1# setup.py
2# A distutils setup script to install TortoiseHg in Windows and Posix
3# environments.
5# On Windows, this script is mostly used to build a stand-alone
6# TortoiseHg package.  See installer\build.txt for details. The other
7# use is to report the current version of the TortoiseHg source.
9import time
10import sys
11import os
12import shutil
13import tempfile
14import re
15import subprocess
16import tarfile
17from fnmatch import fnmatch
18from distutils import log
19if 'FORCE_SETUPTOOLS' in os.environ:
20    from setuptools import setup
22    if 'py2app' in sys.argv[1:]:
23        sys.exit("py2app requires FORCE_SETUPTOOLS=1 to be set in os.environ.")
25    from distutils.core import setup
26from distutils.core import Command
27from distutils.command.build import build as _build_orig
28from distutils.command.clean import clean as _clean_orig
29from distutils.spawn import spawn, find_executable
30from i18n.msgfmt import Msgfmt
32thgcopyright = 'Copyright (C) 2010-2021 Steve Borho and others'
33hgcopyright = 'Copyright (C) 2005-2021 Matt Mackall and others'
35if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
36    unicode = str  # pycompat.unicode
38def _walklocales():
39    podir = 'i18n/tortoisehg'
40    for po in os.listdir(podir):
41        if not po.endswith('.po'):
42            continue
43        pofile = os.path.join(podir, po)
44        modir = os.path.join('locale', po[:-3], 'LC_MESSAGES')
45        mofile = os.path.join(modir, 'tortoisehg.mo')
46        yield pofile, modir, mofile
48def _msgfmt(pofile, mofile):
49    modata = Msgfmt(pofile).get()
50    with open(mofile, "wb") as fp:
51        fp.write(modata)
53class build_mo(Command):
54    description = "build translations (.mo files)"
55    user_options = []
57    def initialize_options(self):
58        pass
60    def finalize_options(self):
61        pass
63    def run(self):
64        for pofile, modir, mofile in _walklocales():
65            self.mkpath(modir)
66            self.make_file(pofile, mofile, _msgfmt, (pofile, mofile))
68class import_po(Command):
69    description = "import translations (.po file)"
70    user_options = [
71        ("package=", "p", ("launchpad export package or bzr repo "
72                           "[default: launchpad-export.tar.gz]")),
73        ("lang=", "l", "languages to be imported, separated by ','"),
74        ]
76    def initialize_options(self):
77        self.package = None
78        self.lang = None
80    def finalize_options(self):
81        if not self.package:
82            self.package = 'launchpad-export.tar.gz'
84        if self.lang:
85            self.lang = self.lang.upper().split(',')
87    def _untar(self, name, path='.'):
88        with tarfile.open(name, 'r') as tar:
89            path = os.path.abspath(path)
90            for tarinfo in tar.getmembers():
91                # Extract the safe file only
92                p = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, tarinfo.name))
93                if p.startswith(path):
94                    tar.extract(tarinfo, path)
96    def run(self):
97        if not find_executable('msgcat'):
98            self.warn("could not find msgcat executable")
99            return
101        dest_prefix = 'i18n/tortoisehg'
102        src_prefix = 'po/tortoisehg'
104        log.info('import from %s' % self.package)
106        if os.path.isdir(self.package):
107            self.bzrrepo = True
108            self.package_path = self.package
109        elif tarfile.is_tarfile(self.package):
110            self.bzrrepo = False
111            self.package_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
112            self._untar(self.package, self.package_path)
113        else:
114            self.warn('%s is not a valid tranlation package' % self.package)
115            return
117        if self.bzrrepo:
118            filter = r'^([\S]+)\.po$'
119        else:
120            filter = r'^tortoisehg-([\S]+)\.po$'
121        r = re.compile(filter)
123        src_dir = os.path.join(self.package_path, src_prefix)
124        for src_file in os.listdir(src_dir):
125            m = r.match(src_file)
126            if not m:
127                continue
129            # filter the language
130            lang = m.group(1)
131            if self.lang and lang.upper() not in self.lang:
132                continue
134            dest_file = os.path.join(dest_prefix, lang) + '.po'
135            msg = 'updating %s...' % dest_file
136            cmd = ['msgcat',
137                   '--no-location',
138                   '-o', dest_file,
139                   os.path.join(src_dir, src_file)
140                   ]
141            self.execute(spawn, (cmd,), msg)
143        if not self.bzrrepo:
144            shutil.rmtree(self.package_path)
146class update_pot(Command):
147    description = "extract translatable strings to tortoisehg.pot"
148    user_options = []
150    def initialize_options(self):
151        pass
153    def finalize_options(self):
154        pass
156    def run(self):
157        if not find_executable('xgettext'):
158            self.warn("could not find xgettext executable, tortoisehg.pot "
159                      "won't be built")
160            return
162        dirlist = [
163            '.',
164            'contrib',
165            'contrib/win32',
166            'tortoisehg',
167            'tortoisehg/hgqt',
168            'tortoisehg/util',
169            'tortoisehg/thgutil/iniparse',
170            ]
172        filelist = []
173        for pathname in dirlist:
174            if not os.path.exists(pathname):
175                continue
176            for filename in os.listdir(pathname):
177                if filename.endswith('.py'):
178                    filelist.append(os.path.join(pathname, filename))
179        filelist.sort()
181        potfile = 'tortoisehg.pot'
183        cmd = [
184            'xgettext',
185            '--package-name', 'TortoiseHg',
186            '--msgid-bugs-address', '<thg-devel@googlegroups.com>',
187            '--copyright-holder', thgcopyright,
188            '--from-code', 'ISO-8859-1',
189            '--keyword=_:1,2c,2t',
190            '--add-comments=i18n:',
191            '-d', '.',
192            '-o', potfile,
193            ]
194        cmd += filelist
195        self.make_file(filelist, potfile, spawn, (cmd,))
197class build_config(Command):
198    description = 'create config module for unix installation'
199    user_options = [
200        ('build-lib=', 'd', 'directory to "build" (copy) to'),
201        ]
203    def initialize_options(self):
204        self.build_lib = None
206    def finalize_options(self):
207        self.set_undefined_options('build',
208                                   ('build_lib', 'build_lib'))
210    def _generate_config(self, cfgfile):
211        from tortoisehg.hgqt import qtcore
212        # dirty hack to get the install root
213        installcmd = self.get_finalized_command('install')
214        rootlen = len(installcmd.root or '')
215        sharedir = os.path.join(installcmd.install_data[rootlen:], 'share')
216        data = {
217            'bin_path': installcmd.install_scripts[rootlen:],
218            'license_path': os.path.join(sharedir, 'doc', 'tortoisehg',
219                                         'COPYING.txt'),
220            'locale_path': os.path.join(sharedir, 'locale'),
221            'icon_path': os.path.join(sharedir, 'pixmaps', 'tortoisehg'),
222            'nofork': True,
223            'qt_api': qtcore._detectapi(),
224            }
225        # Distributions will need to supply their own
226        with open(cfgfile, "w") as f:
227            for k, v in sorted(data.items()):
228                f.write('%s = %r\n' % (k, v))
230    def run(self):
231        cfgdir = os.path.join(self.build_lib, 'tortoisehg', 'util')
232        cfgfile = os.path.join(cfgdir, 'config.py')
233        self.mkpath(cfgdir)
234        self.make_file(__file__, cfgfile, self._generate_config, (cfgfile,))
236class build_py2app_config(build_config):
237    description = 'create config module for standalone OS X bundle'
239    def _generate_config(self, cfgfile):
240        from tortoisehg.hgqt import qtcore
241        # Since py2app seems to ignore the build dir in favor of the src tree,
242        # ignore the given path and generate it in the source tree.  The file
243        # is conditionalized such that it won't interfere when run from source.
244        cwd = os.path.dirname(__file__)
245        cfgfile = os.path.join(cwd, 'tortoisehg', 'util', 'config.py')
246        data = {
247            'license_path': 'COPYING.txt',
248            'locale_path': 'locale',
249            'icon_path': 'icons',
250            'qt_api': qtcore._detectapi(),
251        }
252        rsrc_dir = 'os.environ["RESOURCEPATH"]'
254        with open(cfgfile, "w") as f:
255            f.write("import os, sys\n"
256                    "\n"
257                    "if 'THG_OSX_APP' in os.environ:\n"
258                    "    nofork = True\n")
259            for k, v in sorted(data.items()):
260                f.write("    %s = os.path.join(%s, '%s')\n" % (k, rsrc_dir, v))
261            f.write("    bin_path = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)\n")
263class build_ui(Command):
264    description = 'build PyQt user interfaces (.ui)'
265    user_options = [
266        ('force', 'f', 'forcibly compile everything (ignore file timestamps)'),
267        ]
268    boolean_options = ('force',)
270    def initialize_options(self):
271        self.force = None
273    def finalize_options(self):
274        self.set_undefined_options('build', ('force', 'force'))
276    def _compile_ui(self, ui_file, py_file):
277        uic = self._impuic()
278        with open(py_file, 'w') as fp:
279            uic.compileUi(ui_file, fp)
281    @staticmethod
282    def _impuic():
283        from tortoisehg.hgqt.qtcore import QT_API
284        mod = __import__(QT_API, globals(), locals(), ['uic'])
285        return mod.uic
287    _wrappeduic = False
288    @classmethod
289    def _wrapuic(cls):
290        """wrap uic to use gettext's _() in place of
291        QtGui.QApplication.translate as _translate()"""
292        if cls._wrappeduic:
293            return
295        uic = cls._impuic()
296        compiler = uic.Compiler.compiler
297        qtproxies = uic.Compiler.qtproxies
298        indenter = uic.Compiler.indenter
300        class _UICompiler(compiler.UICompiler):
301            def createToplevelWidget(self, classname, widgetname):
302                o = indenter.getIndenter()
303                o.level = 0
304                o.write('from tortoisehg.util.i18n import _')
305                return super(_UICompiler, self).createToplevelWidget(classname,
306                                                                     widgetname)
307        compiler.UICompiler = _UICompiler
309        class _i18n_string(qtproxies.i18n_string):
310            def __str__(self):
311                # Note: ignoring self.disambig and qtproxies.i18n_context
312                return '_(%s)' % qtproxies.as_string(self.string)
313        qtproxies.i18n_string = _i18n_string
315        cls._wrappeduic = True
317    def run(self):
318        self._wrapuic()
319        basepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tortoisehg', 'hgqt')
320        for f in os.listdir(basepath):
321            if not f.endswith('.ui'):
322                continue
323            uifile = os.path.join(basepath, f)
324            pyfile = uifile[:-3] + '_ui.py'
325            # setup.py is the source of "from i18n import _" line
326            self.make_file([uifile, __file__], pyfile,
327                           self._compile_ui, (uifile, pyfile))
329class build_qrc(Command):
330    description = 'build PyQt resource files (.qrc)'
331    user_options = [
332        ('build-lib=', 'd', 'directory to "build" (copy) to'),
333        ('force', 'f', 'forcibly compile everything (ignore file timestamps)'),
334        ]
335    boolean_options = ('force',)
337    def initialize_options(self):
338        self.build_lib = None
339        self.force = None
341    def finalize_options(self):
342        self.set_undefined_options('build',
343                                   ('build_lib', 'build_lib'),
344                                   ('force', 'force'))
346    def _findrcc(self):
347        from tortoisehg.hgqt.qtcore import QT_API
348        try:
349            rcc = {'PyQt4': 'pyrcc4', 'PyQt5': 'pyrcc5'}[QT_API]
350        except KeyError:
351            raise RuntimeError('unsupported Qt API: %s' % QT_API)
352        if os.name != 'nt' or QT_API == 'PyQt5':
353            return rcc
354        mod = __import__(QT_API, globals(), locals())
355        return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mod.__file__), rcc)
357    def _generate_qrc(self, qrc_file, srcfiles, prefix):
358        from tortoisehg.hgqt import qtlib
359        basedir = os.path.dirname(qrc_file)
360        with open(qrc_file, 'w') as f:
361            f.write('<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">\n')
362            f.write('  <qresource prefix="%s">\n' % qtlib.htmlescape(prefix))
363            for e in srcfiles:
364                relpath = e[len(basedir) + 1:]
365                f.write('    <file>%s</file>\n'
366                        % qtlib.htmlescape(relpath.replace(os.path.sep, '/'),
367                                           False))
368            f.write('  </qresource>\n')
369            f.write('</RCC>\n')
371    def _build_rc(self, srcfiles, py_file, basedir, prefix):
372        """Generate compiled resource including any files under basedir"""
373        # For details, see http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/resources.html
374        qrc_file = os.path.join(basedir, '%s.qrc' % os.path.basename(basedir))
375        try:
376            self._generate_qrc(qrc_file, srcfiles, prefix)
377            env = os.environ.copy()
378            if os.name == 'nt' and 'VIRTUAL_ENV' in env:
379                # pyrcc5.bat gets installed to the root of the virtualenv, not
380                # in the Scripts directory with the binaries on PATH.
381                env['PATH'] = '%s%s%s' % (
382                    env.get('PATH'), os.pathsep, env.get('VIRTUAL_ENV')
383                )
384            subprocess.check_call(
385                [self._findrcc(), qrc_file, '-o', py_file],
386                env=env,
387                shell=os.name == 'nt'
388            )
389        finally:
390            os.unlink(qrc_file)
392    def _build_icons(self, basepath):
393        icondir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'icons')
394        iconfiles = []
395        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(icondir):
396            if root == icondir:
397                dirs.remove('svg')  # drop source of .ico files
398            iconfiles.extend(os.path.join(root, f) for f in files
399                             if f.endswith(('.png', '.svg')))
400        pyfile = os.path.join(basepath, 'icons_rc.py')
401        # we cannot detect deleted icons
402        self.make_file(iconfiles, pyfile,
403                       self._build_rc, (iconfiles, pyfile, icondir, '/icons'),
404                       exec_msg='generating %s from %s' % (pyfile, icondir))
406    def _build_translations(self, basepath):
407        """Build translations_rc.py which inclues qt_xx.qm"""
408        from tortoisehg.hgqt.qtcore import QT_API
409        if QT_API == 'PyQt4':
410            if os.name == 'nt':
411                import PyQt4
412                trpath = os.path.join(
413                    os.path.dirname(PyQt4.__file__), 'translations')
414            else:
415                from PyQt4.QtCore import QLibraryInfo
416                trpath = unicode(
417                    QLibraryInfo.location(QLibraryInfo.TranslationsPath))
418        else:
419            if os.name == 'nt':
420                import PyQt5
421                trpath = os.path.join(
422                    os.path.dirname(PyQt5.__file__), 'translations')
423            else:
424                from PyQt5.QtCore import QLibraryInfo
425                trpath = unicode(
426                    QLibraryInfo.location(QLibraryInfo.TranslationsPath))
427        builddir = os.path.join(self.get_finalized_command('build').build_base,
428                                'qt-translations')
429        self.mkpath(builddir)
431        # we have to copy .qm files to build directory because .qrc file must
432        # specify files by relative paths
433        qmfiles = []
434        for e in os.listdir(trpath):
435            if (not e.startswith(('qt_', 'qscintilla_'))
436                or e.startswith('qt_help_')
437                or not e.endswith('.qm')):
438                continue
439            f = os.path.join(builddir, e)
440            self.copy_file(os.path.join(trpath, e), f)
441            qmfiles.append(f)
442        pyfile = os.path.join(basepath, 'translations_rc.py')
443        self.make_file(qmfiles, pyfile, self._build_rc,
444                       (qmfiles, pyfile, builddir, '/translations'),
445                       exec_msg='generating %s from Qt translation' % pyfile)
447    def run(self):
448        basepath = os.path.join(self.build_lib, 'tortoisehg', 'hgqt')
449        self.mkpath(basepath)
450        self._build_icons(basepath)
451        self._build_translations(basepath)
453class clean_local(Command):
454    pats = ['*.py[co]', '*_ui.py', '*.mo', '*.orig', '*.rej']
455    excludedirs = ['.hg', 'build', 'dist']
456    description = 'clean up generated files (%s)' % ', '.join(pats)
457    user_options = []
459    def initialize_options(self):
460        pass
462    def finalize_options(self):
463        pass
465    def run(self):
466        for e in self._walkpaths('.'):
467            log.info("removing '%s'" % e)
468            os.remove(e)
470    def _walkpaths(self, path):
471        for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(path):
472            if any(root == os.path.join(path, e)
473                   or root.startswith(os.path.join(path, e, ''))
474                   for e in self.excludedirs):
475                continue
476            for e in files:
477                fpath = os.path.join(root, e)
478                if any(fnmatch(fpath, p) for p in self.pats):
479                    yield fpath
481class build(_build_orig):
482    sub_commands = [
483        ('build_config',
484         lambda self: (os.name != 'nt' and
485                       'py2app' not in self.distribution.commands)),
486        ('build_py2app_config',
487         lambda self: 'py2app' in self.distribution.commands),
488        ('build_ui', None),
489        ('build_qrc', lambda self: 'py2exe' in self.distribution.commands),
490        ('build_mo', None),
491        ] + _build_orig.sub_commands
493class clean(_clean_orig):
494    sub_commands = [
495        ('clean_local', None),
496        ] + _clean_orig.sub_commands
498    def run(self):
499        _clean_orig.run(self)
500        for e in self.get_sub_commands():
501            self.run_command(e)
503cmdclass = {
504    'build': build,
505    'build_config': build_config,
506    'build_py2app_config': build_py2app_config,
507    'build_ui': build_ui,
508    'build_qrc': build_qrc,
509    'build_mo': build_mo,
510    'clean': clean,
511    'clean_local': clean_local,
512    'update_pot': update_pot,
513    'import_po': import_po,
514    }
516def setup_windows(version):
517    # Specific definitios for Windows NT-alike installations
518    _scripts = []
519    _data_files = []
520    _packages = ['tortoisehg.hgqt', 'tortoisehg.util', 'tortoisehg', 'hgext3rd']
521    extra = {}
522    hgextmods = []
524    # py2exe needs to be installed to work
525    try:
526        import py2exe
528        # Help py2exe to find win32com.shell
529        try:
530            import modulefinder
531            import win32com
532            for p in win32com.__path__[1:]: # Take the path to win32comext
533                modulefinder.AddPackagePath("win32com", p)
534            pn = "win32com.shell"
535            __import__(pn)
536            m = sys.modules[pn]
537            for p in m.__path__[1:]:
538                modulefinder.AddPackagePath(pn, p)
539        except ImportError:
540            pass
542    except ImportError:
543        if '--version' not in sys.argv:
544            raise
546    # Allow use of environment variables to specify the location of Mercurial
547    import modulefinder
548    path = os.getenv('MERCURIAL_PATH')
549    if path:
550        modulefinder.AddPackagePath('mercurial', path)
551    path = os.getenv('HGEXT_PATH')
552    if path:
553        modulefinder.AddPackagePath('hgext', path)
554    modulefinder.AddPackagePath('hgext3rd', 'hgext3rd')
556    if 'py2exe' in sys.argv:
557        import hgext
558        hgextdir = os.path.dirname(hgext.__file__)
559        hgextmods = set(["hgext." + os.path.splitext(f)[0]
560                         for f in os.listdir(hgextdir)])
561        # most icons are packed into Qt resource, but .ico files must reside
562        # in filesystem so that shell extension can read them
563        root = 'icons'
564        _data_files.append((root,
565                            [os.path.join(root, f) for f in os.listdir(root)
566                             if f.endswith('.ico') or f == 'README.txt']))
568    # for PyQt, see http://www.py2exe.org/index.cgi/Py2exeAndPyQt
569    includes = ['PyQt5.sip']
571    # Qt4 plugins, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2206406/
572    def qt4_plugins(subdir, *dlls):
573        import PyQt4
574        pluginsdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(PyQt4.__file__), 'plugins')
575        return subdir, [os.path.join(pluginsdir, subdir, e) for e in dlls]
577    def qt5_plugins(subdir, *dlls):
578        import PyQt5
579        pluginsdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(PyQt5.__file__), 'plugins')
580        return subdir, [os.path.join(pluginsdir, subdir, e) for e in dlls]
582    from tortoisehg.hgqt.qtcore import QT_API
583    if QT_API == 'PyQt4':
584        _data_files.append(qt4_plugins('imageformats',
585                                       'qico4.dll', 'qsvg4.dll'))
586    else:
587        _data_files.append(qt5_plugins('platforms', 'qwindows.dll'))
588        _data_files.append(qt5_plugins('imageformats',
589                                       'qico.dll', 'qsvg.dll', 'qjpeg.dll',
590                                       'qgif.dll', 'qicns.dll', 'qtga.dll',
591                                       'qtiff.dll', 'qwbmp.dll', 'qwebp.dll'))
593    # Manually include other modules py2exe can't find by itself.
594    if 'hgext.highlight' in hgextmods:
595        includes += ['pygments.*', 'pygments.lexers.*', 'pygments.formatters.*',
596                     'pygments.filters.*', 'pygments.styles.*']
597    if 'hgext.patchbomb' in hgextmods:
598        includes += ['email.*', 'email.mime.*']
600    extra['options'] = {}
601    extra['options']['py2exe'] = {
602        "skip_archive": 0,
603        # Don't pull in all this MFC stuff used by the makepy UI.
604        "excludes": ("pywin,pywin.dialogs,pywin.dialogs.list,setuptools"
605                     "setup,distutils"),  # required only for in-place use
606        "includes": includes,
607        "optimize": 1,
608        }
609    extra['console'] = [
610        {'script': 'thg',
611         'icon_resources': [(0, 'icons/thg_logo.ico')],
612         'description': 'TortoiseHg GUI tools for Mercurial SCM',
613         'copyright': thgcopyright,
614         'product_version': version,
615         },
616        {'script': 'contrib/hg',
617         'icon_resources': [(0, 'icons/hg.ico')],
618         'description': 'Mercurial Distributed SCM',
619         'copyright': hgcopyright,
620         'product_version': version,
621         },
622        {'script': 'win32/docdiff.py',
623         'icon_resources': [(0, 'icons/TortoiseMerge.ico')],
624         'copyright': thgcopyright,
625         'product_version': version,
626         },
627        ]
628    extra['windows'] = [
629        {'script': 'thg',
630         'dest_base': 'thgw',
631         'icon_resources': [(0, 'icons/thg_logo.ico')],
632         'description': 'TortoiseHg GUI tools for Mercurial SCM',
633         'copyright': thgcopyright,
634         'product_version': version,
635         },
636        {'script': 'TortoiseHgOverlayServer.py',
637         'icon_resources': [(0, 'icons/thg_logo.ico')],
638         'description': 'TortoiseHg Overlay Icon Server',
639         'copyright': thgcopyright,
640         'product_version': version,
641         },
642        ]
643    # put dlls in sub directory so that they won't pollute PATH
644    extra['zipfile'] = 'lib/library.zip'
646    return _scripts, _packages, _data_files, extra
648def setup_osx(version):
649    _extra = {}
651    # This causes py2app to copy the scripts into build/ and then adjust the
652    # mode, but the build dir is ignored for some reason.
653    _scripts = ['thg']
655    _packages = ['tortoisehg.hgqt', 'tortoisehg.util', 'tortoisehg', 'hgext3rd']
656    _data_files = []
658    def qt5_plugins(subdir, *dlls):
659        import PyQt5
660        pluginsdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(PyQt5.__file__), 'plugins')
661        return subdir, [os.path.join(pluginsdir, subdir, e) for e in dlls]
663    from tortoisehg.hgqt.qtcore import QT_API
664    _data_files.append(qt5_plugins('platforms', 'libqcocoa.dylib'))
665    _data_files.append(qt5_plugins('imageformats', 'libqsvg.dylib'))
667    _py2app_options = {
668        'arch': 'x86_64',
669        'argv_emulation': False,
670        'no_chdir': True,
671        'excludes': ['Carbon', 'curses', 'distools', 'distutils', 'docutils',
672                     'PyQt4.phonon', 'PyQt4.QtDeclarative', 'PyQt4.QtDesigner',
673                     'PyQt4.QtHelp', 'PyQt4.QtMultimedia', 'PyQt4.QtOpenGL',
674                     'PyQt4.QtScript', 'PyQt4.QtScriptTools', 'PyQt4.QtSql',
675                     'PyQt4.QtTest', 'PyQt4.QtWebKit', 'PyQt4.QtXmlPatterns',
676                     'PyQt4.QtXmlPatterns', 'PyQt5.QtDBus',
677                     'PyQt5.QtDeclarative', 'PyQt5.QtDesigner', 'PyQt5.QtHelp',
678                     'PyQt5.QtMultimedia', 'PyQt5.QtOpenGL', 'PyQt5.QtScript',
679                     'PyQt5.QtScriptTools', 'PyQt5.QtSql', 'PyQt5.QtTest',
680                     'PyQt5.QtWebKit', 'PyQt5.QtXmlPatterns', 'PyQt5.phonon',
681                     'py2app', 'setup', 'setuptools', 'unittest', 'PIL'],
683        'extra_scripts': ['contrib/hg'],
684        'iconfile': 'contrib/packaging/macos/TortoiseHg.icns',
685        'includes': ['email.mime.text', 'sip'],
686        'packages': ['certifi', 'hgext', 'iniparse', 'keyring', 'mercurial',
687                     'pygments', 'tortoisehg'],
689        'plist': {
690            'CFBundleDisplayName': 'TortoiseHg',
691            'CFBundleExecutable': 'TortoiseHg',
692            'CFBundleIdentifier': 'org.tortoisehg.thg',
693            'CFBundleName': 'TortoiseHg',
694            'CFBundleShortVersionString': version,
695            'CFBundleVersion': version,
696            'LSEnvironment': {
697                # because launched app can't inherit environment variables from
698                # console, the encoding would be set to "ascii" by default
699                'HGENCODING': 'utf-8',
700                'THG_OSX_APP': '1',
701                'QT_API': QT_API,
702            },
703            'NSHumanReadableCopyright': thgcopyright,
704        },
706        'resources': ['COPYING.txt', 'icons', 'locale'],
707    }
709    _extra['app'] = ['thg']
710    _extra['setup_requires'] = ['py2app']
711    _extra['options'] = {'py2app': _py2app_options}
713    return _scripts, _packages, _data_files, _extra
715def setup_posix():
716    # Specific definitios for Posix installations
717    _extra = {}
718    _scripts = ['thg']
719    _packages = ['tortoisehg', 'tortoisehg.hgqt', 'tortoisehg.util', 'hgext3rd']
720    _data_files = []
721    # .svg and .png are loaded by thg, .ico by nautilus extension
722    for root, dirs, files in os.walk('icons'):
723        if root == 'icons':
724            dirs.remove('svg')  # drop source of .ico files
725        # do not add directories to the packing list
726        if not files:
727            continue
728        _data_files.append((os.path.join('share/pixmaps/tortoisehg', root[6:]),
729                            [os.path.join(root, f) for f in files]))
730    # install SVG icon for the desktop file
731    _data_files.append(('share/pixmaps', ['icons/svg/thg_logo.svg']))
732    _data_files.append(('share/doc/tortoisehg', ['COPYING.txt']))
733    _data_files.extend((os.path.join('share', modir), [mofile])
734                       for pofile, modir, mofile in _walklocales())
735#     _data_files += [('share/nautilus-python/extensions',
736#                      ['contrib/nautilus-thg.py'])]
738    return _scripts, _packages, _data_files, _extra
740if __name__ == '__main__':
741    version = ''
743    if os.path.isdir('.hg'):
744        from tortoisehg.util import version as _version
745        branch, version = _version.liveversion()
746        if version.endswith('+'):
747            version += time.strftime('%Y%m%d')
748    elif os.path.exists('.hg_archival.txt'):
749        with open('.hg_archival.txt') as fp:
750            kw = dict([t.strip() for t in l.split(':', 1)] for l in fp)
751        if 'tag' in kw:
752            version = kw['tag']
753        elif 'latesttag' in kw:
754            version = '%(latesttag)s+%(latesttagdistance)s-%(node).12s' % kw
755        else:
756            version = kw.get('node', '')[:12]
758    if version:
759        with open("tortoisehg/util/__version__.py", "w") as f:
760            f.write('# this file is autogenerated by setup.py\n')
761            f.write('version = "%s"\n' % version)
763    try:
764        import tortoisehg.util.__version__
765        version = tortoisehg.util.__version__.version
766    except ImportError:
767        version = 'unknown'
769    if os.name == "nt":
770        (scripts, packages, data_files, extra) = setup_windows(version)
771        # Windows binary file versions for exe/dll files must have the
772        # form W.X.Y.Z, where W,X,Y,Z are numbers in the range 0..65535
773        from tortoisehg.util.version import package_version
774        setupversion = package_version()
775        productname = 'TortoiseHg'
776    elif sys.platform == "darwin" and 'py2app' in sys.argv[1:]:
777        (scripts, packages, data_files, extra) = setup_osx(version)
778        setupversion = version
779        productname = 'TortoiseHg'
780    else:
781        (scripts, packages, data_files, extra) = setup_posix()
782        setupversion = version
783        productname = 'tortoisehg'
785    setup(name=productname,
786          version=setupversion,
787          author='Steve Borho',
788          author_email='steve@borho.org',
789          url='https://tortoisehg.bitbucket.io',
790          description='TortoiseHg dialogs for Mercurial VCS',
791          license='GNU GPL2',
792          scripts=scripts,
793          packages=packages,
794          data_files=data_files,
795          cmdclass=cmdclass,
796          **extra)