1 /*
2  *	UCW Library -- Universal Simple Array Sorter
3  *
4  *	(c) 2003--2008 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
5  *
6  *	This software may be freely distributed and used according to the terms
7  *	of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
8  */
10 #pragma once
12 #include "contrib/macros.h"
14 /*
15  *  This is not a normal header file, it's a generator of sorting
16  *  routines.  Each time you include it with parameters set in the
17  *  corresponding preprocessor macros, it generates an array sorter
18  *  with the parameters given.
19  *
20  *  You might wonder why the heck do we implement our own array sorter
21  *  instead of using qsort(). The primary reason is that qsort handles
22  *  only continuous arrays, but we need to sort array-like data structures
23  *  where the only way to access elements is by using an indexing macro.
24  *  Besides that, we are more than 2 times faster.
25  *
26  *  So much for advocacy, there are the parameters (those marked with [*]
27  *  are mandatory):
28  *
29  *  ASORT_PREFIX(x) [*]	add a name prefix (used on all global names
30  *			defined by the sorter)
31  *  ASORT_KEY_TYPE  [*]	data type of a single array entry key
32  *  ASORT_ELT(i)	returns the key of i-th element; if this macro is not
33  *			defined, the function gets a pointer to an array to be sorted
34  *  ASORT_LT(x,y)	x < y for ASORT_KEY_TYPE (default: "x<y")
35  *  ASORT_SWAP(i,j)	swap i-th and j-th element (default: assume _ELT
36  *			is an l-value and swap just the keys)
37  *  ASORT_THRESHOLD	threshold for switching between quicksort and insertsort
38  *  ASORT_EXTRA_ARGS	extra arguments for the sort function (they are always
39  *			visible in all the macros supplied above), starts with comma
40  *
41  *  After including this file, a function ASORT_PREFIX(sort)(unsigned array_size)
42  *  or ASORT_PREFIX(sort)(ASORT_KEY_TYPE *array, unsigned array_size) [if ASORT_ELT
43  *  is not defined] is declared and all parameter macros are automatically
44  *  undef'd.
45  */
47 #ifndef ASORT_LT
48 #define ASORT_LT(x,y) ((x) < (y))
49 #endif
51 #ifndef ASORT_SWAP
52 #define ASORT_SWAP(i,j) do { ASORT_KEY_TYPE tmp = ASORT_ELT(i); ASORT_ELT(i)=ASORT_ELT(j); ASORT_ELT(j)=tmp; } while (0)
53 #endif
56 #define ASORT_THRESHOLD 8		/* Guesswork and experimentation */
57 #endif
61 #endif
63 #ifndef ASORT_ELT
65 #define ASORT_ELT(i) array[i]
66 #else
67 #define ASORT_ARRAY_ARG
68 #endif
70 /**
71  * The generated sorting function. If `ASORT_ELT` macro is not provided, the
72  * @ASORT_ARRAY_ARG is equal to `ASORT_KEY_TYPE *array` and is the array to be
73  * sorted. If the macro is provided, this parameter is omitted. In that case,
74  * you can sort global variables or pass your structure by @ASORT_EXTRA_ARGS.
75  **/
ASORT_PREFIX(sort)76 static void ASORT_PREFIX(sort)(ASORT_ARRAY_ARG unsigned array_size ASORT_EXTRA_ARGS)
77 {
78   struct stk { int l, r; } stack[8*sizeof(unsigned)];
79   int l, r, left, right, m;
80   unsigned sp = 0;
81   ASORT_KEY_TYPE pivot;
83   if (array_size <= 1)
84     return;
86   /* QuickSort with optimizations a'la Sedgewick, but stop at ASORT_THRESHOLD */
88   left = 0;
89   right = array_size - 1;
90   for(;;)
91     {
92       l = left;
93       r = right;
94       m = (l+r)/2;
95       if (ASORT_LT(ASORT_ELT(m), ASORT_ELT(l)))
96 	ASORT_SWAP(l,m);
97       if (ASORT_LT(ASORT_ELT(r), ASORT_ELT(m)))
98 	{
99 	  ASORT_SWAP(m,r);
100 	  if (ASORT_LT(ASORT_ELT(m), ASORT_ELT(l)))
101 	    ASORT_SWAP(l,m);
102 	}
103       pivot = ASORT_ELT(m);
104       do
105 	{
106 	  while (ASORT_LT(ASORT_ELT(l), pivot))
107 	    l++;
108 	  while (ASORT_LT(pivot, ASORT_ELT(r)))
109 	    r--;
110 	  if (l < r)
111 	    {
112 	      ASORT_SWAP(l,r);
113 	      l++;
114 	      r--;
115 	    }
116 	  else if (l == r)
117 	    {
118 	      l++;
119 	      r--;
120 	    }
121 	}
122       while (l <= r);
123       if ((r - left) >= ASORT_THRESHOLD && (right - l) >= ASORT_THRESHOLD)
124 	{
125 	  /* Both partitions ok => push the larger one */
126 	  if ((r - left) > (right - l))
127 	    {
128 	      stack[sp].l = left;
129 	      stack[sp].r = r;
130 	      left = l;
131 	    }
132 	  else
133 	    {
134 	      stack[sp].l = l;
135 	      stack[sp].r = right;
136 	      right = r;
137 	    }
138 	  sp++;
139 	}
140       else if ((r - left) >= ASORT_THRESHOLD)
141 	{
142 	  /* Left partition OK, right undersize */
143 	  right = r;
144 	}
145       else if ((right - l) >= ASORT_THRESHOLD)
146 	{
147 	  /* Right partition OK, left undersize */
148 	  left = l;
149 	}
150       else
151 	{
152 	  /* Both partitions undersize => pop */
153 	  if (!sp)
154 	    break;
155 	  sp--;
156 	  left = stack[sp].l;
157 	  right = stack[sp].r;
158 	}
159     }
161   /*
162    * We have a partially sorted array, finish by insertsort. Inspired
163    * by qsort() in GNU libc.
164    */
166   /* Find minimal element which will serve as a barrier */
167   r = MIN(array_size, ASORT_THRESHOLD);
168   m = 0;
169   for (l=1; l<r; l++)
170     if (ASORT_LT(ASORT_ELT(l),ASORT_ELT(m)))
171       m = l;
172   ASORT_SWAP(0,m);
174   /* Insertion sort */
175   for (m=1; m<(int)array_size; m++)
176     {
177       l=m;
178       while (ASORT_LT(ASORT_ELT(m),ASORT_ELT(l-1)))
179 	l--;
180       while (l < m)
181 	{
182 	  ASORT_SWAP(l,m);
183 	  l++;
184 	}
185     }
186 }
188 #undef ASORT_PREFIX
189 #undef ASORT_KEY_TYPE
190 #undef ASORT_ELT
191 #undef ASORT_LT
192 #undef ASORT_SWAP
195 #undef ASORT_ARRAY_ARG