1name: stack
2version: '2.7.3'
3synopsis: The Haskell Tool Stack
4description: |
5  Please see the documentation at <https://docs.haskellstack.org>
6  for usage information.
7  .
8  If building a 'stack' executable for distribution, please download the
9  source code from <https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/releases>
10  and build it using Stack itself in order to ensure identical behaviour
11  to official binaries.  This package on Hackage is provided for convenience
12  and bootstrapping purposes.
13  .
14  Note that the API for the library is not currently stable, and may
15  change significantly, even between minor releases. It is
16  currently only intended for use by the executable.
17category: Development
18author: Commercial Haskell SIG
19maintainer: manny@fpcomplete.com
20license: BSD3
21github: commercialhaskell/stack
22homepage: http://haskellstack.org
24  dependencies:
25  - base >=4.13 && < 5
26  - Cabal
27  - filepath
29# note: leaving out 'package.yaml' because it causes confusion with hackage metadata revisions
31- ChangeLog.md
32- README.md
33- stack.yaml
34- doc/*.md
35- src/setup-shim/StackSetupShim.hs
36- test/package-dump/ghc-7.10.txt
37- test/package-dump/ghc-7.8.4-osx.txt
38- test/package-dump/ghc-7.8.txt
39- test/package-dump/ghc-head.txt
40- src/test/Stack/Untar/test1.tar.gz
41- src/test/Stack/Untar/test2.tar.gz
43- -Wall
44- -fwarn-tabs
45- -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns
46- -fwarn-incomplete-record-updates
47- -optP-Wno-nonportable-include-path # workaround [Filename case on macOS · Issue #4739 · haskell/cabal](https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/4739)
49- Cabal
50- aeson
51- annotated-wl-pprint
52- ansi-terminal
53- array
54- async
55- attoparsec
56- base >=4.10 && < 5
57- base64-bytestring
58- bytestring
59- colour
60- conduit
61- conduit-extra
62- containers
63- cryptonite
64- cryptonite-conduit
65- deepseq
66- directory
67- echo
68- exceptions
69- extra
70- file-embed
71- filelock
72- filepath
73- fsnotify
74- generic-deriving
75- hackage-security
76- hashable
77- hi-file-parser
78- hpack
79- hpc
80- http-client
81- http-client-tls
82- http-conduit
83- http-download
84- http-types
85- memory
86- microlens
87- mintty
88- mono-traversable
89- mtl
90- mustache
91- neat-interpolation
92- network-uri
93- open-browser
94- optparse-applicative >=
95- pantry >= 0.5.2
96- casa-client
97- casa-types
98- path
99- path-io
100- persistent
101- persistent-sqlite
102- persistent-template
103- pretty
104- primitive
105- process
106- project-template
107- regex-applicative-text
108- retry
109- rio >=
110- rio-prettyprint >=
111- semigroups
112- split
113- stm
114- streaming-commons
115- tar
116- template-haskell
117- temporary
118- text
119- text-metrics
120- th-reify-many
121- time
122- tls
123- transformers
124- typed-process
125- unicode-transforms
126- unix-compat
127- unliftio
128- unordered-containers
129- vector
130- yaml
131- zip-archive
132- zlib
134- condition: os(windows)
135  then:
136    cpp-options: -DWINDOWS
137    dependencies:
138    - Win32
139  else:
140    verbatim: |
141      build-tool-depends:
142          hsc2hs:hsc2hs
143    dependencies:
144    - unix
145- condition: flag(developer-mode)
146  then:
147    cpp-options: -DSTACK_DEVELOPER_MODE_DEFAULT=True
148  else:
149    cpp-options: -DSTACK_DEVELOPER_MODE_DEFAULT=False
151  source-dirs: src/
152  ghc-options:
153  - -fwarn-identities
154  generated-exposed-modules:
155  - Paths_stack
156  exposed-modules:
157  - Control.Concurrent.Execute
158  - Data.Attoparsec.Args
159  - Data.Attoparsec.Combinators
160  - Data.Attoparsec.Interpreter
161  - Data.Monoid.Map
162  - Network.HTTP.StackClient
163  - Options.Applicative.Args
164  - Options.Applicative.Builder.Extra
165  - Options.Applicative.Complicated
166  - Path.CheckInstall
167  - Path.Extra
168  - Path.Find
169  - Stack.Build
170  - Stack.Build.Cache
171  - Stack.Build.ConstructPlan
172  - Stack.Build.Execute
173  - Stack.Build.Haddock
174  - Stack.Build.Installed
175  - Stack.Build.Source
176  - Stack.Build.Target
177  - Stack.BuildPlan
178  - Stack.Clean
179  - Stack.Config
180  - Stack.Config.Build
181  - Stack.Config.Docker
182  - Stack.Config.Nix
183  - Stack.ConfigCmd
184  - Stack.Constants
185  - Stack.Constants.Config
186  - Stack.Coverage
187  - Stack.DefaultColorWhen
188  - Stack.Docker
189  - Stack.Dot
190  - Stack.FileWatch
191  - Stack.GhcPkg
192  - Stack.Ghci
193  - Stack.Ghci.Script
194  - Stack.Hoogle
195  - Stack.IDE
196  - Stack.Init
197  - Stack.List
198  - Stack.Ls
199  - Stack.Lock
200  - Stack.New
201  - Stack.Nix
202  - Stack.Options.BenchParser
203  - Stack.Options.BuildMonoidParser
204  - Stack.Options.BuildParser
205  - Stack.Options.CleanParser
206  - Stack.Options.ConfigParser
207  - Stack.Options.Completion
208  - Stack.Options.DockerParser
209  - Stack.Options.DotParser
210  - Stack.Options.ExecParser
211  - Stack.Options.GhcBuildParser
212  - Stack.Options.GhciParser
213  - Stack.Options.GhcVariantParser
214  - Stack.Options.GlobalParser
215  - Stack.Options.HaddockParser
216  - Stack.Options.HpcReportParser
217  - Stack.Options.LogLevelParser
218  - Stack.Options.NewParser
219  - Stack.Options.NixParser
220  - Stack.Options.PackageParser
221  - Stack.Options.ResolverParser
222  - Stack.Options.ScriptParser
223  - Stack.Options.SDistParser
224  - Stack.Options.TestParser
225  - Stack.Options.UploadParser
226  - Stack.Options.Utils
227  - Stack.Package
228  - Stack.PackageDump
229  - Stack.Path
230  - Stack.Prelude
231  - Stack.Runners
232  - Stack.Script
233  - Stack.SDist
234  - Stack.Setup
235  - Stack.Setup.Installed
236  - Stack.SetupCmd
237  - Stack.SourceMap
238  - Stack.Storage.Project
239  - Stack.Storage.User
240  - Stack.Storage.Util
241  - Stack.Types.Build
242  - Stack.Types.CompilerBuild
243  - Stack.Types.Compiler
244  - Stack.Types.Config
245  - Stack.Types.Config.Build
246  - Stack.Types.Docker
247  - Stack.Types.GhcPkgId
248  - Stack.Types.NamedComponent
249  - Stack.Types.Nix
250  - Stack.Types.Package
251  - Stack.Types.PackageName
252  - Stack.Types.Resolver
253  - Stack.Types.SourceMap
254  - Stack.Types.TemplateName
255  - Stack.Types.Version
256  - Stack.Types.VersionIntervals
257  - Stack.Unpack
258  - Stack.Upgrade
259  - Stack.Upload
260  - System.Info.ShortPathName
261  - System.Permissions
262  - System.Process.Pager
263  - System.Terminal
264  when:
265  - condition: 'os(windows)'
266    then:
267      source-dirs: src/windows/
268    else:
269      source-dirs: src/unix/
270      c-sources: src/unix/cbits/uname.c
272  stack:
273    main: Main.hs
274    source-dirs: src/main
275    generated-other-modules:
276    - Build_stack
277    - Paths_stack
278    ghc-options:
279    - -threaded
280    - -rtsopts
281    dependencies:
282    - stack
283    when:
284    - condition: flag(static)
285      ld-options:
286      - -static
287      - -pthread
288    - condition: ! '!(flag(disable-git-info))'
289      cpp-options: -DUSE_GIT_INFO
290      dependencies:
291      - githash
292      - optparse-simple
293    - condition: flag(hide-dependency-versions)
294      cpp-options: -DHIDE_DEP_VERSIONS
295    - condition: flag(supported-build)
296      cpp-options: -DSUPPORTED_BUILD
297  stack-integration-test:
298    main: IntegrationSpec.hs
299    source-dirs:
300    - test/integration
301    - test/integration/lib
302    ghc-options:
303    - -threaded
304    - -rtsopts
305    - -with-rtsopts=-N
306    dependencies:
307    - filepath
308    - hspec
309    - optparse-generic
310    when:
311    - condition: ! '!(flag(integration-tests))'
312      buildable: false
313    - condition: flag(static)
314      ld-options:
315      - -static
316      - -pthread
318  stack-test:
319    main: Spec.hs
320    source-dirs: src/test
321    ghc-options:
322    - -threaded
323    dependencies:
324    - QuickCheck
325    - hspec
326    - raw-strings-qq
327    - stack
328    - smallcheck
330  static:
331    description: Pass -static/-pthread to ghc when linking the stack binary.
332    manual: true
333    default: false
334  disable-git-info:
335    description: Disable compile-time inclusion of current git info in stack
336    manual: true
337    default: false
338  hide-dependency-versions:
339    description: "Hides dependency versions from 'stack --version', used only by building
340      Stack and the default 'stack.yaml'.  Note to packagers/distributors:
342      (e.g. using cabal or from Hackage), as it makes debugging support
343      requests more difficult."
344    manual: true
345    default: false
346  integration-tests:
347    description: Run the integration test suite
348    manual: true
349    default: false
350  supported-build:
351    description: "If false, causes 'stack --version' to issue a warning about
352      the build being unsupported.  Should be True only if building with
353      Stack and the default 'stack.yaml'.  Note to packagers/distributors:
355      (e.g. using cabal or from Hackage), as it makes debugging support
356      requests more difficult."
357    manual: true
358    default: false
359  developer-mode:
360    description: "By default, should extra developer information be output?"
361    manual: true
362    default: false