1object SyntAnal7: TLibSyntAnalyzer
2  Formats = <
3    item
4      DisplayName = 'Style'
5      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
6      Font.Color = clNavy
7      Font.Height = -13
8      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
9      Font.Style = []
10    end
11    item
12      DisplayName = 'Prop correct'
13      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
14      Font.Color = clGreen
15      Font.Height = -13
16      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
17      Font.Style = []
18    end
19    item
20      DisplayName = 'Prop incorrect'
21      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
22      Font.Color = clGreen
23      Font.Height = -13
24      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
25      Font.Style = []
26      BorderTypeBottom = blWavyLine
27      BorderColorBottom = clRed
28    end
29    item
30      DisplayName = 'Value'
31      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
32      Font.Color = clPurple
33      Font.Height = -13
34      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
35      Font.Style = []
36    end
37    item
38      DisplayName = 'Symbol'
39      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
40      Font.Color = clMaroon
41      Font.Height = -13
42      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
43      Font.Style = [fsBold]
44    end
45    item
46      DisplayName = 'Comment'
47      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
48      Font.Color = clGray
49      Font.Height = -13
50      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
51      Font.Style = [fsItalic]
52    end
53    item
54      DisplayName = 'Current block BG'
55      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
56      Font.Color = clWindowText
57      Font.Height = -13
58      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
59      Font.Style = []
60      BgColor = 16053492
61      FormatType = ftBackGround
62    end
63    item
64      DisplayName = 'Color'
65      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
66      Font.Color = clLime
67      Font.Height = -13
68      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
69      Font.Style = [fsBold]
70    end
71    item
72      DisplayName = 'String'
73      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
74      Font.Color = clTeal
75      Font.Height = -13
76      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
77      Font.Style = []
78    end
79    item
80      DisplayName = 'Number'
81      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
82      Font.Color = clNavy
83      Font.Height = -13
84      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
85      Font.Style = [fsBold]
86    end
87    item
88      DisplayName = 'Style suffix'
89      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
90      Font.Color = clOlive
91      Font.Height = -13
92      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
93      Font.Style = []
94    end
95    item
96      DisplayName = 'Prop user'
97      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
98      Font.Color = clBlue
99      Font.Height = -13
100      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
101      Font.Style = []
102    end
103    item
104      DisplayName = 'PHP tag'
105      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
106      Font.Color = clRed
107      Font.Height = -13
108      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
109      Font.Style = [fsBold]
110    end
111    item
112      DisplayName = 'Media'
113      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
114      Font.Color = clFuchsia
115      Font.Height = -13
116      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
117      Font.Style = []
118    end
119    item
120      DisplayName = 'Value unit'
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122      Font.Color = clRed
123      Font.Height = -13
124      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
125      Font.Style = []
126    end
127    item
128      DisplayName = 'Value unit incorrect'
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131      Font.Height = -13
132      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
133      Font.Style = []
134      BorderTypeBottom = blWavyLine
135      BorderColorBottom = clRed
136    end
137    item
138      DisplayName = 'Std function'
139      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
140      Font.Color = clBlue
141      Font.Height = -13
142      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
143      Font.Style = []
144    end>
145  TokenRules = <
146    item
147      DisplayName = 'Symbol {}'
148      StyleName = 'Symbol'
149      Expression = '[\{\}]'
150      ColumnFrom = 0
151      ColumnTo = 0
152    end
153    item
154      DisplayName = 'String'
155      StyleName = 'String'
156      TokenType = 4
157      Expression = '("|'#39') (\\\z|.)*? (\1|$)'
158      ColumnFrom = 0
159      ColumnTo = 0
160    end
161    item
162      DisplayName = 'String in func'
163      StyleName = 'String'
164      TokenType = 4
165      Expression = '(?<=url \x20* \() .*? (?=\))'
166      ColumnFrom = 0
167      ColumnTo = 0
168    end
169    item
170      DisplayName = 'Unicode range'
171      StyleName = 'String'
172      TokenType = 4
173      Expression = 'U\+[\w\?\-]+'
174      ColumnFrom = 0
175      ColumnTo = 0
176    end
177    item
178      DisplayName = 'Comment'
179      StyleName = 'Comment'
180      TokenType = 1
181      Expression = '(?s)/\*.*?(\*/|\Z)'
182      ColumnFrom = 0
183      ColumnTo = 0
184    end
185    item
186      DisplayName = 'RGB color'
187      StyleName = 'Color'
188      TokenType = 6
189      Expression = '\b(rgba?|hsla?)\(.+?\)'
190      ColumnFrom = 0
191      ColumnTo = 0
192    end
193    item
194      DisplayName = 'Prop custom'
195      StyleName = 'Prop user'
196      TokenType = 2
197      Expression = '\-\-\w[\w\-]*'
198      ColumnFrom = 0
199      ColumnTo = 0
200    end
201    item
202      DisplayName = 'Prop'
203      StyleName = 'Prop incorrect'
204      BlockName = '{'
205      TokenType = 9
206      Expression = '[\w\.-]+ (?=\s*\:)'
207      ColumnFrom = 0
208      ColumnTo = 0
209    end
210    item
211      DisplayName = 'Style suffix'
212      StyleName = 'Style suffix'
213      BlockName = '{'
214      NotParent = True
215      TokenType = 2
216      Expression = ':{1,2}[\w\-]+'
217      ColumnFrom = 0
218      ColumnTo = 0
219    end
220    item
221      DisplayName = 'Color'
222      StyleName = 'Color'
223      BlockName = '{'
224      TokenType = 6
225      Expression = '\#\h{3,4}\b|\#\h{6}\b|\#\h{8}\b'
226      ColumnFrom = 0
227      ColumnTo = 0
228    end
229    item
230      DisplayName = 'Number'
231      StyleName = 'Number'
232      TokenType = 7
233      Expression = '[\-\+]? \d*\.?\d+ (e[\-\+]?\d+)?'
234      ColumnFrom = 0
235      ColumnTo = 0
236    end
237    item
238      DisplayName = '@Property'
239      StyleName = 'Media'
240      TokenType = 11
241      Expression = '@property\b'
242      ColumnFrom = 0
243      ColumnTo = 0
244    end
245    item
246      DisplayName = '@Media'
247      StyleName = 'Media'
248      TokenType = 5
249      Expression = '@[\w\-]+'
250      ColumnFrom = 0
251      ColumnTo = 0
252    end
253    item
254      DisplayName = 'Value unit'
255      StyleName = 'Value unit incorrect'
256      TokenType = 10
257      Expression = '(?<=\b\d+)[a-z%]+\b'
258      ColumnFrom = 0
259      ColumnTo = 0
260    end
261    item
262      DisplayName = 'Value'
263      StyleName = 'Value'
264      BlockName = '{'
265      TokenType = 2
266      Expression = '\w[\w\-]*'
267      ColumnFrom = 0
268      ColumnTo = 0
269    end
270    item
271      DisplayName = 'Style'
272      StyleName = 'Style'
273      TokenType = 2
274      Expression = '\-[\w\-]+ | [\w\#\.][\w\-]*'
275      ColumnFrom = 0
276      ColumnTo = 0
277    end
278    item
279      DisplayName = 'Symbol'
280      StyleName = 'Symbol'
281      TokenType = 3
282      Expression = '[;:,%\(\)\[\]@=/\*>\-\+!\^\$\|~]'
283      ColumnFrom = 0
284      ColumnTo = 0
285    end
286    item
287      DisplayName = 'PHP tag'
288      StyleName = 'PHP tag'
289      TokenType = 8
290      Expression = '<\?php | <\? | \?>'
291      ColumnFrom = 0
292      ColumnTo = 0
293    end>
294  BlockRules = <
295    item
296      DisplayName = 'Id props'
297      StyleName = 'Prop correct'
298      BlockType = btTagDetect
299      ConditionList = <
300        item
301          TagList.Strings = (
302            'above'
303            'absolute'
304            'accent-color'
305            'active'
306            'add'
307            'additive'
308            'additive-symbols'
309            'after-edge'
310            'alias'
311            'align-content'
312            'align-items'
313            'align-self'
314            'all'
315            'all-petite-caps'
316            'all-scroll'
317            'all-small-caps'
318            'alpha'
319            'alphabetic'
320            'alternate'
321            'alternate-reverse'
322            'always'
323            'animation'
324            'animation-delay'
325            'animation-direction'
326            'animation-duration'
327            'animation-fill-mode'
328            'animation-iteration-count'
329            'animation-name'
330            'animation-play-state'
331            'animation-timing-function'
332            'antialiased'
333            'ascent-override'
334            'aspect-ratio'
335            'auto'
336            'auto-pos'
337            'available'
338            'avoid'
339            'avoid-column'
340            'avoid-page'
341            'avoid-region'
342            'backdrop-filter'
343            'backface-visibility'
344            'background'
345            'background-attachment'
346            'background-blend-mode'
347            'background-clip'
348            'background-color'
349            'background-image'
350            'background-origin'
351            'background-position'
352            'background-position-x'
353            'background-position-y'
354            'background-repeat'
355            'background-size'
356            'backwards'
357            'balance'
358            'baseline'
359            'before-edge'
360            'below'
361            'bevel'
362            'bidi-override'
363            'bleed'
364            'blink'
365            'block'
366            'block-axis'
367            'block-end'
368            'block-size'
369            'block-start'
370            'bold'
371            'bolder'
372            'border'
373            'border-block-end'
374            'border-block-end-color'
375            'border-block-end-style'
376            'border-block-end-width'
377            'border-block-start'
378            'border-block-start-color'
379            'border-block-start-style'
380            'border-block-start-width'
381            'border-bottom'
382            'border-bottom-color'
383            'border-bottom-left-radius'
384            'border-bottom-right-radius'
385            'border-bottom-style'
386            'border-bottom-width'
387            'border-box'
388            'border-collapse'
389            'border-color'
390            'border-end-end-radius'
391            'border-end-start-radius'
392            'border-image'
393            'border-image-outset'
394            'border-image-repeat'
395            'border-image-slice'
396            'border-image-source'
397            'border-image-width'
398            'border-inline-end'
399            'border-inline-end-color'
400            'border-inline-end-style'
401            'border-inline-end-width'
402            'border-inline-start'
403            'border-inline-start-color'
404            'border-inline-start-style'
405            'border-inline-start-width'
406            'border-left'
407            'border-left-color'
408            'border-left-style'
409            'border-left-width'
410            'border-radius'
411            'border-right'
412            'border-right-color'
413            'border-right-style'
414            'border-right-width'
415            'border-spacing'
416            'border-start-end-radius'
417            'border-start-start-radius'
418            'border-style'
419            'border-top'
420            'border-top-color'
421            'border-top-left-radius'
422            'border-top-right-radius'
423            'border-top-style'
424            'border-top-width'
425            'border-width'
426            'both'
427            'bottom'
428            'bottom-outside'
429            'box-decoration-break'
430            'box-shadow'
431            'box-sizing'
432            'break-after'
433            'break-all'
434            'break-before'
435            'break-inside'
436            'break-word'
437            'bullets'
438            'butt'
439            'capitalize'
440            'caption'
441            'caption-side'
442            'caret-color'
443            'cell'
444            'center'
445            'central'
446            'char'
447            'circle'
448            'clear'
449            'clip'
450            'clip-path'
451            'clip-rule'
452            'clone'
453            'close-quote'
454            'closest-corner'
455            'closest-side'
456            'collapse'
457            'color'
458            'color-adjust'
459            'color-burn'
460            'color-dodge'
461            'color-interpolation-filters'
462            'color-scheme'
463            'col-resize'
464            'column'
465            'column-count'
466            'column-fill'
467            'column-gap'
468            'column-reverse'
469            'column-rule'
470            'column-rule-color'
471            'column-rule-style'
472            'column-rule-width'
473            'columns'
474            'column-span'
475            'column-width'
476            'common-ligatures'
477            'compact'
478            'condensed'
479            'contain'
480            'content'
481            'content-box'
482            'contents'
483            'context-menu'
484            'contextual'
485            'copy'
486            'counter-increment'
487            'counter-reset'
488            'cover'
489            'crispEdges'
490            'crisp-edges'
491            'crosshair'
492            'cursor'
493            'cyclic'
494            'darken'
495            'dashed'
496            'decimal'
497            'default'
498            'dense'
499            'descent-override'
500            'diagonal-fractions'
501            'difference'
502            'digits'
503            'direction'
504            'disabled'
505            'disc'
506            'discretionary-ligatures'
507            'display'
508            'distribute'
509            'distribute-all-lines'
510            'distribute-letter'
511            'distribute-space'
512            'dot'
513            'dotted'
514            'double'
515            'double-circle'
516            'downleft'
517            'downright'
518            'each-line'
519            'ease'
520            'ease-in'
521            'ease-in-out'
522            'ease-out'
523            'economy'
524            'ellipse'
525            'ellipsis'
526            'embed'
527            'empty-cells'
528            'enable-background'
529            'end'
530            'e-resize'
531            'evenodd'
532            'ew-resize'
533            'exact'
534            'exclude'
535            'exclusion'
536            'expanded'
537            'extends'
538            'extra-condensed'
539            'extra-expanded'
540            'fallback'
541            'farthest-corner'
542            'farthest-side'
543            'fill'
544            'fill-available'
545            'fill-box'
546            'filled'
547            'fill-opacity'
548            'fill-rule'
549            'filter'
550            'fit-content'
551            'fixed'
552            'flat'
553            'flex'
554            'flex-basis'
555            'flex-direction'
556            'flex-end'
557            'flex-flow'
558            'flex-grow'
559            'flex-shrink'
560            'flex-start'
561            'flex-wrap'
562            'flip'
563            'float'
564            'flood-color'
565            'flood-opacity'
566            'flow-root'
567            'font'
568            'font-display'
569            'font-family'
570            'font-feature-settings'
571            'font-kerning'
572            'font-language-override'
573            'font-optical-sizing'
574            'font-size'
575            'font-size-adjust'
576            'font-stretch'
577            'font-style'
578            'font-synthesis'
579            'font-variant'
580            'font-variant-alternates'
581            'font-variant-caps'
582            'font-variant-east-asian'
583            'font-variant-ligatures'
584            'font-variant-numeric'
585            'font-variant-position'
586            'font-variation-settings'
587            'font-weight'
588            'forwards'
589            'freeze'
590            'from-image'
591            'full-width'
592            'gap'
593            'geometricPrecision'
594            'georgian'
595            'glyph-orientation-horizontal'
596            'glyph-orientation-vertical'
597            'grab'
598            'grabbing'
599            'grayscale'
600            'grid'
601            'grid-area'
602            'grid-auto-columns'
603            'grid-auto-flow'
604            'grid-auto-rows'
605            'grid-column'
606            'grid-column-end'
607            'grid-column-gap'
608            'grid-column-start'
609            'grid-gap'
610            'grid-row'
611            'grid-row-end'
612            'grid-row-gap'
613            'grid-row-start'
614            'grid-template'
615            'grid-template-areas'
616            'grid-template-columns'
617            'grid-template-rows'
618            'groove'
619            'hand'
620            'hanging'
621            'hanging-punctuation'
622            'hard-light'
623            'height'
624            'help'
625            'hidden'
626            'hide'
627            'historical-forms'
628            'historical-ligatures'
629            'horizontal'
630            'horizontal-tb'
631            'hue'
632            'hyphens'
633            'icon'
634            'ideograph-alpha'
635            'ideographic'
636            'ideograph-numeric'
637            'ideograph-parenthesis'
638            'ideograph-space'
639            'image-orientation'
640            'image-rendering'
641            'image-resolution'
642            'ime-mode'
643            'inactive'
644            'infinite'
645            'inherit'
646            'initial'
647            'initial-letter'
648            'initial-letter-align'
649            'inline'
650            'inline-axis'
651            'inline-block'
652            'inline-end'
653            'inline-flex'
654            'inline-grid'
655            'inline-list-item'
656            'inline-size'
657            'inline-start'
658            'inline-table'
659            'inset'
660            'inset-block'
661            'inset-block-end'
662            'inset-block-start'
663            'inset-inline'
664            'inset-inline-end'
665            'inset-inline-start'
666            'inside'
667            'inter-character'
668            'inter-ideograph'
669            'intersect'
670            'inter-word'
671            'invert'
672            'isolate'
673            'isolate-override'
674            'isolation'
675            'italic'
676            'jis04'
677            'jis78'
678            'jis83'
679            'jis90'
680            'justify'
681            'justify-all'
682            'justify-content'
683            'justify-items'
684            'justify-self'
685            'kannada'
686            'keep-all'
687            'kerning'
688            'landscape'
689            'large'
690            'larger'
691            'left'
692            'letter-spacing'
693            'lighten'
694            'lighter'
695            'lighting-color'
696            'line'
697            'linear'
698            'linearRGB'
699            'line-break'
700            'line-clamp'
701            'line-edge'
702            'line-gap-override'
703            'line-height'
704            'line-through'
705            'lining-nums'
706            'list-item'
707            'list-style'
708            'list-style-image'
709            'list-style-position'
710            'list-style-type'
711            'local'
712            'loose'
713            'lowercase'
714            'lr'
715            'lr-tb'
716            'ltr'
717            'luminance'
718            'luminosity'
719            'main-size'
720            'mandatory'
721            'manipulation'
722            'manual'
723            'margin'
724            'margin-block'
725            'margin-block-end'
726            'margin-block-start'
727            'margin-bottom'
728            'margin-box'
729            'margin-inline'
730            'margin-inline-end'
731            'margin-inline-start'
732            'margin-left'
733            'margin-right'
734            'margin-top'
735            'marker-end'
736            'marker-mid'
737            'marker-start'
738            'marks'
739            'mask'
740            'mask-border'
741            'mask-border-mode'
742            'mask-border-outset'
743            'mask-border-repeat'
744            'mask-border-slice'
745            'mask-border-source'
746            'mask-border-width'
747            'mask-clip'
748            'mask-composite'
749            'mask-image'
750            'mask-mode'
751            'mask-origin'
752            'mask-position'
753            'mask-repeat'
754            'mask-size'
755            'mask-type'
756            'match-parent'
757            'match-source'
758            'mathematical'
759            'max-block-size'
760            'max-content'
761            'max-height'
762            'max-inline-size'
763            'max-lines'
764            'max-width'
765            'max-zoom'
766            'medium'
767            'menu'
768            'message-box'
769            'middle'
770            'min-block-size'
771            'min-content'
772            'min-height'
773            'min-inline-size'
774            'min-width'
775            'min-zoom'
776            'miter'
777            'mix-blend-mode'
778            'mixed'
779            'move'
780            'multiply'
781            'narrower'
782            'nearest-neighbor'
783            'negative'
784            'ne-resize'
785            'nesw-resize'
786            'newspaper'
787            'no-change'
788            'no-clip'
789            'no-close-quote'
790            'no-common-ligatures'
791            'no-contextual'
792            'no-discretionary-ligatures'
793            'no-drop'
794            'no-historical-ligatures'
795            'none'
796            'nonzero'
797            'no-open-quote'
798            'no-repeat'
799            'normal'
800            'not-allowed'
801            'nowrap'
802            'n-resize'
803            'ns-resize'
804            'numbers'
805            'numeric'
806            'nw-resize'
807            'nwse-resize'
808            'object-fit'
809            'object-position'
810            'oblique'
811            'offset'
812            'offset-anchor'
813            'offset-distance'
814            'offset-path'
815            'offset-position'
816            'offset-rotation'
817            'oldstyle-nums'
818            'opacity'
819            'open'
820            'open-quote'
821            'optimizeLegibility'
822            'optimizeQuality'
823            'optimizeSpeed'
824            'optional'
825            'order'
826            'ordinal'
827            'orientation'
828            'orphans'
829            'outline'
830            'outline-color'
831            'outline-offset'
832            'outline-style'
833            'outline-width'
834            'outset'
835            'outside'
836            'over'
837            'overflow'
838            'overflow-anchor'
839            'overflow-block'
840            'overflow-inline'
841            'overflow-wrap'
842            'overflow-x'
843            'overflow-y'
844            'overlay'
845            'overline'
846            'overscroll-behavior'
847            'overscroll-behavior-block'
848            'overscroll-behavior-inline'
849            'overscroll-behavior-x'
850            'overscroll-behavior-y'
851            'pad'
852            'padding'
853            'padding-block'
854            'padding-block-end'
855            'padding-block-start'
856            'padding-bottom'
857            'padding-box'
858            'padding-inline'
859            'padding-inline-end'
860            'padding-inline-start'
861            'padding-left'
862            'padding-right'
863            'padding-top'
864            'page'
865            'page-break-after'
866            'page-break-before'
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869            'paint-order'
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1756            '-webkit-hyphenate-character'
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1763            '-webkit-line-break'
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1767            '-webkit-locale'
1768            '-webkit-logical-height'
1769            '-webkit-logical-width'
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1772            '-webkit-margin-before'
1773            '-webkit-margin-before-collapse'
1774            '-webkit-margin-bottom-collapse'
1775            '-webkit-margin-collapse'
1776            '-webkit-margin-end'
1777            '-webkit-margin-start'
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1788            '-webkit-mask-box-image-repeat'
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1790            '-webkit-mask-box-image-source'
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1793            '-webkit-mask-composite'
1794            '-webkit-mask-image'
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1800            '-webkit-mask-repeat-x'
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1802            '-webkit-mask-size'
1803            '-webkit-max-logical-height'
1804            '-webkit-max-logical-width'
1805            '-webkit-min-logical-height'
1806            '-webkit-min-logical-width'
1807            '-webkit-nbsp-mode'
1808            '-webkit-opacity'
1809            '-webkit-order'
1810            '-webkit-overflow-scrolling'
1811            '-webkit-padding-after'
1812            '-webkit-padding-before'
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1814            '-webkit-padding-start'
1815            '-webkit-perspective'
1816            '-webkit-perspective-origin'
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1818            '-webkit-perspective-origin-y'
1819            '-webkit-print-color-adjust'
1820            '-webkit-region-break-after'
1821            '-webkit-region-break-before'
1822            '-webkit-region-break-inside'
1823            '-webkit-region-overflow'
1824            '-webkit-rtl-ordering'
1825            '-webkit-ruby-position'
1826            '-webkit-shape-inside'
1827            '-webkit-shape-margin'
1828            '-webkit-shape-outside'
1829            '-webkit-shape-padding'
1830            '-webkit-svg-shadow'
1831            '-webkit-tap-highlight-color'
1832            '-webkit-text-align-last'
1833            '-webkit-text-combine'
1834            '-webkit-text-decoration-color'
1835            '-webkit-text-decoration-line'
1836            '-webkit-text-decorations-in-effect'
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1844            '-webkit-text-size-adjust'
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1846            '-webkit-text-stroke-color'
1847            '-webkit-text-stroke-width'
1848            '-webkit-text-underline-position'
1849            '-webkit-touch-callout'
1850            '-webkit-transform'
1851            '-webkit-transform-origin'
1852            '-webkit-transform-origin-x'
1853            '-webkit-transform-origin-y'
1854            '-webkit-transform-origin-z'
1855            '-webkit-transform-style'
1856            '-webkit-transition'
1857            '-webkit-transition-delay'
1858            '-webkit-transition-duration'
1859            '-webkit-transition-property'
1860            '-webkit-transition-timing-function'
1861            '-webkit-user-drag'
1862            '-webkit-user-modify'
1863            '-webkit-user-select'
1864            '-webkit-wrap'
1865            '-webkit-wrap-flow'
1866            '-webkit-wrap-through'
1867            '-webkit-writing-mode'
1868            '-xv-interpret-as'
1869            '-xv-phonemes'
1870            '-xv-voice-balance'
1871            '-xv-voice-duration'
1872            '-xv-voice-pitch'
1873            '-xv-voice-pitch-range'
1874            '-xv-voice-rate'
1875            '-xv-voice-stress'
1876            '-xv-voice-volume')
1877          TokenTypes = 512
1878        end>
1879      HighlightPos = cpAny
1880      IgnoreAsParent = False
1881    end
1882    item
1883      DisplayName = 'Id props SVG'
1884      StyleName = 'Prop correct'
1885      BlockType = btTagDetect
1886      ConditionList = <
1887        item
1888          TagList.Strings = (
1889            'alignment-baseline'
1890            'baseline-shift'
1891            'clip-rule'
1892            'color-interpolation'
1893            'color-interpolation-filters'
1894            'color-profile'
1895            'color-rendering'
1896            'cx'
1897            'cy'
1898            'dominant-baseline'
1899            'enable-background'
1900            'fill'
1901            'fill-opacity'
1902            'fill-rule'
1903            'flood-color'
1904            'flood-opacity'
1905            'glyph-orientation-horizontal'
1906            'glyph-orientation-vertical'
1907            'height'
1908            'kerning'
1909            'lighting-color'
1910            'marker-end'
1911            'marker-mid'
1912            'marker-start'
1913            'r'
1914            'rx'
1915            'ry'
1916            'shape-rendering'
1917            'stop-color'
1918            'stop-opacity'
1919            'stroke'
1920            'stroke-dasharray'
1921            'stroke-dashoffset'
1922            'stroke-linecap'
1923            'stroke-linejoin'
1924            'stroke-miterlimit'
1925            'stroke-opacity'
1926            'stroke-width'
1927            'text-anchor'
1928            'width'
1929            'x'
1930            'y')
1931          TokenTypes = 512
1932        end>
1933      HighlightPos = cpAny
1934      IgnoreAsParent = False
1935    end
1936    item
1937      DisplayName = 'Id colors'
1938      StyleName = 'Color'
1939      BlockType = btTagDetect
1940      ConditionList = <
1941        item
1942          TagList.Strings = (
1943            'activetext'
1944            'AliceBlue'
1945            'AntiqueWhite'
1946            'Aqua'
1947            'Aquamarine'
1948            'Azure'
1949            'Beige'
1950            'Bisque'
1951            'Black'
1952            'BlanchedAlmond'
1953            'Blue'
1954            'BlueViolet'
1955            'Brown'
1956            'BurlyWood'
1957            'buttonborder'
1958            'buttonface'
1959            'buttontext'
1960            'CadetBlue'
1961            'canvas'
1962            'canvastext'
1963            'Chartreuse'
1964            'Chocolate'
1965            'Coral'
1966            'CornflowerBlue'
1967            'Cornsilk'
1968            'Crimson'
1969            'currentcolor'
1970            'Cyan'
1971            'DarkBlue'
1972            'DarkCyan'
1973            'DarkGoldenRod'
1974            'DarkGray'
1975            'DarkGreen'
1976            'DarkGrey'
1977            'DarkKhaki'
1978            'DarkMagenta'
1979            'DarkOliveGreen'
1980            'Darkorange'
1981            'DarkOrchid'
1982            'DarkRed'
1983            'DarkSalmon'
1984            'DarkSeaGreen'
1985            'DarkSlateBlue'
1986            'DarkSlateGray'
1987            'DarkSlateGrey'
1988            'DarkTurquoise'
1989            'DarkViolet'
1990            'DeepPink'
1991            'DeepSkyBlue'
1992            'DimGray'
1993            'DimGrey'
1994            'DodgerBlue'
1995            'field'
1996            'fieldtext'
1997            'FireBrick'
1998            'FloralWhite'
1999            'ForestGreen'
2000            'Fuchsia'
2001            'Gainsboro'
2002            'GhostWhite'
2003            'Gold'
2004            'GoldenRod'
2005            'Gray'
2006            'graytext'
2007            'Green'
2008            'GreenYellow'
2009            'Grey'
2010            'highlight'
2011            'highlighttext'
2012            'HoneyDew'
2013            'HotPink'
2014            'IndianRed'
2015            'Indigo'
2016            'Ivory'
2017            'Khaki'
2018            'Lavender'
2019            'LavenderBlush'
2020            'LawnGreen'
2021            'LemonChiffon'
2022            'LightBlue'
2023            'LightCoral'
2024            'LightCyan'
2025            'LightGoldenRodYellow'
2026            'LightGray'
2027            'LightGreen'
2028            'LightGrey'
2029            'LightPink'
2030            'LightSalmon'
2031            'LightSeaGreen'
2032            'LightSkyBlue'
2033            'LightSlateGray'
2034            'LightSlateGrey'
2035            'LightSteelBlue'
2036            'LightYellow'
2037            'Lime'
2038            'LimeGreen'
2039            'Linen'
2040            'linktext'
2041            'Magenta'
2042            'mark'
2043            'marktext'
2044            'Maroon'
2045            'MediumAquaMarine'
2046            'MediumBlue'
2047            'MediumOrchid'
2048            'MediumPurple'
2049            'MediumSeaGreen'
2050            'MediumSlateBlue'
2051            'MediumSpringGreen'
2052            'MediumTurquoise'
2053            'MediumVioletRed'
2054            'MidnightBlue'
2055            'MintCream'
2056            'MistyRose'
2057            'Moccasin'
2058            'NavajoWhite'
2059            'Navy'
2060            'OldLace'
2061            'Olive'
2062            'OliveDrab'
2063            'Orange'
2064            'OrangeRed'
2065            'Orchid'
2066            'PaleGoldenRod'
2067            'PaleGreen'
2068            'PaleTurquoise'
2069            'PaleVioletRed'
2070            'PapayaWhip'
2071            'PeachPuff'
2072            'Peru'
2073            'Pink'
2074            'Plum'
2075            'PowderBlue'
2076            'Purple'
2077            'RebeccaPurple'
2078            'Red'
2079            'RosyBrown'
2080            'RoyalBlue'
2081            'SaddleBrown'
2082            'Salmon'
2083            'SandyBrown'
2084            'SeaGreen'
2085            'SeaShell'
2086            'Sienna'
2087            'Silver'
2088            'SkyBlue'
2089            'SlateBlue'
2090            'SlateGray'
2091            'SlateGrey'
2092            'Snow'
2093            'SpringGreen'
2094            'SteelBlue'
2095            'Tan'
2096            'Teal'
2097            'Thistle'
2098            'Tomato'
2099            'Transparent'
2100            'Turquoise'
2101            'Violet'
2102            'visitedtext'
2103            'Wheat'
2104            'White'
2105            'WhiteSmoke'
2106            'Yellow'
2107            'YellowGreen')
2108          TokenTypes = 4
2109          IgnoreCase = True
2110        end>
2111      HighlightPos = cpAny
2112      TokenType = 6
2113      IgnoreAsParent = False
2114    end
2115    item
2116      DisplayName = 'Id units'
2117      StyleName = 'Value unit'
2118      BlockType = btTagDetect
2119      ConditionList = <
2120        item
2121          TagList.Strings = (
2122            '%'
2123            'ch'
2124            'cm'
2125            'deg'
2126            'dpcm'
2127            'dpi'
2128            'dppx'
2129            'em'
2130            'ex'
2131            'fr'
2132            'grad'
2133            'Hz'
2134            'in'
2135            'kHz'
2136            'mm'
2137            'mozmm'
2138            'ms'
2139            'pc'
2140            'pt'
2141            'px'
2142            'q'
2143            'rad'
2144            'rem'
2145            's'
2146            'turn'
2147            'vh'
2148            'vmax'
2149            'vmin'
2150            'vw')
2151          TokenTypes = 1024
2152        end>
2153      HighlightPos = cpAny
2154      IgnoreAsParent = False
2155    end
2156    item
2157      DisplayName = 'Id std funcs'
2158      StyleName = 'Std function'
2159      BlockType = btTagDetect
2160      ConditionList = <
2161        item
2162          TagList.Strings = (
2163            'annotation'
2164            'attr'
2165            'blur'
2166            'brightness'
2167            'character'
2168            'clamp'
2169            'content'
2170            'contrast'
2171            'counter'
2172            'counters'
2173            'cross'
2174            'drop'
2175            'element'
2176            'fade'
2177            'fit'
2178            'format'
2179            'grayscale'
2180            'hue'
2181            'image'
2182            'invert'
2183            'local'
2184            'max'
2185            'min'
2186            'minmax'
2187            'opacity'
2188            'ornaments'
2189            'repeat'
2190            'rotate'
2191            'saturate'
2192            'sepia'
2193            'set'
2194            'shadow'
2195            'styleset'
2196            'stylistic'
2197            'swash'
2198            'symbols'
2199            'url'
2200            'variant')
2201          TokenTypes = 4
2202        end>
2203      HighlightPos = cpAny
2204      IgnoreAsParent = False
2205    end
2206    item
2207      DisplayName = '{ @media'
2208      ConditionList = <
2209        item
2210          TagList.Strings = (
2211            '{')
2212          TokenTypes = 1
2213        end
2214        item
2215          CondType = tcSkip
2216          TokenTypes = 1164
2217        end
2218        item
2219          TokenTypes = 32
2220        end>
2221      BlockEnd = '}'
2222      NameFmt = '%s0~[{]1'
2223      GroupFmt = '\Media'
2224      RefToCondEnd = True
2225      HighlightPos = cpAny
2226      CancelNextRules = True
2227      CollapseFmt = '%s0~[{]1 { ... }'
2228      IgnoreAsParent = False
2229    end
2230    item
2231      DisplayName = '{'
2232      StyleName = 'Current block BG'
2233      ConditionList = <
2234        item
2235          TagList.Strings = (
2236            '{')
2237          TokenTypes = 1
2238        end>
2239      BlockEnd = '}'
2240      Highlight = True
2241      InvertColors = True
2242      NameFmt = '%sl1'
2243      GroupFmt = '\Styles'
2244      DynHighlight = dhRange
2245      HighlightPos = cpRange
2246      DynSelectMin = True
2247      CollapseFmt = '{ ... }'
2248      IgnoreAsParent = False
2249      AutoCloseMode = acmCloseNearest
2250      AutoCloseText = '}'#13#10
2251    end
2252    item
2253      DisplayName = '}'
2254      BlockType = btRangeEnd
2255      ConditionList = <
2256        item
2257          TagList.Strings = (
2258            '}')
2259          TokenTypes = 1
2260        end>
2261      HighlightPos = cpBound
2262      IgnoreAsParent = False
2263    end
2264    item
2265      DisplayName = 'Media'
2266      StyleName = 'Current block BG'
2267      ConditionList = <
2268        item
2269          TokenTypes = 32
2270        end>
2271      DisplayInTree = False
2272      NameFmt = '%sz0'
2273      GroupFmt = '@Rules'
2274      RefToCondEnd = True
2275      DynHighlight = dhRange
2276      HighlightPos = cpRange
2277      DynSelectMin = True
2278      NoEndRule = True
2279      IgnoreAsParent = False
2280    end
2281    item
2282      DisplayName = 'Prop'
2283      BlockName = '{'
2284      ConditionList = <
2285        item
2286          TokenTypes = 512
2287        end>
2288      BlockEnd = 'Prop end'
2289      HighlightPos = cpBound
2290      IgnoreAsParent = False
2291    end
2292    item
2293      DisplayName = 'Prop end'
2294      BlockType = btRangeEnd
2295      ConditionList = <
2296        item
2297          TagList.Strings = (
2298            ';'
2299            '}')
2300          TokenTypes = 9
2301        end>
2302      BlockOffset = 1
2303      DisplayInTree = False
2304      HighlightPos = cpBound
2305      IgnoreAsParent = False
2306    end
2307    item
2308      DisplayName = 'Colors'
2309      ConditionList = <
2310        item
2311          TokenTypes = 64
2312        end>
2313      GroupFmt = '\Colors'
2314      HighlightPos = cpAny
2315      NoEndRule = True
2316      IgnoreAsParent = False
2317    end
2318    item
2319      DisplayName = 'Images'
2320      BlockName = '{'
2321      ConditionList = <
2322        item
2323          TagList.Strings = (
2324            '(')
2325          TokenTypes = 32
2326        end
2327        item
2328          TagList.Strings = (
2329            'url')
2330        end>
2331      BlockEnd = 'Images end'
2332      NameFmt = '%s-1~s[)]1'
2333      GroupFmt = '\Images'
2334      HighlightPos = cpAny
2335      IgnoreAsParent = False
2336    end
2337    item
2338      DisplayName = 'Images end'
2339      BlockType = btRangeEnd
2340      ConditionList = <
2341        item
2342          TagList.Strings = (
2343            ')')
2344          TokenTypes = 32
2345        end>
2346      HighlightPos = cpAny
2347      IgnoreAsParent = False
2348    end>
2349  CodeTemplates = <>
2350  SubAnalyzers = <
2351    item
2352      DisplayName = 'PHP'
2353      StartExpression = '<\?(php)?'
2354      EndExpression = '\?>'
2355      SyntAnalyzer = SyntAnal16
2356    end>
2357  SampleText.Strings = (
2358    '/* Comment */'
2359    '<?php echo '#39'test'#39' ?>'
2360    '.name, .name2:suffix { '
2361    '  font-size: 10em;'
2362    '  --my-var: 10.2e+2; /* custom prop; float */'
2363    '  background: url("../img.gif") no-repeat;'
2364    '  back2: url(http://www.com/url);'
2365    '  back3: url(../img.gif);'
2366    '  -ms-zoom: 100%; '
2367    '  -ms-hmm: Olive+yellow;'
2368    '}'
2369    ''
2370    '#footer {color: #AA00BBee;}'
2371    ''
2373      '@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contras' +
2374      't: none) {'
2375    '    .input_size_m .input__control {'
2376    '        border-left: 10px solid transparent'
2377    '   }'
2378    '}'
2379    ''
2380    '@media all and (min-width: 0) {'
2381    '    .button_size_m {'
2382    '        line-height: 32px'
2383    '   }'
2384    '}'
2385    ''
2386    '.button_size_m .button__text {'
2387    '    padding: 0 15px'
2388    '}'
2389    ''
2390    '@supports not (-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(10px)) {'
2391    '  background: rgba(230, 230, 230, 1);'
2392    '}')
2393  TokenTypeNames.Strings = (
2394    'Symbol {}'
2395    'Comment'
2396    'Id'
2397    'Symbol'
2398    'String'
2399    'Media'
2400    'Color'
2401    'Number'
2402    'PHP tag'
2403    'Prop'
2404    'ValueUnit'
2405    'Media special')
2406  Extentions = 'css'
2407  LexerName = 'CSS'
2408  Notes.Strings = (
2409    'Alexey (CudaText)'
2411      'Known vendor prefixes: http://peter.sh/experiments/vendor-prefix' +
2412      'ed-css-property-overview/'
2414      'Atom lexer props: https://github.com/atom/language-css/blob/mast' +
2415      'er/grammars/css.cson')
2416  Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET