1 unit MenuDesignerBase;
3 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
5 interface
7 uses
8   // FCL
9   Classes, SysUtils, fgl,
10   // LCL
11   Controls, Forms, Menus, Graphics,
12   // LazUtils
13   LazLoggerBase,
14   // IdeIntf
15   FormEditingIntf, ComponentEditors,
16   // IDE
17   MenuShortcuts, MenuTemplates;
19 type
21   TShadowItemDisplayState = (dsNormal, dsSelected, dsDisabled);
22   TByteArray = Array of Byte;
24   { TShadowItemBase }
26   TShadowItemBase = class(TCustomControl)
27   private
28   protected
29     FRealItem: TMenuItem;
30     FState: TShadowItemDisplayState;
31   public
32     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent; aRealItem: TMenuItem); reintroduce;
33     destructor Destroy; override;
GetHeightnull34     function GetHeight: integer;
GetWidthnull35     function GetWidth: integer; virtual; abstract;
36     procedure ShowDisabled;
37     procedure ShowNormal;
38     procedure ShowSelected;
39   public
40     property RealItem: TMenuItem read FRealItem write FRealItem;
41   end;
43   TShadowItemList = specialize TFPGList<TShadowItemBase>;
45   { TShadowBoxBase }
47   TShadowBoxBase = class(TCustomControl)
48   private
GetRadioGroupValuesnull49     function GetRadioGroupValues: TByteArray;
50   protected
51     FLevel: integer;
52     FLastRIValue: boolean;
53     FParentBox: TShadowBoxBase;
54     FParentMenuItem: TMenuItem;
55     FShadowList: TShadowItemList;
GetIsMainMenunull56     function GetIsMainMenu: boolean; virtual; abstract;
GetIsMenuBarnull57     function GetIsMenuBar: boolean; virtual; abstract;
58   public
59     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent; aParentItem: TMenuItem); reintroduce;
60     destructor Destroy; override;
61   public
GetInnerDimsnull62     function GetInnerDims: TPoint;
63     property IsMainMenu: boolean read GetIsMainMenu;
64     property IsMenuBar: boolean read GetIsMenuBar;
65     property Level: integer read FLevel;
66     property LastRIValue: boolean read FLastRIValue write FLastRIValue;
67     property ParentMenuItem: TMenuItem read FParentMenuItem;
68     property ParentBox: TShadowBoxBase read FParentBox;
69     property ShadowList: TShadowItemList read FShadowList;
70     property RadioGroupValues: TByteArray read GetRadioGroupValues;
71   end;
73   TShadowBoxList = specialize TFPGList<TShadowBoxBase>;
75   { TShadowMenuBase }
77   TShadowMenuBase = class(TScrollBox)
78   private
79   protected
80     FEditorDesigner: TComponentEditorDesigner;
81     FLookupRoot: TComponent;
82     FMainCanvas: TCanvas;
83     FMenu: TMenu;
84     FSelectedMenuItem: TMenuItem;
85     FBoxList: TShadowBoxList;
GetStringWidthnull86     function GetStringWidth(const aText: string; isBold: boolean): integer;
87   public
88     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent; aMenu: TMenu); reintroduce;
89     destructor Destroy; override;
90     procedure RefreshFakes; virtual; abstract;
91     procedure SetSelectedMenuItem(aMI: TMenuItem;
92       viaDesigner, prevWasDeleted: boolean); virtual; abstract;
93     procedure UpdateBoxLocationsAndSizes; virtual; abstract;
GetParentBoxForMenuItemnull94     function GetParentBoxForMenuItem(aMI: TMenuItem): TShadowBoxBase;
GetShadowForMenuItemnull95     function GetShadowForMenuItem(aMI: TMenuItem): TShadowItemBase;
IsMainMenunull96     function IsMainMenu: boolean;
97   public
98     property EditorDesigner: TComponentEditorDesigner read FEditorDesigner;
99     property LookupRoot: TComponent read FLookupRoot;
100     property SelectedMenuItem: TMenuItem read FSelectedMenuItem write FSelectedMenuItem;
101     property BoxList: TShadowBoxList read FBoxList;
102   end;
104   { TMenuDesignerBase }
106   TMenuDesignerBase = class
107   private
108   protected
109     FShadowMenu: TShadowMenuBase;
110     FShortcuts: TMenuShortcuts;
111     FTemplatesSaved: boolean;
112     FSavedTemplatesCount: integer;
113     FTotalMenuItemsCount: integer;
114     FVariableGlyphsInMenuBar: boolean;
115   public
116     constructor Create;
117     destructor Destroy; override;
118     procedure CreateShadowMenu(aMenu: TMenu; aSelect: TMenuItem;
119       aWidth, aHeight: integer); virtual; abstract;
120     procedure FreeShadowMenu;
121     procedure UpdateTemplatesCount;
122   public
123     property ShadowMenu: TShadowMenuBase read FShadowMenu write FShadowMenu;
124     property Shortcuts: TMenuShortcuts read FShortcuts;
125     property TemplatesSaved: boolean read FTemplatesSaved;
126     property TotalMenuItemsCount: integer read FTotalMenuItemsCount
127                                          write FTotalMenuItemsCount;
128     property VariableGlyphsInMenuBar: boolean read FVariableGlyphsInMenuBar
129                                              write FVariableGlyphsInMenuBar;
130     property SavedTemplatesCount: integer read FSavedTemplatesCount;
131   end;
134 implementation
136 { TShadowItemBase }
138 constructor TShadowItemBase.Create(AOwner: TComponent; aRealItem: TMenuItem);
139 begin
140   inherited Create(AOwner);
141   FRealItem:=aRealItem;
142 end;
144 destructor TShadowItemBase.Destroy;
145 begin
146   inherited Destroy;
147 end;
TShadowItemBase.GetHeightnull149 function TShadowItemBase.GetHeight: integer;
150 begin
151   if FRealItem.IsInMenuBar then
152     Result:=MenuBar_Height
153   else if FRealItem.IsLine then
154     Result:=Separator_Height
155   else
156     Result:=DropDown_Height;
157 end;
159 procedure TShadowItemBase.ShowDisabled;
160 begin
161   if (FState <> dsDisabled) then begin
162     FState:=dsDisabled;
163     Invalidate;
164   end;
165 end;
167 procedure TShadowItemBase.ShowNormal;
168 begin
169   if (FState <> dsNormal) then begin
170     FState:=dsNormal;
171     Invalidate;
172   end;
173 end;
175 procedure TShadowItemBase.ShowSelected;
176 begin
177   if (FState <> dsSelected) then begin
178     FState:=dsSelected;
179     Invalidate;
180   end;
181 end;
183 { TShadowBoxBase }
185 constructor TShadowBoxBase.Create(AOwner: TComponent; aParentItem: TMenuItem);
186 begin
187   inherited Create(AOwner);
188   Assert(aParentItem<>nil,'TShadowBox.CreateWithParentBox: aParentItem parameter is nil');
189   FParentMenuItem:=aParentItem;
190   FShadowList:=TShadowItemList.Create;
191 end;
193 destructor TShadowBoxBase.Destroy;
194 begin
195   FreeAndNil(FShadowList);
196   inherited Destroy;
197 end;
TShadowBoxBase.GetRadioGroupValuesnull199 function TShadowBoxBase.GetRadioGroupValues: TByteArray;
200 var
201   rgSet: set of byte = [];
202   g: byte;
203   si: TShadowItemBase;
204   mi: TMenuItem;
205 begin
206   SetLength(Result{%H-}, 0);
207   for si in FShadowList do
208   begin
209     mi:=si.RealItem;
210     if mi.RadioItem then begin
211       g:=mi.GroupIndex;
212       if not (g in rgSet) then begin
213         Include(rgSet, g);
214         SetLength(Result, Length(Result)+1);
215         Result[Length(Result)-1] := g;
216       end;
217     end;
218   end;
219 end;
GetInnerDimsnull221 function TShadowBoxBase.GetInnerDims: TPoint;
222 var
223   si: TShadowItemBase;
224   w: integer;
225 begin
226   FillChar(Result{%H-}, SizeOf(Result), 0);
227   for si in FShadowList do begin
228     Inc(Result.y, si.GetHeight);
229     w:=si.GetWidth;
230     if (Result.x < w) then
231       Result.x:=w;
232   end;
233 end;
235 { TShadowMenuBase }
237 constructor TShadowMenuBase.Create(AOwner: TComponent; aMenu: TMenu);
238 begin
239   inherited Create(AOwner);
240   FMenu := aMenu;
241   FEditorDesigner := FindRootDesigner(FMenu) as TComponentEditorDesigner;
242   FLookupRoot := FEditorDesigner.LookupRoot;
243   FBoxList := TShadowBoxList.Create;
244 end;
246 destructor TShadowMenuBase.Destroy;
247 begin
248   FEditorDesigner:=nil;
249   FreeAndNil(FBoxList);
250   inherited Destroy;
251 end;
TShadowMenuBase.GetStringWidthnull253 function TShadowMenuBase.GetStringWidth(const aText: string; isBold: boolean): integer;
254 begin
255   if isBold then
256     FMainCanvas.Font.Style:=[fsBold]
257   else
258     FMainCanvas.Font.Style:=[];
259   Result:=FMainCanvas.TextWidth(aText);
260 end;
GetParentBoxForMenuItemnull262 function TShadowMenuBase.GetParentBoxForMenuItem(aMI: TMenuItem): TShadowBoxBase;
263 var
264   sb: TShadowBoxBase;
265   si: TShadowItemBase;
266 begin
267   for sb in FBoxList do
268     for si in sb.ShadowList do
269       if si.RealItem = aMI then
270         Exit(sb);
271   Result:=nil;
272 end;
GetShadowForMenuItemnull274 function TShadowMenuBase.GetShadowForMenuItem(aMI: TMenuItem): TShadowItemBase;
275 var
276   sb: TShadowBoxBase;
277   si: TShadowItemBase;
278 begin
279   for sb in FBoxList do
280     for si in sb.ShadowList do
281       if si.RealItem = aMI then
282         Exit(si);
283   Result:=nil;
284 end;
TShadowMenuBase.IsMainMenunull286 function TShadowMenuBase.IsMainMenu: boolean;
287 begin
288   Result := FMenu is TMainMenu;
289 end;
291 { TMenuDesignerBase }
293 constructor TMenuDesignerBase.Create;
294 begin
295   FShortcuts:=TMenuShortcuts.Create;
296   FShortcuts.Initialize;
297   FTemplatesSaved:=SavedTemplatesExist;
298 end;
300 destructor TMenuDesignerBase.Destroy;
301 begin
302   FreeShadowMenu;
303   FreeAndNil(FShortcuts);
304   inherited Destroy;
305 end;
307 procedure TMenuDesignerBase.FreeShadowMenu;
308 begin
309   if FShadowMenu=nil then exit;
310   FShadowMenu.Parent:=nil;
311   Application.ReleaseComponent(FShadowMenu);
312   FShadowMenu:=nil;
313 end;
315 procedure TMenuDesignerBase.UpdateTemplatesCount;
316 begin
317   FTemplatesSaved:=SavedTemplatesExist;
318   DebugLn('Hint: (lazarus) [TMenuDesignerBase.UpdateTemplatesCount] SavedTemplatesExist is %s',[booltostr(FTemplatesSaved)]);
319   FSavedTemplatesCount:=GetSavedTemplatesCount;
320 end;
322 end.