1 /****************************************************************************
2 * VCGLib                                                            o o     *
3 * Visual and Computer Graphics Library                            o     o   *
4 *                                                                _   O  _   *
5 * Copyright(C) 2004-2016                                           \/)\/    *
6 * Visual Computing Lab                                            /\/|      *
7 * ISTI - Italian National Research Council                           |      *
8 *                                                                    \      *
9 * All rights reserved.                                                      *
10 *                                                                           *
11 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      *
12 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      *
13 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         *
14 * (at your option) any later version.                                       *
15 *                                                                           *
16 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           *
17 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
19 * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)          *
20 * for more details.                                                         *
21 *                                                                           *
22 ****************************************************************************/
23 /****************************************************************************
24   History
26 $Log: gen_normal.h,v $
27 ****************************************************************************/
29 #ifndef __VCG_GEN_NORMAL
30 #define __VCG_GEN_NORMAL
32 namespace vcg {
34 template <class ScalarType>
35 class GenNormal
36 {
37 public:
38 typedef Point3<ScalarType> Point3x;
Random(int vn,std::vector<Point3<ScalarType>> & NN)40 static void  Random(int vn, std::vector<Point3<ScalarType > > &NN)
41 {
42   NN.clear();
43   while(NN.size()<vn)
44   {
45     Point3x pp(((float)rand())/RAND_MAX,
46            ((float)rand())/RAND_MAX,
47            ((float)rand())/RAND_MAX);
48     pp=pp*2.0-Point3x(1,1,1);
49     if(pp.SquaredNorm()<1)
50     {
51       Normalize(pp);
52       NN.push_back(pp);
53     }
54   }
55 }
FibonacciPt(int i,int n)58 static Point3x FibonacciPt(int i, int n)
59 {
60   const ScalarType Phi =  ScalarType(std::sqrt(ScalarType(5))*0.5 + 0.5);
61   const ScalarType phi = 2.0*M_PI* (i/Phi - floor(i/Phi));
62   ScalarType cosTheta = 1.0 - (2*i + 1.0)/ScalarType(n);
63     ScalarType sinTheta = 1 - cosTheta*cosTheta;
64     sinTheta = std::sqrt(std::min(ScalarType(1),std::max(ScalarType(0),sinTheta)));
65     return Point3x(
66       cos(phi)*sinTheta,
67       sin(phi)*sinTheta,
68       cosTheta);
69 }
71 // Implementation of the Spherical Fibonacci Point Sets
72 // according to the description of
73 // Spherical Fibonacci Mapping
74 // Benjamin Keinert, Matthias Innmann, Michael Sanger, Marc Stamminger
75 // TOG 2015
Fibonacci(int n,std::vector<Point3x> & NN)76 static void Fibonacci(int n, std::vector<Point3x > &NN)
77 {
78   NN.resize(n);
79   for(int i=0;i<n;++i)
80     NN[i]=FibonacciPt(i,n);
81 }
83 static void UniformCone(int vn, std::vector<Point3<ScalarType > > &NN, ScalarType AngleRad, Point3x dir=Point3x(0,1,0))
84 {
85   std::vector<Point3<ScalarType > > NNT;
86   NN.clear();
87   // per prima cosa si calcola il volume della spherical cap di angolo AngleRad
88   ScalarType Height= 1.0 - cos(AngleRad); // height is measured from top...
89   // Surface is the one of the tangent cylinder
90   ScalarType CapArea = 2.0*M_PI*Height;
91   ScalarType Ratio = CapArea / (4.0*M_PI );
93   printf("----------AngleRad %f Angledeg %f ratio %f vn %i vn2 %i \n",AngleRad,math::ToDeg(AngleRad),Ratio,vn,int(vn/Ratio));
94   Fibonacci(vn/Ratio,NNT);
95   printf("asked %i got %i (expecting %i instead of %i)\n", int(vn/Ratio), int(NNT.size()), int(NNT.size()*Ratio), vn);
96   typename std::vector<Point3<ScalarType> >::iterator vi;
98   ScalarType cosAngle = cos(AngleRad);
99   for(vi=NNT.begin();vi!=NNT.end();++vi)
100   {
101     if(dir.dot(*vi) >= cosAngle) NN.push_back(*vi);
102   }
103  }
105 // This is an Implementation of the Dave Rusin’s Disco Ball algorithm
106 // You can spread the points as follows:
107 // Put  N+1  points on the meridian from north to south poles, equally spaced.
108 // If you swing this meridian around the sphere, you'll sweep out the entire
109 // surface; in the process, each of the points will sweep out a circle. You
110 // can show that the  ith  point will sweep out a circle of radius sin(pi i/N).
111 // If you space points equally far apart on this circle, keeping the
112 // displacement roughly the same as on that original meridian, you'll be
113 // able to fit about  2N sin(pi i/N) points here. This process will put points
114 // pretty evenly spaced on the sphere; the number of such points is about
115 //     2+ 2N*Sum(i=1 to N-1) sin(pi i/N).
116 // The closed form of this summation
117 //     2.0 - ( (2.0*N * sin (M_PI/N))/(cos(M_PI/N) - 1.0));
DiscoBall(int vn,std::vector<Point3<ScalarType>> & NN)118 static void DiscoBall(int vn, std::vector<Point3<ScalarType > > &NN)
119 {
120   // Guess the right N
121   ScalarType N=0;
123   for(N=1;N<vn;++N)
124   {
125     ScalarType expectedPoints = 2.0 - ( (2.0*N * sin (M_PI/N))/(cos(M_PI/N) - 1.0));
126     if(expectedPoints >= vn) break;
127   }
129   ScalarType VerticalAngle = M_PI / N;
130   NN.push_back(Point3<ScalarType>(0,0,1.0));
131   for (int i =1; i<N; ++i)
132   {
133     // Z is the north/south axis
134     ScalarType HorizRadius = sin(i*VerticalAngle);
135     ScalarType CircleLength = 2.0 * M_PI * HorizRadius;
136     ScalarType Z = cos(i*VerticalAngle);
137     ScalarType PointNumPerCircle = floor( CircleLength / VerticalAngle);
138     ScalarType HorizontalAngle = 2.0*M_PI/PointNumPerCircle;
139     for(ScalarType j=0;j<PointNumPerCircle;++j)
140     {
141       ScalarType X = cos(j*HorizontalAngle)*HorizRadius;
142       ScalarType Y = sin(j*HorizontalAngle)*HorizRadius;
143       NN.push_back(Point3<ScalarType>(X,Y,Z));
144     }
145   }
146   NN.push_back(Point3<ScalarType>(0,0,-1.0));
147 }
RecursiveOctahedron(int vn,std::vector<Point3<ScalarType>> & NN)149 static void RecursiveOctahedron(int vn, std::vector<Point3<ScalarType > > &NN)
150 {
151   OctaLevel pp;
153   int ll=10;
154   while(pow(4.0f,ll)+2>vn) ll--;
156   pp.Init(ll);
157   sort(pp.v.begin(),pp.v.end());
158   int newsize = unique(pp.v.begin(),pp.v.end())-pp.v.begin();
159   pp.v.resize(newsize);
161   NN=pp.v;
162   //Perturb(NN);
163  }
Perturb(std::vector<Point3<ScalarType>> & NN)165 static void Perturb(std::vector<Point3<ScalarType > > &NN)
166 {
167   float width=0.2f/sqrt(float(NN.size()));
169   typename std::vector<Point3<ScalarType> >::iterator vi;
170   for(vi=NN.begin(); vi!=NN.end();++vi)
171   {
172     Point3x pp(((float)rand())/RAND_MAX,
173            ((float)rand())/RAND_MAX,
174            ((float)rand())/RAND_MAX);
175     pp=pp*2.0-Point3x(1,1,1);
176     pp*=width;
177     (*vi)+=pp;
178     (*vi).Normalize();
179   }
181 }
183 /*
184 Trova la normale piu vicina a quella data.
185 Assume che tutte normale in ingresso sia normalizzata;
186 */
BestMatchingNormal(const Point3x & n,std::vector<Point3x> & nv)187 static int BestMatchingNormal(const Point3x &n, std::vector<Point3x> &nv)
188 {
189     int ret=-1;
190     ScalarType bestang=-1;
191     ScalarType cosang;
192     typename std::vector<Point3x>::iterator ni;
193     for(ni=nv.begin();ni!=nv.end();++ni)
194         {
195             cosang=(*ni).dot(n);
196             if(cosang>bestang) {
197                 bestang=cosang;
198                 ret=ni-nv.begin();
199             }
200         }
201   assert(ret>=0 && ret <int(nv.size()));
202     return ret;
203 }
206 private :
207 class OctaLevel
208   {
209   public:
210     std::vector<Point3x> v;
211     int level;
212     int sz;
213     int sz2;
Val(int i,int j)215     Point3x &Val(int i, int j) {
217       assert(i>=-sz2 && i<=sz2);
218       assert(j>=-sz2 && j<=sz2);
219       return v[i+sz2 +(j+sz2)*sz];
220     }
221 /*
222  *  Only the first quadrant is generated and replicated onto the other ones.
223  *
224  *   o         lev == 1
225  *   | \       sz2 = 2^lev = 2
226  *   o - o     sz = 5 (eg. all the points lie in a 5x5 squre)
227  *   | \ | \
228  *   o - o - o
229  *
230  *     |
231  *     V
232  *
233  *   o
234  *   | \       lev == 1
235  *   o - o     sz2 = 4
236  *   | \ | \   sz = 9 (eg. all the points lie in a 9x9 squre)
237  *   o - o - o
238  *   | \ | \ | \
239  *   o - o - o - o
240  *   | \ | \ | \ | \
241  *   o - o - o - o - o
242  *
243  *
244  */
Init(int lev)245     void Init(int lev)
246     {
247       sz2=pow(2.0f,lev);
248       sz=sz2*2+1;
249       v.resize(sz*sz,Point3x(0,0,0));
250       if(lev==0)
251       {
252         Val( 0,0)=Point3x( 0, 0, 1);
253         Val( 1,0)=Point3x( 1, 0, 0);
254         Val( 0,1)=Point3x( 0, 1, 0);
255       }
256       else
257       {
258         OctaLevel tmp;
259         tmp.Init(lev-1);
260         int i,j;
261         for(i=0;i<=sz2;++i)
262           for(j=0;j<=(sz2-i);++j)
263           {
264             if((i%2)==0 && (j%2)==0)
265               Val(i,j)=tmp.Val(i/2,j/2);
266             if((i%2)!=0 && (j%2)==0)
267                 Val(i,j)=(tmp.Val((i-1)/2,j/2)+tmp.Val((i+1)/2,j/2))/2.0;
268             if((i%2)==0 && (j%2)!=0)
269                 Val(i,j)=(tmp.Val(i/2,(j-1)/2)+tmp.Val(i/2,(j+1)/2))/2.0;
270             if((i%2)!=0 && (j%2)!=0)
271                  Val(i,j)=(tmp.Val((i-1)/2,(j+1)/2)+tmp.Val((i+1)/2,(j-1)/2))/2.0;
273             Val( sz2-j, sz2-i)[0] = Val(i,j)[0]; Val( sz2-j, sz2-i)[1] = Val(i,j)[1]; Val( sz2-j, sz2-i)[2] = -Val(i,j)[2];
274             Val(-sz2+j, sz2-i)[0] =-Val(i,j)[0]; Val(-sz2+j, sz2-i)[1] = Val(i,j)[1]; Val(-sz2+j, sz2-i)[2] = -Val(i,j)[2];
275             Val( sz2-j,-sz2+i)[0] = Val(i,j)[0]; Val( sz2-j,-sz2+i)[1] =-Val(i,j)[1]; Val( sz2-j,-sz2+i)[2] = -Val(i,j)[2];
276             Val(-sz2+j,-sz2+i)[0] =-Val(i,j)[0]; Val(-sz2+j,-sz2+i)[1] =-Val(i,j)[1]; Val(-sz2+j,-sz2+i)[2] = -Val(i,j)[2];
278             Val(-i,-j)[0] = -Val(i,j)[0]; Val(-i,-j)[1] = -Val(i,j)[1]; Val(-i,-j)[2] = Val(i,j)[2];
279             Val( i,-j)[0] =  Val(i,j)[0]; Val( i,-j)[1] = -Val(i,j)[1]; Val( i,-j)[2] = Val(i,j)[2];
280             Val(-i, j)[0] = -Val(i,j)[0]; Val(-i, j)[1] =  Val(i,j)[1]; Val(-i, j)[2] = Val(i,j)[2];
281           }
283         typename std::vector<Point3<ScalarType> >::iterator vi;
284         for(vi=v.begin(); vi!=v.end();++vi)
285             (*vi).Normalize();
286       }
287     }
288   };
289 };
290 }
291 #endif