1## Changes in 0.8.4 [2020.12.09]
2 - Backport the `Ord` instances for `TyCon` and `TypeRep` to be available on
3   GHC 7.0.
5## Changes in 0.8.3 [2020.09.30]
6 - Backport new instances from GHC 9.0/`base-4.15`
7   * `MonadFix` and `MonadZip` instances for `Complex`
8   * `Ix` instances for tuples of size 6 through 15
10## Changes in 0.8.2 [2020.01.27]
11 - Backport new instances from GHC 8.10/`base-4.14`
12   * `Bits`, `Bounded`, `Enum`, `FiniteBits`, `Floating`, `Fractional`,
13     `Integral`, `Ix`, `Real`, `RealFrac`, `RealFloat` and `Storable` instances
14     for `Data.Ord.Down`
15   * `Functor`, `Applicative`, `Monad`, `Alternative`, and `MonadPlus` instances
16     for `Kleisli`
17   * `Functor`, `Applicative`, and `Monad` instances for
18     `(,,) a b` and `(,,,) a b c`
19   * `Data` instances for `WrappedArrow` and `WrappedMonad`
20   * `Data` and `IsList` instances for `ZipList`
21   * `TestEquality` instance for `Compose`
22 - Backport the `Typeable (() :: Constraint)` instance to be available on
23   GHC 7.8.
25## Changes in 0.8.1 [2019.03.25]
26 - Ensure that the test suite passes non-negative numbers to `Bits` methods
27   that require them, such as `bit`, `setBit`, `clearBit`, `complementBit`,
28   and `testBit`.
30## Changes in 0.8 [2018.07.02]
31 - Backported new instance from GHC 8.6/`base-4.12`
32   * Data types in `GHC.Generics`:
33     - `Applicative` instance for `K1`
34     - `Semigroup` instances for `U1`, `Par1`, `Rec1`, `K1`, `M1`, `(:*:)`,     `(:.:)`, and `V1`
35     - `Monoid`    instances for `U1`, `Par1`, `Rec1`, `K1`, `M1`, `(:*:)`, and `(:.:)`
36   * `Foldable` and `Traversable` instances for `Data.Monoid.Alt`
37   * `MonadFix`, `MonadZip`, `Data`, `Foldable`, `Traversable`, `Eq1`, `Ord1`,
38     `Read1`, and `Show1` instances for `Data.Ord.Down`
40## Changes in 0.7 [2018.03.08]
41 - Backported new instances from GHC 8.4/`base-4.11`
42   * `Alternative` instance for `ZipList`
43   * `Data` instance for `IntPtr` and `WordPtr`
44   * `Num`, `Functor`, `Applicative`, `Monad`, `Semigroup`, and `Monoid`
45     instances for `Data.Ord.Down`
46   * `MonadFail`, `Semigroup`, and `Monoid` instances for strict `ST`
48## Changes in 0.6 [2017.04.10]
49 - Backported new instances from GHC 8.2/`base-4.10`
50   (see https://github.com/haskell-compat/base-orphans/issues/39):
51   * `Data` instance for `Const`
52   * `Eq1`, `Ord1`, `Read1`, and `Show1` instances for `NonEmpty`
53   * `Semigroup` instances for `IO`, `Event`, and `Lifetime`
54 - Backported `Typeable` instances for `(:+:)`, `(:*:)`, `(:.:)`, `M1`, `Rec1`,
55   `ArrowMonad`, `Kleisli`, `WrappedArrow`, `WrappedMonad`, and `Any` on GHC
56   7.6 and earlier
57 - Backported `Data` instances for `(:+:)`, `(:*:)`, `(:.:)`, `M1`, and `Rec1`
58   on GHC 7.6 and earlier
60## Changes in 0.5.4
61 - Backported `Bits`, `FiniteBits`, `Floating`, `Fractional`, `Integral`,
62   `IsString`, `Num`, `Real`, `RealFloat`, and `RealFrac` instances for
63   `Identity` and `Const` (introduced in `base-4.9`)
65## Changes in 0.5.3
66 - Backported `Alternative`, `MonadPlus` and `MonadZip` instances for `U1` and
67   `Proxy`, and made the `Functor`, `Foldable`, `Traversable`, `Alternative`,
68   and `Monad` instances for `U1` lazier to correspond with `base-4.9`
70## Changes in 0.5.2
71 - Backported `Enum`, `Bounded`, `Ix`, `Functor`, `Applicative`, `Monad`,
72   `MonadFix`, `MonadPlus`, `MonadZip`, `Foldable`, `Traversable`, and
73   `Data` instances for datatypes in the `GHC.Generics` module (introduced in
74   `base-4.9`)
76## Changes in 0.5.1
77 - The `Storable` instances for `Complex` and `Ratio` are now exactly as lazy
78   as their counterparts in `base` (see issue
79   [#36](https://github.com/haskell-compat/base-orphans/issues/36))
81## Changes in 0.5.0
82 - GHC 8.0 compatibility
83 - Backported instances introduced in GHC 8.0/`base-4.9`
84   (see https://github.com/haskell-compat/base-orphans/issues/32)
86## Changes in 0.4.5
87 - Import `Control.Monad.Instances` (which exports `Functor` and `Monad`
88   instances for `(->) r`, and `Functor` instances for `(,) a` and `Either a`)
89   on GHCs before 7.6. This ensures that these instances will always be in
90   scope, and you won't have to import a module which is deprecated on recent
91   GHC releases.
92 - Fix build on GHC HEAD (again)
94## Changes in 0.4.4
95 - Fix build on GHC HEAD
97## Changes in 0.4.3
98 - Fix build on OSes where `HTYPE_DEV_T = Int32` (e.g., OS X)
100## Changes in 0.4.2
101 - `Functor` instances for `Handler`
102 - `Functor`. `Applicative`, `Alternative`, and `MonadPlus` instances for
103   `ArrowMonad`
104 - Expose `Read` and `Show` instances for `Down` on GHCs before 7.8
105 - `Bits`, `Bounded`, and `Integral` instances for `CDev`
107## Changes in 0.4.1
108 - Fixed imports on GHC < 7.8 on Windows
110## Changes in 0.4.0
111 - Removed all `Generic` and `Generic1` instances. These have been moved to the
112   `generic-deriving` library.
114## Changes in 0.3.3
115 - `Typeable` instances for `(~)`, `Any`, `Constraint`, `CSigset`, `Handler`,
116   `Opaque`, `SPEC`, and every promotable data constructor in `base`
118## Changes in 0.3.2
119 - `Storable (Complex a)` instance no longer requires a `RealFloat a`
120   constraint if using `base-4.4` or later
122## Changes in 0.3.1
123 - `Functor`, `Applicative`, and `Monad` instances for `First` and `Last`
125## Changes in 0.3.0
126 - `Show` instance for `Fingerprint`
127 - `Data.Orphans` is now `Trustworthy`
128 - Backported the `Generic` and `Generic1` instances available in `base-`
129   to GHC 7.2, 7.4, and 7.6, namely
130   * `Const`, `WrappedMonad`, and `ZipList` from `Control.Applicative`
131   * `WrappedArrow` from `Control.Category`
132   * `All`, `Any`, `Dual`, `Endo`, `First`, `Last`, `Product`, and `Sum` from
133     `Data.Monoid`
134   * `U1`, `Par1`, `Rec1`, `K1`, `M1`, `(:+:)`, `(:*:)`, `(:.:)`, `Arity`,
135     `Associativity`, and `Fixity` from `GHC.Generics`
137## Changes in 0.2.0
138 - Drop GHC 6.12 (and `base-`) compatibility
139 - Fix Windows, GHCJS build
140 - `Read` instance for `Fixed`
141 - `Applicative` instances for strict and lazy `ST`
142 - `Typeable` instance for `SampleVar`
143 - `Applicative` and `Alternative` instances for `ReadP` and `ReadPrec`
144 - `Typeable` instance for `KProxy`
145 - `Typeable` instances for more data types in `GHC.`-prefixed modules
146 - `Generic` instances for `Arity`, `Associativity`, and `Fixity` from
147   the `GHC.Generics` module
148 - Corrected the `Generic` instance for `(:*:)` to work around GHC bug #9830