1 /* @(#)str.c	1.36 18/07/02 Copyright 1986-2018 J. Schilling */
2 #include <schily/mconfig.h>
3 #ifndef lint
4 static	UConst char sccsid[] =
5 	"@(#)str.c	1.36 18/07/02 Copyright 1986-2018 J. Schilling";
6 #endif
7 /*
8  *	Copyright (c) 1986-2018 J. Schilling
9  */
10 /*
11  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
12  * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
13  * (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
14  * with the License.
15  *
16  * See the file CDDL.Schily.txt in this distribution for details.
17  * A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet at
18  * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.txt
19  *
20  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
21  * file and include the License file CDDL.Schily.txt from this distribution.
22  */
24 #include <schily/stdio.h>
25 #include <schily/signal.h>
26 #include "bsh.h"
28 char	relmsg[]	= "\
29 \
30 bsh V%d.%02d %s (%s-%s-%s)\n\n\
31 	By J. Schilling\n\
32 	bsh -> best shell\n";
34 char	bshopts[]	= "v,V,i,c,e,h,2,g,l,n,s,t,f,F,o&,q,alias-owner*,noclose,help,version";
36 char	sysinitname[]	= "/etc/initbsh";
37 char	sysrinitname[]	= "/etc/initrbsh";
38 char	initname[]	= ".init";
39 char	init2name[] 	= ".init2";
40 char	finalname[]	= ".final";
41 #ifdef	NEW
42 char	globalname[]	= ".alias";
43 char	localname[]	= ".lalias";
44 #else
45 char	globalname[]	= ".globals";
46 char	localname[]	= ".locals";
47 #endif
48 char	aliasname[]	= ".alias";
49 char	laliasname[]	= ".lalias";
50 char	historyname[]	= ".history";
51 char	mapname[]	= ".bshmap";
52 char	defpath[]	= ":/usr/ucb:/bin:/usr/bin";
53 char	tmpname[]	= "/tmp/bsh";
54 char	nulldev[]	= "/dev/null";
55 char	loginname[]	= "login";
57 /*
58  *	Conditions
59  */
60 char	sn_ctlc[]	= "kill";
61 char	sn_no_mem[]	= "no_memory";
62 char	sn_any_other[]	= "any_other";
63 char	sn_badtab[]	= "bad_astab_number";
64 char	sn_badfile[]	= "bad_sym_file";
66 /*
67  *	Open Modes
68  */
69 char	for_read[]	= "r";
70 char	for_ru[]	= "ru";
71 char	for_rwct[]	= "rwct";
72 char	for_wct[]	= "wct";
73 char	for_wca[]	= "wca";
75 /*
76  *	Environment
77  */
78 char	homename[]	= "HOME";
79 char	pathname[]	= "PATH";
80 char	termname[]	= "TERM";
81 char	termcapname[]	= "TERMCAP";
82 char	cwdname[]	= "CWD";
83 char	pwdname[]	= "PWD";	/* ksh calls it present working dir */
84 char	cdpathname[]	= "CDPATH";
85 char	username[]	= "USER";
86 char	Elogname[]	= "LOGNAME";
87 char	promptname[]	= "PROMPT";
88 char	prompt2name[]	= "PROMPT2";
89 char	ignoreeofname[]	= "IGNOREEOF";
90 char	histname[]	= "HISTORY";	/* Historic name */
91 char	savehistname[]	= "SAVEHISTORY"; /* Historic name */
92 char	histsizename[]	= "HISTSIZE";	/* POSIX name taken from ksh */
93 char	histfilename[]	= "HISTFILE";	/* POSIX name taken from ksh */
94 char	slashname[]	= "SLASH";
95 char	evlockname[]	= "EVLOCK";
96 char	mailname[]	= "MAIL";
97 char	mchkname[]	= "MAILCHECK";
98 char	mailpname[]	= "MAILPATH";
100 char	nullstr[]	= "";
101 char	nl[]		= "\n";
102 char	slash[]		= "/";
103 char	eql[]		= "=";
104 char	lpar[]		= "(";
105 char	rpar[]		= ")";
106 char	on[]		= "on";
107 char	off[]		= "off";
108 char	commandname[]	= "command";
109 char	pipename[]	= "pipe";
111 /*
112  *	Parser
113  */
114 char	special[]	= ";&|()<>% \t";
115 char	ops[]		= ";&|)";
116 char	spaces[]	= " \t\n";
118 /*
119  *	Error Messages
120  */
121 char	ecantcreate[]	= "Can't create '%s'. %s";
122 char	ecantopen[]	= "Can't open '%s'. %s";
123 char	ecantread[]	= "Can't read '%s'. %s";
124 char	ecantexecute[]	= "Can't execute '%s'. %s";
125 char	ecantfork[]	= "Can't fork %s";
126 char	ecantvfork[]	= "Can't vfork %s";
127 char	enochildren[]	= "No children.";
128 char	eargtoolong[]	= "Argument too long.";
129 char	erestricted[]	= "%s: restricted.";
130 char	ebadopt[]	= "%s: Bad Option: %s.";
131 char	eioredef[]	= "I/O redefined.";
132 char	eiounimpl[]	= "Unimplemented I/O.";
133 char	epiperedefio[]	= "Pipe redefines I/O.";
134 char	emissing[]	= "Missing";
135 char	emissiodelim[]	= "Missing I/O delimiter.";
136 char	emissnameinio[]	= "Missing I/O name.";
137 char	emissterm[]	= "Missing I/O terminator.";
138 char	emisscondcmd[]	= "Missing command in conditional.";
139 char	emisspipecmd[]	= "Missing command in pipe.";
140 char	emissabbrev[]	= "Missing abbrev name.";
141 char	enocmd[]	= "Unknown command.";
142 char	enullcmd[]	= "Null command name.";
143 char	eambiguous[]	= "Ambiguous.";
144 char	ebadmodifier[]	= "Bad modifier.";
145 char	ebadpattern[]	= "Bad pattern.";
146 char	enotfound[]	= "Not found.";
147 char	eshonly[]	= "#! only works in commandfiles.";
148 char	ecore[]		= " - core dumped";
149 #ifdef	TEST			/* include test code */
150 char	ebadop[]	= "bad operator: %s";
151 char	expected[]	= "%s expected";
152 char	unexpected[]	= "%s unexpected";
153 char	number[]	= "number";
154 char	argument[]	= "argument";
155 char	divzero[]	= "division by zero";
156 #endif
159 /*
160  *	Usage Messages
161  */
162 char	helpname[]	= "-help";
163 char	usage[]		= "Usage: ";
164 char	ubsh[]		= "\
165 [options] [arg1 ... argn]\n\
166 	Read commands from file arg1. If no args,\n\
167 	Read commands from stdin.\n\
168 Options:\n\
169 	-i	Force interactive prompting.\n\
170 	-v	Set verbose mode after processing dotfiles.\n\
171 	-V	Start with verbose mode on.\n\
172 	-c	Execute arg1 as a command with arg2-n as args.\n\
173 	-e	Exit immediately if a noninteractive command fails.\n\
174 	-n	Read commands but do not execute them.\n\
175 	-s	Read commands from stdin - even if args.\n\
176 	-t	Exit after reading and executing one command.\n\
177 	-2	Don't read ~/.init2 file.\n\
178 		also true if -c set and name is 'command'.\n\
179 	-h	Don't use ~/.history file.\n\
180 	-g	Don't use ~/.globals file.\n\
181 	-l	Don't use .locals file.\n\
182 	-f	(fast) same as -2h.\n\
183 	-F	(extra fast) same as -2hgl.\n\
184 	-noclose Don't close nostd files on exec.";
186 char	ualias[]	= "[name[=value]...]\n\
187 Options:\n\
188 	-a	Define a non-begin alias.\n\
189 	-e	List the everlasting version of the persistent alias.\n\
190 	-g	Define or list persistent global aliases.\n\
191 	-l	Define or list persistent local aliases.\n\
192 	-p	Push alias or list in parsable form.\n\
193 	-reload	Reload aliases from file.\n\
194 	-R/-raw	Output listing in raw format.";
195 char	uunalias[]	= "[name...]\n\
196 Options:\n\
197 	-a	Remove all alias definitions.\n\
198 	-g	Pop a single global alias definition.\n\
199 	-l	Pop a single local alias definition.\n\
200 	-p	Pop all on named alias definition.";
201 char	uexpr[]		= "name = expr";
202 char	ufg[]		= "[job ...]";
203 char	ubrack[]	= "expr ]";
204 char	ucd[]		= "[directory]";
205 char	uconcat[]	= "name val1 ... valn";
206 char	udo[]		= "command";
207 char	uecho[]		= "[-n|-nnl] args";
208 char	uenv[]		= "[-i] [name=value] [command [args]]";
209 char	uerrstr[]	= "errno";
210 char	ueval[]		= "[args]";
211 char	uexec[]		= "[av0=name] [args]";
212 char	uexit[]		= "[exitcode]";
213 char	ufunc[]		= "[funcname] ['cmdlist']";
214 char	uglob[]		= "args";
215 char	uhist[]		= "[-n][-r]";
216 char	ukill[]		= "[-l][-sig] pid1 ... pidn";
217 char	uulimit[]	= "[[resource] [[curlimit] [maxlimit]]]";
218 char	ulogin[]	= "[username]";
219 char	umap[]		= "[fromstr [tostr [comment]]]\n\
220 Options:\n\
221 	-r	reload mappings\n\
222 	-u	unmap fromstr";
223 char	upgrp[]		= "[pid]";
224 char	upopd[]		= "[offset]";
225 char	upushd[]	= "[directory|offset]";
226 char	uread[]		= "varname";
227 char	urepeat[]	= "\
228 [delay=seconds] [count=times] command\n\
229 	All flags must be before the command to be repeated.";
230 char	uresume[]	= "pid";
231 char	uset[]		= "[name=value]";
232 char	usetenv[]	= "[name value]";
233 char	usetmask[]	= "\
234 [+-]{rwx}  [+-]{rwx}  [+-]{rwx}\n\
235 	\t   Owner      Group      World\n\n\
236 	Accepted mode characters are also :\n\
237 		=   same mode as before\n\
238 		.   delete all permissions";
239 char	ushift[]	= "[count]";
240 char	usignal[]	= "['cmdlist'] [sig#1 .. sig#n]";
241 char	usource[]	= "[-h] bshfile";
242 char	udot[]		= "shellfile";
243 char	ureturn[]	= "[retval]";
244 char	ustop[]		= "pid1 ... pidn";
245 #ifdef	DO_SUID
246 char	usuid[]		= "\
247 [name]\n\
248 	The user will be prompted for password";
249 #endif
250 char	ususpend[]	= "[pid1 ... pidn]";
251 char	utest[]		= "expr";
252 char	utype[]		= "name ...";
253 char	uutime[]	= "noch nicht fertig";
254 char	uumask[]	= "[-S] [mask]";
255 char	uunmap[]	= "fromstr";
256 char	uunset[]	= "name";
257 char	uunsetenv[]	= "name";
258 char	uwait[]		= "pid1 ... pidn";