1 //===- ScalarEvolutionsTest.cpp - ScalarEvolution unit tests --------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
10 #include "llvm/Analysis/AssumptionCache.h"
11 #include "llvm/Analysis/LoopInfo.h"
12 #include "llvm/Analysis/ScalarEvolutionExpander.h"
13 #include "llvm/Analysis/ScalarEvolutionExpressions.h"
14 #include "llvm/Analysis/TargetLibraryInfo.h"
15 #include "llvm/AsmParser/Parser.h"
16 #include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
17 #include "llvm/IR/Dominators.h"
18 #include "llvm/IR/GlobalVariable.h"
19 #include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
20 #include "llvm/IR/InstIterator.h"
21 #include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
22 #include "llvm/IR/LegacyPassManager.h"
23 #include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
24 #include "llvm/IR/Verifier.h"
25 #include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
26 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
28 namespace llvm {
30 // We use this fixture to ensure that we clean up ScalarEvolution before
31 // deleting the PassManager.
32 class ScalarEvolutionsTest : public testing::Test {
33 protected:
34   LLVMContext Context;
35   Module M;
36   TargetLibraryInfoImpl TLII;
37   TargetLibraryInfo TLI;
39   std::unique_ptr<AssumptionCache> AC;
40   std::unique_ptr<DominatorTree> DT;
41   std::unique_ptr<LoopInfo> LI;
ScalarEvolutionsTest()43   ScalarEvolutionsTest() : M("", Context), TLII(), TLI(TLII) {}
buildSE(Function & F)45   ScalarEvolution buildSE(Function &F) {
46     AC.reset(new AssumptionCache(F));
47     DT.reset(new DominatorTree(F));
48     LI.reset(new LoopInfo(*DT));
49     return ScalarEvolution(F, TLI, *AC, *DT, *LI);
50   }
runWithSE(Module & M,StringRef FuncName,function_ref<void (Function & F,LoopInfo & LI,ScalarEvolution & SE)> Test)52   void runWithSE(
53       Module &M, StringRef FuncName,
54       function_ref<void(Function &F, LoopInfo &LI, ScalarEvolution &SE)> Test) {
55     auto *F = M.getFunction(FuncName);
56     ASSERT_NE(F, nullptr) << "Could not find " << FuncName;
57     ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
58     Test(*F, *LI, SE);
59   }
computeConstantDifference(ScalarEvolution & SE,const SCEV * LHS,const SCEV * RHS)61   static Optional<APInt> computeConstantDifference(ScalarEvolution &SE,
62                                                    const SCEV *LHS,
63                                                    const SCEV *RHS) {
64     return SE.computeConstantDifference(LHS, RHS);
65   }
66 };
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVUnknownRAUW)68 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVUnknownRAUW) {
69   FunctionType *FTy = FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context),
70                                               std::vector<Type *>(), false);
71   Function *F = Function::Create(FTy, Function::ExternalLinkage, "f", M);
72   BasicBlock *BB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "entry", F);
73   ReturnInst::Create(Context, nullptr, BB);
75   Type *Ty = Type::getInt1Ty(Context);
76   Constant *Init = Constant::getNullValue(Ty);
77   Value *V0 = new GlobalVariable(M, Ty, false, GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, Init, "V0");
78   Value *V1 = new GlobalVariable(M, Ty, false, GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, Init, "V1");
79   Value *V2 = new GlobalVariable(M, Ty, false, GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, Init, "V2");
81   ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
83   const SCEV *S0 = SE.getSCEV(V0);
84   const SCEV *S1 = SE.getSCEV(V1);
85   const SCEV *S2 = SE.getSCEV(V2);
87   const SCEV *P0 = SE.getAddExpr(S0, S0);
88   const SCEV *P1 = SE.getAddExpr(S1, S1);
89   const SCEV *P2 = SE.getAddExpr(S2, S2);
91   const SCEVMulExpr *M0 = cast<SCEVMulExpr>(P0);
92   const SCEVMulExpr *M1 = cast<SCEVMulExpr>(P1);
93   const SCEVMulExpr *M2 = cast<SCEVMulExpr>(P2);
95   EXPECT_EQ(cast<SCEVConstant>(M0->getOperand(0))->getValue()->getZExtValue(),
96             2u);
97   EXPECT_EQ(cast<SCEVConstant>(M1->getOperand(0))->getValue()->getZExtValue(),
98             2u);
99   EXPECT_EQ(cast<SCEVConstant>(M2->getOperand(0))->getValue()->getZExtValue(),
100             2u);
102   // Before the RAUWs, these are all pointing to separate values.
103   EXPECT_EQ(cast<SCEVUnknown>(M0->getOperand(1))->getValue(), V0);
104   EXPECT_EQ(cast<SCEVUnknown>(M1->getOperand(1))->getValue(), V1);
105   EXPECT_EQ(cast<SCEVUnknown>(M2->getOperand(1))->getValue(), V2);
107   // Do some RAUWs.
108   V2->replaceAllUsesWith(V1);
109   V1->replaceAllUsesWith(V0);
111   // After the RAUWs, these should all be pointing to V0.
112   EXPECT_EQ(cast<SCEVUnknown>(M0->getOperand(1))->getValue(), V0);
113   EXPECT_EQ(cast<SCEVUnknown>(M1->getOperand(1))->getValue(), V0);
114   EXPECT_EQ(cast<SCEVUnknown>(M2->getOperand(1))->getValue(), V0);
115 }
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SimplifiedPHI)117 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SimplifiedPHI) {
118   FunctionType *FTy = FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context),
119                                               std::vector<Type *>(), false);
120   Function *F = Function::Create(FTy, Function::ExternalLinkage, "f", M);
121   BasicBlock *EntryBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "entry", F);
122   BasicBlock *LoopBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "loop", F);
123   BasicBlock *ExitBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "exit", F);
124   BranchInst::Create(LoopBB, EntryBB);
125   BranchInst::Create(LoopBB, ExitBB, UndefValue::get(Type::getInt1Ty(Context)),
126                      LoopBB);
127   ReturnInst::Create(Context, nullptr, ExitBB);
128   auto *Ty = Type::getInt32Ty(Context);
129   auto *PN = PHINode::Create(Ty, 2, "", &*LoopBB->begin());
130   PN->addIncoming(Constant::getNullValue(Ty), EntryBB);
131   PN->addIncoming(UndefValue::get(Ty), LoopBB);
132   ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
133   auto *S1 = SE.getSCEV(PN);
134   auto *S2 = SE.getSCEV(PN);
135   auto *ZeroConst = SE.getConstant(Ty, 0);
137   // At some point, only the first call to getSCEV returned the simplified
138   // SCEVConstant and later calls just returned a SCEVUnknown referencing the
139   // PHI node.
140   EXPECT_EQ(S1, ZeroConst);
141   EXPECT_EQ(S1, S2);
142 }
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,ExpandPtrTypeSCEV)144 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, ExpandPtrTypeSCEV) {
145   // It is to test the fix for PR30213. It exercises the branch in scev
146   // expansion when the value in ValueOffsetPair is a ptr and the offset
147   // is not divisible by the elem type size of value.
148   auto *I8Ty = Type::getInt8Ty(Context);
149   auto *I8PtrTy = Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context);
150   auto *I32Ty = Type::getInt32Ty(Context);
151   auto *I32PtrTy = Type::getInt32PtrTy(Context);
152   FunctionType *FTy =
153       FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context), std::vector<Type *>(), false);
154   Function *F = Function::Create(FTy, Function::ExternalLinkage, "f", M);
155   BasicBlock *EntryBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "entry", F);
156   BasicBlock *LoopBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "loop", F);
157   BasicBlock *ExitBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "exit", F);
158   BranchInst::Create(LoopBB, EntryBB);
159   ReturnInst::Create(Context, nullptr, ExitBB);
161   // loop:                            ; preds = %loop, %entry
162   //   %alloca = alloca i32
163   //   %gep0 = getelementptr i32, i32* %alloca, i32 1
164   //   %bitcast1 = bitcast i32* %gep0 to i8*
165   //   %gep1 = getelementptr i8, i8* %bitcast1, i32 1
166   //   %gep2 = getelementptr i8, i8* undef, i32 1
167   //   %cmp = icmp ult i8* undef, %bitcast1
168   //   %select = select i1 %cmp, i8* %gep1, i8* %gep2
169   //   %bitcast2 = bitcast i8* %select to i32*
170   //   br i1 undef, label %loop, label %exit
172   const DataLayout &DL = F->getParent()->getDataLayout();
173   BranchInst *Br = BranchInst::Create(
174       LoopBB, ExitBB, UndefValue::get(Type::getInt1Ty(Context)), LoopBB);
175   AllocaInst *Alloca = new AllocaInst(I32Ty, DL.getAllocaAddrSpace(),
176                                       "alloca", Br);
177   ConstantInt *Ci32 = ConstantInt::get(Context, APInt(32, 1));
178   GetElementPtrInst *Gep0 =
179       GetElementPtrInst::Create(I32Ty, Alloca, Ci32, "gep0", Br);
180   CastInst *CastA =
181       CastInst::CreateBitOrPointerCast(Gep0, I8PtrTy, "bitcast1", Br);
182   GetElementPtrInst *Gep1 =
183       GetElementPtrInst::Create(I8Ty, CastA, Ci32, "gep1", Br);
184   GetElementPtrInst *Gep2 = GetElementPtrInst::Create(
185       I8Ty, UndefValue::get(I8PtrTy), Ci32, "gep2", Br);
186   CmpInst *Cmp = CmpInst::Create(Instruction::ICmp, CmpInst::ICMP_ULT,
187                                  UndefValue::get(I8PtrTy), CastA, "cmp", Br);
188   SelectInst *Sel = SelectInst::Create(Cmp, Gep1, Gep2, "select", Br);
189   CastInst *CastB =
190       CastInst::CreateBitOrPointerCast(Sel, I32PtrTy, "bitcast2", Br);
192   ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
193   auto *S = SE.getSCEV(CastB);
194   SCEVExpander Exp(SE, M.getDataLayout(), "expander");
195   Value *V =
196       Exp.expandCodeFor(cast<SCEVAddExpr>(S)->getOperand(1), nullptr, Br);
198   // Expect the expansion code contains:
199   //   %0 = bitcast i32* %bitcast2 to i8*
200   //   %uglygep = getelementptr i8, i8* %0, i64 -1
201   //   %1 = bitcast i8* %uglygep to i32*
202   EXPECT_TRUE(isa<BitCastInst>(V));
203   Instruction *Gep = cast<Instruction>(V)->getPrevNode();
204   EXPECT_TRUE(isa<GetElementPtrInst>(Gep));
205   EXPECT_TRUE(isa<ConstantInt>(Gep->getOperand(1)));
206   EXPECT_EQ(cast<ConstantInt>(Gep->getOperand(1))->getSExtValue(), -1);
207   EXPECT_TRUE(isa<BitCastInst>(Gep->getPrevNode()));
208 }
getInstructionByName(Function & F,StringRef Name)210 static Instruction *getInstructionByName(Function &F, StringRef Name) {
211   for (auto &I : instructions(F))
212     if (I.getName() == Name)
213       return &I;
214   llvm_unreachable("Expected to find instruction!");
215 }
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,CommutativeExprOperandOrder)217 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, CommutativeExprOperandOrder) {
218   LLVMContext C;
219   SMDiagnostic Err;
220   std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssemblyString(
221       "target datalayout = \"e-m:e-p:32:32-f64:32:64-f80:32-n8:16:32-S128\" "
222       " "
223       "@var_0 = external global i32, align 4"
224       "@var_1 = external global i32, align 4"
225       "@var_2 = external global i32, align 4"
226       " "
227       "declare i32 @unknown(i32, i32, i32)"
228       " "
229       "define void @f_1(i8* nocapture %arr, i32 %n, i32* %A, i32* %B) "
230       "    local_unnamed_addr { "
231       "entry: "
232       "  %entrycond = icmp sgt i32 %n, 0 "
233       "  br i1 %entrycond, label %loop.ph, label %for.end "
234       " "
235       "loop.ph: "
236       "  %a = load i32, i32* %A, align 4 "
237       "  %b = load i32, i32* %B, align 4 "
238       "  %mul = mul nsw i32 %b, %a "
239       "  %iv0.init = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %arr, i32 %mul "
240       "  br label %loop "
241       " "
242       "loop: "
243       "  %iv0 = phi i8* [ %iv0.inc, %loop ], [ %iv0.init, %loop.ph ] "
244       "  %iv1 = phi i32 [ %iv1.inc, %loop ], [ 0, %loop.ph ] "
245       "  %conv = trunc i32 %iv1 to i8 "
246       "  store i8 %conv, i8* %iv0, align 1 "
247       "  %iv0.inc = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %iv0, i32 %b "
248       "  %iv1.inc = add nuw nsw i32 %iv1, 1 "
249       "  %exitcond = icmp eq i32 %iv1.inc, %n "
250       "  br i1 %exitcond, label %for.end.loopexit, label %loop "
251       " "
252       "for.end.loopexit: "
253       "  br label %for.end "
254       " "
255       "for.end: "
256       "  ret void "
257       "} "
258       " "
259       "define void @f_2(i32* %X, i32* %Y, i32* %Z) { "
260       "  %x = load i32, i32* %X "
261       "  %y = load i32, i32* %Y "
262       "  %z = load i32, i32* %Z "
263       "  ret void "
264       "} "
265       " "
266       "define void @f_3() { "
267       "  %x = load i32, i32* @var_0"
268       "  %y = load i32, i32* @var_1"
269       "  %z = load i32, i32* @var_2"
270       "  ret void"
271       "} "
272       " "
273       "define void @f_4(i32 %a, i32 %b, i32 %c) { "
274       "  %x = call i32 @unknown(i32 %a, i32 %b, i32 %c)"
275       "  %y = call i32 @unknown(i32 %b, i32 %c, i32 %a)"
276       "  %z = call i32 @unknown(i32 %c, i32 %a, i32 %b)"
277       "  ret void"
278       "} "
279       ,
280       Err, C);
282   assert(M && "Could not parse module?");
283   assert(!verifyModule(*M) && "Must have been well formed!");
285   runWithSE(*M, "f_1", [&](Function &F, LoopInfo &LI, ScalarEvolution &SE) {
286     auto *IV0 = getInstructionByName(F, "iv0");
287     auto *IV0Inc = getInstructionByName(F, "iv0.inc");
289     auto *FirstExprForIV0 = SE.getSCEV(IV0);
290     auto *FirstExprForIV0Inc = SE.getSCEV(IV0Inc);
291     auto *SecondExprForIV0 = SE.getSCEV(IV0);
293     EXPECT_TRUE(isa<SCEVAddRecExpr>(FirstExprForIV0));
294     EXPECT_TRUE(isa<SCEVAddRecExpr>(FirstExprForIV0Inc));
295     EXPECT_TRUE(isa<SCEVAddRecExpr>(SecondExprForIV0));
296   });
298   auto CheckCommutativeMulExprs = [&](ScalarEvolution &SE, const SCEV *A,
299                                       const SCEV *B, const SCEV *C) {
300     EXPECT_EQ(SE.getMulExpr(A, B), SE.getMulExpr(B, A));
301     EXPECT_EQ(SE.getMulExpr(B, C), SE.getMulExpr(C, B));
302     EXPECT_EQ(SE.getMulExpr(A, C), SE.getMulExpr(C, A));
304     SmallVector<const SCEV *, 3> Ops0 = {A, B, C};
305     SmallVector<const SCEV *, 3> Ops1 = {A, C, B};
306     SmallVector<const SCEV *, 3> Ops2 = {B, A, C};
307     SmallVector<const SCEV *, 3> Ops3 = {B, C, A};
308     SmallVector<const SCEV *, 3> Ops4 = {C, B, A};
309     SmallVector<const SCEV *, 3> Ops5 = {C, A, B};
311     auto *Mul0 = SE.getMulExpr(Ops0);
312     auto *Mul1 = SE.getMulExpr(Ops1);
313     auto *Mul2 = SE.getMulExpr(Ops2);
314     auto *Mul3 = SE.getMulExpr(Ops3);
315     auto *Mul4 = SE.getMulExpr(Ops4);
316     auto *Mul5 = SE.getMulExpr(Ops5);
318     EXPECT_EQ(Mul0, Mul1) << "Expected " << *Mul0 << " == " << *Mul1;
319     EXPECT_EQ(Mul1, Mul2) << "Expected " << *Mul1 << " == " << *Mul2;
320     EXPECT_EQ(Mul2, Mul3) << "Expected " << *Mul2 << " == " << *Mul3;
321     EXPECT_EQ(Mul3, Mul4) << "Expected " << *Mul3 << " == " << *Mul4;
322     EXPECT_EQ(Mul4, Mul5) << "Expected " << *Mul4 << " == " << *Mul5;
323   };
325   for (StringRef FuncName : {"f_2", "f_3", "f_4"})
326     runWithSE(
327         *M, FuncName, [&](Function &F, LoopInfo &LI, ScalarEvolution &SE) {
328           CheckCommutativeMulExprs(SE, SE.getSCEV(getInstructionByName(F, "x")),
329                                    SE.getSCEV(getInstructionByName(F, "y")),
330                                    SE.getSCEV(getInstructionByName(F, "z")));
331         });
332 }
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,CompareSCEVComplexity)334 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, CompareSCEVComplexity) {
335   FunctionType *FTy =
336       FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context), std::vector<Type *>(), false);
337   Function *F = Function::Create(FTy, Function::ExternalLinkage, "f", M);
338   BasicBlock *EntryBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "entry", F);
339   BasicBlock *LoopBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "bb1", F);
340   BranchInst::Create(LoopBB, EntryBB);
342   auto *Ty = Type::getInt32Ty(Context);
343   SmallVector<Instruction*, 8> Muls(8), Acc(8), NextAcc(8);
345   Acc[0] = PHINode::Create(Ty, 2, "", LoopBB);
346   Acc[1] = PHINode::Create(Ty, 2, "", LoopBB);
347   Acc[2] = PHINode::Create(Ty, 2, "", LoopBB);
348   Acc[3] = PHINode::Create(Ty, 2, "", LoopBB);
349   Acc[4] = PHINode::Create(Ty, 2, "", LoopBB);
350   Acc[5] = PHINode::Create(Ty, 2, "", LoopBB);
351   Acc[6] = PHINode::Create(Ty, 2, "", LoopBB);
352   Acc[7] = PHINode::Create(Ty, 2, "", LoopBB);
354   for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
355     Muls[0] = BinaryOperator::CreateMul(Acc[0], Acc[0], "", LoopBB);
356     NextAcc[0] = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Muls[0], Acc[4], "", LoopBB);
357     Muls[1] = BinaryOperator::CreateMul(Acc[1], Acc[1], "", LoopBB);
358     NextAcc[1] = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Muls[1], Acc[5], "", LoopBB);
359     Muls[2] = BinaryOperator::CreateMul(Acc[2], Acc[2], "", LoopBB);
360     NextAcc[2] = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Muls[2], Acc[6], "", LoopBB);
361     Muls[3] = BinaryOperator::CreateMul(Acc[3], Acc[3], "", LoopBB);
362     NextAcc[3] = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Muls[3], Acc[7], "", LoopBB);
364     Muls[4] = BinaryOperator::CreateMul(Acc[4], Acc[4], "", LoopBB);
365     NextAcc[4] = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Muls[4], Acc[0], "", LoopBB);
366     Muls[5] = BinaryOperator::CreateMul(Acc[5], Acc[5], "", LoopBB);
367     NextAcc[5] = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Muls[5], Acc[1], "", LoopBB);
368     Muls[6] = BinaryOperator::CreateMul(Acc[6], Acc[6], "", LoopBB);
369     NextAcc[6] = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Muls[6], Acc[2], "", LoopBB);
370     Muls[7] = BinaryOperator::CreateMul(Acc[7], Acc[7], "", LoopBB);
371     NextAcc[7] = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Muls[7], Acc[3], "", LoopBB);
372     Acc = NextAcc;
373   }
375   auto II = LoopBB->begin();
376   for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
377     PHINode *Phi = cast<PHINode>(&*II++);
378     Phi->addIncoming(Acc[i], LoopBB);
379     Phi->addIncoming(UndefValue::get(Ty), EntryBB);
380   }
382   BasicBlock *ExitBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "bb2", F);
383   BranchInst::Create(LoopBB, ExitBB, UndefValue::get(Type::getInt1Ty(Context)),
384                      LoopBB);
386   Acc[0] = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Acc[0], Acc[1], "", ExitBB);
387   Acc[1] = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Acc[2], Acc[3], "", ExitBB);
388   Acc[2] = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Acc[4], Acc[5], "", ExitBB);
389   Acc[3] = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Acc[6], Acc[7], "", ExitBB);
390   Acc[0] = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Acc[0], Acc[1], "", ExitBB);
391   Acc[1] = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Acc[2], Acc[3], "", ExitBB);
392   Acc[0] = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Acc[0], Acc[1], "", ExitBB);
394   ReturnInst::Create(Context, nullptr, ExitBB);
396   ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
398   EXPECT_NE(nullptr, SE.getSCEV(Acc[0]));
399 }
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,CompareValueComplexity)401 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, CompareValueComplexity) {
402   IntegerType *IntPtrTy = M.getDataLayout().getIntPtrType(Context);
403   PointerType *IntPtrPtrTy = IntPtrTy->getPointerTo();
405   FunctionType *FTy =
406       FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context), {IntPtrTy, IntPtrTy}, false);
407   Function *F = Function::Create(FTy, Function::ExternalLinkage, "f", M);
408   BasicBlock *EntryBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "entry", F);
410   Value *X = &*F->arg_begin();
411   Value *Y = &*std::next(F->arg_begin());
413   const int ValueDepth = 10;
414   for (int i = 0; i < ValueDepth; i++) {
415     X = new LoadInst(IntPtrTy, new IntToPtrInst(X, IntPtrPtrTy, "", EntryBB),
416                      "",
417                      /*isVolatile*/ false, EntryBB);
418     Y = new LoadInst(IntPtrTy, new IntToPtrInst(Y, IntPtrPtrTy, "", EntryBB),
419                      "",
420                      /*isVolatile*/ false, EntryBB);
421   }
423   auto *MulA = BinaryOperator::CreateMul(X, Y, "", EntryBB);
424   auto *MulB = BinaryOperator::CreateMul(Y, X, "", EntryBB);
425   ReturnInst::Create(Context, nullptr, EntryBB);
427   // This test isn't checking for correctness.  Today making A and B resolve to
428   // the same SCEV would require deeper searching in CompareValueComplexity,
429   // which will slow down compilation.  However, this test can fail (with LLVM's
430   // behavior still being correct) if we ever have a smarter
431   // CompareValueComplexity that is both fast and more accurate.
433   ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
434   auto *A = SE.getSCEV(MulA);
435   auto *B = SE.getSCEV(MulB);
436   EXPECT_NE(A, B);
437 }
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVAddExpr)439 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVAddExpr) {
440   Type *Ty32 = Type::getInt32Ty(Context);
441   Type *ArgTys[] = {Type::getInt64Ty(Context), Ty32};
443   FunctionType *FTy =
444       FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context), ArgTys, false);
445   Function *F = Function::Create(FTy, Function::ExternalLinkage, "f", M);
447   Argument *A1 = &*F->arg_begin();
448   Argument *A2 = &*(std::next(F->arg_begin()));
449   BasicBlock *EntryBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "entry", F);
451   Instruction *Trunc = CastInst::CreateTruncOrBitCast(A1, Ty32, "", EntryBB);
452   Instruction *Mul1 = BinaryOperator::CreateMul(Trunc, A2, "", EntryBB);
453   Instruction *Add1 = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Mul1, Trunc, "", EntryBB);
454   Mul1 = BinaryOperator::CreateMul(Add1, Trunc, "", EntryBB);
455   Instruction *Add2 = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Mul1, Add1, "", EntryBB);
456   // FIXME: The size of this is arbitrary and doesn't seem to change the
457   // result, but SCEV will do quadratic work for these so a large number here
458   // will be extremely slow. We should revisit what and how this is testing
459   // SCEV.
460   for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
461     Mul1 = BinaryOperator::CreateMul(Add2, Add1, "", EntryBB);
462     Add1 = Add2;
463     Add2 = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Mul1, Add1, "", EntryBB);
464   }
466   ReturnInst::Create(Context, nullptr, EntryBB);
467   ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
468   EXPECT_NE(nullptr, SE.getSCEV(Mul1));
469 }
GetInstByName(Function & F,StringRef Name)471 static Instruction &GetInstByName(Function &F, StringRef Name) {
472   for (auto &I : instructions(F))
473     if (I.getName() == Name)
474       return I;
475   llvm_unreachable("Could not find instructions!");
476 }
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVNormalization)478 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVNormalization) {
479   LLVMContext C;
480   SMDiagnostic Err;
481   std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssemblyString(
482       "target datalayout = \"e-m:e-p:32:32-f64:32:64-f80:32-n8:16:32-S128\" "
483       " "
484       "@var_0 = external global i32, align 4"
485       "@var_1 = external global i32, align 4"
486       "@var_2 = external global i32, align 4"
487       " "
488       "declare i32 @unknown(i32, i32, i32)"
489       " "
490       "define void @f_1(i8* nocapture %arr, i32 %n, i32* %A, i32* %B) "
491       "    local_unnamed_addr { "
492       "entry: "
493       "  br label %loop.ph "
494       " "
495       "loop.ph: "
496       "  br label %loop "
497       " "
498       "loop: "
499       "  %iv0 = phi i32 [ %iv0.inc, %loop ], [ 0, %loop.ph ] "
500       "  %iv1 = phi i32 [ %iv1.inc, %loop ], [ -2147483648, %loop.ph ] "
501       "  %iv0.inc = add i32 %iv0, 1 "
502       "  %iv1.inc = add i32 %iv1, 3 "
503       "  br i1 undef, label %for.end.loopexit, label %loop "
504       " "
505       "for.end.loopexit: "
506       "  ret void "
507       "} "
508       " "
509       "define void @f_2(i32 %a, i32 %b, i32 %c, i32 %d) "
510       "    local_unnamed_addr { "
511       "entry: "
512       "  br label %loop_0 "
513       " "
514       "loop_0: "
515       "  br i1 undef, label %loop_0, label %loop_1 "
516       " "
517       "loop_1: "
518       "  br i1 undef, label %loop_2, label %loop_1 "
519       " "
520       " "
521       "loop_2: "
522       "  br i1 undef, label %end, label %loop_2 "
523       " "
524       "end: "
525       "  ret void "
526       "} "
527       ,
528       Err, C);
530   assert(M && "Could not parse module?");
531   assert(!verifyModule(*M) && "Must have been well formed!");
533   runWithSE(*M, "f_1", [&](Function &F, LoopInfo &LI, ScalarEvolution &SE) {
534     auto &I0 = GetInstByName(F, "iv0");
535     auto &I1 = *I0.getNextNode();
537     auto *S0 = cast<SCEVAddRecExpr>(SE.getSCEV(&I0));
538     PostIncLoopSet Loops;
539     Loops.insert(S0->getLoop());
540     auto *N0 = normalizeForPostIncUse(S0, Loops, SE);
541     auto *D0 = denormalizeForPostIncUse(N0, Loops, SE);
542     EXPECT_EQ(S0, D0) << *S0 << " " << *D0;
544     auto *S1 = cast<SCEVAddRecExpr>(SE.getSCEV(&I1));
545     Loops.clear();
546     Loops.insert(S1->getLoop());
547     auto *N1 = normalizeForPostIncUse(S1, Loops, SE);
548     auto *D1 = denormalizeForPostIncUse(N1, Loops, SE);
549     EXPECT_EQ(S1, D1) << *S1 << " " << *D1;
550   });
552   runWithSE(*M, "f_2", [&](Function &F, LoopInfo &LI, ScalarEvolution &SE) {
553     auto *L2 = *LI.begin();
554     auto *L1 = *std::next(LI.begin());
555     auto *L0 = *std::next(LI.begin(), 2);
557     auto GetAddRec = [&SE](const Loop *L, std::initializer_list<const SCEV *> Ops) {
558       SmallVector<const SCEV *, 4> OpsCopy(Ops);
559       return SE.getAddRecExpr(OpsCopy, L, SCEV::FlagAnyWrap);
560     };
562     auto GetAdd = [&SE](std::initializer_list<const SCEV *> Ops) {
563       SmallVector<const SCEV *, 4> OpsCopy(Ops);
564       return SE.getAddExpr(OpsCopy, SCEV::FlagAnyWrap);
565     };
567     // We first populate the AddRecs vector with a few "interesting" SCEV
568     // expressions, and then we go through the list and assert that each
569     // expression in it has an invertible normalization.
571     std::vector<const SCEV *> Exprs;
572     {
573       const SCEV *V0 = SE.getSCEV(&*F.arg_begin());
574       const SCEV *V1 = SE.getSCEV(&*std::next(F.arg_begin(), 1));
575       const SCEV *V2 = SE.getSCEV(&*std::next(F.arg_begin(), 2));
576       const SCEV *V3 = SE.getSCEV(&*std::next(F.arg_begin(), 3));
578       Exprs.push_back(GetAddRec(L0, {V0}));             // 0
579       Exprs.push_back(GetAddRec(L0, {V0, V1}));         // 1
580       Exprs.push_back(GetAddRec(L0, {V0, V1, V2}));     // 2
581       Exprs.push_back(GetAddRec(L0, {V0, V1, V2, V3})); // 3
583       Exprs.push_back(
584           GetAddRec(L1, {Exprs[1], Exprs[2], Exprs[3], Exprs[0]})); // 4
585       Exprs.push_back(
586           GetAddRec(L1, {Exprs[1], Exprs[2], Exprs[0], Exprs[3]})); // 5
587       Exprs.push_back(
588           GetAddRec(L1, {Exprs[1], Exprs[3], Exprs[3], Exprs[1]})); // 6
590       Exprs.push_back(GetAdd({Exprs[6], Exprs[3], V2})); // 7
592       Exprs.push_back(
593           GetAddRec(L2, {Exprs[4], Exprs[3], Exprs[3], Exprs[5]})); // 8
595       Exprs.push_back(
596           GetAddRec(L2, {Exprs[4], Exprs[6], Exprs[7], Exprs[3], V0})); // 9
597     }
599     std::vector<PostIncLoopSet> LoopSets;
600     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
601       LoopSets.emplace_back();
602       if (i & 1)
603         LoopSets.back().insert(L0);
604       if (i & 2)
605         LoopSets.back().insert(L1);
606       if (i & 4)
607         LoopSets.back().insert(L2);
608     }
610     for (const auto &LoopSet : LoopSets)
611       for (auto *S : Exprs) {
612         {
613           auto *N = llvm::normalizeForPostIncUse(S, LoopSet, SE);
614           auto *D = llvm::denormalizeForPostIncUse(N, LoopSet, SE);
616           // Normalization and then denormalizing better give us back the same
617           // value.
618           EXPECT_EQ(S, D) << "S = " << *S << "  D = " << *D << " N = " << *N;
619         }
620         {
621           auto *D = llvm::denormalizeForPostIncUse(S, LoopSet, SE);
622           auto *N = llvm::normalizeForPostIncUse(D, LoopSet, SE);
624           // Denormalization and then normalizing better give us back the same
625           // value.
626           EXPECT_EQ(S, N) << "S = " << *S << "  N = " << *N;
627         }
628       }
629   });
630 }
632 // Expect the call of getZeroExtendExpr will not cost exponential time.
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVZeroExtendExpr)633 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVZeroExtendExpr) {
634   LLVMContext C;
635   SMDiagnostic Err;
637   // Generate a function like below:
638   // define void @foo() {
639   // entry:
640   //   br label %for.cond
641   //
642   // for.cond:
643   //   %0 = phi i64 [ 100, %entry ], [ %dec, %for.inc ]
644   //   %cmp = icmp sgt i64 %0, 90
645   //   br i1 %cmp, label %for.inc, label %for.cond1
646   //
647   // for.inc:
648   //   %dec = add nsw i64 %0, -1
649   //   br label %for.cond
650   //
651   // for.cond1:
652   //   %1 = phi i64 [ 100, %for.cond ], [ %dec5, %for.inc2 ]
653   //   %cmp3 = icmp sgt i64 %1, 90
654   //   br i1 %cmp3, label %for.inc2, label %for.cond4
655   //
656   // for.inc2:
657   //   %dec5 = add nsw i64 %1, -1
658   //   br label %for.cond1
659   //
660   // ......
661   //
662   // for.cond89:
663   //   %19 = phi i64 [ 100, %for.cond84 ], [ %dec94, %for.inc92 ]
664   //   %cmp93 = icmp sgt i64 %19, 90
665   //   br i1 %cmp93, label %for.inc92, label %for.end
666   //
667   // for.inc92:
668   //   %dec94 = add nsw i64 %19, -1
669   //   br label %for.cond89
670   //
671   // for.end:
672   //   %gep = getelementptr i8, i8* null, i64 %dec
673   //   %gep6 = getelementptr i8, i8* %gep, i64 %dec5
674   //   ......
675   //   %gep95 = getelementptr i8, i8* %gep91, i64 %dec94
676   //   ret void
677   // }
678   FunctionType *FTy = FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context), {}, false);
679   Function *F = Function::Create(FTy, Function::ExternalLinkage, "foo", M);
681   BasicBlock *EntryBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "entry", F);
682   BasicBlock *CondBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "for.cond", F);
683   BasicBlock *EndBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "for.end", F);
684   BranchInst::Create(CondBB, EntryBB);
685   BasicBlock *PrevBB = EntryBB;
687   Type *I64Ty = Type::getInt64Ty(Context);
688   Type *I8Ty = Type::getInt8Ty(Context);
689   Type *I8PtrTy = Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context);
690   Value *Accum = Constant::getNullValue(I8PtrTy);
691   int Iters = 20;
692   for (int i = 0; i < Iters; i++) {
693     BasicBlock *IncBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "for.inc", F, EndBB);
694     auto *PN = PHINode::Create(I64Ty, 2, "", CondBB);
695     PN->addIncoming(ConstantInt::get(Context, APInt(64, 100)), PrevBB);
696     auto *Cmp = CmpInst::Create(Instruction::ICmp, CmpInst::ICMP_SGT, PN,
697                                 ConstantInt::get(Context, APInt(64, 90)), "cmp",
698                                 CondBB);
699     BasicBlock *NextBB;
700     if (i != Iters - 1)
701       NextBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "for.cond", F, EndBB);
702     else
703       NextBB = EndBB;
704     BranchInst::Create(IncBB, NextBB, Cmp, CondBB);
705     auto *Dec = BinaryOperator::CreateNSWAdd(
706         PN, ConstantInt::get(Context, APInt(64, -1)), "dec", IncBB);
707     PN->addIncoming(Dec, IncBB);
708     BranchInst::Create(CondBB, IncBB);
710     Accum = GetElementPtrInst::Create(I8Ty, Accum, PN, "gep", EndBB);
712     PrevBB = CondBB;
713     CondBB = NextBB;
714   }
715   ReturnInst::Create(Context, nullptr, EndBB);
716   ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
717   const SCEV *S = SE.getSCEV(Accum);
718   Type *I128Ty = Type::getInt128Ty(Context);
719   SE.getZeroExtendExpr(S, I128Ty);
720 }
722 // Make sure that SCEV doesn't introduce illegal ptrtoint/inttoptr instructions
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVZeroExtendExprNonIntegral)723 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVZeroExtendExprNonIntegral) {
724   /*
725    * Create the following code:
726    * func(i64 addrspace(10)* %arg)
727    * top:
728    *  br label %L.ph
729    * L.ph:
730    *  br label %L
731    * L:
732    *  %phi = phi i64 [i64 0, %L.ph], [ %add, %L2 ]
733    *  %add = add i64 %phi2, 1
734    *  br i1 undef, label %post, label %L2
735    * post:
736    *  %gepbase = getelementptr i64 addrspace(10)* %arg, i64 1
737    *  #= %gep = getelementptr i64 addrspace(10)* %gepbase, i64 %add =#
738    *  ret void
739    *
740    * We will create the appropriate SCEV expression for %gep and expand it,
741    * then check that no inttoptr/ptrtoint instructions got inserted.
742    */
744   // Create a module with non-integral pointers in it's datalayout
745   Module NIM("nonintegral", Context);
746   std::string DataLayout = M.getDataLayoutStr();
747   if (!DataLayout.empty())
748     DataLayout += "-";
749   DataLayout += "ni:10";
750   NIM.setDataLayout(DataLayout);
752   Type *T_int1 = Type::getInt1Ty(Context);
753   Type *T_int64 = Type::getInt64Ty(Context);
754   Type *T_pint64 = T_int64->getPointerTo(10);
756   FunctionType *FTy =
757       FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context), {T_pint64}, false);
758   Function *F = Function::Create(FTy, Function::ExternalLinkage, "foo", NIM);
760   Argument *Arg = &*F->arg_begin();
762   BasicBlock *Top = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "top", F);
763   BasicBlock *LPh = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "L.ph", F);
764   BasicBlock *L = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "L", F);
765   BasicBlock *Post = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "post", F);
767   IRBuilder<> Builder(Top);
768   Builder.CreateBr(LPh);
770   Builder.SetInsertPoint(LPh);
771   Builder.CreateBr(L);
773   Builder.SetInsertPoint(L);
774   PHINode *Phi = Builder.CreatePHI(T_int64, 2);
775   Value *Add = Builder.CreateAdd(Phi, ConstantInt::get(T_int64, 1), "add");
776   Builder.CreateCondBr(UndefValue::get(T_int1), L, Post);
777   Phi->addIncoming(ConstantInt::get(T_int64, 0), LPh);
778   Phi->addIncoming(Add, L);
780   Builder.SetInsertPoint(Post);
781   Value *GepBase =
782       Builder.CreateGEP(T_int64, Arg, ConstantInt::get(T_int64, 1));
783   Instruction *Ret = Builder.CreateRetVoid();
785   ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
786   auto *AddRec =
787       SE.getAddRecExpr(SE.getUnknown(GepBase), SE.getConstant(T_int64, 1),
788                        LI->getLoopFor(L), SCEV::FlagNUW);
790   SCEVExpander Exp(SE, NIM.getDataLayout(), "expander");
791   Exp.disableCanonicalMode();
792   Exp.expandCodeFor(AddRec, T_pint64, Ret);
794   // Make sure none of the instructions inserted were inttoptr/ptrtoint.
795   // The verifier will check this.
796   EXPECT_FALSE(verifyFunction(*F, &errs()));
797 }
799 // Make sure that SCEV invalidates exit limits after invalidating the values it
800 // depends on when we forget a loop.
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVExitLimitForgetLoop)801 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVExitLimitForgetLoop) {
802   /*
803    * Create the following code:
804    * func(i64 addrspace(10)* %arg)
805    * top:
806    *  br label %L.ph
807    * L.ph:
808    *  br label %L
809    * L:
810    *  %phi = phi i64 [i64 0, %L.ph], [ %add, %L2 ]
811    *  %add = add i64 %phi2, 1
812    *  %cond = icmp slt i64 %add, 1000; then becomes 2000.
813    *  br i1 %cond, label %post, label %L2
814    * post:
815    *  ret void
816    *
817    */
819   // Create a module with non-integral pointers in it's datalayout
820   Module NIM("nonintegral", Context);
821   std::string DataLayout = M.getDataLayoutStr();
822   if (!DataLayout.empty())
823     DataLayout += "-";
824   DataLayout += "ni:10";
825   NIM.setDataLayout(DataLayout);
827   Type *T_int64 = Type::getInt64Ty(Context);
828   Type *T_pint64 = T_int64->getPointerTo(10);
830   FunctionType *FTy =
831       FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context), {T_pint64}, false);
832   Function *F = Function::Create(FTy, Function::ExternalLinkage, "foo", NIM);
834   BasicBlock *Top = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "top", F);
835   BasicBlock *LPh = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "L.ph", F);
836   BasicBlock *L = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "L", F);
837   BasicBlock *Post = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "post", F);
839   IRBuilder<> Builder(Top);
840   Builder.CreateBr(LPh);
842   Builder.SetInsertPoint(LPh);
843   Builder.CreateBr(L);
845   Builder.SetInsertPoint(L);
846   PHINode *Phi = Builder.CreatePHI(T_int64, 2);
847   auto *Add = cast<Instruction>(
848       Builder.CreateAdd(Phi, ConstantInt::get(T_int64, 1), "add"));
849   auto *Limit = ConstantInt::get(T_int64, 1000);
850   auto *Cond = cast<Instruction>(
851       Builder.CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT, Add, Limit, "cond"));
852   auto *Br = cast<Instruction>(Builder.CreateCondBr(Cond, L, Post));
853   Phi->addIncoming(ConstantInt::get(T_int64, 0), LPh);
854   Phi->addIncoming(Add, L);
856   Builder.SetInsertPoint(Post);
857   Builder.CreateRetVoid();
859   ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
860   auto *Loop = LI->getLoopFor(L);
861   const SCEV *EC = SE.getBackedgeTakenCount(Loop);
862   EXPECT_FALSE(isa<SCEVCouldNotCompute>(EC));
863   EXPECT_TRUE(isa<SCEVConstant>(EC));
864   EXPECT_EQ(cast<SCEVConstant>(EC)->getAPInt().getLimitedValue(), 999u);
866   // The add recurrence {5,+,1} does not correspond to any PHI in the IR, and
867   // that is relevant to this test.
868   auto *Five = SE.getConstant(APInt(/*numBits=*/64, 5));
869   auto *AR =
870       SE.getAddRecExpr(Five, SE.getOne(T_int64), Loop, SCEV::FlagAnyWrap);
871   const SCEV *ARAtLoopExit = SE.getSCEVAtScope(AR, nullptr);
872   EXPECT_FALSE(isa<SCEVCouldNotCompute>(ARAtLoopExit));
873   EXPECT_TRUE(isa<SCEVConstant>(ARAtLoopExit));
874   EXPECT_EQ(cast<SCEVConstant>(ARAtLoopExit)->getAPInt().getLimitedValue(),
875             1004u);
877   SE.forgetLoop(Loop);
878   Br->eraseFromParent();
879   Cond->eraseFromParent();
881   Builder.SetInsertPoint(L);
882   auto *NewCond = Builder.CreateICmp(
883       ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT, Add, ConstantInt::get(T_int64, 2000), "new.cond");
884   Builder.CreateCondBr(NewCond, L, Post);
885   const SCEV *NewEC = SE.getBackedgeTakenCount(Loop);
886   EXPECT_FALSE(isa<SCEVCouldNotCompute>(NewEC));
887   EXPECT_TRUE(isa<SCEVConstant>(NewEC));
888   EXPECT_EQ(cast<SCEVConstant>(NewEC)->getAPInt().getLimitedValue(), 1999u);
889   const SCEV *NewARAtLoopExit = SE.getSCEVAtScope(AR, nullptr);
890   EXPECT_FALSE(isa<SCEVCouldNotCompute>(NewARAtLoopExit));
891   EXPECT_TRUE(isa<SCEVConstant>(NewARAtLoopExit));
892   EXPECT_EQ(cast<SCEVConstant>(NewARAtLoopExit)->getAPInt().getLimitedValue(),
893             2004u);
894 }
896 // Make sure that SCEV invalidates exit limits after invalidating the values it
897 // depends on when we forget a value.
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVExitLimitForgetValue)898 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVExitLimitForgetValue) {
899   /*
900    * Create the following code:
901    * func(i64 addrspace(10)* %arg)
902    * top:
903    *  br label %L.ph
904    * L.ph:
905    *  %load = load i64 addrspace(10)* %arg
906    *  br label %L
907    * L:
908    *  %phi = phi i64 [i64 0, %L.ph], [ %add, %L2 ]
909    *  %add = add i64 %phi2, 1
910    *  %cond = icmp slt i64 %add, %load ; then becomes 2000.
911    *  br i1 %cond, label %post, label %L2
912    * post:
913    *  ret void
914    *
915    */
917   // Create a module with non-integral pointers in it's datalayout
918   Module NIM("nonintegral", Context);
919   std::string DataLayout = M.getDataLayoutStr();
920   if (!DataLayout.empty())
921     DataLayout += "-";
922   DataLayout += "ni:10";
923   NIM.setDataLayout(DataLayout);
925   Type *T_int64 = Type::getInt64Ty(Context);
926   Type *T_pint64 = T_int64->getPointerTo(10);
928   FunctionType *FTy =
929       FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context), {T_pint64}, false);
930   Function *F = Function::Create(FTy, Function::ExternalLinkage, "foo", NIM);
932   Argument *Arg = &*F->arg_begin();
934   BasicBlock *Top = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "top", F);
935   BasicBlock *LPh = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "L.ph", F);
936   BasicBlock *L = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "L", F);
937   BasicBlock *Post = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "post", F);
939   IRBuilder<> Builder(Top);
940   Builder.CreateBr(LPh);
942   Builder.SetInsertPoint(LPh);
943   auto *Load = cast<Instruction>(Builder.CreateLoad(T_int64, Arg, "load"));
944   Builder.CreateBr(L);
946   Builder.SetInsertPoint(L);
947   PHINode *Phi = Builder.CreatePHI(T_int64, 2);
948   auto *Add = cast<Instruction>(
949       Builder.CreateAdd(Phi, ConstantInt::get(T_int64, 1), "add"));
950   auto *Cond = cast<Instruction>(
951       Builder.CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT, Add, Load, "cond"));
952   auto *Br = cast<Instruction>(Builder.CreateCondBr(Cond, L, Post));
953   Phi->addIncoming(ConstantInt::get(T_int64, 0), LPh);
954   Phi->addIncoming(Add, L);
956   Builder.SetInsertPoint(Post);
957   Builder.CreateRetVoid();
959   ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
960   auto *Loop = LI->getLoopFor(L);
961   const SCEV *EC = SE.getBackedgeTakenCount(Loop);
962   EXPECT_FALSE(isa<SCEVCouldNotCompute>(EC));
963   EXPECT_FALSE(isa<SCEVConstant>(EC));
965   SE.forgetValue(Load);
966   Br->eraseFromParent();
967   Cond->eraseFromParent();
968   Load->eraseFromParent();
970   Builder.SetInsertPoint(L);
971   auto *NewCond = Builder.CreateICmp(
972       ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT, Add, ConstantInt::get(T_int64, 2000), "new.cond");
973   Builder.CreateCondBr(NewCond, L, Post);
974   const SCEV *NewEC = SE.getBackedgeTakenCount(Loop);
975   EXPECT_FALSE(isa<SCEVCouldNotCompute>(NewEC));
976   EXPECT_TRUE(isa<SCEVConstant>(NewEC));
977   EXPECT_EQ(cast<SCEVConstant>(NewEC)->getAPInt().getLimitedValue(), 1999u);
978 }
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVAddRecFromPHIwithLargeConstants)980 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVAddRecFromPHIwithLargeConstants) {
981   // Reference: https://reviews.llvm.org/D37265
982   // Make sure that SCEV does not blow up when constructing an AddRec
983   // with predicates for a phi with the update pattern:
984   //  (SExt/ZExt ix (Trunc iy (%SymbolicPHI) to ix) to iy) + InvariantAccum
985   // when either the initial value of the Phi or the InvariantAccum are
986   // constants that are too large to fit in an ix but are zero when truncated to
987   // ix.
988   FunctionType *FTy =
989       FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context), std::vector<Type *>(), false);
990   Function *F =
991       Function::Create(FTy, Function::ExternalLinkage, "addrecphitest", M);
993   /*
994     Create IR:
995     entry:
996      br label %loop
997     loop:
998      %0 = phi i64 [-9223372036854775808, %entry], [%3, %loop]
999      %1 = shl i64 %0, 32
1000      %2 = ashr exact i64 %1, 32
1001      %3 = add i64 %2, -9223372036854775808
1002      br i1 undef, label %exit, label %loop
1003     exit:
1004      ret void
1005    */
1006   BasicBlock *EntryBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "entry", F);
1007   BasicBlock *LoopBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "loop", F);
1008   BasicBlock *ExitBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "exit", F);
1010   // entry:
1011   BranchInst::Create(LoopBB, EntryBB);
1012   // loop:
1013   auto *MinInt64 =
1014       ConstantInt::get(Context, APInt(64, 0x8000000000000000U, true));
1015   auto *Int64_32 = ConstantInt::get(Context, APInt(64, 32));
1016   auto *Br = BranchInst::Create(
1017       LoopBB, ExitBB, UndefValue::get(Type::getInt1Ty(Context)), LoopBB);
1018   auto *Phi = PHINode::Create(Type::getInt64Ty(Context), 2, "", Br);
1019   auto *Shl = BinaryOperator::CreateShl(Phi, Int64_32, "", Br);
1020   auto *AShr = BinaryOperator::CreateExactAShr(Shl, Int64_32, "", Br);
1021   auto *Add = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(AShr, MinInt64, "", Br);
1022   Phi->addIncoming(MinInt64, EntryBB);
1023   Phi->addIncoming(Add, LoopBB);
1024   // exit:
1025   ReturnInst::Create(Context, nullptr, ExitBB);
1027   // Make sure that SCEV doesn't blow up
1028   ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
1029   SCEVUnionPredicate Preds;
1030   const SCEV *Expr = SE.getSCEV(Phi);
1031   EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Expr);
1032   EXPECT_TRUE(isa<SCEVUnknown>(Expr));
1033   auto Result = SE.createAddRecFromPHIWithCasts(cast<SCEVUnknown>(Expr));
1034 }
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVAddRecFromPHIwithLargeConstantAccum)1036 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVAddRecFromPHIwithLargeConstantAccum) {
1037   // Make sure that SCEV does not blow up when constructing an AddRec
1038   // with predicates for a phi with the update pattern:
1039   //  (SExt/ZExt ix (Trunc iy (%SymbolicPHI) to ix) to iy) + InvariantAccum
1040   // when the InvariantAccum is a constant that is too large to fit in an
1041   // ix but are zero when truncated to ix, and the initial value of the
1042   // phi is not a constant.
1043   Type *Int32Ty = Type::getInt32Ty(Context);
1044   SmallVector<Type *, 1> Types;
1045   Types.push_back(Int32Ty);
1046   FunctionType *FTy = FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context), Types, false);
1047   Function *F =
1048       Function::Create(FTy, Function::ExternalLinkage, "addrecphitest", M);
1050   /*
1051     Create IR:
1052     define @addrecphitest(i32)
1053     entry:
1054      br label %loop
1055     loop:
1056      %1 = phi i32 [%0, %entry], [%4, %loop]
1057      %2 = shl i32 %1, 16
1058      %3 = ashr exact i32 %2, 16
1059      %4 = add i32 %3, -2147483648
1060      br i1 undef, label %exit, label %loop
1061     exit:
1062      ret void
1063    */
1064   BasicBlock *EntryBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "entry", F);
1065   BasicBlock *LoopBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "loop", F);
1066   BasicBlock *ExitBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "exit", F);
1068   // entry:
1069   BranchInst::Create(LoopBB, EntryBB);
1070   // loop:
1071   auto *MinInt32 = ConstantInt::get(Context, APInt(32, 0x80000000U, true));
1072   auto *Int32_16 = ConstantInt::get(Context, APInt(32, 16));
1073   auto *Br = BranchInst::Create(
1074       LoopBB, ExitBB, UndefValue::get(Type::getInt1Ty(Context)), LoopBB);
1075   auto *Phi = PHINode::Create(Int32Ty, 2, "", Br);
1076   auto *Shl = BinaryOperator::CreateShl(Phi, Int32_16, "", Br);
1077   auto *AShr = BinaryOperator::CreateExactAShr(Shl, Int32_16, "", Br);
1078   auto *Add = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(AShr, MinInt32, "", Br);
1079   auto *Arg = &*(F->arg_begin());
1080   Phi->addIncoming(Arg, EntryBB);
1081   Phi->addIncoming(Add, LoopBB);
1082   // exit:
1083   ReturnInst::Create(Context, nullptr, ExitBB);
1085   // Make sure that SCEV doesn't blow up
1086   ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
1087   SCEVUnionPredicate Preds;
1088   const SCEV *Expr = SE.getSCEV(Phi);
1089   EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Expr);
1090   EXPECT_TRUE(isa<SCEVUnknown>(Expr));
1091   auto Result = SE.createAddRecFromPHIWithCasts(cast<SCEVUnknown>(Expr));
1092 }
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVFoldSumOfTruncs)1094 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVFoldSumOfTruncs) {
1095   // Verify that the following SCEV gets folded to a zero:
1096   //  (-1 * (trunc i64 (-1 * %0) to i32)) + (-1 * (trunc i64 %0 to i32)
1097   Type *ArgTy = Type::getInt64Ty(Context);
1098   Type *Int32Ty = Type::getInt32Ty(Context);
1099   SmallVector<Type *, 1> Types;
1100   Types.push_back(ArgTy);
1101   FunctionType *FTy = FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context), Types, false);
1102   Function *F = Function::Create(FTy, Function::ExternalLinkage, "f", M);
1103   BasicBlock *BB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "entry", F);
1104   ReturnInst::Create(Context, nullptr, BB);
1106   ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
1108   auto *Arg = &*(F->arg_begin());
1109   const auto *ArgSCEV = SE.getSCEV(Arg);
1111   // Build the SCEV
1112   const auto *A0 = SE.getNegativeSCEV(ArgSCEV);
1113   const auto *A1 = SE.getTruncateExpr(A0, Int32Ty);
1114   const auto *A = SE.getNegativeSCEV(A1);
1116   const auto *B0 = SE.getTruncateExpr(ArgSCEV, Int32Ty);
1117   const auto *B = SE.getNegativeSCEV(B0);
1119   const auto *Expr = SE.getAddExpr(A, B);
1120   // Verify that the SCEV was folded to 0
1121   const auto *ZeroConst = SE.getConstant(Int32Ty, 0);
1122   EXPECT_EQ(Expr, ZeroConst);
1123 }
1125 // Check that we can correctly identify the points at which the SCEV of the
1126 // AddRec can be expanded.
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVExpanderIsSafeToExpandAt)1127 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVExpanderIsSafeToExpandAt) {
1128   /*
1129    * Create the following code:
1130    * func(i64 addrspace(10)* %arg)
1131    * top:
1132    *  br label %L.ph
1133    * L.ph:
1134    *  br label %L
1135    * L:
1136    *  %phi = phi i64 [i64 0, %L.ph], [ %add, %L2 ]
1137    *  %add = add i64 %phi2, 1
1138    *  %cond = icmp slt i64 %add, 1000; then becomes 2000.
1139    *  br i1 %cond, label %post, label %L2
1140    * post:
1141    *  ret void
1142    *
1143    */
1145   // Create a module with non-integral pointers in it's datalayout
1146   Module NIM("nonintegral", Context);
1147   std::string DataLayout = M.getDataLayoutStr();
1148   if (!DataLayout.empty())
1149     DataLayout += "-";
1150   DataLayout += "ni:10";
1151   NIM.setDataLayout(DataLayout);
1153   Type *T_int64 = Type::getInt64Ty(Context);
1154   Type *T_pint64 = T_int64->getPointerTo(10);
1156   FunctionType *FTy =
1157       FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context), {T_pint64}, false);
1158   Function *F = Function::Create(FTy, Function::ExternalLinkage, "foo", NIM);
1160   BasicBlock *Top = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "top", F);
1161   BasicBlock *LPh = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "L.ph", F);
1162   BasicBlock *L = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "L", F);
1163   BasicBlock *Post = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "post", F);
1165   IRBuilder<> Builder(Top);
1166   Builder.CreateBr(LPh);
1168   Builder.SetInsertPoint(LPh);
1169   Builder.CreateBr(L);
1171   Builder.SetInsertPoint(L);
1172   PHINode *Phi = Builder.CreatePHI(T_int64, 2);
1173   auto *Add = cast<Instruction>(
1174       Builder.CreateAdd(Phi, ConstantInt::get(T_int64, 1), "add"));
1175   auto *Limit = ConstantInt::get(T_int64, 1000);
1176   auto *Cond = cast<Instruction>(
1177       Builder.CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT, Add, Limit, "cond"));
1178   Builder.CreateCondBr(Cond, L, Post);
1179   Phi->addIncoming(ConstantInt::get(T_int64, 0), LPh);
1180   Phi->addIncoming(Add, L);
1182   Builder.SetInsertPoint(Post);
1183   Builder.CreateRetVoid();
1185   ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
1186   const SCEV *S = SE.getSCEV(Phi);
1187   EXPECT_TRUE(isa<SCEVAddRecExpr>(S));
1188   const SCEVAddRecExpr *AR = cast<SCEVAddRecExpr>(S);
1189   EXPECT_TRUE(AR->isAffine());
1190   EXPECT_FALSE(isSafeToExpandAt(AR, Top->getTerminator(), SE));
1191   EXPECT_FALSE(isSafeToExpandAt(AR, LPh->getTerminator(), SE));
1192   EXPECT_TRUE(isSafeToExpandAt(AR, L->getTerminator(), SE));
1193   EXPECT_TRUE(isSafeToExpandAt(AR, Post->getTerminator(), SE));
1194 }
1196 // Check that SCEV expander does not use the nuw instruction
1197 // for expansion.
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVExpanderNUW)1198 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVExpanderNUW) {
1199   /*
1200    * Create the following code:
1201    * func(i64 %a)
1202    * entry:
1203    *   br false, label %exit, label %body
1204    * body:
1205    *  %s1 = add i64 %a, -1
1206    *  br label %exit
1207    * exit:
1208    *  %s = add nuw i64 %a, -1
1209    *  ret %s
1210    */
1212   // Create a module.
1213   Module M("SCEVExpanderNUW", Context);
1215   Type *T_int64 = Type::getInt64Ty(Context);
1217   FunctionType *FTy =
1218       FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context), { T_int64 }, false);
1219   Function *F = Function::Create(FTy, Function::ExternalLinkage, "func", M);
1220   Argument *Arg = &*F->arg_begin();
1221   ConstantInt *C = ConstantInt::get(Context, APInt(64, -1));
1223   BasicBlock *Entry = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "entry", F);
1224   BasicBlock *Body = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "body", F);
1225   BasicBlock *Exit = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "exit", F);
1227   IRBuilder<> Builder(Entry);
1228   ConstantInt *Cond = ConstantInt::get(Context, APInt(1, 0));
1229   Builder.CreateCondBr(Cond, Exit, Body);
1231   Builder.SetInsertPoint(Body);
1232   auto *S1 = cast<Instruction>(Builder.CreateAdd(Arg, C, "add"));
1233   Builder.CreateBr(Exit);
1235   Builder.SetInsertPoint(Exit);
1236   auto *S2 = cast<Instruction>(Builder.CreateAdd(Arg, C, "add"));
1237   S2->setHasNoUnsignedWrap(true);
1238   auto *R = cast<Instruction>(Builder.CreateRetVoid());
1240   ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
1241   const SCEV *S = SE.getSCEV(S1);
1242   EXPECT_TRUE(isa<SCEVAddExpr>(S));
1243   SCEVExpander Exp(SE, M.getDataLayout(), "expander");
1244   auto *I = cast<Instruction>(Exp.expandCodeFor(S, nullptr, R));
1245   EXPECT_FALSE(I->hasNoUnsignedWrap());
1246 }
1248 // Check that SCEV expander does not use the nsw instruction
1249 // for expansion.
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVExpanderNSW)1250 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVExpanderNSW) {
1251   /*
1252    * Create the following code:
1253    * func(i64 %a)
1254    * entry:
1255    *   br false, label %exit, label %body
1256    * body:
1257    *  %s1 = add i64 %a, -1
1258    *  br label %exit
1259    * exit:
1260    *  %s = add nsw i64 %a, -1
1261    *  ret %s
1262    */
1264   // Create a module.
1265   Module M("SCEVExpanderNSW", Context);
1267   Type *T_int64 = Type::getInt64Ty(Context);
1269   FunctionType *FTy =
1270       FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context), { T_int64 }, false);
1271   Function *F = Function::Create(FTy, Function::ExternalLinkage, "func", M);
1272   Argument *Arg = &*F->arg_begin();
1273   ConstantInt *C = ConstantInt::get(Context, APInt(64, -1));
1275   BasicBlock *Entry = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "entry", F);
1276   BasicBlock *Body = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "body", F);
1277   BasicBlock *Exit = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "exit", F);
1279   IRBuilder<> Builder(Entry);
1280   ConstantInt *Cond = ConstantInt::get(Context, APInt(1, 0));
1281   Builder.CreateCondBr(Cond, Exit, Body);
1283   Builder.SetInsertPoint(Body);
1284   auto *S1 = cast<Instruction>(Builder.CreateAdd(Arg, C, "add"));
1285   Builder.CreateBr(Exit);
1287   Builder.SetInsertPoint(Exit);
1288   auto *S2 = cast<Instruction>(Builder.CreateAdd(Arg, C, "add"));
1289   S2->setHasNoSignedWrap(true);
1290   auto *R = cast<Instruction>(Builder.CreateRetVoid());
1292   ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
1293   const SCEV *S = SE.getSCEV(S1);
1294   EXPECT_TRUE(isa<SCEVAddExpr>(S));
1295   SCEVExpander Exp(SE, M.getDataLayout(), "expander");
1296   auto *I = cast<Instruction>(Exp.expandCodeFor(S, nullptr, R));
1297   EXPECT_FALSE(I->hasNoSignedWrap());
1298 }
1300 // Check that SCEV does not save the SCEV -> V
1301 // mapping of SCEV differ from V in NUW flag.
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVCacheNUW)1302 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVCacheNUW) {
1303   /*
1304    * Create the following code:
1305    * func(i64 %a)
1306    * entry:
1307    *  %s1 = add i64 %a, -1
1308    *  %s2 = add nuw i64 %a, -1
1309    *  br label %exit
1310    * exit:
1311    *  ret %s
1312    */
1314   // Create a module.
1315   Module M("SCEVCacheNUW", Context);
1317   Type *T_int64 = Type::getInt64Ty(Context);
1319   FunctionType *FTy =
1320       FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context), { T_int64 }, false);
1321   Function *F = Function::Create(FTy, Function::ExternalLinkage, "func", M);
1322   Argument *Arg = &*F->arg_begin();
1323   ConstantInt *C = ConstantInt::get(Context, APInt(64, -1));
1325   BasicBlock *Entry = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "entry", F);
1326   BasicBlock *Exit = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "exit", F);
1328   IRBuilder<> Builder(Entry);
1329   auto *S1 = cast<Instruction>(Builder.CreateAdd(Arg, C, "add"));
1330   auto *S2 = cast<Instruction>(Builder.CreateAdd(Arg, C, "add"));
1331   S2->setHasNoUnsignedWrap(true);
1332   Builder.CreateBr(Exit);
1334   Builder.SetInsertPoint(Exit);
1335   auto *R = cast<Instruction>(Builder.CreateRetVoid());
1337   ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
1338   // Get S2 first to move it to cache.
1339   const SCEV *SC2 = SE.getSCEV(S2);
1340   EXPECT_TRUE(isa<SCEVAddExpr>(SC2));
1341   // Now get S1.
1342   const SCEV *SC1 = SE.getSCEV(S1);
1343   EXPECT_TRUE(isa<SCEVAddExpr>(SC1));
1344   // Expand for S1, it should use S1 not S2 in spite S2
1345   // first in the cache.
1346   SCEVExpander Exp(SE, M.getDataLayout(), "expander");
1347   auto *I = cast<Instruction>(Exp.expandCodeFor(SC1, nullptr, R));
1348   EXPECT_FALSE(I->hasNoUnsignedWrap());
1349 }
1351 // Check that SCEV does not save the SCEV -> V
1352 // mapping of SCEV differ from V in NSW flag.
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVCacheNSW)1353 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVCacheNSW) {
1354   /*
1355    * Create the following code:
1356    * func(i64 %a)
1357    * entry:
1358    *  %s1 = add i64 %a, -1
1359    *  %s2 = add nsw i64 %a, -1
1360    *  br label %exit
1361    * exit:
1362    *  ret %s
1363    */
1365   // Create a module.
1366   Module M("SCEVCacheNUW", Context);
1368   Type *T_int64 = Type::getInt64Ty(Context);
1370   FunctionType *FTy =
1371       FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context), { T_int64 }, false);
1372   Function *F = Function::Create(FTy, Function::ExternalLinkage, "func", M);
1373   Argument *Arg = &*F->arg_begin();
1374   ConstantInt *C = ConstantInt::get(Context, APInt(64, -1));
1376   BasicBlock *Entry = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "entry", F);
1377   BasicBlock *Exit = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "exit", F);
1379   IRBuilder<> Builder(Entry);
1380   auto *S1 = cast<Instruction>(Builder.CreateAdd(Arg, C, "add"));
1381   auto *S2 = cast<Instruction>(Builder.CreateAdd(Arg, C, "add"));
1382   S2->setHasNoSignedWrap(true);
1383   Builder.CreateBr(Exit);
1385   Builder.SetInsertPoint(Exit);
1386   auto *R = cast<Instruction>(Builder.CreateRetVoid());
1388   ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
1389   // Get S2 first to move it to cache.
1390   const SCEV *SC2 = SE.getSCEV(S2);
1391   EXPECT_TRUE(isa<SCEVAddExpr>(SC2));
1392   // Now get S1.
1393   const SCEV *SC1 = SE.getSCEV(S1);
1394   EXPECT_TRUE(isa<SCEVAddExpr>(SC1));
1395   // Expand for S1, it should use S1 not S2 in spite S2
1396   // first in the cache.
1397   SCEVExpander Exp(SE, M.getDataLayout(), "expander");
1398   auto *I = cast<Instruction>(Exp.expandCodeFor(SC1, nullptr, R));
1399   EXPECT_FALSE(I->hasNoSignedWrap());
1400 }
1402 // Check logic of SCEV expression size computation.
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVComputeExpressionSize)1403 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVComputeExpressionSize) {
1404   /*
1405    * Create the following code:
1406    * void func(i64 %a, i64 %b)
1407    * entry:
1408    *  %s1 = add i64 %a, 1
1409    *  %s2 = udiv i64 %s1, %b
1410    *  br label %exit
1411    * exit:
1412    *  ret
1413    */
1415   // Create a module.
1416   Module M("SCEVComputeExpressionSize", Context);
1418   Type *T_int64 = Type::getInt64Ty(Context);
1420   FunctionType *FTy =
1421       FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context), { T_int64, T_int64 }, false);
1422   Function *F = Function::Create(FTy, Function::ExternalLinkage, "func", M);
1423   Argument *A = &*F->arg_begin();
1424   Argument *B = &*std::next(F->arg_begin());
1425   ConstantInt *C = ConstantInt::get(Context, APInt(64, 1));
1427   BasicBlock *Entry = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "entry", F);
1428   BasicBlock *Exit = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "exit", F);
1430   IRBuilder<> Builder(Entry);
1431   auto *S1 = cast<Instruction>(Builder.CreateAdd(A, C, "s1"));
1432   auto *S2 = cast<Instruction>(Builder.CreateUDiv(S1, B, "s2"));
1433   Builder.CreateBr(Exit);
1435   Builder.SetInsertPoint(Exit);
1436   Builder.CreateRetVoid();
1438   ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
1439   // Get S2 first to move it to cache.
1440   const SCEV *AS = SE.getSCEV(A);
1441   const SCEV *BS = SE.getSCEV(B);
1442   const SCEV *CS = SE.getSCEV(C);
1443   const SCEV *S1S = SE.getSCEV(S1);
1444   const SCEV *S2S = SE.getSCEV(S2);
1445   EXPECT_EQ(AS->getExpressionSize(), 1u);
1446   EXPECT_EQ(BS->getExpressionSize(), 1u);
1447   EXPECT_EQ(CS->getExpressionSize(), 1u);
1448   EXPECT_EQ(S1S->getExpressionSize(), 3u);
1449   EXPECT_EQ(S2S->getExpressionSize(), 5u);
1450 }
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVExpandInsertCanonicalIV)1452 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVExpandInsertCanonicalIV) {
1453   LLVMContext C;
1454   SMDiagnostic Err;
1456   // Expand the addrec produced by GetAddRec into a loop without a canonical IV.
1457   // SCEVExpander will insert one.
1458   auto TestNoCanonicalIV = [&](
1459       std::function<const SCEV *(ScalarEvolution & SE, Loop * L)> GetAddRec) {
1460     std::unique_ptr<Module> M =
1461         parseAssemblyString("define i32 @test(i32 %limit) { "
1462                             "entry: "
1463                             "  br label %loop "
1464                             "loop: "
1465                             "  %i = phi i32 [ 1, %entry ], [ %i.inc, %loop ] "
1466                             "  %i.inc = add nsw i32 %i, 1 "
1467                             "  %cont = icmp slt i32 %i.inc, %limit "
1468                             "  br i1 %cont, label %loop, label %exit "
1469                             "exit: "
1470                             "  ret i32 %i.inc "
1471                             "}",
1472                             Err, C);
1474     assert(M && "Could not parse module?");
1475     assert(!verifyModule(*M) && "Must have been well formed!");
1477     runWithSE(*M, "test", [&](Function &F, LoopInfo &LI, ScalarEvolution &SE) {
1478       auto &I = GetInstByName(F, "i");
1479       auto *Loop = LI.getLoopFor(I.getParent());
1480       EXPECT_FALSE(Loop->getCanonicalInductionVariable());
1482       auto *AR = GetAddRec(SE, Loop);
1483       unsigned ExpectedCanonicalIVWidth = SE.getTypeSizeInBits(AR->getType());
1485       SCEVExpander Exp(SE, M->getDataLayout(), "expander");
1486       auto *InsertAt = I.getNextNode();
1487       Exp.expandCodeFor(AR, nullptr, InsertAt);
1488       PHINode *CanonicalIV = Loop->getCanonicalInductionVariable();
1489       unsigned CanonicalIVBitWidth =
1490           cast<IntegerType>(CanonicalIV->getType())->getBitWidth();
1491       EXPECT_EQ(CanonicalIVBitWidth, ExpectedCanonicalIVWidth);
1492     });
1493   };
1495   // Expand the addrec produced by GetAddRec into a loop with a canonical IV
1496   // which is narrower than addrec type.
1497   // SCEVExpander will insert a canonical IV of a wider type to expand the
1498   // addrec.
1499   auto TestNarrowCanonicalIV = [&](
1500       std::function<const SCEV *(ScalarEvolution & SE, Loop * L)> GetAddRec) {
1501     std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssemblyString(
1502         "define i32 @test(i32 %limit) { "
1503         "entry: "
1504         "  br label %loop "
1505         "loop: "
1506         "  %i = phi i32 [ 1, %entry ], [ %i.inc, %loop ] "
1507         "  %canonical.iv = phi i8 [ 0, %entry ], [ %canonical.iv.inc, %loop ] "
1508         "  %i.inc = add nsw i32 %i, 1 "
1509         "  %canonical.iv.inc = add i8 %canonical.iv, 1 "
1510         "  %cont = icmp slt i32 %i.inc, %limit "
1511         "  br i1 %cont, label %loop, label %exit "
1512         "exit: "
1513         "  ret i32 %i.inc "
1514         "}",
1515         Err, C);
1517     assert(M && "Could not parse module?");
1518     assert(!verifyModule(*M) && "Must have been well formed!");
1520     runWithSE(*M, "test", [&](Function &F, LoopInfo &LI, ScalarEvolution &SE) {
1521       auto &I = GetInstByName(F, "i");
1523       auto *LoopHeaderBB = I.getParent();
1524       auto *Loop = LI.getLoopFor(LoopHeaderBB);
1525       PHINode *CanonicalIV = Loop->getCanonicalInductionVariable();
1526       EXPECT_EQ(CanonicalIV, &GetInstByName(F, "canonical.iv"));
1528       auto *AR = GetAddRec(SE, Loop);
1530       unsigned ExpectedCanonicalIVWidth = SE.getTypeSizeInBits(AR->getType());
1531       unsigned CanonicalIVBitWidth =
1532           cast<IntegerType>(CanonicalIV->getType())->getBitWidth();
1533       EXPECT_LT(CanonicalIVBitWidth, ExpectedCanonicalIVWidth);
1535       SCEVExpander Exp(SE, M->getDataLayout(), "expander");
1536       auto *InsertAt = I.getNextNode();
1537       Exp.expandCodeFor(AR, nullptr, InsertAt);
1539       // Loop over all of the PHI nodes, looking for the new canonical indvar.
1540       PHINode *NewCanonicalIV = nullptr;
1541       for (BasicBlock::iterator i = LoopHeaderBB->begin(); isa<PHINode>(i);
1542            ++i) {
1543         PHINode *PN = cast<PHINode>(i);
1544         if (PN == &I || PN == CanonicalIV)
1545           continue;
1546         // We expect that the only PHI added is the new canonical IV
1547         EXPECT_FALSE(NewCanonicalIV);
1548         NewCanonicalIV = PN;
1549       }
1551       // Check that NewCanonicalIV is a canonical IV, i.e {0,+,1}
1552       BasicBlock *Incoming = nullptr, *Backedge = nullptr;
1553       EXPECT_TRUE(Loop->getIncomingAndBackEdge(Incoming, Backedge));
1554       auto *Start = NewCanonicalIV->getIncomingValueForBlock(Incoming);
1555       EXPECT_TRUE(isa<ConstantInt>(Start));
1556       EXPECT_TRUE(dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Start)->isZero());
1557       auto *Next = NewCanonicalIV->getIncomingValueForBlock(Backedge);
1558       EXPECT_TRUE(isa<BinaryOperator>(Next));
1559       auto *NextBinOp = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(Next);
1560       EXPECT_EQ(NextBinOp->getOpcode(), Instruction::Add);
1561       EXPECT_EQ(NextBinOp->getOperand(0), NewCanonicalIV);
1562       auto *Step = NextBinOp->getOperand(1);
1563       EXPECT_TRUE(isa<ConstantInt>(Step));
1564       EXPECT_TRUE(dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Step)->isOne());
1566       unsigned NewCanonicalIVBitWidth =
1567           cast<IntegerType>(NewCanonicalIV->getType())->getBitWidth();
1568       EXPECT_EQ(NewCanonicalIVBitWidth, ExpectedCanonicalIVWidth);
1569     });
1570   };
1572   // Expand the addrec produced by GetAddRec into a loop with a canonical IV
1573   // of addrec width.
1574   // To expand the addrec SCEVExpander should use the existing canonical IV.
1575   auto TestMatchingCanonicalIV = [&](
1576       std::function<const SCEV *(ScalarEvolution & SE, Loop * L)> GetAddRec,
1577       unsigned ARBitWidth) {
1578     auto ARBitWidthTypeStr = "i" + std::to_string(ARBitWidth);
1579     std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssemblyString(
1580         "define i32 @test(i32 %limit) { "
1581         "entry: "
1582         "  br label %loop "
1583         "loop: "
1584         "  %i = phi i32 [ 1, %entry ], [ %i.inc, %loop ] "
1585         "  %canonical.iv = phi " + ARBitWidthTypeStr +
1586             " [ 0, %entry ], [ %canonical.iv.inc, %loop ] "
1587         "  %i.inc = add nsw i32 %i, 1 "
1588         "  %canonical.iv.inc = add " + ARBitWidthTypeStr +
1589             " %canonical.iv, 1 "
1590         "  %cont = icmp slt i32 %i.inc, %limit "
1591         "  br i1 %cont, label %loop, label %exit "
1592         "exit: "
1593         "  ret i32 %i.inc "
1594         "}",
1595         Err, C);
1597     assert(M && "Could not parse module?");
1598     assert(!verifyModule(*M) && "Must have been well formed!");
1600     runWithSE(*M, "test", [&](Function &F, LoopInfo &LI, ScalarEvolution &SE) {
1601       auto &I = GetInstByName(F, "i");
1602       auto &CanonicalIV = GetInstByName(F, "canonical.iv");
1604       auto *LoopHeaderBB = I.getParent();
1605       auto *Loop = LI.getLoopFor(LoopHeaderBB);
1606       EXPECT_EQ(&CanonicalIV, Loop->getCanonicalInductionVariable());
1607       unsigned CanonicalIVBitWidth =
1608           cast<IntegerType>(CanonicalIV.getType())->getBitWidth();
1610       auto *AR = GetAddRec(SE, Loop);
1611       EXPECT_EQ(ARBitWidth, SE.getTypeSizeInBits(AR->getType()));
1612       EXPECT_EQ(CanonicalIVBitWidth, ARBitWidth);
1614       SCEVExpander Exp(SE, M->getDataLayout(), "expander");
1615       auto *InsertAt = I.getNextNode();
1616       Exp.expandCodeFor(AR, nullptr, InsertAt);
1618       // Loop over all of the PHI nodes, looking if a new canonical indvar was
1619       // introduced.
1620       PHINode *NewCanonicalIV = nullptr;
1621       for (BasicBlock::iterator i = LoopHeaderBB->begin(); isa<PHINode>(i);
1622            ++i) {
1623         PHINode *PN = cast<PHINode>(i);
1624         if (PN == &I || PN == &CanonicalIV)
1625           continue;
1626         NewCanonicalIV = PN;
1627       }
1628       EXPECT_FALSE(NewCanonicalIV);
1629     });
1630   };
1632   unsigned ARBitWidth = 16;
1633   Type *ARType = IntegerType::get(C, ARBitWidth);
1635   // Expand {5,+,1}
1636   auto GetAR2 = [&](ScalarEvolution &SE, Loop *L) -> const SCEV * {
1637     return SE.getAddRecExpr(SE.getConstant(APInt(ARBitWidth, 5)),
1638                             SE.getOne(ARType), L, SCEV::FlagAnyWrap);
1639   };
1640   TestNoCanonicalIV(GetAR2);
1641   TestNarrowCanonicalIV(GetAR2);
1642   TestMatchingCanonicalIV(GetAR2, ARBitWidth);
1643 }
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVExpanderShlNSW)1645 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVExpanderShlNSW) {
1647   auto checkOneCase = [this](std::string &&str) {
1648     LLVMContext C;
1649     SMDiagnostic Err;
1650     std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssemblyString(str, Err, C);
1652     assert(M && "Could not parse module?");
1653     assert(!verifyModule(*M) && "Must have been well formed!");
1655     Function *F = M->getFunction("f");
1656     ASSERT_NE(F, nullptr) << "Could not find function 'f'";
1658     BasicBlock &Entry = F->getEntryBlock();
1659     LoadInst *Load = cast<LoadInst>(&Entry.front());
1660     BinaryOperator *And = cast<BinaryOperator>(*Load->user_begin());
1662     ScalarEvolution SE = buildSE(*F);
1663     const SCEV *AndSCEV = SE.getSCEV(And);
1664     EXPECT_TRUE(isa<SCEVMulExpr>(AndSCEV));
1665     EXPECT_TRUE(cast<SCEVMulExpr>(AndSCEV)->hasNoSignedWrap());
1667     SCEVExpander Exp(SE, M->getDataLayout(), "expander");
1668     auto *I = cast<Instruction>(Exp.expandCodeFor(AndSCEV, nullptr, And));
1669     EXPECT_EQ(I->getOpcode(), Instruction::Shl);
1670     EXPECT_FALSE(I->hasNoSignedWrap());
1671   };
1673   checkOneCase("define void @f(i16* %arrayidx) { "
1674                "  %1 = load i16, i16* %arrayidx "
1675                "  %2 = and i16 %1, -32768 "
1676                "  ret void "
1677                "} ");
1679   checkOneCase("define void @f(i8* %arrayidx) { "
1680                "  %1 = load i8, i8* %arrayidx "
1681                "  %2 = and i8 %1, -128 "
1682                "  ret void "
1683                "} ");
1684 }
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVLoopDecIntrinsic)1686 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVLoopDecIntrinsic) {
1687   LLVMContext C;
1688   SMDiagnostic Err;
1689   std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssemblyString(
1690       "define void @foo(i32 %N) { "
1691       "entry: "
1692       "  %cmp3 = icmp sgt i32 %N, 0 "
1693       "  br i1 %cmp3, label %for.body, label %for.cond.cleanup "
1694       "for.cond.cleanup: "
1695       "  ret void "
1696       "for.body: "
1697       "  %i.04 = phi i32 [ %inc, %for.body ], [ 100, %entry ] "
1698       "  %inc = call i32 @llvm.loop.decrement.reg.i32.i32.i32(i32 %i.04, i32 1) "
1699       "  %exitcond = icmp ne i32 %inc, 0 "
1700       "  br i1 %exitcond, label %for.cond.cleanup, label %for.body "
1701       "} "
1702       "declare i32 @llvm.loop.decrement.reg.i32.i32.i32(i32, i32) ",
1703       Err, C);
1705   ASSERT_TRUE(M && "Could not parse module?");
1706   ASSERT_TRUE(!verifyModule(*M) && "Must have been well formed!");
1708   runWithSE(*M, "foo", [&](Function &F, LoopInfo &LI, ScalarEvolution &SE) {
1709     auto *ScevInc = SE.getSCEV(getInstructionByName(F, "inc"));
1710     EXPECT_TRUE(isa<SCEVAddRecExpr>(ScevInc));
1711   });
1712 }
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVComputeConstantDifference)1714 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVComputeConstantDifference) {
1715   LLVMContext C;
1716   SMDiagnostic Err;
1717   std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssemblyString(
1718       "define void @foo(i32 %sz, i32 %pp) { "
1719       "entry: "
1720       "  %v0 = add i32 %pp, 0 "
1721       "  %v3 = add i32 %pp, 3 "
1722       "  br label %loop.body "
1723       "loop.body: "
1724       "  %iv = phi i32 [ %iv.next, %loop.body ], [ 0, %entry ] "
1725       "  %xa = add nsw i32 %iv, %v0 "
1726       "  %yy = add nsw i32 %iv, %v3 "
1727       "  %xb = sub nsw i32 %yy, 3 "
1728       "  %iv.next = add nsw i32 %iv, 1 "
1729       "  %cmp = icmp sle i32 %iv.next, %sz "
1730       "  br i1 %cmp, label %loop.body, label %exit "
1731       "exit: "
1732       "  ret void "
1733       "} ",
1734       Err, C);
1736   ASSERT_TRUE(M && "Could not parse module?");
1737   ASSERT_TRUE(!verifyModule(*M) && "Must have been well formed!");
1739   runWithSE(*M, "foo", [](Function &F, LoopInfo &LI, ScalarEvolution &SE) {
1740     auto *ScevV0 = SE.getSCEV(getInstructionByName(F, "v0")); // %pp
1741     auto *ScevV3 = SE.getSCEV(getInstructionByName(F, "v3")); // (3 + %pp)
1742     auto *ScevIV = SE.getSCEV(getInstructionByName(F, "iv")); // {0,+,1}
1743     auto *ScevXA = SE.getSCEV(getInstructionByName(F, "xa")); // {%pp,+,1}
1744     auto *ScevYY = SE.getSCEV(getInstructionByName(F, "yy")); // {(3 + %pp),+,1}
1745     auto *ScevXB = SE.getSCEV(getInstructionByName(F, "xb")); // {%pp,+,1}
1746     auto *ScevIVNext = SE.getSCEV(getInstructionByName(F, "iv.next")); // {1,+,1}
1748     auto diff = [&SE](const SCEV *LHS, const SCEV *RHS) -> Optional<int> {
1749       auto ConstantDiffOrNone = computeConstantDifference(SE, LHS, RHS);
1750       if (!ConstantDiffOrNone)
1751         return None;
1753       auto ExtDiff = ConstantDiffOrNone->getSExtValue();
1754       int Diff = ExtDiff;
1755       assert(Diff == ExtDiff && "Integer overflow");
1756       return Diff;
1757     };
1759     EXPECT_EQ(diff(ScevV3, ScevV0), 3);
1760     EXPECT_EQ(diff(ScevV0, ScevV3), -3);
1761     EXPECT_EQ(diff(ScevV0, ScevV0), 0);
1762     EXPECT_EQ(diff(ScevV3, ScevV3), 0);
1763     EXPECT_EQ(diff(ScevIV, ScevIV), 0);
1764     EXPECT_EQ(diff(ScevXA, ScevXB), 0);
1765     EXPECT_EQ(diff(ScevXA, ScevYY), -3);
1766     EXPECT_EQ(diff(ScevYY, ScevXB), 3);
1767     EXPECT_EQ(diff(ScevIV, ScevIVNext), -1);
1768     EXPECT_EQ(diff(ScevIVNext, ScevIV), 1);
1769     EXPECT_EQ(diff(ScevIVNext, ScevIVNext), 0);
1770     EXPECT_EQ(diff(ScevV0, ScevIV), None);
1771     EXPECT_EQ(diff(ScevIVNext, ScevV3), None);
1772     EXPECT_EQ(diff(ScevYY, ScevV3), None);
1773   });
1774 }
1776 // Test expansion of nested addrecs in CanonicalMode.
1777 // Expanding nested addrecs in canonical mode requiers a canonical IV of a
1778 // type wider than the type of the addrec itself. Currently, SCEVExpander
1779 // just falls back to literal mode for nested addrecs.
TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest,SCEVExpandNonAffineAddRec)1780 TEST_F(ScalarEvolutionsTest, SCEVExpandNonAffineAddRec) {
1781   LLVMContext C;
1782   SMDiagnostic Err;
1784   // Expand the addrec produced by GetAddRec into a loop without a canonical IV.
1785   auto TestNoCanonicalIV = [&](std::function<const SCEVAddRecExpr *(
1786                                    ScalarEvolution & SE, Loop * L)> GetAddRec) {
1787     std::unique_ptr<Module> M =
1788         parseAssemblyString("define i32 @test(i32 %limit) { "
1789                             "entry: "
1790                             "  br label %loop "
1791                             "loop: "
1792                             "  %i = phi i32 [ 1, %entry ], [ %i.inc, %loop ] "
1793                             "  %i.inc = add nsw i32 %i, 1 "
1794                             "  %cont = icmp slt i32 %i.inc, %limit "
1795                             "  br i1 %cont, label %loop, label %exit "
1796                             "exit: "
1797                             "  ret i32 %i.inc "
1798                             "}",
1799                             Err, C);
1801     assert(M && "Could not parse module?");
1802     assert(!verifyModule(*M) && "Must have been well formed!");
1804     runWithSE(*M, "test", [&](Function &F, LoopInfo &LI, ScalarEvolution &SE) {
1805       auto &I = GetInstByName(F, "i");
1806       auto *Loop = LI.getLoopFor(I.getParent());
1807       EXPECT_FALSE(Loop->getCanonicalInductionVariable());
1809       auto *AR = GetAddRec(SE, Loop);
1810       EXPECT_FALSE(AR->isAffine());
1812       SCEVExpander Exp(SE, M->getDataLayout(), "expander");
1813       auto *InsertAt = I.getNextNode();
1814       Value *V = Exp.expandCodeFor(AR, nullptr, InsertAt);
1815       auto *ExpandedAR = SE.getSCEV(V);
1816       // Check that the expansion happened literally.
1817       EXPECT_EQ(AR, ExpandedAR);
1818     });
1819   };
1821   // Expand the addrec produced by GetAddRec into a loop with a canonical IV
1822   // which is narrower than addrec type.
1823   auto TestNarrowCanonicalIV = [&](
1824       std::function<const SCEVAddRecExpr *(ScalarEvolution & SE, Loop * L)>
1825           GetAddRec) {
1826     std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssemblyString(
1827         "define i32 @test(i32 %limit) { "
1828         "entry: "
1829         "  br label %loop "
1830         "loop: "
1831         "  %i = phi i32 [ 1, %entry ], [ %i.inc, %loop ] "
1832         "  %canonical.iv = phi i8 [ 0, %entry ], [ %canonical.iv.inc, %loop ] "
1833         "  %i.inc = add nsw i32 %i, 1 "
1834         "  %canonical.iv.inc = add i8 %canonical.iv, 1 "
1835         "  %cont = icmp slt i32 %i.inc, %limit "
1836         "  br i1 %cont, label %loop, label %exit "
1837         "exit: "
1838         "  ret i32 %i.inc "
1839         "}",
1840         Err, C);
1842     assert(M && "Could not parse module?");
1843     assert(!verifyModule(*M) && "Must have been well formed!");
1845     runWithSE(*M, "test", [&](Function &F, LoopInfo &LI, ScalarEvolution &SE) {
1846       auto &I = GetInstByName(F, "i");
1848       auto *LoopHeaderBB = I.getParent();
1849       auto *Loop = LI.getLoopFor(LoopHeaderBB);
1850       PHINode *CanonicalIV = Loop->getCanonicalInductionVariable();
1851       EXPECT_EQ(CanonicalIV, &GetInstByName(F, "canonical.iv"));
1853       auto *AR = GetAddRec(SE, Loop);
1854       EXPECT_FALSE(AR->isAffine());
1856       unsigned ExpectedCanonicalIVWidth = SE.getTypeSizeInBits(AR->getType());
1857       unsigned CanonicalIVBitWidth =
1858           cast<IntegerType>(CanonicalIV->getType())->getBitWidth();
1859       EXPECT_LT(CanonicalIVBitWidth, ExpectedCanonicalIVWidth);
1861       SCEVExpander Exp(SE, M->getDataLayout(), "expander");
1862       auto *InsertAt = I.getNextNode();
1863       Value *V = Exp.expandCodeFor(AR, nullptr, InsertAt);
1864       auto *ExpandedAR = SE.getSCEV(V);
1865       // Check that the expansion happened literally.
1866       EXPECT_EQ(AR, ExpandedAR);
1867     });
1868   };
1870   // Expand the addrec produced by GetAddRec into a loop with a canonical IV
1871   // of addrec width.
1872   auto TestMatchingCanonicalIV = [&](
1873       std::function<const SCEVAddRecExpr *(ScalarEvolution & SE, Loop * L)>
1874           GetAddRec,
1875       unsigned ARBitWidth) {
1876     auto ARBitWidthTypeStr = "i" + std::to_string(ARBitWidth);
1877     std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssemblyString(
1878         "define i32 @test(i32 %limit) { "
1879         "entry: "
1880         "  br label %loop "
1881         "loop: "
1882         "  %i = phi i32 [ 1, %entry ], [ %i.inc, %loop ] "
1883         "  %canonical.iv = phi " + ARBitWidthTypeStr +
1884             " [ 0, %entry ], [ %canonical.iv.inc, %loop ] "
1885         "  %i.inc = add nsw i32 %i, 1 "
1886         "  %canonical.iv.inc = add " + ARBitWidthTypeStr +
1887             " %canonical.iv, 1 "
1888         "  %cont = icmp slt i32 %i.inc, %limit "
1889         "  br i1 %cont, label %loop, label %exit "
1890         "exit: "
1891         "  ret i32 %i.inc "
1892         "}",
1893         Err, C);
1895     assert(M && "Could not parse module?");
1896     assert(!verifyModule(*M) && "Must have been well formed!");
1898     runWithSE(*M, "test", [&](Function &F, LoopInfo &LI, ScalarEvolution &SE) {
1899       auto &I = GetInstByName(F, "i");
1900       auto &CanonicalIV = GetInstByName(F, "canonical.iv");
1902       auto *LoopHeaderBB = I.getParent();
1903       auto *Loop = LI.getLoopFor(LoopHeaderBB);
1904       EXPECT_EQ(&CanonicalIV, Loop->getCanonicalInductionVariable());
1905       unsigned CanonicalIVBitWidth =
1906           cast<IntegerType>(CanonicalIV.getType())->getBitWidth();
1908       auto *AR = GetAddRec(SE, Loop);
1909       EXPECT_FALSE(AR->isAffine());
1910       EXPECT_EQ(ARBitWidth, SE.getTypeSizeInBits(AR->getType()));
1911       EXPECT_EQ(CanonicalIVBitWidth, ARBitWidth);
1913       SCEVExpander Exp(SE, M->getDataLayout(), "expander");
1914       auto *InsertAt = I.getNextNode();
1915       Value *V = Exp.expandCodeFor(AR, nullptr, InsertAt);
1916       auto *ExpandedAR = SE.getSCEV(V);
1917       // Check that the expansion happened literally.
1918       EXPECT_EQ(AR, ExpandedAR);
1919     });
1920   };
1922   unsigned ARBitWidth = 16;
1923   Type *ARType = IntegerType::get(C, ARBitWidth);
1925   // Expand {5,+,1,+,1}
1926   auto GetAR3 = [&](ScalarEvolution &SE, Loop *L) -> const SCEVAddRecExpr * {
1927     SmallVector<const SCEV *, 3> Ops = {SE.getConstant(APInt(ARBitWidth, 5)),
1928                                         SE.getOne(ARType), SE.getOne(ARType)};
1929     return cast<SCEVAddRecExpr>(SE.getAddRecExpr(Ops, L, SCEV::FlagAnyWrap));
1930   };
1931   TestNoCanonicalIV(GetAR3);
1932   TestNarrowCanonicalIV(GetAR3);
1933   TestMatchingCanonicalIV(GetAR3, ARBitWidth);
1935   // Expand {5,+,1,+,1,+,1}
1936   auto GetAR4 = [&](ScalarEvolution &SE, Loop *L) -> const SCEVAddRecExpr * {
1937     SmallVector<const SCEV *, 4> Ops = {SE.getConstant(APInt(ARBitWidth, 5)),
1938                                         SE.getOne(ARType), SE.getOne(ARType),
1939                                         SE.getOne(ARType)};
1940     return cast<SCEVAddRecExpr>(SE.getAddRecExpr(Ops, L, SCEV::FlagAnyWrap));
1941   };
1942   TestNoCanonicalIV(GetAR4);
1943   TestNarrowCanonicalIV(GetAR4);
1944   TestMatchingCanonicalIV(GetAR4, ARBitWidth);
1946   // Expand {5,+,1,+,1,+,1,+,1}
1947   auto GetAR5 = [&](ScalarEvolution &SE, Loop *L) -> const SCEVAddRecExpr * {
1948     SmallVector<const SCEV *, 5> Ops = {SE.getConstant(APInt(ARBitWidth, 5)),
1949                                         SE.getOne(ARType), SE.getOne(ARType),
1950                                         SE.getOne(ARType), SE.getOne(ARType)};
1951     return cast<SCEVAddRecExpr>(SE.getAddRecExpr(Ops, L, SCEV::FlagAnyWrap));
1952   };
1953   TestNoCanonicalIV(GetAR5);
1954   TestNarrowCanonicalIV(GetAR5);
1955   TestMatchingCanonicalIV(GetAR5, ARBitWidth);
1956 }
1958 }  // end namespace llvm