(("", ("abc", "efg"))));
125 /// assert_eq!(parser("abc|efghij"), Ok(("hij", ("abc", "efg"))));
126 /// assert_eq!(parser(""), Err(Err::Error(("", ErrorKind::Tag))));
127 /// assert_eq!(parser("123"), Err(Err::Error(("123", ErrorKind::Tag))));
128 /// ```
separated_pair<I, O1, O2, O3, E: ParseError<I>, F, G, H>( mut first: F, mut sep: G, mut second: H, ) -> impl FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, (O1, O3), E> where F: Parser<I, O1, E>, G: Parser<I, O2, E>, H: Parser<I, O3, E>,129 pub fn separated_pair<I, O1, O2, O3, E: ParseError<I>, F, G, H>(
130   mut first: F,
131   mut sep: G,
132   mut second: H,
133 ) -> impl FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, (O1, O3), E>
134 where
135   F: Parser<I, O1, E>,
136   G: Parser<I, O2, E>,
137   H: Parser<I, O3, E>,
138 {
139   move |input: I| {
140     let (input, o1) = first.parse(input)?;
141     let (input, _) = sep.parse(input)?;
142     second.parse(input).map(|(i, o2)| (i, (o1, o2)))
143   }
144 }
146 /// Matches an object from the first parser and discards it,
147 /// then gets an object from the second parser,
148 /// and finally matches an object from the third parser and discards it.
149 ///
150 /// # Arguments
151 /// * `first` The first parser to apply and discard.
152 /// * `second` The second parser to apply.
153 /// * `third` The third parser to apply and discard.
154 /// ```rust
155 /// # use nom::{Err, error::ErrorKind, Needed};
156 /// # use nom::Needed::Size;
157 /// use nom::sequence::delimited;
158 /// use nom::bytes::complete::tag;
159 ///
160 /// let mut parser = delimited(tag("("), tag("abc"), tag(")"));
161 ///
162 /// assert_eq!(parser("(abc)"), Ok(("", "abc")));
163 /// assert_eq!(parser("(abc)def"), Ok(("def", "abc")));
164 /// assert_eq!(parser(""), Err(Err::Error(("", ErrorKind::Tag))));
165 /// assert_eq!(parser("123"), Err(Err::Error(("123", ErrorKind::Tag))));
166 /// ```
delimited<I, O1, O2, O3, E: ParseError<I>, F, G, H>( mut first: F, mut second: G, mut third: H, ) -> impl FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, O2, E> where F: Parser<I, O1, E>, G: Parser<I, O2, E>, H: Parser<I, O3, E>,167 pub fn delimited<I, O1, O2, O3, E: ParseError<I>, F, G, H>(
168   mut first: F,
169   mut second: G,
170   mut third: H,
171 ) -> impl FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, O2, E>
172 where
173   F: Parser<I, O1, E>,
174   G: Parser<I, O2, E>,
175   H: Parser<I, O3, E>,
176 {
177   move |input: I| {
178     let (input, _) = first.parse(input)?;
179     let (input, o2) = second.parse(input)?;
180     third.parse(input).map(|(i, _)| (i, o2))
181   }
182 }
184 /// Helper trait for the tuple combinator.
185 ///
186 /// This trait is implemented for tuples of parsers of up to 21 elements.
187 pub trait Tuple<I, O, E> {
188   /// Parses the input and returns a tuple of results of each parser.
parse(&mut self, input: I) -> IResult<I, O, E>189   fn parse(&mut self, input: I) -> IResult<I, O, E>;
190 }
192 impl<Input, Output, Error: ParseError<Input>, F: Parser<Input, Output, Error>>
193   Tuple<Input, (Output,), Error> for (F,)
194 {
parse(&mut self, input: Input) -> IResult<Input, (Output,), Error>195   fn parse(&mut self, input: Input) -> IResult<Input, (Output,), Error> {
196     self.0.parse(input).map(|(i, o)| (i, (o,)))
197   }
198 }
200 macro_rules! tuple_trait(
201   ($name1:ident $ty1:ident, $name2: ident $ty2:ident, $($name:ident $ty:ident),*) => (
202     tuple_trait!(__impl $name1 $ty1, $name2 $ty2; $($name $ty),*);
203   );
204   (__impl $($name:ident $ty: ident),+; $name1:ident $ty1:ident, $($name2:ident $ty2:ident),*) => (
205     tuple_trait_impl!($($name $ty),+);
206     tuple_trait!(__impl $($name $ty),+ , $name1 $ty1; $($name2 $ty2),*);
207   );
208   (__impl $($name:ident $ty: ident),+; $name1:ident $ty1:ident) => (
209     tuple_trait_impl!($($name $ty),+);
210     tuple_trait_impl!($($name $ty),+, $name1 $ty1);
211   );
212 );
214 macro_rules! tuple_trait_impl(
215   ($($name:ident $ty: ident),+) => (
216     impl<
217       Input: Clone, $($ty),+ , Error: ParseError<Input>,
218       $($name: Parser<Input, $ty, Error>),+
219     > Tuple<Input, ( $($ty),+ ), Error> for ( $($name),+ ) {
221       fn parse(&mut self, input: Input) -> IResult<Input, ( $($ty),+ ), Error> {
222         tuple_trait_inner!(0, self, input, (), $($name)+)
224       }
225     }
226   );
227 );
229 macro_rules! tuple_trait_inner(
230   ($it:tt, $self:expr, $input:expr, (), $head:ident $($id:ident)+) => ({
231     let (i, o) = $self.$it.parse($input.clone())?;
233     succ!($it, tuple_trait_inner!($self, i, ( o ), $($id)+))
234   });
235   ($it:tt, $self:expr, $input:expr, ($($parsed:tt)*), $head:ident $($id:ident)+) => ({
236     let (i, o) = $self.$it.parse($input.clone())?;
238     succ!($it, tuple_trait_inner!($self, i, ($($parsed)* , o), $($id)+))
239   });
240   ($it:tt, $self:expr, $input:expr, ($($parsed:tt)*), $head:ident) => ({
241     let (i, o) = $self.$it.parse($input.clone())?;
243     Ok((i, ($($parsed)* , o)))
244   });
245 );
247 tuple_trait!(FnA A, FnB B, FnC C, FnD D, FnE E, FnF F, FnG G, FnH H, FnI I, FnJ J, FnK K, FnL L,
248   FnM M, FnN N, FnO O, FnP P, FnQ Q, FnR R, FnS S, FnT T, FnU U);
250 ///Applies a tuple of parsers one by one and returns their results as a tuple.
251 ///
252 /// ```rust
253 /// # use nom::{Err, error::ErrorKind};
254 /// use nom::sequence::tuple;
255 /// use nom::character::complete::{alpha1, digit1};
256 /// let mut parser = tuple((alpha1, digit1, alpha1));
257 ///
258 /// assert_eq!(parser("abc123def"), Ok(("", ("abc", "123", "def"))));
259 /// assert_eq!(parser("123def"), Err(Err::Error(("123def", ErrorKind::Alpha))));
260 /// ```
tuple<I, O, E: ParseError<I>, List: Tuple<I, O, E>>( mut l: List, ) -> impl FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, O, E>261 pub fn tuple<I, O, E: ParseError<I>, List: Tuple<I, O, E>>(
262   mut l: List,
263 ) -> impl FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, O, E> {
264   move |i: I| l.parse(i)
265 }