1object ProcedureListForm: TProcedureListForm
2  Left = 289
3  Height = 688
4  Top = 140
5  Width = 952
6  ActiveControl = cbObjects
7  Caption = 'Procedure List - '
8  ClientHeight = 688
9  ClientWidth = 952
10  OnCreate = FormCreate
11  OnDestroy = FormDestroy
12  OnKeyPress = FormKeyPress
13  OnResize = FormResize
14  OnShow = FormShow
15  Position = poScreenCenter
16  LCLVersion = ''
17  object StatusBar: TStatusBar
18    Left = 0
19    Height = 21
20    Top = 667
21    Width = 952
22    Panels = <
23      item
24        Width = 400
25      end
26      item
27        Width = 50
28      end>
29    SimplePanel = False
30  end
31  object TB: TToolBar
32    Left = 0
33    Height = 26
34    Top = 0
35    Width = 952
36    Caption = 'TB'
37    EdgeBorders = []
38    TabOrder = 0
39    object tbAbout: TToolButton
40      Left = 136
41      Hint = 'About'
42      Top = 0
43      Caption = 'tbAbout'
44      ImageIndex = 9
45      OnClick = tbAboutClick
46      ParentShowHint = False
47      ShowHint = True
48    end
49    object ToolButton2: TToolButton
50      Left = 131
51      Height = 22
52      Top = 0
53      Caption = 'ToolButton2'
54      Style = tbsDivider
55    end
56    object tbJumpTo: TToolButton
57      Left = 108
58      Hint = 'Jump To Selection'
59      Top = 0
60      Caption = 'Goto'
61      ImageIndex = 5
62      OnClick = SGDblClick
63      ParentShowHint = False
64      ShowHint = True
65    end
66    object ToolButton4: TToolButton
67      Left = 103
68      Height = 22
69      Top = 0
70      Caption = 'ToolButton4'
71      Style = tbsDivider
72    end
73    object tbFilterAny: TToolButton
74      Left = 80
75      Hint = 'Filter by matching any part of method'
76      Top = 0
77      Caption = 'tbFilterAny'
78      Down = True
79      Grouped = True
80      ImageIndex = 8
81      OnClick = SomethingChange
82      ParentShowHint = False
83      ShowHint = True
84      Style = tbsCheck
85    end
86    object tbFilterStart: TToolButton
87      Left = 57
88      Hint = 'Filter by matching with start of method'
89      Top = 0
90      Caption = 'tbFilterStart'
91      Grouped = True
92      ImageIndex = 7
93      OnClick = SomethingChange
94      ParentShowHint = False
95      ShowHint = True
96      Style = tbsCheck
97    end
98    object ToolButton7: TToolButton
99      Left = 52
100      Height = 22
101      Top = 0
102      Caption = 'ToolButton7'
103      Style = tbsDivider
104      Visible = False
105    end
106    object tbChangeFont: TToolButton
107      Left = 29
108      Hint = 'Change Font'
109      Top = 0
110      Caption = 'tbChangeFont'
111      ImageIndex = 4
112      ParentShowHint = False
113      ShowHint = True
114      Visible = False
115    end
116    object ToolButton9: TToolButton
117      Left = 24
118      Height = 22
119      Top = 0
120      Caption = 'ToolButton9'
121      Style = tbsDivider
122    end
123    object tbCopy: TToolButton
124      Left = 1
125      Hint = 'Copy method name to the clipboard'
126      Top = 0
127      Caption = 'tbCopy'
128      ImageIndex = 6
129      OnClick = tbCopyClick
130      ParentShowHint = False
131      ShowHint = True
132    end
133  end
134  object pnlHeader: TPanel
135    Left = 0
136    Height = 47
137    Top = 26
138    Width = 952
139    Align = alTop
140    AutoSize = True
141    BevelOuter = bvNone
142    ClientHeight = 47
143    ClientWidth = 952
144    ParentColor = False
145    TabOrder = 1
146    object lblSearch: TLabel
147      AnchorSideTop.Control = pnlHeader
148      AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter
149      Left = 6
150      Height = 19
151      Top = 14
152      Width = 43
153      BorderSpacing.Around = 6
154      Caption = '&Search'
155      ParentColor = False
156    end
157    object lblObjects: TLabel
158      AnchorSideLeft.Control = edMethods
159      AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom
160      AnchorSideTop.Control = pnlHeader
161      AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter
162      Left = 610
163      Height = 19
164      Top = 14
165      Width = 46
166      BorderSpacing.Left = 12
167      BorderSpacing.Around = 6
168      Caption = '&Objects'
169      ParentColor = False
170    end
171    object edMethods: TEdit
172      AnchorSideLeft.Control = lblSearch
173      AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom
174      AnchorSideTop.Control = pnlHeader
175      AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom
176      AnchorSideBottom.Control = cbObjects
177      AnchorSideBottom.Side = asrBottom
178      Left = 55
179      Height = 35
180      Top = 6
181      Width = 537
182      Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
183      BorderSpacing.Left = 6
184      BorderSpacing.Top = 6
185      BorderSpacing.Right = 6
186      OnChange = SomethingChange
187      OnKeyDown = edMethodsKeyDown
188      OnKeyPress = edMethodsKeyPress
189      TabOrder = 0
190    end
191    object cbObjects: TComboBox
192      AnchorSideLeft.Control = lblObjects
193      AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom
194      AnchorSideTop.Control = pnlHeader
195      AnchorSideRight.Control = pnlHeader
196      AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom
197      Left = 662
198      Height = 35
199      Top = 6
200      Width = 284
201      Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
202      BorderSpacing.Around = 6
203      ItemHeight = 0
204      OnChange = SomethingChange
205      Sorted = True
206      Style = csDropDownList
207      TabOrder = 1
208    end
209  end
210  object SG: TStringGrid
211    Left = 0
212    Height = 594
213    Top = 73
214    Width = 952
215    Align = alClient
216    ColCount = 4
217    Columns = <
218      item
219        Title.Caption = ''
220        Width = 24
221      end
222      item
223        Title.Caption = 'Procedure'
224        Width = 200
225      end
226      item
227        Title.Caption = 'Type'
228      end
229      item
230        Title.Caption = 'Line'
231      end>
232    FixedCols = 0
233    Options = [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine, goHorzLine, goColSizing, goRowSelect, goThumbTracking, goSmoothScroll, goCellEllipsis]
234    TabOrder = 3
235    OnDblClick = SGDblClick
236    OnDrawCell = SGDrawCell
237    OnSelectCell = SGSelectCell
238  end