1 {
2  ***************************************************************************
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
7  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
10  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
12  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
15  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
16  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
17  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
18  *                                                                         *
19  ***************************************************************************
21   Author: Mattias Gaertner
23   Abstract:
24     Dialog to search a missing unit.
26   ToDo:
27     - search in packages on disk
29 }
30 unit FindUnitDlg;
32 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
34 interface
36 uses
37   Classes, SysUtils, LCLProc, Forms, Controls, ExtCtrls,
38   StdCtrls, ComCtrls, LazFileUtils, Laz2_XMLCfg, LazFileCache,
39   // codetools
40   CodeToolsStrConsts, CodeCache, CodeToolManager,
41   // IDEIntf
42   LazIDEIntf, IDEMsgIntf, PackageLinkIntf, PackageIntf, IDEExternToolIntf,
43   // IDE
44   DialogProcs, PackageDefs, Project, IDEProcs, LazarusIDEStrConsts,
45   etFPCMsgParser, PackageLinks, PackageSystem, BasePkgManager;
47 type
48   TFindUnitDialog = class;
50   { TMissingUnit_QuickFix }
52   TMissingUnit_QuickFix = class
53   public
54     Dlg: TFindUnitDialog;
55     Caption: string;
56     constructor Create(aDlg: TFindUnitDialog; aCaption: string);
57   end;
59   { TMissingUnit_QuickFix_RemoveFromUses }
61   TMissingUnit_QuickFix_RemoveFromUses = class(TMissingUnit_QuickFix)
62   public
63     constructor Create(aDlg: TFindUnitDialog);
64   end;
66   { TMissingUnit_QuickFix_AddRequirement }
68   TMissingUnit_QuickFix_AddRequirement = class(TMissingUnit_QuickFix)
69   public
70     PackageName: string;
71     constructor Create(aDlg: TFindUnitDialog; aPackageName: string);
72   end;
74   { TFindUnitDialog }
76   TFindUnitDialog = class(TForm)
77     OkButton: TButton;
78     CancelButton: TButton;
79     BtnPanel: TPanel;
80     InfoGroupBox: TGroupBox;
81     ProgressBar1: TProgressBar;
82     QuickFixRadioGroup: TRadioGroup;
83     Splitter1: TSplitter;
84     InfoTreeView: TTreeView;
85     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
86     procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
87     procedure OkButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
88     procedure OnIdle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean);
89   private
90     FCode: TCodeBuffer;
91     FMainOwner: TObject;
92     FMainOwnerName: string;
93     FMissingUnitName: string;
94     FSearchPackages: TStrings;
95     FSearchPackagesIndex: integer;
96     fQuickFixes: TFPList;// list of TMissingUnit_QuickFix
97     fLastUpdateProgressBar: TDateTime;
98     procedure InitSearchPackages;
99     procedure OnIteratePkgLinks(APackage: TLazPackageID);
100     procedure AddQuickFix(Item: TMissingUnit_QuickFix);
101     procedure AddRequirement(Item: TMissingUnit_QuickFix_AddRequirement);
102     procedure RemoveFromUsesSection(Item: TMissingUnit_QuickFix_RemoveFromUses);
MainOwnerHasRequirementnull103     function MainOwnerHasRequirement(PackageName: string): boolean;
104     procedure UpdateProgressBar;
CheckPackageOnDisknull105     function CheckPackageOnDisk(PkgFilename: string): boolean;
FindQuickFixAddRequirementnull106     function FindQuickFixAddRequirement(PkgName: string): TMissingUnit_QuickFix_AddRequirement;
107   public
108     procedure InitWithMsg(Line: string; aCode: TCodeBuffer;
109                           aMissingUnitName: string);
110     property Code: TCodeBuffer read FCode;
111     property MissingUnitName: string read FMissingUnitName;
112     property MainOwner: TObject read FMainOwner;
113     property MainOwnerName: string read FMainOwnerName;
114   end;
116 type
117   { TQuickFixUnitNotFound_Search - add menu item to open this search dialog }
119   TQuickFixUnitNotFound_Search = class(TMsgQuickFix)
120   public
IsApplicablenull121     function IsApplicable(Msg: TMessageLine; out MissingUnit, UsedByUnit: string): boolean;
122     procedure CreateMenuItems(Fixes: TMsgQuickFixes); override;
123     procedure QuickFix({%H-}Fixes: TMsgQuickFixes; Msg: TMessageLine); override;
124   end;
126   { TQuickFixIncludeNotFound_Search - add menu item to open this search dialog }
128   TQuickFixIncludeNotFound_Search = class(TMsgQuickFix)
129   public
IsApplicablenull130     function IsApplicable(Msg: TMessageLine; out IncludeFile: string): boolean;
131     procedure CreateMenuItems(Fixes: TMsgQuickFixes); override;
132     procedure QuickFix({%H-}Fixes: TMsgQuickFixes; Msg: TMessageLine); override;
IsCodetoolsErrorIncludeFileNotFoundnull133     function IsCodetoolsErrorIncludeFileNotFound(Msg: string;
134                                               out IncludeFile: string): boolean;
135   end;
137 procedure InitFindUnitQuickFixItems;
139 implementation
141 {$R *.lfm}
143 procedure InitFindUnitQuickFixItems;
144 begin
145   RegisterIDEMsgQuickFix(TQuickFixUnitNotFound_Search.Create);
146   // ToDo: implement RegisterIDEMsgQuickFix(TQuickFixIncludeNotFound_Search.Create);
147 end;
149 { TQuickFixUnitNotFound_Search }
IsApplicablenull151 function TQuickFixUnitNotFound_Search.IsApplicable(Msg: TMessageLine; out
152   MissingUnit, UsedByUnit: string): boolean;
153 begin
154   Result:=false;
155   if Msg=nil then exit;
156   if Msg.MsgID<>FPCMsgIDCantFindUnitUsedBy then exit;
157   MissingUnit:=Msg.Attribute[FPCMsgAttrMissingUnit];
158   UsedByUnit:=Msg.Attribute[FPCMsgAttrUsedByUnit];
159   if (MissingUnit='')
160   and not IDEFPCParser.GetFPCMsgValues(Msg,MissingUnit,UsedByUnit) then begin
161     debugln(['TQuickFixUnitNotFound_Search.IsApplicable failed to extract unit names: ',Msg.Msg]);
162     exit;
163   end;
164   Result:=true;
165 end;
167 procedure TQuickFixUnitNotFound_Search.CreateMenuItems(Fixes: TMsgQuickFixes);
168 var
169   Msg: TMessageLine;
170   MissingUnit: string;
171   UsedByUnit: string;
172   i: Integer;
173 begin
174   for i:=0 to Fixes.LineCount-1 do begin
175     Msg:=Fixes.Lines[i];
176     if not IsApplicable(Msg,MissingUnit,UsedByUnit) then continue;
177     Fixes.AddMenuItem(Self, Msg, Format(lisSearchUnit, [MissingUnit]));
178     exit;
179   end;
180 end;
182 procedure TQuickFixUnitNotFound_Search.QuickFix(Fixes: TMsgQuickFixes;
183   Msg: TMessageLine);
184 var
185   MissingUnit: String;
186   UsedByUnit: string;
187   CodeBuf: TCodeBuffer;
188   Dlg: TFindUnitDialog;
189   StartFilename: String;
190 begin
191   // get unitname
192   if not IsApplicable(Msg,MissingUnit,UsedByUnit) then exit;
193   DebugLn(['TQuickFixUnitNotFound_Search.Execute Unit=',MissingUnit]);
195   if not IsValidIdent(MissingUnit) then begin
196     DebugLn(['TQuickFixUnitNotFound_Search.Execute not an identifier "',dbgstr(MissingUnit),'"']);
197     exit;
198   end;
200   if not LazarusIDE.BeginCodeTools then begin
201     DebugLn(['TQuickFixUnitNotFound_Search.Execute failed because IDE busy']);
202     exit;
203   end;
205   StartFilename:=Msg.GetFullFilename;
206   CodeBuf:=CodeToolBoss.LoadFile(StartFilename,true,false);
207   if CodeBuf=nil then begin
208     debugln(['TQuickFixUnitNotFound_Search.QuickFix cannot open file "',StartFilename,'", Msg="',Msg.Line,'"']);
209     exit;
210   end;
212   // show dialog
213   Dlg:=TFindUnitDialog.Create(nil);
214   try
215     Dlg.InitWithMsg(Msg.Msg,CodeBuf,MissingUnit);
216     Dlg.ShowModal;
217   finally
218     Dlg.Free;
219   end;
220 end;
222 { TFindUnitDialog }
224 procedure TFindUnitDialog.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
225 begin
226   fQuickFixes:=TFPList.Create;
228   Caption:=lisFindMissingUnit;
229   CancelButton.Caption:=lisCancel;
230   OkButton.Caption:=lisMenuOk;
231   OkButton.Enabled:=false;
232   InfoGroupBox.Caption:=lisInformation;
233   QuickFixRadioGroup.Caption:=lisQuickFixes;
235   Application.AddOnIdleHandler(@OnIdle);
236 end;
238 procedure TFindUnitDialog.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
239 var
240   i: Integer;
241 begin
242   Application.RemoveOnIdleHandler(@OnIdle);
243   for i:=0 to fQuickFixes.Count-1 do TObject(fQuickFixes[i]).Free;
244   FreeAndNil(fQuickFixes);
245   FreeAndNil(FSearchPackages);
246 end;
248 procedure TFindUnitDialog.OkButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
249 var
250   i: LongInt;
251   Item: TMissingUnit_QuickFix;
252 begin
253   i:=QuickFixRadioGroup.ItemIndex;
254   if i<0 then begin
255     OkButton.Enabled:=false;
256     exit;
257   end;
258   Item:=TMissingUnit_QuickFix(fQuickFixes[i]);
259   if Item is TMissingUnit_QuickFix_RemoveFromUses then
260     RemoveFromUsesSection(TMissingUnit_QuickFix_RemoveFromUses(Item))
261   else if Item is TMissingUnit_QuickFix_AddRequirement then
262     AddRequirement(TMissingUnit_QuickFix_AddRequirement(Item));
263 end;
265 procedure TFindUnitDialog.OnIdle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean);
266 var
267   Filename: string;
268   i: Integer;
269   APackage: TLazPackage;
270   Found: Boolean;
271   t: TDateTime;
272 begin
273   t:=Now;
274   while (FSearchPackages<>nil) and (FSearchPackagesIndex<FSearchPackages.Count)
275   do begin
276     Filename:=FSearchPackages[FSearchPackagesIndex];
277     Found:=false;
279     // search in open packages
280     for i:=0 to PackageGraph.Count-1 do begin
281       APackage:=PackageGraph.Packages[i];
282       if APackage.Filename=Filename then begin
283         Found:=true;
284         if APackage.FindUnit(MissingUnitName)<>nil then begin
285           APackage:=TLazPackage(
286             PackageEditingInterface.RedirectPackageDependency(APackage));
287           if MainOwnerHasRequirement(APackage.Name) then begin
288             // already in requirements
289           end else if FindQuickFixAddRequirement(APackage.Name)=nil then begin
290             // not yet in requirements -> add a quick fix
291             AddQuickFix(TMissingUnit_QuickFix_AddRequirement.Create(Self,APackage.Name));
292           end;
293         end;
294         break;
295       end;
296     end;
298     // search in package on disk
299     if not Found then begin
300       if CheckPackageOnDisk(Filename) then Found:=true;
301     end;
303     inc(FSearchPackagesIndex);
304     if FSearchPackagesIndex>=FSearchPackages.Count then begin
305       AddQuickFix(TMissingUnit_QuickFix_RemoveFromUses.Create(Self));
306     end;
308     UpdateProgressBar;
309     Done:=false;
310     if Now-t>0.5/86400 then
311       exit;
312     // process another package
313   end;
314   Done:=true;
315 end;
317 procedure TFindUnitDialog.InitSearchPackages;
318 var
319   i: Integer;
320   APackage: TLazPackage;
321   Filename: String;
322 begin
323   if FSearchPackages=nil then
324     FSearchPackages:=TStringList.Create;
325   FSearchPackages.Clear;
326   FSearchPackagesIndex:=0;
327   if MainOwner=nil then exit;
329   // add open packages
330   for i:=0 to PackageGraph.Count-1 do begin
331     APackage:=PackageGraph.Packages[i];
332     Filename:=APackage.GetResolvedFilename(true);
333     //DebugLn(['TFindUnitDialog.InitSearchPackages ',APackage.Name,' ',Filename]);
334     if (Filename='') or (not FileExistsCached(Filename)) then continue;
335     FSearchPackages.Add(APackage.Filename);
336   end;
337   //DebugLn(['TFindUnitDialog.InitSearchPackages ',FSearchPackages.Text]);
339   // add user package links
340   LazPackageLinks.IteratePackages(false,@OnIteratePkgLinks,[ploUser,ploGlobal]);
342   if FSearchPackages.Count>0 then begin
343     ProgressBar1.Max:=FSearchPackages.Count;
344     fLastUpdateProgressBar:=Now;
345     ProgressBar1.Visible:=true;
346   end;
347 end;
349 procedure TFindUnitDialog.OnIteratePkgLinks(APackage: TLazPackageID);
350 var
351   Link: TLazPackageLink;
352 begin
353   if APackage is TLazPackageLink then begin
354     Link:=TLazPackageLink(APackage);
355     FSearchPackages.Add(TrimFilename(Link.GetEffectiveFilename));
356   end;
357 end;
359 procedure TFindUnitDialog.AddQuickFix(Item: TMissingUnit_QuickFix);
360 begin
361   fQuickFixes.Add(Item);
362   QuickFixRadioGroup.Items.Add(Item.Caption);
363   if QuickFixRadioGroup.ItemIndex<0 then
364     QuickFixRadioGroup.ItemIndex:=0;
365   OkButton.Enabled:=true;
366 end;
368 procedure TFindUnitDialog.AddRequirement(Item: TMissingUnit_QuickFix_AddRequirement);
369 var
370   AProject: TProject;
371   APackage: TLazPackage;
372   NewDependency: TPkgDependency;
373 begin
374   if MainOwner is TProject then begin
375     AProject:=TProject(MainOwner);
376     //debugln(['TFindUnitDialog.AddRequirement project: ',Item.PackageName]);
377     NewDependency:=TPkgDependency.Create;
378     NewDependency.PackageName:=Item.PackageName;
379     if PkgBoss.AddProjectDependency(AProject,NewDependency)=mrOk then
380       ModalResult:=mrOK;
381   end else if MainOwner is TLazPackage then begin
382     APackage:=TLazPackage(MainOwner);
383     if PkgBoss.AddPackageDependency(APackage,Item.PackageName)=mrOk then
384       ModalResult:=mrOK;
385   end;
386 end;
388 procedure TFindUnitDialog.RemoveFromUsesSection(
389   Item: TMissingUnit_QuickFix_RemoveFromUses);
390 begin
391   if Item=nil then ;
392   if not CodeToolBoss.RemoveUnitFromAllUsesSections(Code,MissingUnitName) then
393   begin
395   end else
396     ModalResult:=mrOk;
397 end;
MainOwnerHasRequirementnull399 function TFindUnitDialog.MainOwnerHasRequirement(PackageName: string): boolean;
400 var
401   AProject: TProject;
402   APackage: TLazPackage;
403 begin
404   Result:=false;
405   if MainOwner=nil then exit;
406   if MainOwner is TProject then begin
407     AProject:=TProject(MainOwner);
408     Result:=PackageGraph.FindDependencyRecursively(
409                              AProject.FirstRequiredDependency,PackageName)<>nil;
410   end else if MainOwner is TLazPackage then begin
411     APackage:=TLazPackage(MainOwner);
412     if CompareText(APackage.Name,PackageName)=0 then
413       Result:=true
414     else
415       Result:=PackageGraph.FindDependencyRecursively(
416                              APackage.FirstRequiredDependency,PackageName)<>nil;
417   end;
418 end;
420 procedure TFindUnitDialog.UpdateProgressBar;
421 begin
422   if (FSearchPackages=nil) or (FSearchPackagesIndex>=FSearchPackages.Count) then
423   begin
424     ProgressBar1.Visible:=false;
425   end;
426   if Now-fLastUpdateProgressBar>1/86400 then begin
427     ProgressBar1.Position:=FSearchPackagesIndex;
428     fLastUpdateProgressBar:=Now;
429   end;
430 end;
CheckPackageOnDisknull432 function TFindUnitDialog.CheckPackageOnDisk(PkgFilename: string): boolean;
433 var
434   r: TModalResult;
435   XMLConfig: TXMLConfig;
436   XMLCode: TCodeBuffer;
437   Path: String;
438   FileCount: LongInt;
439   i: Integer;
440   SubPath: String;
441   FileType: TPkgFileType;
442   AUnitName: String;
443   Filename: String;
444   PkgName: String;
445 begin
446   Result:=false;
447   PkgName:=ExtractFileNameOnly(PkgFilename);
448   if FindQuickFixAddRequirement(PkgName)<>nil then exit;
449   if not FileExistsCached(PkgFilename) then exit;
450   //DebugLn(['TFindUnitDialog.CheckPackageOnDisk ',PkgFilename]);
452   XMLConfig:=nil;
453   XMLCode:=nil;
454   try
455     //DebugLn(['TFindUnitDialog.CheckPackageOnDisk loading: ',PkgFilename]);
456     XMLConfig:=TXMLConfig.Create(nil);
457     r:=LoadXMLConfigFromCodeBuffer(PkgFilename,XMLConfig,
458                          XMLCode,[lbfUpdateFromDisk,lbfRevert,lbfQuiet],false);
459     if r<>mrOk then begin
460       //DebugLn(['TFindUnitDialog.CheckPackageOnDisk failed loading: ',PkgFilename]);
461       exit;
462     end;
463     Path:='Package/Files/';
464     FileCount:=XMLConfig.GetValue(Path+'Count',0);
465     //DebugLn(['TFindUnitDialog.CheckPackageOnDisk FileCount=',FileCount,' ',PkgName]);
466     for i:=1 to FileCount do begin
467       SubPath:=Path+'Item'+IntToStr(i)+'/';
468       FileType:=PkgFileTypeIdentToType(XMLConfig.GetValue(SubPath+'Type/Value',''));
469       if not (FileType in PkgFileRealUnitTypes) then continue;
470       Filename:=XMLConfig.GetValue(SubPath+'Filename/Value','');
471       AUnitName:=ExtractFileNameOnly(Filename);
472       //DebugLn(['TFindUnitDialog.CheckPackageOnDisk ',UnitName]);
473       if SysUtils.CompareText(AUnitName,MissingUnitName)=0 then begin
474         Result:=true;
475         AddQuickFix(TMissingUnit_QuickFix_AddRequirement.Create(Self,PkgName));
476         exit;
477       end;
478     end;
479   finally
480     XMLConfig.Free;
481   end;
482 end;
FindQuickFixAddRequirementnull484 function TFindUnitDialog.FindQuickFixAddRequirement(PkgName: string
485   ): TMissingUnit_QuickFix_AddRequirement;
486 var
487   i: Integer;
488 begin
489   Result:=nil;
490   if fQuickFixes=nil then exit;
491   for i:=0 to fQuickFixes.Count-1 do begin
492     if TObject(fQuickFixes[i]) is TMissingUnit_QuickFix_AddRequirement then begin
493       Result:=TMissingUnit_QuickFix_AddRequirement(fQuickFixes[i]);
494       if SysUtils.CompareText(Result.PackageName,PkgName)=0 then exit;
495     end;
496   end;
497   Result:=nil;
498 end;
500 procedure TFindUnitDialog.InitWithMsg(Line: string;
501   aCode: TCodeBuffer; aMissingUnitName: string);
503   procedure AddPaths(ParentTVNode: TTreeNode; PathTitle, BaseDir, Paths: string;
504     Expanded: boolean);
505   var
506     p: Integer;
507     s: String;
508     PathsNode: TTreeNode;
509   begin
510     PathsNode:=InfoTreeView.Items.AddChild(ParentTVNode,PathTitle);
511     Paths:=CreateAbsoluteSearchPath(Paths,BaseDir);
512     p:=1;
513     repeat
514       s:=GetNextDirectoryInSearchPath(Paths,p);
515       if s<>'' then
516         InfoTreeView.Items.AddChild(PathsNode,dbgstr(s));
517     until p>length(Paths);
518     PathsNode.Expanded:=Expanded;
519     if (ParentTVNode<>nil) and Expanded then
520       ParentTVNode.Expanded:=true;
521   end;
523 var
524   UnitPath: String;
525   Directory: String;
526   DirNode: TTreeNode;
527   Owners: TFPList;
528   i: Integer;
529   OwnerNode: TTreeNode;
530   AProject: TProject;
531   APackage: TLazPackage;
532 begin
533   FCode:=aCode;
534   FMissingUnitName:=aMissingUnitName;
535   FMainOwner:=nil;
536   FMainOwnerName:='';
538   InfoTreeView.BeginUpdate;
539   InfoTreeView.Items.Clear;
541   Owners:=nil;
542   try
543     InfoTreeView.Items.Add(nil,'Message: '+dbgstr(Line));
544     InfoTreeView.Items.Add(nil,'File: '+dbgstr(aCode.Filename));
545     InfoTreeView.Items.Add(nil,'Missing unit: '+dbgstr(aMissingUnitName));
546     Directory:=ExtractFilePath(aCode.Filename);
547     DirNode:=InfoTreeView.Items.Add(nil,'Directory: '+dbgstr(Directory));
549     // unit path of directory
550     UnitPath:=CodeToolBoss.GetUnitPathForDirectory(Directory);
551     AddPaths(DirNode,'IDE unit search path:',Directory,UnitPath,false);
553     //
554     Owners:=PackageEditingInterface.GetOwnersOfUnit(aCode.Filename);
555     if Owners<>nil then begin
556       for i:=0 to Owners.Count-1 do begin
557         if TObject(Owners[i]) is TProject then begin
558           AProject:=TProject(Owners[i]);
559           if FMainOwner=nil then begin
560             FMainOwner:=AProject;
561             FMainOwnerName:='project';
562           end;
563           OwnerNode:=InfoTreeView.Items.Add(nil,'Owner: Project');
564           AddPaths(OwnerNode,'Unit search paths',AProject.Directory,
565                    AProject.CompilerOptions.GetUnitPath(true),true);
567         end
568         else if TObject(Owners[i]) is TLazPackage then begin
569           APackage:=TLazPackage(Owners[i]);
570           if FMainOwner=nil then begin
571             FMainOwner:=APackage;
572             FMainOwnerName:=APackage.Name;
573           end;
574           OwnerNode:=InfoTreeView.Items.Add(nil,'Owner: Package '+APackage.IDAsString);
575           AddPaths(OwnerNode,'Unit search paths',APackage.Directory,
576                    APackage.CompilerOptions.GetUnitPath(true),true);
577         end;
578       end;
579     end;
580   finally
581     Owners.Free;
582   end;
584   InfoTreeView.EndUpdate;
586   InitSearchPackages;
587 end;
589 { TMissingUnit_QuickFix }
591 constructor TMissingUnit_QuickFix.Create(aDlg: TFindUnitDialog; aCaption: string);
592 begin
593   Dlg:=aDlg;;
594   Caption:=aCaption;
595 end;
597 { TMissingUnit_QuickFix_AddRequirement }
599 constructor TMissingUnit_QuickFix_AddRequirement.Create(aDlg: TFindUnitDialog;
600   aPackageName: string);
601 begin
602   PackageName:=aPackageName;
603   Caption:='Add package '+PackageName+' as requirement to '+aDlg.MainOwnerName;
604 end;
606 { TMissingUnit_QuickFix_RemoveFromUses }
608 constructor TMissingUnit_QuickFix_RemoveFromUses.Create(aDlg: TFindUnitDialog);
609 begin
610   Dlg:=aDlg;
611   Caption:='Remove unit from uses clause';
612 end;
614 { TQuickFixIncludeNotFound_Search }
TQuickFixIncludeNotFound_Search.IsApplicablenull616 function TQuickFixIncludeNotFound_Search.IsApplicable(Msg: TMessageLine; out
617   IncludeFile: string): boolean;
618 var
619   Dummy: string;
620 begin
621   debugln(['TQuickFixIncludeNotFound_Search.IsApplicable ',Msg.Msg,' ',TIDEFPCParser.MsgLineIsId(Msg,2013,IncludeFile,Dummy),' ',IsCodetoolsErrorIncludeFileNotFound(Msg.Msg,IncludeFile)]);
622   if TIDEFPCParser.MsgLineIsId(Msg,2013,IncludeFile,Dummy) then
623     Result:=true // Can't open include file "$1"
624   else
625     Result:=IsCodetoolsErrorIncludeFileNotFound(Msg.Msg,IncludeFile);
626   if IncludeFile='' then
627     Result:=false;
628 end;
630 procedure TQuickFixIncludeNotFound_Search.CreateMenuItems(Fixes: TMsgQuickFixes
631   );
632 var
633   IncludeFile: string;
634   Msg: TMessageLine;
635   i: Integer;
636 begin
637   for i:=0 to Fixes.LineCount-1 do begin
638     Msg:=Fixes.Lines[i];
639     if not IsApplicable(Msg,IncludeFile) then continue;
640     Fixes.AddMenuItem(Self,Msg,'Search Include File "'+ExtractFilename(IncludeFile)+'"');
641     exit;
642   end;
643 end;
645 procedure TQuickFixIncludeNotFound_Search.QuickFix(Fixes: TMsgQuickFixes;
646   Msg: TMessageLine);
647 var
648   IncludeFilename: string;
649   CodeBuf: TCodeBuffer;
650   Dlg: TFindUnitDialog;
651 begin
652   DebugLn(['TQuickFixIncludeNotFound_Search.Execute ']);
653   if not IsApplicable(Msg,IncludeFilename) then exit;
654   DebugLn(['TQuickFixIncludeNotFound_Search.Execute include file=',IncludeFilename]);
656   if not LazarusIDE.BeginCodeTools then begin
657     DebugLn(['TQuickFixIncludeNotFound_Search.Execute failed because IDE busy']);
658     exit;
659   end;
661   CodeBuf:=CodeToolBoss.LoadFile(Msg.GetFullFilename,true,false);
662   if CodeBuf=nil then begin
663     debugln(['TQuickFixIncludeNotFound_Search.QuickFix can not load file "',Msg.GetFullFilename,'"']);
664     exit;
665   end;
667   // show dialog
668   Dlg:=TFindUnitDialog.Create(nil);
669   try
670     Dlg.InitWithMsg(Msg.Msg,CodeBuf,IncludeFilename);
671     Dlg.ShowModal;
672   finally
673     Dlg.Free;
674   end;
675 end;
IsCodetoolsErrorIncludeFileNotFoundnull677 function TQuickFixIncludeNotFound_Search.IsCodetoolsErrorIncludeFileNotFound(
678   Msg: string; out IncludeFile: string): boolean;
679 var
680   SearchStr: String;
681   p: integer;
682   StartPos: LongInt;
683 begin
684   IncludeFile:='';
685   // check for codetools 'include file not found'
686   SearchStr:=ctsIncludeFileNotFound;
687   p:=System.Pos('%',SearchStr);
688   if p>0 then SearchStr:=copy(SearchStr,1,p-1);
689   SearchStr:=SearchStr+': '+SearchStr; // e.g.: ': include file not found "'
690   p:=System.Pos(SearchStr,Msg);
691   if p<1 then exit(false);
692   Result:=true;
693   inc(p,length(SearchStr));
694   StartPos:=p;
695   while (p<=length(Msg)) and (Msg[p]<>'"') do inc(p);
696   IncludeFile:=copy(Msg,StartPos,p-StartPos);
697 end;
699 end.