1 //===- InlineAdvisor.h - Inlining decision making abstraction -*- C++ ---*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
12 #include "llvm/Analysis/InlineCost.h"
13 #include "llvm/Config/llvm-config.h"
14 #include "llvm/IR/PassManager.h"
15 #include "llvm/Analysis/Utils/ImportedFunctionsInliningStatistics.h"
16 #include <memory>
17 #include <unordered_set>
19 namespace llvm {
20 class BasicBlock;
21 class CallBase;
22 class Function;
23 class Module;
24 class OptimizationRemarkEmitter;
26 /// There are 3 scenarios we can use the InlineAdvisor:
27 /// - Default - use manual heuristics.
28 ///
29 /// - Release mode, the expected mode for production, day to day deployments.
30 /// In this mode, when building the compiler, we also compile a pre-trained ML
31 /// model to native code, and link it as a static library. This mode has low
32 /// overhead and no additional dependencies for the compiler runtime.
33 ///
34 /// - Development mode, for training new models.
35 /// In this mode, we trade off runtime performance for flexibility. This mode
36 /// requires the full C Tensorflow API library, and evaluates models
37 /// dynamically. This mode also permits generating training logs, for offline
38 /// training.
39 enum class InliningAdvisorMode : int {
40   Default,
41   Release,
42   Development
43 };
45 class InlineAdvisor;
46 /// Capture state between an inlining decision having had been made, and
47 /// its impact being observable. When collecting model training data, this
48 /// allows recording features/decisions/partial reward data sets.
49 ///
50 /// Derivations of this type are expected to be tightly coupled with their
51 /// InliningAdvisors. The base type implements the minimal contractual
52 /// obligations.
53 class InlineAdvice {
54 public:
55   InlineAdvice(InlineAdvisor *Advisor, CallBase &CB,
56                OptimizationRemarkEmitter &ORE, bool IsInliningRecommended);
58   InlineAdvice(InlineAdvice &&) = delete;
59   InlineAdvice(const InlineAdvice &) = delete;
~InlineAdvice()60   virtual ~InlineAdvice() {
61     assert(Recorded && "InlineAdvice should have been informed of the "
62                        "inliner's decision in all cases");
63   }
65   /// Exactly one of the record* APIs must be called. Implementers may extend
66   /// behavior by implementing the corresponding record*Impl.
67   ///
68   /// Call after inlining succeeded, and did not result in deleting the callee.
69   void recordInlining();
71   /// Call after inlining succeeded, and resulted in deleting the callee.
72   void recordInliningWithCalleeDeleted();
74   /// Call after the decision for a call site was to not inline.
recordUnsuccessfulInlining(const InlineResult & Result)75   void recordUnsuccessfulInlining(const InlineResult &Result) {
76     markRecorded();
77     recordUnsuccessfulInliningImpl(Result);
78   }
80   /// Call to indicate inlining was not attempted.
recordUnattemptedInlining()81   void recordUnattemptedInlining() {
82     markRecorded();
83     recordUnattemptedInliningImpl();
84   }
86   /// Get the inlining recommendation.
isInliningRecommended()87   bool isInliningRecommended() const { return IsInliningRecommended; }
getOriginalCallSiteDebugLoc()88   const DebugLoc &getOriginalCallSiteDebugLoc() const { return DLoc; }
getOriginalCallSiteBasicBlock()89   const BasicBlock *getOriginalCallSiteBasicBlock() const { return Block; }
91 protected:
recordInliningImpl()92   virtual void recordInliningImpl() {}
recordInliningWithCalleeDeletedImpl()93   virtual void recordInliningWithCalleeDeletedImpl() {}
recordUnsuccessfulInliningImpl(const InlineResult & Result)94   virtual void recordUnsuccessfulInliningImpl(const InlineResult &Result) {}
recordUnattemptedInliningImpl()95   virtual void recordUnattemptedInliningImpl() {}
97   InlineAdvisor *const Advisor;
98   /// Caller and Callee are pre-inlining.
99   Function *const Caller;
100   Function *const Callee;
102   // Capture the context of CB before inlining, as a successful inlining may
103   // change that context, and we want to report success or failure in the
104   // original context.
105   const DebugLoc DLoc;
106   const BasicBlock *const Block;
107   OptimizationRemarkEmitter &ORE;
108   const bool IsInliningRecommended;
110 private:
markRecorded()111   void markRecorded() {
112     assert(!Recorded && "Recording should happen exactly once");
113     Recorded = true;
114   }
115   void recordInlineStatsIfNeeded();
117   bool Recorded = false;
118 };
120 class DefaultInlineAdvice : public InlineAdvice {
121 public:
122   DefaultInlineAdvice(InlineAdvisor *Advisor, CallBase &CB,
123                       Optional<InlineCost> OIC, OptimizationRemarkEmitter &ORE,
124                       bool EmitRemarks = true)
125       : InlineAdvice(Advisor, CB, ORE, OIC.hasValue()), OriginalCB(&CB),
126         OIC(OIC), EmitRemarks(EmitRemarks) {}
128 private:
129   void recordUnsuccessfulInliningImpl(const InlineResult &Result) override;
130   void recordInliningWithCalleeDeletedImpl() override;
131   void recordInliningImpl() override;
133 private:
134   CallBase *const OriginalCB;
135   Optional<InlineCost> OIC;
136   bool EmitRemarks;
137 };
139 /// Interface for deciding whether to inline a call site or not.
140 class InlineAdvisor {
141 public:
142   InlineAdvisor(InlineAdvisor &&) = delete;
143   virtual ~InlineAdvisor();
145   /// Get an InlineAdvice containing a recommendation on whether to
146   /// inline or not. \p CB is assumed to be a direct call. \p FAM is assumed to
147   /// be up-to-date wrt previous inlining decisions. \p MandatoryOnly indicates
148   /// only mandatory (always-inline) call sites should be recommended - this
149   /// allows the InlineAdvisor track such inlininings.
150   /// Returns an InlineAdvice with the inlining recommendation.
151   std::unique_ptr<InlineAdvice> getAdvice(CallBase &CB,
152                                           bool MandatoryOnly = false);
154   /// This must be called when the Inliner pass is entered, to allow the
155   /// InlineAdvisor update internal state, as result of function passes run
156   /// between Inliner pass runs (for the same module).
onPassEntry()157   virtual void onPassEntry() {}
159   /// This must be called when the Inliner pass is exited, as function passes
160   /// may be run subsequently. This allows an implementation of InlineAdvisor
161   /// to prepare for a partial update.
onPassExit()162   virtual void onPassExit() {}
164 protected:
165   InlineAdvisor(Module &M, FunctionAnalysisManager &FAM);
166   virtual std::unique_ptr<InlineAdvice> getAdviceImpl(CallBase &CB) = 0;
167   virtual std::unique_ptr<InlineAdvice> getMandatoryAdvice(CallBase &CB,
168                                                            bool Advice);
170   Module &M;
171   FunctionAnalysisManager &FAM;
172   std::unique_ptr<ImportedFunctionsInliningStatistics> ImportedFunctionsStats;
174   /// We may want to defer deleting functions to after the inlining for a whole
175   /// module has finished. This allows us to reliably use function pointers as
176   /// unique identifiers, as an efficient implementation detail of the
177   /// InlineAdvisor. Otherwise, it is possible the memory allocator
178   /// re-allocate Function objects at the same address of a deleted Function;
179   /// and Functions are potentially created during the function passes called
180   /// after each SCC inlining (e.g. argument promotion does that).
181   void freeDeletedFunctions();
isFunctionDeleted(const Function * F)183   bool isFunctionDeleted(const Function *F) const {
184     return DeletedFunctions.count(F);
185   }
187   enum class MandatoryInliningKind { NotMandatory, Always, Never };
189   static MandatoryInliningKind getMandatoryKind(CallBase &CB,
190                                                 FunctionAnalysisManager &FAM,
191                                                 OptimizationRemarkEmitter &ORE);
193   OptimizationRemarkEmitter &getCallerORE(CallBase &CB);
195 private:
196   friend class InlineAdvice;
197   void markFunctionAsDeleted(Function *F);
198   std::unordered_set<const Function *> DeletedFunctions;
199 };
201 /// The default (manual heuristics) implementation of the InlineAdvisor. This
202 /// implementation does not need to keep state between inliner pass runs, and is
203 /// reusable as-is for inliner pass test scenarios, as well as for regular use.
204 class DefaultInlineAdvisor : public InlineAdvisor {
205 public:
DefaultInlineAdvisor(Module & M,FunctionAnalysisManager & FAM,InlineParams Params)206   DefaultInlineAdvisor(Module &M, FunctionAnalysisManager &FAM,
207                        InlineParams Params)
208       : InlineAdvisor(M, FAM), Params(Params) {}
210 private:
211   std::unique_ptr<InlineAdvice> getAdviceImpl(CallBase &CB) override;
onPassExit()213   void onPassExit() override { freeDeletedFunctions(); }
215   InlineParams Params;
216 };
218 /// The InlineAdvisorAnalysis is a module pass because the InlineAdvisor
219 /// needs to capture state right before inlining commences over a module.
220 class InlineAdvisorAnalysis : public AnalysisInfoMixin<InlineAdvisorAnalysis> {
221 public:
222   static AnalysisKey Key;
223   InlineAdvisorAnalysis() = default;
224   struct Result {
ResultResult225     Result(Module &M, ModuleAnalysisManager &MAM) : M(M), MAM(MAM) {}
invalidateResult226     bool invalidate(Module &, const PreservedAnalyses &,
227                     ModuleAnalysisManager::Invalidator &) {
228       // InlineAdvisor must be preserved across analysis invalidations.
229       return false;
230     }
231     bool tryCreate(InlineParams Params, InliningAdvisorMode Mode,
232                    StringRef ReplayFile);
getAdvisorResult233     InlineAdvisor *getAdvisor() const { return Advisor.get(); }
clearResult234     void clear() { Advisor.reset(); }
236   private:
237     Module &M;
238     ModuleAnalysisManager &MAM;
239     std::unique_ptr<InlineAdvisor> Advisor;
240   };
run(Module & M,ModuleAnalysisManager & MAM)242   Result run(Module &M, ModuleAnalysisManager &MAM) { return Result(M, MAM); }
243 };
245 #ifdef LLVM_HAVE_TF_AOT
246 std::unique_ptr<InlineAdvisor>
247 getReleaseModeAdvisor(Module &M, ModuleAnalysisManager &MAM);
248 #endif
250 #ifdef LLVM_HAVE_TF_API
251 std::unique_ptr<InlineAdvisor>
252 getDevelopmentModeAdvisor(Module &M, ModuleAnalysisManager &MAM,
253                           std::function<bool(CallBase &)> GetDefaultAdvice);
254 #endif
256 // Default (manual policy) decision making helper APIs. Shared with the legacy
257 // pass manager inliner.
259 /// Return the cost only if the inliner should attempt to inline at the given
260 /// CallSite. If we return the cost, we will emit an optimisation remark later
261 /// using that cost, so we won't do so from this function. Return None if
262 /// inlining should not be attempted.
263 Optional<InlineCost>
264 shouldInline(CallBase &CB, function_ref<InlineCost(CallBase &CB)> GetInlineCost,
265              OptimizationRemarkEmitter &ORE, bool EnableDeferral = true);
267 /// Emit ORE message.
268 void emitInlinedInto(OptimizationRemarkEmitter &ORE, DebugLoc DLoc,
269                      const BasicBlock *Block, const Function &Callee,
270                      const Function &Caller, const InlineCost &IC,
271                      bool ForProfileContext = false,
272                      const char *PassName = nullptr);
274 /// get call site location as string
275 std::string getCallSiteLocation(DebugLoc DLoc);
277 /// Add location info to ORE message.
278 void addLocationToRemarks(OptimizationRemark &Remark, DebugLoc DLoc);
280 /// Set the inline-remark attribute.
281 void setInlineRemark(CallBase &CB, StringRef Message);
283 /// Utility for extracting the inline cost message to a string.
284 std::string inlineCostStr(const InlineCost &IC);
285 } // namespace llvm