1 {
2     This file is part of the Free Pascal Integrated Development Environment
3     Copyright (c) 1998 by Berczi Gabor
5     Calculator object for the IDE
7     See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
8     for details about the copyright.
10     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  **********************************************************************}
15 {$I globdir.inc}
16 unit FPCalc;
18 interface
20 uses
21   Drivers,Objects,Views,Dialogs,App,
22   FVConsts,
23   WViews,
24   FPViews;
26 const
27       MaxDecimals = 10;
28       MaxDigits   = 30;
30 type
32   TCalcState = (csFirst, csValid, csError);
34   PCalcButton = ^TCalcButton;
35   TCalcButton = object(TButton)
36     procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual;
37   end;
39   PCalcDisplay = ^TCalcDisplay;
40   TCalcDisplay = object(TView)
41     Status: TCalcState;
42     Number: string[MaxDigits];
43     Sign: Char;
44     LastOperator,
45     _Operator: Char;
46     LastR,
47     Operand: extended;
48     Memory: extended;
49     DispNumber: extended;
50     HexShown : boolean;
51     constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect);
52     constructor Load(var S: TStream);
CalcKeynull53     function  CalcKey(Key: string): boolean;
54     procedure Clear;
55     procedure Draw; virtual;
GetPalettenull56     function  GetPalette: PPalette; virtual;
57     procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual;
58     procedure Store(var S: TStream);
59   private
60     procedure GetDisplay(var R: extended);
61     procedure SetDisplay(R: extended;ShouldKeepZeroes : boolean);
62     procedure Error;
63   end;
65   PCalculator = ^TCalculator;
66   TCalculator = object(TCenterDialog)
67     CD : PCalcDisplay;
68     constructor Init;
69     procedure   HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual;
70     procedure   Show; {virtual;}
71     procedure   Close; virtual;
72     constructor Load(var S: TStream);
73     procedure   Store(var S: TStream);
74   end;
76 {$ifndef NOOBJREG}
77 const
78   RCalcButton: TStreamRec = (
79      ObjType: 10139;
80      VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TCalcButton)^);
81      Load:    @TCalcButton.Load;
82      Store:   @TCalcButton.Store
83   );
84   RCalcDisplay: TStreamRec = (
85      ObjType: 10140;
86      VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TCalcDisplay)^);
87      Load:    @TCalcDisplay.Load;
88      Store:   @TCalcDisplay.Store
89   );
90   RCalculator: TStreamRec = (
91      ObjType: 10141;
92      VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TCalculator)^);
93      Load:    @TCalculator.Load;
94      Store:   @TCalculator.Store
95   );
96 {$endif}
98 procedure RegisterFPCalc;
100 implementation
102 uses
103 {$ifdef Unix}
104   baseunix,
105   unix,
106 {$endif}
107 {$ifdef go32v2}
108   dpmiexcp,
109 {$endif}
110 {$ifdef windows}
111  {$ifdef HasSignal}
112     signals,
113   {$endif}
114 {$endif windows}
115   FPUtils,FPConst,WUtils;
117 const
118   cmCalcButton  = 100;
119   cmPressButton = 101;
121 {$ifdef useresstrings}
122 resourcestring
123 {$else}
124 const
125 {$endif}
126       dialog_calculator       = 'Calculator';
129 procedure TCalcButton.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent);
130 var
131   Call : boolean;
132   i : Sw_Word;
133 begin
134   Call:=true;
135   case Event.What of
136     evKeyDown :
137      case Event.KeyCode of
138        kbEnter   : Call:=false;
139      end;
140     evBroadcast :
141      case Event.Command of
142        cmDefault     : Call:=false;
143        cmPressButton :
144          begin
145            if (PString(Event.InfoPtr)^=Title^) or
146               ((PString(Event.InfoPtr)^='^') and (Title^='x^y')) then
147               begin
148                 Select;
149                 DrawState(true);
150                 i:=GetDosTicks+2;
151                 repeat
152                 until GetDosTicks>i;
153                 DrawState(false);
154                 ClearEvent(Event);
155               end;
156          end;
157      end;
158   end;
159   if Call then
160   inherited HandleEvent(Event);
161 end;
163 constructor TCalcDisplay.Init(var Bounds: TRect);
164 begin
165   inherited Init(Bounds);
166   Options := Options or ofSelectable;
167   EventMask := evKeyDown + evBroadcast;
168   Clear;
169   HelpCtx:={hcCalculatorLine}0;
170   HexShown:=false;
171 end;
173 constructor TCalcDisplay.Load(var S: TStream);
174 begin
175   inherited Load(S);
176   S.Read(Status, SizeOf(Status) + SizeOf(Number) + SizeOf(Sign) +
177     SizeOf(_Operator) + SizeOf(Operand));
178   HexShown:=false;
179 end;
181 procedure TCalcDisplay.GetDisplay(var R: extended);
182 begin
183 {  Val(Sign + Number, R, E);}
184   R:=DispNumber;
185 end;
187 procedure TCalcDisplay.SetDisplay(R: extended;ShouldKeepZeroes : boolean);
188 var
189   S: string[MaxDigits];
190   i,KeepZeroes : byte;
191 begin
192   DispNumber:=R;
193   KeepZeroes:=0;
194   if ShouldKeepZeroes and (pos('.',Number)>0) then
195     for i:=length(Number) downto pos('.',Number)+1 do
196       if Number[i]='0' then
197         inc(KeepZeroes)
198       else
199         break;
201   Str(R: 0: MaxDecimals, S);
202   if Pos('.',S)<>0 then
203      while (length(S)>1) and (S[length(S)]='0') do Dec(S[0]);
204   if KeepZeroes>0 then
205     for i:=1 to KeepZeroes do
206       S:=S+'0';
207   if S[1] <> '-' then Sign := ' ' else
208   begin
209     Delete(S, 1, 1);
210     Sign := '-';
211   end;
212   if Length(S) > MaxDigits + 1 + MaxDecimals then Error
213   else
214   begin
215     if S[Length(S)] = '.' then Dec(S[0]);
216     Number := S;
217   end;
218 end;
220 procedure TCalcDisplay.Error;
221 begin
222   Status := csError;
223   Number := 'Error';
224   Sign := ' ';
225   DrawView;
226 end;
228 {$ifdef HasSignal}
229 var
230 {$ifndef go32v2}
231   CalcSigJmp : Jmp_Buf;
232 {$else : go32v2}
233   CalcSigJmp : dpmi_jmp_buf;
234 {$endif go32v2}
235 const
236   fpucw : word = $1332;
237 {$ifdef Unix}
238 Procedure CalcSigFPE(sig : longint);cdecl;
239 {$else}
CalcSigFPEnull240 function CalcSigFPE(sig : longint) : longint;cdecl;
241 {$endif}
242 {$ifdef CPUI386}
243   var
244     { Use a local variable to avoid problems with PIC code }
245     local_fpucw : word;
246 {$endif CPUI386}
247 begin
248 {$ifdef CPUI386}
249   asm
250     fninit
251     fldcw local_fpucw
252   end;
253   fpucw := local_fpucw;
254 {$endif}
255   { ErrorBox('Error while computing math expression',nil);
256     was only there for debugging PM }
257 {$ifdef go32v2}
258   Dpmi_LongJmp(CalcSigJmp,1);
259 {$else : not go32v2}
260   LongJmp(CalcSigJmp,1);
261 {$endif go32v2}
262 {$ifndef Unix}
263   { Just here to avoid compiler warnings PM }
264   CalcSigFPE:=0;
265 {$endif}
266 end;
267 {$endif HasSignal}
TCalcDisplay.CalcKeynull269 function TCalcDisplay.CalcKey(Key: string): boolean;
270 var
271   R,D: extended;
272   X : cardinal;
273 procedure CheckFirst;
274 begin
275   if Status = csFirst then
276   begin
277     Status := csValid;
278     SetDisplay(0,false);
279   end;
280 end;
281 {$ifdef HasSignal}
282 var
283   StoreSigFPE : SignalHandler;
284 {$endif HasSignal}
285 {$ifdef CPUI386}
286 var
287   { Use a local variable to avoid problems with PIC code }
288   local_fpucw : word;
289 {$endif CPUI386}
290 begin
291   CalcKey:=true;
292   Key := UpCaseStr(Key);
293 {$ifdef HasSignal}
294 {$ifdef CPUI386}
295   local_fpucw:=fpucw;
296   asm
297     fstcw local_fpucw
298   end;
299 {$endif}
300 {$ifdef go32v2}
301   if Dpmi_SetJmp(CalcSigJmp)=0 then
302 {$else : not go32v2}
303   if SetJmp(CalcSigJmp)=0 then
304 {$endif go32v2}
305 {$endif HasSignal}
306     begin
307 {$ifdef HasSignal}
308       StoreSigFPE:={$ifdef unix}fpSignal{$else}Signal{$endif}(SIGFPE,@CalcSigFPE);
309 {$endif HasSignal}
310       if (Status = csError) and (Key <> 'C') then Key := ' ';
311       if HexShown then
312         begin
313           GetDisplay(R);
314           SetDisplay(R,false);
315           HexShown := false;
316           if Key = 'H' then
317             Key := ' ';
318         end;
319       if Key='X^Y' then Key:='^';
320       if length(Key)>1 then
321          begin
322     {        if Status = csFirst then}
323             begin
324     {          Status := csValid;}
325               GetDisplay(R);
326               if Key='1/X' then begin if R=0 then Error else SetDisplay(1/R,false) end else
327               if Key='SQRT' then begin if R<0 then Error else SetDisplay(sqrt(R),false) end else
328               if Key='LOG' then begin if R<=0 then Error else SetDisplay(ln(R),false) end else
329               if Key='X^2' then SetDisplay(R*R,false) else
330               if Key='M+' then Memory:=Memory+R else
331               if Key='M-' then Memory:=Memory-R else
332               if Key='M'#26 then SetDisplay(Memory,false) else
333               if Key='M'#27 then Memory:=R else
334               if Key='M'#29 then begin D:=Memory; Memory:=R; SetDisplay(D,false); end;
335             end;
336          end
337       else
338       case Key[1] of
339         '0'..'9':
340         if Length(Number)<MaxDigits then
341           begin
342             CheckFirst;
343             if Number = '0' then Number := '';
344             Number := Number + Key;
345             SetDisplay(StrToExtended(Number),true);
346           end;
347         '.':
348           begin
349             CheckFirst;
350             if Pos('.', Number) = 0 then Number := Number + '.';
351           end;
352         #8, #27:
353           begin
354             CheckFirst;
355             if Length(Number) = 1 then Number := '0' else Dec(Number[0]);
356             SetDisplay(StrToExtended(Number),true); { !!! }
357           end;
358         'H':
359           begin
360             GetDisplay(R);
361             X:=trunc(abs(R));
362             Number:=HexStr(longint(X),8);
363             HexShown:=true;
364           end;
365         '_', #241:
366           begin
367             if Sign = ' ' then Sign := '-' else Sign := ' ';
368             GetDisplay(R);
369             SetDisplay(-R,true);
370           end;
371         '+', '-', '*', '/', '=', '%', #13, '^':
372           begin
373             if (Key[1]='=') and (Status=csFirst) then
374               begin
375                 Status:=csValid;
376                 R:=LastR;
377                 _Operator:=LastOperator;
378               end
379             else
380               GetDisplay(R);
381             if (Status = csValid)  then
382             begin
383               Status := csFirst;
384               LastR:=R;
385               LastOperator:=_Operator;
386               if Key = '%' then
387                 case _Operator of
388                   '+', '-': R := Operand * R / 100;
389                   '*', '/': R := R / 100;
390                 end;
391               case _Operator of
392                 '^': if (Operand = 0)and(R <= 0) then Error else SetDisplay(Power(Operand,R),false);
393                 '+': SetDisplay(Operand + R,false);
394                 '-': SetDisplay(Operand - R,false);
395                 '*': SetDisplay(Operand * R,false);
396                 '/': if R = 0 then Error else SetDisplay(Operand / R,false);
397               end;
398             end;
399             _Operator := Key[1];
400             GetDisplay(Operand);
401           end;
402         'C':
403           Clear;
404         else CalcKey:=false;
405       end;
406 {$ifdef HasSignal}
407       {$ifdef unix}fpSignal{$else}Signal{$endif}(SIGFPE,StoreSigFPE);
408 {$endif HasSignal}
409       DrawView;
410 {$ifdef HasSignal}
411     end
412   else { LongJmp called }
413     begin
414       ErrorBox('Error while computing '+Key,nil);
415       CalcKey:=true;
416 {$endif HasSignal}
417     end;
418 end;
420 procedure TCalcDisplay.Clear;
421 begin
422   Status := csFirst;
423   Number := '0';
424   Sign := ' ';
425   _Operator := '=';
426 end;
428 procedure TCalcDisplay.Draw;
429 var
430   Color: Byte;
431   I: Integer;
432   B: TDrawBuffer;
433 begin
434   Color := GetColor(1);
435   I := Size.X - Length(Number) - 2;
436   MoveChar(B, ' ', Color, Size.X);
437   MoveChar(B[I], Sign, Color, 1);
438   MoveStr(B[I + 1], Number, Color);
439   WriteBuf(0, 0, Size.X, 1, B);
440 end;
GetPalettenull442 function TCalcDisplay.GetPalette: PPalette;
443 const
444   P: string[1] = #19;
445 begin
446   GetPalette := @P;
447 end;
449 procedure TCalcDisplay.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent);
450 var S: string[3];
451 begin
452   inherited HandleEvent(Event);
453   case Event.What of
454     evKeyDown:
455       if Owner<>nil then
456       if (Owner^.State and sfSelected)<>0 then
457       begin
458         S:=Event.CharCode;
459         Message(Owner,evBroadcast,cmPressButton,@S);
460         if CalcKey(Event.CharCode) then
461         ClearEvent(Event);
462       end;
463     evBroadcast:
464       if Event.Command = cmCalcButton then
465       begin
466         CalcKey(PButton(Event.InfoPtr)^.Title^);
467         ClearEvent(Event);
468       end;
469   end;
470 end;
472 procedure TCalcDisplay.Store(var S: TStream);
473 begin
474   TView.Store(S);
475   S.Write(Status, SizeOf(Status) + SizeOf(Number) + SizeOf(Sign) +
476     SizeOf(_Operator) + SizeOf(Operand));
477 end;
479 { TCalculator }
481 constructor TCalculator.Init;
482 const
483   Keys: array[0..29] of string[4] =
484    ('M+',  'x^y','C'  ,#27  ,'%'  ,#241 ,
485     'M-',  'x^2','7'  ,'8'  ,'9'  ,'/'  ,
486     'M'#26,'1/x','4'  ,'5'  ,'6'  ,'*'  ,
487     'M'#27,'sqrt','1'  ,'2'  ,'3'  ,'-'  ,
488     'M'#29,'log','0'  ,'.'  ,'='  ,'+'  );
489 var
490   I: Integer;
491   P: PView;
492   R: TRect;
493 begin
494   R.Assign(5, 3, 43, 18);
495   inherited Init(R, dialog_Calculator);
496   Options := Options or ofFirstClick or ofTopSelect;
497   HelpCtx:=hcCalcWindow;
499   for I := 0 to 29 do
500   begin
501     R.A.X := (I mod 6) * 5 + 2;
502     R.A.Y := (I div 6) * 2 + 4;
503     R.B.X := R.A.X + 5;
504     R.B.Y := R.A.Y + 2;
505     if (I mod 6)=0 then Inc(R.B.X,1) else
506     if (I mod 6)=1 then begin R.Move(1,0); Inc(R.B.X,2) end else
507     R.Move(3,0);
508     P := New(PCalcButton, Init(R, Keys[I], cmCalcButton,
509       bfNormal + bfBroadcast+bfGrabFocus));
510     P^.Options := P^.Options {and not ofSelectable};
511     Insert(P);
512   end;
513   R.Assign(3, 2, 35, 3);
514   New(CD, Init(R));
515   CD^.Options:=CD^.Options or ofSelectable;
516   Insert(CD);
517 end;
519 procedure TCalculator.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent);
520 var R: extended;
521 {    Re: real;}
522 begin
523   if (State and sfSelected)<>0 then
524   case Event.What of
525     evCommand :
526      case Event.Command of
527        cmCalculatorPaste :
528          Message(@Self,evKeyDown,kbCtrlEnter,nil);
529      end;
530     evKeyDown :
531      case Event.KeyCode of
532        kbEnter :
533          begin
534            Event.KeyCode:=0;
535            Event.CharCode:='=';
536          end;
537        kbCtrlEnter :
538          begin
539            ClearEvent(Event);
540            CD^.GetDisplay(R); {Re:=R;}
541            Close;
542            CalcClipboard:=R;
543            Message(Application,evBroadcast,cmCalculatorPaste,nil);
544          end;
545        kbEsc :
546          begin
547            CD^.GetDisplay(R);
548            if R<>0 then begin
549                           CD^.SetDisplay(0,false);
550                           CD^.DrawView;
551                         end
552                    else Close;
553            ClearEvent(Event);
554          end;
555      end;
556   end;
557   { lets CD try to handle this }
558   if Event.What=evKeyDown then
559      Message(CD,Event.What,Event.KeyCode,Event.InfoPtr);
560   inherited HandleEvent(Event);
561 end;
563 procedure TCalculator.Show;
564 begin
565 {  if GetState(sfVisible)=false then CD^.Clear;}
566   inherited Show;
567 end;
569 procedure TCalculator.Close;
570 begin
571   Hide;
572 end;
574 constructor TCalculator.Load(var S: TStream);
575 begin
576   inherited Load(S);
577   GetSubViewPtr(S,CD);
578 end;
580 procedure TCalculator.Store(var S: TStream);
581 begin
582   inherited Store(S);
583   PutSubViewPtr(S,CD);
584 end;
587 procedure RegisterFPCalc;
588 begin
589 {$ifndef NOOBJREG}
590   RegisterType(RCalcButton);
591   RegisterType(RCalcDisplay);
592   RegisterType(RCalculator);
593 {$endif}
594 end;
596 end.