1 use crate::time::driver::TimerHandle;
3 use crate::time::driver::{EntryList, TimerShared};
5 use std::{fmt, ptr::NonNull};
7 /// Wheel for a single level in the timer. This wheel contains 64 slots.
8 pub(crate) struct Level {
9     level: usize,
11     /// Bit field tracking which slots currently contain entries.
12     ///
13     /// Using a bit field to track slots that contain entries allows avoiding a
14     /// scan to find entries. This field is updated when entries are added or
15     /// removed from a slot.
16     ///
17     /// The least-significant bit represents slot zero.
18     occupied: u64,
20     /// Slots. We access these via the EntryInner `current_list` as well, so this needs to be an UnsafeCell.
21     slot: [EntryList; LEVEL_MULT],
22 }
24 /// Indicates when a slot must be processed next.
25 #[derive(Debug)]
26 pub(crate) struct Expiration {
27     /// The level containing the slot.
28     pub(crate) level: usize,
30     /// The slot index.
31     pub(crate) slot: usize,
33     /// The instant at which the slot needs to be processed.
34     pub(crate) deadline: u64,
35 }
37 /// Level multiplier.
38 ///
39 /// Being a power of 2 is very important.
40 const LEVEL_MULT: usize = 64;
42 impl Level {
new(level: usize) -> Level43     pub(crate) fn new(level: usize) -> Level {
44         // A value has to be Copy in order to use syntax like:
45         //     let stack = Stack::default();
46         //     ...
47         //     slots: [stack; 64],
48         //
49         // Alternatively, since Stack is Default one can
50         // use syntax like:
51         //     let slots: [Stack; 64] = Default::default();
52         //
53         // However, that is only supported for arrays of size
54         // 32 or fewer.  So in our case we have to explicitly
55         // invoke the constructor for each array element.
56         let ctor = || EntryList::default();
58         Level {
59             level,
60             occupied: 0,
61             slot: [
62                 ctor(),
63                 ctor(),
64                 ctor(),
65                 ctor(),
66                 ctor(),
67                 ctor(),
68                 ctor(),
69                 ctor(),
70                 ctor(),
71                 ctor(),
72                 ctor(),
73                 ctor(),
74                 ctor(),
75                 ctor(),
76                 ctor(),
77                 ctor(),
78                 ctor(),
79                 ctor(),
80                 ctor(),
81                 ctor(),
82                 ctor(),
83                 ctor(),
84                 ctor(),
85                 ctor(),
86                 ctor(),
87                 ctor(),
88                 ctor(),
89                 ctor(),
90                 ctor(),
91                 ctor(),
92                 ctor(),
93                 ctor(),
94                 ctor(),
95                 ctor(),
96                 ctor(),
97                 ctor(),
98                 ctor(),
99                 ctor(),
100                 ctor(),
101                 ctor(),
102                 ctor(),
103                 ctor(),
104                 ctor(),
105                 ctor(),
106                 ctor(),
107                 ctor(),
108                 ctor(),
109                 ctor(),
110                 ctor(),
111                 ctor(),
112                 ctor(),
113                 ctor(),
114                 ctor(),
115                 ctor(),
116                 ctor(),
117                 ctor(),
118                 ctor(),
119                 ctor(),
120                 ctor(),
121                 ctor(),
122                 ctor(),
123                 ctor(),
124                 ctor(),
125                 ctor(),
126             ],
127         }
128     }
130     /// Finds the slot that needs to be processed next and returns the slot and
131     /// `Instant` at which this slot must be processed.
next_expiration(&self, now: u64) -> Option<Expiration>132     pub(crate) fn next_expiration(&self, now: u64) -> Option<Expiration> {
133         // Use the `occupied` bit field to get the index of the next slot that
134         // needs to be processed.
135         let slot = match self.next_occupied_slot(now) {
136             Some(slot) => slot,
137             None => return None,
138         };
140         // From the slot index, calculate the `Instant` at which it needs to be
141         // processed. This value *must* be in the future with respect to `now`.
143         let level_range = level_range(self.level);
144         let slot_range = slot_range(self.level);
146         // TODO: This can probably be simplified w/ power of 2 math
147         let level_start = now - (now % level_range);
148         let mut deadline = level_start + slot as u64 * slot_range;
150         if deadline <= now {
151             // A timer is in a slot "prior" to the current time. This can occur
152             // because we do not have an infinite hierarchy of timer levels, and
153             // eventually a timer scheduled for a very distant time might end up
154             // being placed in a slot that is beyond the end of all of the
155             // arrays.
156             //
157             // To deal with this, we first limit timers to being scheduled no
158             // more than MAX_DURATION ticks in the future; that is, they're at
159             // most one rotation of the top level away. Then, we force timers
160             // that logically would go into the top+1 level, to instead go into
161             // the top level's slots.
162             //
163             // What this means is that the top level's slots act as a
164             // pseudo-ring buffer, and we rotate around them indefinitely. If we
165             // compute a deadline before now, and it's the top level, it
166             // therefore means we're actually looking at a slot in the future.
167             debug_assert_eq!(self.level, super::NUM_LEVELS - 1);
169             deadline += level_range;
170         }
172         debug_assert!(
173             deadline >= now,
174             "deadline={:016X}; now={:016X}; level={}; lr={:016X}, sr={:016X}, slot={}; occupied={:b}",
175             deadline,
176             now,
177             self.level,
178             level_range,
179             slot_range,
180             slot,
181             self.occupied
182         );
184         Some(Expiration {
185             level: self.level,
186             slot,
187             deadline,
188         })
189     }
next_occupied_slot(&self, now: u64) -> Option<usize>191     fn next_occupied_slot(&self, now: u64) -> Option<usize> {
192         if self.occupied == 0 {
193             return None;
194         }
196         // Get the slot for now using Maths
197         let now_slot = (now / slot_range(self.level)) as usize;
198         let occupied = self.occupied.rotate_right(now_slot as u32);
199         let zeros = occupied.trailing_zeros() as usize;
200         let slot = (zeros + now_slot) % 64;
202         Some(slot)
203     }
add_entry(&mut self, item: TimerHandle)205     pub(crate) unsafe fn add_entry(&mut self, item: TimerHandle) {
206         let slot = slot_for(item.cached_when(), self.level);
208         self.slot[slot].push_front(item);
210         self.occupied |= occupied_bit(slot);
211     }
remove_entry(&mut self, item: NonNull<TimerShared>)213     pub(crate) unsafe fn remove_entry(&mut self, item: NonNull<TimerShared>) {
214         let slot = slot_for(unsafe { item.as_ref().cached_when() }, self.level);
216         unsafe { self.slot[slot].remove(item) };
217         if self.slot[slot].is_empty() {
218             // The bit is currently set
219             debug_assert!(self.occupied & occupied_bit(slot) != 0);
221             // Unset the bit
222             self.occupied ^= occupied_bit(slot);
223         }
224     }
take_slot(&mut self, slot: usize) -> EntryList226     pub(crate) fn take_slot(&mut self, slot: usize) -> EntryList {
227         self.occupied &= !occupied_bit(slot);
229         std::mem::take(&mut self.slot[slot])
230     }
231 }
233 impl fmt::Debug for Level {
fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result234     fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
235         fmt.debug_struct("Level")
236             .field("occupied", &self.occupied)
237             .finish()
238     }
239 }
occupied_bit(slot: usize) -> u64241 fn occupied_bit(slot: usize) -> u64 {
242     1 << slot
243 }
slot_range(level: usize) -> u64245 fn slot_range(level: usize) -> u64 {
246     LEVEL_MULT.pow(level as u32) as u64
247 }
level_range(level: usize) -> u64249 fn level_range(level: usize) -> u64 {
250     LEVEL_MULT as u64 * slot_range(level)
251 }
253 /// Convert a duration (milliseconds) and a level to a slot position
slot_for(duration: u64, level: usize) -> usize254 fn slot_for(duration: u64, level: usize) -> usize {
255     ((duration >> (level * 6)) % LEVEL_MULT as u64) as usize
256 }
258 #[cfg(all(test, not(loom)))]
259 mod test {
260     use super::*;
262     #[test]
test_slot_for()263     fn test_slot_for() {
264         for pos in 0..64 {
265             assert_eq!(pos as usize, slot_for(pos, 0));
266         }
268         for level in 1..5 {
269             for pos in level..64 {
270                 let a = pos * 64_usize.pow(level as u32);
271                 assert_eq!(pos as usize, slot_for(a as u64, level));
272             }
273         }
274     }
275 }