1 {
2  /***************************************************************************
3                     projectresources.pas  -  Lazarus IDE unit
4                     -----------------------------------------
6  ***************************************************************************/
8  ***************************************************************************
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
11  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
12  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
13  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
16  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
18  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
19  *                                                                         *
20  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
21  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
22  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
23  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
24  *                                                                         *
25  ***************************************************************************
27  Abstract: Project Resources - is a list of System and Lazarus resources.
28  Currently it contains:
29    - Version information
30    - XP manifest
31    - Project icon
32 }
33 unit ProjectResources;
35 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
37 interface
39 uses
40   // RTL + LCL
41   Classes, SysUtils, resource, reswriter, fgl, Laz_AVL_Tree,
42   // LCL
43   Controls, LCLProc, LResources,
44   // LazUtils
45   LazFileUtils, Laz2_XMLCfg,
46   // Codetools
47   KeywordFuncLists, BasicCodeTools, CodeToolManager, CodeCache,
48   // IdeIntf
49   ProjectIntf, ProjectResourcesIntf, CompOptsIntf,
50   // IDE
51   LazarusIDEStrConsts, DialogProcs,
52   W32Manifest, W32VersionInfo, ProjectIcon, ProjectUserResources;
54 type
55   TResourceList = specialize TFPGObjectList<TAbstractProjectResource>;
57   { TProjectResources }
59   TProjectResources = class(TAbstractProjectResources)
60   private
61     FModified: Boolean;
62     FOnModified: TNotifyEvent;
63     FInModified: Boolean;
64     FLrsIncludeAllowed: Boolean;
66     FResources: TResourceList;
67     FSystemResources: TResources;
68     FLazarusResources: TStringList;
70     resFileName: String;
71     lrsFileName: String;
72     LastResFileName: String;
73     LastLrsFileName: String;
GetProjectIconnull75     function GetProjectIcon: TProjectIcon;
GetProjectUserResourcesnull76     function GetProjectUserResources: TProjectUserResources;
GetVersionInfonull77     function GetVersionInfo: TProjectVersionInfo;
GetXPManifestnull78     function GetXPManifest: TProjectXPManifest;
79     procedure SetFileNames(const MainFileName, TestDir: String);
80     procedure SetModified(const AValue: Boolean);
Updatenull81     function Update: Boolean;
UpdateMainSourceFilenull82     function UpdateMainSourceFile(const AFileName: string): Boolean;
83     procedure UpdateFlagLrsIncludeAllowed(const AFileName: string);
Savenull84     function Save(SaveToTestDir: string): Boolean;
85     procedure UpdateCodeBuffers;
86     procedure DeleteLastCodeBuffers;
88     procedure OnResourceModified(Sender: TObject);
89   protected
90     procedure SetResourceType(const AValue: TResourceType); override;
GetProjectResourcenull91     function GetProjectResource(AIndex: TAbstractProjectResourceClass): TAbstractProjectResource; override;
92   public
93     constructor Create(AProject: TLazProject); override;
94     destructor Destroy; override;
96     procedure AddSystemResource(AResource: TAbstractResource); override;
97     procedure AddLazarusResource(AResource: TStream; const AResourceName, AResourceType: String); override;
99     procedure DoAfterBuild(AReason: TCompileReason; SaveToTestDir: boolean);
100     procedure DoBeforeBuild(AReason: TCompileReason; SaveToTestDir: boolean);
101     procedure Clear;
Regeneratenull102     function Regenerate(const MainFileName: String;
103                         UpdateSource, PerformSave: boolean;
104                         const SaveToTestDir: string): Boolean;
RenameDirectivesnull105     function RenameDirectives(const CurFileName, NewFileName: String): Boolean;
106     procedure DeleteResourceBuffers;
HasSystemResourcesnull108     function HasSystemResources: Boolean;
HasLazarusResourcesnull109     function HasLazarusResources: Boolean;
111     procedure WriteToProjectFile(AConfig: TXMLConfig; const Path: String);
112     procedure ReadFromProjectFile(AConfig: TXMLConfig; const Path: String; ReadAll: Boolean);
114     property Modified: Boolean read FModified write SetModified;
115     property OnModified: TNotifyEvent read FOnModified write FOnModified;
117     property XPManifest: TProjectXPManifest read GetXPManifest;
118     property VersionInfo: TProjectVersionInfo read GetVersionInfo;
119     property ProjectIcon: TProjectIcon read GetProjectIcon;
120     property UserResources: TProjectUserResources read GetProjectUserResources;
121   end;
GuessResourceTypenull123 function GuessResourceType(Code: TCodeBuffer; out Typ: TResourceType): boolean;
125 const
126   ResourceTypeNames: array[TResourceType] of string = (
127     'lrs',
128     'res'
129   );
StrToResourceTypenull131 function StrToResourceType(const s: string): TResourceType;
133 implementation
135 const
136   LazResourcesUnit = 'LResources';
StrToResourceTypenull138 function StrToResourceType(const s: string): TResourceType;
139 var
140   t: TResourceType;
141 begin
142   for t := Low(TResourceType) to High(TResourceType) do
143     if SysUtils.CompareText(ResourceTypeNames[t], s) = 0 then exit(t);
144   Result := rtLRS;
145 end;
147 procedure ParseResourceType(Code: TCodeBuffer; NestedComments: boolean;
148   out HasLRSIncludeDirective, HasRDirective: boolean);
ExtractDirectiveFileNamenull150   function ExtractDirectiveFileName(ds: PChar): string;
151   var i: Integer;
152   begin
153     while IsIdentChar[ds^] do Inc(ds);
154     while ds^ in [' ',#9] do Inc(ds);
155     if ds^ = '''' then
156     begin
157       Inc(ds);
158       i := IndexChar(ds^, -1, '''');
159       SetLength(Result, i);
160       if i>0 then
161         Move(ds^, Result[1], i);
162     end else begin
163       i := IndexChar(ds^, -1, '}');
164       SetLength(Result, i);
165       if i>0 then
166         Move(ds^, Result[1], i);
167       Result := TrimRight(Result);
168     end;
169   end;
171 var
172   p: Integer;
173   d: PChar;
174   Src, dFileName: string;
175 begin
176   Src := Code.Source;
177   HasLRSIncludeDirective := False;
178   HasRDirective := False;
179   p:=1;
180   while p < length(Src) do
181   begin
182     p := FindNextCompilerDirective(Src, p, NestedComments);
183     if p > length(Src) then break;
184     d := @Src[p];
185     if (d[0]='{') and (d[1]='$') then
186     begin
187       inc(d, 2);
188       if (d[0] in ['r','R']) and not (HasRDirective or IsIdentChar[d[1]]) then
189       begin
190         // using resources
191         dFileName := ExtractDirectiveFileName(d);
192         HasRDirective := SameText(dFileName, '*.lfm') or
193           SameText(dFileName, ExtractFileNameOnly(Code.Filename) + '.lfm');
194       end
195       else
196       if (d[0] in ['i','I']) and not HasLRSIncludeDirective
197       and ((d[1] in [' ',#9]) or (CompareIdentifiers(@d[0],'include')=0)) then
198       begin
199         // using include directive with lrs file
200         dFileName := ExtractDirectiveFileName(d);
201         HasLRSIncludeDirective :=
202           SameText(dFileName, ExtractFileNameOnly(Code.Filename) + '.lrs') or
203           SameText(dFileName, '*.lrs');
204       end;
205     end;
206     p := FindCommentEnd(Src, p, NestedComments);
207   end;
208 end;
210 type
211   TResourceTypesCacheItem = class
212   public
213     Code: TCodeBuffer;
214     CodeStamp: integer;
215     HasLRSIncludeDirective: boolean;
216     HasRDirective: boolean;
217   end;
CompareResTypCacheItemsnull219 function CompareResTypCacheItems(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
220 var
221   Item1: TResourceTypesCacheItem absolute Data1;
222   Item2: TResourceTypesCacheItem absolute Data2;
223 begin
224   Result:=CompareFilenames(Item1.Code.Filename,Item2.Code.Filename);
225 end;
CompareCodeWithResTypCacheItemnull227 function CompareCodeWithResTypCacheItem(CodeBuf, CacheItem: Pointer): integer;
228 var
229   Code: TCodeBuffer absolute CodeBuf;
230   Item: TResourceTypesCacheItem absolute CacheItem;
231 begin
232   Result:=CompareFilenames(Code.Filename,Item.Code.Filename);
233 end;
235 type
237   { TResourceTypesCache }
239   TResourceTypesCache = class
240   public
241     Tree: TAvlTree; //
242     constructor Create;
243     destructor Destroy; override;
244     procedure Parse(Code: TCodeBuffer;
245                     out HasLRSIncludeDirective, HasRDirective: boolean);
246   end;
248 { TResourceTypesCache }
250 constructor TResourceTypesCache.Create;
251 begin
252   Tree:=TAvlTree.Create(@CompareResTypCacheItems);
253 end;
255 destructor TResourceTypesCache.Destroy;
256 begin
257   Tree.FreeAndClear;
258   FreeAndNil(Tree);
259   inherited Destroy;
260 end;
262 procedure TResourceTypesCache.Parse(Code: TCodeBuffer; out
263   HasLRSIncludeDirective, HasRDirective: boolean);
264 var
265   Node: TAvlTreeNode;
266   Item: TResourceTypesCacheItem;
267 begin
268   Node := Tree.FindKey(Code, @CompareCodeWithResTypCacheItem);
269   if (Node <> nil) then
270   begin
271     Item := TResourceTypesCacheItem(Node.Data);
272     if (Item.CodeStamp = Item.Code.ChangeStep) then
273     begin
274       // cache valid
275       HasLRSIncludeDirective := Item.HasLRSIncludeDirective;
276       HasRDirective := Item.HasRDirective;
277       exit;
278     end;
279   end
280   else
281     Item := nil;
282   // update
283   if Item = nil then
284   begin
285     Item := TResourceTypesCacheItem.Create;
286     Item.Code := Code;
287     Tree.Add(Item);
288   end;
289   Item.CodeStamp := Code.ChangeStep;
290   ParseResourceType(Code,
291     CodeToolBoss.GetNestedCommentsFlagForFile(Code.Filename),
292     Item.HasLRSIncludeDirective, Item.HasRDirective);
293   HasLRSIncludeDirective := Item.HasLRSIncludeDirective;
294   HasRDirective := Item.HasRDirective;
295 end;
297 var
298   ResourceTypesCache: TResourceTypesCache = nil;
GuessResourceTypenull300 function GuessResourceType(Code: TCodeBuffer; out Typ: TResourceType): boolean;
301 var
302   HasLRSIncludeDirective, HasRDirective: Boolean;
303 begin
304   if ResourceTypesCache = nil then
305     ResourceTypesCache := TResourceTypesCache.Create;
306   ResourceTypesCache.Parse(Code, HasLRSIncludeDirective, HasRDirective);
307   //DebugLn(['GuessResourceType ',Code.Filename,' HasLRS=',HasLRSIncludeDirective,' HasR=',HasRDirective]);
308   if HasLRSIncludeDirective then
309   begin
310     Typ := rtLRS;
311     Result := True;
312   end
313   else
314   if HasRDirective then
315   begin
316     Typ := rtRes;
317     Result := True;
318   end
319   else
320   begin
321     Typ := rtLRS;
322     Result := False;
323   end;
324 end;
326 { TProjectResources }
328 procedure TProjectResources.SetFileNames(const MainFileName, TestDir: String);
329 begin
330   // rc is in the executable dir
331   //resFileName := TestDir + ExtractFileNameOnly(MainFileName) + '.rc';
333   // res is in the project dir for now because {$R project1.res} searches only in unit dir
334   // lrs is in the project dir also
335   if FileNameIsAbsolute(MainFileName) then
336   begin
337     resFileName := ChangeFileExt(MainFileName, '.res');
338     lrsFileName := ChangeFileExt(MainFileName, '.lrs');
339   end
340   else
341   begin
342     resFileName := TestDir + ExtractFileNameOnly(MainFileName) + '.res';
343     lrsFileName := TestDir + ExtractFileNameOnly(MainFileName) + '.lrs';
344   end;
345 end;
GetProjectIconnull347 function TProjectResources.GetProjectIcon: TProjectIcon;
348 begin
349   Result := TProjectIcon(GetProjectResource(TProjectIcon));
350 end;
TProjectResources.GetProjectUserResourcesnull352 function TProjectResources.GetProjectUserResources: TProjectUserResources;
353 begin
354   Result := TProjectUserResources(GetProjectResource(TProjectUserResources));
355 end;
TProjectResources.GetVersionInfonull357 function TProjectResources.GetVersionInfo: TProjectVersionInfo;
358 begin
359   Result := TProjectVersionInfo(GetProjectResource(TProjectVersionInfo));
360 end;
TProjectResources.GetXPManifestnull362 function TProjectResources.GetXPManifest: TProjectXPManifest;
363 begin
364   Result := TProjectXPManifest(GetProjectResource(TProjectXPManifest));
365 end;
367 procedure TProjectResources.SetResourceType(const AValue: TResourceType);
368 begin
369   if ResourceType <> AValue then
370   begin
371     inherited SetResourceType(AValue);
372     Modified := True;
373   end;
374 end;
376 procedure TProjectResources.SetModified(const AValue: Boolean);
377 var
378   i: integer;
379 begin
380   if FInModified then
381     Exit;
382   FInModified := True;
383   if FModified <> AValue then
384   begin
385     FModified := AValue;
386     if not FModified then
387       for i := 0 to FResources.Count - 1 do
388         FResources[i].Modified := False;
389     if Assigned(FOnModified) then
390       OnModified(Self);
391   end;
392   FInModified := False;
393 end;
TProjectResources.Updatenull395 function TProjectResources.Update: Boolean;
396 var
397   i: integer;
398 begin
399   Result:=true;
400   Clear;
401   for i := 0 to FResources.Count - 1 do
402   begin
403     Result := FResources[i].UpdateResources(Self, resFileName);
404     if not Result then begin
405       debugln(['TProjectResources.Update UpdateResources of ',DbgSName(FResources[i]),' failed']);
406       Exit;
407     end;
408   end;
409 end;
411 procedure TProjectResources.OnResourceModified(Sender: TObject);
412 begin
413   Modified := Modified or TAbstractProjectResource(Sender).Modified;
414 end;
416 constructor TProjectResources.Create(AProject: TLazProject);
417 var
418   i: integer;
419   L: TList;
420   R: TAbstractProjectResource;
421 begin
422   inherited Create(AProject);
423   inherited SetResourceType(rtRes); // set fpc resources by default
425   FInModified := False;
426   FLrsIncludeAllowed := False;
428   FSystemResources := TResources.Create;
429   FLazarusResources := TStringList.Create;
431   FResources := TResourceList.Create;
432   L := GetRegisteredResources;
433   for i := 0 to L.Count - 1 do
434   begin
435     R := TAbstractProjectResourceClass(L[i]).Create;
436     R.Modified := False;
437     R.OnModified := @OnResourceModified;
438     FResources.Add(R);
439   end;
440 end;
442 destructor TProjectResources.Destroy;
443 begin
444   DeleteResourceBuffers;
446   FreeAndNil(FResources);
447   FreeAndNil(FSystemResources);
448   FreeAndNil(FLazarusResources);
450   inherited Destroy;
451 end;
453 procedure TProjectResources.AddSystemResource(AResource: TAbstractResource);
454 begin
455   FSystemResources.Add(AResource);
456 end;
458 procedure TProjectResources.AddLazarusResource(AResource: TStream;
459   const AResourceName, AResourceType: String);
460 var
461   OutStream: TStringStream;
462 begin
463   OutStream := TStringStream.Create('');
464   try
465     BinaryToLazarusResourceCode(AResource, OutStream, AResourceName, AResourceType);
466     FLazarusResources.Add(OutStream.DataString);
467   finally
468     OutStream.Free;
469   end;
470 end;
TProjectResources.GetProjectResourcenull472 function TProjectResources.GetProjectResource(AIndex: TAbstractProjectResourceClass): TAbstractProjectResource;
473 var
474   i: integer;
475 begin
476   for i := 0 to FResources.Count - 1 do
477   begin
478     Result := FResources[i];
479     if Result.InheritsFrom(AIndex) then
480       Exit;
481   end;
482   Result := nil;
483 end;
485 procedure TProjectResources.DoAfterBuild(AReason: TCompileReason; SaveToTestDir: boolean);
486 var
487   i: integer;
488 begin
489   for i := 0 to FResources.Count - 1 do
490     FResources[i].DoAfterBuild(Self, AReason, SaveToTestDir);
491 end;
493 procedure TProjectResources.DoBeforeBuild(AReason: TCompileReason; SaveToTestDir: boolean);
494 var
495   i: integer;
496 begin
497   for i := 0 to FResources.Count - 1 do
498     FResources[i].DoBeforeBuild(Self, AReason, SaveToTestDir);
499 end;
501 procedure TProjectResources.Clear;
502 begin
503   FSystemResources.Clear;
504   FLazarusResources.Clear;
505   FMessages.Clear;
506 end;
Regeneratenull508 function TProjectResources.Regenerate(const MainFileName: String; UpdateSource,
509   PerformSave: boolean; const SaveToTestDir: string): Boolean;
510 begin
511   //DebugLn(['TProjectResources.Regenerate MainFilename=',MainFilename,
512   //         ' UpdateSource=',UpdateSource,' PerformSave=',PerformSave]);
513   //DumpStack;
514   Result := False;
516   if (MainFileName = '') then
517     Exit(true);
519   // remember old codebuffer filenames
520   LastResFileName := resFileName;
521   LastLrsFileName := lrsFileName;
522   SetFileNames(MainFileName, SaveToTestDir);
524   UpdateFlagLrsIncludeAllowed(MainFileName);
526   try
527     // update resources (FLazarusResources, FSystemResources, ...)
528     if not Update then begin
529       debugln(['TProjectResources.Regenerate Update failed']);
530       Exit;
531     end;
532     // create codebuffers of new .lrs and .rc files
533     UpdateCodeBuffers;
534     // update .lpr file (old and new include files exist, so parsing should work without errors)
535     if UpdateSource and not UpdateMainSourceFile(MainFileName) then begin
536       debugln(['TProjectResources.Regenerate UpdateMainSourceFile failed']);
537       exit;
538     end;
540     if PerformSave and not Save(SaveToTestDir) then begin
541       debugln(['TProjectResources.Regenerate Save failed']);
542       Exit;
543     end;
544   finally
545     DeleteLastCodeBuffers;
546   end;
548   Result := True;
549 end;
HasSystemResourcesnull551 function TProjectResources.HasSystemResources: Boolean;
552 begin
553   Result := FSystemResources.Count > 0;
554 end;
TProjectResources.HasLazarusResourcesnull556 function TProjectResources.HasLazarusResources: Boolean;
557 begin
558   Result := FLazarusResources.Count > 0;
559 end;
561 procedure TProjectResources.WriteToProjectFile(AConfig: TXMLConfig;
562   const Path: String);
563 var
564   i: integer;
565 begin
566   AConfig.SetDeleteValue(Path+'General/ResourceType/Value', ResourceTypeNames[ResourceType], ResourceTypeNames[rtLRS]);
567   for i := 0 to FResources.Count - 1 do
568     FResources[i].WriteToProjectFile(AConfig, Path);
569 end;
571 procedure TProjectResources.ReadFromProjectFile(AConfig: TXMLConfig;
572   const Path: String; ReadAll: Boolean);
573 var
574   i: integer;
575 begin
576   ResourceType := StrToResourceType(AConfig.GetValue(Path+'General/ResourceType/Value', ResourceTypeNames[rtLRS]));
577   for i := 0 to FResources.Count - 1 do
578     if ReadAll or FResources[i].IsDefaultOption then
579       FResources[i].ReadFromProjectFile(AConfig, Path);
580 end;
UpdateMainSourceFilenull582 function TProjectResources.UpdateMainSourceFile(const AFileName: string): Boolean;
583 var
584   NewX, NewY, NewTopLine: integer;
585   CodeBuf, NewCode: TCodeBuffer;
586   Filename, Directive: String;
587   NamePos, InPos: integer;
588 begin
589   Result := True;
591   CodeBuf := CodeToolBoss.LoadFile(AFilename, False, False);
592   if CodeBuf <> nil then
593   begin
594     SetFileNames(AFileName, '');
595     Filename := ExtractFileName(resFileName);
596     //debugln(['TProjectResources.UpdateMainSourceFile HasSystemResources=',HasSystemResources,' Filename=',Filename,' HasLazarusResources=',HasLazarusResources]);
598     // update LResources uses
599     if CodeToolBoss.FindUnitInAllUsesSections(CodeBuf, LazResourcesUnit, NamePos, InPos) then
600     begin
601       if not (FLrsIncludeAllowed and HasLazarusResources) then
602       begin
603         if not CodeToolBoss.RemoveUnitFromAllUsesSections(CodeBuf, LazResourcesUnit) then
604         begin
605           Result := False;
606           Messages.Add(Format(lisCouldNotRemoveFromMainSource, [LazResourcesUnit]));
607           debugln(['TProjectResources.UpdateMainSourceFile removing LResources from all uses sections failed']);
608         end;
609       end;
610     end
611     else
612     if FLrsIncludeAllowed and HasLazarusResources then
613     begin
614       if not CodeToolBoss.AddUnitToMainUsesSection(CodeBuf, LazResourcesUnit,'') then
615       begin
616         Result := False;
617         Messages.Add(Format(lisCouldNotAddToMainSource, [LazResourcesUnit]));
618         debugln(['TProjectResources.UpdateMainSourceFile adding LResources to main source failed']);
619       end;
620     end;
622     // update {$R filename} directive
623     if CodeToolBoss.FindResourceDirective(CodeBuf, 1, 1,
624                                NewCode, NewX, NewY,
625                                NewTopLine, '*.res', false) then
626     begin
627       // there is a resource directive in the source
628       if not HasSystemResources then
629       begin
630         if not CodeToolBoss.RemoveDirective(NewCode, NewX, NewY, true) then
631         begin
632           Result := False;
633           Messages.Add(Format(lisCouldNotRemoveRFromMainSource, [Filename]));
634           debugln(['TProjectResources.UpdateMainSourceFile failed: removing resource directive']);
635         end;
636       end;
637     end
638     else
639     if HasSystemResources then
640     begin
641       Directive := '{$R *.res}';
642       if not CodeToolBoss.AddResourceDirective(CodeBuf, Filename, false, Directive) then
643       begin
644         Result := False;
645         Messages.Add(Format(lisCouldNotAddRToMainSource, [Filename]));
646         debugln(['TProjectResources.UpdateMainSourceFile failed: adding resource directive']);
647       end;
648     end;
650     // update {$I filename} directive
651     Filename := ExtractFileName(lrsFileName);
652     if CodeToolBoss.FindIncludeDirective(CodeBuf, 1, 1,
653                                NewCode, NewX, NewY,
654                                NewTopLine, Filename, false) then
655     begin
656       // there is a resource directive in the source
657       //debugln(['TProjectResources.UpdateMainSourceFile include directive found: FCanHaveLrsInclude=',FLrsIncludeAllowed,' HasLazarusResources=',HasLazarusResources]);
658       if not (FLrsIncludeAllowed and HasLazarusResources) then
659       begin
660         if not CodeToolBoss.RemoveDirective(NewCode, NewX, NewY, true) then
661         begin
662           Result := False;
663           Messages.Add(Format(lisCouldNotRemoveIFromMainSource, [Filename]));
664           debugln(['TProjectResources.UpdateMainSourceFile removing include directive from main source failed']);
665           Exit;
666         end;
667       end;
668     end
669     else
670     if FLrsIncludeAllowed and HasLazarusResources then
671     begin
672       //debugln(['TProjectResources.UpdateMainSourceFile include directive not found: FCanHaveLrsInclude=',FLrsIncludeAllowed,' HasLazarusResources=',HasLazarusResources]);
673       if not CodeToolBoss.AddIncludeDirectiveForInit(CodeBuf,Filename,'') then
674       begin
675         Result := False;
676         Messages.Add(Format(lisCouldNotAddIToMainSource, [Filename]));
677         debugln(['TProjectResources.UpdateMainSourceFile adding include directive to main source failed']);
678         Exit;
679       end;
680     end;
681   end;
682 end;
684 procedure TProjectResources.UpdateFlagLrsIncludeAllowed(const AFileName: string);
685 var
686   CodeBuf: TCodeBuffer;
687   NamePos, InPos: Integer;
688 begin
689   FLrsIncludeAllowed := False;
691   CodeBuf := CodeToolBoss.LoadFile(AFileName, False, False);
692   if CodeBuf = nil then
693     Exit;
695   // Check that .lpr contains Forms and Interfaces in the uses section. If it does not
696   // we cannot add LResources (it is not a lazarus application)
697   CodeToolBoss.ActivateWriteLock;
698   try
699     FLrsIncludeAllowed :=
700       CodeToolBoss.FindUnitInAllUsesSections(CodeBuf, 'Forms', NamePos, InPos, True) and
701       CodeToolBoss.FindUnitInAllUsesSections(CodeBuf, 'Interfaces', NamePos, InPos, True);
702   finally
703     CodeToolBoss.DeactivateWriteLock;
704   end;
705 end;
TProjectResources.RenameDirectivesnull707 function TProjectResources.RenameDirectives(const CurFileName, NewFileName: String): Boolean;
708 var
709   NewX, NewY, NewTopLine: integer;
710   CodeBuf, NewCode: TCodeBuffer;
712   oldLrsFileName, newLrsFileName: String;
713 begin
714   //DebugLn(['TProjectResources.RenameDirectives CurFileName="',CurFileName,'" NewFileName="',NewFileName,'"']);
715   Result := True;
717   CodeBuf := CodeToolBoss.LoadFile(CurFileName, False, False);
718   if CodeBuf = nil then
719     Exit;
721   LastResFileName := resFileName;
722   LastLrsFileName := lrsFileName;
723   try
724     SetFileNames(CurFileName, '');
725     oldLrsFileName := ExtractFileName(lrsFileName);
726     SetFileNames(NewFileName, '');
727     newLrsFileName := ExtractFileName(lrsFileName);
729     // update resources (FLazarusResources, FSystemResources, ...)
730     UpdateFlagLrsIncludeAllowed(CurFileName);
731     if not Update then
732       Exit;
733     // update codebuffers of new .lrs and .res files
734     UpdateCodeBuffers;
736     // update {$I filename} directive
737     if CodeToolBoss.FindIncludeDirective(CodeBuf, 1, 1,
738                                NewCode, NewX, NewY,
739                                NewTopLine, oldLrsFileName, false) then
740     begin
741       // there is a resource directive in the source
742       if not CodeToolBoss.RemoveDirective(NewCode, NewX, NewY, true) then
743       begin
744         Result := False;
745         debugln(['TProjectResources.RenameDirectives removing include directive from main source failed']);
746         Messages.Add('Could not remove "{$I '+ oldLrsFileName +'"} from main source!');
747         Exit;
748       end;
749       if not CodeToolBoss.AddIncludeDirectiveForInit(CodeBuf, newLrsFileName, '') then
750       begin
751         Result := False;
752         debugln(['TProjectResources.RenameDirectives adding include directive to main source failed']);
753         Messages.Add('Could not add "{$I '+ newLrsFileName +'"} to main source!');
754         Exit;
755       end;
756     end;
757   finally
758     DeleteLastCodeBuffers;
759   end;
760 end;
762 procedure TProjectResources.DeleteResourceBuffers;
764   procedure DeleteBuffer(Filename: string);
765   var
766     CodeBuf: TCodeBuffer;
767   begin
768     if Filename = '' then
769       Exit;
770     CodeBuf := CodeToolBoss.FindFile(Filename);
771     if CodeBuf <> nil then
772       CodeBuf.IsDeleted := true;
773   end;
775 begin
776   DeleteLastCodeBuffers;
777   DeleteBuffer(resFileName);
778   DeleteBuffer(lrsFileName);
779 end;
Savenull781 function TProjectResources.Save(SaveToTestDir: string): Boolean;
SaveCodeBufnull783   function SaveCodeBuf(Filename: string): boolean;
784   var
785     CodeBuf: TCodeBuffer;
786     TestFilename: String;
787   begin
788     Result := True;
789     CodeBuf := CodeToolBoss.FindFile(Filename);
790     if (CodeBuf = nil) or CodeBuf.IsDeleted then Exit;
791     if not CodeBuf.IsVirtual then
792       Result := SaveCodeBuffer(CodeBuf) in [mrOk,mrIgnore]
793     else if SaveToTestDir<>'' then
794     begin
795       TestFilename := AppendPathDelim(SaveToTestDir) + CodeBuf.Filename;
796       Result := SaveCodeBufferToFile(CodeBuf, TestFilename) in [mrOk, mrIgnore];
797     end;
798   end;
800 begin
801   Result := False;
802   if not SaveCodeBuf(resFileName) then Exit;
803   if not SaveCodeBuf(lrsFileName) then Exit;
804   Result := True;
805 end;
807 procedure TProjectResources.UpdateCodeBuffers;
808 var
809   CodeBuf: TCodeBuffer;
810   S: TStream;
811   Writer: TAbstractResourceWriter;
812 begin
813   if HasSystemResources then
814   begin
815     CodeBuf := CodeToolBoss.CreateFile(resFileName);
816     S := TMemoryStream.Create;
817     Writer := TResResourceWriter.Create;
818     try
819       FSystemResources.WriteToStream(S, Writer);
820       S.Position := 0;
821       CodeBuf.LoadFromStream(S);
822     finally
823       Writer.Free;
824       S.Free;
825     end;
826   end;
827   if FLrsIncludeAllowed and HasLazarusResources then
828   begin
829     CodeBuf := CodeToolBoss.CreateFile(lrsFileName);
830     CodeBuf.Source := FLazarusResources.Text;
831   end;
832 end;
834 procedure TProjectResources.DeleteLastCodeBuffers;
836   procedure CleanCodeBuffer(var OldFilename: string; const NewFilename: string);
837   var
838     CodeBuf: TCodeBuffer;
839   begin
840     if (OldFileName <> '') and (OldFilename <> NewFilename) then
841     begin
842       // file was renamed => mark old file as deleted
843       CodeBuf := CodeToolBoss.FindFile(OldFileName);
844       if (CodeBuf <> nil) then
845         CodeBuf.IsDeleted := true;
846       OldFileName := '';
847     end;
848   end;
850 begin
851   CleanCodeBuffer(LastResFileName, resFileName);
852   CleanCodeBuffer(LastLrsFileName, lrsFileName);
853 end;
855 finalization
856   ResourceTypesCache.Free;
858 end.