1-- Auto-generated SPARK target configuration file
2-- Target claims to be 'SYSTEM_NAME_GNAT'
4package Standard is
5   type Integer is range -2147483648 ..  2147483647;
6   type Float is digits  6 range -3.40282E+38 ..  3.40282E+38;
7   type Short_Short_Integer is range -128 ..  127;
8   type Short_Integer is range -32768 ..  32767;
9   type Long_Integer is range -2147483648 ..  2147483647;
10   type Long_Long_Integer is range -9223372036854775808 ..  9223372036854775807;
11end Standard;
13package System is
14   type Address is private;
15   Min_Int : constant := -9223372036854775808;
16   Max_Int : constant :=  9223372036854775807;
17   Max_Binary_Modulus : constant :=  18446744073709551615 + 1;
18   Max_Digits : constant :=  18;
19   Max_Base_Digits : constant :=  18;
20   Max_Mantissa : constant :=  63;
21   Storage_Unit : constant :=  8;
22   Word_Size : constant :=  32;
23   Fine_Delta : constant :=  1.08420217248550443E-19;
24   subtype Any_Priority is Integer range  0 ..  31;
25   subtype Priority is Any_Priority range  0 ..  30;
26   subtype Interrupt_Priority is Any_Priority range  31 ..  31;
27   Default_Bit_Order : constant Bit_Order := Low_Order_First;
28end System;