1import time
3from .exceptions import EOF, TIMEOUT
5class Expecter(object):
6    def __init__(self, spawn, searcher, searchwindowsize=-1):
7        self.spawn = spawn
8        self.searcher = searcher
9        if searchwindowsize == -1:
10            searchwindowsize = spawn.searchwindowsize
11        self.searchwindowsize = searchwindowsize
13    def new_data(self, data):
14        spawn = self.spawn
15        searcher = self.searcher
17        pos = spawn._buffer.tell()
18        spawn._buffer.write(data)
19        spawn._before.write(data)
21        # determine which chunk of data to search; if a windowsize is
22        # specified, this is the *new* data + the preceding <windowsize> bytes
23        if self.searchwindowsize:
24            spawn._buffer.seek(max(0, pos - self.searchwindowsize))
25            window = spawn._buffer.read(self.searchwindowsize + len(data))
26        else:
27            # otherwise, search the whole buffer (really slow for large datasets)
28            window = spawn.buffer
29        index = searcher.search(window, len(data))
30        if index >= 0:
31            spawn._buffer = spawn.buffer_type()
32            spawn._buffer.write(window[searcher.end:])
33            spawn.before = spawn._before.getvalue()[0:-(len(window) - searcher.start)]
34            spawn._before = spawn.buffer_type()
35            spawn.after = window[searcher.start: searcher.end]
36            spawn.match = searcher.match
37            spawn.match_index = index
38            # Found a match
39            return index
40        elif self.searchwindowsize:
41            spawn._buffer = spawn.buffer_type()
42            spawn._buffer.write(window)
44    def eof(self, err=None):
45        spawn = self.spawn
47        spawn.before = spawn.buffer
48        spawn._buffer = spawn.buffer_type()
49        spawn._before = spawn.buffer_type()
50        spawn.after = EOF
51        index = self.searcher.eof_index
52        if index >= 0:
53            spawn.match = EOF
54            spawn.match_index = index
55            return index
56        else:
57            spawn.match = None
58            spawn.match_index = None
59            msg = str(spawn)
60            msg += '\nsearcher: %s' % self.searcher
61            if err is not None:
62                msg = str(err) + '\n' + msg
63            raise EOF(msg)
65    def timeout(self, err=None):
66        spawn = self.spawn
68        spawn.before = spawn.buffer
69        spawn.after = TIMEOUT
70        index = self.searcher.timeout_index
71        if index >= 0:
72            spawn.match = TIMEOUT
73            spawn.match_index = index
74            return index
75        else:
76            spawn.match = None
77            spawn.match_index = None
78            msg = str(spawn)
79            msg += '\nsearcher: %s' % self.searcher
80            if err is not None:
81                msg = str(err) + '\n' + msg
82            raise TIMEOUT(msg)
84    def errored(self):
85        spawn = self.spawn
86        spawn.before = spawn.buffer
87        spawn.after = None
88        spawn.match = None
89        spawn.match_index = None
91    def expect_loop(self, timeout=-1):
92        """Blocking expect"""
93        spawn = self.spawn
95        if timeout is not None:
96            end_time = time.time() + timeout
98        try:
99            incoming = spawn.buffer
100            spawn._buffer = spawn.buffer_type()
101            spawn._before = spawn.buffer_type()
102            while True:
103                idx = self.new_data(incoming)
104                # Keep reading until exception or return.
105                if idx is not None:
106                    return idx
107                # No match at this point
108                if (timeout is not None) and (timeout < 0):
109                    return self.timeout()
110                # Still have time left, so read more data
111                incoming = spawn.read_nonblocking(spawn.maxread, timeout)
112                if self.spawn.delayafterread is not None:
113                    time.sleep(self.spawn.delayafterread)
114                if timeout is not None:
115                    timeout = end_time - time.time()
116        except EOF as e:
117            return self.eof(e)
118        except TIMEOUT as e:
119            return self.timeout(e)
120        except:
121            self.errored()
122            raise
125class searcher_string(object):
126    '''This is a plain string search helper for the spawn.expect_any() method.
127    This helper class is for speed. For more powerful regex patterns
128    see the helper class, searcher_re.
130    Attributes:
132        eof_index     - index of EOF, or -1
133        timeout_index - index of TIMEOUT, or -1
135    After a successful match by the search() method the following attributes
136    are available:
138        start - index into the buffer, first byte of match
139        end   - index into the buffer, first byte after match
140        match - the matching string itself
142    '''
144    def __init__(self, strings):
145        '''This creates an instance of searcher_string. This argument 'strings'
146        may be a list; a sequence of strings; or the EOF or TIMEOUT types. '''
148        self.eof_index = -1
149        self.timeout_index = -1
150        self._strings = []
151        for n, s in enumerate(strings):
152            if s is EOF:
153                self.eof_index = n
154                continue
155            if s is TIMEOUT:
156                self.timeout_index = n
157                continue
158            self._strings.append((n, s))
160    def __str__(self):
161        '''This returns a human-readable string that represents the state of
162        the object.'''
164        ss = [(ns[0], '    %d: %r' % ns) for ns in self._strings]
165        ss.append((-1, 'searcher_string:'))
166        if self.eof_index >= 0:
167            ss.append((self.eof_index, '    %d: EOF' % self.eof_index))
168        if self.timeout_index >= 0:
169            ss.append((self.timeout_index,
170                '    %d: TIMEOUT' % self.timeout_index))
171        ss.sort()
172        ss = list(zip(*ss))[1]
173        return '\n'.join(ss)
175    def search(self, buffer, freshlen, searchwindowsize=None):
176        '''This searches 'buffer' for the first occurrence of one of the search
177        strings.  'freshlen' must indicate the number of bytes at the end of
178        'buffer' which have not been searched before. It helps to avoid
179        searching the same, possibly big, buffer over and over again.
181        See class spawn for the 'searchwindowsize' argument.
183        If there is a match this returns the index of that string, and sets
184        'start', 'end' and 'match'. Otherwise, this returns -1. '''
186        first_match = None
188        # 'freshlen' helps a lot here. Further optimizations could
189        # possibly include:
190        #
191        # using something like the Boyer-Moore Fast String Searching
192        # Algorithm; pre-compiling the search through a list of
193        # strings into something that can scan the input once to
194        # search for all N strings; realize that if we search for
195        # ['bar', 'baz'] and the input is '...foo' we need not bother
196        # rescanning until we've read three more bytes.
197        #
198        # Sadly, I don't know enough about this interesting topic. /grahn
200        for index, s in self._strings:
201            if searchwindowsize is None:
202                # the match, if any, can only be in the fresh data,
203                # or at the very end of the old data
204                offset = -(freshlen + len(s))
205            else:
206                # better obey searchwindowsize
207                offset = -searchwindowsize
208            n = buffer.find(s, offset)
209            if n >= 0 and (first_match is None or n < first_match):
210                first_match = n
211                best_index, best_match = index, s
212        if first_match is None:
213            return -1
214        self.match = best_match
215        self.start = first_match
216        self.end = self.start + len(self.match)
217        return best_index
220class searcher_re(object):
221    '''This is regular expression string search helper for the
222    spawn.expect_any() method. This helper class is for powerful
223    pattern matching. For speed, see the helper class, searcher_string.
225    Attributes:
227        eof_index     - index of EOF, or -1
228        timeout_index - index of TIMEOUT, or -1
230    After a successful match by the search() method the following attributes
231    are available:
233        start - index into the buffer, first byte of match
234        end   - index into the buffer, first byte after match
235        match - the re.match object returned by a successful re.search
237    '''
239    def __init__(self, patterns):
240        '''This creates an instance that searches for 'patterns' Where
241        'patterns' may be a list or other sequence of compiled regular
242        expressions, or the EOF or TIMEOUT types.'''
244        self.eof_index = -1
245        self.timeout_index = -1
246        self._searches = []
247        for n, s in zip(list(range(len(patterns))), patterns):
248            if s is EOF:
249                self.eof_index = n
250                continue
251            if s is TIMEOUT:
252                self.timeout_index = n
253                continue
254            self._searches.append((n, s))
256    def __str__(self):
257        '''This returns a human-readable string that represents the state of
258        the object.'''
260        #ss = [(n, '    %d: re.compile("%s")' %
261        #    (n, repr(s.pattern))) for n, s in self._searches]
262        ss = list()
263        for n, s in self._searches:
264            ss.append((n, '    %d: re.compile(%r)' % (n, s.pattern)))
265        ss.append((-1, 'searcher_re:'))
266        if self.eof_index >= 0:
267            ss.append((self.eof_index, '    %d: EOF' % self.eof_index))
268        if self.timeout_index >= 0:
269            ss.append((self.timeout_index, '    %d: TIMEOUT' %
270                self.timeout_index))
271        ss.sort()
272        ss = list(zip(*ss))[1]
273        return '\n'.join(ss)
275    def search(self, buffer, freshlen, searchwindowsize=None):
276        '''This searches 'buffer' for the first occurrence of one of the regular
277        expressions. 'freshlen' must indicate the number of bytes at the end of
278        'buffer' which have not been searched before.
280        See class spawn for the 'searchwindowsize' argument.
282        If there is a match this returns the index of that string, and sets
283        'start', 'end' and 'match'. Otherwise, returns -1.'''
285        first_match = None
286        # 'freshlen' doesn't help here -- we cannot predict the
287        # length of a match, and the re module provides no help.
288        if searchwindowsize is None:
289            searchstart = 0
290        else:
291            searchstart = max(0, len(buffer) - searchwindowsize)
292        for index, s in self._searches:
293            match = s.search(buffer, searchstart)
294            if match is None:
295                continue
296            n = match.start()
297            if first_match is None or n < first_match:
298                first_match = n
299                the_match = match
300                best_index = index
301        if first_match is None:
302            return -1
303        self.start = first_match
304        self.match = the_match
305        self.end = self.match.end()
306        return best_index