1; Ti83 interrupt 'wrapper' - by Henk Poley
3; The z88dk makes extensively use of the shadow registers (EXX and EX AF,AF)
4; The Ti83 system interrupt doesn't preserve (any of) these regs and
5;  could thus crash your program. The workaround is to use this interrupt
6;  all the time, it saves and restores the (shadow-)registers for the
7;  system interrupt.
8; We need the system interrupt when scanning keys (in an easy way), also
9;  some (other) ROM calls make use of the system interrupt. if the interrupt
10;  is then not running, the calculator would crash.
12; Do work:
13; ticalc\smile.c
14; ticalc\dstar.c
15; ticalc\spritest.c
16; ticalc\world.c
17; ticalc2\fib.c
19; Don't work:
20; ticalc\smallgfx.c (83 lib uses dcircle.asm instead of dcircle2.asm)
21;  - Displays circles, but doesn't return to prompt...
22;    (Runs correctly now we safe IY and restore it at the end of the program)
23; ticalc2\enigma.c
24;  - Just crashes...
25; ticalc2\rpn.c
26;  - Displays text, but crashes before you can press a key, doesn't respond
27;     to anything
30defc intcount    = $878A		; 1 byte needed
32	INCLUDE "target/ti83/classic/int83.asm"		; Put interrupt loader here
33					; HL = $8789
34	inc	hl			; We need to intialize variables
35	ld	(hl),0			;  by ourself.
36					;
37	jr	jump_over		; Jump over the interrupt code
40; Actual interrupt
43	push	af			;
44	ld	a,(intcount)		; Check if own interrupt has quited
45	bit	7,a			;  correctly, then bit 7 is zero
46	jr	nz,int_fix		; If not zero, fix stack...
47	push	hl			;
48	push	de			;
49	push	bc			;
50	push	iy			;
51	ld	iy,_IY_TABLE		;
52	ld	hl,intcount		; If a 'direct interrupt' occures
53	set	7,(hl)			;  right after the TIOS-int, then
54					;  we want bit 7 to be set...
56	exx				; Swap to shadow registers.
57	ex	af,af			; So the TIOS swaps back to the
58					;  normal ones... (the ones we saved
59					;  with push/pops)
60	rst	$38			;
61	di				; 'BIG' HOLE HERE... (TIOS does ei...)
62	di				;
63	ex	af,af			;
64	exx				;
65					;
66	ld	hl,intcount		; Interrupt returned correctly, so
67	res	7,(hl)			;  we reset our error-condition...
68					;
69	pop	iy			;
70	pop	bc			;
71	pop	de			;
72	pop	hl			;
73	pop	af			;
74	ei				;
75	ret				;
77	pop	af			; Pop AF back
78	ex	af,af			; Fix shadowregs back
79	exx				;
80	pop	bc			; Pop the returnpoint of RST $38
81					;  from the stack
82	jr	exit_interrupt		; Continue with interrupt
86; Memory usage in statvars:
87; -------------------------------------------
88; $858F / $85FF - 113 bytes - free
89; $8600 / $8700 - 256 bytes - IV table
90; $8701 / $8786 - 134 bytes - free
91; $8787 / $8789 -   3 bytes - JP IntProcStart
92; $878A         -   1 byte  - intcount        <--
93; $878B / $87A2 -  24 bytes - free
94; -------------------------------------------