1 {
2  /***************************************************************************
3                               lazarusmanager.pas
4                              --------------------
5                Class to manage starting and restarting of lazarus
7  ***************************************************************************/
9  ***************************************************************************
10  *                                                                         *
11  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
12  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
13  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
14  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
15  *                                                                         *
16  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
17  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
19  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
20  *                                                                         *
21  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
22  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
23  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
24  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
25  *                                                                         *
26  ***************************************************************************
27 }
28 (*
29  Abstract:
30    This is the worker unit of the 'startlazarus' application.
32    It waits for running lazarus, if its pid was passed as command line
33    parameter.
34    It searches the new lazarus executable.
35      1. open the build lazarus options and look for a custom target directory
36      2. look in the directory of startlazarus (the lazarus main directory)
37         and in $(ConfigDir)/bin/ and use the newest lazarus executable.
38    On systems which lock executables on run it renames the
39      lazarus to lazarus.old and lazarus.new to lazarus.
40    Then it starts lazarus and waits until it is finished. If lazarus gives a
41    special exit code (ExitCodeRestartLazarus), it goes to step 1.
42    Any other exit code, also stops startlazarus.
44   Why that?
45    - To install a package into the IDE statically, it must be relinked.
46      This creates a new lazarus[.exe] executable. With the help of startlazarus
47      the IDE can then automatically restart itself.
48    - What happens when a new executable is created:
49      - If the installation directory is writeable to the user, the current
50        "lazarus.exe" (which is or should be the file from wich the running IDE
51        was started) can not be deleted while the IDE is running (Windows locks
52        the file).
53        It is renamed to lazarus.old instead, which if exists is overwritten.
54        If lazarus.old is locked (due to a previous rebuild/rename without
55        restarting the IDE), then it is renamed to lazarus.old2.
56        In this case a restart could be done without the use of startlazarus.
57        Note that before 1.0 the IDE was compiled into lazarus.exe.new, and
58        startlazarus did the rename.
59      - If the installation directory is not writeable by the user, then the new
60        lazarus.exe is created in the primary config path, which is usually in
61        the users home directory.
62        The IDE will not update any shortcuts/links, such as startmenu entries or
63        desktop icons. The IDE may not even have a complete list of those. They
64        should instead point to startlazarus, which is kept in a fixed location.
65        startlazarus then locates the correct lazarus.exe
66    - Building can result in a broken IDE. Therefore backups are created.
67    - Copying is slow (especially the huge IDE). So only 'rename' is used for
68      backup.
69    - The IDE calls 'make' to rebuild itself. This deletes the old lazarus
70      executable on some systems. So, the backup must be made before building
71      for these systems.
72    - When the original directory can't be used (readonly), the build directory
73      is <primary config path>/bin/, which results in ~/.lazarus/bin/ on unix
74      style systems like linux, bsd, macosx and {AppData}\Lazarus\bin on windows
75      (this is still a todo on windows).
76    - For debugging purposes you can work without startlazarus.
77    - The user can define the Target Directory.
78    - The IDE can be cross compiled. The resulting executable will be created
79      in <primary config path>/bin/<TargetOS>
80 *)
81 unit LazarusManager;
83 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
85 interface
87 uses
88 {$IFdef MSWindows}
89   Windows,
90 {$ENDIF}
91 {$IFDEF unix}
92   BaseUnix,
93 {$ENDIF}
94   Classes, SysUtils, Process,
95   // LCL
96   Forms, Controls, Dialogs,
97   // LazUtils
98   UTF8Process, FileUtil, LazFileUtils, LazUtilities, LazUTF8,
99   // CodeTools
100   FileProcs,
101   // IdeIntf
102   BaseIDEIntf,
103   // IDE
104   IDECmdLine, LazConf, Splash, IDEInstances;
106 type
108   { TLazarusProcess }
110   TLazarusProcess = class
111   private
112     FOnStart: TNotifyEvent;
113     FProcess: TProcessUTF8;
114     FWantsRestart: boolean;
115   public
116     constructor Create;
117     destructor Destroy; override;
118     procedure Execute;
119     procedure WaitOnExit;
120     property WantsRestart: boolean read FWantsRestart;
121     property OnStart: TNotifyEvent read FOnStart write FOnStart;
122     property Process: TProcessUTF8 read FProcess;
123   end;
125 type
127   { TLazarusManager }
129   TLazarusManager = class(TComponent)
130   private
131     FLazarusProcess: TLazarusProcess;
132     FLazarusPath: string;
133     FLazarusPID: Integer;
134     FCmdLineParams: TStrings;
135     FCmdLineFiles: string;
136     FShowSplashOption: boolean;
RenameLazarusExecutablenull137     function RenameLazarusExecutable(const Directory: string): TModalResult;
138     procedure LazarusProcessStart(Sender: TObject);
139   public
140     destructor Destroy; override;
141     procedure Initialize;
142     procedure WaitForLazarus;
143     procedure Run;
144     procedure ShowSplash;
145     property ShowSplashOption: boolean read FShowSplashOption write FShowSplashOption;
146   end;
148 implementation
150 destructor TLazarusManager.Destroy;
151 begin
152   FreeAndNil(FCmdLineParams);
153   inherited Destroy;
154 end;
TLazarusManager.RenameLazarusExecutablenull156 function TLazarusManager.RenameLazarusExecutable(const Directory: string
157   ): TModalResult;
158 var
159   NewFilename: String;
160   BackupFilename: String;
161   CurFilename: String;
162 begin
163   NewFilename:=AppendPathDelim(Directory)+'lazarus.new'+GetExeExt;
164   BackupFilename:=AppendPathDelim(Directory)+'lazarus.old'+GetExeExt;
165   CurFilename:=AppendPathDelim(Directory)+'lazarus'+GetExeExt;
166   if FileExistsUTF8(NewFileName) then
167   begin
168     if FileExistsUTF8(CurFilename) then
169     begin
170       if FileExistsUTF8(BackupFileName) then
171         if not DeleteFileUTF8(BackupFileName) then begin
172           MessageDlg (format('Can''t delete "%s"'+LineEnding+'%s',
173             [BackupFileName, SysErrorMessageUTF8(GetLastOSError)]),
174             mtError, [mbOK], 0);
175           Result := mrAbort;
176           exit;
177         end;
178       if not RenameFileUTF8(CurFilename, BackupFileName) then begin
179         MessageDlg (format('Can''t rename "%s" to "%s"'+LineEnding+'%s',
180           [CurFilename, BackupFileName, SysErrorMessageUTF8(GetLastOSError)]),
181           mtError, [mbOK], 0);
182         Result := mrAbort;
183         exit;
184       end;
185       InvalidateFileStateCache;
186     end;
187     if not RenameFileUTF8(NewFileName, CurFilename) then begin
188       MessageDlg (format('Can''t rename "%s" to "%s"'+LineEnding+'%s',
189         [NewFileName, CurFilename, SysErrorMessageUTF8(GetLastOSError)]),
190         mtError, [mbOK], 0);
191       Result := mrAbort;
192       exit;
193     end;
194     InvalidateFileStateCache;
195   end;
196   Result:=mrOk;
197 end;
199 procedure TLazarusManager.LazarusProcessStart(Sender: TObject);
200 begin
201   if SplashForm<>nil then SplashForm.Hide;
202   FreeThenNil(SplashForm);
203   Application.ProcessMessages;
204 end;
206 procedure TLazarusManager.WaitForLazarus;
207   procedure WaitForPid(PID: integer);
209   var
210     ProcessHandle: THandle;
211   begin
212     ProcessHandle := OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, false, PID);
213     if ProcessHandle<>0 then begin
214       WaitForSingleObject(ProcessHandle, INFINITE);
215       CloseHandle(ProcessHandle);
216     end;
217   end;
218   {$ELSE}
219   {$IFDEF UNIX}
220   var
221     Result: integer;
222   begin
223     repeat
224       Sleep(100);
225       Result := fpKill(PID, 0);
226     until Result<>0;
227   end;
228   {$ELSE}
229   begin
230     DebugLn('WaitForPid not implemented for this OS. We just wait 5 seconds');
231     Sleep(5000);
232   end;
233   {$ENDIF}
234   {$ENDIF}
235 begin
236   if FLazarusPID<>0 then
237     WaitForPID(FLazarusPID);
238 end;
240 procedure TLazarusManager.Initialize;
241 var
242   CmdLineFiles: TStrings;
243   i: integer;
244   PCP: String;
245 begin
246   FShowSplashOption:=true;
247   SplashForm := nil;
249   // get command line parameters
250   FCmdLineParams := TStringListUTF8Fast.Create;
251   ParseCommandLine(FCmdLineParams, FLazarusPID, FShowSplashOption);
252   if FShowSplashOption then
253     ShowSplash;
255   // we already handled IDEInstances, ignore it in lazarus EXE
256   if (FCmdLineParams.IndexOf(ForceNewInstanceOpt) = -1) then
257     FCmdLineParams.Add(ForceNewInstanceOpt);
259   // set primary config path
260   PCP:=ExtractPrimaryConfigPath(FCmdLineParams);
261   if PCP<>'' then
262     SetPrimaryConfigPath(PCP);
264   // get command line files
265   CmdLineFiles := LazIDEInstances.FilesToOpen;
266   if CmdLineFiles<>nil then
267   begin
268     for i := 0 to CmdLineFiles.Count-1 do
269       if pos(' ',CmdLineFiles[i])>0 then
270         CmdLineFiles[i] := '"' + CmdLineFiles[i] + '"';
271     CmdLineFiles.Delimiter:=' ';
272     FCmdLineFiles:=CmdLineFiles.DelimitedText;
273   end;
274 end;
276 procedure TLazarusManager.Run;
278   procedure AddExpandedParam(Params: TStringList; Param: string);
279   begin
280     // skip startlazarus params
281     if LeftStr(Param,length(StartLazarusPidOpt))=StartLazarusPidOpt then
282       exit;
283     // expand filenames and append
284     Params.Add(ExpandParamFile(Param));
285   end;
287 var
288   Restart: boolean;
289   DefaultDir: String;
290   CustomDir: String;
291   DefaultExe: String;
292   CustomExe: String;
293   MsgResult: TModalResult;
294   StartPath: String;
295   EnvOverrides: TStringList;
296   Params: TStringList;
297   i: Integer;
298 begin
299   try
300     StartPath:=ExpandFileNameUTF8(ParamStrUTF8(0));
301     if FileIsSymlink(StartPath) then
302       StartPath:=GetPhysicalFilename(StartPath,pfeException);
303     DefaultDir:=ExtractFilePath(StartPath);
304     if DirectoryExistsUTF8(DefaultDir) then
305       DefaultDir:=GetPhysicalFilename(DefaultDir,pfeException);
306   except
307     on E: Exception do begin
308       MessageDlg ('Error',E.Message,mtError,[mbCancel],0);
309       exit;
310     end;
311   end;
312   DefaultDir:=AppendPathDelim(DefaultDir);
313   CustomDir:=AppendPathDelim(GetPrimaryConfigPath) + 'bin' + PathDelim;
315   repeat
316     Restart := false;
317     if FShowSplashOption then
318       ShowSplash;
319     { There are four places where the newest lazarus exe can be:
320       1. in the same directory as the startlazarus exe
321       1.1 as lazarus.new(.exe) (if the executable was write locked (windows))
322       1.2 as lazarus(.exe) (if the executable was writable (non windows))
323       2. in the config directory (e.g. ~/.lazarus/bin/)
324       2.1 as lazarus.new(.exe) (if the executable was write locked (windows))
325       2.2 as lazarus(.exe) (if the executable was writable (non windows))
326     }
327     if (RenameLazarusExecutable(DefaultDir)=mrOK)
328       and (RenameLazarusExecutable(CustomDir)=mrOK) then
329     begin
330       DefaultExe:=DefaultDir+'lazarus'+GetExeExt;
331       CustomExe:=CustomDir+'lazarus'+GetExeExt;
332       if FileExistsUTF8(DefaultExe) then begin
333         if FileExistsUTF8(CustomExe) then begin
334           // both exist
335           if (FileAgeUTF8(CustomExe)>=FileAgeUTF8(DefaultExe)) then begin
336             // the custom exe is newer or equal => use custom
337             // Equal files ages catches the case where the two names refer to the same file on disk
338             FLazarusPath:=CustomExe;
339           end else begin
340             // the custom exe is older => let user choose
341             MsgResult:=QuestionDlg{NOTE: Do not use IDEQuestionDialog!!!}(
342               'Multiple lazarus found',
343               'Which Lazarus should be started?'+LineEnding
344               +LineEnding
345               +'The system default executable'+LineEnding
346               +DefaultExe+LineEnding
347               +'(date: '+DateTimeToStr(FileDateToDateTimeDef(FileAgeUTF8(DefaultExe)))+')'+LineEnding
348               +LineEnding
349               +'Or your custom executable'+LineEnding
350               +CustomExe+LineEnding
351               +'(date: '+DateTimeToStr(FileDateToDateTimeDef(FileAgeUTF8(CustomExe)))+')'+LineEnding
352               ,mtConfirmation,
353               [mrYes,'Start system default',mrNo,'Start my custom',mrAbort],'');
354             case MsgResult of
355             mrYes: FLazarusPath:=DefaultExe;
356             mrNo: FLazarusPath:=CustomExe;
357             else break;
358             end;
359           end;
360         end else begin
361           // only the default exists => use default
362           FLazarusPath:=DefaultExe;
363         end;
364       end else begin
365         if FileExistsUTF8(CustomExe) then begin
366           // only the custom exists => warn user
367           MessageDlg ('System default is missing',
368             'The system default lazarus executable "'+DefaultExe+'" is missing, but your custom'
369             +'executable is still there:'+LineEnding
370             +CustomExe+LineEnding
371             +'This will be started ...'
372             ,mtInformation,[mbOk],0);
373           FLazarusPath:=CustomExe;
374         end else begin
375           // no exe exists
376           MessageDlg ('File not found','Can''t find the lazarus executable '+DefaultExe,
377             mtError,[mbAbort],0);
378           break;
379         end;
380       end;
381       {$IFDEF darwin}
382       if DirectoryExistsUTF8(FLazarusPath+'.app') then begin
383         // start the bundle instead
384         FLazarusPath:= FLazarusPath+'.app';// /Contents/MacOS/'+ExtractFileName(FLazarusPath);
385       end;
386       {$ENDIF}
388       DebugLn(['Info: (startlazarus) [TLazarusManager.Run] starting ',FLazarusPath,' ...']);
389       EnvOverrides:=TStringList.Create;
390       Params:=TStringList.Create;
391       FLazarusProcess := TLazarusProcess.Create;
392       try
393         {$IFDEF Linux}
394         EnvOverrides.Values['LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR']:='0';
395         {$ENDIF}
396         FLazarusProcess.Process.Executable:=fLazarusPath;
397         if (EnvOverrides<>nil) and (EnvOverrides.Count>0) then
398           AssignEnvironmentTo(FLazarusProcess.Process.Environment,EnvOverrides);
399         {$IFDEF darwin}
400         // GUI bundles must be opened by "open".
401         // "open" runs a bundle, but doesn't wait for it to finish execution.
402         // startlazarus will exit and lazarus has to start a new startlazarus
403         // when it needs a restart
404         FLazarusProcess.Process.Executable:='/usr/bin/open';
405         Params.Add('-a');
406         Params.Add(FLazarusPath);
407         Params.Add('--args');
408         {$ELSE}
409         // tell lazarus, startlazarus is waiting for its exitcode
410         // When the special 99 (ExitCodeRestartLazarus) code is received,
411         // start a new lazars
412         Params.Add(StartedByStartLazarusOpt);
413         {$ENDIF}
414         Params.Add(NoSplashScreenOptLong);
415         for i:=0 to FCmdLineParams.Count-1 do
416           AddExpandedParam(Params,FCmdLineParams[i]);
417         FLazarusProcess.Process.Parameters.AddStrings(Params);
418       finally
419         Params.Free;
420         EnvOverrides.Free;
421       end;
422       // clear the command line files, so that they are passed only once.
423       FCmdLineFiles:='';
424       FLazarusProcess.OnStart := @LazarusProcessStart;
425       DebugLn(['Info: (startlazarus) [TLazarusManager.Run] exe',FLazarusProcess.Process.Executable,' Params=[',FLazarusProcess.Process.Parameters.Text,']']);
426       FLazarusProcess.Execute;
427       {$IFDEF darwin}
428       Restart:=false;
429       {$ELSE}
430       FLazarusProcess.WaitOnExit;
431       Restart := FLazarusProcess.WantsRestart;
432       {$ENDIF}
433       FreeAndNil(FLazarusProcess);
434     end;
435   until not Restart;
436   Application.Terminate;
437 end;
439 procedure TLazarusManager.ShowSplash;
440 begin
441   if SplashForm=nil then SplashForm := TSplashForm.Create(Self);
442   with SplashForm do
443   begin
444     Show;
445     Update;
446   end;
447   Application.ProcessMessages; // process splash paint message
448 end;
450 { TLazarusProcess }
452 constructor TLazarusProcess.Create;
453 begin
454   FProcess := TProcessUTF8.Create(nil);
455   FProcess.InheritHandles := false;
456   FProcess.Options := [];
457   FProcess.ShowWindow := swoShow;
458 end;
460 destructor TLazarusProcess.Destroy;
461 begin
462   FreeAndNil(FProcess);
463   inherited Destroy;
464 end;
466 procedure TLazarusProcess.Execute;
467 begin
468   FProcess.Execute;
469   Sleep(2000);
470   if Assigned(FOnStart) then
471     FOnStart(Self);
472 end;
474 procedure TLazarusProcess.WaitOnExit;
475 begin
476   FProcess.WaitOnExit;
477   FWantsRestart := FProcess.ExitStatus=ExitCodeRestartLazarus;
478 end;
480 end.