1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -fno-rtti -emit-llvm-only -o - -triple=i386-pc-win32 -verify
3 // A is not trivially copyable and must be passed indirectly or with inalloca.
4 struct A {
5   A();
6   A(const A &o);
7   virtual ~A();
8   int a;
9 };
11 struct B {
12   B();
13   int b;
14   virtual B *clone(A);
15 };
17 // Converting from C* to B* requires a this adjustment.
18 struct C : A, B {
19   C();
20   int c;
21   virtual C *clone(A); // expected-error {{cannot compile this non-trivial argument copy for return-adjusting thunk yet}}
22 };
B()23 B::B() {}  // force emission
C()24 C::C() {}  // force emission