1 {
2  /***************************************************************************
3                           lazarusidestrconsts.pas
4                           -----------------------
5               This unit contains all resource strings of the IDE
8  ***************************************************************************/
10  ***************************************************************************
11  *                                                                         *
12  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
13  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
14  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
15  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
16  *                                                                         *
17  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
18  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
20  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
21  *                                                                         *
22  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
23  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
24  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
25  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
26  *                                                                         *
27  ***************************************************************************
28 }
29 {
30   Note: All resource strings should be prefixed with 'lis' (Lazarus IDE String)
32 }
33 unit LazarusIDEStrConsts;
35 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
37 interface
39 uses
40   Classes, SysUtils;
42 resourcestring
43   // *** Common single word resources that can be safely shared around Lazarus ***
45   lisLazarus = 'Lazarus';
46   lisAdd  = 'Add';
47   lisBtnAdd = '&Add';
48   lisDlgAdd = 'Add ...';
49   lisBtnDlgAdd = '&Add ...';
50   lisApply = 'Apply';
51   lisInsert = 'Insert';
52   lisChange  = 'Change';
53   lisDelete  = 'Delete';
54   lisBtnDelete = '&Delete';
55   lisRemove = 'Remove';
56   lisBtnRemove = '&Remove';
57   lisRename = 'Rename';
58   lisBtnRename = '&Rename';
59   lisRename2 = 'Rename ...';
60   lisReplace = 'Replace';
61   lisBtnReplace = '&Replace';
62   lisBtnDlgReplace = '&Replace ...';
63   lisEdit = 'Edit';
64   lisDlgEdit = 'Edit ...';
65   lisClear = 'Clear';
66   lisOpen = 'Open';
67   lisSave = 'Save';
68   lisDlgSave = 'Save ...';
69   lisSaveAs = 'Save As';
70   lisSaveAll = 'Save All';
71   lisCloseAll = 'Close All';
72   lisFile = 'File';
73   lisNew = 'New';
74   lisClose = 'Close';
75   lisBtnClose = '&Close';
76   lisOk = 'OK';
77   lisMenuOk = '&OK';
78   lisCancel = 'Cancel';
79   lisNo = 'No';
80   lisYes = 'Yes';
81   lisAbort = 'Abort';
82   lisIgnore = 'Ignore';
83   lisNever = 'Never';
84   lisAlways = 'Always';
85   lisContinue = 'Continue';
86   lisMenuContinue = '&Continue';
87   lisBreak = 'Break';
88   lisMenuBreak = '&Break';
89   lisExit = 'Exit';
90   lisQuit = 'Quit';
91   lisBtnQuit = '&Quit';
92   lisRestart = 'Restart';
93   lisHelp = 'Help';
94   lisEnabled = 'Enabled';
95   lisBtnEnabled = '&Enabled';
96   lisUndo = 'Undo';
97   lisRedo = 'Redo';
98   lisCut = 'Cut';
99   lisCopy = 'Copy';
100   lisPaste = 'Paste';
101   lisDown = 'Down';
102   lisUp   = 'Up';
103   lisRight = 'Right';
104   lisLeft = 'Left';
105   lisTop = 'Top';
106   lisBottom = 'Bottom';
107   lisName = 'Name';
108   lisKey = 'Key';
109   lisValue = 'Value';
110   lisVariable = 'Variable';
111   lisPath = 'Path';
112   lisId = 'ID';
113   lisPage = 'Page';
114   lisUnit = 'Unit';
115   lisPackage = 'Package';
116   lisCompile = 'Compile';
117   lisCompileStage = 'Compile';
118   lisBuild = 'Build';
119   lisBuildCaption = 'Build';
120   lisBuildStage = 'Build';
121   lisRun = 'Run';
122   lisRunStage = 'Run';
123   lisRunButtonHint = 'Run';
124   lisPause = 'Pause';
125   lisStop = 'Stop';
126   lisContents = 'Contents';
127   lisSorting = 'Sorting';
128   lisAppearance = 'Appearance';
129   lisBuilding = 'Building';
130   lisOptions = 'Options';
131   lisLess = 'Less';
132   lisMore = 'More';
133   lisMoreSub = 'More';
134   lisDlgMore = 'More ...';
135   lisDefault = 'Default';
136   lisClone = 'Clone';
137   lisExport = 'Export';
138   lisDlgExport = 'Export ...';
139   lisExportSub = 'Export >>';
140   lisImport = 'Import';
141   lisDlgImport = 'Import ...';
142   lisSuccess = 'Success';
143   lisAborted = 'Aborted';
145   // *** Common sentence resources that can be safely shared around Lazarus ***
146   //  Be careful, sharing sentences can lead to wrong translations in some places.
148   lisExportHtml = 'Export as HTML';
149   lisMoveFiles = 'Move Files';
150   lisMoveFiles2 = 'Move files?';
151   lrsPLDDeleteSelected = 'Delete selected';
152   lisMoveUp = 'Move Up';
153   lisMoveDown = 'Move Down';
155   // *** Rest of the resource strings ***
157   lisImportPackageListXml = 'Import package list (*.xml)';
158   lisExportPackageListXml = 'Export package list (*.xml)';
159   lrsRescanLplFiles = 'Rescan lpl files';
160   lisRenameShowResult = 'Show list of renamed Identifiers';
161   lisResourceNameMustBeUnique = 'Resource name must be unique.';
162   lisFailedToAddNNotUniqueResources = 'Failed to add %d not unique resource(s)';
163   lisTheIDEIsStillBuilding = 'The IDE is still building.';
165   lisSaveShownMessagesToFile = 'Save Shown Messages to File ...';
166   lisMMAddsCustomOptions = 'Adds custom options:';
167   lisMMDoesNotAddCustomOptions = 'Does not add custom options:';
168   lisUnusedUnitsOf = 'Unused units of %s';
169   lisSaveAllOriginalMessagesToFile = 'Save All/Original Messages to File ...';
171   // errors
172   lisErrInvalidOption = 'Invalid option at position %d: "%s"';
173   lisErrNoOptionAllowed = 'Option at position %d does not allow an argument: %s';
174   lisErrOptionNeeded = 'Option at position %d needs an argument : %s';
176   // command line help
177   listhisHelpMessage = 'this help message';
178   lisprimaryConfigDirectoryWhereLazarusStoresItsConfig = 'primary config '+
179     'directory where Lazarus stores its config files. Default is ';
180   lislazarusOptionsProjectFilename = 'lazarus [options] <project-filename>';
181   lisIDEOptions = 'IDE Options:';
182   lisCmdLineLCLInterfaceSpecificOptions = 'LCL Interface specific options:';
183   lisDoNotShowSplashScreen = 'Do not show splash screen';
184   lisSkipLoadingLastProject = 'Skip loading last project';
185   lisDoNotCheckIfAnotherIDEInstanceIsAlreadyRunning = '%sDo not check if '
186     +'another IDE instance is already running';
187   lisOverrideLanguage = 'Override language. For example --language=de.'+
188     ' For possible values see files in the languages directory.';
189   lissecondaryConfigDirectoryWhereLazarusSearchesFor = 'secondary config '+
190     'directory where Lazarus searches for config template files. Default is ';
191   lisFileWhereDebugOutputIsWritten =
192     'file where debug output is written to. If it is '+
193     'not specified, debug output is written to the console.';
194   lisGroupsForDebugOutput = 'Enable or Disable groups of debug output.' +
195     ' Valid Options are:';
196   lisLazarusDirOverride = 'directory to be used as a basedirectory';
197   lisMaximumNumberOfThreadsForCompilingInParallelDefaul = 'Maximum number of '
198     +'threads for compiling in parallel. Default is 0 which guesses the '
199     +'number of cores in the system.';
200   lisDoNotWriteUpdatedProjectInfoAfterBuild = 'Do not write updated project '+
201     'info file after build. If not specified, build number will be incremented '+
202     'if configured.';
204   // component palette
205   lisSelectionTool = 'Selection tool';
206   lisClickToSelectPalettePage = 'Click to Select Palette Page';
207   lisTotalPages = 'Total Pages: %s';
208   lisKeepOpen = 'Keep open';
210   // macros
211   lisCursorColumnInCurrentEditor = 'Cursor column in current editor';
212   lisCursorRowInCUrrentEditor = 'Cursor row in current editor';
213   lisCompilerFilename = 'Compiler filename';
214   lisWordAtCursorInCurrentEditor = 'Word at cursor in current editor';
215   lisExpandedFilenameOfCurrentEditor = 'Expanded filename of current editor file';
216   lisFreePascalSourceDirectory = 'Free Pascal source directory';
217   lisLazarusDirectory = 'Lazarus directory';
218   lisLazarusLanguageID = 'Lazarus language ID (e.g. en, de, br, fi)';
219   lisLazarusLanguageName = 'Lazarus language name (e.g. english, deutsch)';
220   lisLCLWidgetType = 'LCL widget type';
221   lisTargetCPU = 'Target CPU';
222   lisTargetOS = 'Target OS';
223   lisSrcOS = 'Src OS';
224   lisCommandLineParamsOfProgram = 'Command line parameters of program';
225   lisPromptForValue = 'Prompt for value';
226   lisProjectFilename = 'Project filename';
227   lisProjectDirectory = 'Project directory';
228   lisSaveCurrentEditorFile = 'Save current editor file';
229   lisSaveAllModified = 'Save all modified files';
230   lisTargetFilenameOfProject = 'Target filename of project';
231   lisTargetFilenamePlusParams = 'Target filename + params';
232   lisOutputFilenameOfProject = 'Output filename of project';
233   lisTestDirectory = 'Test directory';
234   lisLaunchingCmdLine = 'Launching target command line';
235   lisPublishProjDir = 'Publish project directory';
236   lisProjectUnitPath = 'Project Unit Path';
237   lisProjectNamespaces = 'Project Namespaces';
238   lisProjectIncPath = 'Project Include Path';
239   lisProjectSrcPath = 'Project Src Path';
240   lisProjectOutDir = 'Project Output directory (e.g. the ppu directory)';
241   lisEnvironmentVariableNameAsParameter = 'Environment variable, name as parameter';
242   lisUserSHomeDirectory = 'User''s home directory';
243   lisMakeExe = 'Make Executable';
244   lisPathOfTheMakeUtility = 'Path of the make utility';
245   lisProjectMacroProperties = 'Project macro properties';
246   lisOpenProject2 = 'Open project';
247   lisKMOpenRecentProject = 'Open recent project';
248   lisFileHasNoProject = 'File has no project';
249   lisTheFileIsNotALazarusProjectCreateANewProjectForThi =
250      'The file "%s" is not a Lazarus project.'
251     +'%sCreate a new project for this "%s"?';
252   lisCreateProject = 'Create project';
253   lisKMSaveProject = 'Save project';
254   lisKMCloseProject = 'Close project';
255   lisKMSaveProjectAs = 'Save project as';
256   lisKMPublishProject = 'Publish project';
257   lisOpenTheFileAsNormalSource = 'Open the file as normal source';
258   lisOpenAsXmlFile = 'Open as XML file';
259   lisAnErrorOccurredAtLastStartupWhileLoadingLoadThisPro = 'An error occurred '
260     +'at last startup while loading %s!'
261     +'%sLoad this project again?';
262   lisOpenProjectAgain = 'Open project again';
263   lisStartWithANewProject = 'Start with a new project';
264   lisConfigDirectory = 'Lazarus config directory';
266   lisPkgMacroPackageDirectoryParameterIsPackageID = 'Package directory. '
267     +'Parameter is package ID, e.g. "Name" or "Name 1.0"';
268   lisPkgMacroPackageSourceSearchPathParameterIsPackageID = 'Package source '
269     +'search path. Parameter is package ID, e.g. "Name" or "Name 1.0"';
270   lisPkgMacroPackageUnitSearchPathParameterIsPackageID = 'Package unit search '
271     +'path. Parameter is package ID, e.g. "Name" or "Name 1.0"';
272   lisPkgMacroPackageIncludeFilesSearchPathParameterIsPackageID = 'Package '
273     +'include files search path. Parameter is package ID, e.g. "Name" or "Name 1.0"';
274   lisPkgMacroPackageNameParameterIsPackageID = 'Package name. Parameter is package ID, e.g. "Name" or "Name 1.0"';
275   lisPkgMacroPackageOutputDirectoryParameterIsPackageID = 'Package output directory. Parameter is package ID, e.g. "Name" or "Name 1.0"';
277   // main bar menu
278   lisMenuFile = '&File';
279   lisMenuEdit = '&Edit';
280   lisMenuSearch = '&Search';
281   lisMenuSource = 'S&ource';
282   lisMenuView = '&View';
283   lisMenuProject = '&Project';
284   lisMenuRun = '&Run';
285   lisMenuPackage = 'Pa&ckage';
286   lisMenuTools = '&Tools';
287   lisMenuWindow = '&Window';
288   lisMenuHelp = '&Help';
289   lisThisWillAllowChangingAllBuildModesAtOnceNotImpleme = 'This will allow '
290     +'changing all build modes at once. Not implemented yet.';
292   lisMenuNewUnit = 'New Unit';
293   lisMenuNewCustom = 'New %s';
294   lisMenuNewForm = 'New Form';
295   lisMenuNewOther = 'New ...';
296   lisMenuOpen = '&Open ...';
297   lisMenuOpenUnit = 'Open Unit ...';
298   lisMenuRevert = 'Revert';
299   lisPESavePackageAs = 'Save Package As ...';
300   lisPkgEditPublishPackage = 'Publish Package';
301   lisPERevertPackage = 'Revert Package';
302   lisMenuOpenRecent = 'Open &Recent';
303   lisMenuSave = '&Save';
304   lisMenuSaveAs = 'Save &As ...';
305   lisKMSaveAs = 'SaveAs';
306   lisKMSaveAll = 'SaveAll';
307   lisDiscardChanges = 'Discard changes';
308   lisDiscardChangesAll = 'Discard all changes';
309   lisDoNotCloseTheProject = 'Do not close the project';
310   lisErrorSavingForm = 'Error saving form';
311   lisCannotSaveForm = 'Cannot save form "%s".';
312   lisErrorOpeningForm = 'Error opening form';
313   lisCannotOpenForm = 'Cannot open form "%s".';
314   lisConvert = 'Convert';
315   lisPLDShowGlobalLinksIn = 'Show global links in ';
316   lisPLDShowOnlineLinks = 'Show online links';
317   lisPLDShowUserLinksIn = 'Show user links in ';
318   lrsPLDLpkFileValid = 'lpk file valid (%s)';
319   lrsPLDLpkFileInvalid = 'lpk file invalid (%s)';
320   lisCTDefDefineTemplates = 'Define templates';
321   lisMenuCloseAll = 'Close A&ll';
322   lisMenuCloseEditorFile = '&Close Editor File';
323   lisMenuCleanDirectory = 'Clean Directory ...';
325   lisMenuIndentSelection = 'Indent Selection';
326   lisMenuUnindentSelection = 'Unindent Selection';
327   lisMenuUpperCaseSelection = 'Uppercase Selection';
328   lisMenuLowerCaseSelection = 'Lowercase Selection';
329   lisMenuSwapCaseSelection = 'Swap Case in Selection';
330   lisMenuTabsToSpacesSelection = 'Tabs to Spaces in Selection';
331   lisKMEncloseSelection   = 'Enclose Selection';
332   lisMenuEncloseSelection = 'Enclose Selection ...';
333   lisEncloseInIFDEF     = 'Enclose in $IFDEF';
334   lisMenuEncloseInIFDEF = 'Enclose in $IFDEF ...';
335   lisMenuCommentSelection = 'Comment Selection';
336   lisMenuUncommentSelection = 'Uncomment Selection';
337   lisMenuToggleComment = 'Toggle Comment in Selection';
338   lisMenuSortSelection = 'Sort Selection ...';
339   lisMenuBeakLinesInSelection = 'Break Lines in Selection';
340   lisMenuPasteFromClipboard = 'Paste from clipboard';
341   lisKMSelectWordLeft = 'Select Word Left';
342   lisKMSelectWordRight = 'Select Word Right';
343   lisKMSelectLineStart = 'Select Line Start';
344   lisKMSelectLineEnd = 'Select Line End';
345   lisKMSelectPageTop = 'Select Page Top';
346   lisKMSelectPageBottom = 'Select Page Bottom';
347   lisMenuSelect = 'Select';
348   lisMenuMultiPaste = 'MultiPaste ...';
349   lisMenuSelectAll = 'Select All';
350   lisCheckAll = 'Check All';
351   lisUncheckAll = 'Uncheck All';
352   dlgFiles = '%s files';
353   lisSAMAbstractMethodsNotYetOverridden = 'Abstract Methods - not yet overridden';
354   lisMenuSelectToBrace = 'Select to Brace';
355   lisMenuSelectCodeBlock = 'Select Code Block';
356   lisMenuSelectWord = 'Select Word';
357   lisMenuSelectLine = 'Select Line';
358   lisMenuSelectParagraph = 'Select Paragraph';
359   lisMenuInsertCharacter = 'Insert from Character Map ...';
360   lisMenuInsertCVSKeyword = 'Insert CVS Keyword';
361   lisMenuInsertGeneral = 'Insert General';
362   lisGeneral = 'General';
363   lisOr = 'or';
364   lisNone = '%snone';
365   lisUnitPaths = 'Unit paths';
366   lisIncludePaths = 'Include paths';
367   lisSourcePaths = 'Source paths';
369   lisMenuInsertGPLNotice = 'GPL Notice';
370   lisMenuInsertGPLNoticeTranslated = 'GPL Notice (translated)';
371   lisMenuInsertLGPLNotice = 'LGPL Notice';
372   lisMenuInsertLGPLNoticeTranslated = 'LGPL Notice (translated)';
373   lisMenuInsertModifiedLGPLNotice = 'Modified LGPL Notice';
374   lisMenuInsertModifiedLGPLNoticeTranslated = 'Modified LGPL Notice (translated)';
375   lisMenuInsertMITNotice = 'MIT Notice';
376   lisMenuInsertMITNoticeTranslated = 'MIT Notice (translated)';
377   lisMenuInsertUserName = 'Current Username';
378   lisMenuInsertDateTime = 'Current Date and Time';
379   lisMenuInsertChangeLogEntry = 'ChangeLog Entry';
381   lisMenuFind = 'Find';
382   lisBtnFind = '&Find';
383   lisMenuFindNext = 'Find &Next';
384   lisMenuFind2 = '&Find ...';
385   lisMenuFindPrevious = 'Find &Previous';
386   lisMenuFindInFiles = 'Find &in Files ...';
387   lisMenuIncrementalFind = 'Incremental Find';
388   lisMenuGotoLine = 'Goto Line ...';
389   lisMenuJumpBack = 'Jump Back';
390   lisMenuJumpForward = 'Jump Forward';
391   lisMenuAddJumpPointToHistory = 'Add Jump Point to History';
392   lisMenuViewJumpHistory = 'Jump History';
393   lisMenuMacroListView = 'Editor Macros ...';
394   lisMenuFindBlockOtherEndOfCodeBlock = 'Find Other End of Code Block';
395   lisMenuFindCodeBlockStart = 'Find Start of Code Block';
396   lisMenuFindDeclarationAtCursor = 'Find Declaration at Cursor';
397   lisMenuOpenFilenameAtCursor = 'Open Filename at Cursor';
398   lisMenuGotoIncludeDirective = 'Goto Include Directive';
399   lisMenuJumpToNextError = 'Jump to Next Error';
400   lisMenuJumpToPrevError = 'Jump to Previous Error';
401   lisMenuSetFreeBookmark = 'Set a Free Bookmark';
402   lisMenuJumpToNextBookmark = 'Jump to Next Bookmark';
403   lisMenuJumpToPrevBookmark = 'Jump to Previous Bookmark';
404   lisMenuProcedureList = 'Procedure List ...';
405   lisMenuOpenFolder = 'Open Folder ...';
407   lisMenuViewObjectInspector = 'Object Inspector';
408   lisMenuViewSourceEditor = 'Source Editor';
409   lisMenuViewCodeExplorer = 'Code Explorer';
410   lisMenuViewCodeBrowser = 'Code Browser';
411   lisMenuViewRestrictionBrowser = 'Restriction Browser';
412   lisMenuViewComponents = '&Components';
413   lisMenuJumpTo = 'Jump to';
414   lisMenuJumpToInterface = 'Jump to Interface';
415   lisMenuJumpToInterfaceUses = 'Jump to Interface uses';
416   lisMenuJumpToImplementation = 'Jump to Implementation';
417   lisMenuJumpToImplementationUses = 'Jump to Implementation uses';
418   lisMenuJumpToInitialization = 'Jump to Initialization';
419   lisMenuJumpToProcedureHeader = 'Jump to Procedure header';
420   lisMenuJumpToProcedureBegin = 'Jump to Procedure begin';
421   lisMenuViewUnits = 'Units ...';
422   lisMenuViewForms = 'Forms ...';
423   lisMenuViewUnitDependencies = 'Unit Dependencies';
424   lisKMViewUnitInfo = 'View Unit Info';
425   lisMenuViewUnitInfo = 'Unit Information ...';
426   lisMenuViewToggleFormUnit = 'Toggle Form/Unit View';
427   lisMenuViewMessages = 'Messages';
428   lisProjectOption = 'Project Option';
429   lisPackageOption = 'Package "%s" Option';
430   lisAbout2 = 'About %s';
431   lisCopySelectedMessagesToClipboard = 'Copy Selected Messages to Clipboard';
432   lisCopyFileNameToClipboard = 'Copy File Name to Clipboard';
433   lisFind = 'Find ...';
434   lisAbout = 'About';
435   lisRemoveCompilerOptionHideMessage = 'Remove Compiler Option Hide Message';
436   lisRemoveMessageTypeFilter = 'Remove Message Type Filter';
437   lisRemoveAllMessageTypeFilters = 'Remove all message type filters';
438   lisFilterNonUrgentMessages = 'Filter non urgent Messages';
439   lisFilterWarningsAndBelow = 'Filter Warnings and below';
440   lisFilterNotesAndBelow = 'Filter Notes and below';
441   lisFilterHintsAndBelow = 'Filter Hints and below';
442   lisFilterVerboseMessagesAndBelow = 'Filter Verbose Messages and below';
443   lisFilterDebugMessagesAndBelow = 'Filter Debug Messages and below';
444   lisFilterNoneDoNotFilterByUrgency = 'Filter None, do not filter by urgency';
445   lisFilterHintsWithoutSourcePosition = 'Filter Hints without Source Position';
446   lisSwitchFilterSettings = 'Switch Filter Settings';
447   lisAddFilter = 'Add Filter ...';
448   lisCopyAllShownMessagesToClipboard = 'Copy All Shown Messages to Clipboard';
449   lisCopyAllOriginalMessagesToClipboard = 'Copy All/Original Messages to Clipboard';
450   lisCopyItemToClipboard = 'Copy Item to Clipboard';
451   lisCopySelectedItemToClipboard = 'Copy Selected Items to Clipboard';
452   lisCopyAllItemsToClipboard = 'Copy All Items to Clipboard';
453   lisExpandAll = 'Expand All (*)';
454   lisCollapseAll = 'Collapse All (/)';
455   lisEditHelp = 'Edit help';
456   lisMenuViewSearchResults = 'Search Results';
457   lisMenuViewAnchorEditor = 'Anchor Editor';
458   lisMenuViewTabOrder = 'Tab Order';
459   lisKMToggleViewComponentPalette = 'Toggle View Component Palette';
460   lisMenuViewComponentPalette = 'Component Palette';
461   lisMenuDebugWindows = 'Debug Windows';
462   lisMenuViewWatches = 'Watches';
463   lisMenuViewBreakPoints = 'BreakPoints';
464   lisMenuViewLocalVariables = 'Local Variables';
465   lisMenuViewPseudoTerminal = 'Console In/Output';
466   lisMenuViewRegisters = 'Registers';
467   lisMenuViewCallStack = 'Call Stack';
468   lisMenuViewThreads = 'Threads';
469   lisMenuViewHistory = 'History';
470   lisMenuViewAssembler = 'Assembler';
471   lisDbgAsmCopyToClipboard = 'Copy to Clipboard';
472   lisMenuViewDebugOutput = 'Debug Output';
473   lisMenuViewDebugEvents = 'Event Log';
474   lisMenuIDEInternals = 'IDE Internals';
475   lisMenuPackageLinks = 'Package Links ...';
476   lisMenuAboutFPC = 'About FPC';
477   lisAboutIDE = 'About IDE';
478   lisMenuWhatNeedsBuilding = 'What Needs Building';
480   lisMenuNewProject = 'New Project ...';
481   lisMenuNewProjectFromFile = 'New Project from File ...';
482   lisMenuOpenProject = 'Open Project ...';
483   lisMenuCloseProject = 'Close Project';
484   lisMenuOpenRecentProject = 'Open Recent Project';
485   lisMenuSaveProject = 'Save Project';
486   lisMenuSaveProjectAs = 'Save Project As ...';
487   lisMenuResaveFormsWithI18n = 'Resave forms with enabled i18n';
488   lisMenuPublishProject = 'Publish Project ...';
489   lisPublishProject = 'Publish Project';
490   lisMenuProjectInspector = 'Project Inspector';
491   lisProject3 = 'project';
492   lisKMRemoveActiveFileFromProject = 'Remove Active File from Project';
493   lisKMViewProjectSource = 'View Project Source';
494   lisMenuAddToProject = 'Add Editor File to Project';
495   lisMenuRemoveFromProject = 'Remove from Project ...';
496   lisMenuViewProjectSource = '&View Project Source';
497   lisMenuProjectOptions = 'Project Options ...';
499   lisBFWorkingDirectoryLeaveEmptyForFilePath = 'Working directory (leave empty for file path)';
500   lisShowOutput = 'Show output';
501   lisBFBuildCommand = 'Build Command';
502   lisMenuQuickCompile = 'Quick Compile';
503   lisMenuCleanUpAndBuild = 'Clean up and Build ...';
504   lisMenuCompileManyModes = 'Compile many Modes ...';
505   lisMenuAbortBuild = 'Abort Build';
506   lisMenuProjectRun = '&Run';
507   lisBFAlwaysBuildBeforeRun = 'Always build before run';
508   lisDisAssGotoCurrentAddress = 'Goto Current Address';
509   lisDisAssGotoCurrentAddressHint = 'Goto Current Address';
510   lisDisAssGotoAddress = 'Goto Address';
511   lisDisAssGotoAddressHint = 'Goto Address';
512   lisDisAssGotoAddrEditTextHint = '($address)';
514   lisBFRunCommand = 'Run Command';
515   lisMenuShowExecutionPoint = 'S&how Execution Point';
516   lisMenuStepInto = 'Step In&to';
517   lisMenuStepOver = '&Step Over';
518   lisMenuStepIntoInstr = 'Step Into Instruction';
519   lisMenuStepIntoInstrHint = 'Step Into Instruction';
520   lisMenuStepOverInstr = 'Step Over Instruction';
521   lisMenuStepOverInstrHint = 'Step Over Instruction';
522   lisMenuStepIntoContext = 'Step Into (Context)';
523   lisMenuStepOverContext = 'Step Over (Context)';
524   lisMenuStepOut = 'Step O&ut';
525   lisMenuStepToCursor = 'Step over to &Cursor';
526   lisMenuRunToCursor = 'Run to Cursor';
527   lisKMStopProgram = 'Stop Program';
528   lisContinueAndDoNotAskAgain = 'Continue and do not ask again';
529   lisSuspiciousUnitPath = 'Suspicious unit path';
530   lisThePackageAddsThePathToTheUnitPathOfTheIDEThisIsPr = 'The package %s '
531     +'adds the path "%s" to the unit path of the IDE.'
532     +'%sThis is probably a misconfiguration of the package.';
533   lisMenuResetDebugger = 'Reset Debugger';
534   lisMenuRunParameters = 'Run &Parameters ...';
535   lisMenuBuildFile = 'Build File';
536   lisMenuRunWithoutDebugging = 'Run without Debugging';
537   lisMenuRunFile = 'Run File';
538   lisKMConfigBuildFile = 'Config "Build File"';
539   lisKMInspect = 'Inspect';
540   lisKMEvaluateModify = 'Evaluate/Modify';
541   lisKMAddWatch = 'Add watch';
542   lisKMAddBpSource = 'Add Source Breakpoint';
543   lisKMAddBpAddress = 'Add Address Breakpoint';
544   lisKMAddBpWatchPoint = 'Add Data/WatchPoint';
545   lisMenuConfigBuildFile = 'Configure Build+Run File ...';
546   lisMenuInspect = '&Inspect ...';
547   lisMenuEvaluate = 'E&valuate/Modify ...';
548   lisMenuAddWatch = 'Add &Watch ...';
549   lisMenuAddBreakpoint = 'Add &Breakpoint';
551   lisInspectDialog = 'Debug Inspector';
552   lisInspectData = 'Data';
553   lisInspectProperties = 'Properties';
554   lisInspectMethods = 'Methods';
555   lisInspectUseInstance = 'Instance';
556   lisInspectUseInstanceHint = 'Use instance class';
557   lisInspectShowColClass = 'Show class column';
558   lisInspectShowColType = 'Show type column';
559   lisInspectShowColVisibility = 'Show visibility column';
560   lisInspectClassInherit = '%s: class %s inherits from %s';
561   lisInspectUnavailableError = '%s: unavailable (error: %s)';
562   lisInspectPointerTo = 'Pointer to %s';
563   lisInspectAddWatch = 'Add watch';
564   lisColClass = 'Class';
565   lisColVisibility = 'Visibility';
566   lisColReturns = 'Returns';
567   lisColAddress = 'Address';
569   lisMenuNewPackage = 'New Package ...';
570   lisMenuOpenPackage = 'Open Loaded Package ...';
571   lisMenuOpenRecentPkg = 'Open Recent Package';
572   lisMenuOpenPackageFile = 'Open Package File (.lpk) ...';
573   lisMenuOpenPackageOfCurUnit = 'Open Package of Current Unit';
574   lisMenuAddCurFileToPkg = 'Add Active File to Package ...';
575   lisKMConfigureCustomComponents = 'Configure Custom Components';
576   lisMenuConfigCustomComps = 'Configure Custom Components ...';
578   lisMenuConfigExternalTools = 'Configure External Tools ...';
579   lisMenuQuickSyntaxCheck = 'Quick Syntax Check';
580   lisMenuQuickSyntaxCheckOk = 'Quick syntax check OK';
581   lisMenuGuessUnclosedBlock = 'Guess Unclosed Block';
582   lisMenuGuessMisplacedIFDEF = 'Guess Misplaced IFDEF/ENDIF';
583   lisMenuMakeResourceString = 'Make Resource String ...';
584   lisCaptionCompareFiles = 'Compare files (not for creating patches)';
585   lisMenuCompareFiles = 'Compare files ...';
586   lisMenuConvertDFMtoLFM = 'Convert Binary DFM to Text LFM + Check Syntax ...';
587   lisMenuCheckLFM = 'Check LFM File in Editor';
588   lisMenuDelphiConversion = 'Delphi Conversion';
589   lisMenuConvertDelphiUnit = 'Convert Delphi Unit to Lazarus Unit ...';
590   lisMenuConvertDelphiProject = 'Convert Delphi Project to Lazarus Project ...';
591   lisMenuConvertDelphiPackage = 'Convert Delphi Package to Lazarus Package ...';
592   lisMenuConvertEncoding = 'Convert Encoding of Projects/Packages ...';
593   lisConvertEncodingOfProjectsPackages = 'Convert encoding of projects/packages';
594   lisMenuExampleProjects = 'Example Projects ...';
595   lisKMExampleProjects = 'Example Projects';
596   lisMenuBuildLazarus = 'Build Lazarus with Current Profile';
597   lisMenuBuildLazarusProf = 'Build Lazarus with Profile: %s';
598   lisMenuConfigureBuildLazarus = 'Configure "Build Lazarus" ...';
599   lisManageSourceEditors = 'Manage Source Editors ...';
600   lisSourceEditorWindowManager = 'Source Editor Window Manager';
601   lisProjectCount = '%d projects';
602   lisIncludeSubDirectories = 'Include subdirectories';
603   lisIncludeAllSubDirectories = 'Include all subdirectories';
604   lisRootDirectory = 'Root Directory';
605   lisMEOther = 'Other tabs';
606   lisTabsFor = 'Tabs for %s';
607   lisRecentTabs = 'Recent tabs';
608   lisMEProjects = 'Projects';
609   lisMEAction = 'Action';
610   lisMenuGeneralOptions = 'Options ...';
611   lisMacPreferences = 'Preferences...'; // used only for macOS, instead of lisMenuGeneralOptions
612                                         // there should not be space between Preferences and ellipsis
613   lisWindowStaysOnTop = 'Window stays on top';
614   lisFilenameStyle = 'Filename Style';
615   lisShortNoPath = 'Short, no path';
616   lisRelative = 'Relative';
617   lisFull = 'Full';
618   lisTranslateTheEnglishMessages = 'Translate the English Messages';
619   lisShowMessageTypeID = 'Show Message Type ID';
620   lisToolStoppedWithExitCodeUseContextMenuToGetMoreInfo = 'tool stopped with '
621     +'exit code %s. Use context menu to get more information.';
622   lisToolStoppedWithExitStatusUseContextMenuToGetMoreInfo = 'tool stopped with '
623     +'ExitCode 0 and ExitStatus %s. Use context menu to get more information.';
624   lisErrors2 = ', Errors: %s';
625   lisWarnings = ', Warnings: %s';
626   lisHints = ', Hints: %s';
627   lisInternalError = 'internal error: %s';
628   lisMenuEditCodeTemplates = 'Code Templates ...';
629   dlgEdCodeTempl = 'Code Templates';
631   lisMenuOnlineHelp = 'Online Help';
632   lisMenuReportingBug = 'Reporting a Bug';
633   lisReportingBugURL = 'http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/How_do_I_create_a_bug_report';
634   lisKMContextSensitiveHelp = 'Context sensitive help';
635   lisKMEditContextSensitiveHelp = 'Edit context sensitive help';
636   lisMenuContextHelp = 'Context sensitive Help';
637   lisMenuEditContextHelp = 'Edit context sensitive Help';
638   lisMenuShowSmartHint = 'Context sensitive smart hint';
640   lisDsgCopyComponents = 'Copy selected components to clipboard';
641   lisDsgCutComponents = 'Cut selected components to clipboard';
642   lisDsgPasteComponents = 'Paste selected components from clipboard';
643   lisDsgSelectParentComponent = 'Select parent component';
644   lisDsgOrderMoveToFront = 'Move component to front';
645   lisDsgOrderMoveToBack = 'Move component to back';
646   lisDsgOrderForwardOne = 'Move component one forward';
647   lisDsgOrderBackOne = 'Move component one back';
649   // main
650   lisChooseProgramSourcePpPasLpr = 'Choose program source (*.pp,*.pas,*.lpr)';
651   lisProgramSourceMustHaveAPascalExtensionLikePasPpOrLp = 'Program source '
652     +'must have a Pascal extension like .pas, .pp or .lpr';
653   lisChooseDelphiUnit = 'Choose Delphi unit (*.pas)';
654   lisChooseDelphiProject = 'Choose Delphi project (*.dpr)';
655   lisChooseDelphiPackage = 'Choose Delphi package (*.dpk)';
656   lisFormatError = 'Format error';
657   lisLFMFileCorrupt = 'LFM file corrupt';
658   lisUnableToFindAValidClassnameIn = 'Unable to find a valid classname in "%s"';
659   lisUnableToConvertFileError = 'Unable to convert file "%s"%sError: %s';
660   lisUnableToWriteFileError = 'Unable to write file "%s"%sError: %s';
661   lisMissingUnitsComment = 'Comment Out';
662   lisMissingUnitsForDelphi = 'For Delphi only';
663   lisMissingUnitsSearch = 'Search Unit Path';
664   lisMissingUnitsSkip = 'Skip this Unit';
665   lisTheseUnitsWereNotFound = 'These units were not found:';
666   lisMissingUnitsChoices = 'Your choices are:';
667   lisMissingUnitsInfo1 = '1) Comment out the selected units.';
668   lisMissingUnitsInfo1b = '1) Use the units only for Delphi.';
669   lisMissingUnitsInfo2 = '2) Search for units. Found paths are added to project settings.';
670   lisMissingUnitsInfo3 = '3) Abort now, install packages or fix paths and try again.';
671   lisUnitNotFoundInProject = 'A unit not found in project %s';
672   lisUnitsNotFoundInProject = 'Units not found in project %s';
673   lisProjectPathHint = 'Directory where project''s main file must be';
674   lisAddDelphiDefine = 'Add defines simulating Delphi7';
675   lisAddDelphiDefineHint = 'Useful when the code has checks for supported compiler versions';
676   lisBackupChangedFiles = 'Make backup of changed files';
677   lisBackupHint = 'Creates a Backup directory under project directory';
679   lisStartConversion = 'Start Conversion';
680   lisConvertTarget = 'Target';
681   lisConvertTargetHint = 'Converter adds conditional compilation to support different targets';
682   lisConvertOtherHint = 'Other options affecting the conversion';
683   lisConvertTargetCrossPlatform = 'Cross-platform';
684   lisConvertTargetCrossPlatformHint = 'Cross-platform versus Windows-only';
685   lisConvertTargetSupportDelphi = 'Support Delphi';
686   lisConvertTargetSupportDelphiHint = 'Use conditional compilation to support Delphi';
687   lisConvertTargetSameDfmFile = 'Use the same DFM form file';
688   lisConvertTargetSameDfmFileHint = 'Same DFM file for Lazarus and Delphi instead of copying it to LFM';
689   lisKeepFileOpen = 'Keep converted files open in editor';
690   lisKeepFileOpenHint = 'All project files will be open in editor after conversion';
691   lisScanFilesInParentDir = 'Scan files in parent directory';
692   lisScanFilesInParentDirHint = 'Search for source files in sibling directories'
693     +' (parent directory and its children)';
695   //Delphi converter
696   lisConvDelphiConvertDelphiUnit = 'Convert Delphi unit';
697   lisConvDelphiConvertDelphiProject = 'Convert Delphi project';
698   lisConvDelphiConvertDelphiPackage = 'Convert Delphi package';
699   lisConvDelphiFoundAllUnitFiles = 'Found all unit files';
700   lisConvDelphiRepairingFormFiles = '*** Fixing used units and Repairing form files ***';
701   lisConvDelphiConvertingProjPackUnits = '*** Converting unit files belonging to project/package ***';
702   lisConvDelphiConvertingFoundUnits = '*** Converting unit files found during conversion ***';
703   lisConvDelphiChangedEncodingToUTF8 = 'Changed encoding from %s to UTF-8';
704   lisConvDelphiAllSubDirsScanned = 'All sub-directories will be scanned for unit files';
705   lisConvDelphiMissingIncludeFile = '%s(%s,%s) missing include file';
706   lisConvDelphiFixedUnitCase = 'Fixed character case of unit "%s" to "%s".';
707   lisConvDelphiReplacedUnitInUsesSection = 'Replaced unit "%s" with "%s" in uses section.';
708   lisConvDelphiRemovedUnitFromUsesSection = 'Removed unit "%s" from uses section.';
709   lisConvDelphiAddedUnitToUsesSection = 'Added unit "%s" to uses section.';
710   lisConvDelphiAddedCustomOptionDefines = 'Added defines %s in custom options';
711   lisConvDelphiUnitsToReplaceIn = 'Units to replace in %s';
712   lisConvDelphiConversionTook = 'Conversion took: %s';
713   lisConvDelphiConversionReady = 'Conversion Ready.';
714   lisConvDelphiConversionAborted = 'Conversion Aborted.';
715   lisConvDelphiBeginCodeToolsFailed = 'BeginCodeTools failed!';
716   lisConvDelphiError = 'Error="%s"';
717   lisConvDelphiFailedConvertingUnit = 'Failed converting unit';
718   lisConvDelphiFailedToConvertUnit = 'Failed to convert unit "%s"';
719   lisConvDelphiExceptionDuringConversion = 'Exception happened during unit conversion.'
720     +' Continuing with form files of already converted units...';
721   lisConvDelphiUnitnameExistsInLCL = 'Unitname exists in LCL';
722   lisConvDelphiUnitWithNameExistsInLCL = 'LCL already has a unit with name %s.'
723     +' Delete local file %s?';
724   lisConvDelphiPackageNameExists = 'Package name exists';
725   lisConvDelphiProjOmittedUnit = 'Omitted unit %s from project';
726   lisConvDelphiAddedPackageDependency = 'Added Package %s as a dependency.';
727   lisConvDelphiPackageRequired = 'Package %s is required but not installed in Lazarus! Install it later.';
728   lisConvDelphiThereIsAlreadyAPackageWithTheNamePleaseCloseThisPa = 'There is '
729     +'already a package with the name "%s"%sPlease close this package first.';
730   lisConvUnknownProps = 'Unknown properties';
731   lisConvTypesToReplace = 'Types to replace';
732   lisConvTypeReplacements = 'Type Replacements';
733   lisConvUnitsToReplace = 'Units to replace';
734   lisConvUnitReplacements = 'Unit Replacements';
735   lisConvUnitReplHint = 'Unit names in uses section of a source unit';
736   lisConvTypeReplHint = 'Unknown types in form file (DFM/LFM)';
737   lisConvCoordOffs = 'Coordinate offsets';
738   lisConvCoordHint = 'An offset is added to Top coordinate of controls inside visual containers';
739   lisConvFuncsToReplace = 'Functions / procedures to replace';
740   lisConvDelphiCategories = 'Categories:';
741   lisConvFuncReplacements = 'Function Replacements';
742   lisConvFuncReplHint = 'Some Delphi functions can be replaced with LCL function';
743   lisConvAddCommentAfterReplacement = 'Add comment after replacement';
744   lisConvDelphiName = 'Delphi Name';
745   lisConvNewName = 'New Name';
746   lisConvParentContainer = 'Parent Container';
747   lisConvTopOff = 'Top offset';
748   lisConvLeftOff = 'Left offset';
749   lisConvDelphiFunc = 'Delphi Function';
750   lisConvAddingFlagForRegister = 'Adding flag for "Register" procedure in unit %s.';
751   lisConvDeletedFile = 'Deleted file %s';
752   lisConvBracketNotFound = 'Bracket not found';
753   lisConvDprojFileNotSupportedYet =
754     '.dproj file is not supported yet. The file is used by Delphi 2007 and newer.'+
755     ' Please select a .dpr file for projects or .dpk file for packages.';
756   lisConvRepairingIncludeFiles = 'Repairing include files : ';
757   lisConvUserSelectedToEndConversion = 'User selected to end conversion with file %s';
758   lisConvFixedUnitName = 'Fixed unit name from %s to %s.';
759   lisConvAddedModeDelphiModifier = 'Added MODE Delphi syntax modifier after unit name.';
760   lisConvShouldBeFollowedByNumber = '"$" should be followed by a number: %s';
761   lisConvReplacedCall = 'Replaced call %s with %s';
762   lisConvReplFuncParameterNum = 'Replacement function parameter number should be >= 1: %s';
763   lisConvBracketMissingFromReplFunc = '")" is missing from replacement function: %s';
764   lisConvProblemsFindingAllUnits = 'Problems when trying to find all units from project file %s';
765   lisConvProblemsRepairingFormFile = 'Problems when repairing form file %s';
766   lisConvProblemsFixingIncludeFile = 'Problems when fixing include files in file %s';
767   lisConvStoppedBecauseThereIsPackage  = 'Stopped because there already is a package with the same name';
768   lisConvConvertedFrom = ' { *Converted from %s* }';
769   lisConvThisLogWasSaved = 'This log was saved to %s';
770   lisScanParentDir = 'Scanning parent directory';
771   lisReplacement = 'Replacement';
772   lisReplacements = 'Replacements';
773   lisInteractive = 'Interactive';
774   lisAutomatic = 'Automatic';
775   lisProperties = 'Properties (replace or remove)';
776   lisTypes = 'Types (not removed if no replacement)';
777   lisReplaceRemoveUnknown = 'Fix unknown properties and types';
778   lisReplacementFuncs = 'Replacement functions';
779   lisFilesHaveRightEncoding = '*** All found files already have the right encoding ***';
780   lisEncodingNumberOfFilesFailed = 'Number of files failed to convert: %d';
782   //
783   lisnoname = 'noname';
784   lisTheDestinationDirectoryDoesNotExist = 'The destination directory%s"%s" does not exist.';
785   lisRenameFile = 'Rename file?';
786   lisThisLooksLikeAPascalFileItIsRecommendedToUseLowerC = 'This looks like a Pascal file.'
787     +'%sIt is recommended to use lower case filenames to avoid '
788     +'various problems on some filesystems and different compilers.'
789     +'%sRename it to lowercase?';
790   lisRenameToLowercase = 'Rename to lowercase';
791   lisKeepName = 'Keep name';
792   lisOverwriteFile = 'Overwrite file?';
793   lisAFileAlreadyExistsReplaceIt = 'A file "%s" already exists.'
794     +'%sReplace it?';
795   lisOverwriteFileOnDisk = 'Overwrite file on disk';
796   lisAmbiguousFilesFound = 'Ambiguous files found';
797   lisThereAreOtherFilesInTheDirectoryWithTheSameName = 'There are other files in '
798     +'the directory with the same name,'
799     +'%swhich only differ in case:'
800     +'%s%s'
801     +'%sDelete them?';
802   lisDeleteOldFile = 'Delete old file "%s"?';
803   lisDeletingOfFileFailed = 'Deleting of file "%s" failed.';
804   lisStreamingError = 'Streaming error';
805   lisUnableToStreamT = 'Unable to stream %s:T%s.';
806   lisPathToInstance = 'Path to failed Instance:';
807   lisResourceSaveError = 'Resource save error';
808   lisUnableToAddResourceHeaderCommentToResourceFile = 'Unable to add resource '
809     +'header comment to resource file %s"%s".%sProbably a syntax error.';
810   lisUnableToAddResourceTFORMDATAToResourceFileProbably = 'Unable to add '
811     +'resource T%s:FORMDATA to resource file %s"%s".%sProbably a syntax error.';
812   lisContinueWithoutLoadingForm = 'Continue without loading form';
813   lisCancelLoadingUnit = 'Cancel loading unit';
814   lisAbortAllLoading = 'Abort all loading';
815   lisSkipFile = 'Skip file';
816   lisUnableToTransformBinaryComponentStreamOfTIntoText = 'Unable to transform '
817     +'binary component stream of %s:T%s into text.';
818   lisTheFileWasNotFoundIgnoreWillGoOnLoadingTheProject = 'The file "%s" was not found.'
819     +'%sIgnore will go on loading the project,'
820     +'%sAbort  will stop the loading.';
821   lisSkipFileAndContinueLoading = 'Skip file and continue loading';
822   lisAbortLoadingProject = 'Abort loading project';
823   lisFileNotFound2 = 'File "%s" not found.';
824   lisFileNotFoundDoYouWantToCreateIt = 'File "%s" not found.%sDo you want to create it?';
825   lisProjectInfoFileDetected = 'Project info file detected';
826   lisTheFileSeemsToBeTheProgramFileOfAnExistingLazarusP = 'The file %s seems '
827     +'to be the program file of an existing Lazarus Project.';
828   lisTheFileSeemsToBeAProgramCloseCurrentProject = 'The file "%s" seems to be a program.'
829     +'%sClose current project and create a new Lazarus project for this program?'
830     +'%s"No" will load the file as normal source.';
831   lisProgramDetected = 'Program detected';
832   lisUnableToConvertTextFormDataOfFileIntoBinaryStream = 'Unable to convert '
833     +'text form data of file %s"%s"%sinto binary stream. (%s)';
834   lisSaveProject = 'Save project %s (*%s)';
835   lisRemoveUnitPath = 'Remove unit path?';
836   lisTheDirectoryContainsNoProjectUnitsAnyMoreRemoveThi = 'The directory "%s" '
837     +'contains no project units any more. Remove this directory from the '
838     +'project''s unit search path?';
839   lisInvalidExecutable = 'Invalid Executable';
840   lisInvalidExecutableMessageText = 'The file "%s" is not executable.';
841   lisInvalidProjectFilename = 'Invalid project filename';
842   lisisAnInvalidProjectNamePleaseChooseAnotherEGProject = '"%s" is an '
843     +'invalid project name.%sPlease choose another (e.g. project1.lpi)';
844   lisChooseADifferentName = 'Choose a different name';
845   lisTheProjectInfoFileIsEqualToTheProjectMainSource = 'The project info '
846     +'file "%s"%sis equal to the project main source file!';
847   lisUnitIdentifierExists = 'Unit identifier exists';
848   lisThereIsAUnitWithTheNameInTheProjectPleaseChoose = 'There is a unit with the '
849     +'name "%s" in the project.%sPlease choose a different name';
850   lisErrorCreatingFile = 'Error creating file';
851   lisCopyError2 = 'Copy error';
852   lisSourceDirectoryDoesNotExist = 'Source directory "%s" does not exist.';
853   lisSorryThisTypeIsNotYetImplemented = 'Sorry, this type is not yet implemented';
854   lisFileHasChangedSave = 'File "%s" has changed. Save?';
855   lisUnitHasChangedSave = 'Unit "%s" has changed. Save?';
856   lisSourceOfPageHasChangedSave = 'Source of page "%s" has changed. Save?';
857   lisSourceOfPageHasChangedSaveEx = 'Sources of pages have changed. Save page "%s"? (%d more)';
858   lisSourceModified = 'Source modified';
859   lisOpenProject = 'Open Project?';
860   lisOpenTheProject = 'Open the project %s?';
861   lisOpenPackage = 'Open Package?';
862   lisOpenThePackage = 'Open the package %s?';
863   lisRevertFailed = 'Revert failed';
864   lisFileIsVirtual = 'File "%s" is virtual.';
865   lisFileNotText = 'File not text';
866   lisUnableToRenameFile = 'Unable to rename file';
867   lisUnableToCopyFile = 'Unable to copy file';
868   lisWriteError = 'Write Error';
869   lisByte = '%s byte';
870   lisFileDoesNotLookLikeATextFileOpenItAnyway = 'File "%s"'
871     +'%sdoes not look like a text file.'
872     +'%sOpen it anyway?';
873   lisSourceAndDestinationAreTheSame = 'Source and Destination are the same:%s%s';
874   lisUnableToAddToProjectBecauseThereIsAlreadyAUnitWith = 'Unable to add %s '
875     +'to project because there is already a unit with the same name in the Project.';
876   lisAddToProject = 'Add %s to project?';
877   lisTheFile = 'The file "%s"';
878   lisAddToUnitSearchPath = 'Add to unit search path?';
879   lisAddToIncludeSearchPath = 'Add to include search path?';
880   lisTheNewIncludeFileIsNotYetInTheIncludeSearchPathAdd =
881     'The new include file is not yet in the include search path.%sAdd directory %s?';
882   lisTheNewUnitIsNotYetInTheUnitSearchPathAddDirectory =
883     'The new unit is not yet in the unit search path.%sAdd directory %s?';
884   lisisAlreadyPartOfTheProject = '%s is already part of the Project.';
885   lisRemoveFromProject = 'Remove from Project';
886   lisShouldTheComponentBeAutoCreatedWhenTheApplicationS = 'Should the '
887     +'component "%s" be auto created when the application starts?';
888   lisAddToStartupComponents = 'Add to startup components?';
889   lisCreateAProjectFirst = 'Create a project first!';
890   lisTheTestDirectoryCouldNotBeFoundSeeIDEOpt = 'The Test Directory '
891     +'could not be found:%s"%s"%s(see IDE options)';
892   lisBuildNewProject = 'Build new project';
893   lisTheProjectMustBeSavedBeforeBuildingIfYouSetTheTest = 'The project must be saved before building'
894     +'%sIf you set the Test Directory in the IDE options,'
895     +'%syou can create new projects and build them at once.'
896     +'%sSave project?';
897   lisBusy = 'Busy';
898   lisCanNotTestTheCompilerWhileDebuggingOrCompiling = 'Cannot test the '
899     +'compiler while debugging or compiling.';
900   lisExecutingCommandBefore = 'Executing command before';
901   lisProject2 = 'Project: ';
902   lisExecutingCommandAfter = 'Executing command after';
903   lisNoProgramFileSFound = 'No program file "%s" found.';
904   lisNotNow = 'Not now';
905   lisYouCanNotBuildLazarusWhileDebuggingOrCompiling = 'You cannot build '
906     +'Lazarus while debugging or compiling.';
907   lisReadError = 'Read Error';
908   lisUnableToReadFile = 'Unable to read file';
909   lisUnableToReadFile2 = 'Unable to read file "%s".';
910   lisUnableToReadFileError = 'Unable to read file "%s"%sError: %s';
911   lisUnableToReadTheProjectInfoFile = 'Unable to read the project info file%s"%s".';
912   lisUnableToReadLpi = 'Unable to read lpi';
913   lisStrangeLpiFile = 'Strange lpi file';
914   lisTheFileDoesNotLookLikeALpiFile = 'The file %s does not look like a lpi file.';
915   lisAmbiguousUnitFound = 'Ambiguous unit found';
916   lisTheUnitExistsTwiceInTheUnitPathOfThe = 'The unit %s exists twice in the '
917     +'unit path of the %s:';
918   lisHintCheckIfTwoPackagesContainAUnitWithTheSameName = 'Hint: Check if two '
919     +'packages contain a unit with the same name.';
920   lisIgnoreAll = 'Ignore all';
921   lisDeleteFileFailed = 'Delete file failed';
922   lisUnableToRemoveOldBackupFile = 'Unable to remove old backup file "%s"!';
923   lisRenameFileFailed = 'Rename file failed';
924   lisUnableToRenameFileTo = 'Unable to rename file "%s" to "%s"!';
925   lisUnableToRenameFileTo2= 'Unable to rename file "%s"%sto "%s".';
926   lisBackupFileFailed = 'Backup file failed';
927   lisUnableToBackupFileTo = 'Unable to backup file "%s" to "%s"!';
928   lisFileNotLowercase = 'File not lowercase';
929   lisTheUnitIsNotLowercaseTheFreePascalCompiler = 'The unit filename "%s" is not lowercase.'
930     +'%sThe Free Pascal compiler does not search for all cases.'
931     +' It is recommended to use lowercase filename.'
932     +'%sRename file lowercase?';
933   lisDeleteAmbiguousFile = 'Delete ambiguous file?';
934   lisAmbiguousFileFoundThisFileCanBeMistakenWithDelete = 'Ambiguous file '
935     +'found: "%s"%sThis file can be mistaken with "%s"%sDelete the ambiguous file?';
936   lisLazarusEditorV = 'Lazarus IDE v%s';
937   lisnewProject = '(new project)';
938   liscompiling = '%s (compiling ...)';
939   lisdebugging = '%s (debugging ...)';
940   lisRunning = '%s (running ...)';
941   lisUnableToFindFile = 'Unable to find file "%s".';
942   lisUnableToFindFileCheckSearchPathInProjectCompilerOption = 'Unable to find file "%s".'
943     +'%sIf it belongs to your project, check search path in'
944     +'%sProject -> Compiler Options -> Search Paths -> Other Unit Files.'
945     +' If this file belongs to a package, check the appropriate package compiler'
946     +' options. If this file belongs to Lazarus, make sure compiling clean.'
947     +' If the file belongs to FPC then check fpc.cfg.'
948     +' If unsure, check Project -> CompilerOptions -> Test';
949   lisNOTECouldNotCreateDefineTemplateForFreePascal = 'NOTE: Could not create '
950     +'Define Template for Free Pascal Sources';
951   lisClassNotFound = 'Class not found';
952   lisClassNotFoundAt = 'Class %s not found at %s(%s,%s)';
953   lisRemoveUses = 'Remove uses "%s"';
954   lisCreateLocalVariable = 'Create local variable "%s"';
955   lisHideAllHintsAndWarningsByInsertingIDEDirectivesH = 'Hide all hints and '
956     +'warnings by inserting IDE directives {%H-}';
957   lisHideMessageAtByInsertingIDEDirectiveH = 'Hide message at %s by inserting '
958     +'IDE directive {%H-}';
959   lisHideMessageByInsertingIDEDirectiveH = 'Hide message by inserting IDE directive {%H-}';
960   lisOIFClassNotFound = 'Class "%s" not found.';
961   lisClassIsNotARegisteredComponentClassUnableToPaste = 'Class "%s" is not '
962     +'a registered component class.%sUnable to paste.';
963   lisControlNeedsParent = 'Control needs parent';
964   lisTheClassIsATControlAndCanNotBePastedOntoANonContro = 'The class "%s" '
965     +'is a TControl and cannot be pasted onto a non control.%sUnable to paste.';
966   lisConversionError = 'Conversion error';
967   lisUnableToConvertComponentTextIntoBinaryFormat = 'Unable to convert '
968     +'component text into binary format:%s%s';
969   lisInsufficientEncoding = 'Insufficient encoding';
970   lisUnableToConvertToEncoding = 'Unable to convert to encoding "%s"';
971   lisSavingFileAsLoosesCharactersAtLineColumn = 'Saving file "%s" as "%s" '
972     +'looses characters at line %s, column %s.';
973   lisNOTECouldNotCreateDefineTemplateForLazarusSources = 'NOTE: Could not '
974     +'create Define Template for Lazarus Sources';
975   lisInvalidExpressionHintTheMakeResourcestringFunction = 'Invalid expression.%s'
976     +'Hint: The "Make Resourcestring" function expects a string constant in a '
977     +'single file. Please select the expression and try again.';
978   lisSelectionExceedsStringConstant = 'Selection exceeds string constant';
979   lisHintTheMakeResourcestringFunctionExpectsAStringCon = 'Hint: The "Make '
980     +'Resourcestring" function expects a string constant.%sPlease select the '
981     +'expression and try again.';
982   lisNoResourceStringSectionFound = 'No ResourceString Section found';
983   lisUnableToFindAResourceStringSectionInThisOrAnyOfThe = 'Unable to find a '
984     +'ResourceString section in this or any of the used units.';
985   lisComponentNameIsNotAValidIdentifier = 'Component name "%s" is not a valid identifier';
986   lisComponentNameIsAPascalKeyword = 'Component name "%s" is a Pascal keyword.';
987   lisOwnerIsAlreadyUsedByTReaderTWriterPleaseChooseAnot = '''Owner'' is '
988     +'already used by TReader/TWriter. Please choose another name.';
989   lisDuplicateNameAComponentNamedAlreadyExistsInTheInhe = 'Duplicate name: A '
990     +'component named "%s" already exists in the inherited component %s';
991   lisComponentNameIsKeyword = 'Component name "%s" is keyword';
992   lisThereIsAlreadyAComponentClassWithTheName = 'There is already a component '
993     +'class with the name %s.';
994   lisTheUnitItselfHasAlreadyTheNamePascalIdentifiersMus = 'The unit itself '
995     +'has already the name "%s". Pascal identifiers must be unique.';
996   lisUnableToRenameVariableInSource = 'Unable to rename variable in source.';
997   lisUnableToUpdateCreateFormStatementInProjectSource = 'Unable to update '
998     +'CreateForm statement in project source';
999   lisThereIsAlreadyAFormWithTheName = 'There is already a form with the name "%s"';
1000   lisThereIsAlreadyAUnitWithTheNamePascalIdentifiersMus = 'There is already a '
1001     +'unit with the name "%s". Pascal identifiers must be unique.';
1002   lisThisComponentAlreadyContainsAClassWithTheName = 'This component already '
1003     +'contains a class with the name %s.';
1004   lisSeeMessages = 'See messages.';
1005   lisError = 'Error: ';
1006   lisWarning = 'Warning: ';
1007   lisFile2 = 'File: ';
1008   lisDirectory = 'Directory: ';
1009   lisYouCanDownloadFPCAndTheFPCSourcesFromHttpSourcefor = 'You can download '
1010     +'FPC and the FPC sources from http://sourceforge.net/projects/lazarus/?'
1011     +'source=directory';
1012   lisSaveChanges = 'Save changes?';
1013   lisSaveFileBeforeClosingForm = 'Save file "%s"%sbefore closing form "%s"?';
1014   lisUnableToRenameFormInSource = 'Unable to rename form in source.';
1015   lisTheComponentIsInheritedFromToRenameAnInheritedComp = 'The component %s '
1016     +'is inherited from %s.%sTo rename an inherited component open the '
1017     +'ancestor and rename it there.';
1018   lisUnableToFindMethod = 'Unable to find method.';
1019   lisUnableToCreateNewMethod = 'Unable to create new method.';
1020   lisUnableToShowMethod = 'Unable to show method.';
1021   lisPleaseFixTheErrorInTheMessageWindow = 'Please fix the error shown in the'
1022     +' message window which is normally below the source editor.';
1023   lisMethodClassNotFound = 'Method class not found';
1024   lisClassOfMethodNotFound = 'Class "%s" of method "%s" not found.';
1025   lisUnableToRenameMethodPleaseFixTheErrorShownInTheMessag = 'Unable to rename '
1026     +'method. Please fix the error shown in the message window.';
1027   lisStopDebugging = 'Stop Debugging?';
1028   lisStopTheDebugging = 'Stop the debugging?';
1029   lisCannotFindLazarusStarter = 'Cannot find Lazarus starter:%s%s';
1030   lisFPCTooOld = 'FPC too old';
1031   lisTheProjectUsesFPCResourcesWhichRequireAtLeast = 'The project uses '
1032     +'FPC resources which require at least FPC 2.4';
1033   lisCreateDirectory = 'Create directory?';
1034   lisFileFound = 'File found';
1035   lisTheTargetDirectoryIsAFile = 'The target directory is a file:%s';
1036   lisTheOutputDirectoryIsMissing = 'The output directory "%s" is missing.';
1037   lisCreateIt = 'Create it';
1038   lisInvalidFileName = 'Invalid file name';
1039   lisTheTargetFileNameIsADirectory = 'The target file name is a directory.';
1040   lisNotAValidFppkgPrefix ='Free Pascal compiler not found at the given prefix.';
1041   lisIncorrectFppkgConfiguration = 'there is a problem with the Fppkg configuration. (%s)';
1042   lisFppkgCompilerProblem = 'there is a problem with the Free Pascal compiler executable, ';
1043   lisFppkgInstallationPath = 'The prefix of the Free Pascal Compiler installation ' +
1044     'is required. For example it has the units "%s" and/or "%s"';
1045   lisSelectFPCPath = 'Select the path where FPC is installed';
1046   lisCreateFppkgConfig = 'Restore Fppkg configuration';
1047   lisFppkgProblem = 'Problem with Fppkg configuration';
1048   lisFreePascalPrefix = 'Free Pascal compiler prefix';
1049   lisFppkgWriteConfException = 'A problem occurred while trying to create a new ' +
1050     'Fppkg configuration: %s';
1051   lisFppkgWriteConfFailed = 'Failed to create a new Fppkg configuration (%s) You ' +
1052     'will have to fix the configuration manually or reinstall Free Pascal.';
1053   lisNoFppkgPrefix = 'empty Free Pascal compiler prefix.';
1054   lisFppkgCreateFileFailed = 'Failed to generate the configuration file "%s": %s';
1055   lisFppkgRecentFpcmkcfgNeeded = 'Make sure a recent version is installed and ' +
1056     'available in the path or alongside the compiler-executable.';
1057   lisFppkgFpcmkcfgCheckFailed = 'Failed to retrieve the version of the fpcmkcfg ' +
1058     'configuration tool.';
1059   lisFppkgFpcmkcfgNeeded = 'An up-to-date version is needed to create the ' +
1060     'configuration files.';
1061   lisFppkgFpcmkcfgTooOld = 'The fpcmkcfg configuration tool it too old [%s].';
1062   lisFppkgFpcmkcfgProbTooOld = 'It is probably too old to create the configuration files.';
1063   lisFppkgFpcmkcfgMissing = 'Could not find the fpcmkcfg configuration tool, ' +
1064     'which is needed to create the configuration files.';
1065   lisFppkgRtlNotFound = 'Fppkg reports that the RTL is not installed.';
1066   lisFppkgCompilerNotFound = 'Could not find the compiler [%s] configured for Fppkg.';
1067   lisFppkgCompilerNotExists = 'The compiler [%s] configured for Fppkg does not exist.';
1068   lisFppkgCompilerNotExecutable = 'The compiler [%s] configured for Fppkg is not an executable.';
1069   lisGenerateFppkgConfigurationCaption = 'Generate new Fppkg configuration files';
1070   lisGenerateFppkgConfiguration = 'Use this screen to generate new Fppkg configuration files ' +
1071     'with the fpcmkcfg tool.';
1072   lisFppkgConfGenProblems = 'Warnings have to be resolved first';
1073   lisFppkgFilesToBeWritten = 'Files to be written:';
1074   lisGenerateFppkgCfg = 'Fppkg configuration: %s';
1075   lisGenerateFppkgCompCfg = 'Fppkg compiler configuration: %s';
1076   lisFppkgWriteConfigFile = 'Write new configuration files';
1077   lisFppkgPrefix = 'Fpc prefix: %s';
1078   lisFppkgLibPrefix = 'Fpc library prefix: %s';
1079   lisFppkgConfiguration = 'The configuration file typically has the name "fppkg.cfg". ' +
1080     'When incorrect it may be impossible to resolve dependencies on Free Pascal ' +
1081     'packages. Leave empty to use the default.';
1082   lisFppkgFixConfiguration = 'You could try to restore the configuration files automatically, ' +
1083     'or adapt the configuration file manually.';
1085   // file dialogs
1086   lisOpenFile = 'Open File';
1087   lisOpenFile2 = 'Open file';
1088   lisProjectSRaisedExceptionClassS = 'Project %s raised exception class ''%s''.';
1089   lisProjectSRaisedExceptionClassSWithMessageSS = 'Project %s raised '
1090     +'exception class ''%s'' with message:%s%s';
1091   lisProjectSRaisedExceptionInFileLineSrc = '%0:s%0:s In file ''%1:s'' at line %2:d:%0:s%3:s';
1092   lisProjectSRaisedExceptionInFileLine    = '%0:s%0:s In file ''%1:s'' at line %2:d';
1093   lisProjectSRaisedExceptionInFileAddress = '%0:s%0:s In file ''%1:s'' at address %2:x';
1094   lisProjectSRaisedExceptionAtAddress     = '%0:s%0:s At address %1:x';
1095   lisPEEditVirtualUnit = 'Edit Virtual Unit';
1096   lisIECOExportFileExists = 'Export file exists';
1097   lisIECOExportFileExistsOpenFileAndReplaceOnlyCompilerOpti = 'Export file "%s" exists.'
1098     +'%sOpen file and replace only compiler options?'
1099     +'%s(Other settings will be kept.)';
1100   lisIECOImportCompilerOptions = 'Import Compiler Options';
1101   lisIECOExportCompilerOptions = 'Export Compiler Options';
1102   lisIECOCompilerOptionsOf = 'Compiler options of';
1103   lisIECOCurrentBuildMode = 'Current build mode';
1104   lisIECOAllBuildModes = 'All build modes';
1106   lisIECOErrorOpeningXml = 'Error opening XML';
1107   lisIECOErrorOpeningXmlFile = 'Error opening XML file "%s":%s%s';
1108   lisImportingBuildModesNotSupported = 'Importing BuildModes is not supported for packages.';
1109   lisSuccessfullyImportedBuildModes = 'Successfully imported %d BuildModes from "%s".';
1110   lisSuccessfullyExportedBuildModes = 'Successfully exported %d BuildModes to "%s".';
1111   lisSuccessfullyImportedCompilerOptions = 'Successfully imported compiler options from "%s".';
1112   lisSuccessfullyExportedCompilerOptions = 'Successfully exported compiler options to "%s".';
1113   lisIECONoCompilerOptionsInFile = 'File "%s" does not contain compiler options.';
1114   lisIECORecentFiles = 'Recent files';
1115   lisIECOSaveToFile = 'Save to file';
1116   lisIECOLoadFromFile = 'Load from file';
1117   lisDebugUnableToLoadFile = 'Unable to load file';
1118   lisDebugUnableToLoadFile2 = 'Unable to load file "%s".';
1119   lisOpenProjectFile = 'Open Project File';
1120   lisSelectFile = 'Select the file';
1121   lisClickHereToBrowseTheFileHint = 'Click here to browse the file';
1122   lisOpenPackageFile = 'Open Package File';
1123   lisSaveSpace = 'Save ';
1124   lisSelectDFMFiles = 'Select Delphi form files (*.dfm)';
1125   lisChooseLazarusSourceDirectory = 'Choose Lazarus Directory';
1126   lisChooseCompilerExecutable = 'Choose compiler executable (%s)';
1127   lisChooseFPCSourceDir = 'Choose FPC source directory';
1128   lisChooseCompilerMessages = 'Choose compiler messages file';
1129   lisChooseMakeExecutable = 'Choose "make" executable';
1130   lisChooseDebuggerExecutable = 'Choose debugger executable';
1131   lisChooseTestBuildDir = 'Choose the directory for tests';
1132   lisChooseExecutable = 'Choose an executable';
1134   // dialogs
1135   lisProjectChanged = 'Project changed';
1136   lisSaveChangesToProject = 'Save changes to project %s?';
1137   lisProjectSessionChanged = 'Project session changed';
1138   lisSaveSessionChangesToProject = 'Save session changes to project %s?';
1140   lisAboutLazarus = 'About Lazarus';
1141   lisVersion = 'Version';
1142   lisVerToClipboard = 'Copy version information to clipboard';
1143   lisDate = 'Date';
1144   lisFPCVersion = 'FPC Version: ';
1145   lisRevision = 'Revision: ';
1146   lisPrior = 'prior %s';
1147   lisWelcomeToLazarusThereIsAlreadyAConfigurationFromVe = 'Welcome to Lazarus %s'
1148     +'%sThere is already a configuration from version %s in'
1149     +'%s%s';
1150   lisTheOldConfigurationWillBeUpgraded = 'The old configuration will be '
1151     +'upgraded.';
1152   lisTheConfigurationWillBeDowngradedConverted = 'The configuration will be '
1153     +'downgraded/converted.';
1154   lisIfYouWantToUseTwoDifferentLazarusVersionsYouMustSt = 'If you want to use '
1155     +'two different Lazarus versions you must start the second Lazarus with '
1156     +'the command line parameter primary-config-path or pcp.'
1157     +'%sFor example:';
1158   lisUpgradeConfiguration = 'Upgrade configuration';
1159   lisUpgrade = 'Upgrade';
1160   lisDowngradeConfiguration = 'Downgrade configuration';
1161   lisDowngrade = 'Downgrade';
1162   lisAboutLazarusMsg =
1163        'License: GPL/LGPL. See Lazarus and Free Pascal sources for license details.'
1164       +'%s'
1165       +'Lazarus is an IDE to create graphical and console applications '
1166       +'with Free Pascal. Free Pascal is a Pascal and Object Pascal '
1167       +'compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD and more.'
1168       +'%s'
1169       +'Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to '
1170       +'develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like '
1171       +'environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer.'
1172       +'%s'
1173       +'As Lazarus is growing, we need more developers.';
1174   lisAboutNoContributors = 'Cannot find contributors list.';
1175   lisUnitNameAlreadyExistsCap = 'Unitname already in project';
1176   lisTheUnitAlreadyExists = 'The unit "%s" already exists.';
1177   lisForceRenaming = 'Force renaming';
1178   lisCancelRenaming = 'Cancel renaming';
1179   lisAbortAll = 'Abort all';
1180   lisInvalidPascalIdentifierCap = 'Invalid Pascal Identifier';
1181   lisInvalidPascalIdentifierName = 'The name "%s" is not a valid Pascal identifier.'
1182       +'%sUse it anyway?';
1183   lisCopyError = 'Copy Error';
1185   lisCloseAllTabsTitle = 'Close Source Editor Window';
1186   lisCloseAllTabsQuestion = 'Closing a Source Editor Window. Do you want close all files or hide the window?';
1187   lisCloseAllTabsClose = 'Close files';
1188   lisCloseAllChecked = 'Close All Checked';
1189   lisCloseAllTabsHide = 'Hide window';
1190   lisSaveAllChecked = 'Save All Checked';
1191   lisActivate = 'Activate';
1192   lisActivateSelected = 'Activate Selected';
1194   // hints
1195   lisHintSaveAll = 'Save all';
1196   lisHintToggleFormUnit = 'Toggle Form/Unit';
1197   lisHintViewUnits = 'View Units';
1198   lisHintViewForms = 'View Forms';
1199   lisHintStepInto = 'Step Into';
1200   lisHintStepOver = 'Step Over';
1201   lisHintStepOut  = 'Run until function returns';
1203   lisGPLNotice =
1204     '<description>' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
1205    +'Copyright (C) <year> <name of author> <contact>'  + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
1206    +'This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify '
1207    +'it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by '
1208    +'the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or '
1209    +'(at your option) any later version. '  + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
1210    +'This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but '
1211    +'WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of '
1213    +'General Public License for more details. ' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
1214    +'A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World '
1215    +'Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also '
1216    +'obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation, '
1217    +'Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.';
1219   lisLGPLNotice =
1220     '<description>' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
1221    +'Copyright (C) <year> <name of author> <contact>'  + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
1222    +'This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify '
1223    +'it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published '
1224    +'by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or '
1225    +'(at your option) any later version. ' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
1226    +'This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, '
1227    +'but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of '
1229    +'GNU Library General Public License for more details. ' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
1230    +'You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License '
1231    +'along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software '
1232    +'Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.';
1234   lisModifiedLGPLNotice =
1235     '<description>' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
1236    +'Copyright (C) <year> <name of author> <contact>' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
1237    +'This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify '
1238    +'it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published '
1239    +'by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or '
1240    +'(at your option) any later version with the following modification:' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
1241    +'As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you '
1242    +'permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an '
1243    +'executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules,'
1244    +'and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your '
1245    +'choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, '
1246    +'the terms and conditions of the license of that module. An independent '
1247    +'module is a module which is not derived from or based on this library. If '
1248    +'you modify this library, you may extend this exception to your version of '
1249    +'the library, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do '
1250    +'so, delete this exception statement from your version.' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
1251    +'This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, '
1252    +'but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of '
1254    +'GNU Library General Public License for more details. ' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
1255    +'You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License '
1256    +'along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software '
1257    +'Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.';
1259   // MIT license aka Expat license see: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT
1260   lisMITNotice =
1261     '<description>' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
1262     +'Copyright (c) <year> <copyright holders>' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
1263     +'Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of '
1264     +'this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in '
1265     +'the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to '
1266     +'use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of '
1267     +'the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, '
1268     +'subject to the following conditions:' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
1269     +'The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all '
1270     +'copies or substantial portions of the Software.' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
1277     +'SOFTWARE.';
1279   // Options dialog groups
1280   dlgGroupEnvironment = 'Environment';
1281   dlgGroupEditor = 'Editor';
1282   dlgGroupCodetools = 'Codetools';
1283   dlgGroupCodeExplorer = 'Code Explorer';
1284   dlgGroupDebugger = 'Debugger';
1285   // Options dialog
1286   dlgIDEOptions = 'IDE Options';
1287   dlgBakNoSubDirectory = '(no subdirectory)';
1288   dlgEOFocusMessagesAtCompilation = 'Focus messages at compilation';
1289   lisMaximumParallelProcesses0MeansDefault = 'Maximum parallel processes, 0 '
1290     +'means default (%s)';
1291   lisShowFPCMessageLinesCompiled = 'Show FPC message "lines compiled"';
1292   lisElevateTheMessagePriorityToAlwaysShowItByDefaultIt = 'Elevate the message'
1293     +' priority to always show it (by default it has low priority "verbose")';
1294   lisMessagesWindow = 'Messages Window';
1295   lisCheckForDiskFileChangesViaContent =
1296     'Check for disk file changes via content rather than timestamp';
1297   lisSlowerButMoreAccurate = 'Slower but more accurate.';
1299   // Search dialog
1300   dlgSearchCaption = 'Searching ...';
1301   dlgSearchAbort = 'Search terminated by user.';
1302   dlgSeachDirectoryNotFound = 'Search directory "%s" not found.';
1303   lissMatches = 'Matches';
1304   lissSearching = 'Searching';
1305   lissSearchText = 'Search text';
1307   dlgWindow = 'Window';
1308   dlgFrmEditor = 'Form Editor';
1309   dlgObjInsp = 'Object Inspector';
1310   dlgEnvFiles = 'Files';
1311   dlgEnvIdeStartup = 'IDE Startup';
1312   dlgEnvBckup = 'Backup';
1313   dlgNaming = 'Naming';
1314   lisInformation = 'Information';
1315   lisQuickFixes = 'Quick fixes';
1316   lisAutoCompletionOn = 'Auto completion: on';
1317   lisAutoCompletionOff = 'Auto completion: off';
1318   lisSAMSelectNone = 'Select none';
1319   lisKMClassic = 'Classic';
1320   lisKMLazarusDefault = 'Lazarus default';
1321   lisKMMacOSXApple = 'macOS, Apple style';
1322   lisKMMacOSXLaz = 'macOS, Lazarus style';
1323   lisKMDefaultToOSX = 'Default adapted to macOS';
1324   lisPEFilename = 'Filename:';
1325   lisPEUnitname = 'Unitname:';
1326   lisPVUTheUnitnameIsUsedWhenTheIDEExtendsUsesClauses = 'The unitname is used '
1327     +'when the IDE extends uses clauses';
1328   lisPEInvalidUnitFilename = 'Invalid unit filename';
1329   lisPVUAPascalUnitMustHaveTheExtensionPpOrPas = 'A Pascal unit must have the '
1330     +'extension .pp or .pas';
1331   lisPEInvalidUnitname = 'Invalid unitname';
1332   lisPVUTheUnitnameIsNotAValidPascalIdentifier = 'The unitname is not a valid '
1333     +'Pascal identifier.';
1334   lisPVUUnitnameAndFilenameDoNotMatchExampleUnit1PasAndUni = 'Unitname and '
1335     +'Filename do not match.%sExample: unit1.pas and Unit1';
1336   lisPEConflictFound = 'Conflict found';
1337   lisPVUThereIsAlreadyAnUnitWithThisNameFile = 'There is already an unit with '
1338     +'this name.%sFile: %s';
1339   lisCMParameter = 'Parameter';
1340   lisInsertMacro = 'Insert Macro';
1341   lisCTPleaseSelectAMacro = 'please select a macro';
1342   dlgEnvProject = 'Tabs for project';
1343   lisCenterALostWindow = 'Center a lost window';
1344   lisNumberOfFilesToConvert = 'Number of files to convert: %s';
1345   lisConvertEncoding = 'Convert Encoding';
1346   lisConvertProjectOrPackage = 'Convert project or package';
1347   lisNewEncoding = 'New encoding:';
1348   lisFileFilter = 'File filter';
1349   lisFilesInASCIIOrUTF8Encoding = 'Files in ASCII or UTF-8 encoding';
1350   lisFilesNotInASCIINorUTF8Encoding = 'Files not in ASCII nor UTF-8 encoding';
1351   podAddPackageUnitToUsesSection = 'Add package unit to uses section';
1352   lisLPKCompatibilityModeCheckBox = 'Maximize compatibility of package file (LPK)';
1353   lisLPKCompatibilityModeCheckBoxHint = 'Check this if you want to open your package in legacy (2.0 and older) Lazarus versions.';
1354   lisCodeBrowser = 'Code Browser';
1356   // IDE General options
1357   dlgEnvLanguage = 'Language';
1358   dlgEnvLanguageHint = 'Language of all IDE strings. Restart IDE after changing it for best result.';
1359   dlgCheckAndAutoSaveFiles = 'Check and Auto Save Files';
1360   lisAskBeforeSavingProjectSSession = 'Ask before saving project''s session';
1361   lisIfOnlySessionInfoChangedThenAsk = 'If only the session info changed, ask about saving it.';
1362   dlgEdFiles = 'Editor Files';
1363   dlgIntvInSec = 'Interval in secs';
1364   dlgDesktopHints = 'Hints';
1365   dlgDesktopButtons = 'Buttons - ';
1366   dlgDesktopMenus = 'Menus - ';
1367   dlgPalHints = 'Hints for component palette';
1368   dlgSpBHints = 'Hints for main speed buttons (open, save, ...)';
1369   dlgMouseAction = 'Mouse Action';
1370   dlgPreferDoubleClickOverSingleClick = 'Prefer double-click over single-click';
1371   dlgCurrentlyRespectedByMessagesWindow = 'Currently respected by messages window, '
1372     +'jump history and search results.';
1373   lisExportEnvironmentOptions = 'Export environment options';
1374   lisImportEnvironmentOptions = 'Import environment options';
1375   lisComboBoxes = 'Combo Boxes';
1376   lisDropDownCount = 'Drop Down Count';
1378   // Desktop options
1379   dlgManageDesktops = 'Manage desktops';
1380   dlgSaveCurrentDesktop = 'Save current desktop';
1381   dlgSaveCurrentDesktopAs = 'Save current desktop as';
1382   dlgSaveCurrentDesktopAsBtnCaption = 'Save active desktop as ...';
1383   dlgSaveCurrentDesktopAsBtnHint = 'Save active desktop as';
1384   dlgDeleteSelectedDesktopBtnCaption = 'Delete';
1385   dlgDeleteSelectedDesktopBtnHint = 'Delete selected desktop';
1386   dlgRenameSelectedDesktopBtnCaption = 'Rename';
1387   dlgRenameSelectedDesktopBtnHint = 'Rename selected desktop';
1388   dlgReallyDeleteDesktop = 'Really delete desktop "%s"?';
1389   dlgCannotUseDockedUndockedDesktop = 'You cannot use docked desktop in undocked environment and vice versa.';
1390   dlgRenameDesktop = 'Rename desktop';
1391   dlgNewDesktop = 'New desktop ...';
1392   dlgSetActiveDesktopBtnCaption = 'Set active';
1393   dlgSetActiveDesktopBtnHint = 'Set active';
1394   dlgToggleDebugDesktopBtnCaption = 'Toggle as debug desktop';
1395   dlgToggleDebugDesktopBtnHint = 'Toggle as debug desktop';
1396   dlgDesktopName = 'Desktop name';
1397   dlgOverwriteDesktop = 'Desktop with the name "%s" was found.'+sLineBreak+'Should the old desktop be overwritten?';
1398   dlgDebugDesktop = 'debug';
1399   dlgActiveDesktop = 'active';
1400   dlgImportDesktopExists = 'A desktop with the same name already exists.'+sLineBreak+'Please confirm the desktop name:';
1401   dlgDesktopsImported = '%d desktop(s) successfully imported from "%s"';
1402   dlgDesktopsExported = '%d desktop(s) successfully exported to "%s"';
1403   lisExportSelected = 'Export selected';
1404   lisExportAll = 'Export all';
1405   dlgGrayedDesktopsDocked = 'Grayed desktops are for docked environment.';
1406   dlgGrayedDesktopsUndocked = 'Grayed desktops are for undocked environment.';
1407   dlgAutoSaveActiveDesktop = 'Auto save active desktop';
1408   dlgAutoSaveActiveDesktopHint = 'Save active desktop on IDE close'+sLineBreak+'Save debug desktop on IDE close and debug end';
1409   dlgAssociatedDebugDesktop = 'Associated debug desktop for "%s"';
1410   dlgAssociatedDebugDesktopHint = 'If you select the desktop, the associated debug desktop will be selected as well.';
1412   // Window options
1413   dlgShowingWindows = 'Showing Windows';
1414   dlgSingleTaskBarButton  = 'Show single button in TaskBar';
1415   dlgHideIDEOnRun = 'Hide IDE windows on run';
1416   dlgHideIDEOnRunHint = 'Do not show the IDE at all while program is running.';
1417   lisShowOnlyOneButtonInTheTaskbarForTheWholeIDEInstead = 'Show only one '
1418     +'button in the taskbar for the whole IDE instead of one per window. Some'
1419     +' Linux Window Managers like Cinnamon do not support this and always show'
1420     +' one button per window.';
1421   lisIDETitleStartsWithProjectName = 'IDE title starts with project name';
1422   lisIDETitleShowsProjectDir = 'IDE title shows project directory';
1423   lisIDETitleShowsBuildMode = 'IDE title shows selected build mode';
1424   lisAutoAdjustIDEHeight = 'Automatically adjust IDE main window height';
1425   lisAutoAdjustIDEHeightHint = '';
1426   lisAutoAdjustIDEHeightFullComponentPalette = 'Show complete component palette';
1427   lisAutoAdjustIDEHeightFullComponentPaletteHint =
1428     'If component palette spans over more lines, show them all and not only one.';
1429   lisWindowMenuWithNameForDesignedForm = 'Window menu shows designed form''s name instead of caption';
1430   lisWindowMenuWithNameForDesignedFormHint = 'Useful especially if the caption is left empty.';
1431   lisTitleInTaskbarShowsForExampleProject1LpiLazarus = 'Title in taskbar '
1432     +'shows for example: project1.lpi - Lazarus';
1433   lisBuildModeInTitleInExample = 'Title in taskbar '
1434     +'shows for example: project1.lpi - Release - Lazarus';
1435   lisProjectDirectoryIsShowedInIdeTitleBar = 'Title in taskbar '
1436     +'shows also directory path of the project';
1438   // Message window options
1439   dlgShowMessagesIcons = 'Show Messages Icons';
1440   dlgAnIconForErrorWarningHintIsShown = 'An icon for error/warning/hint is shown '
1441     +'in front of a message. The same icon shows in source editor gutter in any case.';
1442   lisAlwaysDrawSelectedItemsFocused = 'Always draw selected items focused';
1443   lisDrawTheSelectionFocusedEvenIfTheMessagesWindowHasN = 'Draw the selection '
1444     +'focused even if the Messages window has no focus. Use this if your '
1445     +'theme has a hardly visible unfocused drawing.';
1446   lisEditorColors = 'Editor Colors';
1447   lisPastelColors = 'Pastel Colors';
1449   dlgMainMenu = 'Main Menu';
1450   dlgSrcEdit = 'Source Editor';
1451   dlgMsgs = 'Messages';
1452   dlgProjFiles = 'Project Files';
1453   dlgEnvType = 'Type';
1454   dlgEnvNone = 'None';
1455   srkmecKeyMapLeft = 'Left';
1456   srkmecKeyMapRight = 'Right';
1457   dlgSmbFront = 'Symbol in front (.~pp)';
1458   lisNoBackupFiles = 'No backup files';
1459   dlgSmbBehind = 'Symbol behind (.pp~)';
1460   dlgSmbCounter = 'Counter (.pp;1)';
1461   dlgCustomExt = 'User defined extension (.pp.xxx)';
1462   dlgBckUpSubDir = 'Same name (in subdirectory)';
1463   dlgEdCustomExt = 'User defined extension';
1464   dlgMaxCntr = 'Maximum counter';
1465   dlgEdBSubDir = 'Sub directory';
1466   dlgEnvOtherFiles = 'Other Files';
1467   dlgMaxRecentFiles = 'Max recent files';
1468   dlgMaxRecentProjs = 'Max recent project files';
1469   dlgMaxRecentHint = 'Value 0 means unlimited.';
1470   dlgLazarusDir = 'Lazarus directory (default for all projects)';
1471   dlgFpcExecutable = 'Compiler executable (e.g. %s)';
1472   dlgFpcSrcPath = 'FPC source directory';
1473   dlgMakeExecutable = '"Make" executable';
1474   dlgCompilerMessages = 'Compiler messages language file (*.msg)';
1475   dlgFppkgConfigurationFile = 'Fppkg configuration file (e.g. fppkg.cfg)';
1476   lisSetThisToTranslateTheCompilerMessagesToAnotherLang = 'Set this to '
1477     +'translate the compiler messages to another language (i.e. not English). '
1478     +'For example: German: $(FPCSrcDir)/compiler/msg/errordu.msg.';
1479   dlgDebugType = 'Debugger type and path';
1480   dlgTestPrjDir = 'Directory for building test projects';
1482   dlgQShowGrid = 'Show grid';
1483   dlgGridConsistsOfSmallDots = 'Grid consists of small dots which help aligning controls.';
1484   dlgQShowBorderSpacing = 'Show border spacing';
1485   dlgBorderSpaceCanBeSetInAnchorEditor = 'Border space can be set in Anchor editor. '
1486     +'A red line is shown if spacing > 0.';
1487   dlgQSnapToGrid = 'Snap to grid';
1488   dlgDistanceBetweenGridPointsIsSmallestStep = 'Distance between grid points is '
1489     +'the smallest step when moving a control.';
1490   dlgGridX = 'Grid size X';
1491   dlgGridXHint = 'Horizontal grid step size';
1492   dlgGridY = 'Grid size Y';
1493   dlgGridYHint = 'Vertical grid step size';
1494   dlgGuideLines = 'Show Guide Lines';
1495   dlgGuideLinesHint = 'When a control is aligned horizontally or vertically '
1496     +'with another controls, a blue guide line is shown.';
1497   dlgSnapGuideLines = 'Snap to Guide Lines';
1498   dlgSnapGuideLinesHint = 'When a control is close to being aligned '
1499     +'with another control, it snaps to the aligned position.';
1500   dlgGridColor = 'Grid color';
1501   dlgLeftTopClr = 'Guide lines Left,Top';
1502   dlgRightBottomClr = 'Guide lines Right,Bottom';
1503   dlgGrabberColor = 'Grabber color';
1504   dlgMarkerColor = 'Marker color';
1505   dlgNonFormBackgroundColor = 'Other Designer background color (e. g. TDataModule)';
1506   dlgRuberbandSelectionColor = 'Rubberband Selection';
1507   dlgRuberbandCreationColor = 'Rubberband Creation';
1508   dlgRubberbandSelectsGrandChildren = 'Select grandchildren';
1509   dlgSelectAllChildControls = 'Select all child controls together with their parent.';
1510   dlgShowCaptionsOfNonVisuals = 'Show captions of nonvisual components';
1511   dlgDrawComponentsNameBelowIt = 'Draw the component''s name below it.';
1512   dlgShowDesignerHints = 'Show designer hints';
1513   dlgShowDesignerHintsHint = 'Hint shows control''s position or size while moving or resizing it.';
1514   lisOpenDesignerOnOpenUnit = 'Open designer on open unit';
1515   lisOpenDesignerOnOpenUnitHint = 'Form is loaded in designer always when source unit is opened.';
1516   dlgrightClickSelects = 'Right click selects';
1517   dlgComponentUnderMouseCursorIsFirstSelected = 'Component under mouse cursor '
1518     +'is first selected, then the popup menu commands work on it.';
1519   lisAskNameOnCreate = 'Ask name on create';
1520   lisAskForComponentNameAfterPuttingItOnForm = 'Ask for component '
1521     +'name after putting it on a designer form.';
1522   lisOFESwitchToObjectInspectorFavoritesTab = 'Switch to Object Inspector Favorites tab';
1523   lisSwitchToFavoritesTabAfterAsking = 'Switch to Favorites tab after asking for component name.';
1524   dlgCheckPackagesOnFormCreate = 'Check packages on form create';
1525   dlgCheckPackagesOnFormCreateHint = 'The form may require a package to work. '
1526     +'Install such a package automatically.';
1527   dlgFormTitleBarChangesObjectInspector = 'Change Object Inspector contents on clicking form title bar';
1528   dlgFormTitleBarChangesObjectInspectorHint = 'Show a form''s properties in Object Inspector '
1529     +'by clicking on its title bar.';
1530   dlgForceDPIScalingInDesignTime = 'Force DPI scaling in design-time';
1531   dlgForceDPIScalingInDesignTimeHint = 'When checked the project scaling settings will be ignored - only the form/frame/datamodule Scaled property will be taken into account.';
1533   dlgEnvGrid = 'Grid';
1534   dlgEnvLGuideLines = 'Guide lines';
1535   dlgEnvMisc = 'Miscellaneous';
1536   dlgPasExt = 'Default Pascal extension';
1537   dlgCharCaseFileAct = 'Save As - auto rename Pascal files lower case';
1538   dlgAmbigFileAct = 'Ambiguous file action:';
1539   dlgEnvAsk = 'Ask';
1540   dlgAutoDel = 'Auto delete file';
1541   dlgAutoRen = 'Auto rename file lowercase';
1542   dlgnoAutomaticRenaming = 'No automatic renaming';
1543   lisWhenAUnitIsRenamedUpdateReferences = 'When a unit is renamed, update references';
1544   dlgAmbigWarn = 'Warn on compile';
1545   lisAlwaysIgnore = 'Always ignore';
1546   // OI colors
1547   dlgBackColor = 'Background';
1548   lisToolHeaderRunning = 'Tool Header: Running';
1549   lisToolHeaderSuccess = 'Tool Header: Success';
1550   lisToolHeaderFailed = 'Tool Header: Failed';
1551   lisToolHeaderScrolledUp = 'Tool Header: Scrolled up';
1552   dlgSubPropColor = 'SubProperties';
1553   dlgReferenceColor = 'Reference';
1554   lisAllBuildModes = '<All build modes>';
1555   lisNameOfActiveBuildMode = 'Name of active build mode';
1556   dlfReadOnlyColor = 'Read Only';
1557   dlgHighlightColor = 'Highlight Color';
1558   dlgHighlightFontColor = 'Highlight Font Color';
1559   dlgValueColor = 'Value';
1560   dlgDefValueColor = 'Default Value';
1561   dlgDifferentValueBackgroundColor = 'Different values background';
1562   dlgPropNameColor = 'Property Name';
1563   dlgGutterEdgeColor = 'Gutter Edge Color';
1565   liswlProperties = '&Properties';
1566   liswlDIsableAll = 'D&isable All';
1567   liswlENableAll = 'E&nable All';
1568   liswlDeLeteAll = 'De&lete All';
1569   liswlInspectPane = 'Inspect pane';
1571   dlgOIMiscellaneous = 'Miscellaneous';
1572   dlgOISpeedSettings = 'Speed settings';
1573   dlgOIItemHeight = 'Item height (0 = auto)';
1574   dlgHeightOfOnePropertyInGrid = 'Height of one property in the grid.';
1575   dlgOIUseDefaultLazarusSettings = 'Use default Lazarus settings';
1576   dlgOIUseDefaultDelphiSettings = 'Use default Delphi settings';
1577   lisShowComponentTreeInObjectInspector = 'Show component tree';
1578   lisShowsAllControlsInTreeHierarchy = 'Shows all controls in tree hierarchy.';
1579   lisShowHintsInObjectInspector = 'Show hints';
1580   lisHintAtPropertysNameShowsDescription = 'A hint at property''s name shows its description.';
1581   lisUseCheckboxForBooleanValues = 'Use CheckBox for Boolean values';
1582   lisDefaultIsComboboxWithTrueAndFalse = 'The default is ComboBox with "True" and "False" selections';
1583   lisAutoShowObjectInspector = 'Auto show';
1584   lisObjectInspectorBecomesVisible = 'Object Inspector becomes visible '
1585     +'when components are selected in designer.';
1586   lisBoldNonDefaultObjectInspector = 'Bold non default values';
1587   lisValuesThatAreChangedFromDefault = 'Values that are changed from the default '
1588     +'are stored in .lfm file and are shown differently in Object Inspector.';
1589   lisDrawGridLinesObjectInspector = 'Draw grid lines';
1590   lisHorizontalLinesBetweenProperties = 'Horizontal lines between properties.';
1591   lisShowGutterInObjectInspector = 'Show gutter';
1592   lisShowStatusBarInObjectInspector = 'Show statusbar';
1593   lisStatusBarShowsPropertysNameAndClass = 'Statusbar shows the property''s '
1594     +'name and the class where it is published.';
1595   lisShowInfoBoxInObjectInspector = 'Show information box';
1596   lisShowsDescriptionForSelectedProperty = 'A box at the bottom shows '
1597     +'description for the selected property.';
1598   lisShowPropertyFilterInObjectInspector = 'Show property filter';
1600   dlgEnvBackupHelpNote = 'Notes: Project files are all files in the project directory';
1601   lisEnvOptDlgInvalidDebuggerFilename = 'Invalid debugger filename';
1602   lisEnvOptDlgInvalidDebuggerFilenameMsg = 'The debugger file "%s" is not an executable.';
1603   lisEnvOptDlgDirectoryNotFound = 'Directory not found';
1604   lisDirectoryNotFound = 'Directory "%s" not found.';
1605   lisRemoveFromSearchPath = 'Remove from search path';
1606   lisTheDirectoryWasNotFound = 'The directory %s was not found.';
1607   lisInstallationFailed = 'Installation failed';
1608   lisPkgMangThePackageFailedToCompileRemoveItFromTheInstallati = 'The package "%s" '
1609     +'failed to compile.%sRemove it from the installation list?';
1610   lisEnvOptDlgTestDirNotFoundMsg = 'Test directory "%s" not found.';
1612   // Ide Startup options
1613   dlgFileAssociationInOS = 'Opening Files from OS';
1614   dlgLazarusInstances = 'Lazarus instances';
1615   dlgMultipleInstances_AlwaysStartNew = 'always start a new instance';
1616   dlgMultipleInstances_OpenFilesInRunning = 'open files in a running instance';
1617   dlgMultipleInstances_ForceSingleInstance = 'do not allow multiple instances';
1618   dlgRunningInstanceModalError = 'The running Lazarus instance cannot accept any files.'
1619     +sLineBreak+'Do you want to open them in a new IDE instance?'+sLineBreak+sLineBreak+'%s';
1620   dlgForceUniqueInstanceModalError = 'The running Lazarus instance cannot accept any files.';
1621   dlgRunningInstanceNotRespondingError = 'Lazarus instance is running but not responding.';
1622   dlgProjectToOpenOrCreate = 'Project to Open or Create';
1623   dlgQOpenLastPrj = 'Open last project and packages at start';
1624   dlgNewProjectType = 'New Project Type';
1626   // open-dialog filters
1627   dlgFilterAll = 'All files';
1628   dlgFilterXML = 'XML files';
1629   dlgFilterHTML = 'HTML files';
1630   dlgFilterPrograms = 'Programs';
1631   dlgFilterExecutable = 'Executable';
1632   dlgFilterLazarusFile = 'Lazarus file';
1633   dlgFilterLazarusEditorFile = 'Editor file types';
1634   dlgFilterLazarusUnit = 'Lazarus unit';
1635   dlgFilterLazarusInclude = 'Lazarus include file';
1636   dlgFilterLazarusProject = 'Lazarus project';
1637   dlgFilterLazarusForm = 'Lazarus form';
1638   dlgFilterLazarusPackage = 'Lazarus package';
1639   dlgFilterLazarusProjectSource = 'Lazarus project source';
1640   dlgFilterLazarusOtherFile = 'Lazarus other file';
1641   dlgFilterLazarusSession = 'Lazarus session';
1642   dlgFilterLazarusDesktopSettings = 'Lazarus Desktop Settings';
1643   dlgFilterDelphiUnit = 'Delphi unit';
1644   dlgFilterDelphiProject = 'Delphi project';
1645   dlgFilterDelphiPackage = 'Delphi package';
1646   dlgFilterDelphiForm = 'Delphi form';
1647   dlgFilterPascalFile = 'Pascal file';
1648   dlgFilterDciFile = 'DCI file';
1649   dlgFilterFPCMessageFile = 'FPC message file';
1650   dlgFilterCodetoolsTemplateFile = 'CodeTools template file';
1651   dlgFilterImagesPng = 'PNG images';
1652   dlgFilterImagesBitmap = 'Bitmap images';
1653   dlgFilterImagesPixmap = 'Pixmap images';
1655   // editor options
1656   dlgEdMisc = 'Miscellaneous';
1657   dlgEdTabIndent = 'Tab and Indent';
1658   dlgEdDisplay = 'Display';
1659   dlgKeyMapping = 'Key Mappings';
1660   dlgKeyMappingErrors = 'Key mapping errors';
1661   dlgEdBack = 'Back';
1662   dlgReport = 'Report';
1663   dlgDelTemplate = 'Delete template ';
1664   dlgChsCodeTempl = 'Choose code template file (*.dci)';
1665   lisPkgMgrNew = 'new';
1666   lisPkgMgrRemove = 'remove';
1667   lisPkgMgrKeep = 'keep';
1668   lisConfirmNewPackageSetForTheIDE = 'Confirm new package set for the IDE';
1669   lisConfirmPackageNewPackageSet = 'New package set';
1670   lisConfirmPackageOldPackageSet = 'Old package set';
1671   lisConfirmPackageAction = 'Action';
1672   lisSaveFileAs = 'Save file as';
1673   lisOpenExistingFile = 'Open existing file';
1675   dlgUndoGroupOptions = 'Undo / Redo';
1676   dlgScrollGroupOptions = 'Scrolling';
1677   dlgIndentsTabsGroupOptions = 'Tabs';
1678   dlgIndentsIndentGroupOptions = 'Indent';
1679   dlgCommentIndentGroupOptions = 'Comments and Strings';
1680   dlgCaretGroupOptions = 'Caret (Text Cursor)';
1681   dlgMultiCaretGroupOptions = 'Multi-caret';
1682   dlgBlockGroupOptions = 'Selection';
1683   dlgAlwaysVisibleCursor = 'Always keep caret in visible area of editor';
1684   dlgAutoIndent = 'Auto indent';
1685   dlgAutoIndentLink = '(Set up smart indent)';
1686   dlgAutoHideCursor  = 'Hide mouse pointer when typing';
1687   dlgGroupUndo = 'Group Undo';
1688   dlgHalfPageScroll = 'Half page scroll';
1689   dlgKeepCursorX = 'Keep caret X position when navigating up/down';
1690   dlgPersistentCursor = 'Visible caret in unfocused editor';
1691   dlgPersistentCursorNoBlink = 'Caret in unfocused editor does not blink';
1692   dlgPersistentBlock = 'Persistent block';
1693   dlgOverwriteBlock = 'Overwrite block';
1694   dlgCursorSkipsSelection = 'Caret skips selection';
1695   dlgCursorMoveClearsSelection = 'Caret left/right clears selection (no move)';
1696   dlgCursorSkipsTab = 'Caret skips tabs';
1697   dlgScrollByOneLess = 'Scroll by one less';
1698   dlgScrollPastEndFile = 'Scroll past end of file';
1699   dlgScrollPastEndLine = 'Allow caret to move past end of line';
1700   dlgScrollHint = 'Show scroll hint';
1701   lisShowSpecialCharacters = 'Show special characters';
1702   dlgCloseButtonsNotebook = 'Show close buttons in notebook';
1703   dlgMiddleTabCloseOtherPagesMod = 'Middle-click-modifier to close all other tabs';
1704   dlgMiddleTabCloseRightPagesMod = 'Middle-click-modifier to close tabs on the right';
1705   dlgShowFileNameInCaption = 'Show file name in caption';
1706   dlgSourceEditTabMultiLine = 'Multiline tabs';
1707   dlgHideSingleTabInNotebook = 'Hide tab in single page windows';
1708   dlgTabNumbersNotebook = 'Show tab numbers in notebook';
1709   dlgNotebookTabPos = 'Source notebook tabs position';
1710   lisNotebookTabPosTop = 'Top';
1711   lisNotebookTabPosBottom = 'Bottom';
1712   lisNotebookTabPosLeft = 'Left';
1713   lisNotebookTabPosRight = 'Right';
1714   dlgUseTabsHistory = 'Use tab history when closing tabs';
1715   dlgShowGutterHints = 'Show gutter hints';
1716   dlgSmartTabs = 'Smart tabs';
1717   dlgTabsToSpaces = 'Tabs to spaces';
1718   dlgTabIndent = 'Tab indents blocks';
1719   dlgTrimTrailingSpaces = 'Trim trailing spaces';
1720   dlgAnsiCommentTab = 'Ansi (* *)';
1721   dlgCurlyCommentTab = 'Curly { }';
1722   dlgSlashCommentTab = 'Slash //';
1723   dlgStringBreakIndentTab = 'String ''''';
1725   dlgCommentContinue = 'Prefix comments on linebreak';
1726   dlgCommentContinueMatch  = 'Match current line';
1727   dlgCommentContinuePrefix = 'Prefix new line';
1728   dlgCommentAlignMaxDefault = 'Max indent for new line if prefix is based on start of comment on first comment line:';
1729   dlgCommentAlignMaxToken   = 'Limit indent to';
1730   dlgCommentContinueMatchText = 'Match text after token "%s"';
1731   dlgCommentContinueMatchToken = 'Match text including token "%s"';
1732   dlgCommentContinueMatchLine = 'Match whole line';
1733   dlgCommentContinueMatchAsterisk = 'Match text including "*" of token "(*"';
1734   dlgCommentContinuePrefixIndDefault = 'Align Prefix at indent of previous line';
1735   dlgCommentContinuePrefixIndMatch = 'Align Prefix below start of comment on first comment line';
1736   dlgCommentContinuePrefixIndNone = 'Do not indent prefix';
1737   dlgCommentShlashExtendMatch = 'Extend if matched';
1738   dlgCommentShlashExtendMatchSplit = 'Extend if matched and caret in the middle of text (not at EOL)';
1739   dlgCommentShlashExtendAlways = 'Extend if matched or not matched';
1740   dlgCommentShlashExtendAlwaysSplit = 'Extend if matched or not matched (not at EOL)';
1741   dlgStringEnableAutoContinue = 'Extend strings on linebreak';
1742   dlgStringAutoAppend = 'Append text to close string';
1743   dlgStringAutoPrefix = 'Prefix string on new line';
1745   dlgUndoAfterSave = 'Undo after save';
1746   dlgFindTextatCursor = 'Find text at cursor';
1747   dlgUseHighlight = 'Use Highlight';
1748   dlgUseSyntaxHighlight = 'Use syntax highlight';
1749   dlgUseCodeFolding = 'Code Folding';
1750   dlgCodeFoldEnableFold = 'Fold';
1751   dlgCodeFoldEnableHide = 'Hide';
1752   dlgCodeFoldEnableBoth = 'Both';
1753   dlgCodeFoldPopUpOrder = 'Reverse fold-order in Popup';
1754   dlfMousePredefinedScheme = 'Use predefined scheme';
1755   dlfNoPredefinedScheme = '< None >';
1756   dlfMouseSimpleGenericSect = 'General';
1757   dlfMouseSimpleGutterSect = 'Gutter';
1758   dlfMouseSimpleGutterLeftDown = 'Standard, All actions (breakpoint, fold) on mouse down';
1759   dlfMouseSimpleGutterLeftUp = 'Extended, Actions (breakpoint, fold) on mouse up. Selection on mouse down and move';
1760   dlfMouseSimpleGutterLeftUpRight = 'Extended, Actions, right gutter half only';
1761   dlfMouseSimpleGutterLines = 'Use line numbers to select lines';
1762   dlfMouseSimpleTextSect = 'Text';
1763   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectDrag = 'Drag selection (copy/paste)';
1764   dlfMouseSimpleRightMoveCaret = 'Right button click includes caret move';
1765   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectMidLabel = 'Middle Button';
1766   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectWheelLabel = 'Wheel';
1767   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectRightLabel = 'Right Button';
1768   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectExtra1Label = 'Extra-1 Button';
1769   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectExtra2Label = 'Extra-2 Button';
1770   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectCtrlWheelLabel = 'Ctrl Wheel';
1771   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectAltWheelLabel = 'Alt Wheel';
1772   dlfMouseSimpleTextShiftSectWheelLabel = 'Shift Wheel';
1773   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectAltCtrlWheelLabel = 'Alt-Ctrl Wheel';
1774   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectShiftAltWheelLabel = 'Shift-Alt Wheel';
1775   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectShiftCtrlWheelLabel = 'Shift-Ctrl Wheel';
1776   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectShiftAltCtrlWheelLabel = 'Shift-Alt-Ctrl';
1778   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectPageLMod = 'Left 1';
1779   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectPageLMulti = 'Left 2';
1780   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectPageBtn = 'Middle';
1781   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectPageWheel = 'Wheel';
1782   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectPageHorizWheel = 'Horizontal-Wheel';
1783   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectPageRight = 'Right';
1784   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectPageExtra1 = 'Extra 1';
1785   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectPageExtra2 = 'Extra 2';
1787   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectLDoubleLabel      = 'Double';
1788   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectLTripleLabel      = 'Triple';
1789   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectLQuadLabel        = 'Quad';
1790   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectLDoubleShiftLabel = 'Shift Double';
1791   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectLDoubleAltLabel   = 'Alt Double';
1792   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectLDoubleCtrlLabel  = 'Ctrl Double';
1793   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectShiftLabel        = 'Shift Button';
1794   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectAltLabel          = 'Alt Button';
1795   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectCtrlLabel         = 'Ctrl Button';
1796   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectAltCtrlLabel      = 'Alt-Ctrl Button';
1797   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectShiftAltLabel     = 'Shift-Alt Button';
1798   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectShiftCtrlLabel    = 'Shift-Ctrl Button';
1799   dlfMouseSimpleTextSectShiftAltCtrlLabel = 'Shift-Alt-Ctrl Button';
1801   dlfMouseSimpleButtonNothing          = 'Nothing/Default';
1802   dlfMouseSimpleButtonSelContinuePlain = 'Continue %0:s';
1803   dlfMouseSimpleButtonSelContinue      = 'Continue %0:s (Bound to: %1:s)';
1804   dlfMouseSimpleButtonSelect           = 'Select text';
1805   dlfMouseSimpleButtonSelectColumn     = 'Select text (Column mode)';
1806   dlfMouseSimpleButtonSelectLine       = 'Select text (Line mode)';
1807   dlfMouseSimpleButtonSelectByToken    = 'Select text (tokens)';
1808   dlfMouseSimpleButtonSelectByWord     = 'Select text (words)';
1809   dlfMouseSimpleButtonSelectByLine     = 'Select text (lines)';
1810   dlfMouseSimpleButtonSetWord          = 'Select current Word';
1811   dlfMouseSimpleButtonSetLineSmart     = 'Select current Line (Text)';
1812   dlfMouseSimpleButtonSetLineFull      = 'Select current Line (Full)';
1813   dlfMouseSimpleButtonSetPara          = 'Select current Paragraph';
1814   dlfMouseSimpleButtonPaste            = 'Paste';
1815   dlfMouseSimpleButtonDeclaration      = 'Jumps to implementation';
1816   dlfMouseSimpleButtonDeclarationBlock = 'Jumps to implementation/other block end';
1817   dlfMouseSimpleButtonAddHistoryPoint  = 'Add history point';
1818   dlfMouseSimpleButtonHistBack = 'History back';
1819   dlfMouseSimpleButtonHistForw = 'History forward';
1820   dlfMouseSimpleButtonSetFreeBookmark  = 'Set free bookmark';
1821   dlfMouseSimpleButtonZoomReset        = 'Reset zoom';
1822   dlfMouseSimpleButtonContextMenu      = 'Context Menu';
1823   dlfMouseSimpleButtonContextMenuDbg   = 'Context Menu (debug)';
1824   dlfMouseSimpleButtonContextMenuTab   = 'Context Menu (tab)';
1825   dlfMouseSimpleButtonMultiCaretToggle = 'Toggle extra Caret';
1827   dlfMouseSimpleWheelNothing           = 'Nothing/Default';
1828   dlfMouseSimpleWheelSrollDef          = 'Scroll (System speed)';
1829   dlfMouseSimpleWheelSrollLine         = 'Scroll (Single line)';
1830   dlfMouseSimpleWheelSrollPage         = 'Scroll (Page)';
1831   dlfMouseSimpleWheelSrollPageLess     = 'Scroll (Page, less one line)';
1832   dlfMouseSimpleWheelSrollPageHalf     = 'Scroll (Half page)';
1833   dlfMouseSimpleWheelHSrollDef         = 'Scroll horizontal (System speed)';
1834   dlfMouseSimpleWheelHSrollLine        = 'Scroll horizontal (Single line)';
1835   dlfMouseSimpleWheelHSrollPage        = 'Scroll horizontal (Page)';
1836   dlfMouseSimpleWheelHSrollPageLess    = 'Scroll horizontal (Page, less one line)';
1837   dlfMouseSimpleWheelHSrollPageHalf    = 'Scroll horizontal (Half page)';
1838   dlfMouseSimpleWheelZoom              = 'Zoom';
1840   dlfMouseSimpleWarning = 'You have unsaved changes. Using this page will undo changes made on the advanced page';
1841   dlfMouseSimpleDiff = 'This page does not represent your current settings. See advanced page. Use this page to reset any advanced changes';
1842   dlfMouseResetAll = 'Reset all settings';
1843   dlfMouseResetText = 'Reset all text settings';
1844   dlfMouseResetGutter = 'Reset all gutter settings';
1846   dlgMouseOptions = 'Mouse';
1847   dlgMouseOptionsAdv = 'Advanced';
1848   dlgMouseOptNodeAll = 'All';
1849   dlgMouseOptNodeMain = 'Text';
1850   dlgMouseOptNodeSelect = 'Selection';
1851   dlgMouseOptNodeGutter = 'Gutter';
1852   dlgMouseOptNodeGutterFold = 'Fold Tree';
1853   dlgMouseOptNodeGutterFoldCol = 'Collapsed [+]';
1854   dlgMouseOptNodeGutterFoldExp = 'Expanded [-]';
1855   dlgMouseOptNodeGutterLines = 'Line Numbers';
1856   dlgMouseOptNodeGutterChanges = 'Line Changes';
1857   dlgMouseOptNodeGutterLineOverview = 'Overview';
1858   dlgMouseOptNodeGutterLineOverviewMarks = 'Overview Mark';
1859   dlgMouseOptHeadOrder = 'Order';
1860   dlgMouseOptHeadContext = 'Context';
1861   dlgMouseOptHeadDesc = 'Action';
1862   dlgMouseOptHeadBtn = 'Button';
1863   dlgMouseOptHeadCount = 'Click';
1864   dlgMouseOptHeadDir = 'Up/Down';
1865   dlgMouseOptHeadShift = 'Shift';
1866   dlgMouseOptHeadAlt = 'Alt';
1867   dlgMouseOptHeadCtrl = 'Ctrl';
1868   dlgMouseOptHeadCaret = 'Caret';
1869   dlgMouseOptHeadPriority = 'Priority';
1870   dlgMouseOptHeadOpt = 'Option';
1871   dlgMouseOptBtnLeft   = 'Left';
1872   dlgMouseOptBtnMiddle = 'Middle';
1873   dlgMouseOptBtnRight  = 'Right';
1874   dlgMouseOptBtnExtra1 = 'Extra 1';
1875   dlgMouseOptBtnExtra2 = 'Extra 2';
1876   dlgMouseOptBtnWheelUp = 'Wheel up';
1877   dlgMouseOptBtnWheelDown = 'Wheel down';
1878   dlgMouseOptBtnWheelLeft = 'Wheel left';
1879   dlgMouseOptBtnWheelRight = 'Wheel right';
1880   dlgMouseOptBtn1   = 'Single';
1881   dlgMouseOptBtn2   = 'Double';
1882   dlgMouseOptBtn3   = 'Triple';
1883   dlgMouseOptBtn4   = 'Quad';
1884   dlgMouseOptBtnAny = 'Any';
1885   dlgMouseOptMoveMouseTrue   = 'Y';
1886   dlgMouseOptMoveMouseFalse  = '';
1887   dlgMouseOptModKeyFalse   = 'n';
1888   dlgMouseOptModKeyTrue    = 'Y';
1889   dlgMouseOptModKeyIgnore  = '-';
1890   dlgMouseOptCheckUpDown   = 'Act on Mouse up';
1891   dlgMouseOptModShift = 'Shift';
1892   dlgMouseOptModAlt   = 'Alt';
1893   dlgMouseOptModCtrl  = 'Ctrl';
1894   dlgMouseOptOtherAct  = 'Other actions using the same button';
1895   dlgMouseOptOtherActHint  = 'They may be executed depending on the Modifier Keys, Fallthrough settings, Single/Double, Up/Down ...';
1896   dlgMouseOptOtherActToggle = 'Filter Mod-Keys';
1897   lisDoNotShowThisMessageAgain = 'Do not show this message again';
1898   dlgMouseOptBtnModDef = 'Make Fallback';
1899   dlgMouseOptPriorLabel = 'Priority';
1900   dlgMouseOptOpt2Label = 'Opt';
1901   dlgMouseOptDlgTitle = 'Edit Mouse';
1902   dlgMouseOptCapture = 'Capture';
1903   dlgMouseOptCaretMove = 'Move Caret (extra)';
1904   dlgMouseOptErrorDup = 'Duplicate Entry';
1905   dlgMouseOptErrorDupText = 'This entry conflicts with an existing entry';
1906   dlgMouseOptDescAction = 'Action';
1907   dlgMouseOptDescButton = 'Click';
1908   dlgMouseOptionsynCommand = 'IDE-Command';
1909   dlgUseDividerDraw = 'Divider Drawing';
1910   dlgEditorOptions = 'Editor options';
1911   dlgCopyWordAtCursorOnCopyNone = 'Copy current word when no selection exists';
1912   dlgHomeKeyJumpsToNearestStart = 'Home key jumps to nearest start';
1913   dlgEndKeyJumpsToNearestStart = 'End key jumps to nearest end';
1914   dlgSelectAllNoScroll = 'Do not scroll on Select-All / Paragraph or To-Brace';
1915   dlgMultiCaretOnColumnSelection = 'Enable multi-caret for column selection';
1916   dlgMultiCaretColumnMode = 'Navigation keys move all carets (column-select)';
1917   dlgMultiCaretMode = 'Navigation keys move all carets';
1918   dlgMultiCaretDelSkipCr = 'Skip delete key at EOL (do not join lines)';
1919   dlgColorLink = '(Edit Color)';
1920   dlgKeyLink = '(Edit Key)';
1921   dlgBracketHighlight = 'Bracket highlight';
1922   dlgNoBracketHighlight = 'No Highlight';
1923   dlgHighlightLeftOfCursor = 'Left Of Caret';
1924   dlgHighlightRightOfCursor = 'Right Of Caret';
1925   gldHighlightBothSidesOfCursor = 'On Both Sides';
1926   dlgBlockIndentKeys = 'Block indent';
1927   dlgBlockIndentLink = '(edit keys)';
1928   dlgBlockIndent = 'Block indent (spaces)';
1929   dlgBlockTabIndent = 'Block indent (tabs)';
1930   dlgAutoIndentType = 'Auto indent';
1931   dlgBlockIndentTypeSpace = 'Spaces';
1932   dlgBlockIndentTypeCopy = 'Space/tab as prev Line';
1933   dlgBlockIndentTypePos = 'Position only';
1934   dlgBlockIndentTypeTabSpace ='Tabs, then spaces';
1935   dlgBlockIndentTypeTabOnly = 'Tabs, cut off';
1936   dlgTrimSpaceTypeCaption = 'Trim spaces style';
1937   dlgTrimSpaceTypeLeaveLine = 'Leave line';
1938   dlgTrimSpaceTypeEditLine = 'Line Edited';
1939   dlgTrimSpaceTypeCaretMove = 'Caret or Edit';
1940   dlgTrimSpaceTypePosOnly = 'Position Only';
1941   dlgCopyPasteKeepFolds = 'Copy/Paste with fold info';
1942   dlgUseMinimumIme = 'IME handled by System';
1943   dlgUndoLimit = 'Undo limit';
1944   dlgTabWidths = 'Tab widths';
1945   dlgMarginGutter = 'Margin and gutter';
1946   dlgVisibleRightMargin = 'Visible right margin';
1947   dlgVisibleGutter = 'Visible gutter';
1948   dlgGutterSeparatorIndex = 'Gutter separator index';
1949   dlgShowLineNumbers = 'Show line numbers';
1950   dlgShowCompilingLineNumbers = 'Show line numbers';
1951   dlgRightMargin = 'Right margin';
1952   dlgGutter = 'Gutter';
1953   dlgGutterColor = 'Gutter Color';
1954   dlgDefaultEditorFont='Default editor font';
1955   dlgEditorFontSize = 'Editor font size';
1956   dlgExtraCharSpacing = 'Extra character spacing';
1957   dlgExtraLineSpacing = 'Extra line spacing';
1958   dlgDisableAntialiasing = 'Disable anti-aliasing';
1959   lisEdOptsLoadAScheme = 'Load a scheme';
1960   lisFindKeyCombination = 'Find key combination';
1961   lisSelectedCommandsMapping = 'Selected Command''s Mapping';
1962   lisNowLoadedScheme = 'Now loaded: ';
1963   dlgLang = 'Language';
1964   dlgEditSchemDefaults = 'Scheme globals';
1965   lis0No1DrawDividerLinesOnlyForTopLevel2DrawLinesForFi = '0 = no, 1 = draw '
1966     +'divider lines only for top level, 2 = draw lines for first two levels, ...';
1967   dlgClrScheme = 'Color Scheme';
1968   dlgFileExts = 'File extensions';
1969   dlgSetElementDefault = 'Set element to default';
1970   dlgSetAllElementDefault = 'Set all elements to default';
1971   dlgReset = 'Reset';
1972   dlgResetAll = 'Reset all';
1973   dlgThisElementUsesColor = 'The element uses (and edits) the schemes:';
1974   dlgUseSchemeDefaults = '- Scheme globals -';
1975   dlgUseSchemeLocal    = 'selected language';
1976   dlgColor = 'Color';
1977   dlgColors = 'Colors';
1978   lisHeaderColors = 'Header colors';
1979   lisMsgColors = 'Message colors';
1980   lisSetAllColors = 'Set all colors:';
1981   lisLazarusDefault = 'Lazarus Default';
1982   dlgColorNotModified = 'Not modified';
1983   dlgPriorities = 'Priorities';
1985   dlgMsgWinColorUrgentNone      = 'Normal';
1986   dlgMsgWinColorUrgentProgress  = 'Time and statistics';
1987   dlgMsgWinColorUrgentDebug     = 'Debug';
1988   dlgMsgWinColorUrgentVerbose3  = 'Verbose 3';
1989   dlgMsgWinColorUrgentVerbose2  = 'Verbose 2';
1990   dlgMsgWinColorUrgentVerbose   = 'Verbose';
1991   dlgMsgWinColorUrgentHint      = 'Hint';
1992   dlgMsgWinColorUrgentNote      = 'Note';
1993   dlgMsgWinColorUrgentWarning   = 'Warning';
1994   lisPackageIsDesigntimeOnlySoItShouldOnlyBeCompiledInt = 'Package "%s" is '
1995     +'designtime only, so it should only be compiled into the IDE, and not '
1996     +'with the project settings.%sPlease use "Install" or "Tools / Build '
1997     +'Lazarus" to build the IDE packages.';
1998   lisCompileWithProjectSettings = 'Compile with project settings';
1999   lisCompileAndDoNotAskAgain = 'Compile and do not ask again';
2000   dlgMsgWinColorUrgentImportant = 'Important';
2001   dlgMsgWinColorUrgentError     = 'Error';
2002   dlgMsgWinColorUrgentFatal     = 'Fatal';
2003   dlgMsgWinColorUrgentPanic     = 'Panic';
2005   dlgForecolor = 'Foreground';
2006   dlgFrameColor = 'Text-mark';
2007   dlgMarkupFoldColor = 'Vertical-mark';
2008   dlgTextStyle = 'Text-Style';
2009   dlgUnsavedLineColor = 'Unsaved line';
2010   dlgSavedLineColor = 'Saved line';
2011   dlgGutterCollapsedColor = 'Collapsed';
2012   dlgCaretForeColor = 'Color (NotXor)';
2013   dlgCaretBackColor = 'Multi/2nd (NotXor)';
2014   dlgOverviewGutterBack1Color = 'Background 1';
2015   dlgOverviewGutterBack2Color = 'Background 2';
2016   dlgOverviewGutterPageColor = 'Page';
2017   dlgElementAttributes = 'Element Attributes';
2018   dlgEdBold = 'Bold';
2019   dlgEdItal = 'Italic';
2020   dlgEdUnder = 'Underline';
2021   dlgEdOn = 'On';
2022   dlgEdOff = 'Off';
2023   dlgEdInvert = 'Invert';
2024   dlgEdIdComlet = 'Identifier completion';
2025   dlgEdCompleteBlocks = 'Add close statement for Pascal blocks';
2026   lisShowValueHintsWhileDebugging = 'Show value hints while debugging';
2027   lisDebugHintAutoTypeCastClass = 'Automatic typecast for objects';
2028   dlgMarkupGroup = 'Highlight all occurrences of Word under Caret';
2029   dlgBracketMatchGroup = 'Matching bracket and quote pairs';
2030   dlgPasExtKeywordsGroup = 'Extended Pascal Keyword Options';
2031   dlgPasKeywordsMatches = 'Matching Keywords';
2032   dlgPasKeywordsMarkup = 'Markup (on caret)';
2033   dlgPasKeywordsOutline = 'Outline';
2034   dlgMarkupWordBracket = 'Keyword brackets on caret (global)';
2035   dlgMarkupOutline = 'Outline (global)';
2036   dlgMarkupOutlineWarnNoColor = 'Warning: There are no colors configured for the selected language';
2037   dlgPasExtKeywords = 'Highlight control statements as keywords';
2038   dlgPasStringKeywords = 'Highlight "String" keyword(s)';
2039   dlgPasStringKeywordsOptDefault = 'Default';
2040   dlgPasStringKeywordsOptString = 'Only "String"';
2041   dlgPasStringKeywordsOptNone = 'None';
2042   dlgMarkupWordFullLen = 'Match whole words, if length is less or equal to:';
2043   dlgMarkupWordNoKeyword = 'Ignore keywords';
2044   dlgMarkupWordTrim = 'Trim spaces (when highlighting current selection)';
2045   dlgMarkupWordNoTimer = 'Disable timer for markup current word';
2046   dlgAutoRemoveEmptyMethods = 'Auto remove empty methods';
2047   dlgAutoDisplayFuncProto = 'Auto Display Function Prototypes';
2048   lisShowDeclarationHints = 'Show declaration hints';
2049   dlgEdDelayInSec = '(%s sec delay)';
2050   lisDelayForCompletionBox = 'Delay for completion box';
2051   lisDelayForHints = 'Delay for hints';
2052   lisDelayForCompletionLongLineHint = 'Delay for long line hints in completion box';
2053   lisCompletionLongLineHintType = 'Show long line hints';
2054   lisCompletionLongLineHintTypeNone = 'Never';
2055   lisCompletionLongLineHintTypeRightOnly = 'Extend right only';
2056   lisCompletionLongLineHintTypeLittleLeft = 'Extend some left';
2057   lisCompletionLongLineHintTypeFullLeft = 'Extend far left';
2058   dlgIncludeIdentifiersContainingPrefix = 'Include identifiers containing prefix';
2059   lisAutomaticFeatures = 'Completion and Hints';
2060   lisAutoMarkup = 'Markup and Matches';
2061   dlgUseIconsInCompletionBox = 'Icons in code completion box';
2062   dlgIncludeWordsToIdentCompl = 'Include words';
2063   dlgIncludeWordsToIdentCompl_IncludeFromAllUnits = 'from all units';
2064   dlgIncludeWordsToIdentCompl_IncludeFromCurrentUnit = 'from current unit';
2065   dlgIncludeWordsToIdentCompl_DontInclude = 'don''t include';
2066   dlgIncludeCodeTemplatesToIdentCompl = 'Include code templates';
2068   dlgMarkupUserDefined = 'User defined markup';
2069   dlgMarkupUserDefinedNoLists = 'No lists';
2070   dlgMarkupUserDefinedNoListsSel = 'Select ...';
2071   dlgMarkupUserDefinedNewName = 'New list';
2072   dlgMarkupUserDefinedListNew = 'Add list';
2073   dlgMarkupUserDefinedListDel = 'Delete list';
2074   dlgMarkupUserDefinedPageMain = 'Main settings';
2075   dlgMarkupUserDefinedPageKeys = 'Key Settings';
2076   dlgMarkupUserDefinedMatchCase = 'Case sensitive';
2077   dlgMarkupUserDefinedMatchStartBound = 'Set bound at term start';
2078   dlgMarkupUserDefinedMatchEndBound = 'Set bound at term end';
2079   dlgMarkupUserDefinedDivKeyAdd = 'Add Word or Term';
2080   dlgMarkupUserDefinedDivKeyRemove = 'Remove Word or Term';
2081   dlgMarkupUserDefinedDivKeyToggle = 'Toggle Word or Term';
2082   dlgMarkupUserDefinedDelCaption = 'Delete';
2083   dlgMarkupUserDefinedDelPrompt = 'Delete list "%s"?';
2084   dlgMarkupUserDefinedListName = 'Name';
2085   dlgMarkupUserDefinedNewByKeyOpts = 'Settings for terms added by key';
2086   dlgMarkupUserDefinedNewByKeyLen = 'Ignore bounds for terms longer than';
2087   dlgMarkupUserDefinedNewByKeyLenWord = 'current word';
2088   dlgMarkupUserDefinedNewByKeyLenSelect = 'selection';
2089   dlgMarkupUserDefinedNewByKeySmartSelect = 'Smart match selection bounds';
2090   dlgMarkupUserDefinedGlobalList = 'Add/Remove in all editors';
2091   dlgMarkupUserDefinedDuplicate = 'Duplicate Term';
2092   dlgMarkupUserDefinedDuplicateMsg = 'The term %s already exists. Duplicates will be removed when the list is saved.';
2094   lisUserDefinedMarkupKeyGroup = 'User defined text markup';
2095   lisUserDefinedMarkupKeyAdd = 'Add to list "%s"';
2096   lisUserDefinedMarkupKeyRemove = 'Remove from list "%s"';
2097   lisUserDefinedMarkupKeyToggle = 'Toggle on list "%s"';
2099   dlgMultiWinOptions = 'Pages and Windows';
2100   dlgMultiWinTabGroup = 'Notebook Tabs';
2101   dlgMultiWinAccessGroup = 'Jump target priority between multiple editors';
2102   dlgMultiWinAccessOrder    = 'Order to use for editors matching the same criteria';
2103   dlgMultiWinAccessOrderEdit= 'Most recent focused editor for this file';
2104   dlgMultiWinAccessOrderWin = 'Editor (for file) in most recent focused window';
2105   dlgMultiWinAccessType     = 'Priority list of criteria to choose an editor:';
2107   dlgDividerDrawDepth       = 'Draw divider level';
2108   dlgDividerTopColor        = 'Line color';
2109   dlgDividerColorDefault    = 'Use right margin color';
2110   dlgDividerNestColor       = 'Nested line color';
2112   dlgDivPasUnitSectionName  = 'Unit sections';
2113   dlgDivPasUsesName         = 'Uses clause';
2114   dlgDivPasVarGlobalName    = 'Var/Type';
2115   dlgDivPasVarLocalName     = 'Var/Type (local)';
2116   dlgDivPasStructGlobalName = 'Class/Struct';
2117   dlgDivPasStructLocalName  = 'Class/Struct (local)';
2118   dlgDivPasProcedureName    = 'Procedure/Function';
2119   dlgDivPasBeginEndName     = 'Begin/End';
2120   dlgDivPasTryName          = 'Try/Except';
2122   dlgFoldPasBeginEnd        = 'Begin/End (nested)';
2123   dlgFoldPasProcBeginEnd    = 'Begin/End (procedure)';
2124   dlgFoldPasNestedComment   = 'Nested Comment';
2125   dlgFoldPasIfThen          = 'If/Then/Else';
2126   dlgFoldPasForDo           = 'For/Do';
2127   dlgFoldPasWhileDo         = 'While/Do';
2128   dlgFoldPasWithDo          = 'With/Do';
2129   dlgFoldPasProcedure       = 'Procedure';
2130   dlgFoldPasUses            = 'Uses';
2131   dlgFoldPasVarType         = 'Var/Type (global)';
2132   dlgFoldLocalPasVarType    = 'Var/Type (local)';
2133   dlgFoldPasClass           = 'Class/Object';
2134   dlgFoldPasClassSection    = 'public/private';
2135   dlgFoldPasUnitSection     = 'Unit section';
2136   dlgFoldPasProgram         = 'Program';
2137   dlgFoldPasUnit            = 'Unit';
2138   dlgFoldPasRecord          = 'Record';
2139   dlgFoldPasTry             = 'Try';
2140   dlgFoldPasExcept          = 'Except/Finally';
2141   dlgFoldPasRepeat          = 'Repeat';
2142   dlgFoldPasCase            = 'Case';
2143   dlgFoldPasAsm             = 'Asm';
2144   dlgFoldPasIfDef           = '{$IfDef}';
2145   dlgFoldPasUserRegion      = '{%Region}';
2146   dlgFoldPasAnsiComment     = 'Comment (* *)';
2147   dlgFoldPasBorComment      = 'Comment { }';
2148   dlgFoldPasSlashComment    = 'Comment //';
2150   dlgFoldLfmObject      = 'Object (inherited, inline)';
2151   dlgFoldLfmList        = 'List <>';
2152   dlgFoldLfmItem        = 'Item';
2154   dlgFoldXmlNode        = 'Node';
2155   dlgFoldXmlComment     = 'Comment';
2156   dlgFoldXmlCData       = 'CData';
2157   dlgFoldXmlDocType     = 'DocType';
2158   dlgFoldXmlProcess     = 'Processing Instruction';
2160   dlgFoldHtmlNode        = 'Node';
2161   dlgFoldHtmlComment     = 'Comment';
2162   dlgFoldHtmlAsp         = 'ASP';
2164   dlgFoldDiffChunk     = 'Chunk';
2165   dlgFoldDiffChunkSect = 'Chunk section';
2167   dlgAddHiAttrDefault             = 'Default Text';
2168   dlgAddHiAttrTextBlock           = 'Text block';
2169   dlgAddHiAttrExecutionPoint      = 'Execution point';
2170   dlgAddHiAttrEnabledBreakpoint   = 'Enabled breakpoint';
2171   dlgAddHiAttrDisabledBreakpoint  = 'Disabled breakpoint';
2172   dlgAddHiAttrInvalidBreakpoint   = 'Invalid breakpoint';
2173   dlgAddHiAttrUnknownBreakpoint   = 'Unknown breakpoint';
2174   dlgAddHiAttrErrorLine           = 'Error line';
2175   dlgAddHiAttrIncrementalSearch   = 'Incremental search';
2176   dlgAddHiAttrHighlightAll        = 'Incremental others';
2177   dlgAddHiAttrBracketMatch        = 'Brackets highlight';
2178   dlgAddHiAttrMouseLink           = 'Mouse link';
2179   dlgAddHiAttrLineNumber          = 'Line number';
2180   dlgAddHiAttrLineHighlight       = 'Current line highlight';
2181   dlgAddHiAttrModifiedLine        = 'Modified line';
2182   dlgAddHiAttrCodeFoldingTree     = 'Code folding tree';
2183   dlgAddHiAttrHighlightWord       = 'Highlight current word';
2184   dlgAddHiAttrFoldedCode          = 'Folded code marker';
2185   dlgAddHiAttrFoldedCodeLine      = 'Fold start-line';
2186   dlgAddHiAttrHiddenCodeLine      = 'Hide start-line';
2187   dlgAddHiAttrWordGroup           = 'Word-Brackets';
2188   dlgAddHiAttrTemplateEditCur     = 'Active Cell';
2189   dlgAddHiAttrTemplateEditSync    = 'Syncronized Cells';
2190   dlgAddHiAttrTemplateEditOther   = 'Other Cells';
2191   dlgAddHiAttrSyncroEditCur       = 'Active Cell';
2192   dlgAddHiAttrSyncroEditSync      = 'Syncronized Cells';
2193   dlgAddHiAttrSyncroEditOther     = 'Other Cells';
2194   dlgAddHiAttrSyncroEditArea      = 'Selected Area';
2195   dlgAddHiAttrGutterSeparator     = 'Gutter Separator';
2196   dlgAddHiAttrDefaultWindow       = 'Default Text / Window';
2197   dlgAddHiAttrWindowBorder        = 'Window border';
2198   dlgAddHiAttrHighlightPrefix     = 'Highlight prefix';
2199   dlgAddHiAttrOutlineLevel1Color  = 'Level  1';
2200   dlgAddHiAttrOutlineLevel2Color  = 'Level  2';
2201   dlgAddHiAttrOutlineLevel3Color  = 'Level  3';
2202   dlgAddHiAttrOutlineLevel4Color  = 'Level  4';
2203   dlgAddHiAttrOutlineLevel5Color  = 'Level  5';
2204   dlgAddHiAttrOutlineLevel6Color  = 'Level  6';
2205   dlgAddHiAttrOutlineLevel7Color  = 'Level  7';
2206   dlgAddHiAttrOutlineLevel8Color  = 'Level  8';
2207   dlgAddHiAttrOutlineLevel9Color  = 'Level  9';
2208   dlgAddHiAttrOutlineLevel10Color = 'Level 10';
2209   dlgAddHiSpecialVisibleChars     = 'Visualized Special Chars';
2210   dlgTopInfoHint                  = 'Current Class/Proc Hint';
2211   dlgCaretColor                   = 'Caret';
2212   dlgOverviewGutterColor          = 'Overview Gutter';
2213   dlgIfDefBlockInactive           = 'Inactive $IFDEF code';
2214   dlgIfDefBlockActive             = 'Active $IFDEF code';
2215   dlgIfDefBlockTmpActive          = 'Included mixed state $IFDEF code';
2216   dlgIfDefNodeInactive            = 'Inactive $IFDEF node';
2217   dlgIfDefNodeActive              = 'Active $IFDEF node';
2218   dlgIfDefNodeTmpActive           = 'Included mixed state $IFDEF node';
2220   dlgAddHiAttrGroupDefault  = 'Global';
2221   dlgAddHiAttrGroupText     = 'Text';
2222   dlgAddHiAttrGroupLine     = 'Line';
2223   dlgAddHiAttrGroupGutter   = 'Gutter';
2224   dlgAddHiAttrGroupSyncroEdit    = 'Syncron Edit';
2225   dlgAddHiAttrGroupTemplateEdit  = 'Template Edit';
2226   dlgAddHiAttrGroupIfDef    = 'IfDef';
2227   dlgAddHiAttrGroupOutlineColors = 'Outline Colors';
2229   dlgEditAccessCaptionLockedInView            = 'Locked, if text in view';
2230   dlgEditAccessCaptionUnLockedInSoftView      = 'Unlocked, if text in centered view';
2231   dlgEditAccessCaptionUnLocked                = 'Unlocked';
2232   dlgEditAccessCaptionUnLockedOpenNewInOldWin = 'New tab in existing window';
2233   dlgEditAccessCaptionUnLockedOpenNewInNewWin = 'New tab in new window';
2234   dlgEditAccessCaptionIgnLockedOldEdit        = 'Ignore Locks, use longest unused editor';
2235   dlgEditAccessCaptionIgnLockedOnlyActEdit    = 'Ignore Locks, if editor is current';
2236   dlgEditAccessCaptionIgnLockedOnlyActWin     = 'Ignore Locks, if editor in current window';
2237   dlgEditAccessCaptionUnLockedOpenNewInAnyWin = 'New tab, existing or new window';
2239   dlgEditAccessDescLockedInView =
2240     'This option will use a locked (and only a locked) Editor '+
2241     'which does not need to scroll in order to display the target jump point '+
2242     '(target jump point is already in visible screen area).';
2243   dlgEditAccessDescUnLockedInSoftView = 'This option will use a not locked Editor '+
2244     'which does not need to scroll in order to display the target jump point '+
2245     '(target jump point is already in visible screen center area, excluding 2-5 lines at the top/bottom).';
2246   dlgEditAccessDescUnLocked = 'This option will use any not locked Editor.';
2247   dlgEditAccessDescUnLockedOpenNewInOldWin =
2248     'If no unlocked tab is found, then this option will open a new Tab in an existing '+
2249     '(and only in an existing) Window. '+
2250     'A tab is only opened if there is a window that has no editor for the target file yet.';
2251   dlgEditAccessDescUnLockedOpenNewInNewWin =
2252     'If no unlocked tab is found, then this option will open a new Tab in a new '+
2253     'Window (even if other existing windows could be used for the new tab). '+
2254     'This option will always succeed, further options are never tested.';
2255   dlgEditAccessDescIgnLockedOldEdit =
2256     'This option will use the longest unused editor for the file, '+
2257     'even if it is locked and/or needs scrolling. '+
2258     'The determination of the longest unused editor does not look at the order in which the windows were focused, '+
2259     'even if this is set by the setting for "same criteria order". ' +
2260     'This option will always succeed, further options are never tested.';
2261   dlgEditAccessDescIgnLockedOnlyActEdit =
2262     'This option will check if the current active editor has the target file '+
2263     'and if it is, it will use the current editor, even if it is locked and/or needs scrolling.';
2264   dlgEditAccessDescIgnLockedOnlyActWin =
2265     'This option will check if there is an editor for the target file in the current window '+
2266     'and if there is, it will use this editor, even if it is locked and/or needs scrolling.';
2267   dlgEditAccessDescUnLockedOpenNewInAnyWin =
2268     'This option will open a new Tab in an existing or new Window if no unlocked tab is found. '+
2269     'This option will always succeed, further options are never tested.';
2271   // CodeTools dialog
2272   dlgCodeCreation = 'Code Creation';
2273   dlgWordsPolicies = 'Words';
2274   dlgLineSplitting = 'Line Splitting';
2275   dlgSpaceNotCosmos{:)} = 'Space';
2276   dlgIdentifierCompletion = 'Identifier Completion';
2277   dlgJumpingETC = 'Jumping (e.g. Method Jumping)';
2278   dlgAdjustTopLine = 'Adjust top line due to comment in front';
2279   dlgJumpSingleLinePos = 'Vertical position for a single line jump in % (0=top, 100=bottom)';
2280   dlgJumpCodeBlockPos = 'Vertical position for a code block jump in % (0=top, 100=bottom)';
2281   dlgAvoidUnnecessaryJumps = 'Avoid unnecessary jumps';
2282   dlgCursorBeyondEOL = 'Cursor beyond EOL';
2283   dlgSkipForwardClassDeclarations = 'Skip forward class declarations';
2284   dlgJumpToMethodBody = 'Jump directly to method body';
2285   dlgInsertClassParts = 'Insert class parts';
2286   lisNewMethodsAndMembersAreInsertedAlphabeticallyOrAdd = 'New method and '
2287     +'member declarations in the class..end sections are inserted alphabetically or added last.';
2288   lisClassCompletion = 'Class Completion';
2289   dlgAlphabetically = 'Alphabetically';
2290   dlgCDTLast = 'Last';
2291   dlgMixMethodsAndProperties = 'Mix methods and properties';
2292   dlgForwardProcsInsertPolicy = 'Procedure insert policy';
2293   dlgLast = 'Last (i.e. at end of source)';
2294   dlgInFrontOfMethods = 'In front of methods';
2295   dlgBehindMethods = 'Behind methods';
2296   dlgForwardProcsKeepOrder = 'Keep order of procedures';
2297   lisNewUnitsAreAddedToUsesSections = 'New units are added to uses sections';
2298   lisFirst = 'First';
2299   lisInFrontOfRelated = 'In front of related';
2300   lisBehindRelated = 'Behind related';
2301   dlgInsertMethods = 'Insert method implementations';
2302   lisNewMethodImplementationsAreInsertedBetweenExisting = 'New method '
2303     +'implementations are inserted between existing methods of this class. '
2304     +'Either alphabetically, or as last, or in declaration order.';
2305   dlgCDTClassOrder = 'Class order';
2306   lisDefaultSectionOfMethods = 'Default section of methods';
2307   lisDefaultClassVisibilitySectionOfNewMethodsForExampl = 'Default class '
2308     +'visibility section of new methods. For example code completion on OnShow'
2309     +':=';
2310   dlgKeywordPolicy = 'Keyword policy';
2311   dlgCDTLower = 'lowercase';
2313   dlg1UP2low = 'Lowercase, first letter up';
2314   dlgIdentifierPolicy = 'Identifier policy';
2315   dlgWordExceptions = 'Exceptions';
2316   dlgPropertyCompletion = 'Property completion';
2317   lisHeaderCommentForClass = 'Header comment for class';
2318   lisImplementationCommentForClass = 'Implementation comment for class';
2319   dlgCompleteProperties = 'Complete properties';
2320   dlgCDTReadPrefix = 'Read prefix';
2321   dlgCDTWritePrefix = 'Write prefix';
2322   dlgCDTStoredPostfix = 'Stored postfix';
2323   dlgCDTVariablePrefix = 'Variable prefix';
2324   dlgSetPropertyVariable = 'Set property Variable';
2325   dlgSetPropertyVariableHint = 'The parameter name for the default setter procedure.';
2326   dlgSetPropertyVariableIsPrefix = 'is prefix';
2327   dlgSetPropertyVariableIsPrefixHint = 'If checked, the "Set property Variable" is a prefix. Otherwise it is a fixed name.';
2328   dlgSetPropertyVariableUseConst = 'use const';
2329   dlgSetPropertyVariableUseConstHint = 'If checked, the setter parameter is marked with "const".';
2330   dlgMaxLineLength = 'Max line length:';
2331   dlgNotSplitLineFront = 'Do not split line in front of';
2332   dlgNotSplitLineAfter = 'Do not split line after';
2333   dlgCDTPreview = 'Preview (max line length = 1)';
2334   dlgInsSpaceFront = 'Insert space in front of';
2335   dlgInsSpaceAfter = 'Insert space after';
2336   dlgWRDPreview = 'Preview';
2337   lisIdCAddition = 'Addition';
2338   dlgAddSemicolon = 'Add semicolon';
2339   dlgAddAssignmentOperator = 'Add assignment operator :=';
2340   lisAddKeywordDo = 'Add keyword "do"';
2341   dlgUserSchemeError = 'Failed to load user-scheme file %s';
2343   // source editor
2344   locwndSrcEditor = 'Source Editor';
2346   // compiler options
2347   dlgCompilerOptions = 'Compiler Options';
2348   dlgCOSetAsDefault = 'Set compiler options as default';
2349   lisWhenEnabledTheCurrentOptionsAreSavedToTheTemplateW = 'When enabled the current '
2350     +'options are saved to the template which is used when creating new projects';
2351   dlgSearchPaths = 'Paths';
2352   lisIWonderHowYouDidThatErrorInTheBaseDirectory = 'I wonder how you did '
2353     +'that: Error in the base directory:';
2354   lisErrorInTheSearchPathForOtherUnitFiles = 'Error in the search path for "'
2355     +'Other unit files":';
2356   lisErrorInTheSearchPathForIncludeFiles = 'Error in the search path for "Include files":';
2357   lisErrorInTheSearchPathForObjectFiles = 'Error in the search path for "Object files":';
2358   lisErrorInTheSearchPathForLibraries = 'Error in the search path for "Libraries":';
2359   lisErrorInTheSearchPathForOtherSources = 'Error in the search path for "Other sources":';
2360   lisErrorInTheCustomLinkerOptionsLinkingPassOptionsToL = 'Error in the '
2361     +'custom linker options (Compilation and Linking / Pass options to linker):';
2362   lisErrorInTheCustomCompilerOptionsOther = 'Error in the custom compiler options (Other):';
2363   lisErrorInTheUnitOutputDirectory = 'Error in the "unit output directory":';
2364   lisErrorInTheCompilerFileName = 'Error in the compiler file name:';
2365   lisErrorInTheDebuggerPathAddition = 'Error in the "Debugger path addition":';
2366   lisIWonderHowYouDidThatErrorInThe = 'I wonder how you did that. Error in the %s:';
2367   lisValue3 = 'Value: ';
2368   dlgConfigAndTarget = 'Config and Target';
2369   dlgCOParsing = 'Parsing';
2370   dlgCompilationAndLinking = 'Compilation and Linking';
2371   dlgCOLinking = 'Linking';
2372   dlgCODebugging = 'Debugging';
2373   dlgCOVerbosity = 'Verbosity';
2374   dlgCOCfgCmpMessages = 'Messages';
2375   lisChooseAnFPCMessageFile = 'Choose an FPC message file';
2376   lisChooseAFileWithCodeToolsTemplates = 'Choose a file with CodeTools templates';
2377   dlgCOCompilerCommands = 'Compiler Commands';
2378   lisUnitOutputDirectory = 'Unit Output directory';
2379   lisSelectANode = 'Select a node';
2380   dlgCOAsmStyle = 'Assembler style';
2381   lisNoCompilerOptionsInherited = 'No compiler options inherited.';
2382   lisExcludedAtRunTime = '%s excluded at run time';
2383   lisAllInheritedOptions = 'All inherited options';
2384   lisunitPath = 'unit path';
2385   lisincludePath = 'include path';
2386   lisobjectPath = 'object path';
2387   lislibraryPath = 'library path';
2388   lislinkerOptions = 'linker options';
2389   liscustomOptions = 'custom options';
2390   dlgSyntaxOptions = 'Syntax options';
2391   dlgCOCOps = 'C style operators (*=, +=, /= and -=)';
2392   dlgAssertCode = 'Include assertion code';
2393   dlgLabelGoto = 'Allow LABEL and GOTO';
2394   dlgCppInline = 'C++ styled INLINE';
2395   dlgCMacro = 'C style macros (global)';
2396   dlgInitDoneOnly = 'Constructor name must be ''' + 'init' + ''' (destructor must be ''' + 'done' + ''')';
2397   dlgStaticKeyword = 'Static keyword in objects';
2398   dlgCOAnsiStr = 'Use Ansistrings';
2399   dlgCOUnitStyle = 'Unit style';
2400   dlgCOSmartLinkable = 'Smart linkable';
2401   dlgCORelocatable = 'Relocatable';
2402   dlgCOChecksAndAssertion = 'Checks and assertion';
2403   dlgCORange = 'Range';
2404   dlgCOOverflow = 'Overflow';
2405   dlgCOStack = 'Stack';
2406   dlgHeapAndStackSize = 'Heap and stack sizes';
2407   dlgHeapSize = 'Heap size';
2408   dlgStackSize = 'Stack size';
2409   dlgTargetProc = 'Target processor';
2410   dlgTargetPlatform = 'Target platform';
2411   dlgOptimizationLevels = 'Optimization levels';
2412   dlgOtherOptimizations = 'Other optimizations';
2413   lisSmallerRatherThanFaster = 'Smaller rather than faster';
2414   dlgLevelNoneOpt = '0 (no optimization, for debugging)';
2415   dlgLevel1Opt = '1 (quick, debugger friendly with small limitations)';
2416   dlgLevel2Opt = '2 (-O1 + quick optimizations)';
2417   dlgLevel3Opt = '3 (-O2 + slow optimizations)';
2418   dlgLevel4Opt = '4 (-O3 + aggressive optimizations, beware)';
2419   dlgTargetOS = 'Target OS';
2420   dlgTargetCPUFamily = 'Target CPU family';
2421   dlgCOInfoForGDB = 'Debugger info';
2422   dlgCOOtherDebuggingInfo = 'Other debugging info';
2423   dlgCOGDB = 'Generate info for the debugger (slower / increases exe-size)';
2424   dlgCOSymbolType = 'Type of debug info';
2425   dlgCOSymbolTypeAuto = 'Automatic';
2426   dlgCOSymbolTypeStabs = 'Stabs';
2427   dlgCOSymbolTypeDwarf2 = 'Dwarf2';
2428   dlgCOSymbolTypeDwarf2Set = 'Dwarf with sets';
2429   dlgCOSymbolTypeDwarf3 = 'Dwarf3 (beta)';
2430   dlgLNumsBct = 'Display line numbers in run-time error backtraces';
2431   dlgCOHeaptrc = 'Use Heaptrc unit (check for mem-leaks)';
2432   dlgCOTrashVariables = 'Trash variables';
2433   dlgCOValgrind = 'Generate code for valgrind';
2434   dlgGPROF = 'Generate code for gprof';
2435   lisOnly32bit = 'only 32bit';
2436   dlgCOStrip = 'Strip symbols from executable';
2437   dlgExtSymb = 'Use external debug symbols file';
2438   dlgLinkSmart = 'Link smart';
2439   dlgPassOptsLinker = 'Pass options to linker with "-k", delimiter is space';
2440   dlgWin32GUIApp = 'Win32 gui application';
2441   lisOptionValueIgnored = 'ignored';
2442   lisCannotSubstituteMacroS = 'Cannot substitute macro "%s".';
2443   dlgTargetSpecificOptions = 'Target-specific options';
2444   dlgVerbosity = 'Verbosity during compilation:';
2445   dlgCOShowErr = 'Show errors';
2446   dlgShowWarnings = 'Show warnings';
2447   dlgShowNotes = 'Show notes';
2448   dlgShowHint = 'Show hints';
2449   dlgShowGeneralInfo = 'Show general info';
2450   dlgShowEverything ='Show everything';
2451   dlgShowSummary ='Show summary';
2452   dlgShowDebugInfo = 'Show debug info';
2453   dlgShowUsedFiles = 'Show used files';
2454   dlgShowTriedFiles = 'Show tried files';
2455   dlgShowCompiledProcedures = 'Show compiled procedures';
2456   dlgShowConditionals = 'Show conditionals';
2457   dlgShowExecutableInfo = 'Show executable info (Win32 only)';
2458   dlgWriteFPCLogo = 'Write FPC logo';
2459   dlgHintsUnused = 'Show hints for unused units in main';
2460   dlgHintsParameterSenderNotUsed = 'Show hints for parameter "Sender" not used';
2461   dlgConfigFiles = 'Config files';
2462   dlgUseFpcCfg = 'Use standard compiler config file (fpc.cfg)';
2463   lisIfNotChecked = 'If not checked:';
2464   dlgUseCustomConfig = 'Use additional compiler config file';
2465   lisAllOptions = 'All Options';
2466   lisFilterTheAvailableOptionsList = 'Filter the available options list';
2467   lisClearTheFilterForOptions = 'Clear the filter for options';
2468   lisShowOnlyModified = 'Show only modified';
2469   lisUseCommentsInCustomOptions = 'Use comments in custom options';
2470   lisCustomOptions2 = 'Custom options';
2471   lisCustomOptions3 = 'Custom Options';
2472   lisCustomOptHint = 'These options are passed to the compiler after macros are replaced.';
2473   dlgStopAfterNrErr = 'Stop after number of errors:';
2475   lisApplyConventions = 'Apply conventions';
2476   lisApplyConventionsHint = 'Adjust name extension and character case for platform and file type.';
2477   dlgOtherUnitFiles = 'Other unit files (-Fu):';
2478   dlgCOIncFiles = 'Include files (-Fi):';
2479   dlgCOLibraries = 'Libraries (-Fl):';
2480   dlgUnitOutp = 'Unit output directory (-FU):';
2481   lisTargetFileNameEmptyUseUnitOutputDirectory = 'Target file name: (-o, empty = '
2482     +'use unit output directory)';
2483   lisTargetFileNameO = 'Target file name (-o):';
2484   dlgCOSources = 'Other sources (.pp/.pas files, used only by IDE not by compiler)';
2485   dlgCODebugPath = 'Debugger path addition (none):';
2486   lisDelimiterIsSemicolon = 'Delimiter is semicolon.';
2488   // Initial setup dialog
2489   lisScanning = 'Scanning';
2490   lisCompiler = 'Compiler';
2491   lisParsers = 'Parsers:';
2492   lisDebugger = 'Debugger';
2494   lisToFPCPath = 'Path:';
2495   lisCOSkipCallingCompiler = 'Skip calling compiler';
2496   lisCOAmbiguousAdditionalCompilerConfigFile = 'Ambiguous additional compiler config file';
2497   lisCOWarningTheAdditionalCompilerConfigFileHasTheSameNa = 'Warning: The '
2498     +'additional compiler config file has the same name, as one of the '
2499     +'standard config filenames the Free Pascal compiler is looking for. This '
2500     +'can result in ONLY parsing the additional config and skipping the standard config.';
2501   lisCOClickOKIfAreSureToDoThat = '%s%sClick OK if you definitely want to do that.';
2502   lisCOCallOn = 'Call on:';
2503   dlgCOCreateMakefile = 'Create Makefile';
2504   lisEnabledOnlyForPackages = 'Enabled only for packages.';
2505   lisCOExecuteAfter = 'Execute after';
2506   lisCOExecuteBefore = 'Execute before';
2507   lisCOCommand = 'Command:';
2508   lisBrowseAndSelectACompiler = 'Browse and select a compiler (e.g. ppcx64';
2509   lisCOScanForMessages = 'Scan for messages:';
2510   lisCOScanForFPCMessages = 'Scan for FPC messages';
2511   lisCOScanForMakeMessages = 'Scan for Make messages';
2512   dlgCOShowOptions = '&Show Options';
2513   lisCompTest = '&Test';
2514   dlgCOLoadSaveHint = 'Compiler options can be saved to an XML file.';
2515   dlgMainViewForms = 'View Project Forms';
2516   dlgMainViewUnits = 'View Project Units';
2517   dlgMainViewFrames = 'View Project Frames';
2518   dlgMultiSelect = 'Multi Select';
2520   // check compiler options dialog
2521   dlgCCOCaption = 'Checking compiler options';
2522   dlgCCOTest = 'Test';
2523   dlgCCOResults = 'Results';
2524   lisCCOCopyOutputToCliboard = 'Copy output to clipboard';
2525   lisCCOContains = 'contains ';
2526   lisCCOSpecialCharacters = 'special characters';
2527   lisCCONonASCII = 'non ASCII';
2528   lisCCOWrongPathDelimiter = 'wrong path delimiter';
2529   lisCCOUnusualChars = 'unusual characters';
2530   lisCCOHasNewLine = 'new line symbols';
2531   lisCCOInvalidSearchPath = 'Invalid search path';
2532   lisCCOSkip = 'Skip';
2533   dlgCCOTestCheckingCompiler = 'Test: Checking compiler ...';
2534   lisDoesNotExists = '%s does not exist: %s';
2535   lisCCOInvalidCompiler = 'Invalid compiler';
2536   lisCCOCompilerNotAnExe = 'The compiler "%s" is not an executable file.%sDetails: %s';
2537   lisCCOAmbiguousCompiler = 'Ambiguous compiler';
2538   lisCCOSeveralCompilers = 'There are several Free Pascal Compilers in your path.%s%s%s'
2539     +'Maybe you forgot to delete an old compiler?';
2540   lisCCONoCfgFound = 'no fpc.cfg found';
2541   lisCCOMultipleCfgFound = 'multiple compiler configs found: ';
2542   dlgCCOUsingConfigFile = 'using config file %s';
2543   dlgCCOTestCompilingEmptyFile = 'Test: Compiling an empty file ...';
2544   lisCCOInvalidTestDir = 'Invalid Test Directory';
2545   lisCCOCheckTestDir = 'Please check the Test directory under %s'
2546     +'Tools -> Options -> Files -> Directory for building test projects';
2547   lisCCOUnableToCreateTestFile = 'Unable to create Test File';
2548   lisCCOUnableToCreateTestPascalFile = 'Unable to create Test Pascal file "%s".';
2549   dlgCCOTestToolCompilingEmptyFile = 'Test: Compiling an empty file';
2550   dlgCCOTestCheckingCompilerConfig = 'Test: Checking compiler configuration ...';
2551   lisCCOMsgRTLUnitNotFound = 'RTL unit not found: %s';
2552   lisCCOMissingUnit = 'Missing unit';
2553   lisCCORTLUnitNotFoundDetailed = 'The RTL unit %s was not found.%s'
2554     +'This typically means your %s has wrong unit paths. Or your installation is broken.';
2555   dlgCCOTestRTLUnits = 'Test: Checking RTL units ...';
2556   dlgCCOTestCompilerDate = 'Test: Checking compiler date ...';
2557   lisCCOErrorCaption = 'Error';
2558   lisFatal = 'Fatal';
2559   lisPanic = 'Panic';
2560   lisHideSearch = 'Hide Search';
2561   lisInvalidMacrosInExternalTool = 'Invalid macros "%s" in external tool "%s"';
2562   lisCanNotExecute = 'cannot execute "%s"';
2563   lisMissingDirectory = 'missing directory "%s"';
2564   lisUnableToExecute = 'unable to execute: %s';
2565   lisUnableToReadProcessExitStatus = 'unable to read process ExitStatus';
2566   lisFreeingBufferLines = 'freeing buffer lines: %s';
2567   lisCompilerMessagesFileNotFound = 'Compiler messages file not found:%s%s';
2568   lisUnableToOpen = 'Unable to open "%s"';
2569   lisCompilerDoesNotSupportTarget = 'Compiler "%s" does not support target %s-%s';
2570   lisInvalidMode = 'Invalid mode %s';
2571   lisTheProjectCompilerOptionsAndTheDirectivesInTheMain = 'The project '
2572     +'compiler options and the directives in the main source differ. For the '
2573     +'new unit the mode and string type of the project options are used:';
2574   lisThereIsAlreadyAnIDEMacroWithTheName = 'There is already an IDE macro '
2575     +'with the name "%s"';
2576   lisInvalidLineColumnInMessage = 'Invalid line, column in message%s%s';
2577   lisQuickFixRemoveUnit = 'Quick fix: Remove unit';
2578   lisQuickFixSearchIdentifier = 'Search identifier';
2579   lisFailedToCreateApplicationBundleFor = 'Failed to create Application '
2580     +'Bundle for "%s"';
2581   lisThisProjectHasNoMainSourceFile = 'This project has no main source file';
2582   lisNoneClickToChooseOne = 'none, click to choose one';
2583   lisTreeNeedsRefresh = 'Tree needs refresh';
2584   lisEMDEmptyMethods = 'Empty Methods';
2585   lisEMDSearchInTheseClassSections = 'Search in these class sections:';
2586   lisUnableToLoadPackage = 'Unable to load package "%s"';
2587   lisSAMThisMethodCanNotBeOverriddenBecauseItIsDefinedInTh = 'This method can '
2588     +'not be overridden because it is defined in the current class';
2589   lisSAMIsAnAbstractClassItHasAbstractMethods = '%s is an abstract class, it '
2590     +'has %s abstract methods.';
2591   lisSAMAbstractMethodsOf = 'Abstract methods of %s';
2592   lisSAMThereAreAbstractMethodsToOverrideSelectTheMethodsF = 'There are %s '
2593     +'abstract methods to override.%sSelect the methods for which stubs '
2594     +'should be created:';
2595   lisSAMNoAbstractMethodsFound = 'No abstract methods found';
2596   lisSAMCursorIsNotInAClassDeclaration = 'Cursor is not in a class declaration';
2597   lisSAMIDEIsBusy = 'IDE is busy';
2598   lisSAMThereAreNoAbstractMethodsLeftToOverride = 'There are no abstract '
2599     +'methods left to override.';
2600   lisSAMUnableToShowAbstractMethodsOfTheCurrentClassBecaus = 'Unable to show '
2601     +'abstract methods of the current class, because';
2602   lisCCOWarningCaption = 'Warning';
2603   lisHintClickOnShowOptionsToFindOutWhereInheritedPaths = 'Hint: Click on "'
2604     +'Show Options" to find out where inherited paths are coming from.';
2605   lisFileNotFound5 = 'File not found:%s%s';
2606   lisMovingTheseUnitsWillBreakTheirUsesSectionsSeeMessa = 'Moving these units '
2607     +'will break their uses sections. See Messages window for details.';
2608   lisImportant = 'Important';
2609   lisMB = '%s MB';
2610   lisKB = '%s KB';
2611   lisThisWillPutALotOfTextOnTheClipboardProceed = 'This will put a lot of text'
2612     +' (%s) on the clipboard.%sProceed?';
2613   lisThePathOfMakeIsNotCorrect = 'The path of "make" is not correct: "%s"';
2614   lisTheCompilerFileDoesNotLookCorrect = 'The compiler file "%s" does not look'
2615     +' correct:%s%s';
2616   lisTheFPCSourceDirectoryDoesNotLookCorrect = 'The FPC source directory "%s" '
2617     +'does not look correct:%s%s';
2618   lisTheLazarusDirectoryDoesNotLookCorrect = 'The Lazarus directory "%s" does '
2619     +'not look correct:%s%s';
2620   lisTheContainsANotExistingDirectory = 'The %s contains a nonexistent directory:%s%s';
2621   lisTheProjectDoesNotUseTheLCLUnitInterfacesButItSeems = 'The project does '
2622     +'not use the LCL unit interfaces, which is required by LCLBase.%sYou will '
2623     +'get strange linker errors if you use the LCL without interfaces.';
2624   lisAddUnitInterfaces = 'Add unit interfaces';
2625   lisCCODatesDiffer = 'The dates of the .ppu files of FPC differ by more than one hour.'
2626     +'%sThis can mean, they are from two different installations.'
2627     +'%sFile1: %s'
2628     +'%sFile2: %s';
2629   lisCCOPPUOlderThanCompiler = 'There is a .ppu file older than the compiler itself:%s%s';
2630   lisCCOPPUExistsTwice = 'ppu exists twice: %s, %s';
2631   dlgCCOTestSrcInPPUPaths = 'Test: Checking sources in fpc ppu search paths ...';
2632   lisCCOFPCUnitPathHasSource = 'FPC unit path contains a source: ';
2633   lisTheOutputDirectoryOfIsListedInTheUnitSearchPathOf = 'The output '
2634     +'directory of %s is listed in the unit search path of %s.';
2635   lisTheOutputDirectoryShouldBeASeparateDirectoryAndNot = ' The output '
2636     +'directory should be a separate directory and not contain any source files.';
2637   dlgCCOOrphanedFileFound = 'orphaned file found: %s';
2638   lisTheOutputDirectoryOfIsListedInTheIncludeSearchPath = 'The output '
2639     +'directory of %s is listed in the include search path of %s.';
2640   lisTheOutputDirectoryOfIsListedInTheInheritedUnitSear = 'The output '
2641     +'directory of %s is listed in the inherited unit search path of %s.';
2642   lisTheOutputDirectoryOfIsListedInTheInheritedIncludeS = 'The output '
2643     +'directory of %s is listed in the inherited include search path of %s.';
2644   lisCCOTestsSuccess = 'All tests succeeded.';
2645   lisCCOWarningMsg = 'WARNING: ';
2646   lisCCOHintMsg = 'HINT: ';
2647   lisCCOErrorMsg = 'ERROR: ';
2649   // custom messages
2650   dlgCompilerMessage = 'Compiler messages';
2652   // project options dialog
2653   dlgProjectOptions = 'Project Options';
2654   dlgProjectOptionsFor = 'Options for Project: %s';
2655   dlgPOApplication = 'Application';
2656   dlgPOFroms = 'Forms';
2657   dlgPOResources = 'Resources';
2658   rsResourceFileName = 'File name';
2659   rsResourceType = 'Type';
2660   rsResource = 'Resource';
2661   rsResourceClear = 'Delete all resources?';
2662   dlgPOMisc = 'Miscellaneous';
2663   dlgPOI18n = 'i18n';
2664   rsEnableI18n = 'Enable i18n';
2665   lisEnableInternationalizationAndTranslationSupport = 'Enable internationalization '
2666     +'and translation support';
2667   rsI18nOptions = 'i18n Options';
2668   rsPOOutputDirectory = 'PO Output Directory:';
2669   lisDirectoryWhereTheIDEPutsThePoFiles = 'Directory where the IDE puts the .po files';
2670   lisCreateUpdatePoFileWhenSavingALfmFile = 'Create/update .po file when '
2671     +'saving a lfm file';
2672   lisYouCanDisableThisForIndividualFormsViaThePackageEd = 'You can disable '
2673     +'this for individual forms via the package editor';
2674   lisYouCanDisableThisForIndividualFormsViaThePopupMenu = 'You can disable '
2675     +'this for individual forms via the popup menu in the project inspector';
2676   rsI18nExcluded = 'Excluded';
2677   rsI18nIdentifiers = 'Identifiers:';
2678   rsI18nOriginals = 'Originals:';
2679   rsI18nForceUpdatePoFilesOnNextBuild = 'Force update PO files on next build';
2681   rsIncludeVersionInfoInExecutable = 'Include version info in executable';
2682   rsIncludeVersionInfoHint = 'Version info is stored if the executable format supports it.';
2683   rsVersionNumbering = 'Version numbering';
2684   rsMajorVersion = '&Major version:';
2685   rsMinorVersion = 'Mi&nor version:';
2686   rsRevision = '&Revision:';
2687   rsBuild = '&Build:';
2688   rsAutomaticallyIncreaseBuildNumber = 'Automatically increase build number';
2689   rsAutomaticallyIncreaseBuildNumberHint = 'Increased every time the project is compiled.';
2690   rsAttributes = 'Attributes';
2691   rsLanguageOptions = 'Language options';
2692   rsLanguageSelection = 'Language selection:';
2693   rsCharacterSet = 'Character set:';
2694   rsOtherInfo = 'Other info';
2696   dlgPOSaveSession = 'Session';
2697   dlgApplicationSettings = 'Application settings';
2698   dlgPOTitle = 'Title:';
2699   lisHint = 'Hint';
2700   lisNote = 'Note';
2701   dlgPOUseLCLScaling = 'Use LCL scaling (Hi-DPI)';
2702   lisTheContainsAStarCharacterLazarusUsesThisAsNormalCh = 'The %s contains a '
2703     +'star * character.%sLazarus uses this as normal character and does not '
2704     +'expand this as file mask.';
2705   lisDuplicateSearchPath = 'Duplicate search path';
2706   lisTheOtherSourcesContainsADirectoryWhichIsAlreadyInT = 'The "Other sources" '
2707     +'contains a directory which is already in the "Other unit files".%s%s';
2708   lisRemoveThePathsFromOtherSources = 'Remove the paths from "Other sources"';
2709   lisForWindows = 'For Windows';
2710   lisForMacOSDarwin = 'For macOS (Darwin)';
2711   dlgPOUseAppBundle = 'Use Application Bundle for running and debugging';
2712   dlgNSPrincipalClass = 'NSPrincipalClass';
2713   dlgPOCreateAppBundle = 'Create Application Bundle';
2714   dlgPOUseManifest = 'Use manifest resource (and enable themes)';
2715   dlgPODpiAwareness = 'DPI awareness';
2716   dlgPODpiAwarenessOff = 'off';
2717   dlgPODpiAwarenessOn = 'on';
2718   dlgPODpiAwarenessOldOffNewPerMonitor = 'Vista-8: off, 8.1+: per monitor';
2719   dlgPODpiAwarenessOldOnNewPerMonitor = 'Vista-8: on, 8.1+: per monitor';
2720   dlgPODpiAwarenessOldOnNewPerMonitorV2 = 'Vista-8: on, 8.1/10+: per monitor/V2';
2721   dlgPOUIAccess = 'UI Access (uiAccess)';
2722   dlgPOLongPathAware = 'Long path awareness';
2723   dlgPOAnsiUTF8  = 'ANSI codepage is UTF-8 (Windows 10 1903+)';
2724   dlgPOAsInvoker = 'as invoker (asInvoker)';
2725   dlgPOHighestAvailable = 'highest available (highestAvailable)';
2726   dlgPORequireAdministrator = 'require administrator (requireAdministrator)';
2727   dlgPOExecutionLevel = 'Execution Level';
2728   dlgPOIcon = 'Icon:';
2729   dlgPOLoadIcon = '&Load Icon';
2730   dlgPODefaultIcon = 'Load &Default';
2731   dlgPOSaveIcon = '&Save Icon';
2732   dlgPOClearIcon = '&Clear Icon';
2733   dlgPOIconDesc = '(size: %d:%d, bpp: %d)';
2734   dlgPOIconDescNone = '(none)';
2736   dlgAutoCreateForms = 'Auto-create forms:';
2737   dlgAutoCreateFormsHint = 'Main .lpr unit creates each form with Application.CreateForm(). '
2738     +'They are also freed automatically.';
2739   dlgAvailableForms = 'Available forms:';
2740   dlgAvailableFormsHint = 'These forms must be created and freed in the program code.';
2741   dlgAutoCreateNewForms = 'Auto-create new forms';
2743   dlgSaveEditorInfo = 'Save editor info for closed files';
2744   dlgSaveEditorInfoHint = 'The files are available in the "Open Recent" history list.';
2745   dlgSaveEditorInfoProject = 'Save editor info only for project files';
2746   dlgSaveEditorInfoProjectHint = 'Only files that belong to this project.';
2747   lisSaveSessionJumpHistory = 'Save jump history';
2748   lisSaveSessionJumpHistoryHint = 'Ctrl-Click on an identifier in code editor is stored in jump history.';
2749   lisSaveSessionFoldState = 'Save fold info';
2750   lisSaveSessionFoldStateHint = 'Code editor supports folding (temporarily hiding) blocks of code.';
2751   lisPOSaveInLpiFil = 'Save in .lpi file';
2752   lisPOSaveInLpsFileInProjectDirectory = 'Save in .lps file in project directory';
2753   lisPOSaveInIDEConfigDirectory = 'Save in .lps file in IDE config directory';
2754   lisPODoNotSaveAnySessionInfo = 'Do not save any session info';
2755   lisPOSaveSessionInformationIn = 'Save session information in';
2756   lisPOSaveSessionInformationInHint = '.lpi is the project main info file, '
2757     +'.lps is a separate file for session data only.';
2759   lisMainUnitIsPascalSource = 'Main unit is Pascal source';
2760   lisMainUnitIsPascalSourceHint = 'Assume Pascal even if it does not end with .pas/.pp suffix.';
2761   lisMainUnitHasUsesSectionContainingAllUnitsOfProject = 'Main unit has Uses '
2762     +'section containing all units of project';
2763   lisUpdateApplicationCreateForm = 'Update Application.CreateForm statements in main unit';
2764   lisUsedForAutoCreatedForms = 'Used for auto-created forms.';
2765   lisUpdateApplicationTitleStatement = 'Update Application.Title statement in main unit';
2766   lisIdeMaintainsTheTitleInMainUnit = 'The IDE maintains the title in main unit.';
2767   lisUpdateApplicationScaledStatement = 'Update Application.Scaled statement in main unit';
2768   lisIdeMaintainsScaledInMainUnit = 'The IDE maintains Application.Scaled (Hi-DPI) in main unit.';
2769   lisLPICompatibilityModeCheckBox = 'Maximize compatibility of project files (LPI and LPS)';
2770   lisLPICompatibilityModeCheckBoxHint = 'Check this if you want to open your project in legacy (2.0 and older) Lazarus versions.';
2771   lisProjectIsRunnable = 'Project is runnable';
2772   lisProjectIsRunnableHint = 'Generates a binary executable which can be run.';
2773   lisUseDesignTimePackages = 'Use design time packages';
2774   lisThisIsTestProjectForDesignTimePackage = 'This is a test project for a '
2775     +'design time package, testing it outside the IDE.';
2776   lisProjOptsAlwaysBuildEvenIfNothingChanged = 'Always build (even if nothing changed)';
2777   lisProjOptsAlwaysBuildHint = 'May be needed if there is a bug in dependency check, normally not needed.';
2778   lisPutLrsFilesInOutputDirectory = 'Save .lrs files in the output directory';
2779   lisPutLrsFilesInOutputDirectoryHint = 'The resource will be available for FPC.';
2780   lisResourceTypeOfNewFiles = 'Resource type of project';
2781   lisLrsIncludeFiles = 'Lazarus resources (.lrs) include files';
2782   lisAutomaticallyConvertLfmToLrs = 'Automatically convert .lfm files to .lrs resource files';
2783   lisFPCResources = 'FPC resources (.res)';
2784   lisDelphiCompatibleResources = 'Delphi compatible resources. Recommended.';
2785   lisStorePathDelimitersAndAs = 'Store path delimiters \ and / as';
2786   lisDoNotChange = 'Do not change';
2787   lisChangeToUnix = 'Change to Unix /';
2788   lisChangeToWindows = 'Change to Windows \';
2790   dlgRunParameters = 'Run Parameters';
2791   dlgRunOLocal = 'Local';
2792   dlgRunOEnvironment = 'Environment';
2793   dlgHostApplication = 'Host application';
2794   dlgCommandLineParams = 'Command line parameters (without application name)';
2795   dlgUseLaunchingApp = 'Use launching application';
2796   lisUseLaunchingApplicationGroupBox = 'Launching application';
2797   dlgCreateNewRunParametersSettings = 'Create new Run Parameters settings';
2798   lisDuplicateModeName = 'Mode "%s" is already present in the list.';
2799   lisCannotDeleteLastMode = 'Cannot delete last mode.';
2800   dlgMode = 'Mode';
2801   dlgSaveIn = 'Save in';
2802   dlgAddNewMode = 'Add new mode';
2803   dlgDeleteMode = 'Delete mode';
2804   dlgROWorkingDirectory = 'Working directory';
2805   dlgRunODisplay = 'Display (not for win32, e.g., x.org:1, hydra:0.1)';
2806   dlgRunOUsedisplay = 'Use display';
2807   dlgRunOSystemVariables = 'System variables';
2808   dlgRunOUserOverrides = 'User overrides';
2809   dlgIncludeSystemVariables = 'Include system variables';
2810   lisRunParamsFileNotExecutable = 'File not executable';
2811   lisRunParamsTheHostApplicationIsNotExecutable = 'The host application "%s" is not executable.';
2812   dlgTextToFind = '&Text to find';
2813   dlgReplaceWith = 'Replace wit&h';
2814   lisBFWhenThisFileIsActiveInSourceEditor = 'When this file is active in source editor';
2815   lisBFOnBuildProjectExecuteTheBuildFileCommandInstead = 'On build project '
2816     +'execute the Build File command instead';
2817   lisBFOnRunProjectExecuteTheRunFileCommandInstead = 'On run project execute '
2818     +'the Run File command instead';
2819   lisCEFilter = '(filter)';
2820   lrsPLDUnableToDeleteFile = 'Unable to delete file "%s"';
2821   lisPLDSomePackagesCannotBeDeleted = 'Some packages cannot be deleted';
2822   lisPLDOnlinePackagesCannotBeDeleted = 'Online packages cannot be deleted';
2823   lisPESortFilesAlphabetically = 'Sort files alphabetically';
2824   lisPEShowDirectoryHierarchy = 'Show directory hierarchy';
2825   dlgCaseSensitive = '&Case sensitive';
2826   lisDistinguishBigAndSmallLettersEGAAndA = 'Distinguish big and small letters e.g. A and a';
2827   dlgWholeWordsOnly = '&Whole words only';
2828   lisOnlySearchForWholeWords = 'Only search for whole words';
2829   dlgRegularExpressions = 'Regular e&xpressions';
2830   lisActivateRegularExpressionSyntaxForTextAndReplaceme = 'Activate regular '
2831     +'expression syntax for text and replacement (pretty much like perl)';
2832   lisAllowSearchingForMultipleLines = 'Allow searching for multiple lines';
2833   dlgPromptOnReplace = '&Prompt on replace';
2834   lisAskBeforeReplacingEachFoundText = 'Ask before replacing each found text';
2835   dlgSROrigin = 'Origin';
2836   dlgFromCursor = 'From c&ursor';
2837   dlgFromBeginning = 'From b&eginning';
2838   dlgSearchScope = 'Search scope';
2839   dlgProject = 'Project';
2840   lisProjectSession = 'Project Session';
2841   lisWithRequiredPackages = 'With required packages';
2842   lisLevels = 'Levels';
2843   lisShowPackages = 'Show packages';
2844   lisShowUnits = 'Show units';
2845   lisShowIdentifiers = 'Show identifiers';
2846   lisPrivate = 'Private';
2847   lisProtected = 'Protected';
2848   lisEMDPublic = 'Public';
2849   lisEMDPublished = 'Published';
2850   lisEMDAll = 'All';
2851   lisEMDOnlyPublished = 'Only published';
2852   lisEMDFoundEmptyMethods = 'Found empty methods:';
2853   lisEMDRemoveMethods = 'Remove methods';
2854   lisEMDNoClass = 'No class';
2855   lisEMDNoClassAt = 'No class at %s(%s,%s)';
2856   lisEMDUnableToShowEmptyMethodsOfTheCurrentClassBecause = 'Unable to show '
2857     +'empty methods of the current class, because%s%s';
2858   lisRoot = 'Root';
2859   lisCopyDescription = 'Copy description to clipboard';
2860   lisUseIdentifierInAt = 'Use identifier %s in %s at %s';
2861   lisCopyIdentifier = 'Copy "%s" to clipboard';
2862   lisExpandAllPackages = 'Expand all packages';
2863   lisCollapseAllPackages = 'Collapse all packages';
2864   lisExpandAllUnits = 'Expand all units';
2865   lisCollapseAllUnits = 'Collapse all units';
2866   lisExpandAllClasses = 'Expand all classes';
2867   lisCollapseAllClasses = 'Collapse all classes';
2868   lisBegins = 'begins';
2869   lisIdentifierBeginsWith = 'Identifier begins with ...';
2870   lisUnitNameBeginsWith = 'Unit name begins with ...';
2871   lisPackageNameBeginsWith = 'Package name begins with ...';
2872   lisContains = 'contains';
2873   lisIdentifierContains = 'Identifier contains ...';
2874   lisUnitNameContains = 'Unit name contains ...';
2875   lisPackageNameContains = 'Package name contains ...';
2876   lisFRIinCurrentUnit = 'in current unit';
2877   lisFRIinMainProject = 'in main project';
2878   lisFRIinProjectPackageOwningCurrentUnit = 'in project/package owning current unit';
2879   lisFRIinAllOpenPackagesAndProjects = 'in all open packages and projects';
2880   lisFRIRenameAllReferences = 'Rename all References';
2881   dlgGlobal = '&Global';
2882   lisPLDGlobal = 'Global';
2883   lisPLDOnline = 'Online';
2884   lisPLDUser = 'User';
2885   lrsPLDValid = 'valid';
2886   lrsPLDInvalid = 'invalid';
2887   dlgSelectedText = '&Selected text';
2888   dlgDirection = 'Direction';
2889   lisFRForwardSearch = 'Forwar&d search';
2890   lisFRBackwardSearch = '&Backward search';
2891   dlgReplaceAll = 'Replace &All';
2893   // IDEOptionDefs
2894   dlgWidthPos    = 'Width:';
2895   DlgHeightPos   = 'Height:';
2897   // Code Explorer
2898   lisCode = 'Code';
2900   // Unit editor
2901   uemFindDeclaration = '&Find Declaration';
2902   uemOpenFileAtCursor = '&Open File at Cursor';
2903   uemProcedureJump = 'Procedure Jump';
2904   uemClosePage = '&Close Page';
2905   uemCloseOtherPages = 'Close All &Other Pages';
2906   uemCloseOtherPagesRight = 'Close Pages on the &Right';
2907   uemCloseOtherPagesPlain = 'Close All Other Pages';
2908   uemCloseOtherPagesRightPlain = 'Close Pages on the Right';
2909   uemLockPage = '&Lock Page';
2910   uemCopyToNewWindow = 'Clone to New Window';
2911   uemCopyToOtherWindow = 'Clone to Other Window';
2912   uemCopyToOtherWindowNew = 'New Window';
2913   uemMoveToNewWindow = 'Move to New Window';
2914   uemMoveToOtherWindow = 'Move to Other Window';
2915   uemMoveToOtherWindowNew = 'New Window';
2916   uemFindInOtherWindow = 'Find in other Window';
2917   uemCopyFilename = 'Copy Filename';
2918   lisCopyFilename = 'Copy Filename %s';
2919   uemGotoBookmark = '&Goto Bookmark';
2920   uemGotoBookmarks = 'Goto Bookmark ...';
2921   uemSetFreeBookmark = 'Set a Free Bookmark';
2922   uemNextBookmark = 'Goto Next Bookmark';
2923   uemPrevBookmark = 'Goto Previous Bookmark';
2924   uemBookmarkNUnSetDisabled = 'Bookmark %s';
2925   uemBookmarkNUnSet = 'Bookmark &%s';
2926   uemBookmarkNSet   = 'Bookmark &%s: %s';
2927   lisChangeEncoding = 'Change Encoding';
2928   lisChangeFile = 'Change file';
2929   lisEncodingOfFileOnDiskIsNewEncodingIs = 'Encoding of file "%s"%son disk is %s. New encoding is %s.';
2930   lisReopenWithAnotherEncoding = 'Reopen with another encoding';
2931   lisAbandonChanges = 'Abandon changes?';
2932   lisAllYourModificationsToWillBeLostAndTheFileReopened = 'All your modifications '
2933     +'to "%s"%swill be lost and the file reopened.';
2934   lisOpenLfm = 'Open %s';
2935   lisUtf8WithBOM = 'UTF-8 with BOM';
2936   uemToggleBookmark = '&Toggle Bookmark';
2937   uemToggleBookmarkNUnset = 'Toggle Bookmark &%s';
2938   uemToggleBookmarkNset = 'Toggle Bookmark &%s: %s';
2939   uemToggleBookmarks = 'Toggle Bookmark ...';
2940   uemReadOnly = 'Read Only';
2941   uemShowLineNumbers = 'Show Line Numbers';
2942   lisDisableI18NForLFM = 'Disable I18N for LFM';
2943   lisEnableI18NForLFM = 'Enable I18N for LFM';
2944   uemDebugWord = 'Debug';
2945   lisExtremelyVerbose = 'Extremely Verbose';
2946   lisDebug = 'Debug';
2947   lisVeryVerbose = 'Very Verbose';
2948   lisVerbose = 'Verbose';
2949   uemToggleBreakpoint = 'Toggle &Breakpoint';
2950   uemEvaluateModify = '&Evaluate/Modify ...';
2951   uemAddWatchAtCursor = 'Add &Watch At Cursor';
2952   uemAddWatchPointAtCursor = 'Add Watch&Point At Cursor';
2953   uemInspect = '&Inspect ...';
2954   uemViewCallStack = 'View Call Stack';
2955   uemMovePageLeft='Move Page Left';
2956   uemMovePageRight='Move Page Right';
2957   uemMovePageLeftmost='Move Page Leftmost';
2958   uemMovePageRightmost='Move Page Rightmost';
2959   uemSource = 'Source';
2960   uemRefactor = 'Refactoring';
2961   ueNotImplCap='Not implemented yet';
2962   ueFileROCap= 'File is readonly';
2963   ueFileROText1='The file "';
2964   ueFileROText2='" is not writable.';
2965   ueModified='Modified';
2966   ueLocked='Locked';
2967   ueMacroRecording = 'Recording';
2968   ueMacroRecordingPaused = 'Rec-pause';
2969   uepReadonly= 'Readonly';
2970   uepIns='INS';
2971   uepOvr='OVR';
2972   lisUEFontWith = 'Font without UTF-8';
2973   lisUETheCurre = 'The current editor font does not support UTF-8 but your system seems to use it.'
2974     +'%sThat means non ASCII characters will probably be shown incorrectly.'
2975     +'%sYou can select another font in the editor options.';
2976   lisUEDoNotSho = 'Do not show this message again.';
2977   uemHighlighter = 'Highlighter';
2978   uemEncoding = 'Encoding';
2979   uemLineEnding = 'Line Ending';
2981   // Form designer
2982   lisInvalidMultiselection = 'Invalid multiselection';
2983   lisUnableConvertBinaryStreamToText = 'Unable convert binary stream to text';
2984   lisUnableToStreamSelectedComponents = 'Unable to stream selected components';
2985   lisCanNotCopyTopLevelComponent = 'Cannot copy top level component.';
2986   lisCopyingAWholeFormIsNotImplemented = 'Copying a whole form is not implemented.';
2987   lisThereWasAnErrorDuringWritingTheSelectedComponent = 'There was an error '
2988     +'during writing the selected component %s:%s:%s%s';
2989   lisThereWasAnErrorWhileConvertingTheBinaryStreamOfThe = 'There was an error '
2990     +'while converting the binary stream of the selected component %s:%s:%s%s';
2991   lisUnableCopyComponentsToClipboard = 'Unable copy components to clipboard';
2992   lisThereWasAnErrorWhileCopyingTheComponentStreamToCli = 'There was an error '
2993     +'while copying the component stream to clipboard:%s%s';
2994   lisErrorIn = 'Error in %s';
2995   lisTheComponentEditorOfClassInvokedWithVerbHasCreated = 'The component editor of class "%s"'
2996     +'%sinvoked with verb #%s "%s"'
2997     +'%shas created the error:'
2998     +'%s"%s"';
2999   lisReset = 'Reset';
3000   lisResetLeftTopWidthHeightOfSelectedComponentsToTheir = 'Reset Left, Top, '
3001     +'Width, Height of selected components to their ancestor values?';
3002   lisTheComponentEditorOfClassHasCreatedTheError = 'The component editor of '
3003     +'class "%s" has created the error:%s"%s"';
3004   fdInvalidMultiselectionText='Multiselected components must be of a single form.';
3005   lisInvalidDelete = 'Invalid delete';
3006   lisTheComponentIsInheritedFromToDeleteAnInheritedComp = 'The component %s '
3007     +'is inherited from %s.%sTo delete an inherited component open the '
3008     +'ancestor and delete it there.';
3009   lisTheRootComponentCanNotBeDeleted = 'The root component cannot be deleted.';
3010   fdmAlignMenu='Align ...';
3011   fdmMirrorHorizontal='Mirror Horizontal';
3012   fdmMirrorVertical='Mirror Vertical';
3013   fdmScaleWord='Scale';
3014   fdmScaleMenu='Scale ...';
3015   fdmSizeWord='Size';
3016   fdmSizeMenu='Size ...';
3017   fdmResetMenu = 'Reset ...';
3018   fdmZOrder='Z-order';
3019   fdmOrderMoveTofront='Move to Front';
3020   fdmOrderMoveToback='Move to Back';
3021   fdmOrderForwardOne='Forward One';
3022   fdmOrderBackOne='Back One';
3023   fdmDeleteSelection='Delete Selection';
3024   fdmSelectAll='Select All';
3025   lisChangeClass = 'Change Class';
3026   lisDlgChangeClass = 'Change Class ...';
3027   fdmSnapToGridOption='Option: Snap to grid';
3028   fdmSnapToGuideLinesOption='Option: Snap to guide lines';
3029   lisViewSourceLfm = 'View Source (.lfm)';
3030   lisCenterForm = 'Center Form';
3031   fdmSaveFormAsXML = 'Save Form as XML';
3033   // keyMapping
3034   srkmCommand  = 'Command:';
3035   lisKeyOr2KeySequence = 'Key (or 2 key sequence)';
3036   lisTheKeyIsAlreadyAssignedToRemoveTheOldAssignmentAnd = 'The key %s'
3037     +' is already assigned to %s%s.'
3038     +'%s%sRemove the old assignment and assign the key to the new function %s?';
3039   lisAlternativeKeyOr2KeySequence = 'Alternative key (or 2 key sequence)';
3040   srkmConflic  = 'Conflict ';
3041   lisThereAreNoConflictingKeys = 'There are no conflicting keys.';
3042   srkmEditForCmd = 'Edit keys of command';
3043   lisChooseAKey = 'Choose a key ...';
3045   //Commands
3046   srkmecLeft                  = 'Move cursor left';
3047   srkmecRight                 = 'Move cursor right';
3048   srkmecUp                    = 'Move cursor up';
3049   srkmecDown                  = 'Move cursor down';
3050   srkmecWordLeft              = 'Move cursor word left';
3051   srkmecWordRight             = 'Move cursor word right';
3052   srkmecWordEndLeft           = 'Move cursor word-end left';
3053   srkmecWordEndRight          = 'Move cursor word-end right';
3054   srkmecHalfWordLeft          = 'Move cursor part-word left (e.g. CamelCase)';
3055   srkmecHalfWordRight         = 'Move cursor part-word right (e.g. CamelCase)';
3056   srkmecSmartWordLeft         = 'Smart move cursor left (start/end of word)';
3057   srkmecSmartWordRight        = 'Smart move cursor right (start/end of word)';
3058   srkmecLineStart             = 'Move cursor to line start';
3059   srkmecLineEnd               = 'Move cursor to line end';
3060   srkmecPageUp                = 'Move cursor up one page';
3061   srkmecPageDown              = 'Move cursor down one page';
3062   srkmecPageLeft              = 'Move cursor left one page';
3063   srkmecPageRight             = 'Move cursor right one page';
3064   srkmecPageTop               = 'Move cursor to top of page';
3065   srkmecPageBottom            = 'Move cursor to bottom of page';
3066   srkmecEditorTop             = 'Move cursor to absolute beginning';
3067   srkmecEditorBottom          = 'Move cursor to absolute end';
3068   srkmecGotoXY                = 'Goto XY';
3069   srkmecLineTextStart         = 'Move cursor to text start in line';
3070   srkmecSelSticky             = 'Start sticky selecting';
3071   srkmecSelStickyCol          = 'Start sticky selecting (Columns)';
3072   srkmecSelStickyLine         = 'Start sticky selecting (Line)';
3073   srkmecSelStickyStop         = 'Stop sticky selecting';
3074   srkmecSelLeft               = 'Select Left';
3075   srkmecSelRight              = 'Select Right';
3076   srkmecSelUp                 = 'Select Up';
3077   srkmecSelDown               = 'Select Down';
3078   srkmecSelWordLeft           = 'Select Word Left';
3079   srkmecSelWordRight          = 'Select Word Right';
3080   srkmecSelWordEndLeft        = 'Select word-end left';
3081   srkmecSelWordEndRight       = 'Select word-end right';
3082   srkmecSelHalfWordLeft       = 'Select part-word left (e.g. CamelCase)';
3083   srkmecSelHalfWordRight      = 'Select part-word right (e.g. CamelCase)';
3084   srkmecSelSmartWordLeft      = 'Smart select word left (start/end of word)';
3085   srkmecSelSmartWordRight     = 'Smart select word right (start/end of word)';
3086   srkmecSelLineStart          = 'Select Line Start';
3087   srkmecSelLineEnd            = 'Select Line End';
3088   srkmecSelPageUp             = 'Select Page Up';
3089   srkmecSelPageDown           = 'Select Page Down';
3090   srkmecSelPageLeft           = 'Select Page Left';
3091   srkmecSelPageRight          = 'Select Page Right';
3092   srkmecSelPageTop            = 'Select Page Top';
3093   srkmecSelPageBottom         = 'Select Page Bottom';
3094   srkmecSelEditorTop          = 'Select to absolute beginning';
3095   srkmecSelEditorBottom       = 'Select to absolute end';
3096   srkmecSelLineTextStart      = 'Select to text start in line';
3097   srkmecColSelUp              = 'Column Select Up';
3098   srkmecColSelDown            = 'Column Select Down';
3099   srkmecColSelLeft            = 'Column Select Left';
3100   srkmecColSelRight           = 'Column Select Right';
3101   srkmecColSelWordLeft        = 'Column Select Word Left';
3102   srkmecColSelWordRight       = 'Column Select Word Right';
3103   srkmecColSelPageDown        = 'Column Select Page Down';
3104   srkmecColSelPageBottom      = 'Column Select Page Bottom';
3105   srkmecColSelPageUp          = 'Column Select Page Up';
3106   srkmecColSelPageTop         = 'Column Select Page Top';
3107   srkmecColSelLineStart       = 'Column Select Line Start';
3108   srkmecColSelLineEnd         = 'Column Select Line End';
3109   srkmecColSelEditorTop       = 'Column Select to absolute beginning';
3110   srkmecColSelEditorBottom    = 'Column Select to absolute end';
3111   srkmecColSelLineTextStart   = 'Column Select to text start in line';
3112   srkmecSelGotoXY             = 'Select Goto XY';
3113   srkmecSelectAll             = 'Select All';
3114   srkmecDeleteLastChar        = 'Delete Last Char';
3115   srkmecDeletechar            = 'Delete char at cursor';
3116   srkmecDeleteWord            = 'Delete to end of word';
3117   srkmecDeleteLastWord        = 'Delete to start of word';
3118   srkmecDeleteBOL             = 'Delete to beginning of line';
3119   srkmecDeleteEOL             = 'Delete to end of line';
3120   srkmecDeleteLine            = 'Delete current line';
3121   srkmecClearAll              = 'Delete whole text';
3122   srkmecLineBreak             = 'Break line and move cursor';
3123   srkmecInsertLine            = 'Break line, leave cursor';
3124   srkmecChar                  = 'Char';
3125   srkmecImeStr                = 'Ime Str';
3126   srkmecCut                   = 'Cut';
3127   srkmecCopy                  = 'Copy';
3128   srkmecPaste                 = 'Paste';
3129   srkmecPasteAsColumns        = 'Paste (as Columns)';
3130   srkmecCopyAdd               = 'Copy (Add to Clipboard)';
3131   srkmecCutAdd                = 'Cut (Add to Clipboard)';
3132   srkmecCopyCurrentLine       = 'Copy current line';
3133   srkmecCopyAddCurrentLine    = 'Copy current line (Add to Clipboard)';
3134   srkmecCutCurrentLine        = 'Cut current line';
3135   srkmecCutAddCurrentLine     = 'Cut current line (Add to Clipboard)';
3136   srkmecMoveLineUp            = 'Move line up';
3137   srkmecMoveLineDown          = 'Move line down';
3138   srkmecDuplicateLine         = 'Duplicate line (or lines in selection)';
3139   srkmecDuplicateSelection    = 'Duplicate selection';
3140   srkmecMoveSelectUp          = 'Move selection up';
3141   srkmecMoveSelectDown        = 'Move selection down';
3142   srkmecMoveSelectLeft        = 'Move selection left';
3143   srkmecMoveSelectRight       = 'Move selection right';
3145   srkmecMultiPaste            = 'MultiPaste';
3146   srkmecScrollUp              = 'Scroll up one line';
3147   srkmecScrollDown            = 'Scroll down one line';
3148   srkmecScrollLeft            = 'Scroll left one char';
3149   srkmecScrollRight           = 'Scroll right one char';
3150   srkmecInsertMode            = 'Insert Mode';
3151   srkmecOverwriteMode         = 'Overwrite Mode';
3152   srkmecToggleMode            = 'Toggle Mode';
3153   srkmecBlockIndent           = 'Indent block';
3154   srkmecBlockUnindent         = 'Unindent block';
3155   srkmecPluginMultiCaretSetCaret         = 'Add extra caret';
3156   srkmecPluginMultiCaretUnsetCaret       = 'Remove extra caret';
3157   srkmecPluginMultiCaretToggleCaret      = 'Toggle extra caret';
3158   srkmecPluginMultiCaretClearAll         = 'Clear all extra carets';
3159   srkmecPluginMultiCaretModeCancelOnMove = 'Cursor keys clear all extra carets';
3160   srkmecPluginMultiCaretModeMoveAll      = 'Cursor keys move all extra carets';
3162   srkmecBlockSetBegin   = 'Set block begin';
3163   srkmecBlockSetEnd     = 'Set block end';
3164   srkmecBlockToggleHide = 'Toggle block';
3165   srkmecBlockHide       = 'Hide Block';
3166   srkmecBlockShow       = 'Show Block';
3167   srkmecBlockMove       = 'Move Block';
3168   srkmecBlockCopy       = 'Copy Block';
3169   srkmecBlockDelete     = 'Delete Block';
3170   srkmecBlockGotoBegin  = 'Goto Block begin';
3171   srkmecBlockGotoEnd    = 'Goto Block end';
3173   srkmecZoomIn    = 'Zoom in';
3174   srkmecZoomOut   = 'Zoom out';
3176   srkmecShiftTab              = 'Shift Tab';
3177   lisTab                      = 'Tab';
3178   srkmecMatchBracket          = 'Go to matching bracket';
3179   srkmecNormalSelect          = 'Normal selection mode';
3180   srkmecColumnSelect          = 'Column selection mode';
3181   srkmecLineSelect            = 'Line selection mode';
3182   srkmecAutoCompletion        = 'Code template completion';
3183   srkmecSetFreeBookmark       = 'Set a free Bookmark';
3184   srkmecClearBookmarkForFile  = 'Clear Bookmarks for current file';
3185   srkmecClearAllBookmark      = 'Clear all Bookmarks';
3186   srkmecPrevBookmark          = 'Previous Bookmark';
3187   srkmecNextBookmark          = 'Next Bookmark';
3188   lisKMGoToMarker0 = 'Go to bookmark 0';
3189   lisKMGoToMarker1 = 'Go to bookmark 1';
3190   lisKMGoToMarker2 = 'Go to bookmark 2';
3191   lisKMGoToMarker3 = 'Go to bookmark 3';
3192   lisKMGoToMarker4 = 'Go to bookmark 4';
3193   lisKMGoToMarker5 = 'Go to bookmark 5';
3194   lisKMGoToMarker6 = 'Go to bookmark 6';
3195   lisKMGoToMarker7 = 'Go to bookmark 7';
3196   lisKMGoToMarker8 = 'Go to bookmark 8';
3197   lisKMGoToMarker9 = 'Go to bookmark 9';
3198   lisKMSetMarker0 = 'Set bookmark 0';
3199   lisKMSetMarker1 = 'Set bookmark 1';
3200   lisKMSetMarker2 = 'Set bookmark 2';
3201   lisKMSetMarker3 = 'Set bookmark 3';
3202   lisKMSetMarker4 = 'Set bookmark 4';
3203   lisKMSetMarker5 = 'Set bookmark 5';
3204   lisKMSetMarker6 = 'Set bookmark 6';
3205   lisKMSetMarker7 = 'Set bookmark 7';
3206   lisKMSetMarker8 = 'Set bookmark 8';
3207   lisKMSetMarker9 = 'Set bookmark 9';
3208   lisKMToggleMarker0 = 'Toggle bookmark 0';
3209   lisKMToggleMarker1 = 'Toggle bookmark 1';
3210   lisKMToggleMarker2 = 'Toggle bookmark 2';
3211   lisKMToggleMarker3 = 'Toggle bookmark 3';
3212   lisKMToggleMarker4 = 'Toggle bookmark 4';
3213   lisKMToggleMarker5 = 'Toggle bookmark 5';
3214   lisKMToggleMarker6 = 'Toggle bookmark 6';
3215   lisKMToggleMarker7 = 'Toggle bookmark 7';
3216   lisKMToggleMarker8 = 'Toggle bookmark 8';
3217   lisKMToggleMarker9 = 'Toggle bookmark 9';
3218   srkmecGotoMarker   = 'Go to bookmark %d';
3219   srkmecSetMarker    = 'Set bookmark %d';
3220   srkmecToggleMarker = 'Toggle bookmark %d';
3222   // sourcenotebook
3223   lisKMToggleBetweenUnitAndForm = 'Toggle between Unit and Form';
3224   srkmecNextEditor            = 'Go to next editor';
3225   srkmecPrevEditor            = 'Go to prior editor';
3226   srkmecMoveEditorLeft        = 'Move editor left';
3227   srkmecMoveEditorRight       = 'Move editor right';
3228   srkmecMoveEditorLeftmost    = 'Move editor leftmost';
3229   srkmecMoveEditorRightmost   = 'Move editor rightmost';
3230   srkmecPrevEditorInHistory   = 'Go to previous editor in history';
3231   srkmecNextEditorInHistory   = 'Go to next editor in history';
3233   srkmecNextSharedEditor         = 'Go to next editor with same Source';
3234   srkmecPrevSharedEditor         = 'Go to prior editor with same Source';
3235   srkmecNextWindow               = 'Go to next window';
3236   srkmecPrevWindow               = 'Go to prior window';
3237   srkmecMoveEditorNextWindow     = 'Move editor to next free window';
3238   srkmecMoveEditorPrevWindow     = 'Move editor to prior free window';
3239   srkmecMoveEditorNewWindow      = 'Move editor to new window';
3240   srkmecCopyEditorNextWindow     = 'Copy editor to next free window';
3241   srkmecCopyEditorPrevWindow     = 'Copy editor to prior free window';
3242   srkmecCopyEditorNewWindow      = 'Copy editor to new window';
3243   srkmecLockEditor               = 'Lock Editor';
3245   lisKMGoToSourceEditor1 = 'Go to source editor 1';
3246   lisKMGoToSourceEditor2 = 'Go to source editor 2';
3247   lisKMGoToSourceEditor3 = 'Go to source editor 3';
3248   lisKMGoToSourceEditor4 = 'Go to source editor 4';
3249   lisKMGoToSourceEditor5 = 'Go to source editor 5';
3250   lisKMGoToSourceEditor6 = 'Go to source editor 6';
3251   lisKMGoToSourceEditor7 = 'Go to source editor 7';
3252   lisKMGoToSourceEditor8 = 'Go to source editor 8';
3253   lisKMGoToSourceEditor9 = 'Go to source editor 9';
3254   srkmecGotoEditor            = 'Go to editor %d';
3255   srkmEcFoldLevel             = 'Fold to Level %d';
3256   srkmecUnFoldAll             = 'Unfold all';
3257   srkmecFoldCurrent           = 'Fold at Cursor';
3258   srkmecUnFoldCurrent         = 'Unfold at Cursor';
3259   srkmecToggleMarkupWord      = 'Toggle Current-Word highlight';
3261   // edit menu
3262   srkmecSelectionTabs2Spaces     = 'Convert tabs to spaces in selection';
3263   srkmecInsertCharacter          = 'Insert from Charactermap';
3264   srkmecInsertGPLNotice          = 'Insert GPL notice';
3265   srkmecInsertGPLNoticeTranslated = 'Insert GPL notice (translated)';
3266   srkmecInsertLGPLNotice         = 'Insert LGPL notice';
3267   srkmecInsertLGPLNoticeTranlated = 'Insert LGPL notice (translated)';
3268   srkmecInsertModifiedLGPLNotice = 'Insert modified LGPL notice';
3269   srkmecInsertModifiedLGPLNoticeTranslated = 'Insert modified LGPL notice (translated)';
3270   srkmecInsertMITNotice          = 'Insert MIT notice';
3271   srkmecInsertMITNoticeTranslated = 'Insert MIT notice (translated)';
3272   lisKMInsertUsername            = 'Insert username';
3273   lisKMInsertDateAndTime         = 'Insert date and time';
3274   srkmecInsertUserName           = 'Insert current username';
3275   srkmecInsertDateTime           = 'Insert current date and time';
3276   srkmecInsertChangeLogEntry     = 'Insert ChangeLog entry';
3277   srkmecInsertCVSAuthor          = 'Insert CVS keyword Author';
3278   srkmecInsertCVSDate            = 'Insert CVS keyword Date';
3279   srkmecInsertCVSHeader          = 'Insert CVS keyword Header';
3280   srkmecInsertCVSID              = 'Insert CVS keyword ID';
3281   srkmecInsertCVSLog             = 'Insert CVS keyword Log';
3282   srkmecInsertCVSName            = 'Insert CVS keyword Name';
3283   srkmecInsertCVSRevision        = 'Insert CVS keyword Revision';
3284   srkmecInsertCVSSource          = 'Insert CVS keyword Source';
3285   srkmecInsertGUID               = 'Insert a GUID';
3286   srkmecInsertFilename           = 'Insert Full Filename';
3287   lisMenuInsertFilename          = 'Insert Full Filename ...';
3289   // search menu
3290   srkmecFind                      = 'Find Text';
3291   srkmecFindNext                  = 'Find Next';
3292   srkmecFindPrevious              = 'Find Previous';
3293   srkmecFindInFiles               = 'Find in Files';
3294   srkmecReplace                   = 'Replace Text';
3295   lisKMFindIncremental            = 'Find Incremental';
3296   srkmecFindProcedureDefinition   = 'Find Procedure Definiton';
3297   srkmecFindProcedureMethod       = 'Find Procedure Method';
3298   srkmecGotoLineNumber            = 'Go to Line Number';
3299   srkmecFindNextWordOccurrence    = 'Find Next Word Occurrence';
3300   srkmecFindPrevWordOccurrence    = 'Find Previous Word Occurrence';
3301   srkmecAddJumpPoint              = 'Add Jump Point';
3302   srkmecOpenFileAtCursor          = 'Open File at Cursor';
3303   srkmecGotoIncludeDirective      = 'Go to include directive of current include file';
3305   // view menu
3306   srkmecToggleFormUnit            = 'Switch between form and unit';
3307   srkmecToggleObjectInsp          = 'View Object Inspector';
3308   srkmecToggleSourceEditor        = 'View Source Editor';
3309   srkmecToggleCodeExpl            = 'View Code Explorer';
3310   srkmecToggleFPDocEditor         = 'View Documentation Editor';
3311   srkmecToggleMessages            = 'View messages';
3312   srkmecToggleSearchResults       = 'View Search Results';
3313   srkmecToggleWatches             = 'View watches';
3314   srkmecToggleBreakPoints         = 'View breakpoints';
3315   srkmecToggleDebuggerOut         = 'View debugger output';
3316   srkmecToggleLocals              = 'View local variables';
3317   srkmecViewThreads               = 'View Threads';
3318   srkmecViewHistory               = 'View History';
3319   srkmecViewPseudoTerminal        = 'View console in/output';
3320   srkmecTogglecallStack           = 'View call stack';
3321   srkmecToggleRegisters           = 'View registers';
3322   srkmecToggleAssembler           = 'View assembler';
3323   srkmecViewUnits                 = 'View units';
3324   srkmecViewForms                 = 'View forms';
3325   srkmecViewComponents            = 'View components';
3326   srkmecViewEditorMacros          = 'View editor macros';
3327   lisKMViewJumpHistory            = 'View jump history';
3328   srkmecViewUnitDependencies      = 'View unit dependencies';
3329   srkmecViewUnitInfo              = 'View unit information';
3330   srkmecViewAnchorEditor          = 'View anchor editor';
3331   srkmecViewTabOrder              = 'View Tab Order';
3332   srkmecToggleCodeBrowser         = 'View code browser';
3333   srkmecToggleRestrictionBrowser  = 'View restriction browser';
3334   srkmecToggleCompPalette         = 'View component palette';
3335   srkmecToggleIDESpeedBtns        = 'View IDE speed buttons';
3337   // codetools
3338   srkmecWordCompletion            = 'Word Completion';
3339   lisMenuCompleteCode             = 'Complete Code';
3340   lisMenuCompleteCodeInteractive  = 'Complete Code (with dialog)';
3341   lisUseUnit                      = 'Add Unit to Uses Section';
3342   lisMenuUseUnit                  = 'Add Unit to Uses Section ...';
3343   srkmecShowCodeContext           = 'Show Code Context';
3344   srkmecExtractProc               = 'Extract Procedure';
3345   lisMenuExtractProc              = 'Extract Procedure ...';
3346   srkmecFindIdentifierRefs        = 'Find Identifier References';
3347   lisMenuFindIdentifierRefs       = 'Find Identifier References ...';
3348   lisMenuFindReferencesOfUsedUnit = 'Find References Of Used Unit';
3349   srkmecRenameIdentifier          = 'Rename Identifier';
3350   lisMenuRenameIdentifier         = 'Rename Identifier ...';
3351   srkmecInvertAssignment          = 'Invert Assignment';
3352   uemInvertAssignment             = 'Invert Assignment';
3353   srkmecSyntaxCheck               = 'Syntax Check';
3354   srkmecGuessMisplacedIFDEF       = 'Guess Misplaced $IFDEF';
3355   srkmecFindDeclaration           = 'Find Declaration';
3356   srkmecFindBlockOtherEnd         = 'Find block other end';
3357   srkmecFindBlockStart            = 'Find block start';
3358   srkmecAbstractMethods           = 'Abstract Methods ...';
3359   srkmecShowAbstractMethods       = 'Show Abstract Methods';
3360   srkmecEmptyMethods              = 'Empty Methods ...';
3361   srkmecRemoveEmptyMethods        = 'Remove Empty Methods';
3362   srkmecUnusedUnits               = 'Unused Units ...';
3363   srkmecRemoveUnusedUnits         = 'Remove Unused Units';
3364   srkmecFindOverloads             = 'Find Overloads';
3365   srkmecFindOverloadsCapt         = 'Find Overloads ...';
3367   // Macro edit
3368   srkmecSynMacroRecord            = 'Record Macro';
3369   srkmecSynMacroPlay              = 'Play Macro';
3371   //Plugin template Edit
3372   srkmecSynPTmplEdNextCell           = 'Next Cell';
3373   srkmecSynPTmplEdNextCellSel        = 'Next Cell (all selected)';
3374   srkmecSynPTmplEdNextCellRotate     = 'Next Cell (rotate)';
3375   srkmecSynPTmplEdNextCellSelRotate  = 'Next Cell (rotate / all selected)';
3376   srkmecSynPTmplEdPrevCell           = 'Previous Cell';
3377   srkmecSynPTmplEdPrevCellSel        = 'Previous Cell (all selected)';
3378   srkmecSynPTmplEdNextFirstCell           = 'Next Cell (firsts only)';
3379   srkmecSynPTmplEdNextFirstCellSel        = 'Next Cell (all selected / firsts only)';
3380   srkmecSynPTmplEdNextFirstCellRotate     = 'Next Cell (rotate / firsts only)';
3381   srkmecSynPTmplEdNextFirstCellSelRotate  = 'Next Cell (rotate / all selected / firsts only)';
3382   srkmecSynPTmplEdPrevFirstCell           = 'Previous Cell (firsts only)';
3383   srkmecSynPTmplEdPrevFirstCellSel        = 'Previous Cell (all selected / firsts only)';
3384   srkmecSynPTmplEdCellHome           = 'Goto first pos in cell';
3385   srkmecSynPTmplEdCellEnd            = 'Goto last pos in cell';
3386   srkmecSynPTmplEdCellSelect         = 'Select cell';
3387   srkmecSynPTmplEdFinish             = 'Finish';
3388   srkmecSynPTmplEdEscape             = 'Escape';
3390   // Plugin Syncro Edit
3391   srkmecSynPSyncroEdNextCell         = 'Next Cell';
3392   srkmecSynPSyncroEdNextCellSel      = 'Next Cell (all selected)';
3393   srkmecSynPSyncroEdPrevCell         = 'Previous Cell';
3394   srkmecSynPSyncroEdPrevCellSel      = 'Previous Cell (all selected)';
3395   srkmecSynPSyncroEdNextFirstCell    = 'Next Cell (firsts only)';
3396   srkmecSynPSyncroEdNextFirstCellSel = 'Next Cell (all selected / firsts only)';
3397   srkmecSynPSyncroEdPrevFirstCell    = 'Previous Cell (firsts only)';
3398   srkmecSynPSyncroEdPrevFirstCellSel = 'Previous Cell (all selected / firsts only)';
3399   srkmecSynPSyncroEdCellHome         = 'Goto first pos in cell';
3400   srkmecSynPSyncroEdCellEnd          = 'Goto last pos in cell';
3401   srkmecSynPSyncroEdCellSelect       = 'Select Cell';
3402   srkmecSynPSyncroEdEscape           = 'Escape';
3403   srkmecSynPSyncroEdStart            = 'Start Syncro edit';
3405   // run menu
3406   srkmecCompile                   = 'compile program/project';
3407   srkmecBuild                     = 'build program/project';
3408   srkmecQuickCompile              = 'quick compile, no linking';
3409   srkmecCleanUpAndBuild           = 'clean up and build';
3410   srkmecBuildManyModes            = 'build many modes';
3411   srkmecAbortBuild                = 'abort build';
3412   srkmecRunWithoutDebugging       = 'run without debugging';
3413   srkmecRun                       = 'run program';
3414   srkmecPause                     = 'pause program';
3415   srkmecShowExecutionPoint        = 'show execution point';
3416   srkmecStopProgram               = 'stop program';
3417   srkmecResetDebugger             = 'reset debugger';
3418   srkmecToggleBreakPoint          = 'toggle breakpoint';
3419   srkmecToggleBreakPointEnabled   = 'enable/disable breakpoint';
3420   srkmecRemoveBreakPoint          = 'remove breakpoint';
3421   srkmecAttach                    = 'Attach to program';
3422   srkmecDetach                    = 'Detach from program';
3423   srkmecRunParameters             = 'run parameters';
3424   srkmecBuildFile                 = 'build file';
3425   srkmecRunFile                   = 'run file';
3426   srkmecConfigBuildFile           = 'config build file';
3427   srkmecInspect                   = 'inspect';
3428   srkmecEvaluate                  = 'evaluate/modify';
3429   srkmecAddWatch                  = 'add watch';
3430   srkmecAddBpSource               = 'add source breakpoint';
3431   srkmecAddBpAddress              = 'add address breakpoint';
3432   srkmecAddBpWatchPoint           = 'add data/watchpoint';
3434   // tools menu
3435   srkmecExtToolSettings           = 'External tools settings';
3436   srkmecBuildLazarus              = 'Build Lazarus';
3437   srkmecExtTool                   = 'External tool %d';
3438   srkmecEnvironmentOptions        = 'IDE options';
3439   lisKMEditCodeTemplates          = 'Edit Code Templates';
3440   lisKMCodeToolsDefinesEditor            = 'CodeTools defines editor';
3441   lisCodeToolsDefsCodeToolsDefinesEditor = 'CodeTools Defines Editor';
3442   lisMenuCodeToolsDefinesEditor          = 'CodeTools Defines Editor ...';
3443   lisMenuRescanFPCSourceDirectory = 'Rescan FPC Source Directory';
3444   srkmecMakeResourceString        = 'Make Resource String';
3445   lisDesktops                     = 'Desktops ...';
3446   lisKMDiffEditorFiles            = 'Diff Editor Files';
3447   lisKMConvertDFMFileToLFM        = 'Convert DFM File to LFM';
3448   lisKMConvertDelphiUnitToLazarusUnit = 'Convert Delphi Unit to Lazarus Unit';
3449   lisKMConvertDelphiProjectToLazarusProject = 'Convert Delphi Project to Lazarus Project';
3450   srkmecDiff                      = 'Diff';
3452   // help menu
3453   srkmecunknown                   = 'unknown editor command';
3454   srkmecReportingBug              = 'Reporting a bug';
3455   lisFocusHint = 'Focus hint';
3457   // Category
3458   srkmCatCursorMoving   = 'Cursor moving commands';
3459   srkmCatSelection      = 'Text selection commands';
3460   srkmCatColSelection   = 'Text column selection commands';
3461   srkmCatEditing        = 'Text editing commands';
3462   lisKMDeleteLastChar   = 'Delete last char';
3463   srkmCatCmdCmd         = 'Command commands';
3464   srkmCatMultiCaret     = 'Multi caret commands';
3465   srkmCatSearchReplace  = 'Text search and replace commands';
3466   srkmCatMarker         = 'Text bookmark commands';
3467   srkmCatFold           = 'Text folding commands';
3468   lisKMSetFreeBookmark = 'Set free Bookmark';
3469   srkmCatCodeTools      = 'CodeTools commands';
3470   srkmCatMacroRecording = 'Macros';
3471   srkmCatTemplateEdit   = 'Template Editing';
3472   srkmCatTemplateEditOff= 'Template Editing (not in Cell)';
3473   srkmCatSyncroEdit     = 'Syncron Editing';
3474   srkmCatSyncroEditOff  = 'Syncron Editing (not in Cell)';
3475   srkmCatSyncroEditSel  = 'Syncron Editing (while selecting)';
3477   srkmCatSrcNoteBook    = 'Source Notebook commands';
3478   srkmCatFileMenu       = 'File menu commands';
3479   lisKMGoToSourceEditor10 = 'Go to source editor 10';
3480   srkmCatViewMenu       = 'View menu commands';
3481   lisKMToggleViewObjectInspector = 'Toggle view Object Inspector';
3482   lisKMToggleViewSourceEditor = 'Toggle view Source Editor';
3483   lisKMToggleViewCodeExplorer = 'Toggle view Code Explorer';
3484   lisKMToggleViewCodeBrowser = 'Toggle view Code Browser';
3485   lisKMToggleViewDocumentationEditor = 'Toggle view Documentation Editor';
3486   lisKMToggleViewMessages = 'Toggle view Messages';
3487   lisKMToggleViewSearchResults = 'Toggle view Search Results';
3488   lisKMToggleViewWatches = 'View Watches';
3489   lisKMToggleViewBreakpoints = 'View Breakpoints';
3490   lisKMToggleViewLocalVariables = 'View Local Variables';
3491   lisKMToggleViewThreads = 'View Threads';
3492   lisKMToggleViewHistory = 'View History';
3493   lisKMToggleViewPseudoTerminal = 'View Console In/Output';
3494   lisKMToggleViewCallStack = 'View Call Stack';
3495   lisKMToggleViewRegisters = 'View Registers';
3496   lisKMToggleViewAssembler = 'View Assembler';
3497   lisKMToggleViewDebugEvents = 'View Debuger Event Log';
3498   lisKMToggleViewDebuggerOutput = 'View Debugger Output';
3499   srkmCatProjectMenu    = 'Project menu commands';
3500   lisKMNewProject = 'New project';
3501   lisKMNewProjectFromFile = 'New project from file';
3502   lisKMToggleViewIDESpeedButtons = 'Toggle view IDE speed buttons';
3503   srkmCatRunMenu        = 'Run menu commands';
3504   lisKMCompileProjectProgram = 'Compile project/program';
3505   lisKMBuildProjectProgram = 'Build project/program';
3506   lisKMQuickCompileNoLinking = 'Quick compile, no linking';
3507   lisKMCleanUpAndBuild = 'Clean up and build';
3508   lisKMBuildManyModes = 'Build many modes';
3509   lisKMAbortBuilding = 'Abort building';
3510   lisContinueBuilding = 'Continue building';
3511   lisKMRunProgram = 'Run program';
3512   lisKMPauseProgram = 'Pause program';
3513   lisKMViewProjectOptions = 'View project options';
3514   srkmCatPackageMenu = 'Package menu commands';
3515   srkmCatToolMenu       = 'Tools menu commands';
3516   lisKMExternalToolsSettings = 'External Tools settings';
3517   lisKMConvertDelphiPackageToLazarusPackage = 'Convert Delphi package to Lazarus package';
3518   srkmCarHelpMenu       = 'Help menu commands';
3519   lisKeyCatDesigner     = 'Designer commands';
3520   lisKMCopySelectedComponentsToClipboard = 'Copy selected components';
3521   lisKMCutSelectedComponentsToClipboard = 'Cut selected components';
3522   lisKMPasteComponentsFromClipboard = 'Paste Components';
3523   lisKeyCatObjInspector = 'Object Inspector commands';
3524   lisKeyCatCustom       = 'Custom commands';
3526   // Languages
3527   rsLanguageAutomatic    = 'Automatic (or English)';
3528   rsLanguageEnglish      = 'English';
3529   rsLanguageGerman       = 'German';
3530   rsLanguageSpanish      = 'Spanish';
3531   rsLanguageFrench       = 'French';
3532   rsLanguageRussian      = 'Russian';
3533   rsLanguagePolish       = 'Polish';
3534   rsLanguageItalian      = 'Italian';
3535   rsLanguageCatalan      = 'Catalan';
3536   rsLanguageFinnish      = 'Finnish';
3537   rsLanguageHebrew       = 'Hebrew';
3538   rsLanguageArabic       = 'Arabic';
3539   rsLanguagePortugueseBr = 'Brazilian Portuguese';
3540   rsLanguagePortuguese   = 'Portuguese';
3541   rsLanguageUkrainian    = 'Ukrainian';
3542   rsLanguageDutch        = 'Dutch';
3543   rsLanguageJapanese     = 'Japanese';
3544   rsLanguageChinese      = 'Chinese';
3545   rsLanguageIndonesian   = 'Indonesian';
3546   rsLanguageAfrikaans    = 'Afrikaans';
3547   rsLanguageLithuanian   = 'Lithuanian';
3548   rsLanguageSlovak       = 'Slovak';
3549   rsLanguageTurkish      = 'Turkish';
3550   rsLanguageCzech        = 'Czech';
3551   rsLanguageHungarian    = 'Hungarian';
3553   // Unit dependencies
3554   dlgUnitDepCaption      = 'Unit Dependencies';
3555   dlgUnitDepRefresh      = 'Refresh';
3557   // Build Lazarus dialog
3558   lisConfirmLazarusRebuild = 'Do you want to rebuild Lazarus with profile: %s?';
3559   lisConfirmation = 'Confirmation';
3560   lisPkgTheProjectOverridesTheOutputDirectoryOfTheFollowin = 'The project '
3561     +'overrides the output directory of the following packages.'
3562     +'%sSee Project / Project Options (compiler options section) / Additions and Overrides'
3563     +'%s%s';
3564   lisConfirmBuildAllProfiles = 'Lazarus will be rebuilt with the following profiles:%sContinue?';
3565   lisNoBuildProfilesSelected = 'No profiles are selected to be built.';
3566   lisCleanLazarusSource = 'Clean Lazarus Source';
3567   lisBuildIDE = 'Build IDE';
3568   lisMakeNotFound = 'Make not found';
3569   lisTheProgramMakeWasNotFoundThisToolIsNeededToBuildLa = 'The program "make" '
3570     +'was not found.%sThis tool is needed to build Lazarus.';
3571   lisIDE = 'IDE';
3572   lisConfigureBuildLazarus = 'Configure "Build Lazarus"';
3573   lisLazBuildOptions = 'Options:';
3574   lisLazBuildTargetOS = 'Target OS:';
3575   lisLazBuildTargetCPU = 'Target CPU:';
3576   lisLazBuildTargetDirectory = 'Target directory:';
3577   lisLazBuildRestartAfterBuild = 'Restart after building IDE';
3578   lisLazBuildUpdateRevInc = 'Update revision.inc';
3579   lisLazBuildCommonSettings = 'Common Settings';
3580   lisLazBuildConfirmBuild = 'Confirm before build';
3581   lisPERemoveFiles = 'Remove files';
3582   lisLazBuildNewProf = 'Add New Profile';
3583   lisLazBuildNewProfInfo = 'Current build options will be associated with:';
3584   lisKeep2 = 'Keep';
3585   lisRemoveIncludePath = 'Remove include path?';
3586   lisTheDirectoryContainsNoProjectIncludeFilesAnyMoreRe = 'The directory "%s" '
3587     +'contains no project include files any more. Remove this directory from '
3588     +'the project''s include search path?';
3589   lisLazBuildRenameProf = 'Rename Profile';
3590   lisLazBuildRenameProfInfo = 'New name for profile:';
3591   lisCTDTemplates = 'Templates';
3592   lisSaveSettings = 'Save Settings';
3593   lisCleanUp = 'Clean up';
3594   lisLazBuildBuildMany = 'Build Many';
3595   lisAutomatically = 'Automatically';
3596   lisCleanCommonFiles = 'Clean common files';
3597   lisCleanAll = 'Clean all';
3598   lisCleanOnlyOnce = 'Switch after building to automatically';
3599   lisAfterCleaningUpSwitchToAutomaticClean = 'After cleaning up (clean all or clean common files), switch to '
3600     +'clean automatically';
3601   lisLazBuildManageProfiles ='Manage Build Profiles';
3602   lisLazBuildProfile ='Profile to build';
3603   lisLazBuildErrorWritingFile = 'Error writing file';
3604   lisLazBuildUnableToWriteFile = 'Unable to write file "%s":%s';
3605   lisLazBuildNormalIDE = 'Normal IDE';
3606   lisLazBuildDebugIDE = 'Debug IDE';
3607   lisLazBuildOptimizedIDE = 'Optimized IDE';
3608   lisLazCleanUpBuildAll = 'Clean Up + Build all';
3610   lisLazBuildABOAction = 'Action';
3611   lisLazBuildABOChooseOutputDir = 'Choose output directory of the IDE executable ';
3612   lisLazBuildDefines = 'Defines';
3613   lisLazBuildEditDefines = 'Edit Defines';
3614   lisLazBuildNameOfTheActiveProfile = 'Name of the active profile';
3615   lisLazBuildManageProfiles2 = 'Manage profiles';
3616   lisLazBuildDefinesWithoutD = 'Defines without -d';
3617   lisLazBuildOptionsPassedToCompiler = 'Options passed to compiler';
3618   lisLazBuildShowOptionsAndDefinesForCommandLine = 'Show options and defines '
3619     +'for command line';
3620   lisLazBuildUpdateRevisionInfoInAboutLazarusDialog = 'Update revision info '
3621     +'in "About Lazarus" dialog';
3622   lisLazBuildRestartLazarusAutomatically = 'Restart Lazarus automatically after '+
3623     'building the IDE (has no effect when building other parts)';
3624   lisLazBuildShowConfirmationDialogWhenBuilding = 'Show confirmation dialog when '+
3625     'building directly from Tools menu';
3626   lisLazBuildEditListOfDefinesWhichCanBeUsedByAnyProfile = 'Edit list of '
3627     +'defines which can be used by any profile';
3628   lisLazBuildConfirmDeletion = 'Confirm deletion';
3629   lisLazBuildAreYouSureYouWantToDeleteThisBuildProfile = 'Are you sure you '
3630     +'want to delete this build profile?';
3631   lisLazBuildSelectProfilesToBuild = 'Select profiles to build';
3633   lisExamplesOpenFirstSelected = 'Open first selected';
3634   lisExamplesBuildAllSelected = 'Build all selected';
3636   // compiler
3637   lisCompilerErrorInvalidCompiler = 'Error: invalid compiler: %s';
3638   lisOptionsChangedRecompilingCleanWithB = 'Options changed, recompiling '
3639     +'clean with -B';
3640   lisCompilerHintYouCanSetTheCompilerPath = 'Hint: you can set the compiler '
3641     +'path in Tools -> Options-> Files -> Compiler Path';
3642   lisCompileProject = 'Compile Project';
3643   lisMode = ', Mode: %s';
3644   lisOS = ', OS: %s';
3645   lisCPU = ', CPU: %s';
3646   lisTarget2 = ', Target: %s';
3647   lisCompilerNOTELoadingOldCodetoolsOptionsFile = 'NOTE: loading old '
3648     +'codetools options file: ';
3649   lisCompilerNOTECodetoolsConfigFileNotFoundUsingDefaults = 'NOTE: codetools '
3650     +'config file not found - using defaults';
3652   // codetools options dialog
3653   lisCodeToolsOptsNone        = 'None';
3654   lisCodeToolsOptsKeyword     = 'Keyword';
3655   lisCodeToolsOptsIdentifier  = 'Identifier';
3656   lisFRIAdditionalFilesToSearchEGPathPasPath2Pp = 'Additional files to '
3657     +'search (e.g. /path/*.pas;/path2/*.pp)';
3658   lisFRIFindReferences = 'Find References';
3659   lisFRIInvalidIdentifier = 'Invalid Identifier';
3660   lisFRIRenaming = 'Renaming';
3661   lisFRISearchInCommentsToo = 'Search in comments too';
3662   lisFRISearch = 'Search';
3663   lisCodeToolsOptsColon       = 'Colon';
3664   lisCodeToolsOptsSemicolon   = 'Semicolon';
3665   lisCodeToolsOptsComma       = 'Comma';
3666   lisCodeToolsOptsPoint       = 'Point';
3667   lisCodeToolsOptsAt          = 'At';
3668   lisCodeToolsOptsNumber      = 'Number';
3669   lisCodeToolsOptsStringConst = 'String constant';
3670   lisCodeToolsOptsNewLine     = 'Newline';
3671   lisCodeToolsOptsSpace       = 'Space';
3672   lisCodeToolsOptsSymbol      = 'Symbol';
3673   lisCodeToolsOptsBracket     = 'Bracket';
3674   lisCodeToolsOptsCaret       = 'Caret (^)';
3676   // codetools defines
3677   lisCodeToolsDefsWriteError = 'Write error';
3678   lisErrorWritingFile = 'Error writing file "%s"';
3679   lisFPDocErrorWriting = 'Error writing "%s"%s%s';
3680   lisFPDocFPDocSyntaxError = 'FPDoc syntax error';
3681   lisFPDocThereIsASyntaxErrorInTheFpdocElement = 'There is a syntax error in '
3682     +'the fpdoc element "%s":%s%s';
3683   lisChooseAnExampleFile = 'Choose an example file';
3684   lisUnableToWriteTheProjectInfoFileError = 'Unable to write the project info '
3685     +'file%s"%s".%sError: %s';
3686   lisUnableToWriteTheProjectSessionFileError = 'Unable to write the project session '
3687     +'file%s"%s".%sError: %s';
3688   lisStopDebugging2 = 'Stop debugging?';
3689   lisStopCurrentDebuggingAndRebuildProject = 'Stop current debugging and rebuild project?';
3690   lisErrorWritingPackageListToFile = 'Error writing package list to file%s%s%s%s';
3691   lisCodeToolsDefsReadError = 'Read error';
3692   lisUnableToRead = 'Unable to read %s';
3693   lisErrorReadingPackageListFromFile = 'Error reading package list from file%s%s%s%s';
3694   lisDuplicate = 'Duplicate';
3695   lisThePackageIsAlreadyInTheList = 'The package %s is already in the list';
3696   lisConflict = 'Conflict';
3697   lisThereIsAlreadyAPackageInTheList = 'There is already a package %s in the list';
3698   lisDownload = 'Download';
3699   lisDonwloadOnlinePackages = 'The following package(s) are not available locally: %s.' + sLineBreak +
3700     'In order to install it, you must download them first. Download now?';
3701   lisNotADesigntimePackage = 'Not a designtime package';
3702   lisThePackageCanNotBeInstalledBecauseItRequiresWhichI = 'The package %s cannot be '
3703     +'installed because it requires the package "%s" which is a runtime only package.';
3704   lisUninstall = 'Uninstall %s';
3705   lisThePackageIsNotADesignTimePackageItCanNotBeInstall = 'The package %s is '
3706     +'not a design time package. It cannot be installed in the IDE.';
3707   lisUninstallImpossible = 'Uninstall impossible';
3708   lisThePackageCanNotBeUninstalledBecauseItIsNeededByTh = 'The package %s can '
3709     +'not be uninstalled because it is needed by the IDE itself.';
3710   lisCodeToolsDefsNodeIsReadonly = 'Node is readonly';
3711   lisCodeToolsDefsAutoGeneratedNodesCanNotBeEdited = 'Auto generated nodes '
3712     +'cannot be edited.';
3713   lisCodeToolsDefsInvalidPreviousNode = 'Invalid previous node';
3714   lisCodeToolsDefsPreviousNodeCanNotContainChildNodes = 'Previous node can '
3715     +'not contain child nodes.';
3716   lisCodeToolsDefsCreateFPCMacrosAndPathsForAFPCProjectDirectory = 'Create '
3717     +'FPC Macros and paths for a fpc project directory';
3718   lisCodeToolsDefsTheFreePascalProjectDirectory = 'The Free Pascal project directory.';
3719   lisCodeToolsDefscompilerPath = 'Compiler path';
3720   lisCodeToolsDefsThePathToTheFreePascalCompilerForThisProject = 'The path to '
3721     +'the Free Pascal compiler for this project. Only required if you set the '
3722     +'FPC Git source below. Used to autocreate macros.';
3723   lisCodeToolsDefsFPCSVNSourceDirectory = 'FPC Git source directory';
3724   lisCodeToolsDefsTheFreePascalCVSSourceDirectory = 'The Free Pascal Git source '
3725     +'directory. Not required. This will improve find declaration and debugging.';
3726   lisCodeToolsDefsCreateDefinesForFreePascalCompiler = 'Create Defines for '
3727     +'Free Pascal Compiler';
3728   lisCodeToolsDefsThePathToTheFreePascalCompilerForThisSourceUsedToA = 'The path to '
3729     +'the Free Pascal compiler for this source.%sUsed to autocreate macros.';
3730   lisCodeToolsDefsValueIsInvalid = '%s:%svalue "%s" is invalid.';
3731   lisCodeToolsDefsThePathToTheFreePascalCompilerForExample = 'The '
3732     +'path to the Free Pascal compiler.%s For example %s/usr/bin/%s -n%s '
3733     +'or %s/usr/local/bin/fpc @/etc/fpc.cfg%s.';
3734   lisCodeToolsDefsCreateDefinesForFreePascalSVNSources = 'Create Defines for '
3735     +'Free Pascal Git Sources';
3736   lisCodeToolsDefsTheFreePascalSVNSourceDir = 'The Free Pascal Git source directory.';
3737   lisCodeToolsDefsCreateDefinesForDirectory = 'Create Defines for %s Directory';
3738   lisCodeToolsDefsdirectory = '%s directory';
3739   lisCodeToolsDefsDelphiMainDirectoryDesc = 'The %s main directory,%swhere '
3740     +'Borland has installed all %s sources.%sFor example: C:/Programme/'
3741     +'Borland/Delphi%s';
3742   lisCodeToolsDefsKylixMainDirectoryDesc = 'The %s main directory,%swhere '
3743     +'Borland has installed all %s sources.%sFor example: /home/user/kylix%s';
3744   lisCodeToolsDefsCreateDefinesForProject = 'Create Defines for %s Project';
3745   lisCodeToolsDefsProjectDirectory = 'Project directory';
3746   lisCodeToolsDefsprojectDirectory2 = '%s project directory';
3747   lisCodeToolsDefsTheProjectDirectory = 'The %s project directory,%swhich '
3748     +'contains the .dpr, dpk file.';
3749   lisCodeToolsDefsDelphiMainDirectoryForProject = 'The %s main directory,%s'
3750     +'where Borland has installed all %s sources,%swhich are used by this %s '
3751     +'project.%sFor example: C:/Programme/Borland/Delphi%s';
3752   lisCodeToolsDefsKylixMainDirectoryForProject = 'The %s main directory,%s'
3753     +'where Borland has installed all %s sources,%swhich are used by this %s '
3754     +'project.%sFor example: /home/user/kylix%s';
3755   lisCodeToolsDefsSaveAndExit = 'Save and Exit';
3756   lisCodeToolsDefsExitWithoutSave = 'Exit without Save';
3757   lisCodeToolsDefsMoveNodeUp = 'Move node up';
3758   lisCodeToolsDefsMoveNodeDown = 'Move node down';
3759   lisCodeToolsDefsMoveNodeOneLevelUp = 'Move node one level up';
3760   lisCodeToolsDefsMoveNodeOneLevelDown = 'Move node one level down';
3761   lisCodeToolsDefsInsertNodeBelow = 'Insert node below';
3762   lisCodeToolsDefsInsertNodeAsChild = 'Insert node as child';
3763   lisCodeToolsDefsDeleteNode = 'Delete node';
3764   lisCodeToolsDefsConvertNode = 'Convert node';
3765   lisCodeToolsDefsDefine = 'Define';
3766   lisCodeToolsDefsDefineRecurse = 'Define Recurse';
3767   lisCodeToolsDefsUndefine = 'Undefine';
3768   lisCodeToolsDefsUndefineRecurse = 'Undefine Recurse';
3769   lisCodeToolsDefsUndefineAll = 'Undefine All';
3770   lisCodeToolsDefsBlock = 'Block';
3771   lisCodeToolsDefsInsertBehindDirectory = 'Directory';
3772   lisCodeToolsDefsIf = 'If';
3773   lisCodeToolsDefsIfDef = 'IfDef';
3774   lisCodeToolsDefsIfNDef = 'IfNDef';
3775   lisCodeToolsDefsElseIf = 'ElseIf';
3776   lisCodeToolsDefsElse = 'Else';
3777   lisCTDefsTools = 'Tools';
3778   lisCTDefsOpenPreview = 'Open Preview';
3779   lisCodeToolsDefsInsertTemplate = 'Insert Template';
3780   lisCodeToolsDefsInsertFreePascalProjectTe = 'Insert Free Pascal Project Template';
3781   lisCodeToolsDefsInsertFreePascalCompilerT = 'Insert Free Pascal Compiler Template';
3782   lisCodeToolsDefsInsertFreePascalSVNSource = 'Insert Free Pascal Git Source Template';
3783   lisCodeToolsDefsInsertDelphi5CompilerTemp = 'Insert Delphi 5 Compiler Template';
3784   lisCodeToolsDefsInsertDelphi5DirectoryTem = 'Insert Delphi 5 Directory Template';
3785   lisCodeToolsDefsInsertDelphi5ProjectTempl = 'Insert Delphi 5 Project Template';
3786   lisCodeToolsDefsInsertDelphi6CompilerTemp = 'Insert Delphi 6 Compiler Template';
3787   lisCodeToolsDefsInsertDelphi6DirectoryTem = 'Insert Delphi 6 Directory Template';
3788   lisCodeToolsDefsInsertDelphi6ProjectTempl = 'Insert Delphi 6 Project Template';
3789   lisCodeToolsDefsInsertDelphi7CompilerTemp = 'Insert Delphi 7 Compiler Template';
3790   lisCodeToolsDefsInsertDelphi7DirectoryTem = 'Insert Delphi 7 Directory Template';
3791   lisCodeToolsDefsInsertDelphi7ProjectTempl = 'Insert Delphi 7 Project Template';
3792   lisCodeToolsDefsInsertKylix3CompilerTemp = 'Insert Kylix 3 Compiler Template';
3793   lisCodeToolsDefsInsertKylix3DirectoryTem = 'Insert Kylix 3 Directory Template';
3794   lisCodeToolsDefsInsertKylix3ProjectTempl = 'Insert Kylix 3 Project Template';
3795   lisCodeToolsDefsSelectedNode = 'Selected Node:';
3796   lisCodeToolsDefsName = 'Name:';
3797   lisOnlyMessagesWithTheseFPCIDsCommaSeparated = 'Only messages with these FPC'
3798     +' IDs (comma separated):';
3799   lisOnlyMessagesFittingThisRegularExpression = 'Only messages fitting this regular expression:';
3800   lisURLOnWikiTheBaseUrlIs = 'URL on wiki (the base url is %s)';
3801   lisTestURL = 'Test URL';
3802   lisDeleteThisAddition = 'Delete this addition';
3803   lisDelete2 = 'Delete?';
3804   lisDeleteAddition = 'Delete addition "%s"?';
3805   lisNoneSelected = '(None selected)';
3806   lisSelectedAddition = 'Selected addition:';
3807   lisNoMessageSelected = '(no message selected)';
3808   lisAdditionFitsTheCurrentMessage = 'Addition fits the current message';
3809   lisAdditionDoesNotFitTheCurrentMessage = 'Addition does not fit the current message';
3810   lisFilterAlreadyExists = 'Filter already exists';
3811   lisAFilterWithTheNameAlreadyExists = 'A filter with the name "%s" already exists.';
3812   lisSaveMessages = 'Save messages';
3813   lisCodeToolsDefsDescription = 'Description:';
3814   lisCodeToolsDefsVariable = 'Variable:';
3815   lisCodeToolsDefsValueAsText = 'Value as Text';
3816   lisCodeToolsDefsValueAsFilePaths = 'Value as File Paths';
3817   lisCodeToolsDefsAction = 'Action: %s';
3818   lisCodeToolsDefsautoGenerated = '%s, auto generated';
3819   lisCodeToolsDefsnoneSelected = 'none selected';
3820   lisCodeToolsDefsInvalidParent = 'Invalid parent';
3821   lisACanNotHoldTControlsYouCanOnlyPutNonVisualComponen = 'A %s cannot hold TControls.'
3822     +'%sYou can only put nonvisual components on it.';
3823   lisUpdateReferences = 'Update references?';
3824   lisTheUnitIsUsedByOtherFilesUpdateReferencesAutomatic = 'The unit %s is used by other files.'
3825     +'%sUpdate references automatically?';
3826   lisCodeToolsDefsAutoCreatedNodesReadOnly = 'Auto created nodes cannot be edited,'
3827     +'%snor can they have non auto created child nodes.';
3828   lisCodeToolsDefsInvalidParentNode = 'Invalid parent node';
3829   lisCodeToolsDefsParentNodeCanNotContainCh = 'Parent node cannot contain child nodes.';
3830   lisCodeToolsDefsNewNode = 'NewNode';
3832   // code template dialog
3833   lisCodeTemplAddCodeTemplate = 'Add code template';
3834   lisCodeTemplAdd = 'Add template';
3835   lisCodeTemplEditCodeTemplate = 'Edit code template';
3836   lisCodeTemplAutoCompleteOn = 'Auto complete on';
3837   lisCodeTemplChange = 'Change';
3838   lisCodeTemplToken = 'Token:';
3839   lisCodeTemplComment = 'Comment:';
3840   lisCodeTemplATokenAlreadyExists = ' A token "%s" already exists! ';
3841   lisCodeTemplError = 'Error';
3842   lisUnableToFindTheComponentClassItIsNotRegisteredViaR = 'Unable to find the component class "%s".'
3843     +'%sIt is not registered via RegisterClass and no lfm was found.'
3844     +'%sIt is needed by unit:'
3845     +'%s%s';
3846   lisNoTemplateSelected = 'no template selected';
3847   lisUnableToOpenDesignerTheClassDoesNotDescendFromADes = 'Unable to open '
3848     +'designer.%sThe class %s does not descend from a designable class like '
3849     +'TForm or TDataModule.';
3850   lisIgnoreUseAsAncestor = 'Ignore, use %s as ancestor';
3851   lisUnableToLoadTheComponentClassBecauseItDependsOnIts = 'Unable to load the '
3852     +'component class "%s" because it depends on itself.';
3853   lisCancelLoadingThisComponent = 'Cancel loading this component';
3854   lisAbortWholeLoading = 'Abort whole loading';
3855   lisTheResourceClassDescendsFromProbablyThisIsATypoFor = 'The resource '
3856     +'class "%s" descends from "%s". Probably this is a typo for TForm.';
3858   // make resource string dialog
3859   lisMakeResourceString = 'Make ResourceString';
3860   lisMakeResStrInvalidResourcestringSect = 'Invalid Resourcestring section';
3861   lisMakeResStrPleaseChooseAResourcestring = 'Please choose a resourcestring '
3862     +'section from the list.';
3863   lisMakeResStrResourcestringAlreadyExis = 'Resourcestring already exists';
3864   lisMakeResStrChooseAnotherName = 'The resourcestring "%s" already exists.'
3865     +'%sPlease choose another name.'
3866     +'%sUse Ignore to add it anyway.';
3867   lisMakeResStrStringConstantInSource = 'String constant in source';
3868   lisMakeResStrConversionOptions = 'Conversion Options';
3869   lisMakeResStrIdentifierPrefix = 'Identifier prefix:';
3870   lisMakeResStrIdentifierLength = 'Identifier length:';
3871   lisMakeResStrDialogIdentifier = 'Identifier';
3872   lisMakeResStrCustomIdentifier = 'Custom identifier';
3873   lisMakeResStrResourcestringSection = 'Resourcestring section:';
3874   lisMakeResStrStringsWithSameValue = 'Strings with same value:';
3875   lisMakeResStrAppendToSection = 'Append to section';
3876   lisMakeResStrInsertAlphabetically = 'Insert alphabetically';
3877   lisMakeResStrInsertContexttSensitive = 'Insert context sensitive';
3878   lisMakeResStrSourcePreview = 'Source preview';
3879   lisNoStringConstantFound = 'No string constant found';
3880   lisFailedToResolveMacros = 'failed to resolve macros';
3881   lisToolHasNoExecutable = 'tool "%s" has no executable';
3882   lisCanNotFindExecutable = 'cannot find executable "%s"';
3883   lisMissingExecutable = 'missing executable "%s"';
3884   lisExecutableIsADirectory = 'executable "%s" is a directory';
3885   lisExecutableLacksThePermissionToRun = 'executable "%s" lacks the permission to run';
3886   lisParser = 'parser "%s": %s';
3887   lisInvalidMacrosIn = 'Invalid macros in "%s"';
3888   lisAllBlocksLooksOk = 'All blocks look ok.';
3889   lisTheApplicationBundleWasCreatedFor = 'The Application Bundle was created for "%s"';
3891   //codetools ChooseClassSectionDlg
3892   lisCodeCreationDialogCaption = 'Code creation options';
3893   lisCodeCreationDialogLocation = 'Location';
3894   lisLocal = '&Local';
3895   lisClass = '&Class';
3896   lisYouCanSelectItemsBySimplyPressingUnderscoredLetter = 'You can select '
3897     +'items by simply pressing underscored letters';
3898   lisCodeCreationDialogClassSection = 'Class section';
3900   // diff dialog
3901   lisDiffDlgFile1 = 'File1';
3902   lisDiffDlgOnlySelection = 'Only selection';
3903   lisDiffDlgFile2 = 'File2';
3904   lisDiffDlgCaseInsensitive = 'Case Insensitive';
3905   lisDiffDlgIgnoreIfEmptyLinesWereAdd = 'Ignore if empty lines were added or removed';
3906   lisDiffDlgIgnoreSpacesAtStartOfLine = 'Ignore spaces at start of line';
3907   lisDiffDlgIgnoreSpacesAtEndOfLine = 'Ignore spaces at end of line';
3908   lisDiffDlgIgnoreIfLineEndCharsDiffe = 'Ignore difference in line ends (e.'
3909     +'g. #10 = #13#10)';
3910   lisDiffDlgIgnoreIfSpaceCharsWereAdd = 'Ignore amount of space chars';
3911   lisDiffDlgIgnoreSpaces = 'Ignore spaces (newline chars not included)';
3912   lisDiffDlgOpenDiffInEditor = 'Open difference in editor';
3914   // packages
3915   lisPkgFileTypeVirtualUnit = 'Virtual Unit';
3916   lisPkgFileTypeMainUnit = 'Main Unit';
3917   lisPkgFileTypeLFM = 'LFM - Lazarus form text';
3918   lisPkgFileTypeLRS = 'LRS - Lazarus resource';
3919   lisPkgFileTypeInclude = 'Include file';
3920   lisPkgFileTypeIssues = 'Issues xml file';
3921   lisPkgFileTypeText = 'Text';
3922   lisPkgFileTypeBinary = 'Binary';
3923   lisCreateNewPackage = '(Create new package)';
3924   lisCreateNewPackageComponent = 'Create new package component';
3925   lisMenuNewComponent = 'New Component';
3926   lisPkgSelectAPackage = 'Select a package';
3928   // unit info dialog
3929   lisInformationAboutUnit = 'Information about %s';
3930   lisUIDyes = 'yes';
3931   lisUIDno = 'no';
3932   lisUIDbytes = '%s bytes';
3933   lisUIDName = 'Name:';
3934   lisUIDType = 'Type:';
3935   lisUIDinProject = 'In project:';
3936   lisUIDIncludedBy = 'Included by:';
3937   lisUIDSize = 'Size:';
3938   lisUIDLines = 'Lines:';
3939   lisUIShowCodeToolsValues = 'Show CodeTools Values';
3941   // unit editor
3942   lisUEErrorInRegularExpression = 'Error in regular expression';
3943   lisUENotFound = 'Not found';
3944   lisUESearchStringNotFound = 'Search string ''%s'' not found!';
3945   lisUESearchStringContinueBeg = 'Continue search from the beginning?';
3946   lisUESearchStringContinueEnd = 'Continue search from the end?';
3947   lisUEReplaceThisOccurrenceOfWith = 'Replace this occurrence of "%s"%s with "%s"?';
3948   lisUESearching = 'Searching: %s';
3949   lisUEModeSeparator = '/';
3950   lisUEGotoLine = 'Goto line:';
3951   lisGotoLine = 'Goto Line';
3953   // Transfer Macros
3954   lisTMFunctionExtractFileExtension = 'Function: extract file extension';
3955   lisTMFunctionExtractFilePath = 'Function: extract file path';
3956   lisTMFunctionExtractFileNameExtension = 'Function: extract file name+extension';
3957   lisTMFunctionExtractFileNameOnly = 'Function: extract file name only';
3958   lisTMFunctionAppendPathDelimiter = 'Function: append path delimiter';
3959   lisTMFunctionChompPathDelimiter = 'Function: remove trailing path delimiter';
3960   lisTMunknownMacro = '(unknown macro: %s)';
3962   // System Variables Override Dialog
3963   lisSVUOInvalidVariableName = 'Invalid variable name';
3964   lisSVUOisNotAValidIdentifier = '"%s" is not a valid identifier.';
3965   lisFRIIdentifier = 'Identifier: %s';
3966   lisSVUOOverrideSystemVariable = 'Override system variable';
3968   // sort selection dialog
3969   lisSortSelSortSelection = 'Sort selection';
3970   lisSortSelPreview = 'Preview';
3971   lisSortSelAscending = 'Ascending';
3972   lisSortSelDescending = 'Descending';
3973   lisSortSelDomain = 'Domain';
3974   lisSortSelLines = 'Lines';
3975   lisSortSelWords = 'Words';
3976   lisSortSelParagraphs = 'Paragraphs';
3977   lisSortSelOptions = 'Options';
3978   lisSortSelCaseSensitive = '&Case Sensitive';
3979   lisSortSelIgnoreSpace = 'Ignore Space';
3980   lisSortSelSort = 'Accept';
3982   // Publish project/package + Add dir to package
3983   lisDestinationDirectory = 'Destination directory';
3984   lisChooseDirectory = 'Choose directory';
3985   lisCompress = 'Compress';
3986   lisCompressHint = 'The resulting directory will be compressed into a ZIP file.';
3987   lisOpenInFileMan = 'Open in file manager';
3988   lisOpenInFileManHint = 'Open destination directory in file manager';
3989   lisPublishModuleNote = 'Files belonging to project / package will be included automatically.';
3990   lisSimpleSyntax = 'Simple syntax';
3991   lisNormallyTheFilterIsARegularExpressionInSimpleSynta = 'Normally the '
3992     +'filter is a regular expression. In simple syntax a . is a normal '
3993     +'character, a * stands for anything, a ? stands for any character, and '
3994     +'comma and semicolon separates alternatives. For example: Simple '
3995     +'syntax *.pas;*.pp corresponds to ^(.*\.pas|.*\.pp)$';
3996   lisUseFilterForExtraFiles = 'Use filter to include extra files';
3997   lisCopyFilesFailed = 'Copying files failed.';
3998   lisWriteProjectInfoFailed = 'Writing the project info file failed.';
3999   lisWritePackageInfoFailed = 'Writing the package info file failed.';
4000   lisPublishedTo = 'Published to %s';
4001   lisIncludeFilter = 'Include filter';
4002   lisInvalidPublishingDirectory = 'Invalid publishing Directory';
4003   lisEmptyDestinationForPublishing = 'Destination directory for publishing'
4004     +' is either a relative path or empty.';
4005   lisSourceAndDestinationAreSame = 'Source "%s"'
4006     +'%sand Destination "%s"'
4007     +'%sdirectories are the same. Please select another directory.';
4008   lisClearDirectory = 'Clear Directory?';
4009   lisInOrderToCreateACleanCopyOfTheProjectPackageAllFil = 'In order to create '
4010     +'a clean copy of the project/package, all files in the following '
4011     +'directory will be deleted and all its content will be lost.'
4012     +'%sDelete all files in "%s"?';
4013   lisUnableToCleanUpDestinationDirectory = 'Unable to clean up destination directory';
4014   lisUnableToCleanUpPleaseCheckPermissions = 'Unable to clean up "%s".%sPlease check permissions.';
4015   lisFilter = 'Filter';
4016   lisCreateFilter = 'Create Filter';
4017   lisIssues = 'Issues';
4018   lisRegularExpression = 'Regular expression';
4019   lisInvalidFilter = 'Invalid filter';
4021   // project options
4022   lisProjOptsUnableToChangeTheAutoCreateFormList = 'Unable to change the auto '
4023     +'create form list in the program source.%sPlease fix errors first.';
4024   lisProjOptsError = 'Error';
4025   lisUnableToChangeProjectTitleInSource = 'Unable to change project title in '
4026     +'source.%s%s';
4027   lisUnableToRemoveProjectTitleFromSource = 'Unable to remove project title '
4028     +'from source.%s%s';
4029   lisUnableToChangeProjectScaledInSource = 'Unable to change project scaled in '
4030     +'source.%s%s';
4031   lisUnableToRemoveProjectScaledFromSource = 'Unable to remove project scaled '
4032     +'from source.%s%s';
4034   // path edit dialog
4035   lisPathEditSearchPaths = 'Search paths:';
4036   lisPckSearchPathsForFpdocXmlFilesMultiplePathsMustBeSepa = 'Search paths for'
4037     +' fpdoc xml files. Multiple paths must be separated by semicolon.';
4038   lisPathEditMovePathDown = 'Move path down (Ctrl+Down)';
4039   lisPathEditMovePathUp = 'Move path up (Ctrl+Up)';
4040   lisPathEditBrowse = 'Browse';
4041   lisPathEditorReplaceHint = 'Replace the selected path with a new path';
4042   lisPathEditorAddHint = 'Add new path to the list';
4043   lisPathEditDeleteInvalidPaths = 'Delete Invalid Paths';
4044   lisPathEditorDeleteHint = 'Delete the selected path';
4045   lisPathEditorDeleteInvalidHint = 'Remove non-existent (gray) paths from the list';
4046   lisPathEditPathTemplates = 'Path templates';
4047   lisPathEditorTemplAddHint = 'Add template to the list';
4049   // new dialog
4050   lisNewDlgNoItemSelected = 'No item selected';
4051   lisUnitMustSaveBeforeInherit = 'Unit "%s" must be saved before it can be inherited from. Save now?';
4052   lisErrorOpeningComponent = 'Error opening component';
4053   lisUnableToOpenAncestorComponent = 'Unable to open ancestor component';
4054   lisNewDlgPleaseSelectAnItemFirst = 'Please select an item first.';
4055   lisNewDlgCreateANewEditorFileChooseAType = 'Create a new editor file.%s'
4056     +'Choose a type.';
4057   lisNewDlgCreateANewProjectChooseAType = 'Create a new project.%sChoose a type.';
4058   lisChooseOneOfTheseItemsToCreateANewFile = 'Choose one of these items to '
4059     +'create a new File';
4060   lisChooseOneOfTheseItemsToInheritFromAnExistingOne = 'Choose one of these items to '
4061     +'inherit from an existing one';
4062   lisInheritedItem = 'Inherited Item';
4063   lisChooseOneOfTheseItemsToCreateANewProject = 'Choose one of these items to '
4064     +'create a new Project';
4065   lisChooseOneOfTheseItemsToCreateANewPackage = 'Choose one of these items to '
4066     +'create a new Package';
4067   lisNewDlgCreateANewUnitWithALCLForm = 'Create a new unit with a LCL form.';
4068   lisNewDlgCreateANewUnitWithADataModule = 'Create a new unit with a datamodule.';
4069   lisNewDlgCreateANewUnitWithAFrame = 'Create a new unit with a frame.';
4070   lisNewDlgCreateANewEmptyTextFile = 'Create a new empty text file.';
4071   lisNewDlgCreateANewStandardPackageAPackageIsACollectionOfUn = 'Create a new '
4072     +'standard package.%sA package is a collection of units and components.';
4074   // file checks
4075   lisUnableToCreateFile = 'Unable to create file';
4076   lisUnableToCreateFile2 = 'Unable to create file "%s"';
4077   lisUnableToCreateFile3 = 'Unable to create file%s"%s"';
4078   lisUnableToCopyFileTo = 'Unable to copy file "%s"%sto "%s"';
4079   lisCanNotCreateFile = 'Cannot create file "%s"';
4080   lisExtendUnitPath = 'Extend unit path?';
4081   lisUnableToWrite2 = 'Unable to write "%s"';
4082   lisUnableToWriteFile = 'Unable to write file';
4083   lisUnableToWriteFile2 = 'Unable to write file "%s".';
4084   lisUnableToWriteToFile2 = 'Unable to write to file "%s".';
4085   lisFileIsNotWritable = 'File is not writable';
4086   lisErrorDeletingFile = 'Error deleting file';
4087   lisInvalidMask = 'Invalid Mask';
4088   lisTheFileMaskIsNotAValidRegularExpression = 'The file mask "%s" is not a '
4089     +'valid regular expression.';
4090   lisTheFileMaskIsInvalid = 'The file mask "%s" is invalid.';
4091   lisUnableToDeleteAmbiguousFile = 'Unable to delete ambiguous file "%s"';
4092   lisErrorRenamingFile = 'Error renaming file';
4093   lisUnableToRenameAmbiguousFileTo = 'Unable to rename ambiguous file "%s"%sto "%s"';
4094   lisWarningAmbiguousFileFoundSourceFileIs = 'Warning: ambiguous file found: "%s". Source file is: "%s"';
4095   lisAmbiguousFileFound = 'Ambiguous file found';
4096   lisThereIsAFileWithTheSameNameAndASimilarExtension = 'There is a file with '
4097     +'the same name and a similar extension on disk%sFile: %s%sAmbiguous '
4098     +'File: %s%sDelete ambiguous file?';
4100   // add to project dialog
4101   lisProjAddInvalidMinMaxVersion = 'Invalid Min-Max version';
4102   lisProjAddTheMaximumVersionIsLowerThanTheMinimimVersion = 'The Maximum '
4103     +'Version is lower than the Minimim Version.';
4104   lisProjAddDependencyAlreadyExists = 'Dependency already exists';
4105   lisVersionMismatch = 'Version mismatch';
4106   lisUnableToAddTheDependencyBecauseThePackageHasAlread = 'Unable to add the '
4107     +'dependency %s because the package %s has already a dependency %s';
4108   lisCircularDependencyDetected = 'Circular dependency detected';
4109   lisUnableToAddTheDependencyBecauseThisWouldCreateA = 'Unable to add the '
4110     +'dependency %s because this would create a circular dependency. Dependency %s';
4111   lisProjAddTheProjectHasAlreadyADependency = 'The project has already a '
4112     +'dependency for the package "%s".';
4113   lisProjAddPackageNotFound = 'Package not found';
4114   lisLDTheUnitIsNotOwnedBeAnyPackageOrProjectPleaseAddThe = 'The unit %s is '
4115     +'not owned be any package or project.%sPlease add the unit to a package '
4116     +'or project.%sUnable to create the fpdoc file.';
4117   lisLDNoValidFPDocPath = 'No valid FPDoc path';
4118   lisTheUnitIsPartOfTheFPCSourcesButTheCorrespondingFpd = 'The unit %s is part'
4119     +' of the FPC sources but the corresponding fpdoc xml file was not found.'
4120     +'%sEither you have not yet added the fpcdocs directory to the search path or the '
4121     +'unit is not yet documented.%sThe fpdoc files for the FPC sources can be'
4122     +' downloaded from: %s%sPlease add the directory in the '
4123     +'fpdoc editor options.%sIn order to create a new file the directory must '
4124     +'be writable.';
4125   lisLDDoesNotHaveAnyValidFPDocPathUnableToCreateTheFpdo = '%s does not have '
4126     +'any valid FPDoc path.%sUnable to create the fpdoc file for %s';
4127   lisErrorReadingXML = 'Error reading XML';
4128   lisErrorReadingXmlFile = 'Error reading xml file "%s"%s%s';
4129   lisPkgThisFileIsNotInAnyLoadedPackage = 'This file is not in any loaded package.';
4130   lisProjAddTheDependencyWasNotFound = 'The dependency "%s" was not found.%sPlease choose an existing package.';
4131   lisProjAddInvalidVersion = 'Invalid version';
4132   lisProjAddTheMinimumVersionIsInvalid = 'The Minimum Version "%s" is invalid.'
4133     +'%sPlease use the format major.minor.release.build'
4134     +'%sFor example:';
4135   lisProjAddTheMaximumVersionIsInvalid = 'The Maximum Version "%s" is invalid.'
4136     +'%sPlease use the format major.minor.release.build'
4137     +'%sFor example:';
4138   lisProjAddUnitNameAlreadyExists = 'Unit name already exists';
4139   lisProjAddTheUnitNameAlreadyExistsInTheProject = 'The unit name "%s" '
4140     +'already exists in the project%swith file: "%s".';
4141   lisProjAddTheUnitNameAlreadyExistsInTheSelection = 'The unit name "%s" '
4142     +'already exists in the selection%swith file: "%s".';
4143   lisProjAddNewRequirement = 'New Requirement';
4144   lisProjAddNewFPMakeRequirement = 'New FPMake Requirement';
4145   lisProjAddEditorFile = 'Add Editor Files';
4146   lisProjAddPackageName = 'Package Name:';
4147   lisProjAddPackageType = 'Package Type:';
4148   lisProjAddLocalPkg = 'Local (%s)';
4149   lisProjAddOnlinePkg = 'Online (%s)';
4150   lisProjAddMinimumVersionOptional = 'Minimum Version (optional):';
4151   lisProjAddMaximumVersionOptional = 'Maximum Version (optional):';
4153   // component palette
4154   lisKMNewPackage = 'New package';
4155   lisCompPalOpenPackage = 'Open package';
4156   lisKMOpenPackageFile = 'Open package file';
4157   lisKMOpenRecentPackage = 'Open recent package';
4158   lisCPOpenPackage = 'Open Package %s';
4159   lisFilterAllMessagesOfType = 'Filter all messages of type %s';
4160   lisFilterAllMessagesOfCertainType = 'Filter all messages of certain type';
4161   lisOpenToolOptions = 'Open Tool Options';
4162   lisCPOpenUnit = 'Open Unit %s';
4163   lisCompPalOpenUnit = 'Open unit';
4164   lisCompPalComponentList = 'View All';
4166   // macro promp dialog
4167   lisMacroPromptEnterData = 'Enter data';
4168   lisMacroPromptEnterRunParameters = 'Enter run parameters';
4170   // debugger
4171   lisDebuggerErrorOoopsTheDebuggerEnteredTheErrorState = 'Debugger error'
4172     +'%sOoops, the debugger entered the error state'
4173     +'%sSave your work now !'
4174     +'%sHit Stop, and hope the best, we''re pulling the plug.';
4175   lisExecutionStopped = 'Execution stopped';
4176   lisExecutionStoppedExitCode = 'Execution stopped with exit-code %1:d ($%2:s)';
4177   lisFileNotFound = 'File not found';
4178   lisDisableOptionXg = 'Disable Option -Xg?';
4179   lisTheProjectWritesTheDebugSymbolsToAnExternalFileThe = 'The project writes '
4180     +'the debug symbols to an external file. The "%s" supports only symbols '
4181     +'within the executable.';
4182   lisDisableOptionXg2 = 'Disable option -Xg';
4183   lisEnableOptionXg = 'Enable Option -Xg?';
4184   lisTheProjectWritesTheDebugSymbolsToTheExexcutable = 'The project writes '
4185     +'the debug symbols into the executable rather than to an external file. '
4186     + 'The "%s" supports only symbols in an external file.';
4187   lisEnableOptionXg2 = 'Enable option -Xg';
4188   lisEnableOptionDwarf = 'Enable Dwarf 2 (-gw)?';
4189   lisTheProjectDoesNotUseDwarf = 'The project does not '
4190     +'write debug info in Dwarf format.'
4191     +' The "%s" supports only Dwarf.';
4192   lisEnableOptionDwarf2 = 'Enable Dwarf 2 (-gw)';
4193   lisEnableOptionDwarf2Sets = 'Enable Dwarf 2 with sets';
4194   lisEnableOptionDwarf3 = 'Enable Dwarf 3 (-gw3)';
4195   lisCleanUpUnitPath = 'Clean up unit path?';
4196   lisTheDirectoryIsNoLongerNeededInTheUnitPathRemoveIt =
4197     'The directory "%s" is no longer needed in the unit path.%sRemove it?';
4198   lisTheFileWasNotFoundDoYouWantToLocateItYourself = 'The file "%s" was '
4199     +'not found.%sDo you want to locate it yourself?';
4200   lisRunToFailed = 'Run-to failed';
4201   lisDbgMangNoDebuggerSpecified = 'No debugger specified';
4202   lisDbgMangThereIsNoDebuggerSpecifiedSettingBreakpointsHaveNo = 'There is no '
4203     +'debugger specified.%sSetting breakpoints have no effect until you set up '
4204     +'a Debugger in the debugger options dialog in the menu.';
4205   lisDbgMangSetTheBreakpointAnyway = 'Set the breakpoint anyway';
4206   lisLaunchingApplicationInvalid = 'Launching application invalid';
4207   lisTheLaunchingApplicationDoesNotExistsOrIsNotExecuta = 'The launching application "%s"'
4208     +'%sdoes not exist or is not executable.'
4209     +'%sSee Run -> Run parameters -> Local';
4210   lisTheLaunchingApplicationBundleDoesNotExists = 'The Application Bundle %s'
4211     +'%sneeded for execution does not exist or is not executable.'
4212     +'%sDo you want to create one?'
4213     +'%sSee Project -> Project Options -> Application for settings.';
4214   lisDebuggerInvalid = 'Debugger invalid';
4215   lisTheDebuggerDoesNotExistsOrIsNotExecutableSeeEnviro = 'The debugger "%s"'
4216     +'%sdoes not exist or is not executable.'
4217     +'%sSee Tools -> Options -> Debugger options';
4218   lisUnableToRun = 'Unable to run';
4219   lisTheDestinationDirectoryDoesNotExistPleaseCheckTheP = 'The destination '
4220     +'directory "%s" does not exist.%sPlease check the project target file '
4221     +'name Menu > Project > Project Options.';
4222   lisTheWorkingDirectoryDoesNotExistPleaseCheckTheWorki = 'The working '
4223     +'directory "%s" does not exist.%sPlease check the working directory in '
4224     +'Menu > Run > Run parameters.';
4225   lisPleaseOpenAUnitBeforeRun = 'Please open a unit before run.';
4226   lisHitCount = 'Hitcount';
4227   lisDisableBreakPoint = 'Disable Breakpoint';
4228   lisEnableBreakPoint = 'Enable Breakpoint';
4229   lisDeleteBreakPoint = 'Delete Breakpoint';
4230   lisViewBreakPointProperties = 'Breakpoint Properties ...';
4232   lisDBGENDefaultColor = 'Default Color';
4233   lisDBGENBreakpointEvaluation = 'Breakpoint Evaluation';
4234   lisDBGENBreakpointHit = 'Breakpoint Hit';
4235   lisDBGENBreakpointMessage = 'Breakpoint Message';
4236   lisDBGENBreakpointStackDump = 'Breakpoint Stack Dump';
4237   lisDBGENExceptionRaised = 'Exception Raised';
4238   lisDBGENModuleLoad = 'Module Load';
4239   lisDBGENModuleUnload = 'Module Unload';
4240   lisDBGENOutputDebugString = 'Output Debug String';
4241   lisDBGENProcessExit = 'Process Exit';
4242   lisDBGENProcessStart = 'Process Start';
4243   lisDBGENThreadExit = 'Thread Exit';
4244   lisDBGENThreadStart = 'Thread Start';
4245   lisDBGENWindowsMessagePosted = 'Windows Message Posted';
4246   lisDBGENWindowsMessageSent = 'Windows Message Sent';
4248   // disk diff dialog
4249   lisDiskDiffErrorReadingFile = 'Error reading file: %s';
4250   lisLpkHasVanishedOnDiskUsingAsAlternative = 'lpk has vanished on disk. Using'
4251     +' as alternative%s';
4252   lisDiskDiffSomeFilesHaveChangedOnDisk = 'Some files have changed on disk:';
4253   lisDiskDiffClickOnOneOfTheAboveItemsToSeeTheDiff = 'Click on one of the '
4254     +'above items to see the diff';
4255   lisDiskDiffSomeFilesHaveLocalChanges = 'Some files have local changes.'
4256     +' Either local or external changes will be overwritten.';
4257   lisDiskDiffReloadCheckedFilesFromDisk = 'Reload checked files from disk';
4258   lisDiskDiffIgnoreAllDiskChanges = 'Ignore all disk changes';
4260   // edit define tree
4261   lisEdtDefCurrentProject = 'Current Project';
4262   lisEdtDefAllPackages = 'All packages';
4263   lisEdtDefsAllProjects = 'All projects';
4264   lisEdtDefsetFPCModeToDELPHI = 'set FPC mode to DELPHI';
4265   lisEdtDefsetFPCModeToTP = 'set FPC mode to TP';
4266   lisEdtDefsetFPCModeToGPC = 'set FPC mode to GPC';
4267   lisEdtDefsetFPCModeToMacPas = 'set FPC mode to MacPas';
4268   lisEdtDefsetFPCModeToFPC = 'set FPC mode to FPC';
4269   lisEdtDefsetIOCHECKSOn = 'set IOCHECKS on';
4270   lisEdtDefsetRANGECHECKSOn = 'set RANGECHECKS on';
4271   lisEdtDefsetOVERFLOWCHECKSOn = 'set OVERFLOWCHECKS on';
4272   lisEdtDefuseLineInfoUnit = 'use LineInfo unit';
4273   lisEdtDefuseHeapTrcUnit = 'use HeapTrc unit';
4275   // external tools
4276   lisExtToolExternalTools = 'External Tools';
4277   lisTheseSettingsAreStoredWithTheProject = 'These settings are stored with '
4278     +'the project.';
4279   lisKeepThemAndContinue = 'Keep them and continue';
4280   lisRemoveThem = 'Remove them';
4281   lisExtToolMaximumToolsReached = 'Maximum Tools reached';
4282   lisExtToolThereIsAMaximumOfTools = 'There is a maximum of %s tools.';
4284   // edit external tools
4285   lisEdtExtToolEditTool = 'Edit Tool';
4286   lisEdtExtToolProgramfilename = 'Program Filename:';
4287   lisEdtExtToolParameters = 'Parameters:';
4288   lisEdtExtToolWorkingDirectory = 'Working Directory:';
4289   lisEdtExtToolScanOutputForFreePascalCompilerMessages = 'Scan output for '
4290     +'FPC messages';
4291   lisEdtExtToolScanOutputForMakeMessages = 'Scan output for "make" messages';
4292   lisShowConsole = 'Show console';
4293   lisOnlyAvailableOnWindowsRunToolInANewConsole = 'Only available on Windows. '
4294     +'Run tool in a new console.';
4295   lisEdtExtToolKey = 'Key';
4296   lisOnlyAvailableOnWindowsRunTheToolHidden = 'Only available on Windows. Run '
4297     +'the tool hidden.';
4298   lisHideWindow = 'Hide window';
4299   lisAlternativeKey = 'Alternative key';
4300   lisEdtExtToolMacros = 'Macros';
4301   lisWorkingDirectoryForBuilding = 'Working directory for building';
4302   lisWorkingDirectoryForRun = 'Working directory for run';
4303   lisConfigureBuild = 'Configure Build %s';
4304   lisEdtExtToolTitleAndFilenameRequired = 'Title and Filename required';
4305   lisEdtExtToolAValidToolNeedsAtLeastATitleAndAFilename = 'A valid tool needs '
4306     +'at least a title and a filename.';
4308   // find in files dialog
4309   lisFindFileMultiLinePattern = '&Multiline pattern';
4310   lisFindFileWhere = 'Where';
4311   lisFindFilesearchAllFilesInProject = 'search all files in &project';
4312   lisFindFilesearchAllOpenFiles = 'search all &open files';
4313   lisFindFilesSearchInProjectGroup = 'search in project &group';
4314   lisFindFilesearchInActiveFile = 'search in &active file';
4315   lisFindFilesearchInDirectories = 'search in &directories';
4316   lisFindFileDirectories = 'D&irectories';
4317   lisMultipleDirectoriesAreSeparatedWithSemicolons = 'Multiple directories are'
4318     +' separated with semicolons';
4319   lisDirectories = 'Directories';
4320   lisFindFileFileMask = 'Fi&le mask';
4321   lisFindFileIncludeSubDirectories = 'Include &sub directories';
4323   // package manager
4324   lisPkgMangPackage = 'Package: %s';
4325   lisPkgMangProject = 'Project: %s';
4326   lisPkgMangDependencyWithoutOwner = 'Dependency without Owner: %s';
4327   lisLazbuildIsNonInteractiveAbortingNow = '%s'
4328     +'%s%s'
4329     +'%slazbuild is non interactive, aborting now.';
4330   lisPkgMangSavePackageLpk = 'Save Package %s (*.lpk)';
4331   lisPkgMangSaveAsAlreadyOpenedPackage = 'The package %s is already open in the IDE.'+sLineBreak+'You cannot save a package with the same name.';
4332   lisPkgMangInvalidPackageFileExtension = 'Invalid package file extension';
4333   lisPkgMangPackagesMustHaveTheExtensionLpk = 'Packages must have the '
4334     +'extension .lpk';
4335   lisPkgMangInvalidPackageName = 'Invalid package name';
4336   lisPkgMangInvalidPackageName2 = 'Invalid Package Name';
4337   lisPkgMangThePackageNameIsNotAValidPackageNamePleaseChooseAn = 'The package name '
4338     +'"%s" is not a valid package name%sPlease choose another name (e.g. package1.lpk)';
4339   lisPkgMangRenameFileLowercase = 'Rename File lowercase?';
4340   lisPkgMangShouldTheFileRenamedLowercaseTo = 'Should the file be renamed '
4341     +'lowercase to%s"%s"?';
4342   lisPkgMangPackageNameAlreadyExists = 'Package name already exists';
4343   lisNameConflict = 'Name conflict';
4344   lisThePackageAlreadyContainsAUnitWithThisName = 'The package already '
4345     +'contains a unit with this name.';
4346   lisPkgMangThereIsAlreadyAnotherPackageWithTheName = 'There is already '
4347     +'another package with the name "%s".%sConflict package: "%s"%sFile: "%s"';
4348   lisPkgMangFilenameIsUsedByProject = 'Filename is used by project';
4349   lisPkgMangTheFileNameIsPartOfTheCurrentProject = 'The file name "%s" is '
4350     +'part of the current project.%sProjects and Packages should not share files.';
4351   lisPkgMangFilenameIsUsedByOtherPackage = 'Filename is used by other package';
4352   lisPkgMangTheFileNameIsUsedByThePackageInFile = 'The file name "%s" is '
4353     +'used by%sthe package "%s"%sin file "%s".';
4354   lisPkgMangReplaceFile = 'Replace File';
4355   lisPkgMangReplaceExistingFile = 'Replace existing file "%s"?';
4356   lisPkgMangDeleteOldPackageFile = 'Delete Old Package File?';
4357   lisPkgMangDeleteOldPackageFile2 = 'Delete old package file "%s"?';
4358   lisPkgMangDeleteFailed = 'Delete failed';
4359   lisTheFileWasFoundInOneOfTheSourceDirectoriesOfThePac = 'The file "%s"'
4360     +'%swas found in one of the source directories of the package %s and looks '
4361     +'like a compiled unit. Compiled units must be in the output directory of '
4362     +'the package, otherwise other packages can get problems using this package.'
4363     +'%sDelete ambiguous file?';
4364   lisPkgMangUnableToDeleteFile = 'Unable to delete file "%s".';
4365   lisSkipErrors = 'Skip errors';
4366   lisDeleteAllTheseFiles = 'Delete all these files?';
4367   lisCheckUncheckAll = 'Check/uncheck all';
4368   lisPkgMangUnsavedPackage = 'Unsaved package';
4369   lisFpcmakeFailed = 'fpcmake failed';
4370   lisCallingToCreateMakefileFromFailed = 'Calling %s to create Makefile from %s failed.';
4371   lisPkgMangThereIsAnUnsavedPackageInTheRequiredPackages = 'There is an '
4372     +'unsaved package in the required packages. See package graph.';
4373   lisPkgMangBrokenDependency = 'Broken dependency';
4374   lisPkgMangTheProjectRequiresThePackageButItWasNotFound = 'The project requires '
4375     +'the package "%s".%sBut it was not found. See Project -> Project Inspector.';
4376   lisPkgMangRequiredPackagesWereNotFound = 'One or more required packages were not '
4377     +'found. See package graph for details.';
4378   lisPkgMangCircularDependencies = 'Circular dependencies found';
4379   lisPkgMangThePackageIsCompiledAutomaticallyAndItsOutputDirec = 'The package "%s" '
4380     +'is compiled automatically and its output directory is "%s" which is in the '
4381     +'default unit search path of the compiler. The package uses other packages which '
4382     +'also use the default unit search of the compiler. This creates an endless loop.'
4383     +'%sYou can fix this issue by removing the path from your compiler config (e.g. fpc.cfg)'
4384     +'%sor by disabling the auto update of this package or by removing dependencies.';
4385   lisPkgMangThereIsACircularDependency = 'There is a circular dependency in the '
4386     +'packages. See package graph.';
4387   lisPkgMangThereAreTwoUnitsWithTheSameName1From2From = 'There are two units with the same name:'
4388     +'%s1. "%s" from %s'
4389     +'%s2. "%s" from %s';
4390   lisPkgMangThereIsAUnitWithTheSameNameAsAPackage1From2 = 'There is a unit with the same name as a package:'
4391     +'%s1. "%s" from %s'
4392     +'%s2. "%s"';
4393   lisPkgMangAmbiguousUnitsFound = 'Ambiguous units found';
4394   lisPkgMangBothPackagesAreConnectedThisMeansEitherOnePackageU = '%sBoth '
4395     +'packages are connected. This means, either one package uses the other, '
4396     +'or they are both used by a third package.';
4397   lisPkgMangThereIsAFPCUnitWithTheSameNameFrom = 'There is a FPC unit with '
4398     +'the same name as:%s"%s" from %s';
4399   lisPkgMangThereIsAFPCUnitWithTheSameNameAsAPackage = 'There is a FPC unit '
4400     +'with the same name as a package:'
4401     +'%s"%s"';
4402   lisPkgMangErrorWritingFile = 'Error writing file';
4403   lisProjMangUnableToWriteStateFileForProjectError = 'Unable to write state '
4404     +'file for project %s%sError: %s';
4405   lisPkgMangUnableToWriteStateFileOfPackageError = 'Unable to write state '
4406     +'file "%s"%sof package %s.%sError: %s';
4407   lisPkgMangErrorReadingFile = 'Error reading file';
4408   lisProjMangUnableToReadStateFileOfProjectError = 'Unable to read state '
4409     +'file %s of project %s%sError: %s';
4410   lisPkgMangUnableToReadStateFileOfPackageError = 'Unable to read state file '
4411     +'"%s"%sof package %s.%sError: %s';
4412   lisPkgMangUnableToCreateDirectory = 'Unable to create directory';
4413   lisPassingCompilerOptionTwiceWithDifferentValues = 'passing compiler option '
4414     +'-%s twice with different values';
4415   lisPassingCompilerDefineTwiceWithDifferentValues = 'passing compiler define '
4416     +'"%s" twice with different values';
4417   lisUnableToCreateDirectory = 'Unable to create directory "%s".';
4418   lisPkgMangUnableToCreateOutputDirectoryForPackage = 'Unable to create '
4419     +'output directory "%s"%sfor package %s.';
4420   lisPkgMangUnableToDeleteFilename = 'Unable to delete file';
4421   lisPkgMangUnableToDeleteOldStateFileForPackage = 'Unable to delete old '
4422     +'state file "%s"%sfor package %s.';
4423   lisPkgMangUnableToCreatePackageSourceDirectoryForPackage = 'Unable to '
4424     +'create package source directory "%s"%sfor package %s.';
4425   lisPkgMangUnableToLoadPackage = 'Unable to load package';
4426   lisPkgMangUnableToOpenThePackage = 'Unable to open the package "%s".%s'
4427     +'This package was marked for installation.';
4428   lisOpenPackage2 = 'Open package %s';
4429   lisPkgMangThePackageNameOfTheFileIsInvalid = 'The package name "%s" of'
4430     +'%sthe file "%s" is invalid.';
4431   lisPkgMangPackageConflicts = 'Package conflicts';
4432   lisPkgMangThereIsAlreadyAPackageLoadedFromFile = 'There is already a package "%s" loaded'
4433     +'%sfrom file "%s".'
4434     +'%sSee Package -> Package Graph.'
4435     +'%sReplace is impossible.';
4436   lisPkgMangSavePackage = 'Save package?';
4437   lisPkgMangLoadingPackageWillReplacePackage = 'Loading package %s will replace package %s'
4438     +'%sfrom file %s.'
4439     +'%sThe old package is modified.'
4440     +'%sSave old package %s?';
4441   lisProbablyYouNeedToInstallSomePackagesForBeforeConti = 'Probably you need to '
4442     +'install some packages before continuing.'
4443     +'%sWarning:'
4444     +'%sThe project uses the following design time packages which might be needed '
4445     +'to open the form in the designer. If you continue, you might get errors '
4446     +'about missing components and the form loading will probably create very '
4447     +'unpleasant results.'
4448     +'%sIt is recommended to cancel and install these packages first.';
4449   lisPackageNeedsInstallation = 'Package needs installation';
4450   lisUnitInPackage = '%s unit %s in package %s';
4451   lisPkgMangSkipThisPackage = 'Skip this package';
4452   lisPkgMangInvalidFileExtension = 'Invalid file extension';
4453   lisPkgMangTheFileIsNotALazarusPackage = 'The file "%s" is not a Lazarus package.';
4454   lisPkgMangInvalidPackageFilename = 'Invalid package filename';
4455   lisPkgMangThePackageFileNameInIsNotAValidLazarusPackageName = 'The package '
4456     +'file name "%s" in%s"%s" is not a valid Lazarus package name.';
4457   lisPkgMangFileNotFound = 'File "%s" not found.';
4458   lisOpenFileAtCursor = 'Open file at cursor';
4459   lisPkgMangErrorReadingPackage = 'Error Reading Package';
4460   lisPkgUnableToReadPackageFileError = 'Unable to read package file "%s".%sError: %s';
4461   lisPkgMangFilenameDiffersFromPackagename = 'Filename differs from Packagename';
4462   lisPkgMangTheFilenameDoesNotCorrespondToThePackage = 'The filename "%s" does not '
4463     +'correspond to the package name "%s" in the file.%sChange package name to "%s"?';
4464   lisSuspiciousIncludePath = 'Suspicious include path';
4465   lisThePackageAddsThePathToTheIncludePathOfTheIDEThisI = 'The package %s '
4466     +'adds the path "%s" to the include path of the IDE.%sThis is probably a '
4467     +'misconfiguration of the package.';
4468   lisPkgMangErrorWritingPackage = 'Error Writing Package';
4469   lisPkgMangUnableToWritePackageToFileError = 'Unable to write package "%s"%sto '
4470     +'file "%s".%sError: %s';
4471   lisSeeProjectProjectInspector = '%sSee Project -> Project Inspector';
4472   lisPkgMangTheFollowingPackageFailedToLoad = 'The following package failed to load:';
4473   lisPkgMangTheFollowingPackagesFailedToLoad = 'The following packages failed to load:';
4474   lisMissingPackages = 'Missing Packages';
4475   lisNotInstalledPackages = 'Not installed packages';
4476   lisInstallPackagesMsg = 'The following packages are not installed, but available in the main repository: %s.' +
4477     sLineBreak + 'Do you wish to install missing packages?';
4478   lisOtherSourcesPathOfPackageContainsDirectoryWhichIsA = 'other sources path of '
4479     +'package "%s" contains directory "%s" which is already in the unit search path.';
4480   lisOutputDirectoryOfContainsPascalUnitSource = 'output directory of %s '
4481     +'contains Pascal unit source "%s"';
4482   lisInsertAssignment = 'Insert Assignment %s := ...';
4483   lisPkgManginvalidCompilerFilename = 'invalid Compiler filename';
4484   lisPkgMangTheCompilerFileForPackageIsNotAValidExecutable = 'The compiler '
4485     +'file for package %s is not a valid executable:%s%s';
4486   lisPkgMangpackageMainSourceFile = 'package main source file';
4487   lisErrorLoadingFile = 'Error loading file';
4488   lisErrorLoadingFile2 = 'Error loading file "%s":';
4489   lisLoadingFailed = 'Loading %s failed.';
4490   lisPkgMangAddingNewDependencyForProjectPackage = '%sAdding new Dependency '
4491     +'for project %s: package %s';
4492   lisPkgMangAddingNewDependencyForPackagePackage = '%sAdding new Dependency '
4493     +'for package %s: package %s';
4494   lisPkgMangTheFollowingUnitsWillBeAddedToTheUsesSectionOf = '%sThe following '
4495     +'units will be added to the uses section of'
4496     +'%s%s:'
4497     +'%s%s';
4498   lisConfirmChanges = 'Confirm changes';
4499   lisPkgMangFileNotSaved = 'File not saved';
4500   lisPkgMangPleaseSaveTheFileBeforeAddingItToAPackage = 'Please save the file '
4501     +'before adding it to a package.';
4502   lisPkgMangFileIsInProject = 'File is in Project';
4503   lisPkgMangWarningTheFileBelongsToTheCurrentProject = 'Warning: The file "%s"'
4504     +'%sbelongs to the current project.';
4505   lisPkgMangFileIsAlreadyInPackage = 'File is already in package';
4506   lisPkgMangTheFileIsAlreadyInThePackage = 'The file "%s"%sis already in the package %s.';
4507   lisPkgMangPackageIsNoDesigntimePackage = 'Package is not a designtime package';
4508   lisPkgMangThePackageIsARuntimeOnlyPackageRuntimeOnlyPackages = 'The package %s '
4509     +'is a runtime only package.%sRuntime only packages cannot be installed in the IDE.';
4510   lisPkgMangAutomaticallyInstalledPackages = 'Automatically installed packages';
4511   lisPkgMangInstallingThePackageWillAutomaticallyInstallThePac2 = 'Installing '
4512     +'the package %s will automatically install the packages:';
4513   lisPkgMangInstallingThePackageWillAutomaticallyInstallThePac = 'Installing '
4514     +'the package %s will automatically install the package:';
4515   lisPkgMangRebuildLazarus = 'Rebuild Lazarus?';
4516   lisPkgMangThePackageWasMarkedForInstallationCurrentlyLazarus = 'The package "%s" '
4517     +'was marked for installation.'
4518     +'%sCurrently Lazarus only supports static linked packages. '
4519     +'The real installation needs rebuilding and restarting of Lazarus.'
4520     +'%sDo you want to rebuild Lazarus now?';
4521   lisPkgMangPackageIsRequired = 'Package is required';
4522   lisPkgMangThePackageIsRequiredByWhichIsMarkedForInstallation = 'The package %s '
4523     +'is required by %s which is marked for installation.'
4524     +'%sSee package graph.';
4525   lisPkgMangUninstallPackage = 'Uninstall package?';
4526   lisPkgMangUninstallPackage2 = 'Uninstall package %s?';
4527   lisPkgMangThePackageWasMarkedCurrentlyLazarus = 'The package "%s" was marked.'
4528     +'%sCurrently Lazarus only supports static linked packages. The real un-installation '
4529     +'needs rebuilding and restarting of Lazarus.'
4530     +'%sDo you want to rebuild Lazarus now?';
4531   lisPkgMangThisIsAVirtualPackageItHasNoSourceYetPleaseSaveThe = 'This is a '
4532     +'virtual package. It has no source yet. Please save the package first.';
4533   lisPkgMangPleaseCompileThePackageFirst = 'Please compile the package first.';
4534   lisPkgMangThePackageIsMarkedForInstallationButCanNotBeFound = 'The package "%s" '
4535     +'is marked for installation but cannot be found.'
4536     +'%sRemove dependency from the installation list of packages?';
4537   lisERRORInvalidBuildMode = 'Error: (lazarus) invalid build mode "%s"';
4538   lisAvailableProjectBuildModes = 'Available project build modes:';
4539   lisThisProjectHasOnlyTheDefaultBuildMode = 'This project has only the default build mode.';
4540   lisPkgMangstaticPackagesConfigFile = 'static packages config file';
4541   lisPkgMangUnableToCreateTargetDirectoryForLazarus = 'Unable to create '
4542     +'target directory for Lazarus:'
4543     +'%s"%s".'
4544     +'%sThis directory is needed for the new changed Lazarus IDE with your custom packages.';
4545   lisPkgMangCompilePackage = 'Compile package %s';
4546   lisPkgMangErrorUpdatingPoFilesFailedForPackage = 'Error: updating po files '
4547     +'failed for package %s';
4548   lisIDEInfoErrorRunningCompileAfterToolFailedForPackage = 'Error: running ''co'
4549     +'mpile after'' tool failed for package %s';
4550   lisIDEInfoCreatingMakefileForPackage = 'Creating Makefile for package %s';
4551   lisIDEInfoWARNINGUnitNameInvalidPackage = 'WARNING: unit name invalid %s, package=%s';
4553   // package system
4554   lisPkgSysInvalidUnitname = 'Invalid Unitname: %s';
4555   lisPkgSysUnitWasNotFoundInTheLpkFileProbablyThisLpkFileWasN =
4556      'Unit "%s" was not found in the lpk file.'
4557     +'%sProbably this lpk file was not used for building this IDE. '
4558     +'Or the package misuses the procedure RegisterUnit.';
4559   lisPkgSysUnitWasRemovedFromPackageLpk = 'Unit "%s" was removed from package (lpk)';
4560   lisPkgSysCanNotRegisterComponentsWithoutUnit = 'Cannot register components without unit';
4561   lisPkgSysInvalidComponentClass = 'Invalid component class';
4562   lisPkgSysComponentClassAlreadyDefined = 'Component Class "%s" already defined';
4563   lisPkgSysRegisterUnitWasCalledButNoPackageIsRegistering = 'RegisterUnit was '
4564     +'called but no package is registering.';
4565   lisPkgSysUnitName = '%s%sUnit Name: "%s"';
4566   lisPkgSysFileName = '%s%sFile Name: "%s"';
4567   lisPkgSysLPKFilename = '%s%slpk file: "%s"';
4568   lisPkgSysTheLpkFileWasNotFound = '%s%sThe lpk file was not found.';
4569   lisPkgSysPackageRegistrationError = 'Package registration error';
4570   lisPkgSysThisIsTheDefaultPackageUsedOnlyForComponents = 'This is the '
4571     +'default package. Used only for components without a package. These '
4572     +'components are outdated.';
4573   lisUpdatingPoFilesFailedForPackage = 'Updating PO files failed for package %s';
4574   lisPkgSysRegisterProcedureIsNil = 'Register procedure is nil';
4575   lisPkgSysThisPackageIsInstalledButTheLpkFileWasNotFound = 'This package is installed '
4576     +'but the lpk file was not found. All its components are deactivated. Please fix this.';
4577   lisPkgSysPackageFileNotFound = 'Package file not found';
4578   lisPkgMangTheFileOfPackageWasNotFound = 'The file "%s" of package %s was not found.';
4579   lisPkgSysThePackageIsInstalledButNoValidPackageFileWasFound =
4580      'The package "%s" is installed but no valid package file (.lpk) was found.'
4581     +'%sA broken dummy package was created.';
4582   lisSkipTheseWarnings = 'Skip these warnings';
4584   // package defs
4585   lisPkgDefsOutputDirectory = 'Output directory';
4586   lisPkgDefsCompiledSrcPathAddition = 'CompiledSrcPath addition';
4587   lisPkgDefsNamespaces = 'Namespaces';
4588   lisPkgDefsUnitPath = 'Unit Path';
4589   lisProjProjectSourceDirectoryMark = 'Project Source Directory Mark';
4590   lisPkgDefsSrcDirMark = 'Package Source Directory Mark';
4592   // add active file to package dialog
4593   lisAF2PInvalidPackage = 'Invalid Package';
4594   lisAF2PInvalidPackageID = 'Invalid package ID: "%s"';
4595   lisAF2PPackageNotFound = 'Package "%s" not found.';
4596   lisAF2PPackageIsReadOnly = 'Package is read only';
4597   lisAF2PThePackageIsReadOnly = 'The package %s is read only.';
4598   lisAF2PFileType = 'File type';
4599   lisPEExpandDirectory = 'Expand directory';
4600   lisPECollapseDirectory = 'Collapse directory';
4601   lisPEUseAllUnitsInDirectory = 'Use all units in directory';
4602   lisPEUseNoUnitsInDirectory = 'Use no units in directory';
4603   lisAF2PDestinationPackage = 'Destination package';
4604   lisAF2PShowAll = 'Show all';
4605   lisAF2PAddFileToAPackage = 'Add File to Package';
4607   // add to package dialog
4608   lisA2PInvalidFilename = 'Invalid filename';
4609   lisA2PTheFilenameIsAmbiguousPleaseSpecifiyAFilename = 'The filename "%s" '
4610     +'is ambiguous because the package has no default directory yet.'
4611     +'%sPlease specify a filename with full path.';
4612   lisA2PFileNotUnit = 'File not unit';
4613   lisA2PPascalUnitsMustHaveTheExtensionPPOrPas = 'Pascal units must have the '
4614     +'extension .pp or .pas';
4615   lisA2PisNotAValidUnitName = '"%s" is not a valid unit name.';
4616   lisA2PUnitnameAlreadyExists = 'Unitname already exists';
4617   lisA2PTheUnitnameAlreadyExistsInThisPackage = 'The unitname "%s" already '
4618     +'exists in this package.';
4619   lisA2PTheUnitnameAlreadyExistsInThePackage = 'The unitname "%s" already '
4620     +'exists in the package:%s%s';
4621   lisA2PFileAlreadyExistsInThePackage = 'File "%s" already exists in the package.';
4622   lisA2PAmbiguousUnitName = 'Ambiguous Unit Name';
4623   lisA2PTheUnitNameIsTheSameAsAnRegisteredComponent = 'The unit name "%s" is the '
4624     +'same as a registered component.'
4625     +'%sUsing this can cause strange error messages.';
4626   lisA2PExistingFile2 = 'Existing file: "%s"';
4627   lisA2PFileAlreadyExists = 'File already exists';
4628   lisA2PFileIsUsed = 'File is used';
4629   lisA2PTheFileIsPartOfTheCurrentProjectItIsABadIdea = 'The file "%s" is part of the '
4630     +'current project.'
4631     +'%sIt is a bad idea to share files between projects and packages.';
4632   lisA2PTheMaximumVersionIsLowerThanTheMinimimVersion = 'The Maximum Version '
4633     +'is lower than the Minimim Version.';
4634   lisA2PThePackageHasAlreadyADependencyForThe = 'The package already has a '
4635     +'dependency on the package "%s".';
4636   lisA2PNoPackageFoundForDependencyPleaseChooseAnExisting = 'No package found '
4637     +'for dependency "%s".%sPlease choose an existing package.';
4638   lisA2PInvalidUnitName = 'Invalid Unit Name';
4639   lisA2PTheUnitNameAndFilenameDiffer = 'The unit name "%s"%sand filename "%s" differ.';
4640   lisA2PInvalidFile = 'Invalid file';
4641   lisA2PAPascalUnitMustHaveTheExtensionPPOrPas = 'A Pascal unit must have the '
4642     +'extension .pp or .pas';
4643   lisA2PInvalidAncestorType = 'Invalid Ancestor Type';
4644   lisA2PTheAncestorTypeIsNotAValidPascalIdentifier = 'The ancestor type "%s" '
4645     +'is not a valid Pascal identifier.';
4646   lisA2PPageNameTooLong = 'Page Name too long';
4647   lisA2PThePageNameIsTooLongMax100Chars = 'The page name "%s" is too long (max 100 chars).';
4648   lisA2PInvalidClassName = 'Invalid Class Name';
4649   lisA2PTheClassNameIsNotAValidPascalIdentifier = 'The class name "%s" is '
4650     +'not a valid Pascal identifier.';
4651   lisA2PInvalidCircularDependency = 'Invalid Circular Dependency';
4652   lisA2PTheClassNameAndAncestorTypeAreTheSame = 'The class name "%s" and '
4653     +'ancestor type "%s" are the same.';
4654   lisA2PAmbiguousAncestorType = 'Ambiguous Ancestor Type';
4655   lisA2PTheAncestorTypeHasTheSameNameAsTheUnit = 'The ancestor type "%s" '
4656     +'has the same name as%sthe unit "%s".';
4657   lisA2PAmbiguousClassName = 'Ambiguous Class Name';
4658   lisA2PTheClassNameHasTheSameNameAsTheUnit = 'The class name "%s" has the '
4659     +'same name as%sthe unit "%s".';
4660   lisA2PClassNameAlreadyExists = 'Class Name already exists';
4661   lisA2PTheClassNameExistsAlreadyInPackageFile = 'The class name "%s" exists already in'
4662     +'%sPackage %s'
4663     +'%sFile: "%s"';
4664   lisA2PTheMinimumVersionIsInvalidPleaseUseTheFormatMajor = 'The Minimum Version "%s" is invalid.'
4665     +'%sPlease use the format major.minor.release.build'
4666     +'%sFor example:';
4667   lisA2PTheMaximumVersionIsInvalidPleaseUseTheFormatMajor = 'The Maximum Version "%s" is invalid.'
4668     +'%sPlease use the format major.minor.release.build'
4669     +'%sFor example:';
4670   lisA2PNewFile = 'New File';
4671   lisA2PAddFiles = 'Add Files';
4672   lisA2PAncestorType = 'Ancestor type';
4673   lisA2PShowAll = 'Show all';
4674   lisA2PNewClassName = 'New class name:';
4675   lisA2PPalettePage = 'Palette page:';
4676   lisA2PDirectoryForUnitFile = 'Directory for unit file:';
4677   lisA2PUnitName = 'Unit name:';
4678   lisA2PShortenOrExpandFilename = 'Shorten or expand filename';
4679   lisA2PIcon24x24 = 'Icon 24x24:';
4680   lisA2PIcon36x36 = 'Icon 36x36:';
4681   lisA2PIcon48x48 = 'Icon 48x48:';
4683   lisMoveSelectedUp = 'Move selected item up (Ctrl+Up)';
4684   lisMoveSelectedDown = 'Move selected item down (Ctrl+Down)';
4686   // broken dependencies dialog
4687   lisBDDChangingThePackageNameOrVersionBreaksDependencies = 'Changing the package name '
4688     +'or version breaks dependencies. Should these dependencies be changed as well?'
4689     +'%sSelect Yes to change all listed dependencies.'
4690     +'%sSelect Ignore to break the dependencies and continue.';
4691   lisA2PDependency = 'Dependency';
4692   lisA2PPackageOrProject = 'Package/Project';
4693   lisA2PBrokenDependencies = 'Broken Dependencies';
4695   // open installed packages dialog
4696   lisOIPFilename = 'Filename:  %s';
4697   lisCurrentState = 'Current state: ';
4698   lisSelectedForInstallation = 'selected for installation';
4699   lisSelectedForUninstallation = 'selected for uninstallation';
4700   lisInstalled = 'installed';
4701   lisNotInstalled = 'not installed';
4702   lisOnlinePackage = 'available in the main repository';
4703   lisOIPThisPackageIsInstalledButTheLpkFileWasNotFound = '%sThis package is '
4704     +'installed but the lpk file was not found';
4705   lisOIPDescriptionDescription = '%sDescription:  %s';
4706   lisOIPDescription = 'Description:  ';
4707   lisOIPLicenseLicense = '%sLicense:  %s';
4708   lisOIPPleaseSelectAPackage = 'Please select a package';
4709   lisOIPPackageName = 'Package Name';
4710   lisOIPState = 'State';
4711   lisOIPmodified = 'modified';
4712   lisOIPmissing = 'missing';
4713   lisOIPinstalledStatic = 'installed static';
4714   lisOIPinstalledDynamic = 'installed dynamic';
4715   lisOIPautoInstallStatic = 'auto install static';
4716   lisOIPautoInstallDynamic = 'auto install dynamic';
4717   lisOIPreadonly = 'readonly';
4718   lisOIPOpenLoadedPackage = 'Open Loaded Package';
4720   // package editor
4721   lisPckEditRemoveFile = 'Remove file';
4722   lisPckEditReAddFile = 'Re-Add file';
4723   lisPESortFiles = 'Sort Files Permanently';
4724   lisPEFixFilesCase = 'Fix Files Case';
4725   lisPEShowMissingFiles = 'Show Missing Files';
4726   lisPckEditRemoveDependency = 'Remove dependency';
4727   lisPckEditMoveDependencyUp = 'Move dependency up';
4728   lisPckEditMoveDependencyDown = 'Move dependency down';
4729   lisPckEditStoreFileNameAsDefaultForThisDependency = 'Store file name as '
4730     +'default for this dependency';
4731   lisPckEditStoreFileNameAsPreferredForThisDependency = 'Store file name as '
4732     +'preferred for this dependency';
4733   lisPckEditClearDefaultPreferredFilenameOfDependency = 'Clear default/'
4734     +'preferred filename of dependency';
4735   lisRemoveNonExistingFiles = 'Remove nonexistent files';
4736   lisPckEditReAddDependency = 'Re-Add dependency';
4737   lisPckEditRecompileClean = 'Recompile Clean';
4738   lisPckEditRecompileAllRequired = 'Recompile All Required';
4739   lisPckEditCreateMakefile = 'Create Makefile';
4740   lisPckEditCreateFpmakeFile = 'Create fpmake.pp';
4741   lisPckEditAddToProject = 'Add to Project';
4742   lisPckEditInstall = 'Install';
4743   lisPckEditUninstall = 'Uninstall';
4744   lisPckEditViewPackageSource = 'View Package Source';
4745   lisPckEditPackageHasChangedSavePackage = 'Package "%s" has changed.'
4746     +'%sSave package?';
4747   lisPckEditPage = '%s, Page: %s';
4748   lisPckEditRemoveFile2 = 'Remove file?';
4749   lisPckEditRemoveFileFromPackage = 'Remove file "%s"%sfrom package "%s"?';
4750   lisPckEditRemoveDependency2 = 'Remove Dependency?';
4751   lisPckEditRemoveDependencyFromPackage = 'Remove dependency "%s"'
4752     +'%sfrom package "%s"?';
4753   lisRemoveDependenciesFromPackage = 'Remove %s dependencies from package "%s"?';
4754   lisRemove2 = 'Remove?';
4755   lisPckEditInvalidMinimumVersion = 'Invalid minimum version';
4756   lisPckEditTheMinimumVersionIsNotAValidPackageVersion = 'The minimum '
4757     +'version "%s" is not a valid package version.%s(good example';
4758   lisPckEditInvalidMaximumVersion = 'Invalid maximum version';
4759   lisPckEditTheMaximumVersionIsNotAValidPackageVersion = 'The maximum '
4760     +'version "%s" is not a valid package version.%s(good example';
4761   lisPckEditCompileEverything = 'Compile everything?';
4762   lisPckEditReCompileThisAndAllRequiredPackages = 'Re-Compile this and all '
4763    +'required packages?';
4764   lisPckEditCompilerOptionsForPackage = 'Compiler Options for Package %s';
4765   lisPckEditSavePackage = 'Save Package';
4766   lisPckEditCompilePackage = 'Compile package';
4767   lisPckEditAddFilesFromFileSystem = 'Add Files from File System';
4768   lisPckEditAddOtherItems = 'Add other items';
4769   lisPckEditRemoveSelectedItem = 'Remove selected item';
4770   lisUse = 'Use';
4771   lisClickToSeeTheChoices = 'Click to see the choices';
4772   lisPckEditEditGeneralOptions = 'Edit general options';
4773   lisPkgEdMoreFunctionsForThePackage = 'More functions for the package';
4774   lisPckEditRequiredPackages = 'Required Packages';
4775   lisPckEditFileProperties = 'File Properties';
4776   lisPckEditCommonOptions = 'Common';
4777   lisPckEditRegisterUnit = 'Register unit';
4778   lisPckEditCallRegisterProcedureOfSelectedUnit = 'Call %sRegister%s '
4779     +'procedure of selected unit';
4780   lisPckEditRegisteredPlugins = 'Registered plugins';
4781   lisPkgMangAddUnitToUsesClause = 'Add unit to uses clause of package main file.'
4782     +' Disable this only for units that should not be compiled in all cases.';
4783   lisPckDisableI18NOfLfm = 'Disable I18N of lfm';
4784   lisPckWhenTheFormIsSavedTheIDECanStoreAllTTranslateString = 'When the form is'
4785     +' saved, the IDE can store all TTranslateString properties to the package '
4786     +'po file. For this you must enable I18N for this package, provide a po '
4787     +'output directory and leave this option unchecked.';
4788   lisPkgMangUseUnit = 'Use unit';
4789   lisPckEditMinimumVersion = 'Minimum Version:';
4790   lisPckEditMaximumVersion = 'Maximum Version:';
4791   lisPckEditApplyChanges = 'Apply changes';
4792   lisPckEditPackage = 'Package %s';
4793   lisPckEditRemovedFiles = 'Removed Files';
4794   lisPckEditRemovedRequiredPackages = 'Removed required packages';
4795   lisPckEditDefault = '%s, default: %s';
4796   lisPckEditCheckAvailabilityOnline = 'Check availability online';
4797   lisPckEditAvailableOnline = '(available online)';
4798   lisPckEditFPMakePackage = '(fpmake)';
4799   lisPckEditDependencyProperties = 'Dependency Properties';
4800   lisFilesHasRegisterProcedureInPackageUsesSection = 'Files: %s, has Register '
4801     +'procedure: %s, in package uses section: %s';
4802   lisPckEditpackageNotSaved = 'package %s not saved';
4803   lisPckEditReadOnly = 'Read Only: %s';
4804   lisPckEditModified = 'Modified: %s';
4805   lisPkgEditNewUnitNotInUnitpath = 'New unit not in unitpath';
4806   lisPkgEditTheFileIsCurrentlyNotInTheUnitpathOfThePackage = 'The file "%s"'
4807     +'%sis currently not in the unit path of the package.'
4808     +'%sAdd "%s" to unit path?';
4809   lisPENewFileNotInIncludePath = 'New file not in include path';
4810   lisPETheFileIsCurrentlyNotInTheIncludePathOfThePackageA = 'The file "%s" is '
4811     +'currently not in the include path of the package.%sAdd "%s" to the '
4812     +'include path?';
4813   lisExtendUnitSearchPathOfProjectWith = 'Extend unit search path of project '
4814     +'with%s"%s"?';
4815   lisExtendUnitSearchPathOfPackageWith = 'Extend unit search path of package "'
4816     +'%s" with%s"%s"?';
4817   lisExtendIncludePath = 'Extend include path?';
4818   lisExtendIncludeFilesSearchPathOfProjectWith = 'Extend include files search '
4819     +'path of project with%s"%s"?';
4820   lisExtendIncludeFileSearchPathOfPackageWith = 'Extend include file search '
4821     +'path of package "%s" with%s"%s"?';
4822   lisConflictDetected = 'Conflict detected';
4823   lisThereIsAlreadyAFileIn = 'There is already a file%s%s%sin %s';
4824   lisDuplicateUnit = 'Duplicate Unit';
4825   lisThereIsAlreadyAUnitInOldNewYouHaveToMakeSur = 'There is already a '
4826     +'unit "%s" in %s%sOld: %s%sNew: %s%sYou have to make sure that '
4827     +'the unit search path contains only one of them.%s%sContinue?';
4828   lisDuplicateFileName = 'Duplicate File Name';
4829   lisThereIsAlreadyAFileInOldNewContinue = 'There is already a file "%s'
4830     +'" in %s%sOld: %s%sNew: %s%s%sContinue?';
4831   lisUnitNotFoundAtNewPosition = 'unit %s not found at new position "%s"';
4832   lisUnitRequiresPackage = 'unit %s requires package %s';
4833   lisDifferentUnitFoundAtNewPosition = 'different unit %s found at new position "%s"';
4834   lisUnitNotFound = 'unit %s not found';
4835   lisTwoMovedFilesWillHaveTheSameFileNameIn = 'Two moved files will '
4836     +'have the same file name:%s%s%s%s%sin %s';
4837   lisPkgEditRevertPackage = 'Revert package?';
4838   lisMoveOrCopyFiles = 'Move or Copy files?';
4839   lisTargetIsReadOnly = 'Target is read only';
4840   lisTheTargetIsNotWritable = 'The target %s is not writable.';
4841   lisMoveOrCopyFileSFromToTheDirectoryOfPackage = 'Move or copy %s file'
4842     +'(s) from %s to the directory%s%s%sof %s?';
4843   lisMoveFileSFromToTheDirectoryOf = 'Move %s file(s) from %s to the directory%s%s%sof %s?';
4844   lisMove = 'Move';
4845   lisPkgEditDoYouReallyWantToForgetAllChangesToPackageAnd = 'Do you really '
4846     +'want to forget all changes to package %s and reload it from file?';
4847   lisNotAnInstallPackage = 'Not an install package';
4848   lisThePackageDoesNotHaveAnyRegisterProcedureWhichTypi = 'The package %s '
4849     +'does not have any "Register" procedure which typically means it does '
4850     +'not provide any IDE addon. Installing it will probably only increase '
4851     +'the size of the IDE and may even make it unstable.'
4852     +'%sHint: If you want to use a package in your project, use the "Add to project" menu item.';
4853   lisInstallItILikeTheFat = 'Install it, I like the fat';
4855   // package options dialog
4856   lisPckOptsUsage = 'Usage';
4857   lisPOChoosePoFileDirectory = 'Choose .po file directory';
4858   lisPckOptsIDEIntegration = 'IDE Integration';
4859   lisPckOptsProvides = 'Provides';
4860   lisPckOptsDescriptionAbstract = 'Description / Abstract';
4861   lisPckOptsAuthor = 'Author';
4862   lisPckOptsLicense = 'License';
4863   lisPckOptsMajor = 'Major';
4864   lisPckOptsMinor = 'Minor';
4865   lisPckOptsRelease = 'Release';
4866   lisBuildNumber = 'Build number';
4867   lisPckOptsPackageType = 'Package type';
4868   lisPckOptsDesigntime = 'Designtime';
4869   lisPckOptsRuntime = 'Runtime';
4870   lisPckOptsDesigntimeAndRuntime = 'Designtime and runtime';
4871   lisRuntimeOnlyCanNotBeInstalledInIDE = 'Runtime only, cannot be installed in IDE';
4872   lisPckOptsUpdateRebuild = 'Update / Rebuild';
4873   lisPckOptsAutomaticallyRebuildAsNeeded = 'Automatically rebuild as needed';
4874   lisPckOptsAutoRebuildWhenRebuildingAll = 'Auto rebuild when rebuilding all';
4875   lisPckOptsManualCompilationNeverAutomatically = 'Manual compilation (never automatically)';
4876   lisPckPackage = 'Package:';
4877   lisPckClearToUseThePackageName = 'Clear to use the package name';
4878   lisPckOptsAddPathsToDependentPackagesProjects = 'Add paths to dependent packages/projects';
4879   lisPckOptsInclude = 'Include';
4880   lisPckOptsObject = 'Object';
4881   lisPckOptsLibrary = 'Library';
4882   lisPckOptsAddOptionsToDependentPackagesAndProjects = 'Add options to dependent packages and projects';
4883   lisPckOptsLinker = 'Linker';
4884   lisPckOptsCustom = 'Custom';
4885   lisPckOptsInvalidPackageType = 'Invalid package type';
4886   lisPckOptsThePackageHasTheAutoInstallFlagThisMeans = 'The package "%s" has the auto install flag.'
4887     +'%sThis means it will be installed in the IDE.'
4888     +'%sInstallation packages must be designtime Packages.';
4889   lisPckOptsPackageOptions = 'Package Options';
4890   lisPckOptsPackageFileOptions = 'Additional Package File Options';
4892   // package explorer (package graph)
4893   lisMenuPackageGraph = 'Package Graph';
4894   lisPckExplUninstallPackage = 'Uninstall package %s';
4895   lisPckShowUnneededDependencies = 'Show unneeded dependencies';
4896   lisPckExplState = '%sState: ';
4897   lisPckExplInstalled = 'Installed';
4898   lisLpkIsMissing = 'lpk is missing';
4899   lisPckExplInstallOnNextStart = 'Install on next start';
4900   lisPckExplUninstallOnNextStart = 'Uninstall on next start (unless needed by an installed package)';
4901   lisPckExplBase = 'Base, cannot be uninstalled';
4903   // project inspector
4904   lisProjInspConfirmDeletingDependency = 'Confirm deleting dependency';
4905   lisProjInspRemoveItemsF = 'Remove %s items from project?';
4906   lisProjInspConfirmRemovingFile = 'Confirm removing file';
4907   lisProjInspDeleteDependencyFor = 'Delete dependency for %s?';
4908   lisProjInspRemoveFileFromProject = 'Remove file %s from project?';
4909   lisProjInspRemovedRequiredPackages = 'Removed required packages';
4910   lisProjInspProjectInspector = 'Project Inspector - %s';
4912   // IDE Coolbar
4913   lisCoolbarOptions = 'IDE CoolBar';
4914   lisCoolbarDeleteToolBar = 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected toolbar?';
4915   lisCoolbarSelectToolBar = 'Please select a toolbar first!';
4916   lisCoolbarAddSelected = 'Add selected item to toolbar';
4917   lisCoolbarRemoveSelected = 'Remove selected item from toolbar';
4918   lisCoolbarMoveSelectedUp = 'Move selected toolbar item up';
4919   lisCoolbarMoveSelectedDown = 'Move selected toolbar item down';
4920   lisCoolbarAddDivider = 'Add Divider';
4921   lisToolbarConfiguration = 'Toolbar Configuration';
4922   lisCoolbarAvailableCommands = 'Available commands';
4923   lisCoolbarToolbarCommands = 'Toolbar commands';
4924   // Command root nodes
4925   lisCoolbarIDEMainMenu = 'IDE Main Menu';
4926   lisCoolbarSourceTab = 'Source Tab';
4927   lisCoolbarSourceEditor = 'Source Editor';
4928   lisCoolbarMessages = 'Messages';
4929   lisCoolbarCodeExplorer = 'Code Explorer';
4930   lisCoolbarCodeTemplates = 'Code Templates';
4931   lisCoolbarDesigner = 'Designer';
4932   lisCoolbarPackageEditor = 'Package Editor';
4933   lisCoolbarPackageEditorFiles = 'Package Editor Files';
4935   lisCoolbarAddConfigDelete = 'Add/Config/Delete Toolbar(s)';
4936   lisCoolbarGeneralSettings = 'General Coolbar Settings';
4937   lisCoolbarConfigure = '&Configure';
4938   lisCoolbarVisible = 'Coolbar is &visible';
4939   lisCoolbarWidth = 'Coolbar width';
4940   lisCoolbarGrabStyle = 'Toolbars grab style';
4941   lisCoolbarGrabStyleItem0 = 'Simple';
4942   lisCoolbarGrabStyleItem1 = 'Double';
4943   lisCoolbarGrabStyleItem2 = 'HorLines';
4944   lisCoolbarGrabStyleItem3 = 'VerLines';
4945   lisCoolbarGrabStyleItem4 = 'Gripper';
4946   lisCoolbarGrabStyleItem5 = 'Button';
4947   lisCoolbarGrabWidth = 'Grab width';
4948   lisCoolbarBorderStyle = 'Toolbars border style';
4949   lisCoolbarBorderStyleItem0 = 'None';
4950   lisCoolbarBorderStyleItem1 = 'Single';
4951   lisCoolbarDeleteWarning = 'There must be at least one toolbar!';
4952   lisCoolbarRestoreDefaults = 'Restore defaults';
4954   // Editor Toolbar
4955   lisEditorToolbar = 'Editor ToolBar';
4956   lisConfigureEditorToolbar = 'Configure Toolbar';
4957   lisEditorToolbarVisible = 'Editor Toolbar is &visible';
4958   lisEditorToolbarSettings = 'Editor Toolbar Settings';
4959   lisPosition = 'Position';
4960   lisNoAutoSaveActiveDesktop = '''Auto save active desktop'' option is turned off, you will need to save current desktop manually.';
4962   // components palette settings and list form
4963   lisCmpPages = 'Pages';
4964   lisCmpLstComponents = 'Components';
4965   lisCmpPaletteVisible = 'Palette is &visible';
4966   lisCmpRestoreDefaults = '&Restore defaults';
4967   lisCmpLstList = 'List';
4968   lisCmpLstPalette = 'Palette';
4969   lisCmpLstInheritance = 'Inheritance';
4970   lisExportImport = 'Export / Import';
4971   lisSuccessfullyImported = 'Successfully imported from "%s".';
4972   lisSuccessfullyExported = 'Successfully exported to "%s".';
4974   // menu editor
4975   lisMenuEditorMenuEditor = 'Menu Editor';
4976   lisAddANewSeparatorAboveSelectedItem = 'Add a new separator above selected '
4977     +'item';
4978   lisAddANewSeparatorBelowSelectedItem = 'Add a new separator below selected '
4979     +'item';
4980   lisMenuEditorAcceleratorKeySNeedsChanging = 'Accelerator(&&) key "%s" needs changing';
4981   lisMenuEditorAddANewItemAboveSelectedItem = 'Add a new item above selected item';
4982   lisMenuEditorAddANewItemAfterSelectedItem = 'Add a new item after selected item';
4983   lisMenuEditorAddANewItemBeforeSelectedItem = 'Add a new item before selected item';
4984   lisMenuEditorAddANewItemBelowSelectedItem = 'Add a new item below selected item';
4985   lisMenuEditorAddASubmenuAtTheRightOfSelectedItem = 'Add a submenu at the right of selected item';
4986   lisMenuEditorAddASubmenuBelowSelectedItem = 'Add a submenu below selected item';
4987   lisMenuEditorAddFromTemplate = '&Add from template ...';
4988   lisMenuEditorAddIconFromS = 'Add icon from %s';
4989   lisMenuEditorAddImagelistIcon = 'Add imagelist &icon';
4990   lisMenuEditorAddNewItemAbove = '&Add new item above';
4991   lisMenuEditorAddNeWItemAfter = 'Add ne&w item after';
4992   lisMenuEditorAddNewItemBefore = '&Add new item before';
4993   lisMenuEditorAddNeWItemBelow = 'Add ne&w item below';
4994   lisMenuEditorAddOnClickHandler = 'Add &OnClick handler';
4995   lisMenuEditorAddSeparatorBefore = 'Add separator &before';
4996   lisMenuEditorAddSeparatorAfter = 'Add separator &after';
4997   lisMenuEditorAddSubmenuBelow = 'Add &submenu below';
4998   lisMenuEditorAddSubmenuRight = 'Add &submenu right';
4999   lisMenuEditorANewMenuTemplateHasBeenSaved = 'A new '
5000     +'menu template described as "%s" has been saved based on %s, with %d sub items';
5001   lisMenuEditorBasicEditMenuTemplate = '&Edit,Basic edit menu,' +
5002     '&Undo,Ctrl+Z,&Redo,,-,,Select &All,Ctrl+A,C&ut,Ctrl+X,C&opy,Ctrl+C,P&aste,Ctrl+V,' +
5003     'Paste &Special,,-,,F&ind,,R&eplace,,&Go to ...,,';
5004   lisMenuEditorBasicFileMenuTemplate = '&File,Basic file menu,' +
5005     '&New,,&Open ...,,&Save,,Save &As,,-,,&Print,,P&rint Setup ...,,-,,E&xit,,';
5006   lisMenuEditorBasicHelpMenuTemplate = '&Help,Basic help menu,' +
5007     'Help &Contents,F1,Help &Index,,&Online Help,,-,,' +
5008     '&Licence Information,,&Check for Updates,,-,,&About,,';
5009   lisMenuEditorBasicWindowMenuTemplate = '&Window,Basic window menu,' +
5010     '&New Window,,&Tile,,&Cascade,,&Arrange all,,-,,&Hide,,&Show,,';
5011   lisMenuEditorCaption = 'Caption';
5012   lisMenuEditorCaptionedItemsS = 'Captioned items: %s';
5013   lisMenuEditorCaptionShouldNotBeBlank = 'Caption should not be blank';
5014   lisMenuEditorChangeConflictingAcceleratorS = 'Change conflicting accelerator "%s"';
5015   lisMenuEditorChangeImagelistIcon = 'Change imagelist &icon';
5016   lisMenuEditorChangeShortcutCaptionForComponent = 'Change %s for %s';
5017   lisMenuEditorChangeShortcutConflictS = 'Change shortcut conflict "%s"';
5018   lisMenuEditorChangeTheShortCutForS = 'Change the shortCut for %s';
5019   lisMenuEditorChangeTheShortCutKey2ForS = 'Change the shortCutKey2 for %s';
5020   lisMenuEditorChooseTemplateToInsert = 'Choose template to insert';
5021   lisMenuEditorChooseTemplateToDelete = 'Choose template to delete';
5022   lisMenuEditorClickANonGreyedItemToEditItsShortcut = 'Click a non-greyed item '
5023     +'to edit its shortcut or click header to sort by that column';
5024   lisMenuEditorComponentIsUnexpectedKind = 'Component is unexpected kind';
5025   lisMenuEditorComponentIsUnnamed = 'Component is unnamed';
5026   lisMenuEditorConflictResolutionComplete = '<conflict resolution complete>';
5027   lisMenuEditorDeleteItem = '&Delete item';
5028   lisMenuEditorDeepestNestedMenuLevelS = 'Deepest nested menu level: %s';
5029   lisMenuEditorDeleteMenuTemplate = '&Delete menu template ...';
5030   lisMenuEditorDeleteSavedMenuTemplate = 'Delete saved menu template';
5031   lisMenuEditorDeleteSelectedMenuTemplate = 'Delete selected menu template';
5032   lisMenuEditorDeleteThisItemAndItsSubitems = 'Delete this item and its subitems?';
5033   lisMenuEditorDisplayPreviewAsPopupMenu = 'Display preview as &Popup menu';
5034   lisMenuEditorEditCaption = 'Edit &Caption';
5035   lisMenuEditorEditingCaptionOfS = 'Editing Caption of %s';
5036   lisMenuEditorEditingSForS = 'Editing %s for %s';
5037   lisMenuEditorEditingSdotS = 'To resolve conflict edit %s.%s';
5038   lisMenuEditorEditingSSNoMenuItemSelected = 'Editing %s.%s - no menuitem selected';
5039   lisMenuEditorEnterAMenuDescription = 'Enter a menu &Description:';
5040   lisMenuEditorEnterANewShortCutForS = 'Enter a new ShortCut for %s';
5041   lisMenuEditorEnterANewShortCutKey2ForS = 'Enter a new ShortCutKey2 for %s';
5042   lisMenuEditorExistingSavedTemplates = 'Existing saved templates';
5043   lisMenuEditorFurtherShortcutConflict = 'Further shortcut conflict';
5044   lisMenuEditorGetHelpToUseThisEditor = 'Get help to use this editor';
5045   lisMenuEditorGrabKey = '&Grab key';
5046   lisMenuEditorInadequateDescription = 'Inadequate Description';
5047   lisMenuEditorInsertMenuTemplateIntoRootOfS = 'Insert menu template into root of %s';
5048   lisMenuEditorInsertSelectedMenuTemplate = 'Insert selected menu template';
5049   lisMenuEditorIsNotAssigned = 'is not assigned';
5050   lisMenuEditorItemsWithIconS = 'Items with icon: %s';
5051   lisMenuEditorListShortcutsAndAccelerators = 'List shortcuts and &accelerators for %s ...';
5052   lisMenuEditorListShortcutsForS = 'List shortcuts for %s ...';
5053   lisMenuEditorMenuitemShortcutConflictsInS = 'Menuitem shortcut conflicts in %s';
5054   lisMenuEditorMoveDown = 'Move Down (or right)';
5055   lisMenuEditorMoVeItemDown = 'Mo&ve item down';
5056   lisMenuEditorMoveItemLeft = '&Move item left';
5057   lisMenuEditorMoVeItemRight = 'Mo&ve item right';
5058   lisMenuEditorMoveItemUp = '&Move item up';
5059   lisMenuEditorMoveSelectedItemDown = 'Move selected item down';
5060   lisMenuEditorMoveSelectedItemToTheLeft = 'Move selected item to the left';
5061   lisMenuEditorMoveSelectedItemToTheRight = 'Move selected item to the right';
5062   lisMenuEditorMoveSelectedItemUp = 'Move selected item up';
5063   lisMenuEditorMenuItemActions = 'Menu Item actions';
5064   lisMenuEditorMoveUp = 'Move Up (or left)';
5065   lisMenuEditorNA = 'n/a';
5066   lisMenuEditorNoMenuSelected = '(no menu selected)';
5067   lisMenuEditorNone = '<none>';
5068   lisMenuEditorNoneNone = '<none>,<none>';
5069   lisMenuEditorNoShortcutConflicts = '<no shortcut conflicts>';
5070   lisMenuEditorNoUserSavedTemplates = 'No user-saved templates';
5071   lisMenuEditorPickAnIconFromS = 'Pick an icon from %s';
5072   lisMenuEditorPopupAssignmentsS = 'Popup assignments: %s';
5073   lisMenuEditorRemainingConflictsS = 'Remaining conflicts: %s';
5074   lisMenuEditorRemoveAllSeparators = '&Remove all separators';
5075   lisMenuEditorResolvedConflictsS = 'Resolved conflicts: %s';
5076   lisMenuEditorShortcutItemsS = 'Shortcut items: %s';
5077   lisMenuEditorResolveSelectedConflict = 'Resolve selected conflict';
5078   lisMenuEditorResolveShortcutConflicts = '&Resolve shortcut conflicts ...';
5079   lisMenuEditorGroupIndexValuesS = 'Values in use: %s';
5080   lisMenuEditorGroupIndexD = 'GroupIndex: %d';
5081   lisMenuEditorRadioItem = 'RadioItem';
5082   lisMenuEditorSavedTemplates = 'Saved templates';
5083   lisMenuEditorSaveMenuAsATemplate = '&Save menu as a template ...';
5084   lisMenuEditorSaveMenuAsTemplate = 'Save menu as template';
5085   lisMenuEditorSaveMenuAsTemplateForFutureUse = 'Save menu as template for future use';
5086   lisMenuEditorSaveMenuShownAsANewTemplate = 'Save menu shown as a new template';
5087   lisMenuEditorSConflictsWithS = '%s conflicts with %s';
5088   lisMenuEditorSeParators = 'Se&parators';
5089   lisMenuEditorConflictsFoundInitiallyD = 'Conflicts found initially: %d';
5090   lisMenuEditorShortcutNotYetChanged = 'Shortcut not yet changed';
5091   lisMenuEditorShortcutSourceProperty = 'Shortcut,Source Property';
5092   lisMenuEditorShortcuts = 'Shortcuts';
5093   lisMenuEditorShortcUts2 = 'Shortc&uts';
5094   lisMenuEditorShortcutsAndAcceleratorKeys = 'Shortcuts and Accelerator keys';
5095   lisMenuEditorShortcutsD = 'Shortcuts (%d)';
5096   lisMenuEditorShortcutsDAndAcceleratorKeysD = 'Shortcuts (%d) and Accelerator keys (%d)';
5097   lisMenuEditorShortcutsUsedInS = 'Shortcuts used in %s';
5098   lisMenuEditorShortcutsUsedInSD = 'Shortcuts used in %s (%d)';
5099   lisMenuEditorShowMenuEditorTMenuParameterIsNil = 'ShowMenuEditor: TMenu parameter is nil';
5100   lisMenuEditorSInS = '"%s" in %s';
5101   lisMenuEditorSIsAlreadyInUse = '"%s" is '
5102     +'already in use in %s as a shortcut.' + sLineBreak + 'Try a different shortcut.';
5103   lisMenuEditorSIsNotASufficientDescriptionPleaseExpand = 'Please expand: "%s" is not a '
5104     +'sufficient Description';
5105   lisMenuEditorSomeWidgetsetsDoNotAllowSeparatorsInTheMainMenubar = 'Some '
5106     +'widgetsets do not allow separators in the main menubar';
5107   lisMenuEditorSShortcuts = '%s: Shortcuts';
5108   lisMenuEditorSShortcutsAndAcceleratorKeys = '%s: Shortcuts and accelerator keys';
5109   lisMenuEditorSSSOnClickS = '%s.%s.%s - OnClick: %s';
5110   lisMenuEditorStandardTemplates = 'Standard templates';
5111   lisMenuEditorAddMenuItem = 'Add menu item';
5112   lisMenuEditorAddSubmenu = 'Add submenu';
5113   lisMenuEditorSSubmenu = '%s submenu';
5114   lisMenuEditorTemplateDescription = 'Template description:';
5115   lisMenuEditorTemplates = '&Templates';
5116   lisMenuEditorTemplateSaved = 'Template saved';
5117   lisMenuEditorThereAreNoUserSavedMenuTemplates = 'There are no user-saved menu templates.' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
5118     +  'Only standard default templates are available.';
5119   lisMenuEditorTSCListGetScanListCompNameInvalidIndexDForFScanLis = 'TSCList.'
5120     +'GetScanListCompName: invalid index %d for FScanList';
5121   lisMenuEditorYouHaveToChangeTheShortcutFromSStoAvoidAConflict = 'You have to'
5122     +' change the shortcut from %s' + sLineBreak + 'to avoid a conflict';
5123   lisMenuEditorYouMustEnterTextForTheCaption = 'You must enter text for the Caption';
5125   // Standard File menu
5126   lisKMNewUnit = 'New Unit';
5127   lisKMOpenRecent = 'Open Recent';
5129   // Standard Help menu
5130   lisMenuTemplateAbout = 'About';
5131   lisContributors = 'Contributors';
5132   lisAcknowledgements = 'Acknowledgements';
5133   lisAboutOfficial = 'Official:';
5134   lisAboutDocumentation = 'Documentation:';
5136   // character map
5137   lisCharacterMap = 'Character Map';
5138   lisRange = 'Range';
5139   lisSortUnicodeRangeListAlphabetically = 'Sort Unicode range list alphabetically';
5141   // codetools defines value dialog
5142   lisCTDefChooseDirectory = 'Choose Directory';
5143   lisCTDefCodeToolsDirectoryValues = 'CodeTools Directory Values';
5144   lisCTDefVariable = 'Variable: %s';
5145   lisCTDefnoVariableSelected = '<no variable selected>';
5146   lisCTDefVariableName = 'Variable Name';
5148   // clean directory dialog
5149   lisClDirCleanSubDirectories = 'Clean sub directories';
5150   lisClDirRemoveFilesMatchingFilter = 'Remove files matching filter';
5151   lisClDirSimpleSyntaxEGInsteadOf = 'Simple Syntax (e.g. * instead of .*)';
5152   lisClDirKeepAllTextFiles = 'Keep all text files';
5153   lisClDirKeepFilesMatchingFilter = 'Keep files matching filter';
5154   lisClDirCleanDirectory = 'Clean Directory';
5155   lisClDirClean = 'Clean';
5157   // LFM repair wizard
5158   lisTheLFMLazarusFormFileContainsInvalidPropertiesThis = 'The LFM (Lazarus '
5159     +'form) file contains invalid properties. This means for example it '
5160     +'contains some properties/classes which do not exist in the current LCL. '
5161     +'The normal fix is to remove these properties from the lfm and fix '
5162     +'the Pascal code manually.';
5163   lisFixLFMFile = 'Fix LFM file';
5164   lisMissingEvents = 'Missing Events';
5165   lisTheFollowingMethodsUsedByAreNotInTheSourceRemoveTh = 'The following methods '
5166     +'used by %s are not in the source'
5167     +'%s%s'
5168     +'%s%s'
5169     +'%sRemove the dangling references?';
5170   lisLFMFileContainsInvalidProperties = 'The LFM file contains unknown'
5171     +' properties/classes which do not exist in the LCL. They can be replaced or removed.';
5173   lisFileSIsConvertedToTextFormat = 'File %s was converted to text format.';
5174   lisFileSCountConvertedToTextFormat = '%d files were converted to text format.';
5175   lisFileSHasIncorrectSyntax = 'File %s has incorrect syntax.';
5176   lisAddedMissingObjectSToPascalSource = 'Added missing object "%s" to pascal source.';
5177   lisReplacedTypeSWithS = 'Replaced type "%s" with "%s".';
5178   lisRemovedPropertyS = 'Removed property "%s".';
5179   lisReplacedPropertySWithS = 'Replaced property "%s" with "%s".';
5180   lisChangedSCoordOfSFromDToDInsideS = 'Changed %s coord of %s from "%d" to "%d" inside %s.';
5181   lisAddedPropertySForS = 'Added property "%s" for %s.';
5183   // extract proc dialog
5184   lisNoCodeSelected = 'No code selected';
5185   lisPleaseSelectSomeCodeToExtractANewProcedureMethod = 'Please select some '
5186     +'code to extract a new procedure/method.';
5187   lisInvalidSelection = 'Invalid selection';
5188   lisThisStatementCanNotBeExtractedPleaseSelectSomeCode = 'This statement can '
5189     +'not be extracted.%sPlease select some code to extract a new procedure/method.';
5190   lisExtractProcedure = 'Extract Procedure';
5191   lisNameOfNewProcedure = 'Name of new procedure';
5192   lisExtract = 'Extract';
5193   lisInvalidProcName = 'Invalid proc name';
5194   lisPublicMethod = 'Public Method';
5195   lisPrivateMethod = 'Private Method';
5196   lisProtectedMethod = 'Protected Method';
5197   lisPublishedMethod = 'Published Method';
5198   lisProcedure = 'Procedure';
5199   lisProcedureWithInterface = 'Procedure with interface';
5200   lisSubProcedure = 'Sub Procedure';
5201   lisSubProcedureOnSameLevel = 'Sub Procedure on same level';
5203   // Help Options
5204   lisHlpOptsHelpOptions = 'Help Options';
5205   lisHlpOptsViewers = 'Viewers';
5206   lisHOFPCDocHTMLPath = 'FPC Doc HTML Path';
5207   lisHlpOptsProperties = 'Properties:';
5208   lisHlpOptsDatabases = 'Databases';
5210   // enclose selection dialog
5211   lisEnclose = 'Enclose';
5212   lisChooseStructureToEncloseSelection = 'Choose structure to enclose selection';
5214   lisErrors = 'Errors';
5215   lisLFMFile = 'LFM file';
5216   lisRemoveAllInvalidProperties = 'Remove all invalid properties';
5218   lisA2PCreateNewFile = 'Create New File';
5219   lisA2PCreateNewComp = 'Create New Component';
5220   lisA2PCreateNewReq = 'Create New Requirement';
5221   lisA2PFilename2 = 'Filename/URL';
5222   lisLastOpened = 'Last opened';
5223   lisFRIFindOrRenameIdentifier = 'Find or Rename Identifier';
5224   lisHelpSelectorDialog = 'Help selector';
5225   lisSelectAHelpItem = 'Select a help item:';
5226   lisErrorMovingComponent = 'Error moving component';
5227   lisErrorNamingComponent = 'Error naming component';
5228   lisErrorSettingTheNameOfAComponentTo = 'Error setting the name of a component %s to %s';
5229   lisErrorMovingComponent2 = 'Error moving component %s:%s';
5230   lisInstallUninstallPackages = 'Install/Uninstall Packages';
5231   lisMenuEditInstallPkgs = 'Install/Uninstall Packages ...';
5232   lisExportList = 'Export list';
5233   lisAvailableForInstallation = 'Available for installation';
5234   lisPkgsInstalled = 'Installed';
5235   lisImportList = 'Import list';
5236   lisUninstallSelection = 'Uninstall selection';
5237   lisInstallSelection = 'Install selection';
5238   lisPackageInfo = 'Package info';
5239   lisSaveAndRebuildIDE = 'Save and rebuild IDE';
5240   lisSaveAndExitDialog = 'Save and exit dialog';
5241   lisAlignment = 'Alignment';
5242   lisHorizontal = 'Horizontal';
5243   lisNoChange = 'No change';
5244   lisTops = 'Tops';
5245   lisLeftSides = 'Left sides';
5246   lisCenters = 'Centers';
5247   lisBottoms = 'Bottoms';
5248   lisRightSides = 'Right sides';
5249   lisCenterInWindow = 'Center in window';
5250   lisSpaceEqually = 'Space equally';
5251   lisTopSpaceEqually = 'Top space equally';
5252   lisBottomSpaceEqually = 'Bottom space equally';
5253   lisLeftSpaceEqually = 'Left space equally';
5254   lisRightSpaceEqually = 'Right space equally';
5255   lisVertical = 'Vertical';
5256   lisScalingFactor = 'Scaling factor:';
5257   lisTabOrderUpHint = 'Move the selected control up in tab order';
5258   lisTabOrderDownHint = 'Move the selected control down in tab order';
5259   lisTabOrderSortHint = 'Calculate tab order for controls by their X- and Y- positions';
5260   lisTabOrderRecursively = 'recursively';
5261   lisTabOrderRecursionHint = 'Calculate tab order recursively for child controls';
5262   lisTabOrderConfirmSort = 'Sort tab orders of all child controls of "%s" by their positions?';
5264   lisCustomProgram = 'Custom Program';
5265   lisSimpleProgram = 'Simple Program';
5266   lisProgram = 'Program';
5267   lisConsoleApplication = 'Console application';
5269   lisApplicationProgramDescriptor = 'A graphical Free Pascal application using'
5270     +' the cross-platform LCL library for its GUI.';
5271   lisSimpleProgramProgramDescriptor = 'A most simple Free Pascal command line program.';
5272   lisProgramProgramDescriptor = 'A Free Pascal command line program with some useful settings added.';
5273   lisConsoleApplicationProgramDescriptor = 'A Free Pascal command line program using'
5274     +' TCustomApplication to easily check command line options, handling exceptions, etc.';
5275   lisCustomProgramProgramDescriptor = 'A Custom Free Pascal program.';
5276   lisLibraryProgramDescriptor = 'A Free Pascal shared library (.dll under Windows,'
5277     +' .so under Linux, .dylib under MacOS X).';
5279   lisNPCreateANewProject = 'Create a new project';
5280   lisNPCreate = 'Create';
5281   lisOIFChooseABaseClassForTheFavoriteProperty = 'Choose a base class for the favorite property "%s".';
5282   lisOIFAddToFavoriteProperties = 'Add to favorite properties';
5283   lisOIFRemoveFromFavoriteProperties = 'Remove from favorite properties';
5284   lisReplacingSelectionFailed = 'Replacing selection failed.';
5285   lisUnableToFindInLFMStream = 'Unable to find %s in LFM Stream.';
5286   lisErrorParsingLfmComponentStream = 'Error parsing lfm component stream.';
5287   lisUnableToCreateTemporaryLfmBuffer = 'Unable to create temporary lfm buffer.';
5288   lisUnableToGetSourceForDesigner = 'Unable to get source for designer.';
5289   lisUnableToGatherEditorChanges = 'Unable to gather editor changes.';
5290   lisUnableToStreamSelectedComponents2 = 'Unable to stream selected components.';
5291   lisUnableToChangeClassOfTo = '%s%sUnable to change class of %s to %s';
5292   lisCanOnlyChangeTheClassOfTComponents = 'Can only change the class of TComponents.';
5293   lisOldClass = 'Old Class';
5294   lisNewClass = 'New Class';
5295   lisCEModeShowCategories = 'Show Categories';
5296   lisCEModeShowSourceNodes = 'Show Source Nodes';
5297   lisCESurrounding = 'Surrounding';
5298   lisCEIn = '%s in %s';
5299   lisCEOUpdate = 'Update';
5300   lisCEORefreshAutomatically = 'Refresh automatically';
5301   lisCEONeverOnlyManually = 'Never, only manually';
5302   lisCEOWhenSwitchingFile = 'When switching file in source editor';
5303   lisCEOOnIdle = 'On idle';
5304   lisCEFollowCursor = 'Follow cursor';
5305   lisWhenTheSourceEditorCursorMovesShowTheCurrentNodeIn = 'When the source '
5306     +'editor cursor moves, show the current node in the code explorer';
5307   lisCECategories = 'Categories';
5308   lisCEUses = 'Uses';
5309   lisCEOnlyUsedInCategoryMode = 'Only used in category mode';
5310   lisCETypes = 'Types';
5311   lisCEVariables = 'Variables';
5312   lisCEConstants = 'Constants';
5313   lisCEProcedures = 'Procedures';
5314   lisCEProperties = 'Properties';
5315   lisCodeObserver = 'Code Observer';
5316   lisCEOMode = 'Preferred exhibition mode';
5317   lisCEOModeCategory = 'Category';
5318   lisCEOModeSource = 'Source';
5320   lisFPDocEditor = 'FPDoc Editor';
5321   lisCodeHelpMainFormCaption = 'FPDoc Editor';
5322   lisCodeHelpNoTagCaption = '<NONE>';
5323   lisCodeHelpnoinheriteddescriptionfound = '(no inherited description found)';
5324   lisCodeHelpShortdescriptionOf = 'Short description of';
5325   lisCodeHelpInherited = 'Inherited';
5326   lisCodeHelpShortTag = 'Short';
5327   lisCodeHelpDescrTag = 'Description';
5328   lisCodeHelpErrorsTag = 'Errors';
5329   lisCodeHelpSeeAlsoTag = 'See also';
5330   lisCodeHelpAddPathButton = 'Add path';
5331   lisSearchPaths2 = 'Search paths';
5332   lisFPDocPackageName = 'FPDoc package name:';
5333   lisFPDocPackageNameDefaultIsProjectFileName = 'FPDoc package name. Default '
5334     +'is project file name.';
5335   lisCodeHelpDeletePathButton = 'Remove path';
5336   lisDefaultPlaceholder = '(default)';
5337   lisEditAdditionalHelpForMessages = 'Edit additional help for messages';
5338   lisGlobalSettings = 'Global settings';
5339   lisFPCMessageFile2 = 'FPC message file:';
5340   lisConfigFileOfAdditions = 'Config file of additions:';
5341   lisSelectedMessageInMessagesWindow = 'Selected message in messages window:';
5342   lisAdditions = 'Additions';
5343   lisCreateNewAddition = 'Create new addition';
5344   lisCodeHelpConfirmreplace = 'Confirm replace';
5345   lisCodeHelpGroupBox = 'FPDoc settings';
5346   lisCodeHelpHintBoldFormat = 'Insert bold formatting tag';
5347   lisCodeHelpHintItalicFormat = 'Insert italic formatting tag';
5348   lisCodeHelpHintUnderlineFormat = 'Insert underline formatting tag';
5349   lisCodeHelpHintInsertCodeTag = 'Insert code formatting tag';
5350   lisCodeHelpHintRemarkTag = 'Insert remark formatting tag';
5351   lisCodeHelpHintVarTag = 'Insert var formatting tag';
5352   lisCodeHelpCreateButton = 'Create help item';
5353   lisOpenXML = 'Open XML';
5354   lisCodeHelpInsertALink = 'Insert a link ...';
5355   lisCodeHelpInsertParagraphFormattingTag = 'Insert paragraph formatting tag';
5356   lisCodeHelpExampleTag = 'Example';
5357   lisCodeHelpBrowseExampleButton = 'Browse';
5358   lisLDMoveEntriesToInherited = 'Move entries to inherited';
5359   lisLDCopyFromInherited = 'Copy from inherited';
5360   lisLDAddLinkToInherited = 'Add link to inherited';
5361   lisEnableMacros = 'Enable Macros';
5362   lisCTSelectCodeMacro = 'Select Code Macro';
5363   lisPDProgress = 'Progress';
5364   lisPDAbort = 'Abort';
5365   lisMVSaveMessagesToFileTxt = 'Save messages to file (*.txt)';
5366   lisTabOrderOf = 'Tab Order of %s';
5368   lisAnchorEnabledHint = 'Enabled = Include %s in Anchors';
5369   lisAroundBorderSpaceHint = 'Borderspace around the control. The other four borderspaces are added to this value.';
5370   lisTopBorderSpaceSpinEditHint = 'Top borderspace. This value is added to base borderspace and used for the space above the control.';
5371   lisBottomBorderSpaceSpinEditHint = 'Bottom borderspace. This value is added to base borderspace and used for the space below the control.';
5372   lisLeftBorderSpaceSpinEditHint = 'Left borderspace. This value is added to base borderspace and used for the space left to the control.';
5373   lisRightBorderSpaceSpinEditHint = 'Right borderspace. This value is added to base borderspace and used for the space right to the control.';
5374   lisCenterControlVerticallyRelativeToSibling = 'Center control vertically relative to the given sibling. BorderSpacing is ignored.';
5375   lisCenterControlHorizontallyRelativeToSibling = 'Center control horizontally relative to the given sibling. BorderSpacing is ignored.';
5376   lisAnchorBottomToTopSide = 'Anchor bottom side to top side of sibling. The kept distance is defined by both BorderSpacing properties of this and sibling.';
5377   lisAnchorBottomToBottomSide = 'Anchor bottom side to bottom side of sibling. Use BorderSpacing to set a distance. BorderSpacing of sibling is ignored.';
5378   lisAnchorTopToTopSide = 'Anchor top side to top side of sibling. Use BorderSpacing to set a distance. BorderSpacing of sibling is ignored.';
5379   lisAnchorTopToBottomSide = 'Anchor top side to bottom side of sibling. The kept distance is defined by both BorderSpacing properties of this and sibling.';
5380   lisAnchorLeftToLeftSide = 'Anchor left side to left side of sibling. Use BorderSpacing to set a distance. BorderSpacing of sibling is ignored.';
5381   lisAnchorLeftToRightSide = 'Anchor left side to right side of sibling. The kept distance is defined by both BorderSpacing properties of this and sibling.';
5382   lisAnchorRightToLeftSide = 'Anchor right side to left side of sibling. The kept distance is defined by both BorderSpacing properties of this and sibling.';
5383   lisAnchorRightToRightSide = 'Anchor right side to right side of sibling. Use BorderSpacing to set a distance. BorderSpacing of sibling is ignored.';
5384   lisTopSiblingComboBoxHint = 'This is the sibling control to which the top side is anchored. Leave empty for anchoring to parent in Delphi style (BorderSpacing and ReferenceSide do not matter).';
5385   lisBottomSiblingComboBoxHint = 'This is the sibling control to which the bottom side is anchored. Leave empty for anchoring to parent in Delphi style (BorderSpacing and ReferenceSide do not matter).';
5386   lisRightSiblingComboBoxHint = 'This is the sibling control to which the right side is anchored. Leave empty for anchoring to parent in Delphi style (BorderSpacing and ReferenceSide do not matter).';
5387   lisLeftSiblingComboBoxHint = 'This is the sibling control to which the left side is anchored. Leave empty for anchoring to parent in Delphi style (BorderSpacing and ReferenceSide do not matter).';
5388   lisBorderSpace = 'Border space';
5389   lisSibling = 'Sibling';
5390   lisRightAnchoring = 'Right anchoring';
5391   lisTopAnchoring = 'Top anchoring';
5392   lisLeftGroupBoxCaption = 'Left anchoring';
5393   lisBottomGroupBoxCaption = 'Bottom anchoring';
5394   lisUnableToSetAnchorSideControl = 'Unable to set AnchorSide Control';
5395   lisThisWillCreateACircularDependency = 'This will create a circular dependency.';
5396   lisAnchorEditorNoControlSelected = 'Anchor Editor - no control selected';
5397   lisAnchorsOfSelectedControls = 'Anchors of selected controls';
5398   lisAnchorsOf = 'Anchors of %s';
5399   lisDebugOptionsFrmName = 'Name:';
5400   lisDebugOptionsFrmEditClass = 'Change type';
5401   lisDebugOptionsFrmEditClassWarn = 'Changing the type for the current debugger backend. Use "Add" or "Copy" to create a new backend with a new type.';
5402   lisDebugOptionsFrmAdditionalSearchPath = 'Additional search path';
5403   lisDebugOptionsFrmDebuggerGeneralOptions = 'Debugger general options';
5404   lisDebugOptionsFrmShowMessageOnStop = 'Show message on stop';
5405   lisDebugOptionsFrmShowExitCodeOnStop = 'Show message on stop with Error (Exit-code <> 0)';
5406   lisDebugOptionsFrmResetDebuggerOnEachRun = 'Reset Debugger after each run';
5407   lisDebugOptionsFrmAutoCloseAsm = 'Automatically close the assembler window, after source not found';
5408   lisDebugOptionsFrmAutoInstanceClass = 'Automatically set "use instance class type" for new watches';
5409   lisDebugOptionsFrmAllowFunctionCalls = 'BETA: Allow function calls in watches (if supported by backend)';
5410   lisDebugOptionsFrmDebuggerSpecific = 'Debugger specific options (depends on '
5411     +'type of debugger)';
5412   lisDebugOptionsFrmEventLog = 'Event Log';
5413   lisDebugOptionsFrmClearLogOnRun = 'Clear log on run';
5414   lisDebugOptionsFrmLimitLinecountTo = 'Limit line count to';
5415   lisDebugOptionsFrmUseEventLogColors = 'Use event log colors';
5416   lisDebugOptionsFrmBreakpoint = 'Breakpoint';
5417   lisDebugOptionsFrmProcess = 'Process';
5418   lisDebugOptionsFrmThread = 'Thread';
5419   lisDebugOptionsFrmModule = 'Module';
5420   lisDebugOptionsFrmOutput = 'Output';
5421   lisDebugOptionsFrmWindows = 'Windows';
5422   lisDebugOptionsFrmDebugger = 'Debugger';
5423   lisDebugOptionsFrmLanguageExceptions = 'Language Exceptions';
5424   lisDebugOptionsFrmIgnoreTheseExceptions = 'Ignore these exceptions';
5425   lisDebugOptionsFrmNotifyOnLazarusExceptions = 'Notify on Exceptions';
5426   lisDebugOptionsFrmOSExceptions = 'OS Exceptions';
5427   lisDebugOptionsFrmSignals = 'Signals';
5428   lisDebugOptionsFrmHandledBy = 'Handled by';
5429   lisDebugOptionsFrmResume = 'Resume';
5430   lisDebugOptionsFrmHandledByProgram = 'Handled by Program';
5431   lisDebugOptionsFrmHandledByDebugger = 'Handled by Debugger';
5432   lisDebugOptionsFrmResumeHandled = 'Resume Handled';
5433   lisDebugOptionsFrmResumeUnhandled = 'Resume Unhandled';
5434   lisDebugOptionsFrmAddException = 'Add Exception';
5435   lisDebugOptionsFrmEnterExceptionName = 'Enter the name of the exception';
5436   lisDebugOptionsFrmDuplicateExceptionName = 'Duplicate Exception name';
5437   dlgDebugOptionsPathEditorDlgCaption = 'Path Editor';
5438   lisHFMHelpForFreePascalCompilerMessage = 'Help for Free Pascal Compiler message';
5439   lisThereAreAdditionalNotesForThisMessageOn = '%sThere are additional notes '
5440     +'for this message on%s';
5441   lisOpenURL = 'Open URL';
5442   lisFPCMessagesAppendix = 'FPC messages: Appendix';
5443   lisRelativePaths = 'Relative paths';
5444   lisInheritedParameters = 'Inherited parameters';
5445   lisShowMultipleLines = 'Show multiple lines';
5446   lisShowRelativePaths = 'Show relative paths';
5447   lisCommandLineParameters = 'Command line parameters';
5448   liswlWatchList = 'Watches';
5449   liswlExpression = 'Expression';
5450   lisKMChooseKeymappingScheme = 'Choose Keymapping scheme';
5451   lisKMNoteAllKeysWillBeSetToTheValuesOfTheChosenScheme = 'Note: All keys '
5452     +'will be set to the values of the chosen scheme.';
5453   lisKMKeymappingScheme = 'Keymapping Scheme';
5454   lisPVUEditVirtualUnit = 'Edit virtual unit';
5455   lisExportAllItemsToFile = 'Export All Items to File';
5456   lisImportFromFile = 'Import from File';
5458   // version info tab
5459   VersionInfoTitle = 'Version Info';
5461   // Procedure List dialog
5462   lisPListProcedureList         = 'Procedure List';
5463   lisPListObjects               = '&Objects';
5464   lisPListJumpToSelection       = 'Jump To Selection';
5465   lisPListFilterAny             = 'Filter by matching any part of method';
5466   lisPListFilterStart           = 'Filter by matching with start of method';
5467   lisPListChangeFont            = 'Change Font';
5468   lisPListCopyMethodToClipboard = 'Copy method name to the clipboard';
5469   lisPListType                  = 'Type';
5470   lisPListAll                   = '<All>';
5471   lisPListNone                  = '<None>';
5473   //conditional defines dialog
5474   rsCreateNewDefine = 'Create new define';
5475   rsConditionalDefines = 'Conditional defines';
5476   lisFirstTest = '&First test';
5477   lisSecondTest = '&Second test';
5478   rsAddInverse = 'Add Inverse';
5479   lisAutomaticallyOnLineBreak = 'line break';
5480   lisAutomaticallyOnSpace = 'space';
5481   lisAutomaticallyOnTab = 'tab';
5482   lisAutomaticallyOnWordEnd = 'word end';
5483   lisAutomaticallyIgnoreForSelection = 'do not complete selection';
5484   lisAutomaticallyRemoveCharacter = 'do not add character';
5485   lisKeepSubIndentation = 'Keep indentation';
5486   lisPckOptsThisPackageProvidesTheSameAsTheFollowingPackages = 'This package '
5487     +'provides the same as the following packages:';
5488   lisPLDPackageLinks = 'Package Links';
5489   lisSAMOverrideFirstSelected = 'Override first selected';
5490   lisSAMOverrideAllSelected = 'Override all selected';
5491   lisCCDNoClass = 'no class';
5492   lisCCDChangeClassOf = 'Change Class of %s';
5494   // View Search Results dialog
5495   rsFoundButNotListedHere = 'Found but not listed here: ';
5496   rsRefreshTheSearch = 'Refresh the search';
5497   rsNewSearchWithSameCriteria = 'New search with same criteria';
5498   rsCloseCurrentPage = 'Close current page';
5499   rsFilterTheListWithString = 'Filter the lines in list with a string';
5500   rsCloseLeft = 'Close page(s) on the left';
5501   rsCloseRight = 'Close page(s) on the right';
5502   rsCloseOthers = 'Close other page(s)';
5503   rsCloseAll = 'Close all pages';
5505   // Application Bundle
5506   lisErrorLoadingFrom = 'Error loading %s from%s%s%s%s';
5507   lisErrorSavingTo = 'Error saving %s to%s%s%s%s';
5508   lisXMLError = 'XML Error';
5509   lisXMLParserErrorInFileError = 'XML parser error in file %s%sError: %s';
5510   lisUnableToWriteXmlStreamToError = 'Unable to write xml stream to %s%sError: %s';
5511   lisFileIsSymlink = 'File is symlink';
5512   lisTheFileIsASymlinkOpenInstead = 'The file "%s" is a symlink.'
5513     +'%sOpen "%s" instead?';
5514   lisOpenTarget = 'Open target';
5515   lisOpenSymlink = 'Open symlink';
5516   lisFileLinkError = 'File link error';
5517   lisWriteErrorFile = 'Write error: %s%sFile: %s%s%s';
5518   lisTheCodetoolsFoundAnError = 'The Codetools found an error:%s%s';
5519   lisIgnoreAndContinue = 'Ignore and continue';
5520   lisNotImplemented = 'Not implemented';
5521   lisNotImplementedYet = 'Not implemented yet:%s%s';
5522   lisMovePage = 'Move Page';
5523   lisFileSettings = 'File Settings';
5525   // Debugger Dialogs
5526   lisDbgWinPower = 'On/Off';
5527   lisDbgWinPowerHint = 'Disable/Enable updates for the entire window';
5529   lisDbgItemEnable          = 'Enable';
5530   lisDbgItemEnableHint      = 'Enable';
5531   lisDbgItemDisable         = 'Disable';
5532   lisDbgItemDisableHint     = 'Disable';
5533   lisDbgItemDeleteHint      = 'Delete';
5534   lisDbgAllItemEnable       = 'Enable all';
5535   lisDbgAllItemEnableHint   = 'Enable all';
5536   lisDbgAllItemDisable      = 'Disable all';
5537   lisDbgAllItemDisableHint  = 'Disable all';
5538   lisDbgAllItemDelete       = 'Delete all';
5539   lisDbgAllItemDeleteHint   = 'Delete all';
5540   lisDbgBreakpointPropertiesHint = 'Breakpoint Properties ...';
5542   // Call Stack Dialog
5543   lisCurrent = 'Current';
5544   lisViewSource = 'View Source';
5545   lisViewSourceDisass = 'View Assembler';
5546   lisMaxS = 'Max %d';
5547   lisGotoSelected = 'Goto selected';
5548   lisCopyAll = 'Copy All';
5549   lisIndex = 'Index';
5550   lisFunction = 'Function';
5551   lisCSTop = 'Top';
5552   lisCSBottom = 'Bottom';
5554   // Break Points Dialog
5555   lisFilenameAddress = 'Filename/Address';
5556   lisLineLength = 'Line/Length';
5557   lisCondition = 'Condition';
5558   lisPassCount = 'Pass Count';
5559   lisGroup = 'Group';
5560   lisSourceBreakpoint = '&Source Breakpoint ...';
5561   lisAddressBreakpoint = '&Address Breakpoint ...';
5562   lisWatchPoint = '&Data/Watch Breakpoint ...';
5563   lisWatchPointBreakpoint = '&Data/watch Breakpoint ...';
5564   lisEnableAll = '&Enable All';
5565   lisDeleteAll = '&Delete All';
5566   lisDisableAllInSameSource = 'Disable All in same source';
5567   lisEnableAllInSameSource = 'Enable All in same source';
5568   lisDeleteAllInSameSource = 'Delete All in same source';
5569   lisDeleteAllSelectedBreakpoints = 'Delete all selected breakpoints?';
5570   lisDeleteBreakpointAtLine = 'Delete breakpoint at%s"%s" line %d?';
5571   lisDeleteBreakpointForAddress = 'Delete breakpoint for address %s?';
5572   lisDeleteBreakpointForWatch = 'Delete watchpoint for "%s"?';
5573   lisDeleteAllBreakpoints = 'Delete all breakpoints?';
5574   lisDeleteAllBreakpoints2 = 'Delete all breakpoints in file "%s"?';
5575   lisGroupNameInput = 'Group name:';
5576   lisGroupNameInvalid = 'BreakpointGroup name must be a valid Pascal identifier name.';
5577   lisGroupNameEmptyClearInstead = 'The group name cannot be empty. Clear breakpoints'' group(s)?';
5578   lisGroupAssignExisting = 'Assign to existing "%s" group?';
5579   lisGroupSetNew = 'Set new group ...';
5580   lisGroupSetNone = 'Clear group(s)';
5581   lisGroupEmptyDelete = 'No more breakpoints are assigned to group "%s", delete it?';
5582   lisGroupEmptyDeleteMore = '%sThere are %d more empty groups, delete all?';
5583   lisEnableGroups = 'Enable Groups';
5584   lisDisableGroups = 'Disable Groups';
5585   lisLogMessage = 'Log Message';
5586   lisLogEvalExpression = 'Eval expression';
5587   lisLogCallStack = 'Log Call Stack';
5588   lisLogCallStackLimit = '(frames limit. 0 - no limits)';
5589   lisDisabled = 'Disabled';
5590   lisBPSEnabled = 'Enabled';
5591   lisBPSDisabled = 'Disabled';
5592   lisInvalidOff = 'Invalid (Off)';
5593   lisInvalidOn = 'Invalid (On)';
5594   lisPendingOn = 'Pending (On)';
5595   lisOff = '? (Off)';
5596   lisOn = '? (On)';
5597   lisTakeSnapshot = 'Take a Snapshot';
5599   // Evaluate/Modify Dialog
5600   lisEvaluate = 'E&valuate';
5601   lisModify = '&Modify';
5602   lisWatch = '&Watch';
5603   lisInspect = '&Inspect';
5604   lisDBGEMExpression = '&Expression:';
5605   lisDBGEMResult = '&Result:';
5606   lisDBGEMNewValue = '&New value:';
5608   // Breakpoint Properties Dialog
5609   lisBreakPointProperties = 'Breakpoint Properties';
5610   lisLine = 'Line:';
5611   lisAddress = 'Address:';
5612   lisWatchData = 'Watch:';
5613   lisWatchScope = 'Watch scope';
5614   lisWatchScopeGlobal = 'Global';
5615   lisWatchScopeLocal = 'Declaration';
5616   lisWatchKind = 'Watch action';
5617   lisWatchKindRead = 'Read';
5618   lisWatchKindWrite = 'Write';
5619   lisWatchKindReadWrite = 'Read/Write';
5620   lisAutoContinueAfter = 'Auto continue after:';
5621   lisMS = '(ms)';
5622   lisActions = 'Actions:';
5623   lisEvalExpression = 'Eval expression';
5625   // Debug Output Dialog
5626   lisCopyAllOutputClipboard = 'Copy all output to clipboard';
5628   // Designer Size Components Dialog
5629   lisShrinkToSmal = 'Shrink to smallest';
5630   lisGrowToLarges = 'Grow to Largest';
5632   // Watch Dialog
5633   lisWatchToWatchPoint = 'Create &Data/Watch Breakpoint ...';
5635   // Watch Property Dialog
5636   lisWatchPropert = 'Watch Properties';
5637   lisExpression = 'Expression:';
5638   lisRepeatCount = 'Repeat Count:';
5639   lisDigits = 'Digits:';
5640   lisAllowFunctio = 'Allow Function Calls';
5641   lisStyle = 'Style';
5642   lisCharacter = 'Character';
5643   lisString = 'String';
5644   lisDecimal = 'Decimal';
5645   lisUnsigned = 'Unsigned';
5646   lisHexadecimal = 'Hexadecimal';
5647   lisFloatingPoin = 'Floating Point';
5648   lisPointer = 'Pointer';
5649   lisRecordStruct = 'Record/Structure';
5650   lisMemoryDump = 'Memory Dump';
5651   lisBinary = 'Binary';
5653   // Terminal Output
5654   lisDbgTerminal = 'Console In/Output';
5656   // Callstack
5657   lisCallStackNotEvaluated = 'Stack not evaluated';
5659   // Locals Dialog
5660   lisLocals = 'Local Variables';
5661   lisLocalsNotEvaluated = 'Locals not evaluated';
5662   lisEvaluateModify = '&Evaluate/Modify';
5663   lisEvaluateAll = 'Evaluate all';
5664   lisLocalsDlgCopyName = '&Copy Name';
5665   lisLocalsDlgCopyValue = 'C&opy Value';
5666   lisLocalsDlgCopyNameValue = 'Co&py Name and Value';
5667   lisLocalsDlgCopyAll = 'Copy &all';
5668   lisLocalsDlgCopyRAWValue = 'Copy &RAW Value';
5670   // Registers Dialog
5671   lisRegisters = 'Registers';
5673   // ThreadDlg
5674   lisThreads = 'Threads';
5675   lisThreadsState = 'State';
5676   lisThreadsSrc  = 'Source';
5677   lisThreadsLine = 'Line';
5678   lisThreadsFunc = 'Function';
5679   lisThreadsCurrent = 'Current';
5680   lisThreadsGoto = 'Goto';
5681   lisThreadsNotEvaluated = 'Threads not evaluated';
5683   // HistoryDlg
5684   histdlgFormName   = 'History';
5685   histdlgColumnCur  = '';
5686   histdlgColumnTime = 'Time';
5687   histdlgColumnLoc  = 'Location';
5688   histdlgBtnPowerHint = 'Switch on/off automatic snapshots';
5689   histdlgBtnEnableHint = 'Toggle view snapshot or current';
5690   histdlgBtnClearHint = 'Clear all snapshots';
5691   histdlgBtnShowHistHint = 'View history';
5692   histdlgBtnShowSnapHint = 'View Snapshots';
5693   histdlgBtnMakeSnapHint = 'Take Snapshot';
5694   histdlgBtnRemoveHint   = 'Remove selected entry';
5696   // Exception Dialog
5697   lisExceptionDialog = 'Debugger Exception Notification';
5698   lisIgnoreExceptionType = 'Ignore this exception type';
5700   // ProjectWizard Dialog
5701   lisProjectWizard = 'Project Wizard';
5702   lisPWNewProject = '&New Project';
5703   lisPWOpenProject = '&Open Project';
5704   lisPWOpenRecentProject = 'Open &Recent Project';
5705   lisPWViewExampleProjects = 'View &Example Projects';
5706   lisPWConvertProject = 'Convert &Delphi Project';
5707   lisQuitLazarus = '&Quit Lazarus';
5708   lisIsAThisCircularDependencyIsNotAllowed = '%s is a %s.%sThis circular '
5709     +'dependency is not allowed.';
5710   lisTheComponentCanNotBeDeletedBecauseItIsNotOwnedBy = 'The component %s can '
5711     +'not be deleted because it is not owned by %s.';
5712   lisFilter3 = 'Filter: %s';
5713   lisFileExtensionOfPrograms = 'File extension of programs';
5714   lisEveryNThLineNumber = 'Every n-th line number';
5715   lisShowOverviewGutter = 'Show overview gutter';
5716   lisTopInfoView = 'Show Class/Procedure hint';
5717   lisLink = 'Link:';
5718   lisShort = 'Short:';
5719   lisInsertUrlTag = 'Insert url tag';
5720   lisInsertPrintshortTag2 = 'Insert printshort tag';
5721   lisDeleteOldFile2 = 'Delete old file?';
5722   lisTheUnitSearchPathOfContainsTheSourceDirectoryOfPac = 'The unit search '
5723     +'path of "%s" contains the source directory "%s" of package %s';
5724   lisFPCVersionEG222 = 'FPC Version (e.g. 2.2.2)';
5725   lisFPCFullVersionEG20701 = 'FPC version as one number (e.g. 20701)';
5726   lisLAZVer = 'Lazarus Version (e.g. 1.2.4)';
5727   lisMissingIdentifiers = 'Missing identifiers';
5728   lisChooseAFPDocLink = 'Choose a FPDoc link';
5729   lisLinkTarget = 'Link target';
5730   lisExamplesIdentifierTMyEnumEnumUnitnameIdentifierPac = 'Examples:'
5731     +'%sIdentifier'
5732     +'%sTMyEnum.Enum'
5733     +'%sUnitname.Identifier'
5734     +'%s#PackageName.UnitName.Identifier';
5735   lisTitleLeaveEmptyForDefault = 'Title (leave empty for default)';
5736   lisPackageUnit = 'package unit';
5737   lisPackage2 = 'package %s';
5738   lisIdentifier = 'identifier';
5739   lisProjectUnit = 'project unit';
5740   lisSyntaxMode = 'Syntax mode';
5741   lisUseAnsistrings = 'Use Ansistrings';
5742   lisDoNotShowThisDialogForThisProject = 'Do not show this dialog for this project';
5743   lisObjectPascalDefault = 'Object Pascal - default';
5744   lisVerifyMethodCalls = 'Verify method calls';
5745   lisToggleShowingFilenamesWithFullPathOrWithRelativePa = 'Toggle showing '
5746     +'filenames with full path or with relative path';
5747   lisUnableToCreateLinkWithTarget = 'Unable to create link "%s" with target "%s"';
5748   lisBuildAllFilesOfProjectPackageIDE =
5749     'build all files of project/package/IDE';
5750   lisApplyBuildFlagsBToDependenciesToo = 'apply build flags (-B) to dependencies too';
5751   lisDoNotCompileDependencies = 'do not compile dependencies';
5752   lisAddPackageSToListOfInstalledPackagesCombineWithBui = 'add package(s) to '
5753     +'list of installed packages (combine with --build-ide to rebuild IDE).';
5754   lisBuildIDEWithPackages = 'build IDE with packages';
5755   lisShowVersionAndExit = 'show version and exit';
5756   lisBeLessVerboseCanBeGivenMultipleTimes = 'be less verbose, can be given '
5757     +'multiple times';
5758   lisBeMoreVerboseCanBeGivenMultipleTimes = 'be more verbose, can be given '
5759     +'multiple times';
5760   lisOverrideTheProjectOperatingSystemEGWin32LinuxDefau = '%soverride the '
5761     +'project operating system. e.g. win32 linux. default: %s';
5762   lisOverrideTheProjectWidgetsetEGGtkGtk2QtWin32CarbonD = '%soverride the '
5763     +'project widgetset. e.g. gtk gtk2 qt win32 carbon. default: %s';
5764   lisOverrideTheProjectCpuEGI386X86_64PowerpcPowerpc_64 = '%soverride the '
5765     +'project cpu. e.g. i386 x86_64 powerpc powerpc_64 etc. default: %s';
5766   lisOverrideTheDefaultCompilerEGPpc386Ppcx64PpcppcEtcD = '%soverride the '
5767     +'default compiler. e.g. ppc386 ppcx64 ppcppc etc. default is stored in '
5768     +'environmentoptions.xml';
5769   lisOverrideTheProjectBuildMode = '%soverride the project or IDE build mode.';
5770   lisProjectChangedOnDisk = 'Project changed on disk';
5771   lisTheProjectInformationFileHasChangedOnDisk = 'The project information file "%s"%shas changed on disk.';
5772   lisReopenProject = 'Reopen project';
5773   rsSelectAnInheritedEntry = 'Select an inherited entry';
5775   // New console application dialog (CustomApplicationOptionsForm.pas)
5776   lisApplicationClassName = '&Application class name';
5777   lisTitle = '&Title';
5778   lisCodeGenerationOptions = 'Code generation options';
5779   lisUsageMessageHOption = 'Usage message (-h option)';
5780   lisStopOnException = 'Stop on exception';
5781   lisConstructorCode = 'Constructor code';
5782   lisDestructorCode = 'Destructor code';
5783   lisCheckOptions = 'Check options';
5784   lisNewConsoleApplication = 'New console application';
5786   // Edit context help dialog (IDEContextHelpEdit.pas)
5787   lisHelpEntries = 'Help entries';
5788   lisCEIsARootControl = 'Is a root control';
5789   lisHasHelp = 'Has Help';
5790   lisCreateHelpNode = 'Create Help node';
5791   lisDlgOpen = 'Open ...';
5792   lisEditContextHelp = 'Edit context help';
5793   lisNoNodeSelected = 'no node selected';
5794   lisNoIDEWindowSelected = 'No IDE window selected';
5796   // Messages Editor dialog (MsgViewEditor.pas)
5797   lisAddNewSet = 'Add new set';
5798   lisActiveFilter = 'Active Filter';
5799   lisFilterSets = 'Filter Sets';
5800   lisMessagesEditor = 'Messages Editor';
5802   lisSetDefault = 'Set default';
5803   lisYouCanNotChangeTheBuildModeWhileCompiling = 'You cannot change the build'
5804     +' mode while compiling.';
5805   lisSelectedLeftNeighbour = '(selected left neighbour)';
5806   lisSelectedRightNeighbour = '(selected right neighbour)';
5807   lisSelectedTopNeighbour = '(selected top neighbour)';
5808   lisSelectedBottomNeighbour = '(selected bottom neighbour)';
5810   lisAction = 'Action:';
5811   lisValues = 'Values';
5812   lisIDEMacros = 'IDE Macros';
5813   lisConfirmDelete = 'Confirm delete';
5814   lisDeleteMacro = 'Delete macro "%s"?';
5815   lisValue2 = 'Value%s';
5816   lisDeleteValue = 'Delete value "%s"?';
5817   lisInvalidMacroTheMacroMustBeAPascalIdentifie = 'Invalid '
5818     +'macro "%s". The macro name must be a Pascal identifier.';
5819   lisThereIsAlreadyAMacroWithTheName = 'There is already a macro with the name "%s".';
5820   lisDuplicateFoundOfValue = 'Duplicate found of value "%s".';
5821   lisCreateFunction = 'Create function';
5822   lisResult2 = 'Result:';
5823   lisTheIdentifierIsAUnitPleaseUseTheFileSaveAsFunction = 'The identifier is '
5824     +'a unit. Please use the File - Save as function to rename a unit.';
5825   lisShowUnitsWithInitialization = 'Show units with initialization/finalization sections';
5826   lisShowUnitsWithInitializationHint = 'These units may initialize global data '
5827     +'used by the program/application. Remove with care.';
5828   lisRemoveSelectedUnits = 'Remove selected units';
5829   lisRemoveAllUnits = 'Remove all units';
5830   lisCEShowCodeObserver = 'Show observations about';
5831   lisCELongProcedures = 'Long procedures';
5832   lisCEManyParameters = 'Many parameters';
5833   lisCEUnnamedConstants = 'Unnamed constants';
5834   lisCEEmptyProcedures = 'Empty procedures';
5835   lisCEManyNestedProcedures = 'Many nested procedures';
5836   lisCEPublishedPropertyWithoutDefault = 'Published properties without default';
5837   lisCEUnsortedVisibility = 'Unsorted visibility';
5838   lisCEUnsortedMembers = 'Unsorted members';
5839   lisCEToDos = 'ToDos';
5840   lisCEEmptyClassSections = 'Empty class sections';
5841   lisCELongProcLineCount = 'Line count of procedure treated as "long"';
5842   lisCELongParamListCount = 'Parameters count treated as "many"';
5843   lisCENestedProcCount = 'Nested procedures count treated as "many"';
5844   lisCodeObsCharConst = 'Search for unnamed char constants';
5845   lisCodeObsIgnoreeConstants = 'Ignore next unnamed constants';
5846   lisShow = 'Show';
5847   lisCodeObIgnoreConstInFuncs = 'Ignore constants in next functions';
5848   lisCEEmptyBlocks = 'Empty blocks';
5849   lisCEComplexityGroup = 'Complexity';
5850   lisCEEmptyGroup = 'Empty constructs';
5851   lisCEStyleGroup = 'Style';
5852   lisCEOtherGroup = 'Other';
5853   lisCEWrongIndentation = 'Wrong indentation';
5854   lisTheProjectUsesTargetOSAndCPUTheSystemPpuForThisTar = 'The project uses '
5855     +'target OS=%s and CPU=%s.'
5856     +'%sThe system.ppu for this target was not found in the FPC binary directories.'
5857     +'%sMake sure fpc is installed correctly '
5858     +'for this target and the fpc.cfg contains the right directories.';
5859   lisCouldNotRemoveFromMainSource = 'Could not remove "%s" from main source!';
5860   lisCouldNotAddToMainSource = 'Could not add "%s" to main source!';
5861   lisCouldNotRemoveRFromMainSource = 'Could not remove "{$R %s}" from main source!';
5862   lisCouldNotAddRToMainSource = 'Could not add "{$R %s}" to main source!';
5863   lisCouldNotRemoveIFromMainSource = 'Could not remove "{$I %s}" from main source!';
5864   lisCouldNotAddIToMainSource = 'Could not add "{$I %s}" to main source!';
5865   lisFailedToLoadFoldStat = 'Failed to load fold state';
5866   lisUppercaseString = 'uppercase string';
5867   lisUppercaseStringGivenAsParameter = 'Uppercase string given as parameter.';
5868   lisLowercaseString = 'lowercase string';
5869   lisLowercaseStringGivenAsParameter = 'Lowercase string given as parameter.';
5870   lisPasteClipboard = 'paste clipboard';
5871   lisPasteFromClipboard = 'Paste from clipboard.';
5872   lisInsertProcedureHead = 'insert procedure head';
5873   lisInsertHeaderOfCurrentProcedure = 'Insert header of current procedure.'#13
5874     +#13
5875     +'Optional Parameters (comma separated):'#13
5876     +'WithStart,          // proc keyword e.g. ''function'', ''class procedure'''#13
5877     +'WithoutClassKeyword,// without ''class'' proc keyword'#13
5878     +'AddClassName,       // extract/add ClassName.'#13
5879     +'WithoutClassName,   // skip classname'#13
5880     +'WithoutName,        // skip function name'#13
5881     +'WithoutParamList,   // skip param list'#13
5882     +'WithVarModifiers,   // extract ''var'', ''out'', ''const'''#13
5883     +'WithParameterNames, // extract parameter names'#13
5884     +'WithoutParamTypes,  // skip colon, param types and default values'#13
5885     +'WithDefaultValues,  // extract default values'#13
5886     +'WithResultType,     // extract colon + result type'#13
5887     +'WithOfObject,       // extract ''of object'''#13
5888     +'WithCallingSpecs,   // extract cdecl; inline;'#13
5889     +'WithProcModifiers,  // extract forward; alias; external;'#13
5890     +'WithComments,       // extract comments and spaces'#13
5891     +'InUpperCase,        // turn to uppercase'#13
5892     +'CommentsToSpace,    // replace comments with a single space'#13
5893     +'                      //  (default is to skip unnecessary space,'#13
5894     +'                      //    e.g ''Do   ;'' normally becomes ''Do;'''#13
5895     +'                      //    with this option you get ''Do ;'')'#13
5896     +'WithoutBrackets,    // skip start- and end-bracket of parameter list'#13
5897     +'WithoutSemicolon,   // skip semicolon at end'#13;
5898   lisInsertProcedureName = 'insert procedure name';
5899   lisInsertNameOfCurrentProcedure = 'Insert name of current procedure.';
5900   lisInsertDate = 'insert date';
5901   lisInsertDateOptionalFormatString = 'Insert date. Optional: format string.';
5902   lisInsertTime = 'insert time';
5903   lisInsertTimeOptionalFormatString = 'Insert time. Optional: format string.';
5904   lisInsertDateAndTime = 'insert date and time';
5905   lisInsertDateAndTimeOptionalFormatString = 'Insert date and time. Optional: '
5906     +'format string.';
5907   lisInsertEndIfNeeded = 'insert end if needed';
5908   lisCheckIfTheNextTokenInSourceIsAnEndAndIfNotReturnsL = 'Check if the next '
5909     +'token in source is an "end" and if not return "LineEnding + end; + LineEnding".';
5910   lisInsertSemicolonIfNeeded = 'Insert semicolon if needed';
5911   lisCheckTheNextTokenInSourceAndAddASemicolonIfNeeded = 'Check the next '
5912     +'token in source and add a semicolon if needed.';
5913   lisListOfAllCaseValues = 'list of all case values';
5914   lisReturnsListOfAllValuesOfCaseVariableInFrontOfVaria = 'Return the list of '
5915     +'all values of case variable in front of variable.'#13
5916     +#13
5917     +'Optional Parameters (comma separated):'#13
5918     +'WithoutExtraIndent    // the case list will be generated without extra indentation';
5920   lisGetWordAtCurrentCursorPosition = 'get word at current cursor position';
5921   lisGetWordAtCurrentCursorPosition2 = 'Get word at current cursor position.';
5922   lisTemplateEditParamCell = 'Editable Cell';
5923   lisTemplateEditParamCellHelp =
5924      'Insert an editable Cell. Cells can be navigated using the tab key.%0:s' +
5925      'The "param" macro takes a list of comma separated arguments.%0:s' +
5926      'The first argument is the default value.%0:s' +
5927      'The 2nd argument (optional) can be used to link the cell to another cell (syncro edit).%0:s' +
5928      '%0:s' +
5929      '  while param("foo") do param(foo);%0:s' +
5930      'Inserts 2 independent cells, both with the default text "foo".%0:s' +
5931      'The quotes are optional.%0:s' +
5932      '%0:s' +
5933      '  if param("foo") > 0 and param("foo",sync=1) < 99 then%0:s' +
5934      'Inserts 2 linked cells, editing either one, will change the other one too.%0:s' +
5935      'The value "1" refers to the position of the other "param()", so if there are more params:%0:s' +
5936      '  if param("bar") and param(foo) > 0 and param(foo,sync=2) < 99 then%0:s' +
5937      'The 2nd and third are linked (the 3rd refers to "2").%0:s' +
5938      '%0:s' +
5939      '"Sync" can be shortened to "s":%0:s' +
5940      '  if param("foo") > 0 and param("foo",s=1) < 99 then%0:s' +
5941      '%0:s' +
5942      '  if param("bar") and param("foo") > 0 and param("foo",sync) < 99 then%0:s' +
5943      'The 2nd and third are linked.%0:s' +
5944      'Note: "Sync" has no position and no "=", so it syncs to the previous cell with the same default (in this case "foo").' ;
5946   lisPrecedingWord = 'Preceding word';
5947   lisReturnParameterIndexedWord = 'Return parameter-indexed word from the current line preceding cursor position.'+#13+#13+
5948                     'Words in a line are numbered 1,2,3,... from left to right, but the last word'+#13+
5949                     'which is always a macro command to be expanded has number 0, thus $PrevWord(0)'+#13+
5950                     'is always the current macro.'+#13+#13+
5951                     'Example line:'+#13+
5952                     'i 0 count-1 forb|'+#13+
5953                     'Here $PrevWord(0)=forb, $PrevWord(1)=i, $PrevWord(2)=0, $PrevWord(3)=count-1'+#13+#13+
5954                     'In the end of your template use $PrevWord(-1) which expands to an empty string, but performs an '+
5955                     'important operation of wiping off all of the $PrevWords found. In addition here is a regexp that is used '+
5956                     'to detect words for this macro: [\w\-+*\(\)\[\].^@]+';
5957   lisForm = 'Form';
5958   lisInheritedProjectComponent = 'Inherited project component';
5959   lisNewDlgInheritFromAProjectFormComponent = 'Inherit from a project form or component';
5960   lisFrame = 'Frame';
5961   lisDataModule = 'Data Module';
5962   lisNoLFMFile = 'No LFM file';
5963   lisThisFunctionNeedsAnOpenLfmFileInTheSourceEditor = 'This function needs '
5964     +'an open .lfm file in the source editor.';
5965   lisNoPascalFile = 'No Pascal file';
5966   lisUnableToFindPascalUnitPasPpForLfmFile = 'Unable to find Pascal unit (.pas, .pp) for .lfm file%s"%s"';
5967   lisLFMIsOk = 'LFM is ok';
5968   lisClassesAndPropertiesExistValuesWereNotChecked = 'Classes and properties '
5969     +'exist. Values were not checked.';
5970   lisInsertPrintShortTag = 'Insert PrintShort tag';
5971   lisIdCOpening = 'Opening';
5972   lisAutomaticallyInvokeOnType = 'Automatically invoke on typing';
5973   lisAutomaticallyInvokeOnTypeUseTimer = 'Use completion box delay';
5974   lisAutomaticallyInvokeOnTypeOnlyWordEnd = 'Only complete when at end of word';
5975   lisAutomaticallyInvokeOnTypeMinLength = 'Only complete if word is longer or equal';
5976   lisAutomaticallyInvokeAfterPoint = 'Automatically invoke after point';
5977   lisAutomaticallyUseSinglePossibleIdent = 'Automatically use single possible identifier';
5978   lisWhenThereIsOnlyOnePossibleCompletionItemUseItImmed = 'When there is only '
5979     +'one possible completion item use it immediately, without showing the '
5980     +'completion box';
5981   lisAddParameterBrackets = 'Add parameter brackets';
5982   lisReplaceWholeIdentifier = 'Replace whole identifier';
5983   lisEnableReplaceWholeIdentifierDisableReplacePrefix = 'Enable = pressing'
5984     +' Return replaces whole identifier and Shift+Return replaces prefix,'
5985     +' Disable = pressing Return replaces prefix and Shift+Return replaces'
5986     +' whole identifier';
5987   lisJumpToError = 'Jump to error';
5988   lisJumpToErrorAtIdentifierCompletion =
5989     'When an error in the sources is found at identifier completion, jump to it.';
5990   lisShowHelp = 'Show help';
5991   lisBestViewedByInstallingAHTMLControlLikeTurbopowerip = 'Best viewed by '
5992     +'installing a HTML control like turbopoweriprodsgn';
5993   lisShowRecentlyUsedIdentifiersAtTop = 'Show recently used identifiers at top';
5994   lisSortForScope = 'Sort for scope';
5995   lisForExampleShowAtTopTheLocalVariablesThenTheMembers = 'For example show at'
5996     +' top the local variables, then the members of current class, then of the'
5997     +' ancestors, then the current unit, then of used units';
5998   lisShowEmptyUnitsPackages = 'Show empty units/packages';
5999   lisUsePackageInProject = 'Use package %s in project';
6000   lisUsePackageInProject2 = 'Use package in project';
6001   lisUsePackageInPackage = 'Use package %s in package %s';
6002   lisUsePackageInPackage2 = 'Use package in package';
6003   lisRescan = 'Rescan';
6004   lisUseUnitInUnit = 'Use unit %s in unit %s';
6005   lisUseIdentifier = 'Use identifier';
6006   lisFindMissingUnit = 'Find missing unit';
6007   lisSearchUnit = 'Search Unit "%s"';
6008   lisEmpty = 'Empty';
6009   lisNotAValidPascalIdentifier = 'Not a valid Pascal identifier';
6010   lisThereIsAlreadyAComponentWithThisName = 'There is already a component '
6011     +'with this name';
6012   lisTheOwnerHasThisName = 'The owner has this name';
6013   lisTheOwnerClassHasThisName = 'The owner class has this name';
6014   lisTheUnitHasThisName = 'The unit has this name';
6015   lisChooseNameAndText = 'Choose name and text';
6016   lisTheComponentNameMustBeUniqueInAllComponentsOnTheFo = 'The component name '
6017     +'must be unique in all components on the form/datamodule.The name is '
6018     +'compared case insensitive like a normal Pascal identifier.';
6019   lisChooseANameForTheComponent = 'Choose a name for the component';
6020   lisProperty = '%s property';
6021   lisAskForFileNameOnNewFile = 'Ask for file name on new file';
6022   lisSuggestDefaultNameOfNewFileInLowercase = 'Suggest default name of new '
6023     +'file in lowercase';
6024   lisAlwaysConvertSuggestedDefaultFileNameToLowercase = 'Always convert '
6025     +'suggested default file name to lowercase';
6026   lisExampleFile = 'Example file:';
6027   lisChooseAPascalFileForIndentationExamples = 'Choose a Pascal file for '
6028     +'indentation examples';
6029   lisContextSensitive = 'Context sensitive';
6030   lisImitateIndentationOfCurrentUnitProjectOrPackage = 'Imitate indentation '
6031     +'of current unit, project or package';
6032   lisAddPackageRequirement = 'Add package requirement?';
6033   lisTheUnitBelongsToPackage = 'The unit belongs to package %s.';
6034   lisAddUnitNotRecommended = 'Add unit (not recommended)';
6035   lisAddPackageToProject2 = 'Add package to project';
6036   lisOnBreakLineIEReturnOrEnterKey = 'On break line (i.e. return or enter key)';
6037   lisSetupDefaultIndentation = '(Set up default indentation)';
6038   lisIndentationForPascalSources = 'Indentation for Pascal sources';
6039   lisOnPasteFromClipboard = 'On paste from clipboard';
6040   lisImpossible = 'Impossible';
6041   lisAProjectUnitCanNotBeUsedByOtherPackagesProjects = 'A project unit can '
6042     +'not be used by other packages/projects';
6043   lisPackagesUnitsIdentifiersLinesBytes = 'packages=%s/%s units=%s/%s '
6044     +'identifiers=%s/%s lines=%s bytes=%s';
6045   lisScanning2 = '%s. Scanning ...';
6046   lisShowGlyphsFor = 'Show Glyphs for';
6047   lisDirectoryNotWritable = 'Directory not writable';
6048   lisTheDirectoryIsNotWritable = 'The directory "%s" is not writable.';
6049   lisBuildingLazarusFailed = 'Building Lazarus failed';
6050   lisThisSetOfOptionsToBuildLazarusIsNotSupportedByThis = 'This set of '
6051     +'options to build Lazarus is not supported by this installation.%sThe '
6052     +'directory "%s" is not writable.%sSee the Lazarus website for other '
6053     +'ways to install Lazarus.';
6054   lisIDEBuildOptions = 'IDE build options';
6055   lisPathOfTheInstantfpcCache = 'path of the instantfpc cache';
6056   lisPrimaryConfigPath = 'Primary config path';
6057   lisSecondaryConfigPath = 'Secondary config path';
6058   lisSelected = 'Selected';
6059   lisSelectedAndChildControls = 'Selected and child controls';
6060   lisUnableToDelete = 'Unable to delete';
6062   //Jump History dialog
6063   lisJHJumpHistory = 'Jump History';
6064   lisRemoveLocalVariable = 'Remove local variable %s';
6065   lisNoHints = 'no hints';
6066   lisAllParametersOfThisFunctionAreAlreadySetAtThisCall = 'All parameters of '
6067     +'this function are already set at this call. Nothing to add.';
6068   lisIDECompileAndRestart = 'The IDE will be recompiled and restarted during installation/uninstallation of packages.';
6070   synfUnfoldAllInSelection                          = 'Unfold all in selection';
6071   synfUnfoldCommentsInSelection                     = 'Unfold comments in selection';
6072   synfFoldCommentsInSelection                       = 'Fold comments in selection';
6073   synfHideCommentsInSelection                       = 'Hide comments in selection';
6074   synfUnfoldAllIfdefInSelection                     = 'Unfold all Ifdef in selection';
6075   synfUnfoldActiveIfdefInSelection                  = 'Unfold active Ifdef in selection';
6076   synfUnfoldInactiveIfdefInSelection                = 'Unfold inactive Ifdef in selection';
6077   synfFoldInactiveIfdefInSelection                  = 'Fold inactive Ifdef in selection';
6078   synfFoldInactiveIfdefInSelectionExcludeMixedState = 'Fold inactive Ifdef in selection ('
6079     +'exclude mixed state)';
6081   synfUnfoldAll                           = 'Unfold all';
6082   synfUnfoldComments                      = 'Unfold comments';
6083   synfFoldComments                        = 'Fold comments';
6084   synfHideComments                        = 'Hide comments';
6085   synfUnfoldAllIfdef                      = 'Unfold all Ifdef';
6086   synfUnfoldActiveIfdef                   = 'Unfold active Ifdef';
6087   synfUnfoldInactiveIfdef                 = 'Unfold inactive Ifdef';
6088   synfFoldInactiveIfdef                   = 'Fold inactive Ifdef';
6089   synfFoldInactiveIfdefExcludeMixedState  = 'Fold inactive Ifdef (exclude mixed state)';
6091   lisCanNotCompileProject = 'Cannot compile project';
6092   lisTheProjectHasNoMainSourceFile = 'The project has no main source file.';
6093   lisInvalidMacroTheNameIsAKeyword = 'Invalid macro name "%s". The name is a keyword.';
6094   lisTheMacroDoesNotBeginWith = 'The macro "%s" does not begin with "%s".';
6095   lisRenameTo = 'Rename to %s';
6096   lisAddValueToMacro = 'Add value to macro %s';
6097   lisDeleteValue2 = 'Delete value %s';
6098   lisNoMacroSelected = 'No macro selected';
6099   lisMacro = 'Macro %s';
6100   lisAddNewMacro = 'Add new macro';
6101   lisHintADefaultValueCanBeDefinedInTheConditionals = 'Hint: A default value '
6102     +'can be defined in the conditionals.';
6103   lisConditionals = 'Conditionals';
6104   lisDlgAllOptions = 'All options ...';
6105   lisDlgDefines = 'Defines ...';
6106   lisWithIncludes2 = ', with includes ';
6107   lisParsed = ', parsed ';
6108   lisCreatingFileIndexOfFPCSources = 'Creating file index of FPC sources %s ...';
6109   lisTheFileIndexIsNeededForFunctionsLikeFindDeclaratio = 'The file index is '
6110     +'needed for functions like find declaration. While scanning you can edit '
6111     +'sources and compile, but functions like find declaration will show unit-'
6112     +'not-found errors. This can take a minute.';
6113   lisActive = 'Active';
6114   lisBuildModes = 'Build modes';
6115   lisAddFcUTF8 = 'Add -FcUTF8';
6116   lisAddFcUTF8Hint = 'May be needed if source files have non-ansistring literals.';
6117   lisInSession = 'In session';
6118   lisTheDefaultModeMustBeStoredInProject =
6119     'The default mode must be stored in project, not in session.';
6120   lisThereMustBeAtLeastOneBuildMode = 'There must be at least one build mode.';
6121   lisDuplicateEntry = 'Duplicate entry';
6122   lisThereIsAlreadyABuildModeWithThisName = 'There is already a build mode with this name.';
6123   lisAddNewBuildModeCopyingSettingsFrom = 'Add new build mode, copying settings from "%s"';
6124   lisDeleteMode = 'Delete mode "%s"';
6125   lisMoveOnePositionUp = 'Move "%s" one position up';
6126   lisMoveOnePositionDown = 'Move "%s" one position down';
6127   lisShowDifferencesBetweenModes = 'Show differences between modes ...';
6128   lisBuildMode = 'Build Mode: %s';
6129   lisCreateDebugAndReleaseModes = 'Create Debug and Release modes';
6130   lisChangeBuildMode = 'Change build mode';
6131   lisWarningThisIsTheMainUnitTheNewMainUnitWillBePas = '%sWarning: This is '
6132     +'the main unit. The new main unit will be %s.pas.';
6133   lisRemoveFilesFromPackage = 'Remove %s files from package "%s"?';
6134   lisDirectivesForNewUnit = 'Directives for new unit';
6135   lisRemoveFromInstallList = 'Remove from install list';
6136   lisKeepInInstallList = 'Keep in install list';
6137   lisInformationAboutUsedFPC = 'Information about used FPC';
6139   //Build mode differences dialog
6140   lisBuildModeDiffDifferencesBetweenBuildModes = 'Differences between build modes';
6141   lisMMWas = '(was "%s")';
6142   lisMMIDEMacro2 = 'IDE Macro %s:=%s';
6143   lisMMFromTo = 'From %s to %s';
6144   lisMMDoesNotHaveIDEMacro = 'Does not have IDE Macro %s:=%s';
6145   lisMMDoesNotOverrideOutDirFU = 'Does not override OutDir (-FU)';
6146   lisMMOverrideOutDirFU = 'Override OutDir (-FU): %s';
6147   lisBuildModeDiffMode = 'Mode:';
6148   lisBuildModeDiffDifferencesToOtherBuildModes = 'Differences from other build modes';
6150   //IDE info dialog
6151   lisIDEInfoInformationAboutTheIDE = 'Information about the IDE';
6153   //Disassembler dialog
6154   lisDisAssAssembler = 'Assembler';
6155   lisKeepRelativeIndentationOfMultiLineTemplate = 'Keep relative indentation '
6156     +'of multi line template';
6157   lisTheCurrentFPCHasNoConfigFileItWillProbablyMissSome = 'The current FPC '
6158     +'has no config file. It will probably miss some units. Check your '
6159     +'installation of fpc.';
6160   lisInFPCUnitSearchPathProbablyInstalledByTheFPCPackag = 'In FPC unit search '
6161     +'path. Probably installed by the FPC package. Check if the compiler and '
6162     +'the ppu file are from the same installation.';
6163   lisInASourceDirectoryOfTheProjectCheckForDuplicates = 'In a source '
6164     +'directory of the project. Check for duplicates.';
6165   lisInASourceDirectoryOfThePackage = 'In a source directory of the package "%s".';
6166   lisCheckTheTargetOSCPULCLWidgetTypeMaybeYouHaveToReco = '%s Check the '
6167     +'target (OS, CPU, LCL widget type). Maybe you have to recompile the '
6168     +'package for this target or set another target for the project.';
6169   lisMaybeYouHaveToRecompileThePackage = '%s Maybe you have to recompile the package.';
6170   lisDuplicatePpuFilesDeleteOneOrMakeSureAllSearchPaths = 'Duplicate ppu '
6171     +'files. Delete one or make sure all search paths have correct order ('
6172     +'Hint: FPC uses last path first).';
6173   lisDuplicateSourcesDeleteOneOrMakeSureAllSearchPathsH = 'Duplicate sources. '
6174     +'Delete one or make sure all search paths have correct order (Hint: FPC '
6175     +'uses last path first).';
6176   lisPEMissingFilesOfPackage = 'Missing files of package %s';
6177   lisPENoFilesMissingAllFilesExist = 'No files missing. All files exist.';
6178   lisCurrentLCLWidgetSet = 'Current LCL widgetset: "%s"';
6179   lisSelectAnotherLCLWidgetSet = 'Select another LCL widgetset (macro LCLWidgetType)';
6180   lisEndlessLoopInMacros = 'Endless loop in macros';
6182   // Uses Unit dialog
6183   dlgUseUnitCaption = 'Add unit to Uses section';
6184   dlgShowAllUnits = 'Show all units';
6185   dlgInsertSection = 'Insert into Uses section of';
6186   dlgInsertInterface = 'Interface';
6187   dlgInsertImplementation = 'Implementation';
6188   dlgNoAvailableUnits = 'No available units to add.';
6189   lisOpenUnit = 'Open Unit';
6190   lisInsteadOfCompilePackageCreateASimpleMakefile = 'Instead of compile '
6191     +'package create a simple Makefile.';
6192   lisOnlyRegisterTheLazarusPackageFilesLpkDoNotBuild = 'Only register the '
6193     +'Lazarus package files (.lpk). Do not build.';
6195   // Custom form editor
6196   lisCFEAnExceptionOccurredDuringDeletionOf = 'An exception occurred during '
6197     +'deletion of%s"%s:%s"%s%s';
6198   lisCFETCustomFormEditorDeleteComponentWhereIsTheTCustomN = 'TCustomFormEditor'
6199     +'.DeleteComponent  Where is the TCustomNonFormDesignerForm? %s';
6200   lisCFEUnableToClearTheFormEditingSelection = 'Unable to clear the form '
6201     +'editing selection%s%s';
6202   lisCFEDoNotKnowHowToDeleteThisFormEditingSelection = 'Do not know how to '
6203     +'delete this form editing selection';
6204   lisCFEDoNotKnowHowToCopyThisFormEditingSelection = 'Do not know how to copy '
6205     +'this form editing selection';
6206   lisCFEDoNotKnowHowToCutThisFormEditingSelection = 'Do not know how to cut '
6207     +'this form editing selection';
6208   lisCFETCustomFormEditorCreateNonFormFormUnknownType = 'TCustomFormEditor.'
6209     +'CreateNonFormForm Unknown type %s';
6210   lisCFETCustomFormEditorCreateNonFormFormAlreadyExists = 'TCustomFormEditor.'
6211     +'CreateNonFormForm already exists';
6212   lisCFETCustomFormEditorRegisterDesignerMediatorAlreadyRe = 'TCustomFormEditor'
6213     +'.RegisterDesignerMediator already registered: %s';
6214   lisCFEErrorCreatingComponent = 'Error creating component';
6215   lisCFEErrorCreatingComponent2 = 'Error creating component: %s%s%s';
6216   lisCFEInvalidComponentOwner = 'Invalid component owner';
6217   lisCFETheComponentOfTypeFailedToSetItsOwnerTo = 'The component of type %s '
6218     +'failed to set its owner to %s:%s';
6219   lisCFEErrorDestroyingMediatorOfUnit = 'Error destroying mediator %s of '
6220     +'unit %s:%s%s';
6221   lisCFEErrorDestroyingMediator = 'Error destroying mediator';
6222   lisCFEErrorDestroyingComponentOfTypeOfUnit = 'Error destroying component of '
6223     +'type %s of unit %s:%s%s';
6224   lisCFEErrorDestroyingComponent = 'Error destroying component';
6225   lisCFEContinueLoading = 'Continue loading';
6226   lisCFECancelLoadingThisResource = 'Cancel loading this resource';
6227   lisCFEStopAllLoading = 'Stop all loading';
6228   lisCFEErrorReading = 'Error reading %s';
6229   lisCFEComponent = '%s%sComponent: %s:%s';
6230   lisCFEComponentClass = '%s%sComponent Class: %s';
6231   lisCFEStreamPosition = '%s%sStream position: %s';
6232   lisCFEStream = '%sStream=%s';
6233   lisCFERoot = '%sRoot=%s:%s';
6234   lisCFEClassNotFound = '%s%sClass "%s" not found.';
6235   lisCFEInFile = 'In file %s';
6236   lisCFETheComponentEditorOfClassHasCreatedTheError = 'The component editor '
6237     +'of class "%s"has created the error:%s"%s"';
6238   lisShowSetupDialogForMostImportantSettings = 'Show setup dialog for most '
6239     +'important settings';
6240   lisShowPositionOfSourceEditor = 'Show position of source editor';
6242   //Initial setup dialog
6243   lisTheSourcesOfTheFreePascalPackagesAreRequiredForBro = 'The sources of the '
6244     +'Free Pascal packages are required for browsing and code completion. For '
6245     +'example it has the file "%s".';
6246   lisSelectPathTo = 'Select path to %s';
6247   lisSelectFPCSourceDirectory = 'Select FPC source directory';
6248   lisSelectLazarusSourceDirectory = 'Select Lazarus source directory';
6249   lisWithoutAProperLazarusDirectoryYouWillGetALotOfWarn = 'Without a proper '
6250     +'Lazarus directory you will get a lot of warnings.';
6251   lisWithoutAProperCompilerTheCodeBrowsingAndCompilingW = 'Without a proper '
6252     +'compiler the code browsing and compiling will be disappointing.';
6253   lisWithoutAProperDebuggerDebuggingWillBeDisappointing = 'Without a proper '
6254     +'debugger, debugging will be disappointing.';
6255   lisWithoutTheProperFPCSourcesCodeBrowsingAndCompletio = 'Without the proper '
6256     +'FPC sources code browsing and completion will be very limited.';
6257   lisWithoutAProperMakeExecutableTheCompilingOfTheIDEIs = 'Without a proper "'
6258     +'make" executable the compiling of the IDE is not possible.';
6259   lisTheLazarusDirectoryContainsTheSourcesOfTheIDEAndTh = 'The Lazarus directory '
6260     +'contains the sources of the IDE and the package files of LCL and many '
6261     +'standard packages. For example it contains the file "ide%slazarus.lpi". '
6262     +'The translation files are located there too.';
6263   lisTheFreePascalCompilerExecutableTypicallyHasTheName = 'The Free Pascal '
6264     +'compiler executable typically has the name "%s". You can also use the '
6265     +'target specific compiler like "%s". Please give the full file path.';
6266   lisTheMakeExecutableTypicallyHasTheName = 'The "make" executable typically '
6267     +'has the name "%s". It is needed for building the IDE. Please give the full file path.';
6268   lisTheDebuggerExecutableTypicallyHasTheNamePleaseGive = 'The debugger '
6269     +'executable typically has the name "%s". Please give the full file path.';
6270   lisAUsefulSettingOnWindowsSystemsIsLazarusDirMingwBin = 'A useful setting on'
6271     +' Windows systems is: $(LazarusDir)\mingw\bin\$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS)\'
6272     +'gdb.exe';
6273   lisFoundVersionExpected = 'Found version %s, expected %s';
6274   lisInvalidVersionIn = 'invalid version in %s';
6275   lisWrongVersionIn = 'wrong version in %s: %s';
6276   lisFPCSources = 'FPC sources';
6277   lisConfigureLazarusIDE = 'Configure Lazarus IDE';
6278   lisFileIsNotAnExecutable = 'File is not an executable';
6279   lisUnusualPas2jsCompilerFileNameUsuallyItStartsWithPa = 'Unusual pas2js '
6280     +'compiler file name. Usually it starts with pas2js.';
6281   lisThereIsNoFpcExeInTheDirectoryOfUsuallyTheMakeExecu = 'There is no fpc.exe'
6282     +' in the directory of %s. Usually the make executable is installed '
6283     +'together with the FPC compiler.';
6284   lisUnusualCompilerFileNameUsuallyItStartsWithFpcPpcOr = 'Unusual compiler '
6285     +'file name. Usually it starts with fpc, ppc or ppcross.';
6286   lisCompilerCfgIsMissing = '%s is missing.';
6287   lisSystemPpuNotFoundCheckYourFpcCfg = 'system.ppu not found. Check your fpc.cfg.';
6288   lisWelcomeToLazarusIDE = 'Welcome to Lazarus IDE %s';
6289   lisStartIDE = 'Start IDE';
6290   lisUnableToLoadFile2 = 'unable to load file %s: %s';
6291   lisDirectoryNotFound2 = 'directory %s not found';
6292   lisFileNotFound3 = 'file %s not found';
6293   lisFileNotFound4 = 'file not found';
6294   lisPpuNotFoundCheckYourFpcCfg = '%s.ppu not found. Check your fpc.cfg.';
6295   lisISDDirectoryNotFound = 'directory not found';
6296   lisDebuggerFeedbackInformation = 'Debugger Information';
6297   lisDebuggerFeedbackWarning = 'Debugger Warning';
6298   lisDebuggerFeedbackError = 'Debugger Error';
6300   // breakpointgroups
6301   dbgBreakGroupDlgCaption = 'Select Groups';
6302   dbgBreakGroupDlgHeaderEnable = 'Select groups to enable when breakpoint is hit';
6303   dbgBreakGroupDlgHeaderDisable = 'Select groups to disable when breakpoint is hit';
6305   //Registers dialog
6306   regdlgDisplayTypeForSelectedRegisters = 'Display type for selected Registers';
6307   regdlgFormat = 'Format';
6308   regdlgHex = 'Hex';
6309   regdlgDecimal = 'Decimal';
6310   regdlgOctal = 'Octal';
6311   regdlgBinary = 'Binary';
6312   regdlgRaw = 'Raw';
6313   // Event log dialog
6314   lisEventLogOptions = 'Event Log Options ...';
6315   lisEventLogClear = 'Clear Events';
6316   lisEventLogSaveToFile = 'Save Events to File';
6317   lisEventsLogAddComment = 'Add Comment ...';
6318   lisEventsLogAddComment2 = 'Add Comment';
6319   lisCleanUpAndBuildProject = 'Clean up and build project';
6320   // Many Build Modes
6321   lisCompileFollowingModes = 'Compile the following modes';
6322   lisPleaseSelectAtLeastOneBuildMode = 'Please select at least one build mode.';
6323   lisSelectedModesWereCompiled  = 'Selected %d modes were successfully compiled.';
6324   // Clean Build Project Dialog
6325   lisProjectOutputDirectory = 'Project output directory';
6326   lisProjectSourceDirectories = 'Project source directories';
6327   lisPackageOutputDirectories = 'Package output directories';
6328   lisPackageSourceDirectories = 'Package source directories';
6329   lisTheseFilesWillBeDeleted = 'These files will be deleted';
6330   lisCleanUpAndBuild = 'Clean up and build';
6331   lisCBPFiles = '%s (%s files)';
6332   lisCBPReallyDeleteSourceFiles = 'Really delete %s source files%s%s';
6334   lisChangesWereNotSaved = 'Changes were not saved';
6335   lisDoYouStillWantToOpenAnotherProject = 'Do you still want to open another project?';
6336   lisDiscardChangesAndOpenProject = 'Discard changes and open project';
6337   lisDoYouStillWantToCreateTheNewProject = 'Do you still want to create the '
6338     +'new project?';
6339   lisDiscardChangesCreateNewProject = 'Discard changes, create new project';
6340   lisDoYouStillWantToQuit = 'Do you still want to quit?';
6341   lisDiscardChangesAndQuit = 'Discard changes and quit';
6342   dbgBreakPropertyGroupNotFound = 'Some groups in the Enable/Disable list do not exist.%0:s'
6343     +'Create them?%0:s%0:s%1:s';
6344   lisFileIsDirectory = 'File is directory';
6345   lisPathIsNoDirectory = 'is not a directory';
6346   lisUnableToCreateNewFileBecauseThereIsAlreadyADirecto = 'Unable to create '
6347     +'new file because there is already a directory with this name.';
6349   //Toolbar options
6350   lisToolbarOptions = 'Toolbar';
6351   lisToolbarOptionsHighLight = 'Highlight toolbars buttons';
6352   lisToolbarOptionsRaise = 'Raise toolbars';
6354   // File Filters - Environment options
6355   lisFileFiltersTitle ='These are file filters that will appear in all File Open dialogs';
6356   lisFileFilters = 'File Filters';
6357   lisConfirm = 'Confirm';
6358   lisResetAllFileFiltersToDefaults = 'Reset all file filters to defaults?';
6359   lisFileFiltersMask = 'File mask';
6360   lisFileFiltersAddRow = 'Add Row';
6361   lisFileFiltersDeleteRow = 'Delete Row';
6362   lisFileFiltersInsertRow = 'Insert Row';
6363   lisFileFiltersSetDefaults = 'Set defaults';
6364   lisMenuPkgNewPackageComponent = 'New package component';
6365   lisSaveChangedFiles = 'Save changed files?';
6367   lisUIClearIncludedByReference = 'Clear include cache';
6368   lisChangeParent = 'Change Parent';
6369   lisLazarusIDE = 'Lazarus IDE';
6370   lisProject = 'Project %s';
6371   lisWhatNeedsBuilding = 'What needs building';
6372   lisTarget = 'Target:';
6373   lisDirectives = 'Directives';
6374   lisRecordedMacros = 'Recorded';
6375   lisNewMacroName = 'Macro %d';
6376   lisEditorMacros = 'Editor Macros';
6377   lisMakeCurrent = 'Current';
6378   lisPlay = 'Play';
6379   lisRecord = 'Record';
6380   lisRepeat = 'Repeat';
6381   lisDeleteSelectedMacro = 'Delete selected macro?';
6382   lisReallyDelete = 'Really delete?';
6383   lisSaveMacroAs = 'Save macro as';
6384   lisLoadMacroFrom = 'Load macro from';
6385   lisProjectMacro = 'Project';
6386   lisNewRecordedMacrosNotToBeSaved = 'New recorded macros. Not to be saved';
6387   lisSavedWithProjectSession = 'Saved with project session';
6388   lisSavedWithIDESettings = 'Saved with IDE settings';
6389   lisMoveTo = 'Move to: ';
6390   lisFailedToSaveFile = 'Failed to save file.';
6391   lisEditKey = 'Edit Key';
6392   lisDuplicateName = 'Duplicate Name';
6393   lisAMacroWithThisNameAlreadyExists = 'A macro with this name already exists.';
6394   lisNewMacroname2 = 'New Macroname';
6395   lisEnterNewNameForMacroS = 'Enter new name for Macro "%s"';
6396   rsAttachTo = 'Attach to';
6397   rsEnterPID = 'Enter PID';
6398   lisFreePascalCompilerMessages = 'Free Pascal Compiler messages';
6399   lisRunAndDesignTimePackagesHaveNoLimitations = '"Run and Design time" '
6400     +'packages have no limitations.';
6401   lisDesignTimePackagesAddComponentsAndMenuItemsToTheID = '"Design time" '
6402     +'packages add components and menu items to the IDE. They can be used by '
6403     +'projects but are not compiled into the project. The compiler will not '
6404     +'find units of this package when compiling the project.';
6405   lisRunTimePackagesCanBeUsedByProjectsTheyCanNotBeInst = '"Run time" packages '
6406     +'can be used by projects. They cannot be installed in the IDE unless '
6407     +'some design time package requires them.';
6408   lisRunTimeOnlyPackagesAreOnlyForProjectsTheyCanNotBeI = '"Run time only" '
6409     +'packages are only for projects. They cannot be installed in the IDE, '
6410     +'not even indirectly.';
6411   lisPckEditCleanUpDependencies = 'Clean up dependencies ...';
6412   lisPkgCleanUpPackageDependencies = 'Clean up package dependencies';
6413   lisPkgTransitivity = 'Transitivity';
6414   lisPkgTheFollowingDependenciesAreNotNeededBecauseOfTheAu = 'The following '
6415     +'dependencies are not needed because of the automatic transitivity '
6416     +'between package dependencies.';
6417   lisPkgDeleteDependencies = 'Delete dependencies';
6418   lisPkgClearSelection = 'Clear Selection';
6419   lisAlpha = 'Alpha';
6420   lisMMAppendArbitraryFpcOptionsEGO1GhtlDFlag = 'Append arbitrary fpc options,'
6421     +' e.g. -O1 -ghtl -dFlag';
6422   lisMMOverrideOutputDirectoryFUOfTarget = 'Override output directory -FU of target';
6423   lisMMSetAnIDEMacroEGLCLWidgetTypeWin32 = 'Set an IDE macro, e.g.: LCLWidgetType:=win32';
6424   lisMMMissingMacroName = 'missing macro name';
6425   lisMMExpectedMacroNameButFound = 'expected macro name but found "%s"';
6426   lisMMInvalidCharacterInMacroValue = 'invalid character in macro value "%s"';
6427   lisMMExpectedAfterMacroNameButFound = 'expected ":=" after macro name but found "%s"';
6428   lisMMApplyToAllPackages = 'Apply to all packages.';
6429   lisMMTargets = 'Targets: ';
6430   lisMMApplyToAllPackagesAndProjects = 'Apply to all packages and projects.';
6431   lisMMApplyToProject = 'Apply to project.';
6432   lisMMApplyToAllPackagesMatching = 'Apply to all packages matching name "%s"';
6433   lisMMExcludeAllPackagesMatching = 'Exclude all packages matching name "%s"';
6434   lisMMStoredInIDEEnvironmentoptionsXml = 'Stored in IDE (environmentoptions.xml)';
6435   lisMMStoredInProjectLpi = 'Stored in project (.lpi)';
6436   lisMMStoredInSessionOfProjectLps = 'Stored in session of project (.lps)';
6437   lisMMMoveSelectedItemUp = 'Move selected item up';
6438   lisMMMoveSelectedItemDown = 'Move selected item down';
6439   lisMMNewTarget = 'New Target';
6440   lisMMUndoLastChangeToThisGrid = 'Undo last change to this grid';
6441   lisMMRedoLastUndoToThisGrid = 'Redo last undo to this grid';
6442   lisMMCreateANewGroupOfOptions = 'Create a new group of options';
6443   lisMMDeleteTheSelectedTargetOrOption = 'Delete the selected target or option';
6444   lisMMSetS = 'Set "%s"';
6445   lisMMValueS = 'Value "%s"';
6446   lisMMAdditionsAndOverrides = 'Additions and Overrides';
6447   lisMMInvalidCharacterAt = 'invalid character "%s" at %s';
6448   lisMMCustomOption = 'Custom Option';
6449   lisMMIDEMacro = 'IDE Macro';
6450   lisMMOverrideOutputDirectory = 'Override output directory (-FU)';
6451   lisMMUseSystemEncoding = 'Use system encoding';
6452   lisMMUseSystemEncodingHint = 'Disable support for UTF-8 default string encoding.';
6453   lisMMWidgetSetAvailableForLCLProject = 'WidgetSet change is available only for LCL projects';
6454   lisPriority = 'Priority';
6455   lisUDScanningUnits = 'Scanning: %s units ...';
6456   lisUDFile = 'File: %s';
6457   lisUDInterfaceUses = 'Interface Uses: %s';
6458   lisUDInterfaceUses2 = 'interface uses: %s';
6459   lisUDImplementationUses = 'Implementation Uses: %s';
6460   lisUDUsedByInterfaces = 'Used by Interfaces: %s';
6461   lisUDUsedByImplementations = 'Used by Implementations: %s';
6462   lisUDScanning = 'Scanning ...';
6463   lisUDImplementationUses2 = 'implementation uses: %s';
6464   lisUDUsedByInterfaces2 = 'used by interfaces: %s';
6465   lisUDUsedByImplementations2 = 'used by implementations: %s';
6466   lisUDProjectsAndPackages = 'Projects and packages';
6467   lisUDUnits = 'Units';
6468   lisUDAdditionalDirectories = 'Additional directories:';
6469   lisUDByDefaultOnlyTheProjectUnitsAndTheSourceEditorUnit = 'By default only '
6470     +'the project units and the source editor units are searched. Add here a '
6471     +'list of directories separated by semicolon to search as well.';
6472   lisUDAllPackageUnits = 'All package units';
6473   lisUDAllSourceEditorUnits = 'All source editor units';
6474   lisUDAllUnits = 'All units';
6475   lisUDShowNodesForDirectories = 'Show nodes for directories';
6476   lisUDShowNodesForProjectAndPackages = 'Show nodes for project and packages';
6477   lisUDSearchNextOccurrenceOfThisPhrase = 'Find next occurrence of this phrase';
6478   lisUDSearchPreviousOccurrenceOfThisPhrase = 'Find previous occurrence of this phrase';
6479   lisUDSelectedUnits = 'Selected units';
6480   lisUDSearchNextUnitOfThisPhrase = 'Find next unit with this phrase';
6481   lisUDSearchPreviousUnitOfThisPhrase = 'Find previous unit with this phrase';
6482   lisUDExpandAllNodes = 'Expand all nodes';
6483   lisShowUnusedUnits = 'Show unused units ...';
6484   lisUDCollapseAllNodes = 'Collapse all nodes';
6485   lisUDFilter = '(Filter)';
6486   lisUDSearch = '(Search)';
6487   lisUDUnits2 = 'Units: %s';
6488   lisCTOUpdateAllMethodSignatures = 'Update all method signatures';
6489   lisCTOUpdateMultipleProcedureSignatures = 'Update multiple procedure signatures';
6490   lisGroupLocalVariables = 'Group automatically defined local variables';
6491   lisOverrideStringTypesWithFirstParamType = 'Override function result string types with the first parameter expression type';
6492   lisUpdateOtherProcedureSignaturesWhenOnlyLetterCaseHa = 'Update other '
6493     +'procedure signatures when only letter case has changed';
6494   lisTemplateFile = 'Template file';
6495   lisIncorrectConfigurationDirectoryFound = 'Incorrect configuration directory found';
6496   lisIDEConficurationFoundMayBelongToOtherLazarus = 'Welcome to Lazarus.%0:s'
6497     + 'The IDE configuration found was previously used by another '
6498     + 'installation of Lazarus.%0:s'
6499     + 'If you have two or more separate installations of Lazarus, they should not '
6500     + 'share the same configuration. This may lead to conflicts and your '
6501     + 'Lazarus installations may become unusable.%0:s%0:s'
6502     + 'If you have only one installation and copied or moved the Lazarus '
6503     + 'executable, then you may upgrade this configuration.%0:s'
6504     + '%1:s%0:s%0:s'       // %1:s = ConfDirWarning
6505     + 'Choose:%0:s%0:s'
6506     + '* Update info: Use this configuration and update it for being used with this '
6507     + 'Lazarus in future. The old installation will no longer use this.%0:s'
6508     + '* Ignore: Use this configuration but keep the warning. This may lead to '
6509     + 'conflicts with the other installation.%0:s'
6510     + '* Abort: Exit now. You can then fix the problem by starting this Lazarus '
6511     + 'with the correct configuration.%0:s%0:s'
6512     + 'Additional information:%0:s'
6513     + 'This configuration is at: %2:s%0:s'                     // %2:s = PrimaryConfPath
6514     + 'It belongs to the Lazarus installation at: %3:s%0:s'     // %3:s = old install path
6515     + 'The current IDE was started from: %4:s%0:s'             // %4:s = current
6516     ;
6517   lisUpdateInfo = 'Update info';
6519   //Debugger Attaching dialog
6520   lisDADRunningProcesses = 'Running Processes';
6521   lisDADImageName = 'Image Name';
6522   lisDADPID = 'PID';
6523   lisDADAttach = 'Attach';
6524   lisExitCode = 'Exit code %s';
6525   lisCanTFindAValidPpu = 'Can''t find a valid %s.ppu';
6526   lisCannotFind = 'Cannot find %s';
6527   lisUsedBy = ' used by %s';
6528   lisCleanUpPackage = 'Clean up package "%s".';
6529   lisPpuInWrongDirectory = 'ppu in wrong directory=%s.';
6530   lisPackageNeedsAnOutputDirectory = 'Package needs an output directory.';
6531   lisMakeSureAllPpuFilesOfAPackageAreInItsOutputDirecto = 'Make sure all ppu '
6532     +'files of a package are in its output directory.';
6533   lisCheckSearchPathPackageTryACleanRebuildCheckImpleme = '. Check search path of'
6534     +' package %s, try a clean rebuild, check implementation uses sections.';
6535   lisCheckIfPackageIsInTheDependencies = '. Check if package %s is in the '
6536     +'dependencies';
6537   lisCheckIfPackageCreatesPpuCheckNothingDeletesThisFil = '. Check if package '
6538     +'%s creates %s.ppu, check nothing deletes this file and check that no two'
6539     +' packages have access to the unit source.';
6540   lisEnableFlagUseUnitOfUnitInPackage = '. Enable flag "Use Unit" of unit %s in package %s';
6541   lisOfTheProjectInspector = ' of the Project Inspector';
6542   lisOfPackage = ' of package %s';
6543   lisCompileWithVdForMoreDetailsCheckForDuplicates = 'Compile with -vd '
6544     +'for more details. Check for duplicates.';
6545   lisCannotFindUnit = 'Cannot find unit %s';
6546   lisIncompatiblePpu = ', incompatible ppu=%s';
6547   lisPackage3 = ', package %s';
6548   lisMultiplePack = ', multiple packages: ';
6549   lisQuickFixError = 'QuickFix error';
6550   lisPositionOutsideOfSource = '%s (position outside of source)';
6551   lisHideMessageByInsertingWarnOffToUnit = 'Hide message by inserting {$warn %'
6552     +'s off} to unit "%s"';
6553   lisAddModifierOverload = 'Add modifier "overload"';
6554   lisAddModifierReintroduce = 'Add modifier "reintroduce"';
6555   lisAddModifierOverride = 'Add modifier "override"';
6556   lisHideWithProjectOptionVm = 'Hide with project option (-vm%s)';
6557   lisHideWithPackageOptionVm = 'Hide with package option (-vm%s)';
6558   lisRemoveLocalVariable3 = 'Remove local variable "%s"';
6559   lisNotFoundInAtLineColumnMaybeTheMessageIsOutdated = '%s not found in %s at '
6560     +'line %s, column %s.%sMaybe the message is outdated.';
6561   lisShowAbstractMethodsOf = 'Show abstract methods of "%s"';
6562   lisCopyMoveFileToDirectory = 'Copy/Move File to Directory';
6563   lisSelectTargetDirectory = 'Select target directory';
6564   lisNewPage = 'New page';
6565   lisPageName = 'Page name';
6566   lis_All_ = '<All>';
6567   lisPageNameAlreadyExists = 'Page name "%s" already exists. Not added.';
6568   lisJumpToProcedure = 'Jump to procedure %s';
6569   lisFindDeclarationOf = 'Find Declaration of %s';
6570   lisInitializeLocalVariable = 'Initialize Local Variable';
6571   synfMatchActionPosOfMouseDown = 'Match action pos of mouse down';
6572   synfMatchActionLineOfMouseDown = 'Match action line of mouse down';
6573   synfSearchAllActionOfMouseDown = 'Search all action of mouse down';
6574   synfMatchActionButtonOfMouseDown = 'Match action button of mouse down';
6575   synfMatchActionModifiersOfMouseDown = 'Match action modifiers of mouse down';
6576   synfContinueWithNextMouseUpAction = 'Continue with next mouse up action';
6577   lisDuplicateUnitIn = 'Duplicate unit "%s" in "%s"';
6579   lismpMultiPaste = 'MultiPaste';
6580   lismpPasteOptions = 'Paste &options';
6581   lismpTextBeforeEachLine = 'Text &before each line';
6582   lismpTextAfterEachLine = 'Text &after each line';
6583   lismpEscapeQuotes = 'Escape &quotes';
6584   lismpPascalStyle = 'Pascal style: '' => ''''';
6585   lismpCStyle = 'C style: " => \"';
6586   lismpTrimClipboardContents = '&Trim clipboard contents';
6587   lismpPreview = '&Preview';
6588   lisUnableToRun2 = 'Unable to run "%s"';
6590   lisSelectFrame = 'Select Frame';
6591   lisDsgToggleShowingNonVisualComponents = 'Toggle showing nonvisual components';
6592   lisDsgShowNonVisualComponents = 'Show nonvisual components';
6594   // * Debug Event Log *
6595   // Snippet for break location: .... at $04123456: unit1.pas line 15 ...
6596   dbgEventBreakAtAddressSourceLine = 'at $%s: %s line %d';
6597   dbgEventBreakAtAddressOriginSourceOriginLine = 'at $%s: from origin %s line %d'; // Source/Line from Breakpoint (origin)
6598   dbgEventBreakAtAddress = 'at $%s'; // unknows source/line
6599   // Breakpoint hit events (first param is location): "Source Breakpoint at $0x00000..."
6600   dbgEventBreakSourceBreakPoint = 'Source Breakpoint %s';
6601   dbgEventBreakAddressBreakPoint = 'Address Breakpoint %s';
6602   dbgEventBreakUnknownBreakPoint = 'Unknown Breakpoint %s';
6603   dbgEventBreakWatchPoint = 'Watchpoint %s';
6604   dbgEventWatchTriggered = 'Watchpoint for "%s" was triggered %s. Old value "%s", New Value "%s"';
6605   dbgEventUnknownWatchPointTriggered = 'Unknown Watchpoint triggered %s. Old value "%s", New Value "%s"';
6606   dbgEventWatchScopeEnded = 'Watchpoint for "%s" out of scope %s';
6607   dbgEventUnknownWatchPointScopeEnded = 'Unknown Watchpoint out of scope %s';
6608   rsAddNewTerm = 'Add new term';
6609   LvlGraphSplitNone = 'None';
6610   LvlGraphSplitSeparate = 'Separate';
6611   LvlGraphSplitMergeAtSourc = 'Merge at source';
6612   LvlGraphSplitMergeAtTarge = 'Merge at target';
6613   LvlGraphSplitMergeAtHighe = 'Merge at highest';
6614   LvlGraphShapeStraight = 'Straight';
6615   LvlGraphShapeCurved = 'Curved';
6616   LvlGraphShapeMinimizeEdge = 'Minimize edges len';
6617   LvlGraphShapeCalculateLay = 'Calculate layout from high-edge';
6618   LvlGraphStraightenGraph = 'Straighten graph';
6619   LvlGraphNamesAboveNode = 'Names above node';
6620   LvlGraphExtraSpacing = 'Extra spacing (x/y)';
6621   LvlGraphAddHorizontalSpacing = 'Add horizontal spacing between columns';
6622   LvlGraphAddVerticalSpacingAr = 'Add vertical spacing around nodes';
6623   LvlGraphShapeEdgesSplitMo = 'Edges split mode';
6624   LvlGraphShapeEdgesShape = 'Edges shape';
6625   LvlGraphShapeNodes = 'Nodes';
6626   LvlGraphOptEdges = 'Edges';
6627   LvlGraphOptEdgeLen = 'Edge len';
6628   LvlGraphOptLevels = 'Levels';
6629   LvlGraphOptCrossings = 'Crossings';
6630   LvlGraphOptSplitpoints = 'Splitpoints';
6631   LvlGraphOptInfo = 'Info';
6632   LvlGraphOptLimitHeightOfLvl = 'Limit height of Levels';
6633   LvlGraphOptAbsoluteLimi = 'Absolute limit for height of levels';
6634   LvlGraphOptLimitRelativ = 'Limit relative to node-count for height of levels.%0s'
6635     +'Limit = min(3, val*sqrt(NodeCount))';
6636   ShowOptions = 'Show options';
6637   UnitDepOptionsForPackage = 'Options for Package graph';
6638   UnitDepOptionsForUnit = 'Options for Unit graph';
6639   LvlGraphReduceBackedges = 'Reduce backedges';
6640   lisDebugOptionsFrmBackend = 'Debugger backend';
6641   dlgPODebugger = 'Debugger';
6642   lisDebugOptionsFrmDebuggerBackend = 'Debugger Backend:';
6643   lisDebugOptionsFrmUseIDEDebugger = '-- Use IDE default Debugger --';
6644   lisDebugOptionsFrmUnknownDebuggerBacke = 'Unknown Debugger backend "%s"';
6645   lisDynPkgAutoScrollOnDeletePa = 'Auto Scroll on delete past left border';
6646   lisDynPkgAutoScrollOnTypePast = 'Auto Scroll on type past right border';
6647   lisDynPkgTriggerOnMinCharsVis = 'Trigger on min chars visible';
6648   lisDynPkgTriggerOnMinCharsOfW = 'Trigger on min chars (% of width)';
6649   lisDynPkgAmountToScrollIn = 'Amount to scroll in';
6650   lisDynPkgAmountToScrollIn2 = 'Amount to scroll in (%)';
6651   lisDynPkgAmountToScrollInMax = 'Amount to scroll in (Max)';
6653 implementation
6655 end.