1 s_no_extra_traits! {
2     #[allow(missing_debug_implementations)]
3     #[repr(align(16))]
4     pub struct max_align_t {
5         priv_: [f32; 8]
6     }
7 }
9 s! {
10     pub struct ucontext_t {
11         pub uc_flags: ::c_ulong,
12         pub uc_link: *mut ucontext_t,
13         pub uc_stack: ::stack_t,
14         pub uc_sigmask: ::sigset_t,
15         pub uc_mcontext: mcontext_t,
16     }
18     #[repr(align(16))]
19     pub struct mcontext_t {
20         pub fault_address: ::c_ulonglong,
21         pub regs: [::c_ulonglong; 31],
22         pub sp: ::c_ulonglong,
23         pub pc: ::c_ulonglong,
24         pub pstate: ::c_ulonglong,
25         // nested arrays to get the right size/length while being able to
26         // auto-derive traits like Debug
27         __reserved: [[u64; 32]; 16],
28     }
29 }