1 {
2     wThis file is part of the Free Pascal Integrated Development Environment
3     Copyright (c) 2000 by Berczi Gabor
5     Borland OA .HLP reader objects and routines
7     See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
8     for details about the copyright.
10     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  **********************************************************************}
15 {$R-}
16 unit WOAHelp;
18 interface
20 uses Objects,WUtils,WHelp;
22 const
23       MinFormatVersion  = $04; { was $34 }
25       TP55FormatVersion = $04;
26       TP70FormatVersion = $34;
28       Signature      = '$*$* &&&&$*$'#0;
29       ncRawChar      = $F;
30       ncRepChar      = $E;
32       oa_rtFileHeader   = Byte ($0);
33       oa_rtContext      = Byte ($1);
34       oa_rtText         = Byte ($2);
35       oa_rtKeyWord      = Byte ($3);
36       oa_rtIndex        = Byte ($4);
37       oa_rtCompression  = Byte ($5);
38       oa_rtIndexTags    = Byte ($6);
40       ctNone         = $00;
41       ctNibble       = $02;
43 type
44       FileStamp      = array [0..32] of char; {+ null terminator + $1A }
45       FileSignature  = array [0..12] of char; {+ null terminator }
47       THLPVersion = packed record
48         FormatVersion : byte;
49         TextVersion   : byte;
50       end;
52       THLPRecordHeader = packed record
53         RecType       : byte; {TPRecType}
54         RecLength     : word;
55       end;
57       THLPContextPos = packed record
58         LoW: word;
59         HiB: byte;
60       end;
62       THLPContexts = packed record
63         ContextCount : word;
64         Contexts     : array[0..0] of THLPContextPos;
65       end;
67       THLPFileHeader = packed record
68         Options         : word;
69         MainIndexScreen : word;
70         MaxScreenSize   : word;
71         Height          : byte;
72         Width           : byte;
73         LeftMargin      : byte;
74       end;
76       THLPCompression = packed record
77         CompType      : byte;
78         CharTable     : array [0..13] of byte;
79       end;
81       THLPIndexDescriptor = packed record
82         LengthCode    : byte;
83         UniqueChars   : array [0..0] of byte;
84         Context       : word;
85       end;
87       THLPIndexTable = packed record
88         IndexCount    : word;
89         Entries       : record end;
90       end;
92       THLPKeywordDescriptor = packed record
93         KwContext     : word;
94       end;
96       THLPKeyWordRecord = packed record
97         UpContext     : word;
98         DownContext   : word;
99         KeyWordCount  : word;
100         Keywords      : array[0..0] of THLPKeywordDescriptor;
101       end;
103       THLPKeywordDescriptor55 = packed record
104         PosY          : byte;
105         StartX        : byte;
106         EndX          : byte;
107         Dunno         : array[0..1] of word;
108         KwContext     : word;
109       end;
111       THLPKeyWordRecord55 = packed record
112         UpContext     : word;
113         DownContext   : word;
114         KeyWordCount  : byte;
115         Keywords      : array[0..0] of THLPKeywordDescriptor55;
116       end;
118       POAHelpFile = ^TOAHelpFile;
119       TOAHelpFile = object(THelpFile)
120         Version      : THLPVersion;
121         Header       : THLPFileHeader;
122         Compression  : THLPCompression;
123         constructor Init(AFileName: string; AID: word);
124         destructor  Done; virtual;
125       public
LoadIndexnull126         function    LoadIndex: boolean; virtual;
ReadTopicnull127         function    ReadTopic(T: PTopic): boolean; virtual;
128       public { protected }
129         F: PStream;
130         TopicsRead     : boolean;
131         IndexTableRead : boolean;
132         CompressionRead: boolean;
133         IndexTagsRead  : boolean;
134         IndexTagsPos   : longint;
135         IndexTablePos  : longint;
ReadHeadernull136         function  ReadHeader: boolean;
ReadTopicsnull137         function  ReadTopics: boolean;
ReadIndexTablenull138         function  ReadIndexTable: boolean;
ReadCompressionnull139         function  ReadCompression: boolean;
ReadIndexTagsnull140         function  ReadIndexTags: boolean;
ReadRecordnull141         function  ReadRecord(var R: TRecord; ReadData: boolean): boolean;
142       end;
144 procedure RegisterHelpType;
146 implementation
149 constructor TOAHelpFile.Init(AFileName: string; AID: word);
150 var OK: boolean;
151     FS,L: longint;
152     R: TRecord;
153 begin
154   if inherited Init(AID)=false then Fail;
155   F:=New(PFastBufStream, Init(AFileName, stOpenRead, HelpStreamBufSize));
156   OK:=F<>nil;
157   if OK then OK:=(F^.Status=stOK);
158   if OK then
159     begin
160       FS:=F^.GetSize;
161       OK:=ReadHeader;
162     end;
163   while OK do
164   begin
165     L:=F^.GetPos;
166     if (L>=FS) then Break;
167     OK:=ReadRecord(R,false);
168     if (OK=false) or (R.SClass=0) or (R.Size=0) then Break;
169     case R.SClass of
170       oa_rtContext     : begin F^.Seek(L); OK:=ReadTopics; end;
171       oa_rtText        : {Skip};
172       oa_rtKeyword     : {Skip};
173       oa_rtIndex       : begin IndexTablePos:=L; {OK:=ReadIndexTable; }end;
174       oa_rtCompression : begin F^.Seek(L); OK:=ReadCompression; end;
175       oa_rtIndexTags   : begin IndexTagsPos:=L; {OK:=ReadIndexTags; }end;
176     else
177      begin
178      {$ifdef DEBUGMSG}
179        ClearFormatParams;
180        AddFormatParamInt(R.SClass);
181        AddFormatParamInt(L);
182        AddFormatParamInt(R.Size);
183        ErrorBox('Uknown help record tag %x encountered, '+
184                 'offset %x, size %d',@FormatParams);
185      {$else}
186        {Skip};
187      {$endif}
188      end;
189     end;
190     if OK then
191        begin Inc(L, SizeOf(THLPRecordHeader)); Inc(L, R.Size); F^.Seek(L); OK:=(F^.Status=stOK); end
192   end;
193   OK:=OK and (TopicsRead=true);
194   if OK=false then
195     Begin
196       Done;
197       Fail;
198     End;
199 end;
LoadIndexnull201 function TOAHelpFile.LoadIndex: boolean;
202 begin
203   LoadIndex:=ReadIndexTable;
204 end;
ReadHeadernull206 function TOAHelpFile.ReadHeader: boolean;
207 var S: string;
208     P: longint;
209     R: TRecord;
210     OK: boolean;
211 begin
212   F^.Seek(0);
213   F^.Read(S[1],128); S[0]:=#255;
214   OK:=(F^.Status=stOK); P:=Pos(Signature,S);
215   OK:=OK and (P>0);
216   if OK then
217   begin
218     F^.Seek(P+length(Signature)-1);
219     F^.Read(Version,SizeOf(Version));
220     OK:=(F^.Status=stOK) and (Version.FormatVersion>=MinFormatVersion);
221     if OK then
222     begin
223       OK:=ReadRecord(R,true);
224       OK:=OK and (R.SClass=oa_rtFileHeader) and (R.Size=SizeOf(Header));
225       if OK then Move(R.Data^,Header,SizeOf(Header));
226       Header.Options        :=LEToN(Header.Options);
227       Header.MainIndexScreen:=LEToN(Header.MainIndexScreen);
228       Header.MaxScreenSize  :=LEToN(Header.MaxScreenSize );
229       DisposeRecord(R);
230     end;
231   end;
232   ReadHeader:=OK;
233 end;
ReadTopicsnull235 function TOAHelpFile.ReadTopics: boolean;
236 var OK: boolean;
237     R: TRecord;
238     L,I: longint;
GetCtxPosnull239 function GetCtxPos(C: THLPContextPos): longint;
240 begin
241   c.LoW:=LEToN(Word(C.LoW));
242   GetCtxPos:=longint(C.HiB) shl 16 + C.LoW;
243 end;
244 begin
245   OK:=ReadRecord(R, true);
246   if OK then
247   with THLPContexts(R.Data^) do
248   begin
249   ContextCount:=LEToN(ContextCount);
250   for I:=1 to longint(ContextCount)-1 do
251   begin
252     if Topics^.Count=MaxCollectionSize then Break;
253     L:=GetCtxPos(Contexts[I]);
254     if (L and $800000)<>0 then L:=not L;
255     if (L=-1) and (Header.MainIndexScreen>0) then
256        L:=GetCtxPos(Contexts[Header.MainIndexScreen]);
257     if (L>0) then
258       AddTopic(I,L,'',nil,0);
259   end;
260   end;
261   DisposeRecord(R);
262   TopicsRead:=OK;
263   ReadTopics:=OK;
264 end;
TOAHelpFile.ReadIndexTablenull266 function TOAHelpFile.ReadIndexTable: boolean;
267 var OK: boolean;
268     R: TRecord;
269     I: longint;
270     LastTag,S: string;
271     CurPtr: sw_word;
272     HelpCtx: THelpCtx;
273     LenCode,CopyCnt,AddLen: byte;
274 type pword = ^word;
275 begin
276   if IndexTableRead then OK:=true else
277  begin
278   FillChar(R, SizeOf(R), 0);
279   LastTag:=''; CurPtr:=0;
280   OK:=(IndexTablePos<>0);
281   if OK then begin F^.Seek(IndexTablePos); OK:=F^.Status=stOK; end;
282   if OK then OK:=ReadRecord(R, true);
283   if OK then
284   with THLPIndexTable(R.Data^) do
285   begin
286   IndexCount:=LEToN(IndexCount);
287   for I:=0 to IndexCount-1 do
288   begin
289     LenCode:=PByteArray(@Entries)^[CurPtr];
290     AddLen:=LenCode and $1f; CopyCnt:=LenCode shr 5;
291     S[0]:=chr(AddLen); Move(PByteArray(@Entries)^[CurPtr+1],S[1],AddLen);
292     LastTag:=copy(LastTag,1,CopyCnt)+S;
293     HelpCtx:=PWord(@PByteArray(@Entries)^[CurPtr+1+AddLen])^;
294     AddIndexEntry(LastTag,HelpCtx);
295     Inc(CurPtr,1+AddLen+2);
296   end;
297   end;
298   DisposeRecord(R);
299   IndexTableRead:=OK;
300  end;
301   ReadIndexTable:=OK;
302 end;
TOAHelpFile.ReadCompressionnull304 function TOAHelpFile.ReadCompression: boolean;
305 var OK: boolean;
306     R: TRecord;
307 begin
308   OK:=ReadRecord(R, true);
309   OK:=OK and (R.Size=SizeOf(THLPCompression));
310   if OK then Move(R.Data^,Compression,SizeOf(Compression));
311   DisposeRecord(R);
312   CompressionRead:=OK;
313   ReadCompression:=OK;
314 end;
ReadIndexTagsnull316 function TOAHelpFile.ReadIndexTags: boolean;
317 var OK: boolean;
318 begin
319   OK:={ReadRecord(R, true)}true;
320   IndexTagsRead:=OK;
321   ReadIndexTags:=OK;
322 end;
ReadRecordnull324 function TOAHelpFile.ReadRecord(var R: TRecord; ReadData: boolean): boolean;
325 var OK: boolean;
326     H: THLPRecordHeader;
327 begin
328   FillChar(R, SizeOf(R), 0);
329   F^.Read(H,SizeOf(H));
330   H.RecLength:=LEToN(H.RecLength);
331   OK:=F^.Status=stOK;
332   if OK then
333   begin
334     R.SClass:=H.RecType; R.Size:=H.RecLength;
335     if (R.Size>0) and ReadData then
336     begin
337       GetMem(R.Data,R.Size);
338       F^.Read(R.Data^,R.Size);
339       OK:=F^.Status=stOK;
340     end;
341     if OK=false then DisposeRecord(R);
342   end;
343   ReadRecord:=OK;
344 end;
ReadTopicnull346 function TOAHelpFile.ReadTopic(T: PTopic): boolean;
347 var SrcPtr,DestPtr,TopicSize: sw_word;
348     NewR: TRecord;
349     LinkPosCount: integer;
350     LinkPos: array[1..50] of TRect;
IsLinkPosStartnull351 function IsLinkPosStart(X,Y: integer): boolean;
352 var OK: boolean;
353     I: integer;
354 begin
355   OK:=false;
356   for I:=1 to LinkPosCount do
357     with LinkPos[I] do
358       if (A.X=X) and (A.Y=Y) then
359         begin
360           OK:=true;
361           Break;
362         end;
363   IsLinkPosStart:=OK;
364 end;
IsLinkPosEndnull365 function IsLinkPosEnd(X,Y: integer): boolean;
366 var OK: boolean;
367     I: integer;
368 begin
369   OK:=false;
370   for I:=1 to LinkPosCount do
371     with LinkPos[I] do
372       if (B.X=X) and (B.Y=Y) then
373         begin
374           OK:=true;
375           Break;
376         end;
377   IsLinkPosEnd:=OK;
378 end;
ExtractTextRecnull379 function ExtractTextRec(var R: TRecord): boolean;
GetNextNibblenull380 function GetNextNibble: byte;
381 var B,N: byte;
382 begin
383   B:=PByteArray(R.Data)^[SrcPtr div 2];
384   N:=( B and ($0f shl (4*(SrcPtr mod 2))) ) shr (4*(SrcPtr mod 2));
385   Inc(SrcPtr);
386   GetNextNibble:=N;
387 end;
388 procedure RealAddChar(C: char);
389 begin
390   if Assigned(NewR.Data) then
391     PByteArray(NewR.Data)^[DestPtr]:=ord(C);
392   Inc(DestPtr);
393 end;
394 var CurX,CurY: integer;
395     InLink: boolean;
396 procedure AddChar(C: char);
397 begin
398   if IsLinkPosStart(CurX+2,CurY) then
399     begin
400       RealAddChar(hscLink);
401       InLink:=true;
402     end
403   else
404     if (C=hscLineBreak) and (InLink) then
405       begin
406         RealAddChar(hscLink);
407         InLink:=false;
408       end;
409   RealAddChar(C);
410   if IsLinkPosEnd(CurX+2,CurY) then
411     begin
412       RealAddChar(hscLink);
413       InLink:=false;
414     end;
415   if C<>hscLineBreak then
416     Inc(CurX)
417   else
418     begin
419       CurX:=0;
420       Inc(CurY);
421     end;
422 end;
423 var OK: boolean;
424     C: char;
425     P: pointer;
GetNextCharnull426 function GetNextChar: char;
427 var C: char;
428     I,N,Cnt: byte;
429 begin
430   N:=GetNextNibble;
431   case N of
432     $00       : C:=#0;
433     $01..$0D  : C:=chr(Compression.CharTable[N]);
434     ncRawChar : begin
435                   I:=GetNextNibble;
436                   C:=chr(I+GetNextNibble shl 4);
437                 end;
438     ncRepChar : begin
439                   Cnt:=2+GetNextNibble;
440                   C:=GetNextChar();
441                   for I:=1 to Cnt-1 do AddChar(C);
442                 end;
443   end;
444   GetNextChar:=C;
445 end;
446 begin
447   OK:=Compression.CompType in[ctNone,ctNibble];
448   if OK then
449   case Compression.CompType of
450        ctNone   : ;
451        ctNibble :
452          begin
453            CurX:=0; CurY:=0; InLink:=false;
454            NewR.SClass:=0;
455            NewR.Size:=0;
456            NewR.Data:=nil;
457            SrcPtr:=0; DestPtr:=0;
458            while SrcPtr<(R.Size*2) do
459            begin
460              C:=GetNextChar;
461              AddChar(C);
462            end;
463            if InLink then AddChar(hscLineBreak);
464            TopicSize:=DestPtr;
466            CurX:=0; CurY:=0; InLink:=false;
467            NewR.SClass:=R.SClass;
468            NewR.Size:=Min(MaxHelpTopicSize,TopicSize);
469            GetMem(NewR.Data, NewR.Size);
470            SrcPtr:=0; DestPtr:=0;
471            while SrcPtr<(R.Size*2) do
472            begin
473              C:=GetNextChar;
474              AddChar(C);
475            end;
476            if InLink then AddChar(hscLineBreak);
477            DisposeRecord(R); R:=NewR;
478            if (R.Size>DestPtr) then
479            begin
480              P:=R.Data; GetMem(R.Data,DestPtr);
481              Move(P^,R.Data^,DestPtr); FreeMem(P,R.Size); R.Size:=DestPtr;
482            end;
483          end;
484   else OK:=false;
485   end;
486   ExtractTextRec:=OK;
487 end;
488 var OK: boolean;
489     TextR,KeyWR: TRecord;
490     I: sw_word;
491 begin
492   OK:=T<>nil;
493   if OK and (T^.Text=nil) then
494   begin
495     LinkPosCount:=0; FillChar(LinkPos,Sizeof(LinkPos),0);
496     FillChar(TextR,SizeOf(TextR),0); FillChar(KeyWR,SizeOf(KeyWR),0);
497     F^.Seek(T^.FileOfs); OK:=F^.Status=stOK;
498     if OK then OK:=ReadRecord(TextR,true);
499     OK:=OK and (TextR.SClass=oa_rtText);
500     if OK then OK:=ReadRecord(KeyWR,true);
501     OK:=OK and (KeyWR.SClass=oa_rtKeyword);
503     if OK then
504     begin
505       case Version.FormatVersion of
506         TP55FormatVersion :
507            with THLPKeywordRecord55(KeyWR.Data^) do
508            begin
509              UpContext:=LEToN(UpContext);
510              DownContext:=LEToN(DownContext);
511              T^.LinkCount:=KeywordCount;
512              GetMem(T^.Links,T^.LinkSize);
513              if T^.LinkCount>0 then
514              for I:=0 to T^.LinkCount-1 do
515              with Keywords[I] do
516              begin
517                KwContext:=LEToN(KwContext);
518                T^.Links^[I].Context:=KwContext;
519                T^.Links^[I].FileID:=ID;
520                Inc(LinkPosCount);
521                with LinkPos[LinkPosCount] do
522                begin
523                  A.Y:=PosY-1; B.Y:=PosY-1;
524                  A.X:=StartX-1; B.X:=EndX-1;
525                end;
526              end;
527            end;
528       else
529            with THLPKeywordRecord(KeyWR.Data^) do
530            begin
531              KeywordCount:=LEToN(KeywordCount);
532              UpContext:=LEToN(UpContext);
533              DownContext:=LEToN(DownContext);
534              T^.LinkCount:=KeywordCount;
535              GetMem(T^.Links,T^.LinkSize);
536              if KeywordCount>0 then
537              for I:=0 to KeywordCount-1 do
538              begin
539                Keywords[I].KwContext:=LEToN(Keywords[I].KwContext);
540                T^.Links^[I].Context:=Keywords[I].KwContext;
541                T^.Links^[I].FileID:=ID;
542              end;
543            end;
544       end;
545     end;
547     if OK then OK:=ExtractTextRec(TextR);
548     if OK then
549       if TextR.Size>0 then
550       begin
551         T^.Text:=TextR.Data; T^.TextSize:=TextR.Size;
552         TextR.Data:=nil; TextR.Size:=0;
553       end;
555     DisposeRecord(TextR); DisposeRecord(KeyWR);
556   end;
557   ReadTopic:=OK;
558 end;
560 destructor TOAHelpFile.Done;
561 begin
562   if F<>nil then Dispose(F, Done);
563   inherited Done;
564 end;
CreateProcnull566 function CreateProc(const FileName,Param: string;Index : longint): PHelpFile;
567 begin
568   CreateProc:=New(POAHelpFile, Init(FileName,Index));
569 end;
571 procedure RegisterHelpType;
572 begin
573   RegisterHelpFileType(@CreateProc);
574 end;
576 END.