1 //===- TestMatchers.cpp - Pass to test matchers ---------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.h"
10 #include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
11 #include "mlir/IR/Matchers.h"
12 #include "mlir/Pass/Pass.h"
14 using namespace mlir;
16 namespace {
17 /// This is a test pass for verifying matchers.
18 struct TestMatchers : public PassWrapper<TestMatchers, FunctionPass> {
19   void runOnFunction() override;
getArgument__anon14bd0fdf0111::TestMatchers20   StringRef getArgument() const final { return "test-matchers"; }
getDescription__anon14bd0fdf0111::TestMatchers21   StringRef getDescription() const final {
22     return "Test C++ pattern matchers.";
23   }
24 };
25 } // end anonymous namespace
27 // This could be done better but is not worth the variadic template trouble.
28 template <typename Matcher>
countMatches(FuncOp f,Matcher & matcher)29 static unsigned countMatches(FuncOp f, Matcher &matcher) {
30   unsigned count = 0;
31   f.walk([&count, &matcher](Operation *op) {
32     if (matcher.match(op))
33       ++count;
34   });
35   return count;
36 }
38 using mlir::matchers::m_Any;
39 using mlir::matchers::m_Val;
test1(FuncOp f)40 static void test1(FuncOp f) {
41   assert(f.getNumArguments() == 3 && "matcher test funcs must have 3 args");
43   auto a = m_Val(f.getArgument(0));
44   auto b = m_Val(f.getArgument(1));
45   auto c = m_Val(f.getArgument(2));
47   auto p0 = m_Op<AddFOp>(); // using 0-arity matcher
48   llvm::outs() << "Pattern add(*) matched " << countMatches(f, p0)
49                << " times\n";
51   auto p1 = m_Op<MulFOp>(); // using 0-arity matcher
52   llvm::outs() << "Pattern mul(*) matched " << countMatches(f, p1)
53                << " times\n";
55   auto p2 = m_Op<AddFOp>(m_Op<AddFOp>(), m_Any());
56   llvm::outs() << "Pattern add(add(*), *) matched " << countMatches(f, p2)
57                << " times\n";
59   auto p3 = m_Op<AddFOp>(m_Any(), m_Op<AddFOp>());
60   llvm::outs() << "Pattern add(*, add(*)) matched " << countMatches(f, p3)
61                << " times\n";
63   auto p4 = m_Op<MulFOp>(m_Op<AddFOp>(), m_Any());
64   llvm::outs() << "Pattern mul(add(*), *) matched " << countMatches(f, p4)
65                << " times\n";
67   auto p5 = m_Op<MulFOp>(m_Any(), m_Op<AddFOp>());
68   llvm::outs() << "Pattern mul(*, add(*)) matched " << countMatches(f, p5)
69                << " times\n";
71   auto p6 = m_Op<MulFOp>(m_Op<MulFOp>(), m_Any());
72   llvm::outs() << "Pattern mul(mul(*), *) matched " << countMatches(f, p6)
73                << " times\n";
75   auto p7 = m_Op<MulFOp>(m_Op<MulFOp>(), m_Op<MulFOp>());
76   llvm::outs() << "Pattern mul(mul(*), mul(*)) matched " << countMatches(f, p7)
77                << " times\n";
79   auto mul_of_mulmul = m_Op<MulFOp>(m_Op<MulFOp>(), m_Op<MulFOp>());
80   auto p8 = m_Op<MulFOp>(mul_of_mulmul, mul_of_mulmul);
81   llvm::outs()
82       << "Pattern mul(mul(mul(*), mul(*)), mul(mul(*), mul(*))) matched "
83       << countMatches(f, p8) << " times\n";
85   // clang-format off
86   auto mul_of_muladd = m_Op<MulFOp>(m_Op<MulFOp>(), m_Op<AddFOp>());
87   auto mul_of_anyadd = m_Op<MulFOp>(m_Any(), m_Op<AddFOp>());
88   auto p9 = m_Op<MulFOp>(m_Op<MulFOp>(
89                      mul_of_muladd, m_Op<MulFOp>()),
90                    m_Op<MulFOp>(mul_of_anyadd, mul_of_anyadd));
91   // clang-format on
92   llvm::outs() << "Pattern mul(mul(mul(mul(*), add(*)), mul(*)), mul(mul(*, "
93                   "add(*)), mul(*, add(*)))) matched "
94                << countMatches(f, p9) << " times\n";
96   auto p10 = m_Op<AddFOp>(a, b);
97   llvm::outs() << "Pattern add(a, b) matched " << countMatches(f, p10)
98                << " times\n";
100   auto p11 = m_Op<AddFOp>(a, c);
101   llvm::outs() << "Pattern add(a, c) matched " << countMatches(f, p11)
102                << " times\n";
104   auto p12 = m_Op<AddFOp>(b, a);
105   llvm::outs() << "Pattern add(b, a) matched " << countMatches(f, p12)
106                << " times\n";
108   auto p13 = m_Op<AddFOp>(c, a);
109   llvm::outs() << "Pattern add(c, a) matched " << countMatches(f, p13)
110                << " times\n";
112   auto p14 = m_Op<MulFOp>(a, m_Op<AddFOp>(c, b));
113   llvm::outs() << "Pattern mul(a, add(c, b)) matched " << countMatches(f, p14)
114                << " times\n";
116   auto p15 = m_Op<MulFOp>(a, m_Op<AddFOp>(b, c));
117   llvm::outs() << "Pattern mul(a, add(b, c)) matched " << countMatches(f, p15)
118                << " times\n";
120   auto mul_of_aany = m_Op<MulFOp>(a, m_Any());
121   auto p16 = m_Op<MulFOp>(mul_of_aany, m_Op<AddFOp>(a, c));
122   llvm::outs() << "Pattern mul(mul(a, *), add(a, c)) matched "
123                << countMatches(f, p16) << " times\n";
125   auto p17 = m_Op<MulFOp>(mul_of_aany, m_Op<AddFOp>(c, b));
126   llvm::outs() << "Pattern mul(mul(a, *), add(c, b)) matched "
127                << countMatches(f, p17) << " times\n";
128 }
test2(FuncOp f)130 void test2(FuncOp f) {
131   auto a = m_Val(f.getArgument(0));
132   FloatAttr floatAttr;
133   auto p = m_Op<MulFOp>(a, m_Op<AddFOp>(a, m_Constant(&floatAttr)));
134   auto p1 = m_Op<MulFOp>(a, m_Op<AddFOp>(a, m_Constant()));
135   // Last operation that is not the terminator.
136   Operation *lastOp = f.getBody().front().back().getPrevNode();
137   if (p.match(lastOp))
138     llvm::outs()
139         << "Pattern add(add(a, constant), a) matched and bound constant to: "
140         << floatAttr.getValueAsDouble() << "\n";
141   if (p1.match(lastOp))
142     llvm::outs() << "Pattern add(add(a, constant), a) matched\n";
143 }
runOnFunction()145 void TestMatchers::runOnFunction() {
146   auto f = getFunction();
147   llvm::outs() << f.getName() << "\n";
148   if (f.getName() == "test1")
149     test1(f);
150   if (f.getName() == "test2")
151     test2(f);
152 }
154 namespace mlir {
registerTestMatchers()155 void registerTestMatchers() { PassRegistration<TestMatchers>(); }
156 } // namespace mlir