1 {
2 /***************************************************************************
3                              CodeContextForm.pas
4                              -------------------
6  ***************************************************************************/
8  ***************************************************************************
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
11  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
12  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
13  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
16  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
18  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
19  *                                                                         *
20  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
21  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
22  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
23  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
24  *                                                                         *
25  ***************************************************************************
27   Author: Mattias Gaertner
29   Abstract:
30     The popup tooltip window for the source editor.
31     For example for the parameter hints.
32 }
33 unit CodeContextForm;
35 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
37 interface
39 uses
40   Classes, SysUtils, Types,
41   // LCL
42   LCLProc, LCLType, LCLIntf, LResources, LMessages, Forms, Controls,
43   Graphics, Dialogs, Themes, Buttons,
44   // LazUtils
45   LazStringUtils,
46   // SynEdit
47   SynEdit, SynEditKeyCmds,
48   // CodeTools
49   BasicCodeTools, KeywordFuncLists, LinkScanner, CodeCache, FindDeclarationTool,
50   IdentCompletionTool, CodeTree, CodeAtom, PascalParserTool, CodeToolManager,
51   // IdeIntf
52   SrcEditorIntf, LazIDEIntf, IDEImagesIntf,
53   // IDE
54   LazarusIDEStrConsts;
56 type
58   { TCodeContextItem }
60   TCodeContextItem = class
61   public
62     Code: string;
63     Hint: string;
64     NewBounds: TRect;
65     CopyAllButton: TSpeedButton;
66     destructor Destroy; override;
67   end;
69   { TCodeContextFrm }
71   TCodeContextFrm = class(THintWindow)
72     procedure ApplicationIdle(Sender: TObject; var {%H-}Done: Boolean);
73     procedure CopyAllBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
74     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
75     procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
76     procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
77     procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
78     procedure FormUTF8KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var UTF8Key: TUTF8Char);
79     procedure OnSrcEditStatusChange(Sender: TObject);
80   private
81     FHints: TFPList; // list of TCodeContextItem
82     FIdleConnected: boolean;
83     FLastParameterIndex: integer;
84     FParamListBracketOpenCodeXYPos: TCodeXYPosition;
85     FProcNameCodeXYPos: TCodeXYPosition;
86     FSourceEditorTopIndex: integer;
87     FBtnWidth: integer;
88     fDestroying: boolean;
89     procedure CreateHints(const CodeContexts: TCodeContextInfo);
90     procedure ClearMarksInHints;
GetHintsnull91     function GetHints(Index: integer): TCodeContextItem;
92     procedure MarkCurrentParameterInHints(ParameterIndex: integer); // 0 based
93     procedure CalculateHintsBounds;
94     procedure DrawHints(var MaxWidth, MaxHeight: Integer; Draw: boolean);
95     procedure CompleteParameters(DeclCode: string);
96     procedure ClearHints;
97     procedure SetIdleConnected(AValue: boolean);
98     procedure SetCodeContexts(const CodeContexts: TCodeContextInfo);
99   protected
100     procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation);
101       override;
102     procedure WMNCHitTest(var Message: TLMessage); message LM_NCHITTEST;
103   public
104     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
105     destructor Destroy; override;
106     procedure UpdateHints;
107     procedure Paint; override;
108     property ProcNameCodeXYPos: TCodeXYPosition read FProcNameCodeXYPos;
109     property ParamListBracketOpenCodeXYPos: TCodeXYPosition
110                                             read FParamListBracketOpenCodeXYPos;
111     property SourceEditorTopIndex: integer read FSourceEditorTopIndex;
112     property LastParameterIndex: integer read FLastParameterIndex;
113     property Hints[Index: integer]: TCodeContextItem read GetHints;
114     property IdleConnected: boolean read FIdleConnected write SetIdleConnected;
115   end;
117 var
118   CodeContextFrm: TCodeContextFrm = nil;
ShowCodeContextnull120 function ShowCodeContext(Code: TCodeBuffer): boolean;
122 implementation
124 type
125   TWinControlAccess = class(TWinControl);
ShowCodeContextnull127 function ShowCodeContext(Code: TCodeBuffer): boolean;
128 var
129   LogCaretXY: TPoint;
130   CodeContexts: TCodeContextInfo;
131 begin
132   Result := False;
133   LogCaretXY := SourceEditorManagerIntf.ActiveEditor.CursorTextXY;
134   CodeContexts := nil;
135   try
136     if not CodeToolBoss.FindCodeContext(Code, LogCaretXY.X, LogCaretXY.Y, CodeContexts) or
137       (CodeContexts = nil) or (CodeContexts.Count = 0) then
138       Exit;
139     if CodeContextFrm = nil then
140       CodeContextFrm := TCodeContextFrm.Create(LazarusIDE.OwningComponent);
141     CodeContextFrm.DisableAlign;
142     try
143       CodeContextFrm.SetCodeContexts(CodeContexts);
144       CodeContextFrm.Visible := True;
145     finally
146       CodeContextFrm.EnableAlign;
147     end;
148     Result := True;
149   finally
150     CodeContexts.Free;
151   end;
152 end;
154 { TCodeContextItem }
156 destructor TCodeContextItem.Destroy;
157 begin
158   FreeAndNil(CopyAllButton);
159   inherited Destroy;
160 end;
162 { TCodeContextFrm }
164 procedure TCodeContextFrm.ApplicationIdle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean);
165 begin
166   if not Visible then exit;
167   UpdateHints;
168   IdleConnected:=false;
169 end;
171 procedure TCodeContextFrm.CopyAllBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
172 var
173   i: LongInt;
174   Item: TCodeContextItem;
175 begin
176   i:=FHints.Count-1;
177   while (i>=0) do begin
178     Item:=Hints[i];
179     if Item.CopyAllButton=Sender then begin
180       //debugln(['TCodeContextFrm.CopyAllBtnClick Hint="',Item.Code,'"']);
181       CompleteParameters(Item.Code);
182       exit;
183     end;
184     dec(i);
185   end;
186 end;
188 procedure TCodeContextFrm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
189 begin
190   FBtnWidth:=16;
191   FHints:=TFPList.Create;
192   IdleConnected:=true;
193   SourceEditorManagerIntf.RegisterChangeEvent(semEditorStatus,@OnSrcEditStatusChange);
194 end;
196 procedure TCodeContextFrm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
197 begin
198   if SourceEditorManagerIntf<>nil then
199     SourceEditorManagerIntf.UnregisterChangeEvent(semEditorStatus,@OnSrcEditStatusChange);
200   IdleConnected:=false;
201   ClearHints;
202   FreeAndNil(FHints);
203 end;
205 procedure TCodeContextFrm.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
206   Shift: TShiftState);
207 var
208   SrcEdit: TSourceEditorInterface;
209 begin
210   if (Key=VK_ESCAPE) and (Shift=[]) then
211     Hide
212   else if SourceEditorManagerIntf<>nil then begin
213     SrcEdit:=SourceEditorManagerIntf.ActiveEditor;
214     if SrcEdit=nil then
215       Hide
216     else begin
217       // redirect keys
218       TWinControlAccess(SrcEdit.EditorControl).KeyDown(Key,Shift);
219       SetActiveWindow(SourceEditorManagerIntf.ActiveSourceWindow.Handle);
220     end;
221   end;
222 end;
224 procedure TCodeContextFrm.FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
225 var
226   DrawWidth: LongInt;
227   DrawHeight: LongInt;
228 begin
229   DrawWidth:=ClientWidth;
230   DrawHeight:=ClientHeight;
231   DrawHints(DrawWidth,DrawHeight,true);
232 end;
234 procedure TCodeContextFrm.FormUTF8KeyPress(Sender: TObject;
235   var UTF8Key: TUTF8Char);
236 var
237   SrcEdit: TSourceEditorInterface;
238   ASynEdit: TCustomSynEdit;
239 begin
240   SrcEdit:=SourceEditorManagerIntf.ActiveEditor;
241   if SrcEdit=nil then begin
242     Hide;
243   end else begin
244     ASynEdit:=(SrcEdit.EditorControl as TCustomSynEdit);
245     ASynEdit.CommandProcessor(ecChar,UTF8Key,nil);
246   end;
247 end;
249 procedure TCodeContextFrm.OnSrcEditStatusChange(Sender: TObject);
250 begin
251   IdleConnected:=true;
252 end;
254 procedure TCodeContextFrm.SetCodeContexts(const CodeContexts: TCodeContextInfo);
255 begin
256   FillChar(FProcNameCodeXYPos,SizeOf(FProcNameCodeXYPos),0);
257   FillChar(FParamListBracketOpenCodeXYPos,SizeOf(FParamListBracketOpenCodeXYPos),0);
259   if CodeContexts<>nil then begin
260     if (CodeContexts.ProcNameAtom.StartPos>0) then begin
261       CodeContexts.Tool.MoveCursorToCleanPos(CodeContexts.ProcNameAtom.StartPos);
262       CodeContexts.Tool.CleanPosToCaret(CodeContexts.Tool.CurPos.StartPos,
263                                         FProcNameCodeXYPos);
264       CodeContexts.Tool.ReadNextAtom;// read proc name
265       CodeContexts.Tool.ReadNextAtom;// read bracket open
266       if CodeContexts.Tool.CurPos.Flag
267         in [cafRoundBracketOpen,cafEdgedBracketOpen]
268       then begin
269         CodeContexts.Tool.CleanPosToCaret(CodeContexts.Tool.CurPos.StartPos,
270                                           FParamListBracketOpenCodeXYPos);
271       end;
272     end;
273   end;
275   CreateHints(CodeContexts);
276   CalculateHintsBounds;
277 end;
279 procedure TCodeContextFrm.UpdateHints;
280 var
281   SrcEdit: TSourceEditorInterface;
282   CurTextXY: TPoint;
283   ASynEdit: TSynEdit;
284   NewParameterIndex: Integer;
285   BracketPos: TPoint;
286   Line: string;
287   Code: String;
288   TokenEnd: LongInt;
289   TokenStart: LongInt;
290   KeepOpen: Boolean;
291   BracketLevel: Integer;
292   i: Integer;
293   Item: TCodeContextItem;
294 begin
295   if not Visible then exit;
297   KeepOpen:=false;
298   NewParameterIndex:=-1;
299   try
300     if not Application.Active then exit;
302     // check Source Editor
303     if SourceEditorManagerIntf=nil then exit;
304     SrcEdit:=SourceEditorManagerIntf.ActiveEditor;
305     if (SrcEdit=nil) or (SrcEdit.CodeToolsBuffer<>ProcNameCodeXYPos.Code) then
306       exit;
307     if SrcEdit.TopLine<>FSourceEditorTopIndex then exit;
309     CurTextXY:=SrcEdit.CursorTextXY;
310     BracketPos:=Point(ParamListBracketOpenCodeXYPos.X,
311                       ParamListBracketOpenCodeXYPos.Y);
312     if ComparePoints(CurTextXY,BracketPos)<=0 then begin
313       // cursor moved in front of parameter list
314       exit;
315     end;
317     // find out, if cursor is in procedure call and where
318     ASynEdit:=SrcEdit.EditorControl as TSynEdit;
320     Line:=ASynEdit.Lines[BracketPos.Y-1];
321     if (length(Line)<BracketPos.X) or (not (Line[BracketPos.X] in ['(','[']))
322     then begin
323       // bracket lost -> something changed -> hints became invalid
324       exit;
325     end;
327     // collect the lines from bracket open to cursor
328     Code:=StringListPartToText(ASynEdit.Lines,BracketPos.Y-1,CurTextXY.Y-1,#10);
329     if CurTextXY.Y<=ASynEdit.Lines.Count then begin
330       Line:=ASynEdit.Lines[CurTextXY.Y-1];
331       if length(Line)>=CurTextXY.X then
332         SetLength(Code,length(Code)-length(Line)+CurTextXY.X-1);
333     end;
334     //DebugLn('TCodeContextFrm.UpdateHints Code="',DbgStr(Code),'"');
336     // parse the code
337     TokenEnd:=BracketPos.X;
338     BracketLevel:=0;
339     repeat
340       ReadRawNextPascalAtom(Code,TokenEnd,TokenStart);
341       if TokenEnd=TokenStart then break;
342       case Code[TokenStart] of
343       '(','[':
344         begin
345           inc(BracketLevel);
346           if BracketLevel=1 then
347             NewParameterIndex:=0;
348         end;
349       ')',']':
350         begin
351           if BracketLevel=1 then begin
352             if Code[TokenStart]=']' then begin
353               ReadRawNextPascalAtom(Code,TokenEnd,TokenStart);
354               if TokenEnd=TokenStart then exit;
355               if Code[TokenStart]='[' then begin
356                 inc(NewParameterIndex);
357                 continue; // [][] is full version of [,]
358               end
359             end else
360               exit;// cursor behind procedure call
361           end;
362           dec(BracketLevel);
363         end;
364       ',':
365         if BracketLevel=1 then inc(NewParameterIndex);
366       else
367         if IsIdentStartChar[Code[TokenStart]] then begin
368           if CompareIdentifiers(@Code[TokenStart],'end')=0 then
369             break;// cursor behind procedure call
370         end;
371       end;
372     until false;
373     KeepOpen:=true;
375     // show buttons
376     for i:=0 to FHints.Count-1 do begin
377       Item:=TCodeContextItem(FHints[i]);
378       if Item.CopyAllButton <> nil then begin
379         Item.CopyAllButton.BoundsRect:=Item.NewBounds;
380         Item.CopyAllButton.Visible:=Item.NewBounds.Right>0;
381       end;
382     end;
383   finally
384     if not KeepOpen then
385       Hide
386     else if NewParameterIndex<>LastParameterIndex then
387       MarkCurrentParameterInHints(NewParameterIndex);
388   end;
389 end;
391 procedure TCodeContextFrm.WMNCHitTest(var Message: TLMessage);
392 begin
393   Message.Result := HTCLIENT;
394 end;
396 procedure TCodeContextFrm.CreateHints(const CodeContexts: TCodeContextInfo);
FindBaseTypenull398   function FindBaseType(Tool: TFindDeclarationTool; Node: TCodeTreeNode;
399     var s: string): boolean;
400   var
401     Expr: TExpressionType;
402     Params: TFindDeclarationParams;
403     ExprTool: TFindDeclarationTool;
404     ExprNode: TCodeTreeNode;
405   begin
406     Result:=false;
407     Params:=TFindDeclarationParams.Create(Tool, Node);
408     try
409       try
410         Expr:=Tool.ConvertNodeToExpressionType(Node,Params);
411         if (Expr.Desc=xtContext) and (Expr.Context.Node<>nil) then begin
412           ExprTool:=Expr.Context.Tool;
413           ExprNode:=Expr.Context.Node;
414           if ExprNode.Desc=ctnReferenceTo then begin
415             ExprNode:=ExprNode.FirstChild;
416             if ExprNode=nil then exit;
417           end;
418           case ExprNode.Desc of
419           ctnProcedureType:
420             begin
421               s:=s+ExprTool.ExtractProcHead(ExprNode,
422                  [phpWithVarModifiers,phpWithParameterNames,phpWithDefaultValues,
423                  phpWithResultType]);
424               Result:=true;
425             end;
426           ctnOpenArrayType,ctnRangedArrayType:
427             begin
428               s:=s+ExprTool.ExtractArrayRanges(ExprNode,[]);
429               Result:=true;
430             end;
431           end;
432         end else if Expr.Desc in (xtAllStringTypes+xtAllWideStringTypes-[xtShortString])
433         then begin
434           s:=s+'[Index: 1..high(PtrUInt)]';
435           Result:=true;
436         end else if Expr.Desc=xtShortString then begin
437           s:=s+'[Index: 0..255]';
438           Result:=true;
439         end;
440         if not Result then
441           debugln(['TCodeContextFrm.CreateHints.FindBaseType: not yet supported: ',ExprTypeToString(Expr)]);
442       except
443       end;
444     finally
445       Params.Free;
446     end;
447   end;
449 var
450   i: Integer;
451   CurExprType: TExpressionType;
452   CodeNode: TCodeTreeNode;
453   CodeTool: TFindDeclarationTool;
454   s: String;
455   p: Integer;
456   CurContext: TCodeContextInfoItem;
457   Btn: TSpeedButton;
458   j: Integer;
459   Code: String;
460   Item: TCodeContextItem;
461 begin
462   ClearHints;
463   if (CodeContexts=nil) or (CodeContexts.Count=0) then exit;
464   for i:=0 to CodeContexts.Count-1 do begin
465     CurContext:=CodeContexts[i];
466     CurExprType:=CurContext.Expr;
467     Code:=ExpressionTypeDescNames[CurExprType.Desc];
468     if CurExprType.Context.Node<>nil then begin
469       CodeNode:=CurExprType.Context.Node;
470       CodeTool:=CurExprType.Context.Tool;
471       case CodeNode.Desc of
472       ctnProcedure:
473         begin
474           Code:=CodeTool.ExtractProcHead(CodeNode,
475               [phpWithVarModifiers,phpWithParameterNames,phpWithDefaultValues,
476                phpWithResultType]);
477         end;
478       ctnProperty:
479         begin
480           if CodeTool.PropertyNodeHasParamList(CodeNode) then begin
481             Code:=CodeTool.ExtractProperty(CodeNode,
482                 [phpWithVarModifiers,phpWithParameterNames,phpWithDefaultValues,
483                  phpWithResultType]);
484           end else if not CodeTool.PropNodeIsTypeLess(CodeNode) then begin
485             Code:=CodeTool.ExtractPropName(CodeNode,false);
486             if not FindBaseType(CodeTool,CodeNode,Code) then
487               continue;
488           end else begin
489             // ignore properties without type
490             continue;
491           end;
492         end;
493       ctnVarDefinition:
494         begin
495           Code:=CodeTool.ExtractDefinitionName(CodeNode);
496           if not FindBaseType(CodeTool,CodeNode,Code) then
497             continue; // ignore normal variables
498         end;
499       end;
500     end else if CurContext.Params<>nil then begin
501       // compiler function
Codenull502       Code:=CurContext.ProcName+'('+CurContext.Params.DelimitedText+')';
503       if CurContext.ResultType<>'' then
504         Code:=Code+':'+CurContext.ResultType;
505     end;
506     // insert spaces
507     for p:=length(Code)-1 downto 1 do begin
508       if (Code[p] in [',',';',':']) and (Code[p+1]<>' ') then
509         System.Insert(' ',Code,p+1);
510     end;
511     Code:=Trim(Code);
512     s:=Code;
513     // mark the mark characters
514     for p:=length(s) downto 1 do
515       if s[p]='\' then
516         System.Insert('\',s,p+1);
517     // add hint if not already exists
518     j:=FHints.Count-1;
519     while (j>=0) and (CompareText(Hints[j].Code,Code)<>0) do
520       dec(j);
521     if j<0 then begin
522       Item:=TCodeContextItem.Create;
523       Item.Code:=Code;
524       Item.Hint:=s;
525       Btn:=TSpeedButton.Create(Self);
526       Item.CopyAllButton:=Btn;
527       Btn.Name:='CopyAllSpeedButton'+IntToStr(i+1);
528       Btn.OnClick:=@CopyAllBtnClick;
529       Btn.Visible:=false;
530       IDEImages.AssignImage(Btn, 'laz_copy');
531       Btn.Flat:=true;
532       Btn.Parent:=Self;
533       FHints.Add(Item);
534     end;
535   end;
536   if FHints.Count=0 then begin
537     Item:=TCodeContextItem.Create;
538     Item.Code:='';
539     Item.Hint:=lisNoHints;
540     FHints.Add(Item);
541   end;
542   MarkCurrentParameterInHints(CodeContexts.ParameterIndex-1);
543 end;
545 procedure TCodeContextFrm.ClearMarksInHints;
546 // remove all marks except the \\ marks
547 var
548   i: Integer;
549   s: string;
550   p: Integer;
551   Item: TCodeContextItem;
552 begin
553   for i:=0 to FHints.Count-1 do begin
554     Item:=Hints[i];
555     s:=Item.Hint;
556     p:=1;
557     while p<length(s) do begin
558       if s[p]<>'\' then
559         inc(p)  // normal character
560       else if s[p+1]='\' then
561         inc(p,2) // '\\'
562       else begin
563         System.Delete(s,p,2); // remove mark
564       end;
565     end;
566     Item.Hint:=s;
567   end;
568 end;
GetHintsnull570 function TCodeContextFrm.GetHints(Index: integer): TCodeContextItem;
571 begin
572   Result:=TCodeContextItem(FHints[Index]);
573 end;
575 procedure TCodeContextFrm.MarkCurrentParameterInHints(ParameterIndex: integer);
MarkCurrentParameterInHintnull577   function MarkCurrentParameterInHint(const s: string): string;
578   var
579     p: Integer;
580     CurrentMark: Char;
582     procedure Mark(NewMark: char; Position: integer);
583     begin
584       if p=Position then
585         CurrentMark:=NewMark;
586       System.Insert('\'+NewMark,Result,Position);
587       if Position<=p then
588         inc(p,2);
589       //DebugLn('Mark Position=',dbgs(Position),' p=',dbgs(p),' CurrentMark="',CurrentMark,'" ',copy(Result,1,Position+2));
590     end;
592   var
593     BracketLevel: Integer;
594     CurParameterIndex: Integer;
595     WordStart: LongInt;
596     WordEnd: LongInt;
597     ModifierStart: LongInt;
598     ModifierEnd: LongInt;
599     SearchingType: Boolean;
600     ReadingType: Boolean;
601   begin
602     Result:=s;
603     BracketLevel:=0;
604     CurParameterIndex:=0;
605     CurrentMark:='*';
606     ReadingType:=false;
607     SearchingType:=false;
608     ModifierStart:=-1;
609     ModifierEnd:=-1;
610     p:=1;
611     while (p<=length(Result)) do begin
612       //DebugLn('MarkCurrentParameterInHint p=',dbgs(p),' "',Result[p],'" BracketLevel=',dbgs(BracketLevel),' CurParameterIndex=',dbgs(CurParameterIndex),' ReadingType=',dbgs(ReadingType),' SearchingType=',dbgs(SearchingType));
613       case Result[p] of
614       '(','{','[':
615         inc(BracketLevel);
616       ')','}',']':
617         begin
618           if (BracketLevel=1) then begin
619             if CurrentMark<>'*' then
620               Mark('*',p);
621             exit;
622           end;
623           dec(BracketLevel);
624         end;
625       ',':
626         if BracketLevel=1 then begin
627           inc(CurParameterIndex);
628         end;
629       ':':
630         if BracketLevel=1 then begin
631           // names ended, type started
632           if SearchingType then
633             Mark('b',p);
634           ReadingType:=true;
635           SearchingType:=false;
636         end;
637       ';':
638         if BracketLevel=1 then begin
639           // type ended, next parameter started
640           if CurrentMark<>'*' then
641             Mark('*',p);
642           SearchingType:=false;
643           ReadingType:=false;
644           ModifierStart:=-1;
645           inc(CurParameterIndex);
646         end;
647       '''':
648         repeat
649           inc(p);
650         until (p>=length(Result)) or (Result[p]='''');
651       'a'..'z','A'..'Z','_','0'..'9':
652         if (BracketLevel=1) and (not ReadingType) then begin
653           WordStart:=p;
654           while (p<=length(Result)) and IsDottedIdentChar[Result[p]] do
655             inc(p);
656           WordEnd:=p;
657           //DebugLn('MarkCurrentParameterInHint Word=',copy(Result,WordStart,WordEnd-WordStart));
658           if (CompareIdentifiers('const',@Result[WordStart])=0)
659           or (CompareIdentifiers('out',@Result[WordStart])=0)
660           or (CompareIdentifiers('var',@Result[WordStart])=0) then begin
661             // modifier
662             ModifierStart:=WordStart;
663             ModifierEnd:=WordEnd;
664           end else begin
665             // parameter name
666             if ParameterIndex=CurParameterIndex then begin
667               // mark parameter
668               Mark('*',WordEnd); // mark WordEnd before WordStart !
669               Mark('b',WordStart);
670               // mark modifier
671               if ModifierStart>0 then begin
672                 Mark('*',ModifierEnd); // mark ModifierEnd before ModifierStart !
673                 Mark('b',ModifierStart);
674               end;
675               // search type
676               SearchingType:=true;
677             end;
678           end;
679           dec(p);
680         end;
681       end;
682       inc(p);
683     end;
684   end;
686 var
687   i: Integer;
688   Item: TCodeContextItem;
689 begin
690   //DebugLn('TCodeContextFrm.MarkCurrentParameterInHints FLastParameterIndex=',dbgs(FLastParameterIndex),' ParameterIndex=',dbgs(ParameterIndex));
691   ClearMarksInHints;
692   for i:=0 to FHints.Count-1 do begin
693     Item:=Hints[i];
694     Item.Hint:=MarkCurrentParameterInHint(Item.Hint);
695   end;
696   FLastParameterIndex:=ParameterIndex;
697   Invalidate;
698 end;
700 procedure TCodeContextFrm.CalculateHintsBounds;
701 var
702   DrawWidth: LongInt;
703   SrcEdit: TSourceEditorInterface;
704   NewBounds: TRect;
705   CursorTextXY: TPoint;
706   ScreenTextXY: TPoint;
707   ClientXY: TPoint;
708   DrawHeight: LongInt;
709   ScreenXY: TPoint;
710 begin
711   SrcEdit:=SourceEditorManagerIntf.ActiveEditor;
712   if SrcEdit=nil then exit;
714   // calculate the position of the context in the source editor
715   CursorTextXY:=SrcEdit.CursorTextXY;
716   if ProcNameCodeXYPos.Code<>nil then begin
717     if (ProcNameCodeXYPos.Code=SrcEdit.CodeToolsBuffer)
718     and (ProcNameCodeXYPos.Y<=CursorTextXY.Y) then begin
719       CursorTextXY:=Point(ProcNameCodeXYPos.X,ProcNameCodeXYPos.Y);
720     end;
721   end;
722   // calculate screen position
723   ScreenTextXY:=SrcEdit.TextToScreenPosition(CursorTextXY);
724   ClientXY:=SrcEdit.ScreenToPixelPosition(ScreenTextXY);
725   ScreenXY:=SrcEdit.EditorControl.ClientToScreen(ClientXY);
726   FSourceEditorTopIndex:=SrcEdit.TopLine;
728   // calculate size of hints
729   DrawWidth:=SourceEditorManagerIntf.ActiveSourceWindow.ClientWidth;
730   DrawHeight:=ScreenXY.Y-GetParentForm(SrcEdit.EditorControl).Monitor.WorkareaRect.Top-10;
731   DrawHints(DrawWidth,DrawHeight,false);
732   if DrawWidth<20 then DrawWidth:=20;
733   if DrawHeight<5 then DrawHeight:=5;
735   // calculate position of hints in editor client area
736   if ClientXY.X+DrawWidth>SrcEdit.EditorControl.ClientWidth then
737     ClientXY.X:=SrcEdit.EditorControl.ClientWidth-DrawWidth;
738   if ClientXY.X<0 then
739     ClientXY.X:=0;
740   dec(ClientXY.Y,DrawHeight);
742   // calculate screen position
743   ScreenXY:=SrcEdit.EditorControl.ClientToScreen(ClientXY);
744   NewBounds:=Bounds(ScreenXY.X,ScreenXY.Y-4,DrawWidth,DrawHeight);
746   // move form
747   BoundsRect:=NewBounds;
748 end;
750 procedure TCodeContextFrm.DrawHints(var MaxWidth, MaxHeight: Integer;
751   Draw: boolean);
752 var
753   LeftSpace, RightSpace: Integer;
754   VerticalSpace: Integer;
755   BackgroundColor, TextGrayColor, TextColor, PenColor: TColor;
756   TextGrayStyle, TextStyle: TFontStyles;
758   procedure DrawHint(Index: integer; var AHintRect: TRect);
759   var
760     ATextRect: TRect;
761     TokenStart: Integer;
762     TokenRect: TRect;
763     TokenSize: TPoint;
764     TokenPos: TPoint;
765     TokenEnd: LongInt;
766     UsedWidth: Integer; // maximum right token position
767     LineHeight: Integer; // current line height
768     LastTokenEnd: LongInt;
769     Line: string;
770     Item: TCodeContextItem;
771     y: LongInt;
772     r: TRect;
773   begin
774     Item:=Hints[Index];
775     Line:=Item.Hint;
776     ATextRect:=Rect(AHintRect.Left+LeftSpace,
777                     AHintRect.Top+VerticalSpace,
778                     AHintRect.Right-RightSpace,
779                     AHintRect.Bottom-VerticalSpace);
780     UsedWidth:=0;
781     LineHeight:=0;
782     TokenPos:=Point(ATextRect.Left,ATextRect.Top);
783     TokenEnd:=1;
784     while (TokenEnd<=length(Line)) do begin
785       LastTokenEnd:=TokenEnd;
786       ReadRawNextPascalAtom(Line,TokenEnd,TokenStart);
787       if TokenEnd<=LastTokenEnd then break;
788       if Line[TokenStart]='\' then begin
789         // mark found
790         if TokenStart>LastTokenEnd then begin
791           // there is a gap between last token and this token -> draw that first
792           TokenEnd:=TokenStart;
793         end else begin
794           inc(TokenStart);
795           if TokenStart>length(Line) then break;
796           TokenEnd:=TokenStart+1;
797           // the token is a mark
798           case Line[TokenStart] of
800           '*':
801             begin
802               // switch to normal font
803               if Draw then begin
804                 Canvas.Font.Color:=TextGrayColor;
805                 Canvas.Font.Style:=TextGrayStyle;
806               end;
807               //DebugLn('DrawHint gray');
808               continue;
809             end;
811           'b':
812             begin
813               // switch to normal font
814               if Draw then begin
815                 Canvas.Font.Color:=TextColor;
816                 Canvas.Font.Style:=TextStyle;
817               end;
818               //DebugLn('DrawHint normal');
819               continue;
820             end;
822           else
823             // the token is a normal character -> paint it
824           end;
825         end;
826       end;
827       //DebugLn('DrawHint Token="',copy(Line,TokenStart,TokenEnd-TokenStart),'"');
829       // calculate token size
830       TokenRect:=Bounds(0,0,12345,1234);
831       DrawText(Canvas.Handle,@Line[LastTokenEnd],TokenEnd-LastTokenEnd,TokenRect,
833       TokenSize:=Point(TokenRect.Right,TokenRect.Bottom);
834       {$IFDEF EnableCCFFontMin}
835       // workaround for bug 22190
836       if TokenSize.y<14 then TokenSize.y:=14;
837       {$ENDIF}
838       //DebugLn(['DrawHint Draw="',Draw,'" Token="',copy(Line,TokenStart,TokenEnd-TokenStart),'" TokenSize=',dbgs(TokenSize)]);
840       if (LineHeight>0) and (TokenPos.X+TokenRect.Right>ATextRect.Right) then
841       begin
842         // token does not fit into line -> break line
843         // fill end of line
844         if Draw and (TokenPos.X<AHintRect.Right) then begin
845           Canvas.FillRect(Rect(TokenPos.X,TokenPos.Y-VerticalSpace,
846                           AHintRect.Right,TokenPos.Y+LineHeight+VerticalSpace));
847         end;
848         TokenPos:=Point(ATextRect.Left,TokenPos.y+LineHeight+VerticalSpace);
849         LineHeight:=0;
850       end;
852       // token fits into line
853       // => draw token
854       OffsetRect(TokenRect,TokenPos.x,TokenPos.y);
855       if Draw then begin
856         Canvas.FillRect(Rect(TokenRect.Left,TokenRect.Top-VerticalSpace,
857                              TokenRect.Right,TokenRect.Bottom+VerticalSpace));
858         DrawText(Canvas.Handle,@Line[LastTokenEnd],TokenEnd-LastTokenEnd,
859                  TokenRect,DT_SINGLELINE+DT_NOCLIP);
860       end;
861       // update LineHeight and UsedWidth
862       if LineHeight<TokenSize.y then
863         LineHeight:=TokenSize.y;
864       inc(TokenPos.X,TokenSize.x);
865       if UsedWidth<TokenPos.X then
866         UsedWidth:=TokenPos.X;
867     end;
868     // fill end of line
869     if Draw and (TokenPos.X<AHintRect.Right) and (LineHeight>0) then begin
870       Canvas.FillRect(Rect(TokenPos.X,TokenPos.Y-VerticalSpace,
871                       AHintRect.Right,TokenPos.Y+LineHeight+VerticalSpace));
872     end;
874     if (not Draw) and (UsedWidth>0) then
875       AHintRect.Right:=UsedWidth+RightSpace;
876     AHintRect.Bottom:=TokenPos.Y+LineHeight+VerticalSpace;
878     if Draw and (Item.CopyAllButton<>nil) then begin
879       // move button at end of first line
880       y:=ATextRect.Top;
881       if LineHeight>FBtnWidth then
882         inc(y,(LineHeight-FBtnWidth) div 2);
883       Item.NewBounds:=Bounds(AHintRect.Right-RightSpace-1,y,FBtnWidth,FBtnWidth);
884       r:=Item.CopyAllButton.BoundsRect;
885       if not CompareRect(@r,@Item.NewBounds) then
886         IdleConnected:=true;
887     end;
888     //debugln(['DrawHint ',y,' Line="',dbgstr(Line),'" LineHeight=',LineHeight,' ']);
889   end;
891 var
892   i: Integer;
893   NewMaxHeight: Integer;
894   NewMaxWidth: Integer;
895   CurHintRect: TRect;
896   Details: TThemedElementDetails;
897 begin
898   //DebugLn('TCodeContextFrm.DrawHints DrawWidth=',dbgs(MaxWidth),' DrawHeight=',dbgs(MaxHeight),' Draw=',dbgs(Draw));
899   if Draw then begin
900     // make colors theme dependent
901     BackgroundColor:=clInfoBk;
902     TextGrayColor:=clInfoText;
903     TextGrayStyle:=[];
904     TextColor:=clInfoText;
905     TextStyle:=[fsBold];
906     PenColor:=clBlack;
907   end;
908   LeftSpace:=2;
909   RightSpace:=2+FBtnWidth;
910   VerticalSpace:=2;
912   if Draw then begin
913     Canvas.Brush.Color:=BackgroundColor;
914     Canvas.Font.Color:=TextGrayColor;
915     Canvas.Font.Style:=TextGrayStyle;
916     Canvas.Pen.Color:=PenColor;
917     Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(tttStandardLink);
918     ThemeServices.DrawElement(Canvas.Handle, Details, ClientRect);
919   end else begin
920     Canvas.Font.Style:=[fsBold];
921   end;
922   NewMaxWidth:=0;
923   NewMaxHeight:=0;
924   for i:=0 to FHints.Count-1 do begin
925     if Draw and (NewMaxHeight>=MaxHeight) then break;
926     CurHintRect:=Rect(0,NewMaxHeight,MaxWidth,MaxHeight);
927     DrawHint(i,CurHintRect);
928     if CurHintRect.Right>NewMaxWidth then
929       NewMaxWidth:=CurHintRect.Right;
930     NewMaxHeight:=CurHintRect.Bottom;
931   end;
932   // for fractionals add some space
933   inc(NewMaxWidth,2);
934   inc(NewMaxHeight,2);
935   // add space for the copy all button
936   inc(NewMaxWidth,16);
938   if Draw then begin
939     // fill rest of form
940     if NewMaxHeight<MaxHeight then
941       Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,NewMaxHeight,MaxWidth,MaxHeight));
942     // draw frame around window
943     Canvas.Frame(Rect(0,0,MaxWidth-1,MaxHeight-1));
944   end;
945   if not Draw then begin
946     // adjust max width and height
947     if NewMaxWidth<MaxWidth then
948       MaxWidth:=NewMaxWidth;
949     if NewMaxHeight<MaxHeight then
950       MaxHeight:=NewMaxHeight;
951   end;
952 end;
954 procedure TCodeContextFrm.CompleteParameters(DeclCode: string);
955 // add the parameter names in the source editor
ReadNextAtomnull957   function ReadNextAtom(ASynEdit: TSynEdit; var TokenLine, TokenEnd: integer;
958     out TokenStart: integer): string;
959   var
960     Line: string;
961   begin
962     while TokenLine<=ASynEdit.Lines.Count do begin
963       Line:=ASynEdit.Lines[TokenLine-1];
964       ReadRawNextPascalAtom(Line,TokenEnd,TokenStart);
965       if TokenStart<TokenEnd then begin
966         Result:=copy(Line,TokenStart,TokenEnd-TokenStart);
967         exit;
968       end;
969       inc(TokenLine);
970       TokenEnd:=1;
971     end;
972     TokenStart:=TokenEnd;
973     Result:='';
974   end;
976   procedure AddParameters(ASynEdit: TSynEdit; Y, X: integer;
977     AddComma, AddCLoseBracket: boolean;
978     StartIndex: integer);
979   var
980     NewCode: String;
981     TokenStart: Integer;
982     BracketLevel: Integer;
983     ParameterIndex: Integer;
984     TokenEnd: integer;
985     LastToken: String;
986     Indent: LongInt;
987     XY: TPoint;
988   begin
989     TokenEnd:=1;
990     BracketLevel:=0;
991     ParameterIndex:=-1;
992     NewCode:='';
993     LastToken:='';
994     repeat
995       ReadRawNextPascalAtom(DeclCode,TokenEnd,TokenStart);
996       if TokenEnd=TokenStart then break;
997       case DeclCode[TokenStart] of
998       '(','[':
999         begin
1000           inc(BracketLevel);
1001           if BracketLevel=1 then
1002             ParameterIndex:=0;
1003         end;
1004       ')',']':
1005         begin
1006           dec(BracketLevel);
1007           if BracketLevel=0 then begin
1008             // closing bracket found
1009             break;
1010           end;
1011         end;
1012       ',',':':
1013         if BracketLevel=1 then begin
1014           if (LastToken<>'') and (IsIdentStartChar[LastToken[1]])
1015           and (ParameterIndex>=StartIndex) then begin
1016             // add parameter
1017             if AddComma then
1018               NewCode:=NewCode+',';
1019             NewCode:=NewCode+LastToken;
1020             AddComma:=true;
1021           end;
1022           if DeclCode[TokenStart]=',' then
1023             inc(ParameterIndex);
1024         end;
1025       ';':
1026         if BracketLevel=1 then
1027           inc(ParameterIndex);
1028       else
1030       end;
1031       LastToken:=copy(DeclCode,TokenStart,TokenEnd-TokenStart);
1032     until false;
1033     if NewCode='' then exit;
1034     if AddCLoseBracket then
1035       NewCode+=')';
1036     // format insertion
1037     Indent:=GetLineIndentWithTabs(ASynEdit.Lines[Y-1],X,ASynEdit.TabWidth);
1038     if Y<>FParamListBracketOpenCodeXYPos.Y then
1039       dec(Indent,CodeToolBoss.SourceChangeCache.BeautifyCodeOptions.Indent);
1040     NewCode:=CodeToolBoss.SourceChangeCache.BeautifyCodeOptions.BeautifyStatement(
1041       NewCode,Indent,[],X);
1042     delete(NewCode,1,Indent);
1043     if NewCode='' then begin
1044       ShowMessage(lisAllParametersOfThisFunctionAreAlreadySetAtThisCall);
1045       exit;
1046     end;
1047     // insert
1048     ASynEdit.BeginUndoBlock{$IFDEF SynUndoDebugBeginEnd}('TCodeContextFrm.CompleteParameters'){$ENDIF};
1049     try
1050       XY:=Point(X,Y);
1051       ASynEdit.BlockBegin:=XY;
1052       ASynEdit.BlockEnd:=XY;
1053       ASynEdit.LogicalCaretXY:=XY;
1054       ASynEdit.SelText:=NewCode;
1055     finally
1056       ASynEdit.EndUndoBlock{$IFDEF SynUndoDebugBeginEnd}('TCodeContextFrm.CompleteParameters'){$ENDIF};
1057     end;
1058   end;
1060 var
1061   SrcEdit: TSourceEditorInterface;
1062   BracketPos: TPoint;
1063   ASynEdit: TSynEdit;
1064   Line: string;
1065   TokenLine, TokenEnd, TokenStart: LongInt;
1066   LastTokenLine, LastTokenEnd: LongInt;
1067   BracketLevel: Integer;
1068   ParameterIndex: Integer;
1069   Token: String;
1070   LastToken: String;
1071   NeedComma: Boolean;
1072 begin
1073   SrcEdit:=SourceEditorManagerIntf.ActiveEditor;
1074   if (SrcEdit=nil) or (SrcEdit.CodeToolsBuffer<>ProcNameCodeXYPos.Code) then
1075     exit;
1076   BracketPos:=Point(ParamListBracketOpenCodeXYPos.X,
1077                     ParamListBracketOpenCodeXYPos.Y);
1078   // find out, if cursor is in procedure call and where
1079   ASynEdit:=SrcEdit.EditorControl as TSynEdit;
1081   Line:=ASynEdit.Lines[BracketPos.Y-1];
1082   if (length(Line)<BracketPos.X) or (not (Line[BracketPos.X] in ['(','[']))
1083   then begin
1084     // bracket lost -> something changed -> hints became invalid
1085     exit;
1086   end;
1088   // parse the code
1089   TokenLine:=BracketPos.Y;
1090   TokenEnd:=BracketPos.X;
1091   //debugln(['TCodeContextFrm.CompleteParameters START BracketPos=',dbgs(BracketPos)]);
1092   TokenStart:=TokenEnd;
1093   BracketLevel:=0;
1094   ParameterIndex:=-1;
1095   Token:='';
1096   repeat
1097     LastTokenLine:=TokenLine;
1098     LastTokenEnd:=TokenEnd;
1099     LastToken:=Token;
1100     Token:=ReadNextAtom(ASynEdit,TokenLine,TokenEnd,TokenStart);
1101     //debugln(['TCodeContextFrm.CompleteParameters Token="',Token,'" ParameterIndex=',ParameterIndex]);
1102     if TokenEnd=TokenStart then break;
1103     case Token[1] of
1104     '(','[':
1105       begin
1106         inc(BracketLevel);
1107         if BracketLevel=1 then
1108           ParameterIndex:=0;
1109       end;
1110     ')',']':
1111       begin
1112         dec(BracketLevel);
1113         if BracketLevel=0 then break;
1114       end;
1115     ',':
1116       if BracketLevel=1 then inc(ParameterIndex);
1117     ';':
1118       break; // missing close bracket => cursor behind procedure call
1119     else
1120       if IsIdentStartChar[Token[1]] then begin
1121         if CompareIdentifiers(PChar(Token),'end')=0 then
1122           break;// missing close bracket => cursor behind procedure call
1123       end;
1124     end;
1125   until false;
1126   NeedComma:=(LastToken<>',') and (LastToken<>'(') and (LastToken<>'[');
1127   if NeedComma then inc(ParameterIndex);
1128   //debugln(['TCodeContextFrm.CompleteParameters BracketLevel=',BracketLevel,' NeedComma=',NeedComma,' ParameterIndex=',ParameterIndex]);
1129   if BracketLevel=0 then begin
1130     // closing bracket found
1131     //debugln(['TCodeContextFrm.CompleteParameters y=',LastTokenLine,' x=',LastTokenEnd,' ParameterIndex=',ParameterIndex]);
1132     AddParameters(ASynEdit,LastTokenLine,LastTokenEnd,NeedComma,false,ParameterIndex);
1133   end else if BracketLevel=1 then begin
1134     // missing closing bracket
1135     AddParameters(ASynEdit,LastTokenLine,LastTokenEnd,NeedComma,true,ParameterIndex);
1136   end;
1137 end;
1139 procedure TCodeContextFrm.ClearHints;
1140 var
1141   i: Integer;
1142 begin
1143   for i:=0 to FHints.Count-1 do
1144     FreeAndNil(Hints[i].CopyAllButton);
1145   for i:=0 to FHints.Count-1 do
1146     TObject(FHints[i]).Free;
1147   FHints.Clear;
1148 end;
1150 procedure TCodeContextFrm.SetIdleConnected(AValue: boolean);
1151 begin
1152   if fDestroying then AValue:=false;
1153   if FIdleConnected=AValue then Exit;
1154   FIdleConnected:=AValue;
1155   if IdleConnected then
1156     Application.AddOnIdleHandler(@ApplicationIdle)
1157   else
1158     Application.RemoveOnIdleHandler(@ApplicationIdle);
1159 end;
1161 procedure TCodeContextFrm.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
1162   Operation: TOperation);
1163 var
1164   i: Integer;
1165 begin
1166   inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
1167   if Operation=opRemove then
1168   begin
1169     if FHints<>nil then
1170       for i:=0 to FHints.Count-1 do
1171         if Hints[i].CopyAllButton=AComponent then
1172           Hints[i].CopyAllButton:=nil;
1173   end;
1174 end;
1176 procedure TCodeContextFrm.Paint;
1177 begin
1178   FormPaint(Self);
1179 end;
1181 constructor TCodeContextFrm.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
1182 begin
1183   inherited Create(TheOwner);
1184   OnDestroy:=@FormDestroy;
1185   OnKeyDown:=@FormKeyDown;
1186   OnUTF8KeyPress:=@FormUTF8KeyPress;
1187   FormCreate(Self);
1188 end;
1190 destructor TCodeContextFrm.Destroy;
1191 begin
1192   fDestroying:=true;
1193   IdleConnected:=false;
1194   if CodeContextFrm=Self then
1195     CodeContextFrm:=nil;
1196   inherited Destroy;
1197 end;
1199 end.