1 {  $Id$  }
2 {
3  /***************************************************************************
4                              debugmanager.pp
5                              ---------------
6       TDebugManager controls all debugging related stuff in the IDE.
9  ***************************************************************************/
11  ***************************************************************************
12  *                                                                         *
13  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
14  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
15  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
16  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
17  *                                                                         *
18  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
19  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
21  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
22  *                                                                         *
23  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
24  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
25  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
26  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
27  *                                                                         *
28  ***************************************************************************
29 }
30 unit DebugManager;
32 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
34 interface
36 {$I ide.inc}
37 {off $define VerboseDebugger}
39 uses
41   MemCheck,
42   {$ENDIF}
43   Classes, SysUtils, math,
44   // LCL
45   LCLType, LCLIntf, Forms, Controls, Dialogs, ExtCtrls,
46   // LazUtils
47   LazFileUtils, LazFileCache, LazLoggerBase, Laz2_XMLCfg, LazUTF8, LazTracer,
48   // codetools
49   CodeCache, CodeToolManager, PascalParserTool, CodeTree,
50   // IDEIntf
51   IDEWindowIntf, SrcEditorIntf, MenuIntf, IDECommands, LazIDEIntf, ProjectIntf,
52   CompOptsIntf, IDEDialogs, ToolBarIntf,
53   // IDE
54   CompilerOptions, EnvironmentOpts, SourceEditor, ProjectDefs, Project,
55   InputHistory, Debugger, LazarusIDEStrConsts, TransferMacros,
56   MainBar, MainIntf, MainBase, BaseBuildManager, SourceMarks, DebuggerDlg,
57   Watchesdlg, BreakPointsdlg, BreakPropertyDlg, LocalsDlg, WatchPropertyDlg,
58   CallStackDlg, EvaluateDlg, RegistersDlg, AssemblerDlg, DebugOutputForm,
59   ExceptionDlg, InspectDlg, DebugEventsForm, PseudoTerminalDlg, FeedbackDlg,
60   ThreadDlg, HistoryDlg, ProcessDebugger, DbgIntfBaseTypes, DbgIntfDebuggerBase,
61   DbgIntfMiscClasses, DbgIntfPseudoTerminal, BaseDebugManager;
64 type
66   { TDebugEventLogManager }
68   TDebugEventLogManager = class(TObject, TDebuggerEventLogInterface)
69   private
70     FEventDialog: TDbgEventsForm;
71     FHiddenDebugEventsLog: TStringList;
72     FTargetWidth: Integer;
73     procedure SetEventDialog(AValue: TDbgEventsForm);
FormatBreakPointAddressnull74     function  FormatBreakPointAddress(const ABreakpoint: TDBGBreakPoint;
75                 const ALocation: TDBGLocationRec): String;
76   protected
77     procedure DebuggerEvent(Sender: TObject; const ACategory: TDBGEventCategory; const AEventType: TDBGEventType; const AText: String);
78   public
79     procedure LogCustomEvent(const ACategory: TDBGEventCategory;
80                 const AEventType: TDBGEventType; const AText: String);
81     procedure LogEventBreakPointHit(const ABreakpoint: TDBGBreakPoint; const ALocation: TDBGLocationRec);
82     procedure LogEventWatchPointTriggered(const ABreakpoint: TDBGBreakPoint;
83                 const ALocation: TDBGLocationRec; const AOldWatchedVal, ANewWatchedVal: String);
84     procedure LogEventWatchPointScope(const ABreakpoint: TDBGBreakPoint;
85                 const ALocation: TDBGLocationRec);
86   public
87     destructor Destroy; override;
88     procedure ClearDebugEventsLog;
89     property EventDialog: TDbgEventsForm read FEventDialog write SetEventDialog;
90     property TargetWidth: Integer read FTargetWidth write FTargetWidth;
91   end;
93   { TDebugManager }
95   TDebugManager = class(TBaseDebugManager)
96     procedure DebuggerIdle(Sender: TObject);
DoProjectClosenull97     function DoProjectClose(Sender: TObject; AProject: TLazProject): TModalResult;
98     procedure DoProjectModified(Sender: TObject);
99   private
100     FAsmWindowShouldAutoClose: Boolean;
101     procedure BreakAutoContinueTimer(Sender: TObject);
102     procedure OnRunTimer(Sender: TObject);
103     // Menu events
104     procedure mnuViewDebugDialogClick(Sender: TObject);
105     procedure mnuResetDebuggerClicked(Sender: TObject);
106     procedure mnuAddWatchClicked(Sender: TObject);
107     procedure mnuAddBpAddress(Sender: TObject);
108     procedure mnuAddBpSource(Sender: TObject);
109     procedure mnuAddBpData(Sender: TObject);
110     procedure mnuAddBpDataAtCursor(Sender: TObject);
112     // Debugger events
113     procedure DebuggerBreakPointHit({%H-}ADebugger: TDebuggerIntf; ABreakPoint: TBaseBreakPoint; var {%H-}ACanContinue: Boolean);
114     procedure DebuggerBeforeChangeState(ADebugger: TDebuggerIntf; AOldState: TDBGState);
115     procedure DebuggerChangeState(ADebugger: TDebuggerIntf; OldState: TDBGState);
116     procedure DebuggerCurrentLine(Sender: TObject; const ALocation: TDBGLocationRec);
117     procedure DebuggerOutput(Sender: TObject; const AText: String);
118     procedure DebuggerConsoleOutput(Sender: TObject; const AText: String);
DebuggerFeedbacknull119     function DebuggerFeedback(Sender: TObject; const AText, AInfo: String;
120       AType: TDBGFeedbackType; AButtons: TDBGFeedbackResults): TDBGFeedbackResult;
121     procedure DebuggerException(Sender: TObject;
122       const AExceptionType: TDBGExceptionType;
123       const AExceptionClass: String;
124       const AExceptionLocation: TDBGLocationRec;
125       const AExceptionText: String;
126       out AContinue: Boolean);
128     // Dialog events
129     procedure DebugDialogDestroy(Sender: TObject);
130   private
131     FDebugger: TDebuggerIntf;
132     FEventLogManager: TDebugEventLogManager;
133     FUnitInfoProvider: TDebuggerUnitInfoProvider;
134     FDialogs: array[TDebugDialogType] of TDebuggerDlg;
135     FInStateChange: Boolean;
136     FPrevShownWindow: HWND;
137     FStepping: Boolean;
138     // keep track of the last reported location
139     FCurrentLocation: TDBGLocationRec;
140     // last hit breakpoint
141     FCurrentBreakpoint: TIDEBreakpoint;
142     FAutoContinueTimer: TTimer;
143     FIsInitializingDebugger: Boolean;
145     // When a source file is not found, the user can choose one
146     // here are all choices stored
147     FUserSourceFiles: TStringList;
149     // when the debug output log is not open, store the debug log internally
150     FHiddenDebugOutputLog: TStringList;
152     FRunTimer: TTimer;
153     FAttachToID: String;
155     procedure SetDebugger(const ADebugger: TDebuggerIntf);
157     // Breakpoint routines
158     procedure CreateSourceMarkForBreakPoint(const ABreakpoint: TIDEBreakPoint;
159                                             ASrcEdit: TSourceEditor);
160     procedure GetSourceEditorForBreakPoint(const ABreakpoint: TIDEBreakPoint;
161                                            var ASrcEdit: TSourceEditor);
163     // Dialog routines
164     procedure DestroyDebugDialog(const ADialogType: TDebugDialogType);
165     procedure InitDebugOutputDlg;
166     procedure InitDebugEventsDlg;
167     procedure InitBreakPointDlg;
168     procedure InitWatchesDlg;
169     procedure InitThreadsDlg;
170     procedure InitPseudoTerminal;
171     procedure InitLocalsDlg;
172     procedure InitCallStackDlg;
173     procedure InitEvaluateDlg;
174     procedure InitRegistersDlg;
175     procedure InitAssemblerDlg;
176     procedure InitInspectDlg;
177     procedure InitHistoryDlg;
179     procedure FreeDebugger;
180     procedure ResetDebugger;
GetLaunchPathAndExenull182     function GetLaunchPathAndExe(out LaunchingCmdLine, LaunchingApplication,
183                                      LaunchingParams: String; PromptOnError: Boolean = True): Boolean;
184   protected
GetStatenull185     function  GetState: TDBGState; override;
GetCommandsnull186     function  GetCommands: TDBGCommands; override;
GetPseudoTerminalnull187     function GetPseudoTerminal: TPseudoTerminal; override;
GetDebuggerClassnull188     function GetDebuggerClass: TDebuggerClass;
GetDebuggernull190     function GetDebugger: TDebuggerIntf; override;
191     {$ENDIF}
GetCurrentDebuggerClassnull192     function GetCurrentDebuggerClass: TDebuggerClass; override;    (* TODO: workaround for http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=21834   *)
AttachDebuggernull193     function AttachDebugger: TModalResult;
194   public
195     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
196     destructor Destroy; override;
197     procedure Reset; override;
199     procedure ConnectMainBarEvents; override;
200     procedure ConnectSourceNotebookEvents; override;
201     procedure SetupMainBarShortCuts; override;
202     procedure SetupSourceMenuShortCuts; override;
203     procedure UpdateButtonsAndMenuItems; override;
204     procedure UpdateToolStatus; override;
205     procedure EnvironmentOptsChanged; override;
207     procedure LoadProjectSpecificInfo(XMLConfig: TXMLConfig;
208                                       Merge: boolean); override;
209     procedure SaveProjectSpecificInfo(XMLConfig: TXMLConfig;
210                                       Flags: TProjectWriteFlags); override;
211     procedure DoRestoreDebuggerMarks(AnUnitInfo: TUnitInfo); override;
212     procedure ClearDebugOutputLog;
213     procedure ClearDebugEventsLog;
RequiredCompilerOptsnull215     function RequiredCompilerOpts(ATargetCPU, ATargetOS: String
216       ): TDebugCompilerRequirements; override;
InitDebuggernull217     function InitDebugger(AFlags: TDbgInitFlags = []): Boolean; override;
DoSetBreakkPointWarnIfNoDebuggernull218     function DoSetBreakkPointWarnIfNoDebugger: boolean;
DoPauseProjectnull220     function DoPauseProject: TModalResult; override;
DoShowExecutionPointnull221     function DoShowExecutionPoint: TModalResult; override;
DoStepIntoProjectnull222     function DoStepIntoProject: TModalResult; override;
DoStepOverProjectnull223     function DoStepOverProject: TModalResult; override;
DoStepIntoInstrProjectnull224     function DoStepIntoInstrProject: TModalResult; override;
DoStepOverInstrProjectnull225     function DoStepOverInstrProject: TModalResult; override;
DoStepOutProjectnull226     function DoStepOutProject: TModalResult; override;
DoStepToCursornull227     function DoStepToCursor: TModalResult; override;
DoRunToCursornull228     function DoRunToCursor: TModalResult; override;
DoStopProjectnull229     function DoStopProject: TModalResult; override;
230     procedure DoToggleCallStack; override;
231     procedure DoSendConsoleInput(AText: String); override;
232     procedure ProcessCommand(Command: word; var Handled: boolean); override;
234     //Some debuugers may do things like ProcessMessages while processing commands
235     //and that can cause side-effects
236     //The debugger may run it's queue either during UnLockCommandProcessing or later
237     procedure LockCommandProcessing; override;
238     procedure UnLockCommandProcessing; override;
240     function StartDebugging: TModalResult; override; // returns immediately
241     function RunDebugger: TModalResult; override; // waits till program ends
242     procedure EndDebugging; override;
244     procedure Attach(AProcessID: String); override;
245     function FillProcessList(AList: TRunningProcessInfoList): boolean; override;
246     procedure Detach; override;
248     function Evaluate(const AExpression: String; ACallback: TDBGEvaluateResultCallback;
249                       EvalFlags: TDBGEvaluateFlags = []): Boolean; override;
250     function Modify(const AExpression, ANewValue: String): Boolean; override;
252     procedure EvaluateModify(const AExpression: String); override;
253     procedure Inspect(const AExpression: String); override;
255     function GetFullFilename(const AUnitinfo: TDebuggerUnitInfo; out Filename: string;
256                              AskUserIfNotFound: Boolean): Boolean; override;
257     function GetFullFilename(var Filename: string; AskUserIfNotFound: Boolean): Boolean; override;
259     function DoCreateBreakPoint(const AFilename: string; ALine: integer;
260                                 WarnIfNoDebugger: boolean): TModalResult; override;
261     function DoCreateBreakPoint(const AFilename: string; ALine: integer;
262                                 WarnIfNoDebugger: boolean;
263                                 out ABrkPoint: TIDEBreakPoint;
264                                 AnUpdating: Boolean = False): TModalResult; override;
265     function DoCreateBreakPoint(const AnAddr: TDBGPtr;
266                                 WarnIfNoDebugger: boolean;
267                                 out ABrkPoint: TIDEBreakPoint;
268                                 AnUpdating: Boolean = False): TModalResult; override;
270     function DoDeleteBreakPoint(const AFilename: string;
271                                 ALine: integer): TModalResult; override;
272     function DoDeleteBreakPointAtMark(
273                         const ASourceMark: TSourceMark): TModalResult; override;
275     function ShowBreakPointProperties(const ABreakpoint: TIDEBreakPoint): TModalresult; override;
276     function ShowWatchProperties(const AWatch: TCurrentWatch; AWatchExpression: String = ''): TModalresult; override;
278     // Dialog routines
279     procedure CreateDebugDialog(Sender: TObject; aFormName: string;
280                           var AForm: TCustomForm; DoDisableAutoSizing: boolean); override;
281     procedure ViewDebugDialog(const ADialogType: TDebugDialogType; BringToFront: Boolean = true; Show: Boolean = true; DoDisableAutoSizing: boolean = false); override;
282     procedure ViewDisassembler(AnAddr: TDBGPtr;
283                               BringToFront: Boolean = True; Show: Boolean = true;
284                               DoDisableAutoSizing: boolean = false); override;
285   end;
287 function DBGDateTimeFormatter(const aValue: string): string;
289 implementation
291 var
292   DBG_LOCATION_INFO: PLazLoggerLogGroup;
294 function DBGDateTimeFormatter(const aValue: string): string;
295 var
296   FS: TFormatSettings;
297   MyDate: Extended;
298 begin
299   FillChar(FS{%H-}, SizeOf(TFormatSettings), 0);
300   FS.DecimalSeparator := '.';
301   if TryStrToFloat(aValue, MyDate, FS) then
302   begin
303     // it is important to know datetime for all TDate/TTime/TDateTime
304     if SameValue(Frac(MyDate), 0) then
305       Result := DateToStr(MyDate)
306     else
307     if SameValue(Int(MyDate), 0) then
308       Result := TimeToStr(MyDate)
309     else
310       Result := DateTimeToStr(MyDate);
311   end else
312     Result := aValue;
313 end;
315 type
317   { TManagedBreakPoint }
319   TManagedBreakPoint = class(TIDEBreakPoint)
320   private
321     FSourceMark: TSourceMark;
322     FCurrentDebugExeLine: Integer;
323     procedure OnSourceMarkBeforeFree(Sender: TObject);
324     procedure OnSourceMarkCreatePopupMenu(SenderMark: TSourceMark;
325                                           const AddMenuItem: TAddMenuItemProc);
326     procedure OnSourceMarkGetHint(SenderMark: TSourceMark; var Hint: string);
327     procedure OnSourceMarkPositionChanged(Sender: TObject);
328     procedure OnToggleEnableMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
329     procedure OnDeleteMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
330     procedure OnViewPropertiesMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
331   protected
332     procedure DoChanged; override;
334     procedure SetSourceMark(const AValue: TSourceMark);
335     procedure UpdateSourceMark;
336     procedure UpdateSourceMarkImage;
337     procedure UpdateSourceMarkLineColor;
338     function  DebugExeLine: Integer; override; // If known, the line in the compiled exe
339   public
340     procedure CopySourcePositionToBreakPoint;
341     procedure SetLocation(const ASource: String; const ALine: Integer); override;
342     property SourceMark: TSourceMark read FSourceMark write SetSourceMark;
343   end;
345   { TManagedBreakPoints }
347   TManagedBreakPoints = class(TIDEBreakPoints)
348   private
349     FManager: TDebugManager;
350   protected
351     procedure NotifyAdd(const ABreakPoint: TIDEBreakPoint); override;
352     procedure NotifyRemove(const ABreakPoint: TIDEBreakPoint); override;
353     procedure Update(Item: TCollectionItem); override;
354   public
355     constructor Create(const AManager: TDebugManager);
356   end;
358   { TProjectExceptions }
360   TProjectExceptions = class(TIDEExceptions)
361   protected
362     procedure SetIgnoreAll(const AValue: Boolean); override;
363     procedure Notify(Item: TCollectionItem; Action: TCollectionNotification); override;
364     procedure Update(Item: TCollectionItem); override;
365   end;
367 { TDebugEventLogManager }
369 procedure TDebugEventLogManager.SetEventDialog(AValue: TDbgEventsForm);
370 begin
371   if FEventDialog = AValue then Exit;
373   If AValue = nil then begin
374     if FHiddenDebugEventsLog=nil then
375       FHiddenDebugEventsLog:=TStringList.Create;
376     FEventDialog.GetEvents(FHiddenDebugEventsLog);
377   end
378   else
379   if FHiddenDebugEventsLog <> nil then begin
380     AValue.SetEvents(FHiddenDebugEventsLog);
381     FreeAndNil(FHiddenDebugEventsLog);
382   end;
384   FEventDialog := AValue;
385 end;
FormatBreakPointAddressnull387 function TDebugEventLogManager.FormatBreakPointAddress(
388   const ABreakpoint: TDBGBreakPoint; const ALocation: TDBGLocationRec): String;
389 var
390   SrcName: String;
391 begin
392   SrcName := ALocation.SrcFullName;
393   if SrcName = '' then
394     SrcName := ALocation.SrcFile;
396   if SrcName <> '' then
397     Result := Format(dbgEventBreakAtAddressSourceLine,
398                       [IntToHex(ALocation.Address, FTargetWidth), SrcName, ALocation.SrcLine])
399   else
400   if (ABreakpoint <> nil) and (ABreakPoint.Kind = bpkSource) then
401     Result := Format(dbgEventBreakAtAddressOriginSourceOriginLine,
402                       [IntToHex(ALocation.Address, FTargetWidth), ABreakpoint.Source, ABreakpoint.Line])
403   else
404     Result := Format(dbgEventBreakAtAddress, [IntToHex(ALocation.Address,
405       FTargetWidth)]);
406 end;
408 procedure TDebugEventLogManager.DebuggerEvent(Sender: TObject;
409   const ACategory: TDBGEventCategory; const AEventType: TDBGEventType;
410   const AText: String);
411 var
412   Rec: TDBGEventRec;
413 begin
414   if EventDialog <> nil
415   then begin
416     EventDialog.AddEvent(ACategory, AEventType, AText)
417   end
418   else begin
419     // store it internally, and copy it to the dialog, when the user opens it
420     if FHiddenDebugEventsLog=nil
421     then FHiddenDebugEventsLog := TStringList.Create;
422     if EnvironmentOptions.DebuggerEventLogCheckLineLimit
423     then begin
424       while FHiddenDebugEventsLog.Count >= EnvironmentOptions.DebuggerEventLogLineLimit do
425         FHiddenDebugEventsLog.Delete(0);
426     end;
427     Rec.Category := Ord(ACategory);
428     Rec.EventType := Ord(AEventType);
429     FHiddenDebugEventsLog.AddObject(AText, TObject(Rec.Ptr));
430   end;
431 end;
433 procedure TDebugEventLogManager.LogCustomEvent(
434   const ACategory: TDBGEventCategory; const AEventType: TDBGEventType;
435   const AText: String);
436 begin
437   DebuggerEvent(nil, ACategory, AEventType, AText);
438 end;
440 procedure TDebugEventLogManager.LogEventBreakPointHit(
441   const ABreakpoint: TDBGBreakPoint; const ALocation: TDBGLocationRec);
442 var
443   Msg: String;
444 begin
445   if ABreakpoint = nil then
446     Msg := dbgEventBreakUnknownBreakPoint
447   else
448   case ABreakPoint.Kind of
449     bpkSource:  Msg := dbgEventBreakSourceBreakPoint;
450     bpkAddress: Msg := dbgEventBreakAddressBreakPoint;
451     bpkData:    Msg := dbgEventBreakWatchPoint; // should not be here, use LogEventWatchPointTriggered();
452   end;
454   LogCustomEvent(ecBreakpoint, etBreakpointHit,
455     Format(Msg, [FormatBreakPointAddress(ABreakpoint, ALocation)]));
456 end;
458 procedure TDebugEventLogManager.LogEventWatchPointTriggered(
459   const ABreakpoint: TDBGBreakPoint; const ALocation: TDBGLocationRec;
460   const AOldWatchedVal, ANewWatchedVal: String);
461 var
462   Msg, Loc: String;
463 begin
464   Loc := FormatBreakPointAddress(ABreakpoint, ALocation);
465   if ABreakpoint = nil then
466     Msg := Format(dbgEventUnknownWatchPointTriggered, [Loc, AOldWatchedVal, ANewWatchedVal])
467   else
468   case ABreakPoint.Kind of
469     bpkSource:  Msg := Format(dbgEventBreakSourceBreakPoint , [Loc]); // should not be here
470     bpkAddress: Msg := Format(dbgEventBreakAddressBreakPoint, [Loc]); // should not be here
471     bpkData:    Msg := Format(dbgEventWatchTriggered, [ABreakpoint.WatchData, Loc,
472       AOldWatchedVal, ANewWatchedVal]);
473   end;
475   LogCustomEvent(ecBreakpoint, etBreakpointHit, Msg );
476 end;
478 procedure TDebugEventLogManager.LogEventWatchPointScope(
479   const ABreakpoint: TDBGBreakPoint; const ALocation: TDBGLocationRec);
480 var
481   Msg, Loc: String;
482 begin
483   Loc := FormatBreakPointAddress(ABreakpoint, ALocation);
484   if ABreakpoint = nil then
485     Msg := Format(dbgEventUnknownWatchPointScopeEnded, [Loc])
486   else
487   case ABreakPoint.Kind of
488     bpkSource:  Msg := Format(dbgEventBreakSourceBreakPoint , [Loc]); // should not be here
489     bpkAddress: Msg := Format(dbgEventBreakAddressBreakPoint, [Loc]); // should not be here
490     bpkData:    Format(dbgEventWatchScopeEnded, [ABreakpoint.WatchData, Loc])
491   end;
493   LogCustomEvent(ecBreakpoint, etBreakpointHit, Msg );
494 end;
496 destructor TDebugEventLogManager.Destroy;
497 begin
498   FreeAndNil(FHiddenDebugEventsLog);
499   inherited Destroy;
500 end;
502 procedure TDebugEventLogManager.ClearDebugEventsLog;
503 begin
504   if EventDialog <> nil then
505     EventDialog.Clear;
506   FreeAndNil(FHiddenDebugEventsLog);
507 end;
509 { TProjectExceptions }
511 procedure TProjectExceptions.SetIgnoreAll(const AValue: Boolean);
512 begin
513   // Todo: move to Changed or Update, but they are called too often...
514   if (IgnoreAll <> AValue) and (Project1 <> nil) then
515     Project1.Modified := True;
516   inherited SetIgnoreAll(AValue);
517 end;
519 procedure TProjectExceptions.Notify(Item: TCollectionItem; Action: TCollectionNotification);
520 begin
521   inherited Notify(Item, Action);
522   if Project1 <> nil then
523     Project1.Modified := True;
524 end;
526 procedure TProjectExceptions.Update(Item: TCollectionItem);
527 begin
528   inherited Update(Item);
529   if Project1 <> nil then
530     Project1.Modified := True;
531 end;
533 { TManagedBreakPoints }
535 constructor TManagedBreakPoints.Create(const AManager: TDebugManager);
536 begin
537   FManager := AManager;
538   inherited Create(TManagedBreakPoint);
539 end;
541 procedure TManagedBreakPoints.NotifyAdd(const ABreakPoint: TIDEBreakPoint);
542 begin
543 {$ifdef VerboseDebugger}
544   debugln('TManagedBreakPoints.NotifyAdd A ',ABreakpoint.Source,' ',IntToStr(ABreakpoint.Line));
545 {$endif}
546   inherited;
548   FManager.CreateSourceMarkForBreakPoint(ABreakpoint,nil);
549   Project1.Modified := True;
550 end;
552 procedure TManagedBreakPoints.NotifyRemove(const ABreakPoint: TIDEBreakPoint);
553 begin
554 {$ifdef VerboseDebugger}
555   debugln(['TManagedBreakPoints.NotifyRemove A ',ABreakpoint.Source,' ',ABreakpoint.Line,' ',TManagedBreakPoint(ABreakpoint).SourceMark <> nil]);
556 {$endif}
558   inherited;
559   if FManager.FCurrentBreakpoint = ABreakPoint
560   then FManager.FCurrentBreakpoint := nil;
562   TManagedBreakPoint(ABreakpoint).SourceMark.Free;
564   if Project1 <> nil
565   then Project1.Modified := True;
566 end;
568 procedure TManagedBreakPoints.Update(Item: TCollectionItem);
569 begin
570   inherited Update(Item);
571   if (Project1 <> nil) and (Item is TIDEBreakPoint) and (TIDEBreakPoint(Item).UserModified)
572   then begin
573     Project1.Modified := True;
574     TIDEBreakPoint(Item).UserModified := False;
575   end;
576 end;
579 { TManagedBreakPoint }
581 procedure TManagedBreakPoint.SetSourceMark(const AValue: TSourceMark);
582 begin
583   if FSourceMark=AValue then exit;
584   if FSourceMark<>nil then begin
585     FSourceMark.RemoveAllHandlersForObject(Self);
586     FSourceMark.Data:=nil;
587   end;
588   FSourceMark:=AValue;
589   if FSourceMark<>nil then begin
590     FSourceMark.IncChangeLock;
591     FSourceMark.AddPositionChangedHandler(@OnSourceMarkPositionChanged);
592     FSourceMark.AddBeforeFreeHandler(@OnSourceMarkBeforeFree);
593     FSourceMark.Data:=Self;
594     FSourceMark.IsBreakPoint:=true;
595     FSourceMark.Line:=Line;
596     FSourceMark.Visible:=true;
597     FSourceMark.AddGetHintHandler(@OnSourceMarkGetHint);
598     FSourceMark.AddCreatePopupMenuHandler(@OnSourceMarkCreatePopupMenu);
599     UpdateSourceMark;
600     FSourceMark.DecChangeLock;
601   end;
602 end;
604 procedure TManagedBreakPoint.OnSourceMarkPositionChanged(Sender: TObject);
605 begin
606   CopySourcePositionToBreakPoint;
607 end;
609 procedure TManagedBreakPoint.OnToggleEnableMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
610 begin
611   Enabled:=not Enabled;
612 end;
614 procedure TManagedBreakPoint.OnDeleteMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
615 begin
616   ReleaseReference;
617 end;
619 procedure TManagedBreakPoint.OnViewPropertiesMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
620 begin
621   DebugBoss.ShowBreakPointProperties(Self);
622 end;
624 procedure TManagedBreakPoint.OnSourceMarkBeforeFree(Sender: TObject);
625 begin
626   SourceMark:=nil;
627 end;
629 procedure TManagedBreakPoint.OnSourceMarkGetHint(SenderMark: TSourceMark;
630   var Hint: string);
631 begin
632   Hint := GetBreakPointStateDescription(Self) + LineEnding +
633       Format('%s: %d' + LineEnding + '%s %s' + LineEnding + '%s: %s',
634         [lisHitCount, Hitcount,
635         lisAction, GetBreakPointActionsDescription(Self),
636         lisCondition, Expression]);
637   if SenderMark<>nil then ;
638 end;
640 procedure TManagedBreakPoint.OnSourceMarkCreatePopupMenu(
641   SenderMark: TSourceMark; const AddMenuItem: TAddMenuItemProc);
642 begin
643   if Enabled then
644     AddMenuItem(lisDisableBreakPoint, True, @OnToggleEnableMenuItemClick)
645   else
646     AddMenuItem(lisEnableBreakPoint, True, @OnToggleEnableMenuItemClick);
647   AddMenuItem(lisDeleteBreakPoint, True, @OnDeleteMenuItemClick);
648   AddMenuItem(lisViewBreakPointProperties, True, @OnViewPropertiesMenuItemClick);
649   if SenderMark<>nil then ;
650 end;
652 procedure TManagedBreakPoint.DoChanged;
653 begin
654   inherited DoChanged;
655   UpdateSourceMark;
656 end;
658 procedure TManagedBreakPoint.CopySourcePositionToBreakPoint;
659 begin
660   if FSourceMark=nil then exit;
661   SetLocation(Source,FSourceMark.Line);
662 end;
664 procedure TManagedBreakPoint.SetLocation(const ASource: String;
665   const ALine: Integer);
666 var
667   NewDebugExeLine: Integer;
668 begin
669   NewDebugExeLine := DebugExeLine;
670   if (Source = ASource) and (Line = ALine) and (FCurrentDebugExeLine = NewDebugExeLine)
671   then exit;
672   inherited SetLocation(ASource, ALine);
673   FCurrentDebugExeLine := NewDebugExeLine;
674   if Project1 <> nil
675   then Project1.Modified := True;
676 end;
678 procedure TManagedBreakPoint.UpdateSourceMarkImage;
679 var
680   Img: Integer;
681 begin
682   if SourceMark = nil then Exit;
683   case Valid of
684     vsValid:
685       if Enabled then
686         Img := SourceEditorMarks.ActiveBreakPointImg
687       else
688         Img := SourceEditorMarks.InactiveBreakPointImg;
689     vsInvalid:
690       if Enabled then
691         Img := SourceEditorMarks.InvalidBreakPointImg
692       else
693         Img := SourceEditorMarks.InvalidDisabledBreakPointImg;
694     vsPending:
695       if Enabled then
696         Img := SourceEditorMarks.PendingBreakPointImg
697       else
698         Img := SourceEditorMarks.InactiveBreakPointImg;
699     else
700       if Enabled then
701         Img := SourceEditorMarks.UnknownBreakPointImg
702       else
703         Img := SourceEditorMarks.UnknownDisabledBreakPointImg;
704   end;
705   SourceMark.ImageIndex := Img;
706 end;
708 procedure TManagedBreakPoint.UpdateSourceMarkLineColor;
709 var
710   aha: TAdditionalHilightAttribute;
711 begin
712   if SourceMark = nil then Exit;
713   aha := ahaNone;
714   case Valid of
715     vsValid:
716       if Enabled then
717         aha := ahaEnabledBreakpoint
718       else
719         aha := ahaDisabledBreakpoint;
720     vsInvalid:
721     if Enabled then
722         aha := ahaInvalidBreakpoint
723       else
724         aha := ahaDisabledBreakpoint;
725     else
726       if Enabled then
727         aha := ahaUnknownBreakpoint
728       else
729         aha := ahaDisabledBreakpoint;
730   end;
731   SourceMark.LineColorAttrib := aha;
732 end;
DebugExeLinenull734 function TManagedBreakPoint.DebugExeLine: Integer;
735 var
736   se: TSourceEditor;
737 begin
738   Result := Line;
739   if (FSourceMark <> nil) and (FSourceMark.SourceEditor <> nil) then
740     Result := TSourceEditor(FSourceMark.SourceEditor).SourceToDebugLine(Line)
741   else begin
742     se := SourceEditorManager.SourceEditorIntfWithFilename(Source);
743     if se <> nil
744     then Result := se.SourceToDebugLine(Line);
745   end;
746 end;
748 procedure TManagedBreakPoint.UpdateSourceMark;
749 begin
750   if SourceMark = nil then Exit;
751   SourceMark.IncChangeLock;
752   SourceMark.Line := Line;
753   UpdateSourceMarkImage;
754   UpdateSourceMarkLineColor;
755   SourceMark.DecChangeLock;
756 end;
759 // Helper function for TDebugManager.GetFullFilename.
760 function FindFullFilenameSrc(const AUnitinfo: TDebuggerUnitInfo): boolean;
761 var
762   SrcUnitName: String;
763   SrcInFilename: String;
764   SrcFilename: String;
765   Code: TCodeBuffer;
766   ProcDef: String;
767   CurCodeTool: TCodeTool;
768   CurCodeNode: TCodeTreeNode;
769   CodePos: TCodeXYPosition;
770 begin
771   Result:=false;
772   // search unit in project unit path
773   SrcUnitName := AUnitinfo.UnitName;
774   SrcInFilename := '';
775   with CodeToolBoss.DirectoryCachePool do
776     SrcFilename := FindUnitSourceInCompletePath('', SrcUnitName, SrcInFilename);
777   if SrcFilename='' then exit;
778   // load unit
779   Code := CodeToolBoss.LoadFile(SrcFilename,true,false);
780   if Code=nil then exit; // read error
781   // procedure declaration: classname.functionname
782   ProcDef := '';
783   if AUnitinfo.SrcClassName<>'' then
784     ProcDef := AUnitinfo.SrcClassName+'.';
785   ProcDef := ProcDef+AUnitinfo.FunctionName;
786   // search proc in unit
787   if not CodeToolBoss.FindProcDeclaration(Code,ProcDef,CurCodeTool,CurCodeNode,
788     [phpWithoutParamList,phpWithoutBrackets,phpWithoutClassKeyword,phpWithoutSemicolon])
789   then
790     exit;
791   // get file, line, column
792   if CurCodeNode.Desc=ctnProcedure then
793     CurCodeNode := CurCodeNode.FirstChild; // jump to Name instead of keyword 'procedure'
794   if not CurCodeTool.CleanPosToCaret(CurCodeNode.StartPos,CodePos) then
795     exit;
796   AUnitinfo.LocationFullFile := CodePos.Code.Filename;
797   AUnitinfo.SrcLine := CodePos.Y;
798   //DumpStack;
799   Result:=true;
800 end;
GetFullFilenamenull802 function TDebugManager.GetFullFilename(const AUnitinfo: TDebuggerUnitInfo;
803   out Filename: string; AskUserIfNotFound: Boolean): Boolean;
805   function ResolveFromDbg: Boolean;
806   begin
807     Filename := AUnitinfo.FileName;
808     Result := (Filename<>'') and GetFullFilename(Filename, False) and FileExistsUTF8(Filename);
809     if Result then Exit;
810     Filename := AUnitinfo.DbgFullName;
811     if Filename='' then
812       Exit(False);
813     Result := FileExistsUTF8(Filename);
814     if not Result then
815       Result := GetFullFilename(Filename, AskUserIfNotFound);
816   end;
818 begin
819   Result := False;
820   if Destroying or (AUnitinfo = nil) then exit;
821   Filename := AUnitinfo.LocationFullFile;
822   Result := Filename <> '';
824   if (dlfSearchByFunctionName in AUnitinfo.Flags) and (AUnitinfo.FunctionName<>'')
825   and FindFullFilenameSrc(AUnitinfo) then
826     exit;
828   case AUnitinfo.LocationType of
829     dltUnknown:      Result := ResolveFromDbg;
830     dltUnresolvable: Result := False;
831     dltProject:
832       begin
833         Filename := TrimFilename(AUnitinfo.LocationName);
834         Filename := MainIDE.FindSourceFile(Filename, Project1.Directory,
835                       [fsfSearchForProject, fsfUseIncludePaths, fsfUseDebugPath,
836                        {fsfMapTempToVirtualFiles,} fsfSkipPackages]);
837         Result := Filename <> '';
838         if not Result then
839           Result := ResolveFromDbg;
840       end;
841     dltPackage: Result := ResolveFromDbg;
842   end;
844   if Result then
845     AUnitinfo.LocationFullFile := Filename
846   else begin
847     Filename := AUnitinfo.FileName;
848     if AskUserIfNotFound then
849       AUnitinfo.LocationType := dltUnresolvable;
850   end;
851 end;
GetFullFilenamenull853 function TDebugManager.GetFullFilename(var Filename: string; AskUserIfNotFound: Boolean): Boolean;
854 var
855   SrcFile, SrcFN, UserFilename: String;
856   n: Integer;
857   OpenDialog: TIDEOpenDialog;
858   AnUnitInfo: TLazProjectFile;
859 begin
860   Result := False;
861   if Destroying or (Filename = '') then exit;
862   (* The below currently does not work for unsaved projects *)
863   //Result := FilenameIsAbsolute(Filename);
864   //if Result then exit;
866   // TODO, check for virtual file, and flag it
867   // Project1.IsVirtual
868   // Left(Filename,1, xxx) = LazarusIDE.GetTestBuildDirectory
870   // some debuggers (e.g. gdb) sometimes returns linux path delims under windows
871   // => fix that
872   Filename := TrimFilename(Filename);
873   SrcFile := MainIDE.FindSourceFile(Filename, Project1.Directory,
874                       [fsfSearchForProject, fsfUseIncludePaths, fsfUseDebugPath{,
875                        fsfMapTempToVirtualFiles}]);
876   if (SrcFile <> '') and (not FilenameIsAbsolute(SrcFile)) and
877      (Project1.IsVirtual) and
878      FileExistsUTF8(AppendPathDelim(LazarusIDE.GetTestBuildDirectory)+SrcFile)
879   then
880     SrcFile := AppendPathDelim(LazarusIDE.GetTestBuildDirectory)+SrcFile;
882   if SrcFile = '' then
883     SrcFile := Filename;
884   SrcFN := ExtractFilenameOnly(SrcFile);
885   if not FilenameIsAbsolute(SrcFile) then
886   begin
887     // first attempt to get a longer name
888     // short file, look in the user list
889     for n := 0 to FUserSourceFiles.Count - 1 do
890     begin
891       UserFilename := FUserSourceFiles[n];
892       if (CompareFileNames(SrcFN, ExtractFilenameOnly(UserFilename)) = 0)
893       and FileExistsUTF8(UserFilename) then
894       begin
895         FUserSourceFiles.Move(n, 0); // move most recent first
896         SrcFile := UserFilename;
897         Break;
898       end;
899     end;
900   end;
902   if not FilenameIsAbsolute(SrcFile) then
903   begin
904     AnUnitInfo := Project1.FindFile(SrcFile, [pfsfOnlyEditorFiles]);
905     if AnUnitInfo <> nil then
906     begin
907       // the file is an unsaved file -> can not be extended
908       Result := True;
909       Filename := SrcFile;
910       Exit;
911     end;
912   end;
914   if ((not FilenameIsAbsolute(SrcFile)) or (not FileExistsUTF8(SrcFile)))
915   and AskUserIfNotFound then
916   begin
918     if IDEMessageDialog(lisFileNotFound,
919       Format(lisTheFileWasNotFoundDoYouWantToLocateItYourself, [SrcFile, LineEnding]),
920       mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo]) <> mrYes
921     then Exit;
923     repeat
924       OpenDialog:=IDEOpenDialogClass.Create(nil);
925       try
926         InputHistories.ApplyFileDialogSettings(OpenDialog);
927         OpenDialog.Title:=lisOpenFile+' '+SrcFile;
928         OpenDialog.Options:=OpenDialog.Options+[ofFileMustExist];
929         OpenDialog.FileName := SrcFile;
930         if not OpenDialog.Execute then
931           exit;
932         SrcFile:=CleanAndExpandFilename(OpenDialog.FileName);
933         InputHistories.StoreFileDialogSettings(OpenDialog);
934       finally
935         OpenDialog.Free;
936       end;
937     until FilenameIsAbsolute(SrcFile) and FileExistsUTF8(SrcFile);
939     FUserSourceFiles.Insert(0, SrcFile);
940   end;
942   if (SrcFile<>'')
943   and ( (not FilenameIsAbsolute(SrcFile)) or FileExistsUTF8(SrcFile) )
944   then begin
945     Filename:=SrcFile;
946     Result:=True;
947   end;
948 end;
950 procedure TDebugManager.DebuggerConsoleOutput(Sender: TObject;
951   const AText: String);
952 begin
953   if not HasConsoleSupport then exit;;
954   if FDialogs[ddtPseudoTerminal] = nil
955   then ViewDebugDialog(ddtPseudoTerminal, False, False);
956   TPseudoConsoleDlg(FDialogs[ddtPseudoTerminal]).AddOutput(AText);
957 end;
DebuggerFeedbacknull959 function TDebugManager.DebuggerFeedback(Sender: TObject; const AText, AInfo: String;
960   AType: TDBGFeedbackType; AButtons: TDBGFeedbackResults): TDBGFeedbackResult;
961 begin
962   Result := ExecuteFeedbackDialog(AText, AInfo, AType, AButtons);
963 end;
965 procedure TDebugManager.DebuggerIdle(Sender: TObject);
966 begin
967   FSnapshots.DoDebuggerIdle;
968 end;
DoProjectClosenull970 function TDebugManager.DoProjectClose(Sender: TObject; AProject: TLazProject): TModalResult;
971 begin
972   if AProject<>Project1 then exit(mrCancel);
973   ResetDebugger;
974   Result := mrOK;
975 end;
977 procedure TDebugManager.DoProjectModified(Sender: TObject);
978 begin
979   if Project1 <> nil then
980     Project1.Modified := True;
981 end;
983 procedure TDebugManager.mnuAddBpAddress(Sender: TObject);
984 var
985   NewBreakpoint: TIDEBreakPoint;
986 begin
987   NewBreakpoint := BreakPoints.Add(0, True);
988   if ShowBreakPointProperties(NewBreakpoint) <> mrOk then
989     ReleaseRefAndNil(NewBreakpoint)
990   else
991     NewBreakpoint.EndUpdate;
992 end;
994 procedure TDebugManager.mnuAddBpSource(Sender: TObject);
995 var
996   NewBreakpoint: TIDEBreakPoint;
997   SrcEdit: TSourceEditor;
998 begin
999   SrcEdit := SourceEditorManager.GetActiveSE;
1000   if SrcEdit <> nil then
1001     NewBreakpoint := BreakPoints.Add(SrcEdit.FileName, SrcEdit.CurrentCursorYLine, True)
1002   else
1003     NewBreakpoint := BreakPoints.Add('', 0, True);
1004   if DebugBoss.ShowBreakPointProperties(NewBreakpoint) <> mrOk then
1005     ReleaseRefAndNil(NewBreakpoint)
1006   else
1007     NewBreakpoint.EndUpdate;
1008 end;
1010 procedure TDebugManager.mnuAddBpData(Sender: TObject);
1011 var
1012   NewBreakpoint: TIDEBreakPoint;
1013 begin
1014   NewBreakpoint := BreakPoints.Add('', wpsGlobal, wpkWrite, True);
1015   if ShowBreakPointProperties(NewBreakpoint) = mrOk then begin
1016     NewBreakpoint.EndUpdate;
1017     ViewDebugDialog(ddtBreakpoints, False);
1018   end
1019   else
1020     ReleaseRefAndNil(NewBreakpoint);
1021 end;
1023 procedure TDebugManager.mnuAddBpDataAtCursor(Sender: TObject);
1024 var
1025   SE: TSourceEditor;
1026   WatchVar: String;
1027   NewBreakpoint: TIDEBreakPoint;
1028 begin
1029   SE := SourceEditorManager.GetActiveSE;
1031   if Assigned(SE) then
1032   begin
1033     if SE.SelectionAvailable then
1034       WatchVar := SE.Selection
1035     else
1036       WatchVar := SE.GetOperandAtCurrentCaret;
1038     if (WatchVar <> '') and SE.EditorComponent.Focused then
1039     begin
1040       // TODO: find existing?
1041       NewBreakpoint := BreakPoints.Add(WatchVar, wpsGlobal, wpkWrite, True);
1042       if ShowBreakPointProperties(NewBreakpoint) = mrOk then begin
1043         NewBreakpoint.EndUpdate;
1044         ViewDebugDialog(ddtBreakpoints, False);
1045       end
1046       else
1047         NewBreakpoint.ReleaseReference;
1048       exit;
1049     end;
1050   end;
1052   // watch was not added automatically => show a dialog
1053   mnuAddBpData(nil);
1054 end;
1056 procedure TDebugManager.BreakAutoContinueTimer(Sender: TObject);
1057 begin
1058   FAutoContinueTimer.Enabled := False;
1059   FDebugger.Run;
1060 end;
1062 procedure TDebugManager.OnRunTimer(Sender: TObject);
1063 begin
1064   FRunTimer.Enabled:=false;
1065   if dmsWaitForRun in FManagerStates then
1066     RunDebugger
1067   else
1068   if dmsWaitForAttach in FManagerStates then
1069     AttachDebugger;
1070 end;
1072 procedure TDebugManager.DebuggerBreakPointHit(ADebugger: TDebuggerIntf;
1073   ABreakPoint: TBaseBreakPoint; var ACanContinue: Boolean);
1074 begin
1075   FCurrentBreakPoint := nil;
1076   if FBreakPoints = nil then Exit;
1077   if ABreakpoint = nil then Exit;
1079   FCurrentBreakpoint := nil;
1080   if (ABreakPoint is TDBGBreakPoint) and (TDBGBreakPoint(ABreakPoint).Slave is TIDEBreakPoint) then
1081     FCurrentBreakpoint := TIDEBreakPoint(TDBGBreakPoint(ABreakPoint).Slave)
1082   else
1083     DebugLn('ERROR: Breakpoint does not have correct class, or IDE slave breakpoint');
1084   // TODO: remove / fallback to old behaviour
1085   if FCurrentBreakpoint = nil then
1086     FCurrentBreakPoint := FBreakPoints.Find(ABreakPoint.Source, ABreakPoint.Line);
1087 end;
1089 procedure TDebugManager.mnuViewDebugDialogClick(Sender: TObject);
1090 var
1091   xCommand: Integer;
1092 begin
1093   if (Sender is TIDESpecialCommand) and (TIDESpecialCommand(Sender).Command<>nil) then
1094     xCommand := TIDESpecialCommand(Sender).Command.Command
1095   else
1096   if Sender is TIDECommand then
1097     xCommand := TIDECommand(Sender).Command
1098   else
1099     xCommand := -1;
1101   case xCommand of
1102     ecToggleWatches     : ViewDebugDialog(ddtWatches);
1103     ecToggleBreakPoints : ViewDebugDialog(ddtBreakpoints);
1104     ecToggleDebuggerOut : ViewDebugDialog(ddtOutput);
1105     ecToggleLocals      : ViewDebugDialog(ddtLocals);
1106     ecToggleCallStack   : ViewDebugDialog(ddtCallStack);
1107     ecToggleRegisters   : ViewDebugDialog(ddtRegisters);
1108     ecToggleAssembler   : ViewDebugDialog(ddtAssembler);
1109     ecToggleDebugEvents : ViewDebugDialog(ddtEvents);
1110     ecEvaluate          : ViewDebugDialog(ddtEvaluate);
1111     ecInspect           : ViewDebugDialog(ddtInspect);
1112     ecViewPseudoTerminal: ViewDebugDialog(ddtPseudoTerminal);
1113     ecViewThreads       : ViewDebugDialog(ddtThreads);
1114     ecViewHistory       : ViewDebugDialog(ddtHistory);
1115   else
1116     raise Exception.CreateFmt('IDE Internal error: TDebugManager.mnuViewDebugDialogClick, wrong command parameter %d.', [xCommand]);
1117   end;
1118 end;
1120 procedure TDebugManager.mnuResetDebuggerClicked(Sender: TObject);
1121 begin
1122   ResetDebugger;
1123 end;
1125 procedure TDebugManager.mnuAddWatchClicked(Sender: TObject);
1126 var
1127   SE: TSourceEditor;
1128   WatchVar: String;
1129   w: TCurrentWatch;
1130 begin
1131   SE := SourceEditorManager.GetActiveSE;
1133   if Assigned(SE) then
1134   begin
1135     if SE.SelectionAvailable then
1136       WatchVar := SE.Selection
1137     else
1138       WatchVar := SE.GetOperandAtCurrentCaret;
1139     if (WatchVar <> '') and (SE.SourceNotebook.Active or SE.EditorComponent.Focused) then
1140     begin
1141       Watches.CurrentWatches.BeginUpdate;
1142       try
1143         w := Watches.CurrentWatches.Find(WatchVar);
1144         if w = nil
1145         then w := Watches.CurrentWatches.Add(WatchVar);
1146         if (w <> nil)
1147         then begin
1148           w.Enabled := True;
1149           if EnvironmentOptions.DebuggerAutoSetInstanceFromClass then
1150             w.EvaluateFlags := w.EvaluateFlags + [defClassAutoCast];
1151           ViewDebugDialog(ddtWatches, False);
1152           Exit;
1153         end;
1154       finally
1155         Watches.CurrentWatches.EndUpdate;
1156       end;
1157     end;
1158   end;
1160   // watch was not added automatically => show a dialog
1161   if ShowWatchProperties(nil, '') = mrOK then
1162     ViewDebugDialog(ddtWatches, False);
1163 end;
1165 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1166 // Debugger events
1167 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1169 procedure TDebugManager.DebuggerException(Sender: TObject;
1170   const AExceptionType: TDBGExceptionType;
1171   const AExceptionClass: String;
1172   const AExceptionLocation: TDBGLocationRec;
1173   const AExceptionText: String;
1174   out AContinue: Boolean);
1176   function GetTitle: String;
1177   begin
1178     Result := Project1.GetTitle;
1179     if Result = '' then
1180       Result := ExtractFileName(FDebugger.FileName);
1181   end;
1183 const
1184   MAX_CLASSNAME_LEN = 256; // shortstring
1185   MAX_MSG_DISPLAY_LEN = 2048; // just sanity
1186 var
1187   ExpClassName, ExceptMsg: string;
1188   msg, SrcText: String;
1189   Ignore: Boolean;
1190   Editor: TSourceEditor;
1191   i: Integer;
1192 begin
1193   if Destroying then
1194   begin
1195     AContinue := True;
1196     Exit;
1197   end
1198   else
1199     AContinue := False;
1201   ExpClassName := AExceptionClass;
1202   if Length(ExpClassName) > MAX_CLASSNAME_LEN then
1203     ExpClassName := copy(ExpClassName, 1, MAX_CLASSNAME_LEN) + '...';
1205   if AExceptionText = ''
1206   then
1207     msg := Format(lisProjectSRaisedExceptionClassS,
1208                   [GetTitle, ExpClassName])
1209   else begin
1210     ExceptMsg := AExceptionText;
1211     if Length(ExceptMsg) > MAX_MSG_DISPLAY_LEN then
1212       ExceptMsg := copy(ExceptMsg, 1, MAX_MSG_DISPLAY_LEN) + '...';
1213     // if AExceptionText is not a valid UTF8 string,
1214     // then assume it has the ansi encoding and convert it
1215     if FindInvalidUTF8Codepoint(pchar(ExceptMsg),length(ExceptMsg)) > 0 then
1216       ExceptMsg := AnsiToUtf8(ExceptMsg);
1217     msg := Format(lisProjectSRaisedExceptionClassSWithMessageSS,
1218                   [GetTitle, ExpClassName, LineEnding, ExceptMsg]);
1219   end;
1221   if AExceptionLocation.SrcFile <> '' then begin
1222     if AExceptionLocation.SrcLine <> 0 then begin
1223       SrcText := '';
1224       if (AExceptionLocation.SrcFullName <> '') then begin
1225         Editor := SourceEditorManager.SourceEditorIntfWithFilename(AExceptionLocation.SrcFullName);
1226         if Editor <> nil then begin
1227           try
1228             i := Editor.DebugToSourceLine(AExceptionLocation.SrcLine);
1229             if i > 0
1230             then SrcText := Trim(Editor.Lines[i-1]);
1231           except
1232           end;
1233     	end;
1234       end;
1235       if SrcText <> '' then
1236         msg := msg + Format(lisProjectSRaisedExceptionInFileLineSrc,
1237                       [LineEnding, AExceptionLocation.SrcFile, AExceptionLocation.SrcLine, SrcText])
1238       else
1239         msg := msg + Format(lisProjectSRaisedExceptionInFileLine,
1240                       [LineEnding, AExceptionLocation.SrcFile, AExceptionLocation.SrcLine]);
1241     end
1242     else
1243       msg := msg + Format(lisProjectSRaisedExceptionInFileAddress,
1244                     [LineEnding, AExceptionLocation.SrcFile, AExceptionLocation.Address]);
1245   end
1246   else if AExceptionLocation.Address <> 0 then begin
1247       msg := msg + Format(lisProjectSRaisedExceptionAtAddress,
1248                     [LineEnding, AExceptionLocation.Address]);
1249   end;
1251   if (AExceptionType in [deInternal, deRunError]) then begin
1252     AContinue := ExecuteExceptionDialog(msg, Ignore, AExceptionType in [deInternal, deRunError]) = mrCancel;
1253     if Ignore then begin
1254       Exceptions.AddIfNeeded(ExpClassName);
1255       Exceptions.Find(ExpClassName).Enabled := True;
1256     end;
1257   end
1258   else begin
1259     IDEMessageDialog(lisCCOErrorCaption, msg, mtError, [mbOk]);
1260   end;
1261 end;
1263 procedure TDebugManager.DebuggerOutput(Sender: TObject; const AText: String);
1264 begin
1265   if Destroying then exit;
1266   if FDialogs[ddtOutput] <> nil then
1267     TDbgOutputForm(FDialogs[ddtOutput]).AddText(AText)
1268   else begin
1269     // store it internally, and copy it to the dialog, when the user opens it
1270     if fHiddenDebugOutputLog=nil then
1271       fHiddenDebugOutputLog:=TStringList.Create;
1272     fHiddenDebugOutputLog.Add(AText);
1273     while fHiddenDebugOutputLog.Count>100 do
1274       fHiddenDebugOutputLog.Delete(0);
1275   end;
1276 end;
1278 procedure TDebugManager.DebuggerBeforeChangeState(ADebugger: TDebuggerIntf;
1279   AOldState: TDBGState);
1280 var
1281   DialogType: TDebugDialogType;
1282 begin
1283   if Destroying or (MainIDE=nil) or (MainIDE.ToolStatus=itExiting)
1284   then exit;
1285   if AOldState=dsNone then ;
1286   assert((ADebugger=FDebugger) and (ADebugger<>nil), 'TDebugManager.OnDebuggerChangeState');
1288   FInStateChange := True;
1289   for DialogType := Low(TDebugDialogType) to High(TDebugDialogType) do
1290     if FDialogs[DialogType] <> nil then
1291       FDialogs[DialogType].BeginUpdate;
1293   if FDebugger.State = dsInternalPause then exit; // set debug windows to ignore / no updating
1294 end;
1296 procedure TDebugManager.DebuggerChangeState(ADebugger: TDebuggerIntf; OldState: TDBGState);
1298   procedure UnlockDialogs;
1299   var
1300     DialogType: TDebugDialogType;
1301   begin
1302     if not FInStateChange then exit;
1303     FInStateChange := False;
1304     for DialogType := Low(TDebugDialogType) to High(TDebugDialogType) do
1305       if FDialogs[DialogType] <> nil then
1306         FDialogs[DialogType].EndUpdate;
1307   end;
1309 //const
1310   // dsNone, dsIdle, dsStop, dsPause, dsInit, dsRun, dsError
1311   //STATENAME: array[TDBGState] of string = (
1312   //  'dsNone', 'dsIdle', 'dsStop', 'dsPause', 'dsInit', 'dsRun', 'dsError'
1313   //);
1314 var
1315   MsgResult: TModalResult;
1316   i: Integer;
1317 begin
1318   if Destroying or (MainIDE=nil) or (MainIDE.ToolStatus=itExiting)
1319   then begin
1320     UnlockDialogs;
1321     exit;
1322   end;
1323   assert((ADebugger=FDebugger) and (ADebugger<>nil), 'TDebugManager.OnDebuggerChangeState');
1325   if (FDebugger.State in [dsRun])
1326   then FCurrentBreakpoint := nil;
1328   if not((OldState = dsInternalPause) and (State = dsPause)) then begin
1329     // OldState=dsInternalPause means we already have a snapshot
1330     // Notify FSnapshots of new state (while dialogs still in updating)
1331     // TODO: Maybe move to TIDEBreakPoint.DoHit
1332     if (FCurrentBreakpoint <> nil) and (bpaTakeSnapshot in FCurrentBreakpoint.Actions) and
1333        (State in [dsPause, dsInternalPause])
1334     then begin
1335       FSnapshots.DoStateChange(OldState);
1336       FSnapshots.Current.AddToSnapshots;
1337       FSnapshots.DoDebuggerIdle(True);
1338     end
1339     else
1340     if FDebugger.State <> dsInternalPause
1341     then FSnapshots.DoStateChange(OldState);
1342   end;
1344   UnlockDialogs;
1346   if FDebugger.State = dsInternalPause
1347   then exit;
1349   if FDebugger.State=dsError
1350   then begin
1351     Include(FManagerStates,dmsDebuggerObjectBroken);
1352     if dmsInitializingDebuggerObject in FManagerStates
1353     then Include(FManagerStates,dmsInitializingDebuggerObjectFailed);
1354   end;
1356   //DebugLn('[TDebugManager.OnDebuggerChangeState] state: ', STATENAME[FDebugger.State]);
1358   // All conmmands
1359   // -------------------
1360   // dcRun, dcPause, dcStop, dcStepOver, dcStepInto,  dcStepOverInstrcution, dcStepIntoInstrcution,
1361   // dcStepTo, dcJumpto, dcBreak, dcWatch
1362   // -------------------
1364   UpdateButtonsAndMenuItems;
1365   // Next may call ResetDebugger, then FDebugger is gone
1366   UpdateToolStatus;
1368   FAutoContinueTimer.Enabled := false;
1370   if FDebugger = nil then exit;
1372   if (FDebugger.State in [dsRun])
1373   then begin
1374     // hide IDE during run
1375     if EnvironmentOptions.Desktop.HideIDEOnRun and (MainIDE.ToolStatus=itDebugger) and not FStepping
1376     then MainIDE.HideIDE;
1378     if (FPrevShownWindow <> 0) and not FStepping then
1379     begin
1380       SetForegroundWindow(FPrevShownWindow);
1381       FPrevShownWindow := 0;
1382     end;
1383   end
1384   else
1385   if FDebugger.State <> dsInit then begin
1386     if (FCurrentBreakPoint <> nil) and (FCurrentBreakPoint.AutoContinueTime > 0) then
1387     begin
1388       FAutoContinueTimer.Enabled := True;
1389       FAutoContinueTimer.Interval := FCurrentBreakPoint.AutoContinueTime;
1390     end
1391     else if (OldState in [dsRun]) then
1392     begin
1393       if not FStepping then
1394       begin
1395         FPrevShownWindow := GetForegroundWindow;
1396         if EnvironmentOptions.Desktop.HideIDEOnRun then
1397           MainIDE.UnhideIDE;
1398         if not EnvironmentOptions.Desktop.SingleTaskBarButton and
1399           not EnvironmentOptions.Desktop.HideIDEOnRun then
1400             Application.BringToFront;
1401       end;
1402     end;
1403   end;
1405   // unmark execution line
1406   if (not (FDebugger.State in [dsInit, dsPause])) and (SourceEditorManager <> nil)
1407   then
1408     SourceEditorManager.ClearExecutionLines;
1410   if (FDebugger.State in [dsPause, dsInit]) and (SourceEditorManager <> nil)
1411   then
1412     SourceEditorManager.FillExecutionMarks;
1414   if not (FDebugger.State in [dsRun, dsPause, dsInit]) and (SourceEditorManager <> nil)
1415   then begin
1416     SourceEditorManager.ClearExecutionMarks;
1417     // Refresh DebugExeLine
1418     for i := 0 to FBreakPoints.Count - 1 do
1419       FBreakPoints[i].SetLocation(FBreakPoints[i].Source, FBreakPoints[i].Line);
1420   end;
1422   // update inspect
1423   // TODO: Move here from DebuggerCurrentLine / Only currently State change locks execution of gdb
1424   //if ( ((FDebugger.State in [dsPause]) and (OldState = dsRun)) or
1425   //     (OldState in [dsPause]) ) and
1426   if (OldState in [dsPause]) and (FDialogs[ddtInspect] <> nil)
1427   then TIDEInspectDlg(FDialogs[ddtInspect]).UpdateData;
1428   if (OldState in [dsPause]) and (FDialogs[ddtEvaluate] <> nil)
1429   then TEvaluateDlg(FDialogs[ddtEvaluate]).UpdateData;
1431   case FDebugger.State of
1432     dsError: begin
1433     {$ifdef VerboseDebugger}
1434       DebugLn('Ooops, the debugger entered the error state');
1435     {$endif}
1436       // shutting down lazarus may kill gdb, so we get an error
1437       if not Application.Terminated
1438       then FeedbackDlg.ExecuteFeedbackDialog
1439         (Format(lisDebuggerErrorOoopsTheDebuggerEnteredTheErrorState,
1440                 [LineEnding+LineEnding, LineEnding, LineEnding+LineEnding])
1441          + LineEnding + LineEnding + FDebugger.ErrorStateMessage,
1442          FDebugger.ErrorStateInfo, ftError, [frStop]);
1443     end;
1444     dsStop: begin
1445       // TODO: TDebugger.SetFileName sets dsStop during startup (leading to  OldState=dsIdle)
1446       FPrevShownWindow:=0;
1447       if (OldState<>dsIdle)
1448       then begin
1449         MainIDE.DoCallRunFinishedHandler;
1450         if not FDebugger.SkipStopMessage then begin
1451           if (FDebugger.ExitCode <> 0) and EnvironmentOptions.DebuggerShowExitCodeMessage then begin
1452             i := 4;
1453             if FDebugger.ExitCode > 65535 then
1454             i := 8;
1455             {$PUSH}{$R-}
1456             MsgResult:=IDEQuestionDialog(lisExecutionStopped,
1457                 Format(lisExecutionStoppedExitCode, [LineEnding+'', FDebugger.ExitCode, IntToHex(FDebugger.ExitCode, i)]),
1458                 mtInformation, [mrOK, lisMenuOk,
1459                                 mrYesToAll, lisDoNotShowThisMessageAgain], '');
1460             {$POP}
1461             if MsgResult=mrYesToAll then
1462               EnvironmentOptions.DebuggerShowExitCodeMessage:=false;
1463           end
1464           else
1465           if EnvironmentOptions.DebuggerShowStopMessage
1466           then begin
1467             MsgResult:=IDEQuestionDialog(lisExecutionStopped, lisExecutionStopped,
1468                 mtInformation, [mrOK, lisMenuOk,
1469                                 mrYesToAll, lisDoNotShowThisMessageAgain], '');
1470             if MsgResult=mrYesToAll then
1471               EnvironmentOptions.DebuggerShowStopMessage:=false;
1472           end;
1473         end;
1475         if EnvironmentOptions.DebuggerResetAfterRun or FDebugger.NeedReset then
1476           ResetDebugger
1477         else
1478           FDebugger.FileName := '';  // SetState(dsIdle) via ResetStateToIdle
1480         if FDialogs[ddtAssembler] <> nil
1481         then begin
1482           TAssemblerDlg(FDialogs[ddtAssembler]).SetLocation(nil, 0);
1483           if FAsmWindowShouldAutoClose then
1484             TAssemblerDlg(FDialogs[ddtAssembler]).Close;
1485         end;
1486       end;
1487     end;
1488     dsInit: begin
1489       if FDialogs[ddtPseudoTerminal] <> nil then
1490         TPseudoConsoleDlg(FDialogs[ddtPseudoTerminal]).Clear;
1491     end;
1492   end;
1493 end;
1495 procedure TDebugManager.DebuggerCurrentLine(Sender: TObject; const ALocation: TDBGLocationRec);
1496 // debugger paused program due to pause or error
1497 // -> show the current execution line in editor
1498 // if SrcLine < 1 then no source is available
1500   function FileLocationToId(ALoc: TDBGLocationRec): string;
1501   begin
1502     Result := IntToStr(length(ALoc.SrcFile)) + ':' + ALoc.SrcFile + ':'
1503             + IntToStr(length(ALoc.SrcFullName)) + ':' + ALoc.SrcFullName;
1504   end;
1506 var
1507   SrcFullName: String;
1508   NewSource: TCodeBuffer;
1509   Editor: TSourceEditor;
1510   SrcLine: Integer;
1511   c, i, TId: Integer;
1512   StackEntry: TIdeCallStackEntry;
1513   Flags: TJumpToCodePosFlags;
1514   CurrentSourceUnitInfo: TDebuggerUnitInfo;
1515   a: Boolean;
1516 begin
1517   if (Sender<>FDebugger) or (Sender=nil) then exit;
1518   if FDebugger.State = dsInternalPause then exit;
1519   if Destroying then exit;
1521   FCurrentLocation := ALocation;
1522   SrcLine := ALocation.SrcLine;
1523   CurrentSourceUnitInfo := nil;
1525   if (SrcLine < 1) and (SrcLine <> -2) // TODO: this should move to the debugger
1526                                        // SrcLine will be -2 after stepping (gdbmi)
1527   then begin
1528     // jump to the deepest stack frame with debugging info
1529     // TODO: Only below the frame supplied by debugger
1530     i:=0;
1531     TId := Threads.CurrentThreads.CurrentThreadId;
1532     c := CallStack.CurrentCallStackList.EntriesForThreads[TId].CountLimited(30);
1533     while (i < c) do
1534     begin
1535       StackEntry := CallStack.CurrentCallStackList.EntriesForThreads[TId].Entries[i];
1536       if StackEntry.Validity = ddsRequested then // not yet available
1537         break;
1538       if StackEntry.Line > 0
1539       then begin
1540         CurrentSourceUnitInfo := StackEntry.UnitInfo;
1541         CurrentSourceUnitInfo.AddReference;
1542         SrcLine := StackEntry.Line;
1543         StackEntry.MakeCurrent;
1544         Break;
1545       end;
1546       Inc(i);
1547     end;
1548   end
1549   else begin
1550     CurrentSourceUnitInfo := FUnitInfoProvider.GetUnitInfoFor(ALocation.SrcFile, ALocation.SrcFullName);
1551     CurrentSourceUnitInfo.AddReference;
1552   end;
1554   // TODO: do in DebuggerChangeState / Only currently State change locks execution of gdb
1555   // Must be after stack frame selection (for inspect)
1556   if FDialogs[ddtAssembler] <> nil
1557   then TAssemblerDlg(FDialogs[ddtAssembler]).SetLocation(FDebugger, Alocation.Address);
1558   if (FDialogs[ddtInspect] <> nil)
1559   then TIDEInspectDlg(FDialogs[ddtInspect]).UpdateData;
1560   if (FDialogs[ddtEvaluate] <> nil)
1561   then TEvaluateDlg(FDialogs[ddtEvaluate]).UpdateData;
1563   if (SrcLine > 0) and (CurrentSourceUnitInfo <> nil) and
1564      GetFullFilename(CurrentSourceUnitInfo, SrcFullName, True)
1565   then begin
1566     // Load the file
1567     NewSource := CodeToolBoss.LoadFile(SrcFullName, true, false);
1568     if NewSource = nil
1569     then begin
1570       if not (dlfLoadError in CurrentSourceUnitInfo.Flags) then begin
1571         IDEMessageDialog(lisDebugUnableToLoadFile,
1572                    Format(lisDebugUnableToLoadFile2, [SrcFullName]),
1573                    mtError,[mbCancel]);
1574         CurrentSourceUnitInfo.Flags := CurrentSourceUnitInfo.Flags + [dlfLoadError];
1575       end;
1576       SrcLine := -1;
1577     end;
1578   end
1579   else begin
1580     NewSource := Nil;
1581     SrcLine := -1;
1582   end;
1584   ReleaseRefAndNil(CurrentSourceUnitInfo);
1586   // clear old error and execution lines
1587   if SourceEditorManager <> nil
1588   then begin
1589     SourceEditorManager.ClearExecutionLines;
1590     SourceEditorManager.ClearErrorLines;
1591   end;
1593   if SrcLine < 1
1594   then begin
1595     a := FAsmWindowShouldAutoClose or (FDialogs[ddtAssembler] = nil) or (not FDialogs[ddtAssembler].Visible);
1596     ViewDebugDialog(ddtAssembler);
1597     FAsmWindowShouldAutoClose := a and EnvironmentOptions.DebuggerAutoCloseAsm;
1598     exit;
1599   end;
1600   if (FDialogs[ddtAssembler] <> nil) and FAsmWindowShouldAutoClose then
1601     TAssemblerDlg(FDialogs[ddtAssembler]).Close;
1603   Editor := nil;
1604   if SourceEditorManager <> nil
1605   then Editor := SourceEditorManager.SourceEditorIntfWithFilename(NewSource.Filename);
1607   // jump editor to execution line
1608   Flags := [jfAddJumpPoint, jfSearchVirtualFullPath];
1609   if (FCurrentBreakPoint = nil) or (FCurrentBreakPoint.AutoContinueTime = 0)
1610   then include(Flags, jfFocusEditor);
1611   i := SrcLine;
1612   if (Editor <> nil) then
1613     i := Editor.DebugToSourceLine(i);
1614   if MainIDE.DoJumpToCodePosition(nil,nil,NewSource,1,i,-1,-1,-1,Flags)<>mrOk
1615   then exit;
1617   // mark execution line
1618   if (Editor = nil) and (SourceEditorManager <> nil) then
1619     Editor := SourceEditorManager.ActiveEditor;
1620   if Editor <> nil
1621   then begin
1622     if not Editor.HasExecutionMarks then
1623       Editor.FillExecutionMarks;
1624     Editor.ExecutionLine := i;
1625   end;
1626 end;
1628 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1629 // Debugger dialog routines
1630 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1632 // Common handler
1633 // The tag of the destroyed form contains the form variable pointing to it
1634 procedure TDebugManager.DebugDialogDestroy(Sender: TObject);
1635 var
1636   DlgType: TDebugDialogType;
1637 begin
1638   for DlgType:=Low(TDebugDialogType) to High(TDebugDialogType) do begin
1639     if FDialogs[DlgType]<>Sender then continue;
1640     case DlgType of
1641     ddtOutput:
1642       begin
1643         if fHiddenDebugOutputLog=nil then
1644           fHiddenDebugOutputLog:=TStringList.Create;
1645         TDbgOutputForm(FDialogs[ddtOutput]).GetLogText(fHiddenDebugOutputLog);
1646       end;
1647     ddtEvents:
1648       begin
1649         FEventLogManager.EventDialog := nil;
1650       end;
1651     end;
1652     FDialogs[DlgType]:=nil;
1653     exit;
1654   end;
1655   RaiseGDBException('Invalid debug window '+Sender.ClassName);
1656 end;
1658 procedure TDebugManager.ViewDebugDialog(const ADialogType: TDebugDialogType;
1659   BringToFront: Boolean; Show: Boolean; DoDisableAutoSizing: boolean);
1660 const
1661   DEBUGDIALOGCLASS: array[TDebugDialogType] of TDebuggerDlgClass = (
1662     TDbgOutputForm, TDbgEventsForm, TBreakPointsDlg, TWatchesDlg, TLocalsDlg,
1663     TCallStackDlg, TEvaluateDlg, TRegistersDlg, TAssemblerDlg, TIDEInspectDlg,
1664     TPseudoConsoleDlg, TThreadsDlg, THistoryDialog
1665   );
1666 var
1667   CurDialog: TDebuggerDlg;
1668 begin
1669   if Destroying then exit;
1670   if (ADialogType = ddtPseudoTerminal) and not HasConsoleSupport
1671   then exit;
1672   if ADialogType = ddtAssembler then
1673     FAsmWindowShouldAutoClose := False;
1674   if FDialogs[ADialogType] = nil
1675   then begin
1676     CurDialog := TDebuggerDlg(DEBUGDIALOGCLASS[ADialogType].NewInstance);
1677     if FInStateChange then CurDialog.BeginUpdate;
1678     CurDialog.DisableAutoSizing{$IFDEF DebugDisableAutoSizing}('TDebugManager.ViewDebugDialog'){$ENDIF};
1679     CurDialog.Create(Self);
1680     FDialogs[ADialogType]:=CurDialog;
1681     CurDialog.Name:= DebugDialogNames[ADialogType];
1682     CurDialog.Tag := Integer(ADialogType);
1683     CurDialog.OnDestroy := @DebugDialogDestroy;
1684     case ADialogType of
1685       ddtOutput:      InitDebugOutputDlg;
1686       ddtEvents:      InitDebugEventsDlg;
1687       ddtBreakpoints: InitBreakPointDlg;
1688       ddtWatches:     InitWatchesDlg;
1689       ddtLocals:      InitLocalsDlg;
1690       ddtRegisters:   InitRegistersDlg;
1691       ddtCallStack:   InitCallStackDlg;
1692       ddtEvaluate:    InitEvaluateDlg;
1693       ddtAssembler:   InitAssemblerDlg;
1694       ddtInspect:     InitInspectDlg;
1695       ddtPseudoTerminal: InitPseudoTerminal;
1696       ddtThreads:     InitThreadsDlg;
1697       ddtHistory:     InitHistoryDlg;
1698     end;
1699   end
1700   else begin
1701     CurDialog:=FDialogs[ADialogType];
1702     CurDialog.DisableAutoSizing{$IFDEF DebugDisableAutoSizing}('TDebugManager.ViewDebugDialog'){$ENDIF};
1703     if (CurDialog is TBreakPointsDlg)
1704     then begin
1705       if (Project1<>nil) then
1706         TBreakPointsDlg(CurDialog).BaseDirectory:=Project1.Directory;
1707     end;
1708     if (CurDialog is TAssemblerDlg)
1709     then begin
1710       TAssemblerDlg(CurDialog).SetLocation(FDebugger, FCurrentLocation.Address);
1711     end;
1712     if (CurDialog is TIDEInspectDlg) and (SourceEditorManager.GetActiveSE <> nil)
1713     then begin
1714       if SourceEditorManager.GetActiveSE.SelectionAvailable then
1715         TIDEInspectDlg(CurDialog).Execute(SourceEditorManager.GetActiveSE.Selection)
1716       else
1717         TIDEInspectDlg(CurDialog).Execute(SourceEditorManager.GetActiveSE.GetOperandAtCurrentCaret);
1718     end;
1719     if (CurDialog is TEvaluateDlg) and (SourceEditorManager.GetActiveSE <> nil)
1720     then begin
1721       if SourceEditorManager.GetActiveSE.SelectionAvailable then
1722         TEvaluateDlg(CurDialog).Execute(SourceEditorManager.GetActiveSE.Selection)
1723       else
1724         TEvaluateDlg(CurDialog).Execute(SourceEditorManager.GetActiveSE.GetOperandAtCurrentCaret);
1725     end;
1726   end;
1727   if not DoDisableAutoSizing then
1728     CurDialog.EnableAutoSizing{$IFDEF DebugDisableAutoSizing}('TDebugManager.ViewDebugDialog'){$ENDIF};
1729   if Show then
1730   begin
1731     CurDialog.BeginUpdate;
1732     IDEWindowCreators.ShowForm(CurDialog,BringToFront,vmOnlyMoveOffScreenToVisible);
1733     CurDialog.EndUpdate;
1734   end;
1735 end;
1737 procedure TDebugManager.ViewDisassembler(AnAddr: TDBGPtr; BringToFront: Boolean;
1738   Show: Boolean; DoDisableAutoSizing: boolean);
1739 begin
1740   ViewDebugDialog(ddtAssembler, BringToFront, Show, DoDisableAutoSizing);
1741   if FDialogs[ddtAssembler] <> nil
1742   then TAssemblerDlg(FDialogs[ddtAssembler]).SetLocation(FDebugger, FCurrentLocation.Address, AnAddr);
1743 end;
1745 procedure TDebugManager.DestroyDebugDialog(const ADialogType: TDebugDialogType);
1746 begin
1747   if FDialogs[ADialogType] = nil then Exit;
1748   FDialogs[ADialogType].OnDestroy := nil;
1749   FDialogs[ADialogType].Free;
1750   FDialogs[ADialogType] := nil;
1751 end;
1753 procedure TDebugManager.InitDebugOutputDlg;
1754 var
1755   TheDialog: TDbgOutputForm;
1756 begin
1757   TheDialog := TDbgOutputForm(FDialogs[ddtOutput]);
1758   if FHiddenDebugOutputLog <> nil
1759   then begin
1760     TheDialog.SetLogText(FHiddenDebugOutputLog);
1761     FreeAndNil(FHiddenDebugOutputLog);
1762   end;
1763 end;
1765 procedure TDebugManager.InitDebugEventsDlg;
1766 var
1767   TheDialog: TDbgEventsForm;
1768 begin
1769   TheDialog := TDbgEventsForm(FDialogs[ddtEvents]);
1770   FEventLogManager.EventDialog := TheDialog;
1771 end;
1773 procedure TDebugManager.InitBreakPointDlg;
1774 var
1775   TheDialog: TBreakPointsDlg;
1776 begin
1777   TheDialog:=TBreakPointsDlg(FDialogs[ddtBreakpoints]);
1778   if Project1 <> nil
1779   then TheDialog.BaseDirectory := Project1.Directory;
1780   TheDialog.BreakPoints := FBreakPoints;
1781 end;
1783 procedure TDebugManager.InitWatchesDlg;
1784 var
1785   TheDialog: TWatchesDlg;
1786 begin
1787   TheDialog := TWatchesDlg(FDialogs[ddtWatches]);
1788   TheDialog.WatchesMonitor := FWatches;
1789   TheDialog.ThreadsMonitor := FThreads;
1790   TheDialog.CallStackMonitor := FCallStack;
1791   TheDialog.BreakPoints := FBreakPoints;
1792   TheDialog.SnapshotManager := FSnapshots;
1793 end;
1795 procedure TDebugManager.InitThreadsDlg;
1796 var
1797   TheDialog: TThreadsDlg;
1798 begin
1799   TheDialog := TThreadsDlg(FDialogs[ddtThreads]);
1800   TheDialog.ThreadsMonitor := FThreads;
1801   TheDialog.SnapshotManager := FSnapshots;
1802 end;
1804 procedure TDebugManager.InitPseudoTerminal;
1805 //var
1806 //  TheDialog: TPseudoConsoleDlg;
1807 begin
1808   if not HasConsoleSupport then exit;
1809   //TheDialog := TPseudoConsoleDlg(FDialogs[ddtPseudoTerminal]);
1810 end;
1812 procedure TDebugManager.InitLocalsDlg;
1813 var
1814   TheDialog: TLocalsDlg;
1815 begin
1816   TheDialog := TLocalsDlg(FDialogs[ddtLocals]);
1817   TheDialog.LocalsMonitor := FLocals;
1818   TheDialog.ThreadsMonitor := FThreads;
1819   TheDialog.CallStackMonitor := FCallStack;
1820   TheDialog.SnapshotManager := FSnapshots;
1821 end;
1823 procedure TDebugManager.InitRegistersDlg;
1824 var
1825   TheDialog: TRegistersDlg;
1826 begin
1827   TheDialog := TRegistersDlg(FDialogs[ddtRegisters]);
1828   TheDialog.ThreadsMonitor := FThreads;
1829   TheDialog.CallStackMonitor := FCallStack;
1830   TheDialog.RegistersMonitor := FRegisters;
1831 end;
1833 procedure TDebugManager.InitAssemblerDlg;
1834 var
1835   TheDialog: TAssemblerDlg;
1836 begin
1837   TheDialog := TAssemblerDlg(FDialogs[ddtAssembler]);
1838   TheDialog.BreakPoints := FBreakPoints;
1839   TheDialog.Disassembler := FDisassembler;
1840   TheDialog.DebugManager := Self;
1841   TheDialog.SetLocation(FDebugger, FCurrentLocation.Address);
1842 end;
1844 procedure TDebugManager.InitInspectDlg;
1845 var
1846   TheDialog: TIDEInspectDlg;
1847 begin
1848   TheDialog := TIDEInspectDlg(FDialogs[ddtInspect]);
1849   if (SourceEditorManager.GetActiveSE = nil) then
1850     exit;
1851   if SourceEditorManager.GetActiveSE.SelectionAvailable then
1852     TheDialog.Execute(SourceEditorManager.GetActiveSE.Selection)
1853   else
1854     TheDialog.Execute(SourceEditorManager.GetActiveSE.GetOperandAtCurrentCaret);
1855 end;
1857 procedure TDebugManager.InitHistoryDlg;
1858 var
1859   TheDialog: THistoryDialog;
1860 begin
1861   TheDialog := THistoryDialog(FDialogs[ddtHistory]);
1862   TheDialog.SnapshotManager := FSnapshots;
1863 end;
1865 procedure TDebugManager.InitCallStackDlg;
1866 var
1867   TheDialog: TCallStackDlg;
1868 begin
1869   TheDialog := TCallStackDlg(FDialogs[ddtCallStack]);
1870   TheDialog.CallStackMonitor := FCallStack;
1871   TheDialog.BreakPoints := FBreakPoints;
1872   TheDialog.ThreadsMonitor := FThreads;
1873   TheDialog.SnapshotManager := FSnapshots;
1874 end;
1876 procedure TDebugManager.InitEvaluateDlg;
1877 var
1878   TheDialog: TEvaluateDlg;
1879 begin
1880   TheDialog := TEvaluateDlg(FDialogs[ddtEvaluate]);
1881   if (SourceEditorManager.GetActiveSE = nil) then
1882     exit;
1883   if SourceEditorManager.GetActiveSE.SelectionAvailable
1884   then
1885     TheDialog.FindText := SourceEditorManager.GetActiveSE.Selection
1886   else
1887     TheDialog.FindText := SourceEditorManager.GetActiveSE.GetOperandAtCurrentCaret;
1888 end;
1890 constructor TDebugManager.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
1891 var
1892   DialogType: TDebugDialogType;
1893 begin
1894   FInStateChange := False;
1895   for DialogType := Low(TDebugDialogType) to High(TDebugDialogType) do
1896     FDialogs[DialogType] := nil;
1898   FDebugger := nil;
1899   FUnitInfoProvider := TDebuggerUnitInfoProvider.Create;
1900   FBreakPoints := TManagedBreakPoints.Create(Self);
1901   FBreakPointGroups := TIDEBreakPointGroups.Create;
1902   FWatches := TIdeWatchesMonitor.Create;
1903   FThreads := TIdeThreadsMonitor.Create;
1904   FExceptions := TProjectExceptions.Create;
1905   FSignals := TIDESignals.Create;
1906   FLocals := TIdeLocalsMonitor.Create;
1907   FLineInfo := TIDELineInfo.Create;
1908   FCallStack := TIdeCallStackMonitor.Create;
1909   FDisassembler := TIDEDisassembler.Create;
1910   FRegisters := TIdeRegistersMonitor.Create;
1912   FSnapshots := TSnapshotManager.Create;
1913   FSnapshots.Threads := FThreads;
1914   FSnapshots.CallStack := FCallStack;
1915   FSnapshots.Watches := FWatches;
1916   FSnapshots.Locals := FLocals;
1917   FSnapshots.UnitInfoProvider := FUnitInfoProvider;
1919   FUserSourceFiles := TStringList.Create;
1921   FAutoContinueTimer := TTimer.Create(Self);
1922   FAutoContinueTimer.Enabled := False;
1923   FAutoContinueTimer.OnTimer := @BreakAutoContinueTimer;
1924   FRunTimer := TTimer.Create(Self);
1925   FRunTimer.Interval := 1;
1926   FRunTimer.OnTimer := @OnRunTimer;
1928   FWatches.OnModified  := @DoProjectModified;
1930   FIsInitializingDebugger:= False;
1932   inherited Create(TheOwner);
1934   LazarusIDE.AddHandlerOnProjectClose(@DoProjectClose);
1936   RegisterValueFormatter(skSimple, 'TDate', @DBGDateTimeFormatter);
1937   RegisterValueFormatter(skFloat, 'TDate', @DBGDateTimeFormatter);
1938   RegisterValueFormatter(skSimple, 'TTime', @DBGDateTimeFormatter);
1939   RegisterValueFormatter(skFloat, 'TTime', @DBGDateTimeFormatter);
1940   RegisterValueFormatter(skSimple, 'TDateTime', @DBGDateTimeFormatter);
1941   RegisterValueFormatter(skFloat, 'TDateTime', @DBGDateTimeFormatter);
1943   FEventLogManager := TDebugEventLogManager.Create;
1944 end;
1946 destructor TDebugManager.Destroy;
1947 var
1948   DialogType: TDebugDialogType;
1949 begin
1950   FDestroying := true;
1952   LazarusIDE.RemoveHandlerOnProjectClose(@DoProjectClose);
1953   FreeAndNil(FAutoContinueTimer);
1955   for DialogType := Low(TDebugDialogType) to High(TDebugDialogType) do
1956     DestroyDebugDialog(DialogType);
1958   SetDebugger(nil);
1960   FreeAndNil(FEventLogManager);
1961   FreeAndNil(FSnapshots);
1962   FreeAndNil(FWatches);
1963   FreeAndNil(FThreads);
1964   FreeAndNil(FBreakPoints);
1965   FreeAndNil(FBreakPointGroups);
1966   FreeAndNil(FCallStack);
1967   FreeAndNil(FDisassembler);
1968   FreeAndNil(FExceptions);
1969   FreeAndNil(FSignals);
1970   FreeAndNil(FLocals);
1971   FreeAndNil(FLineInfo);
1972   FreeAndNil(FRegisters);
1974   FreeAndNil(FUserSourceFiles);
1975   FreeAndNil(FHiddenDebugOutputLog);
1976   FreeAndNil(FUnitInfoProvider);
1978   inherited Destroy;
1979 end;
1981 procedure TDebugManager.Reset;
1982 begin
1983   FBreakPoints.Clear;
1984   FBreakPointGroups.Clear;
1985   FWatches.Clear;
1986   FThreads.Clear;
1987   FExceptions.Reset;
1988   FSignals.Reset;
1989   FUserSourceFiles.Clear;
1990   FUnitInfoProvider.Clear;
1991 end;
1993 procedure TDebugManager.ConnectMainBarEvents;
1994 begin
1995   with MainIDEBar do begin
1996     itmViewWatches.OnClick := @mnuViewDebugDialogClick;
1997     itmViewWatches.Tag := Ord(ddtWatches);
1998     itmViewBreakPoints.OnClick := @mnuViewDebugDialogClick;
1999     itmViewBreakPoints.Tag := Ord(ddtBreakPoints);
2000     itmViewLocals.OnClick := @mnuViewDebugDialogClick;
2001     itmViewLocals.Tag := Ord(ddtLocals);
2002     itmViewRegisters.OnClick := @mnuViewDebugDialogClick;
2003     itmViewRegisters.Tag := Ord(ddtRegisters);
2004     itmViewCallStack.OnClick := @mnuViewDebugDialogClick;
2005     itmViewCallStack.Tag := Ord(ddtCallStack);
2006     itmViewThreads.OnClick := @mnuViewDebugDialogClick;
2007     itmViewThreads.Tag := Ord(ddtThreads);
2008     itmViewAssembler.OnClick := @mnuViewDebugDialogClick;
2009     itmViewAssembler.Tag := Ord(ddtAssembler);
2010     itmViewDebugOutput.OnClick := @mnuViewDebugDialogClick;
2011     itmViewDebugOutput.Tag := Ord(ddtOutput);
2012     itmViewDebugEvents.OnClick := @mnuViewDebugDialogClick;
2013     itmViewDebugEvents.Tag := Ord(ddtEvents);
2014     if itmViewPseudoTerminal <> nil then begin
2015       itmViewPseudoTerminal.OnClick := @mnuViewDebugDialogClick;
2016       itmViewPseudoTerminal.Tag := Ord(ddtPseudoTerminal);
2017     end;
2018     itmViewDbgHistory.OnClick := @mnuViewDebugDialogClick;
2019     itmViewDbgHistory.Tag := Ord(ddtHistory);
2021     itmRunMenuResetDebugger.OnClick := @mnuResetDebuggerClicked;
2023     itmRunMenuInspect.OnClick := @mnuViewDebugDialogClick;
2024     itmRunMenuInspect.Tag := Ord(ddtInspect);
2025     itmRunMenuEvaluate.OnClick := @mnuViewDebugDialogClick;
2026     itmRunMenuEvaluate.Tag := Ord(ddtEvaluate);
2027     itmRunMenuAddWatch.OnClick := @mnuAddWatchClicked;
2029     itmRunMenuAddBpSource.OnClick  := @mnuAddBpSource;
2030     itmRunMenuAddBpAddress.OnClick  := @mnuAddBpAddress;
2031     itmRunMenuAddBpWatchPoint.OnClick := @mnuAddBpData;
2033     // TODO: add capacibilities to DebuggerClass
2034     // and disable unsuported items
2035   end;
2036 end;
2038 procedure TDebugManager.ConnectSourceNotebookEvents;
2039 begin
2040   SrcEditMenuAddWatchAtCursor.OnClick:=@mnuAddWatchClicked;
2041   SrcEditMenuAddWatchPointAtCursor.OnClick:=@mnuAddBpDataAtCursor;
2042   SrcEditMenuEvaluateModify.OnClick:=@mnuViewDebugDialogClick;
2043   SrcEditMenuEvaluateModify.Tag := Ord(ddtEvaluate);
2044   SrcEditMenuInspect.OnClick:=@mnuViewDebugDialogClick;
2045   SrcEditMenuInspect.Tag := Ord(ddtInspect);
2046 end;
2048 function GetCommand(ACommand: word): TIDECommand;
2049 begin
2050   Result:=IDECommandList.FindIDECommand(ACommand);
2051   if Result<>nil then
2052     RegisterIDEButtonCommand(Result);
2053 end;
2055 procedure TDebugManager.SetupMainBarShortCuts;
2056 begin
2057   with MainIDEBar do
2058   begin
2059     itmViewWatches.Command:=GetCommand(ecToggleWatches);
2060     itmViewBreakpoints.Command:=GetCommand(ecToggleBreakPoints);
2061     itmViewDebugOutput.Command:=GetCommand(ecToggleDebuggerOut);
2062     itmViewDebugEvents.Command:=GetCommand(ecToggleDebugEvents);
2063     itmViewLocals.Command:=GetCommand(ecToggleLocals);
2064     itmViewRegisters.Command:=GetCommand(ecToggleRegisters);
2065     itmViewCallStack.Command:=GetCommand(ecToggleCallStack);
2066     itmViewAssembler.Command:=GetCommand(ecToggleAssembler);
2067     itmViewThreads.Command:=GetCommand(ecViewThreads);
2068     if itmViewPseudoTerminal <> nil then
2069       itmViewPseudoTerminal.Command:=GetCommand(ecViewPseudoTerminal);
2070     itmViewDbgHistory.Command:=GetCommand(ecViewHistory);
2072     itmRunMenuInspect.Command:=GetCommand(ecInspect);
2073     itmRunMenuEvaluate.Command:=GetCommand(ecEvaluate);
2074     itmRunMenuAddWatch.Command:=GetCommand(ecAddWatch);
2075     itmRunMenuAddBpSource.Command:=GetCommand(ecAddBpSource);
2076     itmRunMenuAddBpAddress.Command:=GetCommand(ecAddBpAddress);
2077     itmRunMenuAddBpWatchPoint.Command:=GetCommand(ecAddBpDataWatch);
2078   end;
2079 end;
2081 procedure TDebugManager.SetupSourceMenuShortCuts;
2082 begin
2083   SrcEditMenuToggleBreakpoint.Command:=GetCommand(ecToggleBreakPoint);
2084   SrcEditMenuStepToCursor.Command:=GetCommand(ecStepToCursor);
2085   SrcEditMenuRunToCursor.Command:=GetCommand(ecRunToCursor);
2086   SrcEditMenuEvaluateModify.Command:=GetCommand(ecEvaluate);
2087   SrcEditMenuAddWatchAtCursor.Command:=GetCommand(ecAddWatch);
2088   SrcEditMenuAddWatchPointAtCursor.Command:=GetCommand(ecAddBpDataWatch);
2089   SrcEditMenuInspect.Command:=GetCommand(ecInspect);
2090   SrcEditMenuViewCallStack.Command:=GetCommand(ecToggleCallStack);
2091 end;
2093 procedure TDebugManager.UpdateButtonsAndMenuItems;
2094 var
2095   DebuggerIsValid: boolean;
2096   CanRun: Boolean;
2097   SrcEdit: TSourceEditorInterface;
2098   AnUnitInfo: TUnitInfo;
2099   AvailCommands: TDBGCommands;
2100   CurState: TDBGState;
2101 begin
2102   if (MainIDE=nil) or (MainIDE.ToolStatus = itExiting) then exit;
2104   if FDebugger <> nil then begin
2105     AvailCommands := FDebugger.Commands;
2106     CurState := FDebugger.State;
2107     if CurState = dsError then begin
2108       CurState := dsStop;
2109       AvailCommands := GetDebuggerClass.SupportedCommandsFor(dsStop);
2110     end;
2111   end
2112   else begin
2113     AvailCommands := GetDebuggerClass.SupportedCommandsFor(dsStop);
2114     CurState := dsStop;
2115   end;
2116   DebuggerIsValid:=(MainIDE.ToolStatus in [itNone, itDebugger]);
2117   MainIDE.GetCurrentUnitInfo(SrcEdit,AnUnitInfo);
2118   with MainIDEBar do begin
2119     // For 'run' and 'step' bypass 'idle', so we can set the filename later
2120     CanRun:=false;
2121     if (Project1<>nil) and DebuggerIsValid then
2122       CanRun:=( (AnUnitInfo<>nil) and (AnUnitInfo.RunFileIfActive) ) or
2123               ( ((Project1.CompilerOptions.ExecutableType=cetProgram) or
2124                  ((Project1.RunParameterOptions.GetActiveMode<>nil) and (Project1.RunParameterOptions.GetActiveMode.HostApplicationFilename<>'')))
2125                and (pfRunnable in Project1.Flags)
2126               );
2127     // Run
2128     itmRunMenuRun.Enabled          := CanRun and (dcRun in AvailCommands);
2129     // Pause
2130     itmRunMenuPause.Enabled        := CanRun and ((dcPause in AvailCommands) or FAutoContinueTimer.Enabled);
2131     // Show execution point
2132     itmRunMenuShowExecutionPoint.Enabled := CanRun and (CurState = dsPause);
2133     // Step into
2134     itmRunMenuStepInto.Enabled     := CanRun and (dcStepInto in AvailCommands);
2135     // Step over
2136     itmRunMenuStepOver.Enabled     := CanRun and (dcStepOver in AvailCommands);
2137     // Step out
2138     itmRunMenuStepOut.Enabled      := CanRun and (dcStepOut in AvailCommands) and (CurState = dsPause);
2139     // Step to cursor
2140     itmRunMenuStepToCursor.Enabled := CanRun and (dcStepTo in AvailCommands);
2141     // Run to cursor
2142     itmRunMenuRunToCursor.Enabled  := CanRun and (dcRunTo in AvailCommands);
2143     // Stop
2144     itmRunMenuStop.Enabled         := (CanRun and (MainIDE.ToolStatus = itDebugger) and
2145       (CurState in [dsPause, dsInternalPause, dsInit, dsRun, dsError])) or
2146       (MainIDE.ToolStatus = itBuilder);
2148     //Attach / Detach
2149     itmRunMenuAttach.Enabled          := DebuggerIsValid and (dcAttach in AvailCommands);
2150     itmRunMenuDetach.Enabled          := DebuggerIsValid and (dcDetach in AvailCommands);
2152     // Evaluate
2153     itmRunMenuEvaluate.Enabled        := CanRun and (dcEvaluate in AvailCommands);
2154     // Evaluate / modify
2155     SrcEditMenuEvaluateModify.Enabled := CanRun and (dcEvaluate in AvailCommands);
2156     // Inspect
2157     SrcEditMenuInspect.Enabled        := CanRun and (dcEvaluate in AvailCommands);
2158     itmRunMenuInspect.Enabled         := CanRun and (dcEvaluate in AvailCommands);
2159     // Add watch
2160     itmRunMenuAddWatch.Enabled        := True; // always allow to add a watch
2162     // Add Breakpoint
2163     itmRunMenuAddBpSource.Enabled := True;
2164     itmRunMenuAddBpAddress.Enabled := True;
2165     itmRunMenuAddBpWatchPoint.Enabled := True;
2167     // TODO: add capacibilities to DebuggerClass
2168     // menu view
2169     //itmViewRegisters.Enabled := DebuggerIsValid;
2170     //itmViewAssembler.Enabled := DebuggerIsValid;
2171   end;
2172 end;
2174 procedure TDebugManager.UpdateToolStatus;
2175 const
2176   TOOLSTATEMAP: array[TDBGState] of TIDEToolStatus = (
2177   //dsNone, dsIdle, dsStop,     dsPause,    dsInternalPause, dsInit,     dsRun,      dsError,    dsDestroying
2178     itNone, itNone, itNone, itDebugger, itDebugger,      itDebugger, itDebugger, itNone, itNone
2179   );
2180 begin
2181   // Next may call ResetDebugger, then FDebugger is gone
2182   if MainIDE.ToolStatus in [itNone,itDebugger]
2183   then begin
2184     if FDebugger = nil then
2185       MainIDE.ToolStatus := itNone
2186     else
2187       MainIDE.ToolStatus := TOOLSTATEMAP[FDebugger.State];
2188   end;
2189 end;
2191 procedure TDebugManager.EnvironmentOptsChanged;
2192 begin
2193   if FDebugger <> nil then begin
2194     if EnvironmentOptions.DebuggerAllowFunctionCalls then
2195       FDebugger.EnabledFeatures := FDebugger.EnabledFeatures + [dfEvalFunctionCalls]
2196     else
2197       FDebugger.EnabledFeatures := FDebugger.EnabledFeatures - [dfEvalFunctionCalls];
2198   end;
2199 end;
2201 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2202   procedure TDebugManager.LoadProjectSpecificInfo(XMLConfig: TXMLConfig;
2203                                   Merge: boolean);
2205   Called when the main project is loaded from the XMLConfig.
2206 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
2207 procedure TDebugManager.LoadProjectSpecificInfo(XMLConfig: TXMLConfig;
2208   Merge: boolean);
2209 begin
2210   if not Merge then
2211   begin
2212     FExceptions.LoadFromXMLConfig(XMLConfig,'Debugging/'+XMLExceptionsNode+'/');
2213   end;
2214   // keep it simple: just load from the session and don't merge
2215   FBreakPointGroups.LoadFromXMLConfig(XMLConfig,
2216                                      'Debugging/'+XMLBreakPointGroupsNode+'/');
2217   FBreakPoints.LoadFromXMLConfig(XMLConfig,'Debugging/'+XMLBreakPointsNode+'/',
2218                                  @Project1.ConvertFromLPIFilename,
2219                                  @FBreakPointGroups.GetGroupByName);
2220   FWatches.LoadFromXMLConfig(XMLConfig,'Debugging/'+XMLWatchesNode+'/');
2221 end;
2223 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2224   procedure TDebugManager.SaveProjectSpecificInfo(XMLConfig: TXMLConfig;
2225                                    Flags: TProjectWriteFlags);
2227   Called when the main project is saved to an XMLConfig.
2228 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
2229 procedure TDebugManager.SaveProjectSpecificInfo(XMLConfig: TXMLConfig;
2230   Flags: TProjectWriteFlags);
2231 begin
2232   if not (pwfSkipSeparateSessionInfo in Flags) then
2233   begin
2234     FBreakPointGroups.SaveToXMLConfig(XMLConfig,
2235                                       'Debugging/'+XMLBreakPointGroupsNode+'/', pwfCompatibilityMode in Flags);
2236     FBreakPoints.SaveToXMLConfig(XMLConfig,'Debugging/'+XMLBreakPointsNode+'/',
2237       pwfCompatibilityMode in Flags, @Project1.ConvertToLPIFilename);
2238     FWatches.SaveToXMLConfig(XMLConfig,'Debugging/'+XMLWatchesNode+'/', pwfCompatibilityMode in Flags);
2239   end;
2240   if not (pwfSkipProjectInfo in Flags) then
2241   begin
2242     // exceptions are not part of the project info (#0015256)
2243     FExceptions.SaveToXMLConfig(XMLConfig,'Debugging/'+XMLExceptionsNode+'/', pwfCompatibilityMode in Flags);
2244   end;
2245 end;
2247 procedure TDebugManager.DoRestoreDebuggerMarks(AnUnitInfo: TUnitInfo);
2248 var
2249   ASrcEdit: TSourceEditor;
2250   i: Integer;
2251   CurBreakPoint: TIDEBreakPoint;
2252   SrcFilename: String;
2253 begin
2254   if (AnUnitInfo.OpenEditorInfoCount = 0) or Destroying then exit;
2255   ASrcEdit := TSourceEditor(AnUnitInfo.OpenEditorInfo[0].EditorComponent);
2256   // set breakpoints for this unit
2257   SrcFilename:=AnUnitInfo.Filename;
2258   for i := 0 to FBreakpoints.Count-1 do
2259   begin
2260     CurBreakPoint := FBreakpoints[i];
2261     if CompareFileNames(CurBreakPoint.Source, SrcFilename) = 0 then
2262       CreateSourceMarkForBreakPoint(CurBreakPoint, ASrcEdit);
2263   end;
2264 end;
2266 procedure TDebugManager.CreateSourceMarkForBreakPoint(
2267   const ABreakpoint: TIDEBreakPoint; ASrcEdit: TSourceEditor);
2268 var
2269   ManagedBreakPoint: TManagedBreakPoint;
2270   NewSrcMark: TSourceMark;
2271 begin
2272   if not (ABreakpoint is TManagedBreakPoint) then
2273     RaiseGDBException('TDebugManager.CreateSourceMarkForBreakPoint');
2274   ManagedBreakPoint:=TManagedBreakPoint(ABreakpoint);
2276   if (ManagedBreakPoint.SourceMark<>nil) or Destroying then exit;
2277   if ASrcEdit=nil then
2278     GetSourceEditorForBreakPoint(ManagedBreakPoint,ASrcEdit);
2279   if ASrcEdit=nil then exit;
2280   NewSrcMark:=TSourceMark.Create(ASrcEdit, nil);
2281   ManagedBreakPoint.SourceMark:=NewSrcMark;
2282   SourceEditorMarks.Add(NewSrcMark);
2283 end;
2285 procedure TDebugManager.GetSourceEditorForBreakPoint(
2286   const ABreakpoint: TIDEBreakPoint; var ASrcEdit: TSourceEditor);
2287 var
2288   Filename: String;
2289 begin
2290   Filename:=ABreakpoint.Source;
2291   if Filename<>'' then
2292     ASrcEdit:=SourceEditorManager.SourceEditorIntfWithFilename(ABreakpoint.Source)
2293   else
2294     ASrcEdit:=nil;
2295 end;
2297 procedure TDebugManager.CreateDebugDialog(Sender: TObject; aFormName: string;
2298   var AForm: TCustomForm; DoDisableAutoSizing: boolean);
ItIsnull2300   function ItIs(Prefix: string): boolean;
2301   begin
2302     Result:=SysUtils.CompareText(copy(aFormName,1,length(Prefix)),Prefix)=0;
2303   end;
2305 var
2306   DlgType: TDebugDialogType;
2307 begin
2308   for DlgType:=Low(TDebugDialogType) to High(TDebugDialogType) do
2309     if ItIs(DebugDialogNames[DlgType]) then
2310     begin
2311       ViewDebugDialog(DlgType,false,false,DoDisableAutoSizing);
2312       AForm:=FDialogs[DlgType];
2313       exit;
2314     end;
2315   raise Exception.Create('TDebugManager.CreateDebugDialog invalid FormName "'+aFormName+'"');
2316 end;
2318 procedure TDebugManager.ClearDebugOutputLog;
2319 begin
2320   if FDialogs[ddtOutput] <> nil then
2321     TDbgOutputForm(FDialogs[ddtOutput]).Clear
2322   else if fHiddenDebugOutputLog<>nil then
2323     fHiddenDebugOutputLog.Clear;
2324 end;
2326 procedure TDebugManager.ClearDebugEventsLog;
2327 begin
2328   FEventLogManager.ClearDebugEventsLog;
2329 end;
RequiredCompilerOptsnull2331 function TDebugManager.RequiredCompilerOpts(ATargetCPU, ATargetOS: String
2332   ): TDebugCompilerRequirements;
2333 begin
2334   if DebuggerClass = nil then
2335     exit([]);
2336   Result := DebuggerClass.RequiredCompilerOpts(ATargetCPU, ATargetOS);
2337 end;
2339 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2340 // Debugger routines
2341 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2343 procedure TDebugManager.FreeDebugger;
2344 var
2345   dbg: TDebuggerIntf;
2346 begin
2347   dbg := FDebugger;
2348   SetDebugger(nil);
2349   dbg.Release;
2350   FManagerStates := [];
2351   FIsInitializingDebugger:= False;
2353   if MainIDE.ToolStatus = itDebugger
2354   then MainIDE.ToolStatus := itNone;
2355 end;
2357 procedure TDebugManager.ResetDebugger;
2358 var
2359   OldState: TDBGState;
2360 begin
2361   OldState := State;
2362   if OldState = dsNone then Exit;
2364   FDebugger.BeginReset;
2365   EndDebugging;
2366 //  OnDebuggerChangeState(FDebugger, OldState);
2367 //  InitDebugger;
2368 end;
GetLaunchPathAndExenull2370 function TDebugManager.GetLaunchPathAndExe(out LaunchingCmdLine,
2371   LaunchingApplication, LaunchingParams: String; PromptOnError: Boolean
2372   ): Boolean;
2374   procedure ClearPathAndExe;
2375   begin
2376     LaunchingApplication := '';
2377     LaunchingParams := '';
2378     LaunchingCmdLine := '';
2379   end;
2381 var
2382   NewDebuggerClass: TDebuggerClass;
2383 begin
2384   Result := False;
2385   NewDebuggerClass := GetDebuggerClass;
2386   LaunchingCmdLine := BuildBoss.GetRunCommandLine;
2387   SplitCmdLine(LaunchingCmdLine, LaunchingApplication, LaunchingParams);
2389   (* TODO: workaround for http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=21834
2390      Se Debugger.RequiresLocalExecutable
2391   *)
2392   if NewDebuggerClass.RequiresLocalExecutable then begin
2394     if BuildBoss.GetProjectUsesAppBundle then
2395     begin
2396       // it is Application Bundle (darwin only)
2398       if not DirectoryExistsUTF8(LaunchingApplication) then
2399       begin
2400         if not PromptOnError then
2401           ClearPathAndExe
2402         else begin
2403           BuildBoss.WriteDebug_RunCommandLine;
2404           if IDEMessageDialog(lisLaunchingApplicationInvalid,
2405             Format(lisTheLaunchingApplicationBundleDoesNotExists,
2406               [LaunchingApplication, LineEnding, LineEnding, LineEnding+LineEnding]),
2407             mtError, [mbYes, mbNo, mbCancel]) = mrYes then
2408           begin
2409             if not BuildBoss.CreateProjectApplicationBundle then Exit;
2410           end
2411           else
2412             Exit;
2413         end;
2414       end;
2416       if (NewDebuggerClass = TProcessDebugger) and (LaunchingApplication <> '') then
2417       begin // use executable path inside Application Bundle (darwin only)
2418         LaunchingApplication := LaunchingApplication + '/Contents/MacOS/' +
2419           ExtractFileNameOnly(LaunchingApplication);
2420       end;
2421     end
2422     else
2423       if not FileIsExecutable(LaunchingApplication)
2424       then begin
2425         BuildBoss.WriteDebug_RunCommandLine;
2426         if not PromptOnError then
2427           ClearPathAndExe
2428         else begin
2429           IDEMessageDialog(lisLaunchingApplicationInvalid,
2430             Format(lisTheLaunchingApplicationDoesNotExistsOrIsNotExecuta,
2431                    [LaunchingApplication, LineEnding, LineEnding+LineEnding]),
2432             mtError, [mbOK]);
2433           Exit;
2434         end;
2435       end;
2437     // check if debugger needs an Exe and the exe is there
2438     if (NewDebuggerClass.NeedsExePath)
2439     and not FileIsExecutable(EnvironmentOptions.GetParsedDebuggerFilename(Project1))
2440     then begin
2441       if not PromptOnError then
2442         ClearPathAndExe
2443       else begin
2444         debugln(['Info: (lazarus) [TDebugManager.GetLaunchPathAndExe] EnvironmentOptions.DebuggerFilename="',EnvironmentOptions.DebuggerFilename,'"']);
2445         IDEMessageDialog(lisDebuggerInvalid,
2446           Format(lisTheDebuggerDoesNotExistsOrIsNotExecutableSeeEnviro,
2447             [EnvironmentOptions.DebuggerFilename(Project1), LineEnding, LineEnding+LineEnding]),
2448           mtError,[mbOK]);
2449         Exit;
2450       end;
2451     end;
2453   end; // if NewDebuggerClass.RequiresLocalExecutable then
2454   Result := True;
2455 end;
InitDebuggernull2457 function TDebugManager.InitDebugger(AFlags: TDbgInitFlags): Boolean;
2458 var
2459   LaunchingCmdLine, LaunchingApplication, LaunchingParams: String;
2460   NewWorkingDir: String;
2461   NewDebuggerClass: TDebuggerClass;
2462 begin
2463 {$ifdef VerboseDebugger}
2464   DebugLn('[TDebugManager.DoInitDebugger] A');
2465 {$endif}
2467   Result := False;
2468   if FIsInitializingDebugger then begin
2469     DebugLn('[TDebugManager.DoInitDebugger] *** Re-Entered');
2470     exit;
2471   end;
2473   if Destroying or (Project1 = nil) then Exit;
2474   if not(difInitForAttach in AFlags) then begin
2475     if (Project1.MainUnitID < 0) then Exit;
2476     if not GetLaunchPathAndExe(LaunchingCmdLine, LaunchingApplication, LaunchingParams) then
2477       exit;
2478   end
2479   else
2480     GetLaunchPathAndExe(LaunchingCmdLine, LaunchingApplication, LaunchingParams, False);
2482   FUnitInfoProvider.Clear;
2483   FIsInitializingDebugger:= True;
2484   try
2485     NewDebuggerClass := GetDebuggerClass;
2487     if (dmsDebuggerObjectBroken in FManagerStates)
2488     then begin
2489       FreeDebugger;
2490       FIsInitializingDebugger:= True; // been reset by FreeDebuger
2491     end;
2493     // check if debugger is already created with the right type
2494     if (FDebugger <> nil)
2495     and (not (FDebugger.ClassType = NewDebuggerClass) // exact class match
2496           or (FDebugger.ExternalDebugger <> EnvironmentOptions.GetParsedDebuggerFilename(Project1))
2497           or (FDebugger.State in [dsError])
2498         )
2499     then begin
2500       // the current debugger is the wrong type -> free it
2501       FreeDebugger;
2502       FIsInitializingDebugger:= True; // been reset by FreeDebuger
2503     end;
2505     // create debugger object
2506     if FDebugger = nil
2507     then SetDebugger(NewDebuggerClass.Create(EnvironmentOptions.GetParsedDebuggerFilename(Project1)));
2509     if FDebugger = nil
2510     then begin
2511       // something went wrong
2512       Exit;
2513     end;
2515     if (EnvironmentOptions.CurrentDebuggerPropertiesConfigEx(Project1) <> nil) and
2516        (EnvironmentOptions.CurrentDebuggerPropertiesConfigEx(Project1).DebuggerProperties <> nil)
2517     then
2518       FDebugger.GetProperties.Assign(EnvironmentOptions.CurrentDebuggerPropertiesConfigEx(Project1).DebuggerProperties);
2520     ClearDebugOutputLog;
2521     if EnvironmentOptions.DebuggerEventLogClearOnRun then
2522       ClearDebugEventsLog;
2524     //ensure to unset all evemts in SetDebugger()
2525     FDebugger.OnBreakPointHit := @DebuggerBreakPointHit;
2526     FDebugger.OnBeforeState   := @DebuggerBeforeChangeState;
2527     FDebugger.OnState         := @DebuggerChangeState;
2528     FDebugger.OnCurrent       := @DebuggerCurrentLine;
2529     FDebugger.OnDbgOutput     := @DebuggerOutput;
2530     FDebugger.OnDbgEvent      := @FEventLogManager.DebuggerEvent;
2531     FDebugger.OnException     := @DebuggerException;
2532     FDebugger.OnConsoleOutput := @DebuggerConsoleOutput;
2533     FDebugger.OnFeedback      := @DebuggerFeedback;
2534     FDebugger.OnIdle          := @DebuggerIdle;
2535     FDebugger.EventLogHandler := FEventLogManager;
2537     FEventLogManager.TargetWidth := FDebugger.TargetWidth div 8;
2539     if FDebugger.State = dsNone
2540     then begin
2541       Include(FManagerStates,dmsInitializingDebuggerObject);
2542       Exclude(FManagerStates,dmsInitializingDebuggerObjectFailed);
2543       // The following commands may call ProcessMessages, and FDebugger can be nil after each
2544       FDebugger.Init;
2545       Exclude(FManagerStates,dmsInitializingDebuggerObject);
2546       if (FDebugger = nil) or (dmsInitializingDebuggerObjectFailed in FManagerStates)
2547       then begin
2548         FreeDebugger;
2549         Exit;
2550       end;
2551     end;
2553     if not(difInitForAttach in AFlags) then begin
2554       Project1.RunParameterOptions.AssignEnvironmentTo(FDebugger.Environment);
2555       if Project1.RunParameterOptions.GetActiveMode<>nil then
2556         NewWorkingDir:=Project1.RunParameterOptions.GetActiveMode.WorkingDirectory
2557       else
2558         NewWorkingDir:='';
2559       GlobalMacroList.SubstituteStr(NewWorkingDir);
2560       if NewDebuggerClass.RequiresLocalExecutable  and     (* TODO: workaround for http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=21834   *)
2561          (NewWorkingDir<>'') and (not DirectoryExistsUTF8(NewWorkingDir))
2562       then begin
2563         IDEMessageDialog(lisUnableToRun,
2564           Format(lisTheWorkingDirectoryDoesNotExistPleaseCheckTheWorki,
2565                  [NewWorkingDir, LineEnding]),
2566           mtError,[mbCancel]);
2567         exit;
2568       end;
2569       if NewWorkingDir='' then begin
2570         NewWorkingDir:=ExtractFilePath(BuildBoss.GetProjectTargetFilename(Project1));
2571         if NewDebuggerClass.RequiresLocalExecutable  and     (* TODO: workaround for http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=21834   *)
2572            (NewWorkingDir<>'') and (not DirectoryExistsUTF8(NewWorkingDir))
2573         then begin
2574           IDEMessageDialog(lisUnableToRun,
2575             Format(lisTheDestinationDirectoryDoesNotExistPleaseCheckTheP,
2576                    [NewWorkingDir, LineEnding]),
2577             mtError,[mbCancel]);
2578           exit;
2579         end;
2580       end;
2582       // The following commands may call ProcessMessages, and FDebugger can be nil after each
2584       if (FDebugger <> nil) and not NewDebuggerClass.RequiresLocalExecutable
2585       then FDebugger.WorkingDir:=NewWorkingDir;
2586       if (FDebugger <> nil) and NewDebuggerClass.RequiresLocalExecutable
2587       then FDebugger.WorkingDir:=CleanAndExpandDirectory(NewWorkingDir);
2588       // set filename after workingdir
2589       if FDebugger <> nil
2590       then FDebugger.FileName := LaunchingApplication;
2591       if FDebugger <> nil
2592       then FDebugger.Arguments := LaunchingParams;
2593       if FDebugger <> nil
2594       then FDebugger.ShowConsole := not Project1.CompilerOptions.Win32GraphicApp;
2595     end
2596     else begin
2597       // attach
2598       if (FDebugger <> nil) and (LaunchingApplication <> '')
2599       then FDebugger.FileName := LaunchingApplication;
2600     end;
2602     // check if debugging needs restart
2603     // mwe: can this still happen ?
2604     if (FDebugger = nil) or (dmsDebuggerObjectBroken in FManagerStates)
2605     then begin
2606       FreeDebugger;
2607       Exit;
2608     end;
2610     Result := True;
2611   finally
2612     // Since ProcessMessages has been called, debugger may have been reseted, even during initialization...
2613     if not FIsInitializingDebugger
2614     then begin
2615       Result := False;
2616       ResetDebugger;
2617     end;
2618     FIsInitializingDebugger:= False;
2619   end;
2620 {$ifdef VerboseDebugger}
2621   DebugLn('[TDebugManager.DoInitDebugger] END');
2622 {$endif}
2623 end;
DoSetBreakkPointWarnIfNoDebuggernull2625 function TDebugManager.DoSetBreakkPointWarnIfNoDebugger: boolean;
2626 var
2627   DbgClass: TDebuggerClass;
2628 begin
2629   DbgClass:=EnvironmentOptions.CurrentDebuggerClass(Project1);
2630   if (DbgClass=nil)
2631   or (DbgClass.NeedsExePath
2632     and (not FileIsExecutableCached(EnvironmentOptions.GetParsedDebuggerFilename(Project1))))
2633   then begin
2634     if IDEQuestionDialog(lisDbgMangNoDebuggerSpecified,
2635       Format(lisDbgMangThereIsNoDebuggerSpecifiedSettingBreakpointsHaveNo,[LineEnding]),
2636       mtWarning, [mrCancel, mrIgnore, lisDbgMangSetTheBreakpointAnyway]) <> mrIgnore
2637     then
2638       exit(false);
2639   end;
2640   Result:=true;
2641 end;
2643 // still part of main, should go here when processdebugger is finished
2644 //
TDebugManager.DoRunProjectnull2645 //function TDebugManager.DoRunProject: TModalResult;
2647 function TDebugManager.DoPauseProject: TModalResult;
2648 begin
2649   Result := mrCancel;
2650   if (MainIDE.ToolStatus <> itDebugger)
2651   or (FDebugger = nil) or Destroying
2652   then Exit;
2653   FAutoContinueTimer.Enabled := False;
2654   FDebugger.Pause;
2655   Result := mrOk;
2656 end;
DoShowExecutionPointnull2658 function TDebugManager.DoShowExecutionPoint: TModalResult;
2659 begin
2660   Result := mrCancel;
2661   if (MainIDE.ToolStatus <> itDebugger)
2662   or (FDebugger = nil) or Destroying
2663   then Exit;
2665   DebuggerCurrentLine(FDebugger, FCurrentLocation);
2666   Result := mrOk;
2667 end;
TDebugManager.DoStepIntoProjectnull2669 function TDebugManager.DoStepIntoProject: TModalResult;
2670 begin
2671   if (MainIDE.DoInitProjectRun <> mrOK)
2672   or (MainIDE.ToolStatus <> itDebugger)
2673   or (FDebugger = nil) or Destroying
2674   then begin
2675     Result := mrAbort;
2676     Exit;
2677   end;
2679   FStepping:=True;
2680   FDebugger.StepInto;
2681   Result := mrOk;
2682 end;
DoStepOverProjectnull2684 function TDebugManager.DoStepOverProject: TModalResult;
2685 begin
2686   if (MainIDE.DoInitProjectRun <> mrOK)
2687   or (MainIDE.ToolStatus <> itDebugger)
2688   or (FDebugger = nil) or Destroying
2689   then begin
2690     Result := mrAbort;
2691     Exit;
2692   end;
2694   FStepping:=True;
2695   FDebugger.StepOver;
2696   Result := mrOk;
2697 end;
TDebugManager.DoStepIntoInstrProjectnull2699 function TDebugManager.DoStepIntoInstrProject: TModalResult;
2700 begin
2701   if (MainIDE.DoInitProjectRun <> mrOK)
2702   or (MainIDE.ToolStatus <> itDebugger)
2703   or (FDebugger = nil) or Destroying
2704   then begin
2705     Result := mrAbort;
2706     Exit;
2707   end;
2709   FStepping:=True;
2710   FDebugger.StepIntoInstr;
2711   Result := mrOk;
2712   // Todo: move to DebuggerChangeState (requires the last run-command-type to be avail)
2713   ViewDebugDialog(ddtAssembler);
2714 end;
TDebugManager.DoStepOverInstrProjectnull2716 function TDebugManager.DoStepOverInstrProject: TModalResult;
2717 begin
2718   if (MainIDE.DoInitProjectRun <> mrOK)
2719   or (MainIDE.ToolStatus <> itDebugger)
2720   or (FDebugger = nil) or Destroying
2721   then begin
2722     Result := mrAbort;
2723     Exit;
2724   end;
2726   FStepping:=True;
2727   FDebugger.StepOverInstr;
2728   Result := mrOk;
2729   // Todo: move to DebuggerChangeState (requires the last run-command-type to be avail)
2730   ViewDebugDialog(ddtAssembler);
2731 end;
TDebugManager.DoStepOutProjectnull2733 function TDebugManager.DoStepOutProject: TModalResult;
2734 begin
2735   if (FDebugger = nil) or not(dcStepOut in FDebugger.Commands)
2736   then begin
2737     Result := mrAbort;
2738     Exit;
2739   end;
2741   if (MainIDE.DoInitProjectRun <> mrOK)
2742   or (MainIDE.ToolStatus <> itDebugger)
2743   or (FDebugger = nil) or Destroying
2744   then begin
2745     Result := mrAbort;
2746     Exit;
2747   end;
2749   FStepping:=True;
2750   FDebugger.StepOut;
2751   Result := mrOk;
2752 end;
DoStopProjectnull2754 function TDebugManager.DoStopProject: TModalResult;
2755 begin
2756   Result := mrCancel;
2758   FRunTimer.Enabled:=false;
2759   Exclude(FManagerStates,dmsWaitForRun);
2760   Exclude(FManagerStates,dmsWaitForAttach);
2762   SourceEditorManager.ClearExecutionLines;
2763   if (MainIDE.ToolStatus=itDebugger) and (FDebugger<>nil) and (not Destroying)
2764   then begin
2765     FDebugger.Stop;
2766   end;
2767   if (dmsDebuggerObjectBroken in FManagerStates) then begin
2768     if (MainIDE.ToolStatus=itDebugger) then
2769       MainIDE.ToolStatus:=itNone;
2770   end;
2772   FUnitInfoProvider.Clear; // Maybe keep locations? But clear "not found"/"not loadable" flags?
2773   Result := mrOk;
2774 end;
2776 procedure TDebugManager.DoToggleCallStack;
2777 begin
2778   ViewDebugDialog(ddtCallStack);
2779 end;
2781 procedure TDebugManager.DoSendConsoleInput(AText: String);
2782 begin
2783   if FDebugger <> nil then
2784     FDebugger.SendConsoleInput(AText);
2785 end;
2787 procedure TDebugManager.ProcessCommand(Command: word; var Handled: boolean);
2788 begin
2789   //debugln('TDebugManager.ProcessCommand ',dbgs(Command));
2790   Handled := True;
2791   case Command of
2792     ecPause:             DoPauseProject;
2793     ecStepInto:          DoStepIntoProject;
2794     ecStepOver:          DoStepOverProject;
2795     ecStepIntoInstr:     DoStepIntoInstrProject;
2796     ecStepOverInstr:     DoStepOverInstrProject;
2797     ecStepIntoContext:   begin
2798                            if (FDialogs[ddtAssembler] <> nil) and FDialogs[ddtAssembler].Active
2799                            then DoStepIntoInstrProject
2800                            else DoStepIntoProject;
2801                          end;
2802     ecStepOverContext:   begin
2803                            if (FDialogs[ddtAssembler] <> nil) and FDialogs[ddtAssembler].Active
2804                            then DoStepOverInstrProject
2805                            else DoStepOverProject;
2806                          end;
2807     ecStepOut:           DoStepOutProject;
2808     ecStepToCursor:      DoStepToCursor;
2809     ecRunToCursor:       DoRunToCursor;
2810     ecStopProgram:       DoStopProject;
2811     ecResetDebugger:     ResetDebugger;
2812     ecToggleCallStack:   DoToggleCallStack;
2813     ecEvaluate:          ViewDebugDialog(ddtEvaluate);
2814     ecInspect:           ViewDebugDialog(ddtInspect);
2815     ecToggleWatches:     ViewDebugDialog(ddtWatches);
2816     ecToggleBreakPoints: ViewDebugDialog(ddtBreakpoints);
2817     ecToggleDebuggerOut: ViewDebugDialog(ddtOutput);
2818     ecToggleDebugEvents: ViewDebugDialog(ddtEvents);
2819     ecToggleLocals:      ViewDebugDialog(ddtLocals);
2820     ecViewPseudoTerminal: ViewDebugDialog(ddtPseudoTerminal);
2821     ecViewThreads:       ViewDebugDialog(ddtThreads);
2822     ecViewHistory:       ViewDebugDialog(ddtHistory);
2823   else
2824     Handled := False;
2825   end;
2826 end;
2828 procedure TDebugManager.LockCommandProcessing;
2829 begin
2830   if assigned(FDebugger)
2831   then FDebugger.LockCommandProcessing;
2832 end;
2834 procedure TDebugManager.UnLockCommandProcessing;
2835 begin
2836   if assigned(FDebugger)
2837   then FDebugger.UnLockCommandProcessing;
2838 end;
StartDebuggingnull2840 function TDebugManager.StartDebugging: TModalResult;
2841 begin
2842   {$ifdef VerboseDebugger}
2843   DebugLn('TDebugManager.StartDebugging A ',DbgS(FDebugger<>nil),' Destroying=',DbgS(Destroying));
2844   {$endif}
2845   Result:=mrCancel;
2846   if Destroying then exit;
2847   if FManagerStates*[dmsWaitForRun, dmsWaitForAttach] <> [] then exit;
2848   if (FDebugger <> nil) then
2849   begin
2850     // dmsRunning + dsPause => evaluating stack+watches after run
2851     if (dmsRunning in FManagerStates) then begin
2852       if (FDebugger.State = dsPause) then
2853         FDebugger.Run;
2855       exit;
2856     end;
2858     {$ifdef VerboseDebugger}
2859     DebugLn('TDebugManager.StartDebugging B ',FDebugger.ClassName);
2860     {$endif}
2861     // check if debugging needs restart
2862     if (dmsDebuggerObjectBroken in FManagerStates)
2863     and (MainIDE.ToolStatus=itDebugger) then begin
2864       MainIDE.ToolStatus:=itNone;
2865       Result:=mrCancel;
2866       exit;
2867     end;
2868     Include(FManagerStates,dmsWaitForRun);
2869     FRunTimer.Enabled:=true;
2870     Result:=mrOk;
2871   end;
2872 end;
TDebugManager.RunDebuggernull2874 function TDebugManager.RunDebugger: TModalResult;
2875 begin
2876   {$ifdef VerboseDebugger}
2877   DebugLn('TDebugManager.RunDebugger A ',DbgS(FDebugger<>nil),' Destroying=',DbgS(Destroying));
2878   {$endif}
2879   Result:=mrCancel;
2880   if Destroying then exit;
2881   Exclude(FManagerStates,dmsWaitForRun);
2882   if dmsRunning in FManagerStates then exit;
2883   if MainIDE.ToolStatus<>itDebugger then exit;
2884   if (FDebugger <> nil) then
2885   begin
2886     {$ifdef VerboseDebugger}
2887     DebugLn('TDebugManager.RunDebugger B ',FDebugger.ClassName);
2888     {$endif}
2889     // check if debugging needs restart
2890     if (dmsDebuggerObjectBroken in FManagerStates)
2891     and (MainIDE.ToolStatus=itDebugger) then begin
2892       MainIDE.ToolStatus:=itNone;
2893       Result:=mrCancel;
2894       exit;
2895     end;
2896     Include(FManagerStates,dmsRunning);
2897     FStepping:=False;
2898     try
2899       FDebugger.Run;
2900     finally
2901       Exclude(FManagerStates,dmsRunning);
2902     end;
2903     Result:=mrOk;
2904   end;
2905 end;
2907 procedure TDebugManager.EndDebugging;
2908 begin
2909   FRunTimer.Enabled:=false;
2910   Exclude(FManagerStates,dmsWaitForRun);
2911   Exclude(FManagerStates,dmsWaitForAttach);
2912   if FDebugger <> nil then FDebugger.Done;
2913   // if not already freed
2914   FreeDebugger;
2915 end;
2917 procedure TDebugManager.Attach(AProcessID: String);
2918 begin
2919   if Destroying then exit;
2920   if FManagerStates*[dmsWaitForRun, dmsWaitForAttach, dmsRunning] <> [] then exit;
2921   if (FDebugger <> nil) then
2922   begin
2923     // check if debugging needs restart
2924     if (dmsDebuggerObjectBroken in FManagerStates)
2925     and (MainIDE.ToolStatus=itDebugger) then begin
2926       MainIDE.ToolStatus:=itNone;
2927       exit;
2928     end;
2929     FAttachToID := AProcessID;
2930     Include(FManagerStates,dmsWaitForAttach);
2931     FRunTimer.Enabled:=true;
2932   end;
2933 end;
TDebugManager.FillProcessListnull2935 function TDebugManager.FillProcessList(AList: TRunningProcessInfoList): boolean;
2936 begin
2937   Result := (not Destroying)
2938         and (MainIDE.ToolStatus in [itDebugger, itNone])
2939         and (FDebugger <> nil)
2940         and FDebugger.GetProcessList(AList);
2941 end;
2943 procedure TDebugManager.Detach;
2944 begin
2945   FRunTimer.Enabled:=false;  Exclude(FManagerStates,dmsWaitForRun);
2946   Exclude(FManagerStates,dmsWaitForAttach);
2948   SourceEditorManager.ClearExecutionLines;
2949   if (MainIDE.ToolStatus=itDebugger) and (FDebugger<>nil) and (not Destroying)
2950   then begin
2951     FDebugger.Detach;
2952   end;
2953   if (dmsDebuggerObjectBroken in FManagerStates) then begin
2954     if (MainIDE.ToolStatus=itDebugger) then
2955       MainIDE.ToolStatus:=itNone;
2956   end;
2958   FUnitInfoProvider.Clear; // Maybe keep locations? But clear "not found"/"not loadable" flags?
2959 end;
Evaluatenull2961 function TDebugManager.Evaluate(const AExpression: String;
2962   ACallback: TDBGEvaluateResultCallback; EvalFlags: TDBGEvaluateFlags): Boolean;
2963 begin
2964   Result := (not Destroying)
2965         and (MainIDE.ToolStatus = itDebugger)
2966         and (FDebugger <> nil)
2967         and (dcEvaluate in FDebugger.Commands)
2968         and FDebugger.Evaluate(AExpression, ACallback, EvalFlags);
2969 end;
TDebugManager.Modifynull2971 function TDebugManager.Modify(const AExpression, ANewValue: String): Boolean;
2972 begin
2973   Result := (not Destroying)
2974         and (MainIDE.ToolStatus = itDebugger)
2975         and (FDebugger <> nil)
2976         and (dcModify in FDebugger.Commands)
2977         and FDebugger.Modify(AExpression, ANewValue);
2978 end;
2980 procedure TDebugManager.EvaluateModify(const AExpression: String);
2981 begin
2982   if Destroying then Exit;
2983   ViewDebugDialog(ddtEvaluate);
2984   if FDialogs[ddtEvaluate] <> nil then
2985     TEvaluateDlg(FDialogs[ddtEvaluate]).FindText := AExpression;
2986 end;
2988 procedure TDebugManager.Inspect(const AExpression: String);
2989 begin
2990   if Destroying then Exit;
2991   ViewDebugDialog(ddtInspect); // TODO: If not yet open, this will get Expression from SourceEdit, and trigger uneeded eval.
2992   if FDialogs[ddtInspect] <> nil then
2993   begin
2994     TIDEInspectDlg(FDialogs[ddtInspect]).Execute(AExpression);
2995   end;
2996 end;
TDebugManager.DoCreateBreakPointnull2998 function TDebugManager.DoCreateBreakPoint(const AFilename: string;
2999   ALine: integer; WarnIfNoDebugger: boolean): TModalResult;
3000 var
3001   ABrkPoint: TIDEBreakPoint;
3002 begin
3003   Result := DoCreateBreakPoint(AFilename, ALine, WarnIfNoDebugger, ABrkPoint);
3004 end;
TDebugManager.DoCreateBreakPointnull3006 function TDebugManager.DoCreateBreakPoint(const AFilename: string;
3007   ALine: integer; WarnIfNoDebugger: boolean; out ABrkPoint: TIDEBreakPoint;
3008   AnUpdating: Boolean): TModalResult;
3009 begin
3010   ABrkPoint := nil;
3011   if WarnIfNoDebugger and not DoSetBreakkPointWarnIfNoDebugger then
3012     exit(mrCancel);
3014   ABrkPoint := FBreakPoints.Add(AFilename, ALine, AnUpdating);
3015   Result := mrOK;
3016 end;
TDebugManager.DoCreateBreakPointnull3018 function TDebugManager.DoCreateBreakPoint(const AnAddr: TDBGPtr;
3019   WarnIfNoDebugger: boolean; out ABrkPoint: TIDEBreakPoint; AnUpdating: Boolean
3020   ): TModalResult;
3021 begin
3022   ABrkPoint := nil;
3023   if WarnIfNoDebugger and not DoSetBreakkPointWarnIfNoDebugger then
3024     exit(mrCancel);
3026   ABrkPoint := FBreakPoints.Add(AnAddr, AnUpdating);
3027   Result := mrOK;
3028 end;
DoDeleteBreakPointnull3030 function TDebugManager.DoDeleteBreakPoint(const AFilename: string;
3031   ALine: integer): TModalResult;
3032 var
3033   OldBreakPoint: TIDEBreakPoint;
3034 begin
3035   LockCommandProcessing;
3036   try
3037     OldBreakPoint:=FBreakPoints.Find(AFilename,ALine);
3038     if OldBreakPoint=nil then exit(mrOk);
3039     ReleaseRefAndNil(OldBreakPoint);
3040     Project1.Modified:=true;
3041     Result := mrOK;
3042   finally
3043     UnLockCommandProcessing;
3044   end;
3045 end;
DoDeleteBreakPointAtMarknull3047 function TDebugManager.DoDeleteBreakPointAtMark(const ASourceMark: TSourceMark
3048   ): TModalResult;
3049 var
3050   OldBreakPoint: TIDEBreakPoint;
3051 begin
3052   LockCommandProcessing;
3053   try
3054     // consistency check
3055     if (ASourceMark=nil) or (not ASourceMark.IsBreakPoint)
3056     or (ASourceMark.Data=nil) or (not (ASourceMark.Data is TIDEBreakPoint)) then
3057       RaiseGDBException('TDebugManager.DoDeleteBreakPointAtMark');
3059   {$ifdef VerboseDebugger}
3060     DebugLn('TDebugManager.DoDeleteBreakPointAtMark A ',ASourceMark.GetFilename,
3061       ' ',IntToStr(ASourceMark.Line));
3062   {$endif}
3063     OldBreakPoint:=TIDEBreakPoint(ASourceMark.Data);
3064   {$ifdef VerboseDebugger}
3065     DebugLn('TDebugManager.DoDeleteBreakPointAtMark B ',OldBreakPoint.ClassName,
3066       ' ',OldBreakPoint.Source,' ',IntToStr(OldBreakPoint.Line));
3067   {$endif}
3068     ReleaseRefAndNil(OldBreakPoint);
3069     Project1.Modified:=true;
3070     Result := mrOK;
3071   finally
3072     UnLockCommandProcessing;
3073   end;
3074 end;
DoStepToCursornull3076 function TDebugManager.DoStepToCursor: TModalResult;
3077 var
3078   ActiveSrcEdit: TSourceEditorInterface;
3079   ActiveUnitInfo: TUnitInfo;
3080   UnitFilename: string;
3081 begin
3082 {$ifdef VerboseDebugger}
3083   DebugLn('TDebugManager.DoStepToCursor A');
3084 {$endif}
3085   if (FDebugger = nil) or not(dcStepTo in FDebugger.Commands)
3086   then begin
3087     Result := mrAbort;
3088     Exit;
3089   end;
3091   if (MainIDE.DoInitProjectRun <> mrOK)
3092   or (MainIDE.ToolStatus <> itDebugger)
3093   or (FDebugger = nil) or Destroying
3094   then begin
3095     Result := mrAbort;
3096     Exit;
3097   end;
3098 {$ifdef VerboseDebugger}
3099   DebugLn('TDebugManager.DoStepToCursor B');
3100 {$endif}
3102   Result := mrCancel;
3104   MainIDE.GetCurrentUnitInfo(ActiveSrcEdit,ActiveUnitInfo);
3105   if (ActiveSrcEdit=nil) or (ActiveUnitInfo=nil)
3106   then begin
3107     IDEMessageDialog(lisRunToFailed, lisPleaseOpenAUnitBeforeRun, mtError,
3108       [mbCancel]);
3109     Result := mrCancel;
3110     Exit;
3111   end;
3113   if not ActiveUnitInfo.Source.IsVirtual
3114   then UnitFilename:=ActiveUnitInfo.Filename
3115   else UnitFilename:=BuildBoss.GetTestUnitFilename(ActiveUnitInfo);
3117 {$ifdef VerboseDebugger}
3118   DebugLn('TDebugManager.DoStepToCursor C');
3119 {$endif}
3120   FDebugger.StepTo(ExtractFilename(UnitFilename),
3121                   TSourceEditor(ActiveSrcEdit).EditorComponent.CaretY);
3123 {$ifdef VerboseDebugger}
3124   DebugLn('TDebugManager.DoStepToCursor D');
3125 {$endif}
3126   Result := mrOK;
3127 end;
TDebugManager.DoRunToCursornull3129 function TDebugManager.DoRunToCursor: TModalResult;
3130 var
3131   ActiveSrcEdit: TSourceEditorInterface;
3132   ActiveUnitInfo: TUnitInfo;
3133   UnitFilename: string;
3134 begin
3135   if (MainIDE.DoInitProjectRun <> mrOK)
3136   or (MainIDE.ToolStatus <> itDebugger)
3137   or (FDebugger = nil) or Destroying
3138   then begin
3139     Result := mrAbort;
3140     Exit;
3141   end;
3143   MainIDE.GetCurrentUnitInfo(ActiveSrcEdit,ActiveUnitInfo);
3144   if (ActiveSrcEdit=nil) or (ActiveUnitInfo=nil)
3145   then begin
3146     IDEMessageDialog(lisRunToFailed, lisPleaseOpenAUnitBeforeRun, mtError,
3147       [mbCancel]);
3148     Result := mrCancel;
3149     Exit;
3150   end;
3152   if not ActiveUnitInfo.Source.IsVirtual
3153   then UnitFilename:=ActiveUnitInfo.Filename
3154   else UnitFilename:=BuildBoss.GetTestUnitFilename(ActiveUnitInfo);
3156   FStepping:=True;
3157   FDebugger.RunTo(ExtractFilename(UnitFilename),
3158                   TSourceEditor(ActiveSrcEdit).EditorComponent.CaretY);
3160   Result := mrOK;
3161 end;
GetStatenull3163 function TDebugManager.GetState: TDBGState;
3164 begin
3165   if FDebugger = nil
3166   then Result := dsNone
3167   else Result := FDebugger.State;
3168 end;
TDebugManager.GetCommandsnull3170 function TDebugManager.GetCommands: TDBGCommands;
3171 begin
3172   if FDebugger = nil
3173   then Result := []
3174   else Result := FDebugger.Commands;
3175 end;
TDebugManager.GetPseudoTerminalnull3177 function TDebugManager.GetPseudoTerminal: TPseudoTerminal;
3178 begin
3179   if FDebugger = nil then
3180     Result := nil
3181   else
3182     Result := FDebugger.PseudoTerminal;
3183 end;
GetDebuggerClassnull3185 function TDebugManager.GetDebuggerClass: TDebuggerClass;
3186 begin
3187   Result := EnvironmentOptions.CurrentDebuggerClass(Project1);
3188   if Result = nil then
3189     Result := TProcessDebugger;
3190 end;
TDebugManager.GetDebuggernull3193 function TDebugManager.GetDebugger: TDebuggerIntf;
3194 begin
3195   Result := FDebugger;
3196 end;
3197 {$ENDIF}
GetCurrentDebuggerClassnull3199 function TDebugManager.GetCurrentDebuggerClass: TDebuggerClass;
3200 begin
3201   Result := GetDebuggerClass;
3202 end;
TDebugManager.AttachDebuggernull3204 function TDebugManager.AttachDebugger: TModalResult;
3205 begin
3206   Result:=mrCancel;
3207   if Destroying then exit;
3208   Exclude(FManagerStates,dmsWaitForAttach);
3209   if dmsRunning in FManagerStates then exit;
3210   if MainIDE.ToolStatus<>itDebugger then exit;
3211   if (FDebugger <> nil) then
3212   begin
3213     // check if debugging needs restart
3214     if (dmsDebuggerObjectBroken in FManagerStates)
3215     and (MainIDE.ToolStatus=itDebugger) then begin
3216       MainIDE.ToolStatus:=itNone;
3217       Result:=mrCancel;
3218       exit;
3219     end;
3220     Include(FManagerStates,dmsRunning);
3221     FStepping:=False;
3222     try
3223       FDebugger.Attach(FAttachToID);
3224     finally
3225       Exclude(FManagerStates,dmsRunning);
3226     end;
3227     Result:=mrOk;
3228   end;
3229 end;
ShowBreakPointPropertiesnull3231 function TDebugManager.ShowBreakPointProperties(const ABreakpoint: TIDEBreakPoint): TModalresult;
3232 begin
3233   Result := TBreakPropertyDlg.Create(Self, ABreakpoint).ShowModal;
3234 end;
TDebugManager.ShowWatchPropertiesnull3236 function TDebugManager.ShowWatchProperties(const AWatch: TCurrentWatch; AWatchExpression: String = ''): TModalresult;
3237 begin
3238   Result := TWatchPropertyDlg.Create(Self, AWatch, AWatchExpression).ShowModal;
3239 end;
3241 procedure TDebugManager.SetDebugger(const ADebugger: TDebuggerIntf);
3242 begin
3243   if FDebugger = ADebugger then Exit;
3245   FRunTimer.Enabled:=false;
3246   Exclude(FManagerStates,dmsWaitForRun);
3247   Exclude(FManagerStates,dmsWaitForAttach);
3249   if FDebugger <> nil then begin
3250     FDebugger.OnBreakPointHit := nil;
3251     FDebugger.OnBeforeState   := nil;
3252     FDebugger.OnState         := nil;
3253     FDebugger.OnCurrent       := nil;
3254     FDebugger.OnDbgOutput     := nil;
3255     FDebugger.OnDbgEvent      := nil;
3256     FDebugger.OnException     := nil;
3257     FDebugger.OnConsoleOutput := nil;
3258     FDebugger.OnFeedback      := nil;
3259     FDebugger.OnIdle          := nil;
3260     FDebugger.Exceptions := nil;
3261     FDebugger.EventLogHandler := nil;
3262   end;
3264   FDebugger := ADebugger;
3265   if FDebugger = nil
3266   then begin
3267     TManagedBreakpoints(FBreakpoints).Master := nil;
3268     FWatches.Supplier := nil;
3269     FThreads.Supplier := nil;
3270     FLocals.Supplier := nil;
3271     FLineInfo.Master := nil;
3272     FCallStack.Supplier := nil;
3273     FDisassembler.Master := nil;
3274     FSignals.Master := nil;
3275     FRegisters.Supplier := nil;
3276     FSnapshots.Debugger := nil;
3277   end
3278   else begin
3279     TManagedBreakpoints(FBreakpoints).Master := FDebugger.BreakPoints;
3280     FWatches.Supplier := FDebugger.Watches;
3281     FThreads.Supplier := FDebugger.Threads;
3282     FThreads.UnitInfoProvider := FUnitInfoProvider;
3283     FLocals.Supplier := FDebugger.Locals;
3284     FLineInfo.Master := FDebugger.LineInfo;
3285     FCallStack.Supplier := FDebugger.CallStack;
3286     FCallStack.UnitInfoProvider := FUnitInfoProvider;
3287     FDisassembler.Master := FDebugger.Disassembler;
3288     FSignals.Master := FDebugger.Signals;
3289     FRegisters.Supplier := FDebugger.Registers;
3290     FSnapshots.Debugger := FDebugger;
3292     FDebugger.Exceptions := FExceptions;
3293   end;
3294 end;
3296 initialization
3297   DBG_LOCATION_INFO := DebugLogger.FindOrRegisterLogGroup('DBG_LOCATION_INFO' {$IFDEF DBG_LOCATION_INFO} , True {$ENDIF} );
3298   if DBG_LOCATION_INFO=nil then ;
3300 end.