1 /*
2   FXiTe - The Free eXtensIble Text Editor
3   Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Jeffrey Pohlmeyer <yetanothergeek@gmail.com>
5   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6   under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
7   published by the Free Software Foundation.
9   This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12   GNU General Public License for more details.
14   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
17 */
20 #ifndef APPWIN_BASE_H
21 #define APPWIN_BASE_H
23 #include "histbox.h"
25 class SciDoc;
26 class DocTab;
27 class DocTabs;
28 class SearchDialogs;
29 class FileDialogs;
30 class SettingsBase;
31 class Settings;
32 class PrefsDialog;
33 class UserMenu;
34 class MacroRunner;
35 class MacroRecorder;
36 class BackupMgr;
37 class ToolsDialog;
38 class ToolBarFrame;
39 class OutputList;
40 class StatusBar;
41 class MainMenu;
42 class AutoCompleter;
43 class CommandUtils;
45 class TopWindowBase: public MainWinWithClipBrd {
FXDECLARE(TopWindowBase)46   FXDECLARE(TopWindowBase)
47 protected:
48   TopWindowBase(){}
49   SciDoc* recording;
50   FXToolTip* tips;
51   FXVerticalFrame* outerbox;
52   FXVerticalFrame* innerbox;
53   MainMenu* menubar;
54   StatusBar* statusbar;
55   DocTabs* tabbook;
56   FXSplitter* hsplit;
57   OutputList* outlist;
58   ToolBarFrame* toolbar;
59   SearchDialogs* srchdlgs;
60   FileDialogs* filedlgs;
61   AutoCompleter* completions;
62   SettingsBase* prefs;
63   MacroRecorder* recorder;
64   BackupMgr* backups;
65   CommandUtils* cmdutils;
66   FXint stale_ticks;
67   FXint save_ticks;
68   FXString session_data;
69   FXID active_widget;
70   bool destroying;
71   bool close_all_confirmed;
72   bool kill_commands_confirmed;
73   bool command_timeout;
74   FXint need_status;
75   FXString save_hook;
76   FXString bookmarked_file;
77   DocTab* bookmarked_tab;
78   long bookmarked_pos;
79   bool skipfocus;
80   void Closing(bool is_closing);
81   void SetTabDirty(SciDoc* sci, bool dirty);
82   void SetTabLocked(SciDoc* sci, bool locked);
83   void RescanUserMenu();
84   void ClosedDialog();
85   bool ShowSaveAsDlg(SciDoc* sci);
86   void ShowInsertFileDlg();
87   void ShowFilterDialog(bool is_filter);
88   void ShowCommandDialog();
89   void ShowToolManagerDialog();
90   void ShowPrefsDialog();
91   void ToggleRecorder();
92   bool FilterSelection(SciDoc* sci, const FXString &cmd, const FXString &input);
93   bool RunCommand(SciDoc* sci, const FXString &cmd);
94   bool RunMacro(const FXString &script, bool isfilename);
95   bool RunHookScript(const char* hookname);
96   void FileSaved(SciDoc* saved);
97   void AskReload();
98   bool SaveAll(bool break_on_fail);
99   bool CloseAll(bool close_last);
100   const FXString &SessionFile();
101   bool SetLanguage(FXMenuRadio* mnu);
102   void SetBookmark();
103   void EnableUserFilters(bool enabled);
104   void OpenSelected();
105   bool NewFile(bool hooked);
106   void ChangeCase(bool to_upper);
107   void FindTag();
108   void GoToBookmark();
109   void UpdateToolbar();
110   void UpdateTitle(long line, long col);
111   void InvertColors(bool inverted);
112 public:
113   TopWindowBase(FXApp* a);
114   virtual ~TopWindowBase();
115   static TopWindowBase* instance();
116   virtual void create();
117   virtual FXbool close(FXbool notify=false);
118   void ParseCommands(FXString &commands);
119   bool Closing();
120   bool IsMacroCancelled();
121   static const FXString& ConfigDir();
122   static const FXString& Connector();
Prefs()123   Settings* Prefs() { return (Settings*)prefs; }
124   SciDoc* ControlDoc();
125   SciDoc* FocusedDoc();
126   bool OpenFile(const char* caption, const char* rowcol, bool readonly, bool hooked);
127   bool CloseFile(bool close_last, bool hooked);
128   int IsFileOpen(const FXString &filename, bool activate);
129   FXString* NamedFiles() const;
130   void Cut();
131   void Copy();
132   void Paste();
Tabs()133   DocTabs* Tabs() {return tabbook; }
FileDlgs()134   FileDialogs* FileDlgs() { return filedlgs; }
135   FXMenuCaption* TagFiles();
136   void AddFileToTagsMenu(const FXString &filename);
137   bool RemoveFileFromTagsMenu(const FXString &filename);
138   bool SetLanguage(const FXString &name);
139   void SetKillCommandAccelKey(FXHotKey acckey);
140   void RemoveTBarBtnData(void* p);
141   bool SetReadOnly(SciDoc* sci, bool rdonly);
142   void AddOutput(const FXString&line);
143   void ClearOutput();
144   UserMenu** UserMenus() const;
145   void FindText(const char* searchstring, FXuint searchmode, bool forward);
146   void FindAndReplace(const char*searchfor, const char*replacewith, FXuint searchmode, bool forward);
147   void ReplaceAllInSelection(const char*searchfor, const char*replacewith, FXuint searchmode);
148   void ReplaceAllInDocument(const char*searchfor, const char*replacewith, FXuint searchmode);
149   void AdjustIndent(SciDoc* sci,char ch);
150   bool FoundBookmarkedTab(DocTab* tab);
Destroying()151   bool Destroying() { return destroying; }
ActiveWidget(FXID aw)152   void ActiveWidget(FXID aw) { active_widget=aw; }
153   void SetWordWrap(SciDoc* sci, bool wrapped);
154   void ShowLineNumbers(bool showit);
155   void ShowStatusBar(bool showit);
156   void ShowOutputPane(bool showit);
157   void ShowWhiteSpace(bool showit);
158   void ShowToolbar(bool showit);
159   void ShowMargin(bool showit);
160   void ShowIndent(bool showit);
161   void ShowCaretLine(bool showit);
162   long onTimer(     FXObject* o, FXSelector sel, void* p );
163   long onCloseWait( FXObject* o, FXSelector sel, void* p );
164   long CheckStale(  FXObject* o, FXSelector sel, void* p );
165   long CheckStyle(  FXObject* o, FXSelector sel, void* p );
166   long onFocusIn(   FXObject* o, FXSelector sel, void* p );
167   long onFocusDoc(  FXObject* o, FXSelector sel, void* p );
168   long onFocusSci(  FXObject* o, FXSelector sel, void* p );
169   enum {
170     ID_TIMER = MainWinWithClipBrd::ID_LAST,
174     ID_FOCUS_DOC,
176     ID_LAST
177   };
178 };
180 #endif