1so, you want to install via apt or dpkg?
3i cannot yet help you make an APT repository, but I _may_ be able to
4help you most of the way. if you follow these directions, you should
5have a functioning debian package. having that package, you should be
6able to find some APT-HOWTOs laying around the internet and create a
7repository for yourself.
9the order in which things happen is still not completely clear to me, so
10while I _think_ these instructions make a functioning debian package,
11I could be very mistaken.
13addendum: Toni Mueller pointed out that making debian packages isn't
14hard at all. the debian toolchain does most of the work for you. I just
15happen to have not used the debian toolchain.
17# cp ldapdns.tgz ldapdns-2.00-8.tar.gz
18# tar xzf ldapdns-2.00-8.tar.gz
19# cd ldapdns-2.00-8
20# ./debian/rules binary
21# cd ..
23you should now have a: ldapdns-2.00_8-1_i386.deb (or whatever platform
24you're running on).
26you cannot yet cross-compile ldapdns. if you want to do this, figure out
27how, edit the debian/* and send me your changes.
29you cannot yet configure ldapdns. see the remainder of the configuration
30guide, OR hack this stuff into the debian/* tree.
32I want to thank checkinstall/installwatch for teaching me more about
33debian packages than the official debian maintainers faq :)