1# REQUIRES: mips
2# Check MIPS multi-GOT layout.
4# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=mips-unknown-linux %s -o %t0.o
5# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=mips-unknown-linux \
6# RUN:         %p/Inputs/mips-mgot-1.s -o %t1.o
7# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=mips-unknown-linux \
8# RUN:         %p/Inputs/mips-mgot-2.s -o %t2.o
9# RUN: echo "SECTIONS { \
10# RUN:         . = 0x10000; .text : { *(.text) } \
11# RUN:         . = 0x70000; .got  : { *(.got)  } \
12# RUN:       }" > %t.script
13# RUN: ld.lld -shared -mips-got-size 52 --script %t.script %t0.o %t1.o %t2.o -o %t.so
14# RUN: llvm-objdump -s -section=.got -t %t.so | FileCheck %s
15# RUN: llvm-readobj -r --dyn-syms -A %t.so | FileCheck -check-prefix=GOT %s
18# CHECK:           00000000 l    O .tdata          00000000 loc0
19# CHECK: [[FOO0:[0-9a-f]+]]        .text           00000000 foo0
20# CHECK:           00000000 g    O .tdata          00000000 tls0
21# CHECK:           00000004 g    O .tdata          00000000 tls1
22# CHECK: [[FOO2:[0-9a-f]+]]        .text           00000000 foo2
24# CHECK:      Contents of section .got:
25# CHECK-NEXT:  70000 00000000 80000000 [[FOO0]] [[FOO2]]
26# CHECK-NEXT:  70010 00000000 00000004 00010000 00020000
27# CHECK-NEXT:  70020 00030000 00040000 00050000 00060000
28# CHECK-NEXT:  70030 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
29# CHECK-NEXT:  70040 00000000 00000000 00000000
31# GOT:      Relocations [
32# GOT-NEXT:   Section (7) .rel.dyn {
33# GOT-NEXT:     0x70018 R_MIPS_REL32 - 0x0
34# GOT-NEXT:     0x7001C R_MIPS_REL32 - 0x0
35# GOT-NEXT:     0x70020 R_MIPS_REL32 - 0x0
36# GOT-NEXT:     0x70024 R_MIPS_REL32 - 0x0
37# GOT-NEXT:     0x70028 R_MIPS_REL32 - 0x0
38# GOT-NEXT:     0x7002C R_MIPS_REL32 - 0x0
39# GOT-NEXT:     0x70030 R_MIPS_REL32 foo0 0x0
40# GOT-NEXT:     0x70034 R_MIPS_REL32 foo2 0x0
41# GOT-NEXT:     0x70044 R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD32 - 0x0
42# GOT-NEXT:     0x70010 R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL32 tls0 0x0
43# GOT-NEXT:     0x70038 R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL32 tls0 0x0
44# GOT-NEXT:     0x7003C R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD32 tls0 0x0
45# GOT-NEXT:     0x70040 R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL32 tls0 0x0
46# GOT-NEXT:     0x70014 R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL32 tls1 0x0
47# GOT-NEXT:   }
48# GOT-NEXT: ]
50# GOT:      DynamicSymbols [
51# GOT:        Symbol {
52# GOT:          Name: foo0
53# GOT-NEXT:     Value: 0x[[FOO0:[0-9A-F]+]]
54# GOT:        }
55# GOT-NEXT:   Symbol {
56# GOT-NEXT:     Name: foo2
57# GOT-NEXT:     Value: 0x[[FOO2:[0-9A-F]+]]
58# GOT:        }
59# GOT-NEXT: ]
61# GOT:      Primary GOT {
62# GOT-NEXT:   Canonical gp value: 0x77FF0
63# GOT-NEXT:   Reserved entries [
64# GOT-NEXT:     Entry {
65# GOT-NEXT:       Address:
66# GOT-NEXT:       Access: -32752
67# GOT-NEXT:       Initial: 0x0
68# GOT-NEXT:       Purpose: Lazy resolver
69# GOT-NEXT:     }
70# GOT-NEXT:     Entry {
71# GOT-NEXT:       Address:
72# GOT-NEXT:       Access: -32748
73# GOT-NEXT:       Initial: 0x80000000
74# GOT-NEXT:       Purpose: Module pointer (GNU extension)
75# GOT-NEXT:     }
76# GOT-NEXT:   ]
77# GOT-NEXT:   Local entries [
78# GOT-NEXT:   ]
79# GOT-NEXT:   Global entries [
80# GOT-NEXT:     Entry {
81# GOT-NEXT:       Address:
82# GOT-NEXT:       Access: -32744
83# GOT-NEXT:       Initial: 0x[[FOO0]]
84# GOT-NEXT:       Value: 0x[[FOO0]]
85# GOT-NEXT:       Type: None
86# GOT-NEXT:       Section: .text
87# GOT-NEXT:       Name: foo0
88# GOT-NEXT:     }
89# GOT-NEXT:     Entry {
90# GOT-NEXT:       Address:
91# GOT-NEXT:       Access: -32740
92# GOT-NEXT:       Initial: 0x[[FOO2]]
93# GOT-NEXT:       Value: 0x[[FOO2]]
94# GOT-NEXT:       Type: None
95# GOT-NEXT:       Section: .text
96# GOT-NEXT:       Name: foo2
97# GOT-NEXT:     }
98# GOT-NEXT:   ]
99# GOT-NEXT:   Number of TLS and multi-GOT entries: 15
100# GOT-NEXT: }
102  .text
103  .global foo0
105  lw     $2, %got(.data)($gp)     # page entry
106  addi   $2, $2, %lo(.data)
107  lw     $2, %call16(foo0)($gp)   # global entry
108  addiu  $2, $2, %tlsgd(tls0)     # tls gd entry
109  addiu  $2, $2, %gottprel(tls0)  # tls got entry
110  addiu  $2, $2, %tlsldm(loc0)    # tls ld entry
112  .data
113  .space 0x20000
115  .section .tdata,"awT",%progbits
116  .global tls0
119  .word 0