1 { $Id$}
2 {
3  /***************************************************************************
4                                Grids.pas
5                                ---------
6                      An interface to DB aware Controls
7                      Initial Revision : Sun Sep 14 2003
10  ***************************************************************************/
12  *****************************************************************************
13   This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
15   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
16   for details about the license.
17  *****************************************************************************
18 }
19 {
21 TCustomGrid, TDrawGrid and TStringGrid for Lazarus
22 Copyright (C) 2002  Jesus Reyes Aguilar.
23 email: jesusrmx@yahoo.com.mx
25 }
27 unit Grids;
29 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
30 {$modeswitch nestedprocvars}
31 {$define NewCols}
33 interface
35 uses
36   // RTL + FCL
37   Classes, SysUtils, Types, TypInfo, Math, FPCanvas, HtmlDefs, StrUtils,
38   // LCL
39   LCLStrConsts, LCLType, LCLIntf, Controls, Graphics, Forms,
40   LMessages, StdCtrls, LResources, MaskEdit, Buttons, Clipbrd, Themes, imglist,
41   // LazUtils
42   LazFileUtils, DynamicArray, Maps, LazUTF8, Laz2_XMLCfg,
43   LazLoggerBase, LazUtilities, LCSVUtils, IntegerList
44 {$ifdef WINDOWS}
45   ,messages, imm
46 {$endif}
47   ;
49 const
50   //GRIDFILEVERSION = 1; // Original
51   //GRIDFILEVERSION = 2; // Introduced goSmoothScroll
52   GRIDFILEVERSION = 3; // Introduced Col/Row FixedAttr and NormalAttr
54 const
62   GM_READY      = LM_INTERFACELAST + 107;
66 const
67   EO_AUTOSIZE     =   $1;
68   EO_HOOKKEYDOWN  =   $2;
69   EO_HOOKKEYPRESS =   $4;
70   EO_HOOKKEYUP    =   $8;
71   EO_SELECTALL    =   $10;
72   EO_IMPLEMENTED  =   $20;
74 const
75   DEFCOLWIDTH         = 64;
76   DEFBUTTONWIDTH      = 25;
79 type
80   EGridException = class(Exception);
82 type
83   TGridOption = (
84     goFixedVertLine,      // Ya
85     goFixedHorzLine,      // Ya
86     goVertLine,           // Ya
87     goHorzLine,           // Ya
88     goRangeSelect,        // Ya
89     goDrawFocusSelected,  // Ya
90     goRowSizing,          // Ya
91     goColSizing,          // Ya
92     goRowMoving,          // Ya
93     goColMoving,          // Ya
94     goEditing,            // Ya
95     goAutoAddRows,        // JuMa
96     goTabs,               // Ya
97     goRowSelect,          // Ya
98     goAlwaysShowEditor,   // Ya
99     goThumbTracking,      // ya
100     // Additional Options
101     goColSpanning,        // Enable cellextent calcs
102     goRelaxedRowSelect,   // User can see focused cell on goRowSelect
103     goDblClickAutoSize,   // dblclicking columns borders (on hdrs) resize col.
104     goSmoothScroll,       // Switch scrolling mode (pixel scroll is by default)
105     goFixedRowNumbering,  // Ya
106     goScrollKeepVisible,  // keeps focused cell visible while scrolling
107     goHeaderHotTracking,  // Header cells change look when mouse is over them
108     goHeaderPushedLook,   // Header cells looks pushed when clicked
109     goSelectionActive,    // Setting grid.Selection moves also cell cursor
110     goFixedColSizing,     // Allow to resize fixed columns
111     goDontScrollPartCell, // clicking partially visible cells will not scroll
112     goCellHints,          // show individual cell hints
113     goTruncCellHints,     // show cell hints if cell text is too long
114     goCellEllipsis,       // show "..." if cell text is too long
115     goAutoAddRowsSkipContentCheck,//BB Also add a row (if AutoAddRows in Options) if last row is empty
116     goRowHighlight        // Highlight the current Row
117   );
118   TGridOptions = set of TGridOption;
120   TGridOption2 = (
121     goScrollToLastCol,  // allow scrolling to last column (so that last column can be leftcol)
122     goScrollToLastRow   // allow scrolling to last row (so that last row can be toprow)
123   );
124   TGridOptions2 = set of TGridOption2;
126   TGridSaveOptions = (
127     soDesign,             // Save grid structure (col/row count and Options)
128     soAttributes,         // Save grid attributes (Font,Brush,TextStyle)
129     soContent,            // Save Grid Content (Text in stringgrid)
130     soPosition            // Save Grid cursor and selection position
131   );
132   TSaveOptions = set of TGridSaveOptions;
134   TGridDrawState = set of (gdSelected, gdFocused, gdFixed, gdHot, gdPushed, gdRowHighlight);
135   TGridState =(gsNormal, gsSelecting, gsRowSizing, gsColSizing, gsRowMoving,
136     gsColMoving, gsHeaderClicking, gsButtonColumnClicking);
138   TGridZone = (gzNormal, gzFixedCols, gzFixedRows, gzFixedCells, gzInvalid);
139   TGridZoneSet = set of TGridZone;
141   TAutoAdvance = (aaNone,aaDown,aaRight,aaLeft, aaRightDown, aaLeftDown,
142     aaRightUp, aaLeftUp);
144   { Option goRangeSelect: --> select a single range only, or multiple ranges }
145   TRangeSelectMode = (rsmSingle, rsmMulti);
147   TItemType = (itNormal,itCell,itColumn,itRow,itFixed,itFixedColumn,itFixedRow,itSelected);
149   TColumnButtonStyle = (
150     cbsAuto,
151     cbsEllipsis,
152     cbsNone,
153     cbsPickList,
154     cbsCheckboxColumn,
155     cbsButton,
156     cbsButtonColumn
157   );
159   TTitleStyle = (tsLazarus, tsStandard, tsNative);
161   TGridFlagsOption = (gfEditorUpdateLock, gfNeedsSelectActive, gfEditorTab,
162     gfRevEditorTab, gfVisualChange, gfColumnsLocked,
163     gfEditingDone, gfSizingStarted, gfPainting, gfUpdatingSize, gfClientRectChange,
164     gfAutoEditPending, gfUpdatingScrollbar);
165   TGridFlags = set of TGridFlagsOption;
167   TSortOrder = (soAscending, soDescending);
169   TPrefixOption = (poNone, poHeaderClick);
171   TMouseWheelOption = (mwCursor, mwGrid);
173   TCellHintPriority = (chpAll, chpAllNoDefault, chpTruncOnly);
174   // The grid can display three types of hint: the default hint (Hint property),
175   // individual cell hints (OnCellHint event), and hints for truncated cells.
176   // TCellHintPriority determines how the overall hint is combined when more
177   // multiple hint texts are to be displayed.
179   TCellProcessType = (cpCopy, cpPaste);
181 const
182   soAll: TSaveOptions = [soDesign, soAttributes, soContent, soPosition];
184   DefaultGridOptions = [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine,
185        goVertLine, goHorzLine, goRangeSelect, goSmoothScroll ];
186   DefaultGridOptions2 = [];
188   constRubberSpace: byte = 2;
189   constCellPadding: byte = 3;
190   constColRowBorderTolerance: byte = 3;
192 var
193   // Values to be used after HighDPI scaling
194   varRubberSpace: byte;
195   varCellpadding: byte;
196   varColRowBorderTolerance: byte;
198 type
200   TCustomGrid = class;
201   TGridColumn = class;
203   PCellProps= ^TCellProps;
204   TCellProps=record
205     Attr: pointer;
206     Data: TObject;
207     Text: pchar;
208   end;
210   PColRowProps= ^TColRowProps;
211   TColRowProps=record
212     Size: Integer;
213     FixedAttr: pointer;
214     NormalAttr: pointer;
215   end;
217   PGridMessage=^TGridMessage;
218   TGridMessage=record
219     LclMsg: TLMessage;
220     Grid: TCustomGrid;
221     Col,Row: Integer;
222     Value: string;
223     CellRect: TRect;
224     Options: Integer;
225   end;
227  type
228   { Default cell editor for TStringGrid }
229   { TStringCellEditor }
231   TStringCellEditor=class(TCustomMaskEdit)
232   private
233     FGrid: TCustomGrid;
234     FCol,FRow:Integer;
235   protected
236     procedure WndProc(var TheMessage : TLMessage); override;
237     procedure Change; override;
238     procedure KeyDown(var Key : Word; Shift : TShiftState); override;
239     procedure msg_SetMask(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_SETMASK;
240     procedure msg_SetValue(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_SETVALUE;
241     procedure msg_GetValue(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_GETVALUE;
242     procedure msg_SetGrid(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_SETGRID;
243     procedure msg_SelectAll(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_SELECTALL;
244     procedure msg_SetPos(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_SETPOS;
245     procedure msg_GetGrid(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_GETGRID;
246   public
247     constructor Create(Aowner : TComponent); override;
248     procedure EditingDone; override;
249     property EditText;
250     property OnEditingDone;
251   end;
253   { TButtonCellEditor }
255   TButtonCellEditor = class(TButton)
256   private
257     FGrid: TCustomGrid;
258     FCol,FRow: Integer;
259   protected
260     procedure msg_SetGrid(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_SETGRID;
261     procedure msg_SetBounds(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_SETBOUNDS;
262     procedure msg_SetPos(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_SETPOS;
263     procedure msg_Ready(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_READY;
264     procedure msg_GetGrid(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_GETGRID;
265   public
266     property Col: Integer read FCol;
267     property Row: Integer read FRow;
268   end;
270   { TPickListCellEditor }
272   TPickListCellEditor = class(TCustomComboBox)
273   private
274     FGrid: TCustomGrid;
275     FCol,FRow: Integer;
276   protected
277     procedure WndProc(var TheMessage : TLMessage); override;
278     procedure KeyDown(var Key : Word; Shift : TShiftState); override;
279     procedure DropDown; override;
280     procedure CloseUp; override;
281     procedure Select; override;
282     procedure Change; override;
283     procedure msg_GetValue(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_GETVALUE;
284     procedure msg_SetGrid(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_SETGRID;
285     procedure msg_SetValue(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_SETVALUE;
286     procedure msg_SetPos(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_SETPOS;
287     procedure msg_GetGrid(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_GETGRID;
288   public
289     procedure EditingDone; override;
290     property BorderStyle;
291     property OnEditingDone;
292   end;
294   { TCompositeCellEditor }
296   TEditorItem = record
297     Editor: TWinControl;
298     Align: TAlign;
299     ActiveControl: boolean;
300   end;
302   TCompositeCellEditor = class(TWinControl)
303   private
304     FGrid: TCustomGrid;
305     FCol,FRow: Integer;
306     FEditors: array of TEditorItem;
307     procedure DispatchMsg(msg: TGridMessage);
GetMaxLengthnull308     function GetMaxLength: Integer;
309     procedure SetMaxLength(AValue: Integer);
310   protected
DoUTF8KeyPressnull311     function  DoUTF8KeyPress(var UTF8Key: TUTF8Char): boolean; override;
312     procedure msg_GetValue(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_GETVALUE;
313     procedure msg_SetGrid(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_SETGRID;
314     procedure msg_SetValue(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_SETVALUE;
315     procedure msg_SetBounds(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_SETBOUNDS;
316     procedure msg_SetMask(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_SETMASK;
317     procedure msg_SelectAll(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_SELECTALL;
318     procedure CMControlChange(var Message: TLMEssage); message CM_CONTROLCHANGE;
319     procedure msg_SetPos(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_SETPOS;
320     procedure msg_GetGrid(var Msg: TGridMessage); message GM_GETGRID;
GetActiveControlnull321     function GetActiveControl: TWinControl;
322     procedure VisibleChanging; override;
SendCharnull323     function  SendChar(AChar: TUTF8Char): Integer;
324     procedure WndProc(var TheMessage : TLMessage); override;
325   public
326     destructor Destroy; override;
327     procedure AddEditor(aEditor: TWinControl; aAlign: TAlign; ActiveCtrl:boolean);
328     procedure SetFocus; override;
Focusednull329     function  Focused: Boolean; override;
330     property MaxLength: Integer read GetMaxLength write SetMaxLength;
331     property ActiveControl: TWinControl read GetActiveControl;
332   end;
335   TOnDrawCell =
336     procedure(Sender: TObject; aCol, aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect;
337               aState:TGridDrawState) of object;
339   TOnSelectCellEvent =
340     procedure(Sender: TObject; aCol, aRow: Integer;
341               var CanSelect: Boolean) of object;
343   TOnSelectEvent =
344     procedure(Sender: TObject; aCol, aRow: Integer) of object;
346   TGridOperationEvent =
347     procedure (Sender: TObject; IsColumn:Boolean;
348                sIndex, tIndex: Integer) of object;
350   THdrEvent =
351     procedure(Sender: TObject; IsColumn: Boolean; Index: Integer) of object;
353   TOnCompareCells =
354     procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow, BCol,BRow: Integer;
355                var Result: integer) of object;
357   TSelectEditorEvent =
358     procedure(Sender: TObject; aCol, aRow: Integer;
359               var Editor: TWinControl) of object;
361   TOnPrepareCanvasEvent =
362     procedure(sender: TObject; aCol, aRow: Integer;
363               aState: TGridDrawState) of object;
365   TUserCheckBoxBitmapEvent =
366     procedure(Sender: TObject; const aCol, aRow: Integer;
367               const CheckedState: TCheckboxState;
368               var ABitmap: TBitmap) of object;
370   TUserCheckBoxImageEvent =
371     procedure(Sender: TObject; const aCol, aRow: Integer;
372               const CheckedState: TCheckBoxState;
373               var ImageList: TCustomImageList;
374               var ImageIndex: TImageIndex) of object;
376   TValidateEntryEvent =
377     procedure(sender: TObject; aCol, aRow: Integer;
378               const OldValue: string; var NewValue: String) of object;
380   TToggledCheckboxEvent = procedure(sender: TObject; aCol, aRow: Integer;
381                                     aState: TCheckboxState) of object;
383   THeaderSizingEvent = procedure(sender: TObject; const IsColumn: boolean;
384                                     const aIndex, aSize: Integer) of object;
386   TCellProcessEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; aCol, aRow: Integer;
387                                 processType: TCellProcessType;
388                                 var aValue: string) of object;
390   TGetCellHintEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
391                                  var HintText: String) of object;
393   TSaveColumnEvent = procedure (Sender, aColumn: TObject; aColIndex: Integer;
394                                 aCfg: TXMLConfig; const aVersion: integer;
395                                 const aPath: string) of object;
397   { TVirtualGrid }
399   TVirtualGrid=class
400     private
401       FColCount: Integer;
402       FRowCount: Integer;
403       FCellArr, FColArr, FRowArr: TPointerPointerArray;
GetCellsnull404       function  GetCells(Col, Row: Integer): PCellProps;
GetRowsnull405       function  GetRows(Row: Integer): PColRowProps;
GetColsnull406       function  GetCols(Col: Integer): PColRowProps;
407       procedure SetCells(Col, Row: Integer; const AValue: PCellProps);
408       procedure SetRows(Row: Integer; const Avalue: PColRowProps);
409       procedure SetColCount(const Avalue: Integer);
410       procedure SetRowCount(const Avalue: Integer);
411       procedure SetCols(Col: Integer; const Avalue: PColRowProps);
412     protected
413       procedure doDestroyItem(Sender: TObject; Col,Row: Integer; var Item: Pointer);
414       procedure doNewItem(Sender: TObject; Col,Row: Integer; var Item: Pointer);
415       procedure DeleteColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer);
416       procedure MoveColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; FromIndex, ToIndex: Integer);
417       procedure ExchangeColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; index, WithIndex: Integer);
418       procedure InsertColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; Index: Integer);
419       procedure DisposeCell(var P: PCellProps); virtual;
420       procedure DisposeColRow(var p: PColRowProps); virtual;
IsColumnIndexValidnull421       function  IsColumnIndexValid(AIndex: Integer): boolean; inline;
IsRowIndexValidnull422       function  IsRowIndexValid(AIndex: Integer): boolean; inline;
423     public
424       constructor Create;
425       destructor Destroy; override;
426       procedure Clear;
GetDefaultCellnull427       function GetDefaultCell: PcellProps;
GetDefaultColRownull428       function GetDefaultColRow: PColRowProps;
430       property ColCount: Integer read FColCount write SetColCount;
431       property RowCount: Integer read FRowCount write SetRowCount;
433       property Celda[Col,Row: Integer]: PCellProps read GetCells write SetCells;
434       property Cols[Col: Integer]: PColRowProps read GetCols write SetCols;
435       property Rows[Row: Integer]: PColRowProps read GetRows write SetRows;
436   end;
438   { TGridColumnTitle }
440   TGridColumnTitle = class(TPersistent)
441   private
442     FColumn: TGridColumn;
443     FCaption: PChar;
444     FColor: ^TColor;
445     FAlignment: ^TAlignment;
446     FFont: TFont;
447     FImageIndex: TImageIndex;
448     FImageLayout: TButtonLayout;
449     FIsDefaultTitleFont: boolean;
450     FLayout: ^TTextLayout;
451     FPrefixOption: TPrefixOption;
452     FMultiline: Boolean;
453     FIsDefaultCaption: boolean;
454     procedure FontChanged(Sender: TObject);
GetAlignmentnull455     function GetAlignment: TAlignment;
GetColornull456     function GetColor: TColor;
GetFontnull457     function GetFont: TFont;
GetLayoutnull458     function GetLayout: TTextLayout;
IsAlignmentStorednull459     function IsAlignmentStored: boolean;
IsCaptionStorednull460     function IsCaptionStored: boolean;
IsColorStorednull461     function IsColorStored: boolean;
IsFontStorednull462     function IsFontStored: boolean;
IsLayoutStorednull463     function IsLayoutStored: boolean;
464     procedure SetAlignment(const AValue: TAlignment);
465     procedure SetColor(const AValue: TColor);
466     procedure SetFont(const AValue: TFont);
467     procedure SetImageIndex(const AValue: TImageIndex);
468     procedure SetImageLayout(const AValue: TButtonLayout);
469     procedure SetLayout(const AValue: TTextLayout);
470     procedure SetMultiLine(const AValue: Boolean);
471     procedure SetPrefixOption(const AValue: TPrefixOption);
472     procedure WriteCaption(Writer: TWriter);
474     property IsDefaultFont: boolean read FIsDefaultTitleFont;
475   protected
GetDefaultCaptionnull476     function  GetDefaultCaption: string; virtual;
GetDefaultAlignmentnull477     function  GetDefaultAlignment: TAlignment;
GetDefaultColornull478     function  GetDefaultColor: TColor;
GetDefaultLayoutnull479     function  GetDefaultLayout: TTextLayout;
GetOwnernull480     function  GetOwner: TPersistent; override;
GetCaptionnull481     function  GetCaption: TCaption;
482     procedure SetCaption(const AValue: TCaption); virtual;
483     procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
484   public
485     constructor Create(TheColumn: TGridColumn); virtual;
486     destructor Destroy; override;
487     procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
488     procedure FillTitleDefaultFont;
489     procedure FixDesignFontsPPI(const ADesignTimePPI: Integer); virtual;
490     procedure ScaleFontsPPI(const AToPPI: Integer; const AProportion: Double); virtual;
IsDefaultnull491     function IsDefault: boolean;
492     property Column: TGridColumn read FColumn;
493   published
494     property Alignment: TAlignment read GetAlignment write SetAlignment stored IsAlignmentStored;
495     property Caption: TCaption read GetCaption write SetCaption stored IsCaptionStored;
496     property Color: TColor read GetColor write SetColor stored IsColorStored;
497     property Font: TFont read GetFont write SetFont stored IsFontStored;
498     property ImageIndex: TImageIndex read FImageIndex write SetImageIndex default -1;
499     property ImageLayout: TButtonLayout read FImageLayout write SetImageLayout default blGlyphRight;
500     property Layout: TTextLayout read GetLayout write SetLayout stored IsLayoutStored;
501     property MultiLine: Boolean read FMultiLine write SetMultiLine default false;
502     property PrefixOption: TPrefixOption read FPrefixOption write SetPrefixOption default poNone;
503   end;
505   { TGridColumn }
507   TGridColumn = class(TCollectionItem)
508   private
509     FButtonStyle: TColumnButtonStyle;
510     FDropDownRows: Longint;
511     FTitle: TGridColumnTitle;
512     FWidthChanged: boolean;
513     FAlignment: ^TAlignment;
514     FColor: ^TColor;
515     FLayout: ^TTextLayout;
516     FVisible: ^Boolean;
517     FReadOnly: ^Boolean;
518     FWidth: ^Integer;
519     FFont: TFont;
520     FisDefaultFont: Boolean;
521     FPickList: TStrings;
522     FMinSize, FMaxSize, FSizePriority: ^Integer;
523     FValueChecked,FValueUnchecked: PChar;
524     FTag: PtrInt;
525     procedure FontChanged(Sender: TObject);
GetAlignmentnull526     function GetAlignment: TAlignment;
GetColornull527     function GetColor: TColor;
GetExpandednull528     function GetExpanded: Boolean;
GetFontnull529     function GetFont: TFont;
GetGridnull530     function GetGrid: TCustomGrid;
GetLayoutnull531     function GetLayout: TTextLayout;
GetMaxSizenull532     function GetMaxSize: Integer;
GetMinSizenull533     function GetMinSize: Integer;
GetSizePrioritynull534     function GetSizePriority: Integer;
GetReadOnlynull535     function GetReadOnly: Boolean;
GetStoredWidthnull536     function GetStoredWidth: Integer;
GetVisiblenull537     function GetVisible: Boolean;
GetWidthnull538     function GetWidth: Integer;
IsAlignmentStorednull539     function IsAlignmentStored: boolean;
IsColorStorednull540     function IsColorStored: boolean;
IsFontStorednull541     function IsFontStored: boolean;
IsLayoutStorednull542     function IsLayoutStored: boolean;
IsMinSizeStorednull543     function IsMinSizeStored: boolean;
IsMaxSizeStorednull544     function IsMaxSizeStored: boolean;
IsReadOnlyStorednull545     function IsReadOnlyStored: boolean;
IsSizePriorityStorednull546     function IsSizePriorityStored: boolean;
IsValueCheckedStorednull547     function IsValueCheckedStored: boolean;
IsValueUncheckedStorednull548     function IsValueUncheckedStored: boolean;
IsVisibleStorednull549     function IsVisibleStored: boolean;
IsWidthStorednull550     function IsWidthStored: boolean;
551     procedure SetAlignment(const AValue: TAlignment);
552     procedure SetButtonStyle(const AValue: TColumnButtonStyle);
553     procedure SetColor(const AValue: TColor);
554     procedure SetExpanded(const AValue: Boolean);
555     procedure SetFont(const AValue: TFont);
556     procedure SetLayout(const AValue: TTextLayout);
557     procedure SetMaxSize(const AValue: Integer);
558     procedure SetMinSize(const Avalue: Integer);
559     procedure SetPickList(const AValue: TStrings);
560     procedure SetReadOnly(const AValue: Boolean);
561     procedure SetSizePriority(const AValue: Integer);
562     procedure SetTitle(const AValue: TGridColumnTitle);
563     procedure SetValueChecked(const AValue: string);
564     procedure SetValueUnchecked(const AValue: string);
565     procedure SetVisible(const AValue: Boolean);
566     procedure SetWidth(const AValue: Integer);
567   protected
GetDisplayNamenull568     function  GetDisplayName: string; override;
GetDefaultAlignmentnull569     function  GetDefaultAlignment: TAlignment; virtual;
GetDefaultColornull570     function  GetDefaultColor: TColor; virtual;
GetDefaultLayoutnull571     function  GetDefaultLayout: TTextLayout; virtual;
GetDefaultMaxSizenull572     function  GetDefaultMaxSize: Integer; virtual;
GetDefaultMinSizenull573     function  GetDefaultMinSize: Integer; virtual;
GetDefaultReadOnlynull574     function  GetDefaultReadOnly: boolean; virtual;
GetDefaultSizePrioritynull575     function  GetDefaultSizePriority: Integer;
GetDefaultVisiblenull576     function  GetDefaultVisible: boolean; virtual;
GetDefaultValueCheckednull577     function  GetDefaultValueChecked: string; virtual;
GetDefaultValueUncheckednull578     function  GetDefaultValueUnchecked: string; virtual;
GetDefaultWidthnull579     function  GetDefaultWidth: Integer; virtual;
GetPickListnull580     function  GetPickList: TStrings; virtual;
GetValueCheckednull581     function  GetValueChecked: string;
GetValueUncheckednull582     function  GetValueUnchecked: string;
583     procedure ColumnChanged; virtual;
584     procedure AllColumnsChange;
CreateTitlenull585     function  CreateTitle: TGridColumnTitle; virtual;
586     procedure SetIndex(Value: Integer); override;
588     property  IsDefaultFont: boolean read FIsDefaultFont;
589   public
590     constructor Create(ACollection: TCollection); override;
591     destructor Destroy; override;
592     procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
593     procedure FillDefaultFont;
594     procedure FixDesignFontsPPI(const ADesignTimePPI: Integer); virtual;
595     procedure ScaleFontsPPI(const AToPPI: Integer; const AProportion: Double); virtual;
IsDefaultnull596     function  IsDefault: boolean; virtual;
597     property Grid: TCustomGrid read GetGrid;
598     property DefaultWidth: Integer read GetDefaultWidth;
599     property StoredWidth: Integer read GetStoredWidth;
600     property WidthChanged: boolean read FWidthChanged;
602   published
603     property Alignment: TAlignment read GetAlignment write SetAlignment stored IsAlignmentStored;
604     property ButtonStyle: TColumnButtonStyle read FButtonStyle write SetButtonStyle default cbsAuto;
605     property Color: TColor read GetColor write SetColor stored IsColorStored;
606     property DropDownRows: Longint read FDropDownRows write FDropDownRows default 7;
607     property Expanded: Boolean read GetExpanded write SetExpanded default True;
608     property Font: TFont read GetFont write SetFont stored IsFontStored;
609     property Layout: TTextLayout read GetLayout write SetLayout stored IsLayoutStored;
610     property MinSize: Integer read GetMinSize write SetMinSize stored IsMinSizeStored;
611     property MaxSize: Integer read GetMaxSize write SetMaxSize stored isMaxSizeStored;
612     property PickList: TStrings read GetPickList write SetPickList;
613     property ReadOnly: Boolean read GetReadOnly write SetReadOnly stored IsReadOnlyStored;
614     property SizePriority: Integer read GetSizePriority write SetSizePriority stored IsSizePriorityStored;
615     property Tag: PtrInt read FTag write FTag default 0;
616     property Title: TGridColumnTitle read FTitle write SetTitle;
617     property Width: Integer read GetWidth write SetWidth stored IsWidthStored;
618     property Visible: Boolean read GetVisible write SetVisible stored IsVisibleStored;
619     property ValueChecked: string read GetValueChecked write SetValueChecked
620       stored IsValueCheckedStored;
621     property ValueUnchecked: string read GetValueUnchecked write SetValueUnchecked
622       stored IsValueUncheckedStored;
623   end;
625   TGridPropertyBackup=record
626     ValidData: boolean;
627     FixedRowCount: Integer;
628     FixedColCount: Integer;
629     RowCount: Integer;
630     ColCount: Integer;
631   end;
633   { TGridColumns }
635   TGridColumns = class(TCollection)
636   private
637     FGrid: TCustomGrid;
GetColumnnull638     function GetColumn(Index: Integer): TGridColumn;
GetEnablednull639     function GetEnabled: Boolean;
640     procedure SetColumn(Index: Integer; Value: TGridColumn);
GetVisibleCountnull641     function GetVisibleCount: Integer;
642   protected
GetOwnernull643     function GetOwner: TPersistent; override;
644     procedure Update(Item: TCollectionItem); override;
645     procedure TitleFontChanged;
646     procedure FontChanged;
647     procedure RemoveColumn(Index: Integer);
648     procedure MoveColumn(FromIndex,ToIndex: Integer); virtual;
649     procedure ExchangeColumn(Index,WithIndex: Integer);
650     procedure InsertColumn(Index: Integer);
651   public
652     constructor Create(AGrid: TCustomGrid; aItemClass: TCollectionItemClass);
Addnull653     function Add: TGridColumn;
654     procedure Clear;
ColumnByTitlenull655     function ColumnByTitle(const aTitle: string): TGridColumn;
RealIndexnull656     function RealIndex(Index: Integer): Integer;
IndexOfnull657     function IndexOf(Column: TGridColumn): Integer;
IsDefaultnull658     function IsDefault: boolean;
HasIndexnull659     function HasIndex(Index: Integer): boolean;
VisibleIndexnull660     function VisibleIndex(Index: Integer): Integer;
661     property Grid: TCustomGrid read FGrid;
662     property Items[Index: Integer]: TGridColumn read GetColumn write SetColumn; default;
663     property VisibleCount: Integer read GetVisibleCount;
664     property Enabled: Boolean read GetEnabled;
665   end;
667   type
668     TGridCoord = TPoint;
669     TGridRect  = TRect;
670     TGridRectArray = array of TGridRect;
672     TSizingRec = record
673       Index: Integer;
674       OffIni,OffEnd: Integer;
675       DeltaOff: Integer;
676       PrevLine: boolean;
677       PrevOffset: Integer;
678     end;
680     TGridDataCache=record
681       FixedWidth: Integer;        // Sum( Fixed ColsWidths[i] )
682       FixedHeight: Integer;       // Sum( Fixed RowsHeights[i] )
683       GridWidth: Integer;         // Sum( ColWidths[i] )
684       GridHeight: Integer;        // Sum( RowHeights[i] )
685       ClientWidth: Integer;       // Width-VertScrollbar.Size
686       ClientHeight: Integer;      // Height-HorzScrollbar.Size
687       ClientRect: TRect;          // Cache for ClientRect - GetBorderWidth need for Bidi
688       ScrollWidth: Integer;       // ClientWidth-FixedWidth
689       ScrollHeight: Integer;      // ClientHeight-FixedHeight
690       HScrollBarNetRange: Integer;//ScrollBar Range-Page
691       VisibleGrid: TRect;         // Visible non fixed rectangle of cellcoordinates
692       MaxClientXY: Tpoint;        // VisibleGrid.BottomRight (pixel) coordinates
693       ValidRows: boolean;         // true if there are not fixed columns to show
694       ValidCols: boolean;         // true if there are not fixed rows to show
695       ValidGrid: boolean;         // true if there are not fixed cells to show
696       AccumWidth: TIntegerList;   // Accumulated width per column
697       AccumHeight: TIntegerList;  // Accumulated Height per row
698       TLColOff,TLRowOff: Integer; // TopLeft Offset in pixels
699       MaxTopLeft: TPoint;         // Max Top left ( cell coorditates)
700       MaxTLOffset: TPoint;        // Max Top left offset of the last cell
701       HotCell: TPoint;            // currently hot cell
702       HotCellPainted: boolean;    // HotCell was already painter?
703       HotGridZone: TGridZone;     // GridZone of last MouseMove
704       ClickCell: TPoint;          // Cell coords of the latest mouse click
705       ClickMouse: TPoint;         // mouse coords of the latest mouse click
706       PushedCell: TPoint;         // Cell coords of cell being pushed
707       PushedMouse: TPoint;        // mouse Coords of the cell being pushed
708       ClickCellPushed: boolean;   // Header Cell is currently pushed?
709       FullVisibleGrid: TRect;     // visible cells excluding partially visible cells
710       MouseCell: TPoint;          // Cell which contains the mouse
711       OldMaxTopLeft: TPoint;      // previous MaxTopleft (before col sizing)
712     end;
714     TGridCursorState = (gcsDefault, gcsColWidthChanging, gcsRowHeightChanging, gcsDragging);
716 type
718   { TCustomGrid }
720   TCustomGrid=class(TCustomControl)
721   private
722     FAlternateColor: TColor;
723     FAutoAdvance: TAutoAdvance;
724     FAutoEdit: boolean;
725     FAutoFillColumns: boolean;
726     FBorderColor: TColor;
727     FDefaultDrawing: Boolean;
728     FEditor: TWinControl;
729     FEditorHidingCount: Integer;
730     FEditorMode: Boolean;
731     FEditorOldValue: string;
732     FEditorShowing: Boolean;
733     FEditorKey: Boolean;
734     FEditorOptions: Integer;
735     FExtendedSelect: boolean;
736     FFastEditing: boolean;
737     FAltColorStartNormal: boolean;
738     FFlat: Boolean;
739     FOnAfterSelection: TOnSelectEvent;
740     FOnLoadColumn: TSaveColumnEvent;
741     FOnSaveColumn: TSaveColumnEvent;
742     FRangeSelectMode: TRangeSelectMode;
743     FSelections: TGridRectArray;
744     FOnUserCheckboxBitmap: TUserCheckboxBitmapEvent;
745     FOnUserCheckboxImage: TUserCheckBoxImageEvent;
746     FSortOrder: TSortOrder;
747     FSortColumn: Integer;
748     FSortLCLImages: TLCLGlyphs;
749     FTabAdvance: TAutoAdvance;
750     FTitleImageList: TImageList;
751     FTitleImageListWidth: Integer;
752     FTitleStyle: TTitleStyle;
753     FAscImgInd: TImageIndex;
754     FDescImgInd: TImageIndex;
755     FOnCompareCells: TOnCompareCells;
756     FGridLineStyle: TPenStyle;
757     FGridLineWidth: Integer;
758     FDefColWidth, FDefRowHeight: Integer;
759     FRealizedDefColWidth, FRealizedDefRowHeight: Integer;
760     FCol,FRow, FFixedCols, FFixedRows: Integer;
761     FOnEditButtonClick: TNotifyEvent;
762     FOnButtonClick: TOnSelectEvent;
763     FOnPickListSelect: TNotifyEvent;
764     FOnCheckboxToggled: TToggledCheckboxEvent;
765     FOnPrepareCanvas: TOnPrepareCanvasEvent;
766     FOnSelectEditor: TSelectEditorEvent;
767     FOnValidateEntry: TValidateEntryEvent;
768     FGridLineColor, FFixedGridLineColor: TColor;
769     FFixedColor, FFixedHotColor, FFocusColor, FSelectedColor: TColor;
770     FDisabledFontColor: TColor;
771     FFocusRectVisible: boolean;
772     FCols,FRows: TIntegerList;
773     FsaveOptions: TSaveOptions;
774     FScrollBars: TScrollStyle;
775     FSelectActive: Boolean;
776     FTopLeft: TPoint;
777     FPivot: TPoint;
778     FRange: TRect;
779     FDragDx: Integer;
780     FMoveLast: TPoint;
781     FUpdateCount: Integer;
782     FGCache: TGridDataCache;
783     FOptions: TGridOptions;
784     FOptions2: TGridOptions2;
785     FOnDrawCell: TOnDrawcell;
786     FOnBeforeSelection: TOnSelectEvent;
787     FOnSelection: TOnSelectEvent;
788     FOnTopLeftChanged: TNotifyEvent;
789     FUseXORFeatures: boolean;
790     FValidateOnSetSelection: boolean;
791     FVSbVisible, FHSbVisible: ShortInt; // state: -1 not initialized, 0 hidden, 1 visible
792     FDefaultTextStyle: TTextStyle;
793     FLastWidth: Integer;
794     FTitleFont, FLastFont: TFont;
795     FTitleFontIsDefault: boolean;
796     FColumns: TGridColumns;
797     FButtonEditor: TButtonCellEditor;
798     FStringEditor: TStringCellEditor;
799     FButtonStringEditor: TCompositeCellEditor;
800     FPickListEditor: TPickListCellEditor;
801     FExtendedColSizing: boolean;
802     FExtendedRowSizing: boolean;
803     FUpdatingAutoFillCols: boolean;
804     FGridBorderStyle: TBorderStyle;
805     FGridFlags: TGridFlags;
806     FGridPropBackup: TGridPropertyBackup;
807     FStrictSort: boolean;
808     FIgnoreClick: boolean;
809     FAllowOutboundEvents: boolean;
810     FColumnClickSorts: boolean;
811     FHeaderHotZones: TGridZoneSet;
812     FHeaderPushZones: TGridZoneSet;
813     FCursorChangeLock: Integer;
814     FCursorState: TGridCursorState;
815     FColRowDragIndicatorColor: TColor;
816     FSavedCursor: TCursor;
817     FSpecialCursors: array[gcsColWidthChanging..gcsDragging] of TCursor;
818     FSizing: TSizingRec;
819     FRowAutoInserted: Boolean;
820     FMouseWheelOption: TMouseWheelOption;
821     FSavedHint: String;
822     FCellHintPriority: TCellHintPriority;
823     FOnGetCellHint: TGetCellHintEvent;
824     procedure AdjustCount(IsColumn:Boolean; OldValue, NewValue:Integer);
825     procedure CacheVisibleGrid;
826     procedure CancelSelection;
827     procedure CheckFixedCount(aCol,aRow,aFCol,aFRow: Integer);
828     procedure CheckCount(aNewColCount, aNewRowCount: Integer; FixEditor: boolean=true);
829     procedure CheckIndex(IsColumn: Boolean; Index: Integer);
CheckTopLeftnull830     function  CheckTopLeft(aCol,aRow: Integer; CheckCols,CheckRows: boolean): boolean;
GetQuickColRownull831     function  GetQuickColRow: TPoint;
832     procedure SetQuickColRow(AValue: TPoint);
IsCellButtonColumnnull833     function  IsCellButtonColumn(ACell: TPoint): boolean;
GetSelectedColumnnull834     function  GetSelectedColumn: TGridColumn;
835     procedure SetAlternateColor(const AValue: TColor);
836     procedure SetAutoFillColumns(const AValue: boolean);
837     procedure SetBorderColor(const AValue: TColor);
838     procedure SetColumnClickSorts(const AValue: boolean);
839     procedure SetColumns(const AValue: TGridColumns);
840     procedure SetEditorOptions(const AValue: Integer);
841     procedure SetEditorBorderStyle(const AValue: TBorderStyle);
842     procedure SetAltColorStartNormal(const AValue: boolean);
843     procedure SetFlat(const AValue: Boolean);
844     procedure SetFocusRectVisible(const AValue: Boolean);
845     procedure SetTitleImageList(const AValue: TImageList);
846     procedure SetTitleImageListWidth(const aTitleImageListWidth: Integer);
847     procedure SetTitleFont(const AValue: TFont);
848     procedure SetTitleStyle(const AValue: TTitleStyle);
849     procedure SetUseXorFeatures(const AValue: boolean);
doColSizingnull850     function  doColSizing(X,Y: Integer): Boolean;
doRowSizingnull851     function  doRowSizing(X,Y: Integer): Boolean;
852     procedure doColMoving(X,Y: Integer);
853     procedure doPushCell;
854     procedure doRowMoving(X,Y: Integer);
855     procedure doTopleftChange(DimChg: Boolean);
856     procedure DrawXORVertLine(X: Integer);
857     procedure DrawXORHorzLine(Y: Integer);
EditorGetValuenull858     function  EditorGetValue(validate:boolean=false): boolean;
859     procedure EditorPos;
860     procedure EditorShowChar(Ch: TUTF8Char);
861     procedure EditorSetMode(const AValue: Boolean);
862     procedure EditorSetValue;
EditorAlwaysShownnull863     function  EditorAlwaysShown: Boolean;
864     procedure FixPosition(IsColumn: Boolean; aIndex: Integer);
865     procedure FixScroll;
GetLeftColnull866     function  GetLeftCol: Integer;
GetColCountnull867     function  GetColCount: Integer;
GetColWidthsnull868     function  GetColWidths(Acol: Integer): Integer;
GetColumnsnull869     function  GetColumns: TGridColumns;
GetDefColWidthnull870     function GetDefColWidth: Integer;
GetDefRowHeightnull871     function GetDefRowHeight: Integer;
GetEditorBorderStylenull872     function  GetEditorBorderStyle: TBorderStyle;
GetBorderWidthnull873     function  GetBorderWidth: Integer;
874     procedure GetTitleImageInfo(aColumnIndex:Integer; out ImgIndex: Integer; out ImgLayout: TButtonLayout);
875     procedure GetSortTitleImageInfo(aColumnIndex:Integer; out ImgList: TCustomImageList;
876       out ImgIndex, ImgListWidth: Integer; out NativeSortGlyphs: Boolean);
GetRowCountnull877     function  GetRowCount: Integer;
GetRowHeightsnull878     function  GetRowHeights(Arow: Integer): Integer;
GetSelectedRangenull879     function  GetSelectedRange(AIndex: Integer): TGridRect;
GetSelectedRangeCountnull880     function  GetSelectedRangeCount: Integer;
GetSelectionnull881     function  GetSelection: TGridRect;
GetSpecialCursornull882     function  GetSpecialCursor(ACursorState: TGridCursorState): TCursor;
GetTopRownull883     function  GetTopRow: Longint;
GetVisibleColCountnull884     function  GetVisibleColCount: Integer;
GetVisibleGridnull885     function  GetVisibleGrid: TRect;
GetVisibleRowCountnull886     function  GetVisibleRowCount: Integer;
887     procedure HeadersMouseMove(const X,Y:Integer);
888     procedure InternalAutoFillColumns;
InternalNeedBordernull889     function  InternalNeedBorder: boolean;
890     procedure InternalSetColWidths(aCol,aValue: Integer);
891     procedure InternalUpdateColumnWidths;
892     procedure InvalidateMovement(DCol,DRow: Integer; OldRange: TRect);
IsAltColorStorednull893     function  IsAltColorStored: boolean;
IsColumnsStorednull894     function  IsColumnsStored: boolean;
IsPushCellActivenull895     function  IsPushCellActive: boolean;
896     procedure LoadColumns(cfg: TXMLConfig; Version: integer);
LoadResBitmapImagenull897     function  LoadResBitmapImage(const ResName: string): TBitmap;
898     procedure LoadSub(ACfg: TXMLConfig);
899     procedure OnTitleFontChanged(Sender: TObject);
900     procedure ReadColumns(Reader: TReader);
901     procedure ReadColWidths(Reader: TReader);
902     procedure ReadRowHeights(Reader: TReader);
903     procedure ResetHotCell;
904     procedure ResetPushedCell(ResetColRow: boolean=True);
905     procedure RestoreCursor;
906     procedure SaveColumns(cfg: TXMLConfig; Version: integer);
ScrollToCellnull907     function  ScrollToCell(const aCol,aRow: Integer; const ForceFullyVisible: Boolean = True): Boolean;
ScrollGridnull908     function  ScrollGrid(Relative:Boolean; DCol,DRow: Integer): TPoint;
909     procedure SetCol(AValue: Integer);
910     procedure SetColWidths(Acol: Integer; Avalue: Integer);
911     procedure SetColRowDragIndicatorColor(const AValue: TColor);
912     procedure SetDefColWidth(AValue: Integer);
913     procedure SetDefRowHeight(AValue: Integer);
914     procedure SetDefaultDrawing(const AValue: Boolean);
915     procedure SetEditor(AValue: TWinControl);
916     procedure SetFocusColor(const AValue: TColor);
917     procedure SetGridLineColor(const AValue: TColor);
918     procedure SetFixedGridLineColor(const AValue: TColor);
919     procedure SetGridLineStyle(const AValue: TPenStyle);
920     procedure SetGridLineWidth(const AValue: Integer);
921     procedure SetLeftCol(const AValue: Integer);
922     procedure SetOptions(const AValue: TGridOptions);
923     procedure SetOptions2(const AValue: TGridOptions2);
924     procedure SetRangeSelectMode(const AValue: TRangeSelectMode);
925     procedure SetRow(AValue: Integer);
926     procedure SetRowCount(AValue: Integer);
927     procedure SetRowHeights(Arow: Integer; Avalue: Integer);
928     procedure SetScrollBars(const AValue: TScrollStyle);
929     procedure SetSelectActive(const AValue: Boolean);
930     procedure SetSelection(const AValue: TGridRect);
931     procedure SetSpecialCursor(ACursorState: TGridCursorState; const AValue: TCursor);
932     procedure SetTopRow(const AValue: Integer);
StartColSizingnull933     function  StartColSizing(const X, Y: Integer): boolean;
934     procedure ChangeCursor(ACursor: TCursor; ASaveCurrentCursor: Boolean = true);
TitleFontIsStorednull935     function TitleFontIsStored: Boolean;
TrySmoothScrollBynull936     function  TrySmoothScrollBy(aColDelta, aRowDelta: Integer): Boolean;
937     procedure TryScrollTo(aCol,aRow: Integer; ClearColOff, ClearRowOff: Boolean);
938     procedure UpdateCachedSizes;
939     procedure UpdateSBVisibility;
940     procedure UpdateSizes;
941     procedure WriteColumns(Writer: TWriter);
942     procedure WriteColWidths(Writer: TWriter);
943     procedure WriteRowHeights(Writer: TWriter);
944     procedure WMEraseBkgnd(var message: TLMEraseBkgnd); message LM_ERASEBKGND;
945     procedure WMGetDlgCode(var Msg: TLMNoParams); message LM_GETDLGCODE;
946   protected
947     fGridState: TGridState;
RTLSignnull948     function RTLSign: Integer;
949     class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
950     procedure AddSelectedRange;
951     procedure AdjustClientRect(var ARect: TRect); override;
952     procedure AdjustEditorBounds(NewCol,NewRow:Integer); virtual;
953     procedure AfterMoveSelection(const prevCol,prevRow: Integer); virtual;
954     procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override;
955     procedure AutoAdjustColumn(aCol: Integer); virtual;
956     procedure BeforeMoveSelection(const DCol,DRow: Integer); virtual;
957     procedure BeginAutoDrag; override;
BoxRectnull958     function  BoxRect(ALeft,ATop,ARight,ABottom: Longint): TRect;
959     procedure CacheMouseDown(const X,Y:Integer);
960     procedure CalcAutoSizeColumn(const Index: Integer; var AMin,AMax,APriority: Integer); virtual;
961     procedure CalcCellExtent(acol, aRow: Integer; var aRect: TRect); overload; virtual; deprecated 'old function';
962     procedure CalcFocusRect(var ARect: TRect; adjust: boolean = true);
963     procedure CalcMaxTopLeft;
964     procedure CalcScrollbarsRange;
965     procedure CalculatePreferredSize(var PreferredWidth,
966       PreferredHeight: integer; WithThemeSpace: Boolean); override;
CanEditShownull967     function  CanEditShow: Boolean; virtual;
CanGridAcceptKeynull968     function  CanGridAcceptKey(Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState): Boolean; virtual;
969     procedure CellClick(const aCol,aRow: Integer; const Button:TMouseButton); virtual;
970     procedure CellExtent(const aCol,aRow: Integer; var R: TRect; out exCol:Integer);
971     procedure CheckLimits(var aCol,aRow: Integer);
972     procedure CheckLimitsWithError(const aCol, aRow: Integer);
973     procedure CMBiDiModeChanged(var Message: TLMessage); message CM_BIDIMODECHANGED;
974     procedure CMMouseEnter(var Message: TLMessage); message CM_MOUSEENTER;
975     procedure CMMouseLeave(var Message :TLMessage); message CM_MouseLeave;
976     procedure ColRowDeleted(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer); virtual;
977     procedure ColRowExchanged(IsColumn: Boolean; index,WithIndex: Integer); virtual;
978     procedure ColRowInserted(IsColumn: boolean; index: integer); virtual;
979     procedure ColRowMoved(IsColumn: Boolean; FromIndex,ToIndex: Integer); virtual;
ColRowToOffsetnull980     function  ColRowToOffset(IsCol, Relative: Boolean; Index:Integer;
981                              out StartPos, EndPos: Integer): Boolean;
ColumnIndexFromGridColumnnull982     function  ColumnIndexFromGridColumn(Column: Integer): Integer;
ColumnFromGridColumnnull983     function  ColumnFromGridColumn(Column: Integer): TGridColumn;
984     procedure ColumnsChanged(aColumn: TGridColumn);
985     procedure ColWidthsChanged; virtual;
CreateColumnsnull986     function  CreateColumns: TGridColumns; virtual;
987     procedure CheckNewCachedSizes(var AGCache:TGridDataCache); virtual;
988     procedure CreateWnd; override;
989     procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
990     procedure Click; override;
991     procedure DblClick; override;
DefaultColWidthIsStorednull992     function  DefaultColWidthIsStored: Boolean;
DefaultRowHeightIsStorednull993     function  DefaultRowHeightIsStored: Boolean;
994     procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
995     procedure DestroyHandle; override;
DialogCharnull996     function  DialogChar(var Message: TLMKey): boolean; override;
DoCompareCellsnull997     function  DoCompareCells(Acol,ARow,Bcol,BRow: Integer): Integer; virtual;
998     procedure DoCopyToClipboard; virtual;
999     procedure DoCutToClipboard; virtual;
1000     procedure DoEditButtonClick(const ACol,ARow: Integer); virtual;
1001     procedure DoEditorHide; virtual;
1002     procedure DoEditorShow; virtual;
1003     procedure DoExit; override;
1004     procedure DoEnter; override;
1005     procedure DoLoadColumn(sender: TCustomGrid; aColumn: TGridColumn; aColIndex: Integer;
1006                             aCfg: TXMLConfig; aVersion: Integer; aPath: string); virtual;
1007     procedure DoSaveColumn(sender: TCustomGrid; aColumn: TGridColumn; aColIndex: Integer;
1008                             aCfg: TXMLConfig; aVersion: Integer; aPath: string); virtual;
DoMouseWheelnull1009     function  DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override;
DoMouseWheelDownnull1010     function  DoMouseWheelDown(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override;
DoMouseWheelUpnull1011     function  DoMouseWheelUp(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override;
DoMouseWheelLeftnull1012     function  DoMouseWheelLeft(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override;
DoMouseWheelRightnull1013     function  DoMouseWheelRight(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override;
1014     procedure DoAutoAdjustLayout(const AMode: TLayoutAdjustmentPolicy;
1015       const AXProportion, AYProportion: Double); override;
1016     procedure DoOnChangeBounds; override;
1017     procedure DoOPDeleteColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer);
1018     procedure DoOPExchangeColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; index, WithIndex: Integer);
1019     procedure DoOPInsertColRow(IsColumn: boolean; index: integer);
1020     procedure DoOPMoveColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; FromIndex, ToIndex: Integer);
1021     procedure DoPasteFromClipboard; virtual;
1022     procedure DoPrepareCanvas(aCol,aRow:Integer; aState: TGridDrawState); virtual;
1023     procedure DoOnResize; override;
1024     procedure DoSetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
DoUTF8KeyPressnull1025     function  DoUTF8KeyPress(var UTF8Key: TUTF8Char): boolean; override;
1026     procedure DrawBorder;
1027     procedure DrawAllRows; virtual;
1028     procedure DrawFillRect(aCanvas:TCanvas; R:TRect);// Use FillRect after calc the new rect depened on Right To Left
1029     procedure DrawCell(aCol,aRow:Integer; aRect:TRect; aState:TGridDrawState); virtual;
1030     procedure DrawCellGrid(aCol,aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect; aState: TGridDrawState); virtual;
1031     procedure DrawTextInCell(aCol,aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect; aState: TGridDrawState); virtual;
1032     procedure DrawThemedCell(aCol,aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect; aState: TGridDrawState);
1033     procedure DrawCellText(aCol,aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect; aState: TGridDrawState; aText: String); virtual;
1034     procedure DrawGridCheckboxBitmaps(const aCol,aRow: Integer; const aRect: TRect;
1035                                         const aState: TCheckboxState); virtual;
1036     procedure DrawButtonCell(const aCol,aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect; const aState:TGridDrawState);
1037     procedure DrawColRowMoving;
1038     procedure DrawColumnText(aCol,aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect; aState:TGridDrawState); virtual;
1039     procedure DrawColumnTitleImage(var ARect: TRect; AColumnIndex: Integer);
1040     procedure DrawEdges;
1041     procedure DrawFocusRect(aCol,aRow:Integer; ARect:TRect); virtual;
1042     procedure DrawRow(aRow: Integer); virtual;
1043     procedure EditButtonClicked(Sender: TObject);
1044     procedure EditordoGetValue; virtual;
1045     procedure EditordoResetValue; virtual;
1046     procedure EditordoSetValue; virtual;
EditorCanAcceptKeynull1047     function  EditorCanAcceptKey(const ch: TUTF8Char): boolean; virtual;
EditorIsReadOnlynull1048     function  EditorIsReadOnly: boolean; virtual;
1049     procedure EditorHide; virtual;
EditorLockednull1050     function  EditorLocked: boolean;
EditingAllowednull1051     Function  EditingAllowed(ACol : Integer = -1) : Boolean; virtual; // Returns true if grid and current column allow editing
1052     procedure EditorSelectAll;
1053     procedure EditorShow(const SelAll: boolean); virtual;
1054     procedure EditorShowInCell(const aCol,aRow:Integer); virtual;
1055     procedure EditorWidthChanged(aCol,aWidth: Integer); virtual;
FirstGridColumnnull1056     function  FirstGridColumn: integer; virtual;
FixedGridnull1057     function  FixedGrid: boolean;
1058     procedure FontChanged(Sender: TObject); override;
1059     procedure GetAutoFillColumnInfo(const Index: Integer; var aMin,aMax,aPriority: Integer); virtual;
GetCellHintTextnull1060     function  GetCellHintText(ACol, ARow: Integer): string; virtual;
GetCellsnull1061     function  GetCells(ACol, ARow: Integer): string; virtual;
GetColumnAlignmentnull1062     function  GetColumnAlignment(Column: Integer; ForTitle: Boolean): TAlignment;
GetColumnColornull1063     function  GetColumnColor(Column: Integer; ForTitle: Boolean): TColor;
GetColumnFontnull1064     function  GetColumnFont(Column: Integer; ForTitle: Boolean): TFont;
GetColumnLayoutnull1065     function  GetColumnLayout(Column: Integer; ForTitle: boolean): TTextLayout;
GetColumnReadonlynull1066     function  GetColumnReadonly(Column: Integer): boolean;
GetColumnTitlenull1067     function  GetColumnTitle(Column: Integer): string;
GetColumnWidthnull1068     function  GetColumnWidth(Column: Integer): Integer;
GetDeltaMoveNextnull1069     function  GetDeltaMoveNext(const Inverse: boolean; var ACol,ARow: Integer; const AAutoAdvance: TAutoAdvance): boolean; virtual;
GetDefaultColumnAlignmentnull1070     function  GetDefaultColumnAlignment(Column: Integer): TAlignment; virtual;
GetDefaultColumnWidthnull1071     function  GetDefaultColumnWidth(Column: Integer): Integer; virtual;
GetDefaultColumnLayoutnull1072     function  GetDefaultColumnLayout(Column: Integer): TTextLayout; virtual;
GetDefaultColumnReadOnlynull1073     function  GetDefaultColumnReadOnly(Column: Integer): boolean; virtual;
GetDefaultColumnTitlenull1074     function  GetDefaultColumnTitle(Column: Integer): string; virtual;
GetDefaultEditornull1075     function  GetDefaultEditor(Column: Integer): TWinControl; virtual;
GetDefaultRowHeightnull1076     function  GetDefaultRowHeight: integer; virtual;
GetGridDrawStatenull1077     function  GetGridDrawState(ACol, ARow: Integer): TGridDrawState;
1078     procedure GetImageForCheckBox(const aCol,aRow: Integer;
1079       CheckBoxView: TCheckBoxState; var ImageList: TCustomImageList;
1080       var ImageIndex: TImageIndex; var Bitmap: TBitmap); virtual;
GetScrollBarPositionnull1081     function  GetScrollBarPosition(Which: integer): Integer;
GetSmoothScrollnull1082     function  GetSmoothScroll(Which: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
1083     procedure GetSBVisibility(out HsbVisible,VsbVisible:boolean);virtual;
1084     procedure GetSBRanges(const HsbVisible,VsbVisible: boolean;
1085                   out HsbRange,VsbRange,HsbPage,VsbPage,HsbPos,VsbPos:Integer); virtual;
1086     procedure GetSelectedState(AState: TGridDrawState; out IsSelected:boolean); virtual;
GetEditMasknull1087     function  GetEditMask(ACol, ARow: Longint): string; virtual;
GetEditTextnull1088     function  GetEditText(ACol, ARow: Longint): string; virtual;
GetFixedcolornull1089     function  GetFixedcolor: TColor; virtual;
GetFirstVisibleColumnnull1090     function  GetFirstVisibleColumn: Integer;
GetFirstVisibleRownull1091     function  GetFirstVisibleRow: Integer;
GetLastVisibleColumnnull1092     function  GetLastVisibleColumn: Integer;
GetLastVisibleRownull1093     function  GetLastVisibleRow: Integer;
GetSelectedColornull1094     function  GetSelectedColor: TColor; virtual;
GetTitleShowPrefixnull1095     function  GetTitleShowPrefix(Column: Integer): boolean;
GetPxTopLeftnull1096     function  GetPxTopLeft: TPoint;
GetTruncCellHintTextnull1097     function  GetTruncCellHintText(ACol, ARow: Integer): string; virtual;
GridColumnFromColumnIndexnull1098     function  GridColumnFromColumnIndex(ColumnIndex: Integer): Integer;
1099     procedure GridMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; Delta: Integer); virtual;
1100     procedure HeaderClick(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer); virtual;
1101     procedure HeaderSized(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer); virtual;
1102     procedure HeaderSizing(const IsColumn:boolean; const AIndex,ASize:Integer); virtual;
1103     procedure HideCellHintWindow;
1104     procedure InternalSetColCount(ACount: Integer);
1105     procedure InvalidateCell(aCol, aRow: Integer; Redraw: Boolean); overload;
1106     procedure InvalidateFromCol(ACol: Integer);
1107     procedure InvalidateGrid;
1108     procedure InvalidateFocused;
IsColumnIndexValidnull1109     function  IsColumnIndexValid(AIndex: Integer): boolean;
IsRowIndexValidnull1110     function  IsRowIndexValid(AIndex: Integer): boolean;
IsColumnIndexVariablenull1111     function  IsColumnIndexVariable(AIndex: Integer): boolean;
IsRowIndexVariablenull1112     function  IsRowIndexVariable(AIndex: Integer): boolean;
GetIsCellTitlenull1113     function  GetIsCellTitle(aCol,aRow: Integer): boolean; virtual;
GetIsCellSelectednull1114     function  GetIsCellSelected(aCol, aRow: Integer): boolean; virtual;
IsEmptyRownull1115     function  IsEmptyRow(ARow: Integer): Boolean;
IsMouseOverCellButtonnull1116     function  IsMouseOverCellButton(X,Y: Integer): boolean;
1117     procedure KeyDown(var Key : Word; Shift : TShiftState); override;
1118     procedure KeyUp(var Key : Word; Shift : TShiftState); override;
1119     procedure KeyPress(var Key: char); override;
1120     procedure LoadContent(cfg: TXMLConfig; Version: Integer); virtual;
1121     procedure LoadGridOptions(cfg: TXMLConfig; Version: Integer); virtual;
1122     procedure Loaded; override;
1123     procedure LockEditor;
MouseButtonAllowednull1124     function  MouseButtonAllowed(Button: TMouseButton): boolean; virtual;
1125     procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift:TShiftState; X,Y:Integer); override;
1126     procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X,Y: Integer); override;
1127     procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift:TShiftState; X,Y:Integer); override;
MoveExtendnull1128     function  MoveExtend(Relative: Boolean; DCol, DRow: Integer; ForceFullyVisible: Boolean = True): Boolean;
MoveNextAutonull1129     function  MoveNextAuto(const Inverse: boolean): boolean;
MoveNextSelectablenull1130     function  MoveNextSelectable(Relative:Boolean; DCol, DRow: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
1131     procedure MoveSelection; virtual;
OffsetToColRownull1132     function  OffsetToColRow(IsCol, Physical: Boolean; Offset: Integer;
1133                              out Index, Rest: Integer): Boolean;
1134     procedure Paint; override;
1135     procedure PickListItemSelected(Sender: TObject);
1136     procedure PrepareCanvas(aCol,aRow: Integer; aState:TGridDrawState); virtual;
1137     procedure PrepareCellHints(ACol, ARow: Integer); virtual;
1138     procedure ResetDefaultColWidths; virtual;
1139     procedure ResetEditor;
1140     procedure ResetLastMove;
ResetOffsetnull1141     function  ResetOffset(chkCol, ChkRow: Boolean): Boolean;
1142     procedure ResetSizes; virtual;
1143     procedure ResizeColumn(aCol, aWidth: Integer);
1144     procedure ResizeRow(aRow, aHeight: Integer);
1145     procedure RowHeightsChanged; virtual;
1146     procedure SaveContent(cfg: TXMLConfig); virtual;
1147     procedure SaveGridOptions(cfg: TXMLConfig); virtual;
1148     procedure ScrollBarRange(Which:Integer; aRange,aPage,aPos: Integer);
1149     procedure ScrollBarPosition(Which, Value: integer);
ScrollBarIsVisiblenull1150     function  ScrollBarIsVisible(Which:Integer): Boolean;
1151     procedure ScrollBarPage(Which: Integer; aPage: Integer);
1152     procedure ScrollBarShow(Which: Integer; aValue: boolean);
ScrollBarAutomaticnull1153     function  ScrollBarAutomatic(Which: TScrollStyle): boolean; virtual;
1154     procedure ScrollBy(DeltaX, DeltaY: Integer); override;
1155     procedure SelectEditor; virtual;
SelectCellnull1156     function  SelectCell(ACol, ARow: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
1157     procedure SetCanvasFont(aFont: TFont);
1158     procedure SetColCount(AValue: Integer); virtual;
1159     procedure SetColor(Value: TColor); override;
1160     procedure SetColRow(const ACol,ARow: Integer; withEvents: boolean = false);
1161     procedure SetCursor(AValue: TCursor); override;
1162     procedure SetEditText(ACol, ARow: Longint; const Value: string); virtual;
1163     procedure SetBorderStyle(NewStyle: TBorderStyle); override;
1164     procedure SetFixedcolor(const AValue: TColor); virtual;
1165     procedure SetFixedCols(const AValue: Integer); virtual;
1166     procedure SetFixedRows(const AValue: Integer); virtual;
1167     procedure SetRawColWidths(ACol: Integer; AValue: Integer);
1168     procedure SetSelectedColor(const AValue: TColor); virtual;
1169     procedure ShowCellHintWindow(APoint: TPoint);
1170     procedure SizeChanged(OldColCount, OldRowCount: Integer); virtual;
1171     procedure Sort(ColSorting: Boolean; index,IndxFrom,IndxTo:Integer); virtual;
1172     procedure StartPushCell;
1173     procedure TopLeftChanged; virtual;
TryMoveSelectionnull1174     function  TryMoveSelection(Relative: Boolean; var DCol, DRow: Integer): Boolean;
1175     procedure UnLockEditor;
1176     procedure UnprepareCellHints; virtual;
1177     procedure UpdateHorzScrollBar(const aVisible: boolean; const aRange,aPage,aPos: Integer); virtual;
1178     procedure UpdateSelectionRange;
1179     procedure UpdateVertScrollbar(const aVisible: boolean; const aRange,aPage,aPos: Integer); virtual;
1180     procedure UpdateBorderStyle;
ValidateEntrynull1181     function  ValidateEntry(const ACol,ARow:Integer; const OldValue:string; var NewValue:string): boolean; virtual;
1182     procedure VisualChange; virtual;
1183     procedure WMSize(var Message: TLMSize); message LM_SIZE;
1184     procedure WMHScroll(var message : TLMHScroll); message LM_HSCROLL;
1185     procedure WMVScroll(var message : TLMVScroll); message LM_VSCROLL;
1186     procedure WMKillFocus(var message: TLMKillFocus); message LM_KILLFOCUS;
1187     procedure WMSetFocus(var message: TLMSetFocus); message LM_SETFOCUS;
1188     procedure WndProc(var TheMessage : TLMessage); override;
1190     property AllowOutboundEvents: boolean read FAllowOutboundEvents write FAllowOutboundEvents default true;
1191     property AlternateColor: TColor read FAlternateColor write SetAlternateColor stored IsAltColorStored;
1192     property AutoAdvance: TAutoAdvance read FAutoAdvance write FAutoAdvance default aaRight;
1193     property AutoEdit: boolean read FAutoEdit write FAutoEdit default true;
1194     property AutoFillColumns: boolean read FAutoFillColumns write SetAutoFillColumns default false;
1195     property BorderStyle:TBorderStyle read FGridBorderStyle write SetBorderStyle default bsSingle;
1196     property BorderColor: TColor read FBorderColor write SetBorderColor default cl3DDKShadow;
1197     property CellHintPriority: TCellHintPriority read FCellHintPriority write FCellHintPriority default chpAllNoDefault;
1198     property Col: Integer read FCol write SetCol;
1199     property ColCount: Integer read GetColCount write SetColCount default 5;
1200     property ColRow: TPoint read GetQuickColRow write SetQuickColRow;
1201     property ColRowDraggingCursor: TCursor index gcsDragging read GetSpecialCursor write SetSpecialCursor default crMultiDrag;
1202     property ColRowDragIndicatorColor: TColor read FColRowDragIndicatorColor write SetColRowDragIndicatorColor default clRed;
1203     property ColSizingCursor: TCursor index gcsColWidthChanging read GetSpecialCursor write SetSpecialCursor default crHSplit;
1204     property ColumnClickSorts: boolean read FColumnClickSorts write SetColumnClickSorts default false;
1205     property Columns: TGridColumns read GetColumns write SetColumns stored IsColumnsStored;
1206     property ColWidths[aCol: Integer]: Integer read GetColWidths write SetColWidths;
1207     property DefaultColWidth: Integer read GetDefColWidth write SetDefColWidth stored DefaultColWidthIsStored;
1208     property DefaultRowHeight: Integer read GetDefRowHeight write SetDefRowHeight stored DefaultRowHeightIsStored;
1209     property DefaultDrawing: Boolean read FDefaultDrawing write SetDefaultDrawing default True;
1210     property DefaultTextStyle: TTextStyle read FDefaultTextStyle write FDefaultTextStyle;
1211     property DisabledFontColor: TColor read FDisabledFontColor write FDisabledFontColor default clGrayText;
1212     property DragDx: Integer read FDragDx write FDragDx;
1213     property Editor: TWinControl read FEditor write SetEditor;
1214     property EditorBorderStyle: TBorderStyle read GetEditorBorderStyle write SetEditorBorderStyle;
1215     property EditorMode: Boolean read FEditorMode write EditorSetMode;
1216     property EditorKey: boolean read FEditorKey write FEditorKey;
1217     property EditorOptions: Integer read FEditorOptions write SetEditorOptions;
1218     property EditorShowing: boolean read FEditorShowing write FEditorShowing;
1219     property ExtendedColSizing: boolean read FExtendedColSizing write FExtendedColSizing;
1220     property ExtendedRowSizing: boolean read FExtendedRowSizing write FExtendedRowSizing;
1221     property ExtendedSelect: boolean read FExtendedSelect write FExtendedSelect default true;
1222     property FastEditing: boolean read FFastEditing write FFastEditing;
1223     property AltColorStartNormal: boolean read FAltColorStartNormal write SetAltColorStartNormal;
1224     property FixedCols: Integer read FFixedCols write SetFixedCols default 1;
1225     property FixedRows: Integer read FFixedRows write SetFixedRows default 1;
1226     property FixedColor: TColor read GetFixedColor write SetFixedcolor default clBtnFace;
1227     property FixedGridLineColor: TColor read FFixedGridLineColor write SetFixedGridLineColor default cl3DDKShadow;
1228     property FixedHotColor: TColor read FFixedHotColor write FFixedHotColor default cl3DLight;
1229     property Flat: Boolean read FFlat write SetFlat default false;
1230     property FocusColor: TColor read FFocusColor write SetFocusColor;
1231     property FocusRectVisible: Boolean read FFocusRectVisible write SetFocusRectVisible;
1232     property GCache: TGridDataCache read FGCAChe;
1233     property GridFlags: TGridFlags read FGridFlags write FGridFlags;
1234     property GridHeight: Integer read FGCache.GridHeight;
1235     property GridLineColor: TColor read FGridLineColor write SetGridLineColor default clSilver;
1236     property GridLineStyle: TPenStyle read FGridLineStyle write SetGridLineStyle default psSolid;
1237     property GridLineWidth: Integer read FGridLineWidth write SetGridLineWidth default 1;
1238     property GridWidth: Integer read FGCache.GridWidth;
1239     property HeaderHotZones: TGridZoneSet read FHeaderHotZones write FHeaderHotZones default [gzFixedCols];
1240     property HeaderPushZones: TGridZoneSet read FHeaderPushZones write FHeaderPushZones default [gzFixedCols];
1241     property ImageIndexSortAsc: TImageIndex read FAscImgInd write FAscImgInd default -1;
1242     property ImageIndexSortDesc: TImageIndex read FDescImgInd write FDescImgInd default -1;
1243     property TabAdvance: TAutoAdvance read FTabAdvance write FTabAdvance default aaRightDown;
1244     property TitleImageList: TImageList read FTitleImageList write SetTitleImageList;
1245     property TitleImageListWidth: Integer read FTitleImageListWidth write SetTitleImageListWidth default 0;
1246     property InplaceEditor: TWinControl read FEditor;
1247     property IsCellSelected[aCol,aRow: Integer]: boolean read GetIsCellSelected;
1248     property LeftCol:Integer read GetLeftCol write SetLeftCol;
1249     property MouseWheelOption: TMouseWheelOption read FMouseWheelOption write FMouseWheelOption default mwCursor;
1250     property Options: TGridOptions read FOptions write SetOptions default DefaultGridOptions;
1251     property Options2: TGridOptions2 read FOptions2 write SetOptions2 default DefaultGridOptions2;
1252     property RangeSelectMode: TRangeSelectMode read FRangeSelectMode write SetRangeSelectMode default rsmSingle;
1253     property Row: Integer read FRow write SetRow;
1254     property RowCount: Integer read GetRowCount write SetRowCount default 5;
1255     property RowSizingCursor: TCursor index gcsRowHeightChanging read GetSpecialCursor write SetSpecialCursor default crVSplit;
1256     property RowHeights[aRow: Integer]: Integer read GetRowHeights write SetRowHeights;
1257     property SaveOptions: TSaveOptions read FsaveOptions write FSaveOptions;
1258     property SelectActive: Boolean read FSelectActive write SetSelectActive;
1259     property SelectedColor: TColor read GetSelectedColor write SetSelectedColor;
1260     property SelectedColumn: TGridColumn read GetSelectedColumn;
1261     property Selection: TGridRect read GetSelection write SetSelection;
1262     property ScrollBars: TScrollStyle read FScrollBars write SetScrollBars default ssAutoBoth;
1263     property StrictSort: boolean read FStrictSort write FStrictSort;
1264     property TitleFont: TFont read FTitleFont write SetTitleFont stored TitleFontIsStored;
1265     property TitleStyle: TTitleStyle read FTitleStyle write SetTitleStyle default tsLazarus;
1266     property TopRow: Integer read GetTopRow write SetTopRow;
1267     property UseXORFeatures: boolean read FUseXORFeatures write SetUseXorFeatures default false;
1268     property ValidateOnSetSelection: boolean read FValidateOnSetSelection write FValidateOnSetSelection;
1269     property VisibleColCount: Integer read GetVisibleColCount stored false;
1270     property VisibleRowCount: Integer read GetVisibleRowCount stored false;
1272     property OnAfterSelection: TOnSelectEvent read FOnAfterSelection write FOnAfterSelection;
1273     property OnBeforeSelection: TOnSelectEvent read FOnBeforeSelection write FOnBeforeSelection;
1274     property OnCheckboxToggled: TToggledCheckboxEvent read FOnCheckboxToggled write FOnCheckboxToggled;
1275     property OnCompareCells: TOnCompareCells read FOnCompareCells write FOnCompareCells;
1276     property OnPrepareCanvas: TOnPrepareCanvasEvent read FOnPrepareCanvas write FOnPrepareCanvas;
1277     property OnDrawCell: TOnDrawCell read FOnDrawCell write FOnDrawCell;
1278     // Deprecated in favor of OnButtonClick.
1279     property OnEditButtonClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnEditButtonClick write FOnEditButtonClick; deprecated;
1280     property OnButtonClick: TOnSelectEvent read FOnButtonClick write FOnButtonClick;
1281     property OnPickListSelect: TNotifyEvent read FOnPickListSelect write FOnPickListSelect;
1282     property OnSelection: TOnSelectEvent read fOnSelection write fOnSelection;
1283     property OnSelectEditor: TSelectEditorEvent read FOnSelectEditor write FOnSelectEditor;
1284     property OnTopLeftChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnTopLeftChanged write FOnTopLeftChanged;
1285     property OnUserCheckboxBitmap: TUserCheckboxBitmapEvent read FOnUserCheckboxBitmap write FOnUserCheckboxBitmap;
1286     property OnUserCheckboxImage: TUserCheckBoxImageEvent read FOnUserCheckboxImage write FOnUserCheckboxImage;
1287     property OnValidateEntry: TValidateEntryEvent read FOnValidateEntry write FOnValidateEntry;
1288     // Bidi functions
FlipRectnull1289     function FlipRect(ARect: TRect): TRect;
FlipPointnull1290     function FlipPoint(P: TPoint): TPoint;
FlipXnull1291     function FlipX(X: Integer): Integer;
1292     // Hint-related
1293     property OnGetCellHint : TGetCellHintEvent read FOnGetCellHint write FOnGetCellHint;
1294     property OnSaveColumn: TSaveColumnEvent read FOnSaveColumn write FOnSaveColumn;
1295     property OnLoadColumn: TSaveColumnEvent read FOnLoadColumn write FOnLoadColumn;
1296   public
1297     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
1298     destructor Destroy; override;
1299     procedure Invalidate; override;
1300     procedure EditingDone; override;
1302     { Exposed procs }
1303     procedure AdjustInnerCellRect(var ARect: TRect);
1304     procedure AutoAdjustColumns; virtual;
1305     procedure BeginUpdate;
CellRectnull1306     function  CellRect(ACol, ARow: Integer): TRect;
CellToGridZonenull1307     function  CellToGridZone(aCol,aRow: Integer): TGridZone;
1308     procedure CheckPosition;
ClearColsnull1309     function ClearCols: Boolean;
ClearRowsnull1310     function ClearRows: Boolean;
1311     procedure Clear;
1312     procedure ClearSelections;
EditorByStylenull1314     function  EditorByStyle(Style: TColumnButtonStyle): TWinControl; virtual;
1315     procedure EditorKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key:Word; Shift:TShiftState);
1316     procedure EditorKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
1317     procedure EditorUTF8KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var UTF8Key: TUTF8Char);
1318     procedure EditorKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var key:Word; shift:TShiftState);
1319     procedure EditorTextChanged(const aCol,aRow: Integer; const aText:string); virtual;
1321     procedure EndUpdate(aRefresh: boolean = true);
1322     procedure EraseBackground(DC: HDC); override;
1323     procedure FixDesignFontsPPI(const ADesignTimePPI: Integer); override;
Focusednull1324     function  Focused: Boolean; override;
HasMultiSelectionnull1325     function  HasMultiSelection: Boolean;
1326     procedure HideSortArrow;
1327     procedure InvalidateCell(aCol, aRow: Integer); overload;
1328     procedure InvalidateCol(ACol: Integer);
1329     procedure InvalidateRange(const aRange: TRect);
1330     procedure InvalidateRow(ARow: Integer);
IsCellVisiblenull1331     function  IsCellVisible(aCol, aRow: Integer): Boolean;
IsFixedCellVisiblenull1332     function  IsFixedCellVisible(aCol, aRow: Integer): boolean;
1333     procedure LoadFromFile(FileName: string); virtual;
1334     procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream); virtual;
MouseCoordnull1335     function  MouseCoord(X,Y: Integer): TGridCoord;
MouseToCellnull1336     function  MouseToCell(const Mouse: TPoint): TPoint; overload;
1337     procedure MouseToCell(X,Y: Integer; out ACol,ARow: Longint); overload;
MouseToLogcellnull1338     function  MouseToLogcell(Mouse: TPoint): TPoint;
MouseToGridZonenull1339     function  MouseToGridZone(X,Y: Integer): TGridZone;
1340     procedure SaveToFile(FileName: string); virtual;
1341     procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream); virtual;
1342     procedure ScaleFontsPPI(const AToPPI: Integer; const AProportion: Double); override;
1343     procedure SetFocus; override;
1345     property CursorState: TGridCursorState read FCursorState;
1346     property SelectedRange[AIndex: Integer]: TGridRect read GetSelectedRange;
1347     property SelectedRangeCount: Integer read GetSelectedRangeCount;
1348     property SortOrder: TSortOrder read FSortOrder write FSortOrder;
1349     property SortColumn: Integer read FSortColumn;
1350     property TabStop default true;
1351 {$ifdef WINDOWS}
1352   protected
1353     procedure IMEStartComposition(var Msg:TMessage); message WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION;
1354     procedure IMEComposition(var Msg:TMessage); message WM_IME_COMPOSITION;
1355     procedure IMEEndComposition(var Msg:TMessage); message WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION;
1356 {$endif}
1357   end;
1359   TGetEditEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var Value: string) of object;
1360   TSetEditEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; const Value: string) of object;
1361   TGetCheckboxStateEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var Value: TCheckboxState) of object;
1362   TSetCheckboxStateEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; const Value: TCheckboxState) of object;
1364   { TCustomDrawGrid }
1366   TCustomDrawGrid=class(TCustomGrid)
1367   private
1368     FEditorRow, FEditorCol: Integer;
1369     FOnColRowDeleted: TgridOperationEvent;
1370     FOnColRowExchanged: TgridOperationEvent;
1371     FOnColRowInserted: TGridOperationEvent;
1372     FOnColRowMoved: TgridOperationEvent;
1373     FOnGetCheckboxState: TGetCheckboxStateEvent;
1374     FOnGetEditMask: TGetEditEvent;
1375     FOnGetEditText: TGetEditEvent;
1376     FOnHeaderClick, FOnHeaderSized: THdrEvent;
1377     FOnHeaderSizing: THeaderSizingEvent;
1378     FOnSelectCell: TOnSelectcellEvent;
1379     FOnSetCheckboxState: TSetCheckboxStateEvent;
1380     FOnSetEditText: TSetEditEvent;
CellNeedsCheckboxBitmapsnull1381     function CellNeedsCheckboxBitmaps(const aCol,aRow: Integer): boolean;
1382     procedure DrawCellCheckboxBitmaps(const aCol,aRow: Integer; const aRect: TRect);
GetEditorValuenull1383     function  GetEditorValue(ACol, ARow: Integer): String;
1384   protected
1385     FGrid: TVirtualGrid;
1386     procedure CellClick(const aCol,aRow: Integer; const Button:TMouseButton); override;
1387     procedure ColRowDeleted(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer); override;
1388     procedure ColRowExchanged(IsColumn: Boolean; index,WithIndex: Integer); override;
1389     procedure ColRowInserted(IsColumn: boolean; index: integer); override;
1390     procedure ColRowMoved(IsColumn: Boolean; FromIndex,ToIndex: Integer); override;
CreateVirtualGridnull1391     function  CreateVirtualGrid: TVirtualGrid; virtual;
1392     procedure DrawCell(aCol,aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect; aState:TGridDrawState); override;
1393     procedure DrawCellAutonumbering(aCol,aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect; const aValue: string); virtual;
1394     procedure DrawFocusRect(aCol,aRow: Integer; ARect: TRect); override;
GetCellsnull1395     function  GetCells(ACol, ARow: Integer): string; override;
1396     procedure GetCheckBoxState(const aCol, aRow:Integer; var aState:TCheckboxState); virtual;
GetEditMasknull1397     function  GetEditMask(aCol, aRow: Longint): string; override;
GetEditTextnull1398     function  GetEditText(aCol, aRow: Longint): string; override;
1399     procedure GridMouseWheel(shift: TShiftState; Delta: Integer); override;
1400     procedure HeaderClick(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer); override;
1401     procedure HeaderSized(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer); override;
1402     procedure HeaderSizing(const IsColumn:boolean; const AIndex,ASize:Integer); override;
1403     procedure KeyDown(var Key : Word; Shift : TShiftState); override;
1404     procedure NotifyColRowChange(WasInsert,IsColumn:boolean; FromIndex,ToIndex:Integer);
SelectCellnull1405     function  SelectCell(aCol,aRow: Integer): boolean; override;
1406     procedure SetColor(Value: TColor); override;
1407     procedure SetCheckboxState(const aCol, aRow:Integer; const aState: TCheckboxState); virtual;
1408     procedure SetEditText(ACol, ARow: Longint; const Value: string); override;
1409     procedure SizeChanged(OldColCount, OldRowCount: Integer); override;
1410     procedure ToggleCheckbox; virtual;
1412     property OnGetCheckboxState: TGetCheckboxStateEvent
1413                               read FOnGetCheckboxState write FOnGetCheckboxState;
1414     property OnSetCheckboxState: TSetCheckboxStateEvent
1415                               read FOnSetCheckboxState write FOnSetCheckboxState;
1417   public
1419     // to easy user call
1420     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
1421     destructor Destroy; override;
1422     procedure DeleteColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer);
1423     procedure DeleteCol(Index: Integer); virtual;
1424     procedure DeleteRow(Index: Integer); virtual;
1425     procedure ExchangeColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; index, WithIndex: Integer); virtual;
1426     procedure InsertColRow(IsColumn: boolean; index: integer);
1427     procedure MoveColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; FromIndex, ToIndex: Integer);
1428     procedure SortColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; index:Integer); overload;
1429     procedure SortColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; Index,FromIndex,ToIndex: Integer); overload;
1431     procedure DefaultDrawCell(aCol,aRow: Integer; var aRect: TRect; aState:TGridDrawState); virtual;
1432     // properties
1433     property AllowOutboundEvents;
1434     property BorderColor;
1435     property Canvas;
1436     property Col;
1437     property ColWidths;
1438     property ColRow;
1439     property DisabledFontColor;
1440     property Editor;
1441     property EditorBorderStyle;
1442     property EditorMode;
1443     property ExtendedColSizing;
1444     property AltColorStartNormal;
1445     property FastEditing;
1446     property FixedGridLineColor;
1447     property FocusColor;
1448     property FocusRectVisible;
1449     property GridHeight;
1450     property GridWidth;
1451     property IsCellSelected;
1452     property LeftCol;
1453     property Row;
1454     property RowHeights;
1455     property SaveOptions;
1456     property SelectedColor;
1457     property SelectedColumn;
1458     property Selection;
1459     property StrictSort;
1460     //property TabStops;
1461     property TopRow;
1462     property UseXORFeatures;
1463   public
1464     property Align;
1465     property Anchors;
1466     property AutoAdvance;
1467     property AutoFillColumns;
1468     //property BiDiMode;
1469     property BorderSpacing;
1470     property BorderStyle;
1471     property Color default clWindow;
1472     property ColCount;
1473     property Columns;
1474     property Constraints;
1475     property DefaultColWidth;
1476     property DefaultDrawing;
1477     property DefaultRowHeight;
1478     //property DragCursor;
1479     //property DragKind;
1480     //property DragMode;
1481     property Enabled;
1482     property FixedColor;
1483     property FixedCols;
1484     property FixedHotColor;
1485     property FixedRows;
1486     property Flat;
1487     property Font;
1488     property GridLineColor;
1489     property GridLineStyle;
1490     property GridLineWidth;
1491     property Options;
1492     property Options2;
1493     //property ParentBiDiMode;
1494     //property ParentColor;
1495     //property ParentFont;
1496     property ParentShowHint;
1497     property PopupMenu;
1498     property RowCount;
1499     property ScrollBars;
1500     property ShowHint;
1501     property TabAdvance;
1502     property TabOrder;
1503     property TabStop;
1504     property Visible;
1505     property VisibleColCount;
1506     property VisibleRowCount;
1508     property OnAfterSelection;
1509     property OnBeforeSelection;
1510     property OnClick;
1511     property OnColRowDeleted: TgridOperationEvent read FOnColRowDeleted write FOnColRowDeleted;
1512     property OnColRowExchanged: TgridOperationEvent read FOnColRowExchanged write FOnColRowExchanged;
1513     property OnColRowInserted: TGridOperationEvent read FOnColRowInserted write FOnColRowInserted;
1514     property OnColRowMoved: TgridOperationEvent read FOnColRowMoved write FOnColRowMoved;
1515     property OnCompareCells;
1516     property OnContextPopup;
1517     property OnDblClick;
1518     property OnDragDrop;
1519     property OnDragOver;
1520     property OnDrawCell;
1521     property OnEditButtonClick; deprecated;
1522     property OnButtonClick;
1523     property OnEndDock;
1524     property OnEndDrag;
1525     property OnEnter;
1526     property OnExit;
1527     property OnGetEditMask: TGetEditEvent read FOnGetEditMask write FOnGetEditMask;
1528     property OnGetEditText: TGetEditEvent read FOnGetEditText write FOnGetEditText;
1529     property OnHeaderClick: THdrEvent read FOnHeaderClick write FOnHeaderClick;
1530     property OnHeaderSized: THdrEvent read FOnHeaderSized write FOnHeaderSized;
1531     property OnHeaderSizing: THeaderSizingEvent read FOnHeaderSizing write FOnHeaderSizing;
1532     property OnKeyDown;
1533     property OnKeyPress;
1534     property OnKeyUp;
1535     property OnMouseDown;
1536     property OnMouseEnter;
1537     property OnMouseLeave;
1538     property OnMouseMove;
1539     property OnMouseUp;
1540     property OnMouseWheel;
1541     property OnMouseWheelDown;
1542     property OnMouseWheelUp;
1543     property OnPickListSelect;
1544     property OnPrepareCanvas;
1545     property OnSelectEditor;
1546     property OnSelection;
1547     property OnSelectCell: TOnSelectCellEvent read FOnSelectCell write FOnSelectCell;
1548     property OnSetEditText: TSetEditEvent read FOnSetEditText write FOnSetEditText;
1549     property OnStartDock;
1550     property OnStartDrag;
1551     property OnTopleftChanged;
1552     property OnUTF8KeyPress;
1553     property OnValidateEntry;
1554   end;
1558   { TDrawGrid }
1560   TDrawGrid = class(TCustomDrawGrid)
1561   public
1562     property InplaceEditor;
1563   published
1564     property Align;
1565     property AlternateColor;
1566     property Anchors;
1567     property AutoAdvance;
1568     property AutoEdit;
1569     property AutoFillColumns;
1570     //property BiDiMode;
1571     property BorderSpacing;
1572     property BorderStyle;
1573 //    property CellHintPriority;
1574     property Color;
1575     property ColCount;
1576     property ColRowDraggingCursor;
1577     property ColRowDragIndicatorColor;
1578     property ColSizingCursor;
1579     property ColumnClickSorts;
1580     property Columns;
1581     property Constraints;
1582     property DefaultColWidth;
1583     property DefaultDrawing;
1584     property DefaultRowHeight;
1585     property DoubleBuffered;
1586     property DragCursor;
1587     property DragKind;
1588     property DragMode;
1589     property Enabled;
1590     property ExtendedSelect;
1591     property FixedColor;
1592     property FixedCols;
1593     property FixedRows;
1594     property Flat;
1595     property Font;
1596     property GridLineColor;
1597     property GridLineStyle;
1598     property GridLineWidth;
1599     property HeaderHotZones;
1600     property HeaderPushZones;
1601     property ImageIndexSortAsc;
1602     property ImageIndexSortDesc;
1603     property MouseWheelOption;
1604     property Options;
1605     property Options2;
1606     //property ParentBiDiMode;
1607     property ParentColor default false;
1608     property ParentDoubleBuffered;
1609     property ParentFont;
1610     property ParentShowHint;
1611     property PopupMenu;
1612     property RangeSelectMode;
1613     property RowCount;
1614     property RowSizingCursor;
1615     property ScrollBars;
1616     property ShowHint;
1617     property TabAdvance;
1618     property TabOrder;
1619     property TabStop;
1620     property TitleFont;
1621     property TitleImageList;
1622     property TitleImageListWidth;
1623     property TitleStyle;
1624     property UseXORFeatures;
1625     property Visible;
1626     property VisibleColCount;
1627     property VisibleRowCount;
1629     property OnAfterSelection;
1630     property OnBeforeSelection;
1631     property OnCheckboxToggled;
1632     property OnClick;
1633     property OnColRowDeleted;
1634     property OnColRowExchanged;
1635     property OnColRowInserted;
1636     property OnColRowMoved;
1637     property OnCompareCells;
1638     property OnContextPopup;
1639     property OnDblClick;
1640     property OnDragDrop;
1641     property OnDragOver;
1642     property OnDrawCell;
1643     property OnEditButtonClick; deprecated;
1644     property OnButtonClick;
1645     property OnEditingDone;
1646     property OnEndDock;
1647     property OnEndDrag;
1648     property OnEnter;
1649     property OnExit;
1650     property OnGetCellHint;
1651     property OnGetCheckboxState;
1652     property OnGetEditMask;
1653     property OnGetEditText;
1654     property OnHeaderClick;
1655     property OnHeaderSized;
1656     property OnHeaderSizing;
1657     property OnKeyDown;
1658     property OnKeyPress;
1659     property OnKeyUp;
1660     property OnMouseDown;
1661     property OnMouseEnter;
1662     property OnMouseLeave;
1663     property OnMouseMove;
1664     property OnMouseUp;
1665     property OnMouseWheel;
1666     property OnMouseWheelDown;
1667     property OnMouseWheelUp;
1668     property OnMouseWheelHorz;
1669     property OnMouseWheelLeft;
1670     property OnMouseWheelRight;
1671     property OnPickListSelect;
1672     property OnPrepareCanvas;
1673     property OnSelectEditor;
1674     property OnSelection;
1675     property OnSelectCell;
1676     property OnSetCheckboxState;
1677     property OnSetEditText;
1678     property OnStartDock;
1679     property OnStartDrag;
1680     property OnTopleftChanged;
1681     property OnUserCheckboxBitmap;
1682     property OnUserCheckboxImage;
1683     property OnUTF8KeyPress;
1684     property OnValidateEntry;
1685   end;
1687   TCustomStringGrid = class;
1689   { TStringGridStrings }
1691   TStringGridStrings = class(TStrings)
1692   private
1693     FAddedCount: Integer;
1694     FGrid: TCustomStringGrid;
1695     FIsCol: Boolean;
1696     FIndex: Integer;
1697     FOwner: TMap;
ConvertIndexLineColnull1698     function ConvertIndexLineCol(Index: Integer; var Line, Col: Integer): boolean;
1699   protected
Getnull1700     function Get(Index: Integer): string; override;
GetCountnull1701     function GetCount: Integer; override;
GetObjectnull1702     function GetObject(Index: Integer): TObject; override;
1703     procedure Put(Index: Integer; const S: string); override;
1704     procedure PutObject(Index: Integer; aObject: TObject); override;
1705   public
1706     constructor Create(aGrid: TCustomStringGrid; OwnerMap:TMap; aIsCol: Boolean; aIndex: Longint);
1707     destructor Destroy; override;
Addnull1708     function Add(const S: string): Integer; override;
1709     procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
1710     procedure Clear; override;
1711     procedure Delete(Index: Integer); override;
1712     procedure Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string); override;
1713   end;
1716   { TCustomStringGrid }
1718   TCustomStringGrid = class(TCustomDrawGrid)
1719   private
1720     FModified: boolean;
1721     FColsMap,FRowsMap: TMap;
1722     fOnCellProcess: TCellProcessEvent;
GetColsnull1723     function  GetCols(index: Integer): TStrings;
GetObjectsnull1724     function  GetObjects(ACol, ARow: Integer): TObject;
GetRowsnull1725     function  GetRows(index: Integer): TStrings;
1726     procedure MapFree(var aMap: TMap);
MapGetColsRowsnull1727     function  MapGetColsRows(IsCols: boolean; Index:Integer; var AMap:TMap):TStrings;
1728     procedure ReadCells(Reader: TReader);
1729     procedure SetCols(index: Integer; const AValue: TStrings);
1730     procedure SetObjects(ACol, ARow: Integer; AValue: TObject);
1731     procedure SetRows(index: Integer; const AValue: TStrings);
1732     procedure WriteCells(Writer: TWriter);
1733     procedure CopyCellRectToClipboard(const R:TRect);
1734   protected
1735     procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override;
1736     procedure AutoAdjustColumn(aCol: Integer); override;
1737     procedure CalcCellExtent(acol, aRow: Integer; var aRect: TRect); override;
1738     procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
1739     procedure DefineCellsProperty(Filer: TFiler); virtual;
DoCompareCellsnull1740     function  DoCompareCells(Acol,ARow,Bcol,BRow: Integer): Integer; override;
1741     procedure DoCopyToClipboard; override;
1742     procedure DoCutToClipboard; override;
1743     procedure DoPasteFromClipboard; override;
1744     procedure DoCellProcess(aCol, aRow: Integer; processType: TCellProcessType; var aValue: string); virtual;
1745     procedure DrawColumnText(aCol, aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect; aState: TGridDrawState); override;
1746     procedure DrawTextInCell(aCol,aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect; aState: TGridDrawState); override;
1747     procedure DrawCellAutonumbering(aCol,aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect; const aValue: string); override;
1748     //procedure EditordoGetValue; override;
1749     //procedure EditordoSetValue; override;
GetCellsnull1750     function  GetCells(ACol, ARow: Integer): string; override;
1751     procedure GetCheckBoxState(const aCol, aRow:Integer; var aState:TCheckboxState); override;
GetEditTextnull1752     function  GetEditText(aCol, aRow: Integer): string; override;
1753     procedure LoadContent(cfg: TXMLConfig; Version: Integer); override;
1754     procedure Loaded; override;
1755     procedure SaveContent(cfg: TXMLConfig); override;
1756     //procedure DrawInteriorCells; override;
1757     //procedure SelectEditor; override;
1758     procedure SelectionSetText(TheText: String);
1759     procedure SelectionSetHTML(TheHTML, TheText: String);
1760     procedure SetCells(ACol, ARow: Integer; const AValue: string); virtual;
1761     procedure SetCheckboxState(const aCol, aRow:Integer; const aState: TCheckboxState); override;
1762     procedure SetEditText(aCol, aRow: Longint; const aValue: string); override;
1764     property Modified: boolean read FModified write FModified;
1765     property OnCellProcess: TCellProcessEvent read fOnCellProcess write fOnCellProcess;
1767   public
1768     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
1769     destructor Destroy; override;
1770     procedure AutoSizeColumn(aCol: Integer);
1771     procedure AutoSizeColumns;
1772     procedure Clean; overload;
1773     procedure Clean(CleanOptions: TGridZoneSet); overload;
1774     procedure Clean(aRect: TRect; CleanOptions: TGridZoneSet); overload;
1775     procedure Clean(StartCol,StartRow,EndCol,EndRow: integer; CleanOptions: TGridZoneSet); overload;
1776     procedure CopyToClipboard(AUseSelection: boolean = false);
1777     procedure InsertRowWithValues(Index: Integer; Values: array of String);
1778     procedure LoadFromCSVStream(AStream: TStream; ADelimiter: Char=',';
1779       UseTitles: boolean=true; FromLine: Integer=0; SkipEmptyLines: Boolean=true); virtual;
1780     procedure LoadFromCSVFile(AFilename: string; ADelimiter: Char=',';
1781       UseTitles: boolean=true; FromLine: Integer=0; SkipEmptyLines: Boolean=true);
1782     procedure SaveToCSVStream(AStream: TStream; ADelimiter: Char=',';
1783       WriteTitles: boolean=true; VisibleColumnsOnly: boolean=false);
1784     procedure SaveToCSVFile(AFileName: string; ADelimiter: Char=',';
1785       WriteTitles: boolean=true; VisibleColumnsOnly: boolean=false);
1787     property Cells[ACol, ARow: Integer]: string read GetCells write SetCells;
1788     property Cols[index: Integer]: TStrings read GetCols write SetCols;
1789     property DefaultTextStyle;
1790     property EditorMode;
1791     property ExtendedSelect;
1792     property Objects[ACol, ARow: Integer]: TObject read GetObjects write SetObjects;
1793     property Rows[index: Integer]: TStrings read GetRows write SetRows;
1794     property UseXORFeatures;
1795     property ValidateOnSetSelection;
1796   end;
1799   { TStringGrid }
1801   TStringGrid = class(TCustomStringGrid)
1802   protected
1803     class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
1804   public
1805     property Modified;
1806     property InplaceEditor;
1807   published
1808     property Align;
1809     property AlternateColor;
1810     property Anchors;
1811     property AutoAdvance;
1812     property AutoEdit;
1813     property AutoFillColumns;
1814     property BiDiMode;
1815     property BorderSpacing;
1816     property BorderStyle;
1817     property CellHintPriority;
1818     property Color;
1819     property ColCount;
1820     property ColRowDraggingCursor;
1821     property ColRowDragIndicatorColor;
1822     property ColSizingCursor;
1823     property ColumnClickSorts;
1824     property Columns;
1825     property Constraints;
1826     property DefaultColWidth;
1827     property DefaultDrawing;
1828     property DefaultRowHeight;
1829     property DoubleBuffered;
1830     property DragCursor;
1831     property DragKind;
1832     property DragMode;
1833     property Enabled;
1834     property ExtendedSelect;
1835     property FixedColor;
1836     property FixedCols;
1837     property FixedRows;
1838     property Flat;
1839     property Font;
1840     property GridLineColor;
1841     property GridLineStyle;
1842     property GridLineWidth;
1843     property HeaderHotZones;
1844     property HeaderPushZones;
1845     property ImageIndexSortAsc;
1846     property ImageIndexSortDesc;
1847     property MouseWheelOption;
1848     property Options;
1849     property Options2;
1850     property ParentBiDiMode;
1851     property ParentColor default false;
1852     property ParentDoubleBuffered;
1853     property ParentFont;
1854     property ParentShowHint;
1855     property PopupMenu;
1856     property RangeSelectMode;
1857     property RowCount;
1858     property RowSizingCursor;
1859     property ScrollBars;
1860     property ShowHint;
1861     property TabAdvance;
1862     property TabOrder;
1863     property TabStop;
1864     property TitleFont;
1865     property TitleImageList;
1866     property TitleStyle;
1867     property UseXORFeatures;
1868     property Visible;
1869     property VisibleColCount;
1870     property VisibleRowCount;
1872     property OnAfterSelection;
1873     property OnBeforeSelection;
1874     property OnCellProcess;
1875     property OnChangeBounds;
1876     property OnCheckboxToggled;
1877     property OnClick;
1878     property OnColRowDeleted;
1879     property OnColRowExchanged;
1880     property OnColRowInserted;
1881     property OnColRowMoved;
1882     property OnCompareCells;
1883     property OnContextPopup;
1884     property OnDragDrop;
1885     property OnDragOver;
1886     property OnDblClick;
1887     property OnDrawCell;
1888     property OnEditButtonClick; deprecated;
1889     property OnButtonClick;
1890     property OnEditingDone;
1891     property OnEndDock;
1892     property OnEndDrag;
1893     property OnEnter;
1894     property OnExit;
1895     property OnGetCellHint;
1896     property OnGetCheckboxState;
1897     property OnGetEditMask;
1898     property OnGetEditText;
1899     property OnHeaderClick;
1900     property OnHeaderSized;
1901     property OnHeaderSizing;
1902     property OnKeyDown;
1903     property OnKeyPress;
1904     property OnKeyUp;
1905     property OnMouseDown;
1906     property OnMouseEnter;
1907     property OnMouseLeave;
1908     property OnMouseMove;
1909     property OnMouseUp;
1910     property OnMouseWheel;
1911     property OnMouseWheelDown;
1912     property OnMouseWheelUp;
1913     property OnMouseWheelHorz;
1914     property OnMouseWheelLeft;
1915     property OnMouseWheelRight;
1916     property OnPickListSelect;
1917     property OnPrepareCanvas;
1918     property OnResize;
1919     property OnSelectEditor;
1920     property OnSelection;
1921     property OnSelectCell;
1922     property OnSetCheckboxState;
1923     property OnSetEditText;
1924     property OnShowHint;
1925     property OnStartDock;
1926     property OnStartDrag;
1927     property OnTopLeftChanged;
1928     property OnUserCheckboxBitmap;
1929     property OnUserCheckboxImage;
1930     property OnUTF8KeyPress;
1931     property OnValidateEntry;
1932   end;
1934 procedure DrawRubberRect(Canvas: TCanvas; aRect: TRect; Color: TColor; DrawBits:Byte=BF_RECT);
GetWorkingCanvasnull1935 function  GetWorkingCanvas(const Canvas: TCanvas): TCanvas;
1936 procedure FreeWorkingCanvas(canvas: TCanvas);
1938 procedure Register;
1940 implementation
1942 {$R lcl_grid_images.res}
1944 uses
1945   WSGrids;
1951 {$ENDIF}
1953 const
1954   MULTISEL_MODIFIER = {$IFDEF Darwin}ssMeta{$ELSE}ssCtrl{$ENDIF};
BidiFlipXnull1956 function BidiFlipX(X: Integer; const Width: Integer; const Flip: Boolean): Integer;
1957 begin
1958   if Flip then
1959     //-1 because it zero based
1960     Result := Width - X - 1
1961   else
1962     Result := X;
1963 end;
BidiFlipXnull1965 function BidiFlipX(X: Integer; const ParentRect: TRect; const Flip: Boolean): Integer;
1966 begin
1967   Result := BidiFlipX(X, ParentRect.Right, Flip);
1968 end;
BidiFlipPointnull1970 function BidiFlipPoint(P: TPoint; const ParentRect: TRect; const Flip: Boolean): TPoint;
1971 begin
1972   Result := P;
1973   Result.Y := BidiFlipX(Result.Y, ParentRect, Flip);
1974 end;
PointIgualnull1976 function PointIgual(const P1,P2: TPoint): Boolean;
1977 begin
1978   result:=(P1.X=P2.X)and(P1.Y=P2.Y);
1979 end;
NormalizarRectnull1981 function NormalizarRect(const R:TRect): TRect;
1982 begin
1983   Result.Left:=Min(R.Left, R.Right);
1984   Result.Top:=Min(R.Top, R.Bottom);
1985   Result.Right:=Max(R.Left, R.Right);
1986   Result.Bottom:=Max(R.Top, R.Bottom);
1987 end;
1989 procedure SwapInt(var I1,I2: Integer);
1990 var
1991   Tmp: Integer;
1992 begin
1993   Tmp:=I1;
1994   I1:=I2;
1995   I2:=Tmp;
1996 end;
1998 {$ifdef GridTraceMsg}
TransMsgnull1999 function TransMsg(const S: String; const TheMsg: TLMessage): String;
2000 begin
2001   case TheMsg.Msg of
2003       case TheMsg.Msg of
2004         CM_MOUSEENTER:            exit; //Result := 'CM_MOUSEENTER';
2005         CM_MOUSELEAVE:            exit; //Result := 'CM_MOUSELEAVE';
2006         CM_TEXTCHANGED:           Result := 'CM_TEXTCHANGED';
2007         CM_UIACTIVATE:            Result := 'CM_UIACTIVATE';
2013         CM_CONTROLCHANGE:         Result := 'CM_CONTROLCHANGE';
2014         CM_SHOWINGCHANGED:        Result := 'CM_SHOWINGCHANGED';
2015         CM_VISIBLECHANGED:        Result := 'CM_VISIBLECHANGED';
2016         CM_HITTEST:               exit;//Result := 'CM_HITTEST';
2017         else                      Result := 'CM_BASE + '+ IntToStr(TheMsg.Msg - CM_BASE);
2018       end;
2019     else
2020       case TheMsg.Msg of
2021         //CN_BASE MESSAGES
2022         CN_COMMAND:               Result := 'CN_COMMAND';
2023         CN_KEYDOWN:               Result := 'CN_KEYDOWN';
2024         CN_KEYUP:                 Result := 'CN_KEYUP';
2025         CN_CHAR:                  Result := 'CN_CHAR';
2027         // NORMAL MESSAGES
2028         LM_SETFOCUS:              Result := 'LM_SetFocus';
2029         LM_LBUTTONDOWN:           Result := 'LM_MOUSEDOWN';
2030         LM_LBUTTONUP:             Result := 'LM_LBUTTONUP';
2031         LM_LBUTTONDBLCLK:         Result := 'LM_LBUTTONDBLCLK';
2032         LM_RBUTTONDOWN:           Result := 'LM_RBUTTONDOWN';
2033         LM_RBUTTONUP:             Result := 'LM_RBUTTONUP';
2034         LM_RBUTTONDBLCLK:         Result := 'LM_RBUTTONDBLCLK';
2035         LM_GETDLGCODE:            Result := 'LM_GETDLGCODE';
2036         LM_KEYDOWN:               Result := 'LM_KEYDOWN';
2037         LM_KEYUP:                 Result := 'LM_KEYUP';
2038         LM_CAPTURECHANGED:        Result := 'LM_CAPTURECHANGED';
2039         LM_ERASEBKGND:            Result := 'LM_ERASEBKGND';
2040         LM_KILLFOCUS:             Result := 'LM_KILLFOCUS';
2041         LM_CHAR:                  Result := 'LM_CHAR';
2042         LM_SHOWWINDOW:            Result := 'LM_SHOWWINDOW';
2043         LM_SIZE:                  Result := 'LM_SIZE';
2045         LM_HSCROLL:               Result := 'LM_HSCROLL';
2046         LM_VSCROLL:               Result := 'LM_VSCROLL';
2047         LM_MOUSEMOVE:             exit;//Result := 'LM_MOUSEMOVE';
2048         LM_MOUSEWHEEL:            Result := 'LM_MOUSEWHEEL';
2049         1105:                     exit;//Result := '?EM_SETWORDBREAKPROCEX?';
2050         else                      Result := GetMessageName(TheMsg.Msg);
2051       end;
2052   end;
2053   Result:= S + '['+IntToHex(TheMsg.msg, 8)+'] W='+IntToHex(TheMsg.WParam,8)+
2054     ' L='+IntToHex(TheMsg.LParam,8)+' '+Result;
2055   DebugLn(Result);
2056 end;
2057 {$Endif GridTraceMsg}
dbgsnull2059 function dbgs(zone: TGridZone):string; overload;
2060 begin
2061   case Zone of
2062     gzFixedCells: Result := 'gzFixedCells';
2063     gzFixedCols:  Result := 'gzFixedCols';
2064     gzFixedRows:  Result := 'gzFixedRows';
2065     gzNormal:     Result := 'gzNormal';
2066     gzInvalid:    Result := 'gzInvalid';
2067     else
2068       result:= 'gz-error';
2069   end;
2070 end;
dbgsnull2072 function dbgs(zones: TGridZoneSet):string; overload;
2073   procedure add(const s:string);
2074   begin
2075     if result<>'' then
2076       result := result + ',' + s
2077     else
2078       result := s;
2079   end;
2080 begin
2081   result:='';
2082   if gzFixedCells in zones then add('gzFixedCells');
2083   if gzFixedCols  in zones then add('gzFixedCols');
2084   if gzFixedRows  in zones then add('gzFixedRows');
2085   if gzNormal in zones then add('gzNormal');
2086   if gzInvalid in zones then add('gzInvalid');
2087   result := '['+result+']';
2088 end;
2090 {$ifdef DbgScroll}
SbToStrnull2091 function SbToStr(Which: Integer): string;
2092 begin
2093   case Which of
2094     SB_VERT: result := 'vert';
2095     SB_HORZ: result := 'horz';
2096     SB_BOTH: result := 'both';
2097     else
2098       result := '????';
2099   end;
2100 end;
2101 {$endif}
2103 procedure CfgSetFontValue(cfg: TXMLConfig; AKey: WideString; AFont: TFont);
2104 begin
2105   cfg.SetValue(AKey + '/name/value', AFont.Name);
2106   cfg.SetValue(AKey + '/size/value', AFont.Size);
2107   cfg.SetValue(AKey + '/color/value', ColorToString(AFont.Color));
2108   cfg.SetValue(AKey + '/style/value', Integer(AFont.Style));
2109 end;
2111 procedure CfgGetFontValue(cfg: TXMLConfig; AKey: WideString; AFont: TFont);
2112 begin
2113   AFont.Name := cfg.GetValue(AKey + '/name/value', 'default');
2114   AFont.Size := cfg.GetValue(AKey + '/size/value', 0);
2115   AFont.Color:= StringToColor(cfg.GetValue(AKey + '/color/value', 'clWindowText'));
2116   AFont.Style:= TFontStyles(cfg.GetValue(AKey + '/style/value', 0));
2117 end;
2119 // Draws a dotted rectangle by drawing each enabled side. By default all sides are
2120 // enabled. The DrawBits parameter set sides to drawn, it has this layout: xxxxBRTL
2121 procedure DrawRubberRect(Canvas: TCanvas; aRect: TRect; Color: TColor;
2122   DrawBits: Byte);
2123   procedure DrawVertLine(X1,Y1,Y2: integer);
2124   begin
2125     if Y2<Y1 then
2126       while Y2<Y1 do begin
2127         Canvas.Pixels[X1, Y1] := Color;
2128         dec(Y1, varRubberSpace);
2129       end
2130     else
2131       while Y1<Y2 do begin
2132         Canvas.Pixels[X1, Y1] := Color;
2133         inc(Y1, varRubberSpace);
2134       end;
2135   end;
2136   procedure DrawHorzLine(X1,Y1,X2: integer);
2137   begin
2138     if X2<X1 then
2139       while X2<X1 do begin
2140         Canvas.Pixels[X1, Y1] := Color;
2141         dec(X1, varRubberSpace);
2142       end
2143     else
2144       while X1<X2 do begin
2145         Canvas.Pixels[X1, Y1] := Color;
2146         inc(X1, varRubberSpace);
2147       end;
2148   end;
2149 begin
2150   with aRect do begin
2151     if (DrawBits and BF_TOP = BF_TOP) then DrawHorzLine(Left, Top, Right-1);
2152     if (DrawBits and BF_RIGHT = BF_RIGHT) then DrawVertLine(Right-1, Top, Bottom-1);
2153     if (DrawBits and BF_BOTTOM = BF_BOTTOM) then DrawHorzLine(Right-1, Bottom-1, Left);
2154     if (DrawBits and BF_LEFT = BF_LEFT) then DrawVertLine(Left, Bottom-1, Top);
2155   end;
2156 end;
GetWorkingCanvasnull2158 function GetWorkingCanvas(const Canvas: TCanvas): TCanvas;
2159 var
2160   DC: HDC;
2161 begin
2163   if (Canvas=nil) or (not Canvas.HandleAllocated) then begin
2164     DC := GetDC(0);
2165     Result := TCanvas.Create;
2166     Result.Handle := DC;
2167   end else
2168     Result := Canvas;
2170 end;
2172 procedure FreeWorkingCanvas(canvas: TCanvas);
2173 begin
2175   ReleaseDC(0, Canvas.Handle);
2176   Canvas.Free;
2178 end;
Betweennull2180 function Between(const AValue,AMin,AMax: Integer): boolean;
2181 begin
2182   if AMin<AMax then
2183     result := InRange(AValue, AMin, AMax)
2184   else
2185     result := InRange(AValue, AMax, AMin);
2186 end;
2188 { TCustomGrid }
GetRowHeightsnull2190 function TCustomGrid.GetRowHeights(Arow: Integer): Integer;
2191 begin
2192   if IsRowIndexValid(aRow) then
2193     Result:=FRows[aRow]
2194   else
2195     Result:=-1;
2196   if Result<0 then
2197     Result:=DefaultRowHeight;
2198 end;
GetTopRownull2200 function TCustomGrid.GetTopRow: Longint;
2201 begin
2202   Result:=fTopLeft.y;
2203 end;
TCustomGrid.GetVisibleColCountnull2205 function TCustomGrid.GetVisibleColCount: Integer;
2206 begin
2207   with FGCache do begin
2208     Result := VisibleGrid.Right-VisibleGrid.Left;
2209     if GridWidth<=ClientWidth then
2210       inc(Result)
2211   end;
2212 end;
TCustomGrid.GetVisibleRowCountnull2214 function TCustomGrid.GetVisibleRowCount: Integer;
2215 begin
2216   with FGCache do begin
2217     Result:=VisibleGrid.bottom-VisibleGrid.top;
2218     if GridHeight<=ClientHeight then
2219       inc(Result);
2220   end;
2221 end;
2223 procedure TCustomGrid.HeadersMouseMove(const X, Y: Integer);
2224 var
2225   P: TPoint;
2226   Gz: TGridZone;
2227   ButtonColumn: boolean;
2228 begin
2230   with FGCache do begin
2232     Gz := MouseToGridZone(X,Y);
2233     ButtonColumn := IsMouseOverCellButton(X, Y);
2234     P := MouseToCell(Point(X, Y));
2236     if (gz<>HotGridZone) or (P.x<>HotCell.x) or (P.y<>HotCell.y) then begin
2237       ResetHotCell;
2238       if (P.x>=0) and (P.y>=0) then begin
2239         if ButtonColumn or (goHeaderHotTracking in Options) then begin
2240           InvalidateCell(P.X, P.Y);
2241           HotCell := P;
2242         end;
2243       end;
2244     end;
2246     if ButtonColumn or (goHeaderPushedLook in Options) then begin
2247       if ClickCellPushed then begin
2248         if (P.X<>PushedCell.x) or (P.Y<>PushedCell.Y) then
2249           ResetPushedCell(False);
2250       end else
2251       if IsPushCellActive() then begin
2252         if (P.X=PushedCell.X) and (P.Y=PushedCell.Y) then begin
2253           ClickCellPushed:=True;
2254           InvalidateCell(P.X, P.Y);
2255         end;
2256       end;
2257     end;
2259     HotGridZone := Gz;
2260   end;
2261 end;
2263 procedure TCustomGrid.InternalAutoFillColumns;
2265   procedure SetColumnWidth(aCol,aWidth: Integer);
2266   begin
2267     if csLoading in ComponentState then
2268       SetRawColWidths(aCol, aWidth)
2269     else
2270       SetColWidths(aCol, aWidth);
2271   end;
2273 var
2274   I, ForcedIndex: Integer;
2275   Count: Integer;
2276   aPriority, aMin, aMax: Integer;
2277   AvailableSize: Integer;
2278   TotalWidth: Integer;     // total grid's width
2279   FixedSizeWidth: Integer; // total width of Fixed Sized Columns
2280 begin
2281   if not AutoFillColumns then
2282     exit;
2284   if FUpdatingAutoFillCols then
2285     exit;
2287   FUpdatingAutoFillCols:=True;
2288   try
2289     // if needed, last size can be obtained from FLastWidth
2290     // when InternalAutoFillColumns is called from DoChangeBounds
2291     // for example.
2293     // Insert the algorithm that modify ColWidths accordingly
2294     //
2295     // For testing purposes, a simple algortihm is implemented:
2296     // if SizePriority=0, column size should be unmodified
2297     // if SizePriority<>0 means variable size column, its size
2298     // is the average avalilable size.
2300     Count := 0;
2301     FixedSizeWidth := 0;
2302     TotalWidth := 0;
2303     for i:=0 to ColCount-1 do begin
2304       GetAutoFillColumnInfo(i, aMin, aMax, aPriority);
2305       AvailableSize := GetColWidths(i);
2306       if aPriority>0 then
2307         Inc(Count)
2308       else
2309         Inc(FixedSizeWidth, AvailableSize);
2310       Inc(TotalWidth, AvailableSize);
2311     end;
2313     if Count=0 then begin
2314       //it's an autofillcolumns grid, so at least one
2315       // of the columns must fill completely the grid's
2316       // available width, let it be that column the last
2317       ForcedIndex := ColCount-1;
2318       if ForcedIndex>=FixedCols then
2319         Dec(FixedSizeWidth, GetColWidths(ForcedIndex));
2320       Count := 1;
2321     end else
2322       ForcedIndex := -1;
2324     AvailableSize := ClientWidth - FixedSizeWidth - GetBorderWidth;
2325     if AvailableSize<0 then begin
2326       // There is no space available to fill with
2327       // Variable Size Columns, what to do?
2329       // Simply set all Variable Size Columns
2330       // to 0, decreasing the size beyond this
2331       // shouldn't be allowed.
2332       for i:=0 to ColCount-1 do begin
2333         GetAutoFillColumnInfo(i, aMin, aMax, aPriority);
2334         if aPriority>0 then
2335           SetColumnWidth(i, 0);
2336       end;
2337     end else begin
2338       // Simpler case: There is actually available space to
2339       //     to be shared for variable size columns.
2340       FixedSizeWidth := AvailableSize mod Count; // space left after filling columns
2341       AvailableSize := AvailableSize div Count;
2342       for i:=0 to ColCount-1 do begin
2343         GetAutoFillColumnInfo(i, aMin, aMax, aPriority);
2344         if (APriority>0) or (i=ForcedIndex) then begin
2345           if i=ColCount-1 then
2346             // the last column gets all space left
2347             SetColumnWidth(i, AvailableSize + FixedSizeWidth)
2348           else
2349             SetColumnWidth(i, AvailableSize);
2350         end;
2351       end;
2352     end;
2353   finally
2354     FUpdatingAutoFillCols:=False;
2355   end;
2356 end;
InternalNeedBordernull2358 function TCustomGrid.InternalNeedBorder: boolean;
2359 begin
2360   result := FFlat and (FGridBorderStyle = bsSingle);
2361 end;
2363 procedure TCustomGrid.InternalSetColCount(ACount: Integer);
2364 var
2365   OldC: Integer;
2366   NewRowCount: Integer;
2367 begin
2368   OldC := FCols.Count;
2369   if ACount=OldC then
2370     Exit;
2371   if ACount<1 then
2372     Clear
2373   else begin
2374     if EditorMode and (ACount<=Col) then
2375       EditorMode:=False;
2376     NewRowCount := RowCount;
2377     if (OldC=0) and FGridPropBackup.ValidData then begin
2378       NewRowCount := FGridPropBackup.RowCount;
2379       FFixedRows := Min(FGridPropBackup.FixedRowCount, NewRowCount);
2380       FFixedCols := Min(FGridPropBackup.FixedColCount, ACount);
2381     end;
2382     CheckFixedCount(ACount, NewRowCount, FFixedCols, FFixedRows);
2383     CheckCount(ACount, NewRowCount);
2384     AdjustCount(True, OldC, ACount);
2385     FGridPropBackup.ValidData := false;
2386   end;
2387 end;
2389 procedure TCustomGrid.InternalSetColWidths(aCol, aValue: Integer);
2390 var
2391   OldSize,NewSize: Integer;
2392   R: TRect;
2393   Bigger: boolean;
2394 begin
2395   NewSize := AValue;
2396   if NewSize<0 then begin
2397     AValue:=-1;
2398     NewSize := DefaultColWidth;
2399   end;
2401   OldSize := FCols[ACol];
2402   if NewSize<>OldSize then begin
2404     if OldSize<0 then
2405       OldSize := DefaultColWidth;
2407     Bigger := NewSize>OldSize;
2408     SetRawColWidths(ACol, AValue);
2410     if not (csLoading in ComponentState) and HandleAllocated then begin
2412       if FUpdateCount=0 then begin
2413         UpdateSizes;
2414         R := CellRect(aCol, 0);
2415         R.Bottom := FGCache.MaxClientXY.Y+GetBorderWidth+1;
2416         if UseRightToLeftAlignment then begin
2417           //Bigger or not bigger i will refresh
2418           R.Left := FGCache.ClientRect.Left;
2419           if aCol=FTopLeft.x then
2420             R.Right := FGCache.ClientRect.Right - FGCache.FixedWidth;
2421         end
2422         else begin
2423           if Bigger then
2424             R.Right := FGCache.MaxClientXY.X+GetBorderWidth+1
2425           else
2426             R.Right := FGCache.ClientWidth;
2427           if aCol=FTopLeft.x then
2428             R.Left := FGCache.FixedWidth;
2429         end;
2430         InvalidateRect(handle, @R, False);
2431       end;
2433       if (FEditor<>nil)and(Feditor.Visible)and(ACol<=FCol) then
2434         EditorWidthChanged(aCol, aValue);
2435       ColWidthsChanged;
2436     end;
2438   end;
2439 end;
2441 procedure TCustomGrid.InternalUpdateColumnWidths;
2442 var
2443   i: Integer;
2444   C: TGridColumn;
2445 begin
2446   for i:= FixedCols to ColCount-1 do begin
2447     C := ColumnFromGridColumn(i);
2448     if C<>nil then
2449       SetRawColWidths(i, C.Width);
2450   end;
2451 end;
2453 procedure TCustomGrid.InvalidateMovement(DCol, DRow: Integer; OldRange: TRect);
2455   procedure doInvalidateRange(Col1,Row1,Col2,Row2: Integer);
2456   begin
2457     InvalidateRange(Rect(Col1,Row1,Col2,Row2));
2458   end;
2460 begin
2461   if (goRowHighlight in Options) then
2462     OldRange := Rect(FFixedCols, OldRange.Top, Colcount-1, OldRange.Bottom);
2463   if SelectActive then begin
2465     if DCol>FCol then begin
2466       // expanded cols
2467       if not (goRowSelect in Options) then
2468         doInvalidateRange(FCol, OldRange.Top, DCol, Oldrange.Bottom)
2470       else if (goRelaxedRowSelect in Options) and (DRow=FRow) then
2471         InvalidateRow(DRow)
2473     end else if DCol<FCol then begin
2474       // shrunk cols
2475       if not (goRowSelect in Options) then
2476         doInvalidateRange(DCol,OldRange.Top,FCol,OldRange.Bottom)
2478       else if (goRelaxedRowSelect in Options) and (DRow=FRow) then
2479         InvalidateRow(DRow)
2481     end;
2483     if DRow>FRow then
2484       // expanded rows
2485       doInvalidateRange(OldRange.Left, FRow, OldRange.Right, DRow)
2487     else if DRow<FRow then
2488       // shrunk rows
2489       doInvalidateRange(OldRange.Left, DRow, OldRange.Right, FRow);
2491     if not ((goRowSelect in Options) or (goRowHighlight in Options)) then begin
2493       // Above rules do work only if either rows or cols remain
2494       // constant, if both rows and cols change there may be gaps
2495       //
2496       // four cases are left.
2497       //
2499       if (DCol>FCol)and(DRow<FRow) then // (1: I   Cuadrant)
2500         // Rect(FCol+1,FRow-1,DCol,DRow) normalized -v
2501         doInvalidateRange(FCol+1, DRow, DCol, FRow-1)
2502       else
2503       if (DCol<FCol)and(DRow<FRow) then // (2: II  Cuadrant)
2504         // Rect(FCol-1,FRow-1,DCol,DRow) normalized -v
2505         doInvalidateRange(DCol, DRow, FCol-1, FRow-1)
2506       else
2507       if (DCol<FCol)and(DRow>FRow) then // (3: III Cuadrant)
2508         // Rect(FCol-1,FRow+1,DCol,DRow) normalized -v
2509         doInvalidateRange(DCol, FRow+1, FCol-1, DRow)
2510       else
2511       if (DCol>FCol)and(DRow>FRow) then // (4: IV  Cuadrant)
2512         // normalization not needed
2513         doInvalidateRange(FCol+1,FRow+1,DCol,DRow);
2515     end;
2517   end else begin
2519     if (OldRange.Right-OldRange.Left>0) or
2520       (OldRange.Bottom-OldRange.Top>0) then
2521       // old selected range gone, invalidate old area
2522       InvalidateRange(OldRange)
2523     else
2524       // Single cell
2525       InvalidateCell(FCol, FRow);
2527     // and invalidate current selecion, cell or full row
2528     if ((goRowSelect in Options) or (goRowHighlight in Options)) then
2529       InvalidateRow(Drow)
2530     else
2531       InvalidateCell(DCol, DRow);
2533   end;
2535 end;
TCustomGrid.IsColumnsStorednull2537 function TCustomGrid.IsColumnsStored: boolean;
2538 begin
2539   result := Columns.Enabled;
2540 end;
IsPushCellActivenull2542 function TCustomGrid.IsPushCellActive: boolean;
2543 begin
2544   with FGCache do
2545     result := (PushedCell.X<>-1) and (PushedCell.Y<>-1);
2546 end;
LoadResBitmapImagenull2548 function TCustomGrid.LoadResBitmapImage(const ResName: string): TBitmap;
2549 var
2550   C: TPortableNetworkGraphic;
2551 begin
2552   C := TPortableNetworkGraphic.Create;
2553   try
2554     C.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, ResName);
2555     Result := TBitmap.Create;
2556     Result.Assign(C);
2557   finally
2558     C.Free;
2559   end;
2560 end;
TCustomGrid.MouseButtonAllowednull2562 function TCustomGrid.MouseButtonAllowed(Button: TMouseButton): boolean;
2563 begin
2564   result := (Button=mbLeft);
2565 end;
TCustomGrid.GetLeftColnull2567 function TCustomGrid.GetLeftCol: Integer;
2568 begin
2569   result:=fTopLeft.x;
2570 end;
GetPxTopLeftnull2572 function TCustomGrid.GetPxTopLeft: TPoint;
2573 begin
2574   if (FTopLeft.x >= 0) and (FTopLeft.x < FGCache.AccumWidth.Count) then
2575     Result.x := FGCache.AccumWidth[FTopLeft.x]+FGCache.TLColOff-FGCache.FixedWidth
2576   else if FTopLeft.x > 0 then
2577     Result.x := FGCache.GridWidth+FGCache.TLColOff-FGCache.FixedWidth
2578   else
2579     Result.x := 0;
2581   if (FTopLeft.y >= 0) and (FTopLeft.y < FGCache.AccumHeight.Count) then
2582     Result.y := FGCache.AccumHeight[FTopLeft.y]+FGCache.TLRowOff-FGCache.FixedHeight
2583   else if FTopLeft.y > 0 then
2584     Result.y := FGCache.GridHeight+FGCache.TLRowOff-FGCache.FixedHeight
2585   else
2586     Result.y := 0;
2587 end;
TCustomGrid.GetColCountnull2589 function TCustomGrid.GetColCount: Integer;
2590 begin
2591   Result:=FCols.Count;
2592 end;
TCustomGrid.GetRowCountnull2594 function TCustomGrid.GetRowCount: Integer;
2595 begin
2596   Result:=FRows.Count;
2597 end;
IsColumnIndexValidnull2599 function TCustomGrid.IsColumnIndexValid(AIndex: Integer): boolean;
2600 begin
2601   Result := (AIndex>=0) and (AIndex<ColCount);
2602 end;
TCustomGrid.IsRowIndexValidnull2604 function TCustomGrid.IsRowIndexValid(AIndex: Integer): boolean;
2605 begin
2606   Result := (AIndex>=0) and (AIndex<RowCount);
2607 end;
IsColumnIndexVariablenull2609 function TCustomGrid.IsColumnIndexVariable(AIndex: Integer): boolean;
2610 begin
2611   Result := (AIndex>=FFixedCols) and (AIndex<ColCount);
2612 end;
TCustomGrid.IsRowIndexVariablenull2614 function TCustomGrid.IsRowIndexVariable(AIndex: Integer): boolean;
2615 begin
2616   Result := (AIndex>=FFixedRows) and (AIndex<RowCount);
2617 end;
GetColWidthsnull2619 function TCustomGrid.GetColWidths(Acol: Integer): Integer;
2620 var
2621   C: TGridColumn;
2622 begin
2623   if not Columns.Enabled or (aCol<FirstGridColumn) then
2624   begin
2625     if IsColumnIndexValid(aCol) then
2626       Result:=FCols[aCol]
2627     else
2628       Result:=-1;
2629   end else
2630   begin
2631     C := ColumnFromGridColumn(Acol);
2632     if C<>nil then
2633       Result:=C.Width
2634     else
2635       Result:=-1;
2636   end;
2637   if Result<0 then
2638     Result:=DefaultColWidth;
2639 end;
2641 procedure TCustomGrid.SetEditor(AValue: TWinControl);
2642 var
2643   Msg: TGridMessage;
2644 begin
2645   if FEditor=AValue then exit;
2647   {$ifdef DbgGrid}
2648   DebugLnEnter('TCustomGrid.SetEditor %s oldEd=%s newEd=%s INIT',[dbgsName(self),dbgsName(FEditor),dbgsName(Avalue)]);
2649   {$endif}
2650   if (FEditor<>nil) and FEditor.Visible then
2651     EditorHide;
2653   FEditor:=AValue;
2654   if FEditor<>nil then begin
2656     if FEditor.Parent=nil then
2657       FEditor.Visible:=False;
2659     if FEditor.Parent<>Self then
2660       FEditor.Parent:=Self;
2662     Msg.LclMsg.msg:=GM_SETGRID;
2663     Msg.Grid:=Self;
2664     Msg.Options:=0;
2665     FEditor.Dispatch(Msg);
2667     FEditorOptions := Msg.Options + 1; // force new editor setup
2668     SetEditorOptions(Msg.Options);
2669   end;
2670   {$ifdef DbgGrid}
2671   DebugLnExit('TCustomGrid.SetEditor DONE');
2672   {$endif}
2673 end;
2675 procedure TCustomGrid.SetFixedCols(const AValue: Integer);
2676 begin
2677   if FFixedCols=AValue then begin
2678     if FixedGrid and FGridPropBackup.ValidData then begin
2679       // user modified fixed properties in fixed grid
2680       // update stored values
2681       FGridPropBackup.FixedColCount := AValue;
2682     end;
2683     exit;
2684   end;
2685   CheckFixedCount(ColCount, RowCount, AValue, FFixedRows);
2687   if EditorMode then
2688     EditorMode:=False;
2690   FFixedCols:=AValue;
2691   FTopLeft.x:=AValue;
2693   if Columns.Enabled then begin
2695     FCol:=AValue;
2696     UpdateSelectionRange;
2697     if not (csLoading in componentState) then
2698       doTopleftChange(true);
2700     ColumnsChanged(nil)
2702   end else begin
2704     if not (csLoading in componentState) then
2705       doTopleftChange(true);
2707     MoveNextSelectable(False, FixedCols, FRow);
2708     UpdateSelectionRange;
2709   end;
2710 end;
2712 procedure TCustomGrid.SetFixedRows(const AValue: Integer);
2713 begin
2714   if FFixedRows=AValue then begin
2715     if FixedGrid and FGridPropBackup.ValidData then begin
2716       // user modified fixed properties in fixed grid
2717       // update stored values
2718       FGridPropBackup.FixedRowCount := AValue;
2719     end;
2720     exit;
2721   end;
2722   CheckFixedCount(ColCount, RowCount, FFixedCols, AValue);
2724   if EditorMode then
2725     EditorMode:=False;
2727   FFixedRows:=AValue;
2728   FTopLeft.y:=AValue;
2730   if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then
2731     doTopleftChange(true);
2733   MoveNextSelectable(False, FCol, FixedRows);
2734   UpdateSelectionRange;
2735 end;
2737 procedure TCustomGrid.SetGridLineColor(const AValue: TColor);
2738 begin
2739   if FGridLineColor=AValue then exit;
2740   FGridLineColor:=AValue;
2741   Invalidate;
2742 end;
2744 procedure TCustomGrid.SetFixedGridLineColor(const AValue: TColor);
2745 begin
2746   if FFixedGridLineColor=AValue then exit;
2747   FFixedGridLineColor:=AValue;
2748   Invalidate;
2749 end;
2751 procedure TCustomGrid.SetLeftCol(const AValue: Integer);
2752 begin
2753   TryScrollTo(AValue, FTopLeft.Y, True, False);
2754 end;
2756 procedure TCustomGrid.SetOptions(const AValue: TGridOptions);
2757 begin
2758   if FOptions=AValue then exit;
2759   FOptions:=AValue;
2760   UpdateSelectionRange;
2761   if goEditing in Options then
2762     SelectEditor;
2763   if goAlwaysShowEditor in Options then
2764     EditorShow(true)
2765   else
2766     EditorHide;
2767   if goAutoAddRowsSkipContentCheck in Options then
2768     FRowAutoInserted := False;
2769   VisualChange;
2770 end;
2772 procedure TCustomGrid.SetOptions2(const AValue: TGridOptions2);
2773 begin
2774   if FOptions2=AValue then exit;
2775   FOptions2:=AValue;
2776   VisualChange;
2777 end;
2779 procedure TCustomGrid.SetScrollBars(const AValue: TScrollStyle);
2780 begin
2781   if FScrollBars=AValue then exit;
2782   FScrollBars:=AValue;
2783   VisualChange;
2784 end;
2786 procedure TCustomGrid.SetTopRow(const AValue: Integer);
2787 begin
2788   TryScrollTo(FTopLeft.X, Avalue, False, True);
2789 end;
StartColSizingnull2791 function TCustomGrid.StartColSizing(const X, Y: Integer):boolean;
2792 var
2793   OrgIndex, TmpIndex: Integer;
2794   ACase: Integer;
2795 begin
2797   result := false;
2798   with FSizing do begin
2800     OrgIndex := FGCache.ClickCell.X;
2801     if OrgIndex<0 then begin
2802       // invalid starting cell
2803       if not AllowOutBoundEvents and (FCursorState=gcsColWidthChanging) then
2804         // resizing still allowed if mouse is within "resizeable region"
2805         OrgIndex := Index
2806       else
2807         exit;
2808     end;
2810     Index := OrgIndex;
2811     ColRowToOffset(true, true, Index, OffIni, OffEnd);
2813     if (Min(OffEnd, FGCache.ClientRect.Right)-FGCache.ClickMouse.X) <  (FGCache.ClickMouse.X-OffIni) then begin
2814       if X>FGCache.ClickMouse.X then
2815         ACase := 4  // dragging right side to the right
2816       else
2817         ACase := 3; // dragging right side to the left
2818     end else begin
2819       if X>FGCache.ClickMouse.X then
2820         ACase := 2  // dragging left side to the right
2821       else
2822         ACase := 1; // dragging left side to the left
2823     end;
2825     if UseRightToLeftAlignment then begin
2826       case ACase of
2827         1: ACase := 4;
2828         2: ACase := 3;
2829         3: ACase := 2;
2830         4: ACase := 1;
2831       end;
2832     end;
2834     case ACase of
2835       3: ; // current column is the right one to resize
2836       4:   // find following covered column (visible 0-width) at the right side
2837         begin
2838           TmpIndex := Index;
2839           while (TmpIndex<ColCount-1) and (ColWidths[TmpIndex+1]=0) do begin
2840             Inc(TmpIndex);
2841             if not Columns.Enabled or ColumnFromGridColumn(TmpIndex).Visible then
2842               Index := TmpIndex;
2843           end;
2844         end;
2845       2:   // find previous visible (width>0) or covered column
2846         begin
2847           Dec(Index);
2848           while (Index>FixedCols) do begin
2849             if not Columns.Enabled or ColumnFromGridColumn(Index).Visible then
2850               break;
2851             Dec(Index);
2852           end;
2853         end;
2854       1:   // find previous visible (width>0) column
2855         begin
2856           Dec(Index);
2857           while (Index>FixedCols) do begin
2858             if ColWidths[Index]>0 then
2859               break;
2860             Dec(Index);
2861           end;
2862         end;
2863     end;
2865     if OrgIndex<>Index then
2866       ColRowToOffset(True, True, Index, OffIni, OffEnd);
2868     // if precision on changing cursor from normal to split is expanded, there
2869     // will be a starting big jump on size, to fix it, uncomment next lines
2870     // TODO: check for RTL
2871     //DeltaOff := OffEnd - FGCache.ClickMouse.X;
2872     DeltaOff := 0;
2874     if goFixedColSizing in Options then
2875       result := (Index>=0)
2876     else
2877       result := (Index>=FixedCols);
2878   end;
2880 end;
2882 procedure TCustomGrid.ChangeCursor(ACursor: TCursor;
2883   ASaveCurrentCursor: Boolean = true);
2884 begin
2885   if FCursorChangeLock = 0 then
2886   begin
2887     if ASaveCurrentCursor then
2888       FSavedCursor := Cursor;
2889     inc(FCursorChangeLock);
2890     Cursor := ACursor;
2891     dec(FCursorChangeLock);
2892   end;
2893 end;
2895 procedure TCustomGrid.RestoreCursor;
2896 begin
2897   Cursor := FSavedCursor;
2898   FCursorState := gcsDefault;
2899 end;
2901 procedure TCustomGrid.SetRowHeights(Arow: Integer; Avalue: Integer);
2902 var
2903   OldSize,NewSize: Integer;
2904   R: TRect;
2905   Bigger: boolean;
2906 begin
2908   NewSize := AValue;
2909   if NewSize<0 then begin
2910     AValue:=-1;
2911     NewSize := DefaultRowHeight;
2912   end;
2914   OldSize := FRows[ARow];
2915   if AValue<>OldSize then begin
2917     if OldSize<0 then
2918       OldSize := DefaultRowHeight;
2920     bigger := NewSize > OldSize;
2922     FRows[ARow]:=AValue;
2924     if not (csLoading in ComponentState) and HandleAllocated then begin
2925       if FUpdateCount=0 then begin
2926         UpdateSizes;
2928         R := CellRect(0, aRow);
2929         if UseRightToLeftAlignment then
2930         begin
2931           R.Left := FlipX(FGCache.MaxClientXY.X+GetBorderWidth);
2932           R.Right := R.Right + 1;
2933         end
2934         else
2935           R.Right := FGCache.MaxClientXY.X+GetBorderWidth+1;
2936         if bigger then
2937           R.Bottom := FGCache.MaxClientXY.Y+GetBorderWidth+1
2938         else
2939           R.Bottom := FGCache.ClientHeight;
2940         if aRow=FTopLeft.y then
2941           R.Top := FGCache.FixedHeight;
2943         InvalidateRect(handle, @R, False);
2944       end;
2946       if (FEditor<>nil)and(Feditor.Visible)and(ARow<=FRow) then EditorPos;
2947       RowHeightsChanged;
2948     end;
2950   end;
2951 end;
2953 procedure TCustomGrid.SetColWidths(Acol: Integer; Avalue: Integer);
2954 var
2955   c: TGridColumn;
2956   OldWidth: Integer;
2957 begin
2958   if not Columns.Enabled or (aCol<FFixedCols) then
2959     internalSetColWidths(aCol, aValue)
2960   else begin
2961     C := ColumnFromGridColumn(ACol);
2962     if C<>nil then begin
2963       OldWidth := C.Width;
2964       C.Width := AValue;
2965       SetRawColWidths(ACol, AValue);
2966       if OldWidth<>C.Width then
2967         EditorWidthChanged(aCol, C.Width);
2968     end;
2969   end;
2970 end;
2972 procedure TCustomGrid.SetRawColWidths(ACol: Integer; AValue: Integer);
2973 begin
2974   if ACol < FCols.Count then      // Prevent a range error in case of a bug.
2975     FCols[ACol]:=Avalue
2976   else
2977     DebugLn(['TCustomGrid.SetRawColWidths with Range Error: ACol=', ACol, ', Cols.Count=', FCols.Count]);
2978 end;
2980 procedure TCustomGrid.AdjustCount(IsColumn: Boolean; OldValue, NewValue: Integer);
2982   procedure AddDel(Lst: TIntegerList; aCount: Integer);
2983   begin
2984     while lst.Count<aCount do
2985       Lst.Add(-1); // default width/height
2986     Lst.Count:=aCount;
2987   end;
2989 var
2990   OldCount, NewCount: integer;
2991 begin
2992   if IsColumn then begin
2993     AddDel(FCols, NewValue);
2994     FGCache.AccumWidth.Count:=NewValue;
2995     OldCount:=RowCount;
2996     if (OldValue=0)and(NewValue>=0) then begin
2997       FTopLeft.X:=FFixedCols;
2998       if RowCount=0 then begin
2999         if FGridPropBackup.ValidData then begin
3000           NewCount := FGridPropBackup.RowCount;
3001           FFixedRows := Min(FGridPropBackup.FixedRowCount, NewCount);
3002         end
3003         else
3004           NewCount := 1;
3005         FTopLeft.Y:=FFixedRows;
3006         AddDel(FRows, NewCount);
3007         FGCache.AccumHeight.Count:=NewCount;
3008       end;
3009     end;
3010     UpdateCachedSizes;
3011     SizeChanged(OldValue, OldCount);
3012     // if new count makes current col out of range, adjust position
3013     // if not, position should not change (fake changed col to be the last one)
3014     Dec(NewValue);
3015     if NewValue<Col then
3016       NewValue:=Col;
3017     FixPosition(True, NewValue);
3018   end else begin
3019     AddDel(FRows, NewValue);
3020     FGCache.AccumHeight.Count:=NewValue;
3021     OldCount:=ColCount;
3022     if (OldValue=0)and(NewValue>=0) then begin
3023       FTopleft.Y:=FFixedRows;
3024       //DebugLn('TCustomGrid.AdjustCount B ',DbgSName(Self),' FTopLeft=',dbgs(FTopLeft));
3025       if FCols.Count=0 then begin
3026         if FGridPropBackup.ValidData then begin
3027           NewCount := FGridPropBackup.ColCount;
3028           FFixedCols := Min(FGridPropBackup.FixedColCount, NewCount);
3029         end
3030         else begin
3031           NewCount := 1;
3032           FFixedCols := 0;
3033         end;
3034         FTopLeft.X:=FFixedCols;
3035         AddDel(FCols, NewCount);
3036         FGCache.AccumWidth.Count:=NewCount;
3037       end;
3038     end;
3039     UpdateCachedSizes;
3040     SizeChanged(OldCount, OldValue);
3041     // if new count makes current row out of range, adjust position
3042     // if not, position should not change (fake changed row to be the last one)
3043     Dec(NewValue);
3044     if NewValue<Row then
3045       NewValue:=Row;
3046     FixPosition(False, NewValue);
3047   end;
3048 end;
3050 procedure TCustomGrid.AdjustEditorBounds(NewCol,NewRow:Integer);
3051 begin
3052   SetColRow(NewCol,NewRow);
3053   if EditorMode then
3054     EditorPos;
3055 end;
3057 procedure TCustomGrid.AfterMoveSelection(const prevCol, prevRow: Integer);
3058 begin
3059   if Assigned(OnAfterSelection) then
3060     OnAfterSelection(Self, prevCol, prevRow);
3061 end;
3063 procedure TCustomGrid.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
3064 var
3065   Target: TCustomGrid;
3066 begin
3067   if Dest is TCustomGrid then begin
3069     Target := TCustomGrid(Dest);
3070     Target.BeginUpdate;
3072     // structure
3073     Target.FixedCols := 0;
3074     Target.FixedRows := 0;
3075     if Columns.Enabled then
3076       Target.Columns.Assign(Columns)
3077     else begin
3078       Target.ColCount :=ColCount;
3079     end;
3080     Target.RowCount := RowCount;
3081     Target.FixedCols := FixedCols;
3082     Target.FixedRows := FixedRows;
3083     if DefaultRowHeightIsStored then
3084       Target.DefaultRowHeight := DefaultRowHeight
3085     else
3086       Target.DefaultRowHeight := -1;
3087     if DefaultColWidthIsStored then
3088       Target.DefaultColWidth := DefaultColWidth
3089     else
3090       Target.DefaultColWidth := -1;
3091     if not Columns.Enabled then
3092       Target.FCols.Assign(FCols);
3093     Target.FRows.Assign(FRows);
3095     // Options
3096     Target.Options := Options;
3097     Target.Color := Color;
3098     Target.FixedColor := FixedColor;
3099     Target.AlternateColor := AlternateColor;
3100     Target.Font := Font;
3101     Target.TitleFont := TitleFont;
3103     // position
3104     Target.TopRow := TopRow;
3105     Target.LeftCol := LeftCol;
3106     Target.Col := Col;
3107     Target.Row := Row;
3108     Target.FRange := FRange;
3110     Target.EndUpdate;
3112   end else
3113     inherited AssignTo(Dest);
3114 end;
3116 procedure TCustomGrid.SetColCount(AValue: Integer);
3117 begin
3118   if Columns.Enabled then
3119     raise EGridException.Create('Use Columns property to add/remove columns');
3120   InternalSetColCount(AValue);
3121 end;
3123 procedure TCustomGrid.SetRowCount(AValue: Integer);
3124 var
3125   OldR, NewColCount: Integer;
3126 begin
3127   OldR := FRows.Count;
3128   if AValue<>OldR then begin
3129     if AValue>=0 then begin
3130       if EditorMode and (AValue<=Row) then
3131         EditorMode:=False;
3132       NewColCount := ColCount;
3133       if (OldR=0) and FGridPropBackup.ValidData then begin
3134         NewColCount := FGridPropBackup.ColCount;
3135         FFixedCols := Min(FGridPropBackup.FixedColCount, NewColCount);
3136         FFixedRows := Min(FGridPropBackup.FixedRowCount, AValue);
3137         FTopLeft.X := FFixedCols;
3138         FTopLeft.Y := FFixedRows;
3139         // ignore backedup value of rowcount because
3140         // finally rowcount will be AValue
3141         FGridPropBackup.RowCount := AValue;
3142       end;
3143       if Columns.Enabled then begin
3144         // setup custom columns
3145         Self.ColumnsChanged(nil);
3146         FGridPropBackup.ValidData := false;
3147         // still need to adjust rowcount?
3148         if AValue=FRows.Count then
3149           exit;
3150       end;
3151       CheckFixedCount(NewColCount, AValue, FFixedCols, FFixedRows);
3152       CheckCount(NewColCount, AValue);
3153       AdjustCount(False, OldR, AValue);
3154     end
3155     else
3156       ClearRows;
3157   end;
3158 end;
3160 procedure TCustomGrid.SetDefColWidth(AValue: Integer);
3161 var
3162   OldLeft,OldRight,NewLeft,NewRight: Integer;
3163 begin
3164   if AValue=fDefColwidth then
3165     Exit;
3166   FDefColWidth:=AValue;
3167   FRealizedDefColWidth := 0;
3169   if EditorMode then
3170     ColRowToOffset(True, True, FCol, OldLeft, OldRight);
3172   ResetDefaultColWidths;
3174   if EditorMode then begin
3175     ColRowToOffset(True, True, FCol, NewLeft, NewRight);
3176     if (NewLeft<>OldLeft) or (NewRight<>OldRight) then
3177       EditorWidthChanged(FCol, GetColWidths(FCol));
3178   end;
3179 end;
3181 procedure TCustomGrid.SetDefRowHeight(AValue: Integer);
3182 var
3183   i: Integer;
3184   OldTop,OldBottom,NewTop,NewBottom: Integer;
3185 begin
3186   if (AValue<>fDefRowHeight) or (csLoading in ComponentState) then
3187   begin
3188     FDefRowheight:=AValue;
3189     FRealizedDefRowHeight := 0;
3191     if EditorMode then
3192       ColRowToOffSet(False,True, FRow, OldTop, OldBottom);
3194     for i:=0 to RowCount-1 do
3195       FRows[i] := -1;
3196     VisualChange;
3198     if EditorMode then
3199     begin
3200       ColRowToOffSet(False,True, FRow, NewTop, NewBottom);
3201       if (NewTop<>OldTOp) or (NewBottom<>OldBottom) then
3202         EditorPos;
3203     end;
3204   end;
3205 end;
3207 procedure TCustomGrid.SetCol(AValue: Integer);
3208 begin
3209   if AValue=FCol then Exit;
3210   if not AllowOutboundEvents then
3211     CheckLimitsWithError(AValue, FRow);
3212   MoveExtend(False, AValue, FRow, True);
3213   Click;
3214 end;
3216 procedure TCustomGrid.SetRangeSelectMode(const AValue: TRangeSelectMode);
3217 begin
3218   if FRangeSelectMode=AValue then exit;
3219   FRangeSelectMode := AValue;
3220   ClearSelections;
3221 end;
3223 procedure TCustomGrid.SetRow(AValue: Integer);
3224 begin
3225   if AValue=FRow then Exit;
3226   if not AllowOutBoundEvents then
3227     CheckLimitsWithError(FCol, AValue);
3228   MoveExtend(False, FCol, AValue, True);
3229   Click;
3230 end;
3232 procedure TCustomGrid.Sort(ColSorting: Boolean; index, IndxFrom, IndxTo: Integer);
3233   procedure QuickSort(L,R: Integer);
3234   var
3235     I,J: Integer;
3236     P{,Q}: Integer;
3237   begin
3238     repeat
3239       I:=L;
3240       J:=R;
3241       P:=(L+R) div 2;
3242       repeat
3243         if ColSorting then begin
3244           while DoCompareCells(index, P, index, I)>0 do I:=I+1;
3245           while DoCompareCells(index, P, index, J)<0 do J:=J-1;
3246         end else begin
3247           while DoCompareCells(P, index, I, index)>0 do I:=I+1;
3248           while DoCompareCells(P, index, J, index)<0 do J:=J-1;
3249         end;
3250         if I<=J then begin
3252           if I<>J then
3253             if not FStrictSort or
3254               (ColSorting     and (DoCompareCells(index, I, index, J)<>0)) or
3255               (not ColSorting and (DoCompareCells(I, index, J, index)<>0))
3256             then
3257               DoOPExchangeColRow(not ColSorting, I,J);
3259           if P=I then
3260             P:=J
3261           else if P=J then
3262             P:=I;
3264           I:=I+1;
3265           J:=J-1;
3266         end;
3267       until I>J;
3269       if L<J then
3270         QuickSort(L,J);
3272       L:=I;
3273     until I>=R;
3274   end;
3275 begin
3276   if RowCount>FixedRows then begin
3277     CheckIndex(ColSorting, Index);
3278     CheckIndex(not ColSorting, IndxFrom);
3279     CheckIndex(not ColSorting, IndxTo);
3280     BeginUpdate;
3281     QuickSort(IndxFrom, IndxTo);
3282     EndUpdate;
3283   end;
3284 end;
3286 procedure TCustomGrid.HideSortArrow;
3287 begin
3288   FSortColumn := -1;
3289   InvalidateGrid;
3290 end;
3292 procedure TCustomGrid.doTopleftChange(DimChg: Boolean);
3293 begin
3294   TopLeftChanged;
3295   VisualChange;
3296 end;
3298 procedure TCustomGrid.DrawXORVertLine(X: Integer);
3299 var
3300   OldPenMode: TPenMode;
3301   OldPenColor: TColor;
3302 begin
3303   OldPenMode := Canvas.Pen.Mode;
3304   OldPenColor := Canvas.Pen.Color;
3305   Canvas.Pen.Color := clWhite;
3306   Canvas.Pen.Mode := pmXOR;
3307   Canvas.MoveTo(X,0);
3308   Canvas.LineTo(X,FGCache.MaxClientXY.Y);
3309   Canvas.Pen.Mode := OldPenMode;
3310   Canvas.Pen.Color := OldPenColor;
3311 end;
3313 procedure TCustomGrid.DrawXORHorzLine(Y: Integer);
3314 var
3315   OldPenMode: TPenMode;
3316   OldPenColor: TColor;
3317 begin
3318   OldPenMode := Canvas.Pen.Mode;
3319   OldPenColor := Canvas.Pen.Color;
3320   Canvas.Pen.Color := clWhite;
3321   Canvas.Pen.Mode := pmXOR;
3322   if UseRightToLeftAlignment then begin
3323     Canvas.MoveTo(FlipX(FGCache.MaxClientXY.X)+1,Y);
3324     Canvas.LineTo(FGCache.ClientRect.Right,Y);
3325   end
3326   else begin
3327     Canvas.MoveTo(0,Y);
3328     Canvas.LineTo(FGCache.MaxClientXY.X,Y);
3329   end;
3330   Canvas.Pen.Mode := OldPenMode;
3331   Canvas.Pen.Color := OldPenColor;
3332 end;
3334 procedure TCustomGrid.VisualChange;
3335 begin
3336   if (FUpdateCount<>0) then
3337     exit;
3339   {$ifdef DbgVisualChange}
3340   DebugLn('TCustomGrid.VisualChange INIT ',DbgSName(Self));
3341   {$endif}
3343   UpdateSizes;
3345   Invalidate;
3346   {$ifdef DbgVisualChange}
3347   DebugLn('TCustomGrid.VisualChange END ',DbgSName(Self));
3348   {$endif}
3349 end;
3351 procedure TCustomGrid.ResetSizes;
3352 begin
3353   //DebugLn('TCustomGrid.VisualChange ',DbgSName(Self));
3354   if (FCols=nil) or ([csLoading,csDestroying]*ComponentState<>[])
3355   or (not HandleAllocated) then
3356     exit; // not yet initialized or already destroyed
3358   UpdateCachedSizes;
3359   CheckNewCachedSizes(FGCache);
3360   CacheVisibleGrid;
3361   {$Ifdef DbgVisualChange}
3362   DebugLn('TCustomGrid.ResetSizes %s Width=%d Height=%d',[DbgSName(Self),Width,Height]);
3363   DebugLn('  Cache: ClientWidth=%d ClientHeight=%d GWidth=%d GHeight=%d',
3364     [FGCAche.ClientWidth, FGCache.ClientHeight,FGCache.GridWidth, FGCache.GridHeight]);
3365   DebugLn('  Reald: ClientWidth=%d ClientHeight=%d',[ClientWidth, ClientHeight]);
3366   DebugLn('  MaxTopLeft',dbgs(FGCache.MaxTopLeft));
3367   {$Endif}
3368 end;
3370 procedure TCustomGrid.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
3371 const
3372   ClassStylesOff = CS_VREDRAW or CS_HREDRAW;
3373 begin
3374   inherited CreateParams(Params);
3375   with Params do begin
3376     WindowClass.Style := WindowClass.Style and DWORD(not ClassStylesOff);
3377     Style := Style or WS_VSCROLL or WS_HSCROLL or WS_CLIPCHILDREN;
3378   end;
3379 end;
3381 procedure TCustomGrid.Click;
3382 begin
3383   {$IFDEF dbgGrid} DebugLn('FIgnoreClick=', dbgs(FIgnoreClick)); {$ENDIF}
3384   if not FIgnoreClick then
3385     inherited Click;
3386 end;
3388 procedure TCustomGrid.ScrollBarRange(Which: Integer; aRange,aPage,aPos: Integer);
3389 var
3390   ScrollInfo: TScrollInfo;
3391 begin
3392   if HandleAllocated then begin
3393     {$Ifdef DbgScroll}
3394     DebugLn('ScrollbarRange: Which=%s Range=%d Page=%d Pos=%d',
3395       [SbToStr(Which),aRange,aPage,aPos]);
3396     {$endif}
3397     FillChar(ScrollInfo, SizeOf(ScrollInfo), 0);
3398     ScrollInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(ScrollInfo);
3399     ScrollInfo.fMask := SIF_RANGE or SIF_PAGE or SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL;
3400     if not (gfPainting in FGridFlags) then
3401       ScrollInfo.fMask := ScrollInfo.fMask or SIF_POS;
3402     {$ifdef Unix}
3403     ScrollInfo.fMask := ScrollInfo.fMask or SIF_UPDATEPOLICY;
3404     if goThumbTracking in Options then
3405       ScrollInfo.ntrackPos := SB_POLICY_CONTINUOUS
3406     else
3407       ScrollInfo.ntrackPos := SB_POLICY_DISCONTINUOUS;
3408     {$endif}
3409     ScrollInfo.nMin := 0;
3410     ScrollInfo.nMax := aRange;
3411     ScrollInfo.nPos := aPos;
3412     if APage<0 then
3413       APage := 0;
3414     ScrollInfo.nPage := APage;
3415     if (Which=SB_HORZ) and UseRightToLeftAlignment then begin
3416       ScrollInfo.nPos := ScrollInfo.nMax-ScrollInfo.nPage-ScrollInfo.nPos;
3417       {$Ifdef DbgScroll}
3418       DebugLn('ScrollbarRange: RTL nPos=%d',[ScrollInfo.nPos]);
3419       {$endif}
3420     end;
3421     SetScrollInfo(Handle, Which, ScrollInfo, True);
3422   end;
3423 end;
3425 procedure TCustomGrid.ScrollBarPosition(Which, Value: integer);
3426 var
3427   ScrollInfo: TScrollInfo;
3428   Vis: Boolean;
3429 begin
3430   if HandleAllocated then begin
3431     {$Ifdef DbgScroll}
3432     DebugLn('ScrollbarPosition: Which=',SbToStr(Which), ' Value= ',IntToStr(Value));
3433     {$endif}
3434     Vis := ScrollBarIsVisible(Which);
3435     FillChar(ScrollInfo, SizeOf(ScrollInfo), 0);
3436     ScrollInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(ScrollInfo);
3437     if (Which=SB_HORZ) and Vis and UseRightToLeftAlignment then begin
3438       ScrollInfo.fMask := SIF_PAGE or SIF_RANGE;
3439       GetScrollInfo(Handle, SB_HORZ, ScrollInfo);
3440       Value := (ScrollInfo.nMax-ScrollInfo.nPage)-Value;
3441       {$Ifdef DbgScroll}
3442       DebugLn('ScrollbarPosition: Which=',SbToStr(Which), ' RTL Value= ',IntToStr(Value));
3443       {$endif}
3444     end;
3445     ScrollInfo.fMask := SIF_POS;
3446     ScrollInfo.nPos:= Value;
3447     SetScrollInfo(Handle, Which, ScrollInfo, Vis);
3448   end;
3449 end;
TCustomGrid.ScrollBarIsVisiblenull3451 function TCustomGrid.ScrollBarIsVisible(Which: Integer): Boolean;
3452 begin
3453   Result:=false;
3454   if HandleAllocated then begin
3455     // Don't use GetScrollbarvisible from the widgetset - it sends WM_PAINT message (Gtk2). Issue #30160
3456     if Which = SB_VERT then result := (FVSbVisible=1) else
3457     if Which = SB_HORZ then result := (FHsbVisible=1) else
3458     if Which = SB_BOTH then result := (FVSbVisible=1) and (FHsbVisible=1);
3459   end;
3460 end;
3462 procedure TCustomGrid.ScrollBarPage(Which: Integer; aPage: Integer);
3463 var
3464   ScrollInfo: TScrollInfo;
3465 begin
3466   if HandleAllocated then begin
3467     {$Ifdef DbgScroll}
3468     DebugLn('Scrollbar Page: Which=',SbToStr(Which), ' Avalue=',dbgs(aPage));
3469     {$endif}
3470     ScrollInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(ScrollInfo);
3471     ScrollInfo.fMask := SIF_PAGE;
3472     ScrollInfo.nPage:= aPage;
3473     SetScrollInfo(Handle, Which, ScrollInfo, True);
3474   end;
3475 end;
3477 procedure TCustomGrid.ScrollBarShow(Which: Integer; aValue: boolean);
3478 begin
3479   if HandleAllocated then begin
3480     {$Ifdef DbgScroll}
3481     DebugLn('ScrollbarShow: Which=',SbToStr(Which), ' Avalue=',dbgs(AValue));
3482     {$endif}
3483     Include(FGridFlags, gfUpdatingScrollbar);
3484     try
3485       ShowScrollBar(Handle,Which,aValue);
3486     finally
3487       Exclude(FGridFlags, gfUpdatingScrollbar);
3488     end;
3489     if Which in [SB_BOTH, SB_VERT] then FVSbVisible := Ord(AValue);
3490     if Which in [SB_BOTH, SB_HORZ] then FHSbVisible := Ord(AValue);
3491   end;
3492 end;
3494 procedure TCustomGrid.ScrollBy(DeltaX, DeltaY: Integer);
3495 var
3496   ClipArea: TRect;
3497   ScrollFlags: Integer;
3498 begin
3499   if (DeltaX=0) and (DeltaY=0) then
3500     Exit;
3502   ScrollFlags := SW_INVALIDATE or SW_ERASE;
3503   if DeltaX<>0 then
3504   begin
3505     ClipArea := ClientRect;
3506     if Flat then
3507       InflateRect(ClipArea, -1, -1);
3508     if BiDiMode <> bdRightToLeft then
3509       Inc(ClipArea.Left, FGCache.FixedWidth)
3510     else
3511       Dec(ClipArea.Right, FGCache.FixedWidth);
3512     ScrollWindowEx(Handle, DeltaX, 0, @ClipArea, @ClipArea, 0, nil, ScrollFlags);
3513   end;
3514   if DeltaY<>0 then
3515   begin
3516     ClipArea := ClientRect;
3517     if Flat then
3518       InflateRect(ClipArea, -1, -1);
3519     Inc(ClipArea.Top, FGCache.FixedHeight);
3520     ScrollWindowEx(Handle, 0, DeltaY, @ClipArea, @ClipArea, 0, nil, ScrollFlags);
3521   end;
3523   CacheVisibleGrid;
3524   CalcScrollbarsRange;
3525 end;
ScrollBarAutomaticnull3527 function TCustomGrid.ScrollBarAutomatic(Which: TScrollStyle): boolean;
3528 begin
3529   result:=false;
3530   if (Which=ssVertical)or(Which=ssHorizontal) then begin
3531     if Which=ssVertical then Which:=ssAutoVertical
3532     else Which:=ssAutoHorizontal;
3533     Result:= FScrollBars in [Which, ssAutoBoth];
3534   end;
3535 end;
3537 // Returns a rectagle corresponding to a physical cell[aCol,aRow]
CellRectnull3538 function TCustomGrid.CellRect(ACol, ARow: Integer): TRect;
3539 var
3540   ok: Boolean;
3541 begin
3542   ok := ColRowToOffset(True, True, ACol, Result.Left, Result.Right);
3543   if ok then begin
3544     ok := ColRowToOffSet(False, True, ARow, Result.Top, Result.Bottom);
3545     if ok and (goColSpanning in Options) then
3546       CalcCellExtent(ACol, ARow, Result);
3547   end;
3549   if not ok then
3550     Result:=Rect(0,0,0,0);
3551 end;
3553 // The visible grid Depends on  TopLeft and ClientWidht,ClientHeight,
3554 // Col/Row Count, So it Should be called inmediately after changing
3555 // those properties.
GetVisibleGridnull3556 function TCustomGrid.GetVisibleGrid: TRect;
3557 var
3558   W, H: Integer;
3559 begin
3561   if (FTopLeft.X<0)or(FTopLeft.y<0)or(csLoading in ComponentState) then begin
3562     Result := Rect(0,0,-1,-1);
3563     FGCache.MaxClientXY := point(0,0);
3564     Exit;
3565   end;
3566   // visible TopLeft Cell
3567   Result.TopLeft:=fTopLeft;
3568   Result.BottomRight:=Result.TopLeft;
3570   // Left Margin of next visible Column and Rightmost visible cell
3571   if ColCount>FixedCols then begin
3572     W:=GetColWidths(Result.Left) + FGCache.FixedWidth;
3573     if GetSmoothScroll(SB_Horz) then
3574       W := W - FGCache.TLColOff;
3575     while (Result.Right<ColCount-1)and(W<FGCache.ClientWidth) do begin
3576       Inc(Result.Right);
3577       W:=W+GetColWidths(Result.Right);
3578     end;
3579     FGCache.MaxClientXY.X := W;
3580   end else begin
3581     FGCache.MaxClientXY.X := FGCache.FixedWidth;
3582     Result.Right := Result.Left - 1; // no visible cells here
3583   end;
3585   // Top Margin of next visible Row and Bottom most visible cell
3586   if RowCount>FixedRows then begin
3587     H:=GetRowheights(Result.Top) + FGCache.FixedHeight;
3588     if GetSmoothScroll(SB_Vert) then
3589       H := H - FGCache.TLRowOff;
3590     while (Result.Bottom<RowCount-1)and(H<FGCache.ClientHeight) do begin
3591       Inc(Result.Bottom);
3592       H:=H+GetRowHeights(Result.Bottom);
3593     end;
3594     FGCache.MaxClientXY.Y := H;
3595   end else begin
3596     FGCache.MaxClientXY.Y := FGCache.FixedHeight;
3597     Result.Bottom := Result.Top - 1; // no visible cells here
3598   end;
3599 end;
3601 { Scroll the grid until cell[aCol,aRow] is shown }
ScrollToCellnull3602 function TCustomGrid.ScrollToCell(const aCol, aRow: Integer;
3603   const ForceFullyVisible: Boolean): Boolean;
3604 var
3605   RNew, RNewStored: TRect;
3606   OldTopLeft:TPoint;
3607   Xinc,YInc: Integer;
3608   CHeight,CWidth: Integer;
3609   TLRowOffChanged, TLColOffChanged: Boolean;
3610 begin
3611   OldTopLeft:=fTopLeft;
3612   TLRowOffChanged:=False;
3613   TLColOffChanged:=False;
3615   CHeight := FGCache.ClientHeight + GetBorderWidth;
3616   CWidth  := FGCache.ClientWidth  + GetBorderWidth;
3618   {$IFDEF dbgGridScroll}
3619   DebugLn('aCol=%d aRow=%d FixHeight=%d CHeight=%d FixWidth=%d CWidth=%d',
3620           [aCol,aRow,FGCache.FixedHeight,CHeight, FGCache.FixedWidth, CWidth]);
3621   {$Endif}
3623   while IsColumnIndexValid(fTopLeft.x) and
3624         IsRowIndexValid(fTopLeft.y) do
3625   begin
3626     RNew:=CellRect(aCol,aRow);
3627     if UseRightToLeftAlignment then begin
3628       XInc := RNew.Right;
3629       RNew.Right := FlipX(RNew.Left)+1;
3630       RNew.Left := FlipX(XInc)+1;
3631     end;
3632     RNewStored := RNew;
3634     Xinc := 0;
3635     if RNew.Right <= FGCache.FixedWidth+GetBorderWidth then
3636       Xinc := -1              // hidden at the left of fixedwidth line
3637     else
3638     if (RNew.Left > FGCache.FixedWidth+GetBorderWidth) and (RNew.Left >= CWidth) and not GetSmoothScroll(SB_Horz) then
3639       Xinc := 1               // hidden at the right of clientwidth line
3640     else
3641     if (RNew.Left > FGCache.FixedWidth+GetBorderWidth) and
3642        (CWidth < RNew.Right) and
3643        (not (goDontScrollPartCell in Options) or ForceFullyVisible) then
3644     begin  // hidden / partially visible at the right
3645       if not GetSmoothScroll(SB_Horz) then
3646         Xinc := 1
3647       else
3648       begin
3649         Inc(FGCache.TLColOff, RNew.Right-CWidth); // support smooth scroll
3650         TLColOffChanged := True;
3651       end;
3652     end;
3654     Yinc := 0;
3655     if RNew.Bottom <= FGCache.FixedHeight+GetBorderWidth then
3656       Yinc := -1              // hidden at the top of fixedheight line
3657     else
3658     if (RNew.Top > FGCache.FixedHeight+GetBorderWidth) and (RNew.Top >= CHeight) and not GetSmoothScroll(SB_Vert) then
3659       YInc := 1               // hidden at the bottom of clientheight line
3660     else
3661     if (RNew.Top > FGCache.FixedHeight+GetBorderWidth) and
3662        (CHeight < RNew.Bottom) and
3663        (not (goDontScrollPartCell in Options) or ForceFullyVisible) then
3664     begin  // hidden / partially visible at bottom
3665       if not GetSmoothScroll(SB_Vert) then
3666         Yinc := 1
3667       else
3668       begin
3669         Inc(FGCache.TLRowOff, RNew.Bottom-CHeight); // support smooth scroll
3670         TLRowOffChanged := True;
3671       end;
3672     end;
3674     {$IFDEF dbgGridScroll}
3675     with FTopLeft,RNew,FGCache do
3676     DebugLn('  TL.C=%d TL.R=%d RNew:L=%d T=%d R=%d B=%d Xinc=%d YInc=%d ColOff=%d RowOff=%d',
3677       [X,Y,Left,Top,Right,Bottom,XInc,YInc,TLColOff,TLRowOff]);
3678     {$ENDIF}
3680     if ((XInc=0)and(YInc=0)) or // the cell is already visible
3681        ((FTopLeft.X=aCol)and(FTopLeft.Y=aRow)) or // the cell is visible by definition
3682        not IsColumnIndexValid(FTopLeft.X+XInc) or
3683        not IsRowIndexValid(FTopLeft.Y+YInc)
3684     then
3685       Break;
3686     Inc(FTopLeft.x, XInc);
3687     if XInc<>0 then
3688       FGCache.TLColOff := 0; // cancel col-offset for next calcs
3689     Inc(FTopLeft.y, YInc);
3690     if YInc<>0 then
3691       FGCache.TLRowOff := 0; // cancel row-offset for next calcs
3692   end;
3694   // fix offsets
3695   while (FTopLeft.x < ColCount-1) and (FGCache.TLColOff > ColWidths[FTopLeft.x]) do
3696   begin
3697     Dec(FGCache.TLColOff, ColWidths[FTopLeft.x]);
3698     Inc(FTopLeft.x);
3699     TLColOffChanged := True;
3700   end;
3701   while (FTopLeft.y < RowCount-1) and (FGCache.TLRowOff > RowHeights[FTopLeft.y]) do
3702   begin
3703     Dec(FGCache.TLRowOff, RowHeights[FTopLeft.y]);
3704     Inc(FTopLeft.y);
3705     TLRowOffChanged := True;
3706   end;
3708   Result:=not PointIgual(OldTopleft,FTopLeft)
3709     or TLColOffChanged or TLRowOffChanged;
3711   BeginUpdate;
3712   try
3713     if Result then begin
3714       if not PointIgual(OldTopleft,FTopLeft) then
3715         doTopleftChange(False)
3716       else
3717         VisualChange;
3718     end;
3719     if not (goDontScrollPartCell in Options) or ForceFullyVisible then
3720     begin
3721       RNew := RNewStored;
3722       if ResetOffset(
3723         not GetSmoothScroll(SB_Horz) or
3724         (RNew.Left < FGCache.FixedWidth+GetBorderWidth), // partially visible on left
3725         (not GetSmoothScroll(SB_Vert) or
3726         (RNew.Top < FGCache.FixedHeight+GetBorderWidth))) // partially visible on top
3727       then
3728         Result := True;
3729     end;
3730   finally
3731     EndUpdate(Result);
3732   end;
3733 end;
3735 {Returns a valid TopLeft from a proposed TopLeft[DCol,DRow] which are
3736  relative or absolute coordinates }
ScrollGridnull3737 function TCustomGrid.ScrollGrid(Relative: Boolean; DCol, DRow: Integer): TPoint;
3738 begin
3739   Result:=FTopLeft;
3740   if not Relative then begin
3741     DCol:=DCol-Result.x;
3742     DRow:=DRow-Result.y;
3743   end;
3745   if DCol<>0 then begin
3746     if DCol+Result.x<FFixedCols then DCol:=Result.x-FFixedCols else
3747     if DCol+Result.x>ColCount-1 then DCol:=ColCount-1-Result.x;
3748   end;
3749   if DRow<>0 then begin
3750     if DRow+Result.y<FFixedRows then DRow:=Result.y-FFixedRows else
3751     if DRow+Result.y>RowCount-1 then DRow:=RowCount-1-Result.y;
3752   end;
3754   Inc(Result.x, DCol);
3755   Inc(Result.y, DRow);
3757   Result.x := Max(FixedCols, Min(Result.x, FGCache.MaxTopLeft.x));
3758   Result.y := Max(FixedRows, Min(Result.y, FGCache.MaxTopLeft.y));
3759 end;
3761 procedure TCustomGrid.TopLeftChanged;
3762 begin
3763   if Assigned(OnTopLeftChanged) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
3764     OnTopLeftChanged(Self);
3765 end;
3767 procedure TCustomGrid.HeaderClick(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer);
3768 var
3769   ColOfs: Integer;
3770 begin
3771   if IsColumn and FColumnClickSorts then begin
3772     // Determine the sort order.
3773     if index = FSortColumn then begin
3774       case FSortOrder of        // Same column clicked again -> invert the order.
3775         soAscending:  FSortOrder:=soDescending;
3776         soDescending: FSortOrder:=soAscending;
3777       end;
3778     end
3779     else
3780       FSortOrder := soAscending;          // Ascending order to start with.
3782     FSortColumn := index;
3783     Sort(True, index, FFixedRows, RowCount-1);
3784   end;
3785 end;
3787 procedure TCustomGrid.HeaderSized(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer);
3788 begin
3789 end;
3791 procedure TCustomGrid.ColRowMoved(IsColumn: Boolean; FromIndex,ToIndex: Integer);
3792 begin
3793 end;
3795 // Notification to inform derived grids to exchange their actual rows data
3796 procedure TCustomGrid.ColRowExchanged(IsColumn: Boolean; index, WithIndex: Integer);
3797 begin
3798 end;
3800 procedure TCustomGrid.ColRowInserted(IsColumn: boolean; index: integer);
3801 begin
3802 end;
3804 procedure TCustomGrid.DrawFocusRect(aCol, aRow: Integer; ARect: TRect);
3805 begin
3806 end;
3808 procedure TCustomGrid.AutoAdjustColumn(aCol: Integer);
3809 begin
3810 end;
3812 procedure TCustomGrid.SizeChanged(OldColCount, OldRowCount: Integer);
3813 begin
3814 end;
3816 procedure TCustomGrid.ColRowDeleted(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer);
3817 begin
3818 end;
CanEditShownull3820 function TCustomGrid.CanEditShow: Boolean;
3821 begin
3822   Result := EditingAllowed(FCol) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState)
3823             and CanFocus;
3824 end;
3826 procedure TCustomGrid.Paint;
3827 {$ifdef DbgPaint}
3828 var
3829   R: TRect;
3830 {$endif}
3831 begin
3832   //
3833   {$ifdef DbgPaint}
3834   R := Canvas.ClipRect;
3835   DebugLn('TCustomGrid.Paint %s Row=%d Clip=%s',[DbgSName(Self),Row,Dbgs(R)]);
3836   {$endif}
3837   if ([gfVisualChange,gfClientRectChange]*fGridFlags<>[]) or
3838      (ClientWidth<>FGCache.ClientWidth) or
3839      (ClientHeight<>FGCache.ClientHeight) then begin
3840     {$ifdef DbgVisualChange}
3841     DebugLnEnter('Resetting Sizes in Paint INIT');
3842     {$endif}
3843     FGridFlags := FGridFlags + [gfPainting];
3844     ResetSizes;
3845     FGridFlags := FGridFlags - [gfVisualChange, gfPainting, gfClientRectChange];
3846     {$ifdef DbgVisualChange}
3847     DebugLnExit('Resetting Sizes in Paint DONE');
3848     {$endif}
3849   end;
3850   inherited Paint;
3851   if FUpdateCount=0 then begin
3852     DrawEdges;
3853     DrawAllRows;
3854     DrawColRowMoving;
3855     DrawBorder;
3856   end;
3857 end;
3859 procedure TCustomGrid.PickListItemSelected(Sender: TObject);
3860 begin
3861   if Assigned(OnPickListSelect) then
3862     OnPickListSelect(Self);
3863 end;
3865 procedure TCustomGrid.PrepareCanvas(aCol, aRow: Integer; aState: TGridDrawState);
3866   function GetNotSelectedColor: TColor;
3867   begin
3868     Result := GetColumnColor(aCol, gdFixed in AState);
3869     if (gdFixed in AState) and (gdHot in aState) then
3870       Result := FFixedHotColor;
3871     if not (gdFixed in AState) and (FAlternateColor<>Result) then  begin
3872       if Result=Color then begin
3873         // column color = grid Color, Allow override color
3874         // 1. default color after fixed rows
3875         // 2. always use absolute alternate color based in odd & even row
3876         if (FAltColorStartNormal and Odd(ARow-FixedRows)) {(1)} or
3877            (not FAltColorStartNormal and Odd(ARow)) {(2)} then
3878             Result := FAlternateColor;
3879       end;
3880     end;
3881     if (gdRowHighlight in aState) and not (gdFixed in AState) then
3882       Result := ColorToRGB(Result) xor $1F1F1F
3883   end;
3884 var
3885   AColor: TColor;
3886   CurrentTextStyle: TTextStyle;
3887   IsSelected: boolean;
3888   gc: TGridColumn;
3889 begin
3890   if (gdFixed in aState) or DefaultDrawing then begin
3891     Canvas.Pen.Mode := pmCopy;
3892     GetSelectedState(aState, IsSelected);
3893     if IsSelected then begin
3894       if FEditorMode and (aCol = Self.Col)
3895       and (((FEditor=FStringEditor) and (FStringEditor.BorderStyle=bsNone))
3896          or (FEditor=FButtonStringEditor))
3897       then
3898         Canvas.Brush.Color := FEditor.Color
3899       else if FEditorMode and (aCol = Self.Col) and (FEditor=FPicklistEditor) then
3900         Canvas.Brush.Color := GetNotSelectedColor
3901       else
3902         Canvas.Brush.Color := SelectedColor;
3903       SetCanvasFont(GetColumnFont(aCol, False));
3904       if not IsCellButtonColumn(point(aCol,aRow)) then
3905         Canvas.Font.Color := clHighlightText;
3906       FLastFont:=nil;
3907     end else begin
3908       Canvas.Brush.Color := GetNotSelectedColor;
3909       SetCanvasFont(GetColumnFont(aCol, ((gdFixed in aState) and (aRow < FFixedRows))));
3910     end;
3911     if not Enabled and (FDisabledFontColor<>clNone) then
3912       Canvas.Font.Color := FDisabledFontColor;
3913     CurrentTextStyle := DefaultTextStyle;
3914     CurrentTextStyle.Alignment := BidiFlipAlignment(GetColumnAlignment(aCol, gdFixed in AState), UseRightToLeftAlignment);
3915     CurrentTextStyle.Layout := GetColumnLayout(aCol, gdFixed in AState);
3916     CurrentTextStyle.ShowPrefix := ((gdFixed in aState) and (aRow < FFixedRows)) and GetTitleShowPrefix(aCol);
3917     CurrentTextStyle.RightToLeft := UseRightToLeftReading;
3918     CurrentTextStyle.EndEllipsis := (goCellEllipsis in Options);
3919     gc := ColumnFromGridColumn(aCol);
3920     CurrentTextStyle.SingleLine := (gc = nil) or (not gc.Title.MultiLine);
3921     Canvas.TextStyle := CurrentTextStyle;
3922   end else begin
3923     CurrentTextStyle := DefaultTextStyle;
3924     CurrentTextStyle.Alignment := BidiFlipAlignment(CurrentTextStyle.Alignment, UseRightToLeftAlignment);
3925     CurrentTextStyle.RightToLeft := UseRightToLeftAlignment;
3926     Canvas.TextStyle := CurrentTextStyle;
3927     Canvas.Brush.Color := clWindow;
3928     Canvas.Font.Color := clWindowText;
3929   end;
3931   DoPrepareCanvas(aCol, aRow, aState);
3932 end;
3934 procedure TCustomGrid.PrepareCellHints(ACol, ARow: Integer);
3935 begin
3936 end;
3938 procedure TCustomGrid.ResetDefaultColWidths;
3939 var
3940   i: Integer;
3941 begin
3942   if not AutoFillColumns then begin
3943     for i:=0 to ColCount-1 do
3944       FCols[i] := -1;
3945     VisualChange;
3946   end;
3947 end;
3949 procedure TCustomGrid.UnprepareCellHints;
3950 begin
3951 end;
3953 procedure TCustomGrid.ResetEditor;
3954 begin
3955   EditorGetValue(True);
3956   if EditorAlwaysShown then
3957     EditorShow(True);
3958 end;
3960 // Reset the last Row or Col movement
3961 procedure TCustomGrid.ResetLastMove;
3962 begin
3963   FMoveLast:=Point(-1,-1);
3964 end;
3966 procedure TCustomGrid.ResetHotCell;
3967 begin
3968   with FGCache do begin
3969     if HotCellPainted and IsColumnIndexValid(HotCell.x) and IsRowIndexValid(HotCell.y) then
3970       InvalidateCell(HotCell.X, HotCell.Y);
3971     HotCell := Point(-1,-1);
3972     HotCellPainted := False;
3973     HotGridZone := gzInvalid;
3974   end;
3975 end;
3977 procedure TCustomGrid.ResetPushedCell(ResetColRow: boolean=True);
3978 begin
3979   with FGCache do begin
3980     if ClickCellPushed then
3981       InvalidateCell(PushedCell.X, PushedCell.Y);
3982     if ResetColRow then
3983       PushedCell := Point(-1,-1);
3984     ClickCellPushed := False;
3985   end;
3986 end;
ResetOffsetnull3988 function TCustomGrid.ResetOffset(chkCol, ChkRow: Boolean): Boolean;
3989 begin
3990   if ChkCol then ChkCol:=FGCache.TLColOff<>0;
3991   if ChkCol then FGCache.TlColOff:=0;
3992   if ChkRow then ChkRow:=FGCache.TLRowOff<>0;
3993   if ChkRow then FGCache.TlRowOff:=0;
3994   Result := ChkRow or ChkCol;
3995   if Result then
3996   begin
3997     CacheVisibleGrid;
3998     VisualChange;
3999   end;
4000 end;
4002 procedure TCustomGrid.ResizeColumn(aCol, aWidth: Integer);
4003 begin
4004   if aWidth<0 then
4005     aWidth:=0;
4006   ColWidths[aCol] := aWidth;
4007 end;
4009 procedure TCustomGrid.ResizeRow(aRow, aHeight: Integer);
4010 begin
4011   if aHeight<0 then
4012     aHeight:=0;
4013   RowHeights[aRow] := aHeight;
4014 end;
4016 procedure TCustomGrid.HeaderSizing(const IsColumn: boolean; const AIndex,
4017   ASize: Integer);
4018 begin
4019 end;
4021 procedure TCustomGrid.ShowCellHintWindow(APoint: TPoint);
4022 var
4023   cell: TPoint;
4024   txt1, txt2, txt, AppHint: String;
4025   w: Integer;
4026   gds: TGridDrawState;
4028   procedure AddToHint(var AHint: String; const ANew: String);
4029   begin
4030     if ANew = '' then
4031       exit;
4032     if AHint = '' then AHint := ANew else AHint := AHint + LineEnding + ANew;
4033   end;
4035 begin
4036   if not ShowHint then
4037     exit;
4039   cell := MouseToCell(APoint);
4040   if (cell.x = -1) or (cell.y = -1) then
4041     exit;
4043   txt1 := '';          // Hint returned by OnGetCellHint
4044   txt2 := '';          // Hint returned by GetTruncCellHintText
4045   AppHint := '';       // Hint to be displayed in Statusbar
4046   txt := '';           // Hint to be displayed as popup
4047   PrepareCellHints(cell.x, cell.y); // in DBGrid, set the active record to cell.y
4048   try
4049     if (goCellHints in Options) and (FCellHintPriority <> chpTruncOnly) then
4050       txt1 := GetCellHintText(cell.x, cell.y);
4051     if (goTruncCellHints in Options) then begin
4052       txt2 := GetTruncCellHintText(cell.x, cell.y);
4053       gds := GetGridDrawState(cell.x, cell.y);
4054       PrepareCanvas(cell.x, cell.y, gds);
4055       w := Canvas.TextWidth(txt2) + varCellPadding*2;
4056       if w < ColWidths[cell.x] then
4057         txt2 := '';
4058     end;
4059   finally
4060     UnprepareCellHints;
4061   end;
4063   case FCellHintPriority of
4064     chpAll:
4065       begin
4066         AddToHint(txt, GetShortHint(FSavedHint));
4067         AddToHint(txt, GetShortHint(txt1));
4068         AddToHint(txt, txt2);
4069         AddToHint(AppHint, GetLongHint(FSavedHint));
4070         AddToHint(AppHint, GetLongHint(txt1));
4071       end;
4072     chpAllNoDefault:
4073       begin
4074         AddToHint(txt, GetShortHint(txt1));
4075         AddToHint(txt, txt2);
4076         AddToHint(AppHint, GetLongHint(txt1));
4077       end;
4078     chpTruncOnly:
4079       begin
4080         AddToHint(txt, txt2);
4081         AppHint := txt;
4082         if Pos('|', AppHint) = 0 then
4083           AppHint := AppHint + '|';
4084       end;
4085   end;
4087   (*
4088   if (txt = '') and (FSavedHint <> '') then
4089     txt := FSavedHint;
4090   if (AppHint = '') then AppHint := FSavedhint;
4091     *)
4093   if not EditorMode and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin
4094     Hint := txt;
4095     //set Application.Hint as well (issue #0026957)
4096     Application.Hint := GetLongHint(AppHint);
4097     Application.ActivateHint(APoint, true);
4098   end else
4099     HideCellHintWindow;
4100 end;
4102 procedure TCustomGrid.HideCellHintWindow;
4103 begin
4104   Hint := FSavedHint;
4105   Application.CancelHint;
4106 end;
4108 procedure TCustomGrid.StartPushCell;
4109 begin
4110   fGridState := gsButtonColumnClicking;
4111   DoPushCell;
4112 end;
TitleFontIsStorednull4114 function TCustomGrid.TitleFontIsStored: Boolean;
4115 begin
4116   Result := not FTitleFontIsDefault;
4117 end;
SelectCellnull4119 function TCustomGrid.SelectCell(ACol, ARow: Integer): Boolean;
4120 begin
4121   Result := (ColWidths[aCol] > 0) and (RowHeights[aRow] > 0);
4122 end;
4124 procedure TCustomGrid.SetCanvasFont(aFont: TFont);
4125 begin
4126   if (aFont<>FLastFont) or
4127     not Canvas.Font.IsEqual(aFont) then
4128   begin
4129     Canvas.Font := aFont;
4130     FLastFont := AFont;
4131   end;
4132 end;
4134 procedure TCustomGrid.SetColor(Value: TColor);
4135 begin
4136   if AlternateColor = Color then
4137     FAlternateColor := Value;
4138   inherited SetColor(Value);
4139 end;
4141 procedure TCustomGrid.SetColRow(const ACol, ARow: Integer; withEvents: boolean);
4142 begin
4143   if withEvents then begin
4144     MoveExtend(false, aCol, aRow, true);
4145     Click;
4146   end else begin
4147     FCol := ACol;
4148     FRow := ARow;
4149     UpdateSelectionRange;
4150   end;
4151 end;
4153 procedure TCustomGrid.SetCursor(AValue: TCursor);
4154 begin
4155   inherited;
4156   ChangeCursor(AValue);
4157 end;
4159 procedure TCustomGrid.DrawBorder;
4160 var
4161   R: TRect;
4162 begin
4163   if InternalNeedBorder then begin
4164     R := Rect(0,0,ClientWidth-1, Clientheight-1);
4165     // The following line is a simple workaround for a more complex problem
4166     // caused by Canvas.SaveHandleState and Canvas.RestoreHandleState in DoDrawCell
4167     // see the notes in the related bug report #34890
4168     Canvas.Pen.Color := fBorderColor + 1;
4169     Canvas.Pen.Color := fBorderColor;
4170     Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
4171     Canvas.MoveTo(0,0);
4172     Canvas.LineTo(0,R.Bottom);
4173     Canvas.LineTo(R.Right, R.Bottom);
4174     Canvas.LineTo(R.Right, 0);
4175     Canvas.LineTo(0,0);
4176   end;
4177 end;
4179 procedure TCustomGrid.DrawColRowMoving;
4180 {$ifdef AlternativeMoveIndicator}
4181 var
4182   x, y, dx, dy: Integer;
4183   R: TRect;
4184 {$endif}
4185 begin
4186   if (FGridState=gsColMoving)and(fMoveLast.x>=0) then begin
4187     {$ifdef AlternativeMoveIndicator}
4188     dx := 4;
4189     dy := 4;
4190     Canvas.pen.Width := 1;
4191     Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
4192     Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite;
4193     R := CellRect(FMoveLast.X, 0);
4194     Y := R.Top + (R.Bottom-R.Top) div 2;
4195     X := R.Left - 2*dx;
4196     Canvas.Polygon([Point(x,y+dy),point(x,y-dy),point(x+dx,y), point(x,y+dy)]);
4197     X := R.Left + 2*dx;
4198     Canvas.Polygon([Point(x,y+dy),point(x,y-dy),point(x-dx,y), point(x,y+dy)]);
4199     {$else}
4200     Canvas.Pen.Width:=3;
4201     Canvas.Pen.Color:=FColRowDragIndicatorColor;
4202     Canvas.MoveTo(fMoveLast.y, 0);
4203     Canvas.Lineto(fMovelast.y, FGCache.MaxClientXY.Y);
4204     Canvas.Pen.Width:=1;
4205     {$endif}
4206   end else
4207   if (FGridState=gsRowMoving)and(FMoveLast.y>=0) then begin
4208     {$ifdef AlternativeMoveIndicator}
4209     dx := 4;
4210     dy := 4;
4211     Canvas.pen.Width := 1;
4212     Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
4213     Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite;
4214     R := CellRect(0, FMoveLast.Y);
4215     X := R.Left + (R.Right-R.Left) div 2;
4216     Y := R.Top - 2*dy;
4217     Canvas.Polygon([Point(x-dx,y),point(x+dx,y),point(x,y+dy), point(x-dx,y)]);
4218     Y := R.Top + 2*dy;
4219     Canvas.Polygon([Point(x-dx,y),point(x+dx,y),point(x,y-dy), point(x-dx,y)]);
4220     {$else}
4221     Canvas.Pen.Width:=3;
4222     Canvas.Pen.Color:=FColRowDragIndicatorColor;
4223     if UseRightToLeftAlignment then begin
4224       Canvas.MoveTo(FGCache.ClientRect.Right, FMoveLast.X);
4225       Canvas.LineTo(FlipX(FGCache.MaxClientXY.X), FMoveLast.X);
4226     end
4227     else begin
4228       Canvas.MoveTo(0, FMoveLast.X);
4229       Canvas.LineTo(FGCache.MaxClientXY.X, FMoveLast.X);
4230     end;
4231     Canvas.Pen.Width:=1;
4232     {$endif}
4233   end;
4234 end;
4236 procedure TCustomGrid.DrawColumnText(aCol, aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect;
4237   aState: TGridDrawState);
4238 begin
4239   DrawColumnTitleImage(aRect, aCol);
4240   DrawCellText(aCol,aRow,aRect,aState,GetColumnTitle(aCol))
4241 end;
4243 procedure TCustomGrid.DrawColumnTitleImage(
4244   var ARect: TRect; AColumnIndex: Integer);
4245 var
4246   w, h, rw, rh, ImgIndex, ImgListWidth: Integer;
4247   p: TPoint;
4248   r: TRect;
4249   ImgLayout: TButtonLayout;
4250   ImgList: TCustomImageList;
4251   ImgRes: TScaledImageListResolution;
4252   s: TSize;
4253   Details: TThemedElementDetails;
4254   NativeSortGlyphs: Boolean;
4255 begin
4256   if FSortColumn = AColumnIndex then
4257   begin
4258     GetSortTitleImageInfo(AColumnIndex, ImgList, ImgIndex, ImgListWidth, NativeSortGlyphs);
4259     if NativeSortGlyphs then// draw native sort buttons
4260     begin
4261       case FSortOrder of
4262         soAscending: Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(thHeaderSortArrowSortedUp);
4263         soDescending: Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(thHeaderSortArrowSortedDown);
4264       end;
4266       s := ThemeServices.GetDetailSize(Details);
4267     end else
4268       s := Size(-1, -1);
4269     if s.cx>0 then // theme services support sorted arrows
4270     begin
4271       w := Scale96ToFont(s.cx);
4272       h := Scale96ToFont(s.cy);
4274       if IsRightToLeft then begin
4275         r.Left := ARect.Left + DEFIMAGEPADDING;
4276         Inc(ARect.Left, w + DEFIMAGEPADDING);
4277       end else begin
4278         Dec(ARect.Right, w + DEFIMAGEPADDING);
4279         r.Left := ARect.Right - DEFIMAGEPADDING;
4280       end;
4281       r.Right := r.Left + w;
4282       r.Top := ARect.Top + (ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top - h) div 2;
4283       r.Bottom := r.Top + h;
4285       ThemeServices.DrawElement(Canvas.Handle, Details, r, nil);
4286     end else
4287     begin
4288       ImgRes := ImgList.ResolutionForPPI[ImgListWidth, Font.PixelsPerInch, GetCanvasScaleFactor];
4289       w := ImgRes.Width;
4290       h := ImgRes.Height;
4292       if IsRightToLeft then begin
4293         P.X := ARect.Left + DEFIMAGEPADDING;
4294         Inc(ARect.Left, w + DEFIMAGEPADDING);
4295       end else begin
4296         Dec(ARect.Right, w + DEFIMAGEPADDING);
4297         p.X := ARect.Right - DEFIMAGEPADDING;
4298       end;
4299       p.Y := ARect.Top + (ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top - h) div 2;
4301       ImgRes.Draw(Canvas, p.X, p.Y, ImgIndex);
4302     end;
4303   end;
4305   if FTitleImageList<>nil then
4306   begin
4307     GetTitleImageInfo(AColumnIndex, ImgIndex, ImgLayout);
4308     if ImgIndex>=0 then
4309     begin
4310       ImgRes := FTitleImageList.ResolutionForPPI[FTitleImageListWidth, Font.PixelsPerInch, GetCanvasScaleFactor];
4311       w := ImgRes.Width;
4312       h := ImgRes.Height;
4313       rw := ARect.Right - ARect.Left - DEFIMAGEPADDING * 2;
4314       rh := ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top - DEFIMAGEPADDING * 2;
4316       case ImgLayout of
4317         blGlyphRight, blGlyphLeft:
4318           p.Y := ARect.Top + (rh - h) div 2 + DEFIMAGEPADDING;
4319         blGlyphTop, blGlyphBottom:
4320           p.X := ARect.Left + (rw - w) div 2 + DEFIMAGEPADDING;
4321       end;
4322       case ImgLayout of
4323         blGlyphRight: begin
4324           Dec(ARect.Right, w + DEFIMAGEPADDING * 2);
4325           p.X := ARect.Right + DEFIMAGEPADDING;
4326         end;
4327         blGlyphLeft: begin
4328           p.X := ARect.Left + DEFIMAGEPADDING;
4329           Inc(ARect.Left, w + DEFIMAGEPADDING * 2);
4330         end;
4331         blGlyphTop: begin
4332           p.Y := ARect.Top + DEFIMAGEPADDING;
4333           Inc(ARect.Top, w + DEFIMAGEPADDING * 2);
4334         end;
4335         blGlyphBottom: begin
4336           Dec(ARect.Bottom, w + DEFIMAGEPADDING * 2);
4337           p.Y := ARect.Bottom + DEFIMAGEPADDING;
4338         end;
4339       end;
4341       ImgRes.Draw(Canvas, p.X, p.Y, ImgIndex);
4342     end;
4343   end;
4344 end;
4346 procedure TCustomGrid.DrawCell(aCol, aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect;
4347   aState: TGridDrawState);
4348 begin
4349   PrepareCanvas(aCol, aRow, aState);
4350   DrawFillRect(Canvas, aRect);
4351   DrawCellGrid(aCol,aRow,aRect,aState);
4352 end;
4354 procedure TCustomGrid.DrawAllRows;
4355 var
4356   i: Integer;
4357 begin
4358   // Draw Rows
4359   with FGCache.VisibleGrid do
4360     for i:=Top to Bottom do
4361       DrawRow(i);
4362   // Draw Fixed Rows
4363   for i:=0 to FFixedRows-1 do
4364     DrawRow(i);
4365 end;
4367 procedure TCustomGrid.DrawFillRect(aCanvas: TCanvas; R: TRect);
4368 begin
4369   if UseRightToLeftAlignment then
4370     OffsetRect(R, 1, 0);
4371   aCanvas.FillRect(R);
4372 end;
4374 function VerticalIntersect(const aRect,bRect: TRect): boolean;
4375 begin
4376   result := (aRect.Top < bRect.Bottom) and (aRect.Bottom > bRect.Top);
4377 end;
4379 function HorizontalIntersect(const aRect,bRect: TRect): boolean;
4380 begin
4381   result := (aRect.Left < bRect.Right) and (aRect.Right > bRect.Left);
4382 end;
4384 procedure TCustomGrid.DrawRow(aRow: Integer);
4385 var
4386   gds: TGridDrawState;
4387   aCol, exCol, orgTop, orgBottom: Integer;
4388   Rs, colSpanning: Boolean;
4389   R: TRect;
4390   ClipArea: Trect;
4392   procedure DoDrawCell;
4393   begin
4394     with FGCache do begin
4395       if (aCol=HotCell.x) and (aRow=HotCell.y) and not IsPushCellActive() then begin
4396         Include(gds, gdHot);
4397         HotCellPainted := True;
4398       end;
4399       if ClickCellPushed and (aCol=PushedCell.x) and (aRow=PushedCell.y) then begin
4400         Include(gds, gdPushed);
4401       end;
4402     end;
4404     Canvas.SaveHandleState;
4405     try
4406       InterSectClipRect(Canvas.Handle, R.Left, R.Top, R.Right, R.Bottom);
4407       DrawCell(aCol, aRow, R, gds);
4408     finally
4409       Canvas.RestoreHandleState;
4410     end;
4411   end;
4412 begin
4414   // Upper and Lower bounds for this row
4415   ColRowToOffSet(False, True, aRow, R.Top, R.Bottom);
4416   orgTop := R.Top;
4417   orgBottom := R.Bottom;
4418   // is this row within the ClipRect?
4419   ClipArea := Canvas.ClipRect;
4420   if (R.Top>=R.Bottom) or not VerticalIntersect(R, ClipArea) then begin
4421     {$IFDEF DbgVisualChange}
4422     DebugLn('Drawrow: Skipped row: ', IntToStr(aRow));
4423     {$ENDIF}
4424     exit;
4425   end;
4427   colSpanning := (goColSpanning in Options);
4429   // Draw columns in this row
4430   with FGCache.VisibleGrid do begin
4432     aCol := left;
4433     while aCol<=Right do begin
4434       ColRowToOffset(True, True, aCol, R.Left, R.Right);
4435       if (R.Left<R.Right) and HorizontalIntersect(R, ClipArea) then begin
4437         if colSpanning then
4438           CellExtent(aCol, aRow, R, exCol);
4440         gds := GetGridDrawState(ACol, ARow);
4441         DoDrawCell;
4443         if colSpanning then begin
4444           aCol := exCol;
4445           R.Top    := orgTop;
4446           R.Bottom := orgBottom;
4447         end;
4448       end;
4449       inc(aCol);
4450     end;
4452     Rs := (goRowSelect in Options);
4453     // Draw the focus Rect
4454     if FFocusRectVisible and (ARow=FRow) and
4455        ((Rs and (ARow>=Top) and (ARow<=Bottom)) or IsCellVisible(FCol,ARow))
4456     then begin
4457       if EditorMode then begin
4458       //if EditorAlwaysShown and (FEditor<>nil) and FEditor.Visible then begin
4459         //DebugLn('No Draw Focus Rect');
4460       end else begin
4461         if Rs then
4462           CalcFocusRect(R, false) // will be adjusted when calling DrawFocusRect
4463         else begin
4464           ColRowToOffset(True, True, FCol, R.Left, R.Right);
4465           if colSpanning then
4466             CellExtent(FCol, aRow, R, exCol);
4467         end;
4468         // is this column within the ClipRect?
4469         if HorizontalIntersect(R, ClipArea) then
4470           DrawFocusRect(FCol,FRow, R);
4471       end;
4472     end;
4474   end;
4477   // Draw Fixed Columns
4478   aCol := 0;
4479   while aCol<=FFixedCols-1 do begin
4480     gds:=[gdFixed];
4481     ColRowToOffset(True, True, aCol, R.Left, R.Right);
4482     // is this column within the ClipRect?
4483     if (R.Left<R.Right) and HorizontalIntersect(R, ClipArea) then begin
4484       if colSpanning then
4485         CellExtent(aCol, aRow, R, exCol);
4486       DoDrawCell;
4487       if colSpanning then begin
4488         aCol := exCol;
4489         R.Top    := orgTop;
4490         R.Bottom := orgBottom;
4491       end;
4492     end;
4493     inc(aCol);
4494   end;
4495 end;
4497 procedure TCustomGrid.EditButtonClicked(Sender: TObject);
4498 begin
4499   if Assigned(OnEditButtonClick) or Assigned(OnButtonClick) then begin
4500     if Sender=FButtonEditor then
4501       DoEditButtonClick(FButtonEditor.Col, FButtonEditor.Row)
4502     else
4503       DoEditButtonClick(FCol, FRow);
4504   end;
4505 end;
4507 procedure TCustomGrid.DrawEdges;
4508 var
4509   P:  TPoint;
4510   Cr: TRect;
4511 begin
4512   P:=FGCache.MaxClientXY;
4513   Cr:=Bounds(0,0, FGCache.ClientWidth, FGCache.ClientHeight);
4514   if P.x<Cr.Right then begin
4515     if UseRightToLeftAlignment then
4516       Cr.Right:=Cr.Right - P.x
4517     else
4518       Cr.Left:=P.x;
4519     Canvas.Brush.Color:= Color;
4520     Canvas.FillRect(cr);
4521     if UseRightToLeftAlignment then begin
4522       Cr.Left := Cr.Right;
4523       Cr.Right:=FGCache.ClientWidth;
4524     end
4525     else begin
4526       Cr.Right:=Cr.Left;
4527       Cr.Left:=0;
4528     end;
4529   end;
4530   if P.y<Cr.Bottom then begin
4531     Cr.Top:=p.y;
4532     Canvas.Brush.Color:= Color;
4533     Canvas.FillRect(cr);
4534   end;
4535 end;
4537 procedure TCustomGrid.DrawCellGrid(aCol,aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect; aState: TGridDrawState);
4538 var
4539   dv,dh: Boolean;
4540   OldCosmeticUsed, OldCosmetic: Boolean;
4541 begin
4542   OldCosmeticUsed := false;
4544   with Canvas do begin
4546     // fixed cells
4547     if (gdFixed in aState) then begin
4548       Dv := goFixedVertLine in Options;
4549       Dh := goFixedHorzLine in Options;
4550       Pen.Style := psSolid;
4551       if FGridLineWidth > 0 then
4552         Pen.Width := 1
4553       else
4554         Pen.Width := 0;
4555       if not FFlat then begin
4556         if FTitleStyle=tsNative then
4557           exit
4558         else
4559         if FGridLineWidth > 0 then begin
4560           if gdPushed in aState then
4561             Pen.Color := cl3DShadow
4562           else
4563             Pen.Color := cl3DHilight;
4564           if UseRightToLeftAlignment then begin
4565             //the light still on the left but need to new x
4566             MoveTo(aRect.Right, aRect.Top);
4567             LineTo(aRect.Left + 1, aRect.Top);
4568             LineTo(aRect.Left + 1, aRect.Bottom);
4569           end else begin
4570             MoveTo(aRect.Right - 1, aRect.Top);
4571             LineTo(aRect.Left, aRect.Top);
4572             LineTo(aRect.Left, aRect.Bottom);
4573           end;
4574           if FTitleStyle=tsStandard then begin
4575             // more contrast
4576             if gdPushed in aState then
4577               Pen.Color := cl3DHilight
4578             else
4579               Pen.Color := cl3DShadow;
4580             if UseRightToLeftAlignment then begin
4581               MoveTo(aRect.Left+2, aRect.Bottom-2);
4582               LineTo(aRect.Right, aRect.Bottom-2);
4583               LineTo(aRect.Right, aRect.Top);
4584             end else begin
4585               MoveTo(aRect.Left+1, aRect.Bottom-2);
4586               LineTo(aRect.Right-2, aRect.Bottom-2);
4587               LineTo(aRect.Right-2, aRect.Top);
4588             end;
4589           end;
4590         end;
4591         Pen.Color := cl3DDKShadow;
4592       end else begin
4593         Pen.Color := FFixedGridLineColor;
4594       end;
4595     end else begin
4596       Dv := goVertLine in Options;
4597       Dh := goHorzLine in Options;
4598       OldCosmeticUsed := true;
4599       OldCosmetic := Pen.Cosmetic;
4600       Pen.Cosmetic := false;
4601       Pen.Style := fGridLineStyle;
4602       Pen.Color := fGridLineColor;
4603       Pen.Width := fGridLineWidth;
4604     end;
4606     // non-fixed cells
4607     if fGridLineWidth > 0 then begin
4608       if Dh then begin
4609         MoveTo(aRect.Left, aRect.Bottom - 1);
4610         LineTo(aRect.Right, aRect.Bottom - 1);
4611       end;
4612       if Dv then begin
4613         if UseRightToLeftAlignment then begin
4614           MoveTo(aRect.Left, aRect.Top);
4615           LineTo(aRect.Left, aRect.Bottom);
4616         end else begin
4617           MoveTo(aRect.Right - 1, aRect.Top);
4618           LineTo(aRect.Right - 1, aRect.Bottom);
4619         end;
4620       end;
4621     end;
4623     if OldCosmeticUsed then
4624       Pen.Cosmetic := OldCosmetic;
4625   end; // with canvas,rect
4626 end;
4628 procedure TCustomGrid.DrawTextInCell(aCol, aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect;
4629   aState: TGridDrawState);
4630 begin
4631   //
4632 end;
4634 procedure TCustomGrid.DrawThemedCell(aCol, aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect;
4635   aState: TGridDrawState);
4636 var
4637   details: TThemedElementDetails;
4638 begin
4639   if gdPushed in aState then
4640     Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(thHeaderItemPressed)
4641   else
4642   if gdHot in aState then
4643     Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(thHeaderItemHot)
4644   else
4645     Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(thHeaderItemNormal);
4646   ThemeSErvices.DrawElement(Canvas.Handle, Details, aRect, nil);
4647 end;
4649 procedure TCustomGrid.DrawCellText(aCol, aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect;
4650   aState: TGridDrawState; aText: String);
4651 begin
4652   dec(ARect.Right, varCellPadding);
4653   case Canvas.TextStyle.Alignment of
4654     Classes.taLeftJustify: Inc(ARect.Left, varCellPadding);
4655     Classes.taRightJustify: Dec(ARect.Right, 1);
4656   end;
4657   case Canvas.TextStyle.Layout of
4658     tlTop: Inc(ARect.Top, varCellPadding);
4659     tlBottom: Dec(ARect.Bottom, varCellPadding);
4660   end;
4662   if ARect.Right<ARect.Left then
4663     ARect.Right:=ARect.Left;
4664   if ARect.Left>ARect.Right then
4665     ARect.Left:=ARect.Right;
4666   if ARect.Bottom<ARect.Top then
4667     ARect.Bottom:=ARect.Top;
4668   if ARect.Top>ARect.Bottom then
4669     ARect.Top:=ARect.Bottom;
4671   if (ARect.Left<>ARect.Right) and (ARect.Top<>ARect.Bottom) then
4672     Canvas.TextRect(aRect,ARect.Left,ARect.Top, aText);
4673 end;
4675 procedure TCustomGrid.DrawGridCheckboxBitmaps(const aCol,aRow: Integer;
4676   const aRect: TRect; const aState: TCheckboxState);
4677 const
4678   arrtb:array[TCheckboxState] of TThemedButton =
4679     (tbCheckBoxUncheckedNormal, tbCheckBoxCheckedNormal, tbCheckBoxMixedNormal);
4680 var
4681   ChkBitmap: TBitmap;
4682   XPos,YPos: Integer;
4683   Details: TThemedElementDetails;
4684   PaintRect: TRect;
4685   CSize: TSize;
4686   bmpAlign: TAlignment;
4687   bmpLayout: TTextLayout;
4688   ChkIL: TCustomImageList;
4689   ChkII: TImageIndex;
4690   ChkILRes: TScaledImageListResolution;
4691 begin
4693   if Columns.Enabled then
4694   begin
4695     bmpAlign := GetColumnAlignment(aCol, false);
4696     bmpLayout := GetColumnLayout(aCol, false);
4697   end else
4698   begin
4699     bmpAlign := taCenter;
4700     bmpLayout := Canvas.TextStyle.Layout;
4701   end;
4703   Details.State := -1;
4704   ChkIL := nil;
4705   ChkILRes := TScaledImageListResolution.Create(nil, 0);
4706   ChkII := -1;
4707   ChkBitmap := nil;
4709   GetImageForCheckBox(aCol, aRow, AState, ChkIL, ChkII, ChkBitmap);
4710   if Assigned(ChkBitmap) then
4711     CSize := Size(ChkBitmap.Width, ChkBitmap.Height)
4712   else if (Assigned(ChkIL) and (ChkII>=0)) then
4713   begin
4714     ChkILRes := ChkIL.ResolutionForPPI[ChkIL.Width, Font.PixelsPerInch, GetCanvasScaleFactor];
4715     CSize := ChkILRes.Size;
4716   end else
4717   begin
4718     Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(arrtb[AState]);
4719     CSize := ThemeServices.GetDetailSize(Details);
4720     CSize.cx := MulDiv(CSize.cx, Font.PixelsPerInch, Screen.PixelsPerInch);
4721     CSize.cy := MulDiv(CSize.cy, Font.PixelsPerInch, Screen.PixelsPerInch);
4722   end;
4724   case bmpAlign of
4725     taCenter: PaintRect.Left := (aRect.Left + aRect.Right - CSize.cx) div 2;
4726     taLeftJustify: PaintRect.Left := ARect.Left + varCellPadding;
4727     taRightJustify: PaintRect.Left := ARect.Right - CSize.Cx - varCellPadding - 1;
4728   end;
4730   case bmpLayout of
4731     tlTop    : PaintRect.Top := aRect.Top + varCellPadding;
4732     tlCenter : PaintRect.Top := (aRect.Top + aRect.Bottom - CSize.cy) div 2;
4733     tlBottom : PaintRect.Top := aRect.Bottom - varCellPadding - CSize.cy - 1;
4734   end;
4735   PaintRect := Bounds(PaintRect.Left, PaintRect.Top, CSize.cx, CSize.cy);
4737   if Details.State>=0 then
4738     ThemeServices.DrawElement(Canvas.Handle, Details, PaintRect, nil)
4739   else
4740   if Assigned(ChkBitmap) then
4741     Canvas.StretchDraw(PaintRect, ChkBitmap)
4742   else
4743   if Assigned(ChkILRes.Resolution) then
4744     ChkILRes.StretchDraw(Canvas, ChkII, PaintRect);
4745 end;
4747 procedure TCustomGrid.DrawButtonCell(const aCol, aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect;
4748   const aState: TGridDrawState);
4749 var
4750   details: TThemedElementDetails;
4751 begin
4752   Dec(aRect.Right);
4753   Dec(aRect.Bottom);
4754   if gdPushed in aState then
4755     Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(tbPushButtonPressed)
4756   else
4757   if gdHot in aState then
4758     Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(tbPushButtonHot)
4759   else
4760     Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(tbPushButtonNormal);
4761   ThemeServices.DrawElement(Canvas.Handle, Details, aRect, nil);
4762 end;
4764 procedure TCustomGrid.OnTitleFontChanged(Sender: TObject);
4765 begin
4766   FTitleFontIsDefault := False;
4767   if FColumns.Enabled then begin
4768     FColumns.TitleFontChanged;
4769     ColumnsChanged(nil);
4770   end else
4771     VisualChange;
4772 end;
4774 procedure TCustomGrid.ReadColumns(Reader: TReader);
4775 begin
4776   Columns.Clear;
4777   Reader.ReadValue;
4778   Reader.ReadCollection(Columns);
4779 end;
4781 procedure TCustomGrid.ReadColWidths(Reader: TReader);
4782 var
4783   i: integer;
4784 begin
4785   with Reader do begin
4786     ReadListBegin;
4787     for i:=0 to ColCount-1 do
4788       ColWidths[I] := ReadInteger;
4789     ReadListEnd;
4790   end;
4791 end;
4793 procedure TCustomGrid.ReadRowHeights(Reader: TReader);
4794 var
4795   i: integer;
4796 begin
4797   with Reader do begin
4798     ReadListBegin;
4799     for i:=0 to RowCount-1 do
4800       RowHeights[I] := ReadInteger;
4801     ReadListEnd;
4802   end;
4803 end;
4805 procedure TCustomGrid.WMEraseBkgnd(var message: TLMEraseBkgnd);
4806 begin
4807   message.Result:=1;
4808 end;
4810 procedure TCustomGrid.WMGetDlgCode(var Msg: TLMNoParams);
4811 begin
4813   if goTabs in Options then Msg.Result:= Msg.Result or DLGC_WANTTAB;
4814 end;
4816 procedure TCustomGrid.WMHScroll(var message: TLMHScroll);
4817 var
4818   SP: TPoint;
4819 begin
4820   SP := GetPxTopLeft;
4822   case message.ScrollCode of
4824     SB_THUMBTRACK: begin
4825       if (message.ScrollCode=SB_THUMBPOSITION) or (goThumbTracking in Options) then
4826       begin
4827         if BiDiMode = bdRightToLeft then
4828           TrySmoothScrollBy(FGCache.HScrollBarNetRange-message.Pos-SP.x, 0)
4829         else
4830           TrySmoothScrollBy(message.Pos-SP.x, 0);
4831       end;
4832       message.Result := 0;
4833     end;
4834     SB_PAGELEFT: TrySmoothScrollBy(-(ClientWidth-FGCache.FixedWidth)*RTLSign, 0);
4835     SB_PAGERIGHT: TrySmoothScrollBy((ClientWidth-FGCache.FixedWidth)*RTLSign, 0);
4836     SB_LINELEFT: TrySmoothScrollBy(-DefaultColWidth*RTLSign, 0);
4837     SB_LINERIGHT: TrySmoothScrollBy(DefaultColWidth*RTLSign, 0);
4838   end;
4840   if EditorMode then
4841     EditorPos;
4842 end;
4844 procedure TCustomGrid.WMVScroll(var message: TLMVScroll);
4845 var
4846   SP: TPoint;
4847 begin
4848   SP := GetPxTopLeft;
4850   case message.ScrollCode of
4852     SB_THUMBTRACK: begin
4853       if (message.ScrollCode=SB_THUMBPOSITION) or (goThumbTracking in Options) then
4854         TrySmoothScrollBy(0, message.Pos-SP.y);
4855       message.Result := 0;
4856     end;
4857     SB_PAGEUP: TrySmoothScrollBy(0, -(ClientHeight-FGCache.FixedHeight));
4858     SB_PAGEDOWN: TrySmoothScrollBy(0, ClientHeight-FGCache.FixedHeight);
4859     SB_LINEUP: TrySmoothScrollBy(0, -DefaultRowHeight);
4860     SB_LINEDOWN: TrySmoothScrollBy(0, DefaultRowHeight);
4861   end;
4863   if EditorMode then
4864     EditorPos;
4865 end;
4867 procedure TCustomGrid.WMKillFocus(var message: TLMKillFocus);
4868 begin
4869   if csDestroying in ComponentState then
4870     exit;
4871   {$ifdef dbgGrid}
4872   DbgOut('*** grid.WMKillFocus, FocusedWnd=%x WillFocus=',[Message.FocusedWnd]);
4873   if EditorMode and (Message.FocusedWnd = FEditor.Handle) then
4874     DebugLn('Editor')
4875   else begin
4876     DbgOut('ExternalWindow: ');
4877     if GetProp(Message.FocusedWnd, 'WinControl')<>nil then
4878       DebugLn(dbgsname(TObject(GetProp(Message.FocusedWnd, 'WinControl'))))
4879     else
4880       DebugLn(' Unknown Window');
4881   end;
4882   {$endif}
4883   inherited WMKillFocus(Message);
4884   InvalidateFocused;
4885 end;
4887 procedure TCustomGrid.WMSetFocus(var message: TLMSetFocus);
4888 begin
4889   {$ifdef dbgGrid}
4890   DbgOut('*** grid.WMSetFocus, FocusedWnd=', dbgs(Message.FocusedWnd),'[',dbgs(pointer(Message.FocusedWnd)),'] ');
4891   if EditorMode and (Message.FocusedWnd = FEditor.Handle) then
4892     DebugLn('Editor')
4893   else begin
4894     if Message.FocusedWnd=Self.Handle then
4895       DebugLn('Same Grid!')
4896     else
4897       DebugLn('ExternalWindow');
4898   end;
4899   {$endif}
4900   inherited WMSetFocus(Message);
4901   InvalidateFocused;
4902 end;
4904 procedure TCustomGrid.WMSize(var Message: TLMSize);
4905 begin
4906   if gfUpdatingScrollbar in FGridFlags then // ignore WMSize when updating scrollbars. issue #31715
4907     Exit;
4908   inherited WMSize(Message);
4909 end;
4911 class procedure TCustomGrid.WSRegisterClass;
4912 begin
4913   inherited WSRegisterClass;
4914   RegisterCustomGrid;
4915 end;
4917 procedure TCustomGrid.AddSelectedRange;
4918 var
4919   n: Integer;
4920 begin
4921   if (goRangeSelect in Options) and (FRangeSelectMode = rsmMulti) then begin
4922     n := Length(FSelections);
4923     SetLength(FSelections, n+1);
4924     FSelections[n] := FRange;
4925   end;
4926 end;
4928 procedure TCustomGrid.AdjustClientRect(var ARect: TRect);
4929 begin
4930   inherited AdjustClientRect(ARect);
4931   include(FGridFlags, gfClientRectChange);
4932 end;
4934 procedure TCustomGrid.WndProc(var TheMessage: TLMessage);
4935 begin
4936   {$ifdef GridTraceMsg}
4937   TransMsg('GRID: ', TheMessage);
4938   {$endif}
4939   case TheMessage.Msg of
4941       if csDesigning in ComponentState then
4942         exit;
4944     // Ignore LM_SIZE while another sizing is being processed.
4945     // Windows sends WM_SIZE when showing/hiding scrollbars.
4946     // Scrollbars can be shown/hidden when processing DoOnChangeBounds.
4947     LM_SIZE:
4948       if gfUpdatingSize in FGridFlags then
4949         exit;
4950     {$ENDIF}
4951   end;
4952   inherited WndProc(TheMessage);
4953 end;
4955 procedure TCustomGrid.CreateWnd;
4956 begin
4957   //DebugLn('TCustomGrid.CreateWnd ',DbgSName(Self));
4958   inherited CreateWnd;
4959   FVSbVisible := Ord(GetScrollbarvisible(Handle, SB_Vert));
4960   FHSbVisible := Ord(GetScrollbarvisible(Handle, SB_Horz));
4961   CheckPosition;
4962   VisualChange;
4963 end;
4965 { Scroll grid to the given Topleft[aCol,aRow] as needed }
4966 procedure TCustomGrid.TryScrollTo(aCol, aRow: Integer; ClearColOff,
4967   ClearRowOff: Boolean);
4968 var
4969   TryTL: TPoint;
4970   NewCol,NewRow: Integer;
4971   TLChange: Boolean;
4972 begin
4973   TryTL:=ScrollGrid(False,aCol, aRow);
4974   TLChange := not PointIgual(TryTL, FTopLeft);
4975   if TLChange
4976   or (not PointIgual(TryTL, Point(aCol, aRow)) and (goSmoothScroll in Options))
4977   or (ClearColOff and (FGCache.TLColOff<>0))
4978   or (ClearRowOff and (FGCache.TLRowOff<>0)) then
4979   begin
4980     NewCol := TryTL.X - FTopLeft.X + Col;
4981     NewRow := TryTL.Y - FTopLeft.Y + Row;
4982     FTopLeft:=TryTL;
4983     if ClearColOff then
4984       FGCache.TLColOff := 0;
4985     if ClearRowOff then
4986       FGCache.TLRowOff := 0;
4987     if (aCol>TryTL.X) and (goSmoothScroll in Options) then
4988       FGCache.TLColOff := FGCache.MaxTLOffset.X;
4989     if (aRow>TryTL.Y) and (goSmoothScroll in Options) then
4990       FGCache.TLRowOff := FGCache.MaxTLOffset.Y;
4991     {$ifdef dbgscroll}
4992     DebugLn('TryScrollTo: TopLeft=%s NewCol=%d NewRow=%d',
4993       [dbgs(FTopLeft), NewCol, NewRow]);
4994     {$endif}
4995     // To-Do: move rect with ScrollBy_WS and invalidate only new (not scrolled) rects
4996     if TLChange then
4997       doTopleftChange(False)
4998     else
4999       VisualChange;
5000     if goScrollKeepVisible in Options then
5001       MoveNextSelectable(False, NewCol, NewRow);
5002   end;
5003 end;
TrySmoothScrollBynull5005 function TCustomGrid.TrySmoothScrollBy(aColDelta, aRowDelta: Integer): Boolean;
5006 var
5007   OldTopLeft, OldTopLeftXY, NewTopLeftXY, OldOff: TPoint;
5008 begin
5009   if (aColDelta=0) and (aRowDelta=0) then
5010     Exit(True);
5012   OldTopLeft := FTopLeft;
5013   OldTopLeftXY := GetPxTopLeft;
5014   OldOff := Point(FGCache.TLColOff, FGCache.TLRowOff);
5016   Inc(FGCache.TLColOff, aColDelta);
5017   Inc(FGCache.TLRowOff, aRowDelta);
5019   while (FTopLeft.x < GCache.MaxTopLeft.x) and (FGCache.TLColOff >= ColWidths[FTopLeft.x]) do
5020   begin
5021     Dec(FGCache.TLColOff, ColWidths[FTopLeft.x]);
5022     Inc(FTopLeft.x);
5023   end;
5024   while (FTopLeft.x > FixedCols) and (FGCache.TLColOff < 0) do
5025   begin
5026     Dec(FTopLeft.x);
5027     Inc(FGCache.TLColOff, ColWidths[FTopLeft.x]);
5028   end;
5030   while (FTopLeft.y < GCache.MaxTopLeft.y) and (FGCache.TLRowOff >= RowHeights[FTopLeft.y]) do
5031   begin
5032     Dec(FGCache.TLRowOff, RowHeights[FTopLeft.y]);
5033     Inc(FTopLeft.y);
5034   end;
5035   while (FTopLeft.y > FixedRows) and (FGCache.TLRowOff < 0) do
5036   begin
5037     Dec(FTopLeft.y);
5038     Inc(FGCache.TLRowOff, RowHeights[FTopLeft.y]);
5039   end;
5041   FGCache.TLColOff := Max(0, FGCache.TLColOff);
5042   FGCache.TLRowOff := Max(0, FGCache.TLRowOff);
5043   if FTopLeft.x=FGCache.MaxTopLeft.x then
5044     FGCache.TLColOff := Min(FGCache.MaxTLOffset.x, FGCache.TLColOff);
5045   if FTopLeft.y=FGCache.MaxTopLeft.y then
5046     FGCache.TLRowOff := Min(FGCache.MaxTLOffset.y, FGCache.TLRowOff);
5048   if not GetSmoothScroll(SB_Horz) then
5049     FGCache.TLColOff := 0;
5050   if not GetSmoothScroll(SB_Vert) then
5051     FGCache.TLRowOff := 0;
5053   if not PointIgual(OldTopleft,FTopLeft) then begin
5054     TopLeftChanged;
5055     if goScrollKeepVisible in Options then
5056       MoveNextSelectable(False, FTopLeft.x - oldTopLeft.x + col,
5057                                 FTopLeft.y - oldTopLeft.y + row);
5058   end;
5060   NewTopLeftXY := GetPxTopLeft;
5061   ScrollBy((OldTopLeftXY.x-NewTopLeftXY.x)*RTLSign, OldTopLeftXY.y-NewTopLeftXY.y);
5063   //Result is false if this function failed due to a too high/wide cell (applicable only if goSmoothScroll not used)
5064   Result :=
5065        not PointIgual(OldTopLeftXY, NewTopLeftXY)
5066     or ((NewTopLeftXY.x = 0) and (aColDelta < 0))
5067     or ((FTopLeft.x = FGCache.MaxTopLeft.x) and (FGCache.TLColOff = FGCache.MaxTLOffset.x) and (aColDelta > 0))
5068     or ((NewTopLeftXY.y = 0) and (aRowDelta < 0))
5069     or ((FTopLeft.y = FGCache.MaxTopLeft.y) and (FGCache.TLRowOff = FGCache.MaxTLOffset.y) and (aRowDelta > 0));
5070 end;
5072 procedure TCustomGrid.SetGridLineWidth(const AValue: Integer);
5073 begin
5074   if FGridLineWidth = AValue then
5075     exit;
5076   FGridLineWidth := AValue;
5077   Invalidate;
5078 end;
5080 procedure TCustomGrid.UpdateCachedSizes;
5081 var
5082   i: Integer;
5083   TLChanged: Boolean;
5084 begin
5085   if AutoFillColumns then
5086     InternalAutoFillColumns;
5088   // Calculate New Cached Values
5089   FGCache.GridWidth:=0;
5090   FGCache.FixedWidth:=0;
5091   for i:=0 to ColCount-1 do begin
5092     FGCache.AccumWidth[i]:=FGCache.GridWidth;
5093     FGCache.GridWidth:=FGCache.GridWidth + GetColWidths(i);
5094     if i<FixedCols then
5095       FGCache.FixedWidth:=FGCache.GridWidth;
5096   end;
5098   FGCache.Gridheight:=0;
5099   FGCache.FixedHeight:=0;
5100   for i:=0 to RowCount-1 do begin
5101     FGCache.AccumHeight[i]:=FGCache.Gridheight;
5102     FGCache.Gridheight:=FGCache.Gridheight+GetRowHeights(i);
5103     if i<FixedRows then
5104       FGCache.FixedHeight:=FGCache.GridHeight;
5105   end;
5107   FGCache.ClientRect := ClientRect;
5108   FGCache.ClientWidth := ClientWidth;
5109   FGCache.ClientHeight := ClientHeight;
5111   FGCache.ScrollWidth := FGCache.ClientWidth-FGCache.FixedWidth;
5112   FGCache.ScrollHeight := FGCache.ClientHeight-FGCache.FixedHeight;
5113   CalcMaxTopLeft;
5115   TLChanged := False;
5116   if fTopLeft.y > FGCache.MaxTopLeft.y then
5117   begin
5118     fTopLeft.y := FGCache.MaxTopLeft.y;
5119     FGCache.TLRowOff := FGCache.MaxTLOffset.y;
5120     TLChanged := True;
5121   end else
5122   if FTopLeft.y < FixedRows then
5123   begin
5124     fTopLeft.y := FixedRows;
5125     TLChanged := True;
5126   end;
5127   if fTopLeft.x > FGCache.MaxTopLeft.x then
5128   begin
5129     fTopLeft.x := FGCache.MaxTopLeft.x;
5130     FGCache.TLColOff := FGCache.MaxTLOffset.x;
5131     TLChanged := True;
5132   end else
5133   if FTopLeft.x < FixedCols then
5134   begin
5135     fTopLeft.x := FixedCols;
5136     TLChanged := True;
5137   end;
5138   if TopRow=FGCache.MaxTopLeft.y then
5139     FGCache.TLRowOff := Min(FGCache.TLRowOff, FGCache.MaxTLOffset.y)
5140   else
5141     FGCache.TLRowOff := Min(FGCache.TLRowOff, RowHeights[TopRow]);
5142   if LeftCol=FGCache.MaxTopLeft.x then
5143     FGCache.TLColOff := Min(FGCache.TLColOff, FGCache.MaxTLOffset.x)
5144   else
5145     FGCache.TLColOff := Min(FGCache.TLColOff, ColWidths[LeftCol]);
5146   if TLChanged then
5147     TopLeftChanged;
5149   {$ifdef dbgVisualChange}
5150   DebugLn('TCustomGrid.updateCachedSizes: ');
5151   with FGCache do
5152   DebugLn(' GWidth=%d GHeight=%d FWidth=%d FHeight=%d CWidth=%d CHeight=%d MTL.X=%d MTL.Y=%d',
5153     [GridWidth,GridHeight,FixedWidth,FixedHeight,ClientWidth,ClientHeight,
5154      MaxTopLeft.X, MaxTopLeft.Y]);
5155   {$endif}
5156 end;
5158 procedure TCustomGrid.GetSBVisibility(out HsbVisible,VsbVisible:boolean);
5159 var
5160   autoVert,autoHorz: boolean;
5161   ClientW,ClientH,ExtraW,ExtraH: Integer;
5162   BarW,BarH: Integer;
5163 begin
5164   AutoVert := ScrollBarAutomatic(ssVertical);
5165   AutoHorz := ScrollBarAutomatic(ssHorizontal);
5167   // get client bounds free of bars
5168   ClientW  := ClientWidth;
5169   ClientH  := ClientHeight;
5170   BarW := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL) +
5171           GetSystemMetrics(SM_SWSCROLLBARSPACING);
5172   if ScrollBarIsVisible(SB_VERT) then
5173     ClientW := ClientW + BarW;
5174   BarH := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL) +
5175           GetSystemMetrics(SM_SWSCROLLBARSPACING);
5176   if ScrollBarIsVisible(SB_HORZ) then
5177     ClientH := ClientH + BarH;
5178   ExtraW := 0;
5179   if goScrollToLastCol in FOptions2 then
5180   begin
5181     Inc(ExtraW, ClientWidth - FGCache.FixedWidth);
5182     if ColCount>FixedCols then
5183       Dec(ExtraW, ColWidths[ColCount-1]);
5184   end;
5185   ExtraH := 0;
5186   if goScrollToLastRow in FOptions2 then
5187   begin
5188     Inc(ExtraH, ClientHeight - FGCache.FixedHeight);
5189     if RowCount>FixedRows then
5190       Dec(ExtraH, RowHeights[RowCount-1]);
5191   end;
5193   // first find out if scrollbars need to be visible by
5194   // comparing against client bounds free of bars
5195   HsbVisible := (FScrollBars in [ssHorizontal, ssBoth]) or
5196                 (AutoHorz and (FGCache.GridWidth+ExtraW>ClientW));
5198   VsbVisible := (FScrollBars in [ssVertical, ssBoth]) or
5199                 (AutoVert and (FGCache.GridHeight+ExtraH>ClientH));
5201   // then for automatic scrollbars check if grid bounds are
5202   // in some part of area occupied by scrollbars
5203   if ExtraW>0 then
5204     Dec(ExtraW, BarW);
5205   if not HsbVisible and AutoHorz and VsbVisible then
5206     HsbVisible := FGCache.GridWidth+ExtraW  > (ClientW-BarW);
5208   if ExtraH>0 then
5209     Dec(ExtraH, BarH);
5210   if not VsbVisible and AutoVert and HsbVisible then
5211     VsbVisible := FGCache.GridHeight+ExtraH > (ClientH-BarH);
5213   if AutoHorz then
5214     HsbVisible := HsbVisible and not AutoFillColumns;
5216   // update new cached client values according to visibility
5217   // of scrollbars
5218   if HsbVisible then
5219     FGCache.ClientHeight := ClientH - BarH;
5220   if VsbVisible then
5221     FGCache.ClientWidth := ClientW - BarW;
5223   {$ifdef dbgscroll}
5224   DebugLn('TCustomGrid.GetSBVisibility:');
5225   DebugLn(['  Horz=',HsbVisible,' GW=',FGCache.GridWidth,
5226     ' CW=',ClientWidth,' CCW=',FGCache.ClientWidth,' BarW=',BarW]);
5227   DebugLn(['  Vert=',VsbVisible,' GH=',FGCache.GridHeight,
5228     ' CH=',ClientHeight,' CCH=',FGCache.ClientHeight,' BarH=',BarH]);
5229   {$endif}
5230 end;
5232 procedure TCustomGrid.GetSBRanges(const HsbVisible, VsbVisible: boolean; out
5233   HsbRange, VsbRange, HsbPage, VsbPage, HsbPos, VsbPos: Integer);
5234 begin
5235   HsbRange := 0;
5236   HsbPos := 0;
5237   if HsbVisible then
5238   begin
5239     if not GetSmoothScroll(SB_Horz) then
5240     begin
5241       if IsColumnIndexValid(FGCache.MaxTopLeft.x) then
5242         HsbRange := FGCache.AccumWidth[FGCache.MaxTopLeft.x]+ClientWidth-FGCache.FixedWidth
5243     end else
5244     begin
5245       HsbRange:=GridWidth - GetBorderWidth;
5246       if goScrollToLastCol in FOptions2 then
5247       begin
5248         Inc(HsbRange, ClientWidth - FGCache.FixedWidth);
5249         if ColCount>FixedCols then
5250           Dec(HsbRange, ColWidths[ColCount-1]);
5251       end;
5252     end;
5253     if IsColumnIndexValid(FTopLeft.x) then
5254       HsbPos := FGCache.AccumWidth[FTopLeft.x]+FGCache.TLColOff-FGCache.FixedWidth;
5255   end;
5257   VsbRange := 0;
5258   VsbPos := 0;
5259   if VsbVisible then
5260   begin
5261     if not GetSmoothScroll(SB_Vert) then
5262     begin
5263       if IsRowIndexValid(FGCache.MaxTopLeft.y)  then
5264         VsbRange := FGCache.AccumHeight[FGCache.MaxTopLeft.y]+ClientHeight-FGCache.FixedHeight
5265     end else
5266     begin
5267       VSbRange:= GridHeight - GetBorderWidth;
5268       if goScrollToLastRow in FOptions2 then
5269       begin
5270         Inc(VsbRange, ClientHeight - FGCache.FixedHeight);
5271         if RowCount>FixedRows then
5272           Dec(VsbRange, RowHeights[RowCount-1]);
5273       end;
5274     end;
5275     if IsRowIndexValid(FTopLeft.y) then
5276       VsbPos := FGCache.AccumHeight[FTopLeft.y]+FGCache.TLRowOff-FGCache.FixedHeight;
5277   end;
5279   HsbPage := ClientWidth;
5280   VSbPage := ClientHeight;
5282   FGCache.HScrollBarNetRange := HsbRange-HsbPage;
5284   {$ifdef dbgscroll}
5285   DebugLn('GetSBRanges: HRange=%d HPage=%d HPos=%d VRange=%d VPage=%d VPos=%d',
5286     [HSbRange,HsbPage,HsbPos, VsbRange, VsbPage, VsbPos]);
5287   {$endif}
5288 end;
5290 procedure TCustomGrid.GetSelectedState(AState: TGridDrawState; out
5291   IsSelected: boolean);
5292 begin
5293   IsSelected := (gdSelected in aState);
5294   if IsSelected and (gdFocused in aState) then
5295     IsSelected := (goDrawFocusSelected in Options) or
5296           ((goRowSelect in Options) and not (goRelaxedRowSelect in Options));
5297 end;
5299 procedure TCustomGrid.UpdateSBVisibility;
5300 var
5301   HSbVisible, VSbVisible: boolean;
5302 begin
5303   GetSBVisibility(HSbVisible, VSbVisible);
5304   ScrollBarShow(SB_VERT, VSbVisible);
5305   ScrollBarShow(SB_HORZ, HSbVisible);
5306 end;
5308 procedure TCustomGrid.UpdateSizes;
5309 begin
5310   if (FUpdateCount<>0) then
5311     exit;
5313   Include(FGridFlags, gfVisualChange);
5315   UpdateCachedSizes;
5316   CacheVisibleGrid;
5317   CalcScrollbarsRange;
5318 end;
5320 procedure TCustomGrid.UpdateSelectionRange;
5321 begin
5322   if goRowSelect in Options then begin
5323     FRange:=Rect(FFixedCols, FRow, ColCount-1, FRow);
5324   end
5325   else
5326     FRange:=Rect(FCol,FRow,FCol,FRow);
5327 end;
5329 procedure TCustomGrid.WriteColumns(Writer: TWriter);
5330 begin
5331   if Columns.IsDefault then
5332     Writer.WriteCollection(nil)
5333   else
5334     Writer.WriteCollection(Columns);
5335 end;
5337 procedure TCustomGrid.WriteColWidths(Writer: TWriter);
5338 var
5339   i: Integer;
5340 begin
5341   with writer do begin
5342     WriteListBegin;
5343     for i:=0 to ColCount-1 do
5344       WriteInteger(ColWidths[i]);
5345     WriteListEnd;
5346   end;
5347 end;
5349 procedure TCustomGrid.WriteRowHeights(Writer: TWriter);
5350 var
5351   i: integer;
5352 begin
5353   with writer do begin
5354     WriteListBegin;
5355     for i:=0 to RowCount-1 do
5356       WriteInteger(RowHeights[i]);
5357     WriteListEnd;
5358   end;
5359 end;
5361 procedure TCustomGrid.CheckFixedCount(aCol,aRow,aFCol,aFRow: Integer);
5362 begin
5363   if AFRow<0 then
5364     raise EGridException.Create('FixedRows<0');
5365   if AFCol<0 then
5366     raise EGridException.Create('FixedCols<0');
5368   if csLoading in ComponentState then
5369     exit;
5371   if (aCol=0)and(aFCol=0) then // fixed grid
5372   else if (aFCol>ACol) then
5373     raise EGridException.Create(rsFixedColsTooBig);
5375   if (aRow=0)and(aFRow=0) then // fixed grid
5376   else if (aFRow>ARow) then
5377     raise EGridException.Create(rsFixedRowsTooBig);
5378 end;
5380 procedure TCustomGrid.CheckCount(aNewColCount, aNewRowCount: Integer; FixEditor: boolean=true);
5381 var
5382   NewCol,NewRow: Integer;
5383 begin
5384   if HandleAllocated then begin
5385     if Col >= aNewColCount then NewCol := aNewColCount-1
5386     else                        NewCol := Col;
5387     if Row >= aNewRowCount then NewRow := aNewRowCount-1
5388     else                        NewRow := Row;
5389     if (NewCol>=0) and (NewRow>=0) and ((NewCol <> Col) or (NewRow <> Row)) then
5390     begin
5391       CheckTopleft(NewCol, NewRow , NewCol<>Col, NewRow<>Row);
5392       if FixEditor and (aNewColCount<>FFixedCols) and (aNewRowCount<>FFixedRows) then
5393         MoveNextSelectable(false, NewCol, NewRow);
5394     end;
5395   end;
5396 end;
5398 procedure TCustomGrid.CheckIndex(IsColumn: Boolean; Index: Integer);
5399 begin
5400   if (IsColumn and not IsColumnIndexValid(Index)) or
5401      (not IsColumn and not IsRowIndexValid(Index)) then
5402     raise EGridException.Create(rsGridIndexOutOfRange);
5403 end;
CheckTopLeftnull5405 function TCustomGrid.CheckTopLeft(aCol,aRow: Integer; CheckCols, CheckRows: boolean): boolean;
5406 var
5407   OldTopLeft: TPoint;
5408   W: Integer;
5409 begin
5410   OldTopLeft := FTopLeft;
5411   Result := False;
5413   if CheckCols and (FTopleft.X > FixedCols) then begin
5414     W := FGCache.ScrollWidth-ColWidths[aCol]-FGCache.AccumWidth[aCol];
5415     while (FTopleft.x > FixedCols)
5416     and (W+FGCache.AccumWidth[FTopleft.x] >= ColWidths[FTopleft.x-1]) do
5417       Dec(FTopleft.x);
5418   end;
5420   if CheckRows and (FTopleft.Y > FixedRows) then begin
5421     W := FGCache.ScrollHeight-RowHeights[aRow]-FGCache.AccumHeight[aRow];
5422     while (FTopleft.y > FixedRows)
5423     and (W+FGCache.AccumHeight[FTopleft.y] >= RowHeights[FTopleft.y-1]) do
5424       Dec(FTopleft.y);
5425     //DebugLn('TCustomGrid.CheckTopLeft A ',DbgSName(Self),' FTopLeft=',dbgs(FTopLeft));
5426   end;
5428   Result := not PointIgual(OldTopleft,FTopLeft);
5429   if Result then
5430     doTopleftChange(False)
5431 end;
GetQuickColRownull5433 function TCustomGrid.GetQuickColRow: TPoint;
5434 begin
5435   result.x := Col;
5436   result.y := Row;
5437 end;
5439 procedure TCustomGrid.SetQuickColRow(AValue: TPoint);
5440 begin
5441   if (AValue.x=FCol) and (AValue.y=FRow) then Exit;
5442   if not AllowOutboundEvents then
5443     CheckLimitsWithError(AValue.x, AValue.y);
5444   SetColRow(aValue.x, aValue.y, true);
5445 end;
5447 procedure TCustomGrid.doPushCell;
5448 begin
5449   with FGCache do
5450   begin
5451     PushedCell := ClickCell;
5452     ClickCellPushed:=True;
5453     InvalidateCell(PushedCell.x, PushedCell.y);
5454   end;
5455 end;
IsCellButtonColumnnull5457 function TCustomGrid.IsCellButtonColumn(ACell: TPoint): boolean;
5458 var
5459   Column: TGridColumn;
5460 begin
5461   Column := ColumnFromGridColumn(ACell.X);
5462   result := (Column<>nil) and (Column.ButtonStyle=cbsButtonColumn) and
5463             (ACell.y>=FixedRows);
5464 end;
GetIsCellTitlenull5466 function TCustomGrid.GetIsCellTitle(aCol, aRow: Integer): boolean;
5467 begin
5468   result := (FixedRows>0) and (aRow=0) {and Columns.Enabled} and (aCol>=FirstGridColumn);
5469     // Columns.Enabled removed in order to allow sort arrows also without columns
5470 end;
GetIsCellSelectednull5472 function TCustomGrid.GetIsCellSelected(aCol, aRow: Integer): boolean;
5473 var
5474   i: Integer;
5475 begin
5476   Result:=  (FRange.Left<=aCol)   and
5477             (aCol<=FRange.Right)  and
5478             (FRange.Top<=aRow)    and
5479             (aRow<=FRange.Bottom);
5481   if not Result and (goRangeSelect in FOptions) and (RangeSelectMode = rsmMulti)
5482   then
5483     for i:=0 to High(FSelections) do
5484       if (FSelections[i].Left <= aCol)  and
5485          (ACol <= FSelections[i].Right) and
5486          (FSelections[i].Top <= ARow)   and
5487          (ARow <= FSelections[i].Bottom)
5488       then begin
5489         Result := true;
5490         exit;
5491       end;
5492 end;
IsEmptyRownull5494 function TCustomGrid.IsEmptyRow(ARow: Integer): Boolean;
5495 var
5496   i: Integer;
5497 begin
5498   Result := False;
5499   for i:=FixedCols to ColCount-1 do
5500   if GetCells(i, ARow)<>'' then begin
5501     Exit;
5502   end;
5503   Result := True;
5504 end;
GetDefColWidthnull5506 function TCustomGrid.GetDefColWidth: Integer;
5507 begin
5508   if FDefColWidth<0 then
5509   begin
5510     if FRealizedDefColWidth <= 0 then
5511       FRealizedDefColWidth := Scale96ToFont(DEFCOLWIDTH);
5512     Result := FRealizedDefColWidth;
5513   end else
5514     Result := FDefColWidth;
5515 end;
GetDefRowHeightnull5517 function TCustomGrid.GetDefRowHeight: Integer;
5518 begin
5519   if FDefRowHeight<0 then
5520   begin
5521     if FRealizedDefRowHeight <= 0 then
5522       FRealizedDefRowHeight := GetDefaultRowHeight;
5523     Result := FRealizedDefRowHeight;
5524   end else
5525     Result := FDefRowHeight;
5526 end;
GetSelectedColumnnull5528 function TCustomGrid.GetSelectedColumn: TGridColumn;
5529 begin
5530   Result := ColumnFromGridColumn(Col);
5531 end;
IsAltColorStorednull5533 function TCustomGrid.IsAltColorStored: boolean;
5534 begin
5535   result := FAlternateColor <> Color;
5536 end;
5538 procedure TCustomGrid.SetAlternateColor(const AValue: TColor);
5539 begin
5540   if FAlternateColor=AValue then exit;
5541   FAlternateColor:=AValue;
5542   Invalidate;
5543 end;
GetEditorBorderStylenull5545 function TCustomGrid.GetEditorBorderStyle: TBorderStyle;
5546 begin
5547   result := bsSingle;
5548   if FEditor = FStringEditor then
5549     Result := FStringEditor.BorderStyle
5550   else if FEditor = FPickListEditor then
5551     Result := FPickListEditor.BorderStyle;
5552 end;
GetBorderWidthnull5554 function TCustomGrid.GetBorderWidth: Integer;
5555 begin
5556   if InternalNeedBorder then
5557     Result := 1
5558   else
5559     Result := 0
5560 end;
5562 procedure TCustomGrid.GetTitleImageInfo(aColumnIndex: Integer; out
5563   ImgIndex: Integer; out ImgLayout: TButtonLayout);
5564 var
5565   c: TGridColumn;
5566   ResName: string;
5567 begin
5568   c := ColumnFromGridColumn(AColumnIndex);
5569   if (c <> nil) and (FTitleImageList <> nil) and InRange(c.Title.FImageIndex, 0, FTitleImageList.Count - 1) then
5570   begin
5571     ImgIndex := c.Title.FImageIndex;
5572     ImgLayout := c.Title.ImageLayout;
5573   end else
5574   begin
5575     ImgIndex := -1;
5576     ImgLayout := blGlyphRight;
5577   end;
5578   if IsRightToLeft then begin
5579     if ImgLayout = blGlyphRight then
5580       ImgLayout := blGlyphLeft
5581     else if ImgLayout = blGlyphLeft then
5582       ImgLayout := blGlyphRight;
5583   end;
5584 end;
5586 procedure TCustomGrid.GetSortTitleImageInfo(aColumnIndex: Integer; out
5587   ImgList: TCustomImageList; out ImgIndex, ImgListWidth: Integer; out
5588   NativeSortGlyphs: Boolean);
5589 var
5590   ResName: string;
5591 begin
5592   NativeSortGlyphs := False;
5593   ImgIndex := -1;
5594   ImgList := nil;
5595   ImgListWidth := 0;
5597   if aColumnIndex<>FSortColumn then
5598     Exit;
5600   if (FTitleImageList<>nil) and (FSortOrder=soAscending) and (FAscImgInd>=0) then
5601   begin
5602     ImgList := FTitleImageList;
5603     ImgListWidth := FTitleImageListWidth;
5604     ImgIndex := FAscImgInd;
5605   end else
5606   if (FTitleImageList<>nil) and (FSortOrder=soDescending) and (FDescImgInd>=0) then
5607   begin
5608     ImgList := FTitleImageList;
5609     ImgListWidth := FTitleImageListWidth;
5610     ImgIndex := FDescImgInd;
5611   end else
5612   begin
5613     if FSortLCLImages=nil then
5614     begin
5615       FSortLCLImages := TLCLGlyphs.Create(Self);
5616       FSortLCLImages.Width := 8;
5617       FSortLCLImages.Height := 8;
5618       FSortLCLImages.RegisterResolutions([8, 12, 16]);
5619       FSortLCLImages.SetWidth100Suffix(16);
5620     end;
5621     ImgList := FSortLCLImages;
5622     case FSortOrder of
5623       soAscending: ResName := 'sortasc';
5624       soDescending: ResName := 'sortdesc';
5625     end;
5626     ImgIndex := FSortLCLImages.GetImageIndex(ResName);
5627     NativeSortGlyphs := FTitleStyle = tsNative;
5628   end;
5629 end;
5631 procedure TCustomGrid.GetImageForCheckBox(const aCol, aRow: Integer;
5632   CheckBoxView: TCheckBoxState; var ImageList: TCustomImageList;
5633   var ImageIndex: TImageIndex; var Bitmap: TBitmap);
5634 begin
5635   if Assigned(OnUserCheckboxBitmap) then
5636     OnUserCheckboxBitmap(Self, aCol, aRow, CheckBoxView, Bitmap);
5637   if (Bitmap = nil) and Assigned(OnUserCheckBoxImage) then
5638     OnUserCheckboxImage(Self, aCol, aRow, CheckBoxView, ImageList, ImageIndex);
5639 end;
5641 procedure TCustomGrid.AdjustInnerCellRect(var ARect: TRect);
5642 begin
5643   if (GridLineWidth>0) then begin
5644     if goHorzLine in Options then Dec(ARect.Bottom);
5645     if goVertLine in Options then Dec(ARect.Right);
5646   end;
5647 end;
GetColumnsnull5649 function TCustomGrid.GetColumns: TGridColumns;
5650 begin
5651   result := FColumns;
5652 end;
CreateColumnsnull5654 function TCustomGrid.CreateColumns: TGridColumns;
5655 begin
5656   result := TGridColumns.Create(Self, TGridColumn);
5657 end;
5659 procedure TCustomGrid.CheckNewCachedSizes(var AGCache:TGridDataCache);
5660 begin
5662 end;
5664 procedure TCustomGrid.SetAutoFillColumns(const AValue: boolean);
5665 begin
5666   FAutoFillColumns := AValue;
5667   if FAutoFillColumns then begin
5668     VisualChange;
5669     if FTopleft.x<>FixedCols then begin
5670       FTopLeft.x := FixedCols;
5671       TopLeftChanged;
5672     end;
5673   end;
5674 end;
5676 procedure TCustomGrid.SetBorderColor(const AValue: TColor);
5677 begin
5678   if FBorderColor=AValue then exit;
5679   FBorderColor:=AValue;
5680   if BorderStyle<>bsNone then
5681     Invalidate;
5682 end;
5684 procedure TCustomGrid.SetColumnClickSorts(const AValue: boolean);
5685 begin
5686   if FColumnClickSorts=AValue then exit;
5687   FColumnClickSorts:=AValue;
5688 end;
5690 procedure TCustomGrid.SetColumns(const AValue: TGridColumns);
5691 begin
5692   FColumns.Assign(Avalue);
5693 end;
5695 procedure TCustomGrid.SetEditorOptions(const AValue: Integer);
5696 begin
5697   if FEditorOptions<>AValue then begin
5698     if FEditor=nil then exit;
5699     FEditorOptions:=AValue;
5701     if FEditorOptions and EO_HOOKKEYDOWN = EO_HOOKKEYDOWN then begin
5702       FEditor.OnKeyDown:=@EditorKeyDown;
5703     end;
5704     if FEditorOptions and EO_HOOKKEYPRESS = EO_HOOKKEYPRESS then begin
5705       FEditor.OnKeyPress := @EditorKeyPress;
5706       FEditor.OnUTF8KeyPress := @EditorUTF8KeyPress;
5707     end;
5708     if FEditorOptions and EO_HOOKKEYUP = EO_HOOKKEYUP then begin
5709       FEditor.OnKeyUp := @EditorKeyUp;
5710     end;
5712     {$IfDef DbgGrid}
5713     DBGOut('EditorOptions ',FEditor.Name,' ');
5714     if FEditorOptions and EO_AUTOSIZE = EO_AUTOSIZE then DBGOut('EO_AUTOSIZE ');
5715     if FEditorOptions and EO_HOOKKEYDOWN = EO_HOOKKEYDOWN then DBGOut('EO_HOOKKEYDOWN ');
5717     if FEditorOptions and EO_HOOKKEYUP = EO_HOOKKEYUP then DBGOut('EO_HOOKKEYUP ');
5718     if FEditorOptions and EO_SELECTALL= EO_SELECTALL then DBGOut('EO_SELECTALL ');
5719     DebugLn;
5720     {$Endif}
5721   end;
5722 end;
5724 procedure TCustomGrid.SetEditorBorderStyle(const AValue: TBorderStyle);
5725 begin
5726   // supposedly instances cannot access protected properties
5727   // of parent classes, so why the next works?
5728   {
5729   if FEditor.BorderStyle <> AValue then begin
5730     FEditor.BorderStyle := AValue;
5731     if EditorMode then
5732       EditorPos;
5733   end;
5734   }
5735   if FStringEditor.BorderStyle<>AValue then begin
5736     FStringEditor.BorderStyle := AValue;
5737     if (FEditor = FStringEditor) and EditorMode then
5738       EditorPos;
5739   end;
5740   if FPicklistEditor.BorderStyle<>AValue then begin
5741     FPicklistEditor.BorderStyle := AValue;
5742     if (FEditor = FPicklistEditor) and EditorMode then
5743       EditorPos;
5744   end;
5745 end;
5747 procedure TCustomGrid.SetAltColorStartNormal(const AValue: boolean);
5748 begin
5749   if FAltColorStartNormal=AValue then exit;
5750   FAltColorStartNormal:=AValue;
5751   if IsAltColorStored then
5752     Invalidate;
5753 end;
5755 procedure TCustomGrid.SetFlat(const AValue: Boolean);
5756 begin
5757   if FFlat=AValue then exit;
5758   FFlat:=AValue;
5759   if FGridBorderStyle=bsSingle then
5760     UpdateBorderStyle
5761   else
5762     Invalidate;
5763 end;
5765 procedure TCustomGrid.SetFocusRectVisible(const AValue: Boolean);
5766 begin
5767   if FFocusRectVisible<>AValue then begin
5768     FFocusRectVisible := AValue;
5769     Invalidate;
5770   end;
5771 end;
5773 procedure TCustomGrid.SetTitleFont(const AValue: TFont);
5774 begin
5775   FTitleFont.Assign(AValue);
5776   VisualChange;
5777 end;
5779 procedure TCustomGrid.SetTitleImageList(const AValue: TImageList);
5780 begin
5781   if FTitleImageList = AValue then exit;
5782   FTitleImageList := AValue;
5783   VisualChange;
5784 end;
5786 procedure TCustomGrid.SetTitleImageListWidth(
5787   const aTitleImageListWidth: Integer);
5788 begin
5789   if FTitleImageListWidth = aTitleImageListWidth then Exit;
5790   FTitleImageListWidth := aTitleImageListWidth;
5791   VisualChange;
5792 end;
5794 procedure TCustomGrid.SetTitleStyle(const AValue: TTitleStyle);
5795 begin
5796   if FTitleStyle=AValue then exit;
5797   FTitleStyle:=AValue;
5798   Invalidate;
5799 end;
5801 procedure TCustomGrid.SetUseXorFeatures(const AValue: boolean);
5802 begin
5803   if FUseXORFeatures=AValue then exit;
5804   FUseXORFeatures:=AValue;
5805   Invalidate;
5806 end;
5808 procedure TCustomGrid.SetBorderStyle(NewStyle: TBorderStyle);
5809 begin
5810   if FGridBorderStyle<>NewStyle then begin
5811     FGridBorderStyle := NewStyle;
5812     UpdateBorderStyle;
5813   end;
5814 end;
5816 { Save to the cache the current visible grid (excluding fixed cells) }
5817 procedure TCustomGrid.CacheVisibleGrid;
5818 var
5819   CellR: TRect;
5820 begin
5821   with FGCache do begin
5822     VisibleGrid:=GetVisibleGrid;
5823     with VisibleGrid do begin
5824       ValidRows := (left>=0) and (Right>=Left) and (ColCount>0) and (RowCount>0);
5825       ValidCols := (top>=0) and (bottom>=Top) and (ColCount>0) and (RowCount>0);
5826       ValidGrid := ValidRows and ValidCols;
5827     end;
5828     FullVisibleGrid := VisibleGrid;
5829     if ValidGrid then begin
5830       if GetSmoothScroll(SB_Horz) and (TLColOff>0) then
5831         FullVisibleGrid.Left := Min(FullVisibleGrid.Left+1, FullVisibleGrid.Right);
5832       if GetSmoothScroll(SB_Vert) and (TLRowOff>0) then
5833         FullVisibleGrid.Top  := Min(FullVisibleGrid.Top+1, FullVisibleGrid.Bottom);
5835       CellR := CellRect(FullVisibleGrid.Right, FullVisibleGrid.Bottom);
5836       if CellR.Right>(ClientWidth+GetBorderWidth) then
5837         FullVisibleGrid.Right := Max(FullVisibleGrid.Right-1, FullVisibleGrid.Left);
5838       if CellR.Bottom>(ClientHeight+GetBorderWidth) then
5839         FullVisibleGrid.Bottom := Max(FullVisibleGrid.Bottom-1, FullVisibleGrid.Top);
5840     end;
5841   end;
5842 end;
5844 procedure TCustomGrid.CancelSelection;
5845 begin
5846   if (FRange.Bottom-FRange.Top>0) or
5847     ((FRange.Right-FRange.Left>0) and not (goRowSelect in Options)) then begin
5848     InvalidateRange(FRange);
5849     if goRowSelect in Options then
5850       FRange:=Rect(FFixedCols, FRow, ColCount-1, FRow)
5851     else
5852       FRange:=Rect(FCol,FRow,FCol,FRow);
5853   end;
5854   SelectActive := False;
5855 end;
GetSelectedRangenull5857 function TCustomGrid.GetSelectedRange(AIndex: Integer): TGridRect;
5858 begin
5859   if AIndex >= Length(FSelections) then
5860     Result := FRange
5861   else
5862     Result := FSelections[AIndex];
5863 end;
GetSelectedRangeCountnull5865 function TCustomGrid.GetSelectedRangeCount: Integer;
5866 begin
5867   Result := Length(FSelections) + 1;
5868     // add 1 because the current selection (FRange) is not stored in the array
5869 end;
GetSelectionnull5871 function TCustomGrid.GetSelection: TGridRect;
5872 begin
5873   Result:=FRange;
5874 end;
GetSpecialCursornull5876 function TCustomGrid.GetSpecialCursor(ACursorState: TGridCursorState): TCursor;
5877 begin
5878   Result := FSpecialCursors[ACursorState];
5879 end;
GetSmoothScrollnull5881 function TCustomGrid.GetSmoothScroll(Which: Integer): Boolean;
5882 begin
5883   Result := goSmoothScroll in Options;
5884 end;
5886 procedure TCustomGrid.SetColRowDragIndicatorColor(const AValue: TColor);
5887 begin
5888   if FColRowDragIndicatorColor = AValue then exit;
5889   FColRowDragIndicatorColor := AValue;
5890   if FGridState = gsColMoving then
5891     DrawColRowMoving;
5892 end;
5894 procedure TCustomGrid.SetDefaultDrawing(const AValue: Boolean);
5895 begin
5896   if FDefaultDrawing=AValue then exit;
5897   FDefaultDrawing:=AValue;
5898   Invalidate;
5899 end;
5901 procedure TCustomGrid.SetFocusColor(const AValue: TColor);
5902 begin
5903   if FFocusColor=AValue then exit;
5904   FFocusColor:=AValue;
5905   InvalidateCell(FCol,FRow);
5906 end;
5908 procedure TCustomGrid.SetGridLineStyle(const AValue: TPenStyle);
5909 begin
5910   if FGridLineStyle=AValue then exit;
5911   FGridLineStyle:=AValue;
5912   Invalidate;
5913 end;
5915 procedure TCustomGrid.SetSelectActive(const AValue: Boolean);
5916 begin
5917   if FSelectActive=AValue then exit;
5918   FSelectActive:=AValue and
5919     (not EditingAllowed(FCol) or (ExtendedSelect and not EditorAlwaysShown));
5920   if FSelectActive then FPivot:=Point(FCol,FRow);
5921 end;
5923 procedure TCustomGrid.SetSelection(const AValue: TGridRect);
5924 begin
5925   if goRangeSelect in Options then
5926   begin
5927     if (AValue.Left<0)and(AValue.Top<0)and(AValue.Right<0)and(AValue.Bottom<0) then
5928       CancelSelection
5929     else begin
5930       fRange:=NormalizarRect(aValue);
5931       if fRange.Right>=ColCount then fRange.Right:=ColCount-1;
5932       if fRange.Bottom>=RowCount then fRange.Bottom:=RowCount-1;
5933       if fRange.Left<FixedCols then fRange.Left := FixedCols;
5934       if fRange.Top<FixedRows then fRange.Top := FixedRows;
5935       if goSelectionActive in Options then begin
5936         FPivot := FRange.TopLeft;
5937         FSelectActive := True;
5938         MoveExtend(false, FRange.Right, FRange.Bottom, True);
5939       end;
5940       Invalidate;
5941     end;
5942   end;
5943 end;
5945 procedure TCustomGrid.SetSpecialCursor(ACursorState: TGridCursorState;
5946   const AValue: TCursor);
5947 begin
5948   if AValue = GetSpecialCursor(ACursorState) then
5949     exit;
5950   FSpecialCursors[ACursorState] := AValue;
5951   if FCursorState <> gcsDefault then
5952     ChangeCursor(AValue, false);
5953 end;
doColSizingnull5955 function TCustomGrid.doColSizing(X, Y: Integer): Boolean;
5956 var
5957   Offset: Integer;
5959   procedure FindPrevColumn;
5960   begin
5961     Dec(FSizing.Index);
5962     while (FSizing.Index>FixedCols) and (ColWidths[FSizing.Index]=0) do
5963       Dec(FSizing.Index);
5964   end;
5966 begin
5967   Result:=False;
5969   with FSizing do
5970   if gsColSizing = fGridState then begin
5972     if not (gfSizingStarted in FGridFlags) then
5973       if not StartColSizing(X,Y) then
5974         exit;
5975     Include(FGridFlags, gfSizingStarted);
5977     if FUseXORFeatures then begin
5979       if UseRightToLeftAlignment then begin
5980         if (OffEnd - x) <=0 then
5981           x:= OffEnd;
5982       end
5983       else
5984       if (X-OffIni)<=0 then
5985         X := OffIni;
5987       if X<>PrevOffset then begin
5988         if PrevLine then
5989           DrawXorVertLine(PrevOffset);
5990         DrawXorVertLine(X);
5991         PrevLine:=True;
5992         PrevOffset:=X;
5993       end;
5995     end else begin
5996       if UseRightToLeftAlignment then
5997         ResizeColumn(Index, OffEnd - X + DeltaOff)
5998       else
5999         ResizeColumn(Index, X - OffIni + DeltaOff);
6000     end;
6001     HeaderSizing(true, Index, X - OffIni + DeltaOff);
6002     exit(true);
6003   end else
6004   if (fGridState=gsNormal) and
6005      ((Y<FGCache.FixedHeight) or (FExtendedColSizing and (Y<FGCache.MaxClientXY.Y))) and
6006      ((goFixedColSizing in Options) or ((ColCount>FixedCols) and (FlipX(X)>FGCache.FixedWidth)))
6007   then begin
6009     // find closest cell and cell boundaries
6010     if (FlipX(X)>FGCache.GridWidth-1) then
6011       Index := ColCount-1
6012     else
6013       OffsetToColRow(True, True, X, Index, Offset);
6014     ColRowToOffset(True, true, Index, OffIni, OffEnd);
6016     if OffEnd>FGCache.ClientWidth then
6017       Offset := FGCache.ClientWidth
6018     else if (OffEnd-X)<(X-OffIni) then begin
6019       Offset := OffEnd;
6020       if UseRightToLeftAlignment then
6021         FindPrevColumn;
6022     end else begin
6023       Offset := OffIni;
6024       if not UseRightToLeftAlignment then
6025         FindPrevColumn;
6026     end;
6028     // check if cursor is near boundary and it's a valid column
6029     if (Abs(Offset-x)<=varColRowBorderTolerance) then begin
6030       if goFixedColSizing in Options then
6031         Offset := 0
6032       else
6033         Offset := FFixedCols;
6034       if Index>=Offset then begin
6035         // start resizing
6036         if FCursorState<>gcsColWidthChanging then begin
6037           PrevLine := false;
6038           PrevOffset := -1;
6039           ChangeCursor(ColSizingCursor);
6040           FCursorState := gcsColWidthChanging;
6041         end;
6042         exit(true);
6043       end;
6044     end;
6046   end;
6048   if (FCursorState=gcsColWidthChanging) then
6049     RestoreCursor;
6050 end;
TCustomGrid.doRowSizingnull6052 function TCustomGrid.doRowSizing(X, Y: Integer): Boolean;
6053 var
6054   Offset: Integer;
6055 begin
6056   Result:=False;
6058   with FSizing do
6059   if gsRowSizing = fGridState then begin
6060     if FUseXORFeatures then begin
6061       if (y-OffIni)<=0 then
6062         y:= OffIni;
6063       if y<>PrevOffset then begin
6064         if PrevLine then
6065           DrawXorHorzLine(PrevOffset);
6066         DrawXorHorzLine(Y);
6067         PrevLine:=True;
6068         PrevOffset:=y;
6069       end;
6070     end else
6071       ResizeRow(Index, y-OffIni);
6072     HeaderSizing(false, Index, y-OffIni);
6073     exit(true);
6074   end else
6075   if (fGridState=gsNormal) and (RowCount>FixedRows) and
6076      ((FlipX(X)<FGCache.FixedWidth) or
6077       (FExtendedRowSizing and (FlipX(X)<FGCache.MaxClientXY.X))) and
6078      (Y>FGCache.FixedHeight) then
6079   begin
6081     // find closest cell and cell boundaries
6082     if Y>FGCache.GridHeight-1 then
6083       Index := RowCount-1
6084     else
6085       OffsetToColRow(False, True, Y, Index, OffEnd{dummy});
6086     ColRowToOffset(False, True, Index, OffIni, OffEnd);
6088     // find out what cell boundary is closer to Y
6089     if OffEnd>FGCache.ClientHeight then
6090       Offset := FGCache.ClientHeight
6091     else
6092     if (OffEnd-Y)<(Y-OffIni) then
6093       Offset := OffEnd
6094     else begin
6095       Offset := OffIni;
6096       Dec(Index);
6097       ColRowToOffset(False, True, Index, OffIni, OffEnd);
6098     end;
6100     // check if it's not fixed row and if cursor is close enough to
6101     // selected boundary
6102     if (Index>=FFixedRows)and(Abs(Offset-Y)<=varColRowBorderTolerance) then begin
6103       // start resizing
6104       if FCursorState<>gcsRowHeightChanging then begin
6105         ChangeCursor(RowSizingCursor);
6106         FCursorState := gcsRowHeightChanging;
6107         PrevLine := False;
6108         PrevOffset := -1;
6109       end;
6110       exit(true);
6111     end
6113   end;
6115   if (FCursorState=gcsRowHeightChanging) then
6116     RestoreCursor;
6117 end;
6119 procedure TCustomGrid.doColMoving(X, Y: Integer);
6120 var
6121   CurCell: TPoint;
6122   R: TRect;
6123 begin
6124   CurCell:=MouseToCell(Point(X,Y));
6126   with FGCache do begin
6128     if (Abs(ClickMouse.X-X)>FDragDX) and (FCursorState<>gcsDragging) then begin
6129       ChangeCursor(ColRowDraggingCursor);
6130       FCursorState := gcsDragging;
6131       ResetLastMove;
6132     end;
6134     if (FCursorState=gcsDragging) and
6135        (CurCell.X>=FFixedCols) and
6136        ((CurCell.X<=ClickCell.X) or (CurCell.X>ClickCell.X)) and
6137        (CurCell.X<>FMoveLast.X) then begin
6139       R := CellRect(CurCell.X, CurCell.Y);
6140       if CurCell.X<=ClickCell.X then
6141         FMoveLast.Y := R.Left
6142       else
6143         FMoveLast.Y := R.Right;
6145       FMoveLast.X := CurCell.X;
6146       {$ifdef AlternativeMoveIndicator}
6147       InvalidateRow(0);
6148       {$else}
6149       Invalidate;
6150       {$endif}
6151     end;
6152   end;
6153 end;
6155 procedure TCustomGrid.doRowMoving(X, Y: Integer);
6156 var
6157   CurCell: TPoint;
6158   R: TRect;
6159 begin
6160   CurCell:=MouseToCell(Point(X,Y));
6162   with FGCache do begin
6164     if (FCursorState<>gcsDragging) and (Abs(ClickMouse.Y-Y)>FDragDX) then begin
6165       ChangeCursor(ColRowDraggingCursor);
6166       FCursorState := gcsDragging;
6167       ResetLastMove;
6168     end;
6170     if (FCursorState=gcsDragging)and
6171        (CurCell.Y>=FFixedRows) and
6172        ((CurCell.Y<=ClickCell.Y) or (CurCell.Y>ClickCell.Y))and
6173        (CurCell.Y<>FMoveLast.Y) then begin
6175       R:=CellRect(CurCell.X, CurCell.Y);
6176       if CurCell.Y<=ClickCell.Y then
6177         FMoveLast.X:=R.Top
6178       else
6179         FMoveLast.X:=R.Bottom;
6180       FMoveLast.Y:=CurCell.Y;
6181       Invalidate;
6182     end;
6183   end;
6184 end;
OffsetToColRownull6187 function TCustomGrid.OffsetToColRow(IsCol, Physical: Boolean; Offset: Integer;
6188   out Index, Rest: Integer): Boolean;
6189 begin
6190   Index:=0;
6191   Rest:=0;
6192   Result := False;
6193   if IsCol and UseRightToLeftAlignment then
6194     Offset := FlipX(Offset);
6195   Offset := Offset - GetBorderWidth;
6196   if Offset<0 then Exit; // Out of Range;
6198   with FGCache do begin
6199     if IsCol then begin
6200       // begin to count Cols from 0 but ...
6201       if Physical and (Offset>FixedWidth-1) then begin
6202         Index := FTopLeft.X;  // In scrolled view, then begin from FTopLeft col
6203         if IsColumnIndexValid(Index) then begin
6204           Offset:=Offset-FixedWidth+AccumWidth[Index];
6205           if GetSmoothScroll(SB_Horz) then
6206             Offset:=Offset+TLColOff;
6207         end;
6208         if not IsColumnIndexValid(Index) or (Offset>GridWidth-1) then begin
6209           if AllowOutboundEvents then
6210             Index := ColCount-1
6211           else
6212             Index := -1;
6213           exit;
6214         end;
6215       end;
6217       while Offset > AccumWidth[Index]+GetColWidths(Index)-1 do begin
6218         Inc(Index);
6219         if not IsColumnIndexValid(Index) then begin
6220           if AllowOutBoundEvents then
6221             Index := ColCount-1
6222           else
6223             Index := -1;
6224           exit;
6225         end;
6226       end;
6228       Rest:=Offset;
6229       if Index<>0 then
6230         Rest:=Offset-AccumWidth[Index];
6232     end else begin
6234       //DebugLn('TCustomGrid.OffsetToColRow ',DbgSName(Self),' Physical=',dbgs(Physical),' Offset=',dbgs(Offset),' FixedHeight=',dbgs(FixedHeight),' FTopLeft=',dbgs(FTopLeft),' RowCount=',dbgs(RowCount),' TLRowOff=',dbgs(TLRowOff));
6235       if Physical and (Offset>FixedHeight-1) then begin
6236         Index:=FTopLeft.Y;
6237         if IsRowIndexValid(Index) then
6238           Offset:=Offset-FixedHeight+AccumHeight[Index]+TLRowOff;
6239         if not IsRowIndexValid(Index) or (Offset>GridHeight-1) then begin
6240           if AllowOutboundEvents then
6241             Index := RowCount-1
6242           else
6243             Index := -1;
6244           Exit; // Out of Range
6245         end;
6246       end;
6248       while Offset > AccumHeight[Index]+GetRowHeights(Index)-1 do
6249         Inc(Index);
6251       Rest:=Offset;
6252       if Index<>0 then
6253         Rest:=Offset-AccumHeight[Index];
6255     end;
6256   end;
6257   result := True;
6258 end;
6260 { ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6261   Example:
6262   IsCol=true, Index:=100, TopLeft.x:=98, FixedCols:=1, all ColWidths:=20
6263   Relative => StartPos := WidthfixedCols+WidthCol98+WidthCol99
6264   not Relative = Absolute => StartPos := WidthCols(0..99) }
ColRowToOffsetnull6265 function TCustomGrid.ColRowToOffset(IsCol, Relative: Boolean; Index: Integer;
6266   out StartPos, EndPos: Integer): Boolean;
6267 var
6268   Dim: Integer;
6269 begin
6270   Result:=false;
6271   with FGCache do begin
6272     if IsCol then begin
6273       if not IsColumnIndexValid(Index) then
6274         exit;
6275       StartPos:=AccumWidth[index];
6276       Dim:=GetColWidths(index);
6277     end else begin
6278       if not IsRowIndexValid(Index) then
6279         exit;
6280       StartPos:=AccumHeight[index];
6281       Dim:= GetRowHeights(index);
6282     end;
6283     StartPos := StartPos + GetBorderWidth;
6284     if not Relative then begin
6285       EndPos:=StartPos + Dim;
6286       Exit;
6287     end;
6288     if IsCol then begin
6289       if IsColumnIndexVariable(Index) then begin
6290         StartPos:=StartPos-AccumWidth[FTopLeft.X] + FixedWidth;
6291         if GetSmoothScroll(SB_Horz) then
6292           StartPos := StartPos - TLColOff;
6293       end;
6294     end else begin
6295       if IsRowIndexVariable(Index) then begin
6296         StartPos:=StartPos-AccumHeight[FTopLeft.Y] + FixedHeight;
6297         if GetSmoothScroll(SB_Vert) then
6298           StartPos := StartPos - TLRowOff;
6299       end;
6300     end;
6301     if IsCol and UseRightToLeftAlignment then
6302     begin
6303       EndPos := FlipX(StartPos) + 1;
6304       StartPos := EndPos - Dim;
6305     end
6306     else
6307       EndPos:=StartPos + Dim;
6308   end;
6309   Result:=true;
6310 end;
ColumnIndexFromGridColumnnull6312 function TCustomGrid.ColumnIndexFromGridColumn(Column: Integer): Integer;
6313 begin
6314   if Columns.Enabled and (Column>=FirstGridColumn) then
6315     result := Columns.RealIndex(Column - FirstGridColumn)
6316   else
6317     result := -1;
6318 end;
ColumnFromGridColumnnull6320 function TCustomGrid.ColumnFromGridColumn(Column: Integer): TGridColumn;
6321 var
6322   ColIndex: Integer;
6323 begin
6324   ColIndex := ColumnIndexFromGridColumn(Column);
6325   if ColIndex>=0 then
6326     result := Columns[ColIndex]
6327   else
6328     result := nil;
6329 end;
6331 procedure TCustomGrid.ColumnsChanged(aColumn: TGridColumn);
6332 var
6333   aCol: Integer;
6334 begin
6335   if csDestroying in ComponentState then
6336     exit;
6338   if AColumn=nil then begin
6339     if Columns.Enabled then begin
6340       if FirstGridColumn + Columns.VisibleCount <> ColCount then
6341         InternalSetColCount( FirstGridColumn + Columns.VisibleCount )
6342       else
6343         VisualChange;
6344     end else
6345     if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then
6346       ColCount := FixedCols;
6347   end else begin
6348     aCol := Columns.IndexOf(AColumn);
6349     if ACol>=0 then begin
6350       VisualChange;
6351       {
6352       if aColumn.WidthChanged then
6353         VisualChange
6354       else
6355         InvalidateCol(FixedCols + ACol);
6356       }
6357     end;
6358   end;
6360 end;
MouseToGridZonenull6362 function TCustomGrid.MouseToGridZone(X, Y: Integer): TGridZone;
6363 var
6364   aBorderWidth: Integer;
6365   aCol, aRow: Longint;
6366 begin
6367   aBorderWidth := GetBorderWidth;
6368   if FlipX(X)<FGCache.FixedWidth+aBorderWidth then begin
6369     // in fixedwidth zone
6370     if Y<FGcache.FixedHeight+aBorderWidth then
6371       Result:= gzFixedCells
6372     else begin
6373       OffsetToColRow(False, True, Y, aRow, aCol);
6374       if (aRow<0) or (RowCount<=FixedRows) then
6375         Result := gzInvalid
6376       else
6377         Result := gzFixedRows;
6378     end;
6379   end
6380   else if Y<FGCache.FixedHeight+aBorderWidth then begin
6381     // if fixedheight zone
6382     if FlipX(X)<FGCache.FixedWidth+aBorderWidth then
6383       Result:=gzFixedCells
6384     else begin
6385       OffsetToColRow(True, True, X, aCol, aRow);
6386       if (aCol<0) or (ColCount<=FixedCols) then
6387         Result := gzInvalid
6388       else
6389         Result := gzFixedCols;
6390     end;
6391   end
6392   else if not FixedGrid then begin
6393     // in normal cell zone (though, might be outbounds)
6394     MouseToCell(x, y, aCol, aRow);
6395     if (aCol<0) or (aRow<0) then
6396       result := gzInvalid
6397     else
6398       result := gzNormal;
6399   end
6400   else
6401     result := gzInvalid;
6402 end;
CellToGridZonenull6404 function TCustomGrid.CellToGridZone(aCol, aRow: Integer): TGridZone;
6405 begin
6406   if (aCol<0) or (aRow<0) then
6407     Result := gzInvalid
6408   else
6409   if (aCol<FFixedCols) then
6410     if aRow<FFixedRows then
6411       Result:= gzFixedCells
6412     else
6413       Result:= gzFixedRows
6414   else
6415   if (aRow<FFixedRows) then
6416     if aCol<FFixedCols then
6417       Result:= gzFixedCells
6418     else
6419       Result:= gzFixedCols
6420   else
6421     Result := gzNormal;
6422 end;
6424 procedure TCustomGrid.DoOPExchangeColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; index, WithIndex: Integer);
6425 var
6426   aColRow: integer;
6427 begin
6429   if IsColumn and Columns.Enabled then begin
6430     Columns.ExchangeColumn( ColumnIndexFromGridColumn(Index),
6431       ColumnIndexFromGridColumn(WithIndex));
6432     ColRowExchanged(IsColumn, index, WithIndex);
6433     exit;
6434   end;
6435   // exchanges column widths or row heights
6436   if IsColumn then
6437     FCols.Exchange(index, WithIndex)
6438   else
6439     FRows.Exchange(index, WithIndex);
6440   ColRowExchanged(IsColumn, index, WithIndex);
6441   VisualChange;
6443   // adjust editor bounds
6444   if IsColumn then
6445     aColRow := FCol
6446   else
6447     aColRow := FRow;
6449   if Between(aColRow, Index, WithIndex) then begin
6450     if aColRow=Index then
6451       aColRow:=WithIndex
6452     else
6453     if aColRow=WithIndex then
6454       aColRow:=Index;
6455     if IsColumn then
6456       AdjustEditorBounds(aColRow, FRow)
6457     else
6458       AdjustEditorBounds(FCol, aColRow);
6459   end;
6461   // adjust sort column
6462   if IsColumn and (FSortColumn>=0) then begin
6463     if Between(FSortColumn, Index, WithIndex) then begin
6464       if FSortColumn=Index then
6465         FSortColumn := WithIndex
6466       else
6467       if FSortColumn=WithIndex then
6468         FSortColumn := Index;
6469     end;
6470   end;
6471 end;
6473 procedure TCustomGrid.DoOPInsertColRow(IsColumn: boolean; index: integer);
6474 var
6475   NewCol,NewRow: Integer;
6476 begin
6477   if IsColumn and (RowCount = 0) then
6478     Raise EGridException.Create(rsGridHasNoRows);
6479   if not IsColumn then
6480   begin
6481     if (Columns.Enabled and (Columns.Count = 0)) or (not Columns.Enabled and (ColCount = 0)) then
6482       Raise EGridException.Create(rsGridHasNoCols);
6483   end;
6485   if Index<0 then
6486     Index:=0;
6488   NewCol := Col;
6489   NewRow := Row;
6490   if IsColumn then begin
6491     if Index>ColCount-1 then
6492       Index := ColCount-1;
6493     if Index<FixedCols then
6494       inc(FFixedCols);
6495     if columns.Enabled then begin
6496       Columns.InsertColumn(ColumnIndexFromGridColumn(index));
6497       ColRowInserted(true, index);
6498       exit;
6499     end else begin
6500       FCols.Insert(Index, -1);
6501       FGCache.AccumWidth.Insert(Index, -1);
6502     end;
6503   end else begin
6504     Frows.Insert(Index, -1);
6505     FGCache.AccumHeight.Insert(Index, -1);
6506     if Index<FixedRows then
6507       inc(FFixedRows);
6508   end;
6509   ColRowInserted(IsColumn, index);
6510   VisualChange;
6512   // adjust editor bounds
6513   if IsColumn then begin
6514     if NewCol<FixedCols then
6515       NewCol := FixedCols
6516     else
6517     if Index<=NewCol then
6518       Inc(NewCol);
6519   end else begin
6520     if NewRow<FixedRows then
6521       NewRow := FixedRows
6522     else
6523     if Index<=NewRow then
6524       Inc(NewRow);
6525   end;
6526   AdjustEditorBounds(NewCol, NewRow);
6528   // adjust sorted column
6529   if IsColumn and (FSortColumn>=Index) then
6530     Inc(FSortColumn);
6531 end;
6533 procedure TCustomGrid.DoOPMoveColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; FromIndex,
6534   ToIndex: Integer);
6535 var
6536   aColRow: Integer;
6537 begin
6538   if FromIndex=ToIndex then
6539     exit;
6541   CheckIndex(IsColumn, FromIndex);
6542   CheckIndex(IsColumn, ToIndex);
6544   // move custom columns if they are not locked
6545   if IsColumn and Columns.Enabled and (not(gfColumnsLocked in FGridFlags)) then begin
6546     Columns.MoveColumn(ColumnIndexFromGridColumn(FromIndex),
6547       ColumnIndexFromGridColumn(ToIndex));
6548     // done
6549     exit;
6550   end;
6552   // move grids content
6553   if IsColumn then
6554     FCols.Move(FromIndex, ToIndex)
6555   else
6556     FRows.Move(FromIndex, ToIndex);
6557   ColRowMoved(IsColumn, FromIndex, ToIndex);
6559   if not IsColumn or not Columns.Enabled then
6560     VisualChange;
6562   // adjust editor bounds
6563   if IsColumn then
6564     aColRow:=FCol
6565   else
6566     aColRow:=FRow;
6567   if Between(aColRow, FromIndex, ToIndex) then begin
6568     if aColRow=FromIndex then
6569       aColRow := ToIndex
6570     else
6571     if FromIndex<aColRow then
6572       aColRow := aColRow-1
6573     else
6574       aColRow := aColRow+1;
6575     if IsColumn then
6576       AdjustEditorBounds(aColRow, FRow)
6577     else
6578       AdjustEditorBounds(FCol, aColRow);
6579   end;
6581   // adjust sorted column
6582   if IsColumn and (FSortColumn>=0) then
6583     if Between(FSortColumn, FromIndex, ToIndex) then begin
6584       if FSortColumn=FromIndex then
6585         FSortColumn := ToIndex
6586       else
6587       if FromIndex<FSortColumn then
6588         Dec(FSortColumn)
6589       else
6590         Inc(FSortColumn);
6591     end;
6592 end;
6594 procedure TCustomGrid.DoOPDeleteColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer);
6596   procedure doDeleteColumn;
6597   var
6598     tmpIndex: Integer;
6599   begin
6600     CheckFixedCount(ColCount-1, RowCount, FFixedCols, FFixedRows);
6601     CheckCount(ColCount-1, RowCount, false);
6603     // before deleteing column hide editor
6604     if EditorMode and (Index=Col) then
6605       EditorMode:=False;
6607     if Columns.Enabled then
6608       tmpIndex := ColumnIndexFromGridColumn(Index);
6610     if Index<FixedCols then begin
6611       Dec(FFixedCols);
6612       FTopLeft.x := FFixedCols;
6613     end;
6615     FCols.Delete(Index);
6616     FGCache.AccumWidth.Delete(Index);
6618     ColRowDeleted(True, Index);
6620     if Columns.Enabled then
6621       Columns.RemoveColumn(tmpIndex);
6623     FixPosition(True, Index);
6624   end;
6626   procedure doDeleteRow;
6627   begin
6628     CheckFixedCount(ColCount, RowCount-1, FFixedCols, FFixedRows);
6629     CheckCount(ColCount, RowCount-1, false);
6630     // before deleteing row hide editor
6631     if EditorMode and (Index=Row) then
6632       EditorMode:=False;
6633     if Index<FixedRows then begin
6634       Dec(FFixedRows);
6635       FTopLeft.y := FFixedRows;
6636     end;
6637     FRows.Delete(Index);
6638     FGCache.AccumHeight.Delete(Index);
6639     ColRowDeleted(False,Index);
6640     FixPosition(False, Index);
6642     If FRowAutoInserted And (Index=FixedRows+(RowCount-1)) Then
6643       FRowAutoInserted := False;
6644   end;
6646 begin
6647   CheckIndex(IsColumn,Index);
6648   if IsColumn then begin
6649     doDeleteColumn;
6650     if FSortColumn=Index then
6651       FSortColumn :=-1
6652     else
6653     if FSortColumn>Index then
6654       Dec(FSortColumn);
6655   end
6656   else
6657     doDeleteRow;
6658 end;
EditorByStylenull6660 function TCustomGrid.EditorByStyle(Style: TColumnButtonStyle): TWinControl;
6661 begin
6662   case Style of
6663     cbsEllipsis:
6664       Result := FButtonStringEditor;
6665     cbsButton:
6666       Result := FButtonEditor;
6667     cbsPicklist:
6668       Result := FPicklistEditor;
6669     cbsAuto:
6670       Result := FStringEditor;
6671     else {cbsNone, cbsCheckboxColumn, cbsButtonColumn:}
6672       Result := nil;
6673   end;
6674 end;
6676 procedure TCustomGrid.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,
6677   Y: Integer);
6679   function CheckAutoEdit: boolean;
6680   begin
6681     result := FAutoEdit and not(csNoFocus in ControlStyle) and
6682               EditingAllowed(FCol) and (FGCache.ClickCell.X=Col) and (FGCache.ClickCell.Y=Row);
6683     if result then
6684       GridFlags := GridFlags + [gfAutoEditPending];
6685   end;
6687 begin
6688   inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y);
6690   if (csDesigning in componentState) or not MouseButtonAllowed(Button) then
6691     Exit;
6693   {$IfDef dbgGrid}DebugLnEnter('MouseDown %s INIT',[dbgsName(self)]); {$Endif}
6695   FIgnoreClick := True;
6697   {$IFDEF dbgGrid}
6698   DebugLn('Mouse was in ', dbgs(FGCache.HotGridZone));
6699   {$ENDIF}
6701   if not Focused and not(csNoFocus in ControlStyle) then begin
6702     SetFocus;
6703     if not Focused then begin
6704       {$ifDef dbgGrid} DebugLnExit('TCustomGrid.MouseDown EXIT: Focus not allowed'); {$Endif}
6705       exit;
6706     end;
6707   end;
6709   CacheMouseDown(X,Y);
6711   case FGCache.HotGridZone of
6713     gzFixedCells:
6714       begin
6715         if (goColSizing in Options) and (goFixedColSizing in Options) and
6716            (FCursorState=gcsColWidthChanging) then
6717           fGridState:= gsColSizing
6718         else begin
6719           FGridState := gsHeaderClicking;
6720           if ((goHeaderPushedLook in Options) and
6721               (FGCache.HotGridZone in FHeaderPushZones)) then
6722             DoPushCell;
6723         end;
6724       end;
6726     gzFixedCols:
6727       begin
6728         if (goColSizing in Options) and (FCursorState=gcsColWidthChanging) then begin
6729           fGridState:= gsColSizing;
6730           FGCache.OldMaxTopLeft := FGCache.MaxTopLeft;
6731         end
6732         else begin
6733           // ColMoving or Clicking
6734           if fGridState<>gsColMoving then begin
6735             fGridState:=gsColMoving;
6736             ResetLastMove;
6737           end;
6739           if ((goHeaderPushedLook in Options) and
6740               (FGCache.HotGridZone in FHeaderPushZones)) then
6741             DoPushCell;
6742         end;
6743       end;
6745     gzFixedRows:
6746       if (goRowSizing in Options) and (FCursorState=gcsRowHeightChanging) then
6747         fGridState:= gsRowSizing
6748       else begin
6749         // RowMoving or Clicking
6750         fGridState:=gsRowMoving;
6751         ResetLastMove;
6752         if ((goHeaderPushedLook in Options) and
6753             (FGCache.HotGridZone in FHeaderPushZones)) then
6754           DoPushCell;
6755       end;
6757     gzNormal:
6758       begin
6759         LockEditor;
6760         FIgnoreClick := False;
6761         UnlockEditor;
6762         if IsMouseOverCellButton(X, Y) then begin
6763           StartPushCell;
6764           Exit;
6765         end else
6766         if FExtendedColSizing and
6767           (FCursorState=gcsColWidthChanging) and
6768           (goColSizing in Options) then begin
6769           // extended column sizing
6770           fGridState:= gsColSizing;
6772         end
6773         else if not FixedGrid then begin
6774           // normal selecting
6775           fGridState:=gsSelecting;
6777           if not EditingAllowed(FCol) or
6778             (ExtendedSelect and not EditorAlwaysShown) then begin
6780             if ssShift in Shift then
6781               SelectActive:=(goRangeSelect in Options)
6782             else begin
6783               if (goRangeSelect in Options) and (FRangeSelectMode = rsmMulti)
6784               then begin
6785                 if (MULTISEL_MODIFIER in Shift) then
6786                   AddSelectedRange
6787                 else begin
6788                   ClearSelections;
6789                   Invalidate;
6790                 end;
6791               end;
6793               // shift is not pressed any more cancel SelectActive if necessary
6794               if SelectActive then
6795                 CancelSelection;
6797               if not SelectActive then begin
6798                 CheckAutoEdit;
6799                 GridFlags := GridFlags + [gfNeedsSelectActive];
6800                 FPivot:=FGCache.ClickCell;
6802               end;
6803             end;
6805           end else if CheckAutoEDit then begin
6806             {$ifDef dbgGrid} DebugLnExit('MouseDown (autoedit) EXIT'); {$Endif}
6807             Exit;
6808           end;
6810           include(fGridFlags, gfEditingDone);
6811           try
6812             if not MoveExtend(False, FGCache.ClickCell.X, FGCache.ClickCell.Y, False) then begin
6813               if EditorAlwaysShown then begin
6814                 SelectEditor;
6815                 EditorShow(true);
6816               end;
6817               MoveSelection;
6818             end else
6819               FGridState:=gsSelecting;
6820           finally
6821             exclude(fGridFlags, gfEditingDone);
6822           end;
6824         end;
6825       end;
6826   end;
6827   {$ifDef dbgGrid}DebugLnExit('MouseDown END'); {$Endif}
6828 end;
6830 procedure TCustomGrid.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
6831 var
6832   p: TPoint;
6833   obe: boolean;  // stored "AllowOutboundEvents"
6834 begin
6835   inherited MouseMove(Shift, X, Y);
6837   if Dragging then
6838     exit;
6840   HeadersMouseMove(X,Y);
6842   case FGridState of
6843     gsHeaderClicking, gsButtonColumnClicking:
6844       ;
6845     gsSelecting:
6846       if not FixedGrid and (not EditingAllowed(-1) or
6847         (ExtendedSelect and not EditorAlwaysShown)) then begin
6848         P:=MouseToLogcell(Point(X,Y));
6849         if gfNeedsSelectActive in GridFlags then
6850           SelectActive := (P.x<>FPivot.x)or(P.y<>FPivot.y);
6851         MoveExtend(false, P.X, P.Y, false);
6852       end;
6853     gsColMoving:
6854       if goColMoving in Options then
6855         doColMoving(X,Y);
6856     gsRowMoving:
6857       if goRowMoving in Options then
6858         doRowMoving(X,Y);
6860     else
6861       begin
6862         if goColSizing in Options then
6863           doColSizing(X,Y);
6865         if goRowSizing in Options then
6866           doRowSizing(X,Y);
6868         obe := AllowOutboundEvents;
6869         AllowOutboundEvents := false;
6870         try
6871           p := MouseCoord(X, Y);
6872         finally
6873           AllowOutboundEvents := obe;
6874         end;
6876         // if we are not over a cell
6877         if p.X < 0 then
6878           begin
6879             // empty hints
6880             Application.Hint := '';
6881             Hint := '';
6882             // if FCellHintPriority = chpAll, restore default hint
6883             if ShowHint and (FCellHintPriority = chpAll) then
6884               begin
6885                 Hint := FSavedHint;
6886                 Application.Hint := GetLongHint(FSavedHint);
6887               end;
6888           end;
6890         with FGCache do
6891           if (MouseCell.X <> p.X) or (MouseCell.Y <> p.Y) then begin
6892             Application.CancelHint;
6893             ShowCellHintWindow(Point(X,Y));
6894             MouseCell := p;
6895           end;
6896       end;
6897   end;
6898 end;
6900 procedure TCustomGrid.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,
6901   Y: Integer);
6902 var
6903    Cur: TPoint;
6904    Gz: TGridZone;
6906    function IsValidCellClick: boolean;
6907    begin
6908      result := (Cur.X=FGCache.ClickCell.X) and (Cur.Y=FGCache.ClickCell.Y) and (gz<>gzInvalid);
6909    end;
6911    procedure DoAutoEdit;
6912    begin
6913      if (gfAutoEditPending in GridFlags){ and not (ssDouble in Shift)} then begin
6914        SelectEditor;
6915        EditorShow(True);
6916      end;
6917    end;
6919 begin
6920   inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);
6921   {$IfDef dbgGrid}DebugLn('MouseUP INIT');{$Endif}
6923   Cur:=MouseToCell(Point(x,y));
6924   Gz :=CellToGridZone(cur.x, cur.y);
6926   case fGridState of
6928     gsHeaderClicking, gsButtonColumnClicking:
6929       if IsValidCellClick then begin
6930         if fGridState=gsHeaderClicking then
6931           HeaderClick(True, FGCache.ClickCell.X)
6932         else
6933         if Assigned(OnEditButtonClick) or Assigned(OnButtonClick) then
6934           DoEditButtonClick(Cur.X, Cur.Y);
6935       end;
6937     gsNormal:
6938       if not FixedGrid and IsValidCellClick then begin
6939         doAutoEdit;
6940         CellClick(cur.x, cur.y, Button);
6941       end;
6943     gsSelecting:
6944       begin
6945         if SelectActive then
6946           MoveExtend(False, Cur.x, Cur.y, False)
6947         else begin
6948           doAutoEdit;
6949           CellClick(cur.x, cur.y, Button);
6950         end;
6951       end;
6953     gsColMoving:
6954       begin
6955         //DebugLn('Move Col From ',Fsplitter.x,' to ', FMoveLast.x);
6956         RestoreCursor;
6958         if FMoveLast.X>=0 then
6959           DoOPMoveColRow(True, FGCache.ClickCell.X, FMoveLast.X)
6960         else
6961         if Cur.X=FGCache.ClickCell.X then
6962           HeaderClick(True, FGCache.ClickCell.X)
6963       end;
6965     gsRowMoving:
6966       begin
6967         //DebugLn('Move Row From ',Fsplitter.Y,' to ', FMoveLast.Y);
6968         RestoreCursor;
6970         if FMoveLast.Y>=0 then
6971           DoOPMoveColRow(False, FGCache.ClickCell.Y, FMoveLast.Y)
6972         else
6973         if Cur.Y=FGCache.ClickCell.Y then
6974           HeaderClick(False, FGCache.ClickCell.Y);
6975       end;
6977     gsColSizing:
6978       if gfSizingStarted in FGridFlags then
6979       with FSizing do begin
6980         if FUseXORFeatures then begin
6981           if PrevLine then
6982             DrawXorVertLine(PrevOffset);
6983           PrevLine := False;
6984           PrevOffset := -1;
6985         end;
6986         if UseRightToLeftAlignment then
6987           ResizeColumn(Index, OffEnd - X + DeltaOff)
6988         else
6989           ResizeColumn(Index, X - OffIni + DeltaOff);
6990         FixScroll;
6991         HeaderSized(True, Index);
6992       end;
6994     gsRowSizing:
6995       with FSizing do begin
6996         if FUseXORFeatures then begin
6997           if PrevLine then
6998             DrawXorHorzLine(PrevOffset);
6999           PrevLine := False;
7000           PrevOffset := -1;
7001         end;
7002         ResizeRow(Index, Y - OffIni);
7003         HeaderSized(False, Index);
7004       end;
7006   end;
7008   GridFlags := GridFlags - [gfNeedsSelectActive, gfSizingStarted, gfAutoEditPending];
7010   if IsPushCellActive() then begin
7011     ResetPushedCell;
7012   end;
7014   if (FMoveLast.X>=0) or (FMoveLast.Y>=0) then begin
7015     {$ifdef AlternativeMoveIndicator}
7016     begin
7017       if FMoveLast.X>=0 then InvalidateRow(0);
7018       if FMoveLast.Y>=0 then InvalidateCol(0);
7019     end;
7020     {$else}
7021     Invalidate;
7022     {$endif}
7023     if not (fGridState in [gsColMoving,gsRowMoving]) then
7024       RestoreCursor;
7025   end;
7027   FGCache.ClickCell := point(-1, -1);
7029   fGridState:=gsNormal;
7030   {$IfDef dbgGrid}DebugLn('MouseUP  END  RND=', FloatToStr(Random));{$Endif}
7031 end;
7033 procedure TCustomGrid.DblClick;
7034 var
7035   OldWidth: Integer;
7036 begin
7037   {$IfDef dbgGrid}DebugLn('DoubleClick INIT');{$Endif}
7038   SelectActive:=False;
7039   fGridState:=gsNormal;
7040   if (goColSizing in Options) and (FCursorState=gcsColWidthChanging) then begin
7041     if (goDblClickAutoSize in Options) then begin
7042       OldWidth := ColWidths[FSizing.Index];
7043       AutoAdjustColumn( FSizing.Index );
7044       if OldWidth<>ColWidths[FSizing.Index] then begin
7045         RestoreCursor;
7046         HeaderSized(True, FSizing.Index);
7047       end;
7048     end {else
7049       DebugLn('Got Doubleclick on Col Resizing: AutoAdjust?');}
7050   end else
7051   if  (goDblClickAutoSize in Options) and
7052       (goRowSizing in Options) and
7053       (FCursorState=gcsRowHeightChanging) then begin
7054       {
7055         DebugLn('Got DoubleClick on Row Resizing: AutoAdjust?');
7056       }
7057   end
7058   else
7059     Inherited DblClick;
7060   {$IfDef dbgGrid}DebugLn('DoubleClick END');{$Endif}
7061 end;
DefaultColWidthIsStorednull7063 function TCustomGrid.DefaultColWidthIsStored: Boolean;
7064 begin
7065   Result := FDefColWidth>=0;
7066 end;
DefaultRowHeightIsStorednull7068 function TCustomGrid.DefaultRowHeightIsStored: Boolean;
7069 begin
7070   Result := FDefRowHeight>=0;
7071 end;
7073 procedure TCustomGrid.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
7075   function SonRowsIguales(aGrid: TCustomGrid): boolean;
7076   var
7077     i: Integer;
7078   begin
7079     result := aGrid.RowCount = RowCount;
7080     if Result then
7081       for i:=0 to RowCount-1 do
7082         if aGrid.RowHeights[i]<>RowHeights[i] then begin
7083           result := false;
7084           break;
7085         end;
7086   end;
7088   function SonColsIguales(aGrid: TCustomGrid): boolean;
7089   var
7090     i: Integer;
7091   begin
7092     result := aGrid.ColCount = ColCount;
7093     if Result then
7094       for i:=0 to ColCount-1 do
7095         if aGrid.ColWidths[i]<>ColWidths[i] then begin
7096           result := false;
7097           break;
7098         end;
7099   end;
7101   function SonDefault(IsColumn: Boolean; L1: TIntegerList): boolean;
7102   var
7103     i: Integer;
7104     DefValue: Integer;
7105   begin
7106     Result := True;
7107     if IsColumn then DefValue := DefaultColWidth
7108     else             DefValue := DefaultRowHeight;
7109     for i:=0 to L1.Count-1 do begin
7110       Result := (L1[i] = DefValue) or (L1[i] < 0);
7111       if not Result then
7112         break;
7113     end;
7114   end;
7116   function NeedWidths: boolean;
7117   begin
7118     if Filer.Ancestor is TCustomGrid then
7119       Result := not SonColsIguales(TCustomGrid(Filer.Ancestor))
7120     else
7121       Result := not SonDefault(True, FCols);
7122     //result := Result and not AutoFillColumns;
7123   end;
7125   function NeedHeights: boolean;
7126   begin
7127     if Filer.Ancestor is TCustomGrid then
7128       Result := not SonRowsIguales(TCustomGrid(Filer.Ancestor))
7129     else
7130       Result := not SonDefault(false, FRows);
7131   end;
7133   function HasColumns: boolean;
7134   var
7135     C: TGridColumns;
7136   begin
7137     if Filer.Ancestor is TCustomGrid then
7138       C := TCustomGrid(Filer.Ancestor).Columns
7139     else
7140       C := Columns;
7141     if C<>nil then
7142       result := not C.IsDefault
7143     else
7144       result := false;
7145   end;
7147 begin
7148   inherited DefineProperties(Filer);
7149   with Filer do begin
7150     //DefineProperty('Columns',    @ReadColumns,    @WriteColumns,    HasColumns);
7151     DefineProperty('ColWidths',  @ReadColWidths,  @WriteColWidths,  NeedWidths);
7152     DefineProperty('RowHeights', @ReadRowHeights, @WriteRowHeights, NeedHeights);
7153   end;
7154 end;
7156 procedure TCustomGrid.DestroyHandle;
7157 begin
7158   inherited DestroyHandle;
7159   editorGetValue;
7160 end;
DialogCharnull7162 function TCustomGrid.DialogChar(var Message: TLMKey): boolean;
7163 var
7164   i: Integer;
7165 begin
7166   for i:=0 to Columns.Count-1 do
7167     if Columns[i].Visible and (Columns[i].Title.PrefixOption<>poNone) then
7168       if IsAccel(Message.CharCode, Columns[i].Title.Caption) then begin
7169         result := true;
7170         HeaderClick(True, GridColumnFromColumnIndex(i));
7171         exit;
7172       end;
7173   result := inherited DialogChar(Message);
7174 end;
DoCompareCellsnull7176 function TCustomGrid.DoCompareCells(Acol, ARow, Bcol, BRow: Integer): Integer;
7177 begin
7178   result := 0;
7179   if Assigned(OnCompareCells) then
7180     OnCompareCells(Self, ACol, ARow, BCol, BRow, Result);
7181 end;
7183 procedure TCustomGrid.DoCopyToClipboard;
7184 begin
7185 end;
7187 procedure TCustomGrid.DoCutToClipboard;
7188 begin
7189 end;
7191 procedure TCustomGrid.DoEditButtonClick(const ACol, ARow: Integer);
7192 var
7193   OldCol,OldRow: Integer;
7194 begin
7195   OldCol:=FCol;
7196   OldRow:=FRow;
7197   try
7198     FCol:=ACol;
7199     FRow:=ARow;
7200     if Assigned(OnEditButtonClick) then
7201       OnEditButtonClick(Self);
7202     if Assigned(OnButtonClick) then
7203       OnButtonClick(Self, ACol, ARow);
7204   finally
7205     if (FCol=ACol) and (FRow=ARow) then
7206     begin
7207       // didn't change FRow or FCol, restore old index.
7208       FCol:=OldCol;
7209       FRow:=OldRow;
7210     end;
7211   end;
7212 end;
7214 procedure TCustomGrid.DoEditorHide;
7215 var
7216   ParentForm: TCustomForm;
7217 begin
7218   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnEnter('grid.DoEditorHide [',Editor.ClassName,'] INIT');{$endif}
7219   if gfEditingDone in FGridFlags then begin
7220     ParentForm := GetParentForm(Self);
7221     if Self.CanFocus then
7222       ParentForm.ActiveControl := self;
7223   end;
7224   Editor.Visible:=False;
7225   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnExit('grid.DoEditorHide [',Editor.ClassName,'] END');{$endif}
7226 end;
7227 procedure TCustomGrid.DoEditorShow;
7228 var
7229   ParentChanged: Boolean;
7230   Column: TGridColumn;
7231 begin
7232   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnEnter('grid.DoEditorShow [',Editor.ClassName,'] INIT');{$endif}
7233   ScrollToCell(FCol,FRow, True);
7234   // Under carbon, Editor.Parent:=nil destroy Editor handle, but not immediately
7235   // as in this case where keyboard event on editor is being handled.
7236   // After Editor.Visible:=true, a new handle is allocated but it's got overwritten
7237   // once the delayed destroying of previous handle happens, the result is a stalled
7238   // unparented editor ....
7239   ParentChanged := (Editor.Parent<>Self);
7240   if ParentChanged then
7241     Editor.Parent := nil;
7242   EditorSetValue;
7243   if ParentChanged then
7244     Editor.Parent:=Self;
7245   if (FEditor = FStringEditor) or (FEditor = FButtonStringEditor) then
7246   begin
7247     Column:=ColumnFromGridColumn(FCol);
7248     if Column<>nil then
7249       FStringEditor.Alignment:=Column.Alignment
7250     else
7251       FStringEditor.Alignment:=taLeftJustify;
7252   end;
7253   Editor.Visible:=True;
7254   if Focused and Editor.CanFocus then
7255     Editor.SetFocus;
7256   InvalidateCell(FCol,FRow,True);
7257   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnExit('grid.DoEditorShow [',Editor.ClassName,'] END');{$endif}
7258 end;
7260 procedure TCustomGrid.DoAutoAdjustLayout(const AMode: TLayoutAdjustmentPolicy;
7261   const AXProportion, AYProportion: Double);
7262 var
7263   i: Integer;
7264   C: TGridColumn;
7265 begin
7266   inherited;
7268   if AMode in [lapAutoAdjustWithoutHorizontalScrolling, lapAutoAdjustForDPI] then
7269   begin
7270     BeginUpdate;
7271     try
7272       for i := Columns.Count - 1 downto 0 do
7273       begin
7274         C := Columns.Items[i];
7275         C.MaxSize := Round(C.MaxSize * AXProportion);
7276         C.MinSize := Round(C.MinSize * AXProportion);
7277         if C.IsWidthStored then
7278           C.Width := Round(C.Width * AXProportion);
7279       end;
7281       for i := FRows.Count - 1 downto 0 do
7282         if FRows[i]>=0 then
7283           FRows[i] := Round(FRows[i] * AYProportion);
7285       for i := FCols.Count - 1 downto 0 do
7286         if FCols[i]>=0 then
7287           FCols[i] := Round(FCols[i] * AXProportion);
7289       if DefaultColWidthIsStored then
7290         DefaultColWidth := Round(DefaultColWidth * AXProportion)
7291       else
7292         FRealizedDefColWidth := 0;
7293       if DefaultRowHeightIsStored then
7294         DefaultRowHeight := Round(DefaultRowHeight * AYProportion)
7295       else
7296         FRealizedDefRowHeight := 0;
7297     finally
7298       EndUpdate;
7299     end;
7300   end;
7301 end;
7303 procedure TCustomGrid.DoPasteFromClipboard;
7304 begin
7305   //
7306 end;
7308 procedure TCustomGrid.DoPrepareCanvas(aCol,aRow:Integer; aState: TGridDrawState);
7309 begin
7310   if Assigned(OnPrepareCanvas) then
7311     OnPrepareCanvas(Self, aCol, aRow, aState);
7312 end;
7314 procedure TCustomGrid.DoOnResize;
7315 begin
7316   inherited DoOnResize;
7317   if FUpdateCount=0 then
7318     TWSCustomGridClass(WidgetSetClass).Invalidate(Self);
7319 end;
7321 procedure TCustomGrid.DoSetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: integer);
7322 begin
7323   FLastWidth := ClientWidth;
7324   inherited DoSetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight);
7325 end;
DoUTF8KeyPressnull7327 function TCustomGrid.DoUTF8KeyPress(var UTF8Key: TUTF8Char): boolean;
7328 begin
7329   Result := inherited DoUTF8KeyPress(UTF8Key);
7330   if EditingAllowed(FCol) and (not result) and (Length(UTF8Key)>1) then begin
7331     EditorShowChar(UTF8Key);
7332     UTF8Key := '';
7333     Result := true
7334   end;
7335 end;
FlipRectnull7337 function TCustomGrid.FlipRect(ARect: TRect): TRect;
7338 begin
7339   Result := BidiFlipRect(ARect, GCache.ClientRect, UseRightToLeftAlignment);
7340 end;
FlipPointnull7342 function TCustomGrid.FlipPoint(P: TPoint): TPoint;
7343 begin
7344   Result := BidiFlipPoint(P, GCache.ClientRect, UseRightToLeftAlignment);
7345 end;
FlipXnull7347 function TCustomGrid.FlipX(X: Integer): Integer;
7348 begin
7349   Result := BidiFlipX(X, GCache.ClientRect, UseRightToLeftAlignment);
7350 end;
IsMouseOverCellButtonnull7352 function TCustomGrid.IsMouseOverCellButton(X, Y: Integer): boolean;
7353 var
7354   oldAOE: Boolean;
7355   P: TPoint;
7356 begin
7357   oldAOE := AllowOutboundEvents;
7358   AllowOutboundEvents := false;
7359   P := MouseToCell(Point(X,Y));
7360   AllowOutBoundEvents := OldAOE;
7361   result := IsCellButtonColumn(P);
7362 end;
7364 procedure TCustomGrid.DoExit;
7365 begin
7366   if not (csDestroying in ComponentState) then begin
7367     {$IfDef dbgGrid}DebugLnEnter('DoExit - INIT');{$Endif}
7368     if FEditorShowing then begin
7369       {$IfDef dbgGrid}DebugLn('DoExit - EditorShowing');{$Endif}
7370     end else begin
7371       {$IfDef dbgGrid}DebugLn('DoExit - Ext');{$Endif}
7372       if not EditorAlwaysShown then
7373         InvalidateFocused;
7374       ResetEditor;
7375       if FgridState=gsSelecting then begin
7376         if SelectActive then
7377           FSelectActive := False;
7378         FGridState := gsNormal;
7379       end;
7380     end;
7381   end;
7382   inherited DoExit;
7383   {$IfDef dbgGrid}DebugLnExit('DoExit - END');{$Endif}
7384 end;
7386 procedure TCustomGrid.DoEnter;
7387 begin
7388   {$IfDef dbgGrid}DebugLnEnter('DoEnter %s INIT',[dbgsname(self)]);{$Endif}
7389   inherited DoEnter;
7390   if EditorLocked then begin
7391     {$IfDef dbgGrid}DebugLn('DoEnter - EditorLocked');{$Endif}
7392   end else begin
7393     {$IfDef dbgGrid}DebugLn('DoEnter - Ext');{$Endif}
7394     if EditorAlwaysShown then begin
7395       // try to show editor only if focused cell is visible area
7396       // so a mouse click would use click coords to show up
7397       if IsCellVisible(Col,Row) then begin
7398         SelectEditor;
7399         if Feditor<>nil then
7400           EditorShow(true);
7401       end else begin
7402       {$IfDef dbgGrid}DebugLn('DoEnter - Ext - Cell was not visible');{$Endif}
7403       end;
7404     end else
7405       InvalidateFocused;
7406   end;
7407   {$IfDef dbgGrid}DebugLnExit('DoEnter - END');{$Endif}
7408 end;
7410 procedure TCustomGrid.DoLoadColumn(sender: TCustomGrid; aColumn: TGridColumn;
7411   aColIndex: Integer; aCfg: TXMLConfig; aVersion: Integer; aPath: string);
7412 begin
7413   if Assigned(FOnLoadColumn) then
7414     FOnLoadColumn(Self, aColumn, aColIndex, aCfg, aVersion, aPath);
7415 end;
7417 procedure TCustomGrid.DoSaveColumn(sender: TCustomGrid; aColumn: TGridColumn;
7418   aColIndex: Integer; aCfg: TXMLConfig; aVersion: Integer; aPath: string);
7419 begin
7420   if Assigned(FOnSaveColumn) then
7421     FOnSaveColumn(Self, aColumn, aColIndex, aCfg, aVersion, aPath);
7422 end;
DoMouseWheelnull7424 function TCustomGrid.DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer;
7425   MousePos: TPoint): Boolean;
7426 begin
7427   if FMouseWheelOption=mwCursor then
7428     FSelectActive := false;
7429   Result:=inherited DoMouseWheel(Shift, WheelDelta, MousePos);
7430 end;
DoMouseWheelDownnull7432 function TCustomGrid.DoMouseWheelDown(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint
7433   ): Boolean;
7434 begin
7435   {$ifdef dbgScroll}DebugLn('doMouseWheelDown INIT');{$endif}
7436   Result:=inherited DoMouseWheelDown(Shift, MousePos);
7437   if not Result then begin
7438     GridMouseWheel(Shift, 1);
7439     Result := True; // handled, no further scrolling by the widgetset
7440   end;
7441   {$ifdef dbgScroll}DebugLn('doMouseWheelDown END');{$endif}
7442 end;
DoMouseWheelUpnull7444 function TCustomGrid.DoMouseWheelUp(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint
7445   ): Boolean;
7446 begin
7447   {$ifdef dbgScroll}DebugLn('doMouseWheelUP INIT');{$endif}
7448   Result:=inherited DoMouseWheelUp(Shift, MousePos);
7449   if not Result then begin
7450     GridMouseWheel(Shift, -1);
7451     Result := True; // handled, no further scrolling by the widgetset
7452   end;
7453   {$ifdef dbgScroll}DebugLn('doMouseWheelUP END');{$endif}
7454 end;
DoMouseWheelLeftnull7456 function TCustomGrid.DoMouseWheelLeft(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint
7457   ): Boolean;
7458 begin
7459   {$ifdef dbgScroll}DebugLn('doMouseWheelLEFT INIT');{$endif}
7460   Result:=inherited DoMouseWheelLeft(Shift, MousePos);
7461   if not Result then begin
7462     GridMouseWheel([ssCtrl], -1);
7463     Result := True; // handled, no further scrolling by the widgetset
7464   end;
7465   {$ifdef dbgScroll}DebugLn('doMouseWheelLEFT END');{$endif}
7466 end;
DoMouseWheelRightnull7468 function TCustomGrid.DoMouseWheelRight(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint
7469   ): Boolean;
7470 begin
7471   {$ifdef dbgScroll}DebugLn('doMouseWheelRIGHT INIT');{$endif}
7472   Result:=inherited DoMouseWheelRight(Shift, MousePos);
7473   if not Result then begin
7474     GridMouseWheel([ssCtrl], 1);
7475     Result := True; // handled, no further scrolling by the widgetset
7476   end;
7477   {$ifdef dbgScroll}DebugLn('doMouseWheelRIGHT END');{$endif}
7478 end;
7480 procedure TCustomGrid.DoOnChangeBounds;
7481 var
7482   OldTopLeft: TPoint;
7483   OldColOff, OldRowOff: Integer;
7484 begin
7485   inherited DoOnChangeBounds;
7487   if FUpdateCount=0 then
7488   begin
7489     OldTopLeft := fTopLeft;
7490     OldColOff := FGCache.TLColOff;
7491     OldRowOff := FGCache.TLRowOff;
7492     UpdateSizes;
7493     if (OldTopLeft.X<>FTopLeft.X) or (OldTopLeft.Y<>FTopLeft.Y)
7494     or (OldColOff<>FGCache.TLColOff) or (OldRowOff<>FGCache.TLRowOff) then // reduce unnecessary repaints
7495       Invalidate;
7496   end;
7497 end;
7499 procedure TCustomGrid.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
7500 var
7501   Sh, PreserveRowAutoInserted: Boolean;
7502   R: TRect;
7503   Relaxed: Boolean;
7504   DeltaCol,DeltaRow: Integer;
7506   procedure MoveSel(Rel: Boolean; aCol,aRow: Integer);
7507   begin
7508     // Do not reset Offset in keyboard Events - see issue #29420
7509     //FGCache.TLColOff:=0;
7510     //FGCache.TLRowOff:=0;
7511     SelectActive:=Sh;
7512     Include(FGridFlags, gfEditingDone);
7513     if MoveNextSelectable(Rel, aCol, aRow) then
7514       Click;
7515     Exclude(FGridFlags, gfEditingDone);
7516     Key := 0; { Flag key as handled, even if selected cell did not move }
7517   end;
7519   procedure TabCheckEditorKey;
7520   begin
7521     if FEditorKey then begin
7522       {$IFDEF dbggrid}
7523       DebugLn('Got TAB, shift=',dbgs(sh));
7524       {$endif}
7525       if sh then
7526         GridFlags := GridFlags + [gfRevEditorTab]
7527       else
7528         GridFlags := GridFlags + [gfEditorTab];
7529     end;
7530   end;
7532 const
7533   cBidiMove: array[Boolean] of Integer = (1, -1);
7534 begin
7535   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('Grid.KeyDown INIT Key=',IntToStr(Key));{$endif}
7536   inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift);
7537   //Don't touch FRowAutoInserted flag if user presses only Ctrl,Shift,Altor Meta/Win key
7538   PreserveRowAutoInserted := (Key in [VK_SHIFT,VK_CONTROL,VK_LWIN,VK_RWIN,VK_MENU]);
7540   //if not FGCache.ValidGrid then Exit;
7541   if not CanGridAcceptKey(Key, Shift) then
7542     Key:=0;  // Allow CanGridAcceptKey to override Key behaviour
7543   Sh:=(ssShift in Shift);
7544   Relaxed := not (goRowSelect in Options) or (goRelaxedRowSelect in Options);
7546   case Key of
7547     VK_TAB:
7548       if goTabs in Options then begin
7549         if GetDeltaMoveNext(Sh, DeltaCol,DeltaRow,FTabAdvance) then begin
7550           Sh := False;
7551           MoveSel(True, DeltaCol, DeltaRow);
7552           PreserveRowAutoInserted := True;
7553           Key:=0;
7554         end else if (goAutoAddRows in Options) and (DeltaRow = 1) then begin
7555           //prevent selecting multiple cells when user presses Shift
7556           Sh := False;
7557           if (goAutoAddRowsSkipContentCheck in Options) or (not IsEmptyRow(Row)) then MoveSel(True, DeltaCol, DeltaRow);
7558           Key := 0;
7559           PreserveRowAutoInserted := True;
7560         end else
7561         if (TabAdvance=aaNone) or
7562            ((TabAdvance=aaDown) and (Row>=GetLastVisibleRow)) or
7563            (sh and (Col<=GetFirstVisibleColumn)) or
7564            ((not sh) and (Col>=GetLastVisibleColumn)) then
7565           TabCheckEditorKey
7566         else
7567           Key := 0;
7568       end else
7569         TabCheckEditorKey;
7570     VK_LEFT:
7571       //Don't move to another cell is user is editing
7572       if not FEditorKey then
7573       begin
7574         if Relaxed then
7575           MoveSel(True, -cBidiMove[UseRightToLeftAlignment], 0)
7576         else
7577           MoveSel(True, 0,-1);
7578       end;
7579     VK_RIGHT:
7580       //Don't move to another cell is user is editing
7581       if not FEditorKey then
7582       begin
7583         if Relaxed then
7584           MoveSel(True, cBidiMove[UseRightToLeftAlignment], 0)
7585         else
7586           MoveSel(True, 0, 1);
7587       end;
7588     VK_UP:
7589         MoveSel(True, 0, -1);
7590     VK_DOWN:
7591         MoveSel(True, 0, 1);
7592     VK_PRIOR:
7593       begin
7594         R:=FGCache.FullVisiblegrid;
7595         MoveSel(True, 0, R.Top-R.Bottom);
7596       end;
7597     VK_NEXT:
7598       begin
7599         R:=FGCache.FullVisibleGrid;
7600         MoveSel(True, 0, R.Bottom-R.Top);
7601       end;
7602     VK_HOME:
7603       if not FEditorKey then begin
7604         if ssCtrl in Shift then MoveSel(False, FCol, FFixedRows)
7605         else
7606           if Relaxed then MoveSel(False, FFixedCols, FRow)
7607           else            MoveSel(False, FCol, FFixedRows);
7608       end;
7609     VK_END:
7610       if not FEditorKey then begin
7611         if ssCtrl in Shift then MoveSel(False, FCol, RowCount-1)
7612         else
7613           if Relaxed then MoveSel(False, ColCount-1, FRow)
7614           else            MoveSel(False, FCol, RowCount-1);
7615       end;
7616     VK_APPS:
7617       if not FEditorKey and EditingAllowed(FCol) then
7618         EditorShow(False);               // Will show popup menu in the editor.
7619     VK_F2:
7620       if not FEditorKey and EditingAllowed(FCol) then begin
7621         SelectEditor;
7622         EditorShow(False);
7623         Key:=0;
7624       end ;
7625     VK_BACK:
7626       // Workaround: LM_CHAR doesnt trigger with BACKSPACE
7627       if not FEditorKey and EditingAllowed(FCol) then begin
7628         EditorShowChar(^H);
7629         key:=0;
7630       end;
7631     VK_C:
7632       if not FEditorKey and (Shift = [ssModifier]) then
7633         doCopyToClipboard;
7634     VK_V:
7635       if not FEditorKey and (Shift = [ssModifier]) then
7636         doPasteFromClipboard;
7637     VK_X:
7638       if not FEditorKey and (Shift = [ssShift]) then
7639         doCutToClipboard;
7640     VK_DELETE:
7641       if not FEditorKey and EditingAllowed(FCol) and
7642          not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin
7643         if Editor=nil then
7644           SelectEditor;
7645         if Editor is TCustomEdit then begin
7646           EditorShow(False);
7647           TCustomEdit(Editor).Text:='';
7648           InvalidateCell(FCol,FRow,True);
7649           EditorShow(True);
7650           Key := 0;
7651         end;
7652       end;
7653     VK_ESCAPE:
7654       begin
7655         EditordoResetValue;
7656         EditorHide;
7657         Key := 0;
7658       end;
7659   end;
7660   if FEditorKey and (not PreserveRowAutoInserted) then
7661     FRowAutoInserted:=False;
7662   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('Grid.KeyDown END Key=',IntToStr(Key));{$endif}
7663 end;
7665 procedure TCustomGrid.KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
7666 begin
7667   inherited KeyUp(Key, Shift);
7668 end;
7670 procedure TCustomGrid.KeyPress(var Key: char);
7671 begin
7672   inherited KeyPress(Key);
7673   if not EditorKey then
7674     // we are interested in these keys only if they came from the grid
7675     if not EditorMode and EditingAllowed(FCol) then begin
7676       if (Key=#13) then begin
7677         SelectEditor;
7678         EditorShow(True);
7679         Key := #0;
7680       end else
7681       if (Key in [^H, #32..#255]) then begin
7682         EditorShowChar(Key);
7683         Key := #0;
7684       end;
7685     end;
7686 end;
7688 { Convert a physical Mouse coordinate into a physical cell coordinate }
TCustomGrid.MouseToCellnull7689 function TCustomGrid.MouseToCell(const Mouse: TPoint): TPoint;
7690 begin
7691   MouseToCell(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y, Result.X, Result.Y);
7692 end;
7694 procedure TCustomGrid.MouseToCell(X, Y: Integer; out ACol, ARow: Longint);
7695 var
7696   dummy: Integer;
7697 begin
7698   // Do not raise Exception if out of range
7699   OffsetToColRow(True, True, X, ACol, dummy);
7700   if ACol<0 then
7701     ARow := -1
7702   else begin
7703     OffsetToColRow(False,True, Y, ARow, dummy);
7704     if ARow<0 then
7705       ACol := -1;
7706   end;
7707 end;
7709 { Convert a physical Mouse coordinate into a logical cell coordinate }
MouseToLogcellnull7710 function TCustomGrid.MouseToLogcell(Mouse: TPoint): TPoint;
7711 var
7712   gz: TGridZone;
7713 begin
7714   Gz:=MouseToGridZone(Mouse.x, Mouse.y);
7715   Result:=MouseToCell(Mouse);
7716   if gz<>gzNormal then begin
7717     if (gz=gzFixedRows)or(gz=gzFixedCells) then begin
7718       Result.x:= fTopLeft.x-1;
7719       if Result.x<FFixedCols then Result.x:=FFixedCols;
7720     end;
7721     if (gz=gzFixedCols)or(gz=gzFixedCells) then begin
7722       Result.y:=fTopleft.y-1;
7723       if Result.y<fFixedRows then Result.y:=FFixedRows;
7724     end;
7725   end;
7726 end;
TCustomGrid.MouseCoordnull7728 function TCustomGrid.MouseCoord(X, Y: Integer): TGridCoord;
7729 begin
7730   Result := MouseToCell(Point(X,Y));
7731 end;
IsCellVisiblenull7733 function TCustomGrid.IsCellVisible(aCol, aRow: Integer): Boolean;
7734 begin
7735   with FGCache.VisibleGrid do
7736     Result:= (Left<=ACol)and(aCol<=Right)and(Top<=aRow)and(aRow<=Bottom);
7737 end;
IsFixedCellVisiblenull7739 function TCustomGrid.IsFixedCellVisible(aCol, aRow: Integer): boolean;
7740 begin
7741   with FGCache.VisibleGrid do
7742     result := ((aCol<FixedCols) and ((aRow<FixedRows) or ((aRow>=Top)and(aRow<=Bottom)))) or
7743               ((aRow<FixedRows) and ((aCol<FixedCols) or ((aCol>=Left)and(aCol<=Right))));
7744 end;
7746 procedure TCustomGrid.InvalidateCol(ACol: Integer);
7747 var
7748   R: TRect;
7749 begin
7750   {$ifdef dbgPaint} DebugLn('InvalidateCol  Col=',IntToStr(aCol)); {$Endif}
7751   if not HandleAllocated then
7752     exit;
7753   R:=CellRect(aCol, FTopLeft.y);
7754   R.Top:=0; // Full Column
7755   R.Bottom:=FGCache.MaxClientXY.Y;
7756   InvalidateRect(Handle, @R, True);
7757 end;
7759 procedure TCustomGrid.InvalidateFromCol(ACol: Integer);
7760 var
7761   R: TRect;
7762 begin
7763   {$IFDEF dbgPaint} DebugLn('InvalidateFromCol  Col=',IntToStr(aCol)); {$Endif}
7764   if not HandleAllocated then
7765     exit;
7766   R:=CellRect(aCol, FTopLeft.y);
7767   R.Top:=0; // Full Column
7768   R.BottomRight := FGCache.MaxClientXY;
7769   InvalidateRect(Handle, @R, True);
7770 end;
7772 procedure TCustomGrid.InvalidateRow(ARow: Integer);
7773 var
7774   R: TRect;
7775 begin
7776   {$ifdef DbgPaint} DebugLn('InvalidateRow  Row=',IntToStr(aRow)); {$Endif}
7777   if not HandleAllocated then
7778     exit;
7779   R:=CellRect(fTopLeft.x, aRow);
7780   if UseRightToLeftAlignment then begin
7781     R.Left:=FlipX(FGCache.MaxClientXY.X);
7782     R.Right:=FGCache.ClientRect.Right;
7783   end
7784   else begin
7785     R.Left:=0; // Full row
7786     R.Right:=FGCache.MaxClientXY.X;
7787   end;
7788   InvalidateRect(Handle, @R, True);
7789 end;
7791 procedure TCustomGrid.InvalidateFocused;
7792 begin
7793   if FGCache.ValidGrid then begin
7794     {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('InvalidateFocused');{$Endif}
7795     if ((goRowSelect in Options) or (goRowHighlight in Options)) then
7796       InvalidateRow(Row)
7797     else
7798       InvalidateCell(Col,Row);
7799   end;
7800 end;
MoveExtendnull7802 function TCustomGrid.MoveExtend(Relative: Boolean; DCol, DRow: Integer;
7803   ForceFullyVisible: Boolean): Boolean;
7804 var
7805   OldRange: TRect;
7806   prevCol, prevRow: Integer;
7807 begin
7808   Result:=TryMoveSelection(Relative,DCol,DRow);
7809   if (not Result) then Exit;
7811   Result:=EditorGetValue(true);
7812   if (not Result) then Exit;
7814   {$IfDef dbgGrid}DebugLnEnter('MoveExtend INIT FCol= ',IntToStr(FCol), ' FRow= ',IntToStr(FRow));{$Endif}
7815   BeforeMoveSelection(DCol,DRow);
7817   OldRange := FRange;
7818   PrevRow := FRow;
7819   PrevCol := FCol;
7821   if goRowSelect in Options then
7822     FRange:=Rect(FFixedCols, DRow, Colcount-1, DRow)
7823   else
7824     FRange:=Rect(DCol,DRow,DCol,DRow);
7826   if SelectActive and (goRangeSelect in Options) then
7827     if goRowSelect in Options then begin
7828       FRange.Top:=Min(fPivot.y, DRow);
7829       FRange.Bottom:=Max(fPivot.y, DRow);
7830     end else
7831       FRange:=NormalizarRect(Rect(Fpivot.x,FPivot.y, DCol, DRow));
7833   if not ScrollToCell(DCol, DRow, ForceFullyVisible) then
7834     InvalidateMovement(DCol, DRow, OldRange);
7836   FCol := DCol;
7837   FRow := DRow;
7839   MoveSelection;
7840   SelectEditor;
7842   if (FEditor<>nil) and EditorAlwaysShown then begin
7843     // if editor visibility was changed on BeforeMoveSelection or MoveSelection
7844     // make sure editor will be updated.
7845     // TODO: cell coords of last time editor was visible
7846     //       could help here too, if they are not the same as the
7847     //       current cell, editor should be hidden first too.
7848     if FEditor.Visible then
7849       EditorHide;
7850     EditorShow(true);
7851   end;
7853   AfterMoveSelection(PrevCol,PrevRow);
7855   {$IfDef dbgGrid}DebugLnExit('MoveExtend END FCol= ',IntToStr(FCol), ' FRow= ',IntToStr(FRow));{$Endif}
7856 end;
MoveNextAutonull7858 function TCustomGrid.MoveNextAuto(const Inverse: boolean): boolean;
7859 var
7860   aCol,aRow: Integer;
7861 begin
7862   Result := GetDeltaMoveNext(Inverse, ACol, ARow, FAutoAdvance);
7863   if Result then
7864     MoveNextSelectable(true, aCol, aRow);
7865 end;
TCustomGrid.MoveNextSelectablenull7867 function TCustomGrid.MoveNextSelectable(Relative: Boolean; DCol, DRow: Integer): Boolean;
7868 var
7869   CInc,RInc: Integer;
7870   NCol,NRow: Integer;
7871 begin
7872   // Reference
7873   if not Relative then begin
7874     NCol:=DCol;
7875     NRow:=DRow;
7876     DCol:=NCol-FCol;
7877     DRow:=NRow-FRow;
7878   end else begin
7879     NCol:=FCol+DCol;
7880     NRow:=FRow+DRow;
7881     if (goEditing in options) and (goAutoAddRows in options) then begin
7882       if (DRow=1) and (NRow>=RowCount) then begin
7883         // If the last row has data or goAutoAddRowsSkipContentCheck is set, add a new row.
7884         if (not FRowAutoInserted) then begin
7885           if (goAutoAddRowsSkipContentCheck in Options) or (not IsEmptyRow(FRow)) then begin
7886             RowCount:=RowCount+1;
7887             if not (goAutoAddRowsSkipContentCheck in Options) then FRowAutoInserted:=True;
7888           end;
7889         end;
7890       end
7891       else if FRowAutoInserted and (DRow=-1) then begin
7892         RowCount:=RowCount-1;
7893         FRowAutoInserted:=False;
7894         ScrollToCell(Col, Row, True);
7895       end;
7896     end;
7897   end;
7899   Checklimits(NCol, NRow);
7901   // Increment
7902   if DCol<0 then CInc:=-1 else
7903   if DCol>0 then CInc:= 1
7904   else           CInc:= 0;
7905   if DRow<0 then RInc:=-1 else
7906   if DRow>0 then RInc:= 1
7907   else           RInc:= 0;
7909   // Calculate
7910   Result:=False;
7911   while ((ColWidths[NCol]=0)  and (CInc<>0))
7912      or ((RowHeights[NRow]=0) and (RInc<>0)) do
7913   begin
7914     if not (IsRowIndexVariable(NRow+RInc) and IsColumnIndexVariable(NCol+CInc)) then
7915       Exit;
7916     Inc(NCol, CInc);
7917     Inc(NRow, RInc);
7918   end;
7919   Result:=MoveExtend(False, NCol, NRow, True);
7921   // whether or not a movement was valid if goAlwaysShowEditor
7922   // is set, editor should pop up.
7923   if not EditorMode and EditorAlwaysShown then begin
7924     SelectEditor;
7925     if Feditor<>nil then
7926       EditorShow(true);
7927   end;
7928 end;
TCustomGrid.TryMoveSelectionnull7930 function TCustomGrid.TryMoveSelection(Relative: Boolean; var DCol, DRow: Integer
7931   ): Boolean;
7932 begin
7933   Result:=False;
7935   if FixedGrid then
7936     exit;
7938   if Relative then begin
7939     Inc(DCol, FCol);
7940     Inc(DRow, FRow);
7941   end;
7943   CheckLimits(DCol, DRow);
7945   // Change on Focused cell?
7946   if (DCol=FCol) and (DRow=FRow) then
7947     SelectCell(DCol,DRow)
7948   else
7949     Result:=SelectCell(DCol,DRow);
7950 end;
7952 procedure TCustomGrid.UnLockEditor;
7953 begin
7954   if FEDitorHidingCount>0 then
7955     Dec(FEditorHidingCount)
7956   else
7957     DebugLn('WARNING: unpaired Unlock Editor');
7958   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('==< LockEditor: ', dbgs(FEditorHidingCount)); {$endif}
7959 end;
7961 procedure TCustomGrid.UpdateHorzScrollBar(const aVisible: boolean;
7962   const aRange,aPage,aPos: Integer);
7963 var
7964   NeedUpdate: Boolean;
7965 begin
7966   {$ifdef DbgScroll}
7967   DebugLn('TCustomGrid.UpdateHorzScrollbar: Vis=%s Range=%d Page=%d aPos=%d',
7968     [dbgs(aVisible),aRange, aPage, aPos]);
7969   {$endif}
7970   NeedUpdate := FHSbVisible <> Ord(AVisible);
7971   if NeedUpdate then
7972     ScrollBarShow(SB_HORZ, aVisible);
7973   if aVisible or NeedUpdate then
7974     ScrollBarRange(SB_HORZ, aRange, aPage, aPos);
7975 end;
7977 procedure TCustomGrid.UpdateVertScrollbar(const aVisible: boolean;
7978   const aRange,aPage,aPos: Integer);
7979 begin
7980   {$ifdef DbgScroll}
7981   DebugLn('TCustomGrid.UpdateVertScrollbar: Vis=%s Range=%d Page=%d aPos=%d',
7982     [dbgs(aVisible),aRange, aPage, aPos]);
7983   {$endif}
7984   if FVSbVisible<>Ord(aVisible) then
7985     ScrollBarShow(SB_VERT, aVisible);
7986   if aVisible then
7987     ScrollbarRange(SB_VERT, aRange, aPage, aPos );
7988 end;
7990 procedure TCustomGrid.UpdateBorderStyle;
7991 var
7992   ABorderStyle: TBorderStyle;
7993 begin
7994   if not Flat and (FGridBorderStyle=bsSingle) then
7995     ABorderStyle := bsSingle
7996   else
7997     ABorderStyle := bsNone;
7998   inherited SetBorderStyle(ABorderStyle);
7999   if HandleAllocated and ([csDestroying,csLoading]*ComponentState=[]) then
8000   begin
8001     VisualChange;
8002     if CheckTopLeft(Col, Row, True, True) then
8003       VisualChange;
8004   end;
8005 end;
ValidateEntrynull8007 function TCustomGrid.ValidateEntry(const ACol, ARow: Integer;
8008   const OldValue:string; var NewValue:string): boolean;
8009 begin
8010   result := true;
8011   if assigned(OnValidateEntry) then begin
8012     try
8013       OnValidateEntry(Self, ACol, ARow, OldValue, NewValue);
8014     except
8015       on E:Exception do begin
8016         result := false;
8017         if FGridState=gsSelecting then
8018           FGridState := gsNormal;
8019         Application.HandleException(E);
8020       end;
8021     end;
8022   end;
8023 end;
8025 procedure TCustomGrid.BeforeMoveSelection(const DCol,DRow: Integer);
8026 begin
8027   if Assigned(OnBeforeSelection) then OnBeforeSelection(Self, DCol, DRow);
8028 end;
8030 procedure TCustomGrid.BeginAutoDrag;
8031 begin
8032   if ((goColSizing in Options) and (FCursorState=gcsColWidthChanging)) or
8033      ((goRowSizing in Options) and (FCursorState=gcsRowHeightChanging))
8034   then
8035     // TODO: Resizing in progress, add an option to forbid resizing
8036     //       when DragMode=dmAutomatic
8037   else
8038     BeginDrag(False);
8039 end;
8041 procedure TCustomGrid.CalcAutoSizeColumn(const Index: Integer; var AMin, AMax,
8042   APriority: Integer);
8043 begin
8044   APriority := 0;
8045 end;
8047 procedure TCustomGrid.CalcCellExtent(acol, aRow: Integer; var aRect: TRect);
8048 begin
8049   //
8050 end;
8052 procedure TCustomGrid.CalcFocusRect(var ARect: TRect; adjust: boolean = true);
8053 begin
8054   if goRowSelect in Options then begin
8056     if UseRightToLeftAlignment then begin
8057       aRect.Left := GCache.ClientWidth - GCache.MaxClientXY.x;
8058       aRect.Right := GCache.ClientWidth - GCache.FixedWidth;
8059     end else begin
8060       aRect.Left := GCache.FixedWidth;
8061       aRect.Right := GCache.MaxClientXY.x;
8062     end;
8064     FlipRect(aRect);
8065   end;
8067   if not adjust then
8068     exit;
8070   if goHorzLine in Options then
8071     dec(aRect.Bottom, 1 + FGridLineWidth div 2);
8073   if goVertLine in Options then
8074     if UseRightToLeftAlignment then
8075       inc(aRect.Left, 1 + FGridLineWidth div 2)
8076     else
8077       dec(aRect.Right, 1 + FGridLineWidth div 2);
8078 end;
8080 procedure TCustomGrid.CalcScrollbarsRange;
8081 var
8082   HsbVisible, VsbVisible: boolean;
8083   HsbRange,VsbRange: Integer;
8084   HsbPage, VsbPage: Integer;
8085   HsbPos, VsbPos: Integer;
8086 begin
8087   with FGCache do begin
8088     GetSBVisibility(HsbVisible, VsbVisible);
8089     GetSBRanges(HsbVisible,VsbVisible,HsbRange,VsbRange,HsbPage,VsbPage,HsbPos,VsbPos);
8090     UpdateVertScrollBar(VsbVisible, VsbRange, VsbPage, VsbPos);
8091     UpdateHorzScrollBar(HsbVisible, HsbRange, HsbPage, HsbPos);
8092     {$ifdef DbgScroll}
8093     DebugLn('VRange=',dbgs(VsbRange),' Visible=',dbgs(VSbVisible));
8094     DebugLn('HRange=',dbgs(HsbRange),' Visible=',dbgs(HSbVisible));
8095     {$endif}
8096   end;
8097 end;
8099 procedure TCustomGrid.CalculatePreferredSize(var PreferredWidth,
8100   PreferredHeight: integer; WithThemeSpace: Boolean);
8101 begin
8102   PreferredWidth:=0;
8103   PreferredHeight:=0;
8104 end;
8106 procedure TCustomGrid.CalcMaxTopLeft;
8107 var
8108   i: Integer;
8109   W,H: Integer;
8110 begin
8111   FGCache.MaxTopLeft:=Point(ColCount-1, RowCount-1);
8112   FGCache.MaxTLOffset.x:=0;
8113   FGCache.MaxTLOffset.y:=0;
8114   W:=0;
8115   if not(goScrollToLastCol in FOptions2) then
8116   begin
8117     for i:=ColCount-1 downto FFixedCols do
8118     begin
8119       W:=W+GetColWidths(i);
8120       if W<=FGCache.ScrollWidth then
8121         FGCache.MaxTopLeft.x:=i
8122       else
8123       begin
8124         if GetSmoothScroll(SB_Horz) then
8125         begin
8126           FGCache.MaxTopLeft.x:=i;
8127           FGCache.MaxTLOffset.x:=W-FGCache.ScrollWidth;
8128         end;
8129         Break;
8130       end;
8131     end;
8132   end;
8133   H:=0;
8134   if not(goScrollToLastRow in FOptions2) then
8135   begin
8136     for i:=RowCount-1 downto FFixedRows do
8137     begin
8138       H:=H+GetRowHeights(i);
8139       if H<=FGCache.ScrollHeight then
8140         FGCache.MaxTopLeft.y:=i
8141       else
8142       begin
8143         if GetSmoothScroll(SB_Vert) then
8144         begin
8145           FGCache.MaxTopLeft.y:=i;
8146           FGCache.MaxTLOffset.y:=H-FGCache.ScrollHeight
8147         end;
8148         Break;
8149       end;
8150     end;
8151   end;
8152   FGCache.MaxTopLeft.x:=Max(FGCache.MaxTopLeft.x, FixedCols);
8153   FGCache.MaxTopLeft.y:=Max(FGCache.MaxTopLeft.y, FixedRows);
8154 end;
8156 procedure TCustomGrid.CellClick(const aCol, aRow: Integer; const Button:TMouseButton);
8157 begin
8158 end;
8160 procedure TCustomGrid.CellExtent(const aCol, aRow: Integer; var R: TRect; out
8161   exCol: Integer);
8162 var
8163   Extent: TRect;
8164 begin
8165   Extent := R;
8166   exCol := aCol;
8167   CalcCellExtent(aCol, aRow, R);
8168   // TODO: check RTL
8169   while (exCol<=FGCache.VisibleGrid.Right) and (Extent.Right<R.Right) do begin
8170     inc(exCol);
8171     ColRowToOffset(True, True, exCol, Extent.Left, Extent.Right);
8172   end;
8173 end;
8175 procedure TCustomGrid.CheckLimits(var aCol, aRow: Integer);
8176 begin
8177   if aCol<FFixedCols then aCol:=FFixedCols else
8178   if aCol>ColCount-1 then acol:=ColCount-1;
8179   if aRow<FFixedRows then aRow:=FFixedRows else
8180   if aRow>RowCount-1 then aRow:=RowCount-1;
8181 end;
8183 // We don't want to do this inside CheckLimits() because keyboard handling
8184 // shouldn't raise an error whereas setting the Row or Col property it should.
8185 procedure TCustomGrid.CheckLimitsWithError(const aCol, aRow: Integer);
8186 begin
8187   if not IsColumnIndexValid(aCol) or not IsRowIndexValid(aRow) then
8188     raise EGridException.Create(rsGridIndexOutOfRange);
8189 end;
8191 procedure TCustomGrid.ClearSelections;
8192 begin
8193   SetLength(FSelections, 0);
8194   UpdateSelectionRange;
8195   FPivot := Point(Col, Row);
8196   InvalidateGrid;
8197 end;
8199 procedure TCustomGrid.CMBiDiModeChanged(var Message: TLMessage);
8200 begin
8201   VisualChange;
8202   inherited CMBidiModeChanged(Message);
8203 end;
8205 procedure TCustomGrid.CMMouseEnter(var Message: TLMessage);
8206 begin
8207   inherited;
8208   FSavedHint := Hint;
8209   // Note: disable hint when entering grid's border, we'll manage our own hints
8210   Application.Hint := '';
8211   Application.CancelHint;
8212 end;
8214 procedure TCustomGrid.CMMouseLeave(var Message: TLMessage);
8215 begin
8216   Hint := FSavedHint;
8217   ResetHotCell;
8218   inherited CMMouseLeave(Message);
8219 end;
8221 // This procedure checks if cursor cell position is allowed
8222 // if not it tries to find a suitable position based on
8223 // AutoAdvance and SelectCell.
8224 procedure TCustomGrid.CheckPosition;
8225 var
8226   OldAA: TAutoAdvance;
8227   DeltaCol,DeltaRow: Integer;
8228 begin
8229   // first tries to find if current position is allowed
8230   if SelectCell(Col,Row) then
8231     exit;
8233   // current position is not valid, look for another position
8234   OldAA := FAutoAdvance;
8236   if OldAA=aaNone then
8237     FAutoAdvance := aaRightDown;
8239   try
8240     // try first normal movement then inverse movement
8241     if GetDeltaMoveNext(false, DeltaCol,DeltaRow,FAutoAdvance) or
8242        GetDeltaMoveNext(true,  DeltaCol,DeltaRow,FAutoAdvance)
8243     then begin
8244       MoveNextSelectable(True, DeltaCol, DeltaRow)
8245     end else begin
8246       // some combinations of AutoAdvance and current position
8247       // will always fail, for example if user set current
8248       // column not selectable and autoadvance is aaDown will
8249       // fail always, in this case as a last resource do a full
8250       // scan until a cell is available
8251       for DeltaCol:=FixedCols to ColCount-1 do
8252         for DeltaRow:=FixedRows to RowCount-1 do begin
8253           if SelectCell(DeltaCol,DeltaRow) then begin
8254             // found one selectable cell
8255             MoveNextSelectable(False, DeltaCol,DeltaRow);
8256             exit;
8257           end;
8258         end;
8259       // user has created weird situation.
8260       // can't do more about it.
8261     end;
8263   finally
8264     FAutoAdvance := OldAA;
8265   end;
8266 end;
8268 procedure TCustomGrid.MoveSelection;
8269 begin
8270   if Assigned(OnSelection) then OnSelection(Self, FCol, FRow);
8271 end;
8273 procedure TCustomGrid.BeginUpdate;
8274 begin
8275   Inc(FUpdateCount);
8276 end;
BoxRectnull8278 function TCustomGrid.BoxRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Longint): TRect;
8279 begin
8280   if ARight<ALeft then
8281     SwapInt(ALeft, ARight);
8282   if ABottom<ATop then
8283     SwapInt(ATop, ABottom);
8285   Result := CellRect(ALeft, ATop);
8286   Result.BottomRight := CellRect(ARight, ABottom).BottomRight;
8288   IntersectRect(Result, Result, FGCache.VisibleGrid);
8289 end;
8291 procedure TCustomGrid.CacheMouseDown(const X, Y: Integer);
8292 var
8293   ParentForm: TCustomForm;
8294 begin
8295   FGCache.ClickMouse := Point(X,Y);
8296   FGCache.ClickCell  := MouseToCell(FGCache.ClickMouse);
8297   if (FGCache.HotGridZone=gzInvalid) then begin
8298     ParentForm := GetParentForm(Self);
8299     if (ParentForm<>nil) and ParentForm.Active then
8300       FGCache.HotGridZone := CellToGridZone(FGCache.ClickCell.X, FGCache.ClickCell.Y);
8301   end;
8302 end;
8304 procedure TCustomGrid.EndUpdate(aRefresh: boolean = true);
8305 begin
8306   Dec(FUpdateCount);
8307   if (FUpdateCount=0) and aRefresh then
8308     VisualChange;
8309 end;
8311 procedure TCustomGrid.EraseBackground(DC: HDC);
8312 begin
8313   //
8314 end;
Focusednull8316 function TCustomGrid.Focused: Boolean;
8317 begin
8318   Result := CanTab and (HandleAllocated and
8319     (FindOwnerControl(GetFocus)=Self) or
8320      ((FEditor<>nil) and FEditor.Visible and FEditor.Focused));
8321 end;
8323 procedure TCustomGrid.InvalidateCell(aCol, aRow: Integer);
8324 begin
8325   InvalidateCell(ACol,ARow, False);
8326 end;
HasMultiSelectionnull8328 function TCustomGrid.HasMultiSelection: Boolean;
8329 begin
8330   Result := (goRangeSelect in Options) and
8331     (FRangeSelectMode = rsmMulti) and (Length(FSelections) > 0);
8332 end;
8334 procedure TCustomGrid.InvalidateCell(aCol, aRow: Integer; Redraw: Boolean);
8335 var
8336   R: TRect;
8337 begin
8338   {$IfDef dbgPaint}
8339     DebugLn(['InvalidateCell  Col=',aCol,
8340       ' Row=',aRow,' Redraw=', Redraw]);
8341   {$Endif}
8342   if HandleAllocated and (IsCellVisible(aCol, aRow) or IsFixedCellVisible(aCol, aRow)) then begin
8343     R:=CellRect(aCol, aRow);
8344     InvalidateRect(Handle, @R, Redraw);
8345   end;
8346 end;
8348 procedure TCustomGrid.InvalidateRange(const aRange: TRect);
8349 var
8350   RIni,RFin: TRect;
8351 begin
8352   if not HandleAllocated then
8353     exit;
8354   RIni := CellRect(aRange.Left, aRange.Top);
8355   RFin := CellRect(aRange.Right, aRange.Bottom);
8356   if UseRightToLeftAlignment then
8357     RIni.Left := RFin.Left
8358   else
8359     RIni.Right := RFin.Right;
8360   RIni.Bottom:= RFin.Bottom;
8361   InvalidateRect(Handle, @RIni, False);
8362 end;
8364 procedure TCustomGrid.InvalidateGrid;
8365 begin
8366   if FUpdateCount=0 then Invalidate;
8367 end;
8369 procedure TCustomGrid.Invalidate;
8370 begin
8371   if FUpdateCount=0 then begin
8372     {$IfDef dbgPaint} DebugLn('Invalidate');{$Endif}
8373     inherited Invalidate;
8374   end;
8375 end;
8377 procedure TCustomGrid.EditingDone;
8378 begin
8379   if not FEditorShowing then
8380     inherited EditingDone;
8381 end;
EditorGetValuenull8383 function TCustomGrid.EditorGetValue(validate:boolean=false): boolean;
8384 var
8385   CurValue,NewValue: string;
8386 begin
8387   result := true;
8388   if (([csDesigning, csDestroying] * ComponentState) = [])
8389   and (Editor<>nil) and Editor.Visible then begin
8391     if validate then begin
8392       CurValue := GetCells(FCol,FRow);
8393       NewValue := CurValue;
8394       result := ValidateEntry(FCol,FRow,FEditorOldValue,NewValue);
8395       if (CurValue<>NewValue) then begin
8396         SetEditText(FCol,FRow,NewValue);
8397         if result then
8398           EditorHide
8399         else
8400           EditorDoSetValue;
8401         exit;
8402       end;
8403     end;
8405     if result then begin
8406       EditorDoGetValue;
8407       EditorHide;
8408     end;
8409   end;
8410 end;
8412 procedure TCustomGrid.EditorSetValue;
8413 begin
8414   if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin
8415     EditorPos;
8416     EditordoSetValue;
8417   end;
8418 end;
8420 procedure TCustomGrid.EditorHide;
8421 var
8422   WasFocused: boolean;
8423 begin
8424   if not EditorLocked and (Editor<>nil) and Editor.Visible then
8425   begin
8426     FEditorMode := False;
8427     FGridState := gsNormal;
8428     if Editor.Parent<>nil then  // May be nil when the form is closing.
8429     begin
8430       WasFocused := Editor.Focused;
8431       {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnEnter('EditorHide [',Editor.ClassName,'] INIT FCol=',IntToStr(FCol),' FRow=',IntToStr(FRow));{$endif}
8432       LockEditor;
8433       try
8434         DoEditorHide;
8435       finally
8436         if WasFocused then
8437           SetFocus;
8438         UnLockEditor;
8439       end;
8440       {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnExit('EditorHide END');{$endif}
8441     end;
8442   end;
8443 end;
EditorLockednull8445 function TCustomGrid.EditorLocked: boolean;
8446 begin
8447   Result := FEditorHidingCount <> 0;
8448 end;
EditingAllowednull8450 function TCustomGrid.EditingAllowed(ACol: Integer = -1): Boolean;
8451 var
8452   C: TGridColumn;
8453 begin
8454   Result:=(goEditing in options) and IsColumnIndexValid(ACol) and (RowCount>FixedRows);
8455   if Result and Columns.Enabled then begin
8456     C:=ColumnFromGridColumn(ACol);
8457     Result:=(C<>nil) and (not C.ReadOnly);
8458   end;
8459 end;
8461 procedure TCustomGrid.EditorShow(const SelAll: boolean);
8462 begin
8463   if ([csLoading,csDestroying,csDesigning]*ComponentState<>[])
8464   or (not Enabled) or (not IsVisible)
8465   or (not HandleAllocated) then
8466     Exit;
8468   if EditingAllowed(FCol) and CanEditShow and (not FEditorShowing) and
8469      (Editor<>nil) and (not Editor.Visible) and (not EditorLocked) then
8470   begin
8471     {$ifdef dbgGrid} DebugLnEnter('EditorShow [',Editor.ClassName,'] INIT FCol=',IntToStr(FCol),' FRow=',IntToStr(FRow));{$endif}
8472     FEditorMode:=True;
8473     FEditorOldValue := GetCells(FCol,FRow);
8474     FEditorShowing:=True;
8475     doEditorShow;
8476     FEditorShowing:=False;
8477     if SelAll then
8478       EditorSelectAll;
8479     FGridState := gsNormal;
8480     {$ifdef dbgGrid} DebugLnExit('EditorShow END');{$endif}
8481   end;
8482 end;
8484 procedure TCustomGrid.EditorShowInCell(const aCol, aRow: Integer);
8485 var
8486   OldCol,OldRow: Integer;
8487 begin
8488   OldCol:=FCol;
8489   OldRow:=FRow;
8490   try
8491     EditorGetValue;
8492     FCol:=aCol;
8493     FRow:=aRow;
8494     SelectEditor;
8495     EditorShow(True);
8496   finally
8497     if (FCol=aCol)and(FRow=aRow) then
8498     begin
8499       // Current col,row didn't change, restore old ones
8500       FCol:=OldCol;
8501       FRow:=OldRow;
8502     end;
8503   end;
8504 end;
8506 procedure TCustomGrid.EditorTextChanged(const aCol,aRow: Integer; const aText:string);
8507 begin
8508   SetEditText(aCol, aRow, aText);
8509 end;
8511 procedure TCustomGrid.EditorWidthChanged(aCol, aWidth: Integer);
8512 begin
8513   EditorPos;
8514 end;
FirstGridColumnnull8516 function TCustomGrid.FirstGridColumn: integer;
8517 begin
8518   result := FixedCols;
8519 end;
8521 procedure TCustomGrid.FixDesignFontsPPI(const ADesignTimePPI: Integer);
8522 var
8523   LTitleFontIsDefault: Boolean;
8524   I: Integer;
8525 begin
8526   inherited FixDesignFontsPPI(ADesignTimePPI);
8528   LTitleFontIsDefault := FTitleFontIsDefault;
8529   DoFixDesignFontPPI(TitleFont, ADesignTimePPI);
8530   FTitleFontIsDefault := LTitleFontIsDefault;
8531   for I := 0 to FColumns.Count-1 do
8532     FColumns[I].FixDesignFontsPPI(ADesignTimePPI);
8533 end;
FixedGridnull8535 function TCustomGrid.FixedGrid: boolean;
8536 begin
8537   result := (FixedCols=ColCount) or (FixedRows=RowCount)
8538 end;
8540 procedure TCustomGrid.FontChanged(Sender: TObject);
8541 begin
8542   FRealizedDefRowHeight := 0;
8543   FRealizedDefColWidth := 0;
8544   if csCustomPaint in ControlState then
8545     Canvas.Font := Font
8546   else begin
8547     inherited FontChanged(Sender);
8548     if FColumns.Enabled then
8549       FColumns.FontChanged;
8550     if FTitleFontIsDefault then begin
8551       FTitleFont.Assign(Font);
8552       FTitleFontIsDefault := True;
8553     end;
8554   end;
8555 end;
8557 procedure TCustomGrid.EditorPos;
8558 var
8559   msg: TGridMessage;
8560   CellR: TRect;
8561   PosValid: Boolean;
8562 begin
8563   {$ifdef dbgGrid} DebugLn('Grid.EditorPos INIT');{$endif}
8564   if HandleAllocated and (FEditor<>nil) then begin
8566     // send editor position
8567     Msg.LclMsg.msg:=GM_SETPOS;
8568     Msg.Grid:=Self;
8569     Msg.Col:=FCol;
8570     Msg.Row:=FRow;
8571     FEditor.Dispatch(Msg);
8573     // send editor bounds
8574     PosValid := ColRowToOffset(True, True, FCol, CellR.Left, CellR.Right)
8575             and ColRowToOffSet(False,True, FRow, CellR.Top, CellR.Bottom);
8576     if not PosValid then // Can't position editor; ensure sane values
8577       CellR := Rect(0,0,FEditor.Width, FEditor.Height);
8579     if not PosValid or (CellR.Top<FGCache.FixedHeight) or (CellR.Top>FGCache.ClientHeight) or
8580        (UseRightToLeftAlignment and ((CellR.Right-1>FlipX(FGCache.FixedWidth)) or (CellR.Right<0))) or
8581        (not UseRightToLeftAlignment and ((CellR.Left<FGCache.FixedWidth) or (CellR.Left>FGCache.ClientWidth)))
8582     then
8583       // if editor will be out of sight, make the out of sight coords fixed
8584       // this should avoid range check errors on widgetsets that can't handle
8585       // high control coords (like GTK2)
8586       CellR := Bounds(-FEditor.Width-100, -FEditor.Height-100, CellR.Right-CellR.Left, CellR.Bottom-CellR.Top);
8588     // Make sure to use the grid font, not that of the title (issue #38203).
8589     Canvas.Font.Assign(Font);
8591     if FEditorOptions and EO_AUTOSIZE = EO_AUTOSIZE then begin
8592       if (FEditor = FStringEditor) and (EditorBorderStyle = bsNone) then
8593         CellR := TWSCustomGridClass(WidgetSetClass).
8594           GetEditorBoundsFromCellRect(Canvas, CellR, GetColumnLayout(FCol, False))
8595       else
8596         AdjustInnerCellRect(CellR);
8597       FEditor.BoundsRect := CellR;
8598     end else begin
8599       Msg.LclMsg.msg:=GM_SETBOUNDS;
8600       Msg.CellRect:=CellR;
8601       Msg.Grid:=Self;
8602       Msg.Col:=FCol;
8603       Msg.Row:=FRow;
8604       FEditor.Dispatch(Msg);
8605     end;
8606   end;
8607   {$ifdef dbgGrid} DebugLn('Grid.EditorPos END');{$endif}
8608 end;
8610 procedure TCustomGrid.EditorSelectAll;
8611 var
8612   Msg: TGridMessage;
8613 begin
8614   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('EditorSelectALL INIT');{$endif}
8615   if FEditor<>nil then
8616     if FEditorOptions and EO_SELECTALL = EO_SELECTALL then begin
8617       Msg.LclMsg.msg:=GM_SELECTALL;
8618       FEditor.Dispatch(Msg);
8619     end;
8620   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('EditorSelectALL END');{$endif}
8621 end;
8623 procedure TCustomGrid.EditordoGetValue;
8624 var
8625   msg: TGridMessage;
8626 begin
8627   if (FEditor<>nil) and FEditor.Visible then begin
8628     Msg.LclMsg.msg:=GM_GETVALUE;
8629     Msg.grid:=Self;
8630     Msg.Col:=FCol;
8631     Msg.Row:=FRow;
8632     Msg.Value:=GetCells(FCol, FRow);
8633     FEditor.Dispatch(Msg);
8634     SetEditText(Msg.Col, Msg.Row, Msg.Value);
8635   end;
8636 end;
8638 procedure TCustomGrid.EditordoResetValue;
8639 var
8640   msg: TGridMessage;
8641 begin
8642   if (FEditor<>nil) and FEditor.Visible then begin
8643     Msg.LclMsg.msg:=GM_SETVALUE;
8644     Msg.grid:=Self;
8645     Msg.Col:=FCol;
8646     Msg.Row:=FRow;
8647     Msg.Value:=FEditorOldValue;
8648     FEditor.Dispatch(Msg);
8649     SetEditText(Msg.Col, Msg.Row, Msg.Value);
8650   end;
8651 end;
8653 procedure TCustomGrid.EditordoSetValue;
8654 var
8655   msg: TGridMessage;
8656 begin
8657   if FEditor<>nil then begin
8658     // Set the editor mask
8659     Msg.LclMsg.msg:=GM_SETMASK;
8660     Msg.Grid:=Self;
8661     Msg.Col:=FCol;
8662     Msg.Row:=FRow;
8663     Msg.Value:=GetEditMask(FCol, FRow);
8664     FEditor.Dispatch(Msg);
8665     // Set the editor value
8666     Msg.LclMsg.msg:=GM_SETVALUE;
8667     Msg.Grid:=Self;
8668     Msg.Col:=FCol;
8669     Msg.Row:=FRow;
8670     Msg.Value:=GetEditText(Fcol, FRow);
8671     FEditor.Dispatch(Msg);
8672   end;
8673 end;
TCustomGrid.EditorCanAcceptKeynull8675 function TCustomGrid.EditorCanAcceptKey(const ch: TUTF8Char): boolean;
8676 begin
8677   result := True;
8678 end;
TCustomGrid.EditorIsReadOnlynull8680 function TCustomGrid.EditorIsReadOnly: boolean;
8681 begin
8682   result := GetColumnReadonly(Col);
8683 end;
8685 procedure TCustomGrid.GetAutoFillColumnInfo(const Index: Integer; var aMin,aMax,aPriority: Integer);
8686 var
8687   C: TGridColumn;
8688 begin
8689   if Index<FixedCols then
8690     APriority := 0
8691   else if Columns.Enabled then begin
8692     C := ColumnFromGridColumn(Index);
8693     if C<>nil then begin
8694       aMin := C.MinSize;
8695       aMax := C.MaxSize;
8696       aPriority := C.SizePriority;
8697     end else
8698       APriority := 1;
8699   end else
8700     APriority := 1;
8701 end;
GetCellHintTextnull8703 function TCustomGrid.GetCellHintText(ACol, ARow: Integer): string;
8704 begin
8705   Result := '';
8706   if Assigned(FOnGetCellHint) then
8707     FOnGetCellHint(self, ACol, ARow, result);
8708 end;
GetTruncCellHintTextnull8710 function TCustomGrid.GetTruncCellHintText(ACol, ARow: Integer): string;
8711 begin
8712   Result := GetCells(ACol, ARow);
8713   if Assigned(FOnGetCellHint) and (FCellHintPriority = chpTruncOnly) then
8714     FOnGetCellHint(self, ACol, ARow, result);
8715 end;
TCustomGrid.GetCellsnull8717 function TCustomGrid.GetCells(ACol, ARow: Integer): string;
8718 begin
8719   result := '';
8720 end;
8722 procedure TCustomGrid.EditorKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key:Word; Shift:TShiftState);
8723 begin
8724   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('Grid.EditorKeyDown Key=',dbgs(Key),' INIT');{$endif}
8725   FEditorKey:=True; // Just a flag to see from where the event comes
8726   KeyDown(Key, shift);
8727   FEditorKey:=False;
8728   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('Grid.EditorKeyDown Key=',dbgs(Key),' END');{$endif}
8729 end;
8731 procedure TCustomGrid.EditorKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
8732 var
8733   AChar: TUTF8Char;
8734 {$ifdef dbgGrid}
PrintKeynull8735 function PrintKey:String;
8736 begin
8737   Result := Dbgs(ord(key))+' $' + IntToHex(ord(key),2);
8738   if Key>#31 then
8739     Result := Key + ' ' + Result
8740 end;
8741 {$endif}
8742 begin
8743   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('Grid.EditorKeyPress: INIT Key=',PrintKey);{$Endif}
8744   FEditorKey := True;
8745   KeyPress(Key); // grid must get all keypresses, even if they are from the editor
8746   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('Grid.EditorKeyPress: inter Key=',PrintKey);{$Endif}
8747   case Key of
8748     #0, ^C,^V,^X:;
8750     ^M:
8751     begin
8752       Include(FGridFlags, gfEditingDone);
8753       if not MoveNextAuto(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) then
8754         ResetEditor;
8755       Exclude(FGridFlags, gfEditingDone);
8756       Key := #0;
8757     end;
8759     else begin
8760       AChar := Key;
8761       if not EditorCanAcceptKey(AChar) or EditorIsReadOnly then
8762         Key := #0
8763       else
8764         Key := AChar[1];
8765     end;
8766   end;
8767   FEditorKey := False;
8768   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('Grid.EditorKeyPress: END Key=',PrintKey);{$Endif}
8769 end;
8771 procedure TCustomGrid.EditorUTF8KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var UTF8Key: TUTF8Char
8772   );
8773 begin
8774   FEditorKey := True;
8775   UTF8KeyPress(UTF8Key);
8776   FEditorKey := false;
8777 end;
8779 procedure TCustomGrid.EditorKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var key: Word;
8780   shift: TShiftState);
8781 begin
8782   FEditorKey := True;
8783   KeyUp(Key, Shift);
8784   FEditorKey := False;
8785 end;
8787 procedure TCustomGrid.SelectEditor;
8788 var
8789   aEditor: TWinControl;
8790 begin
8791   {$ifdef DbgGrid}
8792   DebugLnEnter('TCustomGrid.SelectEditor INIT');
8793   {$endif}
8794   aEditor := GetDefaultEditor(Col);
8795   if EditingAllowed(FCol) and Assigned(OnSelectEditor) then begin
8796     // in some situations there are only non-selectable cells
8797     // if goAlwaysShowEditor is on set initially editor to nil,
8798     // user can modify this value in OnSelectEditor if needed
8799     if not SelectCell(FCol,FRow) then
8800       aEditor:=nil;
8801     OnSelectEditor(Self, fCol, FRow, aEditor);
8802   end;
8803   if aEditor<>Editor then
8804     Editor := aEditor;
8805   if Assigned(Editor) and not Assigned(Editor.Popupmenu) then
8806     Editor.PopupMenu := PopupMenu;
8807   {$ifdef DbgGrid}
8808   DebugLnExit('TCustomGrid.SelectEditor END');
8809   {$endif}
8810 end;
EditorAlwaysShownnull8812 function TCustomGrid.EditorAlwaysShown: Boolean;
8813 begin
8814   Result:=EditingAllowed(FCol) and (goAlwaysShowEditor in Options) and not FixedGrid;
8815 end;
8817 //
8818 procedure TCustomGrid.FixPosition(IsColumn: Boolean; aIndex: Integer);
8819 var
8820   OldCol,OldRow: Integer;
8822   procedure FixSelection;
8823   begin
8824     if FRow > FRows.Count - 1 then
8825       FRow := FRows.Count - 1
8826     else if (FRow < FixedRows) and (FixedRows<FRows.Count) then
8827       FRow := FixedRows;
8828     if FCol > FCols.Count - 1 then
8829       FCol := FCols.Count - 1
8830     else if (FCol < FixedCols) and (FixedCols<FCols.Count) then
8831       FCol := FixedCols;
8832   end;
8833   procedure FixTopLeft;
8834   var
8835     oldTL: TPoint;
8836     VisCount: Integer;
8837   begin
8838     OldTL:=FTopLeft;
8839     VisCount := FGCache.VisibleGrid.Right-FGCache.VisibleGrid.Left+1;
8840     if OldTL.X+VisCount>FCols.Count then begin
8841       OldTL.X := FCols.Count - VisCount;
8842       if OldTL.X<FixedCols then
8843         OldTL.X := FixedCols;
8844     end;
8845     VisCount := FGCache.VisibleGrid.Bottom-FGCache.VisibleGrid.Top+1;
8846     if OldTL.Y+VisCount>FRows.Count then begin
8847       OldTL.Y := FRows.Count - VisCount;
8848       if OldTL.Y<FixedRows then
8849         OldTL.Y:=FixedRows;
8850     end;
8851     if not PointIgual(OldTL, FTopleft) then begin
8852       fTopLeft := OldTL;
8853       //DebugLn('TCustomGrid.FixPosition ',DbgSName(Self),' FTopLeft=',dbgs(FTopLeft));
8854       topleftChanged;
8855     end;
8856   end;
8857   procedure FixEditor;
8858   var
8859     ColRow: Integer;
8860   begin
8861     if FixedGrid then begin
8862       EditorMode:=False;
8863       exit;
8864     end;
8865     if IsColumn then
8866       ColRow:=OldCol
8867     else
8868       ColRow:=OldRow;
8869     {$ifdef dbgeditor}
8870     DebugLn('FixEditor: aIndex=%d ColRow=%d EditorMode=%s',[aIndex,ColRow,dbgs(EditorMode)]);
8871     {$endif}
8872     // Changed index is same as current colrow, new colrow may change
8873     if AIndex=ColRow then begin
8874       EditorMode:=False;
8875       if EditorAlwaysShown then begin
8876         SelectEditor;
8877         EditorMode:=True;
8878       end;
8879     end else
8880     // Changed index in before current colrow, just translate editor
8881     if (AIndex<ColRow) and EditorMode then begin
8882       if IsColumn then
8883         AdjustEditorBounds(ColRow-1, OldRow)
8884       else
8885         AdjustEditorBounds(OldCol, ColRow-1)
8886     end;
8887     // else: changed index is after current colrow, it doesn't affect editor
8888   end;
8889 begin
8890   OldCol := Col;
8891   OldRow := Row;
8892   FixTopleft;
8893   FixSelection;
8894   CheckPosition;
8895   UpdateSelectionRange;
8896   VisualChange;
8897   FixEditor;
8898 end;
8900 procedure TCustomGrid.FixScroll;
8901 var
8902   OldColOffset: Integer;
8903   OldTopLeft: TPoint;
8904 begin
8905   // TODO: fix rows too
8906   // column handling
8907   if FGCache.OldMaxTopLeft.x<>FGCache.MaxTopLeft.x then begin
8908     // keeping FullVisibleGrid try to find a better topleft. We care are only
8909     // if the grid is smaller than before, comparing GridWidth should work also
8910     // but MaxTopLeft has better granularity
8911     if FGCache.MaxTopLeft.x<FGCache.OldMaxTopLeft.x then begin
8912       OldColOffset := FGCache.TLColOff;
8913       OldTopLeft := fTopLeft;
8914       FGCache.TLColOff := 0;
8915       fTopleft.x := FixedCols;
8916       if not ScrollToCell(FGCache.FullVisibleGrid.Right, Row, True) then begin
8917         // target cell is now visible ....
8918         if OldTopLeft.x<>fTopLeft.x then
8919           // but the supposed startig left col is not the same as the current one
8920           doTopleftChange(False)
8921         else begin
8922           FGCache.TLColOff := OldColOffset;
8923           fTopLeft := OldTopLeft;
8924         end;
8925       end;
8926     end;
8927   end;
8928 end;
8930 procedure TCustomGrid.EditorShowChar(Ch: TUTF8Char);
8931 begin
8932   SelectEditor;
8933   if FEDitor<>nil then begin
8934     if EditorCanAcceptKey(ch) and not EditorIsReadOnly then begin
8935       EditorShow(true);
8936       TWSCustomGridClass(WidgetSetClass).SendCharToEditor(Editor, Ch);
8937       //this method bypasses Self.KeyDown and therefore will not reset FRowAutoInserted there
8938       //So, set it to false, unless pressing a backspace caused the editor to pop-up
8939       if (Ch <> ^H) then FRowAutoInserted := False;
8940     end;
8941   end;
8942 end;
8944 procedure TCustomGrid.EditorSetMode(const AValue: Boolean);
8945 begin
8946   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('Grid.EditorSetMode=',dbgs(Avalue),' INIT');{$endif}
8947   if not AValue then
8948     EditorHide
8949   else
8950     EditorShow(false);
8951   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('Grid.EditorSetMode END');{$endif}
8952 end;
GetSelectedColornull8954 function TCustomGrid.GetSelectedColor: TColor;
8955 begin
8956   Result:=FSelectedColor;
8957 end;
GetTitleShowPrefixnull8959 function TCustomGrid.GetTitleShowPrefix(Column: Integer): boolean;
8960 var
8961   C: TGridColumn;
8962 begin
8963   C := ColumnFromGridColumn(Column);
8964   if C<>nil then
8965     result := C.Title.PrefixOption<>poNone
8966   else
8967     result := false;
8968 end;
GridColumnFromColumnIndexnull8970 function TCustomGrid.GridColumnFromColumnIndex(ColumnIndex: Integer): Integer;
8971 begin
8972   {$ifdef NewCols}
8973   result := ColumnIndex + FirstGridColumn;
8974   if Result>ColCount-1 then
8975     Result := -1;
8976   {$else}
8977   result := Columns.VisibleIndex(ColumnIndex);
8978   if result>=0 then
8979     result := result + FixedCols;
8980   {$endif}
8981 end;
8983 procedure TCustomGrid.GridMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; Delta: Integer);
8984 begin
8985   // Ctrl-key is to support horiz scrolling with basic mouse
8986   if ssCtrl in Shift then
8987     MoveNextSelectable(true, Delta, 0)
8988   else
8989     MoveNextSelectable(true, 0, Delta);
8990 end;
GetEditMasknull8992 function TCustomGrid.GetEditMask(ACol, ARow: Longint): string;
8993 begin
8994   result:='';
8995 end;
GetEditTextnull8997 function TCustomGrid.GetEditText(ACol, ARow: Longint): string;
8998 begin
8999   result:='';
9000 end;
GetColumnAlignmentnull9002 function TCustomGrid.GetColumnAlignment(Column: Integer; ForTitle: Boolean): TAlignment;
9003 var
9004   C: TGridColumn;
9005 begin
9006   C := ColumnFromGridColumn(Column);
9007   if C<>nil then
9008     if ForTitle then
9009       Result := C.Title.Alignment
9010     else
9011       Result := C.Alignment
9012   else
9013     result := GetDefaultColumnAlignment(Column);
9014 end;
GetColumnColornull9016 function TCustomGrid.GetColumnColor(Column: Integer; ForTitle: Boolean): TColor;
9017 var
9018   C: TGridColumn;
9019 begin
9020   C := ColumnFromGridColumn(Column);
9021   if C<>nil then
9022     if ForTitle then
9023       result := C.Title.Color
9024     else
9025       result := C.Color
9026   else
9027     if ForTitle then
9028       result := FixedColor
9029     else
9030       result := Self.Color;
9031 end;
GetColumnFontnull9033 function TCustomGrid.GetColumnFont(Column: Integer; ForTitle: Boolean): TFont;
9034 var
9035   C: TGridColumn;
9036 begin
9037   C := ColumnFromGridColumn(Column);
9038   if C<>nil then
9039     if ForTitle then
9040       Result := C.Title.Font
9041     else
9042       Result := C.Font
9043   else begin
9044     if ForTitle then
9045       Result := TitleFont
9046     else
9047       Result := Self.Font;
9048   end;
9049 end;
GetColumnLayoutnull9051 function TCustomGrid.GetColumnLayout(Column: Integer; ForTitle: boolean): TTextLayout;
9052 var
9053   C: TGridColumn;
9054 begin
9055   C := ColumnFromGridColumn(Column);
9056   if C<>nil then
9057     if ForTitle then
9058       Result := C.Title.Layout
9059     else
9060       Result := C.Layout
9061   else
9062     result := GetDefaultColumnLayout(Column);
9063 end;
GetColumnReadonlynull9065 function TCustomGrid.GetColumnReadonly(Column: Integer): boolean;
9066 var
9067   C: TGridColumn;
9068 begin
9069   C := ColumnFromGridColumn(Column);
9070   if C<>nil then
9071     result := C.ReadOnly
9072   else
9073     result := GetDefaultColumnReadOnly(Column);
9074 end;
GetColumnTitlenull9076 function TCustomGrid.GetColumnTitle(Column: Integer): string;
9077 var
9078   C: TGridColumn;
9079 begin
9080   C := ColumnFromGridColumn(Column);
9081   if C<>nil then
9082     Result := C.Title.Caption
9083   else
9084     result := GetDefaultColumnTitle(Column);
9085 end;
GetColumnWidthnull9087 function TCustomGrid.GetColumnWidth(Column: Integer): Integer;
9088 var
9089   C: TGridColumn;
9090 begin
9091   C := ColumnFromGridColumn(Column);
9092   if C<>nil then
9093     Result := C.Width
9094   else
9095     Result := GetDefaultColumnWidth(Column);
9096 end;
9098 // return the relative cell coordinate of the next cell
9099 // considering AutoAdvance property and selectable cells.
GetDeltaMoveNextnull9100 function TCustomGrid.GetDeltaMoveNext(const Inverse: boolean;
9101   var ACol, ARow: Integer; const AAutoAdvance: TAutoAdvance): boolean;
9102 var
9104   DeltaCol,DeltaRow: Integer;
9106   function CalcNextStep: boolean;
9107   var
9108     aa: TAutoAdvance;
9109     cCol,cRow: Integer;
9110   begin
9112     DeltaCol := 0;
9113     DeltaRow := 0;
9115     aa := AAutoAdvance;
9116     if Inverse then
9117       case aa of
9118         aaRight:      aa := aaLeft;
9119         aaLeft:       aa := aaRight;
9120         aaRightDown:  aa := aaLeftUp;
9121         aaLeftDown:   aa := aaRightUp;
9122         aaRightUP:    aa := aaLeftDown;
9123         aaLeftUP:     aa := aaRightDown;
9124       end;
9126     case aa of
9127       aaRight:
9128         DeltaCol := 1;
9130       aaLeft:
9131         DeltaCol := -1;
9133       aaDown:
9134         DeltaRow := 1;
9136       aaRightDown:
9137         if ACol<ColCount-1 then
9138           DeltaCol := 1
9139         else begin
9140           DeltaCol := FixedCols-ACol;
9141           DeltaRow := 1;
9142         end;
9144       aaRightUP:
9145         if ACol<ColCount-1 then
9146           DeltaCol := 1
9147         else begin
9148           DeltaCol := FixedCols-ACol;
9149           DeltaRow := -1;
9150         end;
9152       aaLeftUP:
9153         if ACol>FixedCols then
9154           DeltaCol := -1
9155         else begin
9156           DeltaCol := ColCount-1-ACol;
9157           DeltaRow := -1;
9158         end;
9160       aaLeftDown:
9161         if ACol>FixedCols then
9162           DeltaCol := -1
9163         else begin
9164           DeltaCol := ColCount-1-ACol;
9165           DeltaRow := 1;
9166         end;
9167     end;
9169     CCol := ACol + DeltaCol;
9170     CRow := ARow + DeltaRow;
9172     // is CCol,CRow within range?
9173     result :=
9174       (CCol<=ColCount-1)and(CCol>=FixedCols)and
9175       (CRow<=RowCount-1)and(CRow>=FixedRows);
9176   end;
9178 begin
9179   ACol := FCol;
9180   ARow := FRow;
9182   result := False;
9184   if AAutoAdvance=aaNone then begin
9185     ACol := 0;
9186     ARow := 0;
9187     exit; // quick case, no auto movement allowed
9188   end;
9190   if [goRowSelect,goRelaxedRowSelect]*Options=[goRowSelect] then begin
9191     if Inverse then
9192       ACol := FixedCols
9193     else
9194       ACol := ColCount-1;
9195   end;
9197   // browse the grid in autoadvance order
9198   while CalcNextStep do begin
9199     ACol := ACol + DeltaCol;
9200     ARow := ARow + DeltaRow;
9201     // is cell ACol,ARow selectable?
9202     result := SelectCell(ACol,ARow);
9203     if Result then
9204       break;
9205   end;
9207   if result then begin
9208     // return relative position
9209     ACol := ACol - FCol;
9210     ARow := ARow - FRow;
9211   end else begin
9212     // no available next cell, return delta anyway
9213     ACol := DeltaCol;
9214     ARow := DeltaRow;
9215   end;
9216 end;
GetDefaultColumnAlignmentnull9218 function TCustomGrid.GetDefaultColumnAlignment(Column: Integer): TAlignment;
9219 begin
9220   result := DefaultTextStyle.Alignment;
9221 end;
GetDefaultEditornull9223 function TCustomGrid.GetDefaultEditor(Column: Integer): TWinControl;
9224 var
9225   C: TGridColumn;
9226   bs: TColumnButtonStyle;
9227 begin
9228   result := nil;
9229   if EditingAllowed(Col) then begin
9230     C := ColumnFromGridColumn(Column);
9231     if C<>nil then begin
9232       bs := C.ButtonStyle;
9233       if (bs=cbsAuto) and (C.PickList<>nil) and (C.PickList.Count>0) then
9234         bs := cbsPicklist
9235     end else
9236       bs := cbsAuto;
9238     result := EditorByStyle( Bs );
9240     // by default do the editor setup here
9241     // if user wants to change our setup, this can
9242     // be done in OnSelectEditor
9243     if (bs=cbsPickList) and (C<>nil) and (C.PickList<>nil) and
9244         (result = FPicklistEditor) then begin
9245       FPickListEditor.Items.Assign(C.PickList);
9246       FPickListEditor.DropDownCount := C.DropDownRows;
9247     end
9249   end;
9250 end;
GetDefaultRowHeightnull9252 function TCustomGrid.GetDefaultRowHeight: integer;
9253 var
9254   TmpCanvas: TCanvas;
9255 begin
9256   tmpCanvas := GetWorkingCanvas(Canvas);
9257   tmpCanvas.Font := Font;
9258   tmpCanvas.Font.PixelsPerInch := Font.PixelsPerInch;
9259   result := tmpCanvas.TextHeight('Fj')+7;
9260   if tmpCanvas<>Canvas then
9261     FreeWorkingCanvas(tmpCanvas);
9262 end;
GetGridDrawStatenull9264 function TCustomGrid.GetGridDrawState(ACol, ARow: Integer): TGridDrawState;
9265 begin
9266   Result := [];
9267   if ARow < FFixedRows then
9268     include(Result, gdFixed)
9269   else begin
9270     if (aCol = FCol) and (aRow = FRow) then
9271       Result := Result + [gdFocused, gdSelected]
9272     else
9273     if IsCellSelected[aCol, aRow] then
9274       include(Result, gdSelected);
9275   end;
9276   if (aRow=FRow) and (goRowHighlight in FOptions) and not (gdFixed in Result) then
9277      Result := Result + [gdRowHighlight];
9278   with FGCache do begin
9279     if (ACol = HotCell.x) and (ARow = HotCell.y) and not IsPushCellActive()
9280       then Include(Result, gdHot);
9281     if ClickCellPushed and (ACol = PushedCell.x) and (ARow = PushedCell.y)
9282       then Include(Result, gdPushed);
9283   end;
9284 end;
GetScrollBarPositionnull9286 function TCustomGrid.GetScrollBarPosition(Which: integer): Integer;
9287 var
9288   ScrollInfo: TScrollInfo;
9289 begin
9290   if HandleAllocated then begin
9291     ScrollInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(ScrollInfo);
9292     ScrollInfo.fMask := SIF_POS;
9293     GetScrollInfo(Handle, Which, ScrollInfo);
9294     Result:=ScrollInfo.nPos;
9295   end
9296   else
9297     Result:=0;
9298 end;
GetDefaultColumnWidthnull9300 function TCustomGrid.GetDefaultColumnWidth(Column: Integer): Integer;
9301 begin
9302   Result := FDefColWidth;
9303 end;
GetDefaultColumnLayoutnull9305 function TCustomGrid.GetDefaultColumnLayout(Column: Integer): TTextLayout;
9306 begin
9307   result := DefaultTextStyle.Layout;
9308 end;
GetDefaultColumnReadOnlynull9310 function TCustomGrid.GetDefaultColumnReadOnly(Column: Integer): boolean;
9311 begin
9312   result := false;
9313 end;
GetDefaultColumnTitlenull9315 function TCustomGrid.GetDefaultColumnTitle(Column: Integer): string;
9316 begin
9317   result := '';
9318 end;
9320 procedure TCustomGrid.SetEditText(ACol, ARow: Longint; const Value: string);
9321 begin
9322 end;
CanGridAcceptKeynull9324 function TCustomGrid.CanGridAcceptKey(Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState): Boolean;
9325 begin
9326   Result := True;
9327 end;
9329 procedure TCustomGrid.SetSelectedColor(const AValue: TColor);
9330 begin
9331   if FSelectedColor<>AValue then begin
9332     FSelectedColor:=AValue;
9333     Invalidate;
9334   end;
9335 end;
9337 procedure TCustomGrid.SetFixedcolor(const AValue: TColor);
9338 begin
9339   if FFixedColor<>AValue then begin
9340     FFixedColor:=Avalue;
9341     Invalidate;
9342   end;
9343 end;
GetFixedcolornull9345 function TCustomGrid.GetFixedcolor: TColor;
9346 begin
9347   result:=FFixedColor;
9348 end;
GetFirstVisibleColumnnull9350 function TCustomGrid.GetFirstVisibleColumn: Integer;
9351 begin
9352   result := FixedCols;
9353   while (result<ColCount) and (ColWidths[result]=0) do
9354     inc(result); // extreme case may return colcount
9355 end;
GetFirstVisibleRownull9357 function TCustomGrid.GetFirstVisibleRow: Integer;
9358 begin
9359   result := FixedRows;
9360   while (result<RowCount) and (RowHeights[result]=0) do
9361     inc(result); // ditto
9362 end;
GetLastVisibleColumnnull9364 function TCustomGrid.GetLastVisibleColumn: Integer;
9365 begin
9366   result := ColCount-1;
9367   while (result>=0) and (ColWidths[result]=0) do
9368     dec(result); // extreme case may return -1
9369 end;
GetLastVisibleRownull9371 function TCustomGrid.GetLastVisibleRow: Integer;
9372 begin
9373   result := RowCount-1;
9374   while (result>=0) and (RowHeights[result]=0) do
9375     dec(result); // ditto
9376 end;
9378 procedure TCustomGrid.ColWidthsChanged;
9379 begin
9380   //
9381 end;
9382 procedure TCustomGrid.RowHeightsChanged;
9383 begin
9384   //
9385 end;
RTLSignnull9387 function TCustomGrid.RTLSign: Integer;
9388 const
9389   cRTLSign: array[TBiDiMode] of Integer = (1, -1, 1, 1);
9390 begin
9391   Result := cRTLSign[BiDiMode];
9392 end;
9394 procedure TCustomGrid.SaveColumns(cfg: TXMLConfig; Version: integer);
9395 var
9396   Path,cPath: string;
9397   i: Integer;
9398   c: TGridColumn;
9399 begin
9400   Path := 'grid/design/columns/';
9401   cfg.SetValue(Path + 'columnsenabled', True);
9402   cfg.SetValue(Path + 'columncount', columns.Count);
9403   for i := 0 to columns.Count - 1 do begin
9404     c := Columns[i];
9405     cPath := Path + 'column' + IntToStr(i);
9406     cfg.setValue(cPath + '/index/value', c.Index);
9407     if c.IsWidthStored then
9408       cfg.setValue(cPath + '/width/value', c.Width);
9409     if c.IsAlignmentStored then
9410       cfg.setValue(cPath + '/alignment/value', ord(c.Alignment));
9411     if c.IsLayoutStored then
9412       cfg.setValue(cPath + '/layout/value', ord(c.Layout));
9413     cfg.setValue(cPath + '/buttonstyle/value', ord(c.ButtonStyle));
9414     if c.IsColorStored then
9415       cfg.setValue(cPath + '/color/value', colortostring(c.Color));
9416     if c.IsValueCheckedStored then
9417       cfg.setValue(cPath + '/valuechecked/value', c.ValueChecked);
9418     if c.IsValueUncheckedStored then
9419       cfg.setValue(cPath + '/valueunchecked/value', c.ValueUnChecked);
9420     if c.PickList.Count>0 then
9421       cfg.SetValue(cPath + '/picklist/value', c.PickList.CommaText);
9422     if c.IsSizePriorityStored then
9423       cfg.SetValue(cPath + '/sizepriority/value', c.SizePriority);
9424     if not c.IsDefaultFont then
9425       CfgSetFontValue(cfg, cPath + '/font', c.Font);
9426     cfg.setValue(cPath + '/title/caption/value', c.Title.Caption);
9427     if not c.Title.IsDefaultFont then
9428       CfgSetFontValue(cfg, cPath + '/title/font', c.Title.Font);
9429     if c.Title.IsAlignmentStored then
9430       cfg.setValue(cPath + '/title/alignment/value', ord(c.Title.Alignment));
9431     if c.Title.IsColorStored then
9432       cfg.setValue(cPath + '/title/color/value', colortostring(c.Title.Color));
9433     if c.Title.IsLayoutStored then
9434       cfg.setValue(cPath + '/title/layout/value', ord(c.Title.Layout));
9436     doSaveColumn(self, c, -1, Cfg, Version, cPath);
9437   end;
9438 end;
9440 procedure TCustomGrid.SaveContent(cfg: TXMLConfig);
9441 var
9442   i,j,k: Integer;
9443   Path, tmpPath: string;
9444 begin
9445   cfg.SetValue('grid/version', GRIDFILEVERSION);
9447   Cfg.SetValue('grid/saveoptions/create', soDesign in SaveOptions);
9448   if soDesign in SaveOptions then begin
9449     Cfg.SetValue('grid/design/columncount',  ColCount);
9450     Cfg.SetValue('grid/design/rowcount',  RowCount);
9451     Cfg.SetValue('grid/design/fixedcols', FixedCols);
9452     Cfg.SetValue('grid/design/fixedrows', Fixedrows);
9453     Cfg.SetValue('grid/design/defaultcolwidth', DefaultColWidth);
9454     Cfg.SetValue('grid/design/isdefaultcolwidth', ord(DefaultColWidthIsStored));
9455     Cfg.SetValue('grid/design/defaultrowheight',DefaultRowHeight);
9456     Cfg.SetValue('grid/design/isdefaultrowheight', ord(DefaultRowHeightIsStored));
9457     Cfg.Setvalue('grid/design/color',ColorToString(Color));
9459     if Columns.Enabled then
9460       saveColumns(cfg, GRIDFILEVERSION)
9461     else begin
9462       j:=0;
9463       for i:=0 to ColCount-1 do begin
9464         k:=FCols[i];
9465         if (k>=0)and(k<>DefaultColWidth) then begin
9466           inc(j);
9467           tmpPath := 'grid/design/columns/column'+IntToStr(j);
9468           cfg.SetValue('grid/design/columns/columncount',j);
9469           cfg.SetValue(tmpPath+'/index', i);
9470           cfg.SetValue(tmpPath+'/width', k);
9471           doSaveColumn(self, nil, i, Cfg, GRIDFILEVERSION, tmpPath);
9472         end;
9473       end;
9474     end;
9476     j:=0;
9477     for i:=0 to RowCount-1 do begin
9478       k:=FRows[i];
9479       if (k>=0)and(k<>DefaultRowHeight) then begin
9480         inc(j);
9481         cfg.SetValue('grid/design/rows/rowcount',j);
9482         cfg.SetValue('grid/design/rows/row'+IntToStr(j)+'/index', i);
9483         cfg.SetValue('grid/design/rows/row'+IntToStr(j)+'/height',k);
9484       end;
9485     end;
9487     SaveGridOptions(Cfg);
9488   end;
9490   Cfg.SetValue('grid/saveoptions/position', soPosition in SaveOptions);
9491   if soPosition in SaveOptions then begin
9492     Cfg.SetValue('grid/position/topleftcol',ftopleft.x);
9493     Cfg.SetValue('grid/position/topleftrow',ftopleft.y);
9494     Cfg.SetValue('grid/position/col',fCol);
9495     Cfg.SetValue('grid/position/row',fRow);
9496     if goRangeSelect in Options then begin
9497       Cfg.SetValue('grid/position/selection/left',Selection.left);
9498       Cfg.SetValue('grid/position/selection/top',Selection.top);
9499       Cfg.SetValue('grid/position/selection/right',Selection.right);
9500       Cfg.SetValue('grid/position/selection/bottom',Selection.bottom);
9501     end;
9502   end;
9503 end;
9505 procedure TCustomGrid.SaveGridOptions(cfg: TXMLConfig);
9506 var
9507   Path: string;
9508 begin
9509   Path:='grid/design/options/';
9510   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goFixedVertLine/value', goFixedVertLine in options);
9511   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goFixedHorzLine/value', goFixedHorzLine in options);
9512   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goVertLine/value',  goVertLine in options);
9513   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goHorzLine/value',  goHorzLine in options);
9514   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goRangeSelect/value', goRangeSelect in options);
9515   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goDrawFocusSelected/value', goDrawFocusSelected in options);
9516   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goRowSizing/value', goRowSizing in options);
9517   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goColSizing/value', goColSizing in options);
9518   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goRowMoving/value', goRowMoving in options);
9519   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goColMoving/value', goColMoving in options);
9520   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goEditing/value', goEditing in options);
9521   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goAutoAddRows/value', goAutoAddRows in options);
9522   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goTabs/value', goTabs in options);
9523   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goRowSelect/value', goRowSelect in options);
9524   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goAlwaysShowEditor/value', goAlwaysShowEditor in options);
9525   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goThumbTracking/value', goThumbTracking in options);
9526   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goColSpanning/value', goColSpanning in options);
9527   cfg.SetValue(Path+'goRelaxedRowSelect/value', goRelaxedRowSelect in options);
9528   cfg.SetValue(Path+'goDblClickAutoSize/value', goDblClickAutoSize in options);
9529   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goSmoothScroll/value', goSmoothScroll in Options);
9530   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goAutoAddRowsSkipContentCheck/value', goAutoAddRowsSkipContentCheck in Options);
9531   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goRowHighlight/value', goRowHighlight in Options);
9532   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goScrollToLastCol/value', goScrollToLastCol in Options2);
9533   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'goScrollToLastRow/value', goScrollToLastRow in Options2);
9534 end;
9536 procedure TCustomGrid.LoadColumns(cfg: TXMLConfig; Version: integer);
9537 var
9538   i, k: integer;
9539   path, cPath, s: string;
9540   c: TGridColumn;
9541 begin
9542   Path := 'grid/design/columns/';
9543   k := cfg.getValue(Path + 'columncount', 0);
9544   for i := 0 to k - 1 do
9545     Columns.Add;
9546   for i := 0 to k - 1 do begin
9547     c := Columns[i];
9548     cPath := Path + 'column' + IntToStr(i);
9549     c.index := cfg.getValue(cPath + '/index/value', i);
9550     s := cfg.GetValue(cPath + '/width/value', '');
9551     if s<>'' then
9552       c.Width := StrToIntDef(s, 64);
9553     s := cfg.getValue(cPath + '/alignment/value', '');
9554     if s<>'' then
9555       c.Alignment := TAlignment(StrToIntDef(s, 0));
9556     s := cfg.GetValue(cPath + '/layout/value', '');
9557     if s<>'' then
9558       c.Layout := TTextLayout(StrToIntDef(s, 0));
9559     s := cfg.getValue(cPath + '/buttonstyle/value', '0');
9560     c.ButtonStyle := TColumnButtonStyle(StrToInt(s));
9561     s := cfg.getValue(cPath + '/color/value', '');
9562     if s<>'' then
9563       c.Color := StringToColor(s);
9564     s := cfg.getValue(cPath + '/valuechecked/value', '');
9565     if s<>'' then
9566       c.ValueChecked := s;
9567     s := cfg.getValue(cPath + '/valueunchecked/value', '');
9568     if s<>'' then
9569       c.ValueUnChecked := s;
9570     s := cfg.GetValue(cPath + '/picklist/value', '');
9571     if s<>'' then
9572       c.PickList.CommaText := s;
9573     s := cfg.GetValue(cPath + '/sizepriority/value', '');
9574     if s<>'' then
9575       c.SizePriority := StrToIntDef(s, 0);
9576     s := cfg.GetValue(cPath + '/font/name/value', '');
9577     if s<>'' then
9578       cfgGetFontValue(cfg, cPath + '/font', c.Font);
9579     c.Title.Caption := cfg.getValue(cPath + '/title/caption/value', 'title ' + IntToStr(i));
9580     s := cfg.GetValue(cPath + '/title/font/name/value', '');
9581     if s<>'' then
9582       cfgGetFontValue(cfg, cPath + '/title/font', c.Title.Font);
9583     s := cfg.getValue(cPath + '/title/alignment/value', '');
9584     if s<>'' then
9585       c.Title.Alignment := TAlignment(StrToIntDef(s, 0));
9586     s := cfg.getValue(cPath + '/title/color/value', '');
9587     if s<>'' then
9588       c.Title.Color := StringToColor(s);
9589     s := cfg.GetValue(cPath + 'title/layout/value', '');
9590     if s<>'' then
9591       c.Title.Layout := TTextLayout(StrToIntDef(s, 0));
9593     doLoadColumn(self, c, -1, cfg, version, cpath);
9594   end;
9595 end;
9598 procedure TCustomGrid.LoadContent(cfg: TXMLConfig; Version: Integer);
9599 var
9600   CreateSaved: Boolean;
9601   i,j,k: Integer;
9602   Path, tmpPath: string;
9603 begin
9604   if soDesign in FSaveOptions then begin
9605     CreateSaved:=Cfg.GetValue('grid/saveoptions/create', false);
9606     if CreateSaved then begin
9607       Clear;
9608       Columns.Clear;
9609       FixedCols:=0;
9610       FixedRows:=0;
9612       if cfg.getValue('grid/design/columns/columnsenabled', False) then
9613         LoadColumns(cfg, version)
9614       else
9615         ColCount := Cfg.GetValue('grid/design/columncount', 5);
9617       RowCount:=Cfg.GetValue('grid/design/rowcount', 5);
9618       FixedCols:=Cfg.GetValue('grid/design/fixedcols', 1);
9619       FixedRows:=Cfg.GetValue('grid/design/fixedrows', 1);
9621       k := Cfg.GetValue('grid/design/isdefaultrowheight', -1);
9622       if k<>0 then
9623         DefaultRowheight:=Cfg.GetValue('grid/design/defaultrowheight', -1)
9624       else
9625         DefaultRowheight:=-1;
9627       k := Cfg.GetValue('grid/design/isdefaultcolwidth', -1);
9628       if k<>0 then
9629         DefaultColWidth:=Cfg.getValue('grid/design/defaultcolwidth', -1)
9630       else
9631         DefaultColWidth:=-1;
9633       try
9634         Color := StringToColor(cfg.GetValue('grid/design/color', 'clWindow'));
9635       except
9636       end;
9638       if not Columns.Enabled then begin
9639         Path:='grid/design/columns/';
9640         k:=cfg.getValue(Path+'columncount',0);
9641         for i:=1 to k do begin
9642           tmpPath := Path+'column'+IntToStr(i);
9643           j:=cfg.getValue(tmpPath+'/index',-1);
9644           if IsColumnIndexValid(j) then begin
9645             ColWidths[j]:=cfg.getValue(tmpPath+'/width',-1);
9646             doLoadColumn(self, nil, j, Cfg, Version, tmpPath);
9647           end;
9648         end;
9649       end;
9651       Path:='grid/design/rows/';
9652       k:=cfg.getValue(Path+'rowcount',0);
9653       for i:=1 to k do begin
9654         j:=cfg.getValue(Path+'row'+IntToStr(i)+'/index',-1);
9655         if IsRowIndexValid(j) then begin
9656           RowHeights[j]:=cfg.getValue(Path+'row'+IntToStr(i)+'/height',-1);
9657         end;
9658       end;
9660       LoadGridOptions(cfg, Version);
9661     end;
9663     CreateSaved:=Cfg.GetValue('grid/saveoptions/position', false);
9664     if CreateSaved then begin
9665       i:=Cfg.GetValue('grid/position/topleftcol',-1);
9666       j:=Cfg.GetValue('grid/position/topleftrow',-1);
9667       if CellToGridZone(i,j)=gzNormal then begin
9668         TryScrollTo(i,j,True,True);
9669       end;
9670       i:=Cfg.GetValue('grid/position/col',-1);
9671       j:=Cfg.GetValue('grid/position/row',-1);
9672       if IsColumnIndexVariable(i) and
9673          IsRowIndexVariable(j) then begin
9674         MoveExtend(false, i,j, True);
9675       end;
9676       if goRangeSelect in Options then begin
9677         FRange.left:=Cfg.getValue('grid/position/selection/left',FCol);
9678         FRange.Top:=Cfg.getValue('grid/position/selection/top',FRow);
9679         FRange.Right:=Cfg.getValue('grid/position/selection/right',FCol);
9680         FRange.Bottom:=Cfg.getValue('grid/position/selection/bottom',FRow);
9681       end;
9682     end;
9683   end;
9684 end;
9686 procedure TCustomGrid.LoadGridOptions(cfg: TXMLConfig; Version: Integer);
9687 var
9688   Opt: TGridOptions;
9689   Opt2: TGridOptions2;
9690   Path: string;
9692   procedure GetValue(optStr:string; aOpt:TGridOption);
9693   begin
9694     if Cfg.GetValue(Path+OptStr+'/value', False) then Opt:=Opt+[aOpt];
9695   end;
9696   procedure GetValue2(optStr:string; aOpt:TGridOption2);
9697   begin
9698     if Cfg.GetValue(Path+OptStr+'/value', False) then Opt2:=Opt2+[aOpt];
9699   end;
9700 begin
9701   Opt:=[];
9702   Opt2:=[];
9703   Path:='grid/design/options/';
9704   GetValue('goFixedVertLine', goFixedVertLine);
9705   GetValue('goFixedHorzLine', goFixedHorzLine);
9706   GetValue('goVertLine',goVertLine);
9707   GetValue('goHorzLine',goHorzLine);
9708   GetValue('goRangeSelect',goRangeSelect);
9709   GetValue('goDrawFocusSelected',goDrawFocusSelected);
9710   GetValue('goRowSizing',goRowSizing);
9711   GetValue('goColSizing',goColSizing);
9712   GetValue('goRowMoving',goRowMoving);
9713   GetValue('goColMoving',goColMoving);
9714   GetValue('goEditing',goEditing);
9715   GetValue('goAutoAddRows',goAutoAddRows);
9716   GetValue('goRowSelect',goRowSelect);
9717   GetValue('goTabs',goTabs);
9718   GetValue('goAlwaysShowEditor',goAlwaysShowEditor);
9719   GetValue('goThumbTracking',goThumbTracking);
9720   GetValue('goColSpanning', goColSpanning);
9721   GetValue('goRelaxedRowSelect',goRelaxedRowSelect);
9722   GetValue('goDblClickAutoSize',goDblClickAutoSize);
9723   GetValue('goAutoAddRowsSkipContentCheck',goAutoAddRowsSkipContentCheck);
9724   GetValue('goRowHighlight',goRowHighlight);
9725   if Version>=2 then begin
9726     GetValue('goSmoothScroll',goSmoothScroll);
9727   end;
9728   GetValue2('goScrollToLastRow',goScrollToLastRow);
9729   GetValue2('goScrollToLastCol',goScrollToLastCol);
9731   Options:=Opt;
9732   Options2:=Opt2;
9733 end;
9735 procedure TCustomGrid.Loaded;
9736 begin
9737   inherited Loaded;
9738   VisualChange;
9739 end;
9741 procedure TCustomGrid.LockEditor;
9742 begin
9743   inc(FEditorHidingCount);
9744   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('==> LockEditor: ', dbgs(FEditorHidingCount)); {$endif}
9745 end;
9747 constructor TCustomGrid.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
9748 begin
9749   // Inherited create Calls SetBounds->WM_SIZE->VisualChange so
9750   // fGrid needs to be created before that
9751   FCols:=TIntegerList.Create;
9752   FRows:=TIntegerList.Create;
9753   FGCache.AccumWidth:=TIntegerList.Create;
9754   FGCache.AccumHeight:=TIntegerList.Create;
9755   FGCache.ClickCell := point(-1, -1);
9756   inherited Create(AOwner);
9758   FVSbVisible := -1;
9759   FHSbVisible := -1;
9761   FColumns := CreateColumns;
9763   FTitleFont := TFont.Create;
9764   FTitleFont.OnChange := @OnTitleFontChanged;
9765   FTitleFontIsDefault := True;
9767   FAutoAdvance := aaRight;
9768   FTabAdvance := aaRightDown;
9769   FAutoEdit := True;
9770   FFocusRectVisible := True;
9771   FDefaultDrawing := True;
9772   FOptions:=
9773     [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine, goHorzLine, goRangeSelect,
9774      goSmoothScroll ];
9775   FScrollbars:=ssAutoBoth;
9776   fGridState:=gsNormal;
9777   FDefColWidth:=-1;
9778   FDefRowHeight:=-1;
9779   FGridLineColor:=clSilver;
9780   FFixedGridLineColor := cl3DDKShadow;
9781   FGridLineStyle:=psSolid;
9782   FGridLineWidth := 1;
9783   fFocusColor:=clRed;
9784   FFixedColor:=clBtnFace;
9785   FFixedHotColor:=cl3DLight;
9786   FSelectedColor:= clHighlight;
9787   FDisabledFontColor:=clGrayText;
9788   FRange:=Rect(-1,-1,-1,-1);
9789   FDragDx:=3;
9790   SetBounds(0,0,200,100);
9791   ColCount:=5;
9792   RowCount:=5;
9793   FixedCols:=1;
9794   FixedRows:=1;
9795   Editor:=nil;
9796   FBorderColor := cl3DDKShadow;
9797   FGridBorderStyle := bsSingle;
9798   UpdateBorderStyle;
9799   FIgnoreClick := False;
9801   ParentColor := False;
9802   Color:=clWindow;
9803   FAlternateColor := Color;
9804   FAltColorStartNormal := true;
9806   FDefaultTextStyle := Canvas.TextStyle;
9807   FDefaultTextStyle.Wordbreak := False;
9808   FDefaultTextStyle.SingleLine:= True;
9810   FCellHintPriority := chpAllNoDefault;
9812   FButtonEditor := TButtonCellEditor.Create(nil);
9813   FButtonEditor.Name:='ButtonEditor';
9814   FButtonEditor.Caption:='...';
9815   FButtonEditor.Visible:=False;
9816   FButtonEditor.Width:=25;
9817   FButtonEditor.OnClick := @EditButtonClicked;
9819   FStringEditor := TStringCellEditor.Create(nil);
9820   FStringEditor.name :='StringEditor';
9821   FStringEditor.Text:='';
9822   FStringEditor.Visible:=False;
9823   FStringEditor.Align:=alNone;
9824   FStringEditor.BorderStyle := bsNone;
9826   FPicklistEditor := TPickListCellEditor.Create(nil);
9827   FPickListEditor.Name := 'PickListEditor';
9828   FPickListEditor.Visible := False;
9829   FPickListEditor.AutoSize := false;
9831   FButtonStringEditor := TCompositeCellEditor.Create(nil);
9832   FButtonStringEditor.Name:='ButtonTextEditor';
9833   FButtonStringEditor.Visible:=False;
9834   FButtonStringEditor.AddEditor(FStringEditor, alClient, true);
9835   FButtonStringEditor.AddEditor(FButtonEditor, alRight, false);
9837   FFastEditing := True;
9838   TabStop := True;
9839   FAllowOutboundEvents:=True;
9841   FHeaderHotZones := [gzFixedCols];
9842   FHeaderPushZones := [gzFixedCols];
9843   ResetHotCell;
9844   ResetPushedCell;
9845   FSortOrder := soAscending;
9846   FSortColumn:=-1;
9847   FAscImgInd:=-1;
9848   FDescImgInd:=-1;
9850   FValidateOnSetSelection := false;
9852   FColRowDragIndicatorColor := clRed;
9854   FSpecialCursors[gcsColWidthChanging] := crHSplit;
9855   FSpecialCursors[gcsRowHeightChanging] := crVSplit;
9856   FSpecialCursors[gcsDragging] := crMultiDrag;
9858   varRubberSpace := Scale96ToScreen(constRubberSpace);
9859   varCellPadding := Scale96ToScreen(constCellPadding);
9860   varColRowBorderTolerance := Scale96ToScreen(constColRowBorderTolerance);
9861 end;
9863 destructor TCustomGrid.Destroy;
9864 begin
9865   {$Ifdef DbgGrid}DebugLn('TCustomGrid.Destroy');{$Endif}
9866   FreeThenNil(FButtonStringEditor);
9867   FreeThenNil(FPickListEditor);
9868   FreeThenNil(FStringEditor);
9869   FreeThenNil(FButtonEditor);
9870   FreeThenNil(FColumns);
9871   FreeThenNil(FGCache.AccumWidth);
9872   FreeThenNil(FGCache.AccumHeight);
9873   FreeThenNil(FCols);
9874   FreeThenNil(FRows);
9875   FreeThenNil(FTitleFont);
9876   FEditor := nil;
9877   inherited Destroy;
9878 end;
9880 procedure TCustomGrid.LoadSub(ACfg: TXMLConfig);
9881 var
9882   Version: Integer;
9883 begin
9884   Version:=ACfg.GetValue('grid/version',-1);
9885   if Version=-1 then raise Exception.Create(rsNotAValidGridFile);
9886   BeginUpdate;
9887   LoadContent(ACfg, Version);
9888   EndUpdate;
9889 end;
9891 procedure TCustomGrid.LoadFromFile(FileName: string);
9892 var
9893   Cfg: TXMLConfig;
9894 begin
9895   if not FileExistsUTF8(FileName) then
9896     raise Exception.Create(rsGridFileDoesNotExist);
9897   Cfg:=TXMLConfig.Create(nil);
9898   Try
9899     Cfg.Filename := FileName;
9900     LoadSub(Cfg);
9901   Finally
9902     FreeThenNil(Cfg);
9903   end;
9904 end;
9906 procedure TCustomGrid.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
9907 var
9908   Cfg: TXMLConfig;
9909 begin
9910   Cfg:=TXMLConfig.Create(nil);
9911   Try
9912     Cfg.ReadFromStream(AStream);
9913     LoadSub(Cfg);
9914   Finally
9915     FreeThenNil(Cfg);
9916   end;
9917 end;
9919 procedure TCustomGrid.SaveToFile(FileName: string);
9920 var
9921   Cfg: TXMLConfig;
9922 begin
9923   if FileExistsUTF8(FileName) then
9924     DeleteFileUTF8(FileName);
9925   Cfg:=TXMLConfig.Create(nil);
9926   Try
9927     Cfg.FileName := FileName;
9928     SaveContent(Cfg);
9929     Cfg.Flush;
9930   Finally
9931     FreeThenNil(Cfg);
9932   end;
9933 end;
9935 procedure TCustomGrid.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
9936 var
9937   Cfg: TXMLConfig;
9938 begin
9939   Cfg:=TXMLConfig.Create(nil);
9940   Try
9941     Cfg.Clear;
9942     SaveContent(Cfg);
9943     Cfg.WriteToStream(AStream);
9944   Finally
9945     FreeThenNil(Cfg);
9946   end;
9947 end;
9949 procedure TCustomGrid.ScaleFontsPPI(const AToPPI: Integer; const AProportion: Double);
9950 var
9951   LTitleFontIsDefault: Boolean;
9952   I: Integer;
9953 begin
9954   inherited ScaleFontsPPI(AToPPI, AProportion);
9955   LTitleFontIsDefault := FTitleFontIsDefault;
9956   DoScaleFontPPI(TitleFont, AToPPI, AProportion);
9957   FTitleFontIsDefault := LTitleFontIsDefault;
9958   for I := 0 to FColumns.Count-1 do
9959     FColumns[I].ScaleFontsPPI(AToPPI, AProportion);
9960 end;
9962 type
9963   TWinCtrlAccess=class(TWinControl);
9965 procedure TCustomGrid.SetFocus;
9966 var
9967   NextControl: TWinControl;
9968   ParentForm: TCustomForm;
9969   ForwardTab: boolean;
9970 begin
9971   {$IFDEF dbgGrid}
9972   DebugLnEnter('TCustomGrid.SetFocus INIT.');
9973   {$ENDIF}
9974   if (Editor<>nil) and Editor.Focused and
9975     ([gfEditorTab,gfRevEditorTab]*GridFlags<>[]) then begin
9976     // Editor was doing TAB. Focus next control instead
9977     ForwardTab:= gfEditorTab in GridFlags;
9978     GridFlags:=GridFlags-[gfEditorTab,gfRevEditorTab];
9979     ParentForm:=GetParentForm(Self);
9980     if ParentForm<>nil then begin
9981       NextControl:=TWinCtrlAccess(Pointer(ParentForm)).FindNextControl(Self,
9982                                                       ForwardTab, true, false);
9983       if NextControl<>nil then begin
9984         {$IFDEF dbgGrid}
9985         DebugLn('Was tabbing, will focus: ',dbgsname(NextControl));
9986         {$ENDIF}
9987         if (NextControl<>Self) and (NextControl<>Editor) then begin
9988           NextControl.SetFocus;
9989           {$ifdef DbgGrid}
9990           DebugLnExit('Skipping inherited, EXIT');
9991           {$endif}
9992           exit;
9993         end;
9994       end;
9995     end;
9996   end;
9998   if (Editor <> nil) and (Editor.Visible) then
9999      Editor.SetFocus
10000   else
10001      inherited SetFocus;
10003   {$IFDEF dbgGrid}
10004   DebugLnExit('TCustomGrid.SetFocus END');
10005   {$ENDIF}
10006 end;
10008 {$ifdef WINDOWS}
10009 // editor focusing make bad on IME input.
10010 procedure TCustomGrid.IMEStartComposition(var Msg: TMessage);
10011 begin
10012   EditorSetValue;
10013   if EditingAllowed(FCol) and CanEditShow and (not FEditorShowing) and
10014      (Editor<>nil) and (not Editor.Visible) and (not EditorLocked) then
10015   begin
10016     // prepare IME input on Editor
10017     Editor.Visible:=True;
10018     FEditorOldValue := GetCells(FCol,FRow);
10019     EditorSelectAll;
10020     FGridState := gsNormal;
10021     Editor.Dispatch(Msg);
10022   end;
10023 end;
10025 procedure TCustomGrid.IMEComposition(var Msg: TMessage);
10026 begin
10027   if EditingAllowed(FCol) and CanEditShow and (not FEditorShowing) and
10028      (Editor<>nil) and (not Editor.Visible) and (not EditorLocked) then
10029     Editor.Dispatch(Msg);
10030 end;
10032 procedure TCustomGrid.IMEEndComposition(var Msg: TMessage);
10033 begin
10034   if EditingAllowed(FCol) and CanEditShow and (not FEditorShowing) and
10035      (Editor<>nil) and (not Editor.Visible) and (not EditorLocked) then
10036     Editor.Dispatch(Msg);
10037 end;
10039 {$endif}
ClearColsnull10041 function TCustomGrid.ClearCols: Boolean;
10042 begin
10043   Result:=False;
10044   if FCols.Count=0 then
10045     exit; // already cleared
10046   if EditorMode then
10047     EditorMode:=False;
10048   // save some properties
10049   FGridPropBackup.FixedColCount := FFixedCols;
10050   FGridPropBackup.ColCount      := ColCount;
10051   // clear structure
10052   FFixedCols:=0;
10053   FCols.Count:=0;
10054   FGCache.TLColOff := 0;
10055   Result:=True;
10056 end;
ClearRowsnull10058 function TCustomGrid.ClearRows: Boolean;
10059 begin
10060   Result:=False;
10061   if FRows.Count=0 then
10062     exit; // already cleared
10063   if EditorMode then
10064     EditorMode:=False;
10065   // save some properties
10066   FGridPropBackup.FixedRowCount := FFixedRows;
10067   FGridPropBackup.RowCount      := RowCount;
10068   // clear structure
10069   FFixedRows:=0;
10070   FRows.Count:=0;
10071   FGCache.TlRowOff := 0;
10072   Result:=True;
10073 end;
10075 procedure TCustomGrid.Clear;
10076 var
10077   OldR,OldC: Integer;
10078   RowChanged, ColChanged: Boolean;
10079 begin
10080   if EditorMode then
10081     EditorMode := false;
10082   OldR:=RowCount;
10083   OldC:=ColCount;
10084   RowChanged := ClearRows;
10085   ColChanged := ClearCols;
10086   if not (RowChanged or ColChanged) then
10087     exit; // already cleared
10088   FGridPropBackup.ValidData := True;
10089   FTopLeft:=Point(-1,-1);
10090   FRange:=Rect(-1,-1,-1,-1);
10091   FGCache.HotCellPainted := false;
10092   ResetHotCell;
10093   VisualChange;
10094   SizeChanged(OldR,OldC);
10095 end;
10097 procedure TCustomGrid.AutoAdjustColumns;
10098 var
10099   i: Integer;
10100 begin
10101   For i:=0 to ColCount-1 do
10102     AutoAdjustColumn(i);
10103 end;
10105 { TVirtualGrid }
GetCellsnull10107 function TVirtualGrid.GetCells(Col, Row: Integer): PCellProps;
10108 begin
10109   // todo: Check range
10110   Result:=nil;
10111   if not IsColumnIndexValid(Col) or not IsRowIndexValid(Row) then
10112     raise EGridException.CreateFmt(rsIndexOutOfRange, [Col, Row]);
10113   Result:=FCellArr[Col,Row];
10114 end;
GetRowsnull10116 function TVirtualGrid.GetRows(Row: Integer): PColRowProps;
10117 begin
10118   Result:= FRowArr[Row, 0];
10119 end;
GetColsnull10121 function TVirtualGrid.GetCols(Col: Integer): PColRowProps;
10122 begin
10123   result:=FColArr[Col, 0];
10124 end;
10126 procedure TVirtualGrid.SetCells(Col, Row: Integer; const AValue: PCellProps);
10127 var
10128    Cell: PCellProps;
10129 begin
10130   // todo: Check range
10131   Cell:=FCellArr[Col,Row];
10132   if Cell<>nil then
10133     DisposeCell(Cell);
10134   Cell:=AValue;
10135   FCellArr[Col,Row]:=Cell;
10136 end;
10138 procedure TVirtualGrid.SetRows(Row: Integer; const Avalue: PColRowProps);
10139 var
10140    C: PColRowProps;
10141 begin
10142   // todo: Check range
10143   C:=FRowArr[Row,0];
10144   if C<>nil then DisposeColRow(C);
10145   FRowArr[Row,0]:=AValue;
10146 end;
10148 procedure TVirtualGrid.SetColCount(const Avalue: Integer);
10149 begin
10150   if FColCount=Avalue then Exit;
10151   {$Ifdef dbgMem}
10152     DebugLn('TVirtualGrid.SetColCount Value=',AValue);
10153   {$Endif}
10154   FColCount:=AValue;
10155   {$Ifdef dbgMem}
10156     DBGOut('TVirtualGrid.SetColCount->FCOLS: ');
10157   {$Endif}
10158   FColArr.SetLength(FColCount, 1);
10159   {$Ifdef dbgMem}
10160     DBGOut('TVirtualGrid.SetColCount->FCELLS(',FColCount,',',FRowCount,'): ');
10161   {$Endif}
10162   FCellArr.SetLength(FColCount, FRowCount);
10163 end;
10166 procedure TVirtualGrid.SetRowCount(const Avalue: Integer);
10167 begin
10168   if FRowCount=AValue then Exit;
10169   {$Ifdef dbgMem}
10170     DebugLn('TVirtualGrid.SetRowCount Value=',AValue);
10171   {$Endif}
10172   FRowCount:=AValue;
10173   {$Ifdef dbgMem}
10174     DBGOut('TVirtualGrid.SetRowCount->FROWS: ');
10175   {$Endif}
10176   FRowArr.SetLength(FRowCount,1);
10177   {$Ifdef dbgMem}
10178     DBGOut('TVirtualGrid.SetRowCount->FCELLS(',FColCount,',',FRowCount,'): ');
10179   {$Endif}
10180   FCellArr.SetLength(FColCount, FRowCount);
10181 end;
10183 procedure TVirtualGrid.SetCols(Col: Integer; const Avalue: PColRowProps);
10184 var
10185    C: PColRowProps;
10186 begin
10187   // todo: Check range
10188   C:=FColArr[Col,0];
10189   if C<>nil then DisposeColRow(C);
10190   FColArr[Col,0]:=AValue;
10191 end;
10193 procedure TVirtualGrid.Clear;
10194 begin
10195   {$Ifdef dbgMem}DBGOut('FROWARR: ');{$Endif}FRowArr.Clear;
10196   {$Ifdef dbgMem}DBGOut('FCOLARR: ');{$Endif}FColArr.Clear;
10197   {$Ifdef dbgMem}DBGOut('FCELLARR: ');{$Endif}FCellArr.Clear;
10198   FColCount:=0;
10199   FRowCount:=0;
10200 end;
10202 procedure TVirtualGrid.DisposeCell(var P: PCellProps);
10203 begin
10204   if P<>nil then begin
10205     if P^.Text<>nil then StrDispose(P^.Text);
10206     Dispose(P);
10207     P:=nil;
10208   end;
10209 end;
10211 procedure TVirtualGrid.DisposeColRow(var p: PColRowProps);
10212 begin
10213   if P<>nil then begin
10214     Dispose(P);
10215     P:=nil;
10216   end;
10217 end;
IsColumnIndexValidnull10219 function TVirtualGrid.IsColumnIndexValid(AIndex: Integer): boolean;
10220 begin
10221   Result := (AIndex>=0) and (AIndex<ColCount);
10222 end;
IsRowIndexValidnull10224 function TVirtualGrid.IsRowIndexValid(AIndex: Integer): boolean;
10225 begin
10226   Result := (AIndex>=0) and (AIndex<RowCount);
10227 end;
GetDefaultCellnull10229 function TVirtualGrid.GetDefaultCell: PcellProps;
10230 begin
10231   New(Result);
10232   Result^.Text:=nil;
10233   Result^.Attr:=nil;
10234 end;
GetDefaultColRownull10236 function TVirtualGrid.GetDefaultColRow: PColRowProps;
10237 begin
10238   New(Result);
10239   Result^.FixedAttr:=nil;
10240   Result^.NormalAttr:=nil;
10241   Result^.Size:=-1;
10242 end;
10244 procedure TVirtualGrid.doDestroyItem(Sender: TObject; Col,Row: Integer;
10245   var Item: Pointer);
10246 begin
10247   {$Ifdef dbgMem}
10248     DebugLn('TVirtualGrid.doDestroyItem Col=',Col,' Row= ',
10249             Row,' Item=',Integer(Item));
10250   {$endif}
10251   if Item<>nil then begin
10252     if (Sender=FColArr)or(Sender=FRowArr) then begin
10253       DisposeColRow(PColRowProps(Item));
10254     end else begin
10255       DisposeCell(PCellProps(Item));
10256     end;
10257     Item:=nil;
10258   end;
10259 end;
10261 procedure TVirtualGrid.doNewItem(Sender: TObject; Col,Row: Integer;
10262   var Item: Pointer);
10263 begin
10264   {$Ifdef dbgMem}
10265     DebugLn('TVirtualGrid.doNewItem Col=',Col,' Row= ',
10266             Row,' Item=',Integer(Item));
10267   {$endif}
10268   if Sender=FColArr then begin
10269     // Procesar Nueva Columna
10270     Item:=GetDefaultColRow;
10271   end else
10272   if Sender=FRowArr then begin
10273     // Procesar Nuevo Renglon
10274     Item:=GetDefaultColRow;
10275   end else begin
10276     // Procesar Nueva Celda
10277     Item:=nil;
10278   end;
10279 end;
10281 constructor TVirtualGrid.Create;
10282 begin
10283   Inherited Create;
10284   {$Ifdef DbgGrid}DebugLn('TVirtualGrid.Create');{$Endif}
10285   FCellArr:=TPointerPointerArray.Create;
10286   FCellArr.OnDestroyItem:=@doDestroyItem;
10287   FCellArr.OnNewItem:=@doNewItem;
10288   FColArr:= TPointerPointerArray.Create;
10289   FColArr.OnDestroyItem:=@doDestroyItem;
10290   FColArr.OnNewItem:=@doNewItem;
10291   FRowArr:=TPointerPointerArray.Create;
10292   FRowArr.OnDestroyItem:=@doDestroyItem;
10293   FRowArr.OnNewItem:=@doNewItem;
10294   RowCount:=4;
10295   ColCount:=4;
10296 end;
10298 destructor TVirtualGrid.Destroy;
10299 begin
10300   {$Ifdef DbgGrid}DebugLn('TVirtualGrid.Destroy');{$Endif}
10301   Clear;
10302   FreeThenNil(FRowArr);
10303   FreeThenNil(FColArr);
10304   FreeThenNil(FCellArr);
10305   inherited Destroy;
10306 end;
10308 procedure TVirtualGrid.DeleteColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer);
10309 begin
10310   FCellArr.DeleteColRow(IsColumn, index);
10311   if IsColumn then begin
10312     FColArr.DeleteColRow(True, index);
10313     Dec(FColCount);
10314   end else begin
10315     FRowArr.DeleteColRow(True, index);
10316     Dec(fRowCount);
10317   end;
10318 end;
10320 procedure TVirtualGrid.MoveColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; FromIndex, ToIndex: Integer);
10321 begin
10322   FCellArr.MoveColRow(IsColumn, FromIndex, ToIndex);
10323   if IsColumn then FColArr.MoveColRow(True, FromIndex, ToIndex)
10324   else             FRowArr.MoveColRow(True, FromIndex, ToIndex);
10325 end;
10327 procedure TVirtualGrid.ExchangeColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; index, WithIndex: Integer);
10328 begin
10329   FCellArr.ExchangeColRow(IsColumn, index, WithIndex);
10330   if IsColumn then FColArr.ExchangeColRow(true, index, WithIndex)
10331   else             FRowArr.ExchangeColRow(True, index, WithIndex);
10332 end;
10334 procedure TVirtualGrid.InsertColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; Index: Integer);
10335 begin
10336   if IsColumn then begin
10337     ColCount := ColCount + 1;
10338     MoveColRow(true, ColCount-1, Index);
10339   end else begin
10340     RowCount := RowCount + 1;
10341     MoveColRow(false, RowCount-1, Index);
10342   end;
10343 end;
10345 procedure TStringCellEditor.WndProc(var TheMessage: TLMessage);
10346 begin
10347 	{$IfDef GridTraceMsg}
10348 	TransMsg('StrCellEditor: ', TheMessage);
10349 	{$Endif}
10350   if FGrid<>nil then
10351     case TheMessage.Msg of
10352       LM_CLEAR,
10353       LM_CUT,
10354       LM_PASTE:
10355         begin
10356           if FGrid.EditorIsReadOnly then
10357             exit;
10358         end;
10359     end;
10360   inherited WndProc(TheMessage);
10361 end;
10363 { TStringCellEditor }
10365 procedure TStringCellEditor.Change;
10366 begin
10367   {$IfDef DbgGrid} DebugLn('TStringCellEditor.Change INIT text=',Text);{$ENDIF}
10368   inherited Change;
10369   if (FGrid<>nil) and Visible then begin
10370     FGrid.EditorTextChanged(FCol, FRow, Text);
10371   end;
10372   {$IfDef DbgGrid} DebugLn('TStringCellEditor.Change END');{$ENDIF}
10373 end;
10375 procedure TStringCellEditor.EditingDone;
10376 begin
10377   inherited EditingDone;
10378   if FGrid<>nil then
10379     FGrid.EditingDone;
10380 end;
10382 procedure TStringCellEditor.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
10383   function AllSelected: boolean;
10384   begin
10385     result := (SelLength>0) and (SelLength=UTF8Length(Text));
10386   end;
10387   function AtStart: Boolean;
10388   begin
10389     Result:= (SelStart=0);
10390   end;
10391   function AtEnd: Boolean;
10392   begin
10393     result := ((SelStart+1)>UTF8Length(Text)) or AllSelected;
10394   end;
10395   procedure doEditorKeyDown;
10396   begin
10397     if FGrid<>nil then
10398       FGrid.EditorkeyDown(Self, key, shift);
10399   end;
10400   procedure doGridKeyDown;
10401   begin
10402     if FGrid<>nil then
10403       FGrid.KeyDown(Key, shift);
10404   end;
10405   function GetFastEntry: boolean;
10406   begin
10407     if FGrid<>nil then
10408       Result := FGrid.FastEditing
10409     else
10410       Result := False;
10411   end;
10412   procedure CheckEditingKey;
10413   begin
10414     if (FGrid=nil) or FGrid.EditorIsReadOnly then
10415       Key := 0;
10416   end;
10417 var
10418   IntSel: boolean;
10419 begin
10420   {$IfDef dbgGrid}
10421   DebugLn('TStringCellEditor.KeyDown INIT: Key=', Dbgs(Key),
10422     ' SelStart=',Dbgs(SelStart),' SelLenght=',dbgs(SelLength),
10423     ' Len(text)=',dbgs(Length(Text)),' Utf8Len(Text)=',dbgs(UTF8Length(Text)));
10424   {$Endif}
10425   inherited KeyDown(Key,Shift);
10426   case Key of
10427     VK_F2:
10428       begin
10429         doEditorKeyDown;
10430         if (key<>0) then begin
10431           if AllSelected then begin
10432             SelLength := 0;
10433             SelStart := Length(Text);
10434           end else if GetFastEntry then
10435             SelectAll;
10436         end;
10437       end;
10438     VK_DELETE, VK_BACK:
10439       begin
10440         CheckEditingKey;
10441         if key<>0 then
10442           doEditorKeyDown;
10443       end;
10444     VK_UP, VK_DOWN:
10445       doGridKeyDown;
10446     VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT:
10447       begin
10448         if GetFastEntry then begin
10449           IntSel:=
10450             ((Key=VK_LEFT) and not AtStart) or
10451             ((Key=VK_RIGHT) and not AtEnd);
10452           if not IntSel then
10453             doGridKeyDown
10454           else
10455             doEditorKeyDown;
10456         end else
10457           doEditorKeyDown;
10458       end;
10459     VK_ESCAPE:
10460       begin
10461         doGridKeyDown;
10462         if key<>0 then begin
10463           SetEditText(FGrid.FEditorOldValue);
10464           FGrid.EditorHide;
10465         end;
10466       end;
10467     else
10468       doEditorKeyDown;
10469   end;
10470   {$IfDef dbgGrid}
10471   DebugLn('TStringCellEditor.KeyDown END: Key=', Dbgs(Key),
10472     ' SelStart=',Dbgs(SelStart),' SelLenght=',Dbgs(SelLength));
10473   {$Endif}
10474 end;
10476 procedure TStringCellEditor.msg_SetMask(var Msg: TGridMessage);
10477 begin
10478   EditMask:=msg.Value;
10479 end;
10482 procedure TStringCellEditor.msg_SetValue(var Msg: TGridMessage);
10483 begin
10484   Text:=Msg.Value;
10485   SelStart := UTF8Length(Text);
10486 end;
10488 procedure TStringCellEditor.msg_GetValue(var Msg: TGridMessage);
10489 begin
10490   Msg.Col:=FCol;
10491   Msg.Row:=FRow;
10492   Msg.Value:=Text;
10493 end;
10495 procedure TStringCellEditor.msg_SetGrid(var Msg: TGridMessage);
10496 begin
10497   FGrid:=Msg.Grid;
10499 end;
10501 procedure TStringCellEditor.msg_SelectAll(var Msg: TGridMessage);
10502 begin
10503   SelectAll;
10504 end;
10506 procedure TStringCellEditor.msg_SetPos(var Msg: TGridMessage);
10507 begin
10508   FCol := Msg.Col;
10509   FRow := Msg.Row;
10510 end;
10512 procedure TStringCellEditor.msg_GetGrid(var Msg: TGridMessage);
10513 begin
10514   Msg.Grid := FGrid;
10515   Msg.Options:= EO_IMPLEMENTED;
10516 end;
10518 constructor TStringCellEditor.Create(Aowner: TComponent);
10519 begin
10520   inherited Create(Aowner);
10521   AutoSize := false;
10522 end;
10524 { TStringGridStrings }
ConvertIndexLineColnull10526 function TStringGridStrings.ConvertIndexLineCol(Index: Integer; var Line, Col: Integer): boolean;
10527 begin
10528   if FIsCol then
10529     if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FGrid.RowCount) then
10530       Result := False
10531     else begin
10532       Line := FIndex;
10533       Col := Index;
10534       Result := True;
10535     end
10536   else
10537     if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FGrid.ColCount) then
10538       Result := False
10539     else begin
10540       Line := Index;
10541       Col := FIndex;
10542       Result := True;
10543     end;
10544 end;
10546 procedure TStringGridStrings.Clear;
10547 var
10548   I: Integer;
10549 begin
10550   if FIsCol then begin
10551     for I := 0 to FGrid.RowCount - 1 do begin
10552       FGrid.Cells[FIndex, I] := '';
10553       FGrid.Objects[FIndex, I] := nil;
10554     end;
10555   end else begin
10556     for I := 0 to FGrid.ColCount - 1 do begin
10557       FGrid.Cells[I, FIndex] := '';
10558       FGrid.Objects[I, FIndex] := nil;
10559     end;
10560   end;
10561   FAddedCount := 0;
10562 end;
Addnull10564 function TStringGridStrings.Add(const S: string): Integer;
10565 var
10566   Line, Col: Integer;
10567 begin
10568   if ConvertIndexLineCol(FAddedCount, Line, Col) then begin
10569     FGrid.Cells[Line, Col] := S;
10570     Result := FAddedCount;
10571     Inc(FAddedCount);
10572   end else
10573     Result := -1;
10574 end;
Getnull10576 function TStringGridStrings.Get(Index: Integer): string;
10577 var
10578   Line, Col: Integer;
10579 begin
10580   if ConvertIndexLineCol(Index, Line, Col) then
10581     Result := FGrid.Cells[Line, Col]
10582   else
10583     Result := ''
10584 end;
GetCountnull10586 function TStringGridStrings.GetCount: Integer;
10587 begin
10588   if FIsCol then
10589     Result := FGrid.RowCount
10590   else
10591     Result := FGrid.ColCount;
10592 end;
GetObjectnull10594 function TStringGridStrings.GetObject(Index: Integer): TObject;
10595 var
10596   Line, Col: Integer;
10597 begin
10598   if ConvertIndexLineCol(Index, Line, Col) then
10599     Result := FGrid.Objects[Line, Col]
10600   else
10601     Result := nil;
10602 end;
10604 procedure TStringGridStrings.Put(Index: Integer; const S: string);
10605 var
10606   Line, Col: Integer;
10608   procedure RaiseError;
10609   begin
10610     raise EGridException.Create('Can not add String');
10611   end;
10613 begin
10614   if ConvertIndexLineCol(Index, Line, Col) then
10615     FGrid.Cells[Line, Col] := S
10616   else
10617     RaiseError;
10618 end;
10620 procedure TStringGridStrings.PutObject(Index: Integer; aObject: TObject);
10621 var
10622   Line, Col: Integer;
10624   procedure RaiseError;
10625   begin
10626     raise EGridException.Create('Can not add Object');
10627   end;
10629 begin
10630   if ConvertIndexLineCol(Index, Line, Col) then
10631     FGrid.Objects[Line, Col] := aObject
10632   else
10633     RaiseError;
10634 end;
10636 constructor TStringGridStrings.Create(aGrid: TCustomStringGrid; OwnerMap: TMap; aIscol: boolean;
10637   aIndex: Longint);
10638 begin
10639   inherited Create;
10640   FGrid := aGrid;
10641   FIsCol := aIsCol;
10642   FIndex := aIndex;
10643   FOwner := OwnerMap;
10644   if FOwner<>nil then
10645     FOwner.Add(FIndex, Self);
10646 end;
10648 destructor TStringGridStrings.Destroy;
10649 begin
10650   if FOwner<>nil then
10651     FOwner.Delete(FIndex);
10652   inherited Destroy;
10653 end;
10655 procedure TStringGridStrings.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
10656 var
10657   I, StrNum: Integer;
10658 begin
10659   if Source is TStrings then begin
10660     try
10661       BeginUpdate;
10662       StrNum := TStrings(Source).Count;
10663       if StrNum > GetCount then StrNum := GetCount;
10664       for I := 0 to StrNum - 1 do begin
10665         Put(I, TStrings(Source).Strings[I]);
10666         PutObject(I, TStrings(Source).Objects[I]);
10667       end;
10668     finally
10669       EndUpdate;
10670     end;
10671   end else
10672     inherited Assign(Source);
10673 end;
10675 procedure TStringGridStrings.Delete(Index: Integer);
10676 begin
10677   raise EGridException.Create('Can not delete value.');
10678 end;
10680 procedure TStringGridStrings.Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string);
10681 begin
10682   raise EGridException.Create('Can not insert value.');
10683 end;
10687 { TCustomDrawGrid }
CellNeedsCheckboxBitmapsnull10689 function TCustomDrawGrid.CellNeedsCheckboxBitmaps(const aCol, aRow: Integer): boolean;
10690 var
10691   C: TGridColumn;
10692 begin
10693   Result := false;
10694   if (aRow>=FixedRows) and Columns.Enabled then begin
10695     C := ColumnFromGridColumn(aCol);
10696     result := (C<>nil) and (C.ButtonStyle=cbsCheckboxColumn)
10697   end;
10698 end;
10700 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.DrawCellCheckboxBitmaps(const aCol, aRow: Integer;
10701   const aRect: TRect);
10702 var
10703   AState: TCheckboxState;
10704 begin
10705   AState := cbUnchecked;
10706   GetCheckBoxState(aCol, aRow, aState);
10707   DrawGridCheckboxBitmaps(aCol, aRow, aRect, aState);
10708 end;
GetEditorValuenull10710 function TCustomDrawGrid.GetEditorValue(ACol, ARow: Integer): String;
10711 var
10712   msg: TGridMessage;
10713 begin
10714   if Assigned(Editor) and Editor.Visible then begin
10715     Msg.LclMsg.msg:=GM_GETVALUE;
10716     Msg.grid:=Self;
10717     Msg.Col:=ACol;
10718     Msg.Row:=ARow;
10719     Msg.Value:='';
10720     Editor.Dispatch(Msg);
10721     Result:=Msg.Value;
10722   end;
10723 end;
10725 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.CellClick(const ACol, ARow: Integer; const Button:TMouseButton);
10726 begin
10727   if (Button=mbLeft) and CellNeedsCheckboxBitmaps(ACol, ARow) then
10728     ToggleCheckbox;
10729 end;
10731 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.DrawCell(aCol,aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect;
10732   aState:TGridDrawState);
10733 var
10734   OldDefaultDrawing: boolean;
10735 begin
10736   if Assigned(OnDrawCell) and not(CsDesigning in ComponentState) then begin
10737     PrepareCanvas(aCol, aRow, aState);
10738     if DefaultDrawing then
10739       DefaultDrawCell(aCol, aRow, aRect, aState);
10740     OnDrawCell(Self,aCol,aRow,aRect,aState)
10741   end else begin
10742     OldDefaultDrawing:=FDefaultDrawing;
10743     FDefaultDrawing:=True;
10744     try
10745       PrepareCanvas(aCol, aRow, aState);
10746     finally
10747       FDefaultDrawing:=OldDefaultDrawing;
10748     end;
10749     DefaultDrawCell(aCol,aRow,aRect,aState);
10750   end;
10751   DrawCellGrid(aCol,aRow,aRect,aState);
10752 end;
10754 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.DrawFocusRect(aCol, aRow: Integer; ARect: TRect);
10755 var
10756   OldFocusColor: TColor;
10757   OldPenMode: TFPPenMode;
10758   DrawBits: Byte;
10759 begin
10760   // Draw focused cell if we have the focus
10761   if DefaultDrawing and (Self.Focused or
10762     (EditorAlwaysShown and ((Feditor=nil) or not Feditor.Focused))) then
10763   begin
10764     CalcFocusRect(aRect);
10765     if FUseXORFeatures then begin
10766       Canvas.SaveHandleState;
10767       OldFocusColor := FFocusColor;
10768       FFocusColor:= clWhite;
10769       OldPenMode:=Canvas.Pen.Mode;
10770       Canvas.Pen.Mode := pmXOR;
10771     end;
10772     DrawBits := BF_RECT;
10773     if (goRowSelect in Options) then begin
10774       if ((fTopLeft.x>FixedCols) or (FGCache.TLColOff<>0)) then
10775         DrawBits := DrawBits and not BF_LEFT;
10776       if (FGCache.VisibleGrid.Right<ColCount-1) then
10777         DrawBits := DrawBits and not BF_RIGHT;
10778     end;
10779     DrawRubberRect(Canvas, aRect, FFocusColor, DrawBits);
10780     if FUseXORFeatures then begin
10781       Canvas.Pen.Mode := OldPenMode;
10782       Canvas.RestoreHandleState;
10783       FFocusColor := OldFocusColor;
10784     end;
10785   end;
10786 end;
GetCellsnull10788 function TCustomDrawGrid.GetCells(ACol, ARow: Integer): string;
10789 begin
10790   Result:=inherited GetCells(ACol, ARow);
10791   if (ACol = FEditorCol) and (ARow = FEditorRow) then
10792     Result:=GetEditorValue(ACol, ARow);
10793 end;
10795 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.GetCheckBoxState(const aCol, aRow: Integer;
10796   var aState: TCheckboxState);
10797 begin
10798   if assigned(FOnGetCheckboxState) then
10799     OnGetCheckboxState(self, aCol, aRow, aState);
10800 end;
10802 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.ColRowExchanged(IsColumn:Boolean; index, WithIndex: Integer);
10803 begin
10804   if not IsColumn or not Columns.Enabled then
10805     Fgrid.ExchangeColRow(IsColumn, index, WithIndex);
10806   if Assigned(OnColRowExchanged) then
10807     OnColRowExchanged(Self, IsColumn, index, WithIndex);
10808 end;
10810 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.ColRowInserted(IsColumn: boolean; index: integer);
10811 begin
10812   if not IsColumn or not Columns.Enabled then
10813     FGrid.InsertColRow(IsColumn, Index);
10814   NotifyColRowChange(True, IsColumn, Index, Index);
10815 end;
10817 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.ColRowDeleted(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer);
10818 begin
10819   FGrid.DeleteColRow(IsColumn, index);
10820   NotifyColRowChange(False, IsColumn, Index, Index);
10821 end;
10823 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.ColRowMoved(IsColumn: Boolean; FromIndex, ToIndex: Integer);
10824 begin
10825   inherited ColRowMoved(IsColumn, FromIndex, ToIndex);
10827   // now move content, if Columns.Enabled and IsColumn then
10828   // first row header has been already moved, what is in
10829   // cells[0,0]-cells[colCount-1,0] doesn't matter because
10830   // columns should take precedence.
10831   FGrid.MoveColRow(IsColumn, FromIndex, ToIndex);
10833   if Assigned(OnColRowMoved) then
10834     OnColRowMoved(Self, IsColumn, FromIndex, toIndex);
10835 end;
10837 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.HeaderClick(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer);
10838 begin
10839   inherited HeaderClick(IsColumn, index);
10840   if Assigned(OnHeaderClick) then OnHeaderClick(Self, IsColumn, index);
10841 end;
10843 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.HeaderSized(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer);
10844 begin
10845   inherited HeaderSized(IsColumn, index);
10846   if Assigned(OnHeaderSized) then OnHeaderSized(Self, IsColumn, index);
10847 end;
10849 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.HeaderSizing(const IsColumn: boolean; const AIndex,
10850   ASize: Integer);
10851 begin
10852   inherited HeaderSizing(IsColumn, AIndex, ASize);
10853   if Assigned(OnHeaderSizing) then
10854     OnHeaderSizing(self, IsColumn, AIndex, ASize);
10855 end;
10857 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
10858 begin
10859   inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift);
10861   if (Key=VK_SPACE) and CellNeedsCheckboxBitmaps(col, row) then begin
10862     ToggleCheckbox;
10863     Key:=0;
10864   end;
10865 end;
GetEditMasknull10867 function TCustomDrawGrid.GetEditMask(aCol, aRow: Longint): string;
10868 begin
10869   result:='';
10870   if assigned(OnGetEditMask) then OnGetEditMask(self, aCol, aRow, Result);
10871 end;
TCustomDrawGrid.GetEditTextnull10873 function TCustomDrawGrid.GetEditText(aCol, aRow: Longint): string;
10874 begin
10875   result:='';
10876   if assigned(OnGetEditText) then OnGetEditText(self, aCol, aRow, Result);
10877   FEditorOldValue:=Result;
10878   FEditorCol:=aCol;
10879   FEditorRow:=aRow;
10880 end;
10882 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.GridMouseWheel(shift: TShiftState; Delta: Integer);
10883 var
10884   ScrollCols: boolean;
10885 begin
10886   if MouseWheelOption=mwCursor then
10887     inherited GridMouseWheel(shift, Delta)
10888   else
10889   if Delta<>0 then begin
10890     ScrollCols := (ssCtrl in shift);
10891     if ScrollCols then
10892     begin
10893       if not TrySmoothScrollBy(Delta*DefaultColWidth, 0) then
10894         TryScrollTo(FTopLeft.x+Delta, FTopLeft.y, True, False);
10895     end else
10896     begin
10897       if not TrySmoothScrollBy(0, Delta*DefaultRowHeight*Mouse.WheelScrollLines) then
10898         TryScrollTo(FTopLeft.x, FTopLeft.y+Delta, False, True); // scroll only 1 line if above scrolling failed (probably due to too high line)
10899     end;
10900     if EditorMode then
10901       EditorPos;
10902   end;
10903 end;
10905 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.NotifyColRowChange(WasInsert, IsColumn: boolean;
10906   FromIndex,ToIndex: Integer);
10907 begin
10908   if WasInsert then begin
10909     if assigned(OnColRowInserted) then
10910       OnColRowInserted(Self, IsColumn, FromIndex, ToIndex)
10911   end else begin
10912     if assigned(OnColRowDeleted) then
10913       OnColRowDeleted(Self, IsColumn, FromIndex, ToIndex);
10914   end;
10915 end;
10917 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.SetEditText(ACol, ARow: Longint; const Value: string);
10918 begin
10919   if Assigned(OnSetEditText) then
10920     OnSetEditText(Self, aCol, aRow, Value);
10921   inherited SetEditText(aCol, aRow, Value);
10922 end;
10924 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.SizeChanged(OldColCount, OldRowCount: Integer);
10925 begin
10926   if OldColCount<>ColCount then begin
10927     fGrid.ColCount:=ColCount;
10928     if OldColCount>ColCount then
10929       NotifyColRowChange(False, True, ColCount, OldColCount-1)
10930     else
10931       NotifyColRowChange(True, True, OldColCount, ColCount-1);
10932   end;
10933   if OldRowCount<>RowCount then begin
10934     fGrid.RowCount:=RowCount;
10935     if OldRowCount>RowCount then
10936       NotifyColRowChange(False, False, RowCount, OldRowCount-1)
10937     else
10938       NotifyColRowChange(True, False, OldRowCount, RowCount-1);
10939   end;
10940 end;
10942 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.ToggleCheckbox;
10943 var
10944   TempColumn: TGridColumn;
10945   AState: TCheckboxState;
10946 begin
10947   if not EditingAllowed(Col) then
10948     exit;
10950   TempColumn := ColumnFromGridColumn(Col);
10951   if (TempColumn<>nil) and not TempColumn.ReadOnly then
10952   begin
10954     AState := cbGrayed;
10955     GetCheckboxState(Col, Row, AState);
10957     if AState=cbChecked then
10958       AState := cbUnchecked
10959     else
10960       AState := cbChecked;
10962     SetCheckboxState(Col, Row, AState);
10964     if Assigned(OnCheckboxToggled) then
10965       OnCheckboxToggled(self, Col, Row, AState);
10966   end;
10967 end;
10969 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.DrawCellAutonumbering(aCol, aRow: Integer;
10970   aRect: TRect; const aValue: string);
10971 begin
10972   DrawCellText(aCol, aRow, aRect, [], aValue);
10973 end;
SelectCellnull10975 function TCustomDrawGrid.SelectCell(aCol, aRow: Integer): boolean;
10976 begin
10977   Result := inherited SelectCell(aCol, aRow);
10978   if Assigned(OnSelectCell) then
10979     OnSelectCell(Self, aCol, aRow, Result);
10980 end;
10982 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.SetColor(Value: TColor);
10983 begin
10984   inherited SetColor(Value);
10985   Invalidate;
10986 end;
10988 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.SetCheckboxState(const aCol, aRow: Integer;
10989   const aState: TCheckboxState);
10990 begin
10991   if assigned(FOnSetCheckboxState) then begin
10992     OnSetCheckboxState(self, aCol, aRow, aState);
10993     if DefaultDrawing then
10994       InvalidateCell(aCol, aRow);
10995   end;
10996 end;
TCustomDrawGrid.CreateVirtualGridnull10998 function TCustomDrawGrid.CreateVirtualGrid: TVirtualGrid;
10999 begin
11000   Result:=TVirtualGrid.Create;
11001 end;
11003 constructor TCustomDrawGrid.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
11004 begin
11005   fGrid:=CreateVirtualGrid;
11006   inherited Create(AOwner);
11007 end;
11009 destructor TCustomDrawGrid.Destroy;
11010 begin
11011   {$Ifdef DbgGrid}DebugLn('TCustomDrawGrid.Destroy');{$Endif}
11012   FreeThenNil(FGrid);
11013   inherited Destroy;
11014 end;
11016 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.DeleteColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer);
11017 begin
11018   DoOPDeleteColRow(IsColumn, Index);
11019 end;
11021 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.DeleteCol(Index: Integer);
11022 begin
11023   DeleteColRow(True, Index);
11024 end;
11026 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.DeleteRow(Index: Integer);
11027 begin
11028   DeleteColRow(False, Index);
11029 end;
11031 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.ExchangeColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; index,
11032   WithIndex: Integer);
11033 begin
11034   DoOPExchangeColRow(IsColumn, Index, WithIndex);
11035 end;
11037 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.InsertColRow(IsColumn: boolean; index: integer);
11038 begin
11039   doOPInsertColRow(IsColumn, Index);
11040 end;
11042 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.MoveColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; FromIndex,
11043   ToIndex: Integer);
11044 begin
11045   DoOPMoveColRow(IsColumn, FromIndex, ToIndex);
11046 end;
11048 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.SortColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer);
11049 begin
11050   if IsColumn then begin
11051     if (FFixedRows < RowCount) and (RowCount > 0) then
11052       Sort(IsColumn, index, FFixedRows, RowCount-1)
11053   end
11054   else begin
11055     if (FFixedCols < ColCount) and (ColCount > 0) then
11056       Sort(IsColumn, index, FFixedCols, ColCount-1);
11057   end
11058 end;
11060 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.SortColRow(IsColumn: Boolean; Index, FromIndex,
11061   ToIndex: Integer);
11062 begin
11063   Sort(IsColumn, Index, FromIndex, ToIndex);
11064 end;
11066 procedure TCustomDrawGrid.DefaultDrawCell(aCol, aRow: Integer; var aRect: TRect;
11067   aState: TGridDrawState);
11068 begin
11069   if (FTitleStyle=tsNative) and (gdFixed in AState) then
11070     DrawThemedCell(aCol, aRow, aRect, aState)
11071   else
11072     DrawFillRect(Canvas, aRect);
11074   if CellNeedsCheckboxBitmaps(aCol,aRow) then
11075     DrawCellCheckboxBitmaps(aCol,aRow,aRect)
11076   else
11077   begin
11078     if IsCellButtonColumn(Point(aCol,aRow)) then begin
11079       DrawButtonCell(aCol,aRow,aRect,aState);
11080     end
11081     else begin
11082       if (goFixedRowNumbering in Options) and (ARow>=FixedRows) and (aCol=0) and
11083          (FixedCols>0)
11084       then
11085         DrawCellAutonumbering(aCol, aRow, aRect, IntToStr(aRow-FixedRows+1));
11086     end;
11087     //draw text
11088     if GetIsCellTitle(aCol, aRow) then
11089       DrawColumnText(aCol, aRow, aRect, aState)
11090     else
11091       DrawTextInCell(aCol,aRow, aRect,aState);
11092   end;
11093 end;
11095 { TCustomStringGrid }
11097 procedure TCustomStringGrid.MapFree(var aMap: TMap);
11098 var
11099   Iterator: TMapIterator;
11100   SGL: TStringGridStrings;
11101 begin
11102   if AMap=nil then
11103     exit;
11104   Iterator := TMapIterator.Create(AMap);
11105   Iterator.First;
11106   while not Iterator.EOM do begin
11107     Iterator.GetData(SGL);
11108     if SGL<>nil then
11109       SGL.Free;
11110     Iterator.Next;
11111   end;
11112   Iterator.Free;
11113   FreeAndNil(AMap);
11114 end;
MapGetColsRowsnull11116 function TCustomStringGrid.MapGetColsRows(IsCols: boolean; Index: Integer;
11117   var AMap: TMap): TStrings;
11118 begin
11119   if AMap=nil then
11120     AMap := TMap.Create(itu4, SizeOf(TStringGridStrings));
11122   if AMap.HasId(Index) then
11123     AMap.GetData(index, Result)
11124   else
11125     Result:=TStringGridStrings.Create(Self, AMap, IsCols, index);
11126 end;
GetCellsnull11128 function TCustomStringGrid.GetCells(ACol, ARow: Integer): string;
11129 var
11130    C: PCellProps;
11131 begin
11132   Result:='';
11133   C:=FGrid.Celda[aCol,aRow];
11134   if C<>nil then Result:=C^ .Text;
11135 end;
TCustomStringGrid.GetColsnull11137 function TCustomStringGrid.GetCols(index: Integer): TStrings;
11138 begin
11139   Result := MapGetColsRows(True,  Index, FColsMap);
11140 end;
TCustomStringGrid.GetObjectsnull11142 function TCustomStringGrid.GetObjects(ACol, ARow: Integer): TObject;
11143 var
11144   C: PCellProps;
11145 begin
11146   Result:=nil;
11147   C:=Fgrid.Celda[aCol,aRow];
11148   if C<>nil then Result:=C^.Data;
11149 end;
TCustomStringGrid.GetRowsnull11151 function TCustomStringGrid.GetRows(index: Integer): TStrings;
11152 begin
11153   Result := MapGetColsRows(False, Index, FRowsMap);
11154 end;
11156 procedure TCustomStringGrid.ReadCells(Reader: TReader);
11157 var
11158   aCol,aRow: Integer;
11159   i, c: Integer;
11160 begin
11161   with Reader do begin
11162     ReadListBegin;
11163     c := ReadInteger;
11164     for i:=1 to c do begin
11165       aCol := ReadInteger;
11166       aRow := ReadInteger;
11167       Cells[aCol,aRow]:= ReadString;
11168     end;
11169     {
11170     repeat
11171       aCol := ReadInteger;
11172       aRow := ReadInteger;
11173       Cells[aCol,aRow] := ReadString;
11174     until NextValue = vaNull;
11175     }
11176     ReadListEnd;
11177   end;
11178 end;
11180 procedure TCustomStringGrid.SetCells(ACol, ARow: Integer; const AValue: string);
11181   procedure UpdateCell;
11182   begin
11183     if EditorMode and (aCol=FCol)and(aRow=FRow) and
11184       not (gfEditorUpdateLock in GridFlags) then
11185     begin
11186       EditorDoSetValue;
11187     end;
11188     InvalidateCell(aCol, aRow);
11189   end;
11190 var
11191   C: PCellProps;
11192 begin
11193   C:= FGrid.Celda[aCol,aRow];
11194   if C<>nil then begin
11195     if C^.Text<>nil then
11196       StrDispose(C^.Text);
11197     C^.Text:=StrNew(pchar(aValue));
11198     UpdateCell;
11199     FModified := True;
11200   end else begin
11201     if AValue<>'' then begin
11202       New(C);
11203       C^.Text:=StrNew(pchar(Avalue));
11204       C^.Attr:=nil;
11205       C^.Data:=nil;
11206       FGrid.Celda[aCol,aRow]:=C;
11207       UpdateCell;
11208       FModified := True;
11209     end;
11210   end;
11211 end;
11213 procedure TCustomStringGrid.SetCols(index: Integer; const AValue: TStrings);
11214 var
11215   SGL: TStringGridStrings;
11216 begin
11217   SGL := TStringGridStrings.Create(Self, nil, True, index);
11218   SGL.Assign(AValue);
11219   SGL.Free;
11220 end;
11222 procedure TCustomStringGrid.SetObjects(ACol, ARow: Integer; AValue: TObject);
11223 var
11224   c: PCellProps;
11225 begin
11226   C:=FGrid.Celda[aCol,aRow];
11227   if c<>nil then C^.Data:=AValue
11228   else begin
11229     c:=fGrid.GetDefaultCell;
11230     c^.Data:=Avalue;
11231     FGrid.Celda[aCol,aRow]:=c;
11232   end;
11233 end;
11235 procedure TCustomStringGrid.SetRows(index: Integer; const AValue: TStrings);
11236 var
11237   SGL: TStringGridStrings;
11238 begin
11239   SGL := TStringGridStrings.Create(Self, nil, False, index);
11240   SGL.Assign(AValue);
11241   SGL.Free;
11242 end;
11244 procedure TCustomStringGrid.WriteCells(Writer: TWriter);
11245 var
11246   i,j: Integer;
11247   c: Integer;
11248 begin
11249   with writer do begin
11250     WriteListBegin;
11251     //cell count
11252     c:=0;
11253     for i:=0 to ColCount-1 do
11254       for j:=0 to RowCount-1 do
11255         if Cells[i,j]<>'' then Inc(c);
11256     WriteInteger(c);
11258     for i:=0 to ColCount-1 do
11259       for j:=0 to RowCount-1 do
11260         if Cells[i,j]<>'' then begin
11261           WriteInteger(i);
11262           WriteInteger(j);
11263           WriteString(Cells[i,j]);
11264         end;
11265     WriteListEnd;
11266   end;
11267 end;
11269 procedure TCustomStringGrid.CopyCellRectToClipboard(const R: TRect);
11270 var
11271   SelStr, SelHTMLStr: String;
11272   aRow,aCol,k: LongInt;
QuoteTextnull11274   function QuoteText(s: string): string;
11275   begin
11276     DoCellProcess(aCol, aRow, cpCopy, s);
11277     if (pos(#9, s)>0) or
11278        (pos(#10, s)>0) or
11279        (pos(#13, s)>0)
11280     then
11281       result := AnsiQuotedStr(s, '"')
11282     else
11283       result := s;
11284   end;
PrepareToHTMLnull11286   function PrepareToHTML(s: string): string;
11287   var
11288     i1: Integer;
11289     s1: string;
11290   begin
11291     Result := '';
11292     for i1 := 1 to Length(s) do
11293     begin
11294       case s[i1] of
11295         #13: s1 := '<br>';
11296         #10: if i1 > 1 then if s[i1 - 1] = #13 then s1 := '' else s1 := '<br>';
11297         '<': s1 := '&lt;';
11298         '>': s1 := '&gt;';
11299         '"': s1 := '&quot;';
11300         '&': s1 := '&amp;';
11301         else s1 := s[i1];
11302       end;
11303       Result := Result + s1;
11304     end;
11305   end;
11307 begin
11308   SelStr := '';
11310   SelHTMLStr := '<head><style><!--table br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;} --></style></head>' + #13#10 +
11311                 '<table>' + #13#10;
11313   //<head>...</head> MS Excel crutch, otherwise Excel split merged cell if it found <br> tag
11315   for aRow := R.Top to R.Bottom do begin
11317     SelHTMLStr := SelHTMLStr + '<tr>' + #13#10;
11319     for aCol := R.Left to R.Right do begin
11321       if Columns.Enabled and (aCol >= FirstGridColumn) then begin
11323         k := ColumnIndexFromGridColumn(aCol);
11324         if not Columns[k].Visible then
11325           continue;
11327         if (aRow = 0) and (FixedRows > 0) then
11328         begin
11329           SelStr := SelStr + QuoteText(Columns[k].Title.Caption);
11330           SelHTMLStr := SelHTMLStr + '<td>' + PrepareToHTML(Columns[k].Title.Caption) + '</td>' + #13#10;
11331         end
11332         else
11333         begin
11334           SelStr := SelStr + QuoteText(Cells[aCol,aRow]);
11335           SelHTMLStr := SelHTMLStr + '<td>' + PrepareToHTML(Cells[aCol,aRow]) + '</td>' + #13#10;
11336         end;
11338       end else
11339         begin
11340           SelStr := SelStr + QuoteText(Cells[aCol,aRow]);
11341           SelHTMLStr := SelHTMLStr + '<td>' + PrepareToHTML(Cells[aCol,aRow]) + '</td>' + #13#10;
11342         end;
11344       if aCol <> R.Right then
11345         SelStr := SelStr + #9;
11346     end;
11348     SelStr := SelStr + sLineBreak;
11349     SelHTMLStr := SelHTMLStr + '</tr>' + #13#10;
11350   end;
11351   SelHTMLStr := SelHTMLStr + #13#10 + '</table>';
11352   Clipboard.SetAsHtml(SelHTMLStr, SelStr);
11353 end;
11355 procedure TCustomStringGrid.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
11356 var
11357   i, j: Integer;
11358 begin
11359   if Dest is TCustomStringGrid then begin
11360     BeginUpdate;
11361     inherited AssignTo(Dest);
11362     for i:=0 to ColCount-1 do
11363       for j:=0 to RowCount-1 do
11364         TCustomStringGrid(Dest).Cells[i,j] := Cells[i,j];
11365     EndUpdate;
11366   end else
11367     inherited AssignTo(Dest);
11368 end;
11370 procedure TCustomStringGrid.AutoAdjustColumn(aCol: Integer);
11371 var
11372   i,W, imgWidth: Integer;
11373   Ts: TSize;
11374   TmpCanvas: TCanvas;
11375   C: TGridColumn;
11376   aRect: TRect;
11377   isMultiLine, B: Boolean;
11378   aText: string;
11379   aLayout: TButtonLayout;
11380   imgList: TCustomImageList;
11381 begin
11382   if not IsColumnIndexValid(aCol) then
11383     Exit;
11385   GetTitleImageInfo(aCol, i, aLayout);
11386   if (i>=0) and (FTitleImageList<>nil) and (aLayout in [blGlyphLeft, blGlyphRight]) then
11387     imgWidth := FTitleImageList.WidthForPPI[FTitleImageListWidth, Font.PixelsPerInch] + 2*DEFIMAGEPADDING
11388   else
11389     imgWidth := 0;
11390   GetSortTitleImageInfo(aCol, imgList, i, W, B);
11391   if (imgList<>nil) and (i>=0) then
11392     Inc(imgWidth, imgList.WidthForPPI[W, Font.PixelsPerInch] + DEFIMAGEPADDING);
11394   tmpCanvas := GetWorkingCanvas(Canvas);
11396   C := ColumnFromGridColumn(aCol);
11397   isMultiLine := (C<>nil) and C.Title.MultiLine;
11399   try
11400     W:=0;
11401     for i := 0 to RowCount-1 do begin
11403       if C<>nil then begin
11404         if i<FixedRows then
11405           tmpCanvas.Font := C.Title.Font
11406         else
11407           tmpCanvas.Font := C.Font;
11408       end else begin
11409         if i<FixedRows then
11410           tmpCanvas.Font := TitleFont
11411         else
11412           tmpCanvas.Font := Font;
11413       end;
11415       if (i=0) and (FixedRows>0) and (C<>nil) then
11416         aText := C.Title.Caption
11417       else
11418         aText := Cells[aCol, i];
11420       if isMultiLine then begin
11421         aRect := rect(0, 0, MaxInt, MaxInt);
11422         DrawText(tmpCanvas.Handle, pchar(aText), Length(aText), aRect, DT_CALCRECT or DT_WORDBREAK);
11423         Ts.cx := aRect.Right-aRect.Left;
11424       end else
11425         Ts := tmpCanvas.TextExtent(aText);
11427       if Ts.Cx>W then
11428         W := Ts.Cx;
11429     end;
11430   finally
11431     if tmpCanvas<>Canvas then
11432       FreeWorkingCanvas(tmpCanvas);
11433   end;
11435   W := W + imgWidth;
11436   if W=0 then
11437     W := DefaultColWidth
11438   else
11439     W := W + 2*varCellpadding + 1;
11441   ColWidths[aCol] := W;
11442 end;
11444 procedure TCustomStringGrid.CalcCellExtent(acol, aRow: Integer; var aRect: TRect);
11445 var
11446   S: string;
11447   Ts: Tsize;
11448   nc: PcellProps;
11449   i: integer;
11450   TextStyle : TTextStyle;
11451 begin
11452   inherited CalcCellExtent(acol,arow, aRect);
11453   S:=Cells[aCol,aRow];
11454   TextStyle := Canvas.TextStyle;
11455   if not TextStyle.Clipping then begin
11456   //if not FCellAttr.TextStyle.Clipping then begin
11457     // Calcular el numero de celdas necesarias para contener todo
11458     // El Texto
11459     Ts:=Canvas.TextExtent(S);
11460     i:=aCol;
11461     while (Ts.Cx>(aRect.Right-aRect.Left))and(i<ColCount) do begin
11462       inc(i);
11463       Nc:=FGrid.Celda[i, aRow];
11464       if (nc<>nil)and(Nc^.Text<>'')then Break;
11465       aRect.Right:=aRect.Right + getColWidths(i);
11466     end;
11467     //fcellAttr.TextStyle.Clipping:=i<>aCol;
11468     TextStyle.Clipping:=i<>aCol;
11469     Canvas.TextStyle:=TextStyle;
11470   end;
11471 end;
11473 procedure TCustomStringGrid.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
11474 begin
11475   inherited DefineProperties(Filer);
11476   DefineCellsProperty(Filer);
11477 end;
11479 procedure TCustomStringGrid.DefineCellsProperty(Filer: TFiler);
NeedCellsnull11480   function NeedCells: boolean;
11481   var
11482     i,j: integer;
11483     AntGrid: TCustomStringGrid;
11484   begin
11485     result := false;
11486     if Filer.Ancestor is TCustomStringGrid then begin
11487       AntGrid := TCustomStringGrid(Filer.Ancestor);
11488       result := (AntGrid.ColCount<>ColCount) or (AntGrid.RowCount<>RowCount);
11489       if not result then
11490         for i:=0 to AntGrid.ColCount-1 do
11491           for j:=0 to AntGrid.RowCount-1 do
11492             if Cells[i,j]<>AntGrid.Cells[i,j] then begin
11493               result := true;
11494               break;
11495             end
11496     end else
11497       for i:=0 to ColCount-1 do
11498         for j:=0 to RowCount-1 do
11499           if Cells[i,j]<>'' then begin
11500             result := true;
11501             break;
11502           end;
11503   end;
11504 begin
11505   with Filer do begin
11506     DefineProperty('Cells',  @ReadCells,  @WriteCells,  NeedCells);
11507   end;
11508 end;
TCustomStringGrid.DoCompareCellsnull11510 function TCustomStringGrid.DoCompareCells(Acol, ARow, Bcol, BRow: Integer): Integer;
11511 begin
11512   if Assigned(OnCompareCells) then
11513     Result:=inherited DoCompareCells(Acol, ARow, Bcol, BRow)
11514   else begin
11515     Result:=UTF8CompareLatinTextFast(Cells[ACol,ARow], Cells[BCol,BRow]);
11516     if SortOrder=soDescending then
11517       result:=-result;
11518   end;
11519 end;
11521 procedure TCustomStringGrid.DoCopyToClipboard;
11522 begin
11523   CopyCellRectToClipboard(Selection);
11524 end;
11526 procedure TCustomStringGrid.DoCutToClipboard;
11527 begin
11528   if EditingAllowed(Col) then begin
11529     doCopyToClipboard;
11530     Clean(Selection, []);
11531   end;
11532 end;
11534 procedure TCustomStringGrid.DoPasteFromClipboard;
11535 begin
11536   // Unpredictable results when a multiple selection is pasted back in.
11537   // Therefore we inhibit this here.
11538   if HasMultiSelection then
11539     exit;
11541   if EditingAllowed(Col) then
11542   begin
11543     if Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_TEXT) and not Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_HTML) then SelectionSetText(Clipboard.AsText);
11544     if Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_TEXT) and Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_HTML) then SelectionSetHTML(Clipboard.GetAsHtml(True), Clipboard.AsText);
11545   end;
11546 end;
11548 procedure TCustomStringGrid.DoCellProcess(aCol, aRow: Integer;
11549   processType: TCellProcessType; var aValue: string);
11550 begin
11551   if Assigned(fOnCellProcess) then
11552     OnCellProcess(Self, aCol, aRow, processType, aValue);
11553 end;
11555 procedure TCustomStringGrid.DrawTextInCell(aCol, aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect;
11556   aState: TGridDrawState);
11557 begin
11558   DrawCellText(aCol, aRow, aRect, aState, Cells[aCol,aRow]);
11559 end;
11561 procedure TCustomStringGrid.DrawCellAutonumbering(aCol, aRow: Integer;
11562   aRect: TRect; const aValue: string);
11563 begin
11564   if Cells[aCol,aRow]='' then
11565     inherited DrawCellAutoNumbering(aCol,aRow,aRect,aValue);
11566 end;
11568 procedure TCustomStringGrid.DrawColumnText(aCol, aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect;
11569   aState: TGridDrawState);
11570 begin
11571   if Columns.Enabled then
11572     inherited
11573   else begin
11574     DrawColumnTitleImage(aRect, aCol);
11575     DrawCellText(aCol,aRow,aRect,aState,Cells[aCol,aRow])
11576   end;
11577 end;
11579 procedure TCustomStringGrid.GetCheckBoxState(const aCol, aRow: Integer;
11580   var aState: TCheckboxState);
11581 var
11582   s:string;
11583 begin
11584   if Assigned(OnGetCheckboxState) then
11585     inherited GetCheckBoxState(aCol, aRow, aState)
11586   else begin
11587     s := Cells[ACol, ARow];
11588     if s=ColumnFromGridColumn(aCol).ValueChecked then
11589       aState := cbChecked
11590     else
11591     if s=ColumnFromGridColumn(aCol).ValueUnChecked then
11592       aState := cbUnChecked
11593     else
11594       aState := cbGrayed;
11595   end;
11596 end;
TCustomStringGrid.GetEditTextnull11598 function TCustomStringGrid.GetEditText(aCol, aRow: Integer): string;
11599 begin
11600   Result:=Cells[aCol, aRow];
11601   if Assigned(OnGetEditText) then OnGetEditText(Self, aCol, aRow, result);
11602 end;
11604 procedure TCustomStringGrid.SaveContent(cfg: TXMLConfig);
11605 var
11606   i,j,k: Integer;
11607   c: PCellProps;
11608 begin
11609   inherited SaveContent(cfg);
11610   cfg.SetValue('grid/saveoptions/content', soContent in SaveOptions);
11611   if soContent in SaveOptions then begin
11612     // Save Cell Contents
11613     k:=0;
11614     For i:=0 to ColCount-1 do
11615       For j:=0 to RowCount-1 do begin
11616         C:=fGrid.Celda[i,j];
11617         if (c<>nil) and (C^.Text<>'') then begin
11618           Inc(k);
11619           Cfg.SetValue('grid/content/cells/cellcount',k);
11620           cfg.SetValue('grid/content/cells/cell'+IntToStr(k)+'/column',i);
11621           cfg.SetValue('grid/content/cells/cell'+IntToStr(k)+'/row',j);
11622           cfg.SetValue('grid/content/cells/cell'+IntToStr(k)+'/text', UTF8Decode(C^.Text));
11623         end;
11624       end;
11625    end;
11626 end;
11628 procedure TCustomStringGrid.SelectionSetText(TheText: String);
11629 var
11630   StartCol,StartRow: Integer;
11631   Stream: TStringStream;
11633   procedure LoadTSV(Fields: TStringList);
11634   var
11635     i, aCol, aRow: Integer;
11636     NewValue: string;
11637   begin
11638     if StartRow<RowCount then begin
11639       aRow := StartRow;
11640       for i := 0 to Fields.Count-1 do begin
11641         aCol := StartCol + i;
11642         if (aCol<ColCount) and not GetColumnReadonly(aCol) then begin
11643           NewValue := Fields[i];
11644           if ValidateOnSetSelection and not ValidateEntry(aCol,aRow,Cells[aCol,aRow],NewValue) then
11645             break;
11646           DoCellProcess(aCol, aRow, cpPaste, NewValue);
11647           Cells[aCol, aRow] := NewValue;
11648         end;
11649       end;
11650       inc(StartRow);
11651     end;
11652   end;
11654 begin
11655   Stream := TStringStream.Create(TheText);
11656   try
11657     StartCol := Selection.left;
11658     StartRow := Selection.Top;
11659     LCSVUtils.LoadFromCSVStream(Stream, @LoadTSV, #9);
11660   finally
11661     Stream.Free;
11662     if ValidateOnSetSelection then
11663       EditingDone;
11664   end;
11665 end;
11668 procedure TCustomStringGrid.SelectionSetHTML(TheHTML, TheText: String);
11669 var
11670   bStartCol, bStartRow, bCol, bRow: Integer;
11671   bCellStr: string;
11672   bSelRect: TRect;
11674   bCellData, bTagEnd: Boolean;
11675   bStr, bEndStr: PChar;
ReplaceEntitiesnull11677   function ReplaceEntities(cSt: string): string;
11678   var
11679     o,a,b: pchar;
11680     dName: widestring;
11681     dEntity: WideChar;
11682   begin
11683     while true do begin
11684       result := cSt;
11685       if cSt = '' then
11686         break;
11687       o := @cSt[1];
11688       a := strscan(o, '&');
11689       if a = nil then
11690         break;
11691       b := strscan(a + 1, ';');
11692       if b = nil then
11693         break;
11694       dName := UTF8Decode(copy(cSt, a - o + 2, b - a - 1));
11695       dEntity := ' ';
11696       if ResolveHTMLEntityReference(dName, dEntity) then begin
11697         system.delete(cSt, a - o + 1, b - a + 1);
11698         system.insert(UTF8Encode(dEntity), cSt, a - o + 1);
11699       end;
11700     end;
11701   end;
11703 begin
11704   if theHTML <> '' then
11705   begin
11706     bSelRect := Selection;
11707     bStartCol := Selection.Left;
11708     bStartRow := Selection.Top;
11709     bCol := bStartCol;
11710     bRow := bStartRow;
11711     bStr := PChar(theHTML);
11712     bEndStr := bStr + StrLen(bStr) - 4;
11713     bCellStr := '';
11714     bCellData := False;
11716     while bStr < bEndStr do
11717     begin
11718       if bStr^ = #13 then // delete #13#10#20...#20  Excel place this after <br> tag.
11719       begin
11720         while bStr < (bEndStr - 1) do
11721         begin
11722           Inc(bStr);
11723           if (bStr^ <> #10) and (bStr^ <> ' ') then Break;
11724         end;
11725       end;
11726       if bStr^ = '<' then // tag start sign '<'
11727       begin
11728         bTagEnd := False;
11729         Inc(bStr);
11731         if UpCase(bStr^) = 'B' then
11732         begin
11733           Inc(bStr);
11734           if (UpCase(bStr^) = 'R') and bCellData then bCellStr := bCellStr + #10; // tag <br> in table cell
11735         end;
11737         if bStr^ = '/' then // close tag sign '/'
11738         begin
11739           bTagEnd := True;
11740           Inc(bStr);
11741         end;
11743         if UpCase(bStr^) = 'T' then
11744         begin
11745           Inc(bStr);
11747           if UpCase(bStr^) = 'R' then // table start row tag <tr>
11748           begin
11749             bCellData := False;
11750             if bTagEnd then // table end row tag  </tr>
11751             begin
11752               bSelRect.Bottom := bRow;
11753               Inc(bRow);
11754               bCol := bStartCol;
11755             end;
11756           end;
11758           if UpCase(bStr^) = 'D' then // table start cell tag <td>
11759           begin
11760             bCellData := not bTagEnd;
11761             if bTagEnd then // table end cell tag </td>
11762             begin
11763               if IsColumnIndexValid(bCol) and IsRowIndexValid(bRow) then
11764               begin
11765                 bCellStr := ReplaceEntities(bCellStr);
11766                 DoCellProcess(bCol, bRow, cpPaste, bCellStr);
11767                 Cells[bCol, bRow] := bCellStr;
11768               end;
11769               bSelRect.Right := bCol;
11770               Inc(bCol);
11771               bCellStr := '';
11772             end;
11773           end;
11774         end;
11776         while bStr < bEndStr do
11777         begin
11778           Inc(bStr);
11779           if bStr^ = '>' then // tag end sign '>'
11780           begin
11781             Inc(bStr);
11782             Break;
11783           end;
11784         end;
11785       end else
11786       begin
11787         if (bStr^ <> #13) and (bStr^ <> #10) and (bStr^ <> #9) and bCellData then bCellStr := bCellStr + bStr^;
11788         Inc(bStr);
11789       end;
11790     end;
11792     if (bCol = bStartCol) and (bRow = bStartRow) then
11793     begin
11794       DoCellProcess(bCol, bRow, cpPaste, TheText);
11795       Cells[bCol, bRow] := TheText; //set text in cell if clipboard has CF_HTML fomat, but havent HTML table
11796     end;
11797     Selection := bSelRect; // set correct selection
11798   end;
11799 end;
11802 procedure TCustomStringGrid.SetCheckboxState(const aCol, aRow: Integer;
11803   const aState: TCheckboxState);
11804 begin
11805   if Assigned(OnSetCheckboxState) then
11806     inherited SetCheckBoxState(aCol, aRow, aState)
11807   else begin
11808     if aState=cbChecked then
11809       Cells[ACol, ARow] := ColumnFromGridColumn(aCol).ValueChecked
11810     else
11811       Cells[ACol, ARow] := ColumnFromGridColumn(aCol).ValueUnChecked;
11812   end;
11813 end;
11815 procedure TCustomStringGrid.LoadContent(cfg: TXMLConfig; Version: Integer);
11816 var
11817   ContentSaved: Boolean;
11818   i,j,k: Integer;
11819 begin
11820   inherited LoadContent(Cfg, Version);
11821   if soContent in FSaveOptions then begin
11822     ContentSaved:=Cfg.GetValue('grid/saveoptions/content', false);
11823     if ContentSaved then begin
11824       k:=cfg.getValue('grid/content/cells/cellcount', 0);
11825       while k>0 do begin
11826         i:=cfg.GetValue('grid/content/cells/cell'+IntToStr(k)+'/column', -1);
11827         j:=cfg.GetValue('grid/content/cells/cell'+IntTostr(k)+'/row',-1);
11828         if IsRowIndexValid(j) and IsColumnIndexValid(i) then
11829           Cells[i,j]:=UTF8Encode(cfg.GetValue('grid/content/cells/cell'+IntToStr(k)+'/text',''));
11830         Dec(k);
11831       end;
11832     end;
11833   end;
11834 end;
11836 procedure TCustomStringGrid.Loaded;
11837 begin
11838   inherited Loaded;
11839   FModified := False;
11840 end;
11842 procedure TCustomStringGrid.SetEditText(aCol, aRow: Longint; const aValue: string);
11843 begin
11844   if not EditorIsReadOnly then begin
11845     GridFlags := GridFlags + [gfEditorUpdateLock];
11846     try
11847       if Cells[aCol, aRow]<>aValue then
11848         Cells[aCol, aRow]:= aValue;
11849     finally
11850       GridFlags := GridFlags - [gfEditorUpdateLock];
11851     end;
11852   end;
11853   inherited SetEditText(aCol, aRow, aValue);
11854 end;
11856 constructor TCustomStringGrid.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
11857 begin
11858   inherited Create(AOwner);
11859   with DefaultTextStyle do begin
11860     Alignment := taLeftJustify;
11861     Layout := tlCenter;
11862     Clipping := True;
11863     //WordBreak := False
11864   end;
11865   ExtendedSelect := True;
11866   SaveOptions := [soContent];
11867 end;
11869 destructor TCustomStringGrid.Destroy;
11870 begin
11871   MapFree(FRowsMap);
11872   MapFree(FColsMap);
11873   inherited Destroy;
11874 end;
11876 procedure TCustomStringGrid.AutoSizeColumn(aCol: Integer);
11877 begin
11878   AutoAdjustColumn(aCol);
11879 end;
11881 procedure TCustomStringGrid.AutoSizeColumns;
11882 var
11883   i: Integer;
11884 begin
11885   for i:=0 to ColCount-1 do
11886     AutoAdjustColumn(i)
11887 end;
11889 procedure TCustomStringGrid.Clean;
11890 begin
11891   Clean([gzNormal, gzFixedCols, gzFixedRows, gzFixedCells]);
11892 end;
11894 procedure TCustomStringGrid.Clean(CleanOptions: TGridZoneSet);
11895 begin
11896   Clean(0,0,ColCount-1,RowCount-1, CleanOptions);
11897 end;
11899 procedure TCustomStringGrid.Clean(aRect: TRect; CleanOptions: TGridZoneSet);
11900 begin
11901   with aRect do
11902     Clean(Left, Top, Right, Bottom, CleanOptions);
11903 end;
11905 procedure TCustomStringGrid.Clean(StartCol, StartRow, EndCol, EndRow: integer;
11906   CleanOptions: TGridZoneSet);
11907 var
11908   aCol: LongInt;
11909   aRow: LongInt;
11910 begin
11911   if StartCol>EndCol then SwapInt(StartCol,EndCol);
11912   if StartRow>EndRow then SwapInt(StartRow,EndRow);
11914   if StartCol<0 then StartCol:=0;
11915   if EndCol>ColCount-1 then EndCol:=ColCount-1;
11916   if StartRow<0 then StartRow:=0;
11917   if EndRow>RowCount-1 then EndRow:=RowCount-1;
11919   BeginUpdate;
11920   for aCol:=StartCol to EndCol do
11921     for aRow:= StartRow to EndRow do
11922       if (CleanOptions=[]) or (CellToGridZone(aCol,aRow) in CleanOptions) then
11923         Cells[aCol,aRow] := '';
11924   EndUpdate;
11925 end;
11927 procedure TCustomStringGrid.CopyToClipboard(AUseSelection: boolean = false);
11928 begin
11929   if AUseSelection then
11930     doCopyToClipboard
11931   else
11932     CopyCellRectToClipboard(Rect(0,0,ColCount-1,RowCount-1));
11933 end;
11935 procedure TCustomStringGrid.InsertRowWithValues(Index: Integer;
11936   Values: array of String);
11937 var
11938   i, OldRC, Diff: Integer;
11939 begin
11940   OldRC := RowCount;
11941   Diff := Length(Values) - ColCount;
11942   if Diff > 0 then
11943   begin
11944     if Columns.Enabled then
11945     begin
11946       for i := 1 to Diff do with Columns.Add do Title.Caption := '';
11947     end
11948     else
11949       ColCount := Length(Values);
11950   end;
11951   InsertColRow(false, Index);
11952   //if RowCount was 0, then setting ColCount restores RowCount (from FGridPropBackup)
11953   //which is unwanted here, so reset it (Issue #0026943)
11954   if (OldRc = 0) then RowCount := 1;
11955   for i := 0 to Length(Values)-1 do
11956     Cells[i, Index] := Values[i];
11957 end;
11959 procedure TCustomStringGrid.LoadFromCSVStream(AStream: TStream;
11960   ADelimiter: Char=','; UseTitles: boolean=true; FromLine: Integer=0;
11961   SkipEmptyLines: Boolean=true);
11962 var
11963   MaxCols: Integer = 0;
11964   MaxRows: Integer = 0;
11965   LineCounter: Integer = -1;
RowOffsetnull11967   function RowOffset: Integer;
11968   begin
11969     // return row offset of current CSV record (MaxRows) which is 1 based
11970     if UseTitles then
11971       result := Max(0, FixedRows-1) + Max(MaxRows-1, 0)
11972     else
11973       result := FixedRows + Max(MaxRows-1, 0);
11974   end;
11976   procedure NewRecord(Fields:TStringlist);
11977   var
11978     i, aRow, aIndex: Integer;
11979   begin
11980     inc(LineCounter);
11981     if (LineCounter < FromLine) then
11982       exit;
11984     if Fields.Count=0 then
11985       exit;
11987     if SkipEmptyLines and (Fields.Count=1) and (Fields[0]='') then
11988       exit;
11990     // make sure we have enough columns
11991     if MaxCols<Fields.Count then
11992       MaxCols := Fields.Count;
11993     if Columns.Enabled then begin
11994       while Columns.VisibleCount+FirstGridColumn>MaxCols do Columns.Delete(Columns.Count-1);
11995       while Columns.VisibleCount+FirstGridColumn<MaxCols do Columns.Add;
11996     end
11997     else begin
11998       if ColCount<MaxCols then
11999         ColCount := MaxCols;
12000     end;
12002     // setup columns captions if enabled by UseTitles
12003     if (MaxRows = 0) and UseTitles then begin
12004       for i:= 0 to Fields.Count-1 do begin
12005         if Columns.Enabled and (i>=FirstGridColumn) then begin
12006           aIndex := ColumnIndexFromGridColumn(i);
12007           if aIndex>=0 then
12008             Columns[aIndex].Title.Caption:=Fields[i];
12009         end else
12010           Cells[i, 0] := Fields[i]
12011       end;
12012       inc(MaxRows);
12013       exit;
12014     end;
12016     // Make sure we have enough rows
12017     Inc(MaxRows);
12018     aRow := RowOffset;
12019     if aRow>RowCount-1 then
12020       RowCount := aRow + 20;
12022     // Copy line data to cells
12023     for i:=0 to Fields.Count-1 do
12024       Cells[i, aRow] := Fields[i];
12025   end;
12027 begin
12028   BeginUpdate;
12029   try
12030     LCSVUtils.LoadFromCSVStream(AStream, @NewRecord, ADelimiter);
12032     // last row offset + 1 (offset is 0 based)
12033     RowCount := RowOffset + 1;
12035     if not Columns.Enabled then
12036       ColCount := MaxCols
12037     else
12038       while Columns.Count > MaxCols do
12039         Columns.Delete(Columns.Count-1);
12041   finally
12042     EndUpdate;
12043   end;
12044 end;
12046 procedure TCustomStringGrid.LoadFromCSVFile(AFilename: string;
12047   ADelimiter: Char=','; UseTitles: boolean=true; FromLine: Integer=0;
12048   SkipEmptyLines: Boolean=true);
12049 var
12050   TheStream: TFileStream;
12051 begin
12052   TheStream:=TFileStream.Create(AFileName,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
12053   try
12054     LoadFromCSVStream(TheStream, ADelimiter, UseTitles, FromLine, SkipEmptyLines);
12055   finally
12056     TheStream.Free;
12057   end;
12058 end;
12060 procedure TCustomStringGrid.SaveToCSVStream(AStream: TStream; ADelimiter: Char;
12061   WriteTitles: boolean=true; VisibleColumnsOnly: boolean=false);
12062 var
12063   i,j,StartRow: Integer;
12064   HeaderL, Lines: TStringList;
12065   C: TGridColumn;
12066 begin
12067   if (RowCount=0) or (ColCount=0) then
12068     exit;
12069   Lines := TStringList.Create;
12070   try
12071     if WriteTitles then begin
12072       if Columns.Enabled then begin
12073         if FixedRows>0 then begin
12074           HeaderL := TStringList.Create;
12075           try
12076             // Collect header column names to a temporary StringList
12077             for i := 0 to ColCount-1 do begin
12078               c := ColumnFromGridColumn(i);
12079               if (c <> nil) then begin
12080                 if c.Visible or not VisibleColumnsOnly then
12081                   HeaderL.Add(c.Title.Caption);
12082               end
12083               else
12084               if not VisibleColumnsOnly then
12085                 HeaderL.Add(Cells[i, 0]);
12086             end;
12087             HeaderL.Delimiter:=ADelimiter;
12088             Headerl.StrictDelimiter := False; //force quoting of strings that contain whitespace or Delimiter
12089             Lines.Add(HeaderL.DelimitedText); // Add as a first row in Lines
12090           finally
12091             HeaderL.Free;
12092           end;
12093         end;
12094         StartRow := FixedRows;
12095       end else
12096       if FixedRows>0 then
12097         StartRow := FixedRows-1
12098       else
12099         StartRow := 0;
12100     end else
12101       StartRow := FixedRows;
12102     for i:=StartRow to RowCount-1 do begin
12103       if Columns.Enabled and VisibleColumnsOnly then begin
12104         HeaderL := TStringList.Create;
12105         try
12106         for j := 0 to ColCount-1 do begin
12107           c := ColumnFromGridColumn(j);
12108           if c=nil then Continue;
12109           if c.Visible then
12110             HeaderL.Add(Cells[j,i]);
12111         end;
12112         HeaderL.Delimiter:=ADelimiter;
12113         HeaderL.StrictDelimiter := False; //force quoting of strings that contain whitespace or Delimiter
12114         Lines.Add(HeaderL.DelimitedText); // Add the row in Lines
12115         finally
12116           HeaderL.Free;
12117         end;
12118       end
12119       else
12120       begin
12121       Rows[i].StrictDelimiter := False; //force quoting of strings that contain whitespace or Delimiter
12122       Rows[i].Delimiter:=ADelimiter;
12123       Lines.Add(Rows[i].DelimitedText);
12124     end;
12125     end;
12126     Lines.SaveToStream(AStream);
12127   finally
12128     Lines.Free;
12129   end;
12130 end;
12132 procedure TCustomStringGrid.SaveToCSVFile(AFileName: string; ADelimiter: Char;
12133   WriteTitles: boolean=true; VisibleColumnsOnly: boolean=false);
12134 var
12135   TheStream: TFileStream;
12136 begin
12137   TheStream:=TFileStream.Create(AFileName,fmCreate);
12138   try
12139     SaveToCSVStream(TheStream, ADelimiter, WriteTitles, VisibleColumnsOnly);
12140   finally
12141     TheStream.Free;
12142   end;
12143 end;
12145 procedure Register;
12146 begin
12147   RegisterComponents('Additional',[TStringGrid,TDrawGrid]);
12148 end;
12151 { TGridColumnTitle }
12153 procedure TGridColumnTitle.WriteCaption(Writer: TWriter);
12154 var
12155   aStr: string;
12156   PropInfo: PPropInfo;
12157 begin
12158   if not FIsDefaultCaption then  aStr := FCaption
12159   else                           aStr := Caption;
12160   if Assigned(Writer.OnWriteStringProperty) then begin
12161     PropInfo := GetPropInfo(Self, 'Caption');
12162     Writer.OnWriteStringProperty(Writer, Self, PropInfo, aStr);
12163   end;
12164   Writer.WriteString(aStr);
12165 end;
12167 procedure TGridColumnTitle.FontChanged(Sender: TObject);
12168 begin
12169   FisDefaultTitleFont := False;
12170   FColumn.ColumnChanged;
12171 end;
GetAlignmentnull12173 function TGridColumnTitle.GetAlignment: TAlignment;
12174 begin
12175   if FAlignment = nil then
12176     result := GetDefaultAlignment
12177   else
12178     result := FAlignment^;
12179 end;
TGridColumnTitle.GetCaptionnull12181 function TGridColumnTitle.GetCaption: TCaption;
12182 begin
12183   if (FCaption = nil) and FIsDefaultCaption then
12184     result := GetDefaultCaption
12185   else
12186     result := FCaption;
12187 end;
GetColornull12189 function TGridColumnTitle.GetColor: TColor;
12190 begin
12191   if FColor = nil then
12192     result := GetDefaultColor
12193   else
12194     result := FColor^;
12195 end;
12197 procedure TGridColumnTitle.FillTitleDefaultFont;
12198 var
12199   AGrid: TCustomGrid;
12200 begin
12201   AGrid :=  FColumn.Grid;
12202   if AGrid<>nil then
12203     FFont.Assign( AGrid.TitleFont )
12204   else
12205     FFont.Assign( FColumn.Font );
12206   FIsDefaultTitleFont := True;
12207 end;
12209 procedure TGridColumnTitle.FixDesignFontsPPI(const ADesignTimePPI: Integer);
12210 var
12211   LIsDefaultTitleFont: Boolean;
12212 begin
12213   LIsDefaultTitleFont := FIsDefaultTitleFont;
12214   FColumn.Grid.DoFixDesignFontPPI(Font, ADesignTimePPI);
12215   FIsDefaultTitleFont := LIsDefaultTitleFont;
12216 end;
GetFontnull12218 function TGridColumnTitle.GetFont: TFont;
12219 begin
12220   Result := FFont;
12221 end;
GetLayoutnull12223 function TGridColumnTitle.GetLayout: TTextLayout;
12224 begin
12225   if FLayout = nil then
12226     result := GetDefaultLayout
12227   else
12228     result := FLayout^;
12229 end;
IsAlignmentStorednull12231 function TGridColumnTitle.IsAlignmentStored: boolean;
12232 begin
12233   result := FAlignment <> nil;
12234 end;
IsCaptionStorednull12236 function TGridColumnTitle.IsCaptionStored: boolean;
12237 begin
12238   result := false;
12239 end;
IsColorStorednull12241 function TGridColumnTitle.IsColorStored: boolean;
12242 begin
12243   result := FColor <> nil;
12244 end;
TGridColumnTitle.IsFontStorednull12246 function TGridColumnTitle.IsFontStored: boolean;
12247 begin
12248   result := not IsDefaultFont;
12249 end;
IsLayoutStorednull12251 function TGridColumnTitle.IsLayoutStored: boolean;
12252 begin
12253   result := FLayout <> nil;
12254 end;
12256 procedure TGridColumnTitle.ScaleFontsPPI(const AToPPI: Integer; const AProportion: Double);
12257 var
12258   LIsDefaultTitleFont: Boolean;
12259 begin
12260   LIsDefaultTitleFont := FIsDefaultTitleFont;
12261   FColumn.Grid.DoScaleFontPPI(Font, AToPPI, AProportion);
12262   FIsDefaultTitleFont := LIsDefaultTitleFont;
12263 end;
12265 procedure TGridColumnTitle.SetAlignment(const AValue: TAlignment);
12266 begin
12267   if Falignment = nil then begin
12268     if AValue = GetDefaultAlignment then
12269       exit;
12270     New(Falignment)
12271   end else if FAlignment^ = AValue then
12272     exit;
12273   FAlignment^ := AValue;
12274   FColumn.ColumnChanged;
12275 end;
12277 procedure TGridColumnTitle.SetCaption(const AValue: TCaption);
12278 begin
12279   if (FCaption=nil)or(AValue<>StrPas(FCaption)) then begin
12280     if FCaption<>nil then
12281       StrDispose(FCaption);
12282     FCaption := StrNew(PChar(AValue));
12283     FIsDefaultCaption := false;
12284     FColumn.ColumnChanged;
12285   end;
12286 end;
12288 procedure TGridColumnTitle.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
12289 begin
12290   inherited DefineProperties(Filer);
12291   Filer.DefineProperty('Caption',  nil,  @WriteCaption, true);
12292 end;
12294 procedure TGridColumnTitle.SetColor(const AValue: TColor);
12295 begin
12296   if FColor=nil then begin
12297     if AValue = GetDefaultColor then
12298       exit;
12299     New(FColor)
12300   end else if FColor^=AValue then
12301     exit;
12302   FColor^ := AValue;
12303   FColumn.ColumnChanged;
12304 end;
12306 procedure TGridColumnTitle.SetFont(const AValue: TFont);
12307 begin
12308   if not FFont.IsEqual(AValue) then
12309     FFont.Assign(AValue);
12310 end;
12312 procedure TGridColumnTitle.SetImageIndex(const AValue: TImageIndex);
12313 begin
12314   if FImageIndex = AValue then exit;
12315   FImageIndex := AValue;
12316   FColumn.ColumnChanged;
12317 end;
12319 procedure TGridColumnTitle.SetImageLayout(const AValue: TButtonLayout);
12320 begin
12321   if FImageLayout = AValue then exit;
12322   FImageLayout := AValue;
12323   FColumn.ColumnChanged;
12324 end;
12326 procedure TGridColumnTitle.SetLayout(const AValue: TTextLayout);
12327 begin
12328   if FLayout = nil then begin
12329     if AValue = GetDefaultLayout then
12330       exit;
12331     New(FLayout)
12332   end else if FLayout^ = AValue then
12333     exit;
12334   FLayout^ := AValue;
12335   FColumn.ColumnChanged;
12336 end;
12338 procedure TGridColumnTitle.SetMultiLine(const AValue: Boolean);
12339 begin
12340   if FMultiLine = AValue then exit;
12341   FMultiLine := AValue;
12342   FColumn.ColumnChanged;
12343 end;
12345 procedure TGridColumnTitle.SetPrefixOption(const AValue: TPrefixOption);
12346 begin
12347   if FPrefixOption=AValue then exit;
12348   FPrefixOption:=AValue;
12349   FColumn.ColumnChanged;
12350 end;
12352 procedure TGridColumnTitle.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
12353 begin
12354   if Source is TGridColumnTitle then begin
12355     Alignment := TGridColumnTitle(Source).Alignment;
12356     Layout := TGridColumnTitle(Source).Layout;
12357     Caption := TGridColumnTitle(Source).Caption;
12358     Color := TGridColumnTitle(Source).Color;
12359     Font := TGridColumnTitle(Source).Font;
12360     ImageIndex := TGridColumnTitle(Source).ImageIndex;
12361   end else
12362     inherited Assign(Source);
12363 end;
TGridColumnTitle.GetDefaultCaptionnull12365 function TGridColumnTitle.GetDefaultCaption: string;
12366 begin
12367   Result := 'Title'
12368 end;
TGridColumnTitle.GetDefaultAlignmentnull12370 function TGridColumnTitle.GetDefaultAlignment: TAlignment;
12371 begin
12372   result := taLeftJustify
12373 end;
TGridColumnTitle.GetDefaultColornull12375 function TGridColumnTitle.GetDefaultColor: TColor;
12376 begin
12377   if FColumn.Grid <> nil then
12378     result := FColumn.Grid.FixedColor
12379   else
12380     result := clBtnFace
12381 end;
GetDefaultLayoutnull12383 function TGridColumnTitle.GetDefaultLayout: TTextLayout;
12384 begin
12385   result := tlCenter
12386 end;
TGridColumnTitle.GetOwnernull12388 function TGridColumnTitle.GetOwner: TPersistent;
12389 begin
12390   Result := FColumn;
12391 end;
12393 constructor TGridColumnTitle.Create(TheColumn: TGridColumn);
12394 begin
12395   inherited Create;
12396   FColumn := TheColumn;
12397   FIsDefaultTitleFont := True;
12398   FFont := TFont.Create;
12399   FillTitleDefaultFont;
12400   FFont.OnChange := @FontChanged;
12401   FImageIndex := -1;
12402   FImageLayout := blGlyphRight;
12403   FIsDefaultCaption := true;
12404 end;
12406 destructor TGridColumnTitle.Destroy;
12407 begin
12408   if FFont<>nil then FFont.Free;
12409   if FAlignment<>nil then Dispose(FAlignment);
12410   if FColor<>nil then Dispose(FColor);
12411   if FCaption<>nil then StrDispose(FCaption); //DisposeStr(FCaption);
12412   if FLayout<>nil then Dispose(FLayout);
12413   inherited Destroy;
12414 end;
IsDefaultnull12416 function TGridColumnTitle.IsDefault: boolean;
12417 begin
12418   Result :=  (FAlignment = nil) and (FColor = nil) and (FCaption = nil) and
12419     IsDefaultFont and (FLayout = nil) and
12420     (FImageIndex = 0) and (FImageLayout = blGlyphRight);
12421 end;
12423 { TGridColumn }
12425 procedure TGridColumn.FontChanged(Sender: TObject);
12426 begin
12427   FisDefaultFont := False;
12428   ColumnChanged;
12429 end;
TGridColumn.GetAlignmentnull12431 function TGridColumn.GetAlignment: TAlignment;
12432 begin
12433   if FAlignment=nil then
12434     Result := GetDefaultAlignment
12435   else
12436     Result := FAlignment^;
12437 end;
GetColornull12439 function TGridColumn.GetColor: TColor;
12440 begin
12441   if FColor=nil then
12442     result := GetDefaultColor
12443   else
12444     result := FColor^
12445 end;
GetExpandednull12447 function TGridColumn.GetExpanded: Boolean;
12448 begin
12449   result := True;
12450 end;
GetFontnull12452 function TGridColumn.GetFont: TFont;
12453 begin
12454   result := FFont;
12455 end;
GetGridnull12457 function TGridColumn.GetGrid: TCustomGrid;
12458 begin
12459   if Collection is TGridColumns then
12460     result := (Collection as TGridColumns).Grid
12461   else
12462     result := nil;
12463 end;
GetLayoutnull12465 function TGridColumn.GetLayout: TTextLayout;
12466 begin
12467   if FLayout=nil then
12468     result := GetDefaultLayout
12469   else
12470     result := FLayout^;
12471 end;
GetMaxSizenull12473 function TGridColumn.GetMaxSize: Integer;
12474 begin
12475   if FMaxSize=nil then
12476     result := GetDefaultMaxSize
12477   else
12478     result := FMaxSize^;
12479 end;
TGridColumn.GetMinSizenull12481 function TGridColumn.GetMinSize: Integer;
12482 begin
12483   if FMinSize=nil then
12484     result := GetDefaultMinSize
12485   else
12486     result := FMinSize^;
12487 end;
TGridColumn.GetSizePrioritynull12489 function TGridColumn.GetSizePriority: Integer;
12490 begin
12491   if not Visible then
12492     result := 0
12493   else
12494   if FSizePriority=nil then
12495     result := GetDefaultSizePriority
12496   else
12497     result := FSizePriority^;
12498 end;
TGridColumn.GetPickListnull12500 function TGridColumn.GetPickList: TStrings;
12501 begin
12502   Result := FPickList;
12503 end;
GetReadOnlynull12505 function TGridColumn.GetReadOnly: Boolean;
12506 begin
12507   if FReadOnly=nil then
12508     result := GetDefaultReadOnly
12509   else
12510     result := FReadOnly^;
12511 end;
TGridColumn.GetStoredWidthnull12513 function TGridColumn.GetStoredWidth: Integer;
12514 begin
12515   if FWidth=nil then
12516     result := -1
12517   else
12518     result := FWidth^;
12519 end;
GetValueCheckednull12521 function TGridColumn.GetValueChecked: string;
12522 begin
12523   if FValueChecked = nil then
12524     Result := GetDefaultValueChecked
12525   else
12526     Result := FValueChecked;
12527 end;
GetValueUncheckednull12529 function TGridColumn.GetValueUnchecked: string;
12530 begin
12531   if FValueUnChecked = nil then
12532     Result := GetDefaultValueUnChecked
12533   else
12534     Result := FValueUnChecked;
12535 end;
GetVisiblenull12537 function TGridColumn.GetVisible: Boolean;
12538 begin
12539   if FVisible=nil then begin
12540     result := GetDefaultVisible;
12541   end else
12542     result := FVisible^;
12543 end;
GetWidthnull12545 function TGridColumn.GetWidth: Integer;
12546 var
12547   tmpGrid: TCustomGrid;
12548 begin
12549   {$ifdef newcols}
12550   if not Visible then
12551     exit(0);
12552   {$endif}
12553   if FWidth=nil then
12554     result := GetDefaultWidth
12555   else
12556     result := FWidth^;
12557   if (result<0) then
12558   begin
12559     tmpGrid := Grid;
12560     if tmpGrid<>nil then
12561       result := tmpGrid.DefaultColWidth;
12562   end;
12563 end;
IsAlignmentStorednull12565 function TGridColumn.IsAlignmentStored: boolean;
12566 begin
12567   result := FAlignment <> nil;
12568 end;
IsColorStorednull12570 function TGridColumn.IsColorStored: boolean;
12571 begin
12572   result := FColor <> nil;
12573 end;
TGridColumn.IsFontStorednull12575 function TGridColumn.IsFontStored: boolean;
12576 begin
12577   result := not FisDefaultFont;
12578 end;
IsLayoutStorednull12580 function TGridColumn.IsLayoutStored: boolean;
12581 begin
12582   result := FLayout <> nil;
12583 end;
IsMinSizeStorednull12585 function TGridColumn.IsMinSizeStored: boolean;
12586 begin
12587   result := FMinSize <> nil;
12588 end;
IsMaxSizeStorednull12590 function TGridColumn.IsMaxSizeStored: boolean;
12591 begin
12592   result := FMaxSize <> nil;
12593 end;
IsReadOnlyStorednull12595 function TGridColumn.IsReadOnlyStored: boolean;
12596 begin
12597   result := FReadOnly <> nil;
12598 end;
TGridColumn.IsSizePriorityStorednull12600 function TGridColumn.IsSizePriorityStored: boolean;
12601 begin
12602   result := FSizePriority <> nil;
12603 end;
IsValueCheckedStorednull12605 function TGridColumn.IsValueCheckedStored: boolean;
12606 begin
12607   result := FValueChecked <> nil;
12608 end;
IsValueUncheckedStorednull12610 function TGridColumn.IsValueUncheckedStored: boolean;
12611 begin
12612   Result := FValueUnchecked <> nil;
12613 end;
TGridColumn.IsVisibleStorednull12615 function TGridColumn.IsVisibleStored: boolean;
12616 begin
12617   result := (FVisible<>nil) and not FVisible^;
12618 end;
TGridColumn.IsWidthStorednull12620 function TGridColumn.IsWidthStored: boolean;
12621 begin
12622   result := FWidth <> nil;
12623 end;
12625 procedure TGridColumn.ScaleFontsPPI(const AToPPI: Integer; const AProportion: Double);
12626 var
12627   LisDefaultFont: Boolean;
12628 begin
12629   LisDefaultFont := FisDefaultFont;
12630   Grid.DoScaleFontPPI(Font, AToPPI, AProportion);
12631   FisDefaultFont := LisDefaultFont;
12632   Title.ScaleFontsPPI(AToPPI, AProportion);
12633 end;
12635 procedure TGridColumn.SetAlignment(const AValue: TAlignment);
12636 begin
12637   if FAlignment = nil then begin
12638     if AValue=GetDefaultAlignment then
12639       exit;
12640     New(FAlignment);
12641   end else if FAlignment^ = AValue then
12642     exit;
12643   FAlignment^ := AValue;
12644   ColumnChanged;
12645 end;
12647 procedure TGridColumn.SetButtonStyle(const AValue: TColumnButtonStyle);
12648 begin
12649   if FButtonStyle=AValue then exit;
12650   FButtonStyle:=AValue;
12651   ColumnChanged;
12652 end;
12654 procedure TGridColumn.SetColor(const AValue: TColor);
12655 begin
12656   if FColor = nil then begin
12657     if AValue=GetDefaultColor then
12658       exit;
12659     New(FColor)
12660   end else if FColor^ = AValue then
12661    exit;
12662   FColor^ := AValue;
12663   ColumnChanged;
12664 end;
12666 procedure TGridColumn.SetExpanded(const AValue: Boolean);
12667 begin
12668   //todo
12669 end;
12671 procedure TGridColumn.SetFont(const AValue: TFont);
12672 begin
12673   if not FFont.IsEqual(AValue) then
12674     FFont.Assign(AValue);
12675 end;
12677 procedure TGridColumn.SetLayout(const AValue: TTextLayout);
12678 begin
12679   if FLayout = nil then begin
12680     if AValue=GetDefaultLayout then
12681       exit;
12682     New(FLayout)
12683   end else if FLayout^ = AValue then
12684     exit;
12685   FLayout^ := AValue;
12686   ColumnChanged;
12687 end;
12689 procedure TGridColumn.SetMaxSize(const AValue: Integer);
12690 begin
12691   if FMaxSize = nil then begin
12692     if AValue = GetDefaultMaxSize then
12693       exit;
12694     New(FMaxSize)
12695   end else if FMaxSize^ = AVAlue then
12696     exit;
12697   FMaxSize^ := AValue;
12698   ColumnChanged;
12699 end;
12701 procedure TGridColumn.SetMinSize(const Avalue: Integer);
12702 begin
12703   if FMinSize = nil then begin
12704     if AValue = GetDefaultMinSize then
12705       exit;
12706     New(FMinSize)
12707   end else if FMinSize^ = AVAlue then
12708     exit;
12709   FMinSize^ := AValue;
12710   ColumnChanged;
12711 end;
12713 procedure TGridColumn.SetPickList(const AValue: TStrings);
12714 begin
12715   if AValue=nil then
12716     FPickList.Clear
12717   else
12718     FPickList.Assign(AValue);
12719 end;
12721 procedure TGridColumn.SetReadOnly(const AValue: Boolean);
12722 begin
12723   if FReadOnly = nil then begin
12724     if AValue = GetDefaultReadOnly then
12725       exit;
12726     New(FReadOnly)
12727   end else if FReadOnly^ = AValue then
12728     exit;
12729   FReadOnly^ := Avalue;
12730   ColumnChanged;
12731 end;
12733 procedure TGridColumn.SetSizePriority(const AValue: Integer);
12734 begin
12735   if FSizePriority = nil then begin
12736     if AValue = GetDefaultSizePriority then
12737       exit;
12738     New(FSizePriority)
12739   end else if FSizePriority^ = AVAlue then
12740     exit;
12741   FSizePriority^ := AValue;
12742   ColumnChanged;
12743 end;
12745 procedure TGridColumn.SetTitle(const AValue: TGridColumnTitle);
12746 begin
12747   FTitle.Assign(AValue);
12748 end;
12750 procedure TGridColumn.SetValueChecked(const AValue: string);
12751 begin
12752   if (FValueChecked=nil)or(CompareText(AValue, FValueChecked)<>0) then begin
12753     if FValueChecked<>nil then
12754       StrDispose(FValueChecked)
12755     else
12756     if CompareText(AValue, GetDefaultValueChecked)=0 then
12757       exit;
12758     FValueChecked := StrNew(PChar(AValue));
12759     Changed(False);
12760   end;
12761 end;
12763 procedure TGridColumn.SetValueUnchecked(const AValue: string);
12764 begin
12765   if (FValueUnchecked=nil)or(CompareText(AValue, FValueUnchecked)<>0) then begin
12766     if FValueUnchecked<>nil then
12767       StrDispose(FValueUnchecked)
12768     else
12769       if CompareText(AValue, GetDefaultValueUnchecked)=0 then
12770         exit;
12771     FValueUnchecked := StrNew(PChar(AValue));
12772     Changed(False);
12773   end;
12774 end;
12776 procedure TGridColumn.SetVisible(const AValue: Boolean);
12777 begin
12778   if FVisible = nil then begin
12779     if AValue=GetDefaultVisible then
12780       exit;
12781     New(FVisible)
12782   end else if FVisible^ = AValue then
12783     exit;
12784   FVisible^ := AValue;
12785   AllColumnsChange;
12786 end;
12788 procedure TGridColumn.SetWidth(const AValue: Integer);
12789 begin
12790   if (AValue=0) and not Visible then
12791     exit;
12792   if AValue>=0 then begin
12793     if FWidth = nil then begin
12794       New(FWidth)
12795     end else if FWidth^ = AVAlue then
12796       exit;
12797     FWidth^ := AValue;
12798   end else begin
12799     // negative value is handed over - dispose FWidth to use DefaultWidth
12800     if FWidth <> nil then begin
12801       Dispose(FWidth);
12802       FWidth := nil;
12803     end else
12804       exit;
12805   end;
12806   FWidthChanged:=true;
12807   ColumnChanged;
12808 end;
GetDefaultReadOnlynull12810 function TGridColumn.GetDefaultReadOnly: boolean;
12811 begin
12812   result := false;
12813 end;
GetDefaultLayoutnull12815 function TGridColumn.GetDefaultLayout: TTextLayout;
12816 begin
12817   result := tlCenter
12818 end;
GetDefaultVisiblenull12820 function TGridColumn.GetDefaultVisible: boolean;
12821 begin
12822   Result := True;
12823 end;
GetDefaultValueCheckednull12825 function TGridColumn.GetDefaultValueChecked: string;
12826 begin
12827   result := '1';
12828 end;
TGridColumn.GetDefaultValueUncheckednull12830 function TGridColumn.GetDefaultValueUnchecked: string;
12831 begin
12832   result := '0';
12833 end;
GetDefaultWidthnull12835 function TGridColumn.GetDefaultWidth: Integer;
12836 var
12837   tmpGrid: TCustomGrid;
12838 begin
12839   tmpGrid := Grid;
12840   if tmpGrid<>nil then
12841     result := tmpGrid.DefaultColWidth
12842   else
12843     result := -1;
12844 end;
TGridColumn.GetDefaultMaxSizenull12846 function TGridColumn.GetDefaultMaxSize: Integer;
12847 begin
12848   // get a better default
12849   Result := 200;
12850 end;
GetDefaultMinSizenull12852 function TGridColumn.GetDefaultMinSize: Integer;
12853 begin
12854   // get a better default
12855   result := 10;
12856 end;
TGridColumn.GetDefaultColornull12858 function TGridColumn.GetDefaultColor: TColor;
12859 var
12860   TmpGrid: TCustomGrid;
12861 begin
12862   TmpGrid := Grid;
12863   if TmpGrid<>nil then
12864     result := TmpGrid.Color
12865   else
12866     result := clWindow
12867 end;
TGridColumn.GetDefaultSizePrioritynull12869 function TGridColumn.GetDefaultSizePriority: Integer;
12870 begin
12871   Result := 1;
12872 end;
12874 procedure TGridColumn.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
12875 begin
12876   if Source is TGridColumn then begin
12877     //DebugLn('Assigning TGridColumn[',dbgs(Index),'] a TgridColumn')
12878     Collection.BeginUpdate;
12879     try
12880       Alignment := TGridColumn(Source).Alignment;
12881       ButtonStyle := TGridColumn(Source).ButtonStyle;
12882       Color := TGridColumn(Source).Color;
12883       DropDownRows := TGridColumn(Source).DropDownRows;
12884       //Expanded := TGridColumn(Source).Expanded; //todo
12885       Font := TGridColumn(Source).Font;
12886       Layout := TGridColumn(Source).Layout;
12887       MinSize := TGridColumn(Source).MinSize;
12888       MaxSize := TGridColumn(Source).MaxSize;
12889       PickList := TGridColumn(Source).PickList;
12890       ReadOnly := TGridColumn(Source).ReadOnly;
12891       SizePriority := TGridColumn(Source).SizePriority;
12892       Title := TGridColumn(Source).Title;
12893       Width := TGridCOlumn(Source).Width;
12894       Visible := TGridColumn(Source).Visible;
12895     finally
12896       Collection.EndUpdate;
12897     end;
12898   end else
12899     inherited Assign(Source);
12900 end;
TGridColumn.GetDisplayNamenull12902 function TGridColumn.GetDisplayName: string;
12903 begin
12904   if Title.Caption<>'' then
12905     Result := Title.Caption
12906   else
12907     Result := 'GridColumn';
12908 end;
GetDefaultAlignmentnull12910 function TGridColumn.GetDefaultAlignment: TAlignment;
12911 begin
12912   if ButtonStyle in [cbsCheckboxColumn,cbsButtonColumn] then
12913     result := taCenter
12914   else
12915     result := taLeftJustify;
12916 end;
12918 procedure TGridColumn.ColumnChanged;
12919 begin
12920   Changed(False);
12921   FWidthChanged := False;
12922 end;
12924 procedure TGridColumn.AllColumnsChange;
12925 begin
12926   Changed(True);
12927   FWidthChanged := False;
12928 end;
CreateTitlenull12930 function TGridColumn.CreateTitle: TGridColumnTitle;
12931 begin
12932   result := TGridColumnTitle.Create(Self);
12933 end;
12935 procedure TGridColumn.SetIndex(Value: Integer);
12936 var
12937   AGrid: TCustomGrid;
12938   CurCol,DstCol: Integer;
12939 begin
12940   AGrid := Grid;
12941   if (Value<>Index) and (AGrid<>nil) then begin
12942     // move grid content
12943     CurCol := Grid.GridColumnFromColumnIndex(Index);
12944     DstCol := Grid.GridColumnFromColumnIndex(Value);
12945     if (CurCol>=0) and (DstCol>=0) then begin
12946       AGrid.GridFlags:=AGrid.GridFlags + [gfColumnsLocked];
12947       AGrid.DoOPMoveColRow(true, CurCol, DstCol);
12948       AGrid.GridFlags:=AGrid.GridFlags - [gfColumnsLocked];
12949     end;
12950   end;
12951   // move column item index
12952   inherited SetIndex(Value);
12953 end;
12955 constructor TGridColumn.Create(ACollection: TCollection);
12956 begin
12957   inherited Create(ACollection);
12958   FTitle := CreateTitle;
12960   FIsDefaultFont := True;
12961   FFont := TFont.Create;
12962   FillDefaultFont;
12963   FFont.OnChange := @FontChanged;
12965   FPickList:= TStringList.Create;
12966   FButtonStyle := cbsAuto;
12967   FDropDownRows := 7;
12968 end;
12970 destructor TGridColumn.Destroy;
12971 begin
12972   if FAlignment<>nil then Dispose(FAlignment);
12973   if FColor<>nil then Dispose(FColor);
12974   if FVisible<>nil then Dispose(FVisible);
12975   if FReadOnly<>nil then Dispose(FReadOnly);
12976   if FWidth<>nil then Dispose(FWidth);
12977   if FLayout<>nil then Dispose(FLayout);
12978   if FMaxSize<>nil then Dispose(FMaxSize);
12979   if FMinSize<>nil then Dispose(FMinSize);
12980   if FSizePriority<>nil then Dispose(FSizePriority);
12981   if FValueChecked<>nil then StrDispose(FValueChecked);
12982   if FValueUnchecked<>nil then StrDispose(FValueUnchecked);
12984   FreeThenNil(FPickList);
12985   FreeThenNil(FFont);
12986   FreeThenNil(FTitle);
12987   inherited Destroy;
12988 end;
12990 procedure TGridColumn.FillDefaultFont;
12991 var
12992   AGrid: TCustomGrid;
12993 begin
12994   AGrid := Grid;
12995   if (AGrid<>nil) then begin
12996     FFont.Assign(AGrid.Font);
12997     FIsDefaultFont := True;
12998   end;
12999 end;
13001 procedure TGridColumn.FixDesignFontsPPI(const ADesignTimePPI: Integer);
13002 var
13003   LisDefaultFont: Boolean;
13004 begin
13005   LisDefaultFont := FisDefaultFont;
13006   Grid.DoFixDesignFontPPI(Font, ADesignTimePPI);
13007   FisDefaultFont := LisDefaultFont;
13008   Title.FixDesignFontsPPI(ADesignTimePPI);
13009 end;
IsDefaultnull13011 function TGridColumn.IsDefault: boolean;
13012 begin
13013   result := FTitle.IsDefault and (FAlignment=nil) and (FColor=nil)
13014     and (FVisible=nil) and (FReadOnly=nil) and (FWidth=nil) and FIsDefaultFont
13015     and (FLayout=nil) and (FMaxSize=nil) and (FMinSize=nil)
13016     and (FSizePriority=nil);
13017 end;
13019 { TGridColumns }
GetColumnnull13021 function TGridColumns.GetColumn(Index: Integer): TGridColumn;
13022 begin
13023   result := TGridColumn( inherited Items[Index] );
13024 end;
GetEnablednull13026 function TGridColumns.GetEnabled: Boolean;
13027 begin
13028   result := VisibleCount > 0;
13029 end;
13031 procedure TGridColumns.SetColumn(Index: Integer; Value: TGridColumn);
13032 begin
13033   Items[Index].Assign( Value );
13034 end;
GetVisibleCountnull13036 function TGridColumns.GetVisibleCount: Integer;
13037 {$ifNdef newcols}
13038 var
13039   i: Integer;
13040 {$endif}
13041 begin
13042   {$ifdef newcols}
13043   result := Count;
13044   {$else}
13045   result := 0;
13046   for i:=0 to Count-1 do
13047     if Items[i].Visible then
13048       inc(result);
13049   {$endif}
13050 end;
GetOwnernull13052 function TGridColumns.GetOwner: TPersistent;
13053 begin
13054   Result := FGrid;
13055 end;
13057 procedure TGridColumns.Update(Item: TCollectionItem);
13058 begin
13059   //if (FGrid<>nil) and not (csLoading in FGrid.ComponentState) then
13060     FGrid.ColumnsChanged(TGridColumn(Item));
13061 end;
13063 procedure TGridColumns.TitleFontChanged;
13064 var
13065   c: TGridColumn;
13066   i: Integer;
13067 begin
13068   for i:=0 to Count-1 do begin
13069     c := Items[i];
13070     if (c<>nil)and(c.Title.IsDefaultFont) then begin
13071       c.Title.FillTitleDefaultFont;
13072     end;
13073   end;
13074 end;
13076 procedure TGridColumns.FontChanged;
13077 var
13078   c: TGridColumn;
13079   i: Integer;
13080 begin
13081   for i:=0 to Count-1 do begin
13082     c := Items[i];
13083     if (c<>nil)and(c.IsDefaultFont) then begin
13084       c.FillDefaultFont;
13085     end;
13086   end;
13087 end;
13089 procedure TGridColumns.RemoveColumn(Index: Integer);
13090 begin
13091   if HasIndex(Index) then
13092     Delete(Index)
13093   else
13094     raise Exception.Create('Index out of range')
13095 end;
13097 procedure TGridColumns.MoveColumn(FromIndex, ToIndex: Integer);
13098 begin
13099   if HasIndex(FromIndex) then
13100     if HasIndex(ToIndex) then
13101       Items[FromIndex].Index := ToIndex
13102     else
13103       raise Exception.Create('ToIndex out of range')
13104   else
13105     raise Exception.Create('FromIndex out of range')
13106 end;
13108 procedure TGridColumns.ExchangeColumn(Index, WithIndex: Integer);
13109 begin
13110   if HasIndex(Index) then
13111     if HasIndex(WithIndex) then begin
13112       BeginUpdate;
13113       Items[WithIndex].Index := Index;
13114       Items[Index+1].Index := WithIndex;
13115       EndUpdate;
13116     end else
13117       raise Exception.Create('WithIndex out of range')
13118   else
13119     raise Exception.Create('Index out of range')
13120 end;
13122 procedure TGridColumns.InsertColumn(Index: Integer);
13123 begin
13124   FGrid.BeginUpdate;
13125   Add;
13126   MoveColumn(Count-1, Index);
13127   FGrid.EndUpdate;
13128 end;
13130 constructor TGridColumns.Create(AGrid: TCustomGrid;
13131   aItemClass: TCollectionItemClass);
13132 begin
13133   inherited Create( aItemClass );
13134   FGrid := AGrid;
13135 end;
Addnull13137 function TGridColumns.Add: TGridColumn;
13138 begin
13139   result := TGridColumn( inherited add );
13140 end;
13142 procedure TGridColumns.Clear;
13143 begin
13144   BeginUpdate;
13145   inherited Clear;
13146   EndUpdate
13147 end;
TGridColumns.ColumnByTitlenull13149 function TGridColumns.ColumnByTitle(const aTitle: string): TGridColumn;
13150 var
13151   i: Integer;
13152 begin
13153   result := nil;
13154   for i:=0 to Count-1 do
13155     if SameText(Items[i].Title.Caption, aTitle) then begin
13156       result := Items[i];
13157       break;
13158     end;
13159 end;
RealIndexnull13161 function TGridColumns.RealIndex(Index: Integer): Integer;
13162 {$ifNdef NewCols}
13163 var
13164   i: Integer;
13165 {$endif}
13166 begin
13167   {$ifdef NewCols}
13168   if Index>Count-1 then
13169     result := -1
13170   else
13171     result := Index;
13172   {$else}
13173   result := -1;
13174   if Index>=0 then
13175     for i:=0 to Count-1 do begin
13176       if Items[i].Visible then begin
13177         Dec(index);
13178         if Index<0 then begin
13179           result := i;
13180           exit;
13181         end;
13182       end;
13183     end;
13184   {$endif}
13185 end;
IndexOfnull13187 function TGridColumns.IndexOf(Column: TGridColumn): Integer;
13188 var
13189   i: Integer;
13190 begin
13191   result := -1;
13192   for i:=0 to Count-1 do
13193     if Items[i]=Column then begin
13194       result := i;
13195       break;
13196     end;
13197 end;
IsDefaultnull13199 function TGridColumns.IsDefault: boolean;
13200 var
13201   i: Integer;
13202 begin
13203   result := True;
13204   for i:=0 to Count-1 do
13205     result := Result and Items[i].IsDefault;
13206 end;
TGridColumns.HasIndexnull13208 function TGridColumns.HasIndex(Index: Integer): boolean;
13209 begin
13210   result := (index>-1)and(index<count);
13211 end;
VisibleIndexnull13213 function TGridColumns.VisibleIndex(Index: Integer): Integer;
13214 var
13215   i: Integer;
13216 begin
13217   result := -1;
13218   if HasIndex(Index) and Items[Index].Visible then
13219     for i:=0 to Index do
13220       if Items[i].Visible then
13221         inc(result);
13222 end;
13224 { TButtonCellEditor }
13226 procedure TButtonCellEditor.msg_SetGrid(var Msg: TGridMessage);
13227 begin
13228   FGrid:=Msg.Grid;
13230 end;
13232 procedure TButtonCellEditor.msg_SetBounds(var Msg: TGridMessage);
13233 var
13234   r: TRect;
13235 begin
13236   r := Msg.CellRect;
13237   FGrid.AdjustInnerCellRect(r);
13238   if r.Right-r.Left>DEFBUTTONWIDTH then
13239     r.Left:=r.Right-DEFBUTTONWIDTH;
13240   SetBounds(r.Left, r.Top, r.Right-r.Left, r.Bottom-r.Top);
13241 end;
13243 procedure TButtonCellEditor.msg_SetPos(var Msg: TGridMessage);
13244 begin
13245   FCol := Msg.Col;
13246   FRow := Msg.Row;
13247 end;
13249 procedure TButtonCellEditor.msg_Ready(var Msg: TGridMessage);
13250 begin
13251   Width := DEFBUTTONWIDTH;
13252 end;
13254 procedure TButtonCellEditor.msg_GetGrid(var Msg: TGridMessage);
13255 begin
13256   Msg.Grid := FGrid;
13257   Msg.Options:= EO_IMPLEMENTED;
13258 end;
13260 { TPickListCellEditor }
13261 procedure TPickListCellEditor.WndProc(var TheMessage: TLMessage);
13262 begin
13263   {$IfDef GridTraceMsg}
13264   TransMsg('PicklistEditor: ', TheMessage);
13265   {$Endif}
13266   if TheMessage.msg=LM_KILLFOCUS then begin
13267     if HWND(TheMessage.WParam) = HWND(Handle) then begin
13268       // lost the focus but it returns to ourselves
13269       // eat the message.
13270       TheMessage.Result := 0;
13271       exit;
13272     end;
13273   end;
13274   inherited WndProc(TheMessage);
13275 end;
13277 procedure TPickListCellEditor.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
AllSelectednull13278   function AllSelected: boolean;
13279   begin
13280     result := (SelLength>0) and (SelLength=Length(Text));
13281   end;
AtStartnull13282   function AtStart: Boolean;
13283   begin
13284     Result:= (SelStart=0);
13285   end;
AtEndnull13286   function AtEnd: Boolean;
13287   begin
13288     result := ((SelStart+1)>Length(Text)) or AllSelected;
13289   end;
13290   procedure doEditorKeyDown;
13291   begin
13292     if FGrid<>nil then
13293       FGrid.EditorkeyDown(Self, key, shift);
13294   end;
13295   procedure doGridKeyDown;
13296   begin
13297     if FGrid<>nil then
13298       FGrid.KeyDown(Key, shift);
13299   end;
GetFastEntrynull13300   function GetFastEntry: boolean;
13301   begin
13302     if FGrid<>nil then
13303       Result := FGrid.FastEditing
13304     else
13305       Result := False;
13306   end;
13307   procedure CheckEditingKey;
13308   begin
13309     // if editor is not readonly, start editing
13310     // else not interested
13311     if (FGrid=nil) or FGrid.EditorIsReadOnly then
13312       Key := 0;
13313   end;
13314 var
13315   IntSel: boolean;
13316 begin
13317   {$IfDef dbgGrid}
13318   DebugLn('TPickListCellEditor.KeyDown INIT: Key=',Dbgs(Key));
13319   {$Endif}
13320   inherited KeyDown(Key,Shift);
13321   case Key of
13323     VK_F2:
13324       if AllSelected then begin
13325         SelLength := 0;
13326         SelStart := Length(Text);
13327       end;
13329     VK_RETURN:
13330       if DroppedDown then begin
13331         CheckEditingKey;
13332         DroppedDown := False;
13333         if Key<>0 then begin
13334           doEditorKeyDown;
13335           Key:=0;
13336         end;
13337       end else
13338         doEditorKeyDown;
13340     VK_DELETE:
13341       CheckEditingKey;
13343     VK_UP, VK_DOWN:
13344       if not DroppedDown then
13345         doGridKeyDown;
13347     VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT:
13348       if GetFastEntry then begin
13349         IntSel:=
13350           ((Key=VK_LEFT) and not AtStart) or
13351           ((Key=VK_RIGHT) and not AtEnd);
13352         if not IntSel then begin
13353             doGridKeyDown;
13354       end;
13355     end;
13357     VK_END, VK_HOME:
13358       ;
13359     VK_ESCAPE:
13360       begin
13361         doGridKeyDown;
13362         FGrid.EditorHide;
13363       end;
13364     else
13365       doEditorKeyDown;
13366   end;
13367   {$IfDef dbgGrid}
13368   DebugLn('TPickListCellEditor.KeyDown END: Key=',Dbgs(Key));
13369   {$Endif}
13370 end;
13372 procedure TPickListCellEditor.EditingDone;
13373 begin
13374   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('TPickListCellEditor.EditingDone INIT');{$ENDIF}
13375   inherited EditingDone;
13376   if FGrid<>nil then
13377     FGrid.EditingDone;
13378   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('TPickListCellEditor.EditingDone END');{$ENDIF}
13379 end;
13381 procedure TPickListCellEditor.DropDown;
13382 begin
13383   {$ifDef dbgGrid} DebugLn('TPickListCellEditor.DropDown INIT'); {$Endif}
13384   inherited DropDown;
13385   {$ifDef dbgGrid} DebugLn('TPickListCellEditor.DropDown END'); {$Endif}
13386 end;
13388 procedure TPickListCellEditor.CloseUp;
13389 begin
13390   {$ifDef dbgGrid} DebugLn('TPickListCellEditor.CloseUp INIT'); {$Endif}
13391   inherited CloseUp;
13392   {$ifDef dbgGrid} DebugLn('TPickListCellEditor.CloseUp END'); {$Endif}
13393 end;
13395 procedure TPickListCellEditor.Select;
13396 begin
13397   if FGrid<>nil then begin
13398     FGrid.EditorTextChanged(FCol, FRow, Text);
13399     FGrid.PickListItemSelected(Self);
13400   end;
13401   inherited Select;
13402 end;
13404 procedure TPickListCellEditor.Change;
13405 begin
13406   if FGrid<>nil then
13407     FGrid.EditorTextChanged(FCol, FRow, Text);
13408   inherited Change;
13409 end;
13411 procedure TPickListCellEditor.msg_GetValue(var Msg: TGridMessage);
13412 begin
13413   Msg.Col := FCol;
13414   Msg.Row := FRow;
13415   Msg.Value:=Text;
13416 end;
13418 procedure TPickListCellEditor.msg_SetGrid(var Msg: TGridMessage);
13419 begin
13420   FGrid:=Msg.Grid;
13422 end;
13424 procedure TPickListCellEditor.msg_SetValue(var Msg: TGridMessage);
13425 begin
13426   Text := Msg.Value;
13427   SelStart := Length(Text);
13428 end;
13430 procedure TPickListCellEditor.msg_SetPos(var Msg: TGridMessage);
13431 begin
13432   FCol := Msg.Col;
13433   FRow := Msg.Row;
13434 end;
13436 procedure TPickListCellEditor.msg_GetGrid(var Msg: TGridMessage);
13437 begin
13438   Msg.Grid := FGrid;
13439   Msg.Options:= EO_IMPLEMENTED;
13440 end;
13442 { TCompositeCellEditor }
13444 procedure TCompositeCellEditor.DispatchMsg(msg: TGridMessage);
13445 var
13446   i: Integer;
13447 begin
13448   for i:=0 to Length(FEditors)-1 do
13449     if FEditors[i].Editor<>nil then
13450       Feditors[i].Editor.Dispatch(msg);
13451 end;
GetMaxLengthnull13453 function TCompositeCellEditor.GetMaxLength: Integer;
13454 var
13455   AEditor: TWinControl;
13456 begin
13457   result := 0;
13458   AEditor := GetActiveControl;
13459   if AEditor is TCustomEdit then
13460     result := TCustomEdit(AEditor).MaxLength;
13461 end;
13463 procedure TCompositeCellEditor.SetMaxLength(AValue: Integer);
13464 var
13465   AEditor: TWinControl;
13466 begin
13467   AEditor := GetActiveControl;
13468   if AEditor is TCustomEdit then
13469     TCustomEdit(AEditor).MaxLength := AValue;
13470 end;
TCompositeCellEditor.GetActiveControlnull13472 function TCompositeCellEditor.GetActiveControl: TWinControl;
13473 var
13474   i: Integer;
13475 begin
13476   result := nil;
13477   for i:=0 to Length(Feditors)-1 do
13478     if (FEditors[i].Editor<>nil) and
13479        (FEditors[i].ActiveControl) then begin
13480       Result := FEditors[i].Editor;
13481       break;
13482     end;
13483 end;
13485 procedure TCompositeCellEditor.msg_GetValue(var Msg: TGridMessage);
13486 var
13487   i: Integer;
13488   DefaultValue: string;
13489   LocalMsg: TGridMessage;
13490 begin
13491   Msg.Col := FCol;
13492   Msg.Row := FRow;
13494   DefaultValue := Msg.Value;
13495   for i:=0 to Length(FEditors)-1 do begin
13497     if FEditors[i].Editor=nil then
13498       continue;
13500     LocalMsg := Msg;
13501     Feditors[i].Editor.Dispatch(LocalMsg);
13502     if CompareText(DEfaultValue, LocalMsg.Value)<>0 then begin
13503       // on multiple editors, simply return the first one has
13504       // a different value than default value
13505       Msg := LocalMsg;
13506       break;
13507     end;
13509   end;
13510 end;
13512 procedure TCompositeCellEditor.msg_SetGrid(var Msg: TGridMessage);
13513 var
13514   LocalMsg,ResMsg: TGridMessage;
13515   i: Integer;
13516 begin
13517   FGrid:=Msg.Grid;
13518   ResMsg := Msg;
13519   for i:=0 to Length(FEditors)-1 do begin
13520     if FEditors[i].Editor=nil then
13521       continue;
13523     LocalMsg := Msg;
13524     Feditors[i].Editor.Dispatch(LocalMsg);
13526     if LocalMsg.Options and EO_SELECTALL <> 0 then
13527       ResMsg.Options := ResMsg.Options or EO_SELECTALL;
13528     if LocalMsg.Options and EO_HOOKKEYDOWN <> 0 then
13529       ResMsg.Options := ResMsg.Options or EO_HOOKKEYDOWN;
13530     if LocalMsg.Options and EO_HOOKKEYPRESS <> 0 then
13531       ResMsg.Options := ResMsg.Options or EO_HOOKKEYPRESS;
13532     if LocalMsg.Options and EO_HOOKKEYUP <> 0 then
13533       ResMsg.Options := ResMsg.Options or EO_HOOKKEYUP;
13535   end;
13536   Msg := ResMsg;
13537 end;
13539 procedure TCompositeCellEditor.msg_SetValue(var Msg: TGridMessage);
13540 begin
13541   DispatchMsg(msg);
13542 end;
13544 procedure TCompositeCellEditor.msg_SetBounds(var Msg: TGridMessage);
13545 var
13546    r: TRect;
13547 begin
13548   r := Msg.CellRect;
13549   FGrid.AdjustInnerCellRect(r);
13550   SetBounds(r.Left, r.Top, r.Right-r.Left, r.Bottom-r.Top);
13551 end;
13553 procedure TCompositeCellEditor.msg_SetMask(var Msg: TGridMessage);
13554 begin
13555   DispatchMsg(Msg);
13556 end;
13558 procedure TCompositeCellEditor.msg_SelectAll(var Msg: TGridMessage);
13559 begin
13560   DispatchMsg(Msg);
13561 end;
13563 procedure TCompositeCellEditor.CMControlChange(var Message: TLMEssage);
13564 begin
13565   if (Message.WParam<>0) and (not Boolean(Message.LParam)) then
13566     TControl(Message.WParam).Align:=alNone;
13567 end;
13569 procedure TCompositeCellEditor.msg_SetPos(var Msg: TGridMessage);
13570 begin
13571   FCol := Msg.Col;
13572   FRow := Msg.Row;
13573   DispatchMsg(Msg);
13574 end;
13576 procedure TCompositeCellEditor.msg_GetGrid(var Msg: TGridMessage);
13577 begin
13578   Msg.Grid := FGrid;
13579   Msg.Options:= EO_IMPLEMENTED;
13580 end;
13582 procedure TCompositeCellEditor.VisibleChanging;
13583 var
13584   i: Integer;
13585   Msg: TGridMessage;
13586 begin
13587   inherited VisibleChanging;
13589   if Visible then begin
13590     // hidding: hide all editors
13591     for i:=0 to Length(Feditors)-1 do
13592       if FEditors[i].Editor<>nil then
13593         FEDitors[i].Editor.Visible:= not Visible;
13594   end else begin
13595     Msg.LclMsg.msg:=GM_READY;
13596     // showing: show all editors
13597     for i:=0 to Length(Feditors)-1 do begin
13598       if FEditors[i].Editor=nil then
13599         continue;
13600       FEditors[i].Editor.Parent := Self;
13601       FEditors[i].Editor.Visible:= True;
13602       FEditors[i].Editor.Align:=FEditors[i].Align;
13603       // notify now that it's now shown
13604       FEditors[i].Editor.Dispatch(Msg);
13605     end;
13606   end;
13607 end;
13609 procedure TCompositeCellEditor.SetFocus;
13610 var
13611   ActCtrl: TWinControl;
13612 begin
13613   if Visible then begin
13614     ActCtrl := GetActiveControl;
13615     if ActCtrl<>nil then begin
13616       ActCtrl.Visible:=true;
13617       ActCtrl.SetFocus;
13618       exit;
13619     end;
13620   end;
13621   inherited SetFocus;
13622 end;
Focusednull13624 function TCompositeCellEditor.Focused: Boolean;
13625 var
13626   i: Integer;
13627 begin
13628   Result:=inherited Focused;
13629   if not result then
13630     for i:=0 to Length(Feditors)-1 do
13631       if (FEditors[i].Editor<>nil) and (FEditors[i].Editor.Focused) then begin
13632         result := true;
13633         break;
13634       end;
13635 end;
13637 procedure TCompositeCellEditor.WndProc(var TheMessage: TLMessage);
13638 begin
13639   with TheMessage do
13640   if msg=LM_CHAR then begin
13641     Result := SendChar(Char(WParam));
13642     if Result=1 then
13643       exit;
13644   end;
13645   inherited WndProc(TheMessage);
13646 end;
DoUTF8KeyPressnull13649 function TCompositeCellEditor.DoUTF8KeyPress(var UTF8Key: TUTF8Char): boolean;
13650 begin
13651   Result:=inherited DoUTF8KeyPress(UTF8Key);
13652   if not Result and (Length(UTF8Key)>1) then begin
13653     if SendChar(UTF8Key)=1 then begin
13654       UTF8Key := '';
13655       Result := true;
13656     end;
13657   end;
13658 end;
SendCharnull13660 function TCompositeCellEditor.SendChar(AChar: TUTF8Char): Integer;
13661 var
13662   ActCtrl: TWinControl;
13663 begin
13664   Result := 0;
13665   ActCtrl := GetActiveControl;
13666   if (ActCtrl<>nil) and ActCtrl.HandleAllocated then begin
13667     TWSCustomGridClass(FGrid.WidgetSetClass).SendCharToEditor(ActCtrl, AChar);
13668     Result:=1;
13669   end;
13670 end;
13672 destructor TCompositeCellEditor.Destroy;
13673 begin
13674   SetLength(FEditors, 0);
13675   inherited destroy;
13676 end;
13678 procedure TCompositeCellEditor.AddEditor(aEditor: TWinControl; aAlign: TAlign;
13679   ActiveCtrl: boolean);
13680 var
13681   i: Integer;
13682 begin
13683   i := Length(FEditors);
13684   SetLength(FEditors, i+1);
13685   FEditors[i].Editor := aEditor;
13686   FEditors[i].Align := aAlign;
13687   FEditors[i].ActiveControl:=ActiveCtrl;
13688 end;
13690 { TStringGrid }
13692 class procedure TStringGrid.WSRegisterClass;
13693 const
13694   Done: Boolean = False;
13695 begin
13696   if Done then
13697     Exit;
13698   RegisterPropertyToSkip(Self, 'VisibleRowCount',
13699     'Property streamed in by older compiler', '');
13700   RegisterPropertyToSkip(Self, 'VisibleColCount',
13701     'Property streamed in by older compiler', '');
13702   inherited WSRegisterClass;
13703   Done := True;
13704 end;
13706 end.