1 {
2  ***************************************************************************
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
7  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
10  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
12  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
15  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
16  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
17  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
18  *                                                                         *
19  ***************************************************************************
21   Author: Mattias Gaertner
23   Abstract:
24     A dialog showing the empty methods of the current class
25     (at cursor in source editor).
26     With the ability to remove them automatically.
27 }
28 unit EmptyMethodsDlg;
30 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
32 interface
34 uses
35   Classes, SysUtils, TypInfo,
36   // LCL
37   LCLProc, Forms, Controls, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ButtonPanel,
38   // SynEdit
39   SynEdit, SynHighlighterPas,
40   // CodeTools
41   CodeToolsStructs, CodeCache, CodeToolManager, PascalParserTool, CodeTree,
42   // IdeIntf
43   SrcEditorIntf, LazIDEIntf, PropEdits, IDEDialogs,
44   // IDE
45   CustomFormEditor, JitForms, Project, LazarusIDEStrConsts, EditorOptions;
47 type
49   { TEmptyMethodsDialog }
51   TEmptyMethodsDialog = class(TForm)
52     AllButton: TButton;
53     PublishedButton: TButton;
54     ButtonPanel1: TButtonPanel;
55     PrivateCheckBox: TCheckBox;
56     ProtectedCheckBox: TCheckBox;
57     PublicCheckBox: TCheckBox;
58     PublishedCheckBox: TCheckBox;
59     SectionsGroupBox: TGroupBox;
60     MethodsGroupBox: TGroupBox;
61     MethodsSynEdit: TSynEdit;
62     SynPasSyn1: TSynPasSyn;
63     procedure AllButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
64     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
65     procedure OKButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
66     procedure PrivateCheckBoxChange(Sender: TObject);
67     procedure PublishedButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
68   private
69     FCaret: TPoint;
70     FCode: TCodeBuffer;
GetSectionsnull71     function GetSections: TPascalClassSections;
72     procedure SetCaret(const AValue: TPoint);
73     procedure SetCode(const AValue: TCodeBuffer);
74     procedure SetSections(const AValue: TPascalClassSections);
75     procedure UpdateList;
76   public
77     property Sections: TPascalClassSections read GetSections write SetSections;
78     property Code: TCodeBuffer read FCode write SetCode;
79     property Caret: TPoint read FCaret write SetCaret;
80   end;
ShowEmptyMethodsDialognull82 function ShowEmptyMethodsDialog: TModalResult;
RemoveEmptyMethodsInUnitnull84 function RemoveEmptyMethodsInUnit(Code: TCodeBuffer; AClassName: string;
85   X, Y: integer; Sections: TPascalClassSections): TModalResult;
88 implementation
90 {$R *.lfm}
ShowEmptyMethodsDialognull92 function ShowEmptyMethodsDialog: TModalResult;
93 var
94   EmptyMethodsDialog: TEmptyMethodsDialog;
95   ErrMsg: String;
96   SrcEdit: TSourceEditorInterface;
97   Code: TCodeBuffer;
98   Caret: TPoint;
99   ListOfPCodeXYPosition: TFPList;
100   AllEmpty: boolean;
101 begin
102   Result:=mrCancel;
103   ListOfPCodeXYPosition:=TFPList.Create;
104   try
105     // init codetools
106     ErrMsg:=lisSAMIDEIsBusy;
107     if not LazarusIDE.BeginCodeTools then exit;
109     // get cursor position
110     ErrMsg:=lisSAMCursorIsNotInAClassDeclaration;
111     SrcEdit:=SourceEditorManagerIntf.ActiveEditor;
112     if SrcEdit=nil then exit;
113     Code:=TCodeBuffer(SrcEdit.CodeToolsBuffer);
114     if Code=nil then exit;
115     Caret:=SrcEdit.CursorTextXY;
116     ErrMsg:='';
118     // check cursor is in a class
119     if not CodeToolBoss.FindEmptyMethods(Code,'',Caret.X,Caret.Y,
120       AllPascalClassSections,ListOfPCodeXYPosition,AllEmpty)
121     then begin
122       DebugLn(['ShowEmptyMethodsDialog CodeToolBoss.FindEmptyMethods failed']);
123       if CodeToolBoss.ErrorMessage<>'' then begin
124         ErrMsg:='';
125         LazarusIDE.DoJumpToCodeToolBossError;
126       end else begin
127         IDEMessageDialog(lisEMDNoClass,
128           Format(lisEMDNoClassAt, [Code.Filename, IntToStr(Caret.Y), IntToStr(
129             Caret.X)]),
130           mtError,[mbCancel]);
131       end;
132       exit;
133     end;
134     CodeToolBoss.FreeListOfPCodeXYPosition(ListOfPCodeXYPosition);
136     EmptyMethodsDialog:=TEmptyMethodsDialog.Create(nil);
137     try
138       EmptyMethodsDialog.Code:=Code;
139       EmptyMethodsDialog.Caret:=Caret;
140       EmptyMethodsDialog.UpdateList;
141       Result:=EmptyMethodsDialog.ShowModal;
142     finally
143       EmptyMethodsDialog.Free;
144     end;
145   finally
146     CodeToolBoss.FreeListOfPCodeXYPosition(ListOfPCodeXYPosition);
147     if ErrMsg<>'' then begin
148       IDEMessageDialog(lisCCOErrorCaption,
149         Format(lisEMDUnableToShowEmptyMethodsOfTheCurrentClassBecause,
150                [LineEnding, ErrMsg]), mtError, [mbCancel]);
151     end;
152   end;
153 end;
GetInheritedMethodnull155 function GetInheritedMethod(APersistent: TPersistent; PropInfo: PPropInfo): TMethod;
156 var
157   AncestorRoot, AncestorComponent: TComponent;
158   AncestorMethod: TMethod;
159   Comp: TComponent;
160 begin
161   FillByte(Result{%H-}, SizeOf(Result), 0);
162   if APersistent is TComponent then
163   begin
164     Comp := TComponent(APersistent);
165     if csAncestor in Comp.ComponentState then
166     begin
167       // search for ancestor component
168       if Assigned(Comp.Owner) then
169       begin
170         AncestorRoot := BaseFormEditor1.GetAncestorLookupRoot(Comp);
171         if Assigned(AncestorRoot) then
172           AncestorComponent := AncestorRoot.FindComponent(Comp.Name)
173         else
174           AncestorComponent := nil;
175       end
176       else
177         AncestorComponent := BaseFormEditor1.GetAncestorInstance(Comp);
179       if Assigned(AncestorComponent) then
180       begin
181         AncestorMethod := GetMethodProp(AncestorComponent, PropInfo);
182         if IsJITMethod(AncestorMethod) then
183           Result := AncestorMethod
184       end;
185     end;
186   end;
187 end;
RemoveEmptyMethodsInUnitnull189 function RemoveEmptyMethodsInUnit(Code: TCodeBuffer; AClassName: string;
190   X, Y: integer; Sections: TPascalClassSections): TModalResult;
191 var
192   RemovedProcHeads: TStrings;
193   PropChanged: boolean;
ExtractClassNamenull195   function ExtractClassName: string;
196   var
197     ProcName: string;
198     p: LongInt;
199     i: Integer;
200   begin
201     Result:='';
202     for i:=RemovedProcHeads.Count-1 downto 0 do
203     begin
204       ProcName:=RemovedProcHeads[i];
205       p:=System.Pos('.',ProcName);
206       if p<1 then
207         RemovedProcHeads.Delete(i)
208       else begin
209         Result:=copy(ProcName,1,p-1);
210         RemovedProcHeads[i]:=copy(ProcName,p+1,length(ProcName));
211       end;
212     end;
213   end;
215   procedure CheckEvents(APersistent: TPersistent);
216   // Read properties and remove event handlers which were removed from source by Codetools.
217   var
218     TypeInfo: PTypeInfo;
219     PropInfo: PPropInfo;
220     PropList: PPropList;
221     PropCount, ic, i: integer;
222     AMethod: TMethod;
223     AMethodName: String;
224     Coll: TCollection;
225   begin
226     TypeInfo:=PTypeInfo(APersistent.ClassInfo);
227     PropCount:=GetPropList(TypeInfo,PropList); // List of properties and their count
228     try
229       for ic:=0 to PropCount-1 do              // iterate properties
230       begin
231         PropInfo:=PropList^[ic];
232         if PropInfo^.PropType^.Kind=tkMethod then
233         begin
234           AMethod:=GetMethodProp(APersistent,PropInfo);   // event
235           AMethodName:=GlobalDesignHook.GetMethodName(AMethod,nil);
236           if AMethodName<>'' then
237           begin
238             i:=RemovedProcHeads.Count-1;
239             while (i>=0) and (CompareText(RemovedProcHeads[i],AMethodName)<>0) do
240               dec(i);
241             if i>=0 then
242             begin
243               //DebugLn([' CheckEvents Clearing Property=',PropInfo^.Name,' AMethodName=',AMethodName]);
244               AMethod := GetInheritedMethod(APersistent, PropInfo);
245               SetMethodProp(APersistent, PropInfo, AMethod);
246               PropChanged:=true;
247             end;
248           end;
249         end
250         else if PropInfo^.PropType^.Kind=tkClass then
251         begin
252           Coll := TCollection(GetObjectProp(APersistent, PropInfo, TCollection));
253           if Assigned(Coll) then
254             for i := 0 to Coll.Count - 1 do // CollectionItem can have events.
255               CheckEvents(Coll.Items[i]); // Recurse also because collections can be nested.
256         end;
257       end;
258     finally
259       FreeMem(PropList);
260     end;
261   end;
263 var
264   AllEmpty: boolean;
265   AnUnitInfo: TUnitInfo;
266   i: Integer;
267   LookupRoot: TComponent;
268   CurClassName: String;
269 begin
270   Result:=mrCancel;
271   RemovedProcHeads:=nil;
272   try
273     if not CodeToolBoss.RemoveEmptyMethods(Code,AClassName,X,Y,Sections,AllEmpty,
274       [phpAddClassName,phpDoNotAddSemicolon,phpWithoutParamList,
275        phpWithoutBrackets,phpWithoutClassKeyword,phpWithoutSemicolon],
276       RemovedProcHeads)
277     then begin
278       DebugLn(['RemoveEmptyMethods failed']);
279       exit;
280     end;
281     if (RemovedProcHeads<>nil) and (RemovedProcHeads.Count>0) then begin
282       // RemovedProcHeads contains a list of classname.procname, remove classname from the list
283       CurClassName:=ExtractClassName;
284       if (CurClassName<>'') and (Project1<>nil) then
285       begin
286         AnUnitInfo:=Project1.UnitInfoWithFilename(Code.Filename);
287         if AnUnitInfo<>nil then
288         begin
289           // fix events of designer components
290           LookupRoot:=AnUnitInfo.Component;
291           if (LookupRoot<>nil) and (CompareText(LookupRoot.ClassName,CurClassName)=0) then
292           begin
293             PropChanged:=false;
294             CheckEvents(LookupRoot);
295             for i:=0 to LookupRoot.ComponentCount-1 do
296               CheckEvents(LookupRoot.Components[i]);
297             // update objectinspector
298             if PropChanged and (GlobalDesignHook.LookupRoot=LookupRoot) then
299               GlobalDesignHook.RefreshPropertyValues;
300           end;
301         end;
302       end;
303     end;
304   finally
305     RemovedProcHeads.Free;
306   end;
307   Result:=mrOk;
308 end;
310 { TEmptyMethodsDialog }
312 procedure TEmptyMethodsDialog.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
313 begin
314   Caption:=lisEMDEmptyMethods;
315   SectionsGroupBox.Caption:=lisEMDSearchInTheseClassSections;
316   PrivateCheckBox.Caption:=lisPrivate;
317   ProtectedCheckBox.Caption:=lisProtected;
318   PublicCheckBox.Caption:=lisEMDPublic;
319   PublishedCheckBox.Caption:=lisEMDPublished;
320   AllButton.Caption:=lisEMDAll;
321   PublishedButton.Caption:=lisEMDOnlyPublished;
322   MethodsGroupBox.Caption:=lisEMDFoundEmptyMethods;
323   Sections:=AllPascalClassSections;
325   ButtonPanel1.OKButton.Caption:=lisEMDRemoveMethods;
326   ButtonPanel1.CancelButton.Caption:=lisCancel;
328   EditorOpts.GetSynEditSettings(MethodsSynEdit);
329 end;
331 procedure TEmptyMethodsDialog.OKButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
332 begin
333   if LazarusIDE.BeginCodeTools
334   and (RemoveEmptyMethodsInUnit(Code,'',Caret.X,Caret.Y,Sections)=mrOk) then
335     ModalResult:=mrOk;
336 end;
338 procedure TEmptyMethodsDialog.PrivateCheckBoxChange(Sender: TObject);
339 begin
340   UpdateList;
341 end;
343 procedure TEmptyMethodsDialog.PublishedButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
344 begin
345   Sections:=[pcsPublished];
346 end;
348 procedure TEmptyMethodsDialog.SetSections(const AValue: TPascalClassSections);
349 begin
350   PrivateCheckBox.Checked:=pcsPrivate in AValue;
351   ProtectedCheckBox.Checked:=pcsProtected in AValue;
352   PublicCheckBox.Checked:=pcsPublic in AValue;
353   PublishedCheckBox.Checked:=pcsPublished in AValue;
354 end;
356 procedure TEmptyMethodsDialog.SetCaret(const AValue: TPoint);
357 begin
358   FCaret:=AValue;
359 end;
GetSectionsnull361 function TEmptyMethodsDialog.GetSections: TPascalClassSections;
362 begin
363   Result:=[];
364   if PrivateCheckBox.Checked then Include(Result,pcsPrivate);
365   if ProtectedCheckBox.Checked then Include(Result,pcsProtected);
366   if PublicCheckBox.Checked then Include(Result,pcsPublic);
367   if PublishedCheckBox.Checked then Include(Result,pcsPublished);
368 end;
370 procedure TEmptyMethodsDialog.SetCode(const AValue: TCodeBuffer);
371 begin
372   if FCode=AValue then exit;
373   FCode:=AValue;
374 end;
376 procedure TEmptyMethodsDialog.UpdateList;
377 var
378   CurSections: TPascalClassSections;
379   ListOfPCodeXYPosition: TFPList;
380   i: Integer;
381   CodePos: TCodeXYPosition;
382   Tool: TCodeTool;
383   CleanPos: integer;
384   Node: TCodeTreeNode;
385   NodeText: String;
386   AllEmpty: boolean;
387   NewTxt: String;
388 begin
389   if (Code=nil) or (Caret.X<1) or (Caret.Y<1) then begin
390     MethodsSynEdit.Text:='';
391     exit;
392   end;
394   CurSections:=Sections;
395   ListOfPCodeXYPosition:=TFPList.Create;
396   try
397     if (not CodeToolBoss.FindEmptyMethods(Code,'',Caret.X,Caret.Y,
398       CurSections,ListOfPCodeXYPosition,AllEmpty))
399     or (not CodeToolBoss.Explore(Code,Tool,false))
400     then begin
401       MethodsSynEdit.Text:='CodeToolBoss.FindEmptyMethods failed'#10
402         +CodeToolBoss.ErrorMessage;
403       exit;
404     end;
406     NewTxt:='';
407     for i:=0 to ListOfPCodeXYPosition.Count-1 do begin
408       CodePos:=PCodeXYPosition(ListOfPCodeXYPosition[i])^;
409       //DebugLn(['TEmptyMethodsDialog.UpdateList ',i,' ',DbgsCXY(CodePos)]);
410       if Tool.CaretToCleanPos(CodePos,CleanPos)<>0 then begin
411         DebugLn(['TEmptyMethodsDialog.UpdateList Tool.CaretToCleanPos failed']);
412         continue;
413       end;
414       Node:=Tool.FindDeepestNodeAtPos(CleanPos,false);
415       if Node=nil then begin
416         DebugLn(['TEmptyMethodsDialog.UpdateList Tool.FindDeepestNodeAtPos failed']);
417         continue;
418       end;
419       NodeText:=Tool.ExtractProcHead(Node,[phpWithStart,phpWithParameterNames,
420         phpWithVarModifiers,phpWithDefaultValues,phpWithResultType,
421         phpWithCallingSpecs,phpWithProcModifiers]);
422       NewTxt:=NewTxt+NodeText+#10;
423     end;
424     MethodsSynEdit.Text:=NewTxt;
425   finally
426     CodeToolBoss.FreeListOfPCodeXYPosition(ListOfPCodeXYPosition);
427   end;
428 end;
430 procedure TEmptyMethodsDialog.AllButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
431 begin
432   Sections:=AllPascalClassSections;
433 end;
435 end.